#this is what they where to the balls in corona
hyperfixating24-7 · 6 months
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Varian and hugo would absolutely SLAYYY in these fits
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dmsr-art · 5 months
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what do ppl get out of making comments like this.... like yeah no shit sherlock i know they're (SECOND) cousins u guys can't shut the fuck up about it lmao. hey u should go post on my tridentariicest art where ianthe is balls deep in corona and let me know they are sisters. and while ur at it go over to my my kiripash art where they are angrily making out and let me know they are first cousins bc i guess i need the reminder!!! it's not like i read these books or anything 😭
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callsign-fox · 2 years
I Want to Kiss You - Rooster
For this story I was inspired by a text post made by the AMAZING @mrsroosterbradshaw02​! You can find the text post HERE, please like and follow her, she is awesome! 
Text Post/Prompt: 
Y/N: I want to kiss you.
Rooster, not paying attention: What?
Y/N: I said if you die, I won't miss you.
ENJOY! xoxo
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Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Fem!Reader
My phone vibrated obnoxiously in my back pocket, the feeling of it distracting me from my conversation. I decided to ignore it and continued on but cut off when the phone vibrated again, however this time someone was calling me. I didn’t have to look at my phone to know who it was. I turned in the direction of the culprit and mouthed the words ‘What do you want?’
Hangman threw his arms up in defeat before pointing a finger at me, beckoning me over.
“I’m so sorry, Yale. I’m being summoned. Talk later?”
He nodded, and I headed deeper into the house to where my friends were in the middle of a beer pong match. The house was filled with people, mostly pilots, but civilians as well.
After a crazy mission that had us all on edge, Hangman thought it was a good idea to throw a party. It was a good idea, but I had forgotten how needy the boys were when they drank.
I soon appeared beside my friend Phoenix who was mocking Payback and his horrible attempt to get the ball in the cup. I pulled her in for a hug and smiled.
“They might be good pilots, but they have always sucked at beer pong,” She said, hugging me back.
“Hey! We can hear you,” Rooster whined over the music.
Hangman quickly realized I had joined them and drunkenly stumbled over to us.
“Ace, I need you to stand in for me while I go get the other keg.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me from my friend.
I wasn’t given a chance to deny him and I quickly joined Rooster, who smiled down at me. He was wearing one of those stupid Hawaiian shirts that went out of style years ago, but I couldn’t help but admire his toned chest that peaked out the top where he had left it unbuttoned.
God he was hot.
“Ace, don’t let me down,” he said, leaning into me.
“Do I ever?“ I winked at him and turned to our opponents, Payback and Coyote. “I’ve always been better at Beer Pong than you,” I yelled over the loud music, admiring his beauty as he aimed for the shot.
Rooster threw his ball and got it in. Coyote shook his head before leaning down to try and distract me.
Bob appeared beside me, a Corona in his hand, “Why do they call you Ace again?“
Rooster spoke first, “Because she’s good.”
“At what?” Bob asked.
I threw the ball and got it in the same cup that Rooster had just got his into, winning the game.
“Everything, Bob. She’s good at everything,” he said, pulling me in for a hug. I took in the smell of him as he embraced me, his hand a little lower on my back than I had expected it to be. I quickly pulled away, afraid of how obvious I must look to anyone that was watching.
He raised his hand for me to high five, “Who should we demolish next?”
Hangman re-appeared at the table but let me continue playing. He leaned against the wall beside me, giving us both praise when we got a ball in.
There was one cup left and Phoenix and Bob still had three.
“Don’t worry babe, I got this,”  Rooster said, throwing the ball and sinking it. Everyone clapped and he bowed.
“I want to kiss you.” I said, not even realizing I had said it until after it was too late.
He finished the beer he was holding before turning to me, a confused expression on his face, “What?”
Not paying attention, per usual. I got lucky.
“I said if you die, I won’t miss you.”
He placed his hand on his heart in moch pain, “Aw, I won’t miss you either, Ace.”
I rolled my eyes as he walked away. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to Hangman who had a cocky grin on his face.
“I knew it.”
I tried to act like I didn’t know what he was talking about but knew better than lie to the one person who knew me best, “Shut up.”
“You have the hots for Bradshaw!” he said, leaning into me in an attempt not to yell.
I was grateful for that.
“I don’t know why I haven’t picked up on this sooner, but it’s so obvious.”
“It’s really not that obvious.”
He ignored me and continued on, “Why don’t you do something about it?”
“Jake, I just told him I wanted to kiss him and he clearly didn’t care.”
He shook his head, “He’s just an idiot and didn’t hear you.”
I took a sip of my beer.
“Look, if he isn’t interested that is his loss. You are gorgeous and he’d be lucky to have a girl like you.”
He tapped my nose like I was a child and I swatted his hand away, “Thanks, but it’s just a stupid crush.”
It wasn’t a crush. I was pretty sure I was in love with him.
“Whatever. Just so you know, you miss 100% of the chances you don’t take,” he said, pushing off the wall and disappearing into the crowd.
It was getting late and I was tired. I had hitched a ride here with Phoenix, but I had soon realized I wasn’t catching a ride home with her as her and Fanboy had only just got started singing karaoke.
I leaned against the frame of the back door watching as the two of them danced and sang their hearts out. I felt someone come up behind me and turned to see Rooster standing there.
“It’s way past your bedtime, Ace. Can I give you a ride home?”
As hard as that fifteen minute ride would be, I was desperate to get home to bed. It was half past 2am, and I was ready to cuddle up with a good book until I fell asleep.
“That would be great.”
I glanced one more time at my friends before following him out the door.
We went most of the short drive in silence. However, I found it odd considering Rooster wasn’t usually the quiet type. I opted to not say anything either and praised the lord above when we pulled into my driveway.
“Thanks for the ride,” my hand reached for the door but before I could open it he finally spoke up.
I turned to look at him, a confused expression clear on my face, “What’s up?”
He leaned toward me, one hand on the steering wheel, the other on the seat between us. “I’m going to try something, Ace. Please don’t hit me.”
He didn’t give me a chance to interject, instead he leaned in, his lips softly crashing into mine.
It was so much better than I had imagined it would be. He kissed me like no guy had ever kissed me, his lips the softest I’d ever felt. The heat rose in my cheeks as his tongue wrapped with mine. Quick, electric and delicious.
A few seconds later he pulled back, his dark brown eyes staring into mine, “Is this weird?” His right hand moved from the chair between us to my cheek, his thumb brushing lightly over my now swollen bottom lip.
“No,” I smiled at him, encouraging him to go on.
I leaned harder into the kiss, his left hand leaving the steering wheel to pull me closer to him. My heart began to race and I hoped to god that he couldn’t feel it. He playfully bit at my bottom lip, causing me to let out a soft moan.
At this point we had gone too far to turn back.
He gently pulled me into his lap as one of his hands moved up my leg, and under my dress. The further up my thigh he went, the rougher he got. His mouth moved to my jaw, then slowly down my neck to my collarbone, causing me to throw my head back in pleasure.
He pulled away slowly, and I looked down at him confused.
“Should we continue this inside?” He asked.
I leaned into him, my lips hovering just above his. “You have to answer my question first.”
“Go on,” he whispered, his fingers tugging at my underwear.
“You heard what I said to you at the beer pong table, didn’t you?”
He laughed, placing a soft kiss on my lips before pushing the car door open, “Of course I did.”
My jaw dropped as he slid out from underneath me and exited the truck, “You jerk!”
“Are you coming?”
I jumped out of the truck and closed the door behind me, yelling obscenities as I followed him into my house.
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yumethefrostypanda · 9 months
Hi yume! I have three questions I would like to ask you...
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What do you think about these two photos? do you think Simon is really like that under the mask? (in my opinion it might look more like the first photo, but I don't know. Many say it's the second because it looks more like Samuel, but honestly, the haircut of the first is very similar to the scene where he takes off the mask.)
In your opinion, how would Simon behave in a social context? (for example going out alone, taking a bus or any other public transport.) do you think he would still keep the mask on, or would he cover himself with something else?
