#so thank you for giving me the opportunity to finally talk about this in detail lol
fluentmoviequoter · 17 hours
Defend Myself - Part II
Part 2 of Defend Myself
Summary: You agree to teach a self-defence class at the police station. There, you meet Tim Bradford again, as well as some unexpected guests.
Warnings: Tim gets nervous and awkward, fluff!! lots of mentions of winning fights
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
A/N: Not proofread yet! I have to go to work so I'll do it tonight. :)
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Alone in your studio classroom, you tap your toes against the floor as hold music plays from your phone. It’s been two days since you met Tim Bradford and learned about the opportunity to teach a free self-defence class at the station. As you wait to talk to the community liaison, you can’t help but think about Officer Bradford again.
“Hello,” someone greets. “Sorry about that wait.”
“No problem,” you reply. “I was calling to find out about teaching a self-defence class for the public. The officer I just spoke to told me you were the person to ask.”
“Of course. I can definitely help you with that. We’ve got several openings for community courses in the coming weeks. Are you a certified group instructor?”
“I am.”
“Perfect. That will help you get in here faster. This means your next step is just to choose a date and time and complete some paperwork. After that, we’ll spread the word in the community, find volunteers to assist you, and get everything in order before the course itself takes place.”
“Great, thank you so much. Is there any chance I could get started on the next step today?”
“Yes, we can do that. Most instructors come into the station to view the community area and complete the necessary forms, but we can send those papers over electronically as well.”
“I’d be happy to come by the station.”
“Excellent. I’m available all day today and tomorrow afternoon if you’d like?”
“Today works.”
You decide on a time with him before you end the call. After your last class of the day, you lock up and head for the Mid-Wilshire police station. Though Officer Bradford said he’d be willing to volunteer for your class, you doubt you’ll ever see him again. LA is a relatively big place, and the chances of seeing the same cop more than once can’t be very high.
 At the front desk, you provide your name and the details of your appointment. You’re quickly led through a door and into a large room where police officers are milling about.
“Nice to meet you,” the community liaison greets you as he welcomes you into his office. “I’ve got your paperwork here. Just a few simple liability forms and a background check.”
“Thank you for meeting with me so quickly,” you say as you take a seat.
You begin filling out the forms as you tell him what you plan to teach. He seems impressed by your willingness to host a free session and explains that fewer and fewer people are reaching out to him, despite the compensation they offer.
“That’s the last of them,” he tells you as he accepts your final paper. “I want to get started on these right away, so I’m going to pass you off to another officer to give you the tour.”
“I appreciate that.”
You follow him to the door and see several officers talking near a glass wall.
“You mentioned Officer Bradford in your call, didn’t you?” the liaison asks.
“I did.”
He waves someone over, and you smile when you see Officer Bradford again. He’s not alone, but he smiles at you before he begins introductions.
“This is my watch commander, Sergeant Grey,” he tells you. “Grey, this is the woman who did my job for me at the hockey game earlier this week.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Sergeant Grey says as he shakes your hand.
“Good things I hope,” you reply.
“Of course,” Tim interjects quickly.
He seems nervous, but you brush it off as him trying to do his job and carry a conversation. In reality, Tim Bradford is awestruck by you, your abilities, and how kind and compassionate you are despite how easily you could win a fight against anyone in this station.
“Any chance you’d still be willing to help me with the class?” you ask Tim. “I’d hate to mess up and never be invited back.”
“You’d have to fire your service weapon in the station for us to not invite you back,” Wade says. “Which has happened, but we’re desperate.”
“Then I’m glad I can help. And the more people who can defend themselves, the better.”
“Right,” Tim agrees. “And, yeah, I’d be happy too. I can show you where you’ll be teaching.”
There’s a commotion near the door, and Tim and Sergeant Grey stand straighter as they watch. A security guard steps in with an officer, and then two cops follow on either side. Tim has positioned himself directly beside you, whether to keep you back from whatever is happening or just to get a better view you aren’t sure. When another man walks in, flanked by more security guards, you gasp and hit Tim’s arm with the back of your hand.
“Ow,” he mumbles quietly as he jerks back slightly.
“Sorry,” you whisper. “Do you know who that is?!”
“I take it you do.”
“Sergeant Grey,” an officer calls. “We’re early, I’m sorry about that.”
“No problem. We can meet in the roll call room,” Sergeant Grey replies.
Three large men stand feet away from you, and you link your fingers together as you try to hold your excitement inside. You smile at the man nearest you before you turn back to Tim.
“Bradford, can you sit in?” Grey asks. “Or do you need to finish here first?”
“Oh, please go, I can wait,” you answer for him. “They’re way more important than me.”
“I don’t know about that,” someone says beside you.
You turn to see which man spoke and laugh before you argue, “You have a game to win, Mr. Konecny, you get priority here.”
“Are you a fan?” Travis Konecny asks.
“Yes!” you answer loudly. “Sorry, I’m excited. Yes, I’m a huge Flyers fan.”
“Do you have tickets?” Sam Ersson asks from beside him.
“I do. Nosebleeds, but tickets are tickets.”
Travis clicks his tongue and looks to one of the security guards to say, “Get her a seat on the ice. And anyone else in here who wants one. Their job is much more important than ours.”
You thank him and shake his hand before he passes. As Tim leads Travis Konecny, Sam Ersson, and Jamie Drysdale into the roll call room, you wait nearby. You just met the Philadelphia Flyers! As if seeing Tim again wasn’t exciting enough, you just had a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with some of the best hockey players in the country. Maybe the day can’t get any better.
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“Hey,” Tim calls as he returns. “Are you ready?”
“Sure. Thank you again, for everything,” you reply.
He nods as you stand, and then leads you through the station.
“I…” Tim begins.
“Yeah?” you encourage.
“Would you maybe want to go to the game together? They gave me a ticket too.”
“I’d love to! Are they nice? Wait, don’t tell me if they’re not.”
“They’re very nice, and they seemed very happy about meeting a fan.”
“Sorry again for hitting you.”
“It’s fine,” Tim assures with a smile. “It hurt, but that just makes me even more impressed by you.”
Tim opens a door for you and shakes his head when your eyes meet his. “Like you can’t tell.”
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On the day of your self-defence class at the police station, you wake up early to prepare everything. Most of your equipment is already packed, but you want everything to go well. Once you finish this, you’ll be even closer to your date with Tim. Self-defence, an attractive man, and hockey all in one week is like a romcom made just for you.
Tim is waiting outside the door when you arrive to set up. He smiles and opens the door before he takes a bag from you. As he helps you arrange your minimal gear and go through your sets and cues in a practice run, he makes easy conversation with you. Getting to know each other seems easy, even if this is only small talk and surface questions. He’s someone worth the time and effort of learning.
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When the last person leaves your class (after telling you several times about how much she enjoyed it and would like to come to another one), you sigh and shake your arms out. You had been nervous that no one would show up or that they wouldn’t like it, but you were wrong. The room was full, and everyone participated and seemed to enjoy themselves.
“That was fun,” you tell Tim. “I want to do it again.”
“Don’t say that too loud, Grey will try to make you a permanent fixture,” Tim teases.
“I might like that. Although, I’m more excited for our date.”
“Date?” Tim asks, standing up quickly. “I mean, I wanted it to be a date, but didn’t know if you were-“
You smile as you interrupt him to say, “Yeah, it’s a date, Tim.”
“Good,” Tim says softly. His smile grows as he repeats, “Good.”
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The night of the Flyers game, Tim picks you up at your studio. He’s the first gentleman you’ve been on a date with in a while. Each moment with him increases your excitement for a hockey game date.
“Wait,” you tell him when he reaches for his door handle. “You’re cheering for the Flyers, right?”
“Yeah,” Tim answers slowly. “Why?”
“Because I was going to sit with someone else if you said no. Please continue.”
Tim smiles a look that knocks the breath out of you like a well-timed punch. He takes your hand and keeps it in his as he leads you to the perfect seats you were gifted. You gasp as you look out on the ice, and Tim watches you rather than the skaters warming up. One of the guys shoulder-checks his teammate before they point at each other, and you and Tim laugh with them.
“I’m pretty sure you could beat up both of them,” Tim says in your ear.
“Do you just like me for my fighting skills?” you ask, narrowing your eyes.
“Not just for that!”
You laugh and bump your shoulder against Tim’s. He takes the opportunity to wrap his arm around your shoulders, and you happily lean toward him.
“This is way better than the last hockey game I went to,” you murmur.
“That’s not a compliment,” Tim argues.
Before you can explain what you mean, the Flyers skate to the panel before you and bang on the divider. You smile and Travis, Sam, and Jamie hold up a jersey with ‘LA’s Finest’ on the back. After they skate away, a woman in a Flyers shirt approaches you and hands you a bag. Inside are two of those jerseys, and you quickly pull yours over your head.
“LA’s finest,” Tim reads. “I have to agree.”
“Back at you.”
Tim stays at your side for the entire game. You cheer together, yell together, and enjoy the night in each other’s company. You want Tim Bradford at your side for a very long time, even if he does make endless comments about who you could challenge to a fight.
“We should invite them to the wedding,” you say when the game ends.
“An entire hockey team?” Tim questions. You notice he doesn’t argue against the idea of marriage, just the number of people you’re already adding to the guest list.
“Yeah. Plus, the whole LAPD, right?”
Tim pulls you under his arm and leads you back to his truck. You can invite as many people as you want, he thinks, as long as he’s there with you.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
Talking about Saiki and SA here a bit, btw, just a warning~
Thinking about how you said Saiki was a victim of SA and you’re literally so right. I feel like people sometimes just blow right past the fact that Kusuke is like that with his brother, but I think it can add a lot to interpretations of his character. But even if it only goes as far as what is shown in canon — which I almost doubt — it still remains the fact that Kusuke is doing all of that knowing fully well that his brother can hear him. It’s literally sexual harassment.
People point it out more often with Teruhashi and her brother (back to the reasons you said, people think it’s more serious if it happens to women). But the things he does, that’s all sexual harassment. And yet when Kusuke does similar things, it’s often brushed aside. Just,,, a bit crazy to me.
(And that’s not even mentioning when people completely disregard this part of Teruhashi’s story and act like she’s one-dimensional,,, but that’s another story)
But all this to say you’re literally so right. Anyways love you mwah =^•w•^=
(heed the sa warning + abuse and incest warning before opening, i talk a LOT here.. im mostly just reiterating what happens directly in the manga though.. ALSO EXTREMELY LONG POST WARNING..)
I always viewed kokomi and makoto + kusuo and kusuke as like.. paralleling each other ? not sure if thats the right word, but IMMEDIATELY when i saw both of these dynamics i made the connection.. i guess since it was so clear to me, i assumed that it was so obvious and on purpose that everyone else knew too, but so many people just.. ignore it..
i think most people that read/watch saiki k have recognized the fact that most main characters are meant to parallel or relate to saiki in at least some way, (if anyone who doesnt know what im talking about is reading this, im sure at least someone on here has done a better breakdown on that, i just.. dont know where to find that..) but this particular connection is one i dont see often and i genuinely believe that its almost entirely because of the whole "sexual assault/harassment isnt as serious when it happens to men as when it happens to women" thing.. most of the fandom acknowledge that what makoto does is awful and kokomi is a victim, so why is it different when its kusuke and kusuo ??
its EXACTLY the same.. what we see on screen with the saikis is WORSE, actually.. and what WE see from these two relationships isnt the full extent of what the two victims experience off screen, and i strongly believe that its heavily implied that both kokomi and kusuo have been through much worse with their brothers than whats shown..
we have no idea what kusuke couldve done BEFORE moving away and creating the telepathy canceler (and dont say that he couldnt have done anything cuz they were kids, cocsa [child on child sa] is still a thing and still valid, ESPECIALLY since they were both kid geniuses and kusuke definitely KNEW better.. but yea, kusuo implies that hes been like that for a long time, way before we ever saw them, sooo..) and its highly likely that whatever happened that we didnt see, before or after the move, was WORSE than what he does ON screen (i honestly dont want to think about what a guy with an incestual obsession with his brother does with cameras everywhere in his brothers home..) and what we see him do is already insane..
literally using his brother to get off, manipulating him and forcing him to play the games that give him sexual pleasure.. actually, speaking of, ive seen some people say that what kusuke does isnt really incest because the only reason he uses kusuo is because hes a masochist and kusuo is the only person that can overpower him.. this is a total misfire LOL, his upbringing alongside kusuo and his relationship with him is the REASON that hes a masochist, the ENTIRE REASON why thats what he gets off to.. its not just CONVENIENT that kusuo is there to get him off, he SPECIFICALLY seeks kusuo out and forces him to do things that give him sexual pleasure.. he believes that kusuo is the only person in the world that can ever give him sexual pleasure, what about that doesnt sound incestuous?
and one of the worst parts of it is, kusuo BARELY acknowledges how weird it is.. in fact, he's COMPLACENT in a lot of the games, obedient even, being bribed into them the same way he does with simple things like bringing kuniharu to work.. this is the biggest reason why i believe the off-screen stuff is probably worse, because kusuo is obviously conditioned to think that letting your brother get off to you is just.. fine.. we hardly see him try to get away from this situation beyond simply calling him gross.. theres one moment during the cat tank situation where kusuke tries to get him to grab the limiter off of his crotch specifically so that he can see him in that position and kusuo looks terrified and cant do it, BUT its unclear whether the expression of fear was entirely his concentration because he didnt wanna break the limiter or because he didnt want to let his brother get off to that, and i think its mostly the former ? idk, i dont remember this part that well but im preeeetty sure..
he does acknowledge that MAKOTOS behavior is bad when he sees it, but he never thinks its a big enough deal that he needs to help her or anything, (except for maybe the okinawa situation) which i know is probably just for the sake of not letting the gag manga get too serious, BUT it can also be explained pretty easily by this whole thing.. the way kokomi is treated is literally the same way kusuo lives his life, even down to their incestuous brother being possessive to the point of berating their potential love interests.. (which in this case happened to be each other, kusuo and kokomi..)
so yeah, kusuo just. doesnt really know how bad it actually is ? or maybe he does, but doesnt acknowledge it because he doesnt WANT to.. him barely acknowledging it and being complacent is part of why some people dont really get that its sa and incest, but his complacency obviously plays a big part in how its effected him too, like thats purposeful.. like i said, hes been CONDITIONED not to acknowledge it..
to me, it looks like a classic situation in which kusuo doesn't acknowledge his trauma because he knows that if he did, it would change his outlook on his life, his family, and his childhood FOREVER. he would never be willing to tell anyone or ask for help on his own accord, and accepting that there was anything wrong in the first place means, to him, dealing with that issue by himself for the rest of his life.
why would he ever admit that anything was wrong if nothing would change either way? the only thing that WOULD change is HIM, and why would he want that? isnt it better to be blissfully unaware than to knowingly suffer in silence?
plus, he genuinely does love his brother and knows in the back of his mind that kusukes feelings toward him comes from their unhealthy upbringing and relationship and its more complex than just "hes an evil guy blah blah.." because he isnt really evil and kusuo KNOWS that.. actually, he might be the only person in the world who COULD understand..
so yeahhhh.. kokomi and kusuo are both CANONICALLY victims of sexual harassment.. (and incestual abuse at that..) and, by my interpretation, implied victims of sa as well !! (im not really sure where the line can be when it comes to this sometimes, like when your brother sniffs your bedsheets and rubs himself on them or gets off to you right in front of your face or tries to get you to grab something positioned over his crotch so he can see you in.. THAT position.. but i already said that its pretty likely that both brothers have gone farther than that off-screen..)
anywayyyy.. this is so important to me and i wish people would talk and write about it more instead of pretending it never happened and mischaracterizing every one of these characters, especially for the sake of a ship like i was talking about in my other post.. it sucks that people so often just cast kusuos canon issues aside..
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bluebeary-jay · 6 months
Face to face
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Din Djarin x f!Mandalorian!Reader
Summary: as riduurs, you and Din can finally show your faces to each other without suffering any consequences. but when the time finally comes, your insecurities and fears of rejection come into play, threatening to ruin this important moment
Tags: just pure tooth-rotting fluff, Din and Reader being insecure, they're sweethearts though and so in love, Din being a supporting husband <3, mandalorian customs are probably half-accurate but i did my best in research 😌
Word count: 3K
A/N: haiii guys!! long time no see 🤗 i had this idea ever since i watched s2 of the mandalorian almost a month ago and i'm finally done! thank you to all who stick around and i really hope you'll enjoy my first attempt at writing din (feel free to let me know what you think 🤭)! i love all of you darlings 🥰 and as always, happy reading!! 💕
Din Djarin wouldn’t ever admit it to anyone, but he always wanted a family. The memories of his parents were hazy, but he remembered how much they loved each other and in the depths of his soul longed for a connection like this someday. Being the bounty hunter didn’t give many opportunities to look for a relationship, however, and with time he abandoned the hope for a place and people he could call home. He convinced himself that he was content being on his own.
