#time to build my ikesen shrine
toreii · 6 years
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Admin Yukari mailed my things from AX18 a couple of days ago, and it finally arrived! I am deeply and beyond thankful to her for doing this for me. She did not have to do it, but she did. Unfortunately, no, I was not at AX. For personal reasons, I am unable to travel right now. There’s so much going on in my life right now that I can’t even give myself a vacation. So, this really means a lot to me. I feel like I could just cry right now. And the fact that she asked Hiroto to sign one of the pictures for me is...wow. I’m speechless. I was joking with Yukari when I told her to get me his autograph, and when she told me she did, I lost it. I honestly could not believe it. I’m thankful she passed on my message to him, too! Overall, thank you so much, Yukari! I am so eternally grateful to you! Thank you, CYBIRD, for coming and letting my friend have an amazing time! Hopefully, we can be there together next year. ;) And, thank you, Hiroto, for giving me your autograph without me being there. I hope to meet him in person one day!😂
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Heya, can I have an Ikesen matchup? I’m an INTP-A, 5w6 on the enneagram, Ravenclaw. I’m pretty reserved in character, though by no means shy. I love learning new languages and studying history, and also have a love for debating and discussing politics. Friends complain that they can’t hide anything from me, strangers think I’m too closed-off, but I really just prefer to stay in the background and support from there. A troll with friends, serious with those I’m wary of.
Hi, there love! I hope you are doing well! Thanks so much for the request! 🌠 Soz for making ya wait sooooooooooo long for this matchup! I hope you enjoy it! ^0^ <3😆🔥
So I match you with................ Sasuke
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Gosh you were absolutely having the worst and best night of your life. You had been thrust back in time, on one of the worst days of your life. From the moment you woke up that day, everything seemed to be going wrong, first your geyser burst, then you burnt your breakfast, and finally, on your way to visit one of the famous shrines to lift your spirits, it started raining. Not to mention the fact that you got freaken struck by lighting, and pulled a man x3 your size from a burning building. Things, however, started looking up when you realized just who you had saved. 
Nobunaga himself stood proudly before you. You were utterly awestruck, and you low key thought this was some prank, that any moment someone was going to jump out of the bush and say “You have just been pranked, the cameras are there and there.” But no one jumped out of the bush and Nobunaga thought that the smoke had cooked your brain, because of your strange behaviour. You rode back to camp with him and got spooked when you saw Mitsuhide. According to the history you so fondly learned, he was the one who plotted Nobunaga’s murder. He had picked up your hand and place a small kiss on it while introducing himself and before you knew it, you bolted. You don’t know why but between him and Hideyoshi’s death stares you just felt uneasy.
You ran and ran and ran, almost running off a cliff, when a clumsy man saved you from plummeting to your death. You instantly recognized that red armour and coin crest. It was Yukimura who had saved you, you couldn’t believe it. You started questioning if maybe the lighting had knocked you unconscious, and you were now just in the hospital dreaming. You spotted someone behind Yukimuta who looked vaguely familiar. That’s when it clicked, he was there at the shrine, you had pushed him out of the way before the lighting could strike him, and by the look on his face, it seemed he too recalled your face. 
He walked up to you and introduced himself as Sasuke, he then pulled you aside and explained the situation. You honestly had to sit down; this was absolutely unbelievable. You had spent your life leaning and fascinated with history, and nowhere you were in one of the most historical eras, with all your high school crushes. Sasuke gave you a knowing smile “You love history too, huh?” you beamed up at him and nodded. His breath caught in this throat damn you were beautiful. He gave you the slightest of smiles and asked if you would like to stay with him in Kasugayama Castle. You dabbed your fake tears out the corners of your eyes “seems like all my wildest dreams are coming true tonight”. Even though Sasuke had just met you, he could tell the two of you nerdy geeks were going to get along just fine.
You were given a room fit for a princess and you couldn’t help but geek out a little at the architecture and artefacts in the castle. The way you looked at Kenshin the first time you met him was with stars in your eyes, he was even more beautiful than the books say. The look you gave him, very much reminded him of the first time he had introduced himself to Sasuke. Based on that fact alone, the god of war found himself opening up to you a little.
You loved the people of Kasugayama Castle they were all so fun and goofy. There was a party every night, and with this mixed lot, there was never a dull moment. You, Sasuke and Yukimura had become quick friends. Although Yukimura was slightly wary of you because he thought you were an enchantress
It didn’t help that you and Sasuke would constantly troll the poor boi. The one day Yuki had eaten all Kenshin’s pickled plums. He summoned you and Sasuke to his room to discuss the dispute when you and Sasuke smiled at each other and laid out your plan for payback. Kenshin eagerly agreed to your plan as he definitely wanted to get back at Yuki for stealing his precious plums. You and Sasuke spent that morning getting all the castle staff in on your plan and finally it was time to put your plan in action. You, Sasuke and Yuki were hanging out in the garden joking around when Yuki dropped “you’re an evil enchantress” comment. At that, you smiled and said: “careful what you wish for Yuki, what if I really am an enchantress”. “Yeah, sure a wild boar woman like you could never be so cool”. 
