#tsukki himself seems like he's at that point where he's like ''i don't even care anymore'' lol
enbyboiwonder · 2 years
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lol, Yamaguchi’s reaction when someone else calls Tsukishima “Tsukki.” He has monopoly on that nickname!
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kuroos-babie · 3 years
falling in love with a single mom hcs
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INCLUDES: nishinoya, tsukishima, yaku
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you spent a good part of your childhood with nishinoya, chasing away the dogs that had a penchant of scaring your best friend shitless, climbing trees and playing treasure hunt
it was funny, to say the least, seeing how he grew from such a scaredy-cat to the energetic and confident noya everyone knows
throughout highschool you watched him chase girl after girl and he watched you turn down guy after guy
the dynamic you two had was that of a feral gremlin child and its chill owner holding the leash and everyone, including you two, thought you would always be together
everyday was fun with nishinoya's energy hanging around you, no doubt
but when he asked you to travel the world with him right after graduation, he was met with a hesitant refusal
"i'm planning to go to college, yuu"
"it'll be fun, y/n! like going on an adventure!!"
"visit me once in a while"
his heart clenched at the way you smiled at him with teary eyes, "i can't change your mind can i?"
with a soft shake of your head, he sighed
he leaves in three days
the first few months of him being away were filled with calls and pictures of his trips, smile seemingly wider and brighter than before and a part of you regretted not coming with him
but college starts in a week, and with that came missed calls and ignored messages
at some point, neither of you just remembered to hit the other up, caught up with the stresses of your own life and before either of you knew it, 5 years have passed
he came to visit home for the first time in years, no longer the boyish noya you knew but he still had that warm aura around him
you were the first thought to come to mind the moment he step foot in town, his whole body buzzing with excitement at the mere thought of seeing you again
so of course he went straight to your house, feet taking step after memorized step and hands clutching bags of things he got from his travels
"Y/N!!!!!", he calls out as he enters your house which was answered with a harsh shushing
turning a corner he saw you in the living room, lovely as ever-- he thought, and with a baby sleeping soundly in your arms, "the baby's sleeping, yuu"
you laughed at the cracking in his voice, "mine, who else's?"
man, he looked like he was about to cry
he quietly approached you, careful as to not wake the baby
"for you", he mumbled while handing you the bag of snacks and stuff
the room was filled with silence after you hummed a short thanks
he was looking at the child's face, it looked like you, he thinks
he asked when you got married, "you didn't tell me, didn't even invite your best friend to your wedding", he whined
"i didn't, i'm not married"
his eyes were wide as they looked at you
you told him about getting pregnant shortly after college graduation and getting ditched
he thought of himself selfish as he heaved a sigh of relief
"it's fine though, my parents are helping me a lot", he notes how you looked at your baby with such fond eyes and his heart swelled, he felt like crying
you chuckled at the look on his face, "hey don't look so sorry for me, can't be happier to have her"
"what's her name?"
you looked at your daughter's face and pet at her cheek with a finger, "yui"
nishinoya couldn't hold it in anymore and so he let himself cry and pulled you close
and for the nth time since the day of your college graduation he asked you again, "come with me, y/n, let's travel the world" but you have a child "i'll stay with you here until she's old enough", he said while kissing the tears that slipped down your cheeks
"then we can all go travel the world together"
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he liked working at the museum, he really does
at least that's what he tries to tell himself as he led the group of preschoolers through the sendai museum
they were cute, yeah, but also very chatty
especially this one little boy with the frog hat
"what's this called?"
"it's a fossilized remain of--"
"how about this one?"
"it's--", and before he could answer, the child was already running to the other side of the exhibit
he just sighs
the tour ended and he was getting ready for his lunch break, proceeding to the cafe by the entrance as he always does
his eyes almost caught the flurry of green that passed beside him but he chose to ignore it
but of course it wasn't long after he sat down with his order when he heard a familiar bubbly voice
"mama that's the dinosaur guy!", he heard the little boy whisper loudly, "he's so tall, like a brachiosaurus!"
he couldn't supress the chuckle at the child's remark and he turned in his seat, "so you were listening, i thought you were just bouncing all around the place"
"oh sorry, did he give you a hard time?"
your voice drew his attention and he smiled at the sight of your worried face, something that surprised even him, "not really, no"
he invited you two to sit and eat with him and he listened to your son ramble all about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals
"a smart one, i like him"
your son really liked him too and asked you to take him to the museum again and see tsukishima
and so it became a habit for you to visit the museum every friday with the little boy, waiting for the tall blonde to get off work so you three could grab something to eat
and every time he sees you in the little cafe by the entrancne with your son, tsukishima couldn't help but smile a little and pat at his chest to calm the subtle fluttering as he push the door open
it was a weird feeling he never knew would come so naturally at the mere sight of you two
he bought your son picture books and and figurines and copies of the "walking with dinosaurs" documentary
"we should watch it this weekend..." his eyebrows shot up for a moment at your meek suggestion
of course the little boy was elated, excited to have him over at your house "yes! let's go now! i wanna watch it with tsukki now!!!"
tsukishima returned his gaze on you, "if it's not too much trouble then i'd love to go now"
and so the rest of the friday night was spent on your couch with all the lights turned off and a narration of al the allosaurus' life
you looked over at the other side of the couch to see your son laying on tsukishima, eyes fluttering shut with the man passed out and lightly snoring
he must've been tired
you draped a blanket over the two of them and waited for sleep to visit you too and it soon did
morning came and you woke up to the smell of coffee
"i borrowed your coffee maker, i hope you don't mind", his voice was still low, trying not to wake the little boy
"yeah, sorry i didn't wake you up last night... you looked tired"
he chuckled as you walked over to the kitchen to take out two mugs and prepared some toast, "i don't mind, it was the best sleep i've gotten in a while. i hope it wasn't too much of a bother for you though"
you leaned on the kitchen counter as you took in his appearance; hair ruffled and eyes puffy with sleep, "i don't mind it one bit"
he huffed a laugh and looked over to the sofa where your son still laid
"he likes you a lot"
"so it seems, i hope you do too", his face was smug but you didn't miss the red that tinted his cheeks when you told him "of course i do, in fact i was thinking maybe we should do this more often"
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his smirk grew, "just say you want to wake up everyday to the sight of me and leave it at that"
you rolled your eyes at his comment but smiled nonetheless, "oh shut up"
he had just come back from the nekoma volleyball team reunion, head lightly buzzing from the few bottles of alcohol kuroo forced down his throat
making his way through the carpeted hotel hall, he could barely make out the sound of little feet hurriedly padding on the floor and quiet sniffles
taking out the keycard to his room with the blissful thoughts of finally sinking into the soft mattress was interrupted by a soft bump on his thigh, a muffled thud and a small "ow..."
it took a few moments before the sight of the little boy on the hotel floor registered properly in his brain
it was well past 2 am... why the hell is there a child running around the halls
"uh... hi?"
big bright eyes looked up at him and he can't help but sigh at the sniffles increasingly growing louder
"where's your mama, little guy?", yaku crouched to the little boy's level, careful to keep his balance as the booze and exhaustion was catching up to him
however, at the mention of his mother, the little boy's eye filled up with more tears and was ready to burst anytime, "mama..."
"oh no no no no"
yaku's too tired for this
so with a sigh and a groan, he took the boy in his arms and entered his room
"let's look for her in the morning, okay? i think i still have some cookies in my room, would like some?"
the little boy nods his head, earning a relieved sigh from yaku
the rest of the night was spent with cartoons playing on the large hotel room tv, yaku leaning against the headboard with the little boy snoozing away while being tucked in his arm, cookie on his hand and crumbs all around
morning came and panic surged through your body the moment you realized your 3 year-old son was nowhere inside your hotel room
your hurried to the security desk to report and hopefully make an announcement, head reeling and aching with the sudden rush of adrenaline first thing in the morning
with your head in your hands, you let out a groan while trying not to cry at all the possibilites flashing through your mind
your wallowing was cut short with an "excuse me, i found this child last night"
turning your head back to the security desk, you see a man in his pajamas and slippers, hair ruffled from sleep and a sleepy little boy laying on his shoulder
"oh my god"
the whole conlict ended when you came up to them and introduced yourself, the little boy quickly recognizing your voice and whipped his head over to you, "mama!"
your son reached out for you and yaku couldn't help but notice how pretty your glossy eyes were despite how disheveled you looked
"mama, yakkun gave me cookies and we watched cartoons aaaaall night!"
yaku's eyes widened at the little boy's words and let out a nervous chuckle, "you make me sound so suspicious"
he turned to you and explained how your son bumped into him at 2 am and he was just too tired to bring him down to the security desk
"my tired tipsy brain thought it was a better idea to just let him sleep in my room and look for mama in the morning", he ended with the tips of his ears tinged red
you laughed at his nervousness, "well we can talk more about it over breakfast, what do you say yakkun? my treat"
with the way you were smiling at him, how could he even refuse?
the rest of the morning was spent with coffee and waffles, juice and fruits and chatter
he learned you and your son were in town for a few days, "i wanted to go see the fishies in the aquarium!", the little boy quips
with the new volleyball season just around the corner, yaku knew he'd have practices but he offered to tour you two around tokyo
he wanted to see you two again
briefly taking care of the toddler last night and having breakfast with you, he realized, were very much a welcomed change of pace in his hectic pro volleyball life
"are you my dad? mama told me daddy was working in tokyo" he remembered your son quietly mumbling last night, "i haven't seen him though, not ever"
the rest of your stay in tokyo was spent hanging out with yaku, your son growing more and more attached to him and slept over at his room every night
as promised, he took you and your son on a tokyo tour and even brought you to practice, introducing you to the national team and teaching your child receives
of course your trip eventually reached its end, promises of meeting again drowned in the little boy's tears as he tried to reach out to yaku
"we'll meet again, little guy", he says while ruffling the boy's hair, "i'll even go visit you and we'll play lots, okay?
