#this is specifically about that hallucination scene in sb
videogamelover99 · 2 years
You know what's wild? Chuuya understands Dazai more than frickin Dazai understands Dazai. There are so many instances where Dazai feels emotions and cannot comprehend where they are coming from. Chuuya took one look at him and his whole nihilism thing and was like "Bitch that's me. Thanks I hate it."
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efrmellifer · 6 months
obviously I didn't want to clog up the tags of that post about Urianger with ramblings, especially ones that are more specifically about Etien, but its very good points did remind me
it's true, Urianger does start trying to ask less of the WoL, and I think the not asking for help thing ALSO ties into his role of secrecy he finally plays differently in EW. like it coalesces in his mind that there is a way to rely on the WoL as someone he can talk to, and that he can (and IMO should, that's like, fine) try not to just foist things into the WoL's lap to handle all the time, but that doesn't mean he has to silently perform the duty he's chosen or been given. they can talk it out so everyone knows Urianger's Plan and he can DO the plan without any/everyone making the WoL do the grunt work
for me, personally, the end of and post-Shadowbringers repaired my (as Etien, and also as a person partaking in an interactive story) relationship with the Scions a bit, because I really, really was starting to resent the fact that any time something went wrong, everybody on the star was calling out for the Wol. Etien never got to sit down.
but then the Sin Eaters. The Light. Post-Innocence.
it was that phenomenon that happens to traumatized children, especially "gifted" students and/or ones with learning disabilities, where they want something visibly bad to happen to them so that finally people will notice that they're in pain.
suddenly, the WoL who did it all couldn't just get up and keep going. the light was tearing Etien apart--and that's why I really leaned into her being unsteady on her feet and sick all the time, and at the end going blind, sleeping terribly, and crying out her light-bleached soul such that no one could ignore her tears anymore
suddenly, the Scions realized they couldn't do these things without her, and they couldn't do these things they kept doing to her.
and Urianger was one of the first Archon Scions (Alphinaud and Alisaie got their shit together in HW and SB respectively) to start putting that together. to me, that's part of why he and Y'shtola had their discussion/argument about the WoL upon the party's arrival in Slitherbough.
in my writing between the scenes shown to us in canon, Etien starts having hallucinations out in the forests of Rak'tika by herself and Urianger finds her and carries her back to her room because suddenly, it clicks for him that they met her when she was 19 and she was immediately made to do anything and everything all of the time and it's only now that she can't keep the mask form slipping because now her body is under the stress of two Sin Eaters' light on top of all the other shit
so he stops asking so much of her, goes back to the way he was in ARR where he tried to be like an uncle to her
and it worked, because in Endwalker, she was like "hey. you can depend on me. just not for everything if it's all the time."
Thancred and Y'shtola also fixed their relationships with Etien post-ShB, as did G'raha, but that was in like, 5.55. they did get very close once they fixed it though
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waywardfeathered · 4 years
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@pcrticlvcid​ said: 3 (right back at you! :D ), 9, 13, 24, please!
obscure asks / ACCEPTING ↷
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what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down? i don’t believe there’s a single one that’s a go-to for calming down specifically? i like to watch reality tv for that but - actually, funny you should be the one to ask, but i’ve often used welcome to night vale as a “i’m anxious and not sleepy yet but i’m going to lie down and listen to this until i fall asleep” uwu. it just took me a minute to remember, since it’s been a while, again. i also play idle games on my phone, like merge magic and flutter. i do watch reality tv as a way to relax, i’m weird, i like drama of real people who have agreed to have their drama aired, i’m terrible, i know.
do you believe in auras? hmmm, no, not in the spiritual sense??? although it’s one of those concepts that while i don’t believe it, i don’t deny it, either. i’m an aspiring scientist who firmly believes that there is so much we as humans are never going to be even able to comprehend with our limited existences we can’t just brush aside others’ experiences as not real, even if they don’t make sense to us. hello, have you met quantum physics? do you have any idea how against human intuition a lot of it goes, yet is proven to be real? then how can you so easily write things that don’t make sense to you off? no, i don’t believe in auras, but if they were real, i think it’d be incredibly interesting to try to figure out the science behind them!
talk about an au or story you came up with i wrote a 100k plus multichapter fanfic to a previous fandom in 2011-2012 that i never got to post anywhere because i left the fandom. it was an rpf au where one of the main characters was sb who worked in a catholic chruch in canada (i’m not canadian. neither are the characters. i literally spent time on google maps venturing streets of toronto for research) to take care of the building and councel people, though he wasn’t religious; he needed the church to do his own... this kind of, experimental ritual thing? because he saw something wrong in the shadows of objects, and even people, sometimes. and the objects were like. they would infect other shadows. so he needed to cure them. if people had their shadows off, they started acting weird. like the thing was just. hey, something’s up with shadows! and this guy was trying to fix it with occult stuff. i scared myself a lot researching for this. the other main guy was a heroin addict and a musician. and it was this whole 100k psychological horror romance story and so actually the first guy was, none of it was real? i was fascinated with psychotic disorders (i’ve been misdiagnosed with one before and i’ve experienced both delusions and hallucinations myself) and i wanted to write about one that was that full blown. it was called stained glass. and i had a whole scene toward the end where he was like. staining glass with blood. ok bye. i also wrote a nanowrimo fic of 50k that i actually posted about a parallel earth and the antagonist was a hypercube who gave people fever dreams.
