#thomas happ games
fancypantsrecords · 11 months
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Thomas Happ - Axiom Verge Original Soundtrack | Limited Run Games | 2022 | Black
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satoshi-mochida · 11 months
Axiom Verge 2 now available for Xbox One
Gematsu Source
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Metroidvania action adventure game Axiom Verge 2 is now available for Xbox One via Microsoft Store for $19.99, developer Thomas Happ Games announced. An Axiom Verge 1 and 2 bundle is also available for $34.99.
Axiom Verge 2 first launched for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Epic Games Store on August 11, 2021, followed by Steam on August 11, 2022.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft Store:
You may have played Axiom Verge, or heard it referenced as a benchmark for indie action-exploration games. This long awaited sequel expands on the universe with completely new characters, abilities, and gameplay.
Indra, the billionaire behind the worldwide Globe 3 conglomerate, heads to Antarctica to investigate the disappearance of her daughter, but ultimately finds herself in entirely different reality, infected by parasitic machines that both aid and confound her. Where is she? Who is the mysterious person goading her from the other end of the computer terminal?
Explore an alternate Earth-like world, replete with the ruins of an ancient, high-tech civilization. Hack machines. Battle monsters. Use your remote drone to enter the Breach, a parallel but connected reality that is filled with its own dangers. You’ll want to search every inch for the hidden items and upgrades you need to survive.
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quarterdisorder · 1 year
Check out this extended gameplay of Axiom Verge 2.
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 2 years
Cellular Skies // Axiom Verge (2015)
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jilldoesart · 1 year
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wiiuroms · 5 months
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(via Axiom Verge)
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sandboxscenes · 1 month
You've been challenged! (Pokemon AU)
A/N: This is an experimental piece that I wanted to try out because I was inspired by this Pokemon Battle featuring Delphox. This is a different take on a Genshin Impact Pokemon AU. This was done in conjunction with @xianyoon for their Extreme Bias Game. Special thanks to @floraldresvi for assisting me with the ideas for Thoma's section.
Characters: Lyney, Thoma
Genre: Mostly fluff, with hints of angst
Pokemon and Genshin collide in this Pokemon style AU that answers the question: What would happen if the characters you encountered in Genshin Impact challenged you?
If you were challenged by them, what would be their in-game tagline when they challenged you to a battle? What would their title be on the game screen? And most importantly, what would be their character summaries?
In short, it positions the different Genshin Impact characters as in-game coded sprites.
Word Count: Lyney (277 words), Thoma (328 words)
You have been challenged by the House of Hearth's Second in Command, Lyney!
Tagline: "Let's give them a show to remember!"
Brief Summary:
Tricks, Illusions, and Magic galore! Whenever anyone takes a seat at Lyney's shows in the Court of Fontaine, they will be in for a magical time. Charming, charismatic, and talented are all words that describe the renowned magician. Lyney and his aforementioned magic shows are famous across the Fontanian landscape. But few know the man behind the spectacle.
Growing up, Lyney owes much of his present success to his upbringing in orphanage known as: The House of Hearth. His sister, Lynette, and his (adopted) brother, Freminet, also grew up there as well. While not much is known about The House of Hearth, it is full of unexpected surprises.
To Lyney, family means to the world to him. He will do anything to protect it. Second only to the "Father" of the House of Hearth, he is the one that will eventually be "Father's successor." Despite his young appearance, there is a reason that he is the second in command. Anyone who ends up underestimating him, regrets it.
For the Magician Lyney, he always wants to keep people on their toes. His Pokemon are the same way. Some of Lyney's trusted Pokemon partners include the show stopping, Delphox and Meowscarada. They also have some tricks up their sleeves as well.
Special Notes:
Lyney's interest in magic has spread to his Pokemon too. His Delphox is a bit of a magician as well - blink and things will disappear. On the other hand, his Meowscarada is ready for anything. It's able to adapt on the fly, like any good magician does.
You have been challenged by the mysterious foreign fixer, Thoma!
Tagline: "Let me protect you. It's what I want to do."
Basic Summary:
Inazuma is a land of tradition.
However, Thoma himself has a very non-traditional skill set.
As someone with skills in cooking and cleaning, he enjoys using his skills to assist people whenever he can. His earnest kindness, his willingness to help, and loyalty have made him well liked among the Inazuman Citizens, despite their wariness towards foreigners.
