#traveler x damon
commander-krios · 1 month
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Lovely art by @valkblue of my Traveler, Astrea Peg’asi, getting carried away from a fight by her boyfriend, Damon Reznor 😂 thank you so much for this amazing art!
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starclast · 6 months
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I love him your honor ( Pt2 ), he’s seriously has the cutest route.
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sunshowerwriting · 2 months
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damon x vexx x gn reader (andromeda six)
979 words
for the little amount of downtime you get with everything going on right now, you and your new found lovers found your own ways to make your time spent together peaceful and relaxing.
no one knows this fandom, but idc. this one goes out to @lovelyossein !!
lowercase intended. not proofread.
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tilaarin was a peaceful place. even if you hadn't been here for long, and even if you wouldn’t get the luxury to stay here much longer, the peace it brought you for now was refreshing. although your company may be helping your sense of peace.
it was odd. the two men you found yourself lying besides, odd how the universe brought them to you, odd how you ended up together, and especially odd how they were both laying here peacefully. neither of the men were asleep, you could tell that much, but their eyes were closed and both of them had a content smile on their lips, no matter how small it may appear.
damon lay to your right. he was on his side facing you and vexx. his arm draped lazily over your stomach, his fingers occasionally tracing circles into your revealed skin.
vexx lay to your left. he was also on his side facing the two of you and if it was anyone else, you’d feel trapped due to them both closing you in like this. vexx’s arm wasn’t draped across you like damons, but he did rest his hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze when he must have sensed you looking at him.
looking away from both your companions briefly, you gazed to the ceiling and let out a content sigh.
“something the matter, your highness?”
damons words made you roll your eyes and turn to him raising an eyebrow. he wasn't being genuine, it was obvious in his voice even if you didn't know him so well. he lived to tease you, and it seemed even in your most peaceful moments together he couldn't help but tease you.
you took a moment to contemplate your response. you could throw just as much snark back at him but in that moment, you didn’t want to. you decided to be honest, even if honestly wasn’t truly what he was looking for.
“no, nothing's wrong,” you turned your head to look at him, seeing that his eyes were now open and already looking at you.
“i’m just happy.”
damon huffed and damon smiled at you softly. one of those soft and content smiles that he only seemed to do at you. it was a look you could find yourself getting used to, if he was willing to let you get used to it.
“and would that be because of us, your highness?”
this time vexx spoke. his voice coming out closer to your ear than you expected. he clearly took you being distracted by damon as a way to move unnoticed. his face was now nuzzled into the side of your head and his hand was slowly creeping closer to where damons were on your waist.
you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to stop yourself from grinning as wide as you wanted to. the look on damons face told you that he could tell which means vexx could also tell, even if he couldn’t see your face.
“yes. all thanks to you two.”
vexx placed a soft kiss to the side of your head, one you could feel the smile through. before you could turn to look at him damon spoke.
“i don’t think he deserves any of the credit. it's really me that makes you happy, isn’t it?”
vexx’s grip on you tightened at damons words and you were surprised he didn’t throw damons hand off of you in defense.
“you’re saying i don’t make you happy too, stab happy?” vexx said smugly.
damon raised his eyebrow at the red head, even if vexx wasn’t looking at him. “of course not, what would make you think i’m happy at all?”
vexx finally looked up at damon, giving you a chance to turn slightly and see his face. he had a wicked grin; one you knew meant he was up to something. glancing quickly between the two men, you decided to let them deal with each other and not get involved in whatever this was.
“really? because before our favorite royal woke up, you were telling me a different story.” vexx said grinning at damon.
turning your gaze to damon, you only saw that his smile had grown wider.
“words are cheap. besides, where is your proof, carrot top?”
“the look you’re giving me is more than enough proof. wouldn’t you say so?”
vexx directed his question at you, making you get a good look at damon. he raised his eyebrow at you, keeping a straight face. but even though you weren’t as good at reading people as he or alisa was, you could see this look in his eyes. it told you everything you needed to know.
“vexx has a point. that look gives it all away.” you said nodding your head mater-of-factly.
damons face softened and his mouth morphed back into that relaxed smile again. he couldn’t deny it anymore, he was happy.
before anyone could celebrate the victory, damon leaned in and gave you a tender kiss. his lips were rough, but that was something you had already grown used to. it was a welcome feeling now. he held your face so gently, almost as if he couldn’t believe you were real. the kiss lasted only a few moments, but it was well worth it.
then, after breaking apart from you he turned to vexx. he reached over at patted vexx’s cheek. it wasn’t nearly as gentle as when he held your face, but there was fondness there, nonetheless.
it was nice being surrounded by the two you loved the most. as you settled back into quiet damon and vexx wrapped their arms around you once more, this time holding onto each other in the process.
yeah, you were happy, and you had hope that you all would share many more moments like this in the future.
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fernsplaysthings · 11 months
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Had a short moment the other day where I thought I'd doodled a Damon looking a little too Crow-like...and then had a whole other moment. Because I love parallels.
Firstly like, the aesthetic; dark and bright. That's just a me thing.
Secondly, amnesiac royalty joins up with new bunch of merc-like people, getting close to a rogue-ish person who holds their feelings close because of a shitty backstory. And has killed a bunch of people. Both royals get a sudden and unpleasant reminder of who they were, both having believed their older sister, the Queen, was dead at some point or other, and both not being best impressed at finding this all out.
Nice lil coincidence for me.
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delusionaldebutante · 8 months
Bear Hugs
Hihihihi.. I was looking at october writing prompts... and I will somehow tie some into Andromeda six. Constructive criticism is appreciated :D
OC details: Akira Peg’asi. Kitalphan. Female. 5’7. 
Might be out-of-character for Damon, and I went a little off prompt.
Damon x f!traveler
Bear Hugs
After they had gotten to Tilaarin, Akira noticed Damon paying more attention to her.
Not his usual kind of attention… The kind of attention where he seemed to be making sure that she wasn’t going to get herself hurt. He seemed more attentive, aside from the now-familiar softness Damon showed her. They had been on Tilaarin for a few days, Akira and Damon spending as much time as possible together. (Without raising the suspicion of her sister Nerissa ;) )
Akira opened the door to her room, not expecting to be swept up into Damon’s arms in a bear hug. “Ah- Damon!” Akira playfully scolded. She hadn’t expected him to be here so early, “Lemme go, jerk!” She laughed. “I try to surprise you, and this is what I get?” Damon smirked, keeping his arms wrapped tight around her, “Maybe you should be more grateful, princess. Especially when I have you trapped like this. Akira had no issue with Damon holding her. She enjoyed his presence, and the way he made her feel safe. However, she had a point to make. “I’ll get you back, Damon!” She giggled out. She tried to reach his sides and tickle him, assuming it’d make him let go.
“Oh..? Trying to tickle me, princess?” Damon chuckled, his laugh low and excited, “It seems you forgot I’m not ticklish. But you are,” He smirked, using Akira’s vulnerable position to dig into her sides. Akira near screeched, “Dahaamon!.. You’re teherrible!” She laughed, squirming in his grip. Her squirming had no effect on his hold, as he was much stronger than her. “I’m showing you my love!” Damon said playfully, “How dare you reject it!”
Despite his sporadic antics, Akira loved seeing how comfortable he had gotten with her.
He had gone from the lurking assassin in the corridors of the Andromeda Six, a man that she had been unsure if he wanted to kiss her or put one of his knives in her, to the man who had allowed her to see his vulnerabilities. 
Maybe not all of them yet, but some was better than none. She adored how joking and playful he could be when he was comfortable.
“Alright, alright…. I’ll stop,” Damon grinned.
“Thank you for stopping that horrendous torture,” Akira said dramatically, earning an eye roll from Damon.
“I’ll stop for now... I can’t say anything about later..” Damon winked, teasing her.
“Damon!” She rolled her eyes, playfully hitting his arm.
“Now you’re gonna hit me? Aww.. I didn’t know you were into that, princess,” He drawled, pulling her into another tight, encompassing hug.
“Put me down!” Akira squealed as he picked her up in the hug, “Where are you carrying me to?” She giggled out.
“You’ll see~” He said, flopping down into the round bed of the room. He loosened his arms around her just enough for her to twist around to lay her head on his chest. “Comfy?”
“Mhmm… I love you Damon..” Akira mumbled softly, sliding her arm around his waist.
Damon hesitated for a moment before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, “...I love you too, Akira..” He mumbled.
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rainidayss · 1 month
Aphrodite (A Damon and Ester Snippet)
Just a silly little thing I jot down after discovering the origin of Damon's name.
Warnings: None
Setting: Tilaarin (Epi 7-8?)
Damon and Ester walk relaxedly, side by side, the sun slowly setting in the distance. Damon stretched; sparring with Nerissa was actually tiring. He had to admit that she knew her way around a blade; flopping into bed seemed very appealing right now. Damon glanced at Ester, whose head was tilted downward, auburn hair tickling his eyelashes. He looked lost in thought.
He nudged Ester’s shoulder, saying, “Keep doin' that, and your brain’s gonna burst one day.”
Ester blinked as if coming out of a daze and looked around at him, “Oh, sorry. I was just reflecting.”
“On what?” Damon asked.
“Some stuff Alisa said,” Ester replied, then his lips twitched into a smile, “...She said she’d hunt me down if I hurt you. I don’t see why she should be teasing you about being protective.”
Damon shook his head, “Somehow, I’m not surprised.”
Ester laughed softly, “You really care about each other. She’s like your very own Pythias, huh?”
Damon tilted his head in confusion, “My what?”
“Pythias,” Ester repeated, “From the story?”
“Still no clue what you're talking about.”
“Damon and Pythias,” Ester made a dramatic gesture with his hands. “It’s an old human story. Greek. It’s the origin of your name. You didn’t know?”
Damon rolled his eyes, but it was affectionate, “There’s only one nerd outta the two of us, and it isn’t me.”
Ester whapped Damon on the shoulder lightly, and Damon grinned.