Just then Kenshin walked past and accused Yuki of stealing his precious plums. He drew his sword intending to fight Yuki when you chimed in “Don’t worry Kenshin I know how to make him pay”, Kenshin smiled a knowing smile and nodded, Yuki took an audible gulp. You waved your hands around “abracadabra, I turn you, Yuki, invisible”. Yuki simply rolled his eyes. Kenshin looked around, and Sasuke joined him, they looked right past him pretending like they couldn’t see him at all. “OMW YUKI WHERE ARE YOU”. You had to hold in your laugh at Sasuke’s overdramatic behaviours “I CAN HEAR YOU BUT I CAN’T SEE YOU”. “Nice try guys I know your just messing with me”. 
As the day progressed, Yuki got more and more stressed, as it seemed like you genuinely did turn him invisible. He finally cracked at the banquet when no one there could see him. He got on his knees in front of you, begging you to turn him back. That’s when everyone in the banquet hall broke out into a roar of laugher. “TROLLLOLLLLLOLLLL”. Yuki legit tackled you and Sasuke to the ground from managing to troll him once again.
You and Sasuke honestly had the best time together, whether it was trolling the people of the castle or discussing history for hours and hours, when the two of you were together it was always a good time. You discovered that both of you also love learning different languages, and the two of you would often converse in the various languages that you had learned together. Sasuke loved how you even knew so much about politics. At this point, this boy was head over heels for you. If he ever had to imagine a perfect woman, you would be her. He loved how you even had a passion for debate, and the two of you would often converse in witty debates.
Even though the both of you seemed closed off to the world the two of you understood and loved each other.
Sasuke honestly couldn’t hide anything from you and you keenly picked up on, his crush on you early on, in your relationship. You found the way he blushed when you confronted him extremely cute. He actually loves the fact that you could easily read people as very few can read and understand him. It finally made him feel understood and loved.
The two of you make the sweetest couple, trolling and pranking everyone in the castle. When the two of you goofballs are together, no one can understand the two of you, as you guys would constantly be quoting memes or talking to each other in different languages. It is also not rare for the two of you to dab or do your secret handshake at a troll well executed.
Both of you can often be found cuddle on the top of one of the roofs of the castle, looking up at the stars. You listen keenly as Sasuke explains the different constellations. 
You absolutely love it when Sasuke surprises you by hanging from the ceiling like spiderman. He will always insist on giving you a spiderman kiss, and you can’t help but chuckle and comply. If the two of you aren’t out trolling and having fun, the two of you are gently nestled in each other’s arms just enjoying each other warmth and company
Other potential matches................ Nobunaga
I hope you enjoyed it, love! ❤🔥
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muwi-translates · 5 years
CN IkeSen - Yukimura: Fireworks
More Chinese version stuff that makes me so #blessed on the inside. This is a new version of the festival scene from Yukimura’s EN/JP route, set under different circumstances and frankly... kinda good. 
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
(Bidding farewell to the teashop owner, I made my way to the shrine. Putting my palms together, I silently prayed.)
(Kami-sama, I pray that Yukimura’s dream will come true early. I wish for the war to end early, and wish that Yukimura can return to his homeland. And I also wish... that I can return to my home too.)
(When I opened my eyes, the tears that had been building up for a long time began to flow uncontrollably. I quickly wiped away my tears, formally excuse myself from the god, and began walking towards the exit of the shrine.)
(Occasionally I could hear the cheers and laughter of the people, and loving whispers of couples. In the end... I really don’t belong here.)
Yuki: Oi, you idiot!
(I heard a familar voice, and in the next moment, my wrist was grabbed.)
Yuki: Why didn’t you wait for me?
MC: Oh...
Yuki: You... why are you crying?
(Not knowing if it was relief after seeing Yukimura again, or the work of what I had been hiding in my heart - after seeing his face, the tears that I had already gotten rid of once again poured out.)
Yuki: W- What’s wrong?
(I wanted to say something, but when I opened my mouth, there was only a small sob. Yukimura worriedly scratched his head, and began to pull me somewhere.)
(I didn’t say a word as I followed him, and let him take me around the shrine, to a hill behind it. When there was nobody around us anymore, he stopped to look at me to speak with a serious tone.)