what is your favorite thing to learn about? um, everything??? my most prominent personality trait is my curiousity ok. i’m particularly into physics (i want a career in the field!), especially like, the more abstract the better? particle physics especially! quantum mechanics in general! cosmology in the large sense of like OUR UNIVERSE IS SO BIG??? and like, i was really into black holes and time travel as a teen? and particles seriously like the tinier the better like. like. i get really excited about shit like the orbitals of electrons and the idea that reality might really not be anything more than interaction and time as a concept and like how weird everything is and how little we know! like light! light is both waves and particles! and measurement results depend on the measuring and! it’s terrifying and exciting! i know people say like that space? makes them feel really small? PARTICLES MAKE ME FEEL VERY SMALL? ugh. it’s beautiful. physics is so beautiful AND ALSO MATHS. i recently got REALLY EXCITED ABOUT ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES. i’m those people who yell MATH IS BEAUTIFUL and yell it unironically! also i’m really into neuroscience, the science of sleep in particular, and neuropsychology. i like learning. there are not many subjects i don’t enjoy learning about, though i usually am more interested in abstract/theoretical fields.
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Paper代写:The negative effects of violence and horror movies
本篇paper代写- The negative effects of violence and horror movies讨论了暴力、恐怖影视的消极影响。随着科技的发展,如今的电子传播媒介大大增强了艺术作品的真实性和艺术角色的吸引力,对孩子的成长产生了非常大的影响。特别是暴力、恐怖影视等不健康因素,对其造成了严重的消极影响。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
​Mankind has entered the age of mass communication. Mass media has become an important factor influencing people's life, among which movies and TV are both audio-visual. The image and text of the characteristics of the general leading role. The existence of a large number of film and television works profoundly changes our living environment. We are surrounded by movies, TV series, advertisements, variety shows, and struggling in the sea of audiovisual everyday. Film and television works are not just the object of choice and appreciation. And because of its huge cause ubiquitous reality. To be a DE facto ruler. The audience with the remote seems to be in control, but the choice is fixed. Every drama has the urban emotion of the emperor's bureau, and the domestic subject matter cannot be changed but continues to be popular. It is nothing but the subject matter of the commercial war, the war between the bride and the mother-in-law and the war on corruption. The audience became a veritable audience.
The ubiquity of film and television has created an inescapable audience. Adults are still fascinated by movies and TV shows, and teenagers are more likely to be affected due to their immature psychological development. So. It is of practical significance to pay attention to teenagers and discuss the negative effects of bad movies and TV programs on teenagers.
Electronic media such as film and TV have greatly enhanced the authenticity of artistic works and the attraction of artistic roles, which has a positive influence on the growth of teenagers. But most of the content is adult. Chinese films are not classified, and piracy is rampant. Teenagers will also enter the adult world early, along with the adult audience to watch adult content. In this way, violence, terror, pornography and other unhealthy factors will certainly have a negative impact on it. The following from violence and terror on the two specific analysis.
In the early 1980s, after the release of the film shaolin temple. Some primary and middle school students are going to shaolin temple to learn martial arts, which has become a topic of discussion. To this day, similar incidents still occur and become aggressive with increasing violence in film and television content. A junior high school student in wuhan, learning the martial arts films in the gangster characters block the road equipment passing students left to buy money. There are also imitative underworld bosses who form cliques, which has led to many campus violence incidents and violent ACTS.
A survey of 246 cases of school violence and injury in 2003 in 3 middle schools in a city was conducted in the article "influence factors of middle school violence". Though about the film and television violence audio-visual and causality between the increase of adolescent aggression has yet to have a decisive, but similar introduction of investigation and the European and American shore experimental psychology tests show that the condition to improve the adolescents' aggressive, eliminate the inhibition of attack, and induce the imitations of attack and violence.
