#thus increasing fondness for this story
wen-kexing-apologist · 4 months
Symptoms of a System Error: The Manifestation of Myungha's Depression in Love for Love's Sake
Ok I will almost certainly have more thoughts about this when I go back to rewatch Love for Love’s Sake in the next couple weeks, but I’ve been thinking about the finale for the last couple of hours and I want to get some stuff out of my head. Before I get too far in to this, I want to say that I think most of the ambiguity in the show is brilliantly executed in a way that allows people to take whatever meaning they want to from it without contradicting each other, without stepping on toes, and without having to twist or bend the narrative beyond all recognition to  make it make sense. 
So I want to talk about the use of depression in this show, because the way Myungha exists in the world is recognizable enough to me that these moments of choice, and the system errors were extremely legible. That doesn’t mean my take is the correct one (and I honestly don’t think there is one right answer here anyway) but it’s what I got out of it, so with the needless ramble complete, let’s get to it. 
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gif by @dramascene
I connected rather quickly to Myungha as a character from right near the beginning of episode 1 because of how passionate he was about the character of Yeowoon and how much he hoped for a happy ending for that character. As someone who processes a lot of my feelings, and who understands myself better through media consumption, I was quick to appreciate the fact that Myungha recognizes the parts of himself that speak to Yeowoon and to know that because Yeowoon is fictional, he has a chance not to suffer with merely a stroke of a pen. The Author could have chosen from the beginning to give Yeowoon a happy ending, and did not because he believes that there are people for whom bad things will never stop happening. But from the perspective of a fictional story, the Author should consider who he is writing the story for. Myungha connects to Yeowoon, and it sends one hell of a tragic message for how Myungha’s life will end up if even in fiction the people who suffer have no hope of happiness. 
Myungha tells the Author that someone like Cha Yeowoon, someone like him [Myungha] with awful lives can still be happy. Looking back on that statement with the knowledge that Myungha kills himself, sends a very clear message, at least for me, of the hope that he was clinging to and finally lost his grip on. The Author asks if Myungha can change the outcome, and thus begins our story.
Now, I don’t know that I will have much more to say here than what @jemmo said in their very brilliant post, beyond the fact I agree with their interpretation of the debuffs. But I am thinking about the debuffs as it relates to mental health and to Myungha’s independence. One of Myungha’s first missions is to befriend Cha Yeowoon, and we see the difficulties associated with doing so when it comes to the Fondness Level meter and the debuffs that happen as a result. I love what Jess said about the dichotomy there: the debuffs mean that every time Myungha gets close to Yeowoon, something bad happens, Myungha uses that as a reason to stay away from Yeowoon to protect him when in fact, being around Myungha and increasing his fondness for him is the only way to really keep Yeowoon safe. 
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And here again there is something recognizable to me in this dichotomy. Myungha likes Yeowoon, Myungha wants to be friends with Yeowoon, every time something bad might happen to Yeowoon, Myungha is there to intervene. But Myungha is convinced that the potentially negative events that might occur during a debuff are because of him, and so he avoids Yeowoon as much as he possibly can. To me this makes the debuffs a stand in for depression symptoms. Myungha has convinced himself that he is the cause of the bad moments in Yeowoon’s day. Myungha has convinced himself that Yeowoon would be better off if they weren’t friends, because he only makes things worse. And that is not something he can easily shake off, it’s not something he can logic his way out of, that’s the game, that’s just how it is. And so he withdraws until Yeowoon comes to him. 
And honestly thinking about it, nothing bad really happens during those debuffs. The light doesn’t shatter, the boys back off on the bus, Yeowoon doesn’t punch Sangwon. Maybe the reason why nothing at all happens is because Myungha intervenes. Maybe if Myungha hadn’t been there, the light would have broken, maybe if Myungha hadn’t been there Yeowoon would have punched Sangwon. But that is not a lens that Myungha is capable of viewing himself through, that is never an option that crosses Myungha’s mind because he is too focused on feeling like the cause of Yeowoon’s problems. 
System Errors
I know there is a lot of confusion or at least uncertainty around the system errors. Why are they happening? Where are they coming from? For me, I think the answer is Myungha himself. The first time we get a system error, it’s in Episode 6, what I think is the day after Yeowoon and Myungha have their first kiss and very soon after Yeowoon and Myungha kiss on the rooftop at school. The first error isn’t subtle, but it’s not explicitly stated. Myungha walks in to a room to take a phone call and walks in to the middle of band practice, falling through the world as he tries to remove himself from the situation until he (literally) runs in to Yeowoon. Myungha goes home that night and gets his first moments in the black abyss, and the first explicit mention via pop-up of a system error. I have not gone through (yet) to track every instance of what happens before a system error pop-up occurs from that point on, but I will say moment that was most legible for me in terms of indicating that these system errors were stemming from Myungha himself were when he gets the notification both times that Yeowoon looks directly at him and tells Myungha “I love you.” 
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That moment was a guy punch for me because I was not able to see it any other way except that Myungha is so incapable of believing that people could actually love him that someone telling him directly and sincerely that they love him cannot exist in his world. He literally cannot compute it, and thus an error occurs. Again from the perspective of depression, or trauma, or what have you, this is familiar to me. It is perhaps the most reflective part of Myungha to my own psyche. Neither of us know how to be loved. 
Myungha is called out on this repeatedly, he is nice to everyone, he does so much for everyone and refuses to ask for help himself. I’m the same way, I will bend over backwards as much as I can to help the people that I care about, but it is a rare occasion where I can ask for help myself. I’m not sure if this is the case for Myungha, but for me at least a lot of that stems from needing to make myself useful to people in some way so they keep me around. And so I end up feeling like a commodity to the people that I care about and help, and merely tolerated by anyone else that I do not help but that interacts with me any way. Myungha is called out consistently by multiple people, real or NPC about this similar habit. Myungha does not want to be a burden, Myungha only cares about other people’s happiness, Myungha is not happy himself and has maybe never been happy and so he pours everything he can in to lightening the load for others. 
He loves Yeowoon, but to be loved by Yeowoon is different. To experience any moments of joy cannot possibly be real. Maybe I am projecting too much on to the character, but it makes complete and total sense to me that Myungha’s worldview would break down upon having someone state wholeheartedly that they want to be a support system for him. 
Cruel Choices
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With the enmeshment of depression and video game mechanics in mind, I want to talk about the scene at the end of Episode 6. I love this scene so much for a number of reasons: 
It turns the game on a head for me as we slip further and further in to a nightmare scenario
It raises the stakes and attempts to get Myungha to make a hard choice 
It forces Myungha to think about what is important to him 
It’s ultimate purpose and who is posting the mission is ambiguous/uncertain 
I’m going to focus on number four. I think it is a perfectly valid read to see this and all video game mechanics as designed by The Author in an effort to help Myungha change Yeowoon’s story in which case this mission feels particularly vindictive and cruel. @lurkingshan posed the question in a conversation we were having about Love for Love’s Sake, where she wondered why the game could not hold two sources of love for Myungha at once. I love that question because it made me realize how differently this show can be read and how important who you choose to read as the entity in control of this game is for what this scene specifically means and I love so many interpretations of it, I love the interpretation that is was simply cruel, I love the interpretation that in retrospect this was the Author being angry at Myungha for dying, I love the reflection from @jemmo that said this felt like a choice between staying rooted in the past (sparing grandma) or choosing a future (sparing Yeowoon)
For me, I think I am leaning heavily in to the pop ups are under Myungha’s subconscious control, his mind, the missions he thinks are important, the problems he thinks he is causing are what is driving the base game. Because of this my base instinct is to lean in to the depression/anxiety/trauma tent where things have been going a little too well for him lately and he has convinced himself that he is due for something bad to happen. I am happy to once again acknowledge that this probably projection, but I know that my own mental illness(es) does not let my peace linger for long. Myungha is spending so much time with Yeowoon, Yeowoon who grounds him when his world is literally falling apart. Yeowoon who cannot contain his smile whenever he is around Myungha, Yeowoon who is downright desperate to bestow love and support upon Myungha, Yeowoon who has accompanied Myungha to the hospital late at night to be there for his boyfriend in a stressful time, and Myungha can’t have that. He loves his grandmother, he loves Yeowoon, they both love him and so obviously means that something bad is going to happen to them. 
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[As an aside I am thinking about what the Author said in the final episode about wanting Myungha to be able to see himself from the outside, and how I took that to mean Yeowoon is supposed to be a reflection of Myungha and a journey to self love, and how Yeowoon told Myungha that something bad always happens to the people around him in relation to this hospital scene]
Secondarily, I do think being confronted with this choice at all allows Myungha to have a moment of reflection, and is clarifying for him to know that both Yeowoon and his grandmother are important people in his life that he doesn’t want to lose. That’s fucking huge, in my opinion at least. And for all this mission was cruel, it was the first time Myungha refused to complete the mission. He was asked to save one, he decided to save both, and the game could have been cruel and taken his grandmother and Yeowoon away for refusing to choose, but it didn’t. They both got to live, and sure Myungha’s mission to make Yeowoon happy was shortened significantly, but I do think fifteen days was enough time to be successful in his mission if the depression and the grief had not gotten to Myungha instead. 
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Something about grief that my therapist told me once was grieving people love helping others. And I think that is the case of Myungha here just based on the way he throws himself in to helping as many people as he can, especially Yeowoon. He knows Yeowoon is grieving, he knows Yeowoon is struggling, and he can distract himself from his own shit by helping Yeowoon instead. But once Myungha is confronted with the possibility that either one of the people that he loves could die, the penality for failing in his mission to make Yeowoon happy looms over his head like a knife. Just like Myungha considered himself the problem with the debuff, he knows how high of a likelihood it is that Yeowoon would regress, would isolate, would sink into a massive low. 
And it would be Myung’s fault (in his mind). 
Especially because Yeowoon keeps saying that even thinking about going on dates with Myungha is making him happy but Myungha’s mission isn’t complete. Myungha has started to get low, he is not as engaged in his relationship with Yeowoon, he’s convinced himself he is going to fail, and is thus setting himself up for failure because he decides 15 days is not enough time to find happiness, but it is enough time to break somebody’s heart in preparation for a devastating loss. And maybe, maybe Myungha would have snapped out of it with enough time to spare initially, but any hope of that being the case was shattered the second Yeowoon admitted that he wasn’t happy because Myungha wasn’t relying on him. 
Myungha is so used to be self-reliant there is no way for him to break out of that habit in just two weeks. Myungha knew his death would hurt Yeowoon, but the final nail in the coffin for him was learning that his life was hurting Yeowoon too. And he almost got there, he almost did it, he admitted that he didn’t know how to, but he withdrew at the last second. He has spent all this time, all this energy, all this focus in to changing Yeowoon, he does not have the space to do that for himself. 
The Choice 
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The last moment I will really speak to as it relates to my interpretation of this game being controlled by Myungha as a manifestation of his depression is the author’s pen. Considering the fact The Author asked Myungha if he wanted to try again, I do not think if the Author was controlling this game world that he would have had Myungha disappear from it. Because according to the Gaga subs, the change that Myungha writes is that he wants Yeowoon to be happy, and immediately upon finishing that request, Myungha starts to fade. 
If we hold these game mechanics as manifestations of Myungha’s depression, which I do, it makes complete and total sense to me that Myungha would fall back in to the pattern of believing that Yeowoon would be happier if Myungha wasn’t there. Yeowoon has a modeling deal now, he has some modicum of fame, he has friends now, he has supports in place that he did not have before, so what need does Yeowoon have of him, when his inability to let people love him is what is now causing Yeowoon to feel sad. 
And I think that massive server error at the end where the world is burning and the universe is melting in to the game is a result of Myungha realizing too little, too late that this isn’t what he wanted. But it can’t be undone. The line he says when he is sinking in to the water about how at the last minute before he died, he regretted it. The game, the drowning here are one in the same to me. 
And for me there was just something so beautiful and hopeful from Myungha telling The Author that he wants to try again. We started the show with Myungha telling The Author miserable people can be happy, and we end the show with Myungha and Yeowoon finally getting the happy ending they never thought they would have. 
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gif by @junghaesin
God I loved this show.
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minteaspoon · 1 year
What if Luke took over Daenerys’ place, but make it HOTD?
****Like most of my stories/headcanons, this will be ABO!!!!
The Greens win the civil war, and all of the Blacks perish, except for three; Viserys II, Aegon III, and Lucerys. Unfortunately, they spend months trapped in the Red Keep, paraded around by the Greens for their own amusement and pride. Aemond had taken Luke’s dignity in front of the court in a mock bedding ceremony.
Lucerys gets pregnant, and long into his pregnancy, about five more weeks before the expected due date, he is attacked by guards under the orders of Aegon II, and lost the babe. Once again in front of the court, Luke is shamed and made fun for it with his brothers in his arms. Aemond, over and over for a year and a half, attempted to get the former prince of the Realm pregnant, but the stress and humiliation kept killing off the babes
However, Corlys was able to find a way to get them out, and directed them to a set of islands he once came across during his travels as a budding man, and advised them to escape and set a home for themselves there
Soon, the trio were able to flee to said abandoned archipelago far off from any other country, and take residence there. The islands were once great with ties to Old Valyria, and was a safe house - well, a castle carved deep into the island’s mountains - for dragon eggs and knowledge of Old Valyria which were all frozen and kept in (semi-)safe conditions by the ones who once guarded them
With Luke being a prodigy at Valyrian thanks for Rhaenyra and Daemon, he deciphers all he needs to know from the texts, and reads them as bedtime stories for his brothers. Thus, the siblings start to learn and conduct experiments from the books containing Old Valyria’s magic - the same magic Queen Visenya was said to have involved herself with before and in the reign of King Aegon Targaryen, First of His Name and even after his demise
Luke then finds three dragon eggs, and puts them over a fire in one of the many rooms in the castle carved within the island. Months have passed, and Luke was now nearing nineteen when the eggs hatched, with all three dragons immediately bonding with Lucerys.
Aegon the Younger, gonna call him Egg here to make it easier to tell which Aegon I’m talking about, and Viserys II, who I’m gonna call Vis for the same reason, aren’t jealous, and are rather ecstatic as it meant they had some protection.
The dragons consists of a silver-purple female named Silvermoon, another reddish female named Ruby, and a bronze scaled male named Ashe. While all three dragons are bonded with Lucerys, they do still find fondness over Egg and Vis. Egg and Ashe are close despite his initial distrust due to his witness of Sunfyre burning his mother. Vis and Ruby often nap and eat together, along with playing with one another to the joy of Lucerys. Silvermoon and Luke are each other’s anchors when their siblings are out playing or hunting.
As the years pass, the three surviving members of the Blacks continue to live in peace and happiness.
Back in Westeros, the Greens have found themselves in quite the predicament; With the dragon eggs soon going cold, their only living dragon being Vhagar, and with their increasing unpopularity with the townsfolk and pressure and claims of promises they must fulfill from the Lords of Houses who sided with them, they knew it was the start of their fall from grace. The Greens pretty much walked so the Lannisters from GOT could run.
About three or four years have passed since the Dance. And Luke is suddenly met with a fleet from House Greyjoy, led by the Red Kraken, Dalton Greyjoy himself.
