#tk implants
higher-noon · 4 months
So, let's consider
The main antagonist in 4 is gonna have a tk implant, right?
Spoilers for the phantom medal reveal under the cut (and like... all of ieytd3 ig)
The letter you pull put out of the safe makes it pretty explicit that Zor used to work for the agency (and while I have some suspicions surrounding Director Morales, I don't have much at all to base them on). This means they are definitely familiar with a lot of agency practices, interpersonal info, and supplies. They have to be to successfully plant each of those medals in a time, place, and puzzle that they know an exceptional agent would have the logic and resources to access.
Now consider all the Kinesium research Zor is funding throughout all of 3 and all of Dr. Prism's existing research from her time in the agency that we know she gave up to Zoraxis, which would likely include her development for the implant itself. The blueprints, materials, procedures for implanting and training each agent, etc.
Then introduce an inventor like the Fabricator, or a chemist like Daniel Sans, or any of the numerous medical professionals we could only assume work under the Zoraxis Conglomerate, who would be able to not only reproduce, but modify Prism's design.
We have a pretty solid formula for a telekinetic Zoraxis agent, physically unable to defect lest the implant in their brain short circuits a la mimic mask, designed and directed specifically to stop little old Phoenix.
And from the looks of Zor's letter, I'm not sure they want, or even (if I dare say it), expect us to die.
They want to recruit us. I wouldn't be surprised if another kidnapping was in our very near future.
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agent-toast · 7 months
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oh no phoenix is emo in the second one
this is a start for an au where phoenix gets recruited by zoraxis in some way >:)
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ashenberry · 9 months
what if prism isn’t refering to the tk implant when she says agent Phoenix is the best thing she’s invented in kboom
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warriorend · 2 years
simplified timeline (avoids giving stuff away, unless you squint)
10: has a Very Bad Accident (not an accident, they got pushed) but they live! hooray. they recover miraculously well.
13: this is mostly just school stuff tbh
15: gets into a fight, parents put them into self-defense classes (this is a Mistake but hey)
17: It's Job Huntin' Time, Babey. also starts having some memory problems but rn it's nothing to worry about
19: does get a job! it's a very nice desk job at a very well-known company 19.5: their parents are now saying "oh yes i'm sure it's fine they're probably just very focused on work" (<- worried)
20: parents are no longer pretending everything is Fine because as far as they can tell their kid has just vanished off the face of the earth
21: a very difficult project is declared a success thanks to them! wahoo
23: they're gettin' kinda bored. they like challenges and they sure aren't finding any here, pulls their second vanishing act a bit later
23.5: Where The Fuck Is [Phoenix], Pt. 2 (much more impressive this time though! with the number of eyes looking for them)
24: They Know they used to do something else but they cannot remember what it was. Job Huntin' Part Two (electric boogaloo), except it's more for stuff to put on their resume (as they may or may not have stolen some guy's identity)
25: Desk Job #2. how they managed to land this nobody knows.
27: It's EOD Time
28 - 30: average agent stuff, IEYTD 1 happens just after they turn 29
31: IEYTD 2
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proteatook · 1 month
The Echo/Fives parallels…
Fives breaks into lab on Kamino where clones were implanted a device that overrides their free will… / Echo breaks into lab on Tantiss where clones are deprived of their freedom and experimented upon…
Fives is wearing standard clone trooper armour… / Echo is wearing standard TK trooper armour…
Fives’ hair is shaved (he looks more vulnerable)… / Echo doesn’t have his head piece (he looks more vulnerable)…
Fives is looking for answers about a single clone, Tup, but discovers something that affects all clones and risks his life to uncover a truth that could have freed his brothers… / Echo is going to Tantiss with brothers who want to free a single clone, Omega, but actually states plainly that he’s risking his life to free all his brothers…
Echo is continuing Fives’ mission to free all the clones!
Echo, Fives is so proud of you right now 🥺😭
I really, really hope Echo won’t die, but if he did, that would be the most beautiful way, honouring the unbreakable bond between the Domino twins 💙🤍
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stellar-collective · 2 months
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my take on the Agent themselves because these games have given me brainrot
headcanons below the cut!
-perpetually has their legs kicked up on any and every surface. in the office, on their missions, in the van; as long as they’re not actively problem solving, their shoes are on the table. 
-terribly invested in the Handler. literally drove into a flamethrower to get him the perfect hot dog. 
-doesn’t set things on fire half as much as one would expect. mostly just lights cigars, honestly. prefers chucking stuff
-along with their TK implant, they volunteered for an experimental treatment that was supposed to make agents immune to ingestible poison. it was only partially effective but it worked enough that they can down entire bottles of champagne, eat moldly sandwiches, chew pre-chewed gum, etc. without batting an eye
-MAJOR sweet tooth.
