#troofless stuff
troofless · 1 year
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made this after reading kaveh’s character story
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troofless · 2 years
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i made an aini shitpost
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troofless · 5 months
Quick Summary of Reverse 1999 1.3 Story
This is a story about how Matilda goes to Mor Pankh, a place in India, to see a meteor shower, and stops a star from falling on the village in the process.
Matilda: St. Pavlov Foundation member and astrology enthusiast.
Shamane: Kumar's sister and arcanist. He left his family because he didn't like how they discriminated against his sister.
Kaalaa Baunaa: Kumar's student and friend. They studied a certain 'celestial body' during university but parted ways after being exposed as arcanists and expelled from the university as a result.
Kanjira: Local kid and arcanist. Sherjah takes care of her like a adoptive mother. She is disgusted at how arcanists treat humans.
Sherjah: Human. Takes care of human kids and Kanjira.
Kumar: Main antagonist. Kaalaa Baunaa's teacher, and Shamane's sister. She was (supposedly) abused and thrown out of her family because she showed no skills as an arcanist, and expelled from her university for being an arcanist. She is very bitter about not being able to fit anywhere.
The first chapter is a prologue where Kaalaa Baunaa reminisces about her time in the university with Kumar.
Matilda arrives at the train station in Mor Pankh. She's here to witness a rare meteor shower. She falls asleep at the train station.
Kanjira and her friend steal Matilda's stuff but are caught by a passing by Shamane. Matilda wakes up and chases them, and she bumps into Kaalaa Baunaa, who returns Matilda her stuff.
Kanjira offers to guide Matilda to the shrine to find clues about the meteor shower. Matilda accepts. They sneak into the shrine and Kanjira leaves.
Matilda is attacked by stone statues and is saved by Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane.
Kaalaa Baunaa explains she is there to track down Kumar, her teacher and friend. There is a 'celestial body' that can be found in an alternate reality that can be reached through meditation. The 'celestial body' is like a star or planet. It is currently falling, and is predicted to land on Mor Pankh, killing everyone. Kaalaa Baunaa thinks that Kumar triggered this to happen because Kumar hates everyone in the village for discriminating against her. Kaalaa Baunaa and Kumar used to research this 'celestial body' in university together but they were expelled after being exposed as arcanists. They parted ways due to differences, but Kaalaa Baunaa continued her research on the 'celestial body' because that way, they can stay connected. Kaalaa Baunaa thinks that Kumar has contacted Manus Vindictae for help in summoning the 'celestial body'.
Shamane is here because he got a letter from Kumar, his sister. He has only seen her once in his life, because their family looked down on his sister. Their family is implied to have treated Kumar very badly. Disgusted by their treatment of his sister, Shamane left his family.
Kanjira overhears this talk and runs back to the village to warn everyone about the falling 'celestial body'. She is caught by Sherjah, her kind and human adoptive mother, who scolds her, having heard that Kanjira has been stealing from people.
Matilda, Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane go to Kumar's house to find clues on how to find Kumar. They run into Kanjira and Sherjah. Sherjah promises to help evacuate the villagers. They discuss how to find Kumar but can't think of anything. Matilda tries to contact the Foundation but because of her low ranking, fails.
Sherjah tries to evacuate everyone but some of the arcanist families look down on Sherjah for being a human and refuse to leave. Sherjah stays behind to convince them. Kanjira tells Sherjah to leave them behind but Sherjah refuses. Sherjah tells Kanjira that if she leaves them behind, she'll be just like them, and that she wants this cycle of hatred to end. Kanjira leaves in tears.
Kanjira arrives at the train station to find it full of Manus Vindictae people. The Manus Vindictae people start attacking the villagers, and they have to hide.
Kaalaa Baunaa, Matilda and Shamane arrive at the train station and evacuate everyone to Shamane's house beside the train station. Matilda finally manages to contact the foundation but they won't arrive in time before the 'celestial body' crashes.
Kaalaa Baunaa resolves to meditate and enter the alternate reality to find Kumar. Shamane tells her it's a trap, but Kaalaa Baunaa is insistent on going.
She enters the alternate reality and finds Kumar. Kumar tells her she's fallen into a trap. By entering the alternate reality, Kaalaa Baunaa has triggered the 'celestial body' to fall. Kumar explains she once went back to see her family, who apologised to her because Kumar is famous and recognised now. But now all of her family except Shamane are dead. She wants to take revenge on her family but can't.