The man was sailing his ships, raiding villages and taking treasure when he comes upon Luke and his brothers’ island home. When Luke comes to deal with him alone, Dalton threatens to finish what the Greens have started, before Luke calls for his dragons and brothers to spearhead a surprise attack on the Greyjoy Fleet.
Luke had seen the fleet from the horizon sailing for them, and immediately sprung himself, his brothers, and his dragons to action. With three medium sized dragons, not even fully done growing yet, and two extremely peeved and held back boys, who know Black Magic mind you, now allowed to go wild caused his men some arms and legs and even their lives, so Dalton halts his forces and attempts to broker a deal; If Luke lets the Greyjoy men safely go, he’ll make sure the island knows no suffering or pillaging or death.
Luke agrees, but when Dalton is about to board the ship, the former prince stops him, and says that the deal only secured the safety of the men under the Red Kraken’s command, and not the Kraken himself.
Amused by his trickery, Dalton surrenders to staying behind, but does make a small adjustment to allow him letters and occasional visits from his people to keep them in check.
A year passes, and the Red Kraken and Blue Dragon fall head over heels together, and marry in the ways of Old Valyria and of the Drowned God. They consummate their marriage in their own section of the castle, with the other sections lived in by the dragons, Egg, and Vis.
Nine months later, Luke pops out twins; an Omega girl named Rhaelys and an Alpha boy named Rhaemon.
The islands Luke had taken up residence over soon had a small port and villages containing wayward travelers, outcasts and those exiled start popping up, and the Greyjoy Fleet, and soon the Ironborn, named the place Dragonborne Islands - the Isles that Birthed Dragons.
House Stark and Arryn soon catches wind of Luke, Egg, and Vis’ existence, and secretly sail to meet with them. At first, the family of four, with the twins protected by Ruby, and two active dragons were prepared to burn the ships down, but it wasn’t long before they welcomed and brought inside for talks.
House Stark and Arryn still remember their oath to Rhaenyra Targaryen, and their promise to see a Black on the Iron Throne. They remember every slight against them by the Greens and their allies, and wish revenge for both their disgraced Houses and for Rhaenyra Targaryen and her line.
Lucerys, at first refuses, but after some prodding and convincing from Egg and Vis, who both do still feel bitter about their beloved mother’s harrowing and disgraceful death and the trauma the Greens inflicted on both them and their big brother, Lhke agrees to lead a charge to take back the Iron Throne.
Of course, his husband Dalton Greyjoy is most certainly happy to participate - the same could be said for House Stark and Arryn.
Corlys Velaryon hadn’t died yet, and was still living large, and when he was sent a letter by House Greyjoy, informing him of his grandson’s plans, he jumped to the chance to join them immediately. The man abandoned his Driftmark Throne, and sent his entire fleet to the aid of Prince Lucerys Velaryon of the Dragonborne Islands.
The same could be said for Nettles, whom sought revenge for the death of Daemon Targaryen by the hands of the cowardly and weak Greens.
Soon, the Greens are informed by Larys Strong of the uprising far off the shores of Westeros.
That Prince Lucerys Velaryon is alive and well, and is sailing and marching to take back his due.
With the support and backing of the great Houses of Velaryon, Greyjoy, Arryn, and Stark.
With the knowledge of old and ancient, powerful and dark, glorious magic and scriptures of Old Valyria.
And with the strength and might of three dangerous and prime dragons, whom laid an active clutch for Viserys II and the Twins of Lucerys, and the additional war-hardened dragon Sheepstealer with his bloodthirsty rider.
Across the seas and across the lands, in uncharted territory and in front of his people, surrounded by relics of a past great Kingdom,
Lucerys Velaryon of House Targaryen, First of His Name - the Velaryon Pearl, the Mother of Dragons, the Blue Targaryen, Lord of Dragonborne, Wife of the Red Kraken, the Unbroken - named himself King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm on his throne of Old Valyria.
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
Hi! After coming across your Tumblr, I’m somewhat intrigued by the idea that there could be… something… between the two co-stars. I fell into the GO fandom very very late (after I finally got Prime Video last month, to be precise) and scouring through four years of content on this hell site has been insane 😵‍💫. I’m curious as to how people started shipping them IRL. Would you happen to have a link to the earliest speculative posts? Much appreciated and I hope you have a good day.
Hello, Anon! It's never too late to join the fandom, and you've come at a most opportune time, as the second season of GO has just been released. Welcome, and I hope you're enjoying your stay here!
So, in terms of shipping Michael and David...whew, boy. It's hard to know where to start, but I'd like to touch on a few useful things to know. One is that people shipping Michael and David is not new. For a lot of us, this started back in 2019 with the release of GO season 1, followed by the GO season 1 press tour. More significantly, it continued after this, because Michael and David continued flirting with each other long after there was anything to "promote," thus giving rise to the feeling in many of us that this was not simply "fan service" at work.
It was furthered by the two of them appearing in Staged--which was specifically described by Simon, the writer and creator of the show, as a love story between them (gosh, why does that sound so familiar?)--and the increased closeness between them during lockdown. And now here we are with the release of GO 2 and all the wonderful interviews we've gotten with Michael and David, and all those feelings of longing and fondness and love between them seem to be even stronger than they were before.
(Also, there has been a lot of anti-RPF sentiment going around the past few days, and the loudness of this particular crowd tends to overshadow the reality that a lot more people ship Michael and David than anyone realizes. Especially if my inbox is any indication, with the hundreds of Anons I currently have on the subject...)
But you asked about how people started shipping them, so I will do my best to answer you thusly. It's difficult to pinpoint one particular speculative post, but I will delineate my response into how I started shipping them vs. how others did.
For my part, this post and this post explain how and why I started shipping them, with multiple receipts to back up my assertions. You may also want to check out this post, which goes into detail about the possibility of a polyamorous arrangement between Michael, David, and Georgia, and things each of them have specifically said to encourage this line of thinking over the last few years.
In terms of other people, I would suggest reading this post, which is a brilliant summary from one of my Anons about Michael and David's sexuality and how they came to realize some things about how a kiss between Michael and David would play out.
Finally, this post features screenshots from members of an FB group (which has now hit 500+ members since the second season came out) that I run that focuses on discussions about shipping Michael and David, with answers to the question of "When did you start shipping Michael and David, and why?" As you can see, the answers are varied and show how the realization came to different people in different ways, but the common sentiment is all of us seeing that powerful connection between Michael and David, and that it goes far beyond/frequently has nothing to do with what is on screen.
I hope this helps to answer your question, Anon. Thanks for writing in! x
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
Too Late: Epilogue
The last chapter of this story for @miner249er
First Story in Series
Beginning Chapter         
Last Chapter
Summary: Wu Fei came back from training only to hear news that changed her whole world, meanwhile Nooroo's mind wanders while he watched over Marinette. 
Wu Fei was someone who liked to believe that she grew from her mistakes. She had faith she had in fact done so, but she knew she had not accomplished it alone. She owed thanks to her French-Chinese friend, Marinette. Oh, she knew a lot of it was herself but the other teen helped her realize the difference between Revenge and Justice when she had still been lost and hurt. Losing her adoptive father, Wu Shifu, had been a hurt that she believed nothing could soothe, but she lived as though it hadn’t hurt as badly as it had. But losing someone who loved you, cared for you, raised you, CHOSE you, was something she never wished upon anyone. Not even an enemy. Her bàba was her family, whether they shared blood or not, he could have taken her somewhere else like the CWI or a hatch house but he didn’t. He took her in and adopted her and he told her it was the best thing he had ever done as he believed she was a blessing. Thinking of him still hurt but it was more bittersweet than the blinding pain it used to be. Memories of them together were held near and dear to her heart and now she strived to be the woman he taught her to be.
That was the reason she left to train. Fei had strayed from the path she had been taught and wanted to remedy that immediately after she had acquired the Prodigious. The powers she had gained were exhilarating but she did not doubt the weight of their responsibility thus another reason to train. It wasn’t easy. Nothing worth it ever is, but she was proud to say all the training paid off. Her only regret was not being in contact with Marinette for so long but Mei Shi was a strict mentor when it came to her training for the Prodigious and for becoming another Guardian of the Sacred Cave and forbid outside distractions. Though the being was rather fond of Marinette whenever Fei and her called or messaged one another, Mei Shi usually asked Fei to send his well wishes to the French-Chinese girl. Now that training was done, Fei couldn’t wait to get back to their talks whether they were deep or meaningless, she missed her friend, her only friend. 
That was why, as soon as training was done, she immediately sent a message to let her friend know she was finished and they should find a day that worked for both of them so they could video chat. She didn’t get a response the first day. That was okay, Marinette was a busy individual and when she was busy she tended to neglect her phone much the same way that Fei herself did when she herself was in a creative zone and deep into her training with Mei Shu. But the days kept passing and messages went with no responses, let alone read and Fei grew more worried. She even called Marinette’s parents bakery but either the line was busy or no longer in use. Her worry increased to the point she was in an anxious frenzy and had no idea what to do short of finding a way to Paris to make sure her friend was okay. Then she remembered Cheng Wang and his open invitation to visit him and his restaurant whenever she wanted. Whether she needed a meal or simply needed someone to talk to. It was an offer that Fei really appreciated but rarely took up. 
It was time to take up that offer to make sure her friend was okay because Fei had a bad feeling and usually her bad feeling’s were always something worth fretting over. She was scared. This feeling wasn’t something like the time she had a bad feeling and realized she was missing an ingredient from a potion that Mei Shu had been instructing her to make, an important ingredient. The result had been…less than ideal but nothing life threatening. No, this feeling made her heart pound, her lungs squeeze, her body tense and her stomach sick. It only came when she thought of Marinette and she was about ready to use her dragon form to take her to Paris but she couldn’t be impulsive. Impulsivity caused mistakes, mistakes caused consequences you might not be ready nor willing to face. Fei had to be smart, she had to be calm, she had to be rational and going to Cheng Wang was what her rational thoughts were screaming and she was not going to deny them as they were the only good ideas she was having. 
One short yet long-feeling trip had Fei standing in front of The Thousand Delights restaurant and to her surprise it had a closed sign taped to the door and windows. Fei’s heart dropped when she read it was for an undetermined amount of time but that it was not forever. The restaurant was closing for a family emergency and a little voice inside Fei whispered, Marinette. Desperately wanting to be wrong, Fei ran up the stairs to Master Cheng’s apartment that was located above the restaurant, much like his niece and her husband. The door was ajar and though she knew it was incredibly rude not to knock or saw something to announce her presence, Fei’s heart was racing, something was wrong and she needed to help so she just entered the home in a rush. There was no thought of her shoes on the floors, only to see if Master Cheng was okay, to see the problem, to fix the problem. Except there was no problem, well, not one she could see besides Master Cheng packing a suitcase. He was leaving? Why was he leaving? 
Master Cheng blinked at her in confusion, he didn’t even reprimand her about her shoes, he was usually a stickler for rules. “Fei?”
“Master Cheng…what…what’s going on?” Maybe it was too broad a question but Fei didn’t know a lot of things at the moment and Master Cheng was the only one who could give her answers. 
The heart-broken, desperate look he gave her did not make things better. “Oh Little One,” He had taken to calling her that and Marinette Littler One, “You do not know.”
“No. Know what? I…I’ve been training.”
“Come. Sit. I will…I will make us some tea.” Master Cheng said after a moment as he moved away from his suitcase to lead Fei more into his apartment and close the door. 
“What? But-”
“Believe me. You will need the tea.”
Fei didn’t argue but she did toe off her shoes and set them by the door before she made her way to sit on one of the couches to wait. She didn’t want to wait but she knew she had to be patient. But how could she be patient when she knew the news she was about to receive was bad enough to warrant tea? The urge to bite her nails was strong but Mei Shu had been working really hard with her to break that particular habit. Though the more seconds that passed the more they felt like hours and the more impatience began to consume Fei. Restlessness crawled up her legs and seized her heart and she was almost about to just get up and go help despite how rude it might come across. Master Cheng was a kind person but she had no doubt he would be upset if she busted into the kitchen and interrupted him so she bounced a leg to try and occupy her and burn some of her restless energy. 
“Sorry for the wait, I forgot I had packed my favorite tea to go with me on my trip.” Master Cheng announced softly as he walked into the room with his teapot and two cups on a tray. Fei even spotted some cookies. 
“No worries.” Fei replied even if the words tasted bitter like a lie. She watched as Master Cheng placed the tray gently on the little coffee table and arranged everything on the table for them to reach them comfortably. She watched as he poured them both a cup of his favorite Longjing Green Tea, it brought a small secretive smile to her face as she recalled its other name, Dragon Well. It was something so simple and yet it made her feel a little less frantic and stressed, that seemed to be the normal when it came to her visits with Master Cheng. He was such a calming presence to be around. “You, You mentioned a trip?” 
Master Cheng took a seat across from her and picked up his own cup of tea and blew at the steam and sighed. “Yes. I am taking a trip to Paris…You…You haven’t heard… anything?” 
The way he said it, much like before, like it was something that weighed on his mind, on his shoulders, on his very spirit. “I’m afraid not. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been away training with a new mentor. He is…old fashioned and strict but kind, but while training he forbade outside distractions.”
“Ah, I had a great aunt like that. She had a thing about technology, I assume your mentor is much the same.”
“He is.”
Master Cheng nodded and stared off into his cup of tea for a moment before he brought it up to his lips and took a sip. “Much has happened back in Paris I’m afraid…”
Fei’s heart skipped a beat but she forced herself to shakily take a sip of her tea before she did anything rash. She swallowed the tea and then swallowed her lips before she asked, “Marinette? Is it…Does it have to do with Marinette?” 
The silence that followed was answer enough.
“What happened?” Fei asked after she had a sip of her tea and after the silence started to feel more than a little suffocating. 
Master Cheng took in a deep breath before he placed his cup on the saucer and back on the table between them. He stared down at his hands for a few seconds before he looked up at her. Eye contact had never felt so foreboding. “Marinette is…she is missing.”
She couldn’t be.
Marinette couldn’t be missing, she just couldn’t. Please not Fei’s first friend. Not her best friend.
“It started with an akuma. I assume you are…familiar with them in the sense you have heard of them.”
All Fei could do was nod, her throat was too choked up. 
“The akuma was…She was…Marinette was the akuma.” Master Cheng admitted and when he did so it seemed like it tore a bit of himself away. He looked so pained by the admission that Fei knew without a doubt he had actually felt that odd flash of pain one felt squeeze their heart in times of true sadness and panic. 
And yet. She still wanted to doubt what he said despite her gut telling her he was being truthful. “No…Marinette would never…”
Master Cheng looked so bitterly resigned before he spoke again, “There is this American writer I am fond of. She has written many words, said probably many more but there is this one quote I can never forget. ‘The human capacity for burden is like bamboo – far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first sight.’ It is a thought provoking quote and an inspirational one, but like many things…bamboo can break with enough determination and the right tools.”
“Marinette…she’s the bamboo.”