of course he made a point of contacting you frequently, often video chatting during meal times and bedtime and a few more hours after, relishing in the time he could spend talking alone with you
"i can't wait to see you two again", he always says right after "good night"
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @sachirou-senpai @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies @toosaltyforacookie @mrs-kuroojinguji @shawkneecaps @miyastrology @galacticstxrdust @wakaushi @boosyboo9206 @sugawara-sweetheart @threeconsecutivefs @chichibia @diyosku @curiouslilbeast @cowbeboppy @tsukkaria @yyvveess @kirakirasaku
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mochi-marie · 3 years
Hi! I saw that your request are open, If you don't mind could I request some headcanons for Tsukishima, Sakusa, Iwaizumi and Semi of how they act when they are jealous? ♡
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author’s note :: hi hi!! this is my first time ever actually writing for semi and for sakusa, so i hope it's not too ooc / awful? any feedback and advice for writing characters is greatly appreciated! also, realizing it now, i realize my gremlin brain interpreted it differently and im kinda mad at myself for what i wrote 🤡 ( re: i actually hate it now pff ) 🥺👉👈 hope you enjoy?
perspective :: gender neutral
characters :: tsukishima kei, sakusa kiyoomi, iwaizumi hajime, semi eita
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♡ … will act unbothered! most likely won't be bothered at first, or at least it may seem like he isn't. yamaguchi would have a worried look on his face, calling it out to his friend, but he would end up shrugging. tsukishima would most likely be confident in your loyalty, depending on how long you've been together.
♡ … target: locked on! if things start to get a little too touchy, he'll easily insert himself into the situation once they start to get a little too close for comfort.
♡ … intimidation! easily slides his large hand onto your shoulder, hovering over the person testing tsukki's comfort levels of others practically drooling over you. his height and rather stern gaze easily makes a shiver run down their spine.
♡ … embarrassment! if his mere presence wasn't enough to have them backing up, his snide remarks and verbal observations of the person's clear interest in you will be enough to have them huffing with red cheeks and turning away, embarrassed and made a fool out of.
♡ … acts like you were the jealous one! don't tell me that he wouldn't turn this on you. if you're on the teasing side, if you go to try and taunt him for his ( in your opinion ) jealous outburst, before you could even choke out a word, he'd hit you with : "wow, i can't believe you would allow that, (name)." you would be left flabbergasted, confused as only a smirk is painted onto his lips as he turns away. he'll always insist that you get jealous, not him.
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♡ … (*insert creative notion here*)! most likely will let you handle it unless he sees you grow uncomfortable within the person's flirtatious presence. he knows and trusts in your loyalty, despite the drop he feels in his stomach.
♡ … protection through intimidation! he might cringe visibly if the other person touches you in some way, but heads over ( trying his best not to rush ). the twisted fluttering in his stomach won't leave him alone, so he strides his way over, not touching you, but standing awfully close behind.
♡ … awkward silence ensues! his sharp gaze, paired well with the mysterious threat of wearing a mask and his intimidatingly tall stature and stoic appearance, is more than enough to get the flirt to cough awkwardly into their fist in a show of discomfort at the awkward silence that now draped itself over you three.
♡ … tainted! the moment they're gone, he'll most likely want to be able to comfort you in some way if the encounter really bothered you or made you feel unsafe in some way, but the fact that the flirt touched you irked him. he'll insist you take a shower to, "wash their disgusting germs off".
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♡ … sweet, sweet haji! i think iwaizumi would be quicker to jealousy than others on this list, as well as second to semi at being the worst at hiding it. your sweet haji will observe from afar at first, trying to gauge whether or not you need him to intervene.
♡ … so proud! if you handle it yourself, he'll be beaming with pride for the rest of the day, the only thing managing to pull the smile off of his face being Oikawa and his little remarks on how worried he had looked.
♡ … intervening! if you end up not being able to get them to back off, hajime will have no problem with stopping whatever he is doing just to head over to where you and the other is standing, wrapping his arm around you to rest gently on your hip / waist, staring at the opposing person across from you.
♡ … immediate results! you won't have to worry much now, especially with the way the flirtatious newcomer eyes your lover's arms and body, rethinking their decision to try and flirt with you. quickly, they make a flustered exit, excusing themselves warily.
♡ … caring and calm! the moment you two are left alone, his grip on your waist never falters as he turns to look down to you, gazing over your form swiftly before asking a few questions, awkward grin on his lips and cheeks blushing a rosy pink when met with your small teases and thankful smile.
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♡ … to the rescue! due to his hot-headedness, i personally don't think it would take long for him to both notice, and eventually insert himself into the situation; face cold, eyes sharp in a pointed glare, heart thumping in time with his feet as he jogs over.
♡ … a threat has approached! compared to others, he may not be the most intimidating, but his larger stature and his generally stoic resting face feeds into how scary he can appear. adding on the furious glare paired with a forced smirk on his stony face and he appears rather... threatening.
♡ … bark bark! if he doesn't manage to scare them off without saying anything to begin with, the beating of his heart that pounds in his ear as he practically barks at them to get lost does.
♡ … showing off! the moment you're alone again, semi will most likely drag you both away to spend the rest of the day alone together, enjoying each other's company publicly. he'll make sure to let it be known that you both are very much an item.
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© — mochi-marie.tumblr 2021 ⊱ please do not plagerize, repost, reproduce, edit / alter, or claim any works as your own.
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rosierin · 3 years
Studying with you
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pairing: tsukishima x fem!reader
synopsis: after finding out about your gradually decreasing grades, your teacher urges you to change your studying methods and decides to find you a tutor among the class. shame that tutor is literally the biggest jerk known to man. you swear he knows nothing but insults and that his heart is made of stone. or is it?
genre: fluff
type: oneshot
word count: 1.6k
a/n: i hate love this guy, srsly
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"Oi, (y/n). Wake up, we're not finished." 
Your head jerks up and you let out a loud, drawn out groan as your eyes refocus on the man in front of you. He's sneering, same as usual, and you wish you could suddenly go back to dream land where you were happily baking cookies with Hinata and Kageyama. 
Beneath your arms are two gaping algebra textbooks. One is riddled with scribbly notes and an unnecessary amount of pointless doodles, except the one of Tsukishima— scowling with a head drawn way too big compared to the rest of his skinny body. The other is filled with neat, detailed formulas, pastel highlights and all the correct answers which you've been struggling to find for the past two hours.
"I'm up, I'm up, geez.." You yawn with your head still on the table and look up at Tsukishima with drowsy eyes. "You could've woken me up a little nicer, ya know."
"Yeah.. no. How about you hurry up and finish so I can go home?" He looks more than done at this point and huffs, pointing at a formula jotted messily on your paper. "And you got that one wrong again, by the way."
You squint at your work, then realize he was right. "Oh. My bad."
Wanting to get things over with, you get back to work but your eyelids are so heavy it's ridiculous. Not to mention your brainpower has reached its limit.
You can feel your grip on your pen loosen as you try and correct your work but before you know it, your head drops again, only to be jolted awake by a sudden smack to the back of the head with what feels like a textbook.
"What the— Do you mind?!" You snap. 
Tsukishima doesn't react to your outburst in the slightest, just nods to your unfinished work with a look of lazy authority. "Algebra." He stares at you with a deadpan expression when you pout. "Now." 
"Fiiine." You sigh, annoyed that your puppy dog eyes didn't work on Tsukishima. Not that you thought they would. Tsukishima didn't seem like the type to particularly like animals, except maybe for dinosaurs. He had a small keychain of one buried deep within his pencil case, you found. "You know, you'd make a terrible teacher."
This time, it's Tsukishima's turn to yawn, stretching his long limbs and you have to force yourself not to focus on the pull of his lean muscles despite yourself. Then, he turns to look at you with a look of false innocence. "Sorry, go on?"
"I hate you."
"Great. Now ask me if I care."
You suck in through your teeth as you hold back from socking the blonde straight in the face. He's been sassing you non-stop since the beginning of your study session and you'd think you'd be used to his perpetual cocky remarks by now but alas, he was still a huge pain in your ass.
"Where're you going?" You ask as Tsukishima gets up from his chair that's in front of your desk, dusting the eraser shavings off your textbooks.
"Aw. Think you'll miss me?"
You bite your lip down and he notices, smirking contently before deciding to answer: "going to get some water. That question better be finished by the time I get back."
He's gone before you can retort, long legs granting him a quick escape. However halfway down the hallway you hear him add: "or I'll make you do three more."
"Yessir," you sigh, though you have absolutely no intention of following through.
You glance down at your textbooks for good measure— textbooks which are practically staring at you, and you can picture them with beady little eyes as though they're chanting— soooolve ussss.
You shudder. Man, you really were tired.
"Yeah, no. Sorry, Tsukki."
Pushing your homework aside, unfazed by your salty tutor's threats, you decide it's time for an actual break. You deserved it, right? Yeah, yeah you did. So without second thought, you let your attention drift to the scenery outside instead.
You'd been so focused on your homework (and Tsukishima's sass) that you hadn't even noticed the beautiful sunset that was now setting over the hills of Karasuno High. You always loved the way it looked at this hour, basking the buildings and tall, lush trees in its warm light. It was all too soothing, so soothing that you hadn't even realized you were once more falling asleep, eyeslids fighting to stay open until they finally gave in and what little willpower you had left, left your body.
"Right, time's up. You better be finish—"
The moment Tsukishima walks back into the classroom, eyes settling on your current state— sprawled out on your desk, mouth slightly agape and completely out cold, he's overcome with the urge to sigh.