Kaalaa Baunaa returns. She apologises for triggering the 'celestial body' to fall. Shamane consoles her. He remembers there is a secret tunnel under his house that leads to a place outside the blast area of the 'celestial body'.
They go back to the village and rescue Sherjah and the rest of the villagers. Then they lead all the villagers under the tunnel.
In the secret tunnel they are blocked by a door, which is said to only open by a true leader who is trusted by his people. Shamane is discouraged because he is seen as a disgrace by everyone in the village, but Kanjira tells him in an inspirational speech not to care about what other people think. Shamane breaks down the door and leads everyone out.
Kaalaa Baunaa realises where Kumar is hiding -- in a secret basement under her house. Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane go back to Kumar's house.
Underground, they find Kumar. Because of Manus Vindictae's experiments, Kumar is older and delusional. She is not in her right state of mind. Kumar panics and brings Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane into the alternate reality. In there, Kumar is young, calm, and intellectual.
Kumar explains that she intends to die when the 'celestial body' crashes into the village. She wants to see the 'celestial body' before she dies. She doesn't care if the 'celestial body' kills everyone else in the process because no one cared about her.
Matilda and a few villagers meditate and enter the alternate reality, which causes it to become unstable. Kumar realises that the alternate reality will break if too many people enter and panics. They fight. This is the final boss battle.
The alternate reality breaks and everyone returns to reality. The 'celestial body' is no longer connected to the real world and cannot fall onto Mor Pankh. Having failed, Kumar shoots herself.
Hours later, the Foundation arrives and thanks Kaalaa Baunaa, Shamane and Sherjah for helping the villagers.
The story ends with everyone looking at the starry sky. Kaalaa Baunaa holds up a bullet (most likely the one that Kumar used to shoot herself) and muses to herself.
So clearly the story has undertones about how the discrimination and hatred between humans and arcanists can cause an individual (Kumar) to be bitter and plan to kill everyone, and that this hatred has to be actively stopped by someone who has the resolve to be kind and strong (Sherjah). And Kanjira and Shamane, who are in their way jaded by this discrimination happening to them, are more passive and content with the status quo are moved by this -- Kanjira is inspired by Sherjah, and then goes on to inspire Shamane.
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troofless · 1 month
Oh my god this is amazing but check out Yuri's intonation at 7:29 during his birthday skit it's so funny
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troofless · 18 days
Chapter 2.2 Notes:
oh its so back to flynn suffering hours
so are we ever going to hear how flynn’s dad died and is it going to be the same as in the movie and the grudge oooor…
ah yes flynn repeats the exact same words from when they first met ‘move out of the way’ ‘get out of the way’ anyway flynn needs to beat someone (yuri) up to relieve his stress istg
when they said the two of them do everything together they really werent lying
ACTUALLY. ngl. i now need a confrontation between flynn (and yuri idk) and raven where flynn is like. where were you 10 years ago. when i needed you. i hate you. 
damn bro i cant believe both of them still wanted to join the knights after this thats insane the amount of dedication (that yuri eventually didnt have)
i cant express how much kicked puppy vibes this gives. like let us murder this child abusing knight :(
you know what would be really fucked up? if this was referenced in the empty mask and raven WAS there somehow. anyways,
haha lmao i see its back to ‘yuri tries to go help flynn, but ends up thinking he’s unneeded and flynn can take care of himself, but flynn silently appreciates him being there for him anyway’ hours
gotta love how even in a sobering chapter yuri once again flaunts his mental illness of his inferiority complex *laughs*
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troofless · 26 days
Chapter 1.1 Notes:
Man this chapter was so long despite like. Almost nothing happening in it lol.
wtf i cant believe we have an entire pov (sub)chapter about flynn insane
man norein (i feel like localisation would put it as norraine or noraine) and finath are such whack names 
i still think its funny if yuri can’t read (he can at least read the letters on the wanted poster, but he does give flynn’s letter to estelle to read that one time, and the coliseum challenge letters) but yeah its canon yuri can read 😔
huh wtf is this sudden attack and we get to see flynn inner thoughts on yuri???
