#tldr it was fabulous
milligramspoison · 6 months
If anyone is curious about the future of the Killjoys show, here’s Gerard talking about it
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freebooter4ever · 4 months
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I think the most fascinating thing about this movie is that it was all just miscommunication and a total lack of respect on both sides that caused things to fail when otherwise it appeared to be nearing success? Like if i understand it correctly - which i might not have because it was extremely convoluted - absolutely intentional on the part of the director who really seemed focused on presenting primary sources and letting the viewer do the critical thinking. But anyway, it sounded as if the pittsburgh p*enguins were essentially doing the typical investment thing where they poured a bunch of money into this thinking with advertising and trading players they would get enough out of it to break even. So the red pe*nguins took on the appearance of success - which is what america is all about yay \o/ - without having actual huge profits to back it up? So the russ*ian side was demanding a share of profits that didnt actually exist? It was very confusing.
Also weirdly relevant to stuff my Unemployment Support Group has been discussing lately but i wont get into that cause i might say something i shouldnt :P
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05/11-12/2024 Weekend Recap Pt 1
TLDR; Basingstoke Comic Con; Rhys, Con; Vico; Kristian; AdoptOurCrew Coverage; Days 1-3; We're Wolves News; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hey Lovelies, this weekend became huge in terms of content because of Basingstoke, so I'm gonna do these in parts to try and fit everything in. Extremely long post is long.
== Basingstoke Comic Con - Rhys/Vico/Con/Kristian ==
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Sources: Vico's Instagram / Stories / Con's Instagram / Basingstoke Comic Con Instagram
= More Rhysie at his Panel on Day 3 =
Our crewmate Nikki (@bookknobsandbroomsticks) was kind enough to allow me to share their photos of Rhys here! Thank you hon!
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Source: @bookknobsandbroomsticks Instagram
= More Pics from all 3 panels =
Another of our absolutely amazing crewmates @cosmosart-s was kind enough to share their pics as well!
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Source: _cosmosaarts_ on twitter
== Merstede Getting out of the Pool ==
One of the questions at the con as you can see was about how Rhys got out of the pool.
Source: @MattRooksTaylor on Twitter
== AdoptOurCrew Coverage of Bazingstoke ==
Our friends over at AdoptOurCrew Team was kind enough to transcribe several questions and answers from the cast on all three days of the con! If you have access to Twitter, they have lots and lots of videos and content, please visit it here. I tried to screenshot the written transcriptions best I could below-- but if you have access to twitter, please go interact with their twitter!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter Some more pictures from the first panel from ourvery kind and generous @cosmosart-s! Thank you so much dearie for sharing these with us!
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Source: Cosmosa Arts Instagram
== Second OFMD Panel ==
This panel featured Vico, Con, Cooper, Kristian, and Rhys! Thank you again to AdoptOurCrew for the highlights! AdoptOurCrew's Twitter Thread
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Img Src: Basingstoke Comic Con Instagram
== Third OFMD Panel ==
The last panel was with our dear captain. Once again, thank you to Adopt Our Crew for providing coverage! Technically pictures and videos were allowed, but as you can imagine, we're pirates. What else were they expecting? Running out of image space, some great shots were taken by @ofmd-ann. You can see them here. If you'd like to see the video in the screenshots below you can visit Cree's Twitter (Sorry, only one vid per post and so I need to grab permission first before posting here so I'll see if I can reach out to Cree about sharing it on Tumblr).
Screenshots below: Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== We're Wolves News ==
So after the panel and Rhys mentioning he wanted to see We're Wolves made, @ Starqueenie4eva on twitter decided to tweet Jemaine, and well, he responded. He didn't say "no" he said it "has been delayed" 👀
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Source: Jemaine Clement's Twitter
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I was gonna put these at the end like normal in Part 2 but I couldnt find them again because tumblr search sucks! So here we are.
Gifs courtesy of the fabulous @neverswungonswingingstars and @wastingyourgum!
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the marvels!! anyways, have we considered the implications of carol's rainbow tie dye crocs? i feel we need to because they are fascinating
we know that carol has returned to earth since the events of capt. marvel. this is referenced in multiple movies. the real question is how did she get them.
were they a gift from maria? monica hasn't seen carol, so they can't be from her.
what about fury? did he see some crocs and go 'oh this is what carol needs'
did carol just,, go shopping? how? she doesn't have earth currency or access to it on her own. she would have had to ask someone else for it to buy them, right?
tldr: carol has fabulous tie-dye crocs but how?
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sweeteastart · 1 month
Why do you love the Legend of Zelda? What first drew you to it?
That's.... A complicated answer lmao well more like long. sorry for the ramble !!
What drew me in
First off, unlike a lot of people I know I wasn't raised with the games. My parents were more Square Enix games people. Dragon quest and Final fantasy were the big games from my early years. So I had and still have very limited knowledge of the Legend of Zelda licence.
That's my dear friend @lennsart that got me into it. Unlike me, Loz was a huge part of their childhood and they know the lore better than even the Zelda encyclopedia-- They are 100% the one to thank for even bringing the games to my attention !
The first game I played of all the possible games was Hyrule Warrior with Lenn. I really enjoyed playing it and it got me intrigued. I mean look at Link in this game. Fabulous boy going to war.
Recently, they got really into Link meet AU.
To be more precise, they got into @bonus-links . One look at Warrior and I was smitten. He didn't even appear yet in the comic that i adopted the guy. Love this man. I want to become cosplay him so bad.
Also they read This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja and wanted to get their feelings out. I listened and stumbled HARD into the fandom. Drew Warrior as consolation because I was not okay I really have to sit down and read it before the end ....
