#tho the blog is sorta inactive
dodomingo · 1 year
People really love da buggy photo I have some other photography (and some art) over at @lizargonisms for those interested sdlfkj
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You can call me vampy or sophia idgaf. This blog is just for shits n giggles bc I like making blogs n stuff
Anywayssssss I do actually plan on changing this blogs theme like every month n it’s gonna be based off of albums so idk
Rude ppl
Ppl who are weird about ppl not having the same view as them 💀
Waycest / pro shippers (go put on some deodorant pls)
I’ll block if I feel the need to 😋
I do post a lot of random shit like I do on most of my blogs. As you can also probably tell I do cuss a lot - if you are uncomfortable with that just like don’t interact or block me
On another side note, tho this is a music blog there could be themes that people might find uncomfortable like death or addiction or blood/gore. If these topics were to somehow make its way onto this blog I’d try my best to tag it. If you see anything on this blog that you feel needs to have a tw tag just lmk id be happy to add it :)
Okay as I said earlier I’m like basing this blog off of albums which I’m gonna change every month or sooo so here’s a list of everything so far
Feb - Folie a Deux - Fall Out Boy (comingapartattheseams)
March - Selfish Machines - Pierce The Veil (urmyfavexplosion)
April - Riot! - Paramore (it’s not-faith-ifyou-useyoureyes)
May - Pretty. Odd. - Panic! At The Disco (heymoonplzforget2falldown)
K that’s like all for rn uh so if you’re interested in my other blogs uhhh
@thxnks4themrms - main side blog where I post about music and random shit and I simp over my partner
@blxxdbxgs - medical themed blog where I post shit about ppl/characters who have a background/theme of medicine. I usually post shit about Nurse Gerard on here
@worldsnumberonecokewhore - my girl blogging blog 💘😻 I post about Sanrio shit here and give advice (it is actually sorta inactive tho)
@vxmpyluvschococat - my side blog where I talk about irl shit 😜
@vampy4president - my side blog for shits n giggles where i talk about politics
Uhhhh I’ll add to this later iggggg
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deecnuts · 2 years
hey can you please reblog the stuff in your dcblog tracked tag?
yeah this blog needs to be more active, it’s the owner’s fault (i’m the owner tho so this isn’t someone else shitting on another member, it’s me owning up to the fact that i haven’t done my own part in updating the blogs i own by adding enough posts to the queue from our tag). sorry about that - in the next few days i’ll make much more of an effort to go through the tag for the last few months to add stuff that hasn’t been reblogged. again, very sorry about that, i kinda have been not that active on tumblr or the source blogs i own recently. the only reason this blog has honestly even been sorta active is due to the amazing other admins who’ve been picking up my slack - without them, quite honestly this blog wouldn’t have had a single post reblogged to it since probably.....february or march?
so yeah, again i’m really sorry, and the inactivity it’s not any of the other admins’ faults, as the owner i should be putting more time and energy into this blog if i expect anyone else to and i haven’t, but i’ll make sure that changes in the next few days. 
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noonessecret · 1 month
How’re you doing :)
I don’t get on super often but I saw your post about sending you asks so :P
What’s your favorite type of picture you’ve been sent? 👉👈
Do you ever look at the pictures while you touch yourself?
How many do you get in like a day?
And aside from all that, just to not be too focused on sex stuff, do you have any pets?
(This ask brought to you by the anxious over-thinker)
hi! i'm good, thanks for asking, how are you doing?
