#this made me choke I laughed so hard
zharizard666 · 29 days
Do you think the mother 2 gang are eyebrow-less because prince poo took all the eyebrow power
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kiwiana-writes · 5 months
Once upon a time, there was a prince gay as the day is long, who was kept locked up by a dragon queen.
Once upon a time, there was a prince, gay as the day is long, who was kept locked up by a dragon queen. And though the prince was very beautiful, and had a long line of suitors outside his castle, none of them were willing to risk being burned by the dragon queen. So, they were sent away with their tails between their legs, and the prince remained locked away, resigned to his life of loneliness.
And so it continued until one day, a knight arrived at the castle. He was brave, and bold, and fearless; and perhaps most importantly, he burned with his own fire, and so the dragon's flames couldn't touch him.
"Baby, you're a goddamn sap—this is the bedtime story you're going to tell our daughter?"
[Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fic and I’ll write you the next five.]
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kantraels · 4 months
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my psyker Kenna and a friend's veteran Witchbolt practicing proper medicae
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noodyl-blasstal · 3 months
number 9 or 19 for the prompt list for taakitz if you're feeling inspired? :)
Thank you so much for this prompt which is from this list (I’m still open to requests.) Sorry the reply itself is un-prompt (I spiralled), but hopefully you'll forgive me!
Read below or on Ao3.
Man, that’s going to stain…How’s it going?/ Well, haha, (doesn’t answer)
Kavitz screws all his courage to his sticking point and opens his eyes. He looks at the cake. He looks at his hands. He looks at the kitchen counter. They’re all still the same; bright red, unpleasantly sticky, and mocking him. The ‘icing’ could have at least had the decency to dry slightly in the air by now, but no, he’s made some kind of sugar based slime that is intent on eating everything - especially Taako’s worktops. 
Taako’s worktops… Taako definitely absolutely loves these worktops more than Kravitz. Kravitz knows this, everyone knows this, so why on earth had he decided to try his hand at baking at Taako’s house instead of his own? Maybe it was because he spent more of his non-death crime battling time here than anywhere else, he hadn’t spent a non-work night on the Astral Plane since well… hmm… and all his stuff was here, so it made sense, perfect sense. Or it would, if he hadn’t just committed a crime against baking, nature, and kitchens in general, there was no way Taako wasn’t going to notice.
He’s stuck, is the problem. He can’t operate his phone with his sugary murder hands even though it will absolutely be worth Sloane laughing at him if she can save him from this. Sadly it’s not like he can just go over there… although, no, actually, it’s exactly like he can just go over there! Kravitz reaches out his hand, and only winces slightly at the wet sound his scythe makes as it zoops into it. It’s fine. It’ll clean, and if not he can just tell people it’s blood and they’ll think he’s extra fearsome probably definitely maybe.
He cuts a very careful rift, if he can place it just right then… Kravitz leans his face gingerly into the rift and uses his nose to press the doorbell. He learned very quickly after Sloane and Hurley started dating that it was important to rift outside and wait for someone to answer the door. Sloane tugs said door open as he’s reaching his nose out to press the bell for a second time.
“Kravitz? What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck?” She folds her arms and gives him a look which means he’s definitely never going to hear the end of this.
“I need some help.”
Sloane raises her eyebrows.
“It’s a cake problem.”
“You didn’t!?”
“Kravitz! After last time? And the time before… and…”
“I thought it might be different.”
“Taako’s good at baking.”
“And you figured cake osmosis was a thing?” Sloane’s lack of sympathy would be hurtful if she wasn’t entirely correct.
“On reflection, it wasn’t the best idea I’ve had in my life.” An understatement, but he doesn’t have time to properly catalogue this error right now. It can haunt him when he’s lying awake at 3am for the rest of his life instead.
“How bad is it?”
“It’s not sentient.” He’s remaining optimistic.
“Yet…” She mutters.
“I gave it a bit and it seems fine.”
“Uh huh.”
“I know that’s what I said last time, but I really think it’s okay.”
