#tts brotherhood
dark-gibberish · 1 month
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This a dark kingdom AU I made with my friend!
For those wondering Varian is saying something along the lines of: "Did you know? So many plants grow in Corona, they can be vegetarian!" In Siberian (Translation courtesy of google translate :D)
Basically the AU is that for whatever reason the Dark kingdom didn't fall and is a hidden kingdom no one knows about. The Brotherhoods job is to go out to the rest of the world just to see what's up. Once Fredrick uses it the brotherhoods main job is just to make sure the Moonstone doesn't throw a hissy fit and kill everyone.
Eugene is raised like a prince and Varian as a Brotherhood member. Eugene is very rambunctious and careless. Varian wants to start doing research on the annual "horizon lights" and is sure have something to do with the Sunflower but Edmund keeps refusing.
Then on the winter stolcice celebration Eugene manages to ruin it. In order to teach him some humility Edmund sends him on Varians research quest to Corona. Cue movie events.
All these sketches are pretty old except the rhino one. Clothing was mainly inspired by east Siberian clothing in the last one. The first few I completely forgot the reference o-o,
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rendellstreet · 9 days
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Brief character information from the TTS series pitch bible seasons I & II
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sandwolfstuff · 1 month
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I created the base for a Brotherhood picture, and couldn't make up my mind about which style to go with. I did two different completed pieces. Here's the first. A stained glass style drawing.
My other idea is in the style of the show, with each member of the Brotherhood associated with a different season of the year. That picture is available to my patrons on patreon
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theinternetarchivist · 3 months
The fact that we barely got to see all three of them together is a crime
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leileitts · 12 days
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RIP hector and adira they would have loved Super Smash Bros Brawl
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scottfreed · 6 days
Comparing the Text of the "TANGLED: Before the Ever After SERIES BIBLE" and the "Tangled The Series: Series BIBLE"
I wanted to compare the text from the two Tangled bibles from the Disney leaks since there seemed to be a lot of overlap in the language and I was interested to see what had changed between the initial BEA bible(2015) and the TTS series bible(2018).
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I'm in the asoiaf fandom and we do this with old George RR Martian drafts and manuscripts all the time, a sort of literary archeology. I took the plain text of both documents and ran a comparison to see what had changed between the two bibles. ((My dumbass put the 2018 TTS document as the original and the 2015 BEA doc as the "modified" one. So the Struck through text is actually the older/original/BEA.))
So obviously, the TTS bible was far longer since it was created and modified far later into development and even after wrap. It encompasses waaay more material. So naturally, all the S2 material outside if a brief synopsis was not in the BEA.
S1 Characters that do not appear in the 2015 BEA bible, but do in the 2018 TTS bible include: Angry, Red, Sugarby, Monty(even though his episode was), WRECK MARAUDER (Same as Monty), Fidella, and surprisingly: Stan and Pete.
And most surprising of all: the Captain didn't have a character profile in that initial document even though I could swear he has more episodes than characters like Lance, Varian, Quirin, and Xavier who all do have profiles in the 2015 BEA one.
I wonder if this indicates the order in which the characters were developed, or if they had different initial plans to use certain characters with more frequency and that didn't work out.
And as I sort of mentioned, in the BEA document, there were only summaries of six episodes after the special; "Challenge of the Brave," "Rapunzel's Enemy," "Cassandra Vs. Eugene," "In Like Flynn," "Under Wraps," and ""Fitzherbert PI."
It's fascinating to me how most of these are Cass and Eugene focused eps, with only one truly Raps focused one.
First big difference in the text:
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By far the most common and consistent change between versions was Cassandra's job.
In 2015 in the Before Ever After pitch, she was consistently referred to as a "handmaiden" and then as of the 2018 TTS series bible this was changed everywhere to "lady in waiting".
I always wondered about this shift. At first I wondered if the change was to distance the show from the wildly successful, but thematically dark/adult "Handmaid's Tale" which came out within like a month of TTS, but now I'm wondering if it was more to align her thematically with her later characterization of "the Lady in waiting who is sick of waiting." It's probably that latter option. But I did kind of prefer the handmaiden angle since a lady in waiting is still comparatively powerful nobility. And imo a "maid" taking on a Kingdom is way more sympathetic than a lady doing so. It could have just added that extra layer of class conflict, but oh well.
No matter the reason, "Handmaiden" is out, "Lady in waiting" is in!
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Attila got a little fleshing out between versions! Though this never seemed to materialize. I almost wonder if someone needed to hit a word-limit or something. I would have liked to see an ep showing Attila more and more integrated into Coronan society. See his progress from S1 to S3.