i don't really have a favorite, i like it all! fun lighting and angles are always appreciated and i love when there's a nice view of hands, but i'm not picky at all, i'll take whatever someone is willing to share with me
that said someone once sent me a bulge pic with their belt flopped open and a peek of underwear and skin and my mouth started watering, i still get hot and bothered thinking about it
sometimes ;3
depends, when i put a bunch of tags on a post i'd get at least a handful, if i don't i might get a couple, and since i've been inactive recently i've barely gotten anything (tho i do sorta have a regular who keeps me supplied, thanks hun <3) also i'm not a popular or well-known blog by any means and i don't put myself out there even at my most rabid so like i never expected to get very much of anything
i currently live in a house with 4 cats and a puppy but i'd only consider one cat and the pup as "mine"
from a fellow anxious over-thinker, thank you for the ask
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lilypixels · 3 years
Check In Tag
Thank you @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy for tagging me~
why did you choose your url? I’ve said this in few posts before but it’s cause I wanted something cute and this is somehow what I ended up with lol
any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. Pixelfinds- it’s my ccfinds blog so stuff would quit getting lost in my likes
how long have you been on tumblr? Too long 🗿
do you have a queue tag? No, idk the point of them, a post is a post right-
why did you start your blog in the first place? Well it didn’t start as a sims blog but it turned into one once I discovered cc and that I could post pics of my sims
why did you choose your icon/pfp? I made pride edit (barely in time-) and then felt obligated to make victors face from it icon as he is basically face of my blog now lol
why did you choose your header? It matched previous and current pfp and matching is all I care about😌
what’s your post with the most notes? This post of my recolors...somehow
how many mutuals do you have? Uhh idk I’ve never counted, maybe around 30?
how many people do you follow? 318 wowza
how many followers do you have? 482 (tho in reality it’s probably like half that since there’s lots of inactive ones 🥴)
have you ever made a shitpost? Yes, that is my brand
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? I avoid drama and fighting which is to say I either think many are waste of energy/time or that I dont have enough knowledge to speak on the subject
how often do you use tumblr each day? Depends how many notifications I get lol, usually like 5-10 min I’d say
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? Sorta depends on post but, and maybe this is bit controversial (?) to say, while I understand the purpose and that it’s good to shed light on topics, its hard for a normal person to be aware of everything and to even bring themselves to interact with content which might be triggering or difficult in a given mental state...
do you like ask games? Yes pls interact with me ToT
do you like tag games? Yeah I like them but tagging people sometimes,,,oof (I dont want to seem like I have favorites or part of some simblr clique ya know so its hard for me...I really want to interact with everyone and support smaller blogs)
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? Istg they all are like how did you find me and why do you follow-
do you have a crush on a mutual? Me crush on someone?? Unlikely, it’s not that easy
and now speaking of tagging 💀yeah I just...tag everyone, wheres the @ everyone function?
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5s-cup-a-coffee · 3 years
So you may or may not have noticed, but this blog has been very ✨ v e r y ✨ inactive lately. And I’m sorry for not saying anything about it until now. I didn’t plan on being gone this long, but that has happened, and I want to apologize.
Now this isn’t me saying that I’m back and that I’ll be more active. Actually, this is me saying that I’m going to extend this hiatus until further notice.
(wow why do I gotta make it sound so official😩)
If you care to read this far, I’ll explain where I’m at and why I won’t be active. For starters, School just started up for me and my studies come first and foremost (not to mention all the extra curriculars I’m in). Secondly, I may or may not have entered into a new fandom while waiting for the next season of TUA. and I kinda sorta maybe be diving headfirst into that rn…🤷‍♀️ (Iykyk). Lastly, ngl I’m just really busy and I’m not focusing on any social media platform at the moment. Ill still be here once in a blue moon (like tonight) to check up in things tho.
So before I go for a while, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you to all my followers and all the support you guys have given me. I can’t tell you how many times your love and support have given me a will to push through! I can’t say this about every social media, but tumblr (this specific blog) and even more specifically you guys! Have been so incredibly kind and thoughtful and I just wanted to say I love you!
Thanks for your support and thanks for your time (if you made it this far)
Signing off until who knows when,
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Some Chie Headcanons to start off the blog rather than an intro
Chie is always on a schedule (and the schedule is flexible) 
Chie is basically on the team since she visits so often 
Chie's room has the simple modern aesthetic. 
