#tv ehime
danketsuround · 7 months
sunday six
since tumblr is long-post friendly (and i forgot to do sunday six a few days ago...) i'll post a scoop of this fic i've been working on for too long. (SPOILERS FOR LOST JUDGEMENT AHEAD) it takes place a few years after the events of the game, in a timeline where kuwana takes care of mitsuru in reiko's absence.
you can read some of it down here *points below*
He had been taking care of Mitsuru for the past three years. The first year, he risked staying in Ijincho by Reiko's request, and held his breath when she released a statement saying that killing Kawai was her idea alone; that the six other bodies had nothing to do with her superstitious act of revenge; that the call was nothing more than a hoax, that she was raised Buddhist, and that she did it because she thought it would bring him back. She bowed in an ill-fitting blue-gray jumpsuit and teetered off camera with her wrists cuffed to her front. Her cooperation was nothing more than a story—one to keep police off the plain name Yu Kitakata in hopes they would leave Mitsuru alone with him—but it was atonement no less. Kuwana often fights with her about her decision, though, it's hard not to lose to her. She has the unyielding disposition of a cliffside, even evident in her courtroom confessions. If he thinks hard enough now, he can see her crossing her cardigan against her chest and balling her fists up under her armpits.
Three years ago, next to her pacing ex-husband, he watched her arrest be televised from the corner of the hospital waiting room. Mitsuru's father would curse the TV while his son was two doors down relearning how to blink. I can't believe her, he would say. I can't believe I ever married that woman.
Neither could Kuwana. He and Reiko separated when Mitsuru was a young child, but it was their son's suicide attempt that pulled the rings off of their fingers. They blamed each other until they blamed themselves. Reiko only talked about him when she had too much to drink, and that was the one thing they still shared. One night, slobbering over a beer he somehow convinced Kuwana to share with him, he confessed that Reiko used to spend all day in the coma ward with Mitsuru's fingers in her mouth—not knowing that Kuwana used to sit behind her and watch. Many years ago, he eagerly awaited his turn, though it was foolish to think he wasn't consumed by her already.
Then, two years ago, Kuwana and Mitsuru settled south to chase Reiko's final detainment in Ehime's capital, choosing to distance themselves just a few hours away in Masaki. Masaki is a small town that exists between Matsuyama city and the water's edge. Kuwana had once described it in a letter to her as a Do I know you from somewhere? type of place where everyone is someone's neighbor or niece's schoolteacher. When asked, he chalks it up to having one of those implacably recognizable faces. He certainly hopes no one recognizes him, and not just because he can hardly recognize himself lately.
Last month, one of the grannies who lives downstairs popped a wheel on her walker and flattened her face on the concrete. As he tightened it, she told him that he and Mitsuru were city-handsome and could thus be spotted from a mile away. Then she wiped the dust off of her glass eye.
His lips tighten as he imagines himself above the fold of the morning paper. People in the countryside are too honest. It's not a life he's used to living—not even when he lived carelessly and salaried like Mr. Kusumoto.
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kokiafans · 1 year
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KOKIA in flashback - 2016
The year of 2016 has barely started, but it is already an exciting one for KOKIA as she gives birth to her son Leonardo (Leo for short) on January 13.
Amazingly, KOKIA is already back on the stage in weeks, for her second fully orchestrated concert no less! Later in the year, KOKIA also performs in Shanghai for the first time, and in November, she holds her concert LAYERS. This concert celebrates her 10 years of independence, shorter than her usual concerts but incorporating sounds, lightning, dance and effects in ways she's never done before. The title refers to all the layers of sound and visuals woven throughout this performance.
This is also the year KOKIA releases her first jazz cover album, Watching from above, featuring little Leo on the cover. The album is published by KOKIA's own office, anco&co, and therefore only available via the web shop or at concert venues.
