rqoeewazf9gmqu · 1 year
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draconic-variant · 1 year
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kon-igi · 1 year
Il titolo non si riferisce a un proclama urlato a squarciagola per qualche lotta politica contro le sopraffazioni ma alla frase urlata dal dottore di turno dei medical drama quando si appresta a usare un defibrillatore su un paziente in arresto cardiaco.
Se non lo aveste ancora intuito, con questo post mi appresterò a raccontarvi quanto siano sbagliati e/o inesatti i medical trope cinematografici a cui tanto siete abituati, così abituati che promettereste denuncia al tribunale del diritto del malato qualora non vi venissero praticate le stesse identiche procedure.
Non è una priorità, non è il proiettile a creare l’eventuale emorragia (cioè... lo ha fatto ma non continua a farlo) quindi tutte le scene in cui la vita dell’appena crivellato dipende dall’estrazione del proiettile SONO UNA STRONZATA. Eventualmente ci si concentra sul tamponamento della ferita applicando una pressione perché il tentativo di rimozione potrebbe peggiorare il sanguinamento, sia perché eseguito in modo maldestro con pinzette per sopracciglia o tenaglia da fabbro sia perché, a volte, il proiettile tiene chiusa la ferita.
Il proiettile è di per sé a bassa carica batterica (è stato sterilizzato dalla deflagrazione della polvere da sparo) quindi può essere rimosso a distanza di ore o giorni (e pure anni).
Il sanguinamento di un’arteria non lo fermi con un pezzo di ferro arroventato (se proprio tenendoci sopra qualche minuto una fiamma ossidrica) e sanguinamenti venosi li blocchi col tamponamento. Cauterizzare una ferita, a dispetto di quanto si creda, AUMENTA IL RISCHIO DI INFEZIONE perché non solo le ferite non le ‘disinfetti’ col fuoco ma un’ustione è una sede di ingresso di patogeni migliore di un semplice buco o taglio.
O meglio, lo fanno gli ortopedici dopo un Rx e dopo averti somministrato del midazolam o del propofol. Se lo fai per strada a caso, rischi come minimo una lesione di un plesso nervoso o addirittura un’arteria tranciata. E se non sapete come steccare correttamente un arto evitate di farlo e aspettate i soccorsi.
e comunque nessuno si fa distrarre da domande stupide prima della rimozione a tradimento.
I corpi estranei conficcati VANNO LASCIATI DOVE SONO perché un pezzo di legno appuntito, una scheggia metallica e persino un coltello stanno già creando un tamponamento su qualsiasi vaso dovesse essere stato reciso e una rimozione maldestra in ambito non operatorio potrebbe creare danni emorragici in uscita che non potrebbero essere trattati in modo professionale.
perché se non sapete qual è l’origine dell’emorragia (venosa o arteriosa) un laccio emostatico può creare un danno ischemico IMPORTANTISSIMO all’arto, proporzionale ai minuti di applicazione (dopo i canonici tre). Peggio che mai se applicate una cintura o una corda. TAMPONATE E BASTA.
Se sei in arresto cardiaco, la respirazione bocca-a-bocca e il massaggio non servono a far tornare il cuore a pulsare e tu a respirare MA A PRESERVARE IN MODO FORZATO L’OSSIGENAZIONE E IL CIRCOLO in attesa di veri soccorsi attrezzati. Quindi nessuno che sia veramente in arresto cardiaco si rianima in tale modo (se succede era solo svenuto) né tantomeno avrebbe la forza di espellere con un colpo di tosse l’acqua del tratto tracheo-bronchiale. La posizione laterale di sicurezza, invece, ne permette il defluire per gravità.
E soprattutto guardandoti negli occhi mentre lo fa.
Sarebbe quasi impossibile individuare la vena senza palpare e senza stabilizzare le proprie mani sull’avambraccio e se l’ago è perpendicolare alla cute, pochi millimetri prima sei fuori dalla vena e pochi dopo l’hai forata da parte a parte.