Chie is rich  (well her family is) 
Chie's notes are minimalistic but also sorta colorful 
 Chie has several of every kind of thing you may need for school 
 Chie is very quick at writing things down, also effectively 
 Chie calculates her budget every night to calm down her nerves on her financial stability 
 Chie has notifs for all her groupchats because she gets worried that they will do something stupid while she's sleeping and she isn't able to stop it 
 Chie can be a boomer she doesn't have common sense when it comes to technology 
 idk if i said something else before but she's taking business major + marketing minor 
 Chie is quite creative and has very stylistic and aesthetic projects 
 Chie cleans her room every night 
 Chie takes online classes on Udemy on her own when she has time (right now, she's doing coding!) 
 Chie will cook whenever she goes to Kisa's house 
 Chie's your average cook tho nothin' special 
 Chie knows how to follow a recipie and make as intended, but she needs the recipie or else nah, and the recipe needs to be detailed 
 Chie's kitchen is way too neat and clean 
 Chie draws or plays volleyball in her free time 
 Chie also writes in her free time, has a bit of an inactive blog atm
brought to you by @lilikags crediting myself mwhahaha genius
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xiaosean · 4 years
hi sorry i came over here to ask you i wasn't sure you opened your skz blog. this might be personal so it's alright if you don't answer this but as a new stay why did your pinned post say stay tumblr wasn't for you because i p much feel overwhelmed w stay tumblr and stay twt but i want to make content anyway and i wanted to hear diverse opinions of stays
imma put this under a cut
hi 😁 i’m super happy you found my skz blog (even tho i’m mostly inactive on it)! so i stanned skz back in 2017 & it’s been roughly 3 years, and the main reason why i stopped posting on changbeanie was because i lost interest in skz ... which i think is pretty normal after 3 years // i still follow all my old mutuals and catch up with content through youtube and the gifsets that they post 💕 idk about stay twitter bc i don’t actually use twitter, but sometimes i would be overwhelmed on stay tumblr bc i felt the pressure when it came to giffing new content in a timely manner ??? i think it might be just me, but i sorta felt like i had to be caught up with every single little thing the group did (and after a while it was just tiring and i got bored tbh... maybe bc there was a language barrier and i didn’t get a lot of the humor) --- and this is completely personal haha, but i’ve always liked c-dramas and c-content and to see my culture have a bigger presence on an overseas social media platform like tumblr sorta pushed me to make a c-drama blog instead; and on here, i don’t feel that pressure i do on stay tumblr (i have no idea why but kpop fandom is truly something else lmao)
BUT !!! tumblr isn’t a place for you to be overwhelmed 😔 if you feel pressured in any way, you can always take a short break and then make content later
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Can I ask your honest opinions on a few of your friends? More like what made you wanna become friends? Have you stayed friends since you met them? Whats your over all opinion on them? How much do you care for them and like do you guys ever talk outside of Tumblr? (I ask this over broth-y, lissa (kspsomething think??) Wileywastoolazy thingadingadurgen(is that how you spell?) sparaticchimaer
Ummm I guess...? I'll do them in order then.
1. What made you wanna become friends?
@broth-y and I are like, at the very start of our friendship I guess? We haven't known each other that long but Broth is really cool and we started as mutuals over Soudam/Kazuichi content! I reblogged her stuff once cuz I just happened to find it aaaand I've followed her ever since. And she started looking into my stuff. And so like, we just exchanged reblogs and stuff all the time until we decided hey!! Lets be friends!! Ndhdbd
though, I think they're one of my youngest friends and it sort of discomforts me? Not that she can help it. But, I'm 19 and she's only 3 years apart from me but it's still a risky thing considering I can count as an adult. And I don't want to make too many acquaintances/friends that are too young?? Because internet reasons and because I want them to be safe! And I don't want to give any false impressions. So. There's lots of things to consider and I don't want anything to happen. Yknow?
So I'll just disclaim that. :) I'm not looking to make friends under 16 and frankly I'd be much more comfortable with friends 17 and up. But! Broth is a good writer. Go check out her stuff.