I even had the privilege of a full PowerPoint presentation of each boy so I could understand LU/Link meets AU and read their fanfic A cave like a net (and a spilled secret) if that's not dedication I don't know what else is.
You could say I'm here thanks to lenn, @bonus-links and @not-freyja --
What I love about the legend of Zelda
Unsurprisingly, I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan so the complicated timelines and plots drew in the gremlin in me.
Then I started to really look at the lore and characters.... And dang is there lots of fun things to learn. My knowledge of it is still scattered and random but that's really fun !!
I really love the music too. That's the side of the games I first learned about before even playing Hyrule Warriors. Song of storm and song of healing have been my go-to for a good decade now.
Recently I started playing Ocarina of Time and I'm counting this as another reason I love the Legend of Zelda. That's very fun even if I have negative skills in video games ahah
TLDR : My friend got me into Zelda by talking about @bonus-links amazing and delectable paneling and colours, scaring me with @not-freyja masterpiece This is an Adjuration and talking about LU (also their fire fanfic).
I love Zelda for the complex timeline and lore shenanigans, the music and my first time playing OOT very recently.
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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scriberated · 11 days
Bridgerton S3 Part 1 Thoughts
TLDR: Worst season to date.
Specifics/spoilers below the cut.
In no particular order:
The costuming is awful - and I don't just mean historically inaccurate, cause they weren't the 1st two seasons either and I wasn't expecting them to be. Pretty much everything is either ugly or blatant product placement or both, with very few exceptions.
The Featheringtons are funny as shit and possibly the greatest redeeming quality of this season.
Too many subplots. Way too many. Mondritchs, Violet & Lord Anderson, Benedict and his FWB situation, Cressida & Eloise, Francesca (I understand they're setting up her season so I get it but it's a lot of screen time to spend on someone who isn't supposed to be the MC this season).
Collin did not do enough groveling.
Debling and Penelope are both hypocrites and ill-suited to each other. Both claimed they wanted a practical match with someone they could be companionable with but inevitably didn't work out because Debling wasn't okay with Penelope being in love with someone else (odd for someone who wasn't seeking love) and Penelope claimed she was resolved to a practical match but was actually hoping for love the whole time.
Considering they're supposed to get glow ups for their season, Collin's… wasn't it. His hair was awful and so was all the botox/lip flip. The coat was acceptable but felt very out of place.
They did make me sympathize with Cressida, which I didn't think was going to be a thing. I like her and Eloise together. Even if they don' t make it canon, I ship it a little bit.
The Balloon was the DUMBEST thing this whole season. The whole scene felt forced and insanely slow - like Pen had a whole 84 years to get out of the way, and it did not feel nearly as dire as they tried to make it out to be.
The soundtrack was the best thing about this whole season.
While I appreciate the parallel between Cressida and Penelope - both in their third season, practically on the shelf, facing dire futures - it didn't land the way it could have. Felt like a wasted opportunity.
Benedict and his FWB situation is annoying and stupid and was given entirely too much screen time.
Mama Bridgerton is canny and I love her for it. The blatant "oh btw Penelope is getting proposed to tonight" to kick Collin's butt into gear is fabulous even if it was obvious.
Brimsley and the Queen's relationship is still my favorite. Besties 4 Life.
I love Francesca and John just sitting together in contented silence. <3 Big fan.
Collin's attempts at being a rake didn't land. Like, if they were intending to do it as a way of showing him trying to be someone he isn't, it felt very forced and flat. Collin's characterization this whole season honestly feels very flat. It almost feels like he is still adrift, not invested in the stakes of the season.
Eloise calling on Cressida during calling hour is Gay and I will die on that hill.
Collin writing regency erotica is eternally funny to me. I see many potential AUs of him being a romance novelist and Penelope being his unwitting muse.
The Queen's wigs getting more and more ridiculous just absolutely sent me. The swans?? How did that even work mechanically? Like I'm all for some creative license but come on.
The Queen striking out three seasons in a row with her matchmaking is hilarious but also kind of sad.
Eloise and Cressida in the box during the last ball? GAY. I like them together. I know Eloise is supposed to wind up with someone else (Sir Phillip?) but GD they have chemistry.
Idc about Danbury's feud with her brother. It's so out of left field. Like I know they're maybe trying to build up to Violet finding someone to... tend to her Garden (and that person being Marcus) but it just feels... bleh. Unnecessary.
Portia Featherington is a shit mother and she deserves to be slapped.
I'll give them props for the increased representation - it was nice to see HOH/Deaf & disabled representation, even if it felt a little... token-y? I'm hoping there will be more so it will level out.
The carriage scene. Was it steamy? Yes. I'll give it to them. Luke and Nicola have great chemistry. But did Collin earn that??? After ruining her prospects and then literally ruining her???? No. His proposal immediately afterwards felt impulsive and lust driven instead of love driven, maybe even duty driven since he 'ruined' her. And we saw way more of him being into her than we did of her being into him, I felt like.
Overall... rushed, too crowded by subplots, flat, and frankly disappointing. I really hope they bring it back around come part two but the teaser honestly just makes it seem like it's going to be more of the same. It's missing the charm of the first two seasons - or of the Queen Charlotte spinoff, which I really enjoyed.
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jackiemeandthispod · 9 days
Jack daniels has new TV ad in my country and everytime i see that damn shirt in it i think about you guys
okay so funny story, I had this idea that I would LOVE jack daniels because of throam, jenna marbles, etc. (they have fabulous marketing!) so on my 18th birthday I bought a 1L bottle of jack, had a jack & coke with a sushi dinner and proceeded to chuck my absolute guts up. I tried drinking it again a few days later and the moment it touched my tongue the exact same reaction.