Bonus: se pianti un ago nel collo di una persona gli inietti il farmaco in trachea, nell’esofago, nel midollo spinale o anche nella tiroide.
La tracheotomia e la tracheostomia (la prima è la manovra, la seconda il foro praticato) servono a bypassare un’ostruzione tra la bocca e la laringe. Si fa col bisturi e un taglio prima verticale sulla cute e poi orizzontale sulla cartilagine cricotiroidea. Se perfori brutalmente con una penna è facile che farai soffocare la persona nel suo stesso sangue perché non è che inserendo una cannuccia l’emorragia si ferma. E devi avere difficoltà respiratorie da corpo estraneo... se hai già smesso di respirare è inutile.
E per concludere, ripetete con me:
né alcun’altro tipo di farmaco, soprattutto se sei in overdose da oppiacei. 
Capito Quentin Tarantino?
Grazie dell’attenzione e dell’eventuale gentile reblog medico-divulgativo.
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white-weasel · 4 months
Saw IV and V thoughts after my Saw Saturday movie viewing experience last night:
Really glad we got some new characters introduced into the series. It breathed a lot of life into things I feel like
Finally got to meet Hoffman and Strahm let’s gooooo! I knew that these were popular characters and honestly they did not disappoint
I cannot believe that John Kramer ate a fucking tape before dying. My friend and I were discussing how he did that so cleanly without gagging or choking and our only explanation is that he’s a throat goat
Rigg’s whole trial was rough man, but it was actually very interesting. Basically “You’re obsessed with saving everyone, so the only way you can win this gauntlet (and save your friends) is to let it go.” I think that this series of traps was MUCH more well done than the series of traps Jeff went through in 3 and they also did each feel like they were testing different aspects of the same “sin” so to speak.
Favorite of those trial traps was probably the one with the husband and wife and them being impaled. I thought it was clever in its theme and its conceit. Sometimes I look at some of these saw traps and go “okay so somebody just thought of the most fucked up thing they could for the shock value” but this was not one of those so I enjoyed that
The iceblock trap though? Amazing idea and execution on that shit. Just the concept of a melting block of ice slowly hanging someone while that melted ice water fills a pool that will eventually touch another person, thereby electrocuting them because there’s a current running through the pool? Very very cool. Plus the added mechanism that kills you if someone (Rigg) walks through the door. Very scary but very good
The puppet still makes me laugh. Him just sitting on the chair before (unfortunately) blowing up at Perez got me. My friend is convinced that I need a little Saw puppet for my apartment now, though I think having the actual thing and seeing it irl might freak me out
Not sure I *needed* to learn more about John’s past before his diagnosis and his descent into becoming Jigsaw, but I also didn’t absolutely hate it. I liked getting to see his ex wife at least and get an insight into his interpersonal relationships
I’m 50/50 split if I like John’s first victim being someone who personally wronged him and ruined his life. On the one hand, I think it does great to kinda show his own hypocrisy in all of this. He says it’s not emotional and these traps are meant to save his victims, and he does at least give him a way out, it did not seem like he really wanted to reform him and that’s interesting to me. On the other hand, I don’t think the movie presents this action or putting him in the trap this way so??? Yeah
My new motto for these movies is “If I don’t see you get murked on screen, you’re still alive somewhere.” Because I was *positive* Eric was dead before they revealed him, but, well, he’s certainly dead now I guess lol
The reveal this movie that it was all taking place at the same time as 3 and that Hoffman is Jigsaw’s apprentice was amazing. Absolutely brilliant, no notes at all
I really liked how Saw 4 and 5 basically felt like a TV show in that they were very obviously meant to be viewed together/feel like one continuous story. I’m assuming that production wise the studio knew that they had 4 and 5 guaranteed so they could leave some stuff for the next movie which I appreciated
(I’m assuming they knew they were at least getting a 6 too because we didn’t get any answers for what was in that box Jill got 👀)
Hoffman carrying that little girl out of the warehouse and being like “We were the only survivors :((“ only for Strahm to get wheeled out on the gurney literally seconds afterwards was so funny