@kspforever and I started talking when I was still into Don't Starve. And we got really close. Some of you might recall we dated at one point. We're still friends. But, yea, we basically bonded over Don't Starve bullshit and other fandom interests. :) same stuff, different person really lol (she's cool af tho u should go read her stuff she's got like sonic and stardew valley stuff...)
@wileywastoolazy and I became friends also through my Don't Starve days! They're an amazing artist and I looked up fo them! We slowly become mutuals because of like, an acquaintance had a friend who knew a friend who had a friend who knew Wiley sorta deal -- and we both got into role-playing together! That was fun. :) we bonded over Wes. They're not much active anymore but their art is WICKED...
@sparaticchimaera and I met through Wiley! It was right when Wiley and I were dipping our toes into Danganronpa and Wiley said they had a friend who liked DR irl! And Evan wanted to chat with me! So we did!! And now they're both my knuckleheads who I miss dearly a lot of the time. :) They have awesome art too!!
As for @thingadingadurgin, the process was fuckin weird. Like apparently we were mutuals for a long as time but just didn't interact?? They knew me since the Don't Starve days but started talking to me about Danganronpa! And we grew very attached to each other since! (Too attached lmao) but they have neat art and blogs u should check out 👉👈
2. Have you stayed friends since you met?
I would say yes. Some are less active than others, but yes! We're still friends. :)
3. What is your over all opinion on them?
We don't talk enough... The majority of them, at least. Though, I absolutely won't rush them! And I get they have stuff they gotta process or sometimes they just are inactive! Shit happens! But we don't talk a lot, a handful of them. And I wish we did!
Other than that, I think they're all amazingly talented and they inspire me a lot. And a chunk of them have been there for me through rough shit. And are just, good friends to have and laugh with you know?? I care about them a lot.
4. Do you talk outside of Tumblr?
Yes! We use Discord when we can talk. ;) Lave and I play games together n shit. And I bug the hell outta the others usually via my server lol but yea we have other sources of talking besides Tumblr!
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outcast-stomp · 4 years
get to know me tagged by @split-at-the-seems (thank u!) Name: Edward/Eddie Gender: im a dude, but in a sorta vague way (trans masc, i guess) Star sign: Scorpio :) Height: 5′7″ :( Sexuality: bi Hogwarts house: jkr sucks and so does hp, but i did love the series when i was a kid, and im p sure i was in ravenclaw on that hp website quiz Fave animals: Cats!!! big and small! Serval ears n noses and snow leopard tails are fave tho. looks so goofy i lov them Blankets: i like soft huggable stuff so yh i like blankets ig Dream job: fuck work but ig it’d be cool to work in a library? or bookshop When I made this tumblr: early 2014 i think? this is like my 3rd blog ive been here much longer sadly (others abandoned long ago) Followers: 2115 (bare in mind 75% of those are inactive lol) Reasons for my url: G.L.O.S.S. slap and Outcast Stomp is my fave song by them!
as always idk who to tag, so like go wild and say i tagged u if u wanna do this :)!
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hadobreeze-a · 5 years
Tumblr media
Big ol’ explanation about cleaning this blog below
TL;DR I was a major Negative Nancy as a teen, overly shared when I was going through a really bad time, or use to have opinions I don’t stand by now. I'm so very sorry about how I was back then. So I mass deleted a bunch of old posts as oppose to making a brand new blog. All muse relations are intact and stuff tho. I just don’t wanna spam the s/f rp promo tags with another one of my promos for a new blog cause I rather have new people use it rather than me. Then I went through my follower list and soft blocked about 300 inactive blogs that haven’t been used for about over a year cause it felt like clutter.
So I’ve had this blog from what tumblr told me November of 2016. Within then from now so many things have changed within my life. There’s so many stupid things I said as a kid that were left up on here. Nothing ( from what I remember ) super damaging, but knowing I come on here and ridiculous opinions I had were still connected to this name made me cringe.
I could’ve started up a brand new blog than wiping away all my posts but I don’t wanna clog up the s/f tags with another dumb promo of mine. I really want other new people to shine instead. 
