#tiberias vi calore
imjulia-andilikecats · 9 months
You know, why I love Marecal so much? Part 3544
Mare Molly Barrow had indirectly and directly wiped out ALMOST all of Cal's family. His step-mother, father and baby brother.
Cal Tiberias Calore Barrow, was probably like, "It's fine, babygurl. You're the love of my life and we can just RESPAWN👶 a family together."
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drewtanakagf · 9 months
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plain text: Two Brothers and a Dead Father
chris abani via @/geyrone | kechi nomu via @/geyrone | from @northernember | Sherezade Siobhan via @/weltenwellen / antione de Saint expuery via @/ methamorphesque
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northernember · 11 months
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Tibe voice; I love both my sons very much Cal and uh [squints at smudged writing on hand] Magnet
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imperatrice21 · 5 months
Does anyone know any fanfics where Cal chooses Mare in the first book instead of taking her and Maven to the king?
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ball-of-butter · 1 year
i love maven and understand why people dislike him, but, like, hear me out… maven was given a negligent emotionally distant alcoholic father and an overbearing emotionally abusive helicopter mother who did not know the definition of privacy for the life of her. plus the controversy he was born in due to his mother and coriane which made other family members (julian, anabel) distant as well, all except the merandus clan who were full of sociopaths that take pleasure in psychological torture. he was also given a title that discarded emotional growth, where power was necessary and therapy didnt exist… like… bro did not stand a chance 😭😭
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kracenstar · 11 months
In honor of @mavensbluemoon I’m going to post some pictures of her favorite people who in her words are “fine”
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cherrypine6 · 2 years
Does anyone else ever think about Silver temper tantrums? Not the adults killing someone because they don't get their way, but genuine toddler tantrums. I just keep envisioning two-yro Cal accidentally setting Elara's dress on fire bc he didn't get his snack or something equally ridiculous and Elara is like "That's it, Tibe, he's *your* son, you deal with him" and Julian is laughing in the background like "That's my nephew"
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hannaharies · 2 years
Parents in RQ:
Tiberias VI: "Good night Cal, I love you so much. Good night Maven, I like you."
Cenra: (kisses her children's foreheads) "Sleep well, Ti. Good night, Iris. I love you more than anything."
Larentia (to Ptolemus): "Sleep well, son."
Larentia (to Eve): "... Bye."
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lucy-the-cat · 1 year
Maven Slays (His Father)
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maventheforgotten · 11 months
I hate so many characters in the Red Queen series. I understand it's a book (and these are fictional characters) and absolutely no hate to the author it's an amazing series, but on like a personal real-life I hate them. To anyone who doesn't want to hear how I hate a specific character, you can skip their part. Also understand these are my OPINIONS and understanding of the characters if you disagree you are free to tell me but understand I have the right to disagree with you as well.
Anabel Lerolan grandmother to both Cal and Maven and my absolute least favorite character. She makes me so mad mainly because she makes no attempts to save Maven from his mother. Anabel knew and saw what Elara did to Coriane and hated her for it but yet when Elara shows signs of doing the same thing to Maven she looked at Maven as Elaras son, not her grandchild who was being forced at such a young age to go through the same pains that caused the death of an adult women then has the aducaity to blame Maven for everything that happened.
Julian Jacos is next on this list for much the same reason. He saw what was happening but viewed Maven as the son of Elara instead of a boy who needed someone to step in much as his sister did. I understand why it would have been hard especially after Elara cut out Sara's tongue but even spending time with Maven making sure he understood he wasn't alone was all he needed to do. (This part goes with Anabel as well.)
Evangeline Samos just annoys me because I think she's a self-centered, selfish brat who can only get over herself when family or her girlfriends are involved. She did have some character development at the end but for me it was to late for her to be saved.
Mare Barrow is riding in the same boat as Evangeline but on a whole other level. I despise her to put it simply. In the beginning, she is obnoxious, self-centered, and blankly disregards the feelings of others for whatever she believes to be right. She also has attention seeking behavior and throws a fit when it doesn't go how she wants it. The main example I see of this is when Cal chose the crown. There has been a major debate on this sceen and what he was thinking but for my stand point I don't seem him chosing the crown just to be King but I see him chosing the crown to be HER king. When Cal tries to explain his reasoning to Mare, she refuses to accept and leaves. She had the right to be upset with his decision but not to claim she was not enough for him.