“Well, put simply, Pythias and Damon were close friends, and one day, a tyrant king accused Pythias of going against him and said he was to be executed. Pythias accepted his fate but asked if he could travel to his homeland first to close his affairs and say goodbye to his family. The king refused, but Damon, seeing how important this was to Pythias, said that the king could take him hostage until Pythias came back. The king agreed and said that Damon was to be executed in Pythias’s stead if he did not return. Pythias left, and soon, the deadline for his return started to arrive. The king grew impatient, but just as Damon was about to be executed, Pythias returned. He apologized and explained that he had been captured by pirates but had fled the ship by jumping into the sea and swimming for hours until he found shore, desperate to come back and save his friend. Touched by the pair’s friendship and loyalty to each other, the king let them both go free,” Ester turned to look at Damon, cheek flushing faintly, “It’s a bit of a fairytale ending, but the story grew popular, and Damon and Pythias became known as an icon of loyalty.”
Damon stared at Ester, “How the hell do you remember random stuff like this?”
Ester shrugged, “I don’t know. You interest me, and I suppose a passion for something helps me remember it.” This time, Ester flushed completely, “I-I mean, it interests me. I enjoy mythology, and Greeks played a big part in it—stop laughing!”
Damon bit inside of his cheek to quiet down his chuckling, “You're adorable, did you know that?”
Ester sped up, eyes fixed determinedly away from Damon and ears still bright red, “I’m never telling you anything ever again.”
Damon jogged closer to Ester, “Nooo, oh come on- don’t worry. You interest me too. And besides, if Alisa’s my Pythias, you’re my Aphrodite,” Damon said the last part in Ester’s ear, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Ester turned to make a face at him, and Damon started laughing again.
“You’re so cheesy,” Ester groaned.
“Sorry, I think you mean charming,” Damon raised his eyebrows.
Ester rolled his eyes but smiled all the same.
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dontwritemeoff · 2 years
making breakfast for june, cal, damon, and bash!
I have been brainstorming domestic moments that might have occurred in like the time between Orion and Tilaarin and when this struck me I was just like :O
This is each member separately, but I do think a big crew breakfast would be a fun thing to write as well
I am fs planning to finish this with Ryona, Aya, and Vexx!! I just wanted to get something out since I’ve been working on this for like 3 days lol
TW: food mention
We know that this man canonically barely sleeps but we don’t really know his eating habits? So for the sake of this he gets hungry just as often as anyone else lol. 
You don’t actually set out with the intention of making breakfast for him. It’s actually sweeter than that: you simply integrated him into your morning routine. When making yourself breakfast (and this is a morning where you have time for more than just some water and granola, you like actually cook), you find yourself already considering June’s needs. You hadn’t seen him in the hallway, and you’d gotten up fairly early, so you assumed he was still in his room. Whether he was actually asleep or not, who knows.
You debated whether to eat yours first and just wait for him to come into the kitchen eventually or take it to him, and decide on the latter since you were also hoping for a private moment with him away from the mayhem of being full time mercenaries.
Transferring the food you’d cooked into some more portable dishes, you exit the kitchen and make your way to June’s door. With your hands full, you knock on the door with your elbow, and while awkward it gets the job done. You can hear some shuffling behind the door and then June answers in some comfortable pants and a shirt you can tell he hadn’t been wearing prior to five seconds ago. 
He answers on high alert but then his eyes soften when he sees you. 
“(YN), good morning, um, to what do I owe this surprise?” He asks, smiling softly yet still quirking his eyebrow. 
You smile and hold up the food you’d made, steam still wafting slightly from the top of the bowls. “I made breakfast and hoped to have a quiet morning in with you!”
“You made me breakfast?” He asks, as if that isn’t obvious from the two portions you’re holding and the invitation to eat some with you.
“Oh, well I guess I did,” You respond, “I wasn’t really thinking about doing anything special, I was just already thinking about you and made you some without thinking.”
He looks surprised for a moment before smiling deeply, the corners of his eyes wrinkling. “Come inside, I was thinking about you too.”
While it’s a bit cramped trying to both eat off from his desk, and he only has one chair that he all but forced you to sit in, insisting that standing was no problem, you both find yourself occupied with thoughts only about how happy this companionship makes you. 
During his light rant on the proper storage of Lizzie’s food and how Damon keeps taking it out of the fridge even though he knows that it needs to stay cold, you take his hand and run your finger along a fresh, but albeit, small cut. You’d reached out without really thinking about it, and June cuts off his sentence preemtively.
“Are you not using the cream that Ryona gave you for these cuts? It doesn’t seem like this has healed much since yesterday. You know you should be doing that,” you scold, despite there being no anger behind your voice.
He blushes just slightly, barely visible with his tanned skin and the greenish tint to his blood. He averts his gaze but you know he’s guilty.
“It’s not that big of a deal and my hands are already so scarred anyways, I don’t see how they could look any worse,” he deflects, and from the look of sadness that passes over your face he knows he’s said something wrong. He just wanted to keep you from worrying about him.
“June,” you start earnestly, “you do realize that I love you, wholeheartedly and completely, and that includes all your scars, external and internal? I will always accept you just as you are, and care for you even for the most trivial things. I know that it must still be hard adjusting to this level of attention, but I will always remind you that I care about every small part of you.”
There’s a silence that follows that statement, as you see tears welling in his eyes. His brows furrow as he tries to process every word of your statement. Twice already today you’d cared about him as if it was second nature and now you’ve told him that he has your unconditional care and support. While he’d found trust and friendship with the crew of the A6, nobody had cared for him in this way, without judgement and as if it was like breathing. The feeling of it crumbled him, and he took you into his arms, cupping the back of your head with his hand as he buried his face into your shoulder.
And you hug him back just as tight, as with your arms you could squeeze the doubt and pain right out of him. While you hadn’t considered how much your small actions would mean to him, you wanted to convey how big your emotions were too. When June pulls himself back together again and pulls away from the hug, you smile and wipe his cheeks dry with your hand. 
“How about we go to the kitchen for seconds?”
With preparations for Tilaarin and the diplomatic nightmare of dealing with Alisa and Oppo simultaneously, you hadn't seen Calderon in a couple days, besides in passing where he gave you a soft look but kept walking.
While your time with Cal had been short, you knew this man as a workaholic with no sense of self care, and got it in your head to make sure he was taking care of himself, since he couldn't seem to do it himself. Before you went to bed you'd stopped by the bridge to make sure he wasn't still there and luckily only found Aya confirming the path to Tilaarin and making minor adjustments in the autopilot. Satisfied that Cal was most likely at least in his room, you went to bed yourself.
The next morning while making yourself something to eat you noticed a distinct lack of dirty dishes from Calderon. (At this point, you'd eaten with the crew enough to know who used what and Cal was extra particular with his items.) Sighing, you started up the stove to make sure that he ate something more than a handful of nuts or some plain bread.
Once you'd finished and plated both of your meals you realized you had no idea where he was. Most likely he was already awake doing god knows what, and you didn't have the energy to hunt him down. So, you picked up your com, took a deep breath, and called the shipwide line:
"Paging Captain Calderon Lynch, from Prince(ess) (YN) Peg'asi," you laugh inwardly at the formality that certainly wasn't necessary but conveyed urgency, "I need you to report to the kitchen."
You can hear Bash laughing from the hallway, and through your mild embarrassment hold out hope that Cal is even more embarrassed and that he'll arrive at least to chew you out.
You sit at the table, waiting in silence for a minute, when you hear the automatic door slide open and a peeved but blushing Calderon step in.
"To what do I owe this, pleasure," Cal begins, "your majesty." You know that if it has been anyone but you, he would already be yelling, or even more likely wouldn't have entertained the request at all.
"No need to have a stick in your ass so early, Captain," you tease back, "and I'll have you know that your continued well-being is of utmost importance so I believe my call portrayed the exact right amount of urgency."
"And what is your concern with my well-being?" He asks, leaning against the counter with the air of someone with undeserved confidence.
"Well, and I don't know for sure as a [Tilaari/Kitalphan/fellow human], but I believe people need to eat to live and if you don't do that for long enough it's not good for you."
You gesture towards where the breakfast is already beginning to cool and raise your eyebrows suggestively.
"Do you think you need to take care of me?" Calderon sighs, though there's no defensiveness in his voice and he takes a seat.
Taking the seat next to him, you take his hand in yours and near force him to look you in the eyes. "It's not about thinking I need to, it's that I want to. You're someone important to me, and the rest of the crew, and you can't be the one sacrificing himself for others. We're in this together, ok?"
Calderon swallows the lump in his throat and nods, determined not to cry at such a small gesture. But in the back of his mind he thinks, when was the last time someone's done even something this small for him? Squeezing your hand, he releases it to grab the fork and take a bite, smiling at your anticipatory face for his reaction to the food.
"It's wonderful, (YN)."
I imagine with Damon is less of you making him breakfast and rather making it together. We already know he can cook and bake pretty well, so I'd like to think he makes himself nice meals as a way to have something he can control. So when one morning you're both entering the kitchen at the same time, he quirks you a smile and asks, "You come here often?"
"Not as often as I probably should," You respond, reaching around him to open the fridge. When he sees you pouring yourself just a bowl of cereal he furrows his brows a bit and then sighs.
"Is that all you're having?"
"Um. Yeah? What, is there something else I should be eating?"
Damon pauses, an inscrutable look on his face, then sighs resignedly.
"You ever cook in that palace or did you have a personal chef to do it all the time?" He teases, but steps aside from the stove so you can see what he's doing.
"Uh....I never really made anything, but sometimes I'd sneak into the kitchens to get a midnight snack or extra food. I don't think that counts though."
Damon let's a breath out of his nose in laughter and says, "No, I wouldn't count that as cooking. But I know a thing or two about stealing food, too."
You swat his arm but feel a pit in your stomach. Was it pity, sympathy, or simply sadness that he had to experience such desolation? You shake the thoughts off and lean closer to him, either to see better or to simply get closer. The reason doesn't matter.
"So what are you making?" You look at a greased frying pan and a mixing bowl filled with what you think is a mixture of eggs, milk, and cinnamon.
"Well I was going to just make myself a plate of eggs and call it a day but I figured if I'm teaching you then I might as well make something nice. You ever have French toast?" He takes a...whisk? You weren't sure, like you'd said, you didn't have much experience with cooking. He hands the whisk to you and says, "Here. Mix until it's all one consistency. I'll let you know when you've gotten there."