He walks over to your desk and sits down opposite you, then as he leans his cheek into his palm, he lazily pokes your cheek— once, twice, but gets no reaction in response.
"You've got to be kidding me.." He sighs. But he decides to not bother and wake you up this time. What'd be the point? You clearly weren't in any shape to study and honestly, he didn't have the patience in him anymore to try in case it'd drive him crazy.
For a second he debates just leaving you there, passed out of your classroom desk, but quickly decides against it in case he gets an earful from your parents about leaving you alone or something. The last thing he wants is any extra trouble.
Therefore he agrees, albeit begrudgingly, to let you sleep. Just until you were rested up enough to work again.
Thirty minutes go by, you're still fast asleep.
During that time, Tsukishima took it upon himself to slip his headphones on and listen to some beats, hazel eyes flitting beyond the window to watch the last of the sunset, hoping it'd make the time go by quicker.
Usually, this would be right up his alley; peace and quiet, chill lofi and a sunset, however when sat on a painfully uncomfortable, wooden chair rather than his comfy and plump single bed, the experience was significantly less appealing. Therefore, after trying to find a comfortable sitting position and failing for the fourth time he decides to take his headphones off and focus back on his studies— he might as well, only when he reaches for his pen, he realizes it isn't there.
Amber eyes scan the table. Usually it'd be in his pencil case; he doesn't remember taking it ou—
Ah, never mind. It all makes sense when he sees it. Not in his pencil case after all, but balanced precariously between your fingers.
He rolls his eyes.
Why didn't she just use her own pen?
Reaching for it, he attempts to pull it out of your grasp only to freeze when you begin to stir.
He doesn't know why at this point— he could just wake you up, that's what he'd initially planned. But now, for some reason, there's something that prevents him from doing so. Maybe it had something to do with the way you were sleeping so peacefully.
He tries to pull at his pen again— gently— but this time, it isn't you stirring that makes him seize up, but the way your index and middle finger hook around his own.
His brain stutters.
Well, this is new.
Tsukishima's back straightens an awkward amount, completely unsure of what to do. Nothing like this has ever happened to him before. He becomes painfully aware of that. He's also painfully aware that you could possibly wake up while holding him like this.
Thankfully, you don't. And although the tenseness of his body is beginning to hurt, he still takes the time to admire your sleeping form.
You're laying crossed armed, head nestled between them, facing him. He watches your body rise and fall ever so gently, can almost hear your quiet breaths. It's picturesque, almost; the way your hair glows beneath the bright full moon. Unknowingly, his thumb twitches nearer, gravitating towards the warmth of your hand and he can almost feel—
"Enjoying yourself there?"
Suddenly he's frozen. Though it only lasts a second, for the next he's already retracted his hand, folding it under his arm like it was never there to begin with.
"Wh— How long have you been awake?"
"Long enough," you say, smiling curiously at him and for once the tables have been turned; the teased having become the teaser. "So you can be nice sometimes."
Tsukishima's expression is anything but impressed as you mock him, his face caught between confused and annoyed, and dare you say even a little bit embarrassed? He's quick to shake it off though, sparing himself of any sly comment as he regains his usual cool demeanor.
"Please. You're the one who grabbed me first," he scoffs.
"But you didn't try to move," you shoot back.
There's a strange atmosphere that settles in the room as your mishief-glinting eyes bore into his, and Tsukishima doesn't dare talk back for once, having been robbed of all witty comebacks. He hates being at a loss for words, but he hates even more so, the beginnings of a grin forming on your features, one that he knows is a result of his shortcomings.
"Whatever, (y/n) just pack up your stuff. We're done for the night," he says as he himself starts tidying his belongings.
You chuckle then nod your head. "Sure thing, sensei."
"...don't call me that."
"Urgh, shut up."
Later that night, when you're lying in bed, ready to fall asleep, your eyes snap open as your phone buzzes underneath your pillow. You pull it out and press the home button, wondering who could possibly be texting you at this hour. When you do, you're surprised when it's Tsukishima's ID that pops up.
He had sent one message:
"Oh and by the way, you drool when you sleep."
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nishi-noyas · 4 years
hiiii, i heve that your request are open so i was thinking about some of the boys reacting to you in shor shorts? i'd love to see that, i love your work 💖💞💟💝 don't feel like u need to do this right now, rake your time bby byeee
(2/2) (i'm the same person of short shorts) the boys can maybe be noya and kenma (or just who u like i just love them all)
A/N: I hope you don’t mind that I added a little yamaguchi and that Kenma’ did a little shorter 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 I was trying to get this out as soon as possible.
Yamaguchi T. x Reader
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Yamaguchi didn't know how to act at first. You had joined the volleyball team as their team manager around the same time as Yachi did. He had thought you were so pretty when Kiyoko had first introduced the two of you to the team. While Yachi was shy and utterly terrified of them, you were the complete opposite. It wasn't like you were loud and outgoing, but you made sure to try to keep the first years in line and tried to help Yachi get out of her shell more. He was so incredibly grateful that you weren't afraid to talk to them becuase Yamaguchi knew that he didn't have the guts to try and speak to you himself. You laughed at his jokes and cheered for him when he managed to land a serve during practice. 
So yeah, the boy had a massive crush on you. 
Said crush was not very helpful at the moment. The team was currently in Tokyo. Training with Nekoma and other amazing Tokyo teams. 
The team had been in the middle of a practice game with Nekoma. Yamaguchi had just been sent out as a pinch server when he spotted you across the gym in the shortest running shorts he had ever seen you wear. Tadashi's brain short-circuited. He had seen you in the school's skirt uniform, but you had always came to practice in the tracksuit that all the managers wore. It made sense for you to be wearing them, though, it was hot and humid, and everyone was trying to do their best to fight the heat. 
That still didn't mean that Yamaguchi was ready for it. He was so caught off guard by you that he forgot where he was. Ultimately, the whistle got him out of his stupor, but even then, the poor boy was so flustered that he just ended up hitting the ball into the net. 
"Ah," Yamaguchi winced. "S-Sorry! Sorry guys!" 
"It's okay!" 
"Don't sweat it, Yams!" Nishinoya reassured, giving Yamaguchi a hard slap to the back. 
Tsukki tsked, and Yamaguchi couldn't help but blush under the knowing look that his best friend was giving him. "Just make sure to keep your attention on the game."
"He's not focused on the game?" Hinata asked, honestly so confused. Having anything other than volleyball in your head? Impossible. "Then what are you thinking about?"
"I-I, n-nothing," Yamaguchi flushed under the questioning eyes of the rest of his teammates. His eyes moved back and forth from Y/N to back to his teammates. "I'm not thinking about anything."
The team quickly figured out what was happening when they caught sight of you in short shorts. All of them (except for Tsukkishima) collectively let out an "Ooh."
"Oh my god!" Nishinoya gushed excitedly. 
"Ha, Ha!" Tanaka laughed. He had a proud grin on his face as he slapped Yamaguchi on the back. He oddly resembled a proud older brother. "Yamaguchi, you dog you." 
"No, no!" Yamaguchi hurriedly denied. "That's not-you got it all wrong!"
"Alright, alright," Daichi said, dad voice at use. He finally decided to intervene when it looked like Yamaguchi was going to pass out from embarrassment. "Leave him alone, guys."
Daichi laid a hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. 
"No one will blame you for having a crush."
"I don't-"
Yamaguchi stopped midsentence when Daichi gave him his best "bullshit" look. The look shifted to a fond and understanding one when the first year shyly looked down at his feet. 
"Just try to keep your head in the game, okay?"
Yamaguchi managed to focus long enough to score some points for the team until he was subbed out. As he jogged off the court, you were there to greet him with a smile and a water bottle. 
"You did great out there!" 
"Thanks, Y/N," Yamaguchi said, his eyes looking everywhere but at you. Yamaguchi was sure that he was close to getting a heat stroke from how warm his face was. 
You knew that Yamaguchi wasn't always very talkative compared to Nishinoya. Still, the fact that he was obviously trying hard to not look at you was weird.  
"Are you okay, Yamaguchi?" 
"Y-yeah!" Yamaguchi stuttered out. He made an effort to look at you to try and play off how attracted to you he was right now. Yamaguchi tried, he really did, but his eyes wandered down to your legs before he not so subtly looked away. "Of course! Wh-why wouldn't I be?" 
That's when it clicked. 
"Then...why aren't you looking at me?" You asked, even though you were sure you had figured it out. You suddenly felt yourself get just as shy as Yamaguchi. Your heartbeat started to the race, and your cheeks started to warm up. 
"I... It's just that... you...you're really pretty, and you’re making me really nervous right now." 
Nishinoya Y. x Reader
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Nishinoya flirting with you was a daily occurrence. The guy had to say at least one flirty comment to you or Kiyoko a day. You were sure that Nishinoy would keel over and die if he didn't. So let's just say that you were very confused when it seemed like Nishinoya was avoiding you.It started in the morning while you and all the other managers helped feed the teams whatever was made for breakfast that day. It was a humid day so you had decided to wear a pair of your old volleyball shorts to fight off the heat. 
You talked with the libro from Ubugawa high when the clatter of a tray hit the floor from behind you. Embarrassingly, it startled you unfortunate enough to make you scream and clutch at your chest. 
"Nishinoya!" You yelled when you saw who the culprit was. "You scared me! Be more careful."You expected Nishinoya to something around the lines of "Don't worry, sweet cheeks. I'll keep you safe." 
Instead, all Nishinoya did was look at you with wide eyes, stutter out an "S-sorry" before running out of the cafeteria. It was weird, but you didn't think much of it at first. You believed that Nishinoya had just been preoccupied with that setting move he was trying to get down. The next time that Nishinoya acted out of character was before a practice game. Coach Ukai entrusted you with passing along some advice he had for Nishinoya.