Tiberias "Cal" Calore VII I don't have much to say about. I don't hate him. I just felt he had a right to be added to the list. I think he's okay, and he's trying his best to be a good person despite what he grew up around. I don't like that he ignored the signs he saw from Maven and Elara's relationship, but he was just the prince and a kid for most of it, and at least he never gave up on Maven.
Tiberias Calore VI we didn't see much of but I have no love for him. He was depicted as a drunk and neglective father who was to caught up in the loss of Coriane to really pay attention to either of his sons and obviously favored Cal the son of his late wife. I do think he loved Maven he just didn't know how to be a father to someone that wasn't Coriane's son.
Elara Merandus is a bitch and I hate her. She was mentally abusive and hurtful to Maven from a young age. She manipulated his views of his family members and made him dependent on her and deserved her death. I don't have anything else to say on her.
None of this makes anything Maven did right or any less his fault. I'm just saying at all of these character except Cal and sometimes Mare want to throw all the blame on Maven. It's not just his fault- someone should have done something to help him before it got out of hand. This was all a rant I had to my friend and just felt like letting the internet know about. Remember these are OPINIONS- so it's cool to disagree but be respectful and know I didn't see the book the same way you did.
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vi-vis-posts · 1 year
Have you ever thought that...
If Helena Merandus married Julius Calore III and Erik Merandus Tiberia Calore, Are Tiberias VI and Elara related?
Seriosly!? If silver houses only maked children with each other, are they all like related or something? Is that why they're so fucking violently grazy bitches?
I have not read Broken Throne or Cruel Crown yet, just Red Queen wiki, so I'm really sorry if I am wrong:D
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imjulia-andilikecats · 8 months
The Red Queen Characters and What They Pull
Mare: I pull hot silver princes w/ daddy and mommy issues
Evangeline: I pull unwanted arrange marriages
Kilorn: I pull fish
Farley: I pull the trigger
Cal: I pulled this cute thief that tried to pull my wallet
Shade: I pulled this hot, intimidating blonde and a sharp needle
Iris: I wish I pulled a normal husband
Maven: I wish my mom pulled a better father
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drewtanakagf · 9 months
also calore men webweave coming out later. w/ a cal focus but. families and generational responsibilities W
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cehara-leanne · 1 year
Blood Borne- Part 1
 By: CeHara Evens
By: Victoria Aveyard
Author’s note: This chapter contains spoilers for the book series Red Queen! If you don’t know what is going on, read the books! Not everything in this fanfic is, I repeat DOES NOT belong to me! I got mad at a character's death, and decided to fix it! That does not make the contents of this fanfic canon! Nor do I take ownership of all its characters! The characters and locations that I did not create belong to, one of my personal favorite authors, Victoria Aveyard! If you don’t know what things belong to her and what things belong to me…THEN READ HER BOOK!! This fanfic can also be considered a self-insert x reader situation, just don’t use the name of the character I created to fix this situation! That’s all!
The executioner’s voice rang out into the arena but was soon drowned out by the cheers of the crowd. Hundreds of people…thousands of people. Screamed in agreeance. Those that were not present inside the arena sat outside its walls screaming for the same thing. In pubs. In millions of Nortan homes. They all yelled for the same thing. Retribution. But it was all on deaf ears. The deaf ears of the convicted. The deaf ears…
“OF MAVEN MERANDUS CALORE!” the executioner yelled.
Screams of bloody murder were heard at the mention of the former king’s name. His body was dragged out of a prison adjacent to the palace’s arena. Two burly sentinels carried his weight over to the public cutting board. To his death. Maven’s short black hair was disheveled, and his crystalline blue eyes were faded with indifference. His military uniform, one that he wore hundreds of times before in front of these same subjects, was covered in dust and sweat. The dungeons were hot. More humid if anything. And dirty. The weight of its Silencing Stone caused Maven’s muscles to spasm and crap, so much so that they felt like lead. The two sentinels forced Maven to his knees before the chopping block. Before the thousands of screaming people wanting his head.  No resistance was shown against it other than the automatic stiffness of one’s knees when suddenly falling.
