#tsurui okiya
missmyloko · 7 months
I know Sayaka is the youngest natori geiko in Gion Kobu. Does that mean she's also the youngest natori geiko in the gokagai?
Do you have any idea why Fumikazu, Umeha and Miehina have not become natori?
Would Satsuki have still broken Mineko's record if she had not chosen to join Tsurui okiya? Could she have done it from Tama or Ninben or an okiya in one of the other kagai like Miyagawacho?
Yes, as of right now Sayaka is currently the youngest natori geiko in the gokagai. Fumikazu turned down the promotion to natori. As for Umeha and Miehina, they have yet to be offered the rank of natori. I definitely believe that Satsuki would have broken Mineko's record regardless of what okiya she entered ^^
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geimei · 5 years
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May 2019: Famous Geiko Marika (Tsurui Okiya) of Gion Kobu hosting a tea ceremony.
Source: Masanobu Kido on Instagram
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taisakuraokiya-blog · 5 years
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มีนาคม 2560: เกโกะ Satsuki (โอกิยะ Tsurui) จากเขต Gion Kobu ในจังหวัด Kyoto
Source: kiyoshi__sato on Instagram
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kyoto-karyukai · 5 years
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January 2019: Geiko Satsuki of Tsurui Okiya meets an adorable cat in Thailand.
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karyukai-is-life · 5 years
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January 27th, 2019: Super famous geiko Satsuki (紗月) and her first imouto, maiko Mitsuki (美月), of Tsurui okiya in Gion Kobu partake in a dance for two.
Photo by Futoshi Yoshida on Facebook.
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oiran-geisha · 7 years
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The Tsurui family posing during Hatsuyori! From left to right there is the geiko Sayaka, the geiko Satsuki with the maiko Marika and Mitsuki! (Source)
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geisha-kai · 7 years
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June 2017: the most famous geiko of Gion Kobu - Satsuki of the Tsurui okiya by  koimaiko_satsuki on Instagram
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ  Geisha-kai on P a t r e o n || Instagram
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orastella · 10 years
Pictures from Flickr
an ozashiki that happened May 9, 2014
(more in sequence after this, just keep going right)
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missmyloko · 1 year
i have a few questions if you don’t mind ^_^
When did the Tsurui Okiya open
how do you figure out the names of Okiya okaasan? Like for example Tamakazu okaasan s real name is Matsuo Hisae ?
3. How many shikomi can join an Okiya? Is there a limit?
1: I'm not too sure when Tsurui opened, but it's been open since the 1980s. 2: From documentaries mostly, or sometimes books if they list it. 3: The only limit is how much space an okiya can hold and how many shikomi an okasan is willing to take on ^^
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missmyloko · 1 year
Were Tsurui and Ninben started the same way as Tama? If not, how did Yoshiju and Mamehiro take over as okaasan?
Ninben has been an ochaya for decades and Mamehiro inherited it from her mother. She decided to open the okiya in 2004. As for Yoshiju, she opened Tsurui much like Tamakazu opened Tama; she saved her money from being a popular geiko ^^
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missmyloko · 1 year
Does other okiya have a recurring motifs in formal kimono like water for Tsurui?
Water is actually an extremely common motif on kuromontsuki and is not monopolized by Tsurui. That Satsuki's kimono took inspiration from Sayaka's was more of a nod to her onesan than anything relating to the okiya ^^
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missmyloko · 2 years
Hello, Justin how which okiya have currently shikomis. Thank you!
These are the okiya that I know currently have shikomi: Gion Kobu Tsurui Tama A Secret Okiya Miyagawa Cho Shigemori Hanafusa Komaya Kamishichiken Katsufumi Pontocho Masamiya (is already a minarai!) Gion Higashi Man Also, my name is Justine ^^
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missmyloko · 2 years
If a geiko is adopted as atori. Is this a full legal adoption including a surname change? Does the geiko have to pay anything or is she handed everything like a biological heir? In the case of a wealthy okiya, like Komaya or Tsurui, this can amount to millions being given to an outsider with the okasan and her family not getting anything, correct?
In most cases the adoption of an atotori means a full legal adoption into that family, which does include a surname and kamon change. The geiko is treated like a biological heir, so nothing is paid. It's generally now a passage between the current okasan upon her death and the atotori, who is next in line to take over the running of the okiya/ochaya directly and not someone who's further away from inheriting like, say, a young maiko and needs someone to step in and run the business in their stead (ie: it's extremely rare to have an atotori appointment like Mineko's nowadays). In the case of assets, the current okasan holds onto everything until her death, to which then the atotori inherits everything. The family of the deceased okasan may receive some things, but only if its stipulated in a will, otherwise it's assumed that all assets are to be passed to the atotori ^^
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taisakuraokiya-blog · 5 years
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มีนาคม 2561: เกโกะ Mikako (โอกิยะ Nishimura), และเกโกะ Satsuki (โอกิยะ Tsurui) ในงานเทศกาล Setsubun ที่ศาลเจ้า Yasaka
Source: kwcphoto on Exblog
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taisakuraokiya-blog · 5 years
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พฤษภาคม 2562: เกโกะ Satsuki (โอกิยะ Tsurui) จากเขต Gion Kobu กำลังถือถ้วยชา (茶碗 : Chawan)
Chawan (茶碗) คือถ้วยชา ที่อาจถือได้ว่าเป็นอุปกรณ์สำคัญที่สุดในพิธีชงชาแบบญี่ปุ่น หากไม่มีถ้วยชา ก็จะไม่สามารถชงหรือดื่มชาได้ ถ้วยชานี้มีทั้งรูปแบบและขนาดที่หลากหลาย ถ้วยแบบก้นตื้นเหมาะสำหรับใช้ในฤดูร้อนเพราะชาที่ชงแล้วจะเย็นเร็วกว่าถ้วยก้นลึกที่ใช้ในฤดูหนาว ยิ่งไปกว่านั้นยังมีการตั้งชื่อให้ถ้วยชาโดยผู้ผลิตเองด้วย
Hishaku (柄杓) เป็นกระบวยไม้ไผ่ที่ใช้ในพิธีชงชาแบบญี่ปุ่น โดยทั่วไปจะถูกออกแบบให้มีรอยต่อระหว่างข้อไผ่ตรงกลางของด้ามจับ กระบวยไม้ไผ่นี้ใช้สำหรับตักน้ำร้อนจากกาน้ำร้อน (釜 : Kama) มาใส่ในถ้วยชา (Chawan) Hishaku ที่มีขนาดหลากหลายขึ้นอยู่กับวัตถุประสงค์ของการใช้และฤดูกาล
Source: kenshin.kido on Instagram
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geimei · 5 years
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February 2019: Best friends Geiko Satsuki (Tsurui Okiya) and Geiko Mikako (Nishimura Okiya) of Gion Kobu playfully arm wrestling at an ozashiki.
The picture is a bit blurry, but I found it too funny not to post!
Source: Masaaki Mike Watase on Instagram
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