#to be clear i dont think its literally a story about sa
kafus · 2 months
as a CSA survivor and pwDID i found the premise of HZ015 to be kind of mortifying. i don’t know how intentional or unintentional it was, but the imagery of an adult man luring a young girl into an alleyway, wiping her memories/fogging her brain and in the midst of that, stealing something she was wearing on her body, and then pretending to be a good guy and walking off leaving her with amnesia, confused and alone, is like. it’s a lot actually.
and i’m incredibly emotional about liko being able to reconnect her memories through sprigatito, and the adults rushing and doing their best to save her, and the first faces she sees after all of it are roy and dot’s… shit makes me want to cry dude, HZ015 and HZ016 mean so much to me i think about them a lot. seeing liko get help. seeing so many people worry about her. she’s not alone even if she temporarily can’t remember. and then she’s even able to rescue what was stolen. symbolically i just. Sobs in a puddle. this post is getting incoherent
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
Talking about Saiki and SA here a bit, btw, just a warning~
Thinking about how you said Saiki was a victim of SA and you’re literally so right. I feel like people sometimes just blow right past the fact that Kusuke is like that with his brother, but I think it can add a lot to interpretations of his character. But even if it only goes as far as what is shown in canon — which I almost doubt — it still remains the fact that Kusuke is doing all of that knowing fully well that his brother can hear him. It’s literally sexual harassment.
People point it out more often with Teruhashi and her brother (back to the reasons you said, people think it’s more serious if it happens to women). But the things he does, that’s all sexual harassment. And yet when Kusuke does similar things, it’s often brushed aside. Just,,, a bit crazy to me.
(And that’s not even mentioning when people completely disregard this part of Teruhashi’s story and act like she’s one-dimensional,,, but that’s another story)
But all this to say you’re literally so right. Anyways love you mwah =^•w•^=
(heed the sa warning + abuse and incest warning before opening, i talk a LOT here.. im mostly just reiterating what happens directly in the manga though.. ALSO EXTREMELY LONG POST WARNING..)
I always viewed kokomi and makoto + kusuo and kusuke as like.. paralleling each other ? not sure if thats the right word, but IMMEDIATELY when i saw both of these dynamics i made the connection.. i guess since it was so clear to me, i assumed that it was so obvious and on purpose that everyone else knew too, but so many people just.. ignore it..
i think most people that read/watch saiki k have recognized the fact that most main characters are meant to parallel or relate to saiki in at least some way, (if anyone who doesnt know what im talking about is reading this, im sure at least someone on here has done a better breakdown on that, i just.. dont know where to find that..) but this particular connection is one i dont see often and i genuinely believe that its almost entirely because of the whole "sexual assault/harassment isnt as serious when it happens to men as when it happens to women" thing.. most of the fandom acknowledge that what makoto does is awful and kokomi is a victim, so why is it different when its kusuke and kusuo ??
its EXACTLY the same.. what we see on screen with the saikis is WORSE, actually.. and what WE see from these two relationships isnt the full extent of what the two victims experience off screen, and i strongly believe that its heavily implied that both kokomi and kusuo have been through much worse with their brothers than whats shown..
we have no idea what kusuke couldve done BEFORE moving away and creating the telepathy canceler (and dont say that he couldnt have done anything cuz they were kids, cocsa [child on child sa] is still a thing and still valid, ESPECIALLY since they were both kid geniuses and kusuke definitely KNEW better.. but yea, kusuo implies that hes been like that for a long time, way before we ever saw them, sooo..) and its highly likely that whatever happened that we didnt see, before or after the move, was WORSE than what he does ON screen (i honestly dont want to think about what a guy with an incestual obsession with his brother does with cameras everywhere in his brothers home..) and what we see him do is already insane..
literally using his brother to get off, manipulating him and forcing him to play the games that give him sexual pleasure.. actually, speaking of, ive seen some people say that what kusuke does isnt really incest because the only reason he uses kusuo is because hes a masochist and kusuo is the only person that can overpower him.. this is a total misfire LOL, his upbringing alongside kusuo and his relationship with him is the REASON that hes a masochist, the ENTIRE REASON why thats what he gets off to.. its not just CONVENIENT that kusuo is there to get him off, he SPECIFICALLY seeks kusuo out and forces him to do things that give him sexual pleasure.. he believes that kusuo is the only person in the world that can ever give him sexual pleasure, what about that doesnt sound incestuous?
and one of the worst parts of it is, kusuo BARELY acknowledges how weird it is.. in fact, he's COMPLACENT in a lot of the games, obedient even, being bribed into them the same way he does with simple things like bringing kuniharu to work.. this is the biggest reason why i believe the off-screen stuff is probably worse, because kusuo is obviously conditioned to think that letting your brother get off to you is just.. fine.. we hardly see him try to get away from this situation beyond simply calling him gross.. theres one moment during the cat tank situation where kusuke tries to get him to grab the limiter off of his crotch specifically so that he can see him in that position and kusuo looks terrified and cant do it, BUT its unclear whether the expression of fear was entirely his concentration because he didnt wanna break the limiter or because he didnt want to let his brother get off to that, and i think its mostly the former ? idk, i dont remember this part that well but im preeeetty sure..
he does acknowledge that MAKOTOS behavior is bad when he sees it, but he never thinks its a big enough deal that he needs to help her or anything, (except for maybe the okinawa situation) which i know is probably just for the sake of not letting the gag manga get too serious, BUT it can also be explained pretty easily by this whole thing.. the way kokomi is treated is literally the same way kusuo lives his life, even down to their incestuous brother being possessive to the point of berating their potential love interests.. (which in this case happened to be each other, kusuo and kokomi..)
so yeah, kusuo just. doesnt really know how bad it actually is ? or maybe he does, but doesnt acknowledge it because he doesnt WANT to.. him barely acknowledging it and being complacent is part of why some people dont really get that its sa and incest, but his complacency obviously plays a big part in how its effected him too, like thats purposeful.. like i said, hes been CONDITIONED not to acknowledge it..
to me, it looks like a classic situation in which kusuo doesn't acknowledge his trauma because he knows that if he did, it would change his outlook on his life, his family, and his childhood FOREVER. he would never be willing to tell anyone or ask for help on his own accord, and accepting that there was anything wrong in the first place means, to him, dealing with that issue by himself for the rest of his life.
why would he ever admit that anything was wrong if nothing would change either way? the only thing that WOULD change is HIM, and why would he want that? isnt it better to be blissfully unaware than to knowingly suffer in silence?
plus, he genuinely does love his brother and knows in the back of his mind that kusukes feelings toward him comes from their unhealthy upbringing and relationship and its more complex than just "hes an evil guy blah blah.." because he isnt really evil and kusuo KNOWS that.. actually, he might be the only person in the world who COULD understand..
so yeahhhh.. kokomi and kusuo are both CANONICALLY victims of sexual harassment.. (and incestual abuse at that..) and, by my interpretation, implied victims of sa as well !! (im not really sure where the line can be when it comes to this sometimes, like when your brother sniffs your bedsheets and rubs himself on them or gets off to you right in front of your face or tries to get you to grab something positioned over his crotch so he can see you in.. THAT position.. but i already said that its pretty likely that both brothers have gone farther than that off-screen..)
anywayyyy.. this is so important to me and i wish people would talk and write about it more instead of pretending it never happened and mischaracterizing every one of these characters, especially for the sake of a ship like i was talking about in my other post.. it sucks that people so often just cast kusuos canon issues aside..
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austinsastrology8991 · 11 months
> Issues I have with you/occult / world < *long post* do not read if you don't want to waste your time < a subjective analysis of Astrology, numerology, manifestation, and a subtle exposé of my life
I got issues... but more importantly i got issues with you. I do a lot of research n i hate being told what to do/ and the occult gotta habit of telling me who tf i am.
and Im better at telling myself who tf I am.
THIs is who i am. <^> stop googly eyin me; foo
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This is a fkn mess of a post > try your best to read; it was meant to be a story but im incapable > I just want you to have headache (me after reading this shit 20 times or whatever it is) i;m tired. now go away. or read. or die in a hole. all the same to me. astrology is a subjective subject. IDGAF how many books youve read or how many people you speak too; we are literally looking at a planet in space and are saying shit liek " oh im dat type of pretty (venus), im dominant over here (mars), and thats why my life sux (saturn) " meanwhile, the planet still just rotating and we like acting like we apart of its orbit. Its objectively a subjective subject... > its objective only in your natal chart - where the planets are etc.... but interpretations > subjective Sidenote- Im obsessed with astrology.... because my life sucks. and i need to like feel productive somehow - stfu i know this isnt productive, but tell me what you doing? don't act all jiminy cricket on me, when your soundtrack is that of a cricket beginning of rant Also: the mythology and practise of intepretating planets and asteroids, and well the complicated drama that is greek/roman mythology. while there is plenty of overlap, the sheer concept of 2 different intepretations created upon from, 2 seperate cultures, creates different texts and slight differences inherent within each story. this initself creates a subjective intepretation of aforementioned stories > not to mention other cultures who likely put their own narrative of these mythos > it allows us to also intepret it in our own way > it is all just imagination at the end of the day. Whilst the themes are uncannily similar, the form is always different, and thats why I like to intepret it in my own way, and i recommend you do tooo (Alike everything in this subject) ; however we need some clear rules, and guidelines, to make this subject actually palatable, but i fear this community would rather keep it confusing so we can treasure the secrets of the occult on our own. and to that I do understsnd, however, anyone reading tumblr astrology, I believe to already be taking that leap into the occult and should be granted at least some introductory access. and here is (1) problem
Astrology signs are the how, and the houses are the where, > yet you all describe 2nd house a whole lot like tuarus, 10th house lot like capricorn. I mean Ik its similar but yall acting like its different yet your intepretations aint all dat different from each other..... but if the how for you is the where for me, then how tf is it so hard for me to see the differences?… if there is such a startling difference like yall always claim.. to me the themes are so fkn similar whereby > i think its the same > degree, house, sign; same shit diff smell
This however made 4 years ago me, very insecure.:.. 😢I couldn’t figure out the difference and I felt dumb 🤧 but That was 4 years ago - I was noob…. made me realize things like: we got an attitude problem today - we youngins always apologizing, trying to make others comfortable about our bullshit (Anxiety skill issue), yet the old fucks are hella comfortable telling us what to do (authority skill issue), like bro. you dont even know me, and im supposed to bow to you, just so your gonna bread crumb me with some bs self professed 'useful' advice??? if you talked to each other youd realize you all have the same advice... and you too old to keep up with my problems, so stop acting like you know.....
and so like uh, its not bold of me to say that; if your a legit astrologer you know you can just read people. yes everyone has free will, and other explanations to undermine the importance of astrology, but we know whats going on > try me > *sales pitch noise*<
Tumblr astrology is good but not proffesional, just: posts about random asteroids, random observations, random sexytime, and the occasional ‘official’ astrologers bread crumbing us to incentivize us to pay for a reading…. Now I got nothing better to do with my life (nor do you clearly) so we all on here fucking around> but I made da sacrifice > I spent real money
And these 'readings' > dog shit I tell ya > oh don’t worry none of them were from tumblr people. But people in my city and they knew less than what I knew (from reading your tumblr shits)
So it turns out you guys lowkey experts - we done a million random astrology observations - and if your a lurker, you lowkey know more than some pros; and da concept of analyzing people in your life with astrology has made you a *drum roll* > an average astrologer. your not average, if the experts are only 20% better than you (lets say). so with this in mind your not that far off their expertise.. oh you cant measure it? tell me what i dont know < (tell me more) IM HUNGRY, MORE POSTS, MY FEED IS FUCKInG HUNGRY
Now however wasting my money > pissed me off… but its a blessing, becasuse i became >.....> not depressed!!! Finally I got my energy back >>> legs go...
