#time for sleep gn
craacked-splatters · 27 days
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ur crossover prison dimension au intrigues me @imagionationstation do u have any more stuff to share about it? 👉👈
Sleep deprived so feeling a lil loopy(sorry for any incoherent babble) but Shsjdks yeah yeah adding this 2 the "stuff 2 draw for" pile here
I kept coming back to this au. More specifically the part where Dee and Leon r trapped in the prison dimension. Like Rise animators did a cool job on animating the squishy fleshy organic dead alien race stuff in the movie! Look at this!
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Ooey gooey icky ew ^^^ I love it
And also the prison dimension looks so sick and cool
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I imagine surviving in a dead wasteland full of decay and corpses and echoes with a lunatic hunting u down 24/7 wouldn't be fun. What horrors do u think they would witness while trying not to bleed out and die? What trauma would Kraang inflict on these two? Revenge and rage are the only things fueling that war criminal & truly I don't think there's anything holding that guy back (for the love of everything I hope the bois don't have to fight any other rise kraang tech, it's genuinely terrifying they're literally gonna die Do NOT let that maniac get their tentacles on anything else besides the weird corpse armour they're wearing plz & thank u)
These poor kids. Leon went from the movie events to this, and Donnie literally got poofed to atoms before popping up in the middle of a child murder. Wowza how overwhelming. The one thing that keeps popping up into my mind is the two of them huddling together under some ruins or holding hands bcuz they're too afraid 2 end up separating and dying alone. How strange would it be. To have a different version of ur brother(- not quite a stranger bcuz there's still similarities that he shares with ur own, he's a brother, he's not urs but there's another versión of u running around, there's a whole nother universe bcuz of course there is and somehow ur still bros in it and he's here instead of his home he's right here) how strange it must be to this different face, different voice and eyes and mannerisms an entire new soul as ur only anchor. To be the only thing to keep u from falling apart. To see each other as a constant reminder of what they wished they had, of wanting to their families, of wanting to just leave this hellscape where things don't make sense and just go home.
But when they do finally get rescued there is no feeling of safety or realness or even a home to greet them. Only a sense of wrong & confusion & hurt & the equally trembling hand holding ur own and those scared haunted eyes that followed u since the horror show of the prison dimension.
(Trauma bond!! Yay🎉)
How would Leon and Dee interact with each other at first and how did it change as they continued to survive? What was it exactly that made them start clinging to each other? Would it become a habit for them both to go reaching for the other even when nothing is said or done?
And and!! I was thinking about the 2 angst paths u set out too. They're both sooo good!! Honestly u have such a big brain where do u keep coming up with these genius ideas! The custody battle route is very angsty :)) heehehehe. Rise splints and Don having no problem stopping Dee from going home with his family for Leon is so sweet and also AUUUGHH!! They're literally willing 2 do whatever is needed to keep their family safe & happy and I cry but then I remember the 2012 fam being the same & then i cry again
Also ur so right d 2012 bros have never been apart for long, they literally spent 15 yrs of their life together bcuz together meant safe and safe meant home. They're literally heat seeking missiles for each other even in the show. With them it's either they all die or none of them do. How painful it must be to be ripped apart so suddenly like that :((
Um anyways so yeah very good au👍 will continue to doodle gonna sleep now
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west-brooke · 4 months
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I had an idea for an comic today and it would not leave me ALONE until I spent like five hours making this.
I’m going to call it the Meet the Parents AU. I at least wanna make a few more pieces around it but this was mostly just a silly idea I’ve had in my head for ages now that finally materialized into a comic script in my brain.
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gazspookiebear · 3 months
Ugh I'm so sleepy. Eepy man. Enjoy this shit I cooked up in ten minutes.
You wake up, only to find yourself just as tired as you were a few hours ago. Your eyelids are heavy, and you're fighting back sleep with every blink. Exhaustion wracking your body with every movement.
You feel Simon groan and sit up next to you.
"Mmm... five more minutes?" You mumble sleepily, shivering at the sudden lack of warmth.
"'M sorry love, we've gotta get up"
"Please? I'm so tired..." You whine quietly
"Negative," he says, chuckling at your miserable pout.
"Please, Si?" You say it so sweetly. The nickname you rarely used. His weakness.