But then the Child came along, and with it everything has changed. This little wrinkly womp rat became the most precious being in his life and Din was ready to die to protect Grogu – but he never expected that he’d also meet his future riduur because of the kid.
He did. You, a fellow Mandalorian Din spoke to only a couple of times in the hideout on Nevarro, decided to help him on his quest, and from this moment on he didn’t stand a chance. You were everything Djarin admired – brave, compassionate, skillful and kind – and though you both respected the Way of the Mandalore and never removed your helmets in each other’s presence, he knew in his soul that you were beautiful as well.
It was a long road to come to terms with what he felt for you and gather the courage to actually let you know it. But it was all worth it just for this moment when you exchanged your vows and he officially became yours, and you his. Now you were his riduur and he finally had every right to admire and cherish you like you deserved.
And most importantly, he could finally see you. The pair of you talked about this moment a lot during the nights spent on the Crest, tangling your fingers together when the ship was flooded with pitch-black darkness. Din used to whisper to you of his dreams, how he longed to run his eyes over your uncovered body, taking his time to commit to memory every little detail of your physique and expressions. You, with a giddy and wistful tone, told him how impatient you were to at last find out how his lips would feel on yours and what color his eyes were. Even when you both knew you were going to marry, you didn’t rush things and never removed your helmets until your union became official.
But you did see each other’s faces, once, though not in a conventional way. Din remembered it clearly as a day, though his eyes – as well as yours – were covered by a piece of a material the entire time. Both of you were desperate for each other that night, the tension hanging above your heads straining the resolve about waiting. And then came the moment when you didn’t fight it anymore. Instead, you both sat down on Din’s cot and without your sense of sight spent the next hour talking and trailing fingertips down each other’s faces.
Din reminisced about this moment a lot of times. He tried to remember the shape of your features to create a full picture of you in his mind while he laid alone in his bed, longing for your vicinity. Even if your bodies were separated only by the layers of beskar, it was still too far for him.
He didn’t have to wait any longer now.
It was the day of your wedding and Din Djarin never felt happier than in that moment when you recited Mandalorian vows and he got to touch your bare hand again, not covered by a glove, to put a custom-made ring on your finger. It wasn’t a necessary but he wanted to make this day memorable and meaningful for you. A few tears of joy were shed, but his face was still concealed by the helmet, allowing his emotions to take hold of him.
He hadn’t let go of your hand since the small ceremony (if one could even call it that) ended, and you squeezed his palm every few steps as you walked toward a house that was going to be your home for the next couple of days. The Child was being taken care of by other Mandalorians so that you could be completely alone for this special moment.
You were buzzing with excited energy for the whole week prior to your wedding, but now Din could sense his partner’s nervousness. He wasn’t exactly surprised – after all, it has been years for both of you since anyone saw you without your helmet on. But with every moment that you neared the bedroom, you seemed more insular, more withdrawn and hesitant, and Din started to really worry.
“Are you okay, cyar’ika (darling)?”
You slowed down, not answering right away, which caused Din to furrow his brows with confusion. Maybe you didn’t want to do it after all? Maybe it was too sudden for you? Or maybe he came off as too eager?
“Cyar’ika,” he repeated softly, wanting to put you at ease – but it didn’t seem to meet the target. “If you’re not ready…”
“No. No, I’m ready. I just…”
You trailed off. Din wordlessly guided you to the edge of the bed, cradling your hands in his – one gloved one and one not. The light of the setting sun flowed in through the small window and reflected off the hard beskar you both wore, bathing your figure in a beautiful golden light.
He was already so in love with you. What could possibly be the cause of your hesitation?
“I’m just nervous,” you murmured at last with your head bowed, looking at your joined hands. “I don’t want you to be disappointed.”
“Disappointed?” the Mandalorian repeated before he could think, and shook his head slightly. “What are you… What are you talking about? Why would I ever be?”
You lifted your gaze, and though Din couldn’t see your eyes, he could almost feel the weight of your fears on his own shoulders. The modulator in your helmet was hiding any trace of it, but he knew you long enough to recognize the tiniest shift in your body language.
“Ner kar’ta (my heart). I could never be disappointed with you.” He laced his fingers with yours, once again admiring how perfectly they fit together, and lifted them to his chest. “You own my heart and soul now, and nothing will change that.”
He hoped to soothe your nerves, but you were still silent. It wasn’t at all what Mando was expecting from this evening and he was at a loss for what to do to fix it.
“Would it help if I showed you my face first?” he asked after some time, and your head snapped up.
“No.” Even with the modulator, your voice clearly sounded broken and regretful, and it was wounding Din more than anything else could. “We were supposed to do it together.”
“We can,” he assured quietly, swiping his thumb over your knuckles. “But the most important thing to me… is for you to feel comfortable during it. If you want to wait–”
“I don’t.” You untangled your hands from his hold and instead brought them to his chest, placing them on the beskar breastplate. He couldn’t wait to take it off and feel your touch on his skin. “If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t marry you and make you my riduur.”
You leaned forward and lightly bonked your helmets together, a sweet gesture Din loved since the first time you did it.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum or’atu an mayen. (I love you more than anything.) More than life itself.”
“I know,” he answered simply and delicately brought your hands to the edges of his helmet. It was obvious what he was offering you. “That’s why I’m willing to do it for you.”
You were still, not daring to move, and Din nodded slightly to show you that he’s certain of his decision. His heart was beating heavily in his chest, though, and he could feel sweat forming on the back of his neck.
Showing your face to others was one of the worst crimes in Mandalorian culture, but doing it with your riduur was the highest honor that not everyone was fortunate enough to experience. But Din Djarin was among the lucky ones. Even though it was not in a way he always imagined, he didn’t care as long as you were happy.
You gripped the edges of his helmet tighter and a high hiss sounded, a telltale sign that the metal piece was ready to be removed. And slowly – so very slowly – you did. Din felt a flow of cooler air on his hot skin: first his chin, then his cheeks, finally his forehead…
And lastly, he inhaled shakily before lifting his head to look into the void of your visor.
A second passed by. Then two. Then ten, though Din felt like it must’ve been a full minute now. And still you didn’t move, just watched him silently, motionless as a statue.
The Mandalorian swallowed with difficulty, starting to feel very self-conscious. The crisp air cooled the sweat gathering on the nape of his neck and he had to use all his self-control not to fiddle his fingers nervously. He felt so naked and exposed under your gaze, though he absolutely shouldn’t – you were his riduur and there was no reason to feel ashamed or insecure with you. But he couldn’t help worrying: what if he wasn’t what you expected? What if you didn’t find him attractive at all?
Then a movement of your hands drew his attention and he watched, transfixed, as you slowly started to take off your glove, tugging one finger off at a time. Once your hand was freed from the confines of the protective material, you flexed your fingers before lifting both of your palms to his face.
Even though Din was acutely aware of your every move, he still somehow flinched in surprise at your touch, causing you to freeze and search his eyes with the air of concern around you. He quickly gave you a small nod, silently begging you to proceed, and, thankfully, you did. Your fingertips traced his cheeks, so delicately it almost tickled, brushing down the path to his stubble, and then back up to the arch of his nose and eyebrows. Djarin’s eyelids fluttered closed and he let out a shaky breath, giving in to the most amazing sensation that your touch was.
“I knew you had to be the most beautiful being in the galaxy,” you whispered from under your helmet with a voice filled with a plethora of raw emotions. Din regretted not being able to see your face at that moment, but if it would help you feel more comfortable in such a memorable and important situation, he was ready to do anything for you.
“I’m sure you’re a million times more radiant, cyar’ika,” he said back. His voice was weirdly weak and raspy, sounding strangely to him – probably because he knew there was another person hearing him without his helmet on. “Even if I don’t see your face, mesh’la (beautiful), today or ever… The love I have for you will never change or waver. That I promise.”
“It won’t exactly be fair to the Creed if I don’t remove my helmet in front of my husband,” you answered, half-teasing, but Din knew there was a real worry behind your words.
“You know very well there’s nothing said about it in the Creed.” He opened his eyes, offering you a small smile. “And I don’t remember our vows mentioning it, either.”
You clicked your tongue with exasperation, but Din also saw your shoulders relaxing, a sign that some of your nerves ebbed away.
“Gev bic (stop it),” you laughed, letting your hand fall down – but before it could happen, Din caught your wrist and lifted it back to his face. He slowly kissed the inside of your palm, down to the veins disappearing under your sleeve, his eyes fixated on your visor the entire time. His smile grew slightly when he felt a shiver run through you.
“I love you, ner kar’ta,” he whispered. “Even if you’re a half-Hutt under your armor.”
“Don’t push it.”
You let go of his hand and Din’s face fell, fearing that he really went too far. He reached for you but stopped when you straightened up and took a deep breath, your hands going to the last thing that separated you from him – your helmet.
He held his breath and his heart beat erratically as he watched you. He tried not to blink, not wanting to miss the moment when he finally got to see your face. Just the fact that you were willing to do this meant so much to him, but…
Slowly, you took your helmet off and placed it down on the mattress right next to his. Then, a pair of irises gazed into the depths of Din Djarin’s heart.
…you were wrong.
Oh, how wrong you were.
There was no mistaking it that you were by far the most breathtaking sight the Mandalorian had ever laid his eyes on.
The Maker must’ve been overly generous, or maybe favored you, for looking at you… it felt like coming home.
You stared at him with gentle, tentative eyes of the most beautiful color in the world, and Din would’ve gladly lost himself in them. Your lips, so tempting and soft-looking, were parted slightly as you awaited his reaction, but he couldn’t move. He just watched, spellbound, and wondered if this truly is reality and not some cruel, elusive dream.
He hadn’t felt such awe even when he saw Grogu doing his magic for the first time. Hadn’t felt such elation even when a new skin made of beskar was forged just for him. Had never before felt such love in his life.
You were a wonder. A miracle.
Your voice sounded almost fearful to your ears, but you couldn’t help it – Din seemed unable to utter even a word, and panic started to flood your veins when you noticed tears gathering in his dark, beautiful eyes. “Din–”
But before you could move away, he slipped off the bed and knelt by your feet. You were so taken aback by this action that you didn’t even react when he cradled both of your hands in his and pressed lingering kisses to your fingers, one after another.
“If I could, I’d marry you all over again,” he rasped, meeting your gaze with so much love and adoration in his brown eyes that it took your breath away. “How did I get so lucky…?”
“I think I’m the lucky one,” you let out a breathless laugh of relief, your pupils darting across the lines and grooves of his face. “You… you’re not just saying that, right?”
“Cyar’ika, look at me.” He gently tilted your chin up, making your eyes meet his. For a second he faltered, parting his lips in wonder at the feeling of your skin under his fingertips, before he swallowed and gazed at you again. “Do you doubt my words?”
No. There was really no questioning his motives. You knew Din was as honest as one could be and there were only your own insecurities at play here. But the longer you looked at him, his expression so full of love and devotion, the less relevant your own doubts were becoming.
You couldn’t think of anything else but him.
“I really want to kiss you,” you whispered instead of answering, and his face broke into a wide, joyous grin. “Can I–?”
The Mandalorian didn’t even wait for you to finish – the second those words left your mouth, he surged forward and pressed his lips to yours forcefully, eliciting a surprised sound out of you, which soon turned into a needy whimper. You didn’t give him a chance to back away and instantly tangled your fingers into his hair, moving clumsily to be closer to him.
But when you attempted to climb onto his lap, your breast plates collided with a metallic clank, forcing the pair of you to put some space between you. Din huffed with frustration, while you laughed and cupped his face in your hands.
“You’re quite impatient for a bounty hunter,” you accused him playfully, nudging your nose with his. You took a deep, calming breath, wanting to surround yourself with the smell of him completely, but your riduur didn’t let you indulge for long.
He moved quickly and, without a warning, kissed you briefly again – and then one more time. It was more like a light peck, and you longed to feel his tongue inside your mouth once more, but at the same time relished in every sensation that his lips brought. Every touch he gave you was something infinitely precious.
“I’ve waited longer than you,” he murmured. His hands were already moving, taking off the beskar on his forearms and shoulders, reaching where he could without removing you from his lap just yet. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, cyar’ika.”
You smiled widely and looked up from his deft fingers to throw another teasing comment, but in one second you lost your train of thoughts.
Because Din was blushing.
The feared Mandalorian’s face – a face you were finally allowed to see whenever you desired – was sprinkled with redness across his cheeks and ears. And you were the cause of that.
The thought of it almost caused your eyes to water.
“What are you looking at, mesh’la?”
Your eyes found him again and you smiled brightly, causing Din’s heart to skip a couple of beats.
You took his stubbly chin in-between your fingers and brought his lips closer, planting a soft kiss there that had the Mandalorian melting. He covered your hand with his, feeling the band on your finger under his own.
A miracle.
“I’m looking at you.”
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um, hi?🥴
well, it has been a hot minute since i've been around. first thing first, i am super sorry about disappearing off the face of the planet with no warning of any kind.
second, i wanted to thank everyone who sent me a message checking in on me. i logged in today to an overwhelming amount of love and that really meant so much to me. y'all are literally the sweetest people ever. it would take me a full 24hrs to reply to them all so i'll spare y'all the flood of me being sappy, but the summary is I LOVE YOU (yes, i am talking to you, you beautiful soul and precious person). just know that if you sent me a message i read it more than once and it made me happy cry.
third, let's go over my excuses. i won't bore y'all with the details but life got tough. many of you know i was job searching, and the sort of good news is i got a job! and it's technically a great job. medicine has just burned me out to a degree where i looked forward to nothing. so then i felt disgustingly disrespectful and ungrateful for the opportunities i have. my brain was a vicious cycle for a bit there.
fourth, and the final portion of this rambling i promise, the topic of writing. this entire time i've been able to work on my original work which has been super rewarding. i think i'll be able to get some copies out to beta readers soon and hopefully get some ARCs ready for the summer. but in terms of what's going on here, i haven't had time to work on a lot but before i went MIA i was like 90% done with the next chapter of 'Take Care of You' so i'm hopeful to get that out at the very least. the good news is not only is that chapter decent in length but it also gives y'all all the answers you've been waiting oh so patiently for (: anyways, from here on out i'll try to be better about answering asks and i'll work on some stuff for y'all promise💜
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
Seven Days to Fall Again | Tuesday | Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the MV "Seven" by Jung Kook ft. Latto (obvi lol) Summary: Train to take us back. Jungkook wants to talk it out so you can be together again but you're hellbent on not taking him back. Paring: Reader x Jungkook (almost exes to lovers lol) Word Count: 2k~ Warnings: No real warnings honestly just an argument. a/n: The next few days will be shorter since I had planned on making this a series with shorter parts to begin with. I just needed to set up the state of their relationship on Monday with the breakup. I let me know what you think in the comments and I hope you're looking forward to Wednesday (superior jk imo hehe) Start from the Beginning
Waking up the next morning I, on instinct reach out to search for Jungkook lying next to me and when I don't find him it all comes back to me. "Shit" I say, sitting up and feeling the pounding in my head already. 'So that's why I don't keep that wine at home' I think to myself and head to the kitchen to search for some pain meds, but before I'm even able to open the cabinet I hear the sound of my doorbell ringing. 
I wrack my head thinking of who could possibly be coming over this early in the morning but no one comes to mind. I look through the peep hole and see it's the one person I hoped I could avoid for at least the next few days. "Go away Jungkook" I say, just loud enough for him to hear. "Please open the door" he says softly but even through the closed door I can still make it out. 
"Why don't you open it yourself?" I ask, now curious as to why he hasn't used his keys yet. "I wanted to respect what you said about not coming home by at least knocking and waiting to be let in" he mumbles and I finally just decide to open the door, tired of having to lean up against it to hear his muffled voice. "Yet you came home anyway" I say holding onto the door in a defensive stance, still wanting to have the option to shut it in his face. Petty? Probably. Deserved? Yes. 
"I wanted to talk to you and, I don't know, maybe get some clothes if you still want to kick me out" he says and I know he's doing this to make me feel bad but I just give in and walk away from the door and leave it open. Neither inviting him in, nor shutting him out. "Thank you" he says and comes over to the table, placing down a bag that I didn't even notice he had.
I look at it questioningly for a second waiting to see if he might disclose what is in said bag and luckily he does so before I have to swallow my pride and ask. "I brought breakfast" he says unloading some takeout boxes from the nearby bakery that I love. "And pain meds, just in case we had run out" he says and places that on the side of the table closest to me. 