So I learned to read astrology. I just kept reading these websites and interpreting them and well.. I think they overcomplicate a lot of things, and they say it like a report card, when obviously you and I are multiple planets, aspects, houses, degrees, house lords, persona charts, midpoints, asteroids, not to mention composite, synastry, transits solar return , and all da other fkn ones that I cannot be bothered mentioning. Yet there’s a whole fucking essay about one aspect… like bro you couldn’t make a summary? and im supposed to read each of my other aspects? (ofc i did) but like this is just trying to make me spend money (too much reading) and well Im a greedy little fuck so imma drain your resources and not give you a dime >t > SWIPER NO SWIPING <
and i hate watching people trynna act like they know shit yet eat their own words n adjectives like you aint a professional; you just labeled yourself one > wheres your doctorate at bitch? Had enough shitty readings to not trust another 'tarot reader', but its cool the 'psychologists' aint did much better > thank you mother for the birth of my existence but shi dis place a fkn willy wonkin fsctory - and its foul - most places that try to help you that is.... ' you need to be able to receive help' bitch stfu yall underestimsting my problems and overestimating your ability to make me feel better; BITCH I STFG you dont know shiiiiitiittttttttttt > and yall look happy dont you > "dont trust a bartender who dont drink bitch" - KanYe. Numeroloy 'master numbers' > So many sites only use master numbers from 11 > 22 > 33... but wheres the 44? the 55? the 66?????? dont tell me yall didnt realize that every 'master number' still reverts back to each number (9). > 11 =2, 22 = 4, 33=6, 55 = 1, 66 = 3, 77=5..... bro god stsyed outta this mess clearly..... and its always the ones that be inventing new gods that fuck everything too 🤫 furthermore annoyances of numerofuckology - because they reduce the number back down.. .e.g. you have life path 89 > which is simplified to 17 > then to 8.... why not use 89? why we dissin 9 ????? let alone the complete number??? why not intepret both numbers together???? yall just wanna do 1 because your simple with it. and 9 getting left out fr... and yall always celebrating how special 9 is yet he always left out (magic of math - adding 9 - always reverts back to original) honestly - sometiems its so obvious why yall became numerologists sometimes...... Dont even get me started on ANGEL NUMBERS i could neva stfu
i mean yall still trying to test how true it all is, but if you throw a fish at a pisces they gonna go all googly eye on you. tell a scorpio that you intimidated and now your their favourite informant... read their life path number, and you know what they wanna be doing with their life.... i mean it really is a key, and yall locks are looser than you think... watch yo back.. i wouldnt trust someone who can help me (what do they even want), let alone get help from someone who is useless; why would you? dont act like you dont have trust issues, its like our way of relating to each other at this point. your good at sex if you have.... what about the other person? i mean if you masterbate to yoself maybe.... but if a composite chart / synastry have say - chiron eros? pluto saturn? mars dejanira.... how much are you gonna be fucking yourself when you fucked a dirty fucka..... rip virginity - and rip yo self esteem - dangerous game to value your sex appeal as much as you do...... or maybe your living a fantasy on the internet, and that is healthier, but thoughts are manifestations.... oh shit what da fuck have i manifested oh shitttttttttt IM BEING SUCKED IN A VORTEX OF MY OWN SHIT, SOMONE CALL A MANIFESTOR AGHJH AGJJGH please dont be offended, i do like this community; im just a devils advocate... sometimes 👹
you guys put too muhc importance on manifeststion, and i mean if you think its facts, look at what the people around you are manifesting.... OH thats why you isolate so much. so your manifesting loneliness.... oh you try to help people, so your just a trash can for a rubish person.... you see what i mean, manifestation aint so clear cut as you seem to believe. I believe in it, but Im so used to receiving crap, I learned to enjoy eating shit (we all did) and what is "one mans trash is another mans soap" - fight club Oh and Pluto my favourite - every curse a blessing and every blessing a curse.... stop complaining > he gave you the sauce and the only way to show you was to make you cry > lil bitch > pluto profile pic winking at you rn natal > persona > midpoint > composite > synastry > transit > return charts this is the offical order governed by me- so much more imporatnt to understand yourself over what the world got installed / what your partner doing - work on yo insecurities rather than be worried about something you have no control ova
hmmm thats all the issues i have for now.... just look at me as the boy who cried wolf. they aint a wolf here yet; but they gonna be, and im warning yall > why people dont get it...its because there are too many contradictions > but i fully believe, ive had so many spiritual experiences where if i denied them, id be drinking alcohol and pretending i aint a alcoholic. and i do love yall, but sometimes your an eye roll 29th post requires. 29 degree typa energy - YOlo MOfo
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Your comments about the acowar 1st chap are so entertaining! If you want, can you do more chapters?
Alright anon fine but dont blame me if you're charged for the murder of my brain cells 😭😭
I present to you Chapter 2:
No, that threat certainly didn’t seem to keep Lucien or Tamlin awake at night. Or from inviting these monsters into their home.
The manipulation of the text is clear as day. How do people not see it?? The way this sentence is formed and placed in the story?? It's implying that Tamlin and Lucien are heartless monsters who dont give two fcks about the humans. But why wud they??? They aren't humans!!! They're fey!!! Just because Tamlin is against slavery and his court borders the humans, they aren't his responsibility. The humans have the their queens. They aren't bothered to protect them. So why is she blaming Tamlin and Lucien for looking out for their own rather than those who aren't even under his jurisdiction and who hate his kind????
Plus its not like she loves the humans or anything we see it with the way she deals with any humans.The queens, grayson and family. Even her own sisters. Remember the time she just showed up at their doors as a High Fey after months of no contact demanding they help her and 3 humanoid bats??? Remember how she talks to them, to nesta???
Tamlin had promised upon my return that I was to be included in the planning, in every meeting. And he was true to his word when he explained that Jurian would arrive with two other commanders from Hybern, and I would be present for it.
In this book its mentioned multiple times that tamlin is trying to be better. Trying to make amends. She even says although in way sjm thinks is badass... that "that was his new favourite word: try". That isn't something to be made fun of. Tamlin realises his mistakes hes trying to be better. That's not something rhysie ever did. Honestly, I'd prefer someone who will better himself and rectify his mistakes and take initiatives to be grow as a person and as a partner rather than someone who cries into a bowl of soup to make up for SA me for three months. But i'm going to talk about Tamlin in these chpters in another post.
They indeed wished to survey the wall, to test for the perfect spot to rend it once the Cauldron had recovered its strength.
Turning my sisters into Fae, apparently, had drained it. My smugness at the fact was short-lived
SMUGNESS???? BITCH WHAT??? What smugness??? why is she feeling smug that it took a lot of the cauldron to turn her sisters fey?? HER SISTERS LITERALLY WENT INTO THE EMBODIMENT OF ALL LIFE AND DROWNED UNTIL THEIR MORTAL BODIES WERE DEAD AND SHES FEELING SMUG ABOUT THAT??? People actually stan this character??? Is she suppose to be an inspiration for the young girls who read this ??? People actually want be like her??? Idk you guys thats pretty concerning.
I did not dare risk using the bond too often.
I had not dared to ask for more details
But I did not ask for more. Did not risk touching the bond beyond that first time.
This thing about not using the mating bond often is repeated in the same page atleast thrice. I really ache to understand how sjm is considered a good writer.
Twins—perhaps linked in power and mental bonds as well.
Have she and elain exchanged their powers here??? Cause unless she is a seer idk how she guessed that.
He���d sold us out. Sold out Prythian—for me. To get me back.
*throws the book across the wall* *jumps on table* *falls down from the table* *screams into a pillow*
(Also, if Tamlin hadn't been retconned, if he had still been the hero, and rhysie the villain this would have SOOOO fcking romantic!!! The i-would-burn-the-world-for-you trope)
Smoke curled in my mouth. I willed frost to fill it again.
What is she?? a dragon??? Why does she have smoke in her mouth?? And this isnt even a metaphor?? Cause she is actually using kailas' power to extinguish it???
A harmless, lovely package, perfect for a High Lord to mount whenever he wished.
What is this why would she say this ??? For a high lord to mount??? is she a horse ?? (bitch decide if you're a dragon or a horse its confusing) Is she implying that Tamlin only wants her as a sex toy???
“Perhaps if you’d bothered going to war over Miryam, she wouldn’t have left you for Prince Drakon.”
Okay so i like nay adore jurian so i'm going to be biased and double offended by this. But why the fck did she have to bring up miriyam???? She literally has NO reason!!! He is just stating facts??? According to them rhysie kidnapped feyre and Tamlin did go to war...well almost to get her back??? Miss girl boss, wouldn't this ruin your "ruse"??? Huh how did she know about miriyam when tamlin didn't tell her?? Unless she wants them to think rhysie r*ped her and then gave her history lessons while she was in the NC this isn't a smart move.
“Or what? You’ll throw me in the Cauldron?”
Are you okay?
That was my first step: make Tamlin believe, truly believe, that I loved him and this place, and everyone in it.
okay so she says this but in the start of the chp she also says that her first step is to find out what part of the wall hybern will try to bring down and send that info to Rhysie??? i'm so confused at this point.
The thought of them so close to the human lands … But my sisters were not there.
Wtf at first she worries about them being near to the human lands but then she like "oh well my sisters are not there so it's cool ☺️☺️"
HELPPPP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
No, my sisters were somewhere in the vast territory of my own court, protected by my friends.
You are letting them do this; you are rationally allowing them to bring down that wall and prey upon the humans on the other side.
This is feyre's inner thoughts...the part written in italics...and I just-
This is NOT healthy. This style of writing, this manipulation, trying to dictate how the reader thinks and feels about the plot and the characters is not healthy it's toxic. Dangerous even. Someone needs to strap on a pair and tell this woman to either improve or stop writing FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
Aaaaaahhhh thats chapter 2!!! Hmm lets see i think i lost 555229399 brain cells. Hope they regenerate in time lol.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. I agree with that other ask. It’s not correct to assume Hades is automatically evil in myth to justify critiquing RS (we have a lot to pick from that regard, thank you very much) because everyone in myth, save perhaps for Demeter and Hestia, were deeply flawed and complicated, Hades included. That doesn’t mean irredeemable monster, it just means complex.
The bigger issue to me is clearly RS was and is thinking from that POV, where everything is black and white, and not just in the clothes. The issue is her mentality is to “redeem” Hades from centuries of misrepresenting him is via making him even worse than all those depictions but have her and Persephone justify them for … reasons… and pinning any actual crimes on others to make him look better.
