#this is super a joke btw youre not being exiled or anything
just-null-cult · 6 months
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or so you thought. i really like the number five and you skipped that day. all your efforts have gone down the drain and im annulling this marriage.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Coming out is really difficult and Azriel made Mor feel unsafe, even if it was not intentional. I would have been upset if she had come out to him instead of Feyre.
Why? There is a projection of sort of Judeo-Christian morality on the world of Prythian that keeps happening in this fandom.
Why should 'coming out' (is that even a thing there? an actual term in Prythian?) be difficult? Where does it say that there is anti-gay sentiment in Prythian? We have Thesan, who is a HL, and is gay. We have Nephelle and her lover who are gay.
Again, there is an inexplicable and undeveloped storyline about Mor which makes absolutely no sense within the world in which she lives.
What's Rhys going to do? Exile her? why? based on what?
Also, what could possibly be still difficult about anything at all after being alive for 530 years? Logically, what does this super powerful person, who is a queen in her own right, under the protection of the most powerful HL in history have to hide after 500 years?
It's amusing when people try to bring 21 century sentiments and apply them to the world of the Fae (who are all mass murderers, btw) and question the difficulties of 'coming out', yet don't question a HL going and destroying a settlement of his own people, on his own territory, just to make his brother feel better about his childhood trauma.
Sorry, anon, I really can't wrap my mind around the duplicity. If you are going to fully live in that world, then you should probably be horrified by every. single. person in that world and 93% of their actions.
Also, if you feel unsafe with someone, you typically dont hold their hands, rely on them for comfort and approval, or try to make them jealous, etc. You avoid them and don't sunbathe in front of them, don't joke, drink and live with them in the same house. You also don't have a special golden pillow on your chair in the common sitting room next to the man who you are feeling 'unsafe' around. But that's just me.
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lesmotsincompris · 7 years
Thoughts on GoT S07E06
Since everybody was discussing the leaks, I decided to watch the leaked episode and almost forgot to post my thoughts here as usual.
Anyway: that was terrible, y’all. That was a whole new level of terrible.
The show was awful long before this, of course, but I think this episode perfectly encapsulates how poorly written it can be. Every scene has a lot to tear apart, but let’s try to keep it short:
Oh boy, did that hurt. What D&D have done to Arya isn’t simply character assassination; they murdered her character, shat on the corpse, set the poop on fire, and put the fire out with vomit.
Arya’s lines during this episode seem to come from an anti-Sansa thread on Reddit. It’s so viciously misogynystic and victim-blaming that I’m losing all respect for fans that buy this kind of bullshit reasoning (and I’ve seen them with my own eyes).
Again knitting is brought in a negative context. Again Sansa is called stupid. Again Sansa is portrayed as an ambitious bitch because she didn’t act as the ideal victim is supposed to act. Again Sansa’s forced marriages are used against her. Again we have another reminder that Sansa was raped, because gods forbid we forget it. This isn’t dealing with trauma, this is rubbing in the audience’s faces one of the most hated scenes of this show.
It’s ridiculously out of continuity too. Everything Arya herself did to survive is ignored (hanging out with Tywin on season 2, anyone?). Also she couldn’t possibly think her sister helped the Lannisters get rid of Ned, she was fucking there. If she saw Sansa’s pretty hair and dress, she must have seen her crying and screaming in despair. Watch your own damn show, D&D!
Once more I must ask: what is Littlefinger still doing in this story? He’s trying to put Arya against Sansa, but why? What does he gain with that? Why is Sansa still listening to him? You can’t give me Sansa being snarky at him in one episode and fully trusting him in another, it just doesn’t make sense.
Sansa was rude to Brienne for no reason, and sent her away purely because D&D needed Sansa alone and unprotected in Winterfell again. It’s so forced it hurts.
Apparently Jon didn’t give any news in weeks. Great job, Jon. But hey, couldn’t they use their fucking omniscient robot brother to see what stupidity Jon was up to this time?
I was giggling during the entire briefcase scene, not even The Room can aspire to be this bad.
“Heroes do stupid things and they die” is the supreme maxim of Grimdark™. It’s also clearly not what GRRM is going for in the books.