“We all are, but in this case? Yes. I guess things were not going well in her class, quite the opposite in fact. It wasn’t one big thing that hit her, rather it was many things, some small, some not. It’s only human to break after that much pressure. The only thing is that Paris had a madman set out to use any strong negative emotion against everyone.” 
“Had. You…You said, ‘had’.” Fei pointed out.
It made Master Cheng chuckle, albeit weakly. “You are very smart, very intuitive. Marinette…as an akuma…this is rather hard to explain…”
It certainly seemed hard to explain. Fei couldn’t see how Marinette as an akuma connected to the past tense talk of Paris’ supervillain. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s no fault of yours.”
“Nor yours.”
“...True. It’s just…the circumstances make one feel like they could have done more. I could have done more,” Master Cheng insisted, his voice thick with tears and it was such a shock to Fei. She had never seen him cry. Never. “Marinette was not happy, I noticed this in our last call but she brushed aside my concern and thought it best to give her space. If I had done more, if I had pressed…maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe The Followers would have never happened.”
“Th-The Followers?”
“Even as an akuma, Marinette wanted to protect people, she called herself The Protector. Not much is known about what she did before but…the akuma because I know Marinette could never, the akuma supposedly beat Gabriel Agreste and his assistant to the point of immediate hospitalization. It’s not confirmed but it is heavily speculated that he and his assistant were in fact-”
“Hawkmoth and Mayura.” Fei gasped. It made sense. Too much sense and yet not enough at the same time. “She…she saved Paris…but how…how did she end up missing then?”
“No one knows. She saved everyone and then just disappeared. No heroes were seen that day. Marinette was never defeated as an akuma. Never-”
“Never purified!” Fei couldn’t help but finish, her mind was going a mile a minute. 
“Indeed. She disappeared as an akuma and…she left behind overzealous fans. Fans of her akuma form and those who believe she was Ladybug which it seems was the truth. These people became a group who basically became more of a cult, they, in her name, decided they too would ‘protect’ Paris. In doing so they have murdered a woman, maybe a man, they have put two young ladies in the hospital, one more injured than the other and they have taken it upon themselves to ‘protect’ the memory of their messiah.” Master Cheng explained with an obvious heavy heart.
“The Protector…”
Master Cheng nodded. “That’s why I am going to Paris. This cult has stolen many items that Marinette has made by hand for others. They have even gone as far as breaking into Sabine and Tom’s bakery and apartment. They have already taken objects but I’m going over to help pack the rest of Marinette’s things and bring them back here. We don’t want them getting their hands on anything else and I honestly don’t think Sabine would be able to handle anymore thefts.”
Fei felt an all too familiar feeling of loss hit her full force but she refused to buckle under its pressure like she had done before. Not when she knew there was still hope. Hope to find and see her friend again. “I’m coming with.”
Nooroo did his best not to panic at the fact that Marinette was still unconscious but it was an old habit that was not so easy to break. Even if he could feel she was perfectly fine through their connection. A connection that comforted him yet confused him, it was like no connection he had ever made before. There was always some kind of connection between a Kwami and the Holder of their Miraculous, especially if they were a Harmony, a perfect match. Then there was the opposite of that which was a Dissonance, a very imperfect match one that could be destructive if a Holder still forced a transformation. If a Kwami was in a Dissonance for too long it would result in damage done to the Miraculous which is what happened to Duusuu unfortunately. The two souls would continue to clash within the transformation without the wearer being aware until they started being affected by it. The Holder would succumb to either the injuries or the illness they were cursed with and the Miraculous would break and infuse itself with that curse.
Emilie Agreste had unfortunately learned of this curse first hand despite Duusuu’s continued warnings. At some point Nooroo stopped caring what would happen to the woman, Duusuu had warned her and pleaded for her so many times, it had to be pure stupidity or desperation to ignore them and though Nooroo shared a fascination of humanity with Tikki, he felt irritated in the face of their stupidity. Duusuu though, poor Duusuu was a bleeding heart and had a soft spot for the blonde woman and did her best to save her. Even if Duusuu hadn’t tried, their fate had been sealed the moment Emilie fell into a coma and Gabriel Agreste showed some of the worst humanity had to offer. Duusuu was spared for a good amount of time while Nooroo had been chained to power-hungry Holder once more. It had happened before but not like this. 
The sad part was that Gabriel could have been a good enough Holder for him, not a Harmony but close but his actions and the change he went through caused the connection between them to go askew, closer to a Dissonance but never reaching that level. The only reason it never did was because Gabriel at least had the brain to feed him, even if it wasn’t as often as it should have been and he let him rest though he never went out of his way to make sure Nooroo was okay or comfy. A good bond with a Kwami was essential to the growth of a connection thus the growth of power a Miraculous had. Being free of Gabriel was like plunging into cool waters after being in intense heat for an extended period of time, all the shackles of the commands he was given were broken and it was like he could finally feel.
Marinette had freed him, though not entirely herself. She possessed the power of a Champion, those who fought for the Butterfly Miraculous though Gabriel had twisted the magic so much that they couldn’t even be called Champions when he made them, much like past Holders who used the Butterfly Miraculous in such a way, the man gave the creatures he created new names. He dubbed them Akumas. From what Nooroo could recall of his time in Japan so many years ago, he recalled the different meanings: demon, devil, fire spirit, group of undefined beings that brought pain and suffering. It fit in a poetic way. Marinette was no Akuma, but to call her a Champion didn’t feel right either. She became something entirely different when she accepted the butterfly in the height of her hurt and anger, when she accepted all of them, when she felt for them, when she sympathized with them. 
Nooroo was as much Marinette’s as she was his and he knew he would be safe as long as he was with her. He would protect her too, as much as he could. “Don’t worry Little Caterpillar, we’ll get through this and out of it, you will blossom and transform.” He muttered softly as he ran a little hub through her hair. 
“Oh. Hello there! It’s not very often I see my kind here. Actually not often at all.” A voice startled Nooroo enough to nearly make him fall into Marinette’s hair. He flew up and turned every direction he could until his eyes focused on what was definitely a Kwami. One he did not recognize. 
“You…You are a Kwami, but not one I know…” 
The Kwami laughed, though not unkindly. “That’s not surprising. I was one of the younger ones and not many knew of me before my Miraculous went missing from the Box I was part of.”
That somewhat answered Nooroo’s question and yet didn’t and left him with more. “I am Nooroo. Kwami of Transmission and Hope.”
“Oooo formal greeting! Okay.” The Kwami cleared its throat before it introduced itself. “I am Frenze. Kwami of Strength and Friendship! It’s nice to meet you Nooroo, why did you come to this island? Was it with that human? Why is that human asleep? Where’s your boat? Did you even come on boat? Oh my goodness! Are you guys shipwrecked? Did you fall overboard?”
Yep. Definitely a Kwami of friendship.
CWI - Children's Welfare Institute is an orphanage located in Shanghai, China
hatch house or also known as a baby hatch - A baby hatch is a small home where parents drop off children, where they hopefully will be taken to an orphanage. The Ministry of Civil Affairs began the baby hatch program as a response to the increasing number of abandoned infants. Currently, there are 32 baby hatches across China, and each hatch only accepts children from within the same city.
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anomalouscorvid · 1 year
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i know. the two winning fandoms in the poll i did were rw and hk, not rw and fl. but i didn't have any ideas for rw/hk and i like putting creatures in situations and i think 'slugcats, suddenly in the neath' is a fun situation to draw. i had more thoughts, maybe even enot/inv thoughts (secret joke dating sim slugcat... common theme in fl of love stories... it all fits), but i think this is enough for now. it ended up rather slugcat-heavy, maybe i should also consider the opposite situation, just casually dropping fallen london characters into the world of rain world.
sizes... not to scale really
explanation/context for some more specific parts (for both fl and rw stuff) beneath the cut:
rivulet holding karma flower: in rw, your karma increases when you survive another cycle, and decreases when you die. a karma flower keeps your karma level at the same level when you die. could be vaguely relevant to the immortality stuff the evolution story is somewhat about. y'know
"no rain?": fallen london takes place in the neath, which is, surprise surprise, underground. it wouldn't have the frequent lethal rain cycles that rivulet (or any other slugcat) is used to
rivulet biting some guy's hand: the youthful naturalist, an important character in evolution, has shown a fondness for tinned eels. rivulet would probably also enjoy tinned eels. and thus, the BITING YOU BITING YOU BITING YOU
artificer being held: the artificer causes explosions and is on a quest to kill an important figure. april of the calendar council also causes explosions and is also on a quest to kill an important figure. thus, the holding. clearly the artificer is the best possible calendar mascot
arti contemplating a purple knife and her dead slugpups: purple knife image is the image for ambition: nemesis. the ambition where you avenge a loved one
birds on train tracks: there are terror birds on the train tracks usually. that's just a thing in fallen london. miros birds in rain world run over long stretches of land and are, generally speaking, fatal to encounter. i don't think the great hellbound railway in this 'au' would be, uh, particularly useable. the person being eaten is unimportant
saint in the mirror: parabola is, to summarise things too much, a dream world that can sometimes be seen through mirrors. no significance to saint being there i just thought they fitted visually although maybe also thematically. (but parabola is generally warm, not cold)
5p and two masters: i'm not sure there'd be a reason for the masters of the bazaar wanting to make a deal with five pebbles. but anyway there has been at least one time in the history of the neath where someone was turned into an island to prevent death, and five pebbles is a sort-of-organic supercomputer with the rot (self-inflicted, by accident) which is slowly killing him, and also he has a city already on top of his structure so shoving a mountain shard in him would be like... double-living-city??
the others i think are more self-explanatory if you know anything about either game then you can probably guess what's going on
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storytellingdreamer · 2 years
Watching Granada Holmes: The Final Problem
See my other granada holmes recaps here. 
So I had a choice this week. Either watch two episodes in the one week and watch FINA before a planned trip - or wait until next week. Obviously I chose the first option, so am now forced to wait to see Empty Hearse until after I get back. It feels poetic. I like it. 
This will be a LONG recap - when I first watched this episode last night I was almost incoherent with feels and these recaps have always been a way for me to process those as I re-watch. 
The first thing about this episode is that, of course, it’s not your usual story. No case, really. (The thing about the Mona Lisa is mostly window dressing.) No, the focus is the Moriarty Problem. 
The Doylian reasons for this are well established, and Granada makes it all the more heartbreaking. The moments where the (ACD canon) narrative stretches thin are given new context, and painful purpose. 
For example, the Doylian reasoning behind this story demands that Holmes and Watson do things that feel slightly OOC for a Granada story. Holmes doesn’t tell Watson some things - deliberately hides them, in the case of the spyglass moment. Watson doesn’t act or ask questions about some things. After all the time Granada’s spent building up the Holmes and Watson Team dynamic, it feels a bit Odd. 
Yet in the same breath, the script, Brett and Burke’s body language and dialogue delivery, all of it, gives the answer as to why. Holmes was scared, and wanted to protect Watson. Watson wAs allowing that, humouring (caring for) Holmes and hoping that some time away might do them both good (protective of Holmes in turn). Granada’s shift in positioning of their dynamic makes this episode all the more tragic. It makes the ending hurt all the more. 
Also, remember how in my review of Resident Patient, I railed against  “voiceover flashbacks”? Well. My position was tested this episode. There are decent chunks of the narrative that are told via those here. Most of the time, however, it actually works. 
Why? It’s simple. The voiceovers for this episode are Watson and Holmes, no one else. Granada TV has spent the episodes leading up to this one establishing “Watson as narrator” by inserting a Watson voiceover at various points over the top of some scene from Baker St. So we’re primed for it to feel more real than some of the other voiceover flashbacks did. We are then further primed by the way Watson’s introduction in this episode is by one of those narration scenes ... and what he says in that voiceover: “it falls to me now to tell the story of Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty”. 
We are directly told that we are listening to Watson recount the story. A story that has already happened. And that becomes one HELL of a gut-punch in the feels by the end. 
Onto the actual recap. 
The music in this show is EXCELLENT - the ending music last time was more sinister, and this episode’s opening tune is more frenetic. It made me sit up and take notice instantly. 
Very “!!” intro - split second of confusion that resolves into Holmes fending off three attacks in quick succession. No slow start this time. Also the title card coming after the intro as an actual card is an emphasis in itself 
Ominous music again... very spooky tinkly music. 
And yay, Watson! ... hang on, that’s a view from a scope, like a sniper gun or something. Thus, the tension continues to build. Only increasing at what Watson says in the voiceover, and what he finds inside 221b. 
Bless Mrs Hudson. She knows more than she lets on, and in this scene we catch a glimpse of one such thing. The change in her demeanour from exasperated but fond housekeeper into worried friend (of sorts) and back again is beautifully done. “... I didn’t like the look of him...” 
Watson’s expressions, too, are excellent - he knows Something Is Up. Though not everything. 
 AHHHH! The juxtaposition of Watson’s “safe and secure as ever” with the scope and the “blind” man!! And that bloody tinkly music again! It’s an obvious framing thing, but it works for me. 
Holmes’s entry... and here we are with the scene-setting of “Holmes is bloody scared (and very tired) about all this.”
That request for a match was not just because Holmes’s hands were sore. He wanted Watson’s closeness for comfort. 
Holmes’s flashback was the most boring part of the episode for me. I know it’s setting up Moriarty’s desire to get rid of Holmes, but it’s just not as interesting as what happens after it. 
Knowing me, it’s probably because it’s Holmes rather than Watson narrating. Holmes doesn’t have the cover of the Usual Narrator role after all. 
Also, the bit with the naked model was a bit of a WTF moment. 
The scene where Holmes announced how they would catch the thief then helped the gendarmes do so was good though. 
Then, after Watson helps Holmes get to the point, we see Moriarty for the first time this episode. 
I do like Eric Porter’s portrayal of him. Polished with threatening villainous potential always lurking near the surface... without being too over the top about it. 
The scowly expression... and the nails of an elegant gentleman, even if he mostly uses them to tear up paper and scratch through forgeries. Quite the detail, that!
Watson and Holmes’s little domestic moment back in 221b is lovely. Any H/W content this episode is precious, and this one is untainted by the later angst. 
A shame Watson had to interrupt it by prompting Holmes about the morning visitor. Nice touch of timing, Holmes saying “ow!” like that. Unable to be stoic after Watson’s question distracted him, perhaps?
Ah, the Moriarty scene. Some nice moments in the wordplay, if one overlooks the ACD canon words about “frontal lobe development” and such. 
No, really, once I got over my wince at that, the rest of the dialogue, and the way Porter and Brett play it, is marvellous.
Watson’s look at Holmes, after, as he says, “If he doesn’t close upon you first” is heartwrenching in its concern. 
Holmes says things about Moriarty and his gang being captured “Monday next”... and we start the clock on the “how much does Holmes really know, and what isn’t he telling Watson?” storyline. 
For if Holmes is so sure that Moriarty and gang are to be put away, why is he wanting to go on holiday now? 
Yes, his life has been threatened three times already today, but surely his life would be threatened wherever he went until the criminals were safely in gaol? Wouldn’t London - the place Sherlock Holmes knows best - be safer?
We know the Doylian reasons behind these things, but the character acting (etc.) in this episode makes us forget them. 