"Hey, Noya!" You called out as you walked onto the court, where the boys were stretching. You immediately caught Nishinoya's attention, but instead of him happily bouncing his way towards you, the boy got up from his leg stretches and ran straight out of the gym. 
"Hey! Nishinoya!" Daichi yelled after him. "Where are you going?!"
"Bathroom!" Nishinoya yelled back, never looking back. "Gotta take a shit!"
"What's up with him?" You heard Kageyama ask. 
"Maybe he's nervous," Hinata answered, a tone of empathy in his voice.
The whole day continued like that, with you trying to talk to Nishinoya only to lead to him running away from you. At some point, he even threw poor Hinata to get the chance to run away from you during lunch. After making sure that Hinata wasn't hurt, you went to the person you sure had some idea of why Nishinoya was acting like this.
"Tanaka!" Tanaka stopped mid winding up for a spike when you called out to him. It was after the training camp was over for the day. The other half of Karasuno's chaos duo was doing some extra practice. 
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
Tanaka jogged up to you. "What's up, Y/N?"
"Alright," You said, resting your hands on your hips to let Tanaka know that you meant business. "What's Nishinoya's deal?"
"I-I don't know..."
"Don't lie to me," You poked a finger against Tanaka's chest and made sure to stare him down, so Tanaka knew you were serious. "Nishinoya has been avoiding me all day, and I want to know why."
Tanaka groaned in frustration. He was visibly uncomfortable with spilling any of his best friend's secrets, and you honestly felt bad for him. "I...I really think you should be asking him this."
"And how am I supposed to be doing that?" You asked. "Again, he's been avoiding me."
Tanaka shrugged. "I guess you're just going to have to catch him."
And that's precisely what you did. You waited for Nishinoya to finish his practice and hid from sight as you waited for him to get out of the showers. Nishinoya was too busy towel drying his hair to notice you, and that's when you took your chance and tackled him to the ground. 
"Ow!" Nishinoya groaned out from under you. "Y/N? What the heck?"
Nishinoya tried to sit up, but you pushed him back down his legs putting more pressure on your own. Nishinoya fought back a blush. 
"Why are you ignoring me?" You glared at him. "Did I do something? Are you mad at me?" 
"What? No! Of course not!"
"Then why do you keep running from me?" 
Nishinoya looked away from your intense glare. He wouldn't meet your eyes, and he sported a bright blush on his cheeks and cute pout on his lips. The sight of him like this, combined with his hair down, made you blush. You always thought Nishinoya was cute, but at this moment, you couldn't deny he was pretty.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you realized Nishinoya had mumbled something. 
"Um, sorry, what?" You blinked. 
"I...I didn't want to be a creep," Nishinoya repeated.
"A creep? Why would you be a creep?"
At your question, Nishnoya groaned and gently knocked his head against the floor in frustration. His eyes still not meeting yours.
"You just... "Nishnoya took a deep breath and let it out before he continued, "You look really good in those shorts Y/N. I guess you just made me really nervous."
Kozume K.
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You and Kenma have been dating for a couple of months now. The two of you had bonded over the latest game that Kenma had gotten and how stupidly hard the water level was. The two of you rarely hanged out after school with his volleyball practice, and your studying it was hard for the two of you to meet up. When the two of you did have time, you would spend the day at each other's houses. This Saturday, Kenma was coming over to yours.
Kenma was waiting outside your door, playing a random game on his phone as he waited for you. The game had his full attention until Kenma heard the sound of your door open, and you're cheery "Hey!" 
"Hey, babe-" Kenma choked on his tongue when he found you in the shortest shorts he had ever seen you wear. They weren't anything drastic, but there was the most leg he had ever seen from you, and Kenma could feel himself short circuit. 
"You ready for me to kick your butt at Mario Kart?" You teased, unknowingly bringing Kenma back to earth. 
"I don't think you have any room to be cocky," Kenma replied, never giving you a clue that the sight of your legs had an effect on him. "You only ever manage to win once every time we play."
"Rude," You pouted as you let him in. 
The whole day was spent similarly to how you guys usually hung out, but you did notice that Kenma was a little more touchy than usual. While the two of you played a couple rounds of Mario kart and other video games, the two of you felt like playing Kenma sat closer to you, so your legs were touching. When the two of you were hungry, Kenma kept his arms wrapped around you from behind as he watched you make food. 
Once the two of you settled down for a movie, Kenma shocked you by snuggling onto your lap. You weren't used to this much attention from Kenma, so your face had been in a constant state of red taint. You were sure that Kenma would have curled up on the other side of the couch lazily playing a game on his phone, but here he was on your lap like a cat. 
Your chest was warm with fondness, and your heart wouldn't stop racing. 
"You've been really cuddly today," You said as you ran your hands through his hair. "Don't get me wrong! I'm not complaining. I was just wondering."
Kenma squeezed your legs and snuggled up against them. "I just really like your legs."
Once you learned about Kenma's thing for your legs, you made an effort to show off your legs. It always managed to get Kenma to get blushy and get touchy. He couldn't help himself much to Kenma's embarrassment and much to Kuroo and the team's enjoyment. 
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
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ᴅᴀʏ 𝟼; ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋᴇʀ
-> tsukishima kei.
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; same tattoo, shared dreams, soulmates!au.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; the way i want to make a series out of everything in this challenge sigh.
↳ main masterlist
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"what does it mean, tsukki?" yamaguchi asked by his side, looking with curiosity the needle leaving marks on his friend's skin. 
tsukishima wanted to get a tattoo through his complete adolescence, his parents never allowed it, not until he could pay it by himself, at least. and there he was, eighteen years old, watching in amazement how one of his few dreams became true. being honest, he wasn't sure what it meant, but he had dreamed about those numbers a lot. since he was thirteen, the same number appeared not only in his dreams, but was everywhere else too, everytime he checked the hour, the number of his locker, even his volleyball shirt. of course it took him a while to figure it out, but once he saw it, he couldn't stop. it became his luck number. 
"are you sure you just want that?" the artist wondered for the third time.
"yeah, it's important to me" the smile on tsukishima's face was completely different to all the others yamaguchi had seen since they knew each other. 
"please, come see me play, you're always busy!" your friend, koganegawa, could be a pain in the ass if he wanted to. he could be one withouth wanting too. your job as an assistant teacher kept you occupied half of the day, add the hours at college and how much you had to study, to say it was hard to make room in your life was an understatement. which was why you never went to kogane's games after highschool.
"i told you i can't! i have... work" 
"you don't work at nights, idiot! come see me play" he was so annoyingly persistent, that you had to accept, earning a excited hug from him.
after he left your appartment, only because you made him, you let yourself drop onto the couch, sighing. in fact, you were tired, but going to see kogane, one of your only friends, was something you could do. he was always so supportive, in his own unique way, it was the least you could do for him. you scratched your collarbone, unconciously going over your tattoo with your fingers, like checking if it was still there. somehow, that piece of inked skin gave you strengths when you felt like you were at your limit. the memory of a well known dream came to your mind, making you giggle.
you knew koganegawa's team was a professional team, but you never expected them to have a cheering squad, and local tv cameras and periodists focusing on them. it was your first time at the gym where they were playing, a little anxiety growing in your chest not knowing where to go. you tried calling him to help you, but all you got was a text saying he had sent somebody to your rescue. 
"hi, are you kogane-kun's friend?" said a short blonde girl, touching your shoulder. she seemed really kind, making you feel more comfortable instantly.
you mumbled a positive respond, and she quickly grabbed your hand to take you to the bleachers like she knew the place by hand. she introduced herself as yachi hitoka, and said the game was about to start. she was also a friend of one of the players, but met some others, like koga, in highschool. 
in the exact moment that you and yachi sat, the starting whistle blowed, starting with the power serve of a bleached haired guy.
yachi guide you through the game, explaining the basics to you, but you couldn't take your eyes off of the blond man with glasses, he looked so familiar, though you were sure it was the first time you saw him. he intrigued you, a lot. you were too shy to ask yachi for his name, hoping to catch it on through the speakers at some point, or trying to remember if kogane had said something about him. the game went on, points were made by everyone, and every single one the setter did, he looked at you, searching for a reassurance smile. 
when it finished, a crushing victory from the frogs, you and your new friend went to wait for them outside of the compound, yachi felt the need to warn you before you met everyone. 
"see, kyoutani can be a little... intense, some times, but he's really nice, and tsuk-"
"y/n! did you see me!? did you see my points!? we were so great!" she was interrupted by an overly excited koganegawa walking towards you, along with two ther blondes. your cheeks burned at the sight of whom you had glared so hard just minutes ago, wondering if he had noticed. his face was buried on his phone, too busy to look up, disappointing you a little.
"i saw you, dumbface, that's what i came to do" he pouted at your fake insult, proceeding to shout to kyoutani by his side how awesome you were for going to his game. you introduced yourself, one of they boys said to be kyoutani kentaro, the one of your interest didnt't even reply.
tsukishima had heard your voice many times before, but for the first time, he was awake. his eyes opened wide, a soft hum of confusion left his mout. it couldn't be you, you were just a made up person from his dreams, someone who he had never seen, less say heard talking, to recognize that fast. although it was you. those eyes, that voice, that hair, it was you. he had dreamed about you for so long, in his mind, at the beginning you were his same age, growing up as he did. you were exactly like that woman.
"...tsukki!" he came back to earth thanks to kogane, who was frenetically moving him from his shoulders trying to get his attention. 
"get off" was all tsukishima answered.