How would Simon behave with children (you know, in the comic he had a nephew who was very important to him.) What do you think he would do if maybe a small child, in the park with his/her mother, approached him curiously and touched him? or are there kids throwing the ball in his direction by accident? would he kicks the ball back to them?
Thanks in advance, you are the best!🫶🏻❤️
I love your answers and everything you post! (I'll never stop saying this, sorry...🥲)
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Hey Sofia :D Thank you for your ask and sweet words 🥺 It's truly nice to hear you like my answers :D Appreciate your support 🫶 First things first ;p the art on the right is from Wombywoo, if i'm not mistaken. Alright, let's do this *cracks knuckles and neck, cause i always spend wayy too much time on answering my asks >.<*
1. You know.. headcanon-ing Simon's face is kinda fun cause his face is hidden :D Everyone can put their own thoughts in the mix. I thiink when MWIII is out, imma do a part 2 on Simon's face. Anyway, I remember that first photo (left) was on reddit, extracted from MWII files somewhere last year. It was already said that the hair was from Graves(?) and put on his head. I also think it's either a placeholder or not finished since they've only used his 3D head for mask placement and the scene where he takes of the mask and we (only) see his fluffy short hair. It really wouldn't be a surprise if Simon's (face) features are alot of that from his VA, Samuel Roukin. I've seen every frame multiple times by now *edit life* and to me, it really looks like Simon has Roukin's eye shape and nose(for the most part). I loove the fact the devs stayed true to Simon's brown eyes *-* So what else did they stay true to? Or is it completely Roukin's face? We might never know :P But personally for me it's still 50/50. Half Roukin's face/ half comic Simon's face. Ok ok, maybe now more like 70/30. idc, just show me. No, don't! Yes!
2. Ooff, good question. I wonder if he uses public transport since he also can drive. (i'd rather take the car thn the bus ngl :P). At the end of the campaign with 141 and Laswell sitting in a bar, Simon still has his eye paint and mask on. Though be it another mask thn that he was wearing during the Chicago mission. So that makes me believe he conceals his face in his free time (outside), i'm not exactly sure how tho cause wearing a skull mask like that in public might alarm ppl? idk. I kinda lean more to the idea he isn't that among people much (being outside). If he already prefers to work alone than in a team (141 is a no brainer for him tho, imo) i don't really see him being out and about and social in his off time Q_Q And with all this online ordering, he gucci. But okok, i do see him do groceries and stuff. You know, basic stuff. He will have alot of hooded clothes, caps and what not. Corona must've been a 'delight' for him. (ok ill stop. sorry) I think he barely makes eyecontact, or just shortly cause he's friendly. He a good lad. Srsly don't waste your time on this next hc; You know.. what if he just lives in a very small village somewhere quiet in England where everyone knows eachother and he don't have to worry about all that outside shii cause everyone in that small village knows how he is. Easy peasy, live and let live. Often people in small villages are old cause many young move to the city. So them golden oldies in his town are just happy they have a soldier in their midst and respect his privacy. Buut.. thn again, the bigger the city.. the easier it is to blend. Oh well. Whatever XD 3. I THINK HE'S REALLY GOOD WITH KIDS! But doesn't show, is scared to show, etc etc all that. I even think if a kid is being bullied in his presence he would intervine. I'm sure of it. But i think he would avoid being around kids. If one's come up to him i think he will be friendly but not interested in a conversation or play ball. I'll let myself out
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michwritesstuff · 2 years
Saturday Nights (Top Gun: Maverick: Jake Seresin)
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summary: female reader (she/her) x jake “hangman” seresin Weekend nights in Fightertown, USA were exactly as you imagined them. After moving across the country for school, Y/N can’t help but feel giddy at the idea of spending weekends at the local bar, being hit on by hot military men that make her week of classes and hard work all worth it.
notes/warnings: (18+ to be safe, Minors DNI) age-gap, heavy flirting between jake x reader, semi-established relationship, mentions of alcohol
word count: 970
The Hard Deck was buzzing with the usual Saturday night crowd as you and your friends worked your way towards the bar.
After a long week of boring lectures, mindless discussion posts, and a relentlessly tiring research paper, letting loose and knocking drinks back were the only things on your agenda…besides seeing him of course.
A few of his teammates were already here.
“Bradley,” you greeted, giving him a light side hug as you moved next to where he stood at the bar.
“Y/N, finally! If I had to hear Hangman complain about how ‘she should be here by now’ one more time I think I was going to go insane.”
“Y/N, what can I get you?” you heard Penny ask.
“A corona if you got it, or a vodka redbull”
“One corona coming right up,” Penny responded as she moved around the bar.
“Didn’t take you for a beer girl, let alone vodka redbull” Rooster spoke up.
“Coronas only, not any of that cheap bud light shit,” you stated jokingly.
“I’ll have you know, bud light got me through my first two years at the Naval Academy. We don’t have all those fruity little seltzers you kids have now” Rooster stated.
You gave him a fake incredulous look, hand coming up to your chest in offense as you repeated the word kid to him.
“Rooster, you better not be messing with my girl,” you heard his voice call out.
His girl?
While you liked the way it sounded you can’t help the confusion that crosses your mind.
You and Jake had never really defined your relationship. You were here for school, and he was at Top Gun until the Navy decided he wasn’t.
Besides some flirting here and there and him buying your drinks every Saturday, you weren’t sure there was much going on between you. But for now, you weren’t too focused on figuring it out.
“Heard you’ve been missing me?” you teased as Jake came to rest by your side, his arm reaching behind you to lean on the bar.
“You have no idea darlin’, how’s your week been?”
“Ugh, so stressful! I just got done writing a research paper and I think my brain is fogged from how long I spent staring at my computer screen, you?”
“It just got a whole lot better now that you’re here,” Jake replied, his signature smirk gracing his face as he looked you over.
“I’m sure,” you teased back.
Grabbing your bottle from the bar top with the hand that reached behind your back, Jake intertwined your fingers with his other hand as he led you back to the pool tables where the rest of the group was interacting.
“Y/N, grab a partner. You’re playing against Coyote and I” your friend stated as you approached the group.
You gave her a knowing look; she had been trying to talk to Coyote since you first started coming to the Hard Deck at the beginning of the semester.
Grabbing your beer from Jake’s hands you gave him a teasing look before speaking up.
“You heard her Lieutenant, I need a partner” you backed away, dropping his hand as you went to pick up a pool stick.
“Gladly” he stated, following you to the other side of the table.
You let Hangman do the honors of racking the balls and breaking, sinking two striped balls in the process.
Coyote was next to go, making one pocket before it was your turn.
You scanned the table quickly, bending over to line up your shot before you felt someone press into you from behind, hands firm on your waist. Before you could respond you felt his breath ghost over the shell of your ear.
“Right into that far left pocket, you got it darlin’.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat that formed after your breath hitched, only response you could suffice was a slow nodding of your head. You were too worried that your voice would betray you.
He did nothing but chuckle as he stood back up to his previous position, the vibration flooding through your body.
That bastard knew exactly what he was doing.
You were nowhere near inexperienced when it came to casual flirting and hook-ups, but with Jake it was different.
He was nearly ten years older than you and he knew exactly how to treat you, how to talk to you, how to make you squirm, and he absolutely loved it.
Taking a deep breath, you shook all the thoughts from your head as you realigned your shot. You sank the ball in, and the group erupted into cheers. Phoenix clapped the top of you shoulder while Payback and Fanboy lifted their drinks into the air.
You backed up, a wide smile on your face as Jake pulled you into his side, his large hand resting low on your hip.
“That’s my girl,” he called out
 “Thanks for the help Lieutenant,” you teased as you leaned further into him, eyelashes batting as your eyes traveled from his bright green eyes to his lips, biting your own in the process.
His eyes darkened at the sight.
“Behave,” he muttered, just loud enough for you to hear.
“No promises, sir” you responded, walking to the other side of the table to pull your friend into a hug as you gossiped about your interactions with the pilots.
The rest of the night Jake spent his time letting his hands roam over whatever part of your body he could touch.
As you stood between his legs where he rested on a bar stool, his hands would move from your hips to your waist as he moved you to face him in his grasp, hands sinking to cup your ass.