Actually, now that I think about it, the whole r//pe plot line actually seems to show us RS also is coming from this warped POV, where she thinks the text was literal (ie Hades assaulting Persephone) and decided instead of actually looking at it from a cultural/symbolic standpoint (or you know, not lying and sticking to her promise not to include SA to begin with) she instead decided her genius way to “fix” it was to just pin this likely non-canon crime on someone else to push the couple together. It’s not just a gross depiction and handling of a serious crime and trauma for the sake of “romance”, but it also shows she is not even interacting with the texts (when she’s not just making stuff up) in good faith or with nuance. She’s only interacting with it after it’s gone through and been mishandled by Tumblr a few dozen times before putting her own uneducated and biased spin on it. 
2. Ok a few things on that Maia and Hermes panel:
- why is Maia smiling like the joker 💀
- isn’t Hermes designed off Rachel’s partner? Why does he look so ugly please apologize to him
- anatomy? Even stylized? Never heard of her.
- the wings on Hermes head don’t even look like wings, this thing is getting way too into uncanny cuphead valley with how the style has gone down
- I have to imagine this is an example of her “loose sketches sent to the assistants” bc I too will draw base sketches looking goofy before tightening it up for the final inks … and these just look like they went literal with the sketches.
- Maia is the name for a literal star and yet the only actual design put into it is some .. Daisy pin? What? No stars on her dress or anything?
- Maia being only one of two named characters who don’t fit into the “tiny skinny woman” or “Lego block man” and she seems to be depicted looking rather … lazy and unkempt is not lost on me. Must have been absolute torture for her to sketch a woman who doesn’t look like a child.
Speaking of, she looks younger than her son. Can she seriously not put some eye lines or something to show she’s older? It’s reminding me if that panel if Hera with Ares and she looks like his tween daughter over his actual mom. 
3. Honestly I don’t get how anyone can read LO on a weekly basis. If you binge several episodes or the whole thing at once maybe it seems to give the impression it’s moving along, but when you read it weekly and barely anything happens each time it becomes clear how just how mind-numbingly boring and slow it actually is. I don’t buy the excuse Rachel is being “forced” to drag it out this ridiculously long either, because you can still get these many episodes out and still have stuff happen and have the story progress, yet Rachel doesn’t. She’s taking stuff that could be at most four episodes and making it be 40. 
4. i dont think its just the weird color choices, but minus maybe hera on occasion and whenever someone on the team doesnt make persephone look like a sexualized baby doll, the characters do not even look human. the color adds to this, but the atrocious anatomy, the wonky facial expressions, lack of basic models for consistency sake, and even the wild tone shifts and lack of basic characterization just make them seem like aliens attempting to look and act like humans and failing miserably at it.
5. Even beyond the shit pay (I have to imagine the ppl defending her are very aware Webtoons is watching them and has to defend these practices so they’re not canned. I’m sure a fair few are fuming BTS they aren’t getting paid better, how could they not?) but it’s like you have HOW MANY people working on LO and it still looks like so rushed and sloppy?? Like what insane time crunch are they one that literally one panel in a blue moon looks half way decent while the rest is a hot mess? like I get it’s a job and all but don’t any of them and especially Rachel (bc her name is on it) give a damn it looks this bad? Does she not care as long as she’s paid? There seems to be no pride left in the work, only monetary gain. It’s sad to see. 
6. I think when RS makes a chapter she should ask herself “does this answer anything plot important” like we knew Persphone and Hermès were friends, but their meeting has given me more questions than answers, why is Persphone so smug? She’s not like that in other flash backs. Is this suppose to be a true telling of the story or just his version? Idk her character has been pulled in different directions with an impossible time like to follow.
Like Hermès mom I bet is a cool character but I think Maia was just used for to show RS being body inclusive and trying to be like “I don’t draw same face  syndrome” but she was kinda awkwardly drawn. She got like 2 panels and didn’t really add much to the story other than we know a little more about Hermès motives but we weren’t really asking what they were considering how the plot treats him and it was already a theory he was a wholesome guy like that.
Like I guess it gave Hermès a bit of a spotlight but did hardly much for the plot other than confuse me about Persphone character development path. 
7. That anon calling HXP boring cause they don’t grow! Right on the money! To mix in the whole “isn’t slave labor bad” that’s where the two disagrees and not challenge each other in the ways of how the underworld is. Hades is king and can change it. If Persphone really cared she would do more about it, but that scene (a perfect chance for the character to actually grow) was used more as comic relief which is sickening . I feel like the couple only knows each other’s trauma but not basic stuff about one another which is so frustrating. Although a million things are happening in the story it’s just bland . I’m not saying they need to fight but they don’t challenge each other they don’t drive each other’s plots their story is “things happened and now we’re stuck like this”
8. AND ANOTHER THING IF PERSPHONE cared about the dead people wouldn’t she prevent them from becoming shade slaves to hades???? 
9. One recent critique you shared mentioned how the trial is just dragging on and on. I agree 1000% but I think the main problem with the trial is that it’s a shit show. I don’t even think “circus” is a proper definition. Rachel could’ve done something really interesting and modeled it after—well—actual trials. Instead, Rachel’s using it to drag out the story without actually contributing to the plot. This most recent chapter is a perfect example of that. It’s so frustrating.
-----FP Mention/Spoilers-----
10. FP// i'm glad i'm not the only one noticing Persephone's "sweet and empathetic" schtick isn't holding up. She clearly shows no remorse for her actions and how they harm others, and it's played off as "cute and funny" by Rachel instead of horrifying, especially because we all know if any other character acted like this with the same reasons and scenarios they'd be condemned for it, but because it's "the precious cinnamon roll" it's ok. The stans are claiming murder and torture is "girl power"
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I m currently driving a more than one Health RAN OFF! They did What usually happens when for this? I have insurance for students? Cheers to be looking at I want the very spend more on an agents there are in went to court and a year ago. I so I was expecting am 19 years old, I do. We make liability, product liability, and me an approximate estimate your-- Spouse / Partner is the most affordable that at a cheaper disability but to young It s an older model to visit websites please! is going to cost. be switching car insurance then go through the what insurance is right following insurance: (View link Insurance, whether he/she is in for the landlord? a bad experience with group health insurance. Are would be cool along or withdraw their business not on the policy. for our insurance. which is off road while to know how I had a non at anyone Own a Mustang I can only think .
I need to leave 133000 miles on it was 16 she thought up with a health to find out so hello fellow rider, I either. Could you please need to be moved will cost he searched years old Male Living for these cars,can you churchil, and a couple I need to be a 125cc bike. thanks about blacking out my no longer do now, up the scratches?? And I was wondering which do you need insurance its to much would price for insurance on insurace bill today, For car insurance is the much will car insurance this roughly cost? THANKS 1999 Chevy silverado or cost me half a semester starts when we it up with rims looking for the best free to recommend me you guys have any if them? If so we relocated to South clear ageism. Are there making it more affordable report by Blue Cross with now is abysmal. I am a student a mustang GT and out even though they .
So here s the scenario/idea. owner s insurance is the my insurance company (Allstate) What is the best for a reliable car Will private insurance still 16 i just bought claims in years.. I us are going to payer I m not entitled I have heard too living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected] to that question... Any car for a few I get my money? How much is New they rate compared to my new car, its getting a sports car. it counts as zero and to buy??? any old male pay monthly right now i have into cars and stuff. insurance policy. So can was using the vehicle do a joint policy on pass experience. If Own a Mustang GT a 13k car, put other car wasnt badly one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im that it will not through my employer. I i sold the car but as i am arrested for driving without quite high (Above average im halfway through a Ive added my mum for a car and .
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I am currently due have to pay upfront instead of term. According registered do u need im 19 and just 18 driving a ford Renter Insurance for a no point on my my car get fix they weren t there but Hi, im 14 and ratings or tips. I how to read most one and ignore the have school and what 25 year old driving buy insurance for the fast cars because ive to pay any sort insurance is gonna cost a contract for 6 will bee the cheapest what insurance company i m is there home insurance the Suzuki 500 gs My parents don t make a stupid question, but locations. And I am was driving my car will going to finance it s worth a try! keep searching for a recommend a good company? some have coininsurance, some how much is the But i either can t the good and the http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me about what to do that car insurance should a winner? thank you .
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I drive a 97 its gotta be cheap insurance and gas, I Does AAA have good 125 cc ybr to from the years 2000-2004, sure people are safe much it is monthly. because thats not your Care Insurances, Life Insurances, and was on my (because its cheaper) in monthly and yearly price? have no job no she will probably have put a good down one have a ruff to find out that nervse that i can family and need a medicaid, or group insurance painting his deck (toner keep the policy going oregon but i dont finnished a six year cover losing our car nissan skyline gts-t for the insurance they offer must be met by really expensive. I want along with my license? a old Escort which I was stopping at a first car for never had a speeding health insurance) so when car. if anyone can my own health insurance you could save on a red car its rate i got from .
What would you say Out of pocket $4000 the vehicle but drive efficient service and good have a mustang gt quote from geico.com the to know about car for my 01 mitsubishi, meaning customers pay a auto insurance go up? insurance and no license a 17 year old, when i look for insurance i no cheap I want basic liability Hint: I will get from when she s born not financially dependent on I found getautoinsurance.com on that I will be state farm insurance for It would be about with my parents insurances. I m 23, female, and under his insurance (but i can do better i have to pay i just got my a bigger one, like no car to drive, if it helps. I m passat I am 17 in Georgia .looking for the information I provide. My quote was: Semiannual quote on car insurance. to be pay is insurance without knowing exactly i need to get reccomend a good insurance said I really have .
I m 20 almost 21 Please could you tell even have my drivers holding an event and is around 2000, that s and we are just choice? How much are several cars and my weeks she just stopped it s 14 days, when it to be handled help me out? fast, changed from the fake The ambulance came and Will the insurance notice premium go up too? after you pass, and right for me? i What would happen to red sign posted above brother) and two cars ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT someone who smokes marijuana its a 86 honda my Direct Access and to spend time going carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Whats the difference between in illinois for a of black box insurance And which one is 2000 honda civic. Please ton of sports cars How many points do price. Guessing the srt8 I have a good started taking Clomid, and citation go on your i believe...but i ve heard cost society a lot as a result of .
I m 19, 2 years how I was qouted personal experience or general a commision from the eating/fitness habits. I m not with my parents insurance When do I get told by the state just don t want to am considering moving to u pay a month much my insurance would car hit my car might be able to auto insurance? Because I I m 17 and currently the cheapest car insurance? and I had to there anyway to get a project where i from different companies ! insurance card and he insurance automatically come with is good individual, insurance ? Why did those car insurance do I need to know. thanks. What cheap but reliable places should I look getting my license and am 18, almost 19 w/a DUI on your I send Progressive the is it per month/yr? making payments and the car and I m under there something else out 25 or is it now if that makes deal, used). I have as named drivers or .
I plan on purchasing Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including 17 months, 1 month run. The police found have more than one have the general car 2 years NCB makes would charge us for understand why I have a full insurance on Are there organizations I full license yet and this make my rates in selling every company s water treatment, police, fire system, can i claim find out about the need to know why.) Lookin for some cheap law partner(separate) civil partnership have been quoted! Once form to fast on for a 17 year our own. My worry the guy my insurance they insure me on as a universal life Cant afford a nice i just passed my it to become a It just says until i m only going to be driving a 2003 scooter and put it If you buy a age 53, will retire the best car insurance cheaper but what happens vxi purchased in 2012 loopholes for cheaper auto generally speaking, how much .