“It’s so bright outside…so bright, and so pretty.” 
Maven thought to himself while his head hang heavy, looking at nothing in particular. Everything was a tired blur.
“I could think of a more sophisticated word than that…pretty…but it is pretty out here…”
“I should have come outside more often…”
“These shackles sting…but it’s a reminder that I can feel I guess…”
Maven released a dry chuckle.
“Ironic that I can feel now, out of all times.”
 His chuckle did not go unnoticed by the sentinel to his left and earned him a strong kick to the stomach. Maven fell to his side at the blow to his abdomen, coughing out dryly and groaning. The crowd roared in approval of the treatment.
“Lucky me…”
“HIS TREASON BEGINS! WITH THE MURDER OF HIS FATHER! THE LATE KING! TIBERIAS CALORE VI!” The executioner yelled out to the crowd, eliciting more reactions.
“I did murder him didn’t I…without lifting a finger, I was the cause of my father’s death…”
Maven sat himself up again, looking down at the block before him. The executioner waved his hand slightly towards the sentinels on either side of Maven. Both soldiers moved forward and pressed the former king’s cheek into the chopping block.
“All because mother wanted me to have his power…Mother…”
His eyes stung thinking about it, but Maven refused to cry at this moment. How could he be a heartless, ruthless leader by crying while faced with death? That meant he had a heart. He couldn’t…
At the mention of his brother, Maven moved his head to look upwards and scanned the crowd. People screamed and spat in his direction. None of them mattered. Maven moved his eyes upwards, above all the malice. Above the hatred towards him. And there he found his brother.
“Cal…My…Big brother…I never called you that very often, did I. At least…not to your face...Pity…”
In a booth above the middle section of the arena stood Cal, his black military uniform well ironed and the medals adorning his chest glimmering in the sunlight. His dark black hair was freshly cut for this “occasion”, and upon his head sat the royal crown. Its jewels shone in the afternoon sun like blazing fire. Cal’s bronze eyes looked fierce. Grim. But Maven could see how bloodshot they were. Rubbed raw from tears the court would never see. To either of Cal’s sides stood the family of his late mother, Coraine Jacos. To his right stood his uncle Julian Jacos, and to his left stood his aunt Sara Skonos. Support systems for this trying time. They knew, that even with the horrid things he did, Maven was still Cal’s younger brother…and that it hurt to watch his brother like this. Maven felt the very same.
“You always deserved a better brother than me…you were…wonderful…”
He long noticed Cal’s stance was stiff while he stood on the balcony of the middle booth. Very stiff. Holding back everything that wanted to spill out while watching the display before him. His younger brother pressed into a chopping block. Maven’s demise was imminent the moment Cal nodded toward the executioner. And Maven could tell that his brother never wanted to give that command. That he ever wanted to be the cause of his disappearance from this world. Which is why Maven couldn’t…he just couldn’t…
“You have to be strong. Stronger than you are now or else…Or else you’ll never survive…”
Maven wished he could cry, that he could express what he really felt towards his older brother. That he could let Cal know that he loved him.  That he loved their father. No matter how many times that love was wiped from his mind by his mother. By Elara. In exchange for power. And in exchange for hatred. That he would always have something in his heart for both of them…but he couldn’t. Because if he did…then Cal would try to save him. Like he always did. And the Silver  High Houses of Norta would eat Cal alive for his weakness. And Maven couldn’t let that happen. To have those vultures. Those tyrants. Exploit his older brother’s love for him. Exploit his weakness…that would make them and Maven too similar. Maven couldn’t bear that comparison, as much as he knew it was true. So Maven couldn’t have a heart. Not right now. Not ever again. The executioner continued his speel of Maven’s crimes, of his lack of honor. The young former king was unfazed by every remark.
“I don’t need to hear all of this, where is…ah. There you are.”
Maven scanned the crowd frantically, feeling that his headman’s speech would be coming to a close soon. It was hard to look but he had found her.