“If I had a gold piece for every time…” Sloane begins.
“Please just help.” Kravitz must sound pathetic enough because Sloane just rolls her eyes, and smiles fondly.
“Okay, are you coming to me or am I coming to you?”
Kravitz holds up his non-scythed hand.
“I’m coming to you,okay. Gimme a minute and a me-sized rift?”
“Thank you.” Kravitz nods and splices.
There’s a shuffling noise and Sloane opens the door again.
“Why do you even have a hazmat suit?” Kravitz tries not to feel offended, he doesn’t succeed.
“It’s not a hazmat, that would be overkill, it’s a tyvek.”
“And you have it because?”
“Do you wanna know?” The distinct edge to her question tells him he definitely doesn’t.
“Is it for work?”
“The flower shop job?”
“Nope, and you said you don’t wanna know anything that you could be compelled to give up in a court of law so…”
“So I won’t ask any further questions and should instead be grateful that you’re coming to help save me and Taako’s worktops?”
“You got it on Taako’s worktops? Kravitz! I’m going to miss you.”
“I don’t know if he can kill me.”
“Here lies Kravitz…” Says Sloane as she steps through the rift. “... The bestest friend a gal could ask for. I’ll miss his ability to transport me without paying bus fare most of all.”
“Thanks Sloane, you always know how to make me feel better.” Kravitz says dryly.
“So you sure fucked this up, yeah?” Sloane looks around at the general devastation.
“The cake might be nice?” Kravitz points with a sticky hand.
“Mmhmm.” Says Sloane like she wants to believe him but can’t.
“But… it’s just… yeah…” He trails off.
“Have you tried anything yet?” 
“I can’t touch the tap.” Kravitz brandishes his free-hand. Tries for a second time to banish his scythe, fails. Maybe he doesn’t need to mention that specific issue to Sloane yet. “It’s really sticky.”
“Right. I’ll try water first. Do you have sponges you don’t care about?”
“As opposed to the sponges I do care about?”
“Hey, Kravitz, do you remember who you live with? The man who cares about nothing more than his kitchen and nearly broke up with you when you scrubbed the cast iron? You think he doesn’t have opinions about your sponges?”
She has a point. “There’s some in the garage.” He starts to move towards the door.
“No!” Sloane grabs the back of his suit and pulls. “You stay here, we need to keep the crime scene secured. By which I mean you specifically. Don’t move.
It’s a good point. Kravitz is going to stay so still. “I can’t quite remember where they…”
Sloane’s gone before he can finish and back too quickly for him to think about in depth. There’s definitely no reason for that which relates to her ability to case a joint.
“I’m going to try cold water first in case hot water makes it harden… or, you know, go on fire.” 
“That was one time!” 
“One time too many, Kravitz. One time too many.”
He opens his mouth and shuts it firmly again. The ‘gift to science’ defence doesn’t really work when he still doesn’t know how he did it.
Sloane dabs gingerly at the very edge of the worktop spatter. They both lean away in anticipation. Nothing happens. “No explosions is a good start.” She  says cheerfully, as she walks back to the sink. “I’ll test hot now.” She repeats the leaning, runs the hot tap directly onto the red spot on the sponge.
“Is it helping?”
She tries. “Nope.”
“How hard do you think it is to replace an entire kitchen and also me in… er…” Kravitz glances at the clock. “2 hours?”
“If anyone can do it’s Magnus. Well… maybe not you. You could ring your Mum?”
“She’s not my Mum.”
“Then why did I have to get my parents to call her before I was allowed to come play and why did I have to call her Mrs The Raven Queen when I came to visit?”
“That’s manners.”
“So anyway, call your Mum.”
“I’m not calling my Mum… I mean. Fuck. Sloane! Stop laughing! Can you help me ring Magnus?”
“Why can’t you…” Kravitz brandishes his hand again. “Ah. Fine. Where’s your phone?”
Kravitz swings a hip towards her.
She rolls her eyes. Hard. “It’s a good job I love you, you know that?”
“Like I haven’t earned this.”