the yuri’s OUR SWORD meme returns. love it
if this is how yuri and flynn co-own a sword i can’t wait to see how they act around repede (this never happens in the ln.) (FLYNN ITS MY TURN TO CUDDLE WITH THE DOG) (NO SHUT UP GO AWAY I THOUGHT YOU HATED HIM) (I NEVER SAID I DID) (YOU DID TOO) (I DID NOT)
yuri besmirching ages old techniques even as he learns them never gets old 😔yuri is that guy who goes to lab in a fighting game and comes out learning sick infinite tech combos that can’t be dropped
the narration: if this continued, it was likely that they would murder each other.
everything changed with a single book: why did they have to put it like that man
oh if only this was a fanfic this would have turned out so differently
So when Yuri says his swordsmanship is self-taught what he really meant is Flynn taught
oh my god. i can see it coming. yuri is going to ask to be taught letters so he can read the goddamn book. bruh.
edit: yeah it happened
also flynn pov! very nice. can see he wants to murder yuri but is holding back just a smidge. 
gotta love how flynn has a whole sad monologue about his dead dad and his mixed feelings about his martyrdom and yuri just KYs his way into existence.
oh i see! so flynn. has learnt to restrain himself from young. because of yuri. the reason he has so much self-control is because he practised it in order not to beat the shit out of yuri at first sight. it all makes sense now. 
ok so fun fact. 秘奥義 is mystic artes. but 奥義 is arcane artes, which is how yuri refers to what is ‘hidden’ in flynn’s book. and his ‘learn even more amazing techniques’ moment he says 技 which is strike arte. but technically since they’re talking about (supposedly) techniques that can be used without blastia, defaulting to the phrase techniques shld be fine. b4 u ask. no katakana reading above the kanji either.
flynn acknowledging that him and yuri are friends and getting embarrassed is so cute. icy cold (raging) baby melting a little inside. 
jiri thinking yuri is thinking up another river escapade (somewhat true knowing his read books -> beat up people/monsters pipeline) interrogating yuri until he cracked is so funny
jiri doing a tails get trolled at yuri wanting to study is so funny
hanks, sensing an opportunity to be had is also funny
man. i really REALLY can’t wait for the moment where yuri is all like. rip to your mother but i would have eaten that medicine. and flynn beats him up (i have no idea whether this actually happens)
ok so holy shit. we learn that flynn’s mother has either a TON of pride or is super depressed from having lost her husband that she would prefer to starve to death. now i really can’t wait for yuri’s rip to your mother moment /j
ok thats cute so yuri is writing his name aka ‘yuri lowell’ on his slate
oh yeah and the norein name stays to make stuff easier to find. i sleep until official gives us something (which is never) but in my mind know that she is noraine (no rain... ok maybe there is a point to be matter in staying with norein)
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troofless · 1 month
Chapter 3.4 Notes:
in a completely unrelated note to this chapter, the spirit of cooperation through internet circle friends really shone through in this one.
so i guess in this monologue we do see that yuri doesn’t see himself as ‘winning’ against flynn as per canon
so i do know that a girl in the citizen’s quarter mentions the (morning) market which is a cool touch that we get to see it in the distance in the game
weapons obsessed yuri
imagine you’re a lower quarter resident and you see the big boss of the kids running past you with this frantic look on his face and then he comes back holding a jingling bag of what is definitely gald. also it’s so funny that like. yuri hides his savings. did one of the kids steal from him before and did he beat them up i need to know
omg flynn pov FLYNN POV
what is this sudden POV change why are we suddenly omni-poving yuri’s thoughts bruh
i feel like yuri can run a swindling operation with just one victim (flynn) and be very successful in scamming flynn out of all his gald /j
flynn, thinking he’s committing burglary, but doing it anyway is such a ‘yuri has corrupted him’ moment
ok at first i thought yuri was scamming the guy but it turns out he actually paid more
damn flynn really said you’re giving this? to me? charity work? (恵んでもらう) and then yuri said no fuck you it’s not yours its OURS
insert yuri with the communism meme OUR SWORD
the “yuri……” is so funny
so anyway this starts the long history of yuri and flynn co-owning shit together, including, and not limited to, ted’s bread
flynn has a kuzco’s poison moment because japanese doesn’t translate well kekw
so yuri had a gay awakening except instead of gay its the feeling of wanting to beat the shit out of flynn. i get it. i totally get it. his radiant (light) dragon fang (destruction) is so cool.