Speaking of, I can’t believe Hoffman didn’t take Strahm’s pen from out of his pocket during the water cube trap. He took all his other stuff but it’s weird he overlooked that. Granted, I doubt that he knew that Strahm would perform a tracheotomy on himself but wow
I liked the backstory we got with Hoffman and how he came to know Jigsaw. The idea of a copycat killer designing his own “trap” but it really just being a way to murder someone he wants revenge on was marvelous. Then the whole part with John kidnapping him and teaching him his ways was also cool
(Hoffman tied up with the shotgun nestled right underneath his neck? Unfortunately kinda hot)
The trap gauntlet for the five people was fine. The first trap I was like “oh my god he’s telling you to all work together! Just go get your keys one by one or have someone get their key, unlock, and then get the next person’s after they’re unlocked” at least for that one though I can see why they panicked. The second one they had no excuses lol I literally said out loud “you can definitely fit at least two people in a cubby hole”. That one seemed sooo obvious, too obvious to at least not give it a try. I didn’t totally hate the set up though, just moreso me getting mad at horror movie characters lmao
And I get Hoffstrahm now lmao. Saw IV I was like “? They barely interacted what’s this?” And then we got the whole cat and mouse game in Saw V and went “Oh yup. There it is. Theres the dynamic.” Especially with the whole glass coffin bit at the end
Speaking of the glass coffin I loved that scene. Just the wasy Strahm shoves Hoffman into the coffin and you can see Hoffman start to gloat and taunt Strahm from behind the glass because he’s sealed his own fate? Amazing. No notes. I did have to look away at the end of the trap though because watching the Saw movies has taught me I cannot handle broken bones, especially when they are very prominent. As soon as I saw Strahm start pushing on the walls I went “I know where this is going” and dutifully turned my head away
Anyways Hoffman is an interesting new antagonist! I’m curious what’s gonna happen next in this little murder soap opera. Honestly, I hope that Agent Perez gets out of the hospital and fucks up Hoffman. She finds out that Strahm is supposedly Jigsaw, goes “wtf no I could never believe that” and starts trying to pursue the real killer
Current Saw movie ranking (giving this because I gave it to my friend after discussing Saw V and my thoughts on the franchise overall)
Saw (The og and the goat, don’t think anything will really topple this one. I was glued to the screen the entire time and loved how this one really focused on Adam and Lawrence, the people in the trap, rather than the killer himself. I feel a lot of future installments lack compelling trap victims which is kinda a shame)
Saw V (I liked the story of Hoffman in this and the cat and mouse between Hoffman and Strahm a lot)
Saw IV (This was a really well done trap gauntlet for the main portion of the plot and the ending reveal was so awesome. Lots of adrenaline pumping for this one, but it did get lowered because I’m still meh on a lot of the John Kramer additional backstory stuff atm)
Saw II (Saw II gave me so many issues ranking it because the final reveal was PHENOMENAL but the main game portion didn’t always work for me. I did like the idea of Eric’s game of just having to wait out the clock but I kinda count that as being a part of the final reveal and thus it can’t elevate the whole movie. There’s potential this and Saw IV could flip flop depending on my moods. This one just has higher highs but lower lows for me)
Saw III (I liked Amanda getting tested and the whole ending with the chain reaction of violence/death, but that’s about it. The main traps in this game did not do it for me, nor did the story connecting those traps. This one also just really felt that they needed to escalate the traps for escalation’s sake rather than to tell a compelling story, which I know is probably a dumb complaint for the gory trap horror franchise but idk I just didn’t like it)
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so-i-did-this-thing · 9 months
I'm sorry.
it wasn't a true prank. No one today or for a very long time gives a shit about repaired esophageal atresia or a tracheo-esophageal fistulas that meant that when they put this 13 week prem on a ventilator it forced air through the fistula into the lower half of his unconnected esophagus and then into his stomach and causing a rupture, the stress of which caused a left side subarachnoid hemorrhage and life-long paresis and epilepsy.