Yuki: Hit me.
MC: ... Huh?
Yuki: Aren’t you angry? You can hit me to let out steam.
(Even though I was angry, and it was because of Yukimura, but letting me hit him is...)
Yuki: Hurry up, just do it. Besides, I’m tough, so it wouldn’t even hurt.
(Underestimating me much. I looked him in the eye, and firmly punched him on the shoulder.)
Yuki: Ah-
MC: D- Didn’t you say it wouldn’t hurt?
Yuki: If I don’t make a noise who knows how harder you’ll hit.
(Watching Yukimura exaggerate the pain, I started chuckling.)
Yuki: Going from crying to laughing, what a strange woman.
MC: Not.
Yuki: So, you’ve cooled down now?
MC: Mm...
(I really am an idiot. Now that I think about it. Not only did I not help him when he was clearly troubled, but I was also angry at him... Me being like this is a bit disappointing...)
MC: I’m sorry.
Yuki: Huh? What are you apologising for?
MC: I- I didn’t mean to get angry at you, I just...
(Didn’t know how to control the worries in my heart...)
MC: That’s right, you haven’t gone to the shrine to pray, have you? How about we-
(I wanted to change the topic, but Yukimura pulled me back.)
Yuki: That isn’t important.
MC: How isn’t it important? It wasn’t easy getting here, so why not pray for your wish?
Yuki: But I don’t need to, didn’t you say you were going to pray in my stead?
(He was right. I did say I’ll always pray for his wish to come true.)
Yuki: My wishes are crystal clear to you. As long as you pray for me, the gods will definitely hear it.
MC: Oh...
(Suddenly, Yukimura pulled me again.)
Yuki: Come look-
(Following Yukimura’s line of sight, I looked up and was amazed to discover that among the clusters of stars in the horizon, there were shooting stars streaking across the sky.)
MC: Shooting stars!
(I was seeing so many of them before my very eyes. Even in the future, there weren’t that many. I raised my head to marvel at the scenery, when a voice appeared in my thoughts.)
Teashop Owner: This shrine has a legend, you know. If a pair of lovers pray at the shrine together, if they manage to see shooting stars, then they’ll be together for eternity. 
(The scenery did not last long. After about a dozen shooting stars crossed the sky, the night sky settled once more.)
(If you could see shooting stars... they’ll be together for eternity... But, Yukimura and I...)
Yuki: Did you make a wish?
MC: Hm?
Yuki: Aren’t you supposed to make a wish when you see shooting stars?
MC: Where did that come from?
Yuki: Sasuke said so.
(What Sasuke said... isn’t that from the future?)
MC: I already wished for it in the shrine.
Yuki: Oh.
MC: ... But the fireworks display is going to start soon.
Yuki: Right, let’s go to a higher place so we can see them clearly.
(We climbed further up until we reached high ground where we could see the wide horizon. At that moment, the fireworks began, and from our line of sight everything glittered and gleamed.)
MC: So pretty...
(The fireworks before us pushed the atmosphere of the festival to its climax. Looking from afar at the people down the hill, the crowd moved like a rushing wave. With this scenery, it was as if everything returned to peace and prosperity, with no worries, only immersing within happiness. Hand in hand we stood high, quietly watching the beautiful scene in front of our eyes.)
MC: It really is beautiful.
Yuki: Mm...
MC: Does Yukimura think so as well?
(Not hearing a reply, I turned to look at Yukimura, who was standing by my side. Not knowing that when I did so, I would unexpectedly meet eyes that sparkled like starlight.)
MC: Yukimura?
Yuki: ... Mm.
(While he spoke, he raised his hand, and gently caressed my hair. As Yukimura’s fingers moved, my heartbeat slowly sped up as I unconsciously held my breath.)
(Why do you have to look at me like that...)
(However, I couldn’t read minds, and neither did he speak. We simply gazed at each other under the millions of fireworks.)
(After a long time, Yukimura spoke in a gentle mumble.)
Yuki: Just then, you looked really lonely. 
MC: As if. You’re with me, why would I be lonely?
Yuki: You were, like... everything will eventually end, and there won’t be a way to return.
MC: I...
(This thick-skinned person, why is he suddenly so sensitive now?)
Yuki: Normally you have all your feelings written on your face, but... MC, just then, I couldn’t see what you were thinking.
(It’s not that you can’t see, it’s that you can’t guess. No matter how outrageous your thoughts are, there’s no way that the person in front of me can guess that I’m from the future. As I thought about what to say, Yukimura suddenly pulled me into an embrace.)
MC: Yukimura? What’s wrong?
Yuki: Ugh... I hate it.