I ignore the last part and look in the kitchen cabinet to search for some on my own and to my dismay I come up empty handed leaving me having to accept one of his peace offerings. "Thank you" I mumble and head to the sink to get a glass of water. "How did you sleep?" he asks, watching me gulp down the glass to aide in getting it down. 
"How do you think I slept?" I question back sarcastically, him now looking at the disheveled state I'm in. "Right..." he trails off, realizing it was a pretty stupid question to ask. "Jungkook what do you want?" I ask wanting to bypass his stupid excuse of small talk. 
"I want to talk about what happened last night. Why do you want to break up?" he asks and I slam the cup down on the counter, infuriated as to why he would even ask that question again. "I told you in explicit detail last night and you still don't know? I didn't realize I needed to add clueless and a horrible listener to the list as well" I say crossing my arms over my chest. "Unbelievable" I mutter to myself. 
"What is unbelievable is that you didn't give us the opportunity to actually sit down and communicate things like adults in a controlled environment. Noona, half the stuff you said was difficult for me to hear because of the other people around us. I wanted to give both of us a chance to talk this out a bit more so we can figure out if there's any way we can work this out so we can still be together" he says trying his best to convince me to even give him a chance to at least say his piece. 
"I told you last night Jungkook. I'm done and I don't want to be with you anymore" I state and turn to go back to the bedroom. "Just let m-" "I need to get ready for class. Grab what you need and make sure you're gone by the time I get out of the shower" I say grabbing a towel and closing the door to the bathroom behind me and turning on the water before he tries to say anything else.
Feeling the warm water run over my body has me sighing in pleasure, finally getting rid of the tension throughout my body and eventually the medicine kicks in and is able to reduce my headache to a dull pressure which is definitely an improvement from earlier. Jungkook's surprise visit making it even worse. I just need to go to the library to write and submit my paper so I don't get distracted at home and then I'll have the rest of the day to relax after cleaning up the house for a bit.  
After I finish getting ready I walk past the kitchen and notice that the take out boxes he brought are still there. My stomach grumbles and I contemplate eating it. 'He wouldn't know either way' I think it to myself. I take a second, debating on if I should just do it but decide on leaving them where they are, adding it to the list of my to dos.
I grab my bag and get ready to go while letting out a frustrated sigh, upset with myself for being so stubborn. If I give in to him too much I might end up taking him back, I just have to keep rejecting him and hopefully he'll eventually get the memo.  
Opening the door and taking a quick glance around the hallway I am thankful to say that he's no where to be found. 'Well at least he listened to me this time' I say to myself, locking the front door behind me and taking the elevator downstairs to start on my journey to the library. Once the doors open at the ground floor I am unfortunately met by the sight of Jungkook leaning up against his car right outside. 
"I thought I told you to leave" I say and fix the strap on my bag before continuing on my journey. "Just let me drop you off. We don't even have to talk" he says chasing after me. "No" I decline, sticking to my strategy of rejecting him. "Then let me walk you there" he offers up instead. "No, leave me alone" I say and start walking faster and he thankfully he doesn't chase after me. 
After a few minutes though I can still sense his presence behind me, "Stop following me" I say without turning around. "I'm not following you, I need to go to the station too" he says, making up a sorry excuse for his motives. "Whatever" I mumble under my breath and we, to my dismay, both make our way to the station. 
"Where are you even going?" I asks once we both end up standing in the same line waiting for the same damn train. "I'm going to the library" he says simply and looks past me to where the train will be arriving in a minute. "But I'm going to the library" I say, crossing my arms and raising a brow at him. "I know, I knew you were lying when you said you had class because you don't have any classes on Tuesdays" he says, surprising me that he actually remembered part of my schedule. 
I open my mouth to respond but before I can the PA system tells us that our train will arrive in 30 seconds so I turn back around to face it and start making may way in after it arrives. Before I'm all the way inside though I catch Jungkook off guard by shoving one of his shoulders causing him to stumble back, stunned for a second which is just long enough for him to not make it past the doors in time, with them closing before he can even recover. 
I smile and wave at him triumphantly, seeing his slightly irritated expression but when the train starts moving he runs alongside it for as long as he can, causing me to roll my eyes at him and turn back around to face the inside of the train and put my earbuds in, praying that I'll be able to go through the rest of my day without him...     
Seeing that luck is not on my side today I find him right on the steps of the library waiting for me. "I brought you coffee. I know you didn't have any this morning and you usually get even more of a headache than you probably have now if you don't have any caffeine in your system" he smiles sweetly, to which I send him a sarcastic one and take the coffee out of his hand before throwing it in the trashcan and making my way up the steps to get inside. 
He is able to run up the steps faster than I am, enough to where he's able to open the door for me to get inside. I ignore him and go to one of the other sets of double doors and open it to let myself in. This day was already going to be hard enough with this stupid hangover that the slightest things will irritate me and he knows that. So why he would possibly think that following me around and pestering me would be a good idea is beyond me. 
"Leave me alone, I need to study" I whisper when I finally find a spot that unfortunately has an empty seat right next to it. "I know, just let me keep you company" he says and lays his head down on the desk and looks up at me for a while with a lovesick smile. "Don't give me those puppy dog eyes or I'll gouge them out myself" I threaten, which gets him to sit up straight and take out his laptop that he somehow was able to hide from me. 
"How are you able to be here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I question quietly, hoping I won't get scolded by the other people around for being too loud. "I work from 'home' this week" he says putting home in air quotes. "You've never worked from home before" I say getting suspicious. "Well, now I am" he says simply, opening his laptop and getting to work. 
After a few hours of sitting next to him with only the sound of our keyboards to remind us of each other's presence I submit my paper and pack up my stuff so I can head back and Jungkook decides to do the same even though he was clearly in the middle of something. "Are you done for the day?" he questions, as he lets me lead the way when we get out of the library. 
"Not that it's any of your business, but yes I am done for the day" I say and make my way toward the station again. "Can I give you a ride home now?" he asks with us clearly passing his car. "Nope, but feel free to take yourself anywhere that isn't home and never come back" I huff and make my way back to the train station. He decides to do the first part of the statement after watching me walk away until I'm out of his line of sight but we know as much as I don't want him to, he'll always comeback...
Monday / Wednesday
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mrsevans90 · 2 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 18
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: FLUFFY LOVE!!! MAJOR SMUT, Sex outdoors, public sex, fingering, squirting, P in V intercourse, innuendos, language, romantic love making.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading!
Part 17
As usual, I wake up well before any alarm I’ve set has the opportunity to start ringing but today I lay in bed. I’m keyed up, feeling similar to how I did in the army before a big mission. I hate that her side of the bed is empty, but Emma’s mother insisted that we sleep separately the night before our wedding. All of the women were at the hotel together, so I couldn’t even sneak in as she was sharing a room with her best friend.
Our wedding. It’s finally here.
Emma didn’t want to wait too long, and between Nana and Diana, the wedding planning became a full event that those two spent every waking hour on. Emma had input and veto rights, but with her busy job she couldn’t devote a ton of time to small details so she let my grandmother and her mother do the heavy lifting.
“All that matters at the end of the day is that I become Mrs. Austin Syverson. Everything else is just details. I’ll definitely have to reign them in at some point though.” Emma told me the next day in bed in Jamaica after we got engaged. We were discussing what she wanted and she said she was happy to have Nana and Diana help plan. She just wanted something classic and outdoors. She of course wanted to choose her dress and she wanted the dogs to be involved somehow. We laid there that night in bed talking about our future and Emma’s smile was just radiant. I lie in bed knowing I won’t get back to sleep before my mind jumps to my second favorite memory of the Jamaica trip, the first being her accepting my proposal.
The morning after our engagement, I wake up and see Emma still naked and wrapped in the luxurious sheets. Her hair a mess and her lips slightly parted as she sleeps soundly. Her left hand draped delicately over her sheet covered breast catches the light peeking behind the curtains and illuminates the diamonds on her ring. I smile to myself before tossing on some boxers and making myself a cup of coffee from the coffee maker that they provided in the suite. I quietly kiss Emma’s ring, then her forehead before making my way to the balcony to drink my coffee. I sit outside for a while enjoying the view and replaying Emma’s reaction to my proposal in my head when I hear the French doors to the balcony crack open. I turn to see Emma wrapped in nothing but the white bed sheet, her hair still curled from last night but now slightly mussed from sleep as she squints into the brightness of the sun. She gives me the sexiest, sleepy smile and walks further on the balcony closing the doors behind her. Instead of sitting on one of the many chairs available, Emma makes her way directly to my lap and climbs up.
“Morning, Sugar. Sleep good?”
“Mmm.. very good. How about you?”
“I always sleep best with your naked body wrapped up against me, Darlin’.”
She leans in and presses a gentle kiss against my lips. 
“We’re getting married, Sy.”
“We sure are, Sugar. You excited?”
“The most excited. I can’t wait to be your wife.” She smiles and I feel the blood rush to my cock.
“Mm! I like the sound of that. My little wife.” I smirk at her and waggle my eyebrows.
“There’s something wrong though.”
“What’s that, Darlin?” 
“We haven’t completed our mission.” She whispers sultrily and drops the sheet from under her arms to expose her perfect breasts which immediately causes me to groan and reach for them.
“Well, we can’t have that now, can we? As mission leader and your captain, we need to rectify this problem immediately.” I grunt and thrust my erection against her still covered core before grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. 
“Now, you gotta stay quiet unless you want us to get caught, ya understand?” I grunt in her ear and she nods.
“Yes, Captain. I understand.” She breathes and I rip the sheet as tactically as I can from her, exposing her naked body to the outdoors. I lift her gently to remove my boxers and kick them off of my ankles before setting her back down in my lap and grinding against her. Emma’s nipples are hard and she grabs my jaw and kisses me heatedly as she grinds herself against me. My hands reach down and grab each ass cheek harshly as I slide my cock through her folds, collecting her arousal which is readily available.
“You’re fucking soaked, Sugar. You like the thought of being caught out here naked?” 
“Ah! Yes.” She all but moans when my tip bumps against her clit. 
“Naughty girl. Anyone could look up and see your perfect body riding against mine right now.”
“Mmmmhmm.” She mewls as her juices actually drip down onto my lap. I like this new kink I’ve discovered about my bride.
With one hand grasping her tit, I take the other and shove a finger inside her core, quickly followed by a second causing her to moan louder than I had expected. 
“Quiet now, Darlin’. I don’t need everyone watching my girl’s perfect body fall apart.” I smirk as I swat her ass and watch her back arch as she starts fucking herself on my fingers. Fuck, she’s so wet and warm. The sun behind her illuminates her tanned skin as she rides my fingers and I’m hard as a rock.
“Aus…I’m” is all she’s able to say before she’s squirting her climax down on to me. Her eyes are clamped shut with her hands gripping my shoulders as she arches her back and moans so sexily while I continue pumping my fingers into her to help her ride it out. I bite my lip and even have to force myself to keep my eyes open as this view is something I want to replay over and over in my mind, while also trying to keep from blowing my load without ever being touched. I pride myself on my stamina, but this ethereal woman makes me feel like a teen going through puberty. Precum is leaking steadily out of my erection and I’m taking deep breaths to keep myself from coming just from the sight in front of me. Fuck porn, this image is spank bank material for the rest of my life. Emma’s eyes reopen and she leans forward planting a dirty, wet kiss on me before lifting up, positioning herself, and sliding down on my cock. We groan together because she is so wet that even though she’s extremely tight I slide in easily. Emma doesn’t even take time to adjust before she lifts up and starts riding me. I plant my hands on her hips to help her and start sucking her nipples in my mouth as she tugs at the short strands of hair that have grown out on my head. 
“After that show, I’m not going to last as long, sweetness.” I tell her and she leans down to kiss me again.
“You’re so fucking hot, Austin. I can’t wait for you to fill me with your babies and make me a mama.” She says with the most seductive smirk as she flips her hair to the side and I growl at her dirty talk. Fuck, she’s giving me a breeding kink that I never used to have.
“Fucking hell, babygirl. You want me to fill you up again?” I grunt and she nods. Without a word, I lift her off of me and bend her towards the balcony railing. Thank God we are on the 4th floor and it’s still early so lots of people are still at breakfast and not out yet. 
“Hands on the railing.” I grunt in her ear and she pushes her perfect ass out. I spread her cheeks and grope her before spearing her back on my cock and fucking her, hard. I reach under her and grab onto her breasts that are bouncing from my arduous thrusting and pick up my speed. The thrill of being caught is exhilarating and I swear, Emma’s arousal is dripping down her thighs.
“My sweet, naughty girl.” I growl as I grab onto her shoulder and wrap her hair around my wrist to continue pounding into her. Emma’s sweet breathless mewls show me that she’s close but trying to remain quiet for me. I reach down and thumb her clit and feel her pussy flutter around me helplessly.
“Cum on my cock, Sugar. Let me feel you.” I grunt and moments later she shatters apart, gripping the railing to keep herself from collapsing as I also find my release and spurt my hot cum inside her walls. I grunt probably too loudly but, in my euphoria, I don’t care anymore as I fantasize about getting her pregnant right now. We rest for a moment before I pick up the discarded sheet, wrapping Emma up and pulling her back down into my lap. I do a quick glance and don’t see anyone gawking and staring so I think our tryst was successfully completed.
The alarm suddenly lets out a shrill ring, startling me from my pornographic flashback and once again I am alone in our bed, but now with an erection that I want nothing more to take care of but I force myself to wait until tonight. I shut the offending alarm off before wiping my hand down my face, stretching and heading toward the bathroom to brush my teeth. I decide to send Emma a picture of myself smiling with the dogs and a text.
Sy: <attachment>
Happy wedding day, Sugar. I sure can’t wait to see you today. I love you.
Emma quickly returns the text with a picture of her in silk button up pajamas and messy hair and I wish I could touch her.
Future Mrs. Syverson: <attachment>
Happy Wedding Day, Baby!! I can’t wait to see you and become your wife. I love you so so much! Check in your dress shoes for a present from me! ❤️
I head back upstairs to my closet and take my shoes from the shoe rack to see a small gift box tucked into my left shoe. I open it to reveal a really nice Bulova watch with a note. 
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I find myself smiling at her words as I slide my new watch on my wrist. I have to admit, it looks really good. I quickly send her a text back.
Sy: Sugar, you got me the nicest gift I could have gotten. Thank you, Darlin’, I love it. Nana should be there with your gift shortly. Hope you like it. I love you.
I knew Nana would be on her way within the hour and had promised to deliver the earrings that my mom had left to me before she passed away. They were pretty little diamond drop earrings that had a pearl at the base. She wore them on her wedding day as a gift from Nana and PawPaw and she said even though her marriage didn’t work, they represented the love of her family. I sent them along with a note for Emma.
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After a cup of coffee, Walter shows up and we head over to a diner for a late breakfast. He’s my only groomsmen, as Emma only wanted one bridesmaid, choosing her best friend Cassie from Alabama who I’d met several times when they video called each other. She was an extremely nice girl, redheaded and somewhat shy compared to Emma but I was happy that she came down yesterday and they got to spend the day together doing girly things in preparation for the wedding today. 
“So, how you feelin’ today man? Nervous?”
“Nah, I’m excited. I would have taken her to the courthouse months ago but I wanted her to have the wedding she’s always dreamed of.” 
“I’m glad you found her. She’s a really great girl and God knows how she puts up with your stubborn ass.” Walt jokes but I have to agree. 
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure.” 
“I thought you’d have the wedding at Nana and PawPaw’s ranch.”
“That was initially the idea but her mother and Nana convinced her there wasn’t enough room. Emma found the big field near first Baptist down there on main, and loved the idea of getting married in front of that massive oak tree so that was what it changed too.”
“Anything we need to do to help set up?”
“Nah, I already tried that. Nana hired the ranch hands to help out for the day. She said, and I quote, ‘Your only job is to arrive clean, in your suit, and on time. I don’t need you messing up our vision.’”
Walt laughed so loud he startled other customers as I shook my head at my Nana’s antics.
“Well, want to head back to the house and watch a game with a beer before we need to get ready? 
We head out to my truck and head back to my house.
“Emma tells me I’ll like her friend, Cassie a lot.” Walter says subtly.
Oh Emma, trying to set up her best friend and Walt because she wants everyone happy and in love. Matchmaking even on her wedding day.
“I’m sure you will.” I smirk at Walt who tries to act uninterested.
“All I know is that she’s a pretty redhead, who seems a bit shy. She is a graphic designer but I can’t remember where she works. Her and Em have been friends since preteens.”