“Hey, I’ve never…”
“Don’t make me bring up The Plantcident.” Kravitz side eyes her as she reaches for his phone.
“Urgh, you’ll never let me forget that, will you? I maintain it could have happened to anyone.”
“But instead it happened to you and I had to talk the bank manager down so he didn’t press charges.”
“It’s a good thing you’re so clean cut and know all the fancy words. Now, sssh... “Sloane holds his phone up to his ear.” … it’s ringing.” 
“Wait, how did you know my code?”
Sloane doesn’t answer, she just smiles unnervingly instead. Kravitz worries sometimes about how much and how little he knows her all at once.
Magnus picks up before Kravitz can ask any more ill-advised questions (because he definitely doesn’t want to know the answers to them.)
“Hello Magnus, I just had a quick…. Yes? Oh… yes… No of course I think he’s a very clever boy… No, it’s okay, you don’t have to put me on to hi… Hello Johann. Magnus says you did a very good job today. Well done… Magnus? … Magnus?... Johann, can you get Magnus?... …. … MAGNUS?” Sloane winces. Kravitz mouths a quick sorry her way. “Great! Magnus, I… No, don’t hang up, I rang because I had a question, you know the kitchen worktops? … Mmmhm, yeah, they’re incredible, how long did they take you to make?... Oh? A week? Wow… And that was quick?” Kravitz widens his eyes at Sloane, her face doesn’t give anything away. “... and if it was a rush order? Oh… it was? Wow. Yeah. Lots of intricate bits…. Mmm… yes, you’re right, it is a funny shape in here. Good point… okay, so if someone had say, for example, stained them, how would one go about getting that stain out?... No it’s not a sex thing!... Magnus!... Do you really want to know the answer to that?... I didn’t think so… Look, it’s a hypothetical question which I  need the answer to please?... Yes, haha, you’re right it is a good thing it’s hypothetical, Taako would be really upset yes, but if you could just tell me… you know, for the thought exercise, yes, right… It would depend on the stain? So if something was sticky and had food dye?... Magnus please, you have to focus… Okay… Yep… Water… nail polish remover… baking powder and vinegar… toothpaste… yes we’ll try that… yes of course hypothetically… no, please don’t tell him… Because nothing has happened. Everything’s fine. Sloane can tell you.” 
Kravitz gives Sloane a pleading look and she retracts the phone to speak to Magnus herself. “Hey Magnus, yep, all fine here… Ha, yeah, just playing a fun hypothetical game, you know how we do that… give my love to Julia and Johann... Yeah, thanks from both of us… Bye!”
“So water didn’t work, but we can try the nail polish remover and the toothpaste, and I’m fairly sure Taako has the baking powder and vinegar.
“Be right back.” Sloane’s gone before Kravitz can tell her where anything is.
He tries to un-summon his scythe again while he waits. Nothing happens. He tries again, double hard, it tries to leave, there’s a second where it might, but no. Stuck fast. The door creaks open slowly before he can try a third time.
“I didn’t even know it was possible to get magic stuck to you.” He sighs.
Sloane doesn’t reply.
There’s a skittering noise. No. Oh fuck no.
“SLOANE!” Kravitz yells, hoping she’ll hear him before whichever one of them it is can get themselves stuck too.
“Pss pss pss pss pss.” He keeps his arms well out of reach, and moves slowly towards the door.
It’s Tiny Taco, of course it’s Tiny Taco. 
“Hello there, why don’t you go back out into the hall? You can play with your toys and your friends. It’ll be so nice out there in the rest of the house, in literally any room but this room.” 
Tiny Taco struts confidently forward and rubs his head fondly against Kravitz’s legs. This is the most affection he has ever shown him. Kravitz fights the impulse to lean into it, it’s all part of the ploy. Maybe if he slowly shuffles towards the door?
“You yelled?” Sloane asks from the doorway?
Kravitz turns to look at her. It’s all the distraction Tiny Taco needs and he makes a break for it.