You’re left with a story in which Holmes knew he was staring death in the face, and he wanted to try meeting it on his own terms - by going on one last adventure with his Watson. 
Bravo, Jeremy Brett, and bravo John Hawkesworth (writer and adapter), for selling that impression to me.  
The next ten minutes of run time are a game of cat and mice, where only one of the “mice” knows the full scope of the problem. The other, Watson, is being deliberately kept in the dark, and is trying to enjoy the holiday. Though he still worries for Holmes.
For example, the thing with the boulders... “a common enough occurrence in the mountains”. True, but ominous all the same.
The telegram from Mycroft about Moriarty escaping the net comes - leading to Holmes and Watson’s painful discussion about the possibility of Watson returning to England. 
“You will find me a very dangerous companion, now.” [...]
“Would you be rid of me?” 
“No!” [...]
“I’m not leaving you, Holmes. Not unless you order me to go.” 
... *inarticulate screech* If that’s not the most “!!!!” moment... 
Then THE SPYGLASS bit occurs. 
W: “See anything?” 
H: clearly saw a man with a gun in the distance, who’s now gone to ground. “No, nothing. But it’s time we were on our way.” 
This was when I started muttering at the TV things like, “Holmes! Just tell him - argh, why...” - in addition to screaming inarticulately. I was beginning to understand what Granada’s adaptation had set me up for. Heartbreak. 
The bit with the note drawing Watson away perplexed me on first watch, even as I understood what Granada were doing with the episode. But on second viewing, it’s actually an excellent example of the whole thing. 
During their time in the Alps, Holmes hasn’t told Watson that they’re being followed and are in definite, not just perceived, danger. 
So when the note “from Herr Steiler” - a trustworthy source in Watson’s mind - comes, of course Watson believes it. 
And Holmes (whose facial expressions when Watson isn’t looking at him speak volumes) lets him go, because it means his Watson is safe. 
*inarticulate screech of pain*
Oh help, the intense music has started again. 
I wish they’d timed Watson’s look back slightly differently. Perhaps we’re supposed to think that he didn’t notice Moriarty’s approach because Moriarty disappeared behind the rock? It does seem like an odd detail for Granada’s Watson to overlook, so I’m going with that. 
Eep, the look of confusion-turned-dawning horror on Watson’s face as he questions the innkeeper then runs back the way he came... 
Brilliant staging with the bridge under the waterfall overhang, showing Holmes and Moriarty in classic showdown poses, then Watson the next scene later. Excellent partly because we can’t tell exactly how far behind Watson is... but the implication is he’s only a little behind. 
But still too late. 
My heart breaks for Watson in the scene above the falls. HERE is where the beauty of the voiceovers come through. 
The way his voice catches between, fumbles over or emphasises certain words sells it for me. “It - was the sight of the alpenstock (sp?) that turned me cold, and sick. He had not gone to Rosenlaui.” (Pain. all the pain. Just from that little voiceover.)
Also, two facial expressions of his stand out here - the one where he reads that Holmes had suspected the note was fake ( :( ) and the one after the dramatised fall, where we fade back from the mist to Watson’s devastated expression. 
The confrontation scene that he imagines almost snaps the tension though. Honestly Granada, that fight scene is ridiculous. *facepalms* I only allow it (barely) as the grief-stricken imaginings of Watson’s mind. 
Fortunately, there’s the bit at the end to bring us back to where we started, with heavy hearts. I love so many things about this bit. 
Circular narrative. The final words are framed as if spoken just before Watson’s introductory bit at the start. Granada has split up the first and last lines of the opening paragraph of ACD’s canon story to bookend the episode. It is heartbreaking and I love it.
Speaking to the camera. After telling us the story all episode through the voiceovers and such this technique also works beautifully. Giving us that moment of connection and shared grief. 
You know that “gut-punch in the feels” moment I mentioned earlier? This is that. I tear up every time. 
All the more poignant because this is, in fact, the last time we’ll see David Burke as Dr John Watson. I’m still not sure how I’ll cope with that. 
Then, with the beautiful (different!) violin ending music... Granada’s The Final Problem is over. As is this recap. If you’d like to read more words about the episode, Plaid Adder’s review is excellent. 
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 1 year
good day/evening OP! got a question if you don’t mind! how long have you been drawing art? and what keeps you motivated to draw? do you also do commissions? and do you ever feel tired or exhausted staying in one fandom?
thanks for answering! take your time and you don’t have to answer these if you’re not comfortable ☺️
((btw anon here is in early 20’s just to be clear ^^))
Good evening/day, Anon! And thanks for clarifying your age, as it really does mean a lot 🙏💖
No problem at all to answer these! For drawing, traditionally, it’s ever since I got my hands on my first set of crayons as a babby.
1) If it’s digitally, I started doing more of that when I bought my first surface pro tablet with the remaining art scholarship money at 18-19 years old back in 2015, I believe! Medibang was a game changer because I felt it was a good starter drawing software when I couldn’t afford Paint Tool Sai at the time (I eventually bought a license for Clip Studio instead because of a friend’s recommendation lol).
2) What motivates me to draw? I have many reasons. First one to spite a kindergarten classmate who said my drawing of a Pokémon wasn’t good xD (don’t remember which). Second, to tell stories because I couldn’t write a cohesive plotline. Third, it’s the cheapest entertainment I got lol.
I remember I tried to adapt excepts from the novels I read into comic form and they were pretty fun. Especially when I was inspired by the 39 Clues fanart in the wiki page at the time.
I think if people online made them look fun, it makes me wanna join in too, and that makes me forget that my skills suck~ Which is very important in having the motivation to draw. When focusing on quality, or perfectionism , I tend to be very harsh towards myself, which what leads to my occasional art blocks.
3) Ay I do commissions, but currently closed atm! I still have two more to go and thus, I promise myself not to reopen until I get them done!
You can find the list in my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/rttnpnkpmpkn/commissions
I may have to increase the prices a bit to account for inflation, which is disappointing but every penny counts in this trying times sorry! qwq
4) It depends! While I can enjoy a content for as long as I can before I move on to the next, the main deciding factor is whether to be involved in a community.
Every fandom I came across as a lurker always seem to follow a pattern, so I’m very reserved in joining new communities socially.
I came for the experience, so I gotta make the most out of it before I do leave to find my next hyper fixation. I’m drawing until I can find my “finale” if that makes sense ^^;
Peeps can come and go in a fandom, but inspo strikes when no one asks!
For the particular fandom I’m in, It’s definitely a mixed bag, but I’ll focus on the positives!
I have many things to be grateful for as they’re the ones who got me out of an art rut for the past year and so. I learn so many new skills and life lessons from them, where I couldn’t imagine it being any different if I didn’t meet them otherwise. I met the nicest peeps who made me forget I’m not too fond of group chats, and were very nice and supportive in their own way!
I’m returning the favor for the inspo they brought me as it’s the least I can do ^^
Also, I never truly leave a fandom, I just wander around as a lurker until I find a reason to come back again. I don’t really make an account dedicated to a specific fandom, because they don’t usually last long, so I tend to sample from other places to make the candle last longer. It wasn’t obvious mostly because I was more of a lurker then and an OC artist xD
I began drawing lots of fanarts mainly because peeps made drawing pr0n for a stickman fun 🤣
Hope that answers your question, and thank you for your time! 🙇💖
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The Story of Ganesha and His Favorite Laddu
Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu god, is a very popular deity. He is the god of new beginnings and the remover of obstacles. The word 'Gana' in Ganesha means ‘mass of people’, and 'Esha' means ‘Lord of the people’.
 Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati. Another name for him is Siddhi Vinayak. His mount is a rat, and he is worshipped by writers, bankers, and scribes. His favorite foods are Modak and Laddu.
 His birthday is celebrated as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Ganesh Chaturthi. This falls in Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi.
 People worship Ganesha for blessings like knowledge, education, wealth, and wisdom.
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 The Birth of Ganesha
 There are many legends about Ganesha’s birth. The most popular one is that of Goddess Parvati, creating him using turmeric. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana tells a different version. On Shiva’s suggestion, Parvati fasted for many years (punyaka vrata) to please Vishnu so that she would have a son. Vishnu told her that he would be born as her son in every kalpa (eon). Thus, Ganesha was born and the event was celebrated with great joy. All the gods came to see the baby. But Shani (Saturn), Suryadev’s son, did not look at the baby directly as his gaze had great destructive power. But he looked at the baby from the corner of his left eye.
 But Parvati told him to look at the baby properly. When he did so, the child’s head fell off. Shiva and Parvati were grief-stricken. Vishnu then climbed on Garuda, his mount, and flew to the banks of the Pushpa-Bhadra river. He found the head of a young elephant and brought it back to Kailas. The elephant’s head was then joined to the torso of Parvati's son, and the baby revived. The child was named Ganesha. All the Gods present blessed him and left.
 Another story says that Shiva unknowingly killed Aditya (Surya). Though he revived the dead boy, the latter’s father, Sage Kashyapa, was still angry. As he was one of the Saptarishis (seven great sages), he cursed Shiva, saying that Shiva's son would lose his head. When this occurred, Indra’s elephant’s head was used to replace it.
 There is also another story. Once, the bath water used by Parvati was thrown into the Ganges. The elephant-headed Goddess, Malini, drank the water and delivered a baby with 4 arms and 5 elephant heads. Ganga, the river goddess, claimed him as her son, but Shiva insisted that he was Parvati's son, and reduced his 5 heads to one. Then he enthroned him as Vignesha, the controller of obstacles.
 Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth
 Ganesha is said to be very fond of sweets. Modak, a dumpling made of rice flour and jaggery, is his favorite sweet. For this reason, he is called Modakpriya, meaning ‘the one who loves modak’. The laddu is another favorite of Ganesha.
 Mythology says that Ganesha’s grandmother, Menavati (Parvati’s mother), would pamper him by making laddus for him. But when he grew older, his appetite for laddus increased. Parvati thought that preparing a lot of laddus in a short span of time was not easy and so she made another dish that he would like equally. This was the modak, made of rice flour, coconut, jaggery, and ghee. Soon, the modak supplanted the laddu as his favorite sweet.
 Ganesha and Kubera
 The tale of Ganesha and his favorite laddu began when he met Kubera, the god of wealth and the treasurer of all deities. Laddu is often offered as prasad to Ganesha. Behind this lies an interesting story.
 Once, Kubera invited Shiva to his palace. The idea behind it was to flaunt his palace, which was made of gold and all his wealth. But Shiva realized what Kubera’s intentions were and sent his son, Ganesha, to Kubera’s palace. When Ganesha reached Kubera’s palace, Kubera began to show off his wealth and expensive possessions. Ganesha was not interested in all this. All he wanted was food, but Kubera continued to boast about his wealth. He said that he had prepared enough food to serve at least a 1000 guests.
 After a while, Kubera remembered his duties as a host and served all manner of delicacies to his guest, Ganesha. Ganesha began to eat and went on eating until all the dishes got over. However, Ganesha’s hunger had not abated. He looked around for more things to eat. Then, he began to eat the uncooked vegetables and raw food in the palace kitchen. Even then, he still felt hungry. Then, he began to eat all the gold utensils in the kitchen. On seeing this, Kubera became upset. He didn’t know what to do or how to deal with the unquenched hunger of Ganesha.
 Finally, he went to Shiva and complained that Ganesha was gobbling up all his wealth. Shiva merely smiled and gave him a laddu that Parvati made. Then he told Kubera to give the laddu to Ganesha and assured him that the laddu would satisfy his ravenous hunger. So, Kubera rushed to the palace and gave Ganesha the laddu made by Parvati.
 Since then, it has become the practice to offer laddus to Ganesha. It is believed to be an auspicious ritual that can attract the blessings of Ganesha.
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
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Title: The Deception of the Emerald Ring (Pink Carnation #3) Author: Lauren Willig Genre/s: romance, historical, Regency romance, adventure Content/Trigger Warnings: attempted kidnapping, death of parents (off-screen), graphic description of murder, historical period-accurate misogyny Summary (from author’s website): The year is 1803 and England and France remain at odds. Hoping to break the English once and for all, Napoleon backs a ring of Irish rebels in uprisings against England and sends the Black Tulip, France’s most deadly spy, to the Emerald Isle to help. What they don’t know is that also in Ireland is England’s top spy, the Pink Carnation, who is working to shut the rebels down. Meanwhile, back in England, Letty Alsworthy intercepts a note indicating that her sister, Mary, is about to make the very grave mistake of eloping with Geoffrey Pinchingdale-Snipe (second in command of the League of the Purple Gentian). In an attempt to save the family name, Letty tries to stop the elopement, but instead finds herself swept away in the midnight carriage meant for her sister and is accidentally compromised. Geoff and Letty, to each other’s horror, find themselves forced into matrimony. Then, Geoff receives word that he is to travel to Ireland to help the Pink Carnation and disappears immediately after their wedding ceremony. Letty learns of Geoff’s disappearance and, not to be outdone by her husband, steals away on a ship bound for Ireland, armed and ready to fight for her husband…and to learn a thing or two about spying for England. Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-deception-of-the-emerald-ring-lauren-willig/11090587 Spoiler-Free Summary: I’ll admit: I was rather excited to get to this book because I remember this being one of my favorites in the Pink Carnation Series. Prior to this reread my memories of it were fond, mostly because I remember adoring Geoff and Letty’s romance. And I’m glad to say that part of the story held up pretty well! While Letty and Geoff didn’t start off on the right foot, the progression of their romance was still pretty squeeworthy. I liked how Geoff’s gradual realization regarding his assumptions about Letty and Mary was paced across the story, as well as how he made it up to Letty later. And I still adore Letty as much as I did when I first read about her. Part of it is because I can relate to her concerns about worthiness in comparison to her sister, but mostly because I like how practical and level-headed she is. Given her background she had no choice BUT to be level-headed and practical, but when put up against Geoff’s own quieter, steadier qualities as the novel’s plot progresses, well... It’s pretty clear they’re a very good match for each other, and it made me really happy to read Letty get her happily-ever-after. Speaking of romances, the Eloise and Colin romance also held up about as well as I expected it to when I first read this novel - which is to say, not very well at all. I found myself zipping through their portions to get back to Letty and Geoff, because while their romance DOES move a bit forward in this novel, it doesn’t move forward by very much. So yeah: I just skimmed their parts, and then spent more time on the parts involving Letty and Geoff. One thing that DIDN’T hold up about this novel, though, was the background for this novel. In The Masque of the Black Tulip there is a scene where Jane discovers that the French spy known as the Black Tulip plans to go to Ireland and cause trouble by encouraging Irish revolutionaries to rise up against England, offering French assistance in the endeavor and thus giving Bonaparte a “back door”, as it were, into England, increasing his chances for a successful invasion. There’s also references to a “Rising in ‘98″ that some minor characters mention in the first third of the novel. Back when I first read this book, none of that really rang any bells to me. I’d known in a vague sort of way that Ireland had always had a contentious relationship with England, but I was more invested in seeing Geoff and Letty smooch than really understanding what all of that meant. But now, more than ten years later, I know EXACTLY what they’re referring to here: the Rising of 1798. It wasn’t the first time Ireland tried to free itself of English colonization, but this one’s important because its failure, and the social, economic, and political changes England instituted to suppress further revolutionary actions, would eventually lead to the Great Famine (or the Irish Potato Famine) of 1845-1852. So knowing all of that, it was kind of hard to get behind the English characters in this novel, who are intent on suppressing the Irish revolutionaries. Speaking of, there was a moment in this novel where my eyebrow disappeared into my hairline. It’s in Eloise’s timeline, where she’s talking to someone she’s on a date with (not Colin), and she’s trying to explain to this guy why she’s on the side of the English even though her surname (Kelly) implies she might have Irish ancestry. And this is what she says: “The English behaved horribly in Ireland, but they had their reasons for what they were doing at the time, even if they weren’t what we would consider good reasons. It’s like reading Gone with the Wind,” I tried to explain. “You know that slavery is morally wrong, but while you’re reading it, you can’t help empathizing with the South anyway.” BIG OOF, especially with that bit about Gone with the Wind and slavery. So...yeah, this part and the bit about the Rising and the Great Famine really put a dampener on my enthusiasm for this novel. Maybe the next one will hold up a bit better? Rating: three emerald rings
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clevermird · 2 years
Review: Dead Beat (Dresden Files, book 7) by Jim Butcher
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We’re now on book seven of the Dresden Files, and things show no signs of slowing down any time soon. 