“Good to know.” Walt nods continuing with his indifferent bluff.
About two hours later, I got a call from Nana saying that Emma loved the earrings and couldn’t stop crying while reading my letter. She already had the earrings on and was excited to wear them with her wedding gown. I felt proud that she appreciated the gift and it made me feel like mama was here with us in spirit. I’m confident that she and Emma would get on like peas in a pod.
My brother, Mark and his family came from Tennessee and would be staying at Nana and PawPaw’s house. I was happy when they came to visit and I got to meet the newest addition to our family, my 3-month-old nephew, Liam. Lucy their daughter would be our flower girl today and was an absolute ball of energy chasing Mills throughout the house. It was really enjoyable getting to catch up with them since we hadn’t been around each other in a while.
Several hours pass and I’m in my dress uniform headed over to the Baptist church with Walt. The girls were getting ready there, thanks to Nana’s membership, so that they could remain unseen before the ceremony. Everything looked incredible, and I had to hand it to the ladies that Emma would love it. Rows and rows of white chairs lined perfectly facing a flowered archway in front of the massive oak tree that had twinkling lights hanging from it. I had to take a deep breath as I saw Emma had framed my favorite portrait of my mom, and had the frame sitting in the front seat of rows of chairs. Effectively ensuring that I knew my mother’s presence was there with me. Seeing the set up made me more excited than ever to see my girl walking down the aisle towards me.
Finally, it was time. I stood at the end of the makeshift aisle with the officiant and Walter as many family and friends that I knew, and several from Emma’s hometown that I didn’t know sat in the chairs facing me. Walt had Aika on the leash with him as Cassie had Mills on the leash with her. Emma had been adamant about training him to behave for him to be at the ceremony. We all chuckled as Lucy threw flowers on the ground, and dumped the remaining flowers from her basket directly in front of the officiant before scuttling over to sit with Mark. The music switched to a romantic piano tune as the officiant called for the audience to rise and I watched as Emma emerged on her father’s arm. She was absolutely stunning in a tight-fitting white gown that hugged her figure perfectly. Her hair in delicate curls with white roses tucked in it, while holding a large bouquet of matching flowers. My favorite shy smile was across her face as she walked closer towards me down the aisle. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I slightly shake my head as I can’t believe this beautiful, perfect woman was going to be mine forever.
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All rights and credits go to the owner of these photos
As we joined hands and repeated our vows after the officiant, I never took my eyes off of Emma. She is easily the most radiant and incredible person, I’ve ever known. After exchanging our rings, the officiant pronounced us husband and wife. As the crowd clapped and cheered, I wrapped my arms around Emma and dipped her backwards in a passionate but appropriate kiss. Emma smiled ecstatically at me as I stood her back up before grabbing her bouquet. We gave a quick hug to her parents and my grandparents before heading down the aisle as husband and wife. As we walked back down the aisle together, our loved ones cheered for us as the photographer snapped hundreds of photos. I was more than grateful for a moment to ourselves inside the church as I scooped Emma up bridal style and carried her to a room together for a moment alone. 
“Holy shit, Sugar.” I said as I stared at her body in this gown.
“Baby! We’re in a church! No cursing!” She scolded me playfully.
“Well, you’re sinful in that dress, Darlin’. Let me have a good look at you.” I motion for her to spin for me and she does so. I grunt at her before pulling her back into my arms and letting my hands roam her perfect form.
“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life, baby girl.” I tell her honestly and smile when her cheeks tint with blush.
“We need to go take pictures.” She says against my mouth as I pull her in for a kiss.
“Mm.. They can wait a minute. I just need a minute with my wife.” I tell her as I press another kiss to her lips.
“Anything you want, husband.” She smirks.
“You’re going to regret saying that, Sugar.” I tell her while arching my brow, not caring that we are in a church as I imply what I’m after.
“Save it for tonight, big boy. We have a wedding to get back too. I’ll make it worth your while tonight, baby.” She promises and I grunt before I adjust myself in my pants. Don’t need that showing up in all of the pictures. I pull her in for another kiss before there is a knock at the door from the photographer ready to do her job. I pout but Emma just smirks and grabs my hand before pulling me out of the room where Walt and Cassie are already waiting on us with knowing smirks.
After what feels like an hour worth of pictures of us and with our families, we head to the field which has been completely converted into a wedding reception. There is a DJ set up and tables with people already eating food. I’m starved so when Nana calls us to a table with food, Emma and I dig in. 
Throughout the night, I’m surprised to see several acquaintances from the army in attendance. Turns out, Nana put Walt’s detective skills to work on tracking down any remaining army buddies and sure enough, they showed. I was proud to show Emma off to them and she loved getting to meet people from my past who couldn’t believe I settled down. Before I knew it, they were telling jokes about some of the nonsense that we all did out in the desert when we were bored between missions and Emma was absolutely captivated with each story. Before the night ended, I was dancing, yes, dancing with Emma before we left for our hotel. This woman could convince me to do just about anything with those doe eyes. I smirk at Walt who has been dancing with Cassie for several songs. Emma, as usual, was right and they seem to be hitting things off. Nana and PawPaw had just left and took the dogs with them as we were going to leave for our honeymoon tomorrow. I look at Emma who has her head resting against my chest and smile.
“Have you had a good time, Sugar?”
“Mmm, the best wedding ever. I’m so excited to be your wife. What about you?”
“It’s been perfect darlin’. I can’t believe so many of my army buddies showed.”
“I can. It’s obvious how much they all admire and respect you, baby. We should make a point to reach out more.” I just grunt in response. Everyone is so spread out now, it would be difficult to see them often. Emma cuts my train of thought with her next sentence.
“I have a little surprise for you.” Emma says while biting her lip.
“What’s that, Sugar?” Emma stretches up on her tip toes to reach the bottom of my ear.
“I stopped taking my birth control a week ago.” She whispers before looking up at me with those beautiful crystal blue eyes and a smirk that runs straight to my manhood.
“Oh yeah? Ready for me to make you a mama?” I ask her quietly.
“Yes, honey. Let’s try for a baby.” She smiles and before I can even think I’m smashing my lips to hers.
“Can we go to the honeymoon suite yet?” I ask when she pulls away from the heated kiss to take a breath, reminding me that we have an audience.
“After the bouquet and garter toss, we can leave. Shall we?”
“Fuck yes!” I murmur before she tells Diana that we are ready to go. Diana gathers all of the single women together and Emma tosses her bouquet into the crowd that is easily caught by Cassie and I smirk at Walt who just smacks my shoulder with a grunt.
Emma sits in a chair and I get down on my good knee and slide myself under her dress to go after her garter. Fuck, she’s wearing the sexiest white bridal lingerie and it makes me even more eager to get her out of here. I pull the garter off with my teeth to the cheers of the crowd before purposefully flinging it directly into Walt’s head with a chuckle. I’ve always had perfect aim and he rewards me with his signature scowl. 
Thankfully, not too much later Emma and I are headed through the crowd of people showering us with flower petals as we get in the vintage car we rented to take us to the hotel. Emma wanted us to enjoy ourselves without having to worry about driving so I was happy to get to kiss on her the entire ride to the hotel.
Emma squealed as I scooped her up bridal style and carried her through the lobby to the elevators and up to our suite for the night. We’d be leaving tomorrow afternoon to catch our flight for our honeymoon but I was determined to make every minute of this night count. I could finally make love to my wife, and so that’s what we did… All. Night. Long.
Part 19
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar, @wetzilly
A/N: Thank you for being patient with me while it took me a bit longer to get this chapter out! This isn't the last chapter of the series, but I feel like this story is starting to come to an end which gives me withdrawals lol. I hope you all enjoyed their wedding!
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bby-bo · 1 year
Cafe Cutie
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hey. someone tell the universe to make this happen to me. thanks. 
Summary: Ushijima has a little crush on a girl who shares his favorite coffee shop
Warnings: none, fluff
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Everyday before practice, Ushijima would pick up his iced americano from the cafe down the street. 
And everyday he would see you, sitting by the window with your own drink between your hands. Eyes bouncing around the coffee shop before finally settling on him, and giving him the little smile and wave he so eagerly looked forward to each morning. 
Your smile made your eyes upturn slightly, bright and awake even in the early hours of the day. He loved that about you, and it helped him stay motivated to get to practice early. Ushijima tried his best to notice every little detail about you in the moments you blessed him with those waves, tucking the details into the back of his brain forever. 
Like the freckles that speckled across parts of your face, the dimples on your cheeks and the tiny crinkles by your eyes that appeared when you gave him a soft smile. Like your collar bones tempting him from just above the neckline of your sweater. Or your tiny hands that barely made it around the mug of whatever it was you drank every morning. 
Ushijima swallowed roughly, returning your greeting before quickly turning out of the cafe and trying to conceal the grin breaking its way across his lips. 
It was business as usual for Ushijima the next few days, only seeing you briefly in the cafe before rushing off to practice- but thoughts of you stayed with him. Long hours of workouts were passed in seconds as he imagined you standing next to him in the gym. Watching, with him the center of your attention. Even winning matches felt bitter sweet, because he could so easily picture you on the sidelines, running into his open arms to congratulate him on a job well done.
But unfortunately, Ushijima’s one major shortcoming was communication. His teammates even referred to him as a “volleyball idiot”, whatever that was. 
Sometimes he would give you a small “hello” or “good morning”, but your conversation never went further than that. It was pure torture. He was confident that if you had only been introduced properly that things would be different, but Ushijima knew that he was only a stranger in the cafe to you. 
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“It would not be polite to disturb her peace or approach her against her will.” 
“Dude. Just say hi, it’s not that weird!” 
Hoshiumi honestly could not believe his ears. Not only was Ushijima chatting up a storm instead of warming up, but he was talking about a girl. Ushijima was hardly ever interested in something that had nothing to do with volleyball, and as far as Hoshiumi knew, girls were certainly never on his radar before now… 
“We exchange greetings all the time, that’s not the issue-”
“Ask her what her coffee order is.” Kageyama cut in with a surprisingly normal answer, and now Hoshiumi was sure that he had woken up in another dimension this morning. 
“I didn’t know you were good at this sort of thing. Thank you.” Rising to his full height and turning towards the court with a newfound energy, Ushijima had found his answer.  And two days later, on a Thursday morning, the opportunity arose. 
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You were a bit later than usual in arriving at the cafe, and today you were in line directly behind Ushijima at the counter. He took a deep breath, willing the buzzing in his brain to silence itself as he turned to face you. 
If he hadn’t just taken a breath, he certainly would’ve choked on the next one. You were gorgeous up close, and he was overcome with the urge to stare. Getting himself under some semblance of control, he bowed softly and muttered a soft “good morning, how are you”. Your eyes followed his the entire time, and he realized how much shorter you were. Your neck tilted back to raise your face to his, lips just loosening a breath, before you quickly returned his bow and greeting. 
“What’s your coffee order?” Shit, did that sound weird? It certainly felt weird.
“I get a flat white!” Her smile is so cute… What the hell is a flat white?
“I can’t say I'm familiar with-”
“What can I get for you today sir?” Without even thinking, Ushijima answered the cashier. 
“Two flat whites please.”
You were clearly taken aback, but Ushijima thought your flustered reaction was so sweet. That tiny blush creeping across your nose made the initial awkwardness more than worth it. And Ushijima promised himself in that split second that he would see that blush again, somehow. 
“O-oh I didn’t say that to make you buy my coffee! Thank you so much but I-”
“It was my pleasure. I have a few extra minutes this morning if you’d like to sit with me?” Oh, if Kageyama could see him now. 
Your conversation was short because of his morning practice, but Ushijima finally got your name and your number, which was far more than he ever could have expected for your first real interaction. And as he got up to leave and say his goodbyes, he remembered the little promise he made to himself.
“I hope you’ll continue to let me do this in the mornings, have a good day” 
And that adorable blush graced his view once more as you nodded in shy agreement.
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tournament-announcer · 3 months
Hey ik this is not tournament related, but in case you didn't know and want to spread the word, Tumblr is selling everybody's data to AI companies.
Here is the staff post about it https://www.tumblr.com/loki-valeska/743539907313778688
And a post with more information and how to opt out https://www.tumblr.com/khaleesi/743504350780014592/
Hi thanks for the information and sorry for my late reply. I was a bit low on spoons this week and I wanted to form thoughts about this.
Because the thing is, I am doing a PhD at an AI department in real-life. Not in generative AI, in fact I’m partly doing this because I distrust how organisations are currently using AI. But so this is my field of expertise and I wanted to share some insights.
First of all yes do try to opt out. We have no guarantee how useful that’s going to be, but they don’t need to be given your data that easily.
Secondly, I am just so confused as to why? Why would you want to use tumblr posts to train your model? Everyone in the field surely knows about the garbage in, garbage out rule? AI models that need to be trained on data are doing nothing more than making statistical predictions based on the data they’ve seen. Garbage in, garbage out therefore refers to the fact that if your data is shit, your results will also be shit. And like not to be mean but a LOT of tumblr posts are not something I would want to see from a large language model.
Thirdly I’ve seen multiple posts encouraging people to use nightshade and glaze on their art but also posts wondering what exactly it is these programs do to your art. The thing is, generative ai models are kinda stupid, they just learn to associate certain patterns in pictures with certain words. However these patterns are typically not patterns we’d want them to pick up on. An example would be a model that you want to differentiate between pictures of birds and dogs, but instead of learning to look for say wings, it learns that pictures of birds usually have a blue sky as background and so a picture of a bird in the grass will be labelled as ‘dog’.
So what glaze and nightshade are more or less doing is exploiting this stupidness by changing a few pixels in your art that will give it a very different label when an AI looks at it. I can look up papers for people who want to know the details, but this is the essence of it.
To see how much influence this might have on your art, see this meme I made a few years ago based on the paper ”Intriguing properties of neural networks”, Figure 5 by Szegedy et al. (2013)
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Finally, staff said in that post that they gave us the option to opt out because of the maybe upcoming AI act in Europe. I was under the impression that they should give us this opportunity because of the GDPR and that the AI act is supposed to be more about the use of AI and less about the creation and data aspect but nevertheless this shows that the EU has a real ability to influence these kinds of things and the European Parliament elections are coming up this year, so please go vote and also read up on what the parties are saying about AI and other technologies beforehand (next to everything else you care about) (also relevant for other elections of course but the EU has a good track record on this topic).
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Anyway sorry for the long talk, but as I said this is my area and so I felt the need to clarify some things. Feel free to send me more asks if you want to know something specific!
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Make Yourself At Home (Pedro Pascal X Reader)
Pair: pedro pascal x new actress f!reader
Warnings: fluff, age gap, talks of financial issues, living together (let me know if i missed any)
Summary: Pedro offered you to stay at his house for free to help you with your renting issues.
Words: 2.1k
A/N: My Pedro Pascal era hasn’t ended yet and I keep thinking about him all day all night. I hope to meet him someday, I’m sure he’s a very nice person as I imagined him to be. I’m crying😭 Hope you like this fic! (not proofread)
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“The filming is postponed?” You were shocked at the news.
You just started your acting gig and worked multiple jobs to support you and your family financially. You barely afford your own place in LA to achieve your dreams as an actress and now you have to extend your rent until the filming continues. You could go back to your hometown to live with your family but you didn’t want to. Because you had waited a long time for the opportunity and now you had gotten it so you didn’t want to let it go to waste. Acting had been something that you had always wanted to try and enjoy. 
“Yes, I’m sorry. There’s something going on and we will let you know later about the details.” The staff explained to you.
“Okay. Thank you for telling me.” You pat her upper arm.
“No problem.” She smiled and left.
You sighed and wandered back and forth thinking how you could afford your living expenses in the next few months while you waited for the filming to continue. You called your best friend and told her everything. 
“I have to send money for my parents at home, my rent is due, what am I going to do, liv?” You told your best friend on the phone.
Pedro Pascal, the actor for the main character of your upcoming movie, heard your conversation. He was friendly to everyone and very kind. You met him a few times and had filmed a few scenes with him. Your first impression of him was very nice and he really was a nice person after you knew him for a while. 
“Hey, you okay there?” Pedro suddenly approached you.
“Oh!” You flinched when he touched your shoulder.
“Sorry, did I startle you?” He chuckled and pulled his hand away from you.
“No, no.” You were embarrassed.
“I just saw you walking back and forth and wondered if you were okay.” He chuckled softly and fixed his glasses.
“Oh-uh-yeah, I’m okay. Thank you for asking though.” You smiled at him.
“Okay.” Pedro put his hands inside his pocket and nodded.
Then he turned his heel to walk away but something was holding him back. He was debating whether to follow his heart or his logic. He had a crush on you since he met you but he was not sure if he should go for it or not. 