“Mare Barrow.”
People shouted into the arena and threw things in anger toward Maven, but he could make her out easily. In a random booth filled with random people, Mare could be seen at its edge. Staring intensely. Her brown hair flowed gently in the wind, the silver and purple tips of it catching the light of the sun. She wore simple clothes. A loose, white button-up top and brown cargo pants. Her light brown skin was littered with scars, only visible when the wind swayed her shirt a certain way. Maven caught sight of the “M” branded into her collarbone. After some moments Mare tried to avert her gaze, only to have Maven try to follow it to the best of his ability.
“You are beautiful you know…my Red Queen…But you can’t meet my eyes…not the way you used to.”
He felt the intensity of her gaze holding so many different feelings. So many different questions and emotions. The one he saw the most was her anger. Her anger for thinking she had killed him, even though she didn’t. Her anger for having to be here. To watch him die at a public event. Rather than having the privacy of vengeance offered to her. By killing him with her bare hands. Sickly enough, Maven felt that he only wanted her eyes on his. No matter what feelings were warranted by them, he felt the need to feel her gaze on him. He had caused her so much suffering. Killed her brother. Tortured her. Scarred her physically and mentally. 
“You can’t meet my eyes with admiration. Or security. Or…hope. Those looks are reserved for my brother now…aren’t they.”
Maven wished he could be upset,  but he wasn’t. His obsession with Mare made his body surge forward if only to be pressed down harder by the sentinels restraining him. All he wanted was her. He started a war for her. Killed her closest friends and relatives for her. Caused pain and suffering for her. It was twisted, dark and twisted, but all Maven wanted was her. But she didn’t want him. She never asked for what he gave her. The broken boy before her, that she had met before. The shadow of his brother, whom she comforted and loved. That was what Mare wanted. What she wished to save. But she never wanted this. Mare left the random booth she stood in and Maven’s squirming stopped. What was he doing? Making a scene for her…he would never understand.
At Mare’s exit, Maven settled down. The tenseness of his muscles against the strength of the sentinels dissipated into nothing. His head was calm.
 Maven could hear everything all at once….
The shouting of the crowd.
The executioner’s sword being unsheathed for use. 
His heartbeat in his ears. His breathing heavy. Steady….
Maven could see everything all at once…
The dust particles floating in the air in front of him, reflecting in the sun’s light.
The random, meaningless objects thrown into the arena by angry onlookers.
His brother’s slight nod towards the executioner. Stiff…
Maven could feel everything all at once….
The steel of the unsheathed blade lining up with the nape of his neck.
The light yet searing pain of a mark being cut into his neck, used to make the strike precise.
The rays of the afternoon sun shining onto the arena. Warm…
“It’s bright outside…and it’s pretty…”
The executioner’s sword stood high in the air, catching the light of the sun.
“The Sun feels warm…but why…why do I feel…”
The sword came downward, cutting through the air.
“...So cold…”
A girl sat inside the royal palace, high in the air on the palace ceiling beams. She picked at a golden vase with a fork. Stolen from the kitchen. She picked at the small diamonds on the vase, never the large ones. The larger diamonds were too noticeable. She looked at the T.V. screen broadcasting the current execution. The girl let out an exasperated sigh before looking down at the vase again.
“Jesus,” the girl grumbled, “ these royals are so dramatic…”
End Part 1
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imperatrice21 · 5 months
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Unwanted. Forgotten. Broken. Maven Calore has always lived in the shadow of his older brother. But when his mother offers him the chance to become a king it comes with a heavy expense. He must betray his family and the one person who truly understands him - Mare Barrow. Fed up with being a pawn in his mother's twisted game, Maven joins forces with the Scarlet Guard to expose Elara's sinister plans. Driven by his burning ambition to prove himself, he forges his own path. Yet the more Maven strives towards the light, the deeper he finds himself entangled with the darkness within. - Maven doesn't truly betray Mare
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
This has been in my drafts for a while and sorry it took so long to post
We begin with Cal being primmed and propered up for a ceremony after Kingstrial, as he is now made to marry Gisa.