TLDR: jack daniels is fucking rank and tastes like you cleaned up a house fire with nail polish remover.
I'm glad you're thinking about us <3
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iamthecomet · 10 months
I just woke up and saw your post!!! We need to hear all about the shirt! The interaction! The guitar pick! We need to see photos if you took any too!
You are so lucky!!!! I'm so glad that you had a good time and you got to go to TWO in a row! So fucking fabulous!!!!
Mine ritual is on Friday and I cannot wait!
This post and all of it's ridiculous extra exclamation points brought to you by the Gremlin.
GREMLIN. Photos/videos coming soon. I just put them all on my computer so I can actually look through them and pick out the good ones. But THE SHIRT. OK. Just for clarity, I'm referring to him as Sodo here, because this entire interaction was very much an interaction I had with The Man and not The Ghoul and I cannot bring myself to refer to him as Dewdrop in this particular scenario. But I'm not mentioning anything else related to unmasked Dew, except for that nickname that everyone else already knows. So, I've been joking around with my partner and a few other people for MONTHS about making a shirt that said "Sodo" on it because A) I adore him for many many reasons (not just Ghost). and B) what if he SAW IT!? What would he do!? So, like a week before my rituals I went to the craft store, found out that the stuff needed to make said shirt would be like...10 dollars, and said "fuck it." I was super nervous about it, convinced he was going to see it and think I was CREEPY or weird or some shit, but several people (including YOU) managed to convince me that it was going to be fine and he would not think that. And he might even appreciate it. So I made it, wore it to the ritual I had pit for. Ended up with the best barrier spot I could have asked for in that situation. Got my pick a few songs in--before he ever saw the shirt. He threw it at me but it fell short but I still got it! Immediately after the He Is solo, he turned toward us. I'd turned my phone light off because I didn't want to blind him, and my partner had angled his down for the same reason--which meant that it was pointing toward me. And I'm like reaching up to him, singing at him, and then he saw my shirt, fucking stopped short. Fucking lights were in my eyes so I could BARELY see him, but he dragged his finger over his chest to be like "your shirt!?!?" and pointed at me, and I mirrored that and nodded, and probably did something else with my hands, who knows. I don't remember, it's a blur. He nodded and gave me a thumbs up, so I threw him the heart hands and I blew him a kiss , and he blew one back. And then it was over and I just stared after him like "was that real?" It was the sweetest fucking thing and I just stood there in shock when it was over, as the guy next to me nudged me and grinned and gave me double thumbs up. I'm just like slack-jawed looking around like "did that ACTUALLY fucking happen?" Gremlin, I love that man so fucking much. His attention was laser focused on me from the second he saw it until he had to turn and leave to go play. And it just felt...genuine? like I had a sign language conversation with him and we were both genuinely happy about it. I'm getting fucking weepy thinking about it again. Like how am I allowed to love him more than I already did? HOW? There is no way for him to know how much those like 10 seconds meant to me. But I really hope that they meant something to him too, even if just for a moment. I feel so fucking privileged to be able to have this interaction, that the stars aligned so he actually saw the shirt. That he paused and made a point to acknowledge it, to appreciate it. To see me. It was really fucking special. TLDR: Dew/Sodo knows I love him. And that I exist. And I am a little unwell about it, and will never recover and I really don't want to.
Also, if anyone happens to have a clip of the end of He Is from the CT show where you can actually see this happen, I will love you for fucking EVER.
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Who cursed both Hannah and Janet and why specifically them and these curses
I apologize in advance, because this is about to get way longer than I think you bargained for. (Like, I am genuinely so sorry. This is as short as I can make it 😭 )
I'll answer it shortwise first, and then get into the lore lower down: The TLDR is this: The Greek Gods, and also it isn't them specifically. They kind of get...caught in the crossfire of something else.
Let's begin:
The greek gods in ancient times, got their power from killing monsters. But unfortunately after they reached the height of their power, they also had reached the dregs of the monster population. The only one left was Medusa.
Desperate to cling to the mortal plane, the gods make a curse on the mortals who have "forsaken them", where whomever manages to spill the blood of the last monster will become a vessel for the gods to return. Medusa, not to be outdone, creates her own curse: the family of the new god will become monsters, to make the idea of killing them much harder.
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As you might guess, this ends up happening to Hannah.
Her brother accidentally hits a wolf on the road one night, but unfortunately for literally everyone involved, he actually managed to hit the last hellhound in existence.
Which leads to him promptly becoming possessed by Zeus, and like three states away, Hannah passes out and wakes up as a giant. Not fun!
Her waking up in the library sets off some alarms, the cops show up, and one gunshot in the arm later, some random officer is now Hades. And, somewhere else, his daughter Janet becomes a gorgon. (See where this is going?)
As more people get possessed by gods, more people get turned into monsters. The curse is pretty wishy-washy at best, meaning in some families only one or two people get turned into monsters, and in others entire extended families are all transformed.
Anyway, the entire greek god pantheon eventually returns within the span of two months, and there are now a thousand-odd monsters running around.
---- So, to answer your question, the gods are at fault here (though, kind of Medusa, too) and there are way more cursed monsters than just Hannah and Janet! ----
Hannah and Janet's meeting (and subsequent bonding and codependency) is a whole other story, but eventually all of the monsters end up at Medusa's compound, a hidden facility she's built out in Brazil.
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There she is.
The compound is now full of monster kids and adults alike, struggling to live their lives in their new bodies. They're also worried about the family members that have been taken over against their will by ancient gods, but there's a lot less they can do on that front.
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niennawept · 1 year
In Rings of Power, there's an uruk that we call "Fabio." That's because Jed Brophy, who played him, gave the character that nickname based on his long wig for the role.