◆ Lives and events ◆
February 14 KOKIA Heart touching music Symphonic Concert 2016 (Tokyo, Bunkamura Orchard Hall) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Valentine 2016)
March 26 PIANO to KOKIA ~minimum ga kokochi ii~ (‘PIANO and KOKIA - the minimum is a good feeling’) (Tokyo, Hakuju Hall) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: piano concert 2016)
April 23-April 24  KOKIA 琴有独衷 2016 独唱会 ('The solitude of instruments, 2016 concert') (Shanghai, He Luting Concert Hall)  ※ First performance in Shanghai, mainland China (Promotion: Shanghai 2016)
June 18 REAL MUSIC NAKED presents REAL MUSIC VILLAGE 2016 (Hokkaido historic village) (Promotion: Real Music village 2016)
July 17-July 18 KOKIA 2016 concert Album o mekuru you ni (‘Like turning pages of an album’) (Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No. 1) (Promotion: Yokohama 2016)
August 13 Watching from Above ~anata to tsunagaru basho~ ('the place where I'm connected to you') (NAGOYA Blue Note) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Nagoya Blue Note 2016)
September 3 KOKIA Salon (Harajuku Quest Hall) ※ Event exclusively for members of the KOKIA fanclub, club ancoro, 2 performances total (Promotion: KOKIA salon 2016)
November 5 LAYERS ~lights and shadows~ shinrabanshou ('the whole of creation') (Tokyo International Forum Hall C) (Promotion: Layers concert)
December 9-December 10 KOKIA 2016 Christmas Concert Dedicated to Classical Music ~kokoro ni hibiku mono~ ('what echoes in our hearts') (Tokyo, Shinagawa Church Gloria Chapel) (Promotion: Christmas 2016)
December 24 KOKIA 2016 Christmas live Christmas Party!! (Tokyo, Haremame (Haretara sora ni mame maite) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Christmas Party 2016)
◆ Releases ◆
February 1 Release of concert DVD KOKIA 2015 in Kawaguchiko mori to utau sora to tsunagaru (’singing with the forest, connected with the sky’) (anco&co.) (Promotion: Kawaguchiko 2015)
April 8 Release of jazz cover album Watching from Above (anco&co.) (Watching from Above)
July 1 Release of concert DVD KOKIA 2016 Heart Touching Music (anco&co.) (Promotion: Valentine 2016)
◆ Other releases ◆
March 2 Release of the Zardonic album Antihero (Victor Entertainment) ※ Includes a remix version of the main theme of TV game Strike Suit Zero performed by KOKIA as a bonus track on the Japanese exclusive version. (Zardonic)
March 24 Release of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows game DARK SOULS III ※ Performed the end theme
September 14 Release of the single Itsuwari no sora no saki ni aru mono ('the things beyond the sky of lies') (TEAM Entertainment) ※ Opening theme for Yuukyuu no Tier Blade (’Tier blade of eternity’), the PlayStation Vita game released in the adult dating simulation game brand Otomate. Also performed the end theme, Aoi sora sore dake na no ni... ('Blue skies, though there's only that...') (Itsuwari no sora no saki ni aru mono, tier blade)
◆ Books ◆
February 1 Release of the Piano and voice sheet music collection otonami book vol.2 Ai wa kodama suru ('love echoes') (anco&co.) (Promotion: score book)
◆ Other ◆
June 22 Broadcasting of the NHK BS Premium Ehime region drama 'kutabare' bocchan ('Shove it, boy') ※ Performed in the theme song Kono machi de (’in this town’)
◆ Videos with links to watch ◆
PlayStation Vita game Yuukyuu no Tier Blade (’Tier blade of eternity’), opening theme Itsuwari no sora no saki ni aru mono ('the things beyond the sky of lies'): 【full version】PS Vita Yuukyuu no tier blade -Lost Chronicle- opening movie
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jinmakazuhiro · 2 years