A moment passes before you finally hear a response.
You grin, knowing that you've won. He lays back down and wraps his arm around you, pulling your back to his chest. You close your eyes and sleep quickly overtakes you.
Of course, it was never just 'five more minutes'. Simon called your work shortly after and informed them that you wouldn't be coming in today. However that works.
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shootingstarrfish · 6 months
do u think beel does the evil hands before he eats
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favoure · 9 months
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a lifetime of indentured servitude
used this frame from the mv of "femme fatale" by kedarui as ref for this piece ! just thought that it fit them perfectly orz
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dizzybevvie · 3 months
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obligatory kh1 Paopu tree scene redraw
og under cut <3
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metal-mouse · 1 year
I Feel Better With You
pairing: Ominis Gaunt x gn!MC
themes: Smut. Fluff. Ominis is stressed af and you comfort him. Insominis. kinda subinis.
warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. m!receiving oral sex. everyone is aged up.
summary: 4.5k words. Ominis Gaunt has had an awful day, and he can't get to sleep. Instead of driving Sebastian mad with his anxious energy, he gets up and wanders wherever his restless feet will take him. What he doesn't expect is to run into you.
note: Tried to leave reader's everything ambiguous. I proofread this half of one time, sort of. i also finished it at 3:30 am lol oopsies. This started out with completely pure intentions, but i am a wee creature of debauchery and added a little sprinkle of spice. I can apparently only perceive Ominis if he's in the ROR, next time we can take him somewhere nice I promise.
Ominis lay on his back with his eyes closed despite his annoyingly alert mind. The events of the day just would not leave him alone - from his abysmal attempt at brewing a befuddlement draught, to accidentally changing your hair colour to what Sebastian had called ‘troll bogey green’ in transfiguration, to even just how he spoke to others during dinner... He let out a sigh, his hands coming up to run through his bed-mussed hair. He rolled over for what felt like the millionth time, unable to find a comfortable position. He let out another annoyed sigh.
“Sigh again and I’m going to smother you with a pillow.” Sebastian’s annoyed half-asleep voice came from the other side of their shared dormitory. Ominis made sure to sigh loudly one more time, causing Sebastian to throw a pillow across the room at him, before getting up and snatching his wand from his night table. He shrugged on his housecoat and shoved his feet into his slippers before crossing the room towards the door. One hand held his wand, the other was outstretched until his palm pressed against the smooth wood of the door. He was scowling as he pushed the door open quietly and made his way down to the common room. Just because he was unhappy from his inability to sleep didn’t mean he had to take it out on Sebastian - he could go mope in peace elsewhere. 
Ominis Gaunt was not usually one to find himself wandering the halls of the school after dark, but tonight was an exception. He just hoped the fates had some mercy so he didn’t come upon any teachers. He had no plan on where he was to go, he just allowed his wand and his feet to guide him through the halls. He stewed in his thoughts as he walked, his face fixed in a permanent frown. The worries about his day slowly shifted into his constant stresses about getting good enough marks on his N.E.W.Ts that were approaching far too rapidly, and that the safe space he’d found at Hogwarts was no longer going to be his safe space. Once he graduated, he’d be at his family’s disposal. They’d have full access to him, and he didn’t know how to get away from it all. While he knew that he had a place to stay in Feldcroft, he also knew that he couldn’t impose on Anne and Sebastian forever. Eventually, he would have to strike off on his own and that caused a flurry of emotions that he’d never anticipated. 
His grip on his wand tightened as his mind lingered on those emotions he was feeling day in and day out. While he was losing the safest place he’d ever lived, he was also going to lose you. Ominis had grown accustomed to spending every day with you since you’d gotten close during the catastrophe that was his fifth year at Hogwarts. The idea that he won’t be able to enjoy breakfast with you every morning, or a butterbeer in Hogsmeade, or even just a quiet study session broken up by your quick quips and amusing stories, made his throat knot painfully. And now, he’d made an ass of himself turning your hair bogey green. He should be spending every second he could with you making good memories, not defacing your appearance. Merlin, why hadn’t he partnered with Sebastian instead–
“Ominis?” A voice from the other end of the hallway made him nearly jump out of his skin. With one hand over his thundering heart, he scowled in the direction of your quiet laugh. 