You hold the side of the bowl and begin mixing like your life depends on it. Maybe it was your pride making up for the fact that you felt so inexperienced compared the rest of the crew. What you didn't know was that that would cause the mix to start spraying everywhere.
“Hey! ‘The hell you do that for?” Damon shouts in surprise as he gets egg and milk in his hair.
“I! Um! I thought you had to mix it really hard?” You say guiltily, setting the whisk down as gently as possible. 
“What? No, these ingredients are mostly liquid! They’re just to soak the bread in!” He says, swiping his hands through his hair. When he sees your dejected look, he purses his lips and puts the whisk back in your hand.
“Here,” he puts his hand over yours, “We’ll mix together. See, nice and gentle, just with enough force to break the egg yolks.” You can feel the callouses on Damon’s hands as he holds one of yours stirring the whisk and the other is over your hand holding the bowl.
“Ok,” you say quietly, since his chest is pressed against your back, “and what next?”
“Well, we let the bread soak while we make some [coffee/tea/drink of choice].”
The rest of breakfast is made without any more spills, mostly you observing Damon but he does let you flip the toast in the skillet, laughing lightly at your surprise when the uncooked side begins to sizzle. When you’re finished and both sitting down to eat, you smile widely at him. You’re extremely grateful for his patience with you, and not just today. Adjusting to life as a not-so-ordinary person has certainly not been easy, but after his apology he’d been nothing but gentle, though he’d never admit it.
“Thank you for teaching me this, Damon. I hope you’ll let me learn more from you.”
“I, uh, it’s really no problem,” he says, pointedly looking at his plate as he picks at his food, “It’s nice to have someone to do this with anyways.”
Bash is another member of the crew known for his baking prowess, so I think he’d make something really nice once a week that he can eat off from for the rest. Like meal planning but for like an oatmeal bake lol.
He keeps his portions labeled neatly (well, not all that neatly but you can certainly tell they’re his from the doodles that accompany his name) in the fridge, and he has lots of fun mugs to drink from, one matching your own “I <3 Cursa” mug. This particular morning you can see steaming tea coming from a mug that has clip-art of tools on it and says, “Kiss The Mechanic” in bright pink lettering, and you know it has to be his, though you have no idea where he would have gotten it. There were a few very specific gift shops on Chrono, however, that seemed like they had something for everyone. You had to stop him from buying you a T-shirt covered in words that started out reading, “I have a kick-ass biomechanical boyfriend, and yes, he bought me this shirt.”
Since the tea in the mug was still hot, you knew that Bash had to be around somewhere, though he wasn’t currently in the kitchen. Knowing at that point his habits for breakfast, you took out one of his portions from the fridge and set it on the plate to microwave (? I have no clue what cooking would look like in the future). 
While waiting for that to finish, you rummaged around in the fridge for something for yourself, finding some fresh fruit that Ryona had picked up on Chrono, with a note that said “for sharing but do not eat it all!!” and laughed. You knew for sure that even if she hadn’t labeled it, she would have made an exception for Bash. Taking the carton of fruit out of the fridge you, spoon some onto Bash’s oatmeal to give it some more flavor and set it on the table before making a bowl of fruit for yourself. You hear the doors swish open as Bash walks in, yawning. It takes him a moment to process that his food was already warm and waiting for him on the counter.
He looks at you and then back at his food. “Did you do this?” He asks, before picking it up to smell it.
“Um, yes? Don’t worry, I didn’t poison it.”
“Oh,” he starts, “Well, uh, thank you. How did you know that was what I wanted?”
“Bash, you eat the same thing every morning and the containers are covered in your name. Plus, while I may be sheltered, I know how to operate a microwave.”
He picks up his bowl and mug and takes a seat next to you. He then eyes the fruit in his bowl and the fruit in his. “Is this Ryona’s?”
“Yes, but she said she’d share. Do you not like it? I’m sorry I put some in without asking, I thought you’d like the extra flavor.”
“Oh! No no, I love it, I just, I don’t know. I’m not used to people caring for me. Sure, the crew cares about me but, I never had someone taking care of me growing up, and when I was under the care of the Archangels it was because I couldn’t take care of myself. It felt more like a debt I’ve yet to pay back. So I guess when it’s something small and out of the goodness of someone’s heart I just don’t really believe it. Not that I don’t believe you and your feelings! But, my brain doesn’t want to, you know?”
You smile at his ramblings, he always manages to make you smile.
“Sebastian,” you say with a fake stern voice, causing his eyes to widen, “I don’t just do this out of the goodness of my heart but the love in my heart. I pay attention to you and your habits and want to take care of you because I love you. It’s that simple, and I’ll keep doing it until you and your silly brain of yours believes it.”
He takes your hand and raises it to press a kiss to your palm. 
“I love you too, (YN). I hope you’ll let me take care of you too.”
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strangebrews · 10 months
guys the hammersmith concert sold out in 10 minutes and i couldn’t get tickets and to make things even worse i wake up this morning and read that they fucking played clover over dover. 😐 i literally moved to england and cried on the cliffs of dover while listening to that song. and they play it at the concert i’m not at 😐
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calummss · 10 months
Enchanted To Meet You | Damon Salvatore
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summary: following an invitation sent by giuseppe salvatore, you arrive at the newly built town of mystic falls and meet his eldest son, damon salvatore, who is enchanted by you the second your eyes meet
pairing: fem! reader x damon salvatore
words: 1.5k
a/n: needed a sweet human damon so i wrote this fic
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It was a dark night when your carriage pulled into the Salvatore estate in a town called Mystic Falls. It was your first time you’ve stepped foot in the small virginian town.The carriage came to a halt, horses neighing when you felt the coachman get off his seat as the body moderately swayed. Seconds later the door was opened and you set eyes on the white estate. Lights illuminating the property, guests entering the doors as three men stood out front, shaking their hands and welcoming them to Mystic Falls.
You placed your hand on top of the footman’s hands, carefully stepping out of the carriage and onto the ground, your blue gown squeezing past the carriage doors, brushing off any wrinkles that might’ve appeared. Touching up your hair, you made your way to the stairs to officially arrive at the party.
‘Miss Watson,’ Giuseppe Salvatore greeted you with a kiss to your gloved hands, the two younger men on either side staring at you. ‘How lovely of you to come out tonight. I hope you will find the party most pleasant.’
‘Mr. Salvatore,’ you curtsied as he took your hand, greeting him with a smile. ‘Thank you for the invitation. I was pleased to be invited. Since I was a little girl I have forever adored your get-togethers so greatly. On behalf of my parents I will extend their condolences for not being able to make it tonight. You must know they begged me to tell you how very unpleasant they felt with the short notice. Apologies.’
‘No apology necessary,’ he expressed. ‘Please meet my sons, Damon,’ he nodded towards the dark haired boy, ‘and Stefan.’ The blond one.
‘The famous Salvatore brothers,’ you fixed your gaze on them. ‘I’ve heard quite the tales of the two of you. Your closeness and gentlemanliness travels a great deal of distance. Many of the ladies in town fancy you without ever having set eyes on you.’ You disclosed, feeling Damon’s eyes linger on you as you took turns to study their features. ‘But I can attest that you two are a sight for sore eyes…’
‘You flatter us, Miss Watson,’ Stefan took your hand and placed a kiss on your glove. ‘Word of your beauty travels too. We too can see why.’
You turned your head to Damon who took hold of your gloved hand, his warmth spreading through the material as his lips touched that same fabric, your stomach churning as he looked up at you with crystal blue eyes, batted through dark lashes.
‘Miss Watson, it is a pleasure that you could join us this evening. I hope my father’s party will be to your liking.’
‘The pleasure is all mine, Mister Salvatore.’ You lifted the corner of your mouth, removing your hand from his grasp and passed them to step into the house, welcomed by the soft chords of violins and a piano, clinking of glasses and chattering mixed with lighthearted laughs.
You took a look around the room, every surface sparking with decorations, women in their best gowns—men in their best suits. All come together to celebrate the founding of the new town. The so-called founding families talking of their plans over expensive drinks.
‘Miss Watson,’ you picked up the voice of Damon Salvatore sneaking up on you.
You turned over your left shoulder to find yourself standing opposite him. His curly locks falling down his forehead, highlighting his pale skin and icy eyes.
‘I apologise for catching you so early on, but I was wondering if you might like a tour of our new home?’ His eyes gleamed at you. ‘Our garden has a beautiful view of the lake that is lit by tiny little fireflies,’
‘You are taking too good care of me, Mister Salvatore.’
‘Please,’ he gave you a polite smile, ‘call me Damon.’
‘Then you can call me, Y/n,’ you returned the smile, seeing his fist ball up.
‘Shall we?’ Damon placed his hand in front of his torso, nodding you to take his arm to chaperone you across the large estate.
‘We shall,’ you said, latching yourself onto Damon’s arm as he guided you out of parlour, the atmosphere immediately quieting down as soon as you left the celebrations, only servants and household staff occasionally crossing your paths.
Damon walked you down to the riverside, the sound of flowing water making you appreciate nature. The glow of fireflies swarming through the night’s sky underneath the stars. Wind sweeping across your skin as you glanced back at the house.
‘You know, some might think we’re courting.’ He chuckled, him too sharing a look at the house.
‘We hardly know each other, Damon.’ You tilted your head, seeing that he was already looking at you. His eyes are still sparkling despite the lack of light. ‘And our so-called courting is bound by you showing me your home.’
‘What would you like to know about me?’
‘I haven’t really thought about what I’d like to know, I must admit,’ you chuckled, staring back at the fireflies and the water.
‘How about I start?’ He suggested, taking the initiative to walk along the river.
You hummed in response.
‘Have you ever been courted before?’
‘Damon!’ You snapped your head towards him, very much shocked by his sudden question. ‘You are prying into a lady’s personal life…’
‘It’s a conversation starter!’ He protested, his pearly white smile making your cheeks grow hot.
