#this si so funny bc i literally justtt rewatched that one philosophy tube vid abt the nhs the other day
marsbotz · 5 months
(disco elysium anon, wanted to send this separately) (and i'm sorry if this is invasive/whatever, also no pressure to respond to this at all! but if you want to talk more/ask questions then let me know however you'd like, i'm happy to send you a proper message and whatever you need)
anyway my point is: you mentioned a gender clinic referral in a tag and i'm a trans man also in the uk with a lot of experience in that area so i thought this might help in some way 👌🏼
if you've gone through the nhs, the wait times are astronomical (the shortest one is about 15 months, the longest around 62 months). the current legal limit on nhs referrals is a matter of weeks so it's literally criminal but that's another story lmao
if you go on the 'transgenderuk' subreddit there's a pinned post with current wait times and there's a wealth of information and people happy to help with anything from name changes to 3 stage surgery. also the nhs are notorious for just. not referring people to their gender clinics so if you did go through them it may make sense to give them a ring and check they did their job!
if you went through a private gender clinic and haven't heard back in months, 1000% follow up. the longest reply time i've heard is a month or two and the longest appointment wait i've seen is 7 months
lastly: there is another route. it's a lot more popular for transfems to do it, given feminising hormones are legal here but masculinising ones aren't, but transmascs (myself included) can 'diy' hormones, if hormones are the transition route you're after. even after i checked with like... tons and tons of people and different resources i was still terrified but it does work! also i get if a stranger on tumblr dot com doesn't reassure you, but i wanted to let you know about the option because it honestly saved my life and i think more transmascs need to know about this as a route especially those in this hell country lolol
for more info i would recommend the diy hrt wiki, just google that term and it should come up. i should mention though, with this though you're probably going to have to inject yourself which i know isn't for everyone (i used to need to have someone on facetime with me for like 45 minutes hyping me up lol). there is gel available on some sites but it's super expensive. also some sites will have tablets for sale but they don't work to masculinise unfortunately. OH and it's also recommended that you do blood tests semi regularly (once or twice a year) to test sex hormones and some other things like your liver, which you'll probably have to pay for yourself if you diy - in saying this though, the cost of 6 private blood tests, and 3 years worth of T and injection equipment would cost about the same as the initial appointments you need with the more reliable of the 2 private gender clinics. something something seize the means of transition
anyway. this is an absolutely insanely long message and i'm so so sorry if this is too much and too like... invasive but whats the point of having trans resources if you dont share them and whats the point of having a trans community if you dont trans commune 😎🏳️‍⚧️
WHATTTT THSI IS CRAZY THANK U. LOVE YOU. i definitelyyyyy need to look into it all more and start DOING SHITTT bc yeah this stupid fuck country SUCKKKKS. i did go thru nhs and cant afford to do private rn but ill tryyy to chase it :] THANK UUUU this is so so sweet i cld cryyyy 😭😭😭
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