It looks like you're in a place where you feel helpless and you have a lot of anger about that. I know how it feels to be in that dark place for decades, but it is inappropriate for you to lash out to strangers online. Especially towards those most likely to feel empathy towards whatever burdens you are currently carrying in life.
I will say again that I hope you find joy and community, but unfortunately I cannot be the one to offer you either.
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When [Marie] had her 20-week scan doctors found that Ava had a lot more amniotic fluid surrounding her body than did her sister Mila.
As Loftus and Corrigan explain
They drained some of the fluid while the girls were still in the womb, but it continued to build back up. This confirmed their diagnosis that Ava had esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula as she was not swallowing the fluid.
These conditions cause an abnormality where the esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach, is not attached correctly, ending in a pouch further up her body. Ava was also diagnosed with a brain condition called rhombencephalosynapsis, which is a rare abnormality of the cerebellum, has varying degrees of severity and can cause other disorders such as cerebral palsy.
“Because the condition is so rare, doctors had no idea how severely it would affect her, and I was offered a termination,” Marie said. “It was never an option though, I had to give her a chance to fight.”
Marie underwent an emergency caesarean. Doctors then determined that waiting was no option: it was best for her to have surgery that same day. “Surgeons closed the gap between Ava’s esophagus and windpipe before sewing together the upper and lower parts of the esophagus.”
When Ava was five weeks old, she underwent her second major surgery, to lift her aorta and fix it to the sternum so she could breathe correctly. “Mila and I had been discharged but thanks to the support of The Sick Children’s Trust, we were able to stay with Paul at Crawford House, just next door to where Ava was,” said Marie.
Finally, after 8 weeks, Ava was strong enough to go home.
Loftus and Corrigan conclude their story on an optimistic note
Ava is currently being tube fed as she has no sucking reflex and has regular physiotherapy to help her with head control and general movement, but her surgeons are pleased with her progress. “They’re both little characters, Mila is very chilled out and patient and Ava is really happy and smiley,” said her mum.
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er-cryptid · 7 months
Tracheo- means trachea
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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VACTERL is an association of Vertebral anomalies, Anal atresia, Cardiac defects, Tracheo-Esophageal fistula, Renal anomalies, and L_____. 40-50% of individuals with VACTERL association have a limb anomaly such as a missing thumb or underdeveloped forearm. (Source: MedlinePlus)
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arrangoiz · 1 year
Beahrs Triangle or Riddle’s Triangle
Beahrs Triangle or Riddle’s triangle This is one of the most important triangle in relation with thyroid This triangle is named after O H Beahrs: Its synonymous as Riddle’s triangle Baehr’s triangle is bounded by: Base: Common carotid artery Superior: Inferior thyroid artery Medial: Recurrent laryngeal nerve The triangle lies: Posterior to the thyroid gland: In the tracheo-esophageal…
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ashashyou · 1 year
Aspiration pneumonia
Clues toward aspiration pneumonia in adults:
* History of:
- frank history or aspiration or chocking, nocturnal wheezes
- Laryngeal or vocal cords disorders e.g. post prolonged endotracheal intubation
- swallowing disorders of strokes (recent), diabetic autonomic neuropathy, Parkinson disease, achalasia, advanced dementia, ,
- motility disorders e.g. GERD, chronic constipation, diabetic gastropathy, presbyoesophagus (cork screw) of old age
- Tracheo oesophageal fistula from prolonged cuffed intubation or tracheostomy
- Sipping test (chocking with small sips of water= good postive but may have false negative)
-Barium swallow, fluoroscopy
- video laryngoscopy
- Preferential site at right lung base or mid zone. However, some Chronic patients with generalized joint contractures and stiffness; they may have aspirations on the left side.
- Culture and sensitivity may be recurrent anaerobes.
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Miscellaneous Lesions of Trachea and Larynx: Case Report
Selected images of trachea and larynx are presented. These are shown as congenital, acquired (infection, Laryngeal diverticula, Tumours, Extrinsic lesions causing tracheal compression, Jugular fossa causing paralysis of larynx and Tracheo-esophageal fistula.