‘Fine,’ you sighed jestfully. ‘A few months ago Mr. Cooper from town asked to escort me to the Wilson’s family celebrations. When we were alone I tried to return to the others as it was highly inappropriate to be alone in his presence,’ you occasionally bumped into Damon’s side as you kept walking. ‘But when I tried to leave, he wouldn’t let go of my arm and came so close to my face I knew he was going to kiss me. But I didn’t want to. So my hand sort of slipped and I hit him so hard, blood started to drip from his nose. And since then he’s been avoiding me.’
‘Are you serious?’ Damon stopped, letting you take another step before you realised the crunching of grass got quieter, turning around to see his half lit face. Eyes staring at you.
‘Oh my,’ your eyes darted across the ground, taken aback by your loose mouth, ‘I don’t know why I told you that. That—that was uncalled for and inappropriate. It was an accident…hitting him. He was a kind gentleman and my clumsiness ruined a perfectly good courting.’
‘What are you talking about?’ Confusion coated his lips. ‘You didn’t do anything wrong, Y/n.’
‘I didn’t?’
‘You didn’t.’
‘I’m sorry but you were just so silent I thought this story was upsetting you,’ you breathed out deeply, your fingers playing with the hems of your gloves.
‘Oh, I am a serious listener,’ Damon said, his tone letting you know that he was smiling. ‘He was, excuse my language,’ cough, ‘a dick.’ He smirked, whispering the last words of the sentence.
‘Damon!’ You acted shocked, your mouth opening to a wide smile.
‘What?’ He laughed.
‘Perhaps you are right,’ you pondered. ‘He was a really big dick.’
‘Language, Miss Watson!’ Damon scolded you, giving you the same fake shock factor you had just moments ago.
‘You are a bad influence on me, Mister Salvatore,’
‘Are you accusing me, Miss Watson?’ Damon stepped closer, his delightful nature making you more relaxed than you ever have been around a man you’ve only known a couple of hours.
‘I certainly am, Mister Salvatore.’ You stepped even closer, so closer your chest almost touched his, feeling the warmth of his breath clash with the mild night’s air.
Your eyes lingered on his lips, pink and plush as his tongue came out to wet them, glancing up at his eyes, seeing that they were staring at your lips before meeting your eyes.
‘This is inappropriate,’ you whispered, your chest rising as your breaths got deeper.
‘It is…’ Damon whispered back, his delayed breathing reaching the skin of your neck.
Your faces inched closer, lips hovering over each other, enough space to save yourself from improper behaviour. His scent so addictive. Your lips lingered, your noses touched as you breathed in heavily, torn whether or not to kiss him but you were scared someone would see. But it was just a kiss? Could anyone blame you if you just wanted a simple taste?
You leaned in closer, placing your lips on his as his lips melted into yours, pulling out the kiss. Damon placed his hand on your face, allowing him to hold you. A tight feeling in your chest spread heat through your entire body, compelling you to completely give into his touch.
When you slowly pulled away, he rested his head against your forehead, his gaze on your as you panted in silence.
‘I think I like you, Miss Watson.’
‘I’ve liked you the second I set eyes on you, Mister Salvatore. This kiss only proved how I felt, even if it meant that I would sin for you.’
‘Very inappropriate, Miss Watson.’ Damon lectured with jest.
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hwaightme · 5 months
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🔥 pairing: best friend!mingi x gn!reader 🔥 genre: fluff, healing, friends to lovers, slice of life 🔥 summary: down winding roads, through the golden fields and into the shimmering night, you and mingi embark on a journey to live and love once again 🔥 wordcount: 5.5k 🔥 warnings/tags: editing??, language, indie film style, loosely inspired by murakami's 'barn burning' + youth mv, injuries/scabs, band aids/treatment, escapism, restarts, running away, love through hardship, healing, implied trauma, food/eating, reflecting on the past, mingi would do anything for you, arson 🔥 taglist: at the bottom of the fic 🔥 a/n: happy birthday to @byuntrash101!! my most wonderful cat, i love you, thank you for every moment and here is to many more <3 hugs to everyone, all reblogs, notes and comments appreciated! 🔥 playlist: the last stop of our pain - hanroro, the setting sun - the poles, bye - car the garden, summer night - jeon jinhee, 14:30 - damons year, silence - sunwoojunga, so life goes on - heo hoy kyung, dear my all - mingginyu
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You looked down at your hands, spreading the fingers out and relaxing them again, watching the movement of every line and wrinkle. Band aids bent and took on the shape you commanded; the one in an off-white shade after having taken on the brunt of the physical burdens, - a ring that was wrapped around the middle finger of your right hand was frayed at the edge, having had to through the test of the elements and of haphazard lugging of items in and out of the white car on which you were sitting. The other, skin toned, sturdy and strictly not letting anything dare infect you, hugged the side of the same hand and spread a little to your palm. The markings of a person who ‘could’, and a person who ‘did’. 
Gaze travelling downwards led you to a leather bracelet with a silver charm - a simple accessory, but one that held years of history, meaning and memories that tied you to the original owner. You were never one for big celebrations, having gotten used to treating every day the same as the rest - a uniform, dark reality where you were nothing but a little cog. The only mission you had ever had before this moment was to keep on turning. This bracelet was a promise, and a hope for a new beginning. 
Golden fields and a warm grey sky blending into a hazy blend of yellowish green and burnt sienna. A tired breeze that had long lost its fight reminded you that you could still feel, running through your hair, dancing across your skin. The sweater you had borrowed was much too loose at the shoulders, and thus offered little to no protection from the elements. Nonetheless, the comfort it offered, along with the aroma that had permanently intertwined with the threads of the cotton fabric brought more than enough warmth to your heart, and caused a blush to rise on your cheeks. It was a considerable contrast to your still slightly tear-stained, exhausted eyes around which the signs of last night’s terrors were still remaining. But even then, the despair that had come with the sensation had been washed away by a caring thumb, a loving hand, a single impression that solidified that you were never going to be alone.
You moved to run a finger across the plasters, curious as to how the cuts beneath were healing. Little scars of a warrior. You had fought for your way and for your life and for your right to smile and breathe and enjoy the earthly wonders. The last days before your final decision to escape were somewhat of a whirlwind, tainted by persistent insomnia, demons that haunted you day and night and the yelling of far too many people, projects and parasitic ponderings. Even the things that had been under your control grew minds of their own and searched for ways to destroy you, be it in hiding a mistake in a word, an error in a table or a fiendish administrative problem. Those days were a countdown, until in one last effort to survive, you cried out for salvation and admitted that it was all too much. And in that chaotic flood that was threatening to swallow you whole, one person had been waiting, and before you knew it, you were safe, had someone cheering for you, sharing your anguish.
“Hey don’t do that. We don’t have any band aids left and I’m not about to go Rambo mode and go picking grass to wrap you up,” you turned to follow the sounds of the low, raspy voice, smiling softly as you met your friend’s mildly concerned expression. Black hair, softly tousled; you barely could restrain yourself from reaching out and ruffling those locks. Beauty marks like stars on that wonderful, charming face. Slightly parted lips that appeared to be holding back sagas and everlasting tales. Lips that you could watch move forever.
“It’s fine, Mingi, I was just checking.”
“That was some intense checking you’re doing, refrain from it,” he retorted and crossed his arms while pinching the sleeves of his black knit sweater so as to not let them slide up.
“Says the person who keeps picking at their face like no tomorrow. Without bandages, mind you. At this rate-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll sort myself out, alright?” Mingi winced as his tongue darted to the scabbed over gash on the side of his mouth, making you exhale sharply, bemused. You could sense him taking his words back with a shake of the head. One step back, another, and in a quiet mumble he added: “...at the next rest stop we’ll fuel up the truck, fuel ourselves and maybe get a proper first aid kit.”
“Sounds good.”
Turning one of the many rings on his fingers, your friend could not hold your gaze and resorted to studying the ornate silver patterns and precious embedded stones. It had been the same when he had first offered this way out for you. A man, supposedly tall and impressive in physique, but appearing so small as he stumbled over his words, one idea pouring and drowning another out until they connected like a puzzle and formulated a vision that was somewhat concrete. Though, even if there was no final agreement in his mind, you would have agreed anyway. All that mattered was that each sentence carried a ‘we’. And with that, you were more than happy.
Was it long ago that you had met him? It felt like eternity. You could not imagine any other life, at least not one where you had a chance at happiness. Sure, you had your fights and squabbles. It would be a big lie if you were to say everything was sunshine and rainbows. Both snappy and hot headed at times, you had each said a fair share of things you did not want to say. But it was the awareness and growing from mistakes that had led you to where you were now. You had both walked through some dark times, and ended up in the golden hour, surrounded by an equally glowing expanse of flora, reaping what you two had sowed.
“What are you looking at me like that for?”
“I don’t get it, I know I have the thing on my cheek but… hate to break it to you, you don’t have healing powers,” ever so logical, Mingi was, once again, trying to establish a chain of thought. You had gotten better at explaining your thinking out loud, as did he, but in times where you were particularly wistful, words escaped you.
“I don’t know…”
“As if I do. Are you hungry?”
“I’m not a cat-”
“Then why?” he chuckled, lips automatically stretching into a toothy grin as you chuckled.
“‘Cause I can.”
“Okay then,” a breath escaped you as you stared at his hand, suddenly falling to meet the car’s surface and looked up to see him leaning over, staring intently at you. Through you. Like he could read you. Any courage you had disappeared, and you shook your head in defeat.
“Fine, fine,” how could someone put into words the feeling of wanting to picture an individual in everything and everyone? 
How could you say that even in the grass that surrounded you, in the long winding roads, in the cloudy skies you were glad to be able to see Mingi. It had been a lifetime indeed. A lifetime of seeing him without realising it, a lifetime of looking forward to being together with him and falling apart when you weren’t, and now, when you were side by side with only the sun, moon and empty fields to bear witness, you were scared to blink. Like all this time would disappear. Priceless seconds. Mingi was merciful enough to note a tinge of nervousness, and backed away. It was obvious enough that he did not quite let your reaction go, but neither you nor him were ever ones to push further than necessary and beyond the other’s personal limits. 
“Right, time to get going if we want to make it to the barn by midnight.”
“Want to ride in the back or-”
“With you,” you did not mean to sound so ambiguous, but thankfully as Mingi was busy opening the door to the driver’s seat, he did not catch on, or courteously did not pry.