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It seems the decision to have the full entourage outside of the main three on the mission might have been a later addition. (Alternatively the 2015 bible might have just had need to be more short and concise with the S2 details.)
It did seem(unfortunately) like the spare 5 didn't contribute much to the overarching plot, so I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. (And I'm including the Hookfoot filler episodes with that.) It would have looked pretty different, but might have been more character focused if they had gone in that direction.
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Seems the Lorb episode was originally REALLY different...
The idea of them being mythical leaf people was a later addition, as well as the island aspect of the setting.
And it looked like the human "distinct tribe of people" were originally going to be worshiping Rapunzel and not Pascal. I can certainly see why they changed this so much.
It would be hard for Raps to beat the Demigoddess allegations and maintain the everyman vibe, plus the God Guise/Cargo Cult tropes are awkward as hell in that context.
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"The Brotherhood of the Stone" ?
"The Brotherhood of the Stone" ?
"The Brotherhood of the Stone" ?????
..... Brotherhood fans btfo, its so over, we will literally never recover from this. *passes away*
No but really, no distinct mention of Adira or someone in her role. I wonder if the idea of discord/disagreement among the Brotherhood members didn't come about until later.
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This is pretty cool! I didn't know that "Plus Est En Vous" seemed to be the initial name for the special! Then it got changed and used for the finale.
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It also looks like "Cassandra vs. Eugene" was a pretty different episode initially as well.
It looks like originally, the scavenger hunt was not intended to lock them in the dungeons, and the Stabbingtons weren't involved.
I'm kind of of two minds on this one since on the one hand I like when decisions are deliberate and not just a matter of coincidence gives the characters agency. Plus I like the Stabbington's as villains and was glad to see them. But on the other hand, Rapunzel locking people in a cell when being locked away against her will is so central to her character and no one ever calling her out for it was so off-putting to me. Plus it made the Stabbingtons much less threatening.
I almost want to see that original version of that ep. I wonder if it would have been more character-focused.
And the last little changes I noticed were to "In Like Flynn" where they changed the word "crime" to "scheme" in the description and dropped the "King" for just "Frederic" probably just to convey the lighter tone of the episode better.
Oh, and one more!
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The "Moonstone" didn't seem to be named as of BEA and there was some intentional(?) ambiguity about Edmond and his title and origin.
Overall not a lot of big differences. But it was a bit surprising what elements and characters where emphasized compared to what ended up manifesting in the show.
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adventuretolkienlover · 7 months
Me: The fanfiction is filled with deep, meaningful exchanges between characters, thrilling action, and tear jerking tragedy!
The fic:
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(I'm sleep deprived and bored. Please enjoy this monstrosity. Peace out.✌️😅😴)
EDIT: Tags aren't working! Grrrrrrrr! It won't let me add all the tags! If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know. Thanks!
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meechatuck · 4 months
Alright TTS peeps, tell me what they are looking at!
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Did a 'draw the gang' with the Brotherhood and Amelia. I really have no idea what they are looking at. I just wanted to draw them like the prompt and I would LOVE to hear what you think they are looking at!!!
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vvizardz · 24 days
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May I present the beast manifestation of the Moon Okay so normally unicorns would be associated with the moon in the magical creature department but given that DK is very harsh, moon magic can be so brutally violent yet elegant at the same time, matches with all the ravens and the other perfect areas with symbolism I just couldn't pass up going on with the griffin idea. The Moon has never looked more powerful. Hector content under the cut:
Hector totally found out about the griffin stuff when he was a squire and formed his whole lil emo life around beasts because of it. Seeing ancient artworks and getting old texts agonizingly translated just to understand this strange myth that much more. The ultimate beast, inadvertently crafting an amazing beast master.
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dangara2610 · 3 months
(4/10) Teenager and Young adult Ulla - Part 9
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Hey, I skipped an important part...., this is how I imagined Ulla staying with Quirin
Yes, Ulla met Quirin , he keep his secret agent missions along the Brotherhood, and asked her to go home.
Donella would try to sell her products secretly around, there were two posible clients, typical insurrectionist group and a cult planning to rob the Moonstone
But Ulla would crack at her camp on whatever time to ask her for love and professional advise.
Donella would hide her real merchandise and let Ulla see the fake products, cutlery, and offer Ulla settler if needed if she they stayed on the Dark Kingdom
But please, bring groceries and keep a schedule, Donella don't like surprises on the back, Ulla agreed.
She keep trying to reach Quirin, convince him about getting his freedom from this militar life and reconnect with his family heritage.