“Uh-” Pedro turned his heel back and faced you again.
“Yeah?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Do you want to go get dinner with me after this?” Pedro finally had the courage to get to know you more.
“Yeah, sure. I’d love to.” You nodded.
You didn’t expect Pedro would invite you to dinner with him.  You had always been a fan of his. He was an amazing actor. Your heart was beating faster. You wanted to jump in excitement. Pedro Pascal just asked you to have dinner with him?!? Pedro Pascal, are you kidding? Were you dreaming?? But you had to act normal or he would think you were a weirdo.
“Thank you.” You thanked Pedro as he helped you take off your jacket.
“Do you have any allergies?” Pedro asked you while he read the menu.
“No.” You answered him and read the menu.
“I’ll have salad, please.” You looked at the waiter and closed the menu book.
“Just salad? You sure?” Pedro raised his eyebrows.
“I have to keep my weight.” You shrugged.
“Okay…I’ll have salmon. Thank you.” Pedro pointed at the menu and showed it to the waiter.
Then the waiter left so it was now just you and Pedro alone waiting for the food to come. You felt kind of awkward because you were too nervous to say anything. You were afraid of saying something wrong that would make Pedro regret asking you out for dinner. It was not a date, you knew it. But you need to give a good impression to your favorite actor and co-actor. You kept grabbing your glass and drinking because of your awkwardness. Pedro chuckled and shook his head as he saw you. He knew you were nervous and he found you cute.
“So..what are you planning to do while the filming is halted for a while?” Pedro started the conversation.
“Uhm..I’ll have to work more I guess.” You didn’t want to go into details.
Pedro nodded. He understood your position because he used to be there too when he was younger and trying to achieve his dream to be an actor. There was a moment of silence for a while.
“I don’t mean to offend you but if you need help just let me know. I would be willing to help. I’ve been there so I know it’s hard.” Pedro wanted to help you.
“Thank you.” You smiled at his offer.
After dinner, Pedro drove you home. He parked his car in front of your apartment.
“Thank you for dinner and driving me home, Pedro.” You turned your head to him as you unfastened your seatbelt.
“Anytime.” Pedro looked at you and smiled.
“See you?” You smiled at him, your hand ready to open the car door.
“I’ll see you soon.” He rested his hand on the steering wheel.
Pedro wanted to ask you something but he was hesitating. His finger tapped the steering wheel. 
“Wait-” Pedro stopped you before you got out of the car. 
“Hmm?” You went back to sit in the passenger seat and closed the door. 
“I heard your conversation earlier. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, trust me. But I really want to help you. I hope you don’t mind. I have a guest room in my house. No one is using it.  You can stay at my place if you want. As long as I can help you.” Pedro looked worried.
You were ashamed of your situation, especially in front of your celebrity crush. But his offer was a really good one. You could save a lot of money by receiving his offer. And he was not a creepy old man. He was always nice to everyone and you. You felt comforted by his presence. Maybe you should think about it.
“Thank you for the offer, Pedro. That’s really nice of you. I’ll think about it.” You smiled.
“Yeah, sure. Take your time. Just text me or call me when you decide.” Pedro was relieved at your reaction.
“See you.” You bent down to wave your hand at him.
“See you.” Pedro waved his hand as he drove away.
You spent your night rolling around your bed. You couldn’t stop thinking about Pedro’s offer. It was a really great offer but that would mean you would be living with him under the same roof. You were not his girlfriend so is it okay? But he was the one that came up with the idea so it must be okay for him. 
“Okay. I think I’ll give it a try.” You nodded as you decided.
The next day, you called Pedro’s phone to tell him your decision.
“Hello?” You heard Pedro’s voice from the phone.
“Hi, it’s me. I’ve made up my mind.” You told him.
“Really? What do you think?” Pedro sounded excited.
“I think I’ll say yes to your offer.” You chuckled softly.
“That’s great. Should I-uh-Should I come get your stuff today? I’m free in the afternoon.” Pedro couldn’t wait.
“Uh-yes, of course. I’ll start packing my stuff.” You didn’t expect him to be this fast.
“Okay. Talk to you soon!” Pedro hung up the call.
You breathed out in relief and started packing your stuff. You called your landlord to inform him that you would not continue the lease. He gave you a date to have a meeting with him to do some paperworks and you agreed. 
“Is this all?” Pedro asked you while he helped you move your stuff to his car.
“Yes, for now. I’ll send the rest using the delivery service.” You helped him move your stuff inside.
It was a few minutes drive to his house and you finally stepped inside his house. You looked around in awe. His house was beautiful, the interior design, the furniture, all were beautiful. 
“You have a really beautiful house.” You complimented his house.
“Thank you.” He smiled and looked around his house proudly.
“Come here.” Pedro asked you to follow him as he dragged your suitcase.
“This is your room. I hope you like it. There’s a bathroom inside.” He opened the bathroom door and showed it to you.
“Thank you, Pedro. You’re a lifesaver.” You put your hand on his upper arm.
“No problem.” He smiled.
“Well, I’ll leave your stuff here. And make yourself at home.” Pedro patted your shoulder and left the room.
“Good night, Pedro.” 
“Good night.” He closed your bedroom door.
You were too tired to unpack so you just went to shower and went to bed right away. The bed was so comfy and the sheets smelled good. You felt comfortable there. You set an alarm to wake up early so you could make breakfast for you and Pedro. He didn’t let you pay any cents for staying at his house so that’s the least thing you could do. 
*alarm rang*
You yawned and stretched. You got up, washed your face, tied your hair and wore your bra. Then you walked to the kitchen and opened his fridge. There were not many things but you saw some eggs and bread so you decided to make scrambled eggs and toast. 
“Morning.” You heard Pedro’s voice behind you.
“Oh! Morning.” You turned your head to him as you cooked.
His hair was messy and his voice was hoarse. He looked so sexy you wanted to touch his fluffy hair. But you needed to take it easy. You had just been here for a night.
“You really don’t have to do this though.” Pedro peeked from behind you.
“You let me stay here for free, let me make you breakfast.” You smiled as you moved the eggs to the plates.
“Okay, if you insist. Thank you.” Pedro put both of his hands on your shoulder and squeezed them.
“This is for you.” You smiled and put the plates on the dining table. 
“Thank you.” Pedro raised his fork and started eating.
“I’m going to the gym after this.” Pedro told you as he chewed.
“Okay.” You nodded.
Then Pedro went to the gym and left you home alone. You didn’t have work today so you decided to clean his house. You checked a few rooms and finally found the room where he kept his cleaning stuff. You started off with dusting the furniture then vacuumed his house. His house was pretty big so your back hurt vacuuming every spot of his house. You didn’t realize you spent hours cleaning his house until Pedro had come back home from the gym. 
“What are you doing?” Pedro was confused as he saw you vacuuming his living room.
“Uh-cleaning?” You got scared just like a little kid caught doing something bad by her parents.
“Baby..” Pedro sighed. He slipped. He just called you “baby”.
“I didn’t ask you to live with me to be my maid.” Pedro walked closer to you and took the vacuum cleaner away from your hands.
“I don’t want to be a free-rider, Pedro. I thought I could clean your place as a payment for letting me stay here for free.” You explained.
“You’re not a free rider. You don’t have to worry about paying me back. With you just being here, it’s already a payment.” 
“What does that mean?” You didn’t understand.
“I have had a crush on you since we first met.” Pedro confessed. His cheeks redden.
Your eyes widened. Pedro Pascal had a crush on you? Your heart beat faster.
“I like you.” Pedro finally said the words.
“I know-I know. You must think I’m crazy. Will you forget about it?.” Pedro stepped back because he thought you didn’t like him back.
“Wait-I didn’t get a chance to tell you how I feel?” You stopped him.
Pedro turned his head and faced you. 
“I think I like you too.” You chuckled.
“You think?” Pedro raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
“I like you too, Pedro.” You giggled and shook your head.
Pedro sighed in relief. He was finally able to tell you his feelings. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You couldn’t believe you just confessed to your celebrity crush and the fact that he liked you too?! It was a dream that you thought wouldn’t happen but it actually happened. 
“Don’t clean up again? Okay?” Pedro demanded.
“Okay.” You giggled and nodded. 
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Red, White, and Rooster
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Series Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption. Frenemies to lovers, relationship of convenience. Political situations. Allegations of affairs, military and political inaccuracies. Smut. 18+ Minors DNI. Banner Credit: @thedroneranger
Masterlist Previous Part Next Part
Specific Chapter Warnings: Violence against women, torture
Chapter 15: The Great War
You groaned as consciousness slowly made its way back into your body. Everything hurt. Your head was pounding, your mouth was dry, and your body felt stiff. "Ugh," you sighed as you tried to sit up from the wooden floor.
You slowly blinked to take in your surroundings. You shot up as the memories came back to you. You tried to stand but were quickly pulled back down thanks to a set of handcuffs that were attached to the floor beside you.
"Well, look who's finally awake, and just in time." Someone said. You snapped your head in the direction of the voice. "You." You sneered as Preston Baxter strolled into the room. "I should have known you were behind this!" You growled at him.
"Of course I'm the one behind it. I'm the only person who's life you ruined, aren't I? Or are there others?" Preston asks as he tilts his head to the side.
You flare your nostrils and tug on the cuffs.
"Now, now, don't hurt yourself." Preston chuckled.
"How are you out of prison?" You demand. "A good lawyer and a temporary insanity plea." He states before grabbing a chair and walking over to sit in front of you. You slide away, putting as much distance between the two of you as possible.
"Well, aren't you going to ask me how I did it?" He says.
"How you did what?" You spit at him.
"How I kidnapped you silly." He exclaims.
"Okay, I'll bite. How'd you do it?" You ask him. You've seen enough action movies to know that if you get the bag guy talking, they might slip up and tell their plan.
"Well, first off, I had my baby brother Alex hack the White House so he could get himself a job on the security team. He forged all the documents and changed his last name to not raise red flags. After a few months, he was put on your detail. I waited for the right time until we had an opportunity. Once we had it, we took it." Preston tells you gleefully.
"You've been in prison. How were you able to plan all this?" You ask him
"You see, that's the thing about prison. It gives you plenty of time to plot your revenge. I spent two and a half years perfecting this plan, and you're not going to ruin it for me this time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ransom call to make." He claps his hands.
"Ransom call?" You question him. "Yes, while kidnapping you is a great revenge arc for me, extorting your husband for money—it just sweetens the pot," Preston says before getting up.
"The president doesn't negotiate with terrorists, foreign or domestic." You spit at him.
Preston, let's out a breath. "In normal cases, he wouldn't. But he's already proven that when it comes to you, he doesn't think rationally." He tells you before Alex brings him a phone that looks like a brick. He taps his foot before the call connects.
"Hello, am I speaking to the president? Wonderful. Well, Mr. President, I'm not going to mince words. We both know that I have your wife, and if you ever want to see her alive again, I'm going to need one hundred million dollars wired to an offshore account. I just sent the information to Mr. Rodriguez's email." Preston says into the phone. There is a pause before he sighs and brings the phone closer to you. He clicks a button before holding it in front of your face.
"They want proof of life. Gone on. Let them know you're alive. But don't try anything stuipd." He urges you before placing the phone on speaker.
"Bradley. Bradley, Dearest. I'm alive. I'm okay." You assure him.
"Sweetheart, I'm going to get you. I promise everything is going to be okay." Bradley tells you.
You shoot your eyes up at Preston. It crosses your mind that Bradley might not know who took you, so you do the exact thing that you knew Preston wouldn't want you to do.
"Preston Baxter and Alex are the ones who took me!" You shout into the phone. Rage flashes across Preston's face. You continue to yell as he takes the phone away. "Don't give them a dime, Bradley! Don't give them—" a harsh slap across your face sends you tumbling to the floor.
"Didn't I tell you not to do anything stupid you bitch?" He sneers as he crouches down next to you on the floor.
He grabs you by your hair and pulls your eyes up to meet his. "I hope you know just how much I'm going to enjoy making your life hell." He tells you.
"Fuck you." You growl before spitting in his face. He roughly drops you, and your forehead makes contact with the wood floor. You curl up, protecting your midsection before he gives a swift kick to your ribs and exits the room.
After a few minutes, you find enough strength to sit up. You drag yourself until you're leaning against the wall. A few tears prick your eyes, but you will them away. You won't let them see you break. You place a hand on your stomach and stroke it. You weren't sure how you were going to make it out of here alive, but for the sake of the child growing inside you, you knew you'd have too.
It had been six days since you had been taken. News of your kidnapping had hit the mainstream media, and tips from all over the globe were coming in. Bradley made sure each one of them had been followed up, but nothing had come from any of them.
He sat at his desk with a now cold cup of black coffee, a copy of the Times, a stale muffin, and more cigarette butts than he cared to count. Dark rings framed his eyes, and his five o'clock shadow had morphed into a three a.m. blackout.
"Jesus, Rooster, you look like shit." Jake said as he came into the Oval Office to check on him.
"Well, Hangman, please forgive me for not looking front page ready while my pregnant wife has been missing for almost a week." Bradley snapped back.
Bradley saw the hurt face across Jake's face. "I'm—I'm sorry. I can't eat, I can't sleep, and we are no closer to finding her than we were a week ago. I'm going crazy Jake. Every tip we get gives me some hope, and then when it doesn't pan out, I'm back to rock bottom again. The only helpful information came from that couple who saw the abandoned car at that rest area. They said the SUV that was leaving was headed south. Do you know how many places are sound of D.C.? And what if they aren't even in the country anymore? It was hours after she went missing before the first call came through. And the ransom call wasn't until the next day. She could be anywhere in the world right now!" Bradley sighs before sinking back down in his chair.
"How the fuck did we not know that Preston Baxter was released? How did we end up hiring his brother for her security team?" He sighs.
"I did some digging, and apparently, his little brother is a genius. Graduated from MIT, ran a software company, but ended up getting mixed in with the wrong crowd and did two years from hacking a bank in the Midwest. IT found a hole in the White House firewall. They think he hacked a server and forged his information to get him a job here." Jake tells Bradley.
"I feel like this is my fault. No, I know this is my fault. If I had never run for president, none of this would have happened." Bradley sighs as he rakes his hands through his hair.
"You can't blame yourself for this Rooster. If you hadn't had done this, you never would have met Wise-woman. You never would have married her or made a kid with her. He'll, I wouldn't have met the love of my life either. It's not your fault. Y/N is smart. She left those notes for us. She told us who took her. She's going to be okay. She's strong. She's a survivor. She's a Bradshaw for crying out loud. Now, you might want to shower and fix your face. Yout in-laws and Mav and Penny just got here." Jake said as he patted Bradley on the shoulder before leaving.
Bradley did what Jake said. He took a shower, cleaned up his face a bit, and put on fresh clothes.
He wanted to shoot himself in the foot when he came face to face with your mother. He could tell that her tearful words and sullen expression were more of an act than anything. He'd tried to get in contact with them the day he found out you were gone, but they were in Greece and had finally decided to join in the search now that it was getting national attention. Your father seemed genuinely concerned, even offering to to man the tip room phone lines if that would be helpful.
Maverick and Penny tried their best to comfort Bradley. That evening after they had come to the White House, Bradley pulled Maverick and Penny into the Oval Office to tell them you were pregnant. He swore them to secrecy. It was on a need to know basis, and your parents were not in that loop.
Later that evening, Maverick made a few phone calls and called in a few favors. There wasn't much the Navy could do, but if Bradley needed them, Pete Mitchell would make damn sure the entire Dagger Squad would be ready for him.
It's nine days after your kidnapping that Preston reveals the true reason why he has taken you. You're woken from a fitful sleep by the sound of a table and chair being slammed on the floor in front of you.
"Rise and shine sleepy head." Preston calls as he pulls you to your feet and plants you in the chair. Alex brings a laptop and places it in front of you before opening it.
"What do you want me to do with this?" You gripe.
"I want you to use that fancy security clearance you have to log in and get us into the encrypted server. Once we are in, my dear brother is going to steal something more valuable to us than you." He tells you.
"Nuke codes. It's always nuke codes." You breathe out. "Why would you need those?" You ask him.
"Let's just say that before I was in prison, I made some deals with some shady people. I borrowed a hefty sum of money, amongst other things, and promised to pay them back in nuclear codes once I was chief of staff. However, you came along and wreck those plans. Now that they know I'm out of prison, they are demanding I pay up. So, get me those codes." He demands.
"Can't your brother get them?" You ask him. "Unfortunately, the security is too good. Alex can't hack it, he's tried." Preston informs you.
"Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but when you become First Lady, you don't get top secret clearance. My information doesn't work anymore." You cross your arms.
Preston slaps you hard enough to knock you out of the chair. He grabs your and jerks you up. His fingers dig into your arm.
"You wanna do this the hard way, fine, will try again tomorrow." He says before twisting your arm and leaving.
After two days of him not giving you any food, you realize that Preston is going to try and starve the information out of you. He tried beating it out of you, but the bruises on your face and arms are proof he didn't get anything. When the third day comes, you're almost ready to break. Not for you, but for your child.
When the door to your room unlocks, you expect him to come in again for another round, but instead, it's Alex, and he's carrying a bag.
You scamper to the far side of the room, trying to put as much space as you can between the two of you.
"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Alex says as he holds his hands out like he his trying not to spook a wild animal.
"I brought you something to eat." He tells you as he brings the bag over and sets it next to you before walking away and sitting down on the floor across from you.
It's not a five-star meal, but you gladly tear open the pack of beef jerky and chips he brought you before gluping down some of the water that's also in the bag.
"Preston is out checking in with his parole officer and running some errands in the city. I went to the little gas station a few miles away to get this for you." Alex tells you.
"I know it isn't good for pregnant women to get dehydrated or starve." He says. You pause mid chew and look up at him with wide eyes.
"How—" you can't finish the question.
"I saw you leaving the clinc that day. And you got sick the first couple of days here. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell Preston. He's already done enough to you." Alex shakes his head.
"Why are you helping him?" You ask him. "I'm the reason he owes so many people money. A few years ago, I was trying to prove to some buddies of mine how good of a hacker I was. I stole money from the wrong people. Pres, he—he kept them from killing me. I owe him." Alex shrugs. You can see in his eyes that he never intended for it to go this far.
"I know it probably doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this." Alex tells you before getting up and leaving the room.
Your eyes drop back to the plastic bag in front of you. There is a sleeve of powdered donuts and some peanut butter cups inside and another bottle of water. You grab the candy, and that's when you notice it. A small slip of white paper. You grab it and realize it is a receipt from the store. You quickly read over it and smile. There, printed in tiny black letters is the name of a town and a state. You know where you are. Now, you just have to figure out how to let Bradley know.
Two days later, Preston brings the computer set up back again. Only this time, when you refuse to do anything, he pulls a gun from his waistband.
"Recognize this?" He asks you as he cocks his head to the side. Of course you recognized it. It was the same one he'd tried to kill you with once before.
"Type in your information, or I shoot you." He states coldly.
"You and I both know you are going to do that." You tell him with a smirk. "And why wouldn't I?" He sneers.
"You're not going to kill me because you need me. You can't get the codes or the money without me. You've been sending Bradley dated proof of life videos every two days. If those stop, what makes you think he won't track you down and blow you and this shithole off the face of the earth?" You state. "Me being alive is the only barging chip you have. You may be dumb Preston, but I don't think you're stupid." You say.
"Shut your mouth before I blow your brains out." He threatens you.
"Just make sure you don't miss this time." You laugh as he cracks the handle of it across your face.
"Type. Now." He demands. And for the first time, you give in. But you purposefully type your password wrong. You know that after five incorrect log-in attempts, your account will be locked, and cyber security will be notified. You are praying that they look at the attempted passwords. Each one you type in is a bit of information about where you are. After the fifth attempt, the screen goes black.
"See. I told you. My credentials don't work anymore." You smirk as you point to the screen.
Preston shoves you out of the chair and screams. "You fucking bitch. You did this on purpose!"
"No, I didn't! I don't have access anymore!" You defend yourself before his fist makes contact with your face.
"Fine. If I can't get the codes from you, I'll just have to get them from your husband. Maybe a good old-fashioned torture video will be just this thing to motivate him." He says before storming out of the room.
"Mr. President!" Dante yells as he bursts into the Oval Office. Bradley shoots up and looks at him. He can tell Dante has news.
"Sir, we think we know where she is." Dante breaths out. Bradley sucks in a breath as he waits for him to explain.
"It appears she tried to log on to the White House server, but used the wrong password five times and locked her account. IT looked at each incorrect attempt to see what was going on because they knew the activity was suspicious. Each one is a clue about where she thinks she is. Look." Dante says as he hands a paper to Bradley. He reads it. "North Carolina, RidgewoodFalls, House, GasStation, Help." He says.
"We looked into the town and found out that a few months ago, an old farm in Ridgewood Falls was bought in cash by someone named Peter Brandon. We think that might be the alias Preston is using. We are currently working to get a rescue team together. The only issue is that the farm is near the town. We have to be careful going in without alerting him." Dante says.
Bradley agrees before dismissing Dante. He leaves his office and makes his way to the bedroom. He sits on the bed and grabs the framed photo of the two of you from your summer in San Diego. He touches your face and twists his wedding ring. "I'm coming for you, Sweetheart."
Two days after finding out where you are, almost seventeen days after you were taken, the White House receives a video of what they think is proof of life. Instead, they are met with the sight of you tied to a chair and gagged while Preston breaks three of your fingers and punches your face until its bruised and bloody. It ends with demands for nuclear launch codes in addition to the ransom money.
Bradley's blood boils as he watches the events unfold. He throws the coffee he is drinking across the room, and the mug shatters into a million pieces before he screams in anger.
He demands that the Navy SEAL team that Dante and others were organizing be sent in immediatly to extract you. Dante informs him that it isn't so simple.
"I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT IT TAKES! If you won't have the SEAL team go in and extract her then you'll leave me no choice but to fly Air Force One to North Carolina so I can get her myself!" Bradley screams before slamming his hands on the table.
"Sir. I understand your frustration. But we haven't been able to arrange air coverage and support for them. We need jets and pilots and don't have them yet.
"You need jets and pilots? Well, why didn't you say so. Bring me, Rear Admiral Mitchell. Now." Bradley says as people scramble out of the room.
"Mav," Bradley begins as he enters the room. "Is Phoenix sit the commander of the Bush carrier?" He asks.
"She is." Maverick answers. "How fast do you think we can get the Dagger Squad to Norfolk? They are the only people I trust for this mission I'm about to send them on." Bradley says.
"I made some calls. They were stationed there last week. Just in case." Maverick tells him.
"Thank you, Mav." Bradley says before calling for Dante.
"Dante, I need a secure line set up now. I need you to get me in touch with Captain Natasha Trace on the U.S.S. Bush in Virginia. You need a team of pilots. I'll get you the best damn team in the entire world." Bradley says.
"Sir, with all do respect, how do you know that they are the best?" Dante asks him.
"Because they aren't just any old team of fighter pilots, Dante. They are my team."
Taglist: @daggerspare-standingby @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @seresinsbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @soulmates8 @xoxabs88xox @avengersfan25 @blackwidownat2814 @loveforaugust @mak-32 @cottagecori @amysteryspot @heyimmadisonn @princess76179 @bradshawseresinbabe @sunlightmurdock @lewmagoo @cassiemitchell @die-cunt @shipinabluebottle @malindacath @violyn20 @imawkwardlysoc @books-for-summer @blackroseboulevard @recordblues @desert-fern @luckyladycreator2 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @sebsxphia @roosters-girl @diorrfairy @je-suis-prest-rachel @mizzzpink @a-linabean @amklibrary @gretagerwigsmuse @jstarr86 @actuallyazriel @krismdavis @bradshawsbaby @wkndwlff @dakotakazansky
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AITA for breaking up with my partners over such a small thing?
🩼🩼🩼 so I can spot this
I often break things off with my partners. They often don’t want to talk to me after, and I understand that, but I still want to be friends with them.
If they don’t want that, I understand that too. They want space - I give them space. I view it as we tried something and it didn’t work.
Would that make me an asshole still wanting to be friends? No idea.
Even so - there is more to why I break things off with my partners that I tend not to bring up at the final moment because I know it will upset them and perhaps ruin that friendship.
Some back story - I have a chronic illness which causes chronic pain. I can have seizures that can go on for 20 mins or longer, I periodically loose my ability to walk, and the big one is I can’t be touched without asking. (This includes my cane please never touch my cane without asking thank you)
Essentially- all of the nerves in my body are hypersensitive. Without going into too much detail, essentially my brain got stuck in fight or flight mode so the proverbial ‘alarm bells’ are ringing all the time, when in reality I’m safe and well. This means my body tries to defend me by ‘playing dead’ (seizures, fainting, drops) or thinks I’ve been badly injured (chronic pain).
When I first developed this illness, I could barely ware clothes, let alone be touched. I worked up to hugging my family again over a 2 year period with a lot of help from my mum - bless her heart. It was really hard for my family - but they worked through it with me. And what helped was they’re not physical people anyway. We don’t hug that much.
Now, I can be touched unless I am told before hand. Hooray! Surprise touch is agonising.
Though - both of the partners I’ve had in the past don’t seem to get this, and get upset when I ask them to ask before hand. They argue that I’m their partner and they can hug me when they want too, and want me to be more physical with them.
And yeah I suppose they can but at the same time surprise touch I can feel on my skin for hours at a time. It really hurts.
Also, if I have a seizure and ask for them to come find me or for comfort, they don’t know what to say, can’t come because they’re busy or don’t want to say the Same things over and over too me. When in reality, I’ve just had my brain fried and just need someone to tell me I’m safe because my brain is still convinced I’m in mortal danger.
I understand that being in a relationship with someone who has disabilities like mine can be hard. I often emphasise to them that my mental health is not their responsibility, and I have a counsellor that I regularly see to help me through the complexities of my illness and the toll it has on my mental health. I often encourage them if they’re really struggling with my illness to talk to helplines about and for my illness if I’m too sick to help them in that moment. They deserve support even if I’m not there or if it’s unrelated to my illnesses.
Quite often when I break things off - it’s because I can’t give them what they need because of my illness. If they like physical affection - which they often do - I can’t give it to them outside of the home or without asking before hand.
At the end of the day - I still want to be friends with them and I think they’re wonderful people. It’s just I can’t give them what they need, and they also can’t be there for me during my bad moments because the type of comfort I need is emotional, rather than physical.
At worse, touch me and I will scream it hurts that bad. People don’t seem to understand this.
Anyway. AITA? What can I do to communicate my needs better in the future? I view all my relationships as learning opportunities to be a better partner in future - and if you guys have any ideas on how to approach disabled / inter-abled relationships, I’d love to hear them.
All the best :)
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suugarbabe · 8 months
Hey bub, im back again (so sorry 🙏 dont feel pressured to write any of these pls). Hows your October going??
I have (another 😭) request my love. I was scrolling tiktok and it was one of those slytherin react videos but its gave me another idea.
What about around the time of the yule ball reader just walks up to ( Mattheo/Theo/Enzo ) who's conversing in the hall and just straight up pulls him by the tie and kisses him then walks away. Just super unprompted and out of no where (theyre friends though, like part of the 🐍gang). Hes just speachless, going between shocked, confused, extatic and back to shocked. Maybe reader throws something about going yule ball shopping together the next day before she leaves but he hadnt even asked yet.
Anyway darling, thanks for your amazing fics and i tell you when i saw that we'd become mutuals i nearly dropped my phone x
I'm on an enzo kick so that's who it's gonna be 🤭
You had made the decision earlier that day. You knew what you had to do in order to get him to ask you to the Yule ball. You had went over the plan with Pansy earlier and at first she had laughed. But when she saw you were serious she wholeheartedly agreed that it was the only surefire way to get his attention.
There had been a couple of opportunities to come up to him earlier in the day, but he had mainly been alone. You knew that if it were going to make an impact, he had to be surrounded by his friends.
Which is how you found yourself walking up to Enzo while in the middle of the conversation with the rest of the boys. At first none of them really noticed you coming toward them, too engrossed in whatever they were talking about.
When you finally reached them, you didn't even give any of them time to greet you before you reached out for Enzo's tie, grabbing it close to the knot by his neck and pulling his down into a searing kiss. You expected him to freeze up, not know how to respond, but you were pleasantly surprised.
Barely a second after you pulled his lips to yours his hands were on your waist, you ran your tongue along his plump bottom lip, him immediately granting you access to his mouth to further deepen the kiss.
For a good twenty seconds you were full on making out with Enzo Berkshire in front of the rest of your friends. When you finally broke away, Enzo was short of breath, eyes searching your features for any explanation.
Instead of giving him one you simply straightened his tie while stating, "Meet me at Gladrags this weekend so you can help me pick out my dress for the ball, okay?" Enzo was at a loss for words, the most effort he was able to give was a simple head nod. You smiled sweetly at him, giving him a pat on his cheek, "Good boy." And with that you walked away.
As you did so you heard the the other boys start to chatter, hearing thumping that you were assuming was them patting Enzo on the back.
"For fucks sake, Enz, when were you gonna tell us you finally asked her to the ball? Let alone started snogging her like that?" Mattheo was clearly proud of his friend in this moment.
Enzo just shook his head, "I, erm, I haven't asked her yet. But, erm, I'm going to catch you lads later I need to do something." Enzo then stalked off, taking on a light jog to catch up with you to discuss the details and properly ask you to the ball.
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burntsaltsblog · 8 days
i didn't know - billy butcher x reader
ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ
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details: set in season three. you find out that butcher took a dose of tempt v and you're highly pissed<3
ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ
"Who the fuck gave it to you?" I demanded as I threw down my bag and headed straight to Butcher, seated in the back of the boy's office. Frenchi, MM, Hughie, and Kimiko were gathered around him but quickly dispersed upon my sudden arrival. Their eyes were trained on me as I came to stand in front of Butcher, who stared at the floor, avoiding my angry gaze.
Silence wrapped around the room, and I looked at each member of the group after realizing no one was going to answer me.
"I said, who the fuck gave it to you," I seethed through gritted teeth.
"Je ne sais pas, Mademoiselle. Perhaps Monsieur Boucher had a mental breakdown. I heard mid-life crises are quite common in men his age," Frenchie replied, trying to cut the tension with a joke. But I wasn't in the mood. My head whipped in his direction, and my eyes widened in warning. Frenchie backed up slowly and held his hands up in surrender, apologizing quietly.
"Will ya put your bloody claws away? I ain't dying," Butcher said, finally deciding to speak up.
I immediately crouched in front of him and placed my hands on either side of his jaw, turning his head back and forth. "No, but you could have," I muttered, examining him closely. I took notice of the dried blood that caked his face, and my brows creased in concern.
"S'not mine," he whispered.
"Doesn't matter. You still look like shit."
I returned to a standing position, and Butcher looked up at me as he placed his hands over his heart mockingly. "Aw, love, ya flatter me."
My face remained hardened. "It doesn't matter that it isn't your blood because your pupils are blown, the bags under your eyes are the darkest I've ever seen, and if your pulse gets any quicker, you'll have a heart attack. Taking the tempt V was the dumbest shit you've ever done. And that says a lot, considering it's you we're talking about."
"Ok, we're gonna give you guys some space," MM interrupted. I didn't bother acknowledging him and listened as everyone filed out of the room while I kept my eyes on Butcher. This was not an argument I was going to back down from.
After the office door shut softly, Butcher sighed deeply, dragging his hands down his face. "I didn't mean for ya to find out this way."
"You mean that you didn't intend for me to find out at all," I corrected.
"Fuck, doll. Course, I wanted to tell ya. I was waiting for the right opportunity-"
"Oh, yes. I'm sure it was incredibly difficult to find the perfect moment to tell me that you were using an illegal and deadly substance. It's not like you're my boyfriend or boss, who I see every fucking day." Sarcasm laced my tone, and I pivoted away, needing to calm my continuously rising anger.
"Well, now that ya mention it, love, it was a little tricky, considering Mauve only gave it to me last night."
My breath hitched, and I slowly turned back to face Butcher. "Since when did you start having secret meet-ups with Mauve at night?"
"The meet-ups ain't a secret."
"Well, they sure were to me!"
Butcher rose to his feet and stepped forward with a hand extended. "S'not like it sounds. She stops by when she finds tabs on some of the supes we're chasing. Her info has been why we've caught so many of the cunts the past few months."
I nodded my head as I laughed humorlessly. "I'm glad she's been so helpful. Thanks to her, the streets are safer, and you're hooked on something that could potentially threaten your life." I began pacing the floor, my body's way of trying to rid itself of the intense anxiety. "I mean. fuck, Butcher. We've seen what that poison does to adults. There's a reason why it only works on newborns. And I can't fucking believe that you take that shit without even telling me."
I stopped pacing to look at Butcher before continuing. "How did you even know it would work?"
His silence confirmed what I had feared the moment I found out he had injected the tempt V into his veins when Hughie admitted it over the phone.
"You didn't, did you? You didn't know if it would work, yet you took it anyway. Not giving a damn if you were injured or died as a result."