“Ah, you’re right. It’ll be getting cold pretty quickly, won’t it?” 
As if you were not wrapped up and huddled in the bunch of blankets, backpacks and crocheted pillows just last night when you were parked at the last rest stop, silently accepting your friend’s reassurance as you mourned a past you were not going to miss. He knew what you were going through, and so he stuck beside you instead of heading for those plasters when he technically could have. 
“A few hours won’t change these little cuts, but they can change you, and I’d rather be here so you’re not alone.”
The phrase resonated in your heart as you took your place beside Mingi, staring out at the windshield. With a quick glance to your left you could just catch his reflection in the glass, and with another tilt, the man himself. His plush lips, the beautiful curve of his nose, how the black-framed glasses that he had fished out of the cupholder between you suited him so well. Focused, he turned the key until a satisfying rumble consumed the vehicle, signifying its awakening. On instinct, Mingi’s arms flew to their respective positions, and he drove out of the improvised parking spot back out to the infinite line of cement - the one sign of civilization that had the ability to assure you that you were indeed going in the right direction. Since Mingi was familiar with this part of the country, however, you would not have minded even a sudden, more wild change in the scenery. 
Choosing to not surf the radio stations in search of something remotely tolerable, you drove to the sound of your musings and let the last of the grey haze wash over you before the sun that was concealed by the thick cloud would inevitably fall into a slumber. For the first time in a while, you could enjoy the quiet without it being interrupted by a cacophony of inner qualms and disturbing rage. You could catch the occasional note from Mingi’s humming - a habit of his that you had grown to love. Every time, it was something unexpected. Be it a tune he was making up on the spot or one that you were familiar with, you never tired of how his thoughts travelled, and were delighted by the soundtrack which he was subconsciously crafting for the life you just so happened to share. Serendipity, writing a future that Mingi was taking you towards.
The idea he had proposed might have been radical, but it was the only one that made sense. Besides, it was not going to cause any harm. At the end of the day, the property belonged to a distant relative, said relative had no use for it, so… the conclusion and final decision basically made itself. The act to mark an entry into being your new self had to be grand, a lot more grand than what you had already done, and Mingi, being a creative mind, of course could be trusted to invent a performance of the century. Just for you.
A dreamlike day turned into an equally surreal evening as you halted at the gas station attached to the last rest stop of your adventure, with Mingi’s call dragging you out of your thoughts. You confirmed to him that you were fine with a quick smile and followed him out of the trusty Dodge. Patiently, you idled about as Mingi unscrewed the opening to the fuel tank and reached for one of the nozzles, rolling a stray piece of gravel under your shoes. Crickets, a myriad of crickets hidden under the cover of nighttime launched into a crescendo of their trill song, so much so that the buzz of the fluorescent lamp that illuminated the lonely station was almost completely drowned out. A light touch on your upper arm alerted you that Mingi was done, and you promptly followed him to the convenience store.
As though by newly found habit, he gravitated towards the bright red canisters lined up by the register, while you gave him a wary glance before ambling towards the ready to eat meals. Soon enough, Mingi joined you, satisfied by his quick perusal, and with a basket in his hand. Without a word, he picked up your favourite snack and was about to toss it in:
“This one, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
It never failed to be amusing how, despite the innumerable occasions when you two had eaten together, Mingi still liked to check with you that your favourite foods were, in fact, still your favourite foods. You had to admit that it was very endearing and comforting to you. Without even considering it, he always gave you room for change, in every way you could imagine. Or maybe you were exaggerating and letting your fantasies speak for themselves. You could not help but dart your eyes at Mingi when he turned his back to you, spotting the two beaded necklaces you had made for him some time ago still being a part of his usual outfit. And so, you wondered, how large was the room for transformation? What could this brand new future of yours include?
“Ah… wait… band aids… should we get that… What was it? Antiseptic-”
“You said a whole kit.”
“Right. Let’s go try and find it… wait what if they don’t stock one?” eyebrows weighed down with doubt, Mingi looked at you like he was about to apologise. You sighed, moving to run a hand down his back. The gesture startled Mingi, but he did not stop you, instead choosing to wait it out and see your intentions. You noticed him lightly biting his lower lip as he stared back at you, perplexed.
“We’ll find the essentials then. It’s not like we are disappearing from society for the rest of time, yeah?”
“Yeah…” had he continued, you swore he would have expressed his wish for what you had joked about to be the case. Luckily, you were pleasantly surprised by the wide selection of items to pick from, and left confident in the remainder of your trip.
In the fluorescence of the small store, and then inside of the parked car as you devoured your pre-made dinner, you were suspended in pure bliss. To your right was your partner in everything, friend or however your silly racing heart wanted to call him. Above you, the stars - a vista worth driving further out from the rest stop for. Propped up on the cushions, this was your definition of heavenly and healing. Colours had regained their vibrancy, and finally, you were no longer too fatigued to notice the intricacy of things that had previously passed you by. Who could have guessed that the packaging of the sandwiches you used to buy before work to throw in the office fridge had changed? And apparently a bit of time ago, too? What else have you been missing? For certain, you had been missing out on times like this, where you could hold a comfortable pause with Mingi, simply enjoying each other’s company while digging into your meals. It was astonishing to think how many breakfasts, lunches and dinners that you could have had with the one person who always believed in you were ripped away from you by obligation and unwanted routine. Not for longer. 
“Hm?” he hummed while chewing, eyes widened as he turned towards you. Quickly enough, he swallowed the bite, and waited for you to continue.
“I’m glad… that we can be here like this.”
“Oh… I…” at a loss for words, he let himself swim in your spontaneous confession.
“I am just… happy. Very happy. Thank you. Thank you for being the one who I can trust, thank you for sticking with me through complete and utter chaos, thank you for being you,” the words came naturally, buried under layers of hurt that needed time to evaporate. But now, the ritualistic expedition was wondrous in combating your inner demons, and in turn, let you speak for yourself, for your own feelings rather than those of illusory authority that had previously spoken for and was in charge of your every action, whether you were aware of it or not.
“No biggie. Things get in the way sometimes, but we’re here now, aren’t we?”
“Yes, that we are.”
“It’s going to get even easier soon, just you wait.”
A hand in midair, waiting for you to lift yours and meet it. Confused, you did so automatically, yelping when Mingi moved it closer to himself, and in a swift motion planted a soft, almost shy kiss on the back. He was careful to not put any pressure on the cuts which he had just re-cleaned and covered, along with the miniature wounds that only found themselves under the stinging alcohol solution, but kept on holding onto you, debating whether you would let him stay like this to his heart’s content, or if you would pull away. The tips of his digits reached the bracelet, and you could imagine a thrum of kindred energy reconnecting the item and the man. Shock prevented you from acting rashly, and so you simply read the fire in Mingi’s sparkling eyes, your favourite blaze that helped you out of a chasm, one that you would protect with your entire being until the world collapsed on you. And even then, you would stand up and try again.
Relief was evident in his features, from the curling of his lips to the relaxing of his shoulders. Clearly, an unfathomable pressure was lifted from his exhausted body. Every mile travelled, you were making revelations, it seemed. Venturing into the unknown, you were not quite sure who you were looking at anymore. Of course, you were confident in his name, in his presence, in his significance, but the many roles which he played in your years on this tiny planet left you struggling for words. Who was Mingi to you? Who were you to Mingi? Long gone were the days where you two had been moderately content with a distant and rapidly cooling friendship separated by glass and busy schedules. You were close. So close, that if the recklessness of acting on instinct caught up with you, you would get burned. 
Burning, like your hand despite Mingi having let it float in solitude some time ago to stand up and hop out of the back of the pickup truck. Set ablaze like your heart and soul that were feverishly awaiting a shining dawn. Your tired eyes could only watch your one wish turn the key in the ignition again, determined to help you start over. Could he be your sun? If you were to say anything more than a hollow whisper to the moon, would you fall away and lose him? You were about to bring the fingers of your left hand to run over the other, but you stopped, remembering Mingi’s comedically stern words. Instead, you imagined him pressing his lips against it again, heat rising to your cheeks upon recollection. A quick glance to the driver’s seat, and you could swear you caught the ghost of a smirk dancing across your so-called friend’s face, but chose not to comment so as to not spark a conversation you knew you would not be able to continue. 
“We’ll be there soon. There’s a neat shortcut we can take so it shouldn’t take us more than an hour.”
You nodded, trusting his judgement. Your thoughts were elsewhere, anyways and could not offer many suggestions in terms of the journey. These parts were foreign to you, and your decision-making here was as good as whenever you had a professional point to prove or a dream to follow; both flew out of your hands to be smited. At least in the case of the meandering roads, you had Mingi to shield you, letting you wander in your own mindscape for as long as you needed. The mind was a mysterious place, traversing memories both from years ago and ones that documented your most recent escapades much the same, though, maybe now they were all in brighter hues. The last of what was tying you down was packed and stashed right behind you and Mingi, both in the tiny space between the seats and the back of the cabin as well as in the exposed trunk outside. The monochrome madness stuffed into rucksacks, swaddled in sheets like a crying infant manifesting your prayers for the noise of a prior existence to cease demanding your attention. You were ready to let it all turn to ash, and be reborn.
It was fascinating how quick Mingi was to jump into action. Part of you wondered whether it was due to the times you had helped him, and he wished to somehow repay you. Or was this a genuine devotion? As the road turned into an unruly dirt path, you were certain it was the latter.
‘It’s our journey. I might not know everything that’s going on behind your forehead, and you would not know that about me, but the least we can do is stick through the worst storms.’
The grumbling of the engine turned into a roar as Mingi’s heavy combat boot pushed down even stronger on the accelerator. When people spent enough time together, they were bound to become more and more similar; such was the case with you and him. Parts had been exchanged, parts blended, and it was hard to think of a picture where there was a lack of the other’s presence in some form. Be it in behaviour or in little bits of jewellery. Mingi was driving selfishly, because he was driving for you and for the few breaths of air you had remaining in your lungs after holding up boulders of others’ opportunities at the cost of your own passions. There was experience, there was development, but there was also a need for self-preservation and a necessity to stop for the sake of health and mental clarity, and Mingi was not about to lose you. 