Yuki: Oi, you better listen to me carefully, idiot! That sort of expression... don’t show it to other people, got it?
MC: W- What expression?
Yuki: That one just then!
MC: The things you say make no sense, I can’t even see what kind of expression I’m making...
Yuki: J- Just-
(He placed a warm hand on my head.)
Yuki: From now on... only show that face to me, alright?
MC: Um...
Yuki: Hurry and reply!
MC: ... I got it.
(After hugging me for a while, Yukimura finally loosened his arms. I felt that my face was red enough to start dripping blood, but pushing away my shyness, I looked up into Yukimura’s shining eyes.)
MC: That... what exactly do you mean?
Yuki: Y- You know... that meaning.
MC: What? If you don’t say it clearly, how am I supposed to know what you mean?
(Yukimura looked at me, mouth open as if he was lost for words. Finally he scratched his head in annoyance, and suddenly reached for my chin, covering my lips with his warm ones.)
(The soft sensation was full of love. The guy who was usually always so carefree, was now kissing me with unexpected cautiousness and gentleness.)
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Trick #11 - Harmless
Alright everyone here’s the next Trick for the Trick or Treat Halloween event! A casual reminder that all of the Tricks will be posted at 8am EST every day and all of the Treats will be posted at 8pm EST.
I hope you’re looking forward to these as much as I am. You should be able to find this and all of my other Ikesen works chillin’ like villains on my Master List!
WARNINGS: Due to the nature of these stories I would like to advise everyone to read at your own risk. Elements of Horror below. Please keep this in mind as you read.
Nonny Request - Trick (Sengoku), Kennyo, glow stick, abandoned building
I had always wondered what had drawn the Devil King to someone as unassuming as yourself. You didn’t quite fit in here between your mannerisms, the way you carried yourself, some of the things you said, and your general appearance. Everything about you pointed to something mysterious, but I had never imagined following you through town today would have landed me here.
This particular shrine was abandoned, had been for some time. It was large and housed what I was sure were any number of bandits and criminals so what were you doing poking around inside of it. I sat and watched as you tentatively lifted the wooden planks haphazardly placed over the doorway as you slipped into the darkness.
It grew dark, and I held fast the idea that you would either emerge unharmed or I would have to find a way to assist you. Sitting against the bark of a large pine, seeing as the ginkgo had already shed their leaves in preparation for the winter, I did what I could to hide in the debris. Nearly giving up my watch to return to camp I caught sight of movement in the forest behind the main building. The shadow elegantly danced through the dark avoiding anything that could give away what it was before finally entering through a second story window.
That was all I needed to see.
Picking up my staff the metal rings clinked together as the leaves crunched under my feet. I was by no means silent, but at this point, I felt as though it was more important to get to you than surprise the invader.
The rotted floorboards creaked under my weight with each step I took, the further into the shrine I wandered the more like earth it smelled, a testament to the tattered state of the building. There was laughter followed by a squeal, and I heard the distinct difference in tone between yourself and whatever man was with you.
Following the voices I stopped outside of the door they seemed to be emanating from noticing two bright green eyes glowing in the dark.
“Think it’s a ghost.” I heard you ask.
“I think you're-” unfortunately the door was thicker than I would have liked, muffling the voices, so only fragments of conversation escaped. “Dead.”
I stepped closer, and the floor shifted under my feet, there was a scream, and I burst through the door, decaying frame snapping as I pushed my body through.
Unsheathing my blade, I was met by a familiar ninja who blinked up at me, with what I could only assume was surprise, straining his normally stoic features.
“Holy cats Kennyo, next time just knock. You scared the life out of me just now.” you exhaled deeply holding a delicate fist to your chest.
I took a look around the room and noticed several candles lit, in the center where two bright green lantern like rods glowed.
“What are those?” I questioned, pointing as what I recognized to be the eyes I thought I saw in the room.
“Oh, these are, “ you paused looking at the ninja for help with your explanation. All he did was nod at you. “These are glow sticks. They’re only found where we’re from, and people usually take them to a festival or out for walks on certain occasions.”
Pausing before you hoisted one in the air, mere centimeters from my face.
“See, totally harmless. They’re quite popular this time of year in our home, but we can't visit so we thought we’d try to fight the homesickness.” you smiled at the ninja sweetly as he began packing up his things.
“Sasuke it was just Kennyo we don’t have to pack up.”
“Yes, I understand that, however,” the stopped as he fought for an explanation, “those are not glow sticks.”
Simultaneously we turned to look at what he was pointing at. Sure enough, a pair of deep red eyes glowed in the window. A chill ran down my spine as I scooped up you and your belonging and we fled the abandoned shrine.
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