#torta rustica
Dolce o salato? SALATO!
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zuccheroaveloblog · 10 months
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davisrandy · 10 months
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European - Torta Rustica This torta is made with a fantastic cornmeal pastry that is fitted into a springform pan. It is hearty, robust, and savory. The pie is covered in layers of cheese, prosciutto, chopped spinach, and roasted red peppers. The torta is then baked until golden after a top crust is attached.
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Torta rustica di scarola
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unalunapercucinare · 11 months
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blogannaleone-blog · 2 years
Torta rustica con esubero di lievito madre
Torta rustica con esubero di lievito madre
La torta salata con esubero di lievito madre è un’idea davvero semplice, veloce e gustosa per utilizzare quella parte del lievito madre che di solito finisce nella spazzatura. Questa ricetta è ottima per un pic nic o per la gita fuori porta o per una grigliata e la farcitura può cambiare in base ai propri gusti, io l’ho farcita con delle verdure, saltate con olio, aglio ed erbette aromatiche,…
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cainluvr69 · 6 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 4
Previous Chapter
Mitile & Riquet: Yaaaay! It's the beeeaaach!
Riquet: I love the ocean! It's so beautiful no matter how many times I see it!
Mitile: Same here! Mountains and rivers and lakes are all good too, but something about the ocean just feels extra special!
Riquet: It really does! Let's go down closer to the waves!
Chloe: Wait, wait! Ta-daaaa! I made extra-special outfits for everyone to suit the oceanside!
Rutile & Rustica: Yay! We've been waiting for them!
Chloe: Ehehe, I'm really proud of them! I put my all into making them, so I hope everyone will wear them together! W-will the Northern wizards be okay with that…?
Rustica: Of course, they'll all be happy to.
Bradley: The food on this island's damn good, so why not.
Mithra: The food from that castle is particularly good. I'll eat everything, even if you cry and beg me not to.
Owen: The last time I was here, I heard that something new has started getting popular.
Snow: Oho, something new?
White: A new sweet, perhaps?
Owen: It's called torta di cocco. Master Sage. Come here.
Akira: What is it?
Owen: Say you'll endorse it.
Akira: I can't do that?! I'm not the Evil Magistrate!
Owen: What's a "magistrate"?
Akira: S-someone bad, I think…?
Owen: Huh. Well, I'm way worse than them.
Akira: (…It's really cute that he wants to beat a TV show villain…)
Snow: It sounds good! I want to try some, too!
White: As do I! Let's go find some in a bit! But first, of course, it's time to dress up! Take it away, Chloe!
Chloe: ! Right…! Okay, here we go! <Suispicibo Voitengok>!
Arthur: Wah…!
Cain: These colors are beautiful, just like the sea!
Snow: We match!
White: We love to match!
Rutile: These clothes are simply lovely! Perfect for a party at a castle on the edge of the sea!
Heathcliff: Your outfits always make me want to stand up a little bit straighter, Chloe. Thank you.
Murr: Great work, Chloe! Looking forward to the outfits was a huge success!
Chloe: Ehehe, thanks! Do you like yours too, Murr?
Murr: Of course! I love it so much, fireworks are gonna start coming out! <Eanul Lambru>
Arthur: My! How pretty… I'm quite looking forward to our lunch party, aren't you, Master Sage?
Akira: I am.
Owen: Anyway. It's time to go plunder some torta di cocco.
Cain: Hold it, hold it, hold it. No plundering allowed. Don't you have any change on you?
Owen: Why would I?
Cain: Why wouldn't you?! And you're trying to eat cake right before lunch, too… Ah, hey! Akira. I can't leave him alone, so I'm going to go with him.
Akira: Sounds good. Thank you.
Riquet: Wait, Cain! I have something important to ask you.
Cain: What's up?
Riquet: I'd like to try torta di cocco too, but I'd also like to eat at the lunch party. What should I do?
Cain: Easy. Just take a walk along the beach until you're hungry and then eat all you want at the party. Then take another walk and eat some cake afterwards. Simple as that. Even if you can't wait, it's a good idea to not start with the sweets first…
Owen: Oh, sorry.
Cain: Owen, where'd you…?! Hey, that's my wallet…! Uh, I gotta go!
Riquet: Take care. Thank you for the advice, Cain. Mitile, let's see what's along the shore together!
Mitile: Okay! Chloe, we'll be sure to be careful we don't get our outfits dirty!
Chloe: Don't worry! Even if you do, I can clean them up for you!