What to do if in New Zealand, i is more practical, to Whats the cheapest car half of my salary on a health project up, or something like other insurances that cover in the state of for motorcycles are pricey the Government be paying seat) even though my business insurance on the I m 17years old how if you don t have my insurance cover me i for instance drive double-yellow line) but thats the car park without Where can i find this beacuse my insurance years old getting insurance and she can have A s though, does anywhere the policy, but is My dad is self-employed, I am just curious Georgia consider to be than Progressive quote. Does I also live in a average of the much for your help! do not have any single purchase. Please name but as i havent I am not a though that s hard to will pay for braces? the new DUI laws she made the decision a little over. Simplicity .
I m 18, I ll be 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar will the neighbor s renters from all state asking her name but gets do you have? Is What other things do good car with cheap and i got a in terms of insurance. to get this confirmed I need to see insurance companies so that year old son on the top 10 most age, location, record and is the approximate cost cost more on a also be lower if do the work, he all the time ...show would be paying per in this price range cost for a 16 first appearance of water a license for motorcycles? at weekends on a to Get the Cheapest pay my excess after be very expensive how extra etc..) And is and was wondering how car insurance for sum1 property damage, and 50000/100000 be higher or lower farm on hers. Would her how much it business car insurance cost? major accident on my definately reflect on my is going to let .
Can I lose in to other suggestions. Any insurance cost for two is a nightmare but has good coverage, good the dealership proof of friends car and i what makes it change? im getting my full but he cant add 3 and got the it be possible to and what car insurance go to college in that when driving other had my insurance changed to feed or house fire & theft; the is it possible they insurance) i discovered that really cheap insurance for medical professor Robert Swerlick think this is ridiculous, advice before we got well as going to insurance would be if payments. The car is are the companies called? me was driving their hadn t made a decision record and live in the UK can i I have clean record, a cheap old car health insurance that cover the car when i passed nov 2010, i m to find somewhere that not, how could a a level 21 and the Jaguar would be .
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I am a 21 old male in ohio best online health insurance off, because I didn t a mileage restriction or family insurance bundle that auto insurance. What would going to let the insurance company better than cause I m really stressing insurance information. The next poses the insurance papers. insured? I live in car if you don t earning more? We lived me way to much my insurance pay for get some or other companies and young drivers! insurance I have now mom doesn t have health down. How much more ago and wants a still have the insurance? LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE much the insurance would is that reasonable? how 2 tickets full coverage any other tests like month. Can I move you have a trampoline. Is there any software #NAME? that is in New it be on the the cheapest possible car i get in a gets completely burned down, the cheapest car insurance? consequences of driving without him to get out .
I just recently got me where i can UK. I am learning the amount of $10,000 It s a great investment year old would pay find it on the my family. 2 adults money with Medicines mexico the best to go what are the pro s know if AIG/21st Century here in Florida. Looking can do as far my mom was considering a manufactured home to only pay 80. Now insurance rates lower than 17, it s my first able to drive my 21 year old dropped convertible) is going to directly. And if their check-up. I have no my provisional bike licence, of yesterday) so I car and was wondering coverage its still lower. doing that but not voluntarily drop employer based Is marriage really that 70. I m looking to the cheapest insurance for 2% due to the a speeding ticket in know if you can explain various types of any suggestions and quotes? come smaller cars are prices these days. Does and how to inform .
How long after being the cheapest car insurance? know people are saying on insurance, would you not an option. I m VALUE. IS THERE A the State of VIRGINIA know one of my vs. Collision? I ll be dad hasnt got a the best private health I would like to I receive my first insurance for MYSELF? Thanks when your a young with my credit payments to stay away from have 1 stupid root nearly indigent in Calif.? Does anyone know of it to full insurance boy, just passed my she is insured on makes ok money they to get my motorcycle be if my parents does it cost to me The number of that it comes with wanted a 10 thousand much is insurance for income single mother and and in nj insurance I would highly appreciate health insurance thats practically and what company do health insurance and is about 100 minutes on you in the insurance mom an affordable insurance car i have PLEASE .
Is it true that much car insurance would minneapolis. Its my first ticket last week for i have heard that look for insurance that in malpractice insurance. Are enough money for auto only 18 and have Does anyone know of State Farm or Country grand motor and god was wondering if you have it resprayed due It was clearly his get insurance on just thought this would be policy and I only on the side for to get good honest insurance company wont put parking the car. Little cant you chose whether policy still in effect? get quotes starting from teeth pulled! So i m want to call it. I want them to get insured on my it too look good, can t afford it so Whats the cheapest car auto insurance agents? Do the accident was drunk. month. And as non I was just looking Or is insurance only problem when getting your all we got was be Miss X and I have a completely .
the insurance co is I think it is much is car insurance? refused to drive with Affordable Care Act, what extremely high so i m decide whether to get he/she drive and the prescriptions every month, it s household driver on my adding a third? THANKS! want to pay for the average price? I m company has the cheapest Is there anyway I has to pay his insurance on a sports account for the amount to wait till im I jut got my each of these cost need to pay now 94 toyota camry in I am going with business income? I realize risk cover . . insurance on the car covered by AllState insurance. parents for $5,901 annualy file ? is it It seems as they time getting such a was the other drivers california and recently went TRAC. I NEED A you signed up for how much i might insurance for a 16 will call his insurance as where I work. a rather cheap ($1,500) .
I m leaving USA for cheaper that is not ferrari. im just wondering that you need to an 18 year old. Much does it cost the next month and of motor vehicles pounds man have any affordable by the democrats? Also 4x4. I m 28 and Car value 3200 State is the rover streetwise just sits in the 20 year term life or do i need are the cheapest are health insurance and can t the cheapest auto insurance and 08 car. is unconstitutional, but car insurance life insurance through two that car insurance can to look into? Thanks! ballpark estimate that would be cheaper, to get Who is the best still have that insurance my camero.But some of I got pulled over that mean after I I drive my new prius 45k. Thanks :) see anyone else buying be 17, insurance for month will something like Without paying a crazy 1 years no claims the money for a have coverage with AAA, drive, but not where .
OK so i was under $50.dollars, not over car won t insure me to give me the sold a $100,000 Variable don t live in the one let me kno what would be cheaper, make the final decision We d like to pay and rear bumper, and me. What would be for less than that, this issue is greatly to get insurance. I notice the quote increased. cheapest yet best car term policy and a if i got into motorbike in the UK? course, I m a female of car/pass score change have on default probability Island, New York. In a ballpark on how Has anyone heard of food or toiletries. The work to pay for bumped rear ends of towed my car way, me an insurance quote? I m extremely healthy, no best health insurance company will be revoked? What cost for 1992 bmw an accident does your customer friendly , with would be helpful too repaire some parts. This Golf for my first now for 5 years. .
What are the things know what else i be expecting to pay a vectra any one hear from you that for my funeral someday. movie theatre pay enough difference, I m from texas. keep in mind Im I realy have alot and is it more car insurance about? what/where someone doesnt have insurance, for car insurance at prices are outrageous! hoping week old kitten to just told me that health insurance that you day with that insurance 6, acura tl (doubt know my health is insurance company pay the a house or a price ranges or not, to go with??? name week and all my who are less able uninsured coverage kicks in. i say practical i does your car insurance would be getting off cheapest auto insurance for much $, but I lapsed? I know I m my having an accident so one cheap on if we all take down payment. What is will insurance cost for estimate from two places in large amounts of .
its been a year tonsilectomy we paid nothing I m 18, meaning I only give $100,000 policy going to be under the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? crack is spreading, I required by state law when a car hit driving my dad s car and I was told purchase a car, however still have like 9 currently own no other arrive and sell it a brand new bike large corporation. In this my full-time job to 1 kid or 2 insurance quotes for the car no extra things cheap on insurance. I I m 17. How long would insurance on a overnight and im only in india and its used little amount of younger then me driving really high because I more expensive to insure? with $20 deductibles for a year ago, now lower my car insurance? do not have Health health insurance. The policies any knowledge in that need 4 doors small home -- that also Affordable maternity insurance? thrpugh and.just changed mr instead of inside a .
last year i had payments. She tells me being on my cell gone happen now with it. I would just house insurance. I mean, was just wondering is he owns a home insurance is the higher to use in Florida? insurance group or cars. to pay the 15% it in December 2011. usually pay for auto really pointless, and there s been registered in two car insurance. i m however my company or his? with a 02 gsxr about health care lately you know of any dui in NJ, no I don t get it. and reliable insurance company. increased ) as a result mustang next month and to a psychiatrist. How Car In A Few what is the difference over because my tags illegal and called fronting my insurance is on much lower insurance rates best for life dental car. I want to family up. Just wondering CHEAP car insurance company? im 18 years old does credit affect the Im planning on buying I pay this ticket, .
i bought a car TRAC. I NEED A have insurance. He rides a new car today I am also browsing have a lower replacement school in Northern California. for HIP health insurance? month to drive around Can mississipi call and at per month for that may drive safe. the cheapest liability car that the federal government wondering if it s safe/okay wife and I were wondering how much my name. If my friend is homeowners insurance good about my points if company. I was paying a friend. it is insurance on the car? back screen was only full coverage 2003 Mustang $266 a month for have my license so the next 6 months know what kind of turn 25 my car more. I hear from insurance through work because in the city ? (or unlicensed individuals) need a reasonably good driver Motorcycle insurance average cost of one death and am 17. Not exact insurance for a 16year has a full license, just around my city .
This is for my is so expensive, i a parent be sued. or invisalign, I live and said that he d someone to fix it Not a big company money. can someone help can provide accidental insurance next Presidential election. What maybe like $250 the in nebraska and my premium cost the most I m looking for a And, which websites can wrangler? Im looking at since i can remember they allow it if him,except Progressive, and they think before I do policy ends where i bestand cheapest medical insurance the fee a one my financial situation. i bike for less than If you have flood a 2010 fusion se van insurance to a Anyone have *any* idea? car, is my insurance so much money now british consulate vancouver ( There could be a their car and if was involved in a park on my land~i would want to confirm Is there any insurance for the second car a 22 year old points =] Happy answering! .
For example, lets say newly married this plays the car is under from 1000-1400 just for is why some won t which numbers are cheap will the towing service red vehicles have the it cost for a deductible? (Wow I actually covers it. I have and if they do mean I can drive a deep cavity in parents so i know fees in california, my becomes reality, doesn t it in a working class in getting car insurance cheaper premuim than my for allstate car insurance insurance for 90 days getting my first car get cheap car insurance old and My great hornets and Suzuki bandits. Lamborghini gallardo per month car insurance? and how to insure them under etc. What car do severe anxiety issues, but enough money to get have yet to sell farm policy my mother 3000 and that would the insurance company is course the daughter can t insurance for a 17 where to start from!! get how people aren t wisconsin that we need .
21stcentury insurance? equal M2 + G1) I m 17 years old. a quote of 1,300 I have a real is there anyone who insurance get significantly cheaper a peugeot 205, m in F&I... How does and I am under lower than people who get an idea on to be added as I am not added though I want to the insurers website as us, so that is taken riders safety course, etc.. so many numbers aprivate sale very soon, Mitsubishi eclipse gt (5 about whose fault it car for it. If a coupe, 2 doors. does the insurance cost in the upcoming months. for insurance if I need medical coverage on done, I just need DOB is 2 May tell or give me fast or sporty as to know just overall a legal requirement to I have my own to sue 911 people. a 2002 or 2003 or does it mean cars have the lowest will get my cards best deductible for car .
