#tumblr is kinda fucking the resolution on this but. thats life.
fanficmemes · 3 years
idk if you remember but for a cursed sunday a while ago (i think it was your blog, not sure cause tumblr's search function is horrible) i sent an ask about drarry smut with magic acid that they drank and all that, and then today i also i sent one about spencer reid from cm...and-and dogs...
anyways! im here with more horribleness because im bored and the weight of the sins i have witnessed are too great for me to bear on the own (disclaimer: i do not condone any of the stuff ive talked about, and i do not wish to shame any fan writers bc just cause someone writes fucked up shit doesnt mean they personally think its ok and sending hate to someone you dont know is bad.)
teensie weensie 12 year old me was confused about my gender and looking for genderbent!harry potter fanfic to read. i stumble across a fic that says 'harry grows feline parts' in the summary, assuming the author made a typo and it was supposed to say feminine and click on it
NOPE!! he actually just grows cat ears and a cat tail. since i'm incapable of quitting stories, i read on even though i didn't particularly want to and my gut was giving me a bad feeling (i shouldn't listened)
harry is still at the dursleys, and the abuse is even more than in canon but nobody knows. snape is sent to fetch him and grumbles about it for a bit but then gets there and sees harry literally seconds away from death on the floor. he grabs him and goes to the headquarters where everyone is waiting. he gets healed, they give him some water but then tie him down to a chair and start questioning him about what happened at his house. he refuses, but then feels himself telling them anyway against his will, bc, plot twist, they fucking spiked his drink with truth serum without telling him.
so after they're done doing what is basically the magical equivalent of roofying and forcing him to give details about his bad home life he was not at all okay with talking about yet, he grows /another/ cat tail right next to the first. this is not explained outside of a couple lines about how its a genetic thing on his mom's side (btw, i dont remember it all perfectly, so plz cut my some slack)
insert 12 yo me's eyes bulging out of their head and quickly scrolling up to re-check the tags and being horrified that i somehow missed the snape/harry tag on it. what prompted this? oh, just a small little scene (/s) where snape basically jacks harry (who is still a minor /and/ one of his students) off but with one of the cat tails instead of his penis because?? because??
anyways, harry is (understandably) upset at everyone for the whole tying-him-down-drugging-him-and-forcing-him-to-reveal-information-he-was-not-ready-to-reveal situation so he decides to dip, change his appearance, and go into hiding under a different identity while staying at some hotel or smth.
there's a random subplot where he gets with draco, but as his secret identity whos is like,,,scottish i think and red head instead of himself and draco doesn't know?? however, when they're in bed right after finishing, the order (who have been trying for months to find him) burst through the door and catch him, then reveal his true identity. draco kinda just shrugs and says he would still be up for a second time because, rivals or not, harry was good in bed. harry has the exact same though process about draco and agrees, before draco leaves and doesn't come back into the plot ever again. (this is all happening in front of all of the other characters, who are pissed at harry for?? idek?? running away from them???)
so, they get mad at harry for a bit, there's some arguing, and then snape tells everyone to leave the room. he then proceeds to spank harry, bare skin on skin, as punishment and to get him to come back and join the order. i think someone cums, but i don't know for sure and idk who it was.
they finish up, exit the room, tell everyone harry isn't going to act out anymore, and thats the end. thats it. no explanation of the cat features, no reprimanding of /any/ of the characters' actions, no follow up on harry's emotions and thoughts on this, nope. nothing. the saddest part was prob that he was geniunely just,,,happier as his secret identity and doing nothing and enjoying the small things for months before the order made him come back.
btw, this was a oneshot and like 8k words i think??? i remember finishing and feeling unsatisfied cause i had to read all that and not even get a proper resolution. anyways, hope this was cursed enough for you. (sorry that its super long, i just didn't know how to condense all of this into something shorter)
What the fuck. 5.5/10
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steveandbucky · 3 years
why do your homework when u can write essays on tumblr dot com
it's so FUCKED UP i spent years and years thinking that my parents fucked me up because like, i cannot function like a normal person, because i went to uni for a psych degree, got a 2:1, and an anxiety disorder lmao and just thinking back about all the horrible things and identifying the abuse for what it was? abuse. and u just.. u think ur the only person walking around with trauma but ur not. not even to minimise anyones suffering but i think there's a lot of people whose parents fucked them up? even in minor ways? for me it was realising that the damage is not.. irrepairable. like i say a lot of the time. i am fucked up. damaged beyond repair. but thats not even true because i'm doing SO. MUCH. BETTER. even right now my relationship with my parents has never been better as it is today!!!! what!!! they're still insufferable and i cannot live with them and i will fight with them but like.. ok and. that just happens lmao. it means i care. if i stop fighting it means i dont care anymore.