This is Fabio in Episode 6: "Udûn." Isn't he sweet? And look at that fabulous hair.
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Anyhow, "Fabio" is a great name but it doesn't fit super well as an uruk name. So, I naturally tried to translate it into Black Speech.
According to almost all sources that I could find, the name Fabio is a modern Italian name that can be traced back to a Roman patrician family by the name of "Fabius." Allegedly, their name is derived from the Latin word "faba", which means "1) bean (from a plant); 2) a bead which resembles a bean or seed."
Fabio is most commonly translated to mean "bean farmer," but fan-constructed Black Speech does not have a word for farmer and the original meaning is just "bean." So, I have decided to call this uruk "Grosh" in my fic, which literally means "bean" in the Land of Shadow (LOS) dictionary.
TLDR: 'Fabio' can be translated to 'Grosh,' if you want a more Black Speech sounding name.
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06/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Anapela Polataiva; TellTaleAwards Round 2; AdoptOurCrew; June 3rd An Excellent Day: Trends; WeAreAllTaikaNow; RoboJenks; Other Fandoms; Menacing Memes; Articles about #DontStreamOnMax; NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week; FanSpotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Throwback picture from The Cryptid Factor with Rhys and Buttons!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Quick crumbs of Taika on Rita's Instagram from her latest show!
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Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's rom-com Advanced Chemistry is premiering on June 26, 2024, 9:15 PM at TLC Chinese 6 Theatres Los Angelos CA! Get tickets here.
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Anapela Polataivao ==
Our fabulous Auntie has been appointed Officer of the NZ Order of Merit (ONZM) in this years King's Birthday Honours List! This is a prestigous position awarded for contributions to the Pacific performing arts! Congrats Anapela!
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Source: The Coconet TV Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan is feeling pretty saucy about another Billionaire planning to visit the Titanic Wreckage.
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Round 2 of TellTale Awards ==
TellTaleTv Awards Round 2!
The awards are open from June 3 - June 9! OurFlagMeansDeath, Rhys and Ruibo both made the next round! So did Deadloch and Deadboy Detectives, please be sure to get your votes in each day!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew want to hold WBD Accountable! Check out their statement below!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
== June 3: An Excellent Day ==
Where the hell do I even start? Wow crew! Today was impressive! #DontStreamOnMax was trending on twitter, so was #SaveOFMD, there was so much polite menacing and massive aggression going around, it was wonderful to see.
= Trends =
The absolute darling @ twindy5 was kind enough to send me some trends just before posting this so we could see some of the latest numbers.
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Source: twindy5 Twitter
Our crewmates over at NeverLeftPodcast caught #FireDavidZaslav as well!
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Source: NeverLeftPodcast's Twitter
= We Are All Taika Now =
So one thing you don't want to miss is that apparently certain folks on twitter think that everyone fighting for Our Flag Means Death on Twitter is a Taika bot. So rejoice! If you wanted to be Taika Waititi, now you can be!
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Source: @ pirateidiot's twitter And everyone rolled with it!
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Source: DagaNaranjade's Twitter
= Long Post Is Long - See More Below The Cut =
= RoboJenks =
Okay so there was some speculation because an account named "David Jenkins" started getting into the fun with everyone today (but not Chaos Dad's account). Many folks thought it was a bot that maybe somehow got attached to our trends, but I read back to when the account was created back in January and they've been around a bit. They've hopped on the bandwagon against WB for quite some time (for CoyoteVsAcme, etc) so it's still possible they're a bot, but hard to tell for sure. What did cause some excitement was Chaos Dad then blocked them.
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Source: @meowzawowza_ on Twitter
= Other Fandoms =
One of the other exciting things that happened today was just how many other fandoms outside of OFMD Twitter decided to jump on the bandwagon for #DontStreamOnMax. Even the SnyderVerse folks got into it!
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Source: @ BatFleckMovie's Twitter / @ seven_sugars on Twitter
= Menacing Memes =
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Sources: @xxprincess1x's Twitter / @ love4ofmd's twitter
= Articles Covering the Polite Menacing! =
Q+Magazine Article
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Source: Q+Magazine Twitter
Daily Caller Article
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Digg.com Article
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
NerdStash Article
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Source: Nerdstash.com
‘Don’t Stream On Max’ explained: Why people are boycotting the streaming platform
Is Warner Bros. Discovery Inc (WBD) worth investing in despite its overvalued state?
== NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week ==
The lovely folks over at @neurofmdivergentprideweek were kind enough to allow me to share some info for the upcoming Week!
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"What is NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week?
NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week is a week-long Our Flag Means Death fan event for creating & sharing fanworks focused on neurodivergent experiences. There are prompts for each day, but any content relating to OFMD and neurodivergence is welcome."
Wanna learn more? Please visit them here on tumblr!
Source: NeuroOFMDivergent Pride Week's Pinned Post
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's Cast Cards are Lily Riley, "head guard" of The Red Flag, she had the distinct honour of being knocked out with chamomile! and also one of our lovely writers-- Natalie Torres!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter!
= Pride Month =
Gonna try to keep up some spotlights from the fans with Pride month! Tonight's spotlight is the absolutely stellar @blackbeardskneebrace with some adorable Peanuts style of our favourite pirates! Peanuts T4T Ed/Stede / Peanuts Polycule
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Today we are all Taika. You're Taika-- I'm Taika, all of us are Taika! And you know what Taika does? He gets some sleep, and he eats good food and drinks plenty of water!