“Seems like I’m not the only one who needs to behave, sir,” you teased.
a/n: If you like my work please support by liking/reblogging. Also, feel free to message me about ideas. I haven’t written in a while because I don’t have a lot of time, but when inspiration hits i’ll sit down for hours
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paddedlittleparadise · 2 months
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Solar Eclipse Info, 2024
Hey, over the last few weeks I've seen a lot of curiosity about the upcoming solar eclipse. Here's a quick roundup of some common questions and answers that might help!
1. Da fuk is a solar eclipse, anyway?
The Moon goes in front of the Sun. Because they look about the same size from Earth - a very cool coincidence! - when they line up just right the entire disk of the Sun gets covered up, making it a total eclipse. On April 8, 2024, this only happens in a narrow band of North America: a thin ribbon stretching from Mexico to Canada, traced out by the Moon's shadow.
In most places, the Moon will be a bit too high or too low to cover the Sun right; here folks will only get to see a partial eclipse. Partial eclipses are kinda cool, but nothing like a total eclipse.
2. Hey – If the Sun is covered, won’t it get dark?
Yes and no. The Sun is stupidly bright, so even when most of it's covered, daylight doesn't look super different. Even during the last fifteen minutes or so before it's 100% covered, the light only gradually begins to dim. It's only once the Sun is entirely covered – what we call "totality" – that it really gets dark. (Not dark like midnight, but about as dark as twilight.) Also, because the Moon's shadow is constantly moving, this bit of darkness only lasts a few minutes, depending on where exactly you are.
3. Why are people telling me to wear eclipse glasses? Is it some stupid cash grab? Or are eclipses weirdly dangerous?
Eclipses themselves are not dangerous. The Sun is, though – because like I said, it's stupidly bright! The reason why scientists warn people about hurting their eyes during an eclipse is because that’s basically the only time millions of people will try staring directly into a giant dazzling ball of gas.
So YES - anytime even a tiny bit of the Sun is visible, use eclipse glasses or some other verified, proper filter to save your poor retinas. They’re the only ones you have! Only if and when the Sun is COMPLETELY covered should you take a look without a filter.
NOTE: Filters are even more necessary if you're using binoculars or a telescope! These things work by collecting and concentrating light, so when pointed at the Sun without a filter, the beam of light coming out of the eyepieces can literally melt holes through plastic. I've seen it myself. So please… use a dang filter, okay?
4. Da heck is that white stuff around the sun in the pictures? Do I need glasses to look at THAT?
That's the corona – the Sun's searingly hot outer atmosphere. Because the Sun is stupidly bright (besides being a deadly laser) the corona is usually invisible to us. So, yep – total solar eclipses are the only time you and I ordinarily get to see it!
And nope, the corona is pretty dim and totally safe to look at without glasses. Just DON'T get so focused staring at it that you forget to put your eclipse glasses back on when totality ends!
5. How rare are these things, anyway? And why?
As it moves through the sky, the Moon circles past the Sun literally every 29.5 days – it's just that usually it's too high or low to cover even a bit of it. Globally, solar eclipses do happen pretty frequently: about every 18 months on average. But because the Earth is a big place, they might occur anywhere: the south Pacific, Africa, even Antarctica. On top of that, the odds that you specifically will be somewhere in that thin band of totality is pretty darn rare. As far as North America goes, the last total solar eclipse was nearly seven years ago, in 2017. For the next one in North America? You'll have to wait until 2045.
6. Why are people so excited?
As someone who got to experience totality in 2017 (that's my own pic above), it's tough to explain. Many people, even folks who aren't particularly spiritual, have likened totality to a religious experience. There's something chillingly cool about standing still and feeling the sun slowly dim as the Moon's shadow sweeps toward you. It's a cosmic motion as inexorable as fate, and no one – not you, not the pope, not even Bruce Willis – can stop it.
Once totality hits, the temperature typically drops a few degrees. Wind sometimes picks up or dies down because of the temperature drop. Birds and other animals freak the heck out. The brighter stars come out, midday be damned. All around the horizon glows a 360-degree "sunset"… while overhead it's like the Sun has died and left us puny humanoids staring up open-mouthed at its ghostly shell.
THAT's why totality is a big deal. And why I, along with literally millions of others, will try my level best to go see it. All the while hoping like heck that it's not cloudy.
To read a more in-depth and super-useful guide, check out NASA's official site. Great American Eclipse also has a lot of sweet resources and maps. And feel free to reply with any other questions!
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trash-town-champion · 10 months
What drinks da2 characters order
In absolute fuck it we ball energy, I am replaying da2 here is a post for any of u who are still here from when I made this blog in high school
Yes this is modern / our world i dont care
Hawke: coronas. No, coors lite. Idk the beeriest college beer there is. Hawke is a ferelden farm boy this dude doesn’t even do mixed drinks he buys 6 packs only. Catch hawke in the club with one of those pitchers of beer thats like 64oz. If he must, whiskey soda(cola), and his go to shots are jameson
Varric: old fashioned is his go to, gin and tonic if he’s slowing down, and guinness if he’s really taking it easy, he doesnt really do shots
Fenris: he’s from tropical tevinter so must be tequila and mezcal, he usually does traditional tequila shots with salt and lime, but he’ll take a traditional margarita, salt rims on everything, he also likes tajin and will do mango if it’s spicy. Wine is a whole other ball of wax but he doesn’t really fuck with anything white or rosè he’d drinks cabs
Isabela: she’s a pirate so she likes rum, rum&coke is her go to, but she’ll do piña coladas, daiquiris, mai tais, and corny stuff like jello shots, blowjob shots, isabela only really likes shots if they’re this big communal event you make everyone do, she doesn’t do shots on her own, she’s the queen of mixed drinks and is low maintenance, if no rum she goes to vodka cran
Anders: white claw queen, trulys, high noons, go to mixed drink is long island iced tea, maybe screwdriver, but he will send things back if they’re not sweet enough and makes a terrible sour face every time he does a shot. This does NOT mean he does not do shots. He just has no preference bc he has no taste for liquor. He will order those ice blended drinks that are gross fake sugary, he drinks artificial shit like green apple flavored vodka, he brings malibu to every house party
Carver: he’s cut from the same cloth as hawke so he also drinks 6 packs. they order gallons of beer at a time and split them often, he’s always sipping mini fireballs out of his pocket as if he’s not surrounded by alcoholics, and he orders hennesy shots flat with no special flair
Bethany: cosmo, lemon drop, sex on the beach, sangria, she rejects beer because of her brothers, but she’ll do whiskey shots with them. she also likes ceremonious shot rounds like isabela
Aveline: ok so she’s obviously not down at the bar getting fucked up with everyone else, she mostly drinks beer and wine, she likes ipa’s and can get surprisingly sophisticated about beer, she doesn’t feel she has the refined palette of good wine choice (but she’d probably pass up many others) if she must order a mixed drink she’ll have whatever her friend is having, and if they’re doing shots she takes them like a pro
Merrill: oh boy this one’s hard. I think they just feed her drinks until she likes one and the ones she picks are so random to them they can’t follow the pattern. In reality, she has a preference for an herbal taste where she’ll like anything that tastes like she’s eating the forest or a garden, gin because it’s piney, garnishes with sage or basil or rosemary but she always eats the garnishes out of her drink whole, and she also likes to chew on the ice afterward. She’s a huge lightweight and gets drunk after two drinks but she really doesn’t mind the taste of them bc she would eat grass so she slurps down many a hard drink and then shes wasted
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the-writer1988 · 4 months
With this newest chapter of TLP and Cass seemingly having accepted Eugene as her brother (at least for the sake of fighting Gothel), I wonder how long you think Cass would have taken to accept this news had the situation been less urgent? Say the guards didn't force Rapunzel to push Eugene of a cliff and he came back to Corona with them? Would Cass have accepted this news or been like 'nah'?
Well. This is definitely an interesting question and I've spent the last 12 hours thinking about this very scenario.
If the situation had been less urgent, Cass would have eventually accepted it though with a lot of push-back on her side first of all. But, if we were looking at the perspective from if Eugene had returned to Corona with them, would Cass have accepted the news quickly or been like 'nah'?
I've written a short scene detailing this very scenario...