He told her he is orphan, no family heritage, she told him he is Demanitus' offspring, he kind of got interested but not later resigned, asking to be leaved alone, he just would like to have a life as simple as possible, the Brotherhood is all he knows and all he needs, please respect his choices and his secrets.
She confess she is in love with him and she really doesn't want to leave him, no matter if he is not an alchemist like her or not interested in her interests, he is getting attached and falling in love , but he is also a men of compromises and secrets, so he let her chose, if she want to stay on his side, it has to be a secret.
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She thought about it, and came to the conclusion she would keep the secret, so , she asked for time to go and tell her parents (plus Xavier) who were waiting for her outside the kingdom to not wait for her anymor.
Why shouldn't they? Because she will stay with Donella, she is really invested on a project, not lies, they wish her well, and her parents are trusting, they will scort Xavier to Corona and also ask her no to forget she is welcome home whenever she likes.
And if she will stay longer on whatever other foreigner kingdom, please spare Yuletide/Christmas to visit them at Pittsford , Ulf as well agreed to this, family shouldn't forget their love to each other.
She thanked them, but as well, they wouldn't go that simple, they would throw a little goodbye party as they did with Ulf and his friends at Nesdernia, tomorrow they would buy the supplies and next day they would celebrate.
Would Quirin attend? No, his existence is a secret, would Donella attend? Of course, she is the best friend, the reason Ulla is staying, would only her attend? Donella suggest Ulla to find some people in town so this doesn't become a pity party, Ulla find this as a joke and has no problem inviting the groceries sellers she befriended.
They get everything ready, have their little feast and say their goodbyes.
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Time to go back to the camp, Ulla trying to befriend and help the brotherhood, Quirin being scolded by Hector and teased by Adira for not expulsing her.
Ulla is being actually helpful with the power of alchemy, even if she doesn't get details about the secret missions, she provides resourceful tools
Every time she goes back to Donella's place, she spills the beans with her BFF, supposing she is her confident and is not even involved on this things, she is glad Don looks interested instead of non believing.
Donella uses that information to offer better products to her clients to defeat the brotherhood, but that's not free, she is making a fortune, they think she is a higher mistress of divination and science.
These clients are getting poor soon, but they don't give up, they payed for the information, now they have to save enough money for buying the armory and weapons.
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The insurrectionist and cults stepped back, finally the brotherhood is at peace, all the royals, and due to that, there is an important announcement, a baby is coming, the queen was hiding it, but she had been pregnant since 7 months ago, people pray to the accents kings and warriors for the health of the soon to be prince or princess.
Brotherhood missions are now around the castle, and they always endup having a night shift taking care of the queen, and Ulla is tagged along, due to her help before.
During those days, Ulla asked Quirin is he ever wanted to have a child, have a family or settle down, he says that's not up to him, he has a duty to do as agent of the government/royals, and that's for life as long as he is needed.
She ask if can he renounce, and he answers that would be treason, so no, this is his life as long as the royals find use in him, she answers that indeed, she is in love with him, but she-
Oups I have to go, thanks for reading 🏵️🌻🌻🌸🌸🌹🍁💞🌙🍒🧭☀️🪷🦋🌷🌷📚🌺🌴👒🪁🍉🍓🍎🍒🌐🎀🎁🎲🎨🖼️🎹🧶👾
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dark-gibberish · 2 months
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Two kings. Same problem.
Can you guess who I like more?
I drew Fredrick back in 2022, if I remember correctly. I wanted to do a King Edmund piece. Their color palette is (supposedly) inverted and they're facing different directions to show how they handled the black rocks differently. But thier faces are in the same to show how they both ignored the problem and the ones who opposed them are in the same spot to show that they aren't solving the root issue. But Edmunds looking at the viewer to show that he at least acknowledges it.
... I'm looking to far into my own art...
I'll never know why I chose to do such an intense forshorthing for BOTH of these. Atlesst for Freddy I hade the mind to hide the hand with a wall
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tbspiritss · 15 days
Read it. Go read it. Go read it right now. Read it.
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sandwolfstuff · 8 months
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The Brotherhood as birds
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chucklesandrick · 2 years
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POV: You're Charles and they’re bullying you 😢
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leileitts · 1 year
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flossy2003 · 4 months
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Finally introduced the Brotherhood into my comic! I am so excited to get to the scenes where they interact with Scarlett, they’re going to be so much fun to write. Thank you to @th3p0rtalmaker for helping me with Adira’s reaction to Scarlett! 😊
Hector hasn’t shown up yet and his reaction to Scarlett is going to be lukewarm at best.
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