You know what else he does? Laugh, and cry, and joke, and enjoy life! And even further-- he is kind and he is thoughtful, and he is proud of the work he does, and so you should be too! Goodnight Taikas, I hope you sleep well and wake up refreshed tomorrow. So proud of you <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs courtesy of the always lovely @darkinerry and @thunderwingdoomslayer
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allthecastlesonclouds · 5 months
Is someone were to start watching dimention 20 . What series(?) would you reccomend n where ?
omg omg okay okay so i'd say there are so many different routes you can take depending on what genre you like!! this is truly so hard omg. i can start off by saying most seasons are on a subscription service called dropout which is the only subscription service i will be paying for in my life (unless you're counting a patreon as a subscription service), but they also have a youtube where they've released a couple full seasons.
i'm putting Escape From The Bloodkeep at the top because a) Villainous Found Family, b) free on youtube, and c) there's an NPC named J'er'em'ih. It's a Lord of the Rings knockoff from the perspective of the villains who are dorks and also queer. Found family to the max and so many bits.
i will be crunching this post because it is LONG! genres galore!
if you want Drama: A Crown of Candy is a Game of Thrones/Candy Land mashup. The Ravening War is the prequel. Both of them have a nonzero chance of making you cry and Do have permanent deaths. A Court of Fey and Flowers is the other drama but it's. queer Bridgerton with fairies. no angst many flowers and there's LETTER WRITING and a RUMOR PHASE
Coming Of Age: Fantasy High Freshman Year, Sophomore Year, Junior Year, and The Seven. While I think t7 is higher in quality than Freshman Year, you do need FY for context. either way, both feel as realistic as an adventuring school can be to an actual coming of age story.
Misfits and Magic is also a Coming of Age and an homage and just. a fabulous piece in general which I think is a GREAT introduction (if you have dropout)! it's a group of people going "how much can we poke fun at jk rowlings books bc we grew up on those but we Don't Like Her and actually her system is trash?" it's a smaller cast using the kids on brooms system, and, once again, it's queer and coming of age and found family. there's a wet cat of a man if that's what you need in your life.
Horror Seasons: Neverafter and Burrow's End are the two Overtly Horror seasons and they both pull it off very well. Neverafter is found family. Burrow's End is a literal family (of stoats) (not anthropomorphized, just plain stoats). they're Good Horror.
The Unsleeping City (Part I) is also very good. only filmed media that's made me cry. i can't speak to part ii specifically because i did not vibe with the virtual filming style. i got dropout because of Pirates of Leviathan, but i had the context of s1 and s2 of fantasy high so. idk man. is this coherent?
romance: Shriek Week and A Court of Fey and Flowers. Monster dating sim and Fairy Bridgerton. i'm not a dating sim person so i couldn't really do shriek week but ACOFAF. Man. That season.
Mystery: Mentopolis. I cannot tell you how much I loved Mentopolis. such a good season. Hank Green is there. Mike Trapp (creator of J'er'em'ih) is there. It's truly just tropes tropes tropes. everything is a pun.
Mentopolis also fits under action, which is what I would put Coffin Run under as well. Coffin Run my beloved. 2 vampires a wannabe-vampire and a jewish-old-man-who-misses-his-wife walk into dracula's castle and go. "hey we're your favorites, right?"
i'm so sorry. i hope this helped. i really love this show man. there's very few seasons i couldn't finish and 20 seasons out right now (the 21st is coming out every wednesday starting last week) and while there are MORE seasons like A Starstruck Odyssey (scifi comedy, 10/10 no notes) this is a long post to say. TLDR: you gotta know what style of show you like. my friend and i both watch it but she REFUSES to watch fantasy high and i can't stomach A Crown of Candy but we still both watch other seasons.
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
announcement - ko-fi launch! ✨
hello my babes and friends 💕 i hope you all are having a fabulous new year thus far! i am coming to you with an announcement that i am equal parts excited and nervous to make! deep breath, okay~
if you want the (very) long version (y'all know how i am) i put alllllll the words under the cut, but i'll keep it short and sweet up here!
TLDR: i'm moving! and to help fund my efforts, i'm launching a TEMPORARY ko-fi donation page where y'all can send me a little cash if you feel so inclined, because this shit ain't cheap. please do NOT feel obligated to donate if you don't want to or aren't able, and understand that there are zero perks or rewards for sending me any amount in donation - except for the knowledge that you've helped your local orgasm dealer in her efforts to start her life over. 🤍
if you feel inclined to help out, you can do so at my ko-fi via this link - i will also link it in my bio thru june 1st, after which i plan to shut the page down (or when i'm done moving, whichever comes first lmao)
whether you donate or not, please know i adore you with all the horny love in my gay little heart, and i will never be able to properly express how grateful i am that you all exist and that we found each other 💜
keep reading for extremely boring personal life details 😂
as some of you may know because i absolutely like, live-tweeted my way through it, lmfao... i got out of a long-term relationship in the middle of 2022. LONGGGG term, 5.5 years, a relationship where we shared a home and got a kitten and talked about marriage and said we'd be together forever like it was a done deal. and then, it wasn't. which has been - and continues to be - really fucking hard! even though i know it was the right call, ultimately.
and the thing is, ever since that call was made, i feel like my life has been... stuck. on pause. i'm still in the same house, just without that person, without their stuff, and without my kitten (ugh 😭). i still live in the same town, and it's a town i never planned on settling down in, i just moved here for school and by the time i graduated, i somehow had a full-time job and a long-term partner and a year-long lease.
but... now i don't have that partner. now my lease is month-to-month. now the job is fully remote, and they've confirmed they have no problems with me picking up and moving wherever i want. and i've realized over the last 7 months, that i do want. i want to un-stick, to stop feeling like i have one foot in my past and one foot in my future: in short, i really, really want to get the hell out of here.