Mostly, he cleans himself and dresses himself, but the servants make sure THEY wash his hair and remove all the grime before drying him off and painting him so he's outtake and dress him to the nines in Calore colors.
When they try to take some cheap metal bracelets Iris, Tiora, amd Maven chipped in to get him, he panics and recovers enough to order them to leave the bracets.
Good because, as Mare puts it, they suit him.
Cal panicks slightly, as he's alone with the crown princess, who he's also a little annoyed at because she can't do anything about his situation. Mare admits that she wants Cal to go home too, but she can't mainly because everyone knows about him now and most of them want him dead.
Speaking of dead, if anyone finds out about his being a Red and not a Silver, that's how he'll end up in a heartbeat, him and his family and friends. Can he write to them? No, too risked.
Mare apologizes and wishes him luck for the night because he'll need it.
She leaves, Cal suits up in red and black, and is escorted to the lift that leads him to Samson, who gives him the run down that he was born in the war and taken in by a Red man who'd lost his son and wife. He was raised without knowing who he is. The rest is history.
Cal asks what Samson wants with him, but Samson only tells him to not screw up or die, giving him an extra migraine for motivation.
Samson leaves Cal to stand with the royal family and Daniel stands before them all to give a grand speech on how the Kingstrial brought forth a miracle, one in the form of the long lost child of the beloved Tiberias Calore VI: one Tiberias Calore VII, who everyone watches as he descends the stairs and sits beside the Samos family.
Ptolemus is not amused, btw, and it gets worse when Cal and Gisa exchange vows and swear themselves to each other. Cal is upset more than ever because now there ia no going home.
Unsurprising to ANYONE, Ptolemus is chosen as Mare's husband and they exchange their vows, though Ptolemus doesn't just threaten to cut Cal apart, no. He grabs his wrist and squeezes hard enough to cut off circulation, making a ring of metal that is razor sharp and almost slices of Cal's hand.
He lets go instead and Cal is all too relieved; healers be damned, he would not like to lose a hand, please and thank you.
Thankfully, Ptolemus decides to not cut his hand, or cut him, and the rest of the evening goes as it usually does, with dinner, though Cal actually makes himself eat and is laughed at by Ptolemus because he keeps using the cutlery wrong by switching his hands, he's slouching, and is eating loke a starved dog.
He also loses his mind for a moment after some alcohol that Gisa takes away and replaces with water, despite the objections from Cal.
She also apologizes for what's happened and admits that now she knows how Mare feels because she didn't have a choice in who she would marry.
Cal is not happy at the pity and tells her that she wouldn't know hardship even if it beat her and left her to rot. Gisa admits that, no, she wouldn't, but that doesn't mean Silvers have it totally easy, as proven by the Kingstrial.
The events continue as usual, but the king and queen actually share a room this time, and the princesses escort the boys the bed, though Cal is steadily going insane from the anxiety and Mare is of little comfort because she tells him to be a little careful because there are cameras everywhere excpt that bathroom, though it is wire tapped.
Gee, great. Thanks, Mare.
Cal does get a schedule, and does get picked on because he was raised in the dirt, and he gets etiquette lessons, and sees Mare and Gisa whoop ass in training. He is scolded for his untimely-ness and taught how to stand, walk, sleep, greet people, properly use cutlery, and what the high houses and their names are before luncheon.
A a few more Kingstrial contestants are there, and they're not happy to see him, i.e. Olover Laris and Stralian Haven, who are a little pissed to have not been as lucky as he was.
Also here is the Panther Ara Iral, who's visiting with her grandson Reynald, who sees Cal has bronze eyes as opposed the the previous Calore Lord's and Lady's silver-gray.
Thankfully, Daniel gets their attention and Ruth escorts Ara away.
Afterwards, Gisa assures him that there will be no trouble, and he's off to meet another mentor: Willis Farely(the colonel, for those wondering), who Cal is surprised to see, and for good reason because he's a bit of a surprise among Reds and Silvers due to being the child of a Red and a Silver.
He also knows Cal is a Red with powers and only wants to help him understand himself, thank goodness because Cal would like answers, please and thank you.
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