“No no no no no no no!” Kravitz tries to block him with his body, Taco dodges. “Sloane can you…?”
She tries, she does. She moves fast. It’s not fast enough.
Kravitz reaches out and grabs him.
“Kravitz!” Sloane thwacks her palm against her head. “You had one job and it was standing still.”
Taco’s already squirming in his hand, this is going to get ugly fast.
“Shout at me later. Help, please?”
Sloane sighs unnecessarily loudly. “I’m taking a photo.”
“What? Sloane, no.”
“Do you want my help or not?”
Kravitz knows better than to try and bargain with her. “Fine.”
Kravitz is not going to smile.
“Smile or I’m not helping.”
Kravitz smiles.
“Okay, what goes best with cat? Toothpaste?”
Taco wriggles again and digs his claws sharply into Kravitz’s arm.
“Ouch! Anything, just try.”
Sloane shrugs and brandishes the Aquafresh. “Brace yourself.”
It works, eventually. Kravitz has fresh scratches, but Taco has been pasted (and slightly snipped) clean and returned to the ‘anywhere but the kitchen’ exclusionary zone with enough Dreamies to buy his silence.
“One down. Shall we try it on the worktop or your hands first?” 
“The worktop’s more important.”
“Oh wait, your phone’s going.”
“Who is it?”
Sloane checks. “Taako. There’s a few missed calls too.”
Kravitz smiles as endearingly as he can manage. Surely Sloane wouldn’t stand in the way of speaking to his boyfriend, not after how much he helped when she was worried about telling Hurley. “Would you mind?”
“Fine.” Sloane holds the phone to his ear.
“Hello Taako! It’s so nice to hear from you, love, how’s your day going? … mmhm… incredible… I hope you told him off… Maybe not the words I would have used, but as you say, it’s your school… Another award? Congratulations! Very much deserved as far as I’m concerned… How am I? Oh you know, fine… My day? Nothing much, just missing you… You can’t fireball me through a phone dearest… No, actually I don’t think you should try, if anyone can it’s you..” 
Sloane prods him hard and makes a ‘wind it up’ gesture.
“Ow… I mean… How is your afternoon looking?... Wonderful… Anyway, I should let you go. I know you’re busy… No no, honestly… I’ll see you later, I know you have so much on… Love you… Goodbye, Taako!”
“Gross.” Says Sloane loudly.
“Shut  up, you love your girlfriend.” She doesn’t have a leg to stand on as far as Kravitz is concerned.
“Yeah, you’re not wrong… I was actually thinking of… Wait, now’s super not the time. Let’s try and fix… you know, all of this?” Sloane gestures to the whole of everything.
Kravitz nods.
The layer of toothpaste doesn’t have the same effect on the counter as it did on Taco.
“Nail polish remover?” Sloane asks.
“Yes, whatever you think.” Kravitz eyes the clock warily.
It doesn’t work either, although it does remove the toothpaste effectively.
“Vinegar explosion?” Sloane sounds more excited than he’d like her to about this option.
“Did Magnus say how much to use?”
“Nope!” She says, happily, shaking powder across the worktop.
“Maybe you should start with a test patch?”
“Uh huh.” Sloane looks him dead in the eyes as she pours vinegar over it all.
The fizzing is far more dramatic than it would be on a small scale, he’ll give her that. Especially when it turns red.
It’s unfortunate that it’s still going when they hear the door open.
“Home, I’m honey!” Taako shouts from the entrance hall.
“Hi Honey, I’m Kravitz.” Yells Kravitz, automatically.
Sloane stops watching the fizzening long enough to pretend to puke. Kravitz glares at her. He can be gross in his own home. Taako’s own home. He doesn’t live here. Obviously.
“Where are you, Kraveroo? … Oh, hey there hi hello, Taco, most precious baby angel, how’re you doing this fine d… KRAVITZ!” 
“Fuck.” Say Kravitz and Sloane in tandem. 
“I can’t believe he told, we gave him so many treats!” Sloane shakes her head.
“He hates me.” Says Kravitz, mournfully. “We should never have trusted him.” 