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朝ごはん 2022/06/01 レシピあり ▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱ (レ) ブレッドオムレツ (レ) ほうれん草のイタリアンお浸し ○ フライドチキン ○ 彩サラダ🥗 ▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱ おはようございます😃 今日もトーストアレンジをしてみました。今朝は割とゆっくり朝ごはんを作れました! TVでインドのブレッドオムレツを見かけたので、それっぽく作ってみました。 インドでは卵を食べる人も1割程度いらっしゃるようで、朝食に卵を使った料理があるとのことです👍 本場ではさまざまなスパイスを使うようですが、こだわらなければ、冷蔵庫の余った材料で作ることができそうなので良いと思います😋 そういうことで、早速、余っていた紅しょうがを使ってみました笑 出来上がりにお好みソースをかけてお好み焼き風パンとしたい気持ちを抑えて...、カレーパウダーで味付け(インド料理だからね!)。 紅しょうがとカレーは合うと思います!😁 その他、 ほうれん草のお浸しは、オリーブオイルでイタリアン風に仕上げました。 フライドチキンは、昨夜のおつまみの余り。 お肉は鰹ベースの出汁とパセリで味付け&衣は薄力粉と片栗粉のミックスで2度揚げで仕上げました。 .............................................................................................. ブレッドオムレツ .............................................................................................. 材料(1人前) ・食パン 1枚 ・卵 2個 ・赤たまねぎ 50g(なければ、たまねぎ) ・レモン汁 小1 ・にんにく ・塩 少々 ・こしょう 少々 ・バター 大1 ※以下材料があればお好みで ・紅しょうが 小1(今回使用) ・カレーパウダー お好み(今回使用) ・パクチー (あれば) ・コリアンダー 小1 (あれば) ・チリパウダー 小1 (あれば) ・ガラムマサラ 大1/2 手順 1.ボウルで卵を溶き、塩、こしょう、レモン汁、紅しょうが(みじん切り)を混ぜ合わせる 2.フライパンにバターを引き、弱火で赤たまねぎ(みじん切り)とにんにく(みじん切り)を、ほんのり色づくまで炒める。 3.フライパンに、1の2/3をまんべんなく流し入れる。 4.食パンをフライパンの中央に置き、四方の余った卵を食パンの中央に向かって包みこむ 5.中央のくぼみに、1の残り1/3をかける。 6.食パンを裏返して焼く。 7.卵が焼き固まったら出来上がり。 ........................................................................................................ ・ .............................................................................................. ほうれん草のイタリアンお浸し ............................................................................................. 材料(2人前) ・ほうれん草 4束 ・赤唐辛子(輪切り)少々 ・オリーブオイル ・醤油 小1/2 ・にんにく 1片 ・塩 大2 ・黒こしょう 少々 手順 1.鍋で湯を沸かし、塩大2を加え、ほうれん草をクタクタになるまで茹でる。 2.1を冷水で冷やしてよく絞る。 3.絞ったほうれん草を3cm幅で切る。 4.ボウルに、にんにく(みじんぎり)、赤唐辛子(輪切り)、オリーブオイル、醤油を加えて混ぜる。塩・黒こしょうで味を調える。 5.4にほうれん草を入れて、混ぜ合わせて出来上がり。 粉チーズを振ってもおいしくいただけそうです! ........................................................................................................ それでは、皆さんも 今日も良い1日となりますように😌 #朝ごはん #朝ごはんプレート #朝ごはんの記録 #朝ごはん部 #朝ごはん日記 #ワンプレート #ワンプレート朝ごはん #料理 #料理日記 #料理大好き #料理男子 #料理好きな人と繋がりたい #クッキングラム #ダイエット#おうちごはん #デリスタグラム #朝食プレート #おうちごはん #おうちカフェ #ワンプレートごはん #朝ごぱん #ブレッドオムレツ #ほうれん草のイタリアンお浸し #フライドチキン #���単レシピ #レシピ #おかずレシピ (at Matsuyama, Ehime) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeP8b2KL_Pb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Aoashi TV Anime Reveals "Play Visual" of Haruhisa Kuribayashi
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  Aoashi, a currently broadcasting TV anime based on the soccer sports manga by Yugo Kobayashi, has revealed a "play visual" (below) of Haruhisa Kuribayashi (CV: Yūichirō Umehara), a newly introduced player described as a "genius midfielder" who plays soccer at a professional level even though he's only 16 years of age. Kuribayashi is introduced in Episode 06: "First Fan".
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    RELATED: Aoashi English Dub Reveals Cast & Crew, Release Date
  The original Aoashi manga is serialized by Shogakukan in their Weekly Big Comic Spirits seinen manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Shogakukan Asia. Crunchyroll describes the story of Aoashi as follows:
  "I'll take you to the world." Ashito Aoi is a middle schooler who lives in Ehime, and the ace of an unremarkable soccer club. The day that they lost the final tournament of middle school, Ashito ran along the ocean in frustration, before running into a man who had been watching his game. That man is Tatsuya Fukuda, the coach of the high-school-aged Youth team of a leading J-League team, "Tokyo City Esperion FC." After sensing immense potential in Ashito's still-unrefined skills, he describes his ambition. "I want to build a team, and use it to take over the world. Our club isn't going to be a milestone for players who take on the world. Our club is going to be the world. And to make this happen, I'm going to need some 'aces' to train." After hearing Fukuda's offer, Ashito decides to head to Tokyo and try out for his team── Aoashi is considered the cutting edge of soccer manga, and now it's finally getting a TV anime adaptation! Loss, growth, and friendship: everything in youth is here!