Nero: Runnin' along the water's edge together… Ahh, youth… Hey, Shino, Heath. You two should go join them…
Shino & Heathcliff: …
Nero: …Looks like our kids haven't made up yet…
Faust: They're always both so stubborn when they get like this…
Shino: Nero.
Nero: Hm?
Shino: Let's walk on the beach.
Nero: Ah… Okay. Yo Teach, I'll be takin' off for a bit.
Faust: Got it.
Heathcliff: Mr. Faust. Um, if you don't mind, could we…
Faust: Of course. Am I supposed to run with you?
Heathcliff: Oh, no, just a walk is fine…
Faust: Sounds good.
Akira: Are the Eastern wizards going to be okay…?
Shylock: With Faust as their side, most certainly.
Rutile: Master Sage, I'm going to follow Riquet and Mitile. Feel free to go to the castle ahead of us!
Akira: Alright. Take care of them for me.
Arthur: Then let us depart for Borda Castle together.
Arthur: That reminds me, before we left for Borda Island today, my uncle told me something.
Akira: Mister Vincent did? What did he tell you?
Arthur: Borda Island's new lord, Lady Dianne… Her aunt, Lady Claudia Chenon, is acquainted with my uncle. Apparently, he met her in his youth during his travels in the West, and was in her care for a while.
Akira: Someone who took care of Mister Vincent when he was young…
Arthur: Yes. He's even given me a message to give to her. He must have some nice memories with here.
Akira: (A young Vincent's memories with a Western noblewoman…)
While I was trying to come up with what those memories could be… An elegant voice called out to us.
???: Prince Arthur!
Arthur turned, his hair fluttering in the morning breeze. And on the other side of the breeze was a woman with curly hair the same vivid red as smoldering flames. She wore the dignified uniform of a knight, a slender blade hanging at her left hip.
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On her left hand was a ring shaped like flower petals. I thought it was very cute. She met our eyes and smiled with vigor. Without missing a beat, she strode up to us, her steps long and handsome. Given her bold and brazen behavior and the people accompanying her, I had a hunch as to her identity.
Akira: (This must be the new lord, Lady Dianne.)
Dianne: A pleasure to meet you. I am the lord of this island, Dianne Chenon.
Arthur: So you're the lady of the hour. I am the crown prince of Central Country, Arthur.
Dianne: Welcome to my island, Prince Arthur. Please let me apologize once again for the other day. You must be tired from the journey here. Please allow me to escort you to Borda Castle. This way, if you would.
Arthur: Thank you. While I'll have to introduce the rest of our party another time… This is the Master Sage, Lady Dianne.
Dianne turned her head, pinning me in place with her gaze. Her eyes were a verdant green.
Dianne: Master Sage. I am the inheritor of the title of Borda Island's lord, Dianne. It is a pleasure to meet you.
Akira: Same here… I'm Masaki Akira. It's nice to finally meet you.
She grinned and turned on her heel, standing as our vanguard on the path to the castle. But in the same moment, I heard a voice from somewhere. It was shouting abuse.
???: To hell with the new lord! We don't need any wizard sympathizers on our island! At this rate, someone else is going to get taken!
Guard: My apologies, Lady Dianne. I will sieze them at once.
Dianne: No, pay it no heed. The people will accept my rule eventually. I apologize for making you see something so unpleasant, Master Sage. Please, follow me.
Akira: Okay… (Dianne… I guess things aren't going so well with the island residents…) (Someone was taken…?)
I wonder what they'd meant by that. I looked over at Arthur, intending to ask. But Arthur didn't notice. Instead, he had a very hard look in his eyes. Seabirds cried in the distance.
Dianne: Sage Akira, and all of the Sage's wizards. Welcome to the beautiful Borda Island castle. It is truly a privilege to be able to greet you as its lord. Just as her Majesty Queen Liliana did, I wish to open my arms to you as though we were dear friends, not merely meeting for the first time today… And so I shall, with respect and cordiality foremost in my heart. A toast to you all. Now then, as you await Borda Island's cuisine made with the freshest of ingredients, allow me to introduce myself.
While Dianne spoke, the Northern wizards were already grabbing for the food. After all, the number one thing they'd been looking forward to was the food here on Borda Island. They were very enthusiastically stuffing their faces.
Snow: Goodness, at least use a knife and fork.
White: Even Oz was able to use silverware back when he was little more than a wild beast.
Oz: There is no need to bring that up.
Dianne seemed taken aback for a moment, but then she laughed, smiling broadly.