There’s also a handful of people that in the past I rped with that I do not align or associate myself with any longer. So I find myself weirded out that I still have threads up and such. Nothing big either tbh.
As a person though I found myself using this platform as my only means of socialization back in highschool. My life was kinda dedicated to running this because I was in not the best living conditions and I was always hauled up inside. As a result I was a p negative person overall, and though I wasn’t malicious or went outta my way to hurt people. I don’t like remembering how I use to be. Subjecting all of y’all to vent / negative posts anytime I had a depressive episode or someone I lived with was treating me badly. A kid in a meh situation taking all these exterior factors from her environment out in the only way I could.  Also oversharing f a r too much about my life. I guess it’s a result of having no support system to lean yourself upon. 
I guess now being away from the rpc and trying to make a decent art career I find myself hopping back and fourth on here from time to time when I get burnout with art. Thinking about stupid ass shit I said and how it lingers eats away at me. Being too overtly serious about the smallest of things though in the grand scheme of things things that I was annoyed about didn’t even matter. Or my anxiety thinking that maybe unbeknownst to me I have negative labels slapped on my for things I did in the past. 
The real bread and butter of this post is I deleted anything from before May of 2018. Threads, photos, musings, memes, etc. I saved and archived stuff though cause I still had puppy pictures of Yoshi on here when my family first got him, art from friends, and old art of mines saved here. I won’t forget any good memories, but I still do remember those were times I wasn’t the best person to be around.  Any relationships your muse had with Sakura is still there so don’t worry!! Just the threads are deleted.  I also kinda choose this date since this is sorta the time period I found myself in a much more healthier environment. 
But I do wanna apologize for how I was in general back then. I wasn’t hateful or spiteful towards others ( still ain’t now ), but I was such a downer and got annoyed over stupid bullshit. I feel like I subjected so many others to my own negativity including my followers back then with vents and I wanna apologize for that. All that being said: I am sorry.
So we’re starting this all over again from the top . . .
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dog5000 · 5 years
ok so @deadg1rls​ tagged me
Nicknames: binnie! and sammy! and i had been thinking of starting to use macy from my birth name.......
Height: 6′/184cm 
The last thing I googled: i looked up shel silverstein books bc i wanted to put one in a drawing i was making!!! i ended up just drawing one i had here because none of the pictures were what i wanted. i didnt even use the guy’s actual art or anything just the spine of the book lol
Favourite musicians: im my own favorite musician!!!!!!! :3 my favorite producer is tyler the creator, my favorite singer is girls rituals AKA blacksquares AKA devi mccallion, my favorite rapper is kendrick lamar and i have a lot more!!
Song stuck in your head: the first song i listed under favorite songs!!!!
Following: im following a lil over 3000 ppl but it’s probably just a couple hundred or so posting multiple times in a week if i had to guess...i recognize most people bc most people i see just post a WHOLE lot...
Followers: i have like...300 followers here and a 3,800 on my alt that i stopped using bc it wasnt personal enough...
Do you get asks? hardly ever...i think i might want to try talking to people on here more and asking for them...the most i ever received was like 10 or 20 in a night when i posted an ask meme on that other blog
Lucky numbers: 6, 21, 621, 86
What you’re wearing: 
Dream trip: theres SO MANY places i want to go...mostly because of people i want to meet and nature i want to see...i’ll list off places in order that i remember them...
the seattle area, north carolina, lima, boston or anywhere in MA, the german part of the black forest (last 5 are bc of people i want to see (but also the nature is great everywhere there) california (probably venice beach and long beach specifically) ...
Instruments: i like writing & messing around on keyboards, harmonicas, 
Languages: english. !!! working on ASL actually. also i know VERY basic french & spanish, the second a bit better bc there’s more stuff that gets referenced often in my experience. i also used to know toki pona but it’s a really rare goofy one..
Favourite songs: aaa ok so i have like tried to make a list of 100 of my favorite songs and i couldnt get even like 5 in a row and be certain so this is sorta hard for me because i like so much and it feels hard to put some stuff below other stuff but! here is some stuff i like right now! mostly in order of how much i like it or how much im thinking about it! 
note that if i were to make a list like this on a different day...even a different hour of this day, it would probably look a lot different! because i would be thinking about different stuff...