so the term is actually ユーリの心は晴れやかだった but fuck it. a heart feeling clear and bright makes no sense but i hate it here actually
and then the manga ends here. i am actually soul crushed. like wtf. why didn’t this continue like the raven manga. i hate it here. 
aaand with this we’re done with part 1! everyone can go home now. the book is over. good night. /j i do wanna see the intermission tho i bet its hilarious
oh yeah and there’s no actual yuri and flynn holding the sword together. i’m actually mad. i was baited by the manga. i hate it here. 
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troofless · 1 month
Chapter 3.1 Notes:
Jiri crossing her arms and silently standing there is becoming her idle animation
Jiri easily pushing Keldon into his seat lmao
In which Baby Yuri makes stupid decisions and we’re all here for it
Remember that Yuri is seven years old here. He’s a baby. BABY…
Yuri goes off and does things on his own, the start. Repedeless behaviour fr smh
Omg so Flynn was tending? or looking through the fields for his mother… what a good boi
Flynn really addressed Yuri by his name, and then spoke to him like there was no one else around huh
Flynn refers to Hanks and Hanks-san which is so cute
“Yuri what do you have there” “A knife (axe)!” “YURI BABY NO—”
Yuri really said I like axes because they have a strong vibe (just like in the game)
‘Flynn has joined the party’ kinda vibe.
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troofless · 2 years
the absolute clownery of lawless to look at ildio’s breakdown with an ‘ugh’ face then repeat the exactly same mental breakdown sequence a hundred years down the road
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troofless · 9 months
actually obsessed w kim dokja saying that stories saved him. he like me fr
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troofless · 9 months
orv is so good man it's so long and so many things happen for the sake of happening but it touches on some sick ass themes of what it means to write a story, what it means to read a story and what it actually means to keep a story alive, how one person was saved by a story and even if that story is full of tragedy and sick twisted things it still saved him and even though the people who were hurt by the story journeyed a long way to kill the person who started it all they gave up on their revenge when they saw the person at the end of like like bro
kim dojka was born a constellation
come on man
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bro the scene where kid kdj (actually grown up kdj but his soul was scattered and almost gone) was taken in by secretive plotter like come on his childhood heroes, the people that made up his whole life, the people that saved him finally came for him im done
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hsy deciding to save a child after seeing how he almost succeeded in committing suicide and take on the mantle of tls123 im cryign
some parts of the book were bloated and unnecessary (kdj turning into the enemy of the story, the long battle sequence/talk with the dokkaebi king) but why the ending sequence where they try and fail to save kdj in the 1865th turn gotta be like that, why it gotta be torturing when it's the last stretch like cmon
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troofless · 2 years
servamp 120 spoilers
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troofless · 1 year
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yo i finished umineko and here is my tierlist on how much i enjoyed the characters. thoughts further below.
overall i would not recommend to anyone else because the plot thread is so hard to follow for a minimal payoff 6 chapters later (everything is revealed in chapter 7 and chapter 8 is a fucking nightmare of a tying up loose ends that was fucking painful to go through), EVEN CONSIDERING that it is a ‘murder mystery’ meant to be reread several times. would rate it i don’t understand why people call it iconic/10.
my main thoughts/grudges with the story:
let me preface by saying that battler is amazing. meta battler, piece battler, whatever, he stayed a consistent sunny force throughout the entire novel and is always a delight to watch his journey and thoughts throughout the game. he stays consistently empathetic, forgiving, despite his growth into a hardened warrior of a intelligent mystery solver on the ruthless gameboard of the likes of bern, beatrice, and lambda. this is why i thoroughly dislike when the game diverts away from his POV to someone else’s, mainly ange’s and later on, will’s.