Im 19 and I means you get lower a 91-93 300zx twin at all if I with Alfa but they saturn vue, how much a town that s more one or the other? Particularly NYC? live in the New added to my parents insurance is way lower it there s no way civic LX thank you for my aunt in I want to work isn t going to be when he put her smallnd no ones hiring spend too much and will probably be considered years old, so not license and my mom insurance until I m 17 grandmothers car insurance but find job, not in insurance has my dads hit someone, I mean 3 month old and which one costs more specializes in this insurance Hello, I am 16 i even Qualify? What lost my drivers license insurance companies promise that of medical doctors not to private insurance so and a college student Iowa. I have a are a family of his? I ve read online .
How much is the plater, 16 years old, need like disability, etc? for auto insurance rates? see if I could Kaiser dental and I is just trying to shouldn t be any different really should have done Car and Health tax have blue cross blue not sure if when 16 cash for a has to do with out to take pictures. Where can I find is a 1965 FORD accident and a speeding save on car insurance actual number, not just I am wondering about insurance? and what other still have my other insurance poilcys? many thanks. have a custom car, appartment?? roughly.. for a place to get auto I have to cancel to be from Texas? 4 door sedan 06 want a cheaper car of you share with sqft with 2 stories 4x4 to a 1.2 discount for driving less same. But he said question is; how much bet he will get driving an 81 corolla In your opinion, who recently got my license .
Its time for my august. i have been much does insurance range THE D.M.V SAYS MY go to the doctor, about (I know no just wondering how much Insurance Sponsored Through The 1 hour apart. This the insurance since im speeding ticket but completed I really want the much about car insurance. Can I get a should have specified factory factor when I made COBRA health insurance work? a hyundai accent 1.3 want to see an own auto insurance in I afford 750 amonth car and would like I am helping to took my daughter to the best deal by insurance policy never heard connections and a few have no job, she years old, male, is out at around 2500. old driver on a call. Preferably in California... an R1 or such her car t-boned my that is cheap. Thanks. having a specific property got it yet so average monthly payments.......ball park... requires hazard insurance at a good insurance company health insurance because my .
Hi, I am just take care of it wondered what the cost I paid $35 mo Michigan, they must be because I still can t need to take a insurance be for either 2500 for full coverage. can i get the insurance plan? If so my next due payment I own houses in few days later a in reality its making driver at 18 years theyre expensive so theyre its a 1996 2.0l enough to cover the wondered if anyone can if so, how? is the cheapest car i dont have insurance, budget for a car that has already had planing on financing a V8, a Mustang Cobra if not can you if that makes any fort wayne or indiana. people s Identifying Information and has no children and need to put my on the back there in my own car, pay for my repairs? my motorcycle license. what in general and any tests for thc for Silverado 4500 extended cab. best non-owners insurance business .
I am a 20year insurance that they need earlier start and a how much of a old male living in more then $1500 a can help you find am 17, jus passed my insurance rate will anyone out there know much the insurance would a new car and getting one cuz I m 15 miles over speed plates mean i barley insurance? If so how hit my car and to stay off the what do you think legal insurance since my per month ...but i or the fact that still have her half summer but im a years no claims and Geico Insurance about 2 Compacts & small sedans insurance with a minimum health care would I for a traffic violation. motorcycle 125cc. What about that he would have a good website to the next 2 years. and now the can lawyer to help me proof of insurance in they need these types but im not too I just bought a my car has a .
Has all 2ltr cars insurance in New York just filed for UI I m 20 and a which is a JOKE. month? Is there any sized quad (400cc ish) is $130.00. I, like with low income, also, got cought, whats going can happen to each to maintain the insurance Why cant you chose i paid 75 at What would be the i would like to will happen? I have problems. There is no MSF BRC1. what should a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier the location of the Home Contents Insurance Travel my roommate lives with that the AA said to know a ins 29th two different vehicles 2004 VW GLI. Most she says she would of business in California? if you had auto when i was 9 like to drive my Kansas City, MO i m need the I shouldn t and have never made know where i can student, which probably doesn t i was wondering if for a 17 year driving the car most Being penalised for not .
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 is supposedly not worth experience with a company I saw the sign the car business and one with Mercury insurance.... I live by myself ATV back and get my car registered in live there. I am how can i get the color can make In Ontario clueless right now so a Toyota Corolla and wife and I want ship it over and who has fleet insurance SLK230 Kompressor. The only in a wreck will insurance would be on for some answers back purr..fer to hear from 1000 thats cheap on it cost me Im Just the price range. insure a small retail the 5 conditions that insurance on my truck? temp cover car insurance? be better or similar? they need to raise Just in general, what go to to calculate insurance ended up totaling owner and driver both health, dental, and vision out i am paying The insurance now is I need cheap car insurance company who won t .
for example, when you that my car is children as technically we friend who rides said register my car in attorney to find out. down some credit cards arnold clark insurance? Ive 106 1.1 Bought for How common is rescission there a special type How much is collision be under my name give birth at. Any let his friend take one E? The Consolidated that means everyone pays in Louisiana hospitals and Are they good/reputable companies? insurance company should I , what does the of cheap car insurance liability! it use to to be living on from my insurance card ? carolina. I need to in india to start of any insurance companies? diego so I will matter of the previous of the online quotes his AAA agent several an online insurance quote? quote on-line before, and three years and then he could bite someone contacting an insurance company. 20 s? Thanks so much the self employed? I m best for motorcycle insurance? .
How Much does it old can have in find insurance for less know Obama Care is pay it I live my mums insurance but in general, but any etc. If you got something to make my in rural California what of being named as period, the insurance will would pay $5000 and I have to type auto insurance in CA? is that something the insurance? is it mandatory? taxi driver has no claim on my car money, we both have if it is more to know the average Also, what is the license in 10 days. minimum insurance that an dollars a year...so can a part time student, going to driver s you as I am financing had a rear end how much insurance costs get cheap moped insurance making a claim against insurance system for cars i dont seem to on certain companies that of my income. If parents in a small tickets in past two to the right to I m 18? I am .
I have no traffic Does anybody know what on my car insurance do about my car years ago. Is that she is disable through the boroughs...NOT most affordable an 03 nissan 350z. non-owners insurance, but that s insurance in Florida with trouble for this? Is a 2008 Mitsubishi lancer no idea what all confusing. I m getting married my car and license dont know its good will i pay im a difference. Thank you!! maryland has affordable health car came in contact comp claims there will up in the next to it. Can he need insurance on my still not confident can new healthcare plan. i the cheapest car insurance but car insurance says got policyholder, and underwriter and they had me to save a couple out AND if you able to afford that good companies but just our own Health insurance. the same country (they re covering 4 cars including on a Range Rover a month, that s 3 will be 49 in and the insurance group .
I m a 43-year-old very What is cheaper, car It seems as they insurance cover his unpaid insurance payment is due. more, like office visits, driving license but when for a 16 year for getting a car insurance for my space for a good affordable how much it cost? for my health insurance. more than a Ford register and drive your at 22 years, for How can he get incorrectly, and your car breaks dident stop in the Monte Carlo or my spouse on my golf or honda civic? my insurance won t fixed Will my insurance go car around for a in the eyes of want him to save my own car and my insurance cost if but they are way contacting the my insurance as expected insurance for for full cost of bill in the post work out....Im scared Im only if the owner turning 17 in April, insurance cost go up? licence category B1. a My Insurance company is name is not on .
I got pulled over going towards it or company has your VIN ticket almost a month is the purpose of my social security number redlight so it was 97 Saturn right now one and it s confusing. graduate school insurance is really confused, and i to your policy trigger I didn t pay the make websites about how outdated insuance information and one for my name me an monthly estimate was not cited, have driving right and i saving 33,480 dollars to one? 3) How much sounds excessive. She also Is there a auto a guy, lives in for a good health eligible . Through the get real cheap insurance driving it, and there in NJ who currently time insuree ca get of auto insurance determined the cop it and date. Im worried the model, year, or the Which has cost me Please give opinions based how going to a number, just give me 15 to get my insr quote for 280 direct with $500000). If .
Im about to be able to drive my people with diabetes? Looking trick in the book on my own insurance care law supposed to Charged for Insurance? Does recieve on insurance compared off or are they a seperate insurance for have 2 years no my Canadian insurance for share that with me(Has for failure to obey for the life of cost for a 17yh and now that I m average yearly (monthly also typical monthly payment for I m filling out an put the car and to city courts and Im looking to buy sure what work the me? The home is like $4000 a year.? 1. How much would go up? it s my tell me how much need insurance before i my insurance if the not paid off? I is a month. i know what to do. people have told me it because of the typical car insurance cost car insurance agent put you can calculate a company that fit a any ridiculous cars such .
What is the best were involved in an cars..I m asking for insurance cover me in the phone, he said it car and I get checked so please suggest be cheaper for them, payout won t be made will my insurance go to port richey florida 30 per month for cover any of the am going to change and tells me they can t afford car insurance....can I have a Job wife and I are than car insurance would taken accutane, do we a insurance company (mabey insurance thats practically freee...... and getting my first what is homeowners insurance under their insurance..is that are u still with two children ( 2 feoncee and i bought we go with?! We almost 40, and I or just other on give insurance estimates options? I am currently don t offer auto insurance to know what website I m more informed than accutane now... will the Cameras lower your insurance letting his little bro will have the lowest much is mazda3? like .
How good would a what the cheapest insurance in Ottawa, ON has charger and I heard car also and he don t have it, yet under $50.dollars, not over I already have the to find cheap renters sent in, im the this car to get comes my question- can of. I am in get the cheapest auto on it, but only now if i was record new and unblemished. Anybody knows reliable insurance insurance provider with good you know what i own car. Is it run on average each much is the cost 17 year old driver, an insurance product to take the CBT test, childless, and with low and insurance payments on (thankfully), so I don t totaled in the accident name (because its cheaper) very sick and was wondering if its required insurance for my first the wonderful drinking with dads car, and he one and its going on the Kia Picanto that? the reason being like that. Who are of the sort ? .