Violent films are usually stereotyped: superman, the protagonist, fights with evil forces, helps the weak, saves the world in danger, fights with violence and brings down bad people, and calls for peace. This is the kind of story that Hollywood directors are obsessed with. Japanese TV cartoons also repeat this pattern. The story sets a strong and violent evil force, with the opposite "justice warrior" as the protagonist. The repeated violence is the main selling point of the business. After such imported products entered China, the adult audience's hands were sweaty and excited. And finally get the "emotion purification effect". People who are usually frustrated are keen on these types of movies and comics to eliminate their inner turmoil and to seek a snappy style. The audience in the process of reaching with the protagonist of justice, unimpeded by conscience release the inner attack and destruction impulse. Or let the film fully absorb it. In the end, the happy ending and spiritual stability are achieved in high spirits. This is known as the "emotional cleansing effect". However, teenagers sitting in front of the screen with adult audience are susceptible to being infected by the role virus due to their immature psychological development. What is role virus? According to doctors, this is due to the psychological bias and mental abnormalities caused by patients' excessive exposure to love, terror, martial arts films and computer games, as well as online chatting. Children are not yet mature psychologically and spend a lot of time in the role of a TV show or computer game. Psychologically there is a strong desire to be "this person" or to love "this person". From the point of view of psychiatry, it is "character's self-conceit" or "character's love" -- that is, the real self is "projected" into the unreal role and produces hallucinations. ・ such as some of the children watched the movie "harry potter", are clamoring for "magic school", to learn riding a broom in the film "fly" the heavens to the magic ye saw the "shaolin temple" after going to the shaolin temple to learn martial arts.
The audiovisual environment created by the mass media always exerts influence on the behavior of the audience, and adults will fall into it. However, as its psychological development is far more mature than that of teenagers, it can adjust the relationship between fantasy and reality in time to avoid the psychological damage of "role virus". However, the cognitive level and psychological development of teenagers are very low, and it is difficult for them to be trapped in fantasy and reality. Roles and selves. Long-term exposure to violent characters in films and TV series is likely to produce psychological projection effect and take the role as its own, thus the violence described at the beginning of the article appears.
In recent years, a large number of horror movie stars from the United States, Japan and South Korea have entered the Chinese market through various channels and are welcomed by Chinese audiences. Horror films win audiences by their visual presentation of sex and violence, creating a frightening atmosphere and creating a frightening audio-visual effect. Successful horror films have complete plots and distinct characters. Indulging in a visceral chill and thus a psychological audience. Most horror films, however, have messy plots and obscure characters. Just killing, horrible, both visually and psychologically disgusting. This kind of film is not good but very popular, horror has become another big selling point of the business.
One of the reasons for the popularity of horror films is that "the charm of horror films lies in the fact that they create frightening crises and at the same time resolve these crises. Audiences experience danger in a spooky atmosphere. In reality, such crisis experience can be used as a kind of pleasure to get rid of fear." But foreign countries are classified by the film system. Only adult audiences can experience this pleasure. However, before China's film classification system was introduced, teenagers enjoyed the treatment of adult audience in advance, and obtained simple sensory stimulation in a large number of bloody and violent scenes.
Despite the horror film also has "treatment in reality people of various cultural anxiety" of cultural functions, but after all, good and evil people mixed up a horror film, advocating rational adults may be due to some horror movie without the attitude of the cultural significance and stay at a respectful distance from sb, but teenagers in qinghai province does not understand the connotation behind the movie monster, no time to do the culture value judgment. Gleefully watch horror movie, those who pursue is a kind of entertainment on audio-visual sense and stimulation. For the juveniles who are not yet mature in psychological development, the horrible experience will certainly harm their mental health.
In a word, violence, terror and other bad movies have damaged the minds of teenagers. It affects the healthy growth of teenagers and even harms the society.
Nowadays, paying attention to minors has become a social topic, and mass media, especially film and television, which have the power of the public's voice in the information age cannot escape this social responsibility. A common feature of violence and terror is the lack of cultural significance, social value and aesthetic factors. Ignoring the humanistic care of such a special group of teenagers. Based on this reality, it is a good starting point to take social responsibilities to educate teenagers by using film and TV works.
CAI yuanpei, the pioneer of aesthetic education, believes that "aesthetic education, the application of the theory of aesthetics and education, to foster feelings for the purpose." In other words, aesthetics should be applied to emotion education to cultivate healthy, rich and aesthetic emotions of the public. He divided the ways of realizing aesthetic education into three types, namely school, family and society, among which the idea of social aesthetic education included setting up public theatres and cinemas. In today's highly developed electronic media, film and TV are an excellent carrier for social aesthetic education. To be specific, film and television can carry out education to children through public service advertisements, title prompt, children special programs and other forms to guide their viewing behavior. Qualified media can produce media literacy education programs, which can be included in the children and teenagers program system. Media literacy education first emerged in Britain in the 1930s. Initial media literacy education. It is to train young people to resist the "lower levels of satisfaction" provided by mass media. Later, it was transformed into training people's media discrimination ability. At present, almost all the major developed countries in the world have included media literacy education into the regular education curriculum, and India and other third world countries have started to experiment with media literacy education. Compared with foreign countries, China has done little work in this regard. At present, when bad movies and TV programs are rampant, it is of great significance to strengthen the media literacy of audiences, especially teenagers, education.
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