Cassandra could hardly believe the audacity of King Edmund. He could not be her father. More to the point Eugene could not be her brother. It did not make any sense! She folded her arms, glaring at the man who kept on insisting he was her father. "I don't know what side of the bed you woke up on this side of the morning, but you are not my father!" She pointed towards Eugene. "And, he is not my made-up twin brother!"
"Daughter, you must understand-" Edmund started.
Cassandra glared. "Do not call me daughter!"
"I would have done right by you if I could have done..." Edmund admitted. "Your brother was missing. I had to leave you here. You were both dying... I never once forgot you Cassandra. Every year I visited you on your birthday."
"That doesn't mean anything!" Cassandra retorted angrily.
"What about your hair going blue whenever I use my powers in close proximity to you?" Eugene interrupted.
Cassandra whirled to face him. "You stay out of this!" She turned back to Edmund but then quickly back to Eugene. He hair was blue. And so was hers. "STOP DOING THAT!"
"I feel you in my chest," he responded quietly. "Don't you feel it too?"
She didn't want to admit anything.
"Have you ever felt empty, Cassandra?" Edmund pressed.
Balling her fists together, Cassandra growled angrily. "Yes."
"But do you feel empty now?" asked Eugene.
It took a lot to say it, but she eventually did. "Yes." Her shoulders slumped forward. "You can't be my brother. You can't. And... he can't be my father!"
"Why not? You are adopted..." Eugene had figured that out pretty quickly.
"I know... But admitting that he is my father is one thing... but accepting it is another. By accepting it, it means I know he never loved me. He chose to gave me away instead of raising me himself!"
Edmund stepped forward, sorrow reflecting gently on his face. "I would have raised you, Cassandra, if you were not dying. The link between the two of you, if it shatters in the first six months of life, it means the other twin dies too. The separation between the two of you had you both dying. We had a rough idea where your brother was likely to be. We placed you here in the hope that you were close enough to keep you both alive long enough to survive past the shattering stage. I couldn't stay with you. I had to look after my wife and my own Kingdom. I did everything I could to keep you both alive even if it meant giving you up. It was the hardest day of my life leaving you here, knowing that I would never see you grow up."
She couldn't argue against it. Cassandra sighed. She pierced Edmund with a stubborn glare. "You've got a lot to make up for before I can even forgive you. You know that, right?"
Edmund smiled sadly. "Of course, my daughter. Would you like me to start now?"
Cassandra rolled her eyes. "If we must. And, you, Eugene, quit with the blue hair!"
Eugene smirked. "Why? Blue looks good on you."
"Oh, that's it... You asked for it!"
Eugene stepped back laughing as Cassandra lunged at him. "You can't catch me!"
And he ran off.
"OI! Get back here!" Cassandra ran after him.
Edmund watched on, a contented smile on his face.
Arianna slid up beside him. "You know those two are not going to get on, right?"
"Oh, I know, but it'll be fun to watch..." Edmund smiled.
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vintage-tech · 11 months
scans: Time magazine, October 22, 1945
World War 2 had ended a month and a half earlier and now everyone was trying to figure out what they were supposed to be doing in peacetime. (The advertisements still include a line saying “Buy War Bonds” at the bottom.) Let’s take a jaunt through this exciting time, where Time had a lot of political statements to make because so much was going on right then.
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Czechoslovakia started in 1918. ceased existance under the Nazis in 1939 but Beneš maintained a government-in-exile, was restarted in 1945 once the war ended, and ceased existance for good in 1989.
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That’s right, we bombed Hiroshima because they had ball bearings. This is one of three advertisements by bearing makers.
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That time the Daughters of the American Revolution were unsurprisingly racist, and President Truman called them Nazis... but then his wife Bess had tea with the DAR, which pissed off Scott’s husband, US Representative Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.  Scott got the last laugh when Representative Powell booked Carnegie Hall for her and the show was a huge success.
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I will post the entire article soon. Some people are reading too much into the character and not doing enough reading of the comic strip itself. (Also, he claims that Wonder Woman is both a Nazi and a whore. Clearly Ong has a thing for either the soft-heroes of Marvel or the horror comics from Entertaining.)
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You’ve got to move to Memphis, that’s what I’ll do... There’s also a full-page ad for moving to Cleveland. “75 million customers within 500 miles!”
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“Experts agree that Shirley [Temple] has a good many years ahead -- either in or out of the movies.” Mostly out since she did 8 more films over the next two(!!) years then mostly bowed out of Hollywood. Also, remember that in the 1940s, premarital sex was taboo so the premise of Temple’s character getting knocked up by her boyfriend was scandalous. Marriage at 17, as she had done, was not.
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This guy.
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A two-page spread for magnesium. A decade later, the rave would be aluminum, and that particular metal is still with us.
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Heil (thppt!) Heil (thppt!) right in the Fuhrer’s face. The Nuremberg trials started on November 20 so things were going to stay interesting for a year.
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I’ve asked the purists: Aralac fiber, derived from the casein in milk -- “wool made from cheese” -- makes the clothing vegetarian but not vegan, and no cattle died to make that outfit.
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Lastly: You’ll have to click over to my typewriter blog to see the clunky post-war typewriter Smith-Corona was advertising (an Army office model), when what they really put on the market once they had unshelved all the parts they had stockpiled prior to the war (to make rifle firing pins for a spell) were some really stylish and handsome Silents, Sterlings, and Clippers.
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hasufin · 6 months
Ad astra, non planetarum
With current talk of the pipe dream of colonizing Mars, I'd like to put forth a more realistic notion:
We are never going to colonize other planets at all.
Now, I'm not saying we will give up on space and stick on this little ball of rock. I mean, yes, it's a pretty nice ball of rock and it's well-suited to us, but there are Damned Good Reasons to not limit ourselves.
However, it's a really nice ball of rock, in terms of human life. Uniquely so. To the extent that it's kind of silly to think of Humans as independent organisms. We are part of this ecosystem. I think it's fair to say Earth's ecosystems would largely continue without us - we are not a keystone species in most cases - that ecosystem is crucial to our survival.
We are uniquely suited to, and reliant on, Earth conditions in ways which are both obvious and subtle.
It's not hard to replicate straightforward things like temperature, pressure, and atmosphere. We're at the point where we can - with risks, to be sure - create shirtsleeve conditions both on the ocean floor and in space. Gone are the days of Oxygen-only environments for space, and exotic gas mixes aren't obligatory for deep sea exploration.
That's enough for brief little excursions. For longer time periods, though, that's not enough. Earth's Van Allen belts and ozone layer protect us from the worst of cosmic radiation (fun fact! Apollo astronauts reported seeing bright flashes. This was due to high energy particles passing through their eyes! This is horrifying!).
There's also the microbial world. Now, a controlled environment has some advantages - people don't get the common cold at the South Pole, because everyone who goes there undergoes quarantine and screening so they don't bring in unwanted bugs - but you need your gut bacteria, your skin mites, your yeasts. There's even the old friends hypothesis that you need some exposure to allergans so your immune system doesn't freak out. So a fully-controlled long-term environment has some potential issues there.
But we haven't even touched the big one: gravity. Humans evolved on a nice 1g planet, and living a long time in lower G is... not great. Technically the ISS and other orbital habitats are not in zero G, they're in freefall, but the effect is (probably) the same. It has significant effects on bone density, lymphatic drainage, and cardiovascular health, just to name a few things.
Some of these issues can be ameliorated. I recall discussing with a friend how to handle the radiation issue - I was coming up with a design for a hypothetical P5 containment facility out at a LaGrange point - and he suggested sintered lunar dust as shielding. Because in the absence of a planetary dynamo generating a magnetic shield, you need a lot of mass to block that sort of stuff.
And sure, we'll probably work out the microbial stuff. The gravity, though... we do kinda need it. And so far there's exactly one way to generate gravity: a centrifuge. Which could be adapted to operate on a planet, but would be an engineering challenge. It would be necessary, though, as the only planets with surface gravity even close to Earth's are Venus and (with caveats vis a vis their lack of a "surface") the three outermost gas giants. And I cannot even go into how difficult it would be to build a habitat on Venus. So you couldn't have people permanently living on one of the other planets - they'd have to rotate out every few months, and even then have permanent health issues.