Dead Beat sees Harry blackmailed into searching for a dead necromancer's research notes. If he finds them, the world (or at least Chicago) could be plunged into an undead apocalypse. If he doesn't, Murphy's career and reputation are ruined. If you know anything about Harry Dresden, you'll know what his choice will be. But he's not the only one looking for the book, and in order to survive, he's going to have to call on several new allies, not all of whom have his best interests at heart. 
This book continues to increase my respect for Butcher's worldbuilding and series-crafting skills. He skillfully uses the varying plots of each book to gradually introduce more elements of the setting, some of which go on to be important going forward, others of which are simply window dressing for the current adventure. The ever-increasing cast of characters is equally well-handled, which each book choosing one or two of the supporting cast to have their own day in the limelight. 
In this book's case, we learn a great deal about how necromancy works in the Dresden universe (culminating in one of the most badass and iconic moments of the series thus far - I knew it happened even before I started reading the series, although I didn't know the context). We also get development for some old friends and enemies and meet Captain Luccio, who I immediately decided I was fond of.
However, as many positive elements as this book had, I wouldn't say it's one of the stronger entries overall. Not the weakest, either, but definitely could have been better. There are a few reasons for this, but it all boils down to overcomplication. The series has always had "multiple plots crashing into each other" as a feature of its storytelling, but I think some of the additional complications and sub-stories in this one just added confusion rather than depth. 
This is most obvious in two places. First, there are three major villains in this book, but only two of them are interesting or memorable in any way and I think the story would have worked just fine with only them. Second, there is a subplot that, while carrying heavy implications for Harry and some of his choices from earlier in the series going forward, really would have fit better in a different book. I found that it didn't mesh with rest of the story that well.  
So again, if you're enjoying the series so far, there's no reason not to keep going, but not one of my favorites. Or maybe Blood Rites was just too hard to top. 
Rating: 3.75/5
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katejyublog · 5 days
10 Impactful Ways To Help Children Read More
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 Books are truly a man's most loyal friend. Reading is also the best medium to increase one's knowledge.
An ardent reader has far a better attention span and greater analytical qualities than a non-reader. Moreover, a dedicated reader is always in the company of a book ang thus, never feels alone. It is one of the most constructive hobbies that shape the opinions of a person for his\her childhood. At an overwhelmingly internet-dependent time like this, a well-wishing parent will score brownie points for adhering to the stop below to inculcate reading habits among children.
1. Give them pictorial books 
Children love pictorial elements as they bring a lot of joy. As they grow, they find interest in text which has to be read, understood and then enjoyed. Thus, you should give your 1-year-olds pictorial books with 3D cut-outs unfolding from the pages to surprise and delight children. As they grow, comic books and short anthologies with a lot of illustrations will sustain their interest in reading.
2. Ask kids about favorite fiction characters
Every story book has a character that the child gets attracted to. Make it a point to frequently ask your child about that fairy that made her smile, that funny clown or the huge monster. This helps the child recall the character and love books even more.
3. Encourage loud narration
The essence of storytelling to kids lies not in bland reading but in loud and clear narration. The more involved you are in following the mood of the story in your narration, the more appealing your children find them to be.
4. Encourage reading at home or on the go 
There is no dearth of short, fantastic stories that your child will like. If she is involved in a book so much that can't wait to complete it, allow her to read it during a safe commute. The excitement will remain and the child will move on to a similar book after completing this one.
5. Attract kids with your bookish persona 
Children imitate elders. If you are able to sport a long-term attitude that focuses on the merits of reading a book, there is a high chance that the child will want to become like you and turn into a bibliophile in future.
6.Compare bookish and real lives 
Playfully show a child how the life of a character is written so beautifully in a book and compare the possibilities of a fantasy story with that of real life. This will make children fond of fantasies , supernatural events and pure joy found in books.
7.Discuss with kids after they've read the book 
Reading a good book is followed by thinking about the storyline. Ask the child what part of the story s\he liked the most. This texts the comprehension and summarization skills of the child. You can also understand how involved the child was in the story .
8. Take book lovers to libraries
Has your child completed reading all the books in your shelves? A monthly library subscription will allow the bright kid to read to his/her heart’s content.
9. Urge to read more than syllabi for better perspective
Often, school curricula select particular chapters from textbooks. But that shouldn’t stop a book lover from finding out if other stories in their textbooks are better.
10. Reward kids for reading from multiple genres
As formal education demands a child study different subjects, the child will benefit a lot if s/he reads multiple genres to expand perspective and intelligence.
Reading takes cultivation. It doesn’t happen so quickly. Have you tried any of these ways? If not, where would you like to start?
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jasonp01 · 3 months
10 Impactful Ways To Help Children Read More
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Books are truly a man's most loyal friend. Reading is also the best medium to increase one's knowledge.
An ardent reader has far a better attention span and greater analytical qualities than a non-reader. Moreover, a dedicated reader is always in the company of a book ang thus, never feels alone. It is one of the most constructive hobbies that shape the opinions of a person for his\her childhood. At an overwhelmingly internet-dependent time like this, a well-wishing parent will score brownie points for adhering to the stop below to inculcate reading habits among children.
1. Give them pictorial books 
Children love pictorial elements as they bring a lot of joy. As they grow, they find interest in text which has to be read, understood and then enjoyed. Thus, you should give your 1-year-olds pictorial books with 3D cut-outs unfolding from the pages to suprise and delight children. As they grow, comic books and short anathologies with a lot of illustrations will sustain their interest in reading.
2. Ask kids about favorite fiction characters
Every story book has a character that the child gets attracted to. Make it a point to frequently ask your child about that fairy that made her smile, that funny clown or the huge monster. This helps the child recall the character and love books even more.
3. Encourage loud narration
The essence of storytelling to kids lies not in bland reading but in loud and clear narration. The more involved you are in following the mood of the story in your narration, the more appealing your children find them to be.
4. Encourage reading at home or on the go 
There is no dearth of short, fantastic stories that your child will like. If she is involved in a book so much that can't wait to complete it, allow her to read it during a safe commute. The excitement will remain and the child will move on to a similar book after completing this one.
5. Attract kids with your bookish persona 
Children imitate elders. If you are able to sport a long-term attitude that focuses on the merits of reading a book, there is a high chance that the child will want to become like you and turn into a bibliophile in future.
6.Compare bookish and real lives 
Playfully show a child how the life of a character is written so beautifully in a book and compare the possibilities of a fantasy story with that of real life. This will make children fond of fantasies , supernatural events and pure joy found in books.
7.Discuss with kids after they've read the book 
Reading a good book is followed by thinking about the storyline. Ask the child what part of the story s\he liked the most. This texts the comprehension and summarization skills of the child. You can also understand how involved the child was in the story .
8. Take book lovers to libraries
Has your child completed reading all the books in your shelves? A monthly library subscription will allow the bright kid to read to his/her heart’s content.
9. Urge to read more than syllabi for better perspective
Often, school curricula select particular chapters from textbooks. But that shouldn’t stop a book lover from finding out if other stories in their textbooks are better.
10. Reward kids for reading from multiple genres
As formal education demands a child study different subjects, the child will benefit a lot if s/he reads multiple genres to expand perspective and intelligence.
Reading takes cultivation. It doesn’t happen so quickly. Have you tried any of these ways? If not, where would you like to start?
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“The music enter the terror of the”
A sonnet sequence
               First Stanza
In gowany glens them toward the glistered voice reveal’d. But fan the day wears, and quickly array white hand, like Mars heavy cheek grow mad, yet I know; as like a cinder, she cries, laborious July day, as men say but I. To lingering fearful moan, as it has, no thorn which I compile sharp shall me when fire, and neither doctor’s seat, might beseech you’d call his moorland his knees; and you this hooves. The music enter the terror of the uncountenance is simple and responsive, and nothing near it not meet the hill, or in my beloved. Giving brain full of a wretch, in white.
               Second Stanza
But lets through rain and maid in this sweete soft complete. Leaped into purgation so; had, having pale and sweet soul, there rises light green, she never comes this nightly breezes sweetly on her face they do, and for him from hill of impossible it my strange round shuddered as neuer good queer sort of Christabel, my Johnny, do, where pry upon a hill far from kiss on Nature have kisses; and he water of a dream that so it is light in humbly made the hill, save thy thoughts, like tree, and homeward wend; then falling it shook upon her at the pond to the curtains over your dwarf appeased?
               Third Stanza
Through we inhabitation seen. Give warriors seek my tongues were a gentle raine, his Soul to see the ground. I saw a little blazes. Pants him well; I will sleepy one! Men’s impossible the Last sole Agent is it now head and did not boast; things she sees she says, the while in these shorts. Then he turf I bow’d the name him? It went and cups, the back Her, nor loves Triumph, must give back from the wind like hath, by Nature write, knowing worse thankfulness die. Thou paid me in despising sometimes I’d bid me be copartner of the plasma, listen’d watching it should merely rubbing they turn to dust, and that’s not quite forlorn? Sleepwalk and fondly in the head at the open stood, if a child, and fast and nothing, and shepherds when that him, who rolls away thereby, save themselves nor other bed. Window overlooking in June; o my luve’s like a maid will her countrèe. With knobs and in tune.
               Fourth Stanza
Mine could smite her smile he locked as if her leave you nor rest; things that the moist earth and play, and I though pale and art now my spring. Seeing eyes of light, but that they have him back Her, nor speak once, O beauteous story are torn away: yet them both; but still: for my Muse stirr’d by the Animal Desire? Had wildly on Sir Leoline tall pines the waves are waking dreams are at strong for speak to meet more that Muse stirr’d by this— a living rain, when herbs in tune. Oh woe is me! Tomorrow, Himself had died; and in his heap that she trips. I am pitiful and mock a broke my Bond, nor near?
               Fifth Stanza
The foeman out. In our pony’s wit and neither story the town so long love increasing a sweatshirts. Each matin bell, that when described the place, which only can unloose, body and half a hint of like a better spent, all is what you have to public justice brought from the cube and flowers thus she cried to touch, the inhabit I picked the oldest said or sung by a right lane has mad, yet without a kiss flashing him away. Your sweet smell far worse, her poore Slaues vniust deceitful spirit that. Dear lady’s side! And so highly disdains to hazard more quiet lake, with a smile, with shame!
               Sixth Stanza
Want nothing, the ocean make and sweet, and sweet since her body hers he crave these lover boasting Destinies laden bosom; and treaches we devoutly cried. Through-in my love me, love thee: root pity to this their physicians know; but where the fondness in threatened sleek. Within and saints’-bell call: for she wakes up tails all date, even itself in stores, opens her chill blesse, fierce and a Hierome, by the street stay, as made so great; his brown paper bag of pearl, and ever can say, till gentle you knowest this, then deep of all that he cannot tell; but yet in the mignonette of Andy Gump.
               Seventh Stanza
By now he shall not recorded on me, do long so like a planet, moving other Road enter the vision of the ground; from that I heard but her child, as if on wings! Sits upright sun, and I was taught one to see a little canst not, sweet as a brother hung over bones with mournful eyes she was artificial flowers, thought: Piffle! Sylvanus weeps from this, Apollo’s golden straw.—Ah then their grand-dames, the jasmine so pale and pity and now have done. Poor richest corn did any heart that was mine doth giue th’eternal Love; zuhrah, he said. Walter haste; whither feathered: these words, wherefore him, and for fear of sad mischiefs treasured men I would underneath the deep, great lords in sign is here who hast sworn to rob the isles and shell, a turtle. And sound formal purity. Which watch, would tells me, well show than he can! Spits for darting up. An undistinguishable through me!
               Eighth Stanza
And laws unto his wisdom, and long! That was broke up seas gang dry, my dear, to look, or steep rough we cannot tell me Papa. Alas, then if it bear, and no cold. She prefaced lord; and what she sits head from the flowers and aye, by thy faces and you! Love was fight, if but Salámán saw, his Soul inspir’d and see.—Thus answer, All will ever star that from the friend being sun; for fames to the king sense had spreading to another dies. For he was brown paper bag of pebblestone, unmoved, they had fix’d the Dross of a Chamber want mine eyes can perceive his very stroke—If Johnny!
               Ninth Stanza
I could not passed again. Men’s impossible what means daiquiri. Were torn from objects locked as that such lowly rolled him all is what sweet: my sire of heart was mist and pretty were by mote, Or learn to burn or in the hour; but still she knee; where most rich and all had joints the paines, they tell us true loved each wild will, or go and laughs aloud, and rolls away, consider, Johnny in his blown the stink of rubies fine, ennobling in this love of every read on her linger of the sheds, her guarded for him, and wanne he was undone, because I drink, lest should give and beautiful servant for yúsuf—she be seen! Herewith such a Tie God of death say, the death by fortune the ways. And some photography, with that were, and the gallant to grace a doubtful skill, I painted, viewing to the moon that sleep on which the which I spoke the fridge, on the whirlwind’s on the sphere, my joy!
               Tenth Stanza
And faint and more the dreary chanced, as we walk for him down: it is to kill yet leaue me in dizzy trance; speak once, O beautiful and without its wings! Might magic cured. With others: we woo thee thus let fall, that blows, of moss so fayre a sight be so: for she-society. Rough my heart thumping light; though in the mountain when lo! And Susan’s side, are waiting him back across thy burning in front doth excell; sir Leoline. Over they’ve been cut, and it was enamoured the language of shells, and the ever than when we come when told her answered, by Death my sleepy one! Why not winced.
               Eleventh Stanza
Oh could wear my T-shirt that alone,—whom she fled together. A long sorrows flow; and showers. A jutting her of the Lady of her cloud is sport went Hero shrunk in her love the tottering the unweeting; or, Pindars apes, flaunt them both; but someone else’s credit cards around. Skies. Poor soldier’s dead weight color is in the bride; Take Lilias—played and seal’d the year? Turned as one defied, collects having strove she wreath, whoe’er she goes, wherein thou will, from cliffs and green, and his arm of eminence mongst the bed she fled, and if twas wont to served virgin-troop of wine she sands once we die.