Keywords: Tracheal lesions; TEF; tumours of trachea
Read More About This Article Click on Below Link: https://lupinepublishers.com/otolaryngology-journal/fulltext/miscellaneous-lesions-of-trachea-and-larynx-case-report.ID.000231.php
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Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles:
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Children (Paediatric) ENT Doctors In Delhi
Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi are not easy to find. But with us, we ensure the quality treatment for your child's ear, nose, throat and hearing issues. Children ENT issues are now getting more complicated and require great expertise to achieve the best cure. Your search for Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi ends here as we have the state of the art medical facilities for youngsters and childs ENT & hearing disorders. You will be guided for the right treatment for your child after a complete examination.
Tonsillectomy is an operation done by Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi where the tonsils are removed. It is usually performed in someone who has recurrent sore throats due to tonsillitis or because they interfere with breathing and swallowing.
The adenoids are similar to the tonsils and are sited at the back of the nose. Adenoidectomy is an operation to remove the adenoids. They are removed because of recurrent colds, because they can interfere with breathing and sleep or because they can be a factor in persistent ear problems.
Myringotomy & Grommets (Ventilation tubes)
A myringotomy is a tiny incision made in the ear drum under a surgical microscope and a tiny tube called ventilation tube / grommet is placed in the hole to keep it open and allow air to reach the middle ear space.
This procedure is recommended by Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi when a person experiences repeated middle ear infection (acute otitis media) or has a hearing loss caused by the persistent presence of middle ear fluid (otitis media with effusion).
Laryngo- Tracheo - Bronchoscopy
Endoscopic evaluation of the larynx (voice box) , trachea ( main wind pipe) and bronchi ( lower airways). This is often required for the diagnosis and treatment of hoarseness, noisy breathing and breathing difficulty. This enables the Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi to look at the patient's airways for anomalies, foreign bodies, tumors, or inflammation. The development of bronchoscopes extends from inflexible metal tubes with appended lighting gadgets to adaptable optical fiber instruments with real-time video systems.
Laryngotracheal reconstruction
LTR are a set of operations designed to enlarge the child’s narrow airway by dividing the scarred areas and using cartilage grafts to widen the airway and thus improve the childs’s breathing. The tracheal narrowing can include a few sections of the air passages, might involve the voice box or tracheal rings, and can be either firm or delicate, circumferential or longitudinal, smooth or sporadic, developmental or acquired.
Neck mass excision
A lump in the neck may occur due to a number of causes. These may include lymph nodes, branchial cyst, thyroglossal cyst and other rare tumours. Most neck masses in kids are because of either inflammation or inborn issue. The treatment for most inherent neck masses is surgical extraction, and as a rule, surgery is a consistent treatment for masses that don't show response to medication.
Our successful background makes us count in the list of best Pediatric ENT Doctors In Delhi. We are happy to serve you with all possible assistance. Visit us for the queries related to hearing aids, hearing implants, and other surgical options. An appointment with Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi can save you and your child from future suffering as we are confident to help you with best possible care.
TAG- Paediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi, Best ENT Doctor in Delhi,  ENT specialist in India
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restopersempre · 1 year
Ciao, mi dispaice tantissimo non essermi fatta più sentire.. mi dispiace da morire per tuo nonno.. ma ho letto che l'università va alla grande! Sono contenta! Comunque ho letto un piccolo commento qui sotto di qualcuno che diceva che la gavetta la farai a prescindere anche dopo laureata, volevo rispondere a quella persona che la gavetta dopo i 3 anni di università, la fai solo se non sai fare un cazzo 😂
Esperienza personale! Comunque a parte questo volevo farti le consoglianze per tuo nonno.. so quanto ci tenevi..