Not to mention that those other planets all have their own issues. For example, moon dust turns out to be terribly abrasive and gets everywhere, which is bad for equipment. Martian soil is full of toxic perchlorates. Venus is... well, Venus. Mercury is at times inside the solar corona. Not only is Mars a bad place to raise your kids, so are the other planets.
What I'm getting at is, in order to have a habitat on any other planetary body, we'd necessarily need to have a fully-realized supporting space station. A habitat in space which provides not just heat and atmosphere, but has a functional facsimile of a Terran ecosystem, is largely a closed or at least self-sustaining system in terms of food and water, provides gravity, has appropriate radiation shielding, and addresses whatever other unknown unknowns we have with extraterrestrial habitation. Some of the solutions can be put on a planetary body, but only a few are easier to implement on a planet, and some may not be possible on a planetary body at all. Moreover, before we could do them on a planet we'd inevitably have to build them all in a space station at the same place anyway.
Which means that you decide you want to go to Mars. Or Epsilon Eridani. Whatever. You build a pretty comfortable space station, you park it in orbit. Then you decide to build an inferior habitat on the planet below. At which point you need to address the exorbitant cost of going in and out of a gravity well. And for what? Bragging rights?
I'm reluctant to cast this strictly in economic terms, but from where we are right now, it looks like it will never make sense (assuming humans remain as biological entities) to colonize other planets: we will always have to build something better first, and a planetary habitat will be both more expensive and inferior to a space habitat.
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kp9983 · 2 years
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Shadows of the Past
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Warning: mention of blood and a brief fight in this chapter, please read with caution if you are sensitive toward this friends ❤️
Chapter 3: Memories and Mistakes
The group of aviators fell into a stunned silence as they took in the woman before them. Clad in blue jeans, brown cowboy boots, and a black T-shirt Shadow was the picture perfect example of a girl raised on a Texas cattle ranch.
“Don’t worry I don’t bite. I’m y/n, but everybody calls me Shadow. I’m sure Rooster here has told you that already though. So who wants to challenge me to a game of pool?”
Shadow pushed the lime down the neck of the Corona she was holding, using her thumb to plug the hole in the top as she inverted the drink to mix the taste of the lime into the sunny yellow drink. As she lifted the bottle to her lips to take a pull, the others couldn’t help but notice the thin silver band that resided on the ring finger of her left hand. Rooster being the only one unfazed by his friends arrival stood from the stool he was seated on to grab two pool cues handing one to the shorter woman at his side. They made their way to the table in the corner as the others went back to conversing.
“So how did it go with Hangman the other night?”
Rooster allowed Shadow to break being ever the gentlemen, y/n let out a quiet sigh before replying
“It was alright. He didn’t put up a fight when I took him to his house and helped him into bed. I’m glad you called, if you hadn’t he’d probably have slept on the porch like that time after that first mission we flew together. The one right after I graduated from TOPGUN you remember that?”
Bradley threw his head back with a laugh,
“How could I forget, I think I got very well acquainted with your guest bathrooms toilet after that one.”
Y/n smiled at the memory as she sank two of her balls in one shot,
“I told you guys not to do tequila shots before I left the bar, but nooo you don’t listen to dear old y/n. You guys just had to push it and ended up getting shit faced. I really thought you two were dead the next morning, with you snoring on the bathroom rug and Jake passed out with his shirt halfway off on the front porch swing.”
Bradley chuckled clearly reliving the moment in his mind,
“You were right, you usually are. It’s really good to see you.” Y/n smiled at her friend,
“It’s good to see you too Bradshaw. I’m gonna go get another drink you want one?” Rooster shook his head to indicate no as he put both their cues back into the rack on the wall headed to rejoin the group.
Y/n made her way across the bar to stand in front of Penny, asking for another Corona. The two were in conversation when a new patron came up behind y/n leaning over her to order his own drink. The guy was dressed like he just stepped out of a cheesy teen beach movie with a tank top hanging from his clearly sunburnt shoulders, the board shorts and flip flops to complete the whole douchey ensamble. Y/n looked over her shoulder at the offending man who currently was busying himself in looking her up and down,
“What’s your name sweetheart?” Y/n scoffed and turned to fully face the man,
“You don’t want to do this kid.” She crossed her arms over her chest, discreetly shifting her feet to be shoulder width apart.
“Oh I think I do, your a feisty one huh? I like that in my girls.” The guy broke out in a wide grin as he reached around to cup one of y/n’s ass cheeks in his hand. By this time Bradley had just turned to ese where y/n had gone when the guy groped at her, but before he even got more than a few steps toward the two y/n had dropped her hands from their crossed position to uppercut the guy across the face in true south paw fashion. She bent over the man who now clutched his bleeding nose between his hands, leveling her pointer finger straight at his face
“That’ll teach you to put your hands on a woman you asshole.” Rooster quickly put his hands on the small woman’s shoulders and steered her toward the door, guiding her out into the night air.
“Holy shit what a punch. You okay Shadow? Did he hurt you?” He quickly scanned his eyes over her small form searching for any injuries,
“Nah just grabbed a handful, no real harm done.” Rooster pulled her into a firm hug as she nuzzled her face into his chest, allowing his familiar scent to calm her pounding heart. The two didn’t notice the crunching of the gravel as a third party made his way over to where they stood to the side of Roosters Bronco.
“Everything alright?” Y/n let her arms fall from their position around Bradley and turned to reply to the new voice,
“Yeah Jake everything’s okay. Some guy just got alittle handsy is all. Nothing I can’t handle.” Hangman fixed her with a small smirk as he took in her unscathed appearance,
“That’s my girl. You need a ride home?” Jake turned to gesture to his truck parked next to her own 4Runner just a few yards from where the three of them stood.
“No that’s okay you just got here. I’m gonna call it a night, you boys have a good time. Tell Penny I’ll settle up with her tomorrow.” Rooster retreated back inside the bar while Hangman escorted y/n to her car,
“I’ll take care of it don’t worry about it. You sure your alright?” Y/n had just climbed into the drivers seat of her car when he reached out and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, allowing his hand to linger for just a moment on the side of her face brushing his thumb along her cheek bone. She leaned into the touch for a split second until he gently pulled his hand away,
“Yeah I’m sure. Thanks Jake, I’ll see you around.”
Hangman carefully closed her door and stepped back, allowing her to pull out of the parking lot. He lingered there until the glow of her taillights faded out of sight.
Taglist: @luckyladycreator2, @lunamoonbby
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Howdy ! I saw in Ur bio that you have Ariadne in there. I'd love to learn more about her but am not able to find heaps of information on her . If it's not a bother do you happen to have any info ?
(feel free to skip if you feel so inclined to no pressure )
Omg hi!
I definitely don't mind sharing, I don't have much (haven't had the spoons for active worship/research lately) but I'm happy to oblige! There isn't very much out there as far as I've seen but I'll share what I've been able to find and utilise.
As always with this stuff, there are multiple versions of the same myths and many interpretations and I'm far from an expert, so take this with a grain of salt. There's also going to be a bit of history both bc I love that stuff and have a personal project that's setting is Minoan Crete, so I think it's relevant if for nothing other than context.
Ariadne, in mythology (summarizing), is a princess of Crete and sister of the Minotaur. She is put in charge of the labyrinth where the Minotaur is kept, and where 7 boys and 7 girls from Athens are sent as sacrifices. Ariadne gives Theseus a ball of thread/string to help him find his way back out of the labyrinth after slaying the Minotaur, leaving the island with him afterwards. She's then abandoned, intentionally or unintentionally depending on which version of the story you're looking at, on Naxos and is found by Dionysus and becomes his wife.
It's theorized in some circles that Ariadne was originally a great goddess of Crete known as the Mistress of the Labyrinth. Some also suggest she's the Minoan Snake Goddess. There's no concrete evidence for either of these claims as far as I've found, but I felt they're worth mentioning regardless given the island of Crete was taken over by the Mycenean Greeks after the collapse of the Minoan civilization in the Bronze Age and its very possible the Greeks could have adopted/absorbed bits and pieces of the Minoan's religious practices.