As a foreigner, Thoma cares deeply about others. He knows what it's like to have people be wary of you due to things out of his control. As someone with a deep sense of duty and loyalty, he is not someone who forgets his debts or reneges on them.
Thoma's actions have earned him the nickname of fixer, as he is well-versed in the art of fixing problems. For someone like Thoma, resolving things peacefully is always preferable. Whether it's a small fight between children over toys to a fight between foreign and local merchants, Thoma would prefer if both sides could compromise.
But if things things escalate, don't be fooled.
When push comes to shove, Thoma's willing to do what it takes to protect himself and his family from harm. Once you have wormed your way into the heart of the foreign fixer, he will protect you until his dying breath.
For the mysterious Fixer, he is well-informed of any happenings going on in Inazuma. He has to be, due to the nature of his job.
With such a dangerous job, he needs partners he can rely on.
One of his trusted Pokemon partners is Talonflame. Talonflame soars above the skies of Inazuma, its keen eyes alerting Thoma to any potential issues that may arise within Inazuma. And for those conflicts that can't be fixed peacefully and require a 'forceful' touch, Thoma's other partner Blaziken, is there to help - both its master, its family, and the people of Inazuma.
#genshinblr may ebg 2024#Genshinblr EBG May 2024#Library Shadows - Works#((((((( So I'm positioning this AU as like if the Genshin Impact Characters were in-game Pokemon Trainer Sprites. )))))))#((((((( If I could draw this I would. But I can't. So I have to rely on my words to do it for me. )))))))#((((((( I admit I was tempted to do a team listing but I don't think I have enough time. )))))))#((((((( EBG is nice as a way to challenge and try out new ideas for formats I wouldn't think of otherwise. )))))))#((((((( But also I was listening to some Pokemon Champion osts from the different eras of the series. That is how this came about. )))))#(((((((((( I still can't believe how quickly this AU idea came together honestly. ))))))))#(((((((((( It started as a fleeting thought but the more I thought about it the more it worked for me. )))))))#(((((((((( Both Lyney and Thoma are interesting characters b/c there is an element of danger to both of them that I find intriguing. ))))))#((((((( For Lyney specifically I wanted to focus on the fact that he is part of the Fatui. He's Arle's successor! )))))))#((((( Knowing that Lyney is Arle's successor creates an interesting dynamic that I want to explore. Especially with his voice lines. )))#((((((( For the descriptions it started as my attempt at a Dainslief style voiceover. )))))))#(((((( Then it just kinda morphed into like character descriptions for them in the Pokemon game I have in my head. )))))))#((((( It's times like these I wish I could code? or do Photoshop? It would've been fun to sprite-ify Thoma and Lyney. ;_; ))))))#(((((( Fun fact: I did try to make my own Fontaine Pokeball Sprite. Unfortunately my computer couldn't handle it and I lost everything. )))#((((( It wasn't an impressive sprite by any means. But I did try my hand. It was a different and way harder than expected. )))))))#(((((( Like I knew making a sprite would be hard. But I didn't expect how hard it was going to be. )))))#Genshin Impact
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athetos · 7 months
also maybe 3 games u think are underrated...? im always after smth new to play 👀
These are 3 indie games I’m devastated I don’t see more stuff about them…
Cosmic star heroine is a relatively short chrono trigger spiritual successor that I had an absolute blast with. Combat was fun, there are almost a dozen playable characters by the game’s end and they use new mechanics that weren’t present in chrono trigger like style + hyper attacks, also instead of mp you have limited use of skills and need to defend to regain points, it makes more sense in practice. The game is so charming and there’s hilarious moments that poke fun at scifi tropes and memes and programming jokes. And the world is super cool, I don’t remember too much of the overarching plot but I liked the characters a lot. As far as chrono trigger-esque games go, it’s not as good as sea of stars, but it’s definitely better than I am setsuna or lost sphear. I wish more ppl played it!
Slime-san is a puzzle platformer that starts out simple but gets pretty fucking bonkers. You’re a cute little slime who can dash and jump and cling to walls, and as you complete stages new obstacles are added and it really ramps up the difficulty. Theres a lot of content and free dlc and you can change the color scheme and whatnot, it’s a really cute faux-retro aesthetic. Theres even boss fights which can be so brutal! It’s definitely challenging and I never completed the new game + thing but I should go back to it sometime because it’s a lot of fun. But it’s also hard.