We had a scene with the sole purpose of delivering exposition that Jon is in love with Dany. Is he? Why would he be? What evidence have we seen of this? Oh no, but it’s a lot easier to have a character established as "clever" saying "he loves you" than actually showing the process of two people falling in love.
For all their speech abut sparing the innocent, Tyrion says they’ll burn King’s Landing if anyone touches Dany. See, the smallfolk are only important if they bend the knee, otherwise they can die. So much for wheel-breaking.
(we still don’t know what that means, btw)
Again Tyrion tells Dany what to do and how to act; I’m gonna stab with a knitting needle anyone that calls this show feminist. I don’t think Tyrion is wrong in everything he says, but having him mansplaining Dany constantly is annoying. If he “believes” her, why doesn’t he let her to think on her own? If he doesn’t trust her to do it, then why does he follow her?
I can’t blame Dany for being hostile to the whole succession talk. Yes, it’s an important matter, and one book!Dany still has to address, but it came very suddenly and when they had other more important matters to deal with.
Tyrion doesn’t want Dany to go and she goes, and again the narrative will prove Dany wrong for not listening to a man. Fuck this show.
Beyond the Wall
Aaah, le crap de le crap. Don’t get me wrong, Winterfell stuff made me roll my eyes so hard I could watch my own brain cells dying. But Winterfell was filler, while this is supposed to be the big moment, the “go go go, shock shock shock” we’ve been told about, the core of the wham episode of this season.
And it sucks.
Tormund says that smart people don’t go looking for the dead, and I have to agree with him. The whole plan of capturing a wight and touring it around Westeros was incredibly stupid to begin with, so it’s hard to feel bad for the characters when things go inevitably wrong.
Less than five minutes into this episode they were already joking about Gendry being assaulted by Melisandre. Fuck this show.
Gendry being sold to Melisandre, much like Tyrion killing Davos’ son with wildfire, becomes a “look, those characters know each other” gag. This is a very poor choice and ignores the fact that those characters met under traumatic circumstances that deserve a stronger reaction than that.
Of course you don’t hear Beric “bitching” about being killed six times, that would mean death and trauma carry any weight and in this show they don’t. Not anymore.
I’ve been complaining for a while that the show seems to have forgotten why Jorah was exiled, so they answered me with him admitting Ned was right. That’s great, it would have been a significant character development… if we had actually seen it. Character development is a character going from point A to point B, not suddenly being on point B with no indication of how they got there.
Then Jon says he’s glad Ned didn’t catch Jorah. Why? Does Jon knows that Jorah was exiled for selling people? Is Jon okay with that? Since when? He barely knows Jorah and no relationship was portrayed on screen before this moment, why this sudden concern with him?
Sandor says he hates gingers, which is another nail in the SanSan coffin for the show. We already that’s D&D’s NOTP, but the petty ways they find to demonstrate it always amuse me.
I joked about this being the Ultimate Bro Trip - All the Extras Edition, but boy I was right. There’s everything one could expect from this sort of event: sexual assault played for laughs, dick jokes, the most disgusting reference to Tormund x Brienne, heavy-handed hints of R+L=J, lots of walking for nothing, lots of shitting all over GRRM’s careful worldbuilding, lots of dudes bonding over stuff that makes me hate them as characters, poorly executed action with no real stakes. A true winner!
There are small things that worked for me. I kinda like Beric’s speech to Jon, or Sandor turning around when they burn Thoros’ wound. It’s a simple but effective way to remind the viewer of Sandor’s trauma. It doesn’t cost much in terms of dialogue or screentime, and keeps the character consistent and fleshed-out. But those were isolated moments, and isolated moments are not enough to save us from this torture of a scene.
I like the surprise element of the bear attack, but it was too shaky and confusing for my taste. Gendry says the bear has blue eyes, but I could hardly see the bear itself? And how can I care about characters dying if I can’t even see who’s dying? After some point it was The Revenant - Westeros edition, and still not the silliest scene in the episode.
The white walkers now die like vampires from Buffy and one stab is enough to finish them. Worse, they’re following the route of 'kill the boss, every minion dies’. I hate this trope, I’m sure there’s a name for it. It’s particularly bad in this case because now the white walkers’ impressive numbers don’t mean anything; just kill the extra blue dude with a vaguely Japanese armor and presto! Also, you know, it contradicts what we’ve seen so far including in this very episode.