-fairly talkative outside of missions, but goes completely dead silent the moment that they’re in the field. can’t be baited into betraying information if you don’t talk!
-cheeky as anything. favorite pastime is to deal with deadly situations as nonchalantly as possible, like drinking tea while getting shot at by a tank, stealing Juniper’s masks while he’s trying to shoot them, and saluting while blowing up space stations.
-doesn’t hold grudges. like, at all
-when you die enough times, you sort of start to rank the methods. their favorite way to go out is fire/explosions and their least favorite way is suffocation. falling from space was far scarier to them than falling down a burning elevator shaft. the heat is familiar to the point it’s almost comforting.
-they’re beauty, they’re grace, they’re super mega ace
-a bit of a hoarder. trinkets and souvenirs are very valuable to them. keeps everything that the Handler has ever sent them and steals a lot of things from their missions
-adrenaline junkie! this job is perfect for them
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agent-calivide · 5 months
The ending to IEYTD 3 is so.... bitter sweet?
Not even the monologue from Prism- just, bear with me.
You save the world. For the third time you save the world. And what is your reward? Someone made sure you survived, and you're left on a remote beach in the middle of nowhere as a "vacation".
We hear time and time again that Phoenix is amazing, one of a kind, people talk about how they're wonderful, how people are joining the EOD en masse because Phoenix has accomplished so much, done so many impressive things, they've saved the EOD so many times! And what is their reward for all of this?
They get to lay alone. On a desolate beach. Surrounded by the rubble of another successful mission. There's no worry for them.
Nobody thinks to have them checked for heatstroke, for other injuries, to check on their TK implant after they'd pushed it straight past its limits and blacked out from the sheer strain of it.
They're not given a medal, a title, the most they get is an announcement on the radio and time alone on a ruined beach. A testament to the fact that all of their work is appreciated, but not truly valued by the EOD.
Even after all that, they can get back to their base in Babadag, sit down, and be told by the handler that the EOD will get them back in a proper office as soon as possible... in a few years.
They don't care. They will never care.
And Phoenix's reward is only granted to them by their Handler telling them they could. I don't think Reginald asked if Phoenix could have the time off, he just told them to take their time.
It was a kindness granted by a friend, not a moment of appreciation from the EOD.
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neurotonic · 2 months
Ouh. I really like how out of all the antagonists in the series, Prism's motivations (and her turning to Zoraxis) are directly influenced by Phoenix's track record. She has the most personal beef with the agent, though it's a little ironic that her TK implant helped the agent's success. If it weren't for Prism, Phoenix wouldn't be the legend that they are known for.
...Except...That's minimizing Phoenix's own ingenuity and skill with the implant, isn't it? It's a useful tool, yes! But in the end, it's just a tool. Phoenix was able to use it in unique ways, and that's not counting whatever else Phoenix has to do in the moment without TK. If it weren't for Phoenix's own efforts (and their strange ability to not Die), Prism wouldn't be forced to take revenge.
They're their own self-made people, but inevitably they left such a huge impact on each other before the third game...and if Prism wasn't the one who personally added the implant in Phoenix's head, then they haven't even interacted in person!
It could be seen as a little tragic, and it sorta is--Prism's desire for revenge is a little misplaced (and, yes, it is bolstered by Zor when she switches to their side). For all we know, Phoenix never intended to be the villain in Prism's story. But Prism's frustrated and angry and devastated about being reduced to the One Project she made. She just wanted to make something bigger than herself.
And it's really nice to see Phoenix help her once she recognizes that Zor's been using her all this time...even if it takes some time for Prism to really let them help her.
It takes the combination of their unique skills, brainpower, and their eventual trust in one another to destroy Zor's volcano kinesium base. Prism gets saved by the person she thought made her dreams impossible, and in return, Phoenix gets saved in the one IEYTD ending where they're not declared legally dead. I feel like that's something interesting? Because this is also the one finale where Phoenix has an active ally working with them close to their side (...as close as Prism and Phoenix could get, anyway).
Well. Anyway. What was I talking about? Enemies who are closely intertwined with one another's journeys end up becoming each other's most important allies? Okay, yeah. Let's go with that.
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kimbureh · 11 months
TBB S2E12 The Outpost, Crosshair & Agency In Suicide
I haven't seen anybody talk about this specific aspect yet, but in truth I avoid reading TBB meta because I haven't finished watching season 2 and don't want to read spoilers.