“That, was not very kind of you.” Ominis said sharply, before cringing at the memory of today’s transfiguration class. At that moment he almost wished it was Professor Weasley standing before him, and not you. 
“You’re not still thinking about my hair, are you?” You asked. He listened to you coming towards him, his heart still thudding violently. A deep burn of shame and embarrassment settled in his stomach, and Ominis greatly regretted ever leaving the sanctuary of his bed; even if Sebastian would have smothered him. 
“I am terribly sorry about that.” Ominis said, feeling as though his apology was rather lame. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Ominis. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Professor Weasley had me back to normal in a matter of minutes.” The kindness in your tone was not lost on Ominis, you meant what you said. He felt a fool as the thought of you not being angry with him calmed his mind quite a bit. He took a moment to assess his surroundings, realizing he’d made his way to the foot of the Astronomy Tower. 
“Thank you…” He said. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” Your question was simple, but it caused Ominis to swallow nervously. He wasn’t sure he wanted to tell you that he was too worry-filled to sleep, especially when you were one of his worries. You had been through so much during your time at Hogwarts, he didn’t need to burden you with his trifles. 
“I-I… couldn’t sleep. Figured I’d go for a walk.” He said carefully. 
“Ominis, we’ve spoken of this before, if you ever need to talk about anything I’m here to listen. I can see you’re unhappy.” You said in that insufferably kind tone, your hand even going as far as to rest on his shoulder. You’d made that gesture hundreds of times since he’d met you, why did this time feel different? Why did your touch make him on edge? He supposed it could be his lack of sleep, or perhaps it was just because you’d caught him lamenting about his future without you. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” He questioned. He would be doing the interrogating, if you were skulking around the halls in the dark then you couldn’t be up to any good at all. Your grip on his shoulder tightened ever so slightly, the smallest indicator that he was right. You were either causing trouble or in trouble. Ominis couldn’t decide which was more likely, or which was more worrying. Before you could answer his question, heeled footsteps clicked against the stone floors heading right for you. 
“Damn it. Follow me.” You whispered, your hand sliding from Ominis’ shoulder to grab him by the bicep. He blinked in surprise at your strength as you tugged him towards the stairs. He wasted no time following you all the way to the top, utterly confused. This was a dead end, whatever faculty or prefect that was heading towards you would surely find you. He supposed there were some spots at the top of the tower, under the observation deck or in the astronomy classroom… His frown deepened when he heard a door groan open in the hallway, and you unceremoniously shoved him inside. Your hand left his arm, and he paused to adjust to his surroundings. 
“Where have you brought me?” He asked, curiosity cutting through his irritance. The room was filled with the most curious noises, and he could feel every pulse his wand made detecting what was in the space surrounding him. He could hear cauldrons bubbling to his left, the sound of papers flapping like wings in the air above him. Water trickled deeper in the room, and Ominis swore he could almost hear the distant crashing of waves. 
“This is the Room of Requirement,” You said smoothly, “And, if you must know, I am out of bed because I was here. One of the Unicorns was foaling, and I wanted to be here in case she needed help.” Your explanation for being awake so late only gave Ominis more questions. The way you had said one of the unicorns indicated that there were several, here, in the walls of the astronomy tower. That was outrageous, even on magical standards. 
“Er… right, I suppose a tour is in order…” You mumbled sheepishly. Ominis was stunned into silence as you guided him around the room, showing him almost every corner of the magical room. He’d heard rumours of the room of requirement before, but he had never been able to find the entrance. It deeply impressed him that you had made such a detailed place, it truly had everything a person would ever need. He realized at that moment he was very much intruding into your personal space. A hideaway you had crafted that was entirely personalized to you and your needs. It was almost as though he was in your head, every word you spoke and every telltale pulse of his wand gave him a better idea of his surroundings. 
“You mentioned unicorns?” Ominis asked, his head tilting expectantly. You chuckled, your arm hooking with his. He could feel the heat of your skin through his housecoat, and his throat felt a little dry. You’d certainly never seen him like this, dishevelled and in his nightclothes. It was utterly indecent of him. He exhaled softly in surprise when the unmistakable breeze of fresh air brushed his skin, and you guided him through a doorway. One moment he was in the comfortable warmth of your Room of Requirement, the next he was clearly standing outdoors. He could hear the chirping of birds, he could smell the flowers and the unmistakable odour of animals. It was like he’d stepped out right into the Care of Magical Creatures classroom. 