“Kravitz? Where are you and why have you given the cat a shit haircut?” Taako’s voice is hovering somewhere between pissed off and amused and Kravitz would love to be able to tip it over into the latter category. He can’t deal with being in any more trouble right now.
He widens his eyes at Sloane, sadly she’s doing the same right back.
“I feel like we’ve gotta let it fizz? That’s what’s doing the cleaning, right?” Sloane hisses.
“Yes. That sounds logical, but how do I?” Kravitz holds his free hand up.
“You could poke your head out through the door?” 
“He can’t see your hands if you’re just a head at the kitchen door.”
“Of course, thanks Sloane.” Kravitz makes it all the way to the door before realising his error. “Er…”
Sloane sighs heavily and dashes over to crack the door open before retreating to the counter.
“Hello my love.” Kravitz shouts, head poking into the hall and foot firmly wedged to stop the door opening any further.
Taako careens round the corner. “Why’re you in the kitchen?” His eyes narrow dangerously.
“I’m just doing something. A surprise.” 
Taako doesn’t look any less suspicious. “What’s that smell?”
“Surprise smell.” Kravitz smiles his most reassuring smile.
Apparently it’s less reassuring than he thinks because Taako disappears, and, if the “what the fuck?” From behind him is anything to go by, blinks into the kitchen.
“It’s not what it looks like!” Sloane’s hands are in the air and her head’s swivelling frantically, looking for escape.
“Cha’boy hasn’t a clue what it looks like… what the actual fuck is going on in here?”
“There may have been a slight incident.” Kravitz decides that there’s not many routes other than honesty left at this point.
“Slight?” Taako raises a single, reproachful eyebrow.
“It’s not all of the things. Just some of them.” Kravitz tries not to sound sulky, he does.
“Why’re you holding your scythe?”
“Why’re you red?”
“Did you try to bake?”
“No.” Kravitz replies before he can remember his plan to the tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. “I mean, yes. I did bake! The baking wasn’t the bit that went wrong. Look!” Kravitz points triumphantly at the cake.
Taako’s eyes soften for the barest moment. “It’s heart shaped.”
“It’s for you!” 
“And the red stuff?”
“I had to ice it.” 
“That you made from…?”
“I’m not actually entirely sure I remember.”
“Okay. Well first things first, Krav, Kraverino, beloved… you’re a skeleton. You, my guy, are made of bones. Meat you isn’t real.”
“Meat you isn’t real!” Sloane repeats. “I forgot.”
“Oh.” Kravitz unravels himself immediately and feels his scythe release into the ether, thank goodness. Not that he didn’t love it, but it’s a pain in the arse to lug around all the time, plus the drama of the reveal is always fun. “Thank you Taako.”
“Is this why you chopped Taco?” 
“There was an incident.” Says Sloane. “But I toothpasted him out.”
“And he only bit me twice!” Kravitz adds.
“See, cha’boy said you he was coming round to you!” Taako sounds genuinely delighted. To be fair, it is an improvement.
“So that’s one down.” Sloane says. “Just… this to go.”
“Have you tried, you know, magic?”
“Er…” There’s a long pause. A very long pause.
“I rifted to Sloane.”
Taako pinches his fingers at the bridge of his nose. “So just to clarify, neither of you, including you, handsome man, literally made of magic. tried any kind of mending, purifying,…” he lowers his hand to glance at the mess again. “... banishing?”
“Well…” Sloane starts, as if there’s any way to get them out of this.
“We rang Magnus!” Says Kravitz quickly. He can’t leave it all to Sloane.
“Ah, well if you rang Magnus, notoriously magical Magnus! Of course he would have thought to suggest all of the best wizardly crafts, he’s always casting spells, punch, chop, harder punch, Magical Magnus, we all call him.”
“Can you get rid of it?I think the fizzing has stopped now.” Sloane points at the still definitely-more-red-than-it-should-be counter.