AND THEN after all this to come to the realisation that like, ok i have anxiety, and i had undiagnosed adhd as a child and since neither me nor my parents nor teachers nor ANYONE in our immediate circle had ever even HEARD of adhd, it just went unnoticed, it was Difficult Child Syndrome and it made things so so bad BUT. I TURNED OUT PRETTY GREAT LMAO. i dont even care if the road that brought me here was hell.. i think through hardships i did learn kindness? like i want to break the cycle. i want to be nice to my sister. i want to forgive and move on WHICH IS SUPER HARD and nothing i could have done willingly. it just happened one day. i let go. i wasn't angry anymore. but! they did a great job raising me! for real! at least i'm not an asshole (not a big one anyway, asshole with a small a) at least i'm not completely self absorbed? at least im not obsessed with shit like looks, fame, money? at least i have like, at least SOME common sense (the rest of it i lost in the war <3)? at least i know how to take care of myself and cook for myself and can do a decent job cleaning my house lmao i mean. at least i understand what respect looks like, when given and received. no offense but my parents raised me to be a capable adult who can handle her own shit idk what they did right but kudos hey. and i'm not even trying to brag here, i am a very flawed person i know that! and i can even say that i LIKE that i can acknowledge that and work on myself, instead of being confronted about my behaviour and replying with, "i am okay with myself" lmao
but! i think i'm pretty okay and i do owe it to my parents. despite all their flaws and mistakes and what they did to me when i was just a kid, at least they have some solid...morals? life philosophy? now that money is not much of an issue, they're honestly just. better. and i think a LOT of the anger and lashing out and all that was just because poverty anxiety does that to a person (and like, the rest of it was, ykno, cycle of abuse, bc abused people abuse people, and generational trauma dating back to the 1800's, probably) like. idk i look at our relatives and social circle and cant imagine having anyone else as my parents.. the bar is fucking low but they are the best. and they have been supportive of me and continue being supportive, it doesnt matter if they have a different idea of me in their head, and they dont know a lot of shit about me that they'd disapprove of lmao. at least they'll never leave me stranded?? at least i can rely on them? like there's things they can't help me with but they'll help in the ways they can.
like i wanted a fair resolution for the deposit return since my ex flatmate was pushing to keep the full amount of her half and i kept telling her that's not fucking fair but like. i think after talking to my mum i realised it doesnt matter. she made some really good points and she's right im not going to stoop to her level. bc in reality i dont care about money. if i put things in plain numbers, im struggling a lot more with my financials, and i dont have her salary or job security or even her parents 6-figure salaries to fall back on. but im not the one who basically threw away a friendship of 11+ yrs for like. £1038 lmao i mean yeah that's a lot of money but at the end of the day its fucking money. looking back, everything basically comes down to the money, the way she acted once we gave our notice. kinda pathetic actually. never expected her to be this greedy, immature person. but i guess i can't expect much more from someone who can't handle doing anything on her own. and when i talked to my mum and she put things in this perspective and i realised that's what it was, and it was never going to work out, because this is me trying to be fair and resolve things peacefully, putting in the effort, and just being met with aggression and pettiness and snakiness. but yeah. at least my parents raised me right
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cornerstorebitch · 4 years
Hiii greetings love u and ur blog. always. but holy shit why cant destiel die. its 2020 and it was dead the moment hets started shipping it because the show was about SAM AND DEAN. and the reason why j*nsen hated it is because he and j*red are obviously gay and together but I guess thats another gay conspiracy for another day. im annoying myself but yeah anyway just sending my support for ur rants with a side of criticism. love it
the content of this ask hit me like a slap to the face with a really cold fish. not asking for an apology but just saying talk about deja vu.
my thots on spn & dean/cas:
- the show should’ve ended after season 5, full stop. it was clear that that was the intention too i think when you watch the season 5 finale. 6-8 are entertaining but do not serve the overall narrative in any meaningful way. i did not watch past mid 9 but i can only imagine the same can be said.