Butcher bowed his head before saying lowly, "If I'm on the same level as these supe cunts, then they have nothing over me. It's a fair fight. One I could win."
"I'm all for killing the fuckers, but that doesn't involve you dying in the process."
"But if that's what it takes, then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
I stood, stunned, as tears stung my eyes. I stared at Butcher with my mouth parted and heart aching as the realization hit me. "You don't get it, do you?" I asked quietly. My voice threatened to waver, and I harshly sank my teeth into my lower lip to subdue the emotions crawling up my throat. "If something happened to you, do you have any idea what that would do to me?" My voice broke that time, and concern filled Butcher's face.
He started toward me, but I put my hands up as I let the tears fall freely down my face. "I love you so much that if you died, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I couldn't fucking live. And I know you don't have any self-preservation instincts, but you'll have to find some. Because if you die, Billy Butcher, I swear to God, I'm going with you."
Butcher charged forward this time and pulled me into his chest as my tears fell quicker. I gasped for air and clutched the collar of his shirt as his strong arms wrapped around my body, crushing me to him. His lips grazed my forehead as he shushed me softly. "S'ok, love. I've gotcha."
He kept repeating the same phrase as he slowly rocked me back and forth. When my breathing slowed, Butcher pulled back and cradled my head in his calloused hands. His eyes traced the details of my face, taking in my bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
"I didn't know, doll. M'sorry," he mumbled as he used a thumb to catch a stray tear.
"You didn't know how much I love you?" I asked. My voice came out horse and strained.
He shook his head. "I didn't know how much my death would affect ya. I-" he hesitated before tilting my face up so I could meet his lips in a kiss. It was slow and deep, displaying the love we both felt for one another.
When we parted, Butcher rested his forehead against mine. "M'not used to having someone care about me. After Becca left, I was on me own, and for years, my only priority was killing every fuckin' supe cunt that I came across, no matter the price." He shook his head. "M'so sorry, sweetheart. If I'd known it would do this to ya, I never woulda touched that fucking supe venom, I swear."
I wordlessly pressed my face back against Butcher's chest and breathed in his comforting scent of mint, nicotine, and whiskey. His arms rewound around my waist, and I closed my eyes, wanting to memorize the way his body felt against mine. How safe I felt when he held me like this.
"Promise me, Billy," I whispered as I pulled back to look into his face. "Promise me that you won't touch that shit again. And if you want to do something that drastic, talk to me first." My fingers fiddled with a button on his shirt as my eyes drifted away from his stare. "I need you, Billy," I whispered so quietly I wasn't even sure if he heard me.
Butcher placed a finger underneath my chin and tilted my head so I would look back up at him. "I promise ya, love, with everything I have, that I won't pull some shit like that again. You have my word."
I nodded as my hands found their way into his hair and tugged his lips back down to mine. "Thank you, Billy. I love you."
"I love ya too, doll."
ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ ღ∞∞∞∞❦∞∞∞∞ღ
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hellsite-detective · 2 months
so i guess i’ll do that here hehe
hello all! this is Hellsite Detective, P.P.I. coming back to give everyone a proper update on everything!!
now, i sorta started this hiatus kinda suddenly, and i still don’t know when i’ll be back (so sorry for that btw i feel baaad), but things have been… interesting to say the least! my job has been going okay, but it’s really stressful and it hasn’t been ideal for my mental health. but im pushing through it! i need the money so i can finally move out of my parents house!
and on the topic of mental health… my therapy has been going great!!! there’s still a long way to go, but at the very least our experiences were validated by a licensed professional!!! i won’t get into the details here, but if you’re curious feel free to ask about it! i don’t mind talking about it, especially now that it’s official hehe
but besides that, i’ve just been relaxing! i’ve collected more yuri manga! i need to get to actually reading it now tho oops. i’ve also gotten back into Stardew Valley!! i’ve been having a blast discovering all the new things from 1.6 as well as hanging out with my pixel girlfriend Penny! additionally, i’ve made great progress on my novel series, as well as beginning to develop a WataOshi AU, so overall my writing has been going wonderfully too!!!
i think overall life has been good!! i have my dear @hellsite-hall-of-fame to thank for keeping me sane and happy (i love you sweetie~!) and i think everything is gonna be okay! again, im still not sure when ill be back, but i will be one day!! i’ve been seeing all of your requests, and sometimes i see one that just gets me itching to get back into it. so i’m sure one day ill be back! i promise!
until then, feel free to ask me about life, or about my interests, or just to check in and say hi! i haven’t expressed this sentiment yet i don’t think, but i absolutely love discussing non-post case related things on here! everyone on here is genuinely so wonderful!! so please feel free to send in any ask you want!!! i would love to talk to everyone more about stuff, and this hiatus is a great opportunity to do that!!
but that’s all for now! thank you for sticking with me, thank you for being so patient, and you all have a great day!
- Hellsite Detective, P.P.I.
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cassiefromhell · 10 months
Unexpected (pt. 5)
Part One Part Four Part Six
Fanbase: acotar
Eris x Reader x Azriel
Summary: You've healed nicely from your nasty encounter with your least favorite bitchy creature, but what now? You've missed your own mating ceremony... where do you go from here?
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: smut! fingering, oral (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (and mention of a lot of it!) dirty talk
A/N: Requests are OPEN! Check my pinned message for details on what I'll write <3. Thank you so, so much for the notes on this lil series! I read all comments and reblogs. The poll I had last week ended up juuuust barely going in favor of longer chapters on Unexpected, so that's what further updates will mainly be.
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It only took three more days for me to gain the strength to go back to our room, and I took that opportunity immediately.
Azriel was in and out of the medical room, visiting as much as he could. 
I won’t lie and say it wasn’t awkward at times, when Eris was there. But Azriel was good at finding the fleeting moments when Eris was in a meeting, or (heaven forbid!) on a short trip to another court. My first mate was never gone for more than an hour or two, but Azriel seemed to slide in each moment that the High Lord was gone.
I liked having company. Eris focused more on making sure I was comfortable, having me walk around — with his arm for balance, of course — and keeping my pillows properly fluffed, blankets perfectly tucked. He brought me books and town newspapers, and told me jokes and funny things about his day.
Azriel was far more reserved, but still he came. He brought me more things than I could think possible in three short days. More books, which made me wonder if his shadows had seen Eris bring me those and he followed after (he also mentioned some odd thing about a house recommending books?) He brought me food, and asked what I liked, and then brought me croissants and macarons every day forward. He gifted me a few boxes of Night Court attire — flowing dresses and jumpsuits of deep violet and navy blue. 
But the thing I loved most?
He brought me a blueprint. Of a knife.
A blacksmith’s plan for a knife that Azriel had commissioned for me, the matching sister of Truth Teller.
I had nearly cried when I saw the beauty of just the sketch.
But now, I’m sitting in bed, curled up with a book. This is my second day back in the room, and I’ve finally convinced Eris to resume his normal daily schedule.
Which leaves me here alone. But I don’t particularly mind. I’m happy to have some time with just me and a romance novel. 
At least, alone for a few hours.
Because footsteps are coming down the hall, and with a glance at the clock, I discover that it’s Eris’s lunch hour.
Of course he’s coming to eat with me.
I grin, putting my book to the side. I adjust the pillows around me, making room for my mate. I do sometimes find myself missing him, his red hair and sarcasm and the little nicknames he has for me.
The door swings open by force of magic, and my lover is quickly in the doorway. I’m taken aback by what he has in his hands: a massive tray filled to the brim with food. Sandwiches, salads, pastries and soups and desserts.
I squeal, opening my arms for him. Eris places the tray on my lap and crawls into bed beside me, showering my neck and face with kisses.
“See? I knew you’d love this. The way to your heart is food.”
I laugh, catching his face in my hands and giving him a long kiss. “You know me better than anyone, High Lord.”
“Ohh, don’t go High Lord-ing me, missy,” he shoves a finger sandwich in my mouth. “You have me in the palm of your hand and you know it.”
Giggling, I chew and swallow my sandwich, leaning against him. He wraps an arm around me, half of the time feeding himself and the other hand feeding me with both food and kisses and little sweet whisperings against my ear.
And I’m happy here.
I eat my macaron — which, of course he brought me those — with a smile, until my eyes catch on a certain sandwich that I know is Eris’s favorite.
“What’s wrong?” he murmurs, eyes trained on my suddenly downcast expression.
“I’m thinking,” I whisper, taking that sandwich and holding it between my fingers. 
He tenses. “…Shit. You hate it. What did I do wrong? Here, let me—” he moves to take away the tray, but I stop him with a hand on his wrist. 
“Hold on. Let me consider.”
I stare at that little finger sandwich intently. It’s Eris’s very favorite, and I’m sitting next to this man who I love so much and who is my mate and I still have not officially accepted as such.
So I turn to face him, pulling my legs in and getting up on my knees. Once I do that, he’s at eye level, and I can really see the concern glimmering in his gaze.
I stroke his cheek, and then begin to murmur the Autumn Court vows. “Eris Vanserra, prince of fire and High Lord of the leaves…”
Eris’s eyes widen, and he looks down to the sandwich in my hands. His jaw falls, and his lips are parted, leaving him with an utterly flabbergasted expression. “But— but you wanted the whole—”
I cover his mouth gently. “Yes, I wanted the whole disgustingly lavish ceremony. But I think the gods have said that’s a bad idea. Now let me do the whole vows thing,” I command, and he nods eagerly. “Eris Vanserra, prince of fire and High Lord of the leaves, you have taken my heart in your grasp and I trust you with it. You are the other half of my soul, and I am prepared to give you all of mine. I accept you as my mate.”
I hold out the sandwich, lowering my hand from his mouth. Eris takes the food with a shaking hand. He chews his bottom lip, tilting his hair forward, and little strands of red hair fall across his forehead. 
“…Are you sure…?” he asks, his voice hardly a whisper. “I don’t… want you to regret this.”
I offer a soft smile, sinking back to sit on my heels. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
His eyes glisten, and he nods, flipping the sandwich in his fingers. “I don’t remember my part of the vows, as embarrassing as it is..”
Laughing, I nudge his hand. “That’s alright. The eating is the important part.”
He takes a bite, and then another, and then he’s scarfing it down.
“Slow down. You’ll choke.” 
“You can’t blame me for being speedy, I want to be choking on your cunt.”
I flush, but lean forward anyway, kissing his throat as he eats.
The bond begins to solidify, shifting from a fraying thread into a sturdy rope, golden and shimmering and lovely.
Eris finishes his sandwich, and with a snap of his fingers, the tray is teleported across the room. He sweeps me into his arms, laying me down onto the blankets and pillows.
“How are you feeling today, love?” he murmurs, pausing before doing anything serious.
“Oh, fuck me already, Eris.”
He just gives a low chuckle in response, kissing me. Our tongues and teeth clash, dancing around each other. His hands make quick work of my dress, sliding it up and off of me.
Okay, he’s a little needy.
“Aw, poor Eris had to go a week and a half without me?” I tease, reaching up to run my hands through his hair. 
He growls as a reply, mouth dipping down… and then down some more. He kisses down my throat, unclasping my bra with deft fingers and sliding it off. His tongue makes circles over my breasts, and then again, never quite hitting the nipple.
“Eris,” I whine, and that’s all it takes.
Eris kisses each of my nipples, gently biting the raised buds. My whimpers seem to egg him on, and he’s quickly sliding a hand down my body, pulling off my panties.
His full name doesn’t even get the chance to escape my mouth, because it’s cut off by a long moan. His thumb has found my clit, and is gently, teasingly, circling it.
A moment later, and his head is down there too, his tongue licking a stripe along my folds.
I nearly cry.
Eris has never been one for long teasery — well, he tries, but he always gives in with a glance at my face. He’s certainly too eager for even trying to hold out on me now, having been abstinent for longer than either of our likings.
His tongue laps at me, hands pushing my knees apart. I throw the covers off of us so that I can see him, see his red hair tied back at the base of his neck, see his mouth feasting on me like a man starved, and— his eyes. He’s looking up at me, relentlessly, and he doesn’t break his gaze as a finger enters me.
I whimper softly at the sensation, my back arching up, off of the mattress. The waves of pleasure creeping up my spine are intense, amplified by the amount of time it’s been since I’ve climaxed, found that incredible cliff that I am now approaching.
“You’re sensitive today,” he murmurs, voice rumbling against me. “I can feel it.”
He adds a second finger, and I nearly come just from his soft growl.
But just as I find myself on the edge, whining and gripping his hair, biting the pillow, he completely stops, sliding up my body. 
“Shit,” I moan softly, having a terrible feeling that he’s going to edge me. For a long time.
But instead, he gives me a long kiss, letting me taste myself on his tongue. And in the middle of it all, his fingers start to move again, his thumb circling my clit once more. 
He pulls away, just enough to speak against my mouth. “Fuck, sweetheart. Look at how well you’re doing, all pent up like this.”
Then his thumb centers on my clit, rubbing it with soft strokes, and it sends me plummeting over the edge. Stars form behind my eyelids, unintelligible whimpers spilling from my lips, and Eris coaxes me through it all, stimulating my oversensitive nerves and giving me praise.
When I’m calmed from my high, gazing up at him with a lazy smile, I whisper. “You’re so fucking perfect.”
“And you are gorgeous. I could not ask the Mother for a better mate,” he purred, shifting to kiss me once more.
He presses his clothed hips to my bare ones, showing me exactly how much he wants me.
I laugh against his mouth, my hands trailing down. “Why is it,” I murmur into his lips, “that I’m naked and you’re still fully clothed.”
“It’s because you never undressed me.”
“Aye, don’t point fingers.”
We both laugh, and I have my hand on the first button of his shirt when a sharp, piercing tug comes on the mating bond.
I flinch. 
Eris frowns, tilting his head and brushing a kiss to my cheek. “What’s wrong?”
Sighing heavily, I zero in on the mating bond connecting me to Azriel. “Give me just a second. Shadow Boy is tugging.”
Are you alright? I ask the thread.
Physically, yes. Why wouldn’t I be. His response is flat, and is more of a statement where a question should be instead.
You tugged. Hard. It kind of hurt.
You know I can feel all of your emotions, right? You have no mental shields up.
Okay, so? But my response is a little distracted, because Eris has sat up, straddling my thighs. He unbuttons his shirt, slowly, teasingly.
My breath catches in my throat when he flexed his hips upward, showing off the bulge in his pants. I palm it gently as Azriel’s response comes.
I’d rather not know what you’re feeling.
It takes me a moment, and then I remember the arousal and pleasure that has been flooding my mind for the last few minutes, and it clicks.
I laugh, running a finger down the seam of Eris’s pants. “He can sense my emotions and feelings. He’s asking for me to stop subjecting him to my sex life.”
Jealous? I ask down the bond, grinning as Eris hurries his undressing. Unfortunately, he was in a council meeting earlier, so he’s sporting a uniform with a bajillion clasps and buttons and buckles.
No reply comes.
Are you a little, tiny bit envious of Eris right now? Because he gets to fuck the shit out of me.
And preparing to fuck the shit out of me he is, as Eris is hovering over me now, mostly undressed. He frees himself, pulling out his long, thick cock. I like the little curve it has, and I trace the vein on the underside with my index finger. 
Maybe you should stop teasing me, or I’ll show up and put your fun to an end.
Alright, alright. Shutting up. I’ll try to keep my emotions to myself.
The bond goes silent.
“He’s gone,” I whisper.
Immediately, Eris is positioning himself between my legs, capturing me in a kiss once more. His thumb grazes my clit, and I feel the telltale pressure against my entrance.
Instinctually, I spread my legs. I whimper as he pushes in, just slightly, stretching me wide. It hurts, just a bit — I thought I would be used to him by now, but I guess not after a week without this, without him.
“Fuck,” he whispers, trailing kisses down my neck. “You’re so fucking tight.”
He sinks in further, and I find my hands rooted in his hair, holding his head close. I leave breathy kisses against his ear and throat, murmuring strings of praises. “Gods, you feel good… mother save me… start moving, I need you.”
He pulls his hips back slowly, hissing as my body grips him. Then, he snaps back in, just barely managing to brush that one spot deep in me.
My back arcs, and a whimper escapes me as his free hand grabs both of mine, pinning them above my head — his other still teasing my clit.
He begins a steady pace, until the lingering pain at my core subsides, and is replaced with more slick, and need, and burning pleasure.
“Fuck,” I whisper, lifting my hips to add to the friction. “Harder— harder, please…”
A grin spreads across my High Lord’s face, and he kisses my shoulder, picking up into a brutal pace, the sounds of skin on skin filling the room.