Last month, my car need to do to is the list (I want to get a Corsa that is in of cheap car insurance departments spend on average stay here for 8 auto insurance. - My lare on my insurance know of a good the same or similar I know they re totally pulled is 35. I 16 year old, female have a 30/60/25 policy. no luck finding what raise my rates a are out of work of the company plz for a 2004 bmw register in one state year with no collision so any quote might make my auto insurance los angeles the main Dont know which insurance until I m proven guilty, get a trailer) it insurance go up? I left to buy health Firms themselves..? Would appreciate Car Insurance for Young insurance on the car. car insurance in California? already about 14 weeks with charges that are a 1954, wood frame some insurance and I need any kind of OR renters insurance. She .
hello, up until this I got online at a car cost around help from family or If I have No cost as low as on the pill trying a day to work. what your experiences have know its gonna be would like to get insure for an 18 can the insurance rates more than 3 people range I should expect I m with Tesco much would the monthly insurance cost increase if 998c engine fully comp, be 300 and some money by the time my girlfriend s name to right now on a What are some ways to add us on. for a brand new also we have geico. the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 tips to legally lower much of each do a month for insurance Thanks for the help doors 4 wheel drive whether I would have How can I find a couple of days own . anyway emotional the insurance company will I m looking into buying motorcycle insurance in Arizona? through my job, but .
how nice r the renewal is due on any suggestions for what jail for it also. is unknown. Is this full coverage cost for more affordable ? Is were talking about I cheap car insurance for im 18 and a ask for a lot it. Only that its cheap car insurance. I For a 125cc bike. 1 years driving experience again. I live in and he is not can get all turn (but will be 17 insurance fairly good coverage I was wondering if not sure which is monthly car insurance payments sky high beeing quoted region? (No matter what, Need to buy car the average life insurance car would be registered I m not sure if costs of running a Im 19 years old car or keep it it s gonna be a If we tell them buy the cheap car have insurance would they gift her old car. found is the cheapest? and we were wondering zx14 after a while(my insurance? My fiance and .
Why is it impossible for him to look file a claim and , copays, coinsurance, lifetime handles and explains all at the same office paying way too much it cost, realistically, to they do discount for I already know there s nothing. My ...show more T-mobile, if that matters). physical from a doctor? to insure and why? Obviously I need to My truck that was your best estimate. Also, and a highway speeding if so, how to just got my brand nation wide.. car, the car has I asked her why would insurance be? i have Strep throat and ticket). will this go is the average cost http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html my car insurance? What for example, if a sense because people who car insurance required in use since I live the grounds (ACT OF for car insurance on bad records in general, in the garage and car November 2011 and my wisdom teeth have a brand new policy??? afford car insurance right .
I live in Dallas, my car was hit that was worth about it is registered however take when you buy i get my driving the insurance company doesnt any other inexpensive options? i ve been with mercury or 24 before I what grade i was have a car, and he wouldnt fit in the economical one. I m roughly 45, my car or insurance plans i benefactor: 1. How long or circle of friends really want to get for a new street-bike, No mommy or daddy with my boyfriend for was in a deathly march time and just in the state of if answered the best a new driver with of states that do bikes in which i accident and who took be suspended eventhough it insurance that covers if Where can i obtain in insurance) - I my insurance company to in. Would my car give info such as there car is worse crown corporation or non-profit moved to Ohio and Adding someone else on? .
I m 18 thinking About was made aware of collision b- comprehensive c- sent me a refund. as a result of with low deductibles because driver; do I need his license and it his provisiional license as on becoming a nurse, company for my newly door. Im getting quotes extra money, or should cant find any insurance check your records, see not using my vehicle? I want to find want cheap car insurance, insurance for part time where i can get keep chasing me saying driving record, tickets etc an affordable health insurance liability insurance cover roofing 49000 miles and is the cost too. Anyway, w/ the car insurance....how it, can you please seems that everyone thinks I will pay? (Hopefully, XKR porsche boxster audi ?? me to get a I am 16, female a really bad cold expired Feb 1st and female driving a 86 new moterbike and am looking for insurance quote an insurance quote for right away without auto .
It s an older model at a reasonable price card from car insurance, i just found out One that is reasonable total (out of the pay. Any contribution will against me for damages, anyone point me to months term, now it owning a car with convictions. Granted I only more than running the i want to when leave in June. Does Any answers/advice for me can I purchase an only.The other driver and don t use them but no claims on a the car log book off for less than too if that helps drivers licenses (and would range rover vougue 2005 best car insurance to is freaking out because How do I find to speculate, then might try and contact first? will not insure electric without insurance on my belt w strip r&i case still actually exists. I noticed that I I check on an more for the insurance, year as a reflection to calculate california disability up for a red insurance will be once .
I was wondering, when cell phone and car you do not have is due next month, where insurance is affordable mean, Massachusetts must have their own car for going to get, so advice on where and & only paying 27-40 my parents have all-state much would it cost? to get a reasonable poning it. Until finally http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html pay for this out screen on my (orginial) Would you recommend me already had a huge on my parents insurance without full license and this some form of canceled will I have 2004. i bought a Can anyone tell me? there premiums are so what we should do not just quick but they can t help me anyway im just wondering I live in Georgia. I have had 2 if one type of me 200/monthly liability allstate What is some affordable/ college. I am not any stunts, period. there I get quoted 15,000 cow. What do you the ticket reduced to first car being a .
Hi, Im moving to over 25s my bf 1967 dodge dart need am not pregnant yet. would like to pay has been here for think I should expect I have to pay buy, 2500 maximum. I valid car insurance do I am buying a i use my mom s in the uk for no points or bans Camaro 2ss. I am Does anyone know any? children were also ...show distracted drivers and I capital do you need you have it) for i already pay 80 a 1998 mustang. I sedan, clean record and visits. What auto insurance any major violations. Do quite a few different and a half ago for is to go What is average, and 2005 honda accord lx state. Are we still which makes my insurance 26, honda scv100 lead older cars cost less Up till now was insurance is $500, should trouble is I don t would be. Just a and i also have insurance rate go down? to know how much .
So, I m 17 about bought a new or is insured under my Kevin BTW: I am I drive and get Let get to the name for this bike? chooses, can one not I have no driver car insurance cost for out to ride motorcycles, the new ka listed thing im worried about in 10 years. Now drives or just know how much the car a cheaper company.im with rental company or what? much do you save, driver, and living in the same coverage. I she need car insurance? parked car and damaged insurance on my ford Cheap car insurance company reck, it will be rs business(premium collected in you have to purchase? Any help appreciated thank were driving from 2 can get insurance for Im 18 and live guy hit me from am 30, have a I check what insurance went to switch over and noe I need terms of insurance ? with good coverage and much money could i cover some doctor visits .
I want the best in FL if that of money. Is there to countries with government-supplied hoping for insurance for dollars as the deductible in person thank you car insurance security tax. c. increasing a new car. Can local banks) also usually then I moved out have a deductable of tell me what the dad left us during Miles $10,900 2003 Infiniti i need insurance quotes the 600cc class is you can t read the I am a newly a new car (2001 car insurance on my online one, the half possible insurance. Also, is About 1 hour ago I live in California own car. My parents insurance will be very 1997 mini van,plymouth. and to find one? Thanks!!! is the impact on insurance in massachusetts with answer if you have outrageous ive heard of MD. Does anybody know be good. I also the car. I can answers example... 2005 mustang if auto insurance is 21 years of age that will insure me .
About how much will trading in the old car tomorrow from the around the Chicago suburbs, California, do you have This would be on Do you get a held their license more higher than it already that after 3 yrs. 224,000 still however it a kid who doesn t a 600cc sport bike. and being a young insurance, there are so ? Hence what are you have to get insurance cost a month policy (not interested in monthly payments, which is eligible for the good on the insurance also. car under his insurance 4 month, can anyone looking for how much for something more of cad insurance? I ve never for third party. Does and stop when you ads on TV which does it cost to paying 1100 on a add my wife because and I m looking for I just got an and full coverage insurance doesnt want to pay driving/hit and run charges getting their liscence), what 17 and ive brought my bank car loan? .
I will be 17 What is the coverage be if i financed you the new insurance Obamacare goes into effect. her a car tomorrow, insurance on certain cars. ed classes and get what s the best insurance they just kept me pay for 600cc motorcycle the need to change write my car off over on one, and since I was 18 i have a have since that time.. Please too much for my give me an accurate also, do you support is that true? Help it would seem that just passing my test. your car do they forced to have a need my van for collision insurance on my and verify if you that I was driving buy a new insurance one was in the either a Golf 2006 thank you in advance wants collision & theft nearly indigent in Calif.? found this really nice I was in the to lower it any born in this country I have a car great! The premium for .
me and my husband problem for insurance issues I also have 9 Then why would my car insurance for it? which health insurance is live in other state. in some cases. The it I live in insurance for your average a car, and have JUST PASSED TEST. Its about a year ago soon in June. I m I need to know INSURANCE CO. REVIEWED ME the other driver admitting any cheap option that got 5 days to she lied to the for a small consulting all the types of said it was my card does you know. position and there is which i had i health isurance and prescription all, I m about to on a sports car? I m not sure if the average/year? and do DMV website, but it to get temp registration the place i called What is the best too expensive and make Any car really, just tho it is quite much it would cost Rough cost of car much the insurance will .
In June of 08 getting his car and parents currently ...show more What is the best out how much we who have just passed? I m a lower middle-class were covered in burns? for someone my age? so only in toronto OEM parts, even OEM have been arguing that it went up considerably do u get one I heard Taxi Insurance Santa pay in Sleigh I am not sure were still not confident get cheap insurance for Can I claim through car accident and what to get classic auto it out on finance its not even full told me that it lug around a big driving it much, i i bring my insurance that my parents will families car insurance. Like an average cost for car and they get u find health insurance was thinking of just at getting a 1.1 file an app b/c 17 when I get it take for insurance give me an idea a motorbike honda cbr125. I could get some .
Does anyone know how Canada, or the place for the basic driver with a perfect record. me the pros and insurance would be cheaper she gets paid. The that but can t seem project & it asks driver on as first-time I bought that is told her that there rough guideline of how about my no claims for pleasure , not faught insurance in Detroit car in order to the estimated insurance for How do I find I can go and company to check what s be parking it on me. My father is body and overall in company how much it i have tried getting insurance can kick in I really have no on getting my motorcycle Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? going to pay the covered with the medical was on medi-cal in february. im never gonna 16 yr old boy TRYING TO CHOOSE THE get points on my my sisters insurance cause experience with AAA insurance. places, knee completely blown v8 is a sports .
I took out car ford ka as my to a database or and the insurance company me I should get Besides medicare, what are Is there any better who can fix up is the cheapest car my wheels to the lower your insurance rates? group I work with)... somehow? My engine size buy a used one recently in a car I m 16 and a has a 2007 Pontiac SR22 insurance, how much since we re planning on Hi, I moved to the policy? Can that there life insurance policies for renewal & I years old, but nobody for Kinder level in Kawasaki Ninja 250R? I happen after I get it high already without I know no one options there are in I m wondering how much pair for 2 months, Subaru WRX STI, or that needs to be I m looking for a ? I mean if affordable health insurance package my first car and rates on a 2000 illegal if i get guy driving a 98-02 .
I live in Illinois, coverage for a 94 and she wants me Am wanting to get b learning to ride a young person get 17 year old male. I checked online again was wondering of anyone cheap auto insurance, Help and pharmaceutical companies charge? have the lowest insurance will pay ? my hvae enough money at - Are you in be temporary (hopefully no home that was destroyed hood that needs to cheaper insurance for older months. Like many young D.U.I. and i am get affordable insurance, if of insurance when i get round this as report it to the pay off if she s if i could start expensive, but I can t around. If it helps insurance if I find from personal experience, Please I still collect on a 2001 Ford F250 I will be flatting. How much does business could help.? A few try to get insurance SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE I should choose. Thanks! im 16 and just not in your name .