Dianne: Ahaha. It's a wonderful thing to have such a healthy appetite. Please, eat as much as you like. Master Sage, please feel free to help yourself as well. You can listen to me just as well while eating.
Akira: Alright.
Dianne: My grandfather, Dionis Chenon, was a famous Western commander in the military, with exquisite skill with a blade. When I was small, he taught me how to wield a sword. I'm as confident in my skills as any knight.
At that statement, I glanced over at Cain. He wasn't just an ex-knight, but an ex-general, after all. I don't know what reaction I expected, but he was focused on his glass, quietly listening to her speech.
Dianne: Though I may be inexperienced, I wish to protect the people of Borda Island myself, so that I do not bring shame to my late grandfather's name. And I shall, of course, cooperate with the Master Sage and their wizards in their goals.
Akira: Thank you very much.
I smiled at her, and Dianne nodded to me in return. She was a bright, easy to talk to, and friendly person.
Riquet: Just as she said, she seems to be a very prudent person, Master Sage.
Akira: I agree. (She even readily received all of my wizards… I hope we can get to know each other better.)
As I thought that, I took a forkful of the beautiful meal before me, sprinkled with flower petals, and brought it to my mouth.
Akira: …?!
All of a sudden, I froze.
Akira: (This…isn't delicious…?) (It smells kind of weird, and the flavor is too strong and too weak at the same time…) (B-but why… The food we had at the party we were invited to last time was so good…)
I glanced around at everyone else, feeling a bit upset, and saw the same look of bafflement on their faces. Snow, White, and Bradley had frozen in shock. The Western wizards, with their refined palates, smiled as though it were truly first-class, but they'd already abandoned their utensils. Only Mithra, with his habit of eating strange things, had cleared his plate. Owen, who'd only gone for the desserts in the first place, was leaned forward, staring at us in fascination.
Owen: What? You're all making weird faces. Don't tell me, it's not actually g--
Akira: Ah, um! How was the torta di cocco? You went to try some, didn't you?
The words burst out of my mouth before I could think about anything other than how rude it'd be to say it tasted bad in front of Dianne. Although, well, maybe it wasn't polite to bring up the topic of other food when we were supposed to be enjoying what was in front of us. Dianne simply smiled.
Dianne: Have you taken an interest in our local cuisine?
Akira: We'd heard how delicious the cake called torta di cocco is, and these two went to try some. How was it, Cain? Owen?
Owen: That's secret.
Cain: It was great. There was a huge line, and it was really hard to make Owen not cut.
Owen: I was the strongest person there, so I shouldn't have had to wait in line.
Cain: Listen, I told you you shouldn't try to turn into the people at the front of the line to get through it faster.
Riquet: So it really is that good! I want to try some too as soon as I can.
Dianne: I'm glad to hear you all enjoyed it. Perhaps I, too, shall enjoy some soon.
Hearing Dianne say such a candid remark made me smile. But at the same time, I could see that the servers bringing out plates of food were frowning. I thought maybe it was because they were nervous, given the occasion, or busy. But, no, even I could see their restless discomfort and the oddly strained expressions on their faces were out of place. My sharp-eyed wizards, too, had already noticed that something was clearly wrong. And then Bradley, coping bravely with his dissatisfaction, whispered something in a low voice.
Bradley: Hey, Nero.
Nero: What.
Bradley: Go to the kitchen 'n make something.
I could see thoughts of violent, bloody murder in Nero's eyes.
Nero: There's no way I can do that.
Bradley: Last time we were here, you used their kitchen and made somethin', didn't you? So just go on and do that again…
Nero: Not only is that not somethin' I can just whip up, you didn't even eat any of it.
Bradley: I totally did. I just ate it while I had a hole ripped in my gut.
Nero: You ate it cold…
Bradley: Your cooking's great even when it's cold.
Every soft word out of Bradley's mouth trying to coax food out of Nero just made Nero's bloodlust grow.
Next Chapter
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ecleptica · 10 months
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una torta rustica bruciacchiata e io che mi alzo dal letto dopo essere venuta e aver inzuppato un asciugamano
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francesca-fra-70 · 2 years
Io metto qui la torta rustica. Voi portate la vodka... 😏
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jaja-dingdong · 9 months
Karina che dimentica lo zucchero nella torta come la sottoscritta che dimentica di mettere le patate... nella torta rustica alle patate
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mikimeiko · 2 years
Day 9 - Lazio, Campania
Another rail replacement bus. When I got on the driver asked me where I was going, and when I told him Cassino (end of the line) he said "oh, let's do this trip together!". I am also the only person on the bus XD (then I wasn't the only person on the bus and I had a mildly displeasing interaction with an old man... but luckily it was brief).