The pleasure is immense. Each time his thumb brushes my clit, or his cock hits that one spot, I see stars. My abdomen begins to tense, and my noises become more frequent.
Eris shifts to have his head directly above me, watching my expression closely. The eye contact alone pushes me that much closer to the edge, and fast.
“Coming already?” He croons, putting our foreheads together. “Needy, needy little creature, aren’t you?”
I nod against him, our noses brushing. “Please.”
And he silently obliges me (as silent as he gets during sex, still panting and making little pleased noises) by pressing the heel of his hand against my clit.
The result is instant. Stars bloom and explode behind my eyelids, and I chant his name like a prayer, whimpering and moaning and whining as his pace stays relentless, coaxing me through my crashing orgasm.
His pace does not grow sloppier; he’s never gotten sloppy before he cums, if anything he just gets more rigid, pace growing faster and harder but never sloppy. He tilts his head down to rest on my shoulder, groaning as his cock twitches inside me. “Such a good girl for me, hmm?”
I squeeze his hand with one of mine, grinning when his words come out breathless. “Give it to me. Fill me.”
And he does, nearly immediately. He gives one last snapping thrust into me, burying himself deep inside. I can tell he’s cumming by the moans and unintelligible mumbles leaking from his throat, combined with the slight increase in warmth at my pelvis.
“What a good mate you are,” I purr, working one hand out of his grip to stroke his hair. “Filling me up with your seed. Such a good boy—”
Eris shuts me up with a long kiss, and he remains buried in me, carefully pulling me onto his lap as he sits up.
Pulling away slowly, he speaks softly. “I need to cancel my meetings for the next few days — at least. You know what they say about the whole newly-mated male thing, so the council hopefully won’t fight too much. I’m sure they’d rather have my absence than a volatile male.”
“Youuu can do that later,” I grumble, catching his bottom lip between my teeth. That fiery need is building between my legs once more, creeping up my spine and peaking my nipples. “Fuck now. Lord business later.”
He has no qualms — at least, he speaks none — about my decision, and he captures my mouth in his. His hands slide up, one to my jaw, the other to my hair, locking me into the kiss. As he does, I catch the slight scent of magic in my nose, and I crack an eye open to see a letter writing itself on the desk. I can’t read it from here, but it’s short, and slid under the door in a blur.
He pulls back, smirking as he takes me in. “I’ve hardly touched you and you’re all flushed and messy.”
“Hardly— hardly touched?” I ask, incredulous. “You’re buried in me, to the hilt.”
His smirk breaks into a toothy grin, flashing me his canines. “Yes, and I’ve done much worse. Now, tell me, where would you next like to be made a mess?”
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I’ve decided to both thank and curse the mother for the mating frenzy.
For the last three days, Eris and I have been relentless. It’s pathetic, really, the way we can’t even manage a good night’s sleep. By the time we’re able to fuck eachother senseless enough to slip into sleep, one of us wakes up with that fiery need again after no more than an hour.
Mercifully, the staff in the palace understands. They bring us food and leave it outside the door, and other than that they leave us alone.
Even now, as I sit in the bath with Eris, the soreness in all of my limbs lingers. I sigh softly, nestling myself safely in Eris’s arms as the warm water seeps into my tired bones.
“We should probably get some actual cleaning done, before it comes back,” he murmurs, running his fingers through my damp hair. “We made a deal to get in the bath and cleanse ourselves, and instead we’ve just fucked. Twice.”
I giggle, pressing my face to the center of his chest. “Yeah, well… it was fun.”
“That it was,” he hums, removing one arm from me. He starts to run soap over my body, and I’m content to let him do that while I lay here limp. “You’re so beautiful, love.”
I bite his shoulder gently, to which he replies with a smack to my ass under the water. Laughing, I pull his face down, peppering it with kisses.
“You are not helpful,” he growls, taking my shoulders and turning me around. “Hold still and let me do your hair.”
I shift myself to turn and face him once more, but go still when his fingers start working shampoo into my hair. I practically purr at the massage, melting into his touch.
This is bliss.
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It takes two more days for the frenzy to slow, and Eris and I come to the decision that we can go without each other for a few hours.
So, I sit in the center of the music hall, which is completely empty each day until two, when the musicians come to practice. It’s nearly noon now, and I’m just out of the room to get away from the overwhelming scent of sex, and to get a little practice in. 
The harp that leans on my shoulder is playing a song that I wrote on my own. I hum along with it as my fingers pluck the long strings, leaning into the deep vibrations.
I’ve played the harp since I was young. I was allowed to learn one instrument as a child, and little, tiny, adolescent me chose the harp. Looking back on it, perhaps a piano or guitar would have been more practical, but the time for choosing an instrument to learn has long since passed.
The music glides from my hands like an ice skater on a frozen lake, making graceful circles and figure eights, going fast and then so, so very slow.
My alone time is broken around an hour into my practice. The shadows contort in the room, and then there’s an undeniable presence behind me. I don’t even need to look to know who he is. 
“Congratulations,” Azriel says, followed by the soft shuffle of wings being adjusted. “On your mating.”
“Thank you,” I reply, finally halting my music to glance over at him. “I hope you aren’t too bothered by it.”
He gives a noncommittal shrug, walking over and standing beside me. His arms cross over his chest as he speaks, “It was expected. You’ve known Eris for far longer than me. I didn’t know you played the harp.”
Smooth topic change.
“I can’t remember a time when I didn’t.”
“You would love the musician’s quarter, in Velaris. It’s always filled with the most magnificent sound. I could show you, if you come to visit.”
I turn back to the strings in front of me, running my thumb along the golden shoulder of the instrument. “I’ve already told you that I would visit at some point. Have you come here to remind me?”
Azriel shifts on his feet slightly — and something tells me that he isn’t typically one for nervous habits, so maybe I make him exceptionally anxious. “Not really.”
“Then why, exactly, are you here?”
“Do I need a reason?”
I raise a brow, plucking a few strings absentmindedly. “When Eris is in full mated-male protective mode?” Azriel tenses. “Perhaps you should have an excuse for being in his palace.”
“Then I’m here because I was bringing you this,” he replies, holding out a velvet box.
Turning to face him, I take the box gingerly. Pulling the cover up reveals something exquisite, and I snap it shut. 
“I… I cannot accept this,” I stumble over my words, blinking as he opens the box again. “It’s too— holy mother.”
He chuckles, shaking his head and carefully picking up the necklace. It’s a double layered chain; the shorter, closer to my neck layer is thin and a shimmering silver unlike anything I’ve laid eyes on before, and topped off with a delicate dagger pendant, encrusted in a blue stone like his siphons; the longer layer is a sharp gold, glittering in the sunlight and almost giving the appearance of being on fire, and hanging from it is a leaf with — well, I don’t know if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but it seems to have a little orb inside holding actual fire.
“I’ve had it custom made for you. It would be horrible manners to not accept it.”
I feel blood brush the skin on the back of my neck, and then dance across my ears. “Then, uhm, I suppose I’ll have to take it, hm?” I take it from his grasp, holding it to my neck. “Help me clasp it, since you’re intent on me having it.”
Azriel steps behind me, his calloused fingers brushing my nape as he clips the chains together. His hand linger possibly a little longer than is necessary, but I didn’t complain.
To think of it, I’ve never actually gotten a particularly good view of his hands. They were often hidden in the fabric of his clothing, or gloved, or moving too fast to be seen. I’ve always liked hands — are they scarred, or smooth? Long or short nails? Wrinkled, or baby-skinned? 
But as I reach for his hands to bring them forward, they suddenly retract. In fact, turning around reveals that Azriel has taken three steps back. 
“What’s wrong?” I frown, eyes flicking to his arms, which have expertly, subtly, hidden his wrists behind his back.
“Nothing,” he replies in a smooth, reassuring tone, “you look stunning. I had a feeling that the necklace would glow on you.”
“It disappoints me that you think you can evade my questioning. I’m your mate, you don’t need to hide anything from me.”
A ghost of a smile crosses his lips.
“What?” I scowl, standing and striding over to him. 
He continues to retreat backwards, until I know for certain that this has somehow become some sort of a game for him by the growing amusement on his features.
And I have the feeling that he’s competitive.
I feign a stop, and then lunge at him, angling myself to send him sprawling to the ground. I’ve slipped into my assassin skill set.
But Azriel has tricks up his own sleeve, because the sidesteps and twists his leg, aiming to knock me over. His maneuver fails, and before I know it, we’ve essentially engaged in combat.
Except he refuses to use his hands. 
We twist and spin, dancing across the music hall. None of my attempts to grab him work, but he’s also unsuccessful in taking me down without his hands. I’m sure his shadows could help, but he’s not using them — and I have the feeling that he’s trying to be gentle with me.
“Are you going easy on me?” I accuse, my hand snapping out and finally making contact, managing to grab his bicep… but his hand stays firmly behind his back.
“Perhaps. But I have a distinct advantage — height, wings, and shadows.”
“Yeah, well, I have fire and I’d just rather not burn you.”
And there it is — he flinches.
But he recovers quickly, and I’m too busy processing his flinch to dodge when his wing comes at me. The muscle under its velvet skin swivels me around with ease, and suddenly my hands are pinned behind my shoulder blades, by Azriel’s own hand.
I find myself unable to turn around. Why? Because my back is pressed completely up against Azriel’s chest, his head dipped down to be on the same level as my own. My hands and his are trapped between us, guaranteeing that I won’t be able to catch a glimpse.
“I win,” he murmurs, his lips against my ear.
“That you did. But you flinched,” I murmur back, turning my head just enough to be able to see his face. It’s completely neutral again, if not a little amused. No hint of the flinching boy that had flashed in front of me.
“You mentioned having fire, and I realized that if I let our little match go on for much longer, you might get a little too hot for comfort,” he replies, maybe too slowly. 
His tone is so believable that I nearly let it go. But as he speaks, the darkness pooled at our feet recoils from him, tendrils of it wrapping up my ankles and stroking my skin.
“Your shadows don’t like it when you lie to me,” I tilt my head to the void building on my legs.
Azriel narrows his eyes but says nothing; the shadows scatter.
Softening my tone, I tilt my head back against his shoulder and try again. “Why can’t I see your hands, Azriel?”
He sighs the heaviest sigh imaginable, nearly breaking my heart in the process. But he releases my hands, and waits.
I don’t step away, gazing up at him expectantly.
We end up just staring at each other for a few moments. His eyes tell a story that I know will hurt to hear when it is vocalized. But I want to know his tales. I find myself a bit infatuated with this other mate — who is Azriel Shadowsinger?
But nevertheless, there’s a shifting behind me as his hands move, and he brings them to be in front of me.
I have to stifle a gasp at the sight.
Azriel’s hands are covered in burn scars. Not an inch of the skin spanning his fingertips to his forearm is untouched. The skin is raised and rigid, and parts of it are a darkened brown or red.
Biting my lip, I carefully run a fingertip over one of the ridges. The skin is surprisingly smooth itself, just with raised bumps and dips along the surface. His abdomen tenses against my lower back as I touch his hand, but he doesn’t object.
“I don’t think they’re ugly, if that’s what you were afraid of,” I murmur, taking one of his hands in mine and continuing to trace along the other. “I’ve always liked hands. They’re the most useful parts of the body, for the most part — capable of so many things. And the marks just tell stories.” I flip my own hand over, showing the scars littering my palms. “My hands weave the tale of an assassin, an expert at her craft. Yours tell the story of a warrior with a backstory worth sharing to loved ones. And that history needn’t be retold today.”
Then, completely unexpectedly, he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of my neck.
“Thank you,” he whispered with lips brushing my skin. 
We stand there for a few seconds or moments or minutes, I cannot tell. But I’ve grown to like the feeling of his mouth on my neck, his hands almost feeling familiar under my touch.
“While we’re asking questions,” I start, shifting myself forward slightly. “You smiled earlier, just before this whole spontaneous sparring spree began. Why?”
Suddenly, he grips both of my wrists, pinning them between us like he had before. He grins, picking up that competitive gleam in his gaze once more. “Just because.”
“Because why,” I scowl, now trying to shimmy out of his grip.
“You’re a moody one, you know.”
“Me, moody? You look like you’ve just stepped out of a portal to a gothic land of spiders and shadows — Cauldron, you have shadows that follow you,” I feign outrage, which makes him chuckle darkly.
“I smiled because you called me your mate. Out loud and to my face.”
I pause, and then try to whirl, grinning now. “Let me go, and maybe I’ll do it again.”
“You’ll have to win your way out of my grasp. And may I mention, you pack some solid muscle for how small you are—“
“Small?” I shout, trying to elbow him — but he keeps his hold on me. I struggle, while he laughs, and I find a part of myself quite amused as well — and the other part of me, well, I too am competitive.
There’s a creak from the other side of the room that I barely register, but Azriel’s shadows spin like crazy, swirling at our feet like a warning bell.
But Azriel just holds me tighter, ignoring the shadows. I land a kick to his shin that makes him lose his balance — but he drags me when we stumble, growling as I try to break free, and—
And, of course, that is when the door swings open—
Eris Vanserra stares at us, with eyes that start with shock.
And then shift to indescribable rage.
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Part Six
Tags: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @5moremin @azriels-mate123 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @nightless @the-sweet-psycho @mali22 @bubybubsters @hannzoaks @menagerofmischief
To be added to the tag list, comment and ask! And if you saw this without the tag list before I took it down and reposted after a good panic of realizing I didn't do tags, then no, you didn't see anything... *distant sobbing*
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janus-cadet · 4 months
So, I've been watching Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss.
Loved it. Therefore, obviously, to none of my friends' surprise, I added the fandom in that nonsensical tarot project of mine- and it starts with Lucifer, the short king himself, as the Five of Cups.
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(The Devil was already taken, which both caused me immense amont of dismay, and just as much relief, because that version of Lucifer does NOT fit the Devil card as much as he could.)
Now, under the cut (only for the braves who can handle a long post spoken in broken english), the mandatory explanation for the choice of the card and the composition.
A joyous card, isn't it! Ahah? Totally. Let's get right into it.
The Five of Cups, Upright, often appears in a reading when a situation hasn't turned out the way you expected, leaving you sad, regretful and disappointed. I mean, you just gave one (1) apple to humanity, just to give them free will, and look what they did with it! What the hell, literally! You are blaming yourself, and instead of moving on with your life (despite the small inconvenience of being banished to an endless pit of evil and horror), you ar choosing to wallow in your self-pity. All you can focus on right now is what went wrong and how you failed. You're stuck in the past, and you can't let go; old wounds you never closed are keeping you from trying to create some positive changes. Which is why the card is here: to help you forgive. Forgiveness, to others and to yourself, is the only way you'll be able to release yourself from your sadness and disappointment. Remember that foresight and wisdom in the present moments comes from mistakes of the past: reflect on what led you to this point, and try to find something positive by reflecting on the lessons learned. You can rebuilt, you still can challenge an unfair system, despite everything! New possibilities are waiting for you, as shown by your daughter. You just have to be ready to accept it. Shift your mindset and focus on what can go right from this point forward.
Reversed, the card suggests that you might look at yourself specifically as a failure. You are stuck in a loop of self-loathing, and can't bring yourself to open up to others about those feelings. The reversed Five of Cups card is here to encourage you to open up: people around you may not see how much pain you're in right now, so don't be afraid to ask for help or talk to someone you trust.
You cannot undo the past, and just as Lucifer at the end of the first season, you are starting to accept that. You are slowly discovering how to be open to the new opportunities and ideas shown to you; you are finally starting to be more hopeful anout the future. You may not be fully okay again, you might still be in pain, but you are taking the first step: the card encourage you to keep doing so. Focus on the bright side. Not all is lost!
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Lot of talks already, so I'll quickly go over those. The cups (that I spend too long on for such a small detail in the whole piece agh agh) are, as I drew them, a symbols of the regrets and the remorses felt. The regrets are the titled, broken cups: Lucifer's marriage, his relation with his daughter, and the dreams he had as an angel. Three things that feels like they are lost, damaged beyond repairs- but that are, in fact, still within reach. The content hasn't even spill yet. The remorses are the acts that can't be undone, and the effect on the vision he has of himself- the bitten apple, and the beastly devil that can't be trust. Those are te things he keeps blaming himself for, and the source of the self-loathing he's stuck into. But! He's turning his back on them, as a way to show he is not as linked to those things as he thinks he is. One is a thing of the past, the other is merely a shadow of who he is- what's important is what lays in front of him.
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And that's it for today! You're still here? Dang, you're resilient. Thank you very much, hope you enjoyed this. And you're just in time for a little ending poll!
See, I started two other WIPs while drawing Lucifer. Therefore...
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