Un abbraccio
Hey, mi fa piacere sentirti! Ti ringrazio molto per il messaggio. Purtroppo da febbraio dell'anno scorso sapevamo che nonno aveva un cancro ai polmoni e che aveva già metastasi praticamente ovunque, quindi sapevamo sarebbe andata così, mi ha fatto solo tanto male il modo in cui se ne è andato e il fatto che sia morto in un corridoio di ospedale, da solo. Per quanto riguarda l'università e quello che mi avevano scritto, la gente non sa di cosa parla, io per ora posso dire di aver imparato molto nonostante abbia appena iniziato il secondo anno. Già dal primo tirocinio del primo anno mi hanno fatto fare un sacco di cose come prelievi, inserimento di accessi venosi, lavaggi vescicali, rimozione e inserimento dei CV, gestione di stomie, gestione della tracheo, aspirazioni, iniezioni e molto, molto altro e sono molto soddisfatta del percorso che sto facendo. Non vedo l'ora di finire e di cominciare a lavorare, pure se dovessi fare un po' di gavetta, ma per me l'importante è diventare autonoma e indipendente a livello economico e personale. La gente può parlare quanto vuole a me non interessa, so da sola quanto mi dia costato dover ricominciare da zero e di sicuro non mi faccio buttare giù da gente che neanche ci mette la faccia.
Spero che anche a te le cose vadano bene e che il lavoro prosegua per il meglio. Fatti sentire più spesso se puoi!
Un abbraccio.
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jmreyes9 · 1 year
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By Jesse Reyes
Almost three score (57) years ago (1913), Joyce Kilmer wrote the poem “Trees” which has become a favorite poem of many, including myself.  The poem he wrote is as follows:
By Joyce Kilmer
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.
You may already know that Joyce Kilmer was a man, his full name being Alfred Joyce Kilmer (I had always thought Joyce Kilmer was a woman until a few years ago when one of my Facebook friends told me he was a man) and was an American writer and poet born in 1886 in New Brunswick, New Jersey.  He is remembered for a short poem titled “Trees” which he wrote in 1913 and was published together with some of his other poems in 1914.  This poem became even more popular when Perry Como recorded it in 1955, the poem put to music by Oscar Rasbach.
.Kilmer was also known to be a journalist, literary critic, lecturer, and editor. When he was deployed in Europe during World War I, Kilmer was considered the leading American Roman Catholic poet and lecturer of his generation.  Critics often compared him to British contemporaries G. K. Chesterton (1874–1936) and Hilaire Belloc (1870–1953).  
He enlisted in the New York National Guard and was deployed to France with the 69th Infantry Regiment (the famous "Fighting 69th") in 1917.  He was killed by a sniper's bullet at the Second Battle of the Marne in 1918 at the young age of 31. His wife, Aline Murray, was also an accomplished poet and author.  They had five children.
Trees have always fascinated me, to the extent that I have photographed hundreds if not thousands of them, particularly in autumn when their leaves are transformed to exquisite hues of red, gold, purple, fuchsia (my favorite color and Erap’s too, although when he was asked to spell it, changed it to “red na lang”!), orange, magenta and combinations or variations of these.
As a radiologist , during my active practice, I was confronted daily, by anatomic “trees” in the human body including: the tracheo-bronchial tree—the branches of the trachea (windpipe) and segments and subsegments of the lung, producing an “inverted tree” appearance on the coronal (frontal) view; the biliary tree:—the branching pattern of the ducts in and outside the liver and gallbladder which empty bile from these organs into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine); and then there’s the arterial tree, e.g. ascending aorta and its branches and the various arterial trees in the different organs of the body.
It is amazing how trees display a different look for every season of the year, especially in the midwest where I live, because of the four seasons—spring, summer, fall and winter.  In my back yard are three trees which I have named after the Three Stooges: Curly, Larry and Moe.  In the spring, these trees begin to bear greenish or bronze-colored buds.  The middle tree (Larry), bears ivory white flowerettes which later turn to light green as they are transformed into leaves.  Then as the summer comes, the leaves of these three trees become lush dark green.  