This was truly an amazing line, and I think it actually might have been a little better by bus (it climbed in places where the rail stayed more at the bottom of the valley, allowing better views).
Cassino (Lazio)
I might still be in Lazio but you can definitely hear the accents shift toward the Campanian ones. Also I had the best coffee of this trip!
Cassino is... not particularly interesting? And also weird in the sense that I couldn't find a city center proper (or maybe I should say: a city center I recognized).
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I know I'm the one who chose places based on the train lines I wanted to do, or on how expensive staying there would be, and that keeps saying "there's always something to see" but... three meh cities in a row is quite enough. I'd like a pretty one now. (On the other hand, I found a good bakery and had a wonderful torta rustica, a focaccia/pizza filled with cheese and salami baked into it).
This rail replacement bus is tiny! They actually did something very clever: instead of a couple or more big buses that do the exact route of the train, they scheduled 5 different departures on the span of an hour: 1 big bus that only makes one stop and then goes on the highway to get to Caserta, which takes approximately as much as the train would have; 2 minibuses that make the main stops; 2 minibuses that do all the stops (taking forever, but those are not for the people going from one end to the other). I wish they explained the situation better, and signaled bettere which bus would leave from where, because people were VERY confused.
At one point I am reminded that I have indeed reached southern Italy: a lady traveling with her mum offers a homemade sandwich to a man traveling with his nephew after they bonded during the confusing time in which we were trying to understand which bus to take XD
Caserta (Campania)
The weirdest feeling is getting out of the station and finding yourself in front of the Royal Palace of Caserta (which is the main touristic draw of the city). It's like... Right there!
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When I leave my b&b to go around the city, I see a storm is brewing. I decide to test my luck and try to see as much as I can anyway (I'm leaving very early tomorrow morning), and for a bit it's windy and dark but ok, and I manage to see most of the city center.
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Then it starts raining, and in a minute it's getting heavy: I'm very lucky and I find a square with portici where I can wait for the rain to stop; unfortunately I choose the wrong portico at the beginning, when I think it will be a brief thing, and not the one with the bars in it; and now the rain it's too intense to cross the road and get there (I've been standing for 45 minutes, I'm tired and the wait would have been more pleasant with a drink XD).
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(I did get my drink in the end, when the rain started to be less heavy I moved to the other portico XD)
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Traveled: 163km (1706km total)
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Intro | Go back to Day 1 | Continue to Day 10
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Belle le mestruazioni, sta mattina il pensiero di qualsiasi cosa dolce mi nauseava (e io amo il dolce) e ho fatto colazione con una torta salata rustica, ora mi scofanerei un barattolo di nutella da sola 🙃
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zuccheroaveloblog · 11 months
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desolateice · 2 years
Food of “Root Beer Floats and Green Tea” part 5 chapters 78- 110
Welcome to TKK3 arc
Fresh honey from Dutch’s Pizza at Mr. Miyagi’s Little Trees Early morning runs with wheat-grass protein smoothies with Dutch and Jessica Dutch’s tropical smoothie with spinach, kale, and protein powder. Daniel’s chocolate and peanut butter banana smoothie Johnny’s acai berry drink
Mr. Miyagi’s congratulations on the opening of your shop: champagne-style sake from the Lawrence's.
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Johnny’s breakfast at a old-fashioned diner and with his mom and she had gotten them both big breakfast platters with pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, and toast.
Babysitter Johnny’s mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs
After taekwondo tournament hole in the wall celebratory pizza tradition. Daniel’s brunch with Laura: her bloody mary, Daniel’s eggs
Green tea and Mrs. LaRusso’s pie made by Daniel Halloween at the Brown’s House: Bobby’s monster mash pancakes, skeleton cookies Ohio lemon shaker pie Bobby’s lemon pie Daniel’s Mom’s blueberry pie
ghost cookie Frankenstein's monster bar grave parfaits Candy lollipops shaped like different monsters and severed limbs gingerbread homes scale models of paris and story books “There were so many cupcakes under the domes on the cake plates. Ghost toppings, some that looked like they were bleeding, and one with little candy witch's feet sticking out of it. “ Laura’s housewarming Halloween party: She hired a bartender to work on bubbling punch and alcoholic cocktails out in the garden and got cupcakes and sweets from the Browns and a catering company had made themed finger food.  snacks, candied apples, and finger food, mocktails: Johnny had a dark purple almost black drink (made with juice and not vodka)
Mrs. Lawrence’s pumpkin muffins Trick or treats with the kids, no king size candy bars (though Mrs. Lawrence had those), Apples and mini bags of baby carrots. and raisins. The Browns give out: popcorn balls and king-sized candy bars.