“Can Taako get rid of it? This lowly idiot wizard? I suppose I can maybe see my way to trying, but what good could cha’boy possibly do against something so fearsome as icing?” Taako waves his hands dramatically. 
The red gets redder.
“Did… have you just made it stronger?” Sloane asks in disbelief.
“I meant to do that. It was just a warm up. Natch.” Taako’s voice doesn’t waver.
Kravitz tries very hard not to feel too smug. 
A small chunk disappears, but the rest remains just as vibrant.
“Fuck. That was high level too. Uh. Cha’boy’s out of ideas, have you called your Bird Mom, Krav?”
“She’s not my Mu…” 
Taako gives him a hard look. “Because, cha’boy’s just saying, these worktops, they’re good worktops, and it’d be a real shame if anything were to irreversibly stain them.”
“Taako, I can’t contact the god who oversees the natural order of life and death and ask her to take some time out to come fix… this.”
Taako raises an eyebrow.
Sloane gives him a look.
Kravitz snatches his phone back from her with his now blissfully un-gunked bone hands. “Fine, but I’m not communing, I’m texting.”
“She always rings you straight back anyway.” Taako says.
“Classic Mum behaviour.” Sloane adds.
Kravitz needs to spend less time with both of them, he refuses to be bullied like this.
His phone rings. “Hello M…y queen.” Kravitz glares at them both as they snicker. “We’re experiencing some issues with an, er, substance… No, not like that… No, we wouldn’t take anything that’s bad for us or the people around us… Thank you… Do you think there’s anything you can… yes. Yes, I know… I promise, this is the last time… I thought that maybe I’d be better… not just proximity… yes, okay, yes. Proximity… Thank you… I promise I won’t… I know I did, but this time I really mean it… Thank you very much… I love-you-too-bye.”
“What did your Mum say?” They chorus wearing their most pointed smiles.
“She’s going to have a look at it.” All of the fight has gone out of him. Kravitz has accepted his fate.
The counter shakes violently. Nothing happens.
It shakes again.
Kravitz’s phone rings.
He doesn’t want to answer. Less than anything does he want to answer, but he cannot ignore direct summons.
“Hello… yes… No… I can’t remember… I’m sorry… I don’t think… Okay. Yes. I’ll ask him…” Kravitz turns to Taako. “How attached are you to your kitchen?”
Taako narrows his eyes. “Very.”
“How would you feel if the counters had to be banished into a secure dimension?”
Taako’s mouth forms into a tight line.
“It may also not really be a question of whether you’re happy for it to happen or not because Raven checked with Istus and there’s a strand of fate which needs to be snipped right now…”
“So what you’re saying is that cha’boy’s losing a chunk of the kitchen he spent what feels like a century planning? That his best friend in the world hand crafted for him?” Taako presses his hand to his forehead and pretends to faint.
Kravitz opens his mouth and shuts it again. Guilt gnaws at him. He wants more than anything to fix this, but he doesn’t know how.
“Shall I tell Magnus you said he was your best friend?” Sloane asks.
“Take the counter.” Taako replies immediately.
“Taako, I’m so sorry.”
Taako smiles and waves his hand. “Honestly, Taako was bored of them.”
“Magnus hasn’t really been challenged lately. I think he needs this. We’ll do it as a favour to him.”
“Are you…?” 
“Honestly, Taako made the kitchen with himself in mind, but it’s not just cha’boy living here anymore, is it?” Taako waves his hand flippantly.
Kravitz pauses. “I… Taako.”
“Tell her to do it now.”
His tone leaves absolutely no room for disagreement, Kravitz gives the answer.
There’s a brief moment of nothing, enough time for Kravitz to chance a tentative look at Taako. He meets Kravitz’s eyes confidently, doesn’t even flinch as reality twists around them and there’s a gentle pop. Kravitz doesn’t need to check to know the counter is gone. 
Taako smiles at him.
“I’m gonna head out. Kravitz could you…?” Sloane asks.
He cuts the rift without looking at her. “Thank you for helping.”
It seals behind her.
“I’m sorry.” Kravitz says again, because he is.
