covingtons · 5 months
NYE theory, I’m getting a feeling Addie’s engagement is coming from a place of obligation and not wow I found the love of my life. Bash seems less then thrilled and I know they’ve had rough time but I’d like to believe if his sister found the right one, he’d be far happier and supportive.
very interesting 👀 Bash does seem less than thrilled, doesn't he?
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trhor · 1 year
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Then - 14th & 15th July, 2042
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trentonsimblr · 1 year
I'd like to personally start a petition to have Rhea and Donovan return as ghosts to haunt Kristopher for the remainder of his days
I’m taking notes for future fluff scenes ✍️
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
Hello there! 16, 18, 19, and 32 for Andre please and thank you?
Character Development Hard Mode -> Accepting
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Happiness, one thousand times over. Even though he was born into the direct line of succession, Andre never really wanted to be King. He's an unambitious family man and probably would have been happiest if he'd been lower in the succession and able to live a quiet life with his wife and children. He might have met fewer sexy foreign princesses that way, too....
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Wisdom. Andre is one of those people who's always looking around and wishing someone would tell him what to do. To that end, he really respects and looks up to people who are smarter than he is.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Infidelity. This is such a great question because the answer is something we haven't actually seen yet and I don't have an easy way to show, but in new relationships, he goes from zero to sixty in terms of emotional intensity. The woman he dated before Elise (Vanessa, who's actually Theo's late mother!) broke up with him because he proposed after four months of dating.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
As introverted as he is, Andre feels most uncomfortable in any situation where a lot of attention is on him. He's also uncomfortable speaking extemporaneously...his biggest nightmare would be being interviewed, which is why he doesn't give interviews.
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🔥🚲, anyone of your choosing.
I did Douxie for this!
🔥: in what they’d wear on a very hot day
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🚲: in athletic gear 
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crownsofesha · 1 year
🌋 📷, surprise me
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Arabella looks for funny, I love it!
Clothing Ask Game is Open Still -> Here
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royaltysimblr · 1 year
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Calabria Sapphire Parure
The set includes a tiara, a pair of earrings, a necklace, and a brooch! thank you SO much @trhor for testing this set <3
- BGC - High Poly - Hat Slider Compatible - Please Respect my TOU
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funkyllama · 2 months
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The Ionian Royal Family Tree,
In the style of UsefulCharts. "Hi, this is Matt Baker. Today I'm going to show you the Complete Family Tree of Ionian monarchs, all the way from their royal roots in the Wittenburg dynasty to their more recent dynastic alliances."
@trhor @royaltysimblr @officalroyalsofpierreland @simming-in-the-rain @nexility-sims @empiredesimparte Written Tree Below Cut. Open the image in a new tab, it’s quite large!
House of Wittenburg:
Prince Alexander, Graf March -> Grafin Wilhelmine married Bernard Arpad von Celle, Graf Celle -> The House of Rodchester.
The House of Rodchester:
Adelheid married the Margrave Nirgend. Marie-Odile became the Countess March and had non-dynastic issue. Everette I, Grand Duke Bergstrasse -> Kezia -> Everette II & Princess Alexandrina (daughter of Queen Alexandrina) -> Everette III establishes the Kingdom of Iona with his marriage to Hereditary Grand Duchess Hana Ludvig (daughter of Hans IV, Grand Duke Helmstadt).
Ludvig von Helmstadt:
Hans III married Princess Louise of Windenburg and San Myshuno -> Hans IV married Princess Marguerite of Pierreland -> Queen Hana of Iona.
Everette III's Children:
Rose Mary married the Count March. Stephen inherited the Grand Duchy of Helmstadt. Lorraine married King Arnaut of Uspana (son of Queen Beatriz) and had non-dynastic issue, including Crown Prince German. Queen Viviana I reorganizes the government, establishing the Ionian Union -> Princess Bernedette -> Queen Viviana II married Imperial Prince Philippe Simparte -> Prince Lenerd (rumored son of Crown Prince Louis of Pierreland) and Prince Sigismund.
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empiredesimparte · 5 days
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Some photos of the Coronation Gala of Their Majesties, Napoleon V and Charlotte of the French.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°4 | Francesim, Versailles, 27 Thermidor An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
⚜ Guests at the coronation
TIM, Emperor David I and Empress Katalina of Pierreland (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
HRH, Prince Oliver, Duke of Rothsey (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
HIM, Queen Viviana II of the Ionian Union (@funkyllama)
TM, King Arnaut and Queen Lorraine of Uspana (@nexility-sims)
HM, Queen Anastasia of Carrington and HRH, Prince Hisirdoux, the Duke of Clois (@royalhouseofcarrington)
TRH, Crown Prince George, Duke of Everton and Crown Princess Anne, Duchess of Everton (@crownsofesha)
HRH, Margaret, the Princess Royal of Corrilea (@theroyalsofcorrilea)
HM, Queen Diana and HRH, Prince Gerhard of SimDonia (@bridgeportbritt)
HRH, Madame Royale Eleanor de Thornolie (@theroyalthornoliachronicles)
TM, King Giovanni and Queen Consort Cassandre (@royalhouseofcardsleyts4)
TIM, The High King and High Queen of the Presean Empire (@stthomaspalace)
TM, King George I and Queen Elizabeth of Illyria (@the-lancasters)
TRH, the Duke and Duchess of Marseille and Saint-Lyon (@sosa-royals)
HM, Rosalind II, Queen of the Armoricans (@armoricaroyalty)
HM, King Arthur of the United Kingdom of Prydain and Voltadelmar (@prydainroyals)
TRH, The Prince and Princess of Belen (@housekonig)
HIH,  The Princess Imperial Eliana of Alexandria (@thealexandrianroyals)
TM, Queen Najwa and King Abeni of Oasis Springs (@hrh-the-royals)
TRH, Crown Princess Emeline and Crown Prince Cedric of Whitmore (@whitmoreroyals)
TM, King Oliver and Queen Charlotte of Cedoria and the Isle (@thebaillieroyals)
TM, King James II and Queen Alibhe of United Kingdoms of Great Briton and Ériu (@trhor)
Her Majesty Queen Irene and HRH Prince James (@albanyroyals)
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basegamesim · 1 year
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teacher double feature !!!!