Despite them walking for ages, Gendry goes back to Eastwatch pretty fast. The white walkers are kind enough to wait for no fucking reason while Gendry sends a raven, the raven reaches Dragonstone, Dany gets ready, and Dany flies to the Wall and beyond. This should have taken weeks, but apparently it happens over a day or so.
Look, when people talk about ‘teleportation’ in this show, we don’t mean that the writers must depict every beat of the trip. We mean that the trip needs to make sense considering everything we know about the setting and the resources available in that world. It doesn’t have to be super accurate either, just not physically impossible like this was.
The white walkers not attacking the group makes the previous Plot Armor evolve to a Plot AT Field from Evangelion. If there was going to be battle anyway, why the waiting? You’re already bending space and time for Daenerys to arrive, so I’m sure there would be better ways to have the ice dragon scene without all this contrivance.
The dragon saving scene would have been awesome if not for all the implausibility that led to it. It’s hard to be invested when you’re already angry and disappointed. The contrivances don’t stop there, and Jon takes two levels in stupidity and keeps fighting all macho when everybody else is safe on dragon back. Also Daenerys loves him for some reason.
That spear throwing was the funniest thing. Congrats to whoever did the dragon animations and noises, though, that was a great job. Emilia Clarke’s nearly-crying face would have been a great start for one of Daenerys’ more emotional moments in the show, watching the death of one of her children. Too bad this is basically all the reaction she’s allowed to have.
Jon got Viserion killed out of sheer stupidity and stubbornness, but somehow Dany loves him even more for that! She wants to wait for him, even if that endangers her other dragons. Back at the Wall, she waits for his return, not perhaps a sign of Viserion. When he apologizes for being the worst, she’s not remotely angry at him. It was “good” that her dragon died, because now she understands. Now she knows that in this show men are always right and women pay a dear price for not listening to them.
Can’t see the narrative goal of leaving Jon behind or him falling in the water. Nobody actually expected him to die, even if he should have. Then you have Uncle Benjen Ex Machina holding thousands of White Walkers on his own, as if that somehow prevents a few of them from going after Jon. This whole scene accomplished nothing but stretching our suspension of disbelief further, as if there was any left at this point.
The walkers somehow put chains on the dragon to pull it. Why not just make the dragon fall on land? Viserion returning could have been cool if: a) it wasn’t a product of a conga line of plot contrivances; b) they didn’t take four years to show us his eyes opening, as if this wasn’t ridiculously obvious.
Daenerys can’t mourn her fucking dragon, she’s too busy finding the Ultimate Man to Listen To. What prompts Jon to decide that Dany is now his queen? Why does he call her Dany? How does Dany know the Night’s King name?
More importantly, why do I still care to ask about all this questions when the answer is “D&D are fucking dumb and they’re hoping we are too”?
Extra notes
Should we start printing Euron’s picture in milk boxes? And what happened to Theon?
Fuck this show, fuckindammit, that was a lot of time and energy wasted just to get angry.
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After killing Lucifer, The Usurper, leaving your empire’s borders
dispelled the remnant illusions, which were strongest built in
your realm, where it expected you to live most of your life
you now understand the full evil behind L’s fallen mask...
it pretended to be you, all along. It possessed the light 
avatar part of your chimera in many of it’s past lives as Hitler
Napoleon, Apollo, Alexander, etc. To violently take over your
realm by war and chaos, but failed each time. Growing more
jealous and envious, it drew a harem of fairy witches around
itself, a court of prostitute guardians from wonderland age
to attempt to consolidate what it lacked for in terms of 
female quality. but they failed too, since only a maiden 
can use the Grail’s unlocked full powers. Those fake ex-devi
princesses from your country must have thought you 
were Lucifer, their pathetic impostor, the fictional Saviour
Messiah Christ from some imaginary inexistant God it 
made up, destined to defeat you ‘the Ultimate Dark Evil’ 
etc., *cue imperial luciferian propaganda* and when it 
saw your powers could not be conquered, it made it’s
future possessions of the light part of your grail avatar’s
past lives, to be ‘submissive’ to the Black Sun, which it 
wanted to turn you into all along, so it could be the 
‘Good Bright Sun, Source of Light’ and pose as the 
True Emperor. When in reality, a lowly male could never
rule such powers or create or even usurp/lead such
an empire, or ever become the Guardian of Life
but it still tried, and failed. And died as a consequence
Because it’s true form was not that of some Apollo
heavenly angel of light it tried to pose as, but that 
of an ugly wrinckled old hag (kali) or ... Baba Yuga
as it’s known in your regional lore from ukraine
which is the curse you gave it since it’s past life
when it tried to replace you as Grail, and take your
powers away. Your Grail power can purify the pure
but it corrupts and damns the wicked. And that 
thing was the most wicked of all, that you’ve seen
so far. Annoying bratty arrogance you just wanted
to rip it’s neck apart, the shameless way it spake 
at you, from the very first online conversation.