    RELATED: Japanese Rapper Rinne Releases Spring 2022 TV Anime Aoashi ED Theme MV Depicting The Youth of Students
  The Aoashi TV anime is directed by Akira Sato and features animation production by Production I.G. The series is currently broadcasting in Japan and is also available via streaming on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2022 anime simulcast lineup.
  Source: MoCa
  Copyright notice: © 2022 Yugo KOBAYASHI, Shogakukan/ Aoashi Project
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Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
By: Paul Chapman
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Yamata-No-Orochi: (Part 4) Erii
ITT: The Mic Drop Heard Round the World.
The sun woke you. Bright light shone through the windows, forming a halo around the curtains and projecting the shape of raindrops from the window onto the carpet. Mingfei had left shortly before you fell asleep of exhaustion and grief. 
You’d fought hard and rebelled against the world, but this last rebellion had taken you too far. Z raised, saved, and safeguarded you. But you refused to play his love game, and that was all it took to discard you. Caesar had been at your side, encouraging you to live all this time. But now that the clouds had gathered, and the darkness of the world surrounded you, he realized that, like Chance, life was not in the cards for you. And Chu Zihang? Well, he always was a sword at your throat.
Once again the world was laughing, mocking you with its silent game of keep away. Love? Syke! Happiness? Syke! Companionship? Syke!
You hated this world. Mingfei went to Erii’s room with the Desert Eagle. What was stopping you from planting your mind in the ground and tilting Tokyo into a rift in the Earth, like it was the undersea Takamagahara? To watch its towers topple, and its buildings burn would be a fitting end to a Godzilla movie.
The hotel phone rang, insanely loud. You reached over and picked it up. “Pizza Hut,” you mumble.
Lu Mingfei stammered for a moment. Then he laughed. “Hey. You, me, Erii road trip. Right now. I left some clothes for you.”
His voice over the phone, it sounded like Z’s. You are silent, mind completely inert, spirit aching. “Sure whatever.” You hang up.
You shower and pull a comb through your hair three times, leaving it to fall over your shoulders. You don't bother with jewelry or make up. He left you a pair of skin tight jeans and a shirt that said Wild Thing across the front. White ankle socks and blue low rise canvas sneakers go over your feet.
The phone rings again. Mingfei sounded breathless. “Come now! We have to go!”
You hang up the phone and dash outside. Mingfei is waiting for you in a cherry red porsche. Erii waves with bright enthusiasm from the passenger side as he gets out and folds the seat down so you can get in the back. “Erii this is my friend, MC, She’s sick like you.”
You startle. Mingfei just went out and said it. You hold out your hand and she takes it, examining your fingers with her dark red eyes. You were lighter skinned, but this girl was near transparent. She scribbled on a notepad. “Nice to meet you. You are very pretty.”
“Guys buckle up!”
Your seatbelt had just clicked when Mingfei down shifted and floored it. The engine let out a mighty growl and the car took off like a rocket down the street. But Mingfei was relaxed, with an impish, ‘catch me if you can’ sort of look. Something in your chest stirred awake.
Erii held up her notebook. “Sakura is the best, right?”
Her smile was so sly, not something you expected to see. “Oh yeah, he's awesome!”
Her nod was sassy, like, Damn Straight.
You look at him again. He was smiling like he was angry. He was acting recklessly. The buildings were a blur outside the windows. The car rumbled like a beast underneath you as the accelerator didn't let up. You weave through traffic like lightning and soon the police are tailing you with flashing lights.
If you thought you were going fast before you were mistaken. The car dug deeper, and it felt like you floated over the road. The police car faded into the distance, unable to keep up.
He pulls into a service station and pays the attendant way too much cash. “Where are we going?” You ask.