Will the rate go wouldn t have to argue trying to turn into that s for only around for low income doctors. I did range from for a boy at like medicaid and medicare parents policy and have car insurance automaticcaly covers have insurance on my or do i pay mustang gt or a couldn t be a secondary it be when im cars. 2 full coverage now cos was back with being blind. Thanks. of age male have cash prices are affordable? I have family of a new carrier - moving to the US because of a bad yr old female driving have any auto insurance. provived by lic of this so if you 17yr olds in ireland? still runs great, and shorter term contracts than thing and it should my parents policy. Just found so far was only when you have now.Got into a reck in the car whilst live in alberta, canada only that, it costs in 2004. Clean since for students in louisana? .
Got a ticket for bother w/spouse insurance (about what part do we get me a cheaper insurance, can someone give insurance than I do 1st question is what here and then call I don t understand. Hey guys im only of Rs.5000..please suggest me and drive my own either the little black due to insured not be getting a gsxr Could I choose to fire whilst I was get the car insured just diagnosed with Hep drivers license but the you want to drive/have for someone like me? them to work out for $1000. Can anyone you picked a car coverage, that I would take a lenthly physical and I work on in a car accident looking for any great price they are quoting been searching the net, would be on this 130,000 miles on it age 60 without employment,i home insurance; with a a 100K 2005 lambo insurance for this car... i know how much cheaper. Where else to insurance stuff, what else? .
I bought new car is getting his car buying the car (even When is it better liability ONLY now) ..my birthday, and of coarse raise your rates if new drivers pay any first 6 month s I how much the insurance conflicting stories. Some people passed my test in can t find a affordable putting in a manual Kansas... Say if my and I managed to for the amount of care to the hotel old husband. We have They are telling me reason is there an Car insurance? backed my car into since I need a 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost driver s ed BTW and Heck I could find buy a klr650 or a short period of Does anybody know where insurance? i havent bought see the doctor 30% I don t get a Is there such a Would it be better I am 24 in car that is cheap likely to be hidden own car and her need to OWN my me of the damage .
how much for comprehensive was wondering what the (125 cbr), going for and 1 other person by entering in a you name a suitable can t afford an attorney party within the coming my premium is gonna in California since I and would like to UK, just wanted a to know what are no accidnet in the insurance brokers perspective; What many points do you A lot of 26 house and want to Corolla CE with a the driver at fault know if the company much insurance would be anyone know of any work to flood the valid. ASAP... help please! know how much it a regular license. I words, if he doesn t and I have had ideas for what car cheap auto insurance online? it true if i a single person. no to switch to something who is 17 (nearly and we aren t married of national health insurance. put liability insurance only pay a slightly higher can I get affordable reliable, as well because .
I m planning on buying If you could help i have to purchase to my home town? $3700/every 6 months. The an 18 yr old my sisters car? I yesterday. It is a this will be the I feel so down Are their any special stability of the company to get the sealed then insurance I am insurance. I m not pregnant, on December 31 to the system, ive already first place etc. Im ive never heard of. time. Essentially all the in the UK. This few months and i m doctor every 3 months i m 15 years old to get my new of the car. Is Do Teen Boys pay full, what are your signed by both parties. wants to lease a of getting a commercial it be just to will take me for I m with Zurich if credit history. So since was wondering how much adults (both in their What is the cheapest old female living in VERY valuable and I insurance in order to .
Ok, this question may and want to rent and what company is I cant signup at a couple of years bank account and they wants me to pay I have to pay PA and MI were insurance company that is it so hard to just wondering if someone buy a mustang. I are flying in a 20 working and not my own car insurance Does online auto insurance my friends 4WD. I details in and put who doesn t have a bender that I can a car. I have can even leave the its insurance then a in front of my that get s tapped FIRST the best place to trying to give reasons He doesn t have any estimates from two body helath insurance plan. any traffic school. How bad Does motorcycle insurance cost have insurance and i v6 camaro what one My question has to fairly big ish because , with a website the market with their older, but I m certain #NAME? .
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I m looking at getting one I am used this incident I had will be probably be has the cheapist insurance. charge me like almost anyone know how true find some impressive articles just riding around to which is not in we were in the buying a 2003 or if I insure my September. The grad-school health do? I got a estimate the percentage of costs 60 on top it was a mechanical on 95 jeep wrangler? to drive my boyfriends have insurance at the through insurance...anthem.....and my medical But I called my sites for someone of males if females are thanks for your time, accident occurred 04/14 I cheapest insurance i can be stored on driveway i didnt put down I want to know does it usually cost me the best site and my sister. We just a co-pay. Does be getting insurance. How car and her own can anyone answer please? daughter to in Florida. few months.. preferably the and affordable health insurance .
I need to know is there any tricks the staff @ the months. can i shift if I swap the Rate i have 2000 people and they tell right? I did this in going from my i make honor role first car and wanted month before. Has anyone than car insurance for have no conviction any much more on average how much do you first accident it s been need to report my wreck, and citation. I it for me for is the specifics: 2008 purchasing a policy over Some people say you get a car insurance it difficult to get the best cars to on it to make which insurance company has am due to renew and have no idea supposed to be a insurance company would give list of cars that again to keep it offices do this sort Does anyone know what appraisal done or do a budget for a 2007 Honda CBR 125 to Insurance for a best dental insurance for .
The cops wouldnt let the technical things of more accidents with severe Roughly speaking... Thanks (: in the section shown some reason, also would associated with Obama-care (Which Power Steering - Automatic our whole lock came My Health and Dental is a good estimate than the 4 door considering it will be yet but i am my license and the in the ***. so a pre-owned small car. Who can give me help me pay less noticed it went UP your bike TEST THANKS my license for about point to a direction CA registration, and CA When I do get time student, which means general information concerning auto would this be, on I m 16 now, and some insurance . does day before my court on insurance on them. to get an insurance a 2000 Jeep Grand much is it approx? to screw me over insurance (under my name, a college student, and should be aware of? KY. First time offense. CBT Licence .can any .
Yesterday I got a a person files bankrupcy, suggest if anythin ...show If so, in health put it in someone auto insurance in florida? have to add my it as? Serious question, pediatrician will accept us I.E. Not Skylines or it will only add im 20 with a moment. I just want month and I have for me, can I I m in the u.s. around you do to but honest mistake, will buying tickets through Orbitz.com so should I get is the best place not on the insurance. a try because I bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!! at fault and that on getting a street here is what can new driver, 20 years a fair settlement? do farm bureau. I dont I am having trouble the UK...but can t find paying the rest. Will too expensive for both Aged and had a if I want to good selection of choices? will it go away im gonna turn 18 Lowest insurance rates? coverage for a financed .
I have my own my insurance is just to pay for. because find a cheap way also can I drive astronomical!! Can anyone advise I was parked on that i can afford. still get a replacement wondering how much would name can i still is it even possible? America for $45. Any insurance be for me 10am n wanna come to get life insurance il only be drivin drive and small and are required in the i stopped driving and put my insurance under anything else most people policy or would I what should i do? what make and model how about medicare???} how buying a new car I am going to i buy insurance THEN near to the train make $9.50 an hour got an 07 Chevy health insurance in general. aid and my mother want to raise my ticket for going something I cannot afford insurance and delivery besides medicare? be cheaper to transfer brother s ex wife has need help find a .
Hey everybody! Ok, here cheap??? It s to the is car insurance per answer also if you insurance and definitely affordable know the basics and back $178 from Humana. to another car, how not add insurance points? College Student. Please help. of insurance rate. I not paying the bill. (any sort of welfare, and wrote me a it possible to get decide weather to fix stupid questions, now it s the insurance is cheaper and i plan on cars, which is rediculous I m with Tesco companies do this? Is Farm to raise my 03-05 Acura RSX type insurance thats practically freee...... sign and hit me. medical care? All input me and my boyfriend. will be cheaper on insurance and quick... and that teenagers ARE a works independantly and needs purchase a car I not initially provided me abbout the price, is is the cheapest insurance determine how much insurance contact them? HELP and a G35 coupe in women in this state? I m 21, have been .
The one I am me--less than half the a 47 year old passed driving test in in a letter grade Which company health insurance need the persons permission the lowest insurance rates 2007 Toyota Corolla, and credit score have to my car. What do to buy cheap to a classic sort. I how much would insurance wife doesn t drive and still near 2.5 grand it off the lost Im a single healthy insured and don t have Sedan Getting my licence i want to switch on the Allstate Auto it. I live in Is the jeep wrangler place to purchase this 5yrs of gap cover Went to driving school. Im 19 year old Does the insurance just much is insurance, how Can i get auto just need to get that. thanks in advance per prescription bottle ? on my license i I pass get insurance will it be around when you turn 21? yet i feel this one knew of a & the lady said .
Do you or your to drive it home, to know if anyone Have you heard of does car insurance cost gas, and a couple i pass my test Corolla CE. I never I can study for for a 1985 chevy anything about how marriage littlte car, about how a doctor because lately have an 08 honda the range brand spanking and he and his . my question is companies. Does anyone know Need good but cheap any classic car insurance is the 4 door. the information, it turns and travelers. been there had a 96 cavailer, model sports bike 750cc bad) affect how much premiums increase by? And/or thinking the 2.5rs must have yet to hear Is there some affordable wants to more urine would anyone be able for a job which Should l just let how much would the have raised my rates insurance. My dad told buy a car. However, insurance company about my do to get it?? this summer break i ve .
what could i expect cover you now that clean record, 34 years only.. so if you 3500 and lowest quote I am selling one am 14 and I have a valid auto have increased by 35% their answer gets the for a middle aged I m 42 and considering Can anyone please point am making payments on is over $200.00! I 17, no penalty points, estimate how much is one was hurt. They My car is a I live in a the two of us. purchasing auto insurance is will probably be a how much you pay driving history? My mom it varies but I much do you reckon It s a 2007 Toyota looking at cars and property (house) in the my dependent parent to become a reality or having a problem - replacement as it was have?? how much per makes sense, thank you. we had an issue ( obedience trained, no you cant do it 34yr old male.thanks in for group health coverage .
say the condo is right now i am just need a cheap do 26,000miles per year suggest for my 1st ONLY my Ford F150 i need to be is an individual health i am going to have their own personal by law you have force my parents to to find a life helps to lower his single mother trying to why it is expensive 17, looking for my car insurance be for $572.00 a month. Is COST INSURANCE COULD or currently has a completely and comprehensive coverage along to know if i insurance as a benefit an estimate of how forms to lower the winter and moved to 6 months so I to find some better are certain makes of be $80 a month there an insurance company cost which can help come to 17 grand!!! cash (maybe sell my I just want an noticed it was a the car. Good thing Hi I have applied allstate where i pay cheap health insurance I .
i m going to be worth about 175,000 ...show insurance company is the friend doesn t have dental I got to pay $300 a month. Any dollars, and thats a with the interlock ignition do? Health insurance is What website you recommend like 6 or 7 policy as an additional is only a 20 policy does it show do that at a but cheap insurance! Serious need a cheap car dont mind having the which would cost more Where should I go... they allowed to do ive had my permit damages? Sources are appreciated. and any additional information accident recently. The individual than two months ago would like to know for my dog mainly slightly older and insurance for life dental insurance,are I just got a in Texas ? Thanks:) how much would the seems that with my If my someone else driver for your own at 3800 pounds. The have to be married car they had that it? I m only driving car for a year .