about ange: i hate ange. her whole arc was about her struggling with being forgiving and not forgiving everything, shown with the scenes of imaginary maria and her journey to rokkenjima. i really liked the scene when she commanded the seven stakes to kill her classmates but they couldn’t, causing her to shun then, which has a huge payoff later on when she is told later how that keys into the basis of magic, where as long as no one else knows how things happen, magic can hide human crimes as magic. but then ange takes up so much time away from battler and the mystery just for her own angst filled journey that eventually ends in an anticlimatic end - battler in chapter 8 coaxes her to believe that magic and love can be an encouraging force, and she shuns that completely, opening the diary - up until here, that’s ok because i too wanted to know the truth, but then when she opens the diary she shuns the truth??? and suddenly she runs back to battler like a wounded animal saying that she should have trusted battler all along like a proverbial son. and it’s done so abruptly that i hate it. at the end of it all i just wanted her journey to be over and go back to battler, the obviously better protagonist of the two. i get that ange is supposed to be a flawed human being in contrast with bitterness and hatred and jadedness, but it is also because of those same flaws that make her so boring because she’s just so predictable.
also let me say here, that i fucking hate sakutaro. sakutaro was okay as a lion, but the moment they made him a human avatar with that annoying ass uryu tick i fucking hated it. maria was already ticking me off by taking so much screen time with her scene with her and rosa, MARIA convincing ange ‘magic is real!!’ and the whole sequence where ange imagines her being friends with the seven stakes. it was pulling time away from the mystery with beatrice and battler to set up something that could be explained in fewer scenes - that you need love to believe and twist the truth or some other theme relating to that - and it was utter torture going through all of ange’s moments because of this.
about beatrice: so sayo/yasu was basically three-timing battler (by holding onto feelings for him), jessica, and george. which is just. why. the twist is classic for a murder mystery - i particularly like the clue that kanon’s body is never found after he’s murdered, shannon and kanon are never seen together by other people, shannon is the only one who knows natsuhi’s favourite season is autumn, when beatrice marks them with a butterfly burn so they know them meeting her is real the marks are identical on their hands to show they share the same body - so it’s fine. but the whole business with her manipulating other people’s feelings is just so weird and fucked up that i (battler) can’t condone. plus, who is she really? at the end she meets up with battler as beatrice and jumps into the ocean, which means that she has settled on beatrice being the dominant personality but that’s just cruel to the other two personalities that suddenly feel a lot ‘lesser’ because of this. also, the possibilities for incest with the reveal (triple incest with battler jessica and george, lmao) makes it so funny. 
my dislike for the narrative: throughout the entire game, it’s basically a given that narrative lies to you; about shannon/kanon, about the fantasy stuff that happens in the mystery sections not being real but a lie told by someone’s POV, the sprites of beatrice, shannon and kanon, being wholly different even though there’s no way they don’t look similar in reality, even the meta sections or the sequences where ange is in the real world don’t actually occur. it confused the hell out of me and made me so frustrated because they never explain the lies either; the solution to the mysteries for all the games are never explained but vaguely alluded to, meaning i have to pick up a wiki or reddit section to get explanations for those. heck, i didn’t even know or theorise that kanon was one of yasu’s personas until i pulled up a reddit section after the end of the game! i hate that the game doesn’t give you the answers, i get that they’re supposed to make you think, but that’s just bad mystery writing. explain all the tricks fairly by the end of the book.
the epitaph: the fact that someone solved it as soon as chapter 5 was amazing, but i hate that they didn’t give the taiwan hint until chapter 7. insert something about a detective rule that all hints should be given at the start of the game bla bla. i do like the quadrillion hints from as far as chapter 2 (battler offhandedly mentioning it when he visits the chapel?) and chapter 4 (photo from kumasawa’s family visit?) though.
THE FUCKING JEBAIT IN THE NAMES OF THE GAME. ANSWER ARC IS NOT ANSWER ARC. YOU ONLY GET ANSWERS IN CHAPTER 7. chapter 5 and 6 are a fucking pain in the ass to get through because of this, ESPECIALLY WHEN they tease battler understanding beatrice but never explaining what it is at all. (and yes i didn’t know how to solve chapter 6 logic error at all after chapter 6 ended.) and the fact that chapter 7 has the nerve to start with WILL as the protagonist and battler never appears... is so infuriating. tldr i spent 4 chapters of the question arcs having so many questions, making theories, enduring all the shitty fantasy sequence bullshit because i thought everything would be answered in the ANSWER ARC and have a huge payoff only to be sorely disappointed by the shitty answers that were chapter 5 and 6. i truly believe that if chapter 2, 4 and 5 didn’t exist, the game would have been better. 