"where's yamaguchi?" asked yachi. you didn't know what they were talking about, but you had witnessed the glasses boy, whom's name appears to be tsukki, go through a complete life crisis in the last minute.
"he's joining us at the restaurant" he said, starting to walk away by his own, followed by kyoutani and yachi, later by kogane pulling you from your arm to walk. 
yachi and koga talked enough to fill the uncomfortable aire in the table once everybody ordered. a man named yamaguchi arrived a few minutes earlier, still in office clothes. he congratulated the guys on their victory and greeted you nicely, presenting himself as "tsukki's friend". 
the minutes became hours, everyone, except you and tsukki, was drunk, even kyoutani had that red color on his cheeks because of the alcohol. yachi, who had stated that she was just a little tipsy, sober up when she saw how late it was. 
"i have to work tomorrow! we all have to! oh go, i can't believe i let kogane- tsukishima, could you please take y/n home while i get these three an uber?" despite being so small, the girl seemed to be completely in charge of everything, probably because of her years as manager in highschool, you thought.
"are you sure you don't need help with them?" you asked, a bit curious about how was she going to handle two giants and a man with rabies by herself.
"don't worry, i've been doing this since highschool, i'm more worried about you arriving safe"
"i'll take her, you stay at yamaguchi's and text me when you're there" intervined tsukishima, he had been quiet most of the night, even though he couldn't look less interested in being there, he still refused to leave. sometimes, he would stare at you when you weren't paying attention, without knowing that you actually felt his look on you. the girl agreed to his proposal, kissing your cheek goodbye and giving her friend a small hug before you took your things and got out of the place, followed by the tall man. 
the walk was silence after you told him you lived near enough to walk, him just nodding to your words. you didn't feel uncomfortable, though, and you wanted to believe neither did he. both of you were at a really short distance, and he didn't seem to care, but you smell of strawberry shortcake coming out of him. you giggled, thinking how funny it was that such an intimidating guy smelled like cake. tsukishima glared at you, disconcerted by your sudden laugh at no apparent reason.
"i used to go to this coffee house in highschool, they had the best strawberry cake i have ever eaten" your random fact caught tsukishima off guard, because he went to a coffee house with a really good strawberry cake since highschool too. he stayed silence, affraid to keep finding more shared details betweent the two of you. "i mean, don't think i talk about cake when- you smell like- i'm sorry" had you just made the situation hundred times worse? yes, you had. 
the rest of the walk was as silent as the first half, now, tsukishima was uncomfortable, so much that you could tell, but still, he choose to stay close to you instead of making distance. despite being a autumn night, you felt hot, your multiples layers of clothing were now making you sweat. without giving it much thought, you took off your jacket and sweater, leaving at sight you tattoo in you collarbone. tsukki tried, he really did, to not look at you, stripping like it was nothing, so when he did, and saw his exact same tattoo in your body, he stopped walking. his jaw barely hit the floor, you could swear he saw a ghost.
"are you okay? d-do you...? what are you doing?" he got over his shocked, and in a light of boldness, he started to take off his coat and sweater, not only that, but lifting his shirt until you could see his nipple and ribs. it was then when you saw it too, your tatto, the exact same details, were on his skin, like it was printed of the same printer. you hadn't chose a design from an artist, you drew one on your own, wanting to be the only of its kind, yet, there you were.
like someone had opened a door in your mind, memories of lost dreams came back, you remembered from where tsukishima seemed so familiar. that damned dream you had for years, of him, who you thought was a creation from your subconscious, was now standing right in front of you, in flesh and bones. not you nor tsukishima knew how to react, maybe, fearing that the other would run away. a strange urge to cry invaded you, and for some reason, a intense desire to feel the blonde closer.
"i want to take you on a date, if that's okay with you" 
"yes" you said not a second late, almost begging him to be with you from that day to your last.
"and i wanna kiss you right now" he didn't even let you answered before jumping to your lips, leaning a bit. you sighed in the middle of the kiss, relieved to feel him and his warm arms around you, your lips moving at synch.
his lips tasted like strawberry too.
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⌙ 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 🥳
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Heyo can I get 🍰?
To describe myself, I'd say I feel like I'm pretty different to what I express irl. I'm very ambitious, strong minded and can be a bit power hungry. My friends describe me as an outgoingly-calm person, and people find comfort in my company and words (??!?? Still kinda shook about that). I can get angry pretty quickly. I don't care much about people but am willing to go past a truck for the few people I'm really close too. I love having a competition and challenging myself - the best feeling being getting stuff done. I have high dreams for myself and I know I can reach then with enough hardwork. I have *really bad* self esteem issues where I think I'm better than everyone but falter at the site of anyone being better than me yikes. I am an ENTJ - I kin oikawa and tsukki. Growing up with trauma, I've taken the worst of it for the best if myself and made myself stronger to circumstances. I always know what to say so I guess that makes people find comfort in me, for which I'm so grateful :''. I hate exposing my vulnerabilities in any form and way and I am working on trying to self depriciate less in my sentences.
Physically, I am 5'4, I play badminton professionally. I have neck length dark hair and big eyes lmfao. I have a classic rbf and seem pretty intimidating :'). I am very critical about my looks. I'm very particular about my fashion sense - I can describe mine as minimalistic, preppy and monochromatic.
Overall I'm a funny, goal driven and caring person with a shit temper but still cares a lot about people. I can argue and debate well :) so that's that. The part I love the most about is how I form connections with some people to teh point where even silences are comforting and simple company is appreciated :D
Okay, that was long. I am so sorry :'/. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
🍰 for @keixkei
Romantic Matchup
Iwaizumi Hajime
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How yall met
Dodgeball 🧍‍♀️
It was gym class and yall were playing dodgeball
You didn't get hit
And you actually hit a good number of people of the other team
Eventually it was just you against one other person
Iwaizumi Hajime
You'd be damned if you've come this far just to lose
So bitch you played like your life depended on it
You were able to dodge every ball i threw your way
To the point where he started putting his frustrations in his throws
Ok now you were playing because your life LITERALLY depended on it
If one of these balls hit you
You were done for
It kept going like this until
The ball had hit you in the stomach causing you to fall backwards
Iwa was about to claim victory until…
You stood up with the ball in your hands
Which with dodgeball rules made you the winner
Iwa went up to you and congratulated you on your win
To which you thanked him and complimented his...brutal playing style
He offered to take you out for lunch to congratulate your win
And the rest is history
What they love about you
He loves how minimalistic you are
I'm sorry but iwa is definitely a minimalist
He likes how simple the style and overall aesthetic is
He loves how competitive you are
He himself is a pretty competitive person
So it's nice to have someone to compete with when it comes to...
Well anything
He loves how you turned your trauma into something that makes you powerful
Omg he ADORES that trait of yours
He hates it when people get down on themselves
And basically make something bad that's happened to them in the past their current reality
So the fact that you were not only able to put your trauma behind you
You were able to utilize it to make you stronger
Period Pooh 💅
Favorite things to do together
He LOVES to compete with you
Like anything
I mean...debates
Random HC
His favorite game to play with you is mortal kombat
Only because he's good at it
And it's easier for him to beat you
He was high key salty when you won that dodgeball game
But he wanted to be a good sport
So he congratulated you anyways
He will never admit it
But this man is a hopeless romantic
But he will never initiate a romantic moment
So please
Initiate one
Sometime some of your sketches go missing
Little do you know that he snatches the ones he especially likes
Overall Aesthetic
Pretty boy - The Neighborhood
Blondie - Current Joys
ppp - beach house
Everything has its place - Young mister
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Random acts of kindness | Haikyuu!! Headcanons 』
The everyday acts of kindness our boys do and think nothing of, but are actually incredibly sweet.
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sugawara Koushi, Bokuto Koutarou, Azumane Asahi, Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kozume Kenma, Miya Astumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haiba Lev
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), no warnings, fluff, lots of characters I didn't realise how many I'd done until I came to type up the list 😳, a lot of cats and dogs, cuteness, headcanons
A/N: I've had an exhausting and busy week, and just felt like writing some comforting fluff. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
And please consider voting in this poll (ends this Sunday 18/10/20) to help me celebrate reaching 100 followers! Thank you to everyone who's already voted! ♡
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☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Helps lost people find their way and regularly gives directions
We're talking off-duty, here Daichi puts the 'hot' in 'Hot Fuzz' 🥵
Hahaha, fuck 🙃
He's very approachable and warm, and gives excellent directions
He'll also walk them there if they don't understand or don't feel confident, even if it disrupts his day 🥺
And he's really good at helping lost kids and calming them down he feels so proud when he gets them back to their parents, safe and sound 🤗
☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
Helps elderly people with their shopping bags and getting across roads
It goes against his nature to stand by and let an old person struggle, and even if they're not struggling, he always offers his services anyway
He has a soft spot for old people, 'kay? 🥺
He makes a point of getting the traffic to stop so it's safe, and letting them hold his arm as they slowly make their way across the street
They often tell him that he's 'a very sweet and handsome young man,' and 'nothing like the other young people you meet these days' and he blushes
☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
Gets things from the top shelves for people that they can't reach at the supermarket
It's a pretty normal thing to do, right? So he's chill about it
Except he will 100% walk down the entire length of the isle just to help if he sees you stuggling it's super cute 😩😍
But he won't smile or make idle conversation, or anything. He'll just nod courteously
It can be a little ominous, with his looming height and serious face, but most people take the gesture well 😊
☆ Iwaizumi Hajime ☆
Pays for the shopping of the person in front of him when their card gets declined or they don't have the right cash
He manages to offer in a way that isn't offensive or patronising he's honestly a life saver 🥺
He's very humble and casual about it
It's what he hopes someone would do for him, if he were in that awkward situation
And you never know what struggles people are facing, so his philosophy is to always be kind what goes around, comes around, my dudes 😌✌
☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
Leaves snacks and a cute thank you note on the porch for the mailman
Or mailwoman! Or mailperson!