and i do know where i want to go, i'm certain of it, though for safety reasons i don't feel comfortable sharing that information just yet 💜 but the catch is, it's... over 500 miles away from where i am now - and that is a big and fucking expensive move to sort out 🥴
so! i'm taking a chance and doing a thing i never do (to a fault) and that is - ask for help. allow people to help me, lmao. and i'm doing that by setting up a ko-fi page, where anyone who has both the desire and the means to send me some cash is welcome to.
please keep in mind that this is completely, completely optional, and i really don't plan on mentioning it much after this because i don't want to make anyone who can't give feel bad. because you shouldn't! and if money's tight, or you just don't want to, or whatever - then don't! keep on enjoying the extremely free porn, and please know that i have zero intention of ever putting my writing behind a paywall.
and just to be clear: there is no reward, perk, or special thing you get for donating, so please don't ask. no, it will not encourage me to fill your request. no, i don't take commissions. if you donate and then try to hold it over my head i will refund your money because - i'm good.
however, if you do feel so inclined 🙆‍♀️ - if there's a fic living in your head that you'd like to start paying rent on, or in the words of hali, if i've ever made you wet and you want to pay the water bill (💀💀💀) - you can do so at my ko-fi via this link. i deeply deeply deeply appreciate any amount that anyone is able to give, even just a dollar! (and pls note the email address and info associated with my linked accounts is not my real name, so apologies to anyone who had a grand plan to dox me lmfao)
the page will be live thru june 1st (if i finish moving before then, i'll take it down sooner!) - i think i've stated multiple times on this blog that i work a full-time job that pays me enough to live on, and i would not feel comfortable accepting donations full-time if i didn't have this specific (and expensive 😵‍💫) goal in mind. if by some ridiculously good turn i end up receiving more funds raised than i need, i'll donate the difference to charity and share a screenshot here 💜
alright, i think i've rambled plenty. thank you all, sincerely: whether you end up donating, or reading this lengthy-ass post, or even if you did neither and you're just here. thank you. it might sound dramatic, but i do think having this blog helped save my life in 2022, and now... i'm excited to start my life in 2023, with this fresh start. SHE'S PULLING A LDOMLT READER Y'ALL EVERYBODY LOOK OUT!!! ✈️
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simmancy · 1 year
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The tldr is that somehow the relationship between her and her firstborn son deteriorated to the point that after he died when I left him unattended, his trash mother would go outside and laugh at his grave. She had a Confident moodlet after he died of anger.
She also had resting bitch face for the entirety of her stepdaughter’s wedding. Literally the worst “family-oriented” sim I’ve ever had.
For the extra long extra unhinged version, here is the Nobel Gen 1 (also there is a plumtree link because I like having something to work on even when I don’t post, and I genuinely hope to reach 27 or 28 generations idk I can’t count)
Founder Remi was created thanks to the Create a Story feature, she got Family Oriented, Loner, and Evil for traits, and the Secret Agent career. She wanted to be Fabulously Wealthy. I wanted to rebuild my mods folder in anticipation of the March patch, so we’re rolling with less mods and CC than usual... just my Old Faithfuls to start (Lumpinou’s mod suite, MCCC, More Personality Please! and bug fixes... later we add more in but just to start it’s these for script mods. They’re pulling the strings, ok)
I had her adopt a cat because she gave those vibes. Artemus was the dumbest cat I’ve ever seen. Just ran around occasionally and left hair everywhere, and ate. Also watched TV. Himbo cat vibes.
She then adopted a second cat named Andromeda because why not. Sometimes I tried to make them mate, but Andromeda had higher standards I guess.
Because this was personal gameplay, I’m playing in a save filled with townies from the gallery & simblr. Despite the fact that she was a loner and constantly wanted to be alone and just make money, Remi also kept rolling whims to have a kid. So I did what any legacy player does, I let her go out and meet people.
She met Arturo Perez (by nomorebadtownies) and they hit it off! They even got married! It was very exciting, I played a barely functioning wedding where he peed himself, and his daughter Ella (who was supposed to be the young flower pal) aged up right before so she was a teen flower pal.
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After the wedding, Remi was ready to get ~down and dirty~ but wait. Arturo is greysexual! Thanks LGBTQ+ mod!
So he pretty much was like “nah” but eventually he did get into an okay mood and off we went.
She found out she was pregnant but then it turns out he didn’t want any more kids. You can imagine how this is going, because despite now being pregnant, Remi rerolled wanting a kid. She wanted more.
She had Alejandro and then like... immediately while out in San Myshuno met another sim, Hassan Moto,  who she then went on a date, and a teensy little trip to Tartosa, and wouldn’t you know it, all that risky woohoo resulted in another baby.
She then proceeded to pass the affair baby off as Arturo’s. Thanks RPO!
Hassan was not super cool with that because... I guess he thought he was Remi’s only lover? They got a paternity test done so they both knew the baby was NOT Arturo’s, and Hassan got mad and their “relationship” was basically put on hold.
Arturo eventually became suspiscious because like... Hassan would just casually drop by their house????
So he confronted her and she didn’t even lie she was just like LMAO YUP.
At this point, Alejandro aged up. In the middle of their dramatic dinnertime fight about Baby Ayda’s father. He rolled Hot Headed because of course he did. My game knows what I deserve.
Anyway, Arturo was a pretty good dad to Alej but real shitty to Ayda, and Remi was pretty sucky in general, being evil and all. Plus she became a real workaholic, so all the kids, including Ella, started getting sentiments about how she ignores them. Alejandro especially did not get along with Remi, because they both just argued with each other.... All the time. Constantly.
Ella had her own little sideplot sexual awakening when she and Kaori Nishidake got Unexpected Crushes on each other (thank you, LGBTQ+ mod!) 