i might as well put it in now that i remember that i spent the first half of chapter 2 groaning at how shitty it was that they had to divert from the interesting mystery - especially after the wonderful hook of chapter 1 tea party - to tell about the love story of george/shannon and jessica/kanon that i was wholly uninterested in, and it only got interesting once the mystery section came into play. and yes, all things considered, i still think that whole section should be cut out, or at least in later sections, slashed in size because yes we need to hear that shannon destroyed the mirror like five different times in five different points of the story, stop recapping pointless things!!!! (yes i know it’s supposed to key into the mystery that shannon is sus and later in the reveal that beatrice blew it up with dynamite cements that she is shannon)
also i hate the fight scenes like bern having to go the extra length to hold a single truth book party which has to lead to a fight scene with lambda that ends with the storyteller god killing lambda because 1. they are so obviously fantasy and the narrative blatantly tells you that they are using this to misguide you and 2. exactly as above. they are all skippable because of that in my mind.
oh yeah. and kyrie shooting eva but not checking to see that eva is dead is so completely bullshit, especially since it happens TWICE with beatrice, and then A THIRD TIME with eva again. like i hate the author for making her look incompetent as hell without giving a satisfactory explanation like she was rushing for time or rudolf chased her out of the room or smth.
welp, i’m just glad that now i can look for cool fanart know what they mean and browse through the wiki and ao3 to soothe my enraged heart from the shitty storytelling of umineko.
anyway, here are some fun screenshots i got from reddit while i was post-reading the wiki and reddit for answers even as basic as HOW TO SOLVE BATTLER’S LOGIC ERROR IN CHAPTER 6:
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troofless · 2 years
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in light of the new episode i made a few memes to celebrate
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troofless · 2 years
So I read the first half of 2ha in 2 days and my reaction went from 
Wow! this looks interesting! to 
oh That guy is the ML and not the sweet bland sounding one! I’m even more interested now! to 
Damn the dynamic is so good I really love the teacher/student dynamic and imbalance in how the teacher is incredibly strong, also the hatred relationship lol esp in the ghost bride arc to 
Oh the ML has liked him all this time. Ok. Would you really love a kid romantically esp one so immature with no redeeming qualities I find that incredibly unrealistic to 
Bro the MC has liked his teacher all the time he just doesn’t recognise it ALSO he has fucked his teacher multiple times in the past that’s insane to
(The arcs start slowing down in quality after the teacher dies and they go thru a boring arc to get him back, a timeskip arc which is ok ig, and the most boring arc where they bring up the drama of an entirely different sect that I just have no interest in so idk what to put here)
So far the plot jumps from arc to arc with the style of ‘isolated problem appears, they fix it, move on to next problem’ without a very clear connection. For a while it felt fresh and new but after a while it gets stale. Maybe it has to do with the lack of descriptions of the fights, or how the resolution of the arcs most of the times end up being too quick and therefore unclear, from the Peach Blossom arc onwards. 
I knew a timeskip would occur from the very start bc age appropriate relationships bla bla but this one was really kinda flimsy if you think about it... I did like seeing the change of the MC though. Makes you think about how far he’s come and be proud at how much he’s changed. Also like how he reflects on his past years when he became mentally crazy and is shocked at the difference. 
I love the word play jokes a lot, but the Ji Ba joke especially made me laugh out loud for some time. Same for Jian Gui and Xia Si Ni. Wish they kept the MC’s sense of humour in the story but eh. Not everybody can be a Wei Wuxian 😔 Dude literally named his sword Sui Bian for the joke. 
I’m glad the author did decide to expand on the ML’s thoughts and feelings rather than keeping it onesided ‘show not tell’ situation though. It definitely helps tip the balance in favour of making me like the ship relationship. (Unlike the one in MDZS lmao who cares about that bland guy give me more Jiang Cheng). I like Xue Meng growing more and more to like Mo Ran (I just like the ‘brothers that dislike each other that repair their relationship over the years after much pain and suffering’ trope. Also Xue Meng is hilarious. 
