#this post is a no discourse zone
nyancrimew · 11 months
Hey I saw someone say you had “realized the harm of the bi lesbian label” and want to know if that’s true? Because….it’s not harmful and if you have changed your mind then I’m unfollowing lol
what ? where did they get that from ? i just don't rly talk about it often anymore because im tired of the always same useless label discourse, but im very much still a lesbian who also kisses boys
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
all of this over minecraft, i seriously don't understand it. his LIFE was/is danger, the lives of his FAMILY were threatened, and people don't care because he's dream and because "Quackity first multilingual smp" and whatever the fuck else, and i'm being so so very serious when i say who gives a flying fuck about that and fuck you if those are the arguments you're using. who fucking cares who did what first and who fucking cares if you don't like him, he is not in the wrong for being concerned for his and his family's safety and he's not in the wrong for bringing attention to the truly disgusting things people are saying about him/they want to do to him the people he loves and cares about, and if you think he IS in the wrong i hope the universe gives you one extremely hard kick in the ass, because that's what you deserve.
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jocasta-nightstrider · 5 months
Once again thinking about Jocasta my beloved 💜💜💜💜💜
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ineffablefool · 10 months
The lil corner of the Good Omens fandom that I generally see is getting more and more into publicly declaring that That Theory I Dislike Is Bad And People Who Ascribe To It Should Feel Bad, and I don't know if it's really new, or if I was just lucky enough to generally be missed with that shit the last four years.
Different people's brains work differently, which means they will notice things, form interpretations, maybe come to extremely firm conclusions, all different from each others'. Different from mine, different from yours.
I get that some people think that they have the brain which produces the Objectively Superior theories (and/or which can easily determine which other people's theories are the Objectively Inferior ones). I just really missed the memo where Your Interpretation Is Not My Interpretation (And That's Okay) was dragged out back and fucking shot.
Anyway this blog is an "I may not agree with your theory but you may trust that I won't publicly heap scorn upon the very idea of having it" zone if anyone was wondering.
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jamesvowles · 12 days
cringe warning
that anon that's being passed around is insaneeeeeee. i think we all need to concede that there's sort of a grey area when it comes to copyright infringement in fandom that does not just go for gif makers. it extends to fanartists and writers as well imo but also basing things on legality is cringe and stupid.
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aarmand · 4 months
different anon and a certified taylor hater, but ur being way too defensive about this. they were just asking if you could tag it, delete the ask and move on. talk about swift’s wrongs (pls do more), but u don’t have to give attention to anons who won’t listen ijbol
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friedloverballoon · 2 years
"Gay" should not be losing its meaning
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Why is it that members of identity groups outside of the "LGBT" acronym are constantly appropriating and trying to change the meanings of the identities in the LGBT acronym? I've seen some of those people say that dudes can be lesbians, that people who don't even experience attraction of any kind are gay, that bisexuality needs to get canned from the community entirely, and that not conforming to every strict gender role makes you trans.
Even if they argue that more letters can be added to the acronym, those letters are always just extensions of the pre-existing acronym, so isn't it completely backwards to deprive the pre-existing LGBT community of their pre-existing terms?
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You have your own terms already. Bisexuality would make sense, because a bisexual person can be in a gay relationship. "Asexual" and "Aromantic" have absolutely nothing to do with the word "homosexual", aka:
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And this appropriation is coming from the same people who loudly insist that we need to be more inclusive and include…basically anything that doesn't follow a "normal" role in relationships or gender. I know that's an incredibly unspecific way of saying it, but I've literally seen groups add 'K' for 'kink' in the acronym and I have no idea how else to describe it. Straight people just gotta be kinky enough and they're in it too.
And for the person who wants to make gay a synonym for "queer" to make English speakers (there are gay English speakers y'know) come up with a new word for terms the LGBT community has had for decades… what is there even to gain by doing that? The new meaning of queer is "denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms".
Wouldn't that be the term used for the group when you include all the stuff like kink and gender nonconformity and all that? Not LGBT? And why do you feel the need to appropriate an already existing term from the LGBT community and broaden it until it matches a word we already have?
I need answers, so no matter what your stance on this is, I want to hear about it. I'm putting a lot of tags on this, so if it gets attention, each weird reply with no good arguments just proves my point even more, so be wise with your words 🥱
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evenmoreoffscot · 3 months
oh boy i sure hope my new piece of comforting media isnt going through continued miscommunicative horrors
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killjoynest · 1 year
its very simple you see if you know anything tech youre a beta bug but if you specialise in it you might be a tech brain. ur a zone runner if ur active in anyway and sure you come out from the city you can be one but you wont be a zone rat. a thrill killer is just a killjoy too obsessed with themself. hm? difference between dust darling and dust angel? doesnt matter theyll always say you got it wrong.
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napsaps-archive · 9 months
haters are lame and can stay mad to be so fucking honest "sapnap supports bigotry velvet is unsafe for the children scott is platforming misogynistic bigots" like you are just saying words at this point try going outside . sapnap 🔛🔝 mcc 34 cyan coyotes 🔛🔝 i love you velvet i love you scott i love you mcc .
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burr-ell · 2 years
anyway. edelgard has a germanic name. her country's symbol is a two-headed eagle. her capitol's architecture is full of germanic/prussian/italian-inspired elements with a coliseum in the background. the name of her promoted class in japanese is 'kaiserin' (literally "wife of the kaiser"). she is repeatedly referred to as a hegemon. she invades two sovereign nations to forcefully unify them and shape the world as she sees fit. she is party to two separate ethnic cleansings. she is the latest in a long line of fire emblem characters based on real-world conflicts. the fanatic portions of her fanbase have harassed people using rhetoric that hews uncomfortably close to that of real-world imperialism apologia, ableism, misogyny, and even antisemitism.
you are allowed to like whatever fiction you want. i am allowed to note the implications of that fiction, particularly in the context of the real world in which that fiction exists, and analyze and form opinions as i see fit. none of this is disrespectful to or trivializing real conflicts when the fiction at issue directly borrows from real conflicts.
it is absolutely ridiculous that something in the canon of a game, baked into the world's background and development, is considered "discourse" because it's canon someone doesn't want to hear.
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futuretrain · 8 months
i really should just mute the word 'twitter' on here because i don't wanna seem like i want to defend that goddamn website lmao but a lot of the things people on here say abt it fall into the same "usamerican citizen going 'haha someone actually uses whatsapp like a weirdo just text'" category of clueless because it misses the fact people from all over the world use it in many different ways
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unibrowzz · 8 months
Just gonna... just gonna disable anon again.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
sometimes... the original state of an old clock and the OTT way somebody's repainted it can both be ugly, actually...
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flyingbananasaur · 1 year
i have exactly two modes which are Sarcasm Machine and Soft Nonverbal and any sonas i make usually end up as one of the two (or just both for the authentic Me experience)
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devitalise · 2 years
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