"The Outpost" is an episode about being trapped in your position, even if you're ready to move on from your role. I've seen it pointed out by others, and indeed it was my first thought also: Mayday talks like Rex. Behaves like Rex. Is capable to adapt to adversary circumstances like Rex. But unlike Rex, Mayday is not given the chance to reform his life. He dies on Barton-4 without fulfilling his true potential. (But Rex has been gifted this chance, while he is acutely aware most clones haven't, and chooses to rectify that as much as he can.) The Outpost of Barton-4 is the epitome of being abandoned and trapped by circumstances. This will be important again in a minute.
Regs symbolize everything Crosshair feels ashamed for. I have talked about this before, but I don't want to pull a Tech and assume that's obvious. So. Crosshair is as grating towards regs as he is (especially in TCW) because of his projected self-hatred. He's a clone too, but at least he is enhanced. "Superior", as he says to Hunter. Showing kindness to Mayday, a reg, is the first step for Crosshair to come to terms with his Clone identity. I interpret Crosshair's arc as one of developing self-acceptance, and treating a reg with kindness is the first step to treating himself with kindness. And it speaks to Crosshair's developing sense of self-acceptance when he pleads (!) with Nolan to please help Mayday (the name here is telling!).
In another meta post of mine I outlined the two possible paths of Crosshair's arc: he either manages to develop self-acceptance and leaves the Empire, or he stays and self-destructs.
In his interactions with Mayday, Crosshair clearly veers into the direction of self-acceptance via Mayday as proxy. But the circumstances don't allow for the second step: leaving the Empire. Think of that tiny backroom in which we meet Mayday and his skeleton crew for the first time. Barton-4 is not a place you leave alive. This place is a frosty tomb, the rows of trooper helmets and the raider left behind in the tunnel are grim witness to that truth. And Crosshair knows this, knows he is trapped in a very real sense on this planet, at the mercy of a cruel superior who sees him as a piece of "used equipment". And so Crosshair picks the other option left to him: self-destruction. He knows he cannot get away with shooting a superior, not when he's weak, without his helmet, trapped on an icy planet with dozens of TK troopers to hold him accountable.
Crosshair's decision is not naive, not entirely hopeless either, it's coming from a place of self-empowerment despite the dreadful desperation. There are a few excruciating moments before Crosshair draws his blaster, moments in which he does the calculations in his mind and realizes there is no way for him to survive this. But he has the freedom to make one last decision: and that is bringing down Nolan with him.
This is Crosshair's tipping point. Through the interactions with Mayday he allowed himself to care for someone again, only for the Empire to immediately take that from him. They took his agency, but in what Crosshair must believe to be his last action, he regains some of his agency and avenges Mayday. In the face of death, Crosshair defends his decision to choose self-acceptance.
A more tragic story could end here; but Crosshair has more homework to do, and it still hasn't been revealed if he really doesn't have his inhibitor chip anymore, or whether he was implanted something else in its stead, and where those searing head pains are really coming from if not from the effects of the (a?) chip. I have a few theories, but we'll see (or maybe we won't).
(pls no season 2 spoilers, I haven't fully watched it yet)
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wyvchard · 12 days
A short moment.
Reginald walked in his agent's office, looking for them as they wandered off to R&D once more to see the glowsticks.
He paused, eyes focusing on two notes on top of the paperweight they bought during the time they went to India. There was a folder under the notes, sealed and clearly addressed to R&D.
The writing in the first note was unlike the typical way his agent 'writes'. Just like their files when writing after the volcano and they were banned from using their implant.
It has been proven that with enough practice, one can use telekinesis with enough dexterity to write from a pen. However, due to the sample size of one, the feasibility of all agents with the telekinetic implant obtaining this ability is still unknown.
More experimental units may be needed for this. Actually, it may be a matter of 'must' than 'may'.
The effect of incrementally adding more weights to enhance the ability is still up for debate because the control group does not exist. And probably never will.
Should I just bring this up to R&D?
I'm rambling on my notes again. Great. Why does it sound like I'm writing a draft for a project proposal anyway? I'm planning to burn this in case I decide to drop this idea.
Wrote in the margins again. Yay! I need a new notepad. Preferably one with lines this time.
... I probably won't pursue this path since I find it hard to talk to the other agents. Would a cupcake or some wine be enough compensation for this?
To R&D: You have not requested this package. This does not contain any traps or sabotage. Contained in this envelope is a folder and a project proposal. The aftermath of Project; KBOOM tipped the scales to this path. Please do be patient as I did not have a copy of the format you use in your laboratories or memos. A lot of the data compiled here is based on anecdotal evidence.
Two knocks broke Reginald from his trance, causing him to turn towards the door.
"Agent? What is this?"