“It's a surprise!”
“Does MC like gum?” Erii held out a piece and you helped yourself. 
You lean forward. Erii was covered head to toe in clothing, despite the good weather. 
“MC said that Erii is not stupid, that Erii is smart. MC was right, you knew a lot about yourself. But MC was sad so I wanted to take her too.” Lu Mingfei was saying. “Because she cares for Erii and understands her.”
Erii looks at you for a moment. Then she wrote in her notepad, “Cheer up. Sakura is very lucky. Thank you for caring about me.”
Her expression was so earnest and happy. Did she really understand herself? You hold out your hands for the notebook and pen. You write, “I'm too sick so my friends are scared of me.”
She takes one look at the notepad and her eyes widen. She snatches it back and writes, “Erii is not scared, Erii will be your friend.”
“Please be my friend.” You say softly.
Erii reaches out and seizes your arm. Her face is serious and she nods. When you stop at the supermarket, she drags you along, purchasing snacks and a gigantic stuffed teddy bear. Erii was not interested in herself. She wanted to cheer you up! She understood beyond words the lifelong loneliness, the constant rejection, and growing up in a world that feared you. She forcefully shoves the teddy bear into your hands. And pulls you along. It's so big you can't see around it.
Her image blurs with that of Renata. If Renata had a chance to grow up, she would be this bold.
The bear is so tall it folds against the low ceiling of the porsche. You squeeze in next to it.
“MC is from Siberia. Where she is from, the sun doesn't set in Summer. And in Winter, it doesn't rise and lights dance in the sky.” Mingfei says as you take off again.
Erii swivels in a full body, “What?!” expression and you laugh. “It is true. It's exactly like that.”
“That is AWESOME!” She turns the notepad to you and then writes, “I want to visit your home!”
You recall your promise to Caesar to go dog sledding and feel a pang of regret. But your mind has already replaced Caesar on the dogsled and put Erii there. “Let’s go dogsledding!”
She looks confused.
“Here give me your notebook.” You draw a sketch of a dog sled pulled by a team of panting dogs.
If Erii’s eyes got any bigger they would fill her face. She wrote, “IS THERE SANTA IS HE THERE”
“I… no Santas not there, but we can pretend to be Santa.”
“MC is awesome!”
Before dusk, Lu Mingfei and you two ladies arrived in the town at the southwest end of Shikoku, which is more than four hundred kilometers from Tokyo. The Porsche sports car ran for a full four hours. The whole time Erii peppered you with questions about life in Siberia while Mingfei drove. She had the impression of a magical frostland full of sky and sea. Her sparkling impression was free of brutal reality. For four hours you spoke only of the beauty and wonder of the north. Erii’s notebook is filled with sketches of white quail, snow geese, cute arctic foxes, bears, seals, and whales.
    The open-air parking lot was empty. Lu Mingfei found a parking space to park the car, and opened the door to hear the tide. You could not see the sea. A large hill stood between you and the ocean. The waves sounded like reverberating between the sky and the earth.
    "The sea?" Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei, with excitement in her eyes.
Lu Mingfei nodded his head as an answer. 
Ah the ocean… maybe four hours ago you might have been upset to meet up with the water. Now you just laugh.
Erii looks at you curiously.
“Did you know I got to ride dolphins?”
Erii practically staggers. 
“If you're lost in the ocean, sometimes dolphins will rescue you.” You hook her arm in yours. “They're big and strong and won't let you drown.”
“MC knows so much.”
“Erii knows a lot about Erii’s world. I know a lot about mine.”
Erii nods and smiles.
Lu Mingfei pulled out the compass, opened the long-prepared map, and took you to the town not far away. The sign in front of the town reads Umezuji-cho. At this time of the year, the streets of Tokyo must be bustling with people, but in this small seaside town, there are no people on the streets, only a group of elementary school students in school uniforms passing by.
Mingfei seemed to be in a rush, but Erii dallied with you, asking questions and marveling at the tofu shop, or the batik store. More than once, Mingfei had to come back and usher you forward. He clearly had some sort of plan in mind.
You find out that he hurried was so you could catch the last mountain tram, which was built next to the town's shrine and had a 45-degree angle track that made a staccato sound as you climbed.