“D’ya want to roll the window down? You…” used to do that when you and him were teens. He did not have to say it. No matter the weather, even if for a few seconds, you wanted to be one with the air, a flightless bird that finally got a chance to glide with the wind, pleasantly lost in the elements. Maybe one day you could return to that same carefree nature. You shook your head.
“It’s a little cold outside.”
“How about this…” while slowing down a little to not lose control of the car, Mingi reached around and behind his seat, fishing for something. Finally, having found what he was looking for, he flashed a triumphant grin and produced his dark grey denim jacket, letting it land on your lap.
You raised an eyebrow, unsure of what your friend was implying. But as soon as the first hint of a breeze hit you and you saw the window start its slow descent under Mingi’s command, a chuckle escaped you. So it was not a question after all, but an encouragement, perhaps even a challenge. Giving in, you pulled the jacket over yourself like a blanket, and stared at the all-knowing constellations that decorated the cosmic expanse - the best reminder of just how small you really were, and to what priceless insignificance your troubles amounted to. In the grand scheme of things, nothing really mattered, and so, you did not see anything as ‘too out of pocket’ anymore. Might as well enjoy life instead of letting it race past you for once.
It was a mystery to you when you fell asleep; you could only recall the ghostly pale silver and ashen blue that spread over the wheat fields and another serene, barely audible serenade hummed by Mingi. But just as quickly as you had drifted into a dreamless slumber, you jolted awake at the sound of your name being repeated once, twice by your best friend. Momentarily lost, you waited for your vision to focus before following the sounds of the truck door clicking shut and of rubber soles hitting gravel by fumbling for the handle. As soon as you opened the salon, you were embraced in full by the omnipresent hum of wildlife and distant rustle of leaves and tall grass, the field at which you stopped having been long abandoned and left barren, with only dirt to present as a fruit of labour.
Stepping onto the soft earth, you could feel the cool dampness beneath your shoes, a tactile reminder of the quiet countryside that surrounded you as far as the eye could see. Mingi, his presence like a comforting shield in the stillness of the night, paused in his search for the tools he had packed. A profound hush settled over the landscape, prompting you to tilt your head and look on further, to spot the target barely a couple hundred metres away. So this was it. The promised sacrifice. The place where the past could finally quit holding on to you and tearing you apart. The abandoned barn loomed ahead like a relic from another universe and a time long gone.
The moonlight painted the barn in ethereal shades, casting a melancholic beauty upon its worn facade. Mingi's eyes held the weight of a thousand untold stories and observations, and in the quiet exchange of glances, you detected a shared understanding – a recognition that you had the right, and more than deserved to forgive yourself, and throw away the hurt you had accumulated over the years with a light heart. He stood beside you, holding onto the sacks that you had stuffed full of items that haunted you, mutely berated you and induced agonising ruminations. Papers, trinkets, utter garbage that you had never been able to throw out on your own, all collected like nightmare capsules and you were more than elated to bid them farewell.
He had not yet taken off his glasses, eager to move onwards and upwards. One of these days you might muster up the courage to tell Mingi just how handsome he was in whatever style he chose, but that was a mission for a more courageous you. From tonight into the myriad of tomorrows. Your partner in self-revolution stretched his arms towards you, gingerly passing the hefty items over and waiting for you to get a better grip. To think that there were clouds of buzzing paranoia and dread attached to either one - suffocating, persistent.
While regarding Mingi’s tranquil resolve, you discovered a sliver of a near-boyish excitement, so characteristic of him before growing pains had changed your relationship and all that came with it, that your heart ached, and a prickly sensation made itself known on the back of your hand where he had left a solitary peck. And yet, he still was not giving up on you. From the pocket of his jeans - appearing to take on the shade of a washed out chrome under the shining skies, Mingi produced a box of matches, and upon leaning closer to the truck, grasped the handle of a stick protruding from a miniature canister. More than enough to carry out the impending transformation. Mingi’s stunning orbs met yours, and without words, he conveyed a mixture of determination and sorrow, a silent promise and cheer for the grand finale.
"Here’s to letting go, and to holding on to the things that make us right," he uttered, his voice carrying the power of a truth that echoed in the night air.
“Then… I’ll be right back.”
“I will be here. Cousin said everything’s unlocked. Put things in places where the fire’ll reach.”
One step. Another. Walk turning into run, you chased after who you wished to become and propelled yourself with unprecedented pride. You could do this. With one quick push the door to the barn creaked open, and you made haste in lining the walls with who you used to be. You could taste ash on your tongue and see the fire in your pupils even though you were consumed by pitch black; here, you had the final say. Upon throwing the sacks into whatever direction, you felt your way back out, and returned to Mingi who, apparently, had the time to reposition the car a little to have the back be facing the barn. With a mischievous grin he greeted you, and pulled you into a quick embrace before giving you a matchstick and the box and leading the two of you to the structure one last time.
This had been an agreement between you - you were the one to light the first flame, and he was the one to do the rest. Though this was a journey of healing, he did not wish for you to delude yourself into a guilt-ridden state. Mingi could bear the brunt of that for you and wear it like a badge of honour. As though patrolling the grounds, he went in a circle around the barn, leaving behind the acrid stench of splattered gasoline. Suddenly, the act felt more and more real. A yelp caught in your throat as Mingi shoved the empty canister inside through a loose wooden board, now only holding onto the unlit torch. Gazed at you, awaiting the monumental execution. 
Trembling just a little, on the third try you managed to light the match, and stepped to the building full of your painful memories. the flames danced in the blackness like whispers of farewell. As you approached the ancient barn with Mingi in toe, the match's glow illuminated the grains of wood that had weathered countless storms. The night seemed to draw its breath, as though it sensed the profound act about to unfold. Outstretching the judgement between your fingers, you hesitated for a fleeting moment. The gravity of the act hung heavy – the acknowledgment that setting fire to the past was a painful necessity for new beginnings. Nevertheless, you were certain. The barn, with its history that you will never learn, became a symbol of surrender, resilience and perseverance. Holding your breath, you dropped the match, but when the result did not satisfy you, you sensed a wave of rage. You wanted more, you needed it all gone from sight and experience. 
“The torch, please.”
With a silent understanding, Mingi raised the torch, the flames licking eagerly at its edges, and passed it to you. The blade that would slash through it all. The full stop at the end of this turbulent chapter. As you touched the fire to the barn, a crackling symphony echoed through the night. The dry wood, with the base generously coated in gasoline caught quickly, and soon the barn was ablaze, a kaleidoscope of oranges, reds, and yellows against the backdrop of the moonlit fields.
The flames danced with an insatiable hunger, consuming the old wood with a fervour that mirrored the intensity of emotions in the hearts of the witnesses. Shadows flickered and danced on the ground, casting ephemeral images of what once was, each crackle of the fire a poignant reminder of the release happening before your eyes. Mingi turned to you, his eyes reflecting the blaze that mirrored the intensity of his and your emotions. In that poignant moment, the warmth of the fire contrasted with the chill in the night air, echoing the bittersweet nature of letting go.
"We are making room for something new," he whispered before pulling you into a long-awaited kiss, as searing and filled with longing as the soaring flames that illuminated your bodies. The crackling fire served as a cathartic release, and in its glow, you saw promise. As soon as you parted, the two of you rushed to the truck, climbing to take the front seats to admire the masterpiece, not daring to sit apart, holding onto each other through it all.
As the fire continued its dance, the night bore witness to the act of relinquishing the old, a solemn ritual that paved the way to more and more. Together, you and Mingi stood amidst the mesmerising spectacle, your hearts intertwined with the rhythm of the burning, ready to step into the unknown and shape a destiny yet to unfold.
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🔥 perma-taglist: @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @starrysvn @shakalakaboomboo @uwuheeseungie @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @nebulousbookshelf @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @kitten4sannie @maddkitt @ren-junwrld @pyeonghongrie-main @marsstarxhwa @pocketjoong-reads @yeooclock @yeonjunnie @asjkdk @lucky-cat-cafe @northerngalxy @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu
thank you for reading. please do consider leaving a reblog if you enjoyed!
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commander-krios · 6 months
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Gorgeous, showstopping art of my Traveler, Astrea Peg'asi, and Damon Reznor in my AU where Damon becomes her Guard instead of Vexx. Art by the wonderful @stellorc, thank you so much darling. <3333
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starclast · 6 months
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xvxni · 2 months
Hey 😊 would you do a Damon Salvatore imagine where you’re dating but then you leave the house after a fight with him and get in a bad car crash. He feels this and searches for you, just to find you I’m time to save your life. Then he stays by your side, feeling guilty and when you wake up again he’s there taking care of you, apologizes and promises to never let any harm happen to you again? Just some lovely fluff and a bit angsty. Thank you so much 😊
Summary: Your boyfriend Damon has been acting very possessive and controlling and you get into a huge fight with him. You go out for a drive to clear your head but end up in an accident instead. Damon finds you and takes you home, making up for everything he had done.
ANGST, fluff
Damon being controlling, car crash, reader having a near-death experience
A/N: Thank you @imagine-all-the-fandoms for being my first request! I'm so sorry it took forever (this is horrible). Do let me know if this is satisfactory. Happy reading!
Damon Salvatore X Human!Fem!Reader
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Your boyfriend of two years, Damon, was recently being very controlling and possessive. He started making your decisions for you without bothering to consult you, being unreasonably jealous of any male around you and demanding to be with you at all times, not understanding the healthy concept of giving 'space'.
But this time, it ran deep. He compelled your childhood best friend, Jake, to leave town and forget all about you. You caught him in nick of time otherwise you would've never even known about what happened to him!
Deeply hurt and driven mad with rage, you left the Boarding House for a drive after a few broken objects, wounding words and a heavy heart.
You didn't know how, perhaps you weren't in your right senses, you couldn't hit the brakes and crashed right into a tree. The car flipped over, and your arms twisted at an odd angle. Your limp and now-sore body was fastened with the seat belt, and you couldn't undo it. You were hit badly in the back of your head, and you could feel unbearable burn of a deep gash.