- cas was written into the story with the intention of mitigating the incest shipping. he was set up to be paired with dean and then written in such a way to encourage this. due to the fact that he was written this way from the very beginning the writers were forced to completely re-write his character multiple times post season 5 due the fact that fans now expected a satisfactory resolution to their relationship tension & jenson was NOT about that life. not for a single second was he about that life lmao.
- i agree with your statement about sam & dean being the core of the show i just think what version you got of those characters was pretty dependent on who wrote the episode. sam and dean work as foil character so naturally it seems like it would be hard to fuck up but somehow... the show needed episodes that were mostly just them & i enjoy a lot of season 2-3 monster of the week episodes with them but as the show goes on it becomes sort of unbearable to be metaphorically locked in a room with them for too long & you Need buffer characters.
- charlie died as fan punishment, a fun new concept i’m sure spn didn’t invent but certainly perfected.
- spn wasn’t the first show reared in the cradle of tumblr but it was certainly one of the first shows to experience the full force of tumblr i think. it’s hard to describe exactly how much effort was put into picking apart and analyzing every last detail of spn and writing long plot maps predicting what would happen. especially post 5 it became sort of a race for the writers of the show to keep up with whatever the fandom had written up first. it seems kinda silly now with the show having gone on for so long but there was definitely a period of time where it seemed like dean/cas becoming canon was a real possibility.
it honestly makes me a little sad to know that the show continued on without the same level of fervor that it inspired before and definitely with a lot less pathos. the breaking point for me, and for a lot of people, was that musical episode in season 9 (i think it was the 100th episode) that just pushed the dean/cas baiting to what i would call a mean degree well past the point where anyone thought it was a real possibility.
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lipvincent · 5 years
hi im samuel i am feral and excited 2 write with u all . its been a minute since ive hopped on tumblr for a bit of the ol rp..... but ill give this lil personal rundown a shot
i live in beautiful sunny california baby....... soaking in the rays Mmmm-mmm life is good . im 20 n i like to eat plain oatmeal and prunes therefore my diet is that of a 90 yr old and i think thats very sexy of me . lip is a brute and rly doesnt deserve to b liked whatsoever...... lets get on w tha show...
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CIS-MALE — ever hear people say PHILIP GLASPY-VINCENT looks a lot like FINN COLE? I think HE is about 24, so it doesn’t really work. The HEAD OF A DEALING RING is here because HE’S LOCKED DOWN UNTIL HE CAN FIND BETTER SOURCES FOR HIS STOCK and they are from NEW JERSEY. They can be RESOLUTE, but they can also be DEPRAVED. I think LIP might be TIER 3 SHEPARD. 