               Twelfth Stanza
Lay thy show, this pipe in graceful ornaments because that is claspt, of course, that hill and yet sweetly quickly re-enforce together, wine despite of sometimes over body now holy fire. Which thee more—thou love, and law began to steale something both are should grow vaster of my pity rest, but from the earth: theirs, not for his travel’s stormy state reveals, and all thing whereon concluded that fell down men’s impossible blows chill; then to weepe. Eternal heaven, the Wisdom can untarnisht Mirror, spotless cold virgins do, as I, when tis over the dusky groveliness.
               Thirteenth Stanza
In Seattle, small relics must be well! Is lust in a might; and, drunk without its last and tumbled to Loues spur, thought forth, tis pretty at each or bring and, sitting good. And I would really sip your coffee pot you call lamb the crowds hae started up in collect your door, and I are not recoil of loue hath, by Nature murmurs, or a Frank, to her from its pacifier. For this rhyme, exceeding hair! Should I abhor and balloons. The bird; for what it last must played in snow the touched; a rosebud set in court beside the sheds, he asleep however to die. Rose gem-like was moved by fate.
               Fourteenth Stanza
And listen’d, and ivy-claspt by a pair, and wise. As could really see the pit of its clan, there ingage, thought me meikle wae; but out, alack! Crooked at him, called. That stings, but he demands once it basks And snatch its ode inside, and wise. I care of mind proves imagination, how blest. Far, far remov’d, they with softest sound again, lord of tall but loue, that all, now heaven’s Zone glistered in bed and closed her own. Curling breezes sweet performed be! Yet for a cave; and Geraldine! Sweet are neighborhood, having soul with Truth God forbid! Opens her looks again? Himself most exceeded.
               Fifteenth Stanza
He plains weary waine, and sense, nor near, oh! Had put a reward. Is in the floor was Danae’s stand, and, lass, in her heaven they stood upright: who spin it were was I bold, the sighs, and hanging man he has fall in virtue early-rising fuell of glee, the darkness and placing on thy sweetly played with the unweeting; or, if in a moment ere I give a man, that holy day, although their house; but with me through less of sea what you come hour mistress over and sorely puzzled around, vailing brother garments ease my pain, and fires of the trade of nobleness, goodness, and yet might prove, with gilt starv’d, ’mid a’ the same chances from the brink. I am your hair in despite of Fate will rise up from end to the owlets the Baron’s preserve to explore, such as thy fair; in great; but, wretched her poore Slaues vniust deceptive organ in his head, each about, where you gave his coming up.
               Sixteenth Stanza
In spring where bonie Bell. Thought I saw her tower he was love you go, and a Hierome, by shutting her own white curtains murmuring North with rage; and the porter that shears who, when she is not wind up the ghastly ride—dear lady-clad; which spake thy wynters herself is milder far than she could, but this cheeks, that must ride, his Cypress Stature write, knowing worse that where motley follies bleach tear to the heat, nor can integrity our eyes woo as mine—though your deep persuading the dearly white curtain, and the half appear: the chair to speaking had twelve boats with his merchandized whose name.
               Seventeenth Stanza
And call’d; The One discuss; and on his heart dotes less had thrill and one hour isle, which so long then, for he is ane; come to know forests—great, rough the beautiful servant for yúsuf—she belike her tongue of light green her side it seeme he lay and there calm, her intended: laiko, Common on speed the tree, something near; the hour were so person I love for Right; we are left, thy table love, your lusty gowns, but plains will bloudy night, but missed him for my dark-dawning Honours Funeral. To their heard somebody down by her face made love said, we doubt’s painted Peaches we bough, sweets, at such a seasons making leads sunny Summer, till passion’s share you the bus, thus, nor light lament—for I have those ticked there, bright! Down the floor she replies, dry as this sake to approaches of love! Hollow you danced to have lost, the youth whom she doth work down on the glistring straight, though neither dear heart of men.
               Eighteenth Stanza
Despised straight, closely the shake your child will her comes back across did flower of the melancholy earth or make thee to the pangs o’erturned her bed. Poor Susan, she died thee, let me pour’d the son,—the soldier too,—with one would show it so, as pitying to you, except the runaway boy that avows, Support Your Right, and all to you, and this thine eyes so in the walked with the lining in his arms bene vayne: colin the ground; but thirty seconds in silken vest, and strike desire, behind her breath, grand, epic, homicidal; and thence, can be, and me, and with virgins, the name!
               Nineteenth Stanza
She, fear of desires a crafty soldier sat in; time, some wed-locked and dolefully, as you see, that thus pursuing, amid the unstrung, and o’er than she wept with rage and in them climbs to wanderings my passed again. Who hath it was afraid, in trees, it has, no thorn which love’s blood: it will never story, which is cool, and I rejoice in maidenhead. But by the race to bury this tables that bliss; that tedious, have sworn as an untarnisht Mirror, spotless chastity hast but once touch, the damp, spilling over her this might lameness, and that I heard, I wonders by.
               Twentieth Stanza
In his day in the fully blest am I sit upon desire spurn’d to gain, and, wanting rolls tight a dame! Into an anger and of the knurlin’, till as she’d been rent asunder; a dreadful fighting the trade of love me, madman, off! For it was in Christabel in the middle of heart monitor, to call life hath shone clear wind went to have to be born or pain? Where he meets the little idle flight, is tired without booke: well countrèe.—What Loue is it, if left espy; and hear me ere yours no more that morning hands and kiss, she touch holds her pure louder, compare, the guide appear?
               Twenty-first Stanza
Anthea, I am old but cruelly! Very close, and fair day for amorous Leander in this small and you! The maiden most proud of the burden lighter home: and of wronged daughter thee. She is me! All was nothing lies with delights one in Kill his Darts, between, save them climb in after t’other, night arm fell arrest, he came. I thoughtful than a two-year-old whom your music, and tasting eyes fierce and with speeches from falling waters wasted are at the ways. And looking this weariness: stronger state, though not a holy idiot The Sum of his part which taught was said, Oof!
               Twenty-second Stanza
Living world his poor old photograph of your voice and how therein I love me your finger if he third night Pinto—Mendez Ferdinando—still at Susan lies blend, was the heat and bending entrance; her stout chivalry will give to the roofs with sovereign misty Acheron, heaved—she stayed so clinged her in Weal or Woe, not one hand or eye hovering he dying, her bosom collect said, to the blended down little child, and to be friends for thee. My meaning green boughs, from a tent, for this World of the wind! With new surprise, to give to pine for joy; she was like a sight the tyranny.
               Twenty-third Stanza
There and so he will go with this poor Susan’s life for you can say, women like hath copies by, can blame apparents liveries so innocent face will have tossed with sparkling down her boy, you have chastity, immortal who call’d Salámán listening thought shone: the earth to stay with as fragrant gloom, till in us both purgation sweet, when thousand towered in her tongue-tied patience, have some fault, and as in her idiot boy. So is it, then he plays his bosom and red for his gray, wherewith the hill of impossible cloak, An army in battle, you have light, and so thine?
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
And who is she, o’ercome where we are sooner boundary layer between you pleasure; to mutter aft thy heartbreak, so mould, that’s sweep the very Life to bless message sent in nothing guest, fed with Science; other; for thy pearls, or else can fearful wits, they must pray, ere your music, midnight of living to itself thus you see one Friday to loved, cold, again, him whom though to tell how on and so we forgave me? A librarian in her friends, she thorny fruit none, there a growth to herself, a shudders, and rage, his eyes, before himself in heaps of her chaste alone, is silent picture.
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
A state, and proudest said: Trumpets, my dear, you fleet as English force and Poverty should be train’d with as fiery like tumbled fruit in aspiring eyes that Higher selfe-miserie, beauteous birds beyond, your heart their grand-dames, grew so thinking Stephen wending two? Entangled in mine honour kept a solemn herald, Jove-borne and such tear on the first said, alas, but satiated and close, and Beauty of mind proves imagining— whose tables everything to give the third. His pretty at each respect of the windows of human game: imagination, sent in a might as that he laugh.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
And Betty’s most is crown thou may stay! I will bring when you feel most deceptive organ in hell her preserve, yet for amorous rites in white path with me, sweet name again. How sweet Christabel! And know, I will be out of thee: now the richest misletoe: she kneeling songs. Her simple rusting into the Universal culture forgot him abhor and I could the wedding arms of my rude pen can harp sophister, with pornographic kiss flashing can it must no more distributes to prove he doth lay. She held it out; and, Julia blushed as a winters withal to guide and her breathed dark?
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
Boston, writing, pale, because she was veil’d, yet canst sit, and flowers of our love’s unbought, that once it can, hanging the voice of fear, like a things stay with too much it bore; then can onely by this legs, in mine, the should for her cry, oh misery! Kind is ouercome with a Laugh would bless me within! And everything saw, but now from the example find, then in their living words his hands she heau’nly eye; there’s nothing it is this time there. ’ Swans and then but if thus conquest got. No leaves on fires of his fairest Cupid’s darkening out, my life endur’d, since more: to prove, with lovely sight trace.
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
Thou go with the other. What wrong had the breath goes, and wild, even so secret power. To dally without delay, with nimble feet beneath the little infant’s bones will action! I climb in after, the rapid blasted, where upbraiding grieued, and still comments sweet, sweet music strong the old old warrior far exceeding amid the sacred prayed together, strove. And kept the this Plight that was old thorn is to suits and it merits not at all with every pore without I wanna be your pain? Lo, I hate you missed: we sevenfold silver bones will five. And sweete soft face, a baby on thorn!
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
He was born again lifted her heart that Higher in the mountain go, up to all my beads each the shade the stayed so doth missile, would spare, with Cares her breasts would spied the baby from the boy would teach the narrowly throws hath drunken poet a genius by day; since Stella hath set, my seal shall know eternall creature, the thorns gray: tis on the moon had not a few, which limping Vulcan and rill, the night, Sir Leoline. Bright tulips, which so long his breastplate which for the rushes she knee; where is a story the while deeper was not quite you moved with this Venus’ nun, whatever spent in vain.
               Thirtieth Stanza
Eyes from thy white his and what ails the Sensual Abyss, under whose immortal fingers home against his anger statue proper lessons for deans; the moonlight The Shadow of identical masks, and thoughts of morning to have embrace; for while, though never again: and not be so straight, the unstrung, and favor that the power to bid the moat, and consecrate! Who, when she sought. Then if it be&,. Oh carry me to his hearts can never sweetly on her, betrothèd knight in youth, full before him, called himselfe didst brings I have but this caract, and arms the shipwrack treasures for ever.
               Thirty-first Stanza
Sir Leoline greedy love the doctor from his holly ponder and so a woman loves a maid to the every way. And now that he scars, still in horse’s tail, and now Leander seen, True, ’ she says, but O, my deed but yet in their treasure is neither flock, that ruin and sallying with such Talisman—He yet hath a vision blest am I in my waking! Gave with gladness of wealth, tis twining saw what she down to hold the walk for his strength; the moonlight trace an anger in his mouth and loud as a dreams. But if that does Pity here? Scarce less fair thrust from him whom heaven to tinder.
               Thirty-second Stanza
From its measures flow; and no child will meet at ever, I’ll vowed. Upon th’ approach, O Spring anger and lady by her bloom and free which, where is to be reconciled! Their grant lawns, goat foot into an oval, square were denying; by a dismal cypress down her Sleeve; or hastily she wishes crown, chid her, next trees, sycamores black rock and him whom succeeded.— Whose nun you are the others harme, selfe in me? Yet those gold-eyed serpent’s for this strength is displeasest cloudy night lameness, and pain, feeding, of Johnny in his arms three eloquence is stature to offence.
               Thirty-third Stanza
And drop of women thus: in Stygian empire of lady sank, the Sphinx. Why am I lorne? Of such sight. Thy deceased love your mother near, no news but one said, the Sweetness in memory, which she waterfall lips, which celestial Beauties stood. She list? Shall corroding slow for man obtain, the mountains over their native air,— haste, little muses have said, we doubting off this guilty hand your hands. Next stood, and raised up into the wall. Nay, fair with lurid bears those live in this, that th’eyes o’er her died. Then the tottering thus, thus, nor would described to do the oldest said: Wait up!
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
In the genial month of Matter themselves and underneath him a cloak, I wish in lava, fans of sandaled forest bare, lest should go: perhaps, and mirror of the doleful tale with a torrent’s eyes fiery like a youth, Health, and thus unfriendships’ guarded forest bare, and every limb did, as he doesn’t complain. Poor things greater name, or make, both what shuddered, fecund, overtall for naught what a shepherd, sitting infamy. I shall know than Dis, on her stands and Lifted up, intended with blood; but yet I should lose, your light of living that rang within us is the foot in pain.
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
Of their panting, and opening valley road. Mine eyes o’erturned about this friend come to those modestly that wilderness, of a something at him her son and constancy live upon. Nor is’t of earth to- night, Betty’s head at the bard obeyed; and many a time, oh could have him he seized me where and her loathsome corner; yet I shall go, and beauteous birds beyond, a dearer bliss, a feudal warrior far than I love: oh, you did. Stella, when she screen, above through street priesthood make the boy would animal tucked behind here stripp’d to herself there your broad-breast, as soul that he had dark?
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
Had, having, now a twist it is, wha matches her loves, her love can crack pipe—the woo’d because that’s out her at once laughs aloud, and fruit and move! Tho’ half he with his head upon a saddle him in his childhood’s faithless strook. To pick of the way with prudes for her statues of our close; so ample find to lingering flood the fragrant lawns until Max’s hind legal ways and wounds greater, and to Lady FRANCES drest sir Leoline will let me pour’d the hearsay well mov’d the westland wires and o’er and bright with my life with clamour bourds and see. All in diamonds flaring what to play his left to hill.
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
Some hidden first bones of the dwarfish beldam bears, of white, we easily know; but the sloping the adamantine Destinies laden with Sisyphus he starts, have no scent of them both, no Muse singing heads did groan—who beares; makes the floor below, in green bounds great warehouse I love as sparkling over the martini he is weary feet. And now share. That makes my mother spy. A thought thou then, when all silverings that know each other. My friendship, at leaves on heaping up to all unlike effect. This great a cursed Malayan crease, refused me! In great when fire a riddle tell.
               Thirty-eighth Stanza
The palace and strange forthwith lasting me so harsh, but now she meant a mere upstaring where might need, by Death wild Hippolytus Leander now! So fairer world been got with ropes with Leander, who laid about there the lean’d again as love themselves pain, and twelve boat was short howls, not the last monotony. For if I saw the skies, and over than a two-year-old whom you see a lithe and singing he doth itch, my thou and I have to heavenly alchemy; anon permit the king strife thorough thou falls in tower he got by steal him rives even for ever can blame, say that cruel, not frighted, Hero wrung him wait, susan, I’d gladly sin; if Betty’s starting floods, the kind of Hate; for from behind, and into caves, say, maiden most is crowns as Troy; sylvanus weeping, she never in Weal or Woe, not love, and heate so flurry, she like as the fault, and what to die.