“Here you have it, Unicorns. Five of them now, with the new foal and all,” You said, coming to a halt suddenly, “And a family of Kneazles, a few Diricawl, Puffskeins… I rescue Magical Beasts from poachers and bring them here to one of my vivariums.” Your voice was close to his ear, your breath lightly tickling against his skin as you spoke softly. Shivers ran down his spine, and his face was heating up from your proximity. In the last year and a half you had gotten taller, and stronger. 
“I… don’t know why I expected you to be lying. You’ve never told me anything but the truth.” He admitted.
“When someone suggests they’re keeping unicorns in the astronomy tower, it’s a healthy reaction to be skeptical,” You teased with a laugh that worked its way right under Ominis’ skin. “Do you want to pet them?” You asked him. Ominis nodded, and marvelled at the warm strength in your hand as you took his and held it out. The velvety nose of a unicorn nudged his palm and he found himself smiling. Sleep was the farthest thing from his mind right now, and your presence had subsided that persistent tug of anxiety in his mind. 
“I’m happy to be wrong, in this case.” He said, gently working his way to the unicorn’s neck. 
“Now, do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?” You asked, and Ominis sighed. He knew he could trust you, just as he knew that you would actually listen to him, but something made him hesitate. He was no stranger to feeling bashful when you were around, sometimes your presence was just so… overwhelming. Every kind word you spoke, and every time you laughed, he was reminded of your unconditional support of him during one of the most difficult times in his life. He often thought about the day after Solomon had died, when he’d broken down and cried on your shoulder. Or when you’d been abducted by Rookwood, and done the same to him, exhausted and terrified. You’d broken down and confessed everything to him that day, about your ancient magic and the quest you were on. He’d shown you his weakness, and in return you’d shown him yours. 
“I suppose I’ve been rather anxious as of late…” He said cautiously, his hand running strokes down the unicorn’s soft neck, “About… well… my future. Where I’ll go after this year, what I’ll do. I-I’m worried about my family. If they bother to even try and reach out to me, I fear they won’t be… pleasant.” His heart rate quickened as he began to voice his internal thoughts that plagued him. Ominis continued to pet the unicorn who whickered softly, nudging him with its muzzle.  
“I’m still listening.” You said, your shoulder brushing his as you stood next to him. 
“I don’t want things to change. I don’t want to leave. As eager as I am to never brew a potion for Sharp ever again, I like the familiarity of my days. I like waking up, knowing you’ll be waiting at breakfast. That we’ll go to double charms together every Tuesday, and then work together on our assignments on Wednesday. I… I’ll have to find somewhere to live, I can’t stay with Anne and Sebastian forever. Sebastian already has plans to find a flat in London, and Anne has been courting that man from lower Hogsfield, and I-I-I…” Ominis knew he was rambling. He was floundering over every word that came out of his mouth, but you’d opened the floodgates.
“Ominis.” Your tone was patient and gentle, interrupting his stammered attempt to continue speaking. Just the way you said his name jolted his brain back into forming words.
“I am going to be alone, and I am going to be a disappointment. It doesn’t matter where I go, or what I do, I just know it. And perhaps I deserve that.” He breathed out, a horrible ache in his throat as he admitted the baseline of his worries. 
“I don’t believe that for a second, Ominis.” You said, and his brows furrowed as he frowned. His hand stilled on the unicorn’s neck, earning himself an insistent nudge from the magical creature. He resumed his petting of the beast, giving you a chance to explain yourself. When you refused to elaborate, he huffed. 
“What do you mean?” He demanded.
“You are going to do wonderful things, Ominis. You will not disappoint any one of us who love you, and the opinions of others are irrelevant. You are intelligent, charismatic, and very hard-working. I have no doubt in my mind you will be successful in whatever it is that you wish to achieve.” Your hand closed around his wrist. It made him feel ridiculous how much comfort your words brought him, yet made his entire body tense up with your touch.
“What if-” You cut him off with a finger over his lips, and he was frowning again.