1. this is one i made!!! i have been thinking about it so much. it’s my favorite thing ive ever done. it doesnt even have a name but i love it sooo much
2. I THINK by Tyler, the Creator
3. Flags by Valleanenowe
4. die or be killed by devi mccallion & katie dey
5. bloodstains remix by laura les
6. Frozen by AARON CARTIER
7. any song from Stars & Stripes EP by calvin
7. this shit
8. Scenario by ATCQ
9. Billy Not Really by Death Grips
10. the first outro in naruto 
Random fact: my adhd has felt...more like adhd lately...like specifically hyperfocusing and thinking about times i’ve had things that were specifically RSD...i’ve been thinking about how i can never do anything with half of my effort, even if i don’t do everything all the way. i put my heart into whatever im doing! even just having silly little conversations...
iit said tag 21 peeople but i went a lil higher bc 2 or 3 are probably inactive nd wont ever even see the notif...i think most people i @’d are at least a lil active tho :3
@ewanenoellav @mountainofneedles @halfasleepmostlydead @dystol @rowingsworld @howtodestroyangels @destinae @clairaudienceclairvoyance @mechanicalpaw @erosandmilk @c4gdotnet @lentilbf @towniebutch @cwustysean @61ue @ulrikhaug @mouthmoodz @pigwithsock @segaufocatcher @lsd-xm @xxsunshinehaloxx @lymphnodehaver @homosexualityandcriminality @boards-of-kaneda
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comebackbehereswift · 5 years
tag game
tysm to @iwatchedallofitfade for tagging me!!!
nickname: ellie, nana, elliebanana (those are all names that only one person calls me sksksks)
gender: cisgender female
zodiac: libra ♎️
height: 4’11”/5’0” (super short oof)
time: 10:35am (bst)
where I’m from: london, england 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
hogwarts house: ravenclaw+slytherin
favourite show: currently sherlock, manifest & grey’s anatomy
favourite animal: i love all animals but my faves are dogs, cats, monkeys and dolphins hehe
fave band/artist: this lil unknown artist called taylor swift idk if you’ve heard of her 😆
song stuck in my head: breakin up by rilo kiley
last movie i saw: ‘the matrix’ but i stopped in the middle oops so the last full movie was ‘the martian’ would 10/10 recommend both
last thing i googled: weather for london today oops
other blogs: @tswifts-chicks and some inactive ones
do i get asks? not many
why this username: i love ‘come back... be here’ and taylor swift
number of blankets: too many
followers: i don’t wanna disclose that
following: 1076
average amount of sleep: during school time 7 hours but during weekends and holidays 8.5 hours
lucky number: 25, 13, 7
what i am wearing: pyjama shorts and a taylor swift t shirt (yeet)
dream job: i don’t really know oof
dream trip: i’d love to do a volunteering and human rights trip to a third world country some day!!
favourite food: pasta, salad & chocolate (i’m vegetarian hehe)
instruments i can play: guitar & piano (not well tho eek)
eye colour: brown
hair colour: mid-brown ish and i have dark blonde highlights (not natural lmao)
aesthetic: i don’t think i have one
languages i speak: english, spanish, hebrew, french (sorta) and latin!! i also know 5 coding languages but i don’t think they count
most iconic song: either love story or ybwm in my humble opinion
when i created this account: i made this blog in 2017 (i think in october??) but before this one i had a blog that i made in 2015 and stopped using in early 2016 whoops
why i created this account: to express my love for miss @taylorswift and also to meet new peeps
best memory: idk i have several
best pun: i can’t pick one i have so many
random fact: idk if i mentioned it but i love taylor swift ??