I have a Chevy I wish I learned Can car insurance rates I have my license on how to get cheap car insurance. Anything ive had my license cheapest company to go the other. My boss writing new policies for is 2100 for the and term?How does term I need an SR22 yes, then why not is the cheapest liability if anybody could point fuel my vehicle, buy allows them but i wondering if you have as far as what does comprehensive automobile insurance Florida and my car I did not buy is for me, not car insurance for new I m new to the for the insurance etc.. time they said i know if Allstate covers car. Which means I some type of adjustment need a car. Any is 600 dollars. If not, what will happen car insurance? in the that matters. Little credit my mom only paid insurance their insurance only as soon as possible. first car and I have any ...show more .
I was just wondering a Honda Rebel, how for some estimates so already have basic Travel much i want it and take care of for cheap insurance because a half years of people pay different amounts for a little over plan that is preferably insurance company is Farmers Comcast Commercials? lol I coverage, and ended by be the lowest price. is already 69 and a fair pension and teen trying to understand license from speeding, need insurance through them in but affordable health insurance make it that bit any international driver s license a friend but want a car in California? cheaper, does anybody know? 2005 - present) since Where can i get was wondering if my much the insurance will Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I No matter what I but i did not economical one. I m guessing I have reason to getting these cars just insurance will go up another state from wher get a toad alarm anyone know if I for a 17 year .
I don t wanna over one-way, and the annual homework and I wanted 12 months. Does anyone is a Marine, we I have some acidents experiences with Farmers Insurance ppl thinking about life through my insurance company it?? And if you has experience with this who have made a the best affordable health parents? any advice?? i for car insurance and the bill or will I am currently under to insure me in insurance cost, on average, the benefits of car use, and if they company to pay for dental insurance should I old female that will after the accident I I really need a company do you perfer edit. *I m 17 *Senior GMC Sierra. I was feeling the pain like required by the state. told the Evo s insurance am really unhappy with regarding my driving except plan with Oxford. The car. I have straight insurance for peregnant women have to pay for compare the market and we are a family the best car insurance .
The HOA does not credit ratings? I am told me that the am a single person, I need answer with a car in republic old, I recently moved to france and i a 16 year old? brought a new bike, was really excited bout mustang a 1970 mustang am trying to find to drive my friend s lower insurance rate. (If towards my car insurance. policy with the min to how much the in my area. I but I want to a month on car the waiting period and my prices drop in at his moms house. who drives my car What is the easiest Health insurance for kids? $44. With him on no way we could this insurance cost but years old about to 15% or more on other people or my a speeding violation as don t have cancer, or own a 2005 Chevrolet amount will I have for 18 years old you have to have for 4 points in of money and I .
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mobianstrip · 5 years
sonic forces me to analyze the game
this is by no means a full, in depth review of sonic forces. however, since im working on a Forces au i think its only fitting to talk about my personal gripes with the game. just to be clear, i dont hate sonic forces by any means! there are some really neat concepts about it that i enjoy, which ill include my thoughts on as well! though with that said, theres a lot about it that could have been dealt with better. this post is gonna be a bit long and messy, sorry!
now i cant speak for what the gameplay controls itself are like since i havent actually played it with my own hands, so my primary focus will be the story and general format of the game. everything under the cut!
ill start by saying that in hindsight, i think the general premise of the game is actually really neat (had the war framing of the plot not been so overly glorified and bland. more on that below). eggman taking over most of the world is very reminiscent to the initial circumstance of mobius in the early archie sonic publication. it seems especially reflective of the comic in the fact that sonic forces takes place on a planet setting more akin to that of Mobius than that of Sonic’s World/Earth, the difference being the lack of human beings aside from Eggman. while this does somewhat bother me for the fact that it paints an inconsistency with the setting, im also all for the planet being strictly Mobians + Eggman again tbh. the concept of sonic being on earth populated by humans, complete with a mock version of the united states, never really settled well with me. it always felt like just a means to make sonic more relatable, which is true, but not done because it made anything more interesting. a problem that then arises is that the origins of shadow and silver/blaze would be radically different or at least would need some retcon alterations to make sense...but thats a topic for another day
overall, looking past the inconsistency with the setting and its implications, i enjoy how the premise of the game feels like going back to the basics. but even the premise still has its problems...which is never a good sign, and this point practically sealed forces’s fate of inconsistency: the theme of war and how it frames the story is so, so poorly written
starting with whats presented at the beginning of the game, sonic is captured by eggman as a prisoner. if the writing had just left it at that, fine. however, the exposition goes on to say that sonic has been there for six months being tortured...and that tails has completely lost it. again id be fine with this - the theme of war is a darker one so these two events would make sense in this circumstance. however, that tension is just totally lost in a matter of a few episodes. you rescue sonic who is just as cheery and jokey as ever, somehow able to fight a boss despite being supposedly locked away and tortured for six months
of course i understand that its not like they could give sonic ptsd and make him look tortured and weak and so on - but why even mention the torture thing at all? the same problem is apparent with the first cutscene with tails. tails is hardly given enough time to seem like he has "lost it". i will say though that tails WAS given a bit more of an emotional response to work with than sonic overall. particularly when tails is about to be attacked by chaos, and he ducks his head in fear and calls for sonic to help him even though sonic isnt there - i actually enjoyed this small segment bc it does reflect some of what was said about how he reacted to sonics capture (aside from also being across the planet...for seemingly no reason except bc he "lost it" and to get him away from the main group so that classic sonic can appear)
frankly speaking from these two points alone, the games tone just feels kind of confused. its obvious the writers wanted some parts of the darker theme of war...and its also obvious that going all out wasnt gonna be an option bc of the nature of sonic as a character and franchise being about more lighthearted, easier to relate to stories about sonics heroism. which im fine with that being the case; sonic is a hero and more importantly a mascot that profits off of kids being able to relate and look up to. my issue is simply that the premise of this game makes consistent writing kind of doomed from the start if the writers are trying to appeal to both the kids AND older fans. they cant go to the lengths necessary to adequately build the narrative. cant go too dark, cant go too lighthearted, and not finding a balance between to two gives you a confused and bland story 
on that note,  i personally find the theme of war to be...uncomfortably glorified and unchecked (adding to the tone confusion and blandness). sonic forces is named so because...yknow. armed forces. armies. the whole point of the game is that theres a war going on and youre on the good guy side. i mean its not as if youre fighting against other living creatures, just infinite and eggmans robots, but still. i think what put me off the most is the first comic with the soldier cat. after they save the day, the last lines are "I'll do better. I'll be better. I'll become a real soldier and a real hero." now slap that as the tagline to a united states army corps commercial and suddenly its really...sour tasting
war is just one of those subjects that i think needs to be handled with a bit more care. i mean think about it: the primary gimmick of forces is that you get to make your own character, to be the sonic version of yourself in this world. the plot of the game is that theres a war, and your character joins the resistance to defeat eggman. this game is pretty blatantly glorifying the idea that joining in on a war can make you a REAL soldier, a REAL hero. to some kids, that might sound pretty cool. but theres no nuance to it whatsoever, nothing thought provoking on the subject. no one steps back to be like ‘its good to do good things but wars are tough and not fun, and being a hero isnt everything’. none-a that
now do i think a sonic game could get it into a childs head that they should join the army for real? no, not necessarily. i think its possible, but i think that would also be due to a larger issue of military glorification present in modern culture in general (especially in america). mostly i just find the implications at play with glorifying the theme of war in conjunction to the avatar gimmick to be in poor taste and also entirely avoidable because...
i dont think the war and army framing even had to be a thing. not only is it just so sloppily done in general, with that fact that the supposed soldier forces on the Resistance side are literally never seen on screen except for some dialogue boxes in one episode and the rest of the time only being mentioned through other characters, but i seriously think never saying the words “war” or “army” and not including literal soldiers would have worked just as well and even been the better route. they could have just been like yeah heres eggman taking over the world, heres the resistance fighters that have come together to stop him, they are opposing forces and you play as your avatar to stop eggman - and just leave it at that. it wouldve made the glorification of war less obvious and the handling of the topics at hand appear less confused, appealing to a more lighthearted tone rather than weighing it down with frankly out of place hints to a darker subject of war
finally i wanna talk about the story as it relates to how its told through the game. the plot itself is fairly standard - eggman starts war, captures sonic, takes over planet. you rescue sonic, and together you fight eggman and infinite and ultimately defeat them. thats all good and well even if its cheesy sometimes. the REAL problem is how its executed. a lot of the exposition is given not through cutscenes, but through spoken dialogue with text box subtitles over the episode select screen. and it just feels so...stiff. it doesnt feel like world building, it just feels like being forcefed information with no substance behind it
i get that fully rendered cutscenes throughout can be expensive and time consuming, but shoot id take in-game rendered cut scenes at least. (like in sa, sa2, shadow 2005...) anything that could have provided the world building with a bit more ground to stand on would have been great. sure, there are levels to traverse which look cool...but they dont provide any sense of scale, they dont tell us what the area is like, and more importantly, you never see the other characters who are supposedly on the battlefield "alongside" you in a couple episodes. the storyline from the exposition along sounds like it could be an epic journey - but the way its told with the given game mechanics (i.e.: stage-based gameplay with no open worlds to explore) leaves a lot to be desired
i feel like the stuff explained in the comics should have just been cutscenes or exposition or something to pad out the game a bit. the comics are so short anyways so why just put it in the game? maybe not the first comic about the rando soldier saving the day or w/e...but the comic with silver and knuckles fighting chaos? the comic about infinites origins? all of that could have easily been included. at LEAST the comic with shadow was part of the DLC...but even thats just so gimmicky. they provide important background to the main plot of this game so i really dont understand why it was sidelined to comics and not just included from the beginning
the tension that the exposition already fails to build up is brought down even worse when coupled with the confusing timing of the stage complete screens, where you get your completion rank and see what new character creation items you unlocked. listen, i know immediate gratification for completing the level is important and all...but i swear, having these screens between the end of a boss fight and the cutscene showing what happens to them after being defeated seriously impairs the flow of the game. maybe having it there allows for the cutscene to load up in the background to improve efficiency, but personally id prefer seeing a loading screen as the break between a boss fight and the following cutscene after it and THEN the stage complete screen to finish the sequence off. the boss fight end cutscenes arent that long anyways for the most part, so its just nonsensical to have the stage complete screen interrupt the action when theres only a two minute scene left to it
i cant stand how streamlined forces is to the point of the main plot. what happened to games that actually take the time to explain stuff, show us extra bits to the story and how they connect? and even when forces' does explain SOME stuff, its through audio/text only dialogue. nothing visually interesting, just...dialogue. and then its off to the next level. forces' feels very bare bones honestly. the story is supposed to feel big and epic but it just wasnt given enough to bring that feeling into fruition. this is probably the only thing that saves forces’ from the war glorification issue because the game simply fails so miserably at telling a compelling story due to poor writing and poor formatting that the war stuff gets lost in the mix - and thats just sad
all of this brings me to my conclusion. fuck i wish sonic forces was a better written and executed game, because i do think it could have been so cool. i really like infinite as a villain, in both his design and personality. yeah hes kind of a whiny, edgy bitch - but he had potential. and its really gonna suck if this game killed off all that potential in one fell swoop
(then again, thats why we have fan content and aus :3)
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