And okay, this one was pretty highly rated when it came out but I never see ppl talking about it even though I know it’s relatively popular at least at the time of release, but I cannot recommend axiom verge enough. It’s the best metroidvania I’ve played that wasn’t a Metroid or Castlevania game (sorry hollow knight). Youre a physicist with amnesia on an alien world trying to get home and you kind of get thrown into this plot by these beings called the Rusalki… I won’t say much more than that but the lore is fucking delicious and is explored more in its not-quite-as-good-but-still-recommended sequel. Everything about the game is awesome, and it was all primarily done by one guy, Thomas Happ, and he uses the profits to help make more games and care for his son’s medical bills. But for the game itself, it’s sooo atmospheric, it leans hard on the Metroid influences, the bosses are sick, the challenge feels just right. There’s a ton of weapons you can find so you have a really robust selection to fit whatever play style you prefer, and to also help solve puzzles. Theres also abilities that help you move to new areas, but instead of your standard double jump type deal it’s things like sending out a drone to get into small spaces or being able to glitch through walls. It’s fucking great. I still think about the plot regularly and what’s next for this universe ooo…. The plot twist is so good ALSO my url is the name of one of the characters, he states that athetos is from a Greek word meaning “one who is rejected, or whose thoughts shouldn’t be entertained”. I can’t verify any of that though as I know zero Greek.
Also these aren’t underrated I’d say but I also really recommend tunic (Zelda inspired action adventure), sea of stars (as mentioned earlier), the messenger (ninja gaiden-esque action platformer that becomes a metroidvania), into the breach (roguelite(like? Only a single character Carries over between runs)), baba is you (the smartest a puzzle game ever), and shovel knight (he’s a knight with a shovel yay)
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pm-fmp · 2 months
Further Research
I decided to delve deeper into researching video games, specifically those developed by a single person. This exploration could not only boost my confidence in my own project but also offer additional insights. In the future, I might revisit these developers to gain a better understanding of their creative and development processes.
Games made by 1 person:
Minecraft - Markus Persson developed the initial version of Minecraft in about a week, but continued to develop and expand the game over the next couple of years before handing over the reins to a development team at Mojang.
Stardew Valley - Eric Barone spent approximately four years developing Stardew Valley. He worked alone on the project, handling everything from the programming to the art and music.
Undertale - Toby Fox developed Undertale in about 2.7 years, with contributions from a few artists for additional art, though the bulk of the game was his own work.
Axiom Verge - Tom Happ spent about five years working on Axiom Verge in his spare time while holding a full-time job.
Banished - Luke Hodorowicz spent about three and a half years developing Banished, again handling all aspects of its development.
Papers, Please - Lucas Pope developed Papers, Please in about nine months, creating a game that became famous for its unique gameplay and thought-provoking narrative.
Cave Story - Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya developed Cave Story over five years, in his spare time, crafting the game's programming, design, art, and music.
Duskers - Created by Tim Keenan, Duskers took about three years to develop. While not a traditional RTS, it involves strategy and real-time decision-making as you pilot drones through derelict spaceships using a command-line interface.
Defense Grid: The Awakening - While not solely developed by one person, the concept and initial design were driven by a small team, primarily Mark Terrano. It was developed over roughly two years. This game is more of a tower defense game, a subgenre of real-time strategy.
Harvest: Massive Encounter - Developed by Oxeye Game Studio, primarily by a single developer, Johannes Gustafsson, over about two years. It combines RTS elements with tower defense mechanics.
This list is really important, and I need to keep it close at hand, making sure to add new developers whenever I can. It’s going to be a useful resource that can help me stay connected, learn from others, and gradually expand my network within the industry as I continue to meet and collaborate with more talented people.
Axiom Verge [Video game]. (2015). Thomas Happ Games LLC.
Banished [Video game]. (2014). Shining Rock Software LLC.
Cave Story [Video game]. (2004). Studio Pixel.
Defense Grid: The Awakening [Video game]. (2008). Hidden Path Entertainment.
Duskers [Video game]. (2016). Misfits Attic.
Harvest: Massive Encounter [Video game]. (2008). Oxeye Game Studio.
Minecraft [Video game]. (2011). Mojang.