He hopes that the little gesture will brighten their tough day of work so precious, I can't 🥺🥰
There's usually a good selection, too no skimping here, no sirree 😌
If he's home, he'll give them a cheery wave through the window as well
Especially in this COVID-19 environment. Suga would really appreciate the services they're providing
☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Spends time every week playing with the cats and dogs at the local shelters
This man is hoenstly a blessing, I physically can't 🤧
He loves seeing their little faces light up when he walks in, scruffling their ears and playing fetch, etc. and just generally showing them that they're still loved 🥺😭
And he helps take the dogs for walks too, so they get their exercise, and brushes them down, and rubs their tummies–
He wants to adopt, but he's not settled enough, so he knows he can't 😭 but it's his goal
One day 😖
☆ Azumane Asahi ☆
Always holds doors open for other people
We're not just talking the occasional, feebly held door
Asahi will ALWAYS hold a door open for anyone else
Men, women, children, old people, people with prams, whole families– literally everyone
He is TALL and STRONG, and he will be USEFUL
He will hold it open even if you're really far away, like the giant dork that he is 😂😂 you cannot escape
☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
Often pays for the next customer's coffee in advance
Sure, it makes him feel good about himself. But, I mean, why not? What's so wrong with that?
Oikawa calls it SAOK-ing people (pronounced 'soaking') meaning: Secret Acts of Kindness Iwa-chan has told him to change the name, but he won't 🙄
Oikawa would love the touching joy of a stranger paying for his coffee in advance, so he gets a warm, tingly feeling when he thinks about it happening to someone else because if him he's literally beaming for the rest of the day 🥰
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☆ Akaashi Keiji ☆
Buys food and drinks for homeless people when he passes them
He sometimes stops to have a chat with them, too 😔🤧
He's the least condescending person you could meet if you're in trouble he's so genuine, I can't
Except for maybe Iwa-chan and Daichi. They're also very down-to-earth
He'll also give them all his food vouchers that he's been collecting in his wallet to help spread their costs
Akaashi finds it hard to watch other people struggling and suffering, and so always makes the time for it when he can afford to
☆ Nishinoya Yuu ☆
Helps make up the numbers for the kids playing games in the park
Be it soccer, dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, tag, or something else entirely, Noya loves to see the kids running around in the park, playing games and enjoying themselves
So he's only too happy to join in when they need more players he'll sometimes recruit Tanaka to help as well
Yuu fits right in with them, both in height and mentality 😂😭😂😭
He may or may not get them to call him 'senpai' 🙄😂
☆ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ☆
Helps fix people's cars on the road
Tanaka's one of those people that knows how to change a flat, and so can't drive past someone having car trouble without stopping and helping
He's also a pretty good handy-man in general, and is always willing to help out his friends and neighbours with their jobs that need doing
Like plumbing problems, putting up shelves, building furniture, etc. He's good with his hands!
Kiyoko: 👁👄👁
And he'll never charge a penny! He's all too happy to do it out of friendship and the kindness of his heart 😇
☆ Kozume Kenma ☆
Hosts gaming charity livestreams for various causes on a regualr basis
All the donations go directly to the charity of choice for the stream, not through him, so everyone knows it's legit 😇
He also donates gaming consoles etc. to charities and organisations that help kids who are in hospital
He's a huge advocate for charities and organisations that focus on helping people through gaming, like AbleGamers and St Jude PLAY LIVE, and regularly donates to them
Honestly, Kenma is an angel 🥺 👉👈
☆ Miya Atsumu ☆
Gives up his seat on public transport for old/pregnant/disabled etc. people
Look, Tsumu can be a little selfish and grouchy at times, but he's not a complete asshole 👉👈
There's a line, and hogging seats on public transport when someone else clearly needs it more than him is, indeed, the line 😌
He'll do it without a second thought or a fuss, and with a smile on his face but will be low-key proud of himself, ngl
He will also get offended if someone else doesn't give up their seat when they should, and may confront them about it 😳 like, what makes you so special that you can't do that simple courtesy that even he does??
☆ Miya Osamu ☆
Donates food to charities and shelters
Both store-bought food and from his own shop
Literally gets so depressed at the thought of people not getting to eat 🥺
This man LOVES FOOD. And people are out there not able to?!
He also has a scheme set up where homeless and stuggling people can come into his shop for some free onigiri
This man 🥺🤧 can I please marry him already?!
☆ Sakusa Kiyoomi ☆
Donates sanitary supplies like soap, toothpaste, antibacterial gel, pads, tampons, etc. to shelters on a regualr basis
Literally cannot abide the idea that people are forced to live without these basic necessities, simply because they can't afford them
It's almost for his own peace of mind rather than theirs? 😅😂 almost. He does actually care on their behalf, too
But he doesn't like to make a big deal out of it, and so donates anonymously
His donations are literally a godsend to those people, though 🥺😭
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Reads books to kids at the library when he's there with Natsu
And he's really good at it! He reads very animatedly, and really gets the kids engaged with the stories you can just imagine it
The kids all love him and bring him their favourite books to read!
And the parents all watch and compliment him on how good he is with kids
And this goofball just blushes and grins like a doof 😚 so freaking sweet
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Always carries a spare umbrella with him to give to someone
He hates getting caught in the rain himself, so he keeps a spare just in case this precious baby 🥺
He's had to use it quite a few times, sometimes giving it to people he doesn't even know, so he ends up not getting it back and has to buy a new spare
But it makes him smile, if a bit awkwardly, to know that he's helped someone out, even just a little Tobio!! 😭🤧🥺
☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Steps into the road to allow room for people with pushchairs and prams
I know it might not seem like much, but this is Tsukki, guys 🙄
*Narrator voice* this is one small step for man, one giant leap for Tsukishima!
And this just goes to show that he's not as tough of a cookie as he looks
He doesn't like the idea of parents etc. and young children having to walk in the road he gets worried for them...🤭
And he does it consciously, which is important
☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Spends time each week looking for the animals on the 'lost' and 'missing' posters around town
He hates to think of them out there, cold, alone, frightened–
It makes him feel nauseous just thinking about it 😣
My poor, precious baby!! He's too pure for this world!! 😭
It's not often, but sometimes he actually manages to find one and bring it back to its owner safely, which is a huge boost for his mood and confidence
He feels so valued and appreciated, and just happy that the little guy is SAFE 😇🤧
☆ Haiba Lev ☆
Helps strangers get their cats out of trees and other high places
What else is a tall, handsome, goofball-of-a stranger to do? 😌
Legit, he doesn't think twice. Tall people should use their height to help people, shouldn't they?
Sure, it doesn't always go to plan, and his arms sometimes end up looking like well-used scratching poles, but he's just glad to help 😇
It's good to see the cats safe and with their owners
If you enjoyed, please consider voting in this poll (ends this Sunday 18/10/20) to help me celebrate reaching 100 followers! Thank you to everyone who's already voted!
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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tetsurobunni · 3 years
IDK You Yet
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☞ songfic based off of the song IDK You Yet by Alexander 23 // 3.1k words
☼ slight angst, mentions of bullying, just wanting somebody to love (insert queen song here), tsukki being tsukki, akiteru being cute, freckles
☼ pairing : tsukishima kei x yamaguchi tadashi
☞ notes : sigh this song...yea // in this story, tsukki and yamaguchi weren’t childhood friends
this text = song lyrics
italics = flashbacks and inner thoughts
The sun cast a golden haze over the empty park in which Yamaguchi Tadashi sat. Gentle birdsong could be heard in the distance, a slight breeze swayed the branches of trees. A volleyball danced in between the boy's hands absentmindedly as he sat alone on a bench.
Today had been hard, just like any other day. The bullies he faced just seemed to never know when to stop; they continuously poked fun at him and made the poor boy feel like dirt. He had hoped that as he got older his tormentors would cease their attacks, but alas, his hopes never came true.
Yamaguchi had no one to call a friend. He tried to stay as translucent as possible as to not draw any attention to himself. It was the same routine for him every day; the only thing he found happiness in was volleyball.
You can see how that would be a problem, right? Loving a team sport when you have absolutely no friends? What a joke.
He sighed, stilling the movement of the ball between his hands. The sun was setting, the sky now a light pink and purple. 'I should start back home soon,' he thought, closing his eyes. Even though he knew the approaching darkness meant the temperature would drop and dinner would be ready soon, he didn't feel any urge to go home.
After all, there was no one there that understood him, or his pain for that matter.
He leaned his head back against the wooden bench, the lingering smell of cherry blossoms floating through the air.
'It would be so nice to have someone to enjoy this with,'
He couldn't help but imagine sitting in this park with the person he loved, sitting close as they watched the sun set.
How can you miss someone you've never met?
His lips curled upwards at the thought. Some would think that was cringeworthy, or too cookie-cutter; but that didn’t matter to him. Yamaguchi just needed someone to be there.
Because I need you now, but I don’t know you yet.
He had placed love on a pedestal for as long as he could remember. His mother and father’s relationship was nothing less than perfect-the love they had for each other practically radiated throughout any setting.
Seeing his two biggest role models share something so special like that made him want it too. No, not want. Need.
He needed the passion, the validation. He needed to be wanted by somebody. That’s all he could ever dream of. He didn’t care what gender, or if they were taller or shorter, bigger or smaller.
Yamaguchi just needed somebody to love him.
But can you find me soon because I’m in my head
When he opened his eyes, the first thing he was met with was the dark starry sky. He jumped, startled, and checked the time on his watch. ‘My parents are going to kill me!’ He thought, frantically gathering his things off of the bench.