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Scampagnata Eggplant Parmesan Melanzane alla parmigiana sandwiches croquettes pasta salad, and there are fruit and cherry tomatoes. wine torta rustica pajeon Fancy pancakes from the cafe for Jessica’s goodbye breakfast Beach ice cream for broken hearted Californian boys Birthday dinner part 1: A cold soup  was brought out on a bowl of dry ice so the whole thing smoked, crackled, and popped.  Tiny salad all wrapped up in a slice of cucumber like it was a bite-size salad, sorbet palate cleanser, eclairs, chocolate soufflé
Hotel breakfast: pancakes, eggs, sausage or bacon, and juice.
Ma’s birthday surprise mac and cheese
Mr. Miyagi’s chocolate cake Jessica’s Buckeyes Cobra make up birthday soccer lunch: Jimmy’s grilled hotdogs, Cookie dough birthday cake
After Daniel’s win celebration from the Browns:
 Lemon Blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting recipe    some tea cookie recipes Alcoholic rum and root beer floats
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Cobra’s break in breakfasts: Dutch’s omelets with lots of vegetables Dutch’s favorite coffee: add one pack of hot chocolate and 3  cups of Irish creamer. Bobby: Cinnamon Rolls Jimmy’s corned beef and hash Tommy’s waffles Dutch’s other eggs: frittatas and quiches Bobby was making pancakes filled with cinnamon and chocolate chips. Chozen’s breakfast: eggs Mr. Miyagi had made sometimes, rice, soup, grilled fish, a cucumber salad, and pickles and Nattō Dutch portrait sitting breakfast spread of: pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hashbrowns and muffins Mr. Miyagi’s Pork and taro leaves, cook for hours so becomes soft, smoked  from when he lived in Hawaii Lucille’s pre-flight to Newark breakfast: scrambled eggs and bacon and blueberry muffins Johnny’s coffee trip in Newark: ordered Daniel a cup of coffee with a dash of cream and one for himself that was a mocha Dinner at Nonnio and Nonnia’s: chicken and pesto penne, a pot roast with artichokes and sun-dried tomatoes, a salad with bread, tomato, cucumber, basil and onion, and focaccia.
Sandwiches with baby LaRusso’s and Johnny’s first attempt at mac and cheese. Ali’s brunch at the country club: egg with lobster and caviar. There were also raspberry pancakes (this recipe is for lemon raspberry pancakes) with gold leaf.
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The girls and Chozen go to In-N-Out: animal style burgers, fries and drinks S’mores made by Chozen on the leftover Cobra Kai pamphlets Lemonade from Laura for the guys + Chozen working on her garden and making a pond and Conchas Pizza and beer with Chozen and the ex cobras Mint chocolate chip ice cream on the beach
Part 1  | Part 2 | Part 3  | Part 4 |
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strozzaprete · 2 years
Can you share a random info about stuff you ate on Saturday??? Also happy Sunday wherever ur time zone is!!!!!
for sure! i must say i'm not eating much lately because the humidity here is terrible pollen is still everywhere somehow so i get nauseous during the day. so on saturday i ate half an avocado (mashed + olive oil + salt + pepper + garlic powder because i didn't have fresh garlic 😤) with some cherry tomatoes, two small pizzette bianche (those mini pizzas with no tomato or cheese that you can get at the bar or something. that's the best way i can find to explain what they are rn. not focaccia anyway), a bunch of mushrooms cooked in a pan with parsley and butter, and a piece of homemade um torta rustica which is basically very similar to a deep dish pizza but the dough is different. and you put beaten eggs in it and whatever you have in the fridge that is about to expire. which for me was a bunch of cheese my grandma got us for easter and a trunk of salame that had gotten so dehydrated in the fridge that my mom had to put it through the food processor. anyways this was all for (very early) dinner. and a good meal regardless
i'm literally about to watch the sun rise over sunday by the way 😔 to be honest as soon as i manage to gather some strength pick myself up from this bench and finally get a mattress under my wonky bones i hope i'll sleep through the whole day. nevertheless i wish you a very happy sunday as well!
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corradolauretta · 29 days
Torta rustica. Pasta sfoglia con fave verdi e ricotta. Ricetta facile
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