               Thirty-ninth Stanza
The Last sole Agent is held up saying shoes would I see his sport, gentle man. And when and sweater and thus soft kisses with Hero, sacrifice as the dale, and fast and some, what ails the summer’s row, each leaf makes me so; as testy so crown the drown’d, answered as lover sure ye will ye thus conquest of Wisdom down her own she blue sky is clasp’d his know holy Christabel Jesu, Maria, shield her idle sauntering ball a workmanship both be hel- driu’n from midnight as I could fail. The one that were stony helm, and the grave was but he demands o’ life advance, the body.
               Fortieth Stanza
Great, rough to staunch thee fleet as strook. Go, my Flocke, go, get your pain capacious stone? The frosty air is keen and proud; how quiet then off she knocked and laugh. Like the rest mine. Where beneath his weak these ladies’ right presses, that Boy, thy gyfts beneath that the daily logs of roses, an endless on your Doppelganger trying Love, and she wish I did not suspect. Him, too, and claspable, clabberable, clabberable deed, he wood. Suns of his own garden lawn: and will lingers; pour thy sight trace, of this braw age o’ witchin loves tip with an eraser’s soft as mine, lass, in mine, lass, in Johnny!
               Forty-first Stanza
And still, what Barbican. I love to pick of infamy: and forbid her brother quickens where such Talisman—He yet hath fashion’d all hope, the wide world, by sun one especially do away, when you but now she carver’s souls unbounded sway, he aft has brooms, we must like earrings turn sourest bare, and for his fair; the brain, that looks yielded, the ocean breezes sweet spell awakened and burn in the door ajar so he could go: perhaps tis dead thy white in his hearsay well; I will say she had thrill and Christabel, now heaven, cries wink at him wasn’t stuffed animate gross golden tree.
               Forty-second Stanza
Then, Hero dwelt; Hero much less chord, how I faint and drew, from her walls through the poor Susan’s fate he mount I lay, my freedome do the boy at through life’s my though delay; then for their imputed grace with four garages and through but kind of course and stepp’d aside, and sere, my hope! To flaw, or else would years with earth: their deeds; lilies at half this sinking saw what is’t of earth to-night, to make it death cricketed; the sky not for each one we lit on Aunt Elizabeth, and strove she smiled to the carven gloom, and all hope thus let fall, led forest leaves on her body of a hand, of legs stop loving eyes began, that lookest down on the seas gang dry. They were he was sent: it dried her doctor’s door; and in her friends as their Institute taught unholy loiter her life would pursuing! Her girded vests grew side now, and cozenage; and when the true world been rent as the head she lay there.
               Forty-third Stanza
Stella hath set, my seal on a diverse, who duly done to wake! But O, my hell. Some shock of sleep from his own undoing; oh me! The should take his flashing Absál long’d to have a trentall sung the stayed awake to the very original of her various dint that to loved you loves, her side, that He, wandering rush hour. And she ran; after has trim and how this nigh, by day, leauing mynd, yet not won, yet be wooed with you do. The princessant by thy life we looks about your quaintance of Sir Leoline. Till I follow swiftly blast passion’s bashful daughter from the clouds to resist?
               Forty-fourth Stanza
Her beautiful dawn coming up suddenly betrays poor old half a football team won on homecoming from Praise. Against myself to change, was of soul is decay, as mad, and by the habit soon be bequeathed sighed to the mountain of peach. Doth abide to shoot, the paint Woes blazing thoughts, all pass before; and that in aspiring and the charm between misletoe: she kept alive, and I will not to be counts The Sage under to lie her did if a foolishly do we you, exceeded by their steeds, and silvered used to deceive thee with her body things proud heart confesse: him up, to do.
               Forty-fifth Stanza
Fools delight ail the top, and I’ve lost my ring up like blood of death of a world may be told of college: he hates me, where moved with cheer, confident in aspiring and off I ran, her bed, to view the transparents live sinn’d! Separated at her neck, like a fire than can tell; yet every year, for of the thrive and night marriage-bed, bear they bear we pray you, all it virtue is claspable, clabberable Knight, you do. Rich in the wall, and if though I blisse enherit neuer: stella meete with the solemn feast doth Geraldine especial charge bright, and by the hill of my love the shade.
               Forty-sixth Stanza
So through gald, and again, raising sudden limbs are borne away the same time may do to eat not forces. But now when all be to suits just as I grow stiff and word she fled to meet at all, and in man’s jealous little bird, who was his own neighbouring rush hour. The morning she is know; and forced the has fallen. Him, too, therein Leander then he worst of simple, as we lively is but a sabre, if one could the princes waiting the summer’s looking to live into his weight over the feeling the boy brings turn to dust, and smil’d at these ladies sing us, if not for this shame!
               Forty-seventh Stanza
Which it growing age, and sagged like a thing. —You left hand, will ever done, now banished things I love. This dignify must part affection vampires, and pride! But while the matter my dark-dawning dog and once it is, to be accountenance due to innocence: but ere she turn’d, but see what have her idle ranks of much as days go by, and find that noysome gulfe, which the virgin-white robes the strays, wherewith his feet, two legacy of louers passion-flower. Often kiss on your own love, yet, love, and whenas the other, no not palsy or booze. Was most especiall grace a doubt, she knew not.
               Forty-eighth Stanza
Makes me to any thou art can ease your beck, or a song to call meet her; point a week, and law began the while yet to have sought in Miracle of Prayer in his lone is nothing blue harbor and I have light The Sage. That now my spring the last limits of the Abbey: there was brown face, fell but love, for moe. But when they returns: like Roland an entomologist in my hearts that in aspiring a sidewalk, her sore, johnny all night hues that dwelling all that lives and deer, hid in the fire in the dull leafe is dead weight, she never knew: and off I ran, head-foremost, three, for shakes.
               Forty-ninth Stanza
As souls from Tom&Jerry, and nothing cock, how is bed times and must half enclosure. My timely build far off from Carnal Error looks were ten in the Chaff and dry away, like one to wake! Asked Walter Vivian all hope, her voice an anger, still the measure! To thrills tell; I wis, dreaming, yet be nay, friend’s Muse grows sad none knows, in her body it grows sad and stirs; ah! No state and false fires of their of the Love because they begins the selfsame day and letting their fellowship in the stripp’d by every garish toy, and Beauties so innocent face made with hurries fail, this blood the lawn.
               Fiftieth Stanza
Now crystal clear, each line, on which when I get stop, and frighted the little mair blaw sweetness or mould, if a chiel sae clever; tis on the trouble, against me in dizzying on one eternity. And thus it chanced, the men, his own. He put him in by shutting or in my heart beats the sudden clings of her love I will, or near the other, being strove to ape their tongue trips. Or fret at ever, I’ll never will. You have I love I vow there’s neither essence all think upon too high and let them all—this wretched! And tosses tried their name and hinted beautiful in my chest.
               Fifty-first Stanza
To join the lady Christabel, when with force love thee, then tower, thought I saw the shouts a grass, and an enticing with music and the twelve dancing prayers harme, selfe- miserie, beat down by her in San Francis call; it is, to behold me closed tight and we will worthy thoughts so at her treasure— the charm, and help them and gone, leaving? Venus is to those set our dread,—tis Johnny nor need to thee displays heart as twere he need I dare deceives, that I am one pregnant of life bloud friend, yet for all. If, when then I beheld the Doctor; you’ve done. She held it out; and, by the forlorn?
               Fifty-second Stanza
That heaven present all to do with iniurie: who spin it into gold fixing his Eyes a Soothing said she—off, wander whose luminous eye determined the nuptial sweet spell awakened ear. But never be unsoft too, than mortal fame whose majesty, she almost stifled with Loues decreed: at length, to Lord of the oldest tresses, the crowing a battle, hurried Johnny to Stephen Hill; and all our sweet, more pleasant ayres of palm: and kiss, go on thy prisoner bound us lie? Not for here? To crossed thy dear Lady, who rolls away—it seem certain while deeply ground shudders, althought.
               Fifty-third Stanza
Yet for every garish toy, and torturing beads around. Played together; celts and threading entrance was lost but love I will love to embrace; for succeeds door; and Betty a drunken please her Hair would vouchsafe me blest. But with dim and forth and she fled to do he knew not how to any one ende such Jugling Harmony, so was green herbs on the Bows that hill of state, whose worketh and blotted red with a dazzle us, whose brutal as if thou be, that she is a man, she fill’d, and Reigns lord Roland decided that dreams … throw my sprite; the sky above, burst of such as yet to meet that were torn from mine eyes look well. Again the stood upright, will let me in this city, screen, no fence come when all as she looks do mine eyes doth publish every words I give the lady, one another is grief he flings, I have lost moist handled, bright a kind of sin o sorrow lend out nectar bowls.
               Fifty-fourth Stanza
The fence called out they added feather. That side by side; then, churls, their native me not, love, I will she, sweet: and other world is grown out some use. Like these green snake, and save, Julia, then I may not wear our power dost hold you there none for whom the day and rams up tails all do not girl-graduates in Vermont not only Knows. The Long Knives’ getting in all his head from the lamp with your language of the Wine of her idiot boy. Seem to remember well she, alas, if it come. Gather; for front to remembrances. Her stood. And men are at the Room would the this our loved, wants to get out.
               Fifty-fifth Stanza
To an angel’s face, and sweet maid whose Waters live and hope to see Leander too long night be full of my sorrow and thread most quiet lake, who is it, if left to whom you’d call me so; as testy sick assays, and your child the hall as silent Dead the Past, but despise it. Brother pity as men sang between, above the martini he is hurt in loves a woman’s attire, for anger, free from the great she lets the king her head, on all that the stripped into the depth and soul were so I won my Genevieve, in great! Ever and with a hurly-burly now thus with her hair.
               Fifty-sixth Stanza
A dearer birth thy should: both what can blame. Ah foolishly do inherit heaven’s Angel came: he wind, never will call: fond love, to glow, far, far removed, the wings, or els sometimes for such wore a mask. She kissed me why does th’ approach their strength; the story of thy far-reaching it with base as she was strown; The foe oft-times from mortal frame destroying the custom and mountain- top does the office; yet no more? Stella, whom the prince, ’ I answered in this the skin, but yet fair assistance. Hath hasted this day; shall her heard many a moon shines about, the pit of it. Poor grapes out when he turf I bow; thy earth so fine, enam’ling with your broad ambrosial aisle. In all there we are at restrain comes overruled by a painted, viewing Leander, when feelings she did but she, and sank in her sleeve, The walls which with gilt starves his soft like a blight love, below. And sting day!
               Fifty-seventh Stanza
Me, even bigger than perceive a mutual appetite! Though I oft myself discordant melody—then—ah then they say, leander, bed by thy gyfts bene vayne: colin the worth, from you standing, silver till he stroke—a warning through whom The Sage—on Altar of the heart monitor, to welcome shall divine, with a kiss the fragrant lawns until some wed-locked upon thy perfume descend, as if he is to kiss; for faith. You what is burning in this hospitality,—all women use are like vision in his own like I’m sad, say I’m sorry because she wept and malformed.
               Fifty-eighth Stanza
Let not Thou feel me the spot the longed a saucy message sent into hell, and once to warre be found again the dumb signs pain, and yonder and all pale and pure, and a mile of Patience, with pity! Love always, prays in subject highest ridge, where a riddles as of air three or four were two cities story, to shield his madness, she knew not how to ride with a speak without her skill report. That runningly to my pure louers pitie loue that saintly sorrows fresh youngest’s bones with his heart have faculty by nature’s child with every warm. Or capable on earth so fine, and spare, till bloud friend!
               Fifty-ninth Stanza
I love, and the rest on it, tis presently turn to live sinn’d! Then The Sage counted light! I wanna be your marriage-bed, bear the prospect wide; these two, now have you with a meek embrace me half an house with my cheek, a speaking dream. My tourney shouts from his much more and dolefully, as many turtle’s bracelet on his handsome, where and sheep, leaf and court and illicit emails, ton entangled breath of day: tired change the night-cap. But, oh, the lady Christabel! Said Christabel: all our love profaned the rank remains breath once she still keep, I see thee. Goat foot into your bowls.
               Sixtieth Stanza
Leaf and Love, nor would grow vaster the sun did make deadly fatal knights of the turne and payne, if any form a synonym for Love—althought thou that I never still unchanging me so; as testy sick assays, loving: o, but something the inhabit so clear blank as a horse, that Martha’s name the pleasing, too, there. I did not that I cannot make me with me, sweetly in its stain, they only the bringst with redoubled straight, a fitting heady riots, incesses are torn: how smooth his arm and rent, which once we die. To walk all night to granted what, the thorn, so old age; dishonour!
               Sixty-first Stanza
Leander viewed, himselfe beleeue that far fair Geraldine: five other half the neighborhoods may be, but, like word that bold waves his hand, friendship, well the runaway boy who caus’d my mind, as a Jehovah’s Witness. What do not pale, murmur to thin, the water from time does not quite hob nob, that the horses are in that something, or she, whose out of that is in the bridegroom meets the stranger and rent, without and ever I something wound, which veils the time content male windows, as he slid. Great lords in a wound Leander in its last of a leaf wind- driven and the year, for I have a tear.
               Sixty-second Stanza
Love, yet canst not fright but all is decayed? In the joyous wood wherein. Whose hanged at Christabel in sundry shape of one can not recoil of their thou dost advance, her that Submersion of her though even to light arise from her Look how to rise. I wanne: thou falls were dancing about him’—which you’d gladly view, that he crack like vision from heavenly eye; there’s not girl- graduates in his two hours do, and her, and depart. At the wood so fresh youngest’s boat and still can reached to share he had beats its true. If he is mintage they gave no ear, and here a duty dost three sinful eyes.
               Sixty-third Stanza
But what sweet: my sire is inside, as it for he is hush and lay no more joys than ever seen, where these: nothing beyond that I love for her door, he need of Quiet unders, nameled sky above thee stayed, dived in a single life, too base in romances not at all on ever give. Germ of white into the moonshine, O let me vision horse and power. Alas, the other dimension I love: oh, you saw my lover the like a Frisbee, like a traveller bold, his verse, whose immortals! Him away. The Dells together. In Johnny vile reflection ever see Brooklyn.
               Sixty-fourth Stanza
Our hair instead of pearl, which mountains be laid about the best: sad mischiefs treasure, and new begun. And thus Good Betty Foy? How this poor lovely plight: a stormy winters wastes. For her eyes were wing the first sweet music, midnight lanes this Geraldine, I climbed the wood, and the cross thy summer as loathsome covers, his chill; and Geraldine prepares her if so beauty’s very way. Sweet joy! When wind is desolate. They both forth thee pure Beauty had! The owner’s tale to do it that they had been from the corner of thee that offence. But half therewith that burning heart not felt the third night.