no cute preview this time just vibes srry 
@trhor​ - Professor with a Past (link)
“For the sim request, male sim late twenties to early thirties. Looks like he probably killed someone, academic now. Hot, zaddie vibe. Idk of that helps but hey have fun.”
i luv this prompt so much!!! i luv academia looks for my male sims so i enjoyed makin this one a lot! he teaches elements of painting n sometimes shows off his tattoos n lecture loll
Anonymous - Make Whatever (link)
hes kinda giving like. disgruntled graduate researcher who was forced to teach an intro english course to afford his tuition and slept like 4 hrs last nite 
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nexility-sims · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
thank u for the tag @armoricaroyalty 💕
are you named after anyone? nope. my mom just liked the name.
when was the last time you cried? uhhh ... i was slicing onions the other day and wept profusely ... i guess i teared up during my preliminary defense a couple weeks ago, twice, so perhaps then ???? last full cry was at like 3am in bed a few days before that for unrelated reasons askdjdsg
do you have kids? no ! according to my Timeline™, check back in seven years.
do you use sarcasm a lot? honestly, yes. way too much. but, i think fair to say exclusively with close friends and family. you have to unlock it :^)
what sports do you play/have you played? i'm not a sports girlie ... i dislike sweating ... i did play tennis for a year in high school, tho. it was fine but i ain't like my teammates.
what's the first thing you notice about other people? faces, but specifically noses. i love noses. i think it's because i used to do #art a lot, and particularly people, so i paid attention to features like that.
eye colour? dark brown. yes, i know, a blessing.
scary movies or happy endings? scary :^)
any special talents? not special, exactly, but i am told that i am notably good at writing, which bodes well for #career and hobby reasons. also organizing. carrying groceries in one trip. stacking dishes. but, you know, talent is as cheaper than table salt...
where were you born? small town middle of nowhere cornfields and soybeans no sidewalks southeastern north carolina.
what are your hobbies? wasting time on simblr dot com, pretending to Write, cooking little things, infrequently pretending that i still draw from time to time, listening to politics podcasts, watching food network.
do you have any pets? yes ! i have a cat. her name is tinsel, and she's the bitchiest sweetheart you'll ever meet. my precious, persnickety, big-headed, long-bodied old lady.
how tall are you? like 5'0.5" - 5'1". if i could be shorter, i would be. me, my sister, my mother, and my grandmother are all basically the same height. i think my great-grandmother was, too.
fave subject in school? history, obviously :^)
dream job? yeah, alright, i'm a bad feminist who fantasizes about being a happy housewife BUT my legitimate dream job is being a tenured professor at a university that has solid ties w/ the local native community and supports community-engaged scholars. i just wanna be paid to teach and write and be of service...
tagging: uh ... no clue who's been tagged & who hasn't, so i'm just gonna tag randomly ... @thegrimalldis & @funkyllama & @bridgeportbritt & @whitmoreroyals & @simming-in-the-rain & @trhor & @albanyroyals & @wa-royal-tea & @simsstoryteller & @dreamstatesims & @simadelics & @scythesms & @thistleflower-sims & @empiredesimparte & @moonfromearth 💗
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warwickroyals · 1 year
🎶✨ When you get this,  write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 of your favorite followers cool ppl✨🎶
Thank you @morrigan-sims, @salemsimss and @royalmedani for the tag <3
I'm still almost exclusively listening to rap music, so sorry for being super unpredictable.
I tag: @thegrimalldis, @trhor, @citylighten, @nexility-sims, @funkyllama, @the-lancasters, @ardeney-sims, @ashubii and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet but wants to do it
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trhor · 1 year
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Then - 15th July 2042
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trentonsimblr · 1 year
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! 🕊️🤍 You know I love you Sarah, I'll forever be grateful for how welcoming you were when I was getting started. You're wonderful and just never change. Hi, bye!
MARY! This made me cry and literally made my day 😭 ❤️
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armoricaroyalty · 19 days
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Domestic press coverage of the Armorican royal family. Dec 2017 - Feb 2018
author's note: soooo many people contributed pics for this, thank you to my collaborators! In order of appearance:
@sirianasims @someone-elsa @funkyllama @empiredesimparte
@officialroyalsofpierreland @trhor @nexility-sims @housekonig
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wa-royal-tea · 1 year
Music I Actually Listen To Tag
I was tagged by @wavvi @salemsimss @crownsofesha & @trhor. Thank you for tagging me! 😊❤
✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 of your favourite followers cool ppl✨
BIBI - Vengeance
(G)-IDLE - Tomboy
Shaan - Om Shanti Om
Lee Hi - Breathe
There’s too many songs in my playlist to pick from but I’ll pick the ones I have on repeat this year ahgkjaghs
I tag: @thegrimalldis @thebrixtons @thehammondlegacy @the-royals-ts4 @the-lancasters @albanyroyals @alxandergoth @simsroyallegacy @sosa-royals @unasyns. Don’t feel pressured to do this tho! Do it if you wanna and don’t if you don’t wanna! ^^
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