tagging: @singitswiftie @goldentaylorr @smileliketay @taysfavourite @tooinloveswift
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werewolfbeans · 5 years
im gonna try to be more active here, so i thought id give a little life update
so, i have a job! ive had a job. six months now. i quit my job at the chinese takeout because they had me working 12 hr shifts every day. so. fuck that noise
im also on medicine! ive had a rough time with my mood swings and what not. so now im taking lexipro and im feeling. kinda better. not entirely. but it does help!
i also. draw. a lot more than i write. but i do wanna get back into writing! im hoping to do more things for me. i think i got burnt out because i was so busy trying to do what everyone else was doing, i forgot this was my blog, in the end. so, im gonna try and do more personal writing, like with my esk and other characters
im also on discord a lot! im still in the minstermonster’s discord, which is right HERE, but im kinda sorta. inactive there? but ill be there. 
im also considering making my own discord, but theres like five million there so if you guys know any (nsfw or sfw is fine with me, since im 19, but if its nsfw then uh. be careful) feel free to link em to me
also, you may have noticed, or not, but mod jazza is gone. i feel kind of bad for doing it this way, but it turns out they were a radfem/possible terf, so i went “fuck that noise” and asked them to leave b/c they werent writing and i wanted the blog 2 myself. jazza, if youre reading this, sorry (but also, not) fam but this is a transgender-safe space
mod cherry is still here tho. bffsies.
TLDR im here, im queer, and i wanna write bros bein bros and gals bein pals
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Sorry for inactivity yall v-v I’ve been busy trying to get my life together but should start being a little more active from now on!c:
Basically been trying to work on getting a job, although unsuccessful I’ve been trying to put time into my youtube channel, cosplays n patreon lol. Also been trying to get my drivers license n a passport. I started creating tshirts for my Etsy store. All this random stuff. It’s been stressful and sorta fun at the same time? ;_; 
if you’re interested in my personal life stuff tho you can find my links here https://weallstink.carrd.co/
I do want to start doing more original content tho for this blog c: I’m just struggling to find the time to rn ahh!! ;-;
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wedding-shemp · 6 years
tagged by @petty-petty-petty-petty!
Nicknames: none, I’m too lame
Gender: female
Sign: Aries
Height: 5'7"
Time: 9:09 pm
Birthday: 4/6
Fav bands: Gorillaz, The Clash, Ramones, White Stripes, The Beatles, Kero Kero Bonito, Nirvana, Metric, They Might Be Giants
Fav solo artists: Lorde, Elvis Costello, Johnny Cash, Little Simz, David Bowie, Amy Winehouse, Lou Reed
Song stuck in my head: the Octonauts theme song
Last movie I saw: The Big Lebowski
Last show I watched: Futurama
When did I create my blog: like June 2016 I think?  I didn’t start using Tumbklr regularly till that October though 
What do I post: shitposts, art, and Gorillaz (and probably some other stuff, idk)
Last thing I Googled: “Grim Fandango crocodile”
Do I have any other blogs: yep! I have an art blog @missfortune-art, plus I run @incorrectgrimfandangoquotes (I also have like a million inactive sideblogs and saved urls)
Do I get asks: nopw and then, and they’re almost always pleasant. 
Why did I chose my URL: Miss Fortune was my roller derby name (it’s kinda sorta after a rare cat from Neko Atsume)
Following: 600+ I think?
Followed by: 182 
Average hours of Sleep: I’m on vacation right now and I’m getting like 10 hours and it’s awesome. During the school year I only sleep like 6 or 7 tops tho :(
Instruments: guitar and ocarina 
What I am wearing: leggings, Clash tee shirt, hoodie
Dream job: indie comic artist
Dream trip: Osaka
Fav food: sushi!
Fav song: If I have to choose just one, I’ll say Weird Science by Oingo Boingo
 Last book I read: `Do comic books count? Cause the last comic I read was Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life.  I’m trash who never reads and I honestly can’t remember the last book I read all the way through lmaooo
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Uhhhhh I guess Disney Big Hero 6 cause San Fransokyo is freaking awesome, Gorillaz cause I wanna smooch 2D, and, I dunno, maybe Naruto? I’d make a good ninja probably.
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