“You made me a cake.” Taako says again.
“Yes.” Kravitz replies, because he did. Regardless of everything else, he did.
“Because you wanted to fuck my kitchen up?”
“No! I, look, you made the me the pastries.”
“The date ones?”
“Yes. The ones from home. You spent weeks working at it and you didn’t even have a recipe, just me trying to explain a taste I can barely remember.”
“And cha’boy nailed it.” Taako grins smugly and Kravitz loves him in all his brash confidence.
“You did. You really did.”
“So you decided I needed cake too?”
“No one ever bakes for you.” Kravitz says quietly.
“Ango did that one time.” 
“Yes, that’s true. But it’s been ages and they got set on fire, and no one else does. You deserve it. You deserve to be taken care of right back.”
“Hey, Krav. Quick question, just a teensy smidgey one. Who got the shoe organiser after cha’boy kept falling over them?”
Kravitz tilts his head, uncertain what this has to do with anything.
“Go on, don’t get shy on me, who did that?”
“Me.” Says Kravitz. He’d been sick of worrying that Taako was going to fall over and get lost in a shoe pile and need help when he wasn’t there to give it.
“And who actually puts the shoes on the shoe organiser when cha’boy forgets?”
“Me?” It’s not like he does it all the time, just now and again.
“And who got the cats those extra perches to go round the walls because I was worried they were bored?” Taako doesn’t wait for an answer. “Oh, yeah, that was you too.”
“Bones, you care for Taako in so many different ways, so leave the baking to the professionals because so help me fantasy Jesus if you wreck any more of our house.” 
“Our house?”
“Yeah. Now shut up and tell me what your perfect kitchen looks like so I can fix it.”
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bumblingest-bee · 4 months
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spaciebabie · 5 months
i need you to know that my past 2 minutes went exactly like this:
- wake up groggy n shit from my 4 hour nap
- first post i see
- "something something fecal enjoyer"
- i thought it was about the other type of 'fecal'
- looked at the username
- then just thought
- "huh, on main? pop off i spose spacie"
who is fecal radiation, why was that ask worded like that, why was that my reaction to thinking u were talking abt that on main, im sobbing english will never make sense to me anymore this site has taken something that can never be returned to me and i hope you have a very wonderful day
i shall now go back to sleep and hopefully never wake
who is mister fecal funny? doctor fecal radiation? well. you can find out by going to www.fecalfunny.com (this is an actual web address that takes you somewhere!!) as for why that ask is worded like that....you need ta be exposed ta His Lore. which may or may not be strewn across multiple streams its like snusk and fren you'll get it eventually if you keep watching LMAO
have a wonderful sleep anon <333 and thank you!!
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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“you’re the pillow”
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endenope · 1 year
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 9 months
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tk-o · 11 months
"I am at Aldi" but with TKO
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mandiemegatron · 7 months
Maybe you wouldn't be fat if you didn't eat carbs on carbs
Maybe you wouldn't be such a raggedy ass bitch if you minded your own business 😂😂😂
And yet... I still get laid. 🤭💋
Funny how that works, huh? 😂😂😂😂
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This was fucking CALCULATED to destroy me. Shitting on the Queen, random promo for Clifford (what a fucking great movie), the story of him turning down an OBE, THIS FUCKING MAROON SHIRT AND BLACK PANTS COMBO THAT IS DOING THINGS TO ME
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ancicntforged · 20 days
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Ruby is an officially licensed pastor after all-
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sorryyyyyy :(
It's ok, we are just gathering weapons so that the fragile fossils won't get caught in the crossfire and break.
Keep the uranium, though I have no idea how you found it in the middle of no where. It's techinally not a weapon until you make it one.
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skele8rity · 2 months
watched the first episode of dungeon meshi and its only SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT from what i thought it would be but also like i already get it, i get why im seeing it here everywhere from everyone i even share minimal spaces with, youre all so right
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greyfrey3 · 10 months
And the newest piece of debauchery-- Katsuki Gets His Pump On - GreyFrey - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own]
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