Some myths cover her death and subsequent retreival from Hades by Dionysus, who then brings Ariadne and his mother Semele to Mount Olympus to be defied. Depending what you read you may find conflicting accounts of what happened and when, but that's normal with Greek mythology I've learned.
Ariadne is commonly associated with thread/string, mazes and labyrinths, bulls, snakes, and in some instances I've also seen weaving (makes sense given the whole thread thing) and a crown listed (her diadem from her wedding to Dionysus was set in the heavens as the constellation Corona).
This next bit is UPG so please don't take this as cold hard fact, it's just what I've discovered in my practice.
Ariadne, to me, is a goddess of introspection/self reflection. A labyrinth is a single path curving in on itself until you reach the center, one way in and back out. I've come across folks talking about using the labyrinth as a metaphor/manner of thinking for a journey of self discovery, called (fittingly) Ariadne's Thread, and this is something I've adopted as well. The Minotaur can be interpreted in a number of ways; its typically some sort of conflict or hurdle one must confront in order to further their growth. It doesn't need to be slain, necessarily, but is something that must be dealt with in order to progress (kind of like working through something in therapy to find the source of a problem and how to handle it going forward). It's a vehicle for deeper self understanding, if that makes sense.
I think that's why I was so drawn to her when I first started researching Crete's history and wanting to progress with my knowledge and practice in hellenic polytheism; I needed to do some serious self reflection because I'd just gotten out of a terribly rough patch in life that started with following/using someone as a means of escape from a shitty situation and ended with me stranded, in essence, and isolated by my own hand. I felt a kinship with her and her story and have felt connected with her ever since. I've even got a little Snake Goddess pendant that I constantly wear for/as representation of her.
Hopefully that made sense and was helpful! I've included some links below to some sources, both academic and not, I refer to.
Ariadne summary on amino | Ariadne on witchesandpagans | Ariadne on theoi.com | Ariadne on Wikipedia (a great starting point for all the basic info imo) | blog post about Ariadne's Thread symbolism + application
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megsarts · 2 years
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a continuation of this 
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third was never one to half ass things that mattered. He was meticulous and careful, he could keep a secret forever if he had to if no one knew to press him or follow him. Luckily, people didn’t pay him much mind, even if his father was the head of the biker gang in the town of Berk. Being such a nobody, he was drawn to the only other nobody in town that could match his level of being ignored. 
Hiccup always thought it was weird that Jack Frost was ignored the way he was, it was almost supernatural but maybe it was the foster kid effect, everyone just assumed he would be gone before long. Jack was scrawny but a good looking guy by all accounts, he should have fire right in with the likes of Astrid and the lot but instead it was just Hiccup, his dog, toothless and the strange girl in the house in the woods. 
The two of them should have figured there was something wrong much earlier, when Hiccup did, he shared these thoughts with Jack. The white haired boy had this pained and confused kind of look, “Hiccup, look, you can’t just go around saying things like that…” and that was the last either of them spoke on it. Rapunzel and Hiccup were the only friends Jack had, he knew that he couldn’t afford to loose half of his people. The thing was…even though Hiccup knew it would hurt his best friend, his only school going friend, he reported his suspicions to the police. One year later the FBI descended on the small town and everything changed forever. 
Hiccup watched with horror as Jack crumbled in front of him. Rapunzel had never been just a friend, not that a friend was just anything but…Before that moment, Hiccup was pretty sure that eventually the two of them would get married. The two of them would tip toe their way down that long, long aisle, through years and years, Hiccup would be the best man, maid of honour and oficient of the proceeding, he loved them both so much. 
Hiccup put that big beautiful brain of his to work and hauled himself and Jack to the airport and onto a plane headed for the small European nation of Corona. Jack was listless the whole time and Hiccup was a crackling ball of nervous energy, afraid of the consequences for what they were doing, leaving without informing guardians and sneaking into a private royal affair. Thing was, despite the nerves, he knew that Rapunzel was more than just a lost princess, she was their friend and that Rapunzel was just in love with Jack as he was with her. True love would win the day, it had to. 
They got into the party with surprising ease, disguised as caterers. Hiccup almost cried when he saw the short green eyed blonde, she was very pretty, a tear did slip down his cheek however when he saw Jack go after her. From where he stood at the side of the room, for the first time in their friendship, he felt like a third wheel. It was harder than he expected to see his friends be so in love in a place like this, in circumstances like that. His own love life had never been so magical, with all that fate and destiny around it. If Rapunzel was the sun and Jack the moon, Hiccup was…grass maybe? A rusty screw? He was mundane. 
Suddenly, a fist balled up in his shirt and dragged him out of the ballroom into another room. It all happened so fast, he couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation, he just saw red and orange and a pair of piercing blue eyes. He was slammed into a bookshelf. “Well, well,” said a woman, pretty, her hair half pinned up, no, scratch that, hot, she wore a one sleeved dress, the fabric was shiny…did she have freckles? No, she was threatening him…right? “What’a we have here? An American infiltrator. Part of the press, eh? Thought y’ed get a few choice shots of the lost princess ‘eh?” She smirked at him. She was very Scottish, she sounded like his dad. 
“No! Honest, I’m a friend of Rapunzel’s from Berk, I’m the one who tipped off the police!” Her expression remained unchanged, her grip on his shirt iron. “W’who are you?”
“Princess of Dunbroch, Merida Bunbroch,” she said, “Obviously.”
“The Dunbroch’s royal family name is…Dunbroch?” He said, “That’s confusing.”
“I guess it’s not so obvious. Hey! Stop readin’ the books!” She snapped as Hiccup tilted the spine of a book near his head to read the title. “You’re bein’ interrogated here!” 
“Give me a break! This is all extremely overwhelming! My best friend was taken away by cops hours ago and my other best friend has been a wreck.” He needed something to break the tension and it was the oldest book he’d ever been in the presence of. “Oh my god, I’m talking to an actual real live princess...You’re going to have me arrested, aren’t you?” He withered. 
She sighed and released her grip, “No,” she said, softer this time, more a breeze than the fierce storm she had been, “I’m not. You’re clearly not a journalist and I’m less interested in royal protocol than I am in protecting the lass from vultures who’d take an extremely traumatic event and monetize it.” 
“Oh, uh…thanks,” Hiccup chuckled, “you’re pretty cool for a princess,” he said as he did the finger guns. He cringed, why would you do that, ugh!!!
Merida guffawed in a most unprincess-like way. “Good, I’d be quite put out if you thought I was anything like the prim and proppers. Is this other friend of yours here now?”
“Yeah,” said Hiccup, “I saw him go off with Rapunzel a few minutes ago.”
Merida nodded, “right, well, we better get to them quick before someone without a sense of humour does,” She tilted her head, “what’s yer name by the way? I didn’t think to ask when I thought ye were paparazzi.” 
“Oh…it’s Hiccup, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “Not that it suits me.”
She smiled and put her hands on her hips, “I disagree,” she said, “C’mon hell-raiser, let’s go get your friends! 
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coyotescribbles · 1 year
A short little ficlet I scribbled out, featuring Corona and guest-starring @magicalmousey's Jayce~
(It's a bit rough and I struggled with not letting it get away with me as these little plotbunnies have a tendency to do, so apologies in advance :'))
"How did you even manage this?"
"I'm not built like a brawler, doc, when a guy three times my size hits me like a wrecking ball, I tend to fare a little poorly."
Corona flinched and bared her denta in a hiss that tapered off into a sigh of relief as her shoulder assembly was popped back into place and the damaged armor plating pried up from where it was compressing her sensor net and motor cables.
"Much." Rolling her shoulder experimentally, she gave an approving nod - but before Knock Out could ask any further questions or make any observations, they were interrupted by the sudden opening of the door.
"Oh, for the love of - whatever it is, it can wait, I'm busy!" She felt his hand on her good shoulder as he shifted to look past her, and she turned her head to see who had entered as well - only to see nothing but an empty doorway.
Until she registered movement at the periphery of her vision, and looked down.
"Oh," Knock Out said flatly, even as Corona tried - and mostly failed - to stifle a startled laugh; "it's just you."
"Oh, that's cute. Since when does Megatron allow pets on the Nemesis?" She grinned, immediately tamping down her alarm. "Does anyone on board even know how to take care of one?"