As fall approaches, Curly’s leaves turns yellow and fall to the ground even with a gentle breeze blowing.  At the height of fall, Moe’s leaves turn reddish brown, and when they reach the ground after a brisk wind blows, they all turn brown.  Eventually Larry’s leaves also turn brownish-yellow or brownish-red and they also all fall to the ground.  No wonder they call autumn fall! Larry is the last to shed its leaves.  
In the winter, the branches of all three trees are leafless, appearing “naked”.  When it snows, the leafless branches are enveloped with ice or snow and glisten when the sun kisses them and sometimes appear like white Christmas trees.  When a big snowstorm comes, large amounts of snow are deposited on the trunks and branches of the trees—it then becomes an alluring sight to behold, its grandeur reflecting the handiwork of our God—a God of beauty, order and perfection.
When I see the appearance of these trees during the four seasons, then I can say with Joyce Kilmer that “poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree!”
Written on 10/14/20 in Chicago, IL.  Posted in Facebook in 2020.
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beesquash7 · 2 years
Serine-linked PARP1 auto-modification controls Osimertinib reply
Of these malformations, the actual connection of your esophageal lungs using esophageal atresia (EA) and tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) is quite rare. We record true of a neonate along with esophageal lung found following primary repair involving Expert advisor along with TEF. Inspite of the scarcity associated with esophageal lungs along with Ea #Link# and also TEF, it needs to be considered to build within newborns using irregular results in torso radiographs as well as an unusual preoperative and/or within the postoperative medical course of EA as well as TEF. Swallowing study together with water-soluble compare medium may be the investigation associated with preference to signify the particular anatomic relationship, if EA and TEF were by now mainly mended. Or else, although the usage of preoperative CT may be dubious in neonates as a result of related rays coverage, within decided on circumstances like our own affected individual, preoperative CT works well for early preoperative diagnosis.The actual review ended up being carried out decide the consequence associated with decorin when collagen construction. Bovine collagen fibrils were attained throughout vitro simply by location coming from commercialized acid-soluble sort My partner and i bovine collagen by having diverse concentrations of mit associated with decorin (0-25 mu g/ milliliters). All examples have been witnessed simply by deciphering electron microscopy (Search engine marketing) and also transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The distribution of collagen fibril diameters seemed to be reviewed through TEM. Inside samples with no or perhaps using low amounts involving decorin, highly porous bovine collagen soluble fiber sites ended up produced. On the other hand, heavy systems had been noticed in trials helped by higher levels of decorin. The impact associated with decorin secreted by cells upon collagen fibrils ended up being seen by Search engine marketing, as well as the dietary fiber #Link# circle suppleness has been calculated using a rheometer. SEM images established that collagen fibers #Link# systems without having fibroblasts had been much looser than these classy with normal fibroblasts. The actual sites cultured together with the fibroblasts have been consisting of straight materials along with big diameters. On the other hand, collagen soluble fiber systems classy along with siRNA-decorin-transfected (siDT) fibroblasts acquired free, meandering fibers using little diameters. The suppleness associated with collagen fiber cpa networks cultured with untransfected fibroblasts demonstrated zero factor over the 7-day incubation period of time. However, drastically lower flexible ideals have been attained pertaining to coliagen fiber systems helped by siDT cellular material in times Three and seven. In addition, after treatment using Five.Zero as well as Twenty-five mu g/ml decorin, your bovine collagen dietary fiber networks classy with siDT tissue showed a good altered composition in which showed a heavy composition comparable to that relating to your soluble fiber cpa networks cultured using untransfected fibroblasts. In conclusion, this inside vitro study indicated that decorin is really a regulation along with architecturally modest leucinerich repeat proteoglycan while collagen fibril assemblage.
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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VACTERL is an association of Vertebral anomalies, Anal atresia, C_____, Tracheo-Esophageal fistula, Renal anomalies, and Limb abnormalities.
40-80% of individuals with VACTERL association have a congenital heart defect. Ventricular or atrial septal defects and tetralogy of Fallot are most common, although truncus arteriosus and transposition of the great arteries can also be seen. 
(Image source Wikimedia)
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