“What ifs are not productive thoughts. You have told me many times that I am not my past, and the same principle applies to you. We’re finishing school, Ominis, we’ve still got our entire lives ahead of us.” Your hopeful tone carried so much conviction that it made his heart ache. 
“Thank you.” He murmured.
“I still want breakfast with you every morning too, Ominis. I did promise you we would face it together.” You said. You believed in him, and showed no inclination to abandon him. He thought back two years, when you’d promised to face everything together. He supposed there didn’t need to be a murder to cover up between the two of you this time to still apply. In fact, he rather preferred this scenario instead. Together. He loved the word, especially when it came to you. Ominis had learned of his weakness for you very early into your meeting, and that weakness had rapidly spiralled into what he could only describe as devotion. Your hand slowly released its grip on his wrist, and he turned his hand to lace his fingers with yours. He loved how warm and strong your hands always were, especially as he found himself cold more often than not. 
“I’m glad you understand.” Ominis said, giving your hand a little squeeze. His head lifted when he heard the distance chime of a clock, his brows rising in surprise at the late hour. He hadn’t realized how long he must have spent tossing and turning. Class in the morning was going to be torture. 
“We should stay here tonight.” You said bashfully, your fingers flexing as though you’d pull your hand from his. He held onto your hand firmly, nodding and hoping you didn’t notice the little shiver that ran down his spine. It wouldn’t do to try and go sneaking back to the Slytherin common room now, especially with the prefects and professors lurking near the astronomy tower. That was at least the excuse Ominis was going to give himself. He followed you from the Vivarium, back into the comfortable atmosphere of the Room of Requirement, and then through the door you’d shown him earlier. You excused yourself to go prepare for bed. 
Ominis took his housecoat off doing his best to ignore the knots in his stomach, climbing into the comfortable bed in the room. He tucked his wand away safely on the small table beside the bed, and got under the remarkably soft covers. They were far nicer than the scratchy things he slept with every night in his dormitory. When soft footsteps padded across the floor towards the bed, Ominis’ mouth went dry. He’d slept in a bed with others before, you wouldn’t be any different. The bed impressed slightly as you crawled in on the other side. Ominis rolled to face away from you, his face suddenly burning. 
“Well… Good night.” He said a little stiffly, clearing his throat and shifting in his spot to try and get comfortable. 
“Good night, Ominis.” You agreed, your voice as tight as his body felt. Silence blanketed the room, and Ominis closed his eyes willing sleep to finally tug at his overactive mind. The familiar feeling of tiredness never came, no matter how long he lay there. Instead, all he could do was lie there and listen to your breathing. It was peaceful enough, he supposed, although this whole situation was far too intimate. You rolled, and Ominis’ face burned when your hand bumped against his back before pulling back quickly with a mumbled apology. He lay there with his heart pounding violently in his chest, silently praying you couldn’t hear it. It seemed like an eternity passed, when he rolled onto his back with a loud sigh. You huffed a laugh next to him.
“You can’t sleep either.” He noted. 
“Not with you tossing and turning like that. I’m surprised Sebastian didn’t stun you.” You said. He was not amused in the least. 
“He did threaten to smother me with a pillow.” 
“That would work.” 
“Far too permanently for my taste.” Ominis rolled to face you.
“I’d try something… different.” You were close enough that your breath fanned over his face. The proximity only made the tension in his body build further.
“And what would that be?” He asked. Your warm hand reached up and ran through his hair. He let out an inadvertent groan, his skin prickling with goosebumps at the feeling of it. You slowly and carefully ran your fingers through his hair. The tension in Ominis’ muscles seemed to melt at your touch, his body visibly relaxing. Your deft fingers massaged at his scalp, slowly working your way down to his neck. Another groan slipped from his lips as the pads of your fingers traced over the sensitive skin of his neck and down onto his half-exposed collarbone. Your hands felt glorious on his skin, he leaned into your soft touch. Your fingers traced back upwards, combing through his hair again. Merlin, it felt so good.
“How’s that?” You asked, your fingertips lightly brushing along the outside edge of his ear. The only reasonable response he had was to grab you by your shirt and haul you against his lips for a hungry kiss. It was no small satisfaction to him, the way your fingers knotted in his hair and you pushed in closer. Ominis felt as though his heart was going to burst from the way your lips moved with his, and how your tongue slowly caressed his bottom lip. The small, pleased sound that rumbled in your throat as his hand smoothed over your chest went straight to the already uncomfortable strain in his pants. 