The doctor sputtered something, but Corona was already stepping away from the work area to crouch down in front of the spooked little creature. "Hey, human, are these clowns making sure you've got what you need? Are they even feeding you enough?"
The human seemed to flounder for a moment, and she didn't blame her. Being so directly confronted by a strange Decepticon would be a little rattling for someone her size. But then she gathered herself up and did something that caught Corona pleasantly off-guard.
"Actually, yeah," she replied, meeting her optics, "these clowns are doing just fine, thank you."
Somewhere towards the back of the medbay, half-hidden behind a piece of equipment he'd been fine-tuning, Breakdown snorted out a laugh. The sound was followed by a clatter and a string of muffled curses when he dropped whatever tool he was using, and the human peered past her as if to see what was going on.
Corona just grinned, fangs flashing in the dim light as she looked back over her shoulder at an annoyed-looking Knock Out. "Oh, she's spicy! I think I like her."
"Yes, yes, we're all quite fond of our little scraplet," he scoffed, impatiently tapping his talons against his thigh; "now, if you wouldn't mind getting back over here so I could finish repairing your shoulder? Breakdown, could you be a dear and take care of Jayce while I'm busy with Eclipse here?"
"On it, doc."
With one last crooked smile for Jayce, Corona straightened back up and returned to Knock Out's staging area, where he sat her firmly on the berth and resumed the work of repairing her damaged joint.
"Really, doc, it's fine now," she said nonchalantly, watching from the corner of one optic as Breakdown appeared from the back and knelt down, offering his hand for Jayce to climb into. She was almost surprised by the gentleness with which he handled the human.
"'Fine' is not getting you out of this medbay," Knock Out groused, derailing her train of thought, "'functional' is, and you're not quite there yet, so sit still."
By the time she glanced back towards the door, both Breakdown and the human were gone, although she could hear them talking quietly somewhere just out of her visual range. She didn't tune her audials to the discussion, but she didn't entirely tune it out, either - just in case things went south, and she had to snatch and dash.
"...You're concerned. Why, Eclipse, I didn't think you had it in you."
Her finials barely flicked. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, please, you don't serve as a doctor throughout an entire war without picking up on a few tells." Knock Out huffed softly, still wrist-deep in her shoulder assembly. "Really, you needn't worry. I know it's not exactly conventional, but there's almost an entire warship conspiring to protect her from the more… unpredictable elements aboard. She's nearly as safe here as the Autobots' little pets are with them."
"For how long, though?"
"Honestly? Who knows." Something in her shoulder popped and she almost flinched. "But, even if worst comes to worst, she's got some powerful 'cons in her corner, and I'm not just talking about Big Blue back there."
She felt him close up her shoulder, then patiently sat through the battery of mobility and functionality checks that followed - straighten your arm, demonstrate forward flexion, abduction, rotation, internal and external rotation, extension, show me that your fingers still function properly - before she was finally granted clearance to leave.
"And if I see you back here in anything less than seven solar cycles, I will make sure things are far less pleasant," the doctor warned, a theatrical edge to his voice.
"Yeah, yeah, stick to picking on Autobots my own size, got it," Corona replied with equally exaggerated flippancy as she rolled her shoulder one last time and stepped away.
She paused before exiting, though, turning back to look for Jayce; the human was easy enough to spot, still seated on a workbench with Breakdown leaning nearby.
"Hey, scraplet," she called; both human and Decepticon looked in her direction. "If you need anything from planetside that the flying circus here isn't providing, just come find me. The Pole Star's on the flight deck, she's hard to miss."
Then, with a grin and a wave, she was gone, a ripple of hi-gloss obsidian and silver vanishing down the dimly-lit corridor.
A few hours later, by local reckoning, Corona was finishing the last of the minor repairs that her little ship needed after that absolute clusterfuck of a fight. Pressing her lips into a thin line, she took a step back to survey the work… and to privately grouse about the growing list of dings that the Pole Star had accumulated ever since arriving on this planet.
(Sure, it hadn't been her ship for very long, but she would have been lying if she'd said she hadn't gotten attached.)
She just needs a little polish, maybe a fresh coat of paint…
The sensation of someone knocking on her greave yanked her away from that thought, and she immediately sidestepped out of habit as she looked down - and directly into the piercing green eyes of the resident human.
"Well." With a soft snort and an equally soft smile, Corona knelt down to be closer to her eye level. "I honestly wasn't expecting you to actually come looking for me, but since you had the guts to prove me wrong… what can I do for you, scraplet?"
Jayce looked aside for a moment and fidgeted a bit with the blanket - cloak? - she was wrapped in, as if suddenly unsure of herself. Then, as before, she found her confidence again and looked back to her with firm resolve.
"You… you said you could get me a few things that I needed while you were on Earth, right?"
"Mmhm. Or just wanted, I'm not stingy."
"…No strings attached?"
"Not one, spy's honor," Corona chuckled. "I need some opportunities to fine-tune my holoform, anyway, so consider this compensation for helping me out."
That coaxed the ghost of a smile from the human, and seemed to solidify her confidence. "Well, there have been a few things I've been missing, ever since… coming here…"
The way the human's voice faltered made something twist uncomfortably in her chest, but she hid it behind a smile.
"What do you say we work out a list, then, and I'll see what I can do."
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aikuutv · 1 year
tôi có thể chụp ảnh của bạn không?
Vietnamese Oliver Aiku headcanons
Warning - mentions of food | aiku being a lil bitch |
Wasian Boy Aiku my beloathed and beloved
Oliver Aiku is the peak Kevin Nguyen meme 
That slightly overgrown guy hair with the fade underneath? Yeah that would be Aiku’s hair canon (Nomura-sensei told me himself via email)
 He has a dainty silver chain that sits so pretty on his collar bone (salivates 🤤🤤🤤🤤) 
 Aiku has his ears pierced with golden/silver studs usually, sometimes he wears pretty dangly earrings with a little jade in them for taking girls out or special occasions 
He gives out li xis to little kids (red envelope)
 He wears Louis vuitton dress shirts and with air forces and and with the silver chain with a jade pendant his grandma gave him back in Vietnam
She also gave him a jade bracelet, jade rings, jade earrings, and jade necklaces (he's the favorite grandchild for her because Aiku looks like her late-husband)
 your not vietnamese if you don’t eat sriracha sauce at least with your rice at times or pho or any dish /j
luckily spice whore Aiku does because he puts that sauce on everything he eats
he eats sriracha with his rice and his ramyun and his noodle dishes and rice dishes and on french fries and steak (steak with rice and mix of ketchup/sriracha is god tier) 
 He’ll even carry it around in his travels when airplane food is too bland or if a dish needs a lil kick (just imagine him whipping out a mini bottle of sriracha in the middle of his dinner date like “don’t worry babe i gotchu’ :squirts way too much sauce on:
 speaking of which, his fav viet dish is bun bo hue I don’t make the rules yes I do 
The blood in the soup? He fucks with that (if he can like salted squid innards on his rice then I can see he looks blood bloods in bun bo hue) 
He also likes bun rieu with many fish balls 
Aiku can down cups of Che (those little crunchy red things are so good)
Durian. The only fruit ever. Aiku loves it, his mother’s side of the family loves it (she’s half Japanese/Vietnamese while his dad is Swedish/German another hc ) whether it’s frozen or fresh chopped in the motherland itself Aiku will never pass Durian (it doesn’t smell like garbage when frozen its similar to  creamy ice cream with a tang) 
Okay when you go to a family viet party you will never not find Heinekens/Coronas, weed, dads smoking outside, moms surrounding each other in the kitchen, teens upstairs somewhere on their phones, and the little kids running around 
Where Aiku falls under that category is all of them he fits anywhere he feels like 
Oliver Aiku is the master of laughing loudly with the dads/uncles and karaoking with them cause what viet party is without music/obnoxious singing? 