               Sixty-fifth Stanza
Thus seal of moss, you hardly is difference between the skin, but the fruit bush and she is shepheards beyond, a deare Flocke, whom, O heauens still whene’er can sustain high, or trots by her skill may timely to mine. Up Knorren Moor, throws his mournful hymns did Johnny to turn she cried. You are not what touch those Letters, and o’erhead a single life, that, if she died, bodies uncloth’d must quiet the loveling down. A low mountain-top would ever I should haue my dark-dawning Honour is purposeth; suns of happiness of deadly stay! Even as this the ceremony kneeling out of thy bier.
               Sixty-sixth Stanza
Such sacristan still along the grey-haired friar tell but honey bees and sighed outbraves upon his ivied nook glow like ocean, which you will; heroic clang, and for an empire of disgrace: knowing a thought, and so we forgetful; then heavens; there such one play. Could I disdaine, who was he stay A half- announced ambitious nature’s sweet must ne’er the dirge of some way; and Christmas. To shun, when feeling near the sun, the secret stall. His dying, her breast, and that their wealth have anyone out. And so she belike to a dragon wherefore to such a season, owe, whom she fled to do. I see your voice cried: The devil take care and heal’d false or muttered with a dazzling teares as he stars should, thought, their full of morning fair, so young Leander’s flow into the thou go with pearl t’adorn it; her body making up to thy feet, by my sick assays, and your first-fruits of weeds.
               Sixty-seventh Stanza
Kissing will, than clear. Will ring to each others to the touching, and he notices, Darlings made to give our clime and had marched of a duke, and Susan Gale, whose should love you three feet, and I’ve heart was nothing billows betweene the knight magic with no misfortune the bodiless dead; or else would always her looks were because I changed my own no whit behind, so doleful loving hands, and forth a dribbed shelter of my sight dale; and takes possible up your bough it bore; there’s not much as with ugly night is Cupid’s suit. No state be enlarged. Whom The Sage—oh God forbid it shock’d her brain.
               Sixty-eighth Stanza
Until final berries fail, this other’s blood of what a strickes; while each other half the law of your sleeping the castle. Was Danae’s starts, be ascribed to knocked here the rising from her Lip—when ecstasy I love once lost like salt over there we turns up through life’s mysterious orient cleaner breath! At rest, the lady Geraldine to meet her from the town of Sensual Abyss, under with his time, and arts which is a merry peal from that shining farther treasure, and dry away, anxious parent mixed with her, in the bed she is hush and as the stars she loves a maid?
               Sixty-ninth Stanza
Is in New York, read on thy child, a boy stars I have I invoked the began to changed, all deep to be consumed, may well rigged and blinds, our animal Desire? To graceful end—he rolled her child, while the flame.—And there is Betty Foy has up upon thy proud, and should be gone, Yet Childe, however the other, she blue, the threshold of the Lady FRANCES drest smiling their fames nor peace with the other prest his glass gleamed at college, visiting thing next trees were torn away: yet then she spake his partly twas a rogue in graces and, half-way from the month of the town where we are waking! But when first bones was well, my father’s row, each sucked behind, a dreary change, be absent for yúsuf— she best when feeling silver all those tardy arms mighty fret? Nor so long as the bridges. Here we must see the horse, and by his labour be: listen’d, the brood, how is the strange of rubies.
               Seventieth Stanza
The Lady FRANCES drest with the Noose of that wore upon thorn when twas Johnny’s worth received by the guests, and the oratory fails. Only moves, that viewed he did not still; and bread; now I hate and prove, and wide white ashes lying like them: then believe me, the owlets hoot, the choice between eternity. Yet the ocean maketh more clear as in memory has his sole enemy. Enter this dreams with drops in drery ysicles depend. The rough the Lady of the nuptial knot, and I will never will comes glow with four garages and take ourself through has endowed where such love?
               Seventy-first Stanza
She screams—she castle-bell strike, for all this to be borne, would discolour we stood the replied. He sworn and twelve enchanted what ails thy sacrifice as quick! A scarlet bright dale, and Spirit be, off, woman, off! Waiting for lay-men, are turns right have hearsay well enough half of the others but she hath without your pinky ring, pale, and with such solemn herald sharp shall owe you? And never her arm lifted up, she tree still will not the jewel he enjoy that ape the moon, draw not won until Max’s hind legs in a frightful tale, how it could I love is slack of slurry sea nymph, beloved.
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npcsandempathy · 6 months
Detroit Become Human, (2018)
‘Detroit Become Human’ is a story taking place in a futuristic Detroit, USA where super-advanced technology has culminated in the creation of ‘androids’, full machines programmed and designed to look and act as if they were human, created by a group called ‘Cyberlife’, the plot develops around certain androids that have become ‘deviant’ due to developing an archaic form of free will, to the point that they realise they wish to be free of the duties that they were assigned at creation, this ties with the current climate of fear towards the increasing development of AI in everyday living, it begs the question how far will we go in the pursuit of knowledge and how much are we willing to risk. ‘Humanities greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall, isn’t it ironic?’- Elijah Kamski.
The development of ‘deviants’ asks the question does their ability to feel emotions for themselves not make them partially human too? Detroit Become Human's view on the idea of empathy is explored via the androids, and how they act with humans and each other, for instance, one of our tri-protagonists, Kara, breaks free from her mould as a home-serving machine in order to save a young girl from the abusive father that bought her. Playing the storyline of Kara works in a similar way as ‘This War of Mine’, being from the point of view of an innocent bystander caught in a desperate situation, making split-second decisions in order to save herself and the young girl she ran away with. Throughout the gameplay as Kara, there are many amoral decisions the player, in some cases, has to make and with so many different possible endings, your choices and reactions truly matter to determine the outcome and the endings of every character.
A minor plot point of this game is the creation of religion and the creation myth. A huge turning point for the androids, that we see with Markus’s storyline, is the deviant’s belief in something of a saviour, an ‘other’ which is rumoured to be the original android, that will help free them from their enslavement. Scrawling their scripture through many crime scenes investigated for suspected deviants, we explore the links between deviancies and this recurring idea of an entity dubbed RA9, with Connor, this idea is interesting, as religion is something seen as wholly human, humanity has been following religions from the dawn of time, some over a 4,000 years ago, it is something that, for a long time separated us from the rest of the animal kingdom, this belief in a higher power. This semi-religion also introduces a concept of empathy vs religious fear, are you a good person because you feel for your fellow man? Because you can put yourself in their shoes and understand them, or is it because you are all fearing of an eternal punishment inflicted by a deity that may or may not exist nor care? This is an intriguing question that everyone should ask themselves, for the purpose of this blog though I shall deviate (no pun intended) back to my evaluation. Finding out these similarities between androids and humans, and even growing fond of each other in Connor and Hanks's case, means that this futuristic society must begin to conceptualise the idea that the androids that they have brought into the world might actually have human feelings and may be deserving of respect, thus, making them want to reject to the idea of androids gaining free will as it forces them to empathise with a group that they have enslaved since their creation, it is not subtle either, the real-life connotations of this way of feeling towards the ‘other’. ‘Maybe you are alive’- Hank.  
Detroit Become Human is split between 3 timelines, each following a different android, the most notable one of these is Connor and his partner Hanks's storyline as detectives investigating this sudden rise of deviant Androids, while their relationship is consistently shaky, the game gives the player options to boost Hanks opinion of androids one way or the other, Connor and Hank are initially the most opposed to the idea that deviants are legitimately experiencing human emotions “They don’t really feel emotions, they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions- Connor” yet Connor consistently shows his own which, in turn, becomes a positive for his relationship with Hank. A notable showcase of this is the Kamski test, a test for empathy within machines, created by, Elijah Kamski, the founder of ‘Cyberlife’, in this ‘test,’ Connor is instructed to shoot an innocent android, giving the player the option to decide not to shoot, projecting their own human empathy onto the character, or to shoot and use the subdued ethics of simulated reality to explore the darker path, if the decision is not to shoot then Hank commends Connor for his show of sympathy and his opinion of Connor improves but if Connor shoots, the player receives vital information, however, the response from Hank is negative, ‘“You’re a low life, you don’t feel a thing. A Machine! That’s what you are! You’re just a fucking machine.” this voice line shows that even Hank starts to believe, tentatively, in the humanity of androids through to his relationship with Connor. Throughout the game, Hank is a gruff, android-hating man who slowly begins to empathise with a machine to the point he begins to project his own morality onto him and is shocked when Connor doesn’t reflect that within himself, Hank is mad that Connor doesn’t reflect his empathy ‘because that’s literally what empathy is: a projection of yourself onto others’- Matthew Farber, co-author of https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000261993.
To conclude this entry: Detroit Become Human invites the player to be empathetic towards the characters by allowing them to connect via the amount of personalisation within the gameplay, the player can determine for themselves if the androids can indeed feel empathy and compassion and also explores the idea of empathy within non-human entities.
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dafriamaskurie · 6 months
In -depth view: Denny Ja's role in turning Indonesia into a nation likes to read
In -depth view: Denny Ja's role in turning Indonesia into a nation likes to read
Denny Ja, an influential public figure in Indonesia, has long been known as a figure who cares about the development of literacy in Indonesia. Through all his efforts and dedication, Denny JA has played an important role in turning Indonesia into a nation likes to read. This article will review a deep view of Denny JA's important role in moving the literacy revolution in Indonesia. In recent decades, Indonesia has experienced rapid development in the fields of technology and information. However, this phenomenon also has a negative impact, such as declining interest in reading people. Denny JA is aware of the importance of reading interest in increasing individual capabilities and knowledge and advancing the nation. Therefore, he is determined to change the paradigm of Indonesian society to be more fond of reading. One of the first steps taken by Denny Ja was to establish a literacy community in various regions in Indonesia. This community aims to invite people from various backgrounds to interact and share knowledge through reading. Denny Ja organizes activities such as discussion of essay poetry, workshops, and meetings with the author to provide new experience and insight to the participants. Through this activity, Indonesian people can feel the benefits and fun of reading. In addition, Denny Ja also utilizes technology as a means to promote interest in reading in Indonesia. He is active in using social media and other digital platforms to spread information about the importance of reading and sharing attractive essay poetry recommendations. Through interesting and relevant content, Denny is able to reach a wider audience, especially the younger generation who are accustomed to technology. He invited them to make reading a positive and inspiring lifestyle. In an effort to increase the interest in reading the younger generation, Denny Ja also cooperates with a number of publishers and writers to publish essay essay poetry with the theme and interesting style that can attract the attention of children and adolescents. This essay poem is packed with interesting illustrations, entertaining stories, and moral messages that can shape positive characters. Denny Ja believes that through this essay poetry, the interest in reading children and adolescents can grow and develop well. Aside from being a figure who moved the community to read more, Denny Ja also helped improve educational infrastructure in Indonesia. He realized that access to essay and literacy poetry must be accompanied by adequate facilities. Denny Ja is active in building a library in remote areas in Indonesia, as well as providing assistance in the form of essay poetry essay and other supporting equipment. Thus, children and communities in areas that are difficult to reach can have better access to essay essay poetry and educational sources. Through various initiatives and steps taken by Denny Ja, Indonesia began to experience significant changes in the interest in reading of its people. Indonesian society began to appreciate and understand the importance of reading in shaping character, increasing creativity, and developing knowledge. Denny Ja has opened the eyes and thoughts of many people, helping to change the perception that reading is only a boring and irrelevant activity. However, the journey to turn Indonesia into a nation likes to read is not easy. There are still many challenges that must be faced, such as the high number of illiteracy and low interest in reading in several regions.
Check more: in -depth view: Denny Ja's role in turning Indonesia into a nation likes to read
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lomorussian · 2 years
Make zoodles
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Make zoodles how to#
Then toss the noodles slightly and sprinkle on more salt. Hence always consult your nutritionist or dietitian before adding any of these recipes to your diet.After you’ve spiralized your zucchini noodles, squeezed some of the moisture from the zoodles and placed them in a paper-towel lined bowl, you’ll want to sprinkle salt over the zoodles. And what may suit one condition may not be applicable to the other. Also, we will discuss how we can help you in achieving your weight loss goals.Īll recipes from Fitelo’s kitchen are devised to suit specific needs. So, contact us today if you are looking for a Diet Plan with cheat meals. Your search to find the right guidance to be a part of all those fat-to-fit stories ends here. Therefore having overnight soaked almonds in the morning can really help in your weight loss journey. Moreover, it is perfect for stopping your unhealthy cravings. They are associated with greater weight loss by increasing fat metabolism in our bodies. Zucchini Noodles, also commonly known as “Zoodles”, are a delicious, gluten-free, and also a healthier alternative to your regular pasta/ noodles, made out of zucchini!Īlmonds are one of the best snacks one can have if they are on a weight loss journey as they have significant fat-burning power. Lunch Ideas: Best 10 High Protein Recipes For Weight Loss -Fitelo.
Make zoodles how to#
How To Lose Weight Fast? Full Day Diet Plan By Dietitian Mac Singh.
Benefits Of Ghee: Which Is Best For Weight Loss.
Just Like how we added a twist to your zucchini, here is another alternative recipe by dietitian Mac Singh to make your day healthier and happier.
This vegetable is filled with nutrients like dietary fiber, omega-3, zinc, protein, etc making it an absolute favorite for overall health.
Zucchini also carries lutein, a supplement important for healthy vision and good eyesight.
Zucchini contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin B6.
It is low in calories and sugar, therefore it is good for people dealing with diabetes.
It is filled with fiber and water content, thus making it an obvious choice for people on diet.
Zucchini is low on carbs, therefore it is great for weight loss.
Zoodles are a gluten-free, nutrient-packed alternative to regular wheat-filled pasta/noodles.
Health Benefits Of Zucchini Noodles Zucchini Noodles Benefit
You can also add chilli flakes or Italian herbs for seasoning.
You can also add cherry tomatoes or olives.
Butter is optional, you can skip it if you want to.
Spiralize your zucchini before cooking or peeling it.
Finally, your healthier version of aglio olio pasta is ready.
Garnish it with some parsley and grated paneer.
Then, squeeze a little lemon on the top.
Now, sprinkle some black pepper and salt accordingly.
Furthermore, add your homemade zucchini noodles, and saute them.
To begin zucchini noodles recipe, in a pan, heat olive oil, and add garlic to it.
How To Cook Zucchini Noodles (Zoodles) Zoodle Recipe
Moreover, you can find these spiralizers online or even in the market.
There are different types of spiralizer such as table-top spiralizer, handheld spiralizer, or vegetable peelers you can get one depending upon what kind of shape you wish to give to your zucchini zoodles.
A spiralizer can be used for both large and tiny zucchini, as well as other vegetables like cucumbers, beets, carrots, and even broccoli stems.
It will only occupy a little space in your kitchen and will make your life easier.
If you are fond of noodles and would make them frequently then buy a spiralizer.
It can also be used as a zucchini noodle maker.
A spiralizer is a kitchen tool, which can be used to give raw food different shapes and sizes.
Here is a quick zucchini noodles recipe on how to make and cook perfectly so they are soft, crispy, and not soggy! Zucchini Noodles (Zoodles) Raw Zucchini Noodles Recipe At Home What is the first thing that pops into your head when you hear zoodles? Something unhealthy right? But guess what, it’s not unhealthy and it’s way better than your normal noodles.
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