Your senses had perked up under the stillness of the night, and you heard a faint trickle. Then wetness across your back, your head, soon trickling down to your neck. It was a strange fluid --- coppery metallic smell, thick and red with a mud-brownish tinge. It was oddly enticing and familiar. A shiver ran down your spine when you realised it was your blood. Blood, so much blood --- your own. You were losing so much blood, and you could do nothing to stop it. You felt faint and suddenly, the hardest thing in the world was staying conscious.
You were terrified. If you were going to die, then it mustn't be like this. An accident. Your whole life snatched away just because of a mistake. God, you had so many things to do in life. Get a job, travel the world, adopt a cat --- ordinary things but they were your dreams, which now lay shattered. You didn't want your life --- and death --- so unremarkable and ordinary. And while all this time, there was a deep wound of regret in your heart --- perhaps greater than the gash on your head --- to part with Damon.
Sure, he could be such an asshole at times, but you knew that he loves you with all his heart. You didn't want your last words to him be an angry "I hate you". You had never really thought about it, what would be your last words to him. You couldn't breathe at the sheer grief that hit you at the moment. Unable to withstand the blow, you closed your eyes, succumbing to a world of endless darkness, getting lost in your way towards the blue-eyed vampire. And you couldn't do a damn thing about it...
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Anger and frustration clouded Damon's mind. It was all hazy, and he was searching for a light. Ah, there it is! Remorse, regret, fear of having losing her. He knew what he did was wrong, but why couldn't she understand? He loved her so damn much, everything he did was tp protect her.
She lived her constant danger because he loved her, and he knew at times that he should let her go, but he couldn't. He needed her to function, she was his damn sanity, and without her, he lost it.
Suddenly, there was this intense urge to go find her, not to waste a single moment. He'll do anything to have her back, she can't leave him. He knew he was unreasonable, ill-tempered and sometimes too controlling, but he couldn't help himself.
He got behind the steering wheel and let his heart lead the way, for it was with her where it truly lay.
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He was aghast, devastated, even. Finding her like this, so near to death, he suddenly came to his senses. He was crying, he realised. He never cried. But that's what she does to him --- make him into someone he never thought he could be.
"Y/N, no! No, no, no!" he wailed, feeling utterly helpless. He undid your seatbelt and somehow pulled you out of the overturned car. Without wasting a moment, he bit into his wrist and forced his blood into your mouth.
You drank for a moment then turned away, trying to sit up but immediately fell back and the sheer exhaustion and soreness you felt.
He was here. He was here, you realised.
"Oh Damon, I'm so sorry!" you sobbed into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around you and you knew he was crying into your shoulder.
You simply let things just be. In that dark night, the feeling of death heavy around you, the two of you embraced a new life. Of promises of forever, of understanding, of accepting --- and it was beautiful.
After what seemed like an eternity, he composed himself, giving you some strength, too. "Let's get you home, yeah?" he whispered and you nodded. He lifted you bridal style in his arms and helped you into his car. You leaned on him, as much as you could and he kissed the top of your head. "I'm so, so sorry..." he began but your shook your head. He understood. Not now.
You drove to the Boarding House in companionable silence. The silence was golden. The silence spoke it all. And all you needed was the silence.
With his help you went inside. The house that was so familiar --- it looked the same --- but it promised something different.
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"You don't know how scared I was today," he whispered as he rubbed your feet.
"Me too... I didn't want to die like that. Not without saying goodbye, though I wonder if I ever will be able to say it-" he silenced you with a kiss. "I won't let anything happen to you. I want you all for myself, I know that's selfish. I am prick and I don't deserve you, but I do love you very much, so much that it's frustrating, and I won't be able to live with myself if something happens to you. I know I make bad decisions, I know I react impulsively, but I do it only for you. I am sorry for today. I had no reason to compel Jake, but I did it anyway because I was insecure. I realised my mistake, I have no reason to be. So, if you have it in you, please forgive me...". Tears were streaming down his face.
You wiped them away and hugged him close.
"I'm hungry," you said, trying to lighten up the atmosphere. It made him laugh. "Pasta?"
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starlightsalvatore · 1 year
salvation / klaus mikaelson x reader
heyooo - dabbling with a klaus fic hehe - should I do a part two for what they get up to after this? lmk!! and as always lmk what you think :) writing for the vampire diaries is very new to me so any feedback is appreciated! 
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salvation / klaus mikaelson x reader
summary: after a deadly encounter with a werewolf, an old ‘friend’ comes to your rescue
word count: 1.3k (short and sweet!) 
warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of death, typical tvdu stuff
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You shivered as Damon wrapped his blankets around you, gently sitting beside you as he held a blood bag up to your lips, which you accepted gratefully and sucked down rather feverishly. “Can I get you anything?” he asked, those intense blue eyes swimming with more emotion than you’d ever seen.
You softly shook your head, “the only thing you can do for me is to stop looking at me like that,” you whispered and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
“Alright, Miss Conceited, I’m not looking at you like anything,” he teased and you chuckled though it was immediately followed by a wince as pain reverberated through every nerve ending. “You should get some rest, okay? I’ll come check on you in a little bit.” You nodded as he left, letting out an exhale when you were finally alone for the first time since it all happened. You were putting on a brave face for everyone else, assuring Elena you were going to be okay and making her promise she wouldn’t come by the house for her own safety and you’d kept your goodbyes brief, joking throughout… saying things like it’s a miracle I haven’t died sooner, don’t look so sad, but in reality you were terrified. You weren’t ready, your life felt so... unfinished. You hadn’t truly loved anyone yet or even been loved, things were far too chaotic to even think about having a love life. The furthest you’d ever been from Mystic Falls was a family road trip to Texas for a reunion your parents dragged you to just before they both died. 
Your dreams felt muddled, a mix of childhood memories and moments with your friends when shit wasn’t hitting the fan… it genuinely felt like your life was flashing before your eyes as you slept and you awoke suddenly unrested and straining to hear a voice on the other side of the door. “You know, one voicemail works just as well as a dozen.” It couldn’t be.
“No…” you muttered as the door opened, shifting to sit upright but failing as you grunted in pain, watching the blonde man slowly walk towards you and settle beside you. “No, this isn’t real, this is a hallucination.”
“I’m afraid I’m very real,” he replied, accent thick as he looked down at you and you poked his arm, stunned to find it wasn’t an apparition.
“Nope, this is- this is Stefan, or Damon and my brain is just playing some really evil twisted joke on me,” you coughed out.
“I’m offended, love. I’ve traveled all this way just to see you and you liken me to the Salvatore brothers,” he said and you blinked a few times as you accepted he really was here. “Playing with werewolves, are we?” he asked, fingers delicately brushing your shirt aside to reveal the mark just above your collarbone.
“Thought it was a golden retriever,” you rasped and he chuckled.
“Your friends downstairs were very adamant in my coming to save you,” he said and you smiled softly.
“Is that what you’re here to do, Klaus? Or are you going to dangle salvation in front of me before making a ridiculous demand?” you asked and he smirked. He always found you amusing, if not annoying at times, there was a point in which you had him completely wrapped around your finger… something you exploited to the benefit of you and your friends whenever it suited you. And he let you, time and time again, because the moments in which you’d allow him to be within your orbit, or accept the countless gifts he left at your doorstep gave him a glimmer of hope that one day you’d let him give you more. He wanted to show you the world, but you’d extinguished any of that hope he’d had by slamming the door in his face the last time you saw each other.
“I’m here to save your life if you’ll let me,” he answered and you almost rolled your eyes. 
“What’s the catch?”
“No catch, love. I’m just here out of the kindness of my heart,” he said and now you did roll your eyes.
“Come on, Klaus. I know you better than that. There’s no such thing as the kindness of your heart because it’s cold and dead,” you shot back. “What do you want?” Your tenacity with him was always the most intriguing, you challenged him… made him want to be better but unfortunately with you it seemed there was nothing he could do to win you over.
“Perhaps I do want something, the question is if your life is worth obliging my simple request?” he proposed.
“Please do drag this out further, it’s not like I’m on a clock here,” you coughed out. 
“I want you to take me up on my previous offer… in exchange my blood is as good as yours,” he said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
“My answer is the same as it was then.”
“I’m afraid there’s no door for you to slam in my face, love. Would you really rather die than allow me the honor of showing you the world?” he asked and you didn’t miss the way hurt seeped into his tone, though he was trying his best to hide it. 
“Yes,” you answered, voice wavering.
“Perhaps I should let you suffer, consider it a delayed punishment for your continual disrespect,” he said and you chuckled.
“Then go ahead, Klaus. Doors over there,” you said, wincing as you shifted your position. “You never had any intention of saving my life,” you accused and now the hurt was clear as day on his face.
“Do you really think so low of me?” he asked and you shook your head.
“I don’t think of you at all.” you answered, hoping he wouldn’t see right through you.
“If that’s what you’d like,” he responded and as he stood to leave you’d never been more unsure, questioning if this was the right way to play it. Just as he reached the door frame you doubled over in a coughing fit, leaning over the side of the bed as blood dribbled from your mouth and he felt physical pain at the sight. He was back by your side in an instant, tugging you into him and placing his arm in front of you. “Drink, please.” You looked up at him through your lashes, but he just nodded, eyes pleading with you and you let your fangs sink into the skin of his wrist. With each gulp you felt your energy restore and the pain disappear. As you drank he brushed your shirt aside again to watch the wound heal for himself. 
You pulled away but didn’t make any move to leave his lap, allowing him to keep his arms around you for a moment… but just a moment before you leaned back, “three months.” you said suddenly and you saw an emotion you’d never really seen from him… confusion. 
“What?” he asked and you smirked.
“You had your terms, I’m negotiating,” you answered and you watched realization settle across his features.
“What changed your mind?” He couldn’t stop his smile from spreading into a grin.
“I was bluffing,” you said and his grin faltered. “Yet, you still gave me your blood without forcing me to comply… maybe that heart of yours isn’t as cold and dead as I thought.”
“I thought you didn’t think of me?” he asked and you shrugged.
“Maybe I do. You get three months, no more no less… that’s the deal,” you said, sticking your hand out for him to shake and when he grasped it he yanked you a little closer.
“Once we get started you’ll be begging me for more time,” he said with a smirk.
“Well, that’s up to you to prove it worth my time… but that’s all I’m promising.” 