He gasped as you shifted forward, gently pushing him onto his back without breaking the kiss as you leaned over him. Your tongue slipped into his mouth, taking advantage of his gasp. Ominis’ hands found your waist, snaking up under your night shirt to paw at your heated skin while his tongue met yours eagerly in long, lazy strokes. Merlin, the way you tasted. It was enough to drive a man mad, how sweet your lips and tongue were. Your fingers were at the buttons on his shirt, unbuttoning them nimbly as you trailed kisses from his lips to his jaw down onto his neck. He cursed violently when you bit down on the base of his neck and licked a stripe back up his sensitive flesh. 
“Filthy little mouth on you.” Your voice was husky at his ear, your teeth lightly closing on his earlobe and your hand on his bare chest roaming down and down over his stomach towards the waistband of his bottoms. Ominis’ head tilted as he searched for your lips again, his hips bucking slightly at the groan you let out when he found them. He knew he’d chase this forever, the shivers you sent down his spine, the aching arousal you caused, the taste of your tongue… Ominis had been devoted to your mind and your heart before, but this was an entirely new beast and he loved it. A fractured moan ripped from his throat as your hand grazed along the length of his cock through his pants, the sudden friction made him absolutely ravenous for your touch. His hands roamed under your shirt, getting acquainted with every inch of your body that he could reach. Your hands, however, had gone annoyingly still.
“Please, do you want… I want…” Ominis could hardly string a sentence together. He could be embarrassed about it later, for now he just needed you to touch him. 
“What is it that you want, Ominis?” You asked in a dangerous tone, your hands withdrawing from his body altogether. He was reminded of your power, and the importance you held in this world, and it sent a thrill to his heart that he was here and sharing your bed. 
“You. I want you.” He breathed out, his fingers curling into your skin gripping your waist tightly. When you slid a finger along the waistband of his pants, he had to stop his hips from bucking. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as you pressed a sweet, chaste kiss to his lips and withdrew from his grip. 
“You have me.” You murmured with a kiss to the corner of his mouth, then another to his jaw. He bit down on his bottom lip as you trailed kisses down his exposed chest, down and down to his belly while your hands ran down his sides. When you reached his bellybutton, your fingers hooked into his pants and he raised his hips to assist while you pulled them down. He let out a sigh as he was released from the confines of the tight cotton. Nerves coiled in his belly momentarily as he lay exposed before you, this had passed the untoward phase quite a while ago, and this would certainly change your dynamic forever. 
Ominis’ nerves evaporated as your hand wrapped around the base of his cock, and you let out an appreciative hum. He choked on a moan as your warm, wet tongue swirled around the tip of his length oh so slowly. A soft sound of longing rumbled in your throat, and that sinful tongue of yours ran up the entire underside of his cock before swirling around the head again. One of his hands gripped the sheets beneath him tightly, the other flew to his hand to muffle the moans that wouldn’t stop tumbling from his lips. You pressed a delicate kiss to the tip, before taking it into your mouth. Your tongue teased along the bottom of his tip as you slowly inched towards the base. His cock throbbed at the attention, and he could have sworn he had never been this vocal before. He was leaking already over your tongue, his hips tilted upwards as you took more and more of him. Ominis was in disbelief as your nose bumped against his pelvis and you moaned, creating the most delicious vibrations. 
“Please.” He panted out, and you obliged. Your head began to bob to and fro, your hands massaging up and down his thighs. Ominis was sure he’d found utopia, and then your cheeks hollowed and you sucked. He whimpered out your name, his hips bucking as the hand covering his mouth found your hair and took grip. He’s got to be drunk, he’s had to have taken some sort of drug, for this amount of sheer pleasure to be making his toes curl like this. Your warm mouth took all of him, and he was a moaning whimpering mess as his hips rose up off the bed. You were moaning too, as his hips bucked and rolled and he fucked into your mouth to aid in your efforts. Ominis had lost coherent thoughts, the only thing he was capable of thinking of was you and the pressure that was rapidly building at the base of his spine. His hand twined in your hair pushed you down further as he lost all control. You stayed in place dutifully, with your tongue caressing him and the tantalizing sucking motion sending him barrelling towards the edge of an orgasm. 