He ran down the sidewalk, taking in heavy breaths as he passed by the homes on his street. Lights shone through curtains, shielding from prying eyes. The sidewalk was dimly lit with street lamps, the lone car passing by every so often.
Straightening out his jacket the best he could, Yamaguchi stepped into the door of his house. A lone light was on in the kitchen. He peered into the living room to find it empty, no noises to be heard. ‘They must have already went to bed,’ he thought, flicking the switch to turn off the light.
Yamaguchi padded up the stairs in sock feet, treading lightly as to not wake his parents. As he passed the door to their shared room, he noticed the door was slightly ajar. Peeking into the small crack, he could see the two cuddled up tightly in each others embrace as they slept. Sighing, he gently shut the door.
‘It would be amazing have someone to do that with’
Yea I need you now, but I don’t know you yet.
As he entered his room, he took a second to scan the blank walls of his room. Spaces where pictures of friends and teammates should be were instead replaced by the pale gray of wallpaper.
He sat down on his bed with a sigh, running his hands through his dark hair. It seemed as though loneliness was a routine for him by this point, just the same empty feeling day after day.
To say he was tired of it was an understatement.
But thats exactly what his tormentors said, right?
“You’re such a loner”
“No wonder no one likes you”
“You couldn’t even pay someone to be friends with you”
“You’ll always be alone.”
And lately its been hard
It seemed that no matter how hard Yamaguchi tried not to recall the words thrown at him, they still came crashing over him in waves, beating him down over and over until he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
They’re selling me for parts
“Please just stop, j-just-stop,” he whispered, voice strained as tears rolled down his cheeks. He dug his palms into his eyes to try and stop the waterfall of emotions, but like every time before, it didn’t work.
He didn’t want to go through this anymore. He really, really didn’t. He wished that he was strong; that he could stand up to those people and tell them that he wasn’t worthless.
And I don’t wanna be modern art
The only thing that kept him sane was the feeling in his heart that there was someone out there for him. There had to be. Someone that could mend his broken parts and dry his eyes when the world got too much. He hoped and wished and dreamed about finding his person
He just hoped that they were okay with being the other half of his wounded heart.
But I’ve only got half a heart, to give, to you.
He hoped that, for once, he would be enough for somebody.
~~~~~ Tsukki’s POV~~~~~
Tsukkishima walked down the bustling street, vendors selling various foods and treats filling the air with delightful smells. It wasn't really his scene, per se, but Akiteru had paid him to get some meat buns from his favorite store. There's no way he'd pass up money and free food.
As he rounded the corner, the familiar little shop his brother had sent him to numerous times came into view. He stepped inside, the warm air and lively chatter washing over him.
He swiveled his head side to side, noticing something strange. At almost every table sat a couple sharing a meal, girls giggling at their boyfriends as they shared conversation.
For the first time since he left the house he took notice of the bright pink and red hearts that decorated the walls and windows.
'Of course, it's Valentine's day. Disgusting.'
He rolled his eyes at his realization. Valentine's Day was just stupid. Why would anyone want to celebrate such an idiotic holiday? He managed to shove past a couple who was standing just a little too close for comfort mumbling a 'tch, you're in public' as he walked past.
Not looking back to see their reactions, he walked up to the counter and quickly ordered 4 meat buns- he knew his brother would want more than two and since it wasn't his money, he decided he'd get one for himself.
Tsukki didn't know if he was jinxed by the shop or what, but as soon as he walked outside all he saw were couples. Couples here, couples there, talking, laughing, hugging, kissing. He'd never admit it, but it made him feel just the tiniest bit lonely.
He had never been one for relationships and romantics- or even feelings at that. He had always despised Valentine's Day ever since he could remember. The girls in lower secondary school would give letters sealed with bright pink and red envelopes to the boys they liked. Tsukki himself had even received a few, but he always turned them down.
No one seemed to ever catch his eye, or grasp his attention. All the girls were plain, boring, and dull. Too energetic, too shy, talked too loud- the list could go on and on.
The door creaked open as he stepped into his house, and Akiteru yelled an 'in here!' from the living room. The latter was practically drooling at the plastic bag in Tsukki's hand, basically begging like a puppy for a treat.
"Here, you nuisance, I got three for you. The other one is mine, don't even think about eating it," he said, tossing the bag to Akiteru, who instantly started digging through it to get his food.
Tsukki sat down cross-legged on the opposite side of the table, opening the package on his meat bun. Suddenly Akiteru got a sly look on his face. "Oh, I forgot to mention that today was Valentines Day, sorry for sending you out in that."
Tsukki narrowed his eyes at his brother, knowing good and well that he didn't tell him on purpose. "Whatever, I'm keeping the change from our order as payment for sending me out in that mess."
Akiteru just laughed, shaking his head slightly. "C'mon Tsukki, do you really hate Valentine's Day that much?"
"Well, okay then," the elder grumbled, taking a bite out of his second meat bun. "But answer this, why do you hate it so much?"
Tsukki faltered for a moment. There were many reasons as to why he hated the holiday, such as the PDA, too much giggling, confessions, all of the god awful pink-
"Is it just because you never found someone you like?"
Tsukki's eyes widened. He had never thought about it. No- there was no way he was pissed because he had never met someone he had feelings for; and he for sure wasn't upset about it.
How can you miss someone you've never seen?
"Ah, hit the nail on the hammer, huh?" Akiteru said, his face showing signs of pity.
"Shutup, will you? I don't care about liking someone, or someone liking me, or being in a relationship, or-"
"Tsukki. You're rambling. You never ramble."
The blonde stopped in his tracks. Why was he rambling? He didn't care, so why did what his brother say have such an impact his mood? He let out a quiet 'tch', moving to get up from the table.
"Tsukki, wait."
The latter faltered from his place at the entrance of the door to his bedroom, waiting for his brother to speak.
"I don't like Valentine's Day all that much either. It makes me feel super lonely, and I get into this sad funk that I can't get out of. But, sometimes, I think about the person that'll love me someday. What they look like, what their personality is, all that; it helps a little. You should try it," Akiteru said, a soft smile on his face.
The blonde responded by opening his door, walking in, and shutting it behind him. Was his brother serious?! There was no way he'd entertain such silly ideas. He'd do what he always did: ignore everyone else and keep to himself. No thoughts, just his music.
After he changed into more comfortable clothes, he slipped his headphones on and laid on his bed, letting the sounds of his music flood into his ears. Without noticing, he started to think about all the couples he saw today at the market.
He remembered seeing a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, much like himself.
'There's no way I'd be with someone who looked like me- wait, why am I even thinking about this-'
He scolded himself in his head, took his glasses off then proceeded to run a hand down his face. He continued listening to his music... that is until he started thinking again.
He tried everything, listening to god awful rock, cleaning his already clean room, he even tried working out in order to get his brother's words out of his head. No matter how hard he tried, his brother's smiling face saying those words seemed to pop up in his mind.
"Y'know what, fine. Fine! I'll do it!" He whisper-yelled, laying down on his bed yet again. Closing his eyes, he thought back again.
"I think about what they look like."
Okay fine, he could do that.
Tell me are your eyes brown, blue, or green?
Again, he couldn't imagine his...person...having the same light, amber eyes as him.
‘Blue? No, too bright...maybe brown? Hazel? Yea...hazel is nice...’
After he got past the eye color part, he came to a standstill. He didn't really care about hair as long as it wasn't blonde... but what else? Would they have a mole? Freckles? Would they wear glasses, like him?
Suddenly Tsukki brought a pillow to his face and hit himself with it. 'I can't believe I let something that my brother said affect me so much."
Nonetheless, he continued.
"I imagine what their personality is like"
This was tricky. 'They couldn't be too loud. Loud people get on my nerves. They couldn't be too quiet either, I can't stand when someone just looks at me and doesn't say anything.'
He thought a little bit harder. 'Maybe they'd like volleyball? That means Akiteru would love them. I wonder if they would like the same food as me...'
And do you like it with sugar and cream?
'Akiteru makes coffee sometimes, I wonder if they put a lot of stuff in it,' he shriveled up his face in disgust at the thought. He couldn't stand all that sugary stuff in his coffee, preferring the bitter taste instead.
Or do you take it straight, oh just like me?
'Okay, I'm done imagining things that won't happen. This was stupid anyways," he thought, sighing and turning over on his side. For some strange reason, he felt utterly exhausted. It's not like he did a lot of physical activity today, so why did he feel so...tired?
His brain decided to play the images of the couples again in his head, and he realized why he felt the way he did. This was the first time he had actually thought about having a "special someone."
The thought made him want to hit his head against the wall.
He never thought that imagining about the person he might be with one day would make him feel so lonely.
Cause lately it's been hard
For the first time, he noticed the utter and complete lack of important people in his life. Of course there was his brother, that was a given, but he had no one he had ever considered a friend. He never talked to one person for longer than he had to, and even ignored some.
He was completely shut off from the rest of the world...
And it was his own fault.
They're selling me for parts
'It's better this way. You know it is. No getting your hopes up, no disappointment, no keeping up an image. It's better this way. All you need is yourself, not anyone else.’
"But having someone there for me really wouldn't hurt... right?"
And I don't wanna be modern art,
His phone screen lit up with a notification. 'FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL' popped up on his screen, and the blonde groaned once he saw the time.
'Two in the morning? Great. I've wasted my sleep on nothing.’
But deep down, Tsukki knew it wasn't 'nothing'. He just made the pit of loneliness in his stomach larger and harder to ignore.
How could he even imagine the person he would love when he was so pathetic?
"You're so stupid Tsukishima Kei, so, so, so mind-numbingly STUPID!"
But I've only got half a heart, to give, to you.