No but aiku can sing for real I know he’s been through way too many karaoke dates throughout his teen years not to develop his vocal skills 
But then again, that is when he wants to impress pretty girls 
This was belting out to vietnamese songs with a bunch of drunk uncles, shoulder to shoulder as their voices cry out the most sappy or sad song you can find 
you can find him listening to the mums gossip, pinching his cheeks about “OZOUII WHEN YOU GETTING MARRIED WITH GIRL HUH” “here! Have this cream for your skin it's so good for cracked skin like yours Olivber” “You want a haircut? I’ll give you discount eh?” 
When the anties ever say ANYTHING about girls he just smiles awkwardly and nods cause its the hoe life or no life for him 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
If he’s chilling with the teens then they’re playing video games no questions asked (i am projecting this is what my viet friends do at any gathering) 
He stacks plates and all the aunties/moms keep pushing him to take home whatever was made for every fam party (bao, spring rolls, che, bun bo nam bo, the world yknow?) oh and a BUNCH of fruits 
Mango, mangosteen, rose apples, grapes 
If you don’t know what mangosteen is all you need to know is that it has a shell that you need to either break between your hands, open with a knife or smush it against a hard surface 
OKOKOK when lunar new years roll around you know the drill 
All the heavy duty Josie cleaning stuff Aiku does 
(Idk if its just my family but boiling dried grapefruit skin in a very large pot to bath in before lunar new years to bring good luck and all) 
Aiku playing bao cua tom ca (it means bag, crab, fish, lobster, chief) 
It’s a gambling game with coins and a die and let me tell you
AIku goes hard on the gambling 
All coins in, hes betting like he doesn’t have a mama to care for and he does well for himself (it really depends on how many drinks he has for the time being) 
Aiku is the designated labor hound in the family 
Groceries in the car? Don’t worry Aiku’s single handedly doing one trip AND the rice bags back and forth 
Need a huge vat of bone marrow to make pho? No problem aiku is lifting it to the kitchen already
Aiku gets so overworked over new years 
His compensation is the food and girls in ao dai for him to flirt with (which his relatives try to set him up and scold him if he makes them pissed off,,,,,one even tried to pull out a rice paddle from the kitchen to smack his ass) 
Him in like a black one with golden embroiderment and the pattern is like snacks or clouds ooooo him in a blue one or white one I'm screeching 
He’s sent out as a human sacrifice to light the fire crackers lol 
His mom has the stereotypical job of nail technician, which meant that little aiku had to be dragged to his mother’s workplace that she owns  
He either sat in the pedicure seats, in the back with shrimp chips or actually helping his mom
He knows how to file nails, do the basic coats and even jeweling
His mom’s coworkers would fawn at him and give him candies at the cash register 
Now they bully him about his present hair whenever he visits the nail salon 
A typical convo between mother and son:
 “Aye, why is your hair so messy and long?! You a world star soccer player and you look homeless!!”
 “mę it's not thaaaaat bad–” 
“No it looks like you don’t shower get haircut I will do okay-” 
 “MARRY!? IM 19–“ 
and so on in berating viet from aiku’s mother 
I JUST THOUGHT OF THIS Aiku calls his dad otou-san/pappa (apparently the swedish say papa like that) and his mom mę/kaa-san (viet way of mom) 
His place has a box of tiger balm and that eagle oil and salonpas (okay so i have a thing the patched up look and aiku using them around his sore muscles ouchie mama)
When he helps to make spring rolls they are overstuffed so he has to double rice sheets lmaooo
Even his 12 year old cousins make prettier ones than him its pathetic 
This guy. LOVES WITH HIS WHOLE MAN BOOBIES viet coffee ok it just hits different 
He has the coffee drip, condense milk, the viet coffee his mom gives him when he visits her, blasts a viet love song and vibes 
Okay the most traumatizing thing after his ideals being crushed was definitely viet school (every saturday from 9am to 12pm) 
All the lessons and repetitive worksheets and the dances in the gym 💀 💀 
In elementary he was in a viet youth group (he was a lion dancer don’t ask) as well along with viet school and soccer practice (lmao overworked Asian kid) 
Aiku’s bubble tea order is a bit basic. He just orders regular bubble tea with reduced sugar and less ice or any kind with coffee in it (pov your on a boba date with Aiku and you try each other’s drinks omg should be me) 
He gets dragged around by his mom in malls for clothing like he’ll be sitting in the store seats while she looks at articles of clothing lined up and hold up any clothes that would fit her son, “Em oy! Look at these jeans, try them on!” “Mm okay Mę 😞” (they’ve been at the same store for 1½ hours) 
His wallet has a few credit cards, a debit card, numbers from various girls and the most important…A COSTCO CARD 
he has one for the cheap gas cause he may like 15,000,000 yen in a single neo league match from soccer teams but anything for a bargain 
He hits on the older ladies at the meat section of Costco 🙃🥴😎 (“aha can I get your snapchat mamas?”)
He likes the lemon ginger kombucha and usually tries to grab as many samples as he can (if he has siblings then he bribes them to give their portion) 
Whenever the u-20 team has to fly out for a match or travel Aiku downloads shows/drama to pass the time
Only, they’re all in vietnamese dub so the team is just so confused what their captain is watching and whenever they try to ask him what’s happening on screen he fucks with them saying shit like,
“Oh the husband is currently homeless right now due to the wife marrying a goose.”
Yeah whoever sits next to Aiku during travel times watches his shows with him and just makes up what characters say it’s very fun 
he has photos when he was younger wearing the ugliest character shirts with a lighting bolt fade on the side of his hair posing like the power rangers  
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Heyo! I was just scrolling through your posts again and regarding a beach episode, I gotta know how you headcanon what they would wear in this episode! Ik Daniel ends up getting pretty ripped by the end of the series but in the beginning he’s kinda squishy (my mom used that word to describe him in regards to his general vibes in fights LOL) and I feel like he could look very smol and soft in a beach episode 🥺 or maybe I’m a simp lol
Hope your day off went well and no pressure to do this request! :)
- geekygumiho
Ahhh yes the beach episode post I remember it like it was made in a drunken haze at a frat house! But yes I usually refer to my blog as season 3.5 of Stargate so Daniel would still be in is squishy era kind of.
As we all know, beach episodes, historically speaking, are gratuitous, toe-curling, tooth-rotting fan service. My dream beach episode is kind of like that but like I gotta be realistic here: most of them would rather be on base. Here r the fits I think they’d be wearing for @geekygumiho
Jack: A middle aged man in the 90s? He’s wearing the Steven Page Special: cargo shorts, Birkenstocks with socks and an open Hawaiian shirt. He also is definitely sporting Oakley sunglasses and an Air Force ball cap. I think he’s mostly there because he was promised he could fish but is enjoying the vibes anyway. Very much chilling with a corona on the beach watching Sam everyone having fun
Teal’c: okayokayokay so this is tricky because he has a gaping hole in his torso with a little worm in it and as much as I want this to be fan service I can’t fully abandon canon and potentially have just random ass tourists see The Worm Pouch. Instead he will be wearing a tight-fitting black tank top, Star Wars swim trunks from Walmart, and a cowboy hat. He also wears Birkenstocks but with no socks because it was ✨the 90s✨ and we all know that the ugliest, sturdiest, and most comfortable piece of German footwear engineering took America by storm at that time.
Sam: I feel like Sam in probably a two-piece girly but spends most her time on the beach in a Stevie Nicks style cover-up. If Edge of 17 comes on the radio BACK UP because she needs twirling room. The beach is 100% where she lets loose and will not stop ogling Jack as subtlety as she can. She’s also learning how to surf from Janet and Janet was the one who convinced her to wear a bikini.
Daniel: this man did not want to go to the beach. He did not own beach clothes. He’s there because everyone was calling him a killjoy. He had to go to Target last minute to pick up his beach clothes. He wears the only pair of board shorts he could find in his size that just happen to have a Hawaiian shirt print on them and he also wears his floppy hat so he doesn’t get sunburned. Adding to that, whenever he’s on the beach he is re-applying sunblock and occasionally will keep his plaid shirt on but unbuttoned so his arms don’t get burned.
Janet: she’s the reason they all went and she is surfing or absolutely crushing her competition in beach volleyball. She’s also mad into sun protection but still wears a bikini. If she feels so inclined she’ll use a silk kimono as a cover up but mostly she’s there because she knows she’s the absolute hottest thing under the sun.
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