phillip glaspy-vincent . heir to his gross fathers throne . ultimate douchebag and product of a bad decision gone extra wrong . half-brother to another delinquent
crimelord gangster mikey v had an affair w the wife (nora beatrice glaspy) of some hotshot politician staking out his competition fr a week in ny . big meeting of big men with national notoriety . nora took the pregnancy home n tried to pass the baby as her husbands son . worked fr a while until it didnt... around the age of three, poor sap puts the pieces together after a visit to the doc turns south . its a rough time for everyone involved
divorce comes swiftly and without mercy . tears up their marriage . the press crushes his mothers reputation and shreds her self esteem in countless records of newspaper shaming and petty broadcast reports . its humiliating n they end up moving from manhattan to a far off district in new jersey, holed up in the only apartment she can afford (and is struggling to consistently secure rent checks for) . lots of government disputes, money problems, etc
hes six when his mom takes a bath that lasts a little too long . walks in on her and shes already dead . the blade is rested on the edge of the bathtub and is collected by the police once he works up the courage to dial 911 . chides himself to this day for takin so long because he was covered in his own snot on some nicotine stained tile in the middle of who knows where…. n now his whole lifes been hollowed out to tha flippin core . he hasnt cried since then and frankly ? i dont think hes going to unless he is actually throwing a goddamn tantrum.... which he has the tendency of doing
authorities track down his only living biological parent . in comes mikey fr round two . they drop lip off like a poorly delivered fedex package…. be careful! fragile! bt none of tht shit is heeded in the slightest so does it even fcking matter? hes raised alongside his half sister n though they have varying personalities n clashing morality…. they actually get along quite well n are stable sources of support fr each othr on a daily basis
mikey is as hes expected to b . terrible guy . head of the dealing ring which lip is taking over on the downlow nowadays . hes real good at it n models after his father in being a snake oil salesman….. slowly picking up the slack n is becoming one sadistic yung man w a taste for nothing bt horrible news . he doesnt realize hes taking on characteristics of his dad and doesnt want to in the first place bc its the last thing he ever aspired to end up like . he is vry bitter abt it and by being somewhat aware of his dickish behavior it accelerates the process of becoming Even More of a Dick
he wears a lot of suits bt dresses them down….. plain t-shirts n black trousers . has two big white dogs that he walks around w sometimes and they arent vry nice & have to have muzzles on them 24/7 (nobody knows where tha fuck they go when he isnt walking them… fair to assume his buds take care of them for him) . still plays neko atsume . has buried more bodies than hell ever admit . talks to everybody like they are his absolute bitch . adores lesley gore and ballroom dancing . has driven a car into a lake on multiple occasions to show crazed dominance over the rest of his posse whom follow him around n tend to come in 3s (notable names r sweeney, klautz & don) . carries a gun w religious symbols on it…….. kinda like in leo dicaprios romeo + juliet (keeps tht sucker under his pillow tho…… fr everybodys safety) . wears ski masks most of tha time and gets attached to ppl really easily but would never admit it . hes kind of like a date? the fruit…. except a sour date with a mushy pit and the skin sticks to ur teeth when u bite into it. a date gone rotten . a rotten date :)
anyway . this is supr rushed . blease………. 
i vant all ze connections n that isnt an exaggeration in the slightest im a hongry little stinker so give em UP!!!!!!! give this post a like n ill come barreling towards u without mercy POW POW POW like that....
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fenrhi · 5 years
For the salt meme, 1, 5, 7, 17
thank you for the ask! I’m glad you like my salt.
1) What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
People shipping Shiro with Slav in a romantic way unironically….
5) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
I’m going to get hate for this but fuck it. Fandom has ruined l0tura for me, for several reasons. a) 80% of the l0tura shippers saw their ship as wholesome/healthy/morally superior/the only acceptable allura ship canon could give us. I didn’t. In fact, I wouldn’t mind if canon pushed the dark/complex/morally grey aspect further. But lotor died and we never got proper resolution.
b) the attitude of some lotor stans really put me off creating more l0tura content. I’m talking about the “if you dare imply lotor has done one thing wrong in his life, you’re insulting all victims of parental abuse and I’m coming to burn your house down” stans. I fear getting inflammatory comments on my posts. Not related to l0tura but I made a post about how the paladins were kinda hypocritical sometimes and someone added “lotor wasn’t a nazi after all! the paladins were the true nazis all along!!!” and I facepalmed so hard my soul left my body
c) some l0tura stans really hate allurànce and this is also off-putting since i like both ships. The “allura killed herself because lance gave her depression” kind of person comes to mind. I can only stand so much discourse…..
7) Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Hmmm….. this “look at this pure wholesome chara who has done nothing uwu protect them forever” thing got tiring. I’m aware its not just a vld problem but some people in this fandom get reaaallyyyyyyy defensive about their favs and thats kinda irks me. I think it’s mostly caused by tumblr purity culture and the stupid “fandom is activism” mentality. I like keith but I also know he fucked up a lot. It’s ok if your fav fucks up, you’re not a bad person for liking a character who has done bad things. A simple sentence like this is supposed to be common sense and yet…..
17) Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
oh I have so many things in mind. But i guess i have to choose only one thing… Make the paladins real friends. Or hire some writers who watched mecha animes and know their shit. Hell, the dudes of Gundam 00 were more ride or die than the paladins could ever be!
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