Phoenix showed Reginald a lined notepad sheet after using their TK to write on the surface with practiced ease.
A project proposal with data in it.
"For what, exactly?"
I want to know if my feat with telekinesis back at the volcano was a fluke or not. To see if the way I trained my telekinesis did anything. I got a few hypothesis but I want to be sure.
"And you didn't think to inform me?"
I didn't think it would amount to anything. I was just making sure I was keeping track on how I was playing around with my TK and tracking my master over it.
"It occasionally skips my mind that if you weren't a field agent, you could have been in R&D."
"I have my reasons." Phoenix merely smiled as they grabbed the folder and the second note, pocketing the first note in order to (what Reginald presumes) burn it.
@phoenix-and-found-family, I made have a little lore dump for you. Hope you like it.
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wortfoundabug · 7 months
ieytd headcanons cause they're silly
I have this idea that every character we interact with plays an instrument. It's not limited to certain types it's just like any instrument.
Reginald plays the piano and is VERY humble about it. He plays the piano beautifully and is constantly asked to play a couple of songs at EOD events (it's cheaper than actually paying someone to do it). The thing is, it's just a hobby for him, and anytime someone comments smth like, "Wow! You're amazing! Do you play professionally? You would make a lot of money!" Or they ask him to play at a certain event he ALWAYS is just like,"Oh, stop it. I'm not THAT good, I just like to play in my free time." (he is genuinely oblivious to how good he actually plays).
For Juniper, I say he plays the trumpet, and he is so embarrassed about it. He doesn't let ANYONE know that he plays the trumpet. The only person who knows is Gibson, and occasionally will listen to him play. He's very good, don't get me wrong, but the reason he doesn't let anyone know is because one time in middle school a kid told him that the trumpet was a losers instrument and it's stuck with him ever since.
Roxanna, I've thought A LOT about what she would play, and I can't think of anything other than the drums. She is an avid drum player, she's not the best at it but it's only because she doesn't want to be, so she doesn't try. She finds that whenever she's playing, she can focus better, and it clears her head. That's how she came up with the TK implant. She was just chilling out with the drums and then was just like 😲. (Her instrument is subject to change).
Last but not least, Zoraxis. For me, it was obvious what I wanted for them, and that was the violin. They've played the violin since they were little, but they picked it back up more as a serious hobby once they became Zoraxis. For them, it's how they get their anger and frustration out in a graceful and delicate way without killing every single one of their employees. It also creates an unspoken role for every Zoraxis employee whenever you hear a violin coming from Zor's room, stay far away, and be quiet. Oh, you needed to talk to Zor? Well, it'll have to wait until they're done playing unless you want to die. (They also got a custom violin made for them by the Fabricator as a Christmas gift, it has a couple of scorpion carvings on it and they loved it).
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dandorime · 2 months
Ashley Lincoln escapes Zoraxis and turns to the Agency with info about the weaponized virus. Phoenix gets the mission to neutralize the virus and succeeds, and Ashley becomes a civilian asset for the Agency, probably somewhere in the R&D department.
Do you think she would have been a diehard Phoenix fan? They effectively absolved her of her role in a mass murder by figuring out the clues she left behind in the lab. That's pretty awesome. I could fall for a secret agent who did that...
But if so, did Prism have to deal with a massive Phoenix fangirl in her department the whole damn time she was working on those robots? Did Ashley lead the Agency fanclub for agents signing up for TK implants? Did she save fanfiction on the department computers?
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Pheonixsonna addition
Image one is my phoenix's handler (he is disabled)
Image two is phoenixes powers, (basically he has the power to never die that came as a result of operation death engine, basically the radiation and the explosion altered his TK implant and now he has a protective blue tk force field that automatically generates when he is in danger, it looks like firey blue wings cocooning him, (wich is partially why he is Nickname the pheonix) this is why his tk is so strong in ieytd2 and why he is constantly surviving the impossible)
3 a little doodle of operation death engine)
7 official image of agent Pheonix, mute, none binary super agent
Ummm here is my pheonix for the Aviary!
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manzluv · 8 months
Random thought I had about Kinesium
In ieytd 3 we learn that Kinesium is the main energy source powering the tk implant in phoenix’s head,
so apparently Kinesium can become unstable in warm or hot environments and causes it to explode messing with the implant in their head.
Think back to death engine, rising phoenix, how did it end,
In a fiery crash and explosion that not only the agent survives but somehow the Kinesium in their head HASN’T BLOWN UP.
what i’m trying to say is…
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lavalampstealer · 10 months
Putting this out there for the TSP and IEYTD people (please let there be some):
Swap AU where Stanley/Narrator and Phoenix/Handler swap places. A mashup AU where Stanley is Agent Bucket or something. A different swap AU where the British Voices trade places for a bit.