“That’s all I need, love.”
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taglist: @caseysalvatore @minalblood​ (if you only meant to be tagged in my damon fics please let me know and I’ll adjust which taglist you’re on!)
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bonniebird · 2 months
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Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: "If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country!" Rhaenyra Targaryen with female reader
Rhaenyra closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze that filled the room. She could still feel the prickle of sweat on her skin and the cool air eased her discomfort. The baby in her arms squirmed with determination. 
“Your father shall be here soon to greet you.” She muttered to the boy who gasped and gurgled in her arms. “He shall be upset that you came so soon. He was not here…” In truth, Rhaenyra was grateful that Daemon had taken the children to Driftmark. Bringing forth a child was hard enough without the pack of children that would demand to meet their siblings. Though they would return soon. It was later that afternoon that Daemon arrived. He hurried into the room with a contained exhilaration that threatened to burst out of him with each bounding step as if he were a father for the first time.
“The children?” Rhaenyra asked.
“There has been some trouble in Kingslanding so they have decided to stay with Rhaenys for a few days while Corlys travels to sit on the king's council.” Daemon explained. Rhaenyra nodded and turned her attention to the baby as Daemon explained that the boys would return the next evening and the girls a few days after. Damon, having fussed over the baby and Rhaenyra for a good while, turned his attention to a serving girl to make demands for food to be brought among other things. Rhaenyra had been about to scold him as she wished to rest longer but both were interrupted by the door to the private rooms slamming open.
The baby began sobbing immediately at the sound while you swept into the rooms and gave the baby a dissatisfied look. “Which one is this?” You asked, having interrupted yourself and what you’d been saying when you burst in.
“We haven’t named him yet seeing as he has not long been born.” Rhaenyra said in a scolding, motherly tone.
“Another one? Did you not just have one in the spring?” You asked and she glared at you. Waving a hand you tutted as if it didn’t matter. “If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country!"
You turned to give some short instructions to a nervous young woman who stood at the side of Rhaenyra’s seat. She stayed still, glancing around the room as if she was unsure what to do until Rhaenyra nodded and she scurried away looking rather grateful at being able to leave.
“Who would be asking after you and why have you come here, if you’re fleeing the country?” She asked and gave you a tired look. Daemon perched himself on the arm of the lounge chair that Rhaenyra was resting on, a grape rolling between his fingers as he watched you carefully.
“Must we talk of such dreadful things now? Where are my nieces and nephews?” You said quickly and grinned until Daemon scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“They’re not here so there is no hiding with them.” He said firmly as a group of servants hurried in with another tray of fresh foods, jugs of sweet wine and empty glass goblets. It was set on a table beside Rhaenyra who ignored it in favour of the baby in her arms who made several blubbering noises as she cooed over him. You made yourself comfortable in one of the chairs you knew Daemon preferred, picked at the food on the tray and thought over how best to answer as you kicked your feet up on a table nearby.
“I upset Otto.” You answered finally. Rhaenyra scoffed at that and shook her head, smiling down at the baby quickly as her face darkened at your comment.
“Is that not the reason you stayed behind at the keep?” Daemon jested as he helped himself to a goblet of wine. 
“They kept making demands of me so I left.” You muttered and accepted a drink from Daemon who glanced at Rhaenyra. They shared a look, one of those looks where they both knew something about you that you were avoiding to address and they were silently talking about you. Having enough you thumped your foot on the table, making the baby jump, causing Rhaenyra to give you a withering look. Anyone other than you might baulk at the coldness on her face, perhaps even Daemon. But not you.
“This does not perhaps have anything to do with the wedding?” She said sharply and raised her eyebrows.
“There wasn’t really a wedding.” You muttered and she rolled her eyes, shifting in her seat as she moved the baby to rest on her other arm.
“There was a royal wedding. We were informed.” She replied.
“Ah. But you weren’t invited. Such a shame. It was most amusing.” You said and grinned. Daemon chuckled to himself until Rhaenyra glared at him. “Alicent’s face when her one-eyed giant pulled that veil back only to find my serving girl.”
“I assume this is about you then.” Rhaenyra gestured to a roll of paper that rested on the end of the seat next to her. You sighed, moving around so you could grab at it without getting up and unrolled it. It was some sort of summons and something about the offending of House Hightower.
“Serves them right.” You muttered quietly.
“(Y/N)!” Rhaenyra started and then winced. A flurry of her maids rushed to her and you found yourself shooed out of the room. Shortly after someone found you as you walked the halls of Dragonstone and led you to your rooms. You weren’t summoned until late morning the next day.
“Aunt (Y/N)!”
“Hello, Joff.” You said as the boy darted to you. You heaved him up into your arms and chuckled as he clung to you.
“Did you bring your dragon?” He asked and looked worried for a moment that you hadn’t. They were rather fond of each other. It had always struck you that they might bond after you passed as other dragons had or perhaps Joff might take one of the dragons' eggs. 
“Of course. She is out with Caraxes. You know how she loves to wade in the water.” You muttered and smiled when she grinned. Luke shuffled closer and tucked himself under your other arm as you balanced Joff on one hip. He chatted happily the rest of the way to the hall where you were supposed to be heading for breakfast. When you got there Jace was already sitting at the table, chatting with Daemon.
“Where’s Nyra?” You asked and Daemon sighed.
“Resting.” Daemon spoke quickly and picked at his food. You had a sinking feeling as the boys abandoned you for their plates which were quickly ladened with food. “She wants to see you when you’ve eaten.” 
Jace gave you a mingled look. As if he wanted to scold you but also applaud you at the same time and found himself very torn. You ate slowly and enjoyed the hubbub of the boys shouting across the table to each other. When you were done Joff took your hand and asked if, when you were done with Rhaenyra, you would stay to pick out a dragon egg for the new baby. You promised that you would and he left you outside Rhaenyra’s door informing you that Daemon told them not to disturb her until that afternoon. 
You entered more carefully this time. She looked at you and sighed. “You’re going to have to get married.”
“Good morning Nyra. How lovely it is to be here with my family on this lovely day.” You said sarcastically as you gestured to the window. “I’m not getting married.”
“I have a letter here, saying that you return or they tell everyone you’re betrothed. They want to say Daemon stole you, and that is what happened with the wedding.” She wafted the paper in the air so it crackled gently and raised her eyebrows at you when she got nothing but a shrug in response.
“Wouldn’t be the most shocking thing he’s ever done at a wedding.” You said and grinned at her. She winced as she stood up and walked towards you.
“What about a nice Stark boy? There’s that one that sounds promising… I forget his name. You would not even have to see him. You are heir after Jace until my others come of age…” Rhaenyra trailed off as the baby started to cry in its bassinet across the room and you sighed.
“If you had not left us alone with them… I would not have had to run away.” You scolded and let out a slither of the resentment you felt. She looked at your hand where you fiddled with the small ring gifted to you by your father.
“Now he is alone. With them.” She bit back just the same. You stared at each other as she put a comforting hand gently on the child. 
When she looked up from the baby you had gone and Daemon was lingering in the doorway.
“(Y/N) is right.” He said carefully. She shook her head. She did not like when you were right and there was little anyone could do to have her admit it even if you were. They sat together, Daemon taking the baby and smiling down at him. It was much later in the afternoon when you appeared again. You let yourself into the rooms followed by Joff and Luke who helped you carry a brazier that was steaming and glowing slightly. 
“We chose an egg.” Luke said and smiled as they set it down. Rhaenyra got up, ruffling Luke’s hair who gazed up at her adoringly as she gently squeezed Joff’s cheek, her hand being childishly batted away with a small flapping hand and a giggle as she passed them to reach the lid. She smiled when she saw the egg.
“A fine choice.” She said as the two boys looked at her with shining, expectant eyes. They let out a chorus of pleased shouts and excited babbling as if they’d been nervous they had chosen wrong. It made you chuckle. You wondered if Rhaenyra had felt the same when she had chosen your egg.
“Mother?” Luke said as a moment of sadness flickered over Rhaenyra’s face. 
“Your grandsire grows more ill. We shall be returning to Kingslanding.” She said calmly. Daemon glanced at you when you went to make a comment. His look was hard and warning so you quickly stared down at the dragon egg as if you had never seen one before.
“W-what about Baela and Rhaena?” Luke asked. Rhaenyra smiled.
“Baela prefers Driftmark so I imagine she shall want to stay with her grandmother. But that will be up to them.” Rhaenyra said as she went to sit back down. The children followed her like chicks following a hen. After looking at the baby for a while the boys got bored and went to find the rest of their siblings, leaving you alone.
“So you plan to go back?” You asked awkwardly.
“We plan to go back. Just because you left after me does not mean we didn’t both leave.” She said stiffly and gave you a firm look. You glanced at Daemon but found no help from him in easing the tension between the two of you.
“Very well we go home. Now if you don’t mind…” You gestured towards the window where a Driftmark ship could be seen and specks of boys clad in red and black were hurtling along the edge of the water towards it, bouncing about and far-off shouts could be heard on the air. Seeing your dragon slowly plodding along after a smaller dot in the distance, you knew Joff had found her, she was far too fond of the boy and on occasion had to be bribed to let him out from under her wings. You started to leave when Rhaenyra hesitantly continued.
“We have to be united on this (Y/N).” Rhaenyra said as if she wasn't sure you would agree with her. You stopped in your tracks, having headed towards the door and turned back. The gaze that you shared was fraught with years of tension, arguments and joys as well as shared sufferings. She had always been on your side. Perhaps now, you were realising, you hadn’t always been on hers. Rhaenys would call it bickering, family bickering and it was good to get it all out. But perhaps it had been left out in the open too long and now Rhaenyra doubted your relationship.
“We can be united if you see her for what she is.” You said quietly. Rhaenyra’s jaw clenched. How many times had the two of you argued about Alicent? How many times had you accused her of waiting for Alicent to change back to what she had been in her younger years? Too many for either to count. It was still a sore wound.
“Then as one house and home, we shall return.” Rhaenyra said rather seriously, making her sound overly dramatic. You smiled and nodded before leaving and rushing down to the docks and greeting your nieces.
You can also read this fic on my @bonniebird AO3 and Wattpad!
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