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Ella and Remi still had a pretty good relationship at this point so Ella confided that she was having this weird crush on Kaori and Remi said 
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Ella did not listen, she is bisexual. Kaori came to terms with it as well, she is pan. However, she aged up before the girls could confess to each other!
Ella then met another girl, coincidentally also a Mt Komorebi townie somehow attending Copperdale, named Mayu and hit it off. Mayu likes girls exclusively and they started dating... Until Ella aged up and entered her own messy era, where she decided that like, she wasn’t going to just wait around for Mayu for forever, and instead Woohooed Kaori (with a fun FWB arrangement).....
Ella also was still in the household, attending Britechester at this time. She was going to become a lawyer but ended up pivoting and becoming a professor like her dad. She was the main mother figure for Alej and Ayda when they were kids because her parents were............ going through it.
She also ended up taking Ayda with her to meet her bff Sidney’s new dog (and also his new husband, Kristopher Volkov). There, she met Jacob Volkov, who she also hit it off with. Way too well. They ended up meeting up on Love Day and woohooing a bunch of times in a hot tub at a nightclub. Guess who ended up pregnant? It’s Ella. Her almost-a-YA girlfriend was super not amused.
On New Year’s Eve I tried to finally repair Arturo and Remi’s relationship. They rang in the new year with some woohoo, but then they decided to play Chess and basically that was it, I looked away and when I came back it was full red bars, declared enemies, never going back.
Arturo then died before they could finalize the divorce. I think of old age, but it glitched out because he also started dying of fear.... I had to reset him and then he was just a ghost in the abyss, no clue where his urn is. Obviously Remi immediately moved Hassan in to the house and they picked up right where they left off.
Alej aged up into a teen and I decided the “Drama Llama” teen aspiration seemed like a good idea. The Drama Llama aspiration is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. He bullied people. He sent mean Social Bunny messages. He started dating a girl he met named Accalia. One of the aspiration goals is to mess around in the Cuddle Carts
Alej’s one good trait is that he’s very supportive of everyone’s identity so when he and Accalia were discussing it and she was... not as supportive, he broke up with her (also because that was part of the Drama Llama aspiration).
Except ha ha of course. Of COURSE. Mess around is just woohoo. She got pregnant.
This would be fine of course, except Ella was also pregnant. And you know who else? REMI. REMI WAS PREGNANT AGAIN. This time with a Hassan baby.
Remi had a daughter named Arya, Ella had a son she named Peter, and Accalia called to tell Alej she named her daughter... Cherlindrea.
In the meantime, I tried to finish the Drama Llama aspiration. He had to become enemies with his rival, who I noted was a pink haired guy with the last name Wainscot. Easy right? Well guess what. There are two pink haired Wainscots, because they’re brothers, and instead he became enemies with his TEAMMATE.
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This was a lot but whatever, we managed to become enemies with the rival too, Alej was the most hated yet strangely popular guy in school (and also on the chess team. not a jock. chess). Except by Ayda’s best friend, Annika, who she had a crush on. Annika seemed to ALSO be interested in Ayda..................... until Alej walked in.
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There was another mess around. This will come up again soon don’t worry.
At this point, Ayda chose to tell Alej that she’s 🌈 gay 🌈... Which would have been a good point for him to be like “ehhh I won’t date your gal pal” but that didn’t happen. They were already dating at that point and he really liked her and she liked him and Ayda is self-sacrificing because she has low self esteem and her family treats her like crap mostly so she was like “oh..........its fine you know, no worries, I don’t like her like that ahahaha” while she died inside
Speaking of dying....
Right after all this went down, Hassan (now an Elder) was like “now is a GREAT time to finally marry Remi” with his whims. So I said, fuck it, I’m not taking pictures. Classic Sims Legacy Bathroom Vows it is. Except Remi, you remember, is evil. And I have a mod that will let sims autonomously call off their weddings, because I like chaos and I loved that in TS2. Remi of course said “lmao nope” to the bathroom wedding vows. What the fuck ma’am. So their relationship TANKED. Anyway, I had Remi try to Apologize... In Bed. And she did, I was very proud of her. She also apologized in the shower, because shower woohoo fuck yeah!
Yeah................... guess who was already tuckered out. You guessed right, it was Hassan, who died on the bathroom floor.
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As for the teens................... they all kinda went “huh” and then they all went to prom and had a grand time, and Ayda’s other best friend was voted Prom Royalty and Alej was Prom Jester. And it was such a beautiful grand time that Alej proposed to Annika to lock this love down before he aged up to YA (the next day)
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But ha ha ha hilariously................... Alej has some GREAT swimmers, I guess, and I never remembered to buy him condoms. What a guy
Yeah so Annika after accepting his proposal was like “ummmmmmm now’s a good time to tell you.... I’m pregnant!”
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I tried to just add her to the household but that just... wasn’t working. At all. I figured it was just a glitch, so I let it go for a minute, and worried about getting Alej aged up and enrolled in University (Foxbury!).
I also moved Ella and Peter out and in with Kaori so they could be happy together :)
Where is Ayda while all this is happening? That is such a great question, especially as she is my heir. So Ayda lives this very quiet life. She’s a Llamacorn Scout, she was working on the Angling Ace aspiration, she graduated high school early and was truly just thriving. Like everyone around her is an unmitigated disaster and she’s just like “bye I’m gonna go fish for a minute.” She does really dislike Arya, though (which is valid....Arya rolled Mean. So her family living at home is Evil Mom Remi, Hot Headed Alejandro, and Mean Arya. And she’s just... Loyal and Loving the Outdoors. Pure!)