What if Phoenix and Handler were in the Parable? Hell, why stop there, put Fabricator as the Curator and Zor as the Timekeeper and Prism as Mariella. Would Phoenix keep their TK implant? Would Stanley gain one? Who knows, let the shenanigans go wild.
What if Stanley and Narrator were spy and support agent together? Put the Bucket in as Zor. Do it. I dare you. it’d be funny
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Hello, I'm Agent Phoenix, formerly known as Agent 043.
Roxy told me I should make a blog, so here I am. I guess I should put some stuff about me here? I don't know how this site works
Well, I'm 38, I'll be 39 in November, and I like cats. And Roxana, of course. She's like, the coolest ever, and also my girlfriend :)
I think I'm kinda sorta like a step...parent??? To Right and Robutler??? Idk I'll ask Roxy about that tho
I use any pronouns, so get creative
My first handler was a piece of shit, so feel free to talk shit with me haha
Same with Agent Slimeball Sliver. He's a ball of eugh.
Roxy says I should put some boundaries, like stuff I don't like to talk about, so, um. Here you go, I guess.
I don't like talking about my past with Zoraxis in detail, so try to refrain from asking about that. Same with how Handler 043 treated me. Don't be a dick about my scars. The basics, don't be a homophobe, or a racist, or a creep here. I am a liberal user of the block button, and if necessary, I'll report you. Don't be a shithead in general.
Idk what else to put here so bye
______________END TRANSMISSION______________
Hello! Leo here, this blog's moderator and the power behind the throne, so to speak. This is a side blog for my main, @eight-cats-in-a-box, purely for IEYTD and 043! Phoenix!
043 is besties with Reggie!! Their handler is one of the ones closest to their cold, dead heart. :) He's also just recently started dating John Juniper!
043 is dating Roxana! 043 loves the scientist very dearly, and they're quite attached to her. They have a very healthy relationship, and they're planning to propose soon, aided by none other than...
Their murder bestie, John Juniper! He owes being alive today to Phoenix, who dragged him out of the wreckage after Operation: Rising Phoenix. These two are very protective of each other, despite constantly fighting. They've also hooked up before Codename: Agent Clover. Recently, his romantic feelings for Reginald came to light, and they've been in a relationship ever since!
Other notable figures are:
Agent Knockout and his husband, Breakdown! Also known as Damien and Jack Woodworth, this dynamic duo are infamous for their brains-and-brawn mindset. Quite literally, since Breakdown doesn't have a TK implant due to the complications it would cause.
Chief Medical Officer/Lead Field Medic, Doctor Robert "Ratchet" Greaves. Also known as the Hatchet, Greaves is sick of it. 043's nonsense, but also the bullshit the rest of the Agency puts him through. Grouch with a heart of gold. Married to Drift.
043 is also the parental/fraternal figure to several agents, including ones in alternate dimensions, as well as Prism's kids! Right Robot and Robutler both think they're pretty neat, and their rookies have never been safer :)
Field Medic Support Agent Drift! A very long title indeed, one created to keep him by Robert's side. No one knows his real name- not even Drift himself. Married to Robert.
R&D Lead Scientist Percy James Janssen! He has to deal with all of 043's nonsense, not to mention all the bullshit he gets put through just trying to make stuff. He's married to Brian Gunnings, R&D's resident problem.
Reality Breaker and General Shenanigan-Causer Brian "Storm" Gunnings! This maniac makes too many guns, too many time-travelling briefcases, and...probably too many explosions. Has a habit of flirting with Percy when he's holding chemicals. This is not malicious (somehow) he just really likes his hubby. :)
#043 rambles
Talk tag! Inchar posts, chats, etc
#043 reblogs
#043 lore
Phoenix lore!!!
#043 family unit
Specific to those Phoenix has "adopted"
#043 answers
#043 flashbacks
RP tag!
#agent duo knockdown
Anything pertaining to Agents Knockout and/or Breakdown!
#cmo dr. robert greaves
Anything about 043's favourite grouch :)
#support agent drift
Anything about the infamous ex-Zoraxis Operative Drift. Most know him better as Greaves's husband :)
#lead scientist percy janssen
All the things about one of Drift's dearest friends, and the Agency's deadliest sniper/scientist!
#reality breaker brian gunnings
Anything about Percy's issue annoyance lab partner husband! He does not care about laws. Any laws. This includes the laws of physics/spacetime/reality/etc. This drives Percy up the wall. Has successfully time-traveled. Don't ask.
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