Papers, Please [Video game]. (2013). 3909 LLC.
Stardew Valley [Video game]. (2016). ConcernedApe.
Undertale [Video game]. (2015). Toby Fox.
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fancypantsrecords · 1 year
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Thomas Happ - Axiom Verge 2 Original Soundtrack | Limited Run Games | 2022 | Black
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atwas-gaming · 9 months
Ok, so, I have been playing Axiom Verge 2, and I promise I am enjoying it, but it is taking me time to adjust to the fact that everything is so different- the gameplay, the setting, the music setting. It's all very different, but I do like it.
But what's confusing me is that I have no clue where in the world (ha! which world???) we are. I would presume we're on Sudra, but I haven't had to translate any texts, and I haven't recognized a lot of the non-English words... except one that I've found so far: udug. I remembered the name "Udug Hul" from the "Transcription" note in the first game, so I looked it up:
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Well, that's... an interesting development, to say the least.
ANYWAY, it led me into a rabbit hole where I found some reddit posts translating Sudran and even Rusalki words into English:
This one talks about the dinger-gisbar.
This one talks about pretty much all the other words and names.
Thomas Happ is clearly a huge fan of Ancient Mesopotamia, and I applaud him for it. Egypt, Mesoamerica, China, those all get incorporated into media very frequently, even in video games (as well as medieval Europe, of course). But AV must be the first high-quality story in any media type to get so in-depth into Mesopotamian history and mythology.
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gmlocg · 11 months
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2,224.) Axiom Verge
Release: March 31st, 2015 | GGF: Platformer, Action-Adventure, Metroidvania, Exploration, Atmospheric, Story Rich | Developer(s): Thomas Happ Games LLC | Publisher(s): Thomas Happ Games LLC, BadLand Games S.L. | Platform(s): Linux (2015), Macintosh (2015), PlayStation 4 (2015), Windows (2015), PS Vita (2016), Wii U (2016), Xbox One (2016), Nintendo Switch (2017)
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 2 years
Inexorable // Axiom Verge (2015)
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globalteachonline · 2 years
Doawnload all udemy courses For free GLOBALTEACHONLINE.COM What you'll learn Build 2 complete games in Unity®.Code in C#.Use Blender and navigate its interface.Build 3D models in Blender.UV map and unwrap your models.Integrate the art from Blender into Unity®.Build video game levels.Create your own materials.Want to make a game? How about two games? In this course, you learn how to build a game using portals and a Zelda clone with Unity® and Blender. This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game. First you design the game and its functionality in Unity®. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on. Why Unity®? Unity® is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity® to build 2D and 3D games. Unity® is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms. Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity®. Why Blender? Blender, like Unity®, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course. Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this material in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related coursesBuild "The Legend Of Zenda" Game in Unity and Blender Make a 3D Unity Action Game & Low Poly Buildings in Blender28 Low Poly Models and a Unity® Game - Complete 3D Developer Professional Game Development: 3D Modeling and Unity C#Create 19 Low Poly Models & Your First 3D RPG In Unity® C# Complete Unity and Android Development: Build Games and Apps C# Masterclass: Make RPG & Mobile Games in Unity & Blender Make a Portals clone in Unity and Blender from scratchMake Your 1st 3D Unity® Game & 40 Low Poly Models in Blender The Complete Blender Design & Unity Game Development CourseC# Unity and Swift 4 Masterclass: Make Games and AppsComplete your first FPS and game art in Unity® and MakeHuman  Practical Unity Developer Academy: Make Fully Featured GamesThe Complete Real World Game Development and Design BootcampIs this course for me? Even if you're not an artist, you can make basic art models. You may have heard of Axiom Verge and Stardew Valley. These games are million-dollar successes. But did you know that only one person made each? Usually it takes a whole team of people to build a game. But creators Thomas Happ and Eric Barone developed and designed their games by themselves. Now they're millionaires. You can do it, too. Sign up right now to learn a new skillWho this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn Unity® or Blender.Anyone who wants to learn game development.This course assumes you know a little about Unity Technologies and Blender.
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ebottswake · 2 years
Video Game asker here, i wanted yo know which would be the eremmur children favorites indie games
Frisk: TIS-100 by Zachtronics
Asriel: Untitled Goose Game by House House
Chara: Axiom Verge 1 and 2 by Thomas Happ
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