Okay so we’ve established now that Alej is a YA, going to college (engineering wooo), Annika we want to move in, and now that Hassan and Ella and Peter are gone, we finally can. It’s a Sunday. A regular Sunday in game.
We then find out why, exactly, Annika couldn’t move in. It wasn’t a glitch. Oh no no no, of course not. Remi is pregnant again. This bitch I s2g.
I have Alej try to step up and be good, and have a cute little private ceremony with Annika over by the river in Newcrest under a cherry tree, very romantic.
SHE SAYS NO, SHE CALLS OFF THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now he’s pissed, he’s like “what? why not? is this kid even mine?”
(The reason she calls off the wedding, in my mind, is because she smooched Ayda ONCE and knows that she was SUPPOSED TO BE AYDA’S SPOUSE 😡)
They go to check that the kid is Alej’s and yes of course it is. So despite their romance bar being basically 0 right now, thanks to RPO, they CAN get married because of the baby. And they sure do. So Annika is now a Nobel. And this baby will be born in wedlock, and nothing could go wrong right? Right?
Alej is still pretty furious about it all, though, like he has a very angry sentiment towards her, and he didn’t want a kid to begin with because he was just a teen, he already had one oopsie, blah blah.
But whatever. We’ll get through it because he’s a spare. I’m just waiting for Ayda’s university acceptance to come and then it’s gen 2 babyyyyyy
Ayda’s not doing anything while waiting for her acceptance letter except going to scouting meetings on the weekend and fishing, so since Alej is just taking classes while Annika is in school, I decide to feel out Ayda, decide what I wanna do, etc etc etc.
....I turn away for one second, I catch some fish. Annika goes into labor and I’m like oh shit, better send Alej with her to the hospital, her motives are pretty low. And he’s........ not there. He’s not an option.
And I’m like what the fuck why isn’t Alejandro an option. Where did he go? WHERE IS ALEJANDRO?
And I find him in Annika’s relationship panel and he’s a FUCKING GHOST
So I search all around the house and I find his URN on the 2nd floor by Arya and Remi and I’m like “what the FUCK did you two DO” and the game is acting funky so I can’t see in the family tree how he died. I straight up thought he went to class and just. died. Like he got lost on the way back and now he’s gone. (I eventually determined he died of anger which... tracks. No idea if Remi or Arya provoked him, or it was just a bunch of other moodlets or what, because I didn’t even see a pop up ABOUT him dying, he just. DIED).
So I click on Remi because like... if Annika is in labor, she’s about to burst, and I realize... This bitch is Confident right now. So I look at her moodlets and she’s confident because she outlived her enemy. At some point they became enemies, can’t imagine how or why, maybe it was all the arguing and nonsense. So she was happy her enemy (her son) was gone. And then she laughed at his urn. And then when I moved it outside, she’d go and laugh at it out there.
Anyway, I send Ayda with Annika to the hospital, and she has a little girl, who be named Bea. Bea Nobel. Very cute name.
I come back to the house and now Remi goes into labor and I’m like “no... I don’t think you’ll get to go to the hospital and reset your motives, fuck that.” So she goes down to the nice empty crib I left her and has a son, named Arman. And then the game tells me she also has a daughter we name Arezu and suddenly why I couldn’t add Annika when I KNEW she was only pregnant with one sim makes sense.
At this point, I’m like “we’re not doing any more of this shit, it’s too much even for me” and I have Ayda check to see if she got into college (she did) and send her off to Foxbury to learn Environmental Science, so she can chase her dreams of being the cottagecore lesbian nature girl she deserves to be.
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And that’s it!
Oh wait addendum: while visiting the main household, Ella called Arya of all sims and was like “omg I found a ring in Mayu’s bag, should I say yes???” and they got Engaged I guess, so I let them have a cute little wedding (where Ayda was supposed to be Sim of Honor but the game wouldn’t allow her to walk down the Aisle so instead I sent her down as a Flower Pal)
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Remi went to the wedding. She made this face the whole time, and left early with Arya (who also made bitchy faces).
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Literally the worst sim I’ve ever had. I mean that. Blows Bartlett Perry out of the fucking water. 
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leafatlaw · 8 months
your rand pfp makes me so happy but also like all of the things listed in your bio are so good you have such good taste
also favorite community episode?
shaking shaking (/vpos) !!!!! Community!
Okok normally I would be like “oh well there’s so many episodes I love I can’t just pick one-“ but I can, I do have a favorite community epsiode and it’s not even close.
2x02 Accounting for Lawyers
it is, the most perfect episode of community( not my opinion, it’s a fact). It is situated perfectly in community’s golden era and is community at its purest form. It’s got classic Jeff trying to get back to his old life but showing the cracks of his love hidden underneath his cold cool lawyer exterior ( also he’s not cruel like he is later or too mena like he is s1)
And every other single character is at their very best. They’re all working together for once and it’s really beautiful. Shirley is good, Britta is fabulous, Pierce is not that bad. And don’t get me started on Troy abed and Annie, they steal the show this episode truely. They’re the perfect silly group and I am constantly bemoaning the fact that we didn’t get them interacting more, even when they moved in together.
Anywyas tldr, it’s a great epsidoe before it all got bad and weird, and it sets up for one of the best moments in the show( Alan’s return in s5).
Also what your favorite epsiode?
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starfruityyy · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Undertale Yellow?
i think it is an INCREDIBLE fangame and should be regarded as a model for other fangames it is that good. the spriting???? characters??? writing??? MUSIC ESPECIALLY????i would honestly believe uty was official if i wasn't told otherwise. tldr, its absolutely fabulous!!!
im playing pacifist and right now I can't beat axis ,and my favourites are starlo martlet and EL BAILADOR <3
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