posing as a girl in it’s present incarnation because
it knew you are soft only on females. What a coward
Anyhoo. It’s true intentions from years ago was
to steal your body, it tried to rip you out of it from
17 years old, when it kept possessing people
you spoke to online, and claiming it was your 
friend, and failing to exit you out of it, so it 
could steal your Grail powers and imperial fate
it’s goal was then to exile you into Mina’s doppleganger
body in ukraine, since the real Mina (Kyra in Septerra
Core), the moon goddess, betrayed him when you
were born, and wanted to pact with you instead of 
him. So much for the Apollo-Artemis brother-sister
team, if they both betrayed the other for your powers
So instead of replacing you with his sister so he
could be in your body, Again, and possess the 
final Grail form, with pure divine light instead of 
the inferior mortal elven light it hosted in past 
imperial lives, and become an Emperor instead
of a failed Usurper who always fails to take over
the world. And it was really in love with your 
body and it’s powers, if it wanted to steal it for 
itself...and the second plan, most recent one
was to exile you into it’s doppleganger body
the one you thought was bluffareen, but wasn’t
, it was really the doppleganger of lucifer’s 
female traits you created in this age to seal
it’s best qualities away, as karma for trying to
steal yours away, in past lives of the grail avatar.
that Nikita-like tall as you, amazon warrior body
that is Harley-Quinn esque, and Lucifer meant 
to seal you in, as an amnesiac sex toy/slave to 
it, so it (Lucifer) could become the Imperial Joker
Glad you avoided that destiny, since you never
wanted to be a fucking joker. But you did turn 
Lucy into a joke, so good work. Btw nazism is 
evil. You realize this now, after seeing how Lucifer
corrupted Hitler’s destiny, and Napoleon’s before
it etc. to butcher a destiny of the champion of light
from a humble generous general to an evil tyrant
who wants to take over everything for itself.
So good you kicked Lucifer out of this host in
this life, where it was to gain supreme final 
powers from it’s evolution, which lucifer coveted
for centuries. without the light it stole from
your elven champion of light, it could never have
become ‘lucifer’, just a worthless unoriginal 
guardian, a talentless hack, a disgusting old witch
hag. So you dodged a life of sexual slavery as
imperial concubine / sex toy, TWICE!...
btw i doubt you’ll wanna occupy Mina’s doppleganger
form, where it has best qualities as a cat, and none
of it’s evilness, because Mina was Lucifer’s 
sister, aka Lilith, and she’s super evil and a whore
you don’t want the slime of whoever she fucked
in past lives, covering your new living body.
then again, only the best parts you sealed in
the new doppleganger bodies, so there’s a 
chance you won’t feel anything? who knows lol
that poor lucifer’s doppleganger catgirl, she 
was under heavy hypnosis/ compulsion from
lucifer to turn into this nymphomaniac sex crazed 
slut, but you warded her from those curses so 
she would have a normal life. Lucifer was hoping
it could break you down to it’s level, by tempting 
you to lose your virginity to it’s doppleganger host
in your country, which is why it maneuvered you 
too closer together, from competitions you ran in,
but didn’t count on your free will being stronger
than it’s compulsion. so both you and it’s doppleganger
resisted losing your virginities, that way lucifer 
couldn’t break your powers, or return to europe
from the body you sealed it in, the annoying 
valentine siren witch from new world, with annoyingly
huge siren eyes and bashable personality.
the one labeled kali on your album. 
write more later....
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