~~~~~Both POV~~~~~~
Yamaguchi tugged the straps of his backpack tighter as he walked towards the staff room. Students shuffled in the halls, chatter and laughter filled the air. Of course, the green haired boy kept to himself. He had already dodged one of his bullies this morning, so he was on high alert.
As if the first day wasn't nerve racking enough, for some awful reason he decided he was going to join the volleyball club.
'This was such a stupid decision you should just turn around right now,' he thought to himself, slightly panicking as he saw the sign that said 'staff room' on the door in front of him.
He just stood there, staring, unmoving, at the door handle. His heart was racing in his chest, all the air seeming to exit his lungs.
"Oi, are you just gonna stand there?"
Yamaguchi jumped from the sudden voice that came from behind him. He jerked his head, meeting amber eyes behind black frames. He tripped on his words, becoming a blubbering mess, finally spitting out a 'Gomen!'
Tsukki raised a brow at the slightly shorter boy, wondering why he was just staring at the door.
"Tch, why were you just staring at the door like a weirdo?" Yamaguchi bowed his head in apology, contemplating whether to tell this complete stranger the truth, but he finally decided he would.
"Um, I was...uh...going to... to join the volleyball club," he stammered, not meeting the taller boy's eyes. He felt highly embarrassed for some reason, like him wanting to join was humorous. Honestly, he half expected the guy to laugh at him.
"Hm, I am too."
Tsukki moved past the green haired boy and opened the door, walking in a little ways before he realized the latter was still standing there.
"Oi, c'mon. Unless you're not actually going to join..."
Yamaguchi's ears perked up at that. He decided, that for once, he was going to do something he wanted.
"Gomen, I'm coming."
Even though it wasn't visible, Tsukki slightly smiled. He wasn't actually coming to the staff room to join the volleyball club, but when he heard that this boy was going to be joining, he decided that maybe he would.
The shorter boy suddenly turned around, hands flailing.
"Oh! I'm sorry for being rude, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi!" he said, a bright smile presented onto his freckled face.
'Hm, freckles...'
"Tsukishima Kei."
And I hope it's enough.
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hqimaginess · 6 years
Hello can I request a scenario where Tsukki has been neglecting his s/o so the s/o wanted to break things off with him and he was just like 'whatever' shruggs and ' just remember that I wasn't the one who ended things but I don't hold any grudges so idk call me if you need help' and the s/o sort of got close to Yamyams and Tsukki sees this and... please decide how it ends. (: Sorry if this is too specific! (: Thank you in advance! (:
Hope you like it!
“We should take a break.”
The words were simple enough, even an idiot could understand what that phrase meant. But somehow, for an unknown reason, he couldn’t find it within himself to properly process these words. “Sorry, what?” was all he could ask, and so you repeated yourself, “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”
“Why?” again, a question.
Your frown deepened as you thought of just what to say, a heavy pounding continuously beating in both your head and eardrums as you stared at him, with him staring back holding just as little focus. You took a deep, weighted breath before speaking, “I love you so, so much. But at this point, it hurts way too much. I can’t recall the last time that you’ve gone out of your way to talk to me. This past month you’ve cancelled four dates, always because of a new reason. It’s always been me showing any effort, and it’s killing me. I love you, I’ll say it again and again and again. But I don’t have it in me to go on like this anymore.” These words equally shocked the both of you. He wouldn’t have ever expected such a level of honesty in your answer as the one you gave him, and neither had you, really. For a good, long moment, all the male gave in reply was a small, breathy, “Oh.”
Tsukishima was never good in situations like these.
Actually, Tsukishima was never good at expressing how he truly felt in any situation, which was how he ended up with this problem in the first place. His heart was beating dangerously fast, his palms were clamming up, his breath was quiet, yet jerky. He was anxious, and he was desperate, but never knew how to show any of this. And thus, he stared at you with that deadpan expression, as he always did. “Well,” his throat felt oddly dry, swallowing seemed to be getting increasingly more difficult, “If that’s what you want, then I understand.”
You cast your eyes downwards, breathing out a small sigh. During this whole time, you had just a small hope that maybe he would’ve fought you on this, that maybe he would show any sign of anger at you for suggesting such a thing. That maybe, today would be the day he finally would give back all the emotion you’ve been begging for him to show all this time.  That hope, however, died as soon as you grasped onto it, when you looked back up only to see his mostly expressionless face. You took a rather difficult gulp and nodded to his comment, mouthing a croaky, awkward “Yeah.”
You decided that now was your cue to leave, and so you gathered your things as quickly as you could manage and turned to leave, taking a few steps towards the door before you looked back once more to steal one last look at your now ex boyfriend, with your eyes reflecting such a sadness that words could not dream to convey. And for a moment, just a mere moment, you swore you could see that exact same sadness reflecting back at you through those deep golden brown hues. But only for a moment, it had disappeared just as quick as it had formed. So, finally, you took your final steps through the doorway and shut the door behind you, your heart feeling as if it had dropped deep down into the pit of your stomach with no hope of returning. Little to your knowledge, he was experiencing that exact same fear.
Two days had passed now, and you were already starting to wonder if you could have done things differently. ‘Maybe if I just had talked to him? Would that have worked? No, stupid. Remember how many conversations you had with him. Well, it doesn’t matter, anyway. It’s over with.’ You were interrupted from your fairly miserable inner argument as you collided with someone, which knocked the both of you over. After you grimaced in pain for a few seconds, you opened your eyes to see who had knocked you over, causing your eyes to widen. “Yamaguchi,” you commented in surprise right before you stood up and held out a hand to help him up. “Oh! Uh, hi..” Yamaguchi spoke with much uncertainty, which you understood the reason behind very much. The air between the two of you very quickly grew very tense, the atmosphere became so thick you could cut through it with a knife. Several moments passed without either one of you knowing where to lead the situation. With you, being the ex of his friend. And with him, being the friend of your ex.
After taking a handful of seconds to think it over, you suddenly spoke, “Say, could I talk to you? Since it’s lunch we have some time left.” Even if he would have wanted to, Yamaguchi wouldn’t have had it in him to say no, not to you, not ever. And so he gave a small nod, following you to a bench that was nearby, but mostly out of sight. “It’s about Kei,” you wasted no time in beginning the conversation with you talking the immediate moment you two sat down next to each other.
“I assumed as much.”
You waved your hands around slowly in frustration, trying to grasp just the right words to say. “Yamaguchi, do you understand him? What he’s thinking?” that was definitely not how you had wanted to word it, but it got the meaning across, nonetheless. He didn’t directly answer your question, but spoke words that he hoped maybe would clear your confusions, “Tsukishima doesn’t like to look stupid. If there’s one thing he fears the most, it would be that. It scares him, the thought of opening himself up, leaving himself exposed, only to face rejection. He fears it more than anything else. And so he acts aloof, even more so with the people he’s most concerned about.”
The entire time he spoke, Yamaguchi refused to face you, his eyes remaining straight ahead of him. However, you stared at him as he spoke, eyes never once leaving his face as you took in every word of his. Somewhere, deep inside, there was a part of you that knew this. But just like him, you were scared, especially after putting yourself out there so many times, completely vulnerable to his will, to only be denied again and again. “I tried so hard. I tried and I tried and I tried,” your voice grew shaky, and without realizing it, your hand reached out to grab his. The gesture was not romantic whatsoever, simply you seeking any form of comfort that you could get in that moment, “And all I ever got was him looking the other way.”
Yamaguchi returned your hand and sighed, before looking at you and giving a subtle, yet joking smile, a blush on his face which seemed to go unnoticed by you, “I know that. How do you think I feel? I’ve had to deal with his nonsense since Elementary school.” To this, you gave a soft, cracking laugh while closing your eyes, in turn making the brunette’s heart flutter deep within his chestt. You then hummed in acknowledgment to his comment, nodding your head before leaning your weight on him, resting your head in between his neck and shoulder, “Is this alright? Just for the remainder of lunch, I’m suddenly really tired from all this drama.”
Yamaguchi didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no, which gave you the message that he wasn’t opposed t0 the gesture. Your eyes were directed to the ground, and so you couldn’t see his expression, fortunately for him. A blush painted itself across Yamaguchi’s face as he stared down at your figure, his heart thumping so thunderously, he worried whether you could hear it or not. To put it frankly, was in love with you. It was wrong, and it was beyond messed up, but he was in love with you, his best friend’s ex. He knew it was wrong to feel so much joy by all of this, and yet his stomach and heart both continued to to back flip with excitement. In that moment, he acted  more on impulse possibly than he ever had before. The boy leaned down a small amount, and gave a soft, careful peck to the top of your head. The touch was so very light, leaving you to mistake the ghost of the kiss simply as the wind, thankfully.
For a moment afterwards, his eyes broke away from your half sleeping figure to look upwards, causing him to almost choke in surprise. He stared into the window which lead into the school hallway, and his eyes were met with a very familiar pair of golden brown irises. It was Tsukishima himself, and from the look in his eyes, Yamaguchi could infer that he’d seen what the brunette had just done. “Tsukki,” Yamaguchi began, his voice quiet yet at the same time panicked as he hoped to try and find a way to explain just what had happened. But his words were cut short, as Tsukishima simply clicked his tongue and turned on his heel, a signature move of his but this time with more weight behind it than ever before. He walked away from the two of, while leaving behind a sense of betrayal so thick Yamaguchi felt he could have been suffocated by it. He wanted to stand up and chase after the friend that he clung so dearly onto for so many of his  years. However, something held him back, or someone. His eyes returned back down to you, and he sighed. Today, for the first time in all the years of knowing one another, Yamaguchi would not apologize. He would not go running after his friend as he always had. For there was something, a force stronger than any friendship he’s held, that kept him from doing so.
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