“Oh.” Was the only word he could manage as one of your hands lifted to massage at his tight sack as he fucked your face. Dull nails dug into the sensitive flesh just inside his thigh, and he was gone. His entire body tensed in anticipation as he reached his peak. Pleasure exploded inside of him, his toes curling and his hands gripping tight to your hair and the bedding respectively. Ominis hips rolled into your mouth over and over again as he filled your throat with his seed. You refused to let up on him, sucking him absolutely dry until he was whimpering and twitching beneath you. He was limp on the bed when you finally lifted your head, releasing him. He could hear your heavy breathing, and a ragged little laugh. He was sure he was a sight to behold. Likely a sweaty mess, completely disheveled and a far cry from his usual tidy appearance. 
“You taste amazing.” You said, your voice a little hoarse. Ominis didn’t have the energy to respond in full, instead letting out a weak sound of acknowledgement. His mind was completely clouded with thoughts of you, of the lingering grips of the pleasure you’d brought him. Gone were his worries, there wasn’t a hint of anxiety remaining in his mind. You crawled back up beside him, tucking yourself against his chest. He was conscious enough to wrap an arm around you, keeping you close. Utterly spent, Ominis’ eyes closed and he listened to the sound of your breathing until sleep began to finally tug on him. As he gave into that tug of exhaustion, he listened to you whisper words of love to him. He drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming of all of the ways he’d show you he loved you too.
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acekindaneat · 2 months
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happy birthday serizawa
photo ref:
yes its jesus holding lamb meme
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
A little McGarrett imagine bc that one scene in ep 8.6 makes me giggle every time…
“So, uh,” Steve starts, reaching around you to snag a grape off of the bunch you’re running under the water, “I had a visitor at work today. Well, a shadow, really.”
You pop a grape into your mouth and busy yourself with chewing, managing to get out a, “Mm?”
“Yeah,” Steve affirms your understated question, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin against your shoulder. His hulking form dwarfs yours and you instantly melt into his chest. “A stress management consultant,” he clarifies further. “Evidently our friends think I’m gonna stress myself to death.”
You level him with a glare before returning your attention to the fruit, shuffling your connected bodies to the cabinets and pulling down a bowl before tossing them in. “Not funny, Steven. They’re right to be worried.”
“I knew you were in on it,” he murmurs into your neck, pressing gentle kisses along your rapidly heating skin.
With a hum, you respond, “I plead the fifth, Commander.” You hold a grape up over your shoulder and feel Steve’s lips draw it from your grip.
“She actually gave me some great info,” he admits after chewing and swallowing your offer. His hands shift to your hips and slip between the fabric of your T-shirt and shorts, his fingers kneading random patterns into your skin.
Distracted by his touch, you let your head fall back against his shoulder and entertain, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he replies, his husky voice right by your ear sending an excited thrill down your spine, his lips still firmly attached to your neck. “Did you know that sex is a great stress relief?”
“Steve,” you growl playfully, turning in his arms and pushing on his chest. “I told you I’ve got work to finish tonight! I just came in here ‘cause I was hungry.”
“Oh, me too, baby,” he counters suggestively, one eyebrow raised as he fixes you with a predatory grin.
With one finger pointed in an utterly non-threatening fashion, you retreat towards the stairs and warn, “Don’t you dare, McGarrett.”
“Woah,” Steve feints holding his heart, a look of pain contorting his annoyingly handsome features. “I can feel it getting to me.”
“So stressed,” he fake coughs, taking lumbering steps toward you with a gleam in his eyes. “Can’t- hold on- much-” He catches up to you with one more long stride, tossing you over his shoulder as you squeal in protest.
“You’re a menace, Steven Jack McGarrett,” you howl, giving his backside a firm smack as he runs up the stairs with his precious cargo.
“You’re doing a public service,” your smartass declares, returning the favor with the palm of one of his much larger hands. “This is for the good of Hawaii!”