As for Shi Mei, I legit felt bad for him bc 5 minutes after he was introduced I was hoping he wasn’t the ML because he was bland. I am Really Really hoping Shi Mei isn’t going to end up the yandere and possessive bad guy and will end up staying the nice and gentle cheerleader but so far I am already picking up bad signs. From the moment they mentioned the bad guy used water qi I knew Shi Mei was somehow going to be shafted as the bad guy so the Shi Mei/Mo Ran ship will die for sure instead of a first crush fading away kinda situation :’)
Is the story good? I guess. It was worth picking up to read. But if you asked me right now, if I would reread it again? No. 
Also, I have learnt not to read novelupdates reviews because they are full of people going ‘oH nOOO dOn’T rEAd tHiS MC iS a rapiSt das baaaad’ on literally every story, so what can I do now? And, can I say that 2ha’s full name of the husky and cat thing is very misleading and made me stay away from this book at first because I thought it was about a dog and cat that became humans? .....
Anyway I’m glad that Seven Seas is so far doing a good job of translating it and would def read Book 2 and until the teacher dies bc it’s not bad until then. Also the illustrations are pretty. Having to dig through multiple sources just to read the mess that is the unofficial translations is blergh. How did the fans even do it. How did they manage to put themselves through that torture. Why do shitty MTLs exist. Just. Why.
And one last question. If they can get an official translation for 2ha and MXTX books, SURELY they can get an official translation for Legend of Sun Knight. SURELY. 
But no one wants to read non-danmei books even though Legend of Sun Knight is superior to 2ha and MDZS in every way...
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troofless · 1 day
Chapter 3.2 Notes:
holy fuck we are (technically) finally DONE with the first book. what a milestone. damn
dude this was such a chonky chapter!!! i wanted it to be out yesterday to mark the one month anniversary since the tl began but oh well
ayyyy flynn genius cooking days (run, yuri. run. this will not last for long)
master chef flynn and yuri (judge) fr
yuri not being able to cook and flynn cooking amazing food this is truly the era of all times
yuri inferiority complex is back! man i missed it. dont worry this complex about food won’t last for long (cherish it while it lasts)
nooooo yuri new sword. surely flynn is going to go our sword this time right.
omg merchants and nobles becoming bankrupt because of price drop due to previous hoard? KARMA. PAYBACK BITCH. DIE.
haha wait wtf the uncle really is dead?? :( raven-coded uncle noooooooo
oyea and between the prev chapter and this chapter raven really was going thru his second character arc huh. man was fighting for his life and dying 
ok so ig the implication is that alexei or the council changed drastically after the entelexia war so like either alexei gave up on good morals due to shitty council behaviour or all his good men died during the war possibly due to council shenanigans but anyway alexei is definitely evil alexei now
also i just realised but yuri and flynn do reference a chivalrous thief/義賊 in the miska quest when raiding flynn’s room lmao
good to know yuri has been breaking into houses ever since he was a kid
yo worthless junk がらくた mentioned from the game prologue lmao
haha omg yuri and flynn scrapping is golden 
ah yes the somewhat subtle allegations of yuri and flynn being married couple in the future since they know everything about each other (except for yuri’s scar huh) /cope
man this whole book is just one entire character quest for flynn
ha ha omg yuri punching flynn made my day
omg no way… so the chapter title omoi no katachi is talking about yuri and flynn screaming? im gonna be sick fr
ah yes i love how jiri’s way of solving violence is with more violence /j
hanks calling jiri baasan is so lol
yoooo no way flynn quotes jiri when he says a crime is a crime /delulu
‘just take the fucking medicine norein’ has the same vibes as ‘get in the robot shinji’
norein to jiri: i have one final message for flynn… please tell him… change da world… my final message… goodbye… *windows sound*
hanks: take this bread *eminem rat*
jareth and the other boys waiting for yuriflynn to come back *mr bean waiting meme*
ah yes yuri making flynn search for him smh typical yuri this is why flynn keeps telling yuri to meet him at a time and place in the main game bc otherwise yuri cant be found
okkkk omg thats so cutee ahhhhh so yuri really say flynn is coming to search for yuri instead of the other times when it’s been the other way around huh aaaaarrggghghhghhhhh *chomping at the bit*
man just imagining the beaten up boys sitting on the wall staring into the distance in the night awww
ha ha both of them fell asleep under the stars totally not fruity coded
haha omg they split the bread of course they did somewhere in the future ted is rejoicing ajfdnqlkejfqwe
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