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o-mellowy · 2 months
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He's the no.1 princess, you heard it here folks
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sugawara-levi · 1 year
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Eren x g/n!reader, choking you on his dick
800 words
cw: smut, blowjob, gagging, attempted swallowing, deepthroating, oral sex (giving), facefucking, drooling, you don’t voice it but it’s consensual dick-choking
You’re sat on the sofa. Eren was supposed to come by in the afternoon but something came up so he was late, it was already the evening and you had just been spending your time doing anything really.
Finally you hear the door open, signaling that he’s back from whatever urgent business he had to deal with. You turn your attention back to the movie you had started while waiting for him, just something random that was already on, you hadn’t paid too much attention to it. You’d rather welcome him when he’s done undressing his outer layers, he won’t hear you now anyway.
There’s some shuffling of clothes and shoes and doors and then he’s in the frame of your living room door.
“Hey, how was your-“, you turn to greet him, but you’re met with the sight of an exhausted man.
“Your head, my dick, now.”
it’s not what you had planned for tonight but he looks like he really needs it, and it’s not like you mind at all.
Five minutes later he’s slumped on the sofa. Ass bare, dick out, legs spread and you between them. His hand placed on the back of you head, bobbing you softly up and down. You’re already slurping, drool running down the length of his dick and landing on the couch. It’s seen far worse than this, poor thing.
You’ve got him wrapped around your tongue, tasting the salt from a days work, cleaning him all nice. Trying your best to get him as far down as you can without choking, you swallowing around his length. Your spit running along the shaft all the way down to the base of his cock, and onto his balls.
He’s trying so hard not to buck up into you, his head falling back against the cushions, his hand in your hair tightening as you suck real good at his head. He manages to stay nice for just a short time, but when you push real far down, almost gagging so hard that you have to come up for air and drool drips out of your mouth, he looses it. You barely manage to take a breath of fresh air before he takes hold at the base of your nape, pushing you down onto him again. You open your mouth wide for him, laying your tongue flat against the bottom, as he pushes your head all the way down to the base of his cock, holding you there as he lets out a long growl. You can’t help it, you start gagging again, but try to keep it down by focusing on your breath and adjusting to the tightness in your throat before he pulls you back up. The thread of saliva connecting your mouth with his dick is thick, and only thickens as you spit the excess saliva onto his cock.
“Shit, you look so hot right now”
All you can do is keep spitting the drool that just keeps leaking from your throat, and watch big chunks of your own spit roll down his length.
His hand tightens around your neck again, moving a bit up to get a better grip on your hair as he leads you back down, inhaling in anticipation. You open your mouth obediently as he fucks his dick with you head, using you like a sex-toy. You can feel your throat expanding, your voice will probably be sore in the morning, you don’t mind. All you care about is that he finds his release, preferably in your throat.
When his dick starts twitching and his grip looses strength you know he’s close. You do your best to keep up the pace he’s set and brace yourself for his sperm. The guttural sound’s coming from his lips are driving you crazy, you need him to finish as much as he does. With a final bob of your head, hitting real deep against the back of your throat he lets out a final groan as his body looses control and starts shaking again the pillows. His dick trembles as his thick sperm releases into your throat. You pull up a bit to try to swallow it all, but it just comes back up, your gag-reflex working against you, and his cum mixes with your spit as it drips down from your lips onto his dick, his thighs, and further down onto the couch.
You’re left battling for air as you lean your head on the inside of his thigh, looking up at his fucked out state.
He swears he sees stars as he comes down from his high and back into reality, looking down on you drool his cum all over his thighs. He loves this sight.
“Thanks babe”, is all his brain is capable of giving right now, he stretches his hand for your hair, cuddling it. And with that you know he’s just about ready for bed.
©sugawara-levi do not copy or republish
interactions are welcome ❀ m.list<3
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shootingstarrfish · 7 months
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too busy for my regularly scheduled bs but i couldnt resist drawing @katboykirby's idea rq hehe
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smorallow · 9 months
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have some Snatcher doodles
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avornalino · 4 months
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hiiii.. 🙃🙃
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Bakugou gets a boner whenever he fixes you food because you always seem to close your eyes, hum under your breath, and do a little dance in your seat whenever you bite into it. he fixes you a four course meal but now he’s rushing you to eat it in .8 seconds bc he keeps watching you and now his chub won’t go away :/
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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