    On both sides of the track there are dense trees. These trees cover the track like thick clouds, and it is as if you are walking through a tunnel of ever-changing colors, a tunnel made purely of foliage and flowers.
Both you and Erii are stunned with wonder. You did not have such dense forests like this growing up. The air is full of birdsong and frogs and early season cicadas. You feel someone take your hand. Erii points to your face. A bright tear shone there like a pearl. You didn't know you had shed it.
  "Sakura is not Japanese, right? How do you know such a beautiful place?" Erii wrote in her little notebook.
    "I saw a drama made in Japan. This is a very famous scene from that drama. I saw that drama a long time ago."
    "What was the name of that TV series?"
    "Tokyo Love Story." Lu Mingfei wrote one stroke at a time.
 "I liked that Japanese drama so much that I searched the Internet for all kinds of information about Ehime Prefecture, and finally learned that the ending scene was filmed in Umezuji Town, and that the school and the separate stations in the drama were real. I had always dreamed of traveling to Umetsuji-cho and had done a lot of homework.”
You and Mingfei did not really know each other. You did not think he was this level of a romantic so you didn’t understand why Caesar would want to pair you two. Now it made a lot more sense.
Lu Mingfei took out a handkerchief and blindfolded Erii: "You will see a beautiful view when you untie the handkerchief later."
When he handed one to you, your jaw drops. “I can’t believe you.”
He doesn’t say anything, just ties your eyes. You feel his hand close around yours. You can’t see Erii’s expression. “Erii, I’m so excited. This is fantastic!”
You’re smiling, you can’t stop. The memories of the events of the days before roared like angry hordes of monsters in your mind, but Mingfei and Erii have shut the gates on them. His warm hand in yours, the rhythm of the sun's rays between the trees, the crunch of your footfalls on the trail, the constant sound of birds. It was all so soothing.
 You walk the decades old mountain mining path, a road with uneven stone patchwork. At the end of the road is a long closed mine. In order to commemorate the mine that raised the town, the residents of Umezuji Town donated money to build a wooden temple-style building over the entrance and exit of the mine. Each rafter is hung with carp flags for prayers, and various porcelain dolls are placed under the eaves. This is a local custom. If the town's family gave birth to a boy, they would come here to hang a carp flag, and if it is a girl will put a porcelain doll.
 “It's exactly the same as the Internet says." Lu Mingfei said.
The tracks of the mine car had long been rusted, and weeds grew among the sleepers. You followed the track to the edge of the cliff, and Lu Mingfei helped you to climb a rock that protruded from the cliff.
He pressed his hands on you and Erii’s shoulders and said, "Now you can take off the blindfold."
You untied your handkerchief. 
The sunset blooms full in your vision. The huge sun disc had touched the sea. Ten of millions of tons of seawater slowly swirled beneath your feet. The tide broke into white splashes under the black cliffs. The wind blew endless hectares of forest. The evening woods also look like the sea from a distance, a pale red sea, with thousands of treetops swaying with the wind, forming cascading waves. 
Small towns are distributed along the winding coastline, Lu Mingfei names of them one by one -- below the cliff is the town of Umezuji, a little farther away is the town of Yamamae, Tsukishita Castle Town and Matsuron Town, and further is beyond his knowledge.
    The town's small school was already empty, and the silent playground was empty.
    The Ferris wheel spins slowly but does not carry passengers. The Ferris wheel in Umezuji Town is only a miniature version, but it is magnified in the sunset, its huge shadow cast on the undulating sea of trees.
    On the track facing the sea, the yellow slow train rumbled through the small unoccupied station, which was enclosed by white railings with the signs "Umetsuji X" and "Tokyo X”. You wonder how long it had to wait for a nostalgic and romantic fan like Lu Mingfei. Music starts playing and you can't help but laugh in disbelief.
    Lu Mingfei had pressed play on the theme song of Tokyo Love Story. His phone was the latest and the speaker was good. You couldn't believe it. This nerdy little parrot boy and scared raccoon had somehow managed to comfort you completely. Outside the shadows of Caesar and Chu Zihang, he shined bright. Maybe being on a boat with him would be fun.
Erii held up her notebook. “The world is gentle.”
You look at her, expressionless. She was right. The world in its natural state was quiet and peaceful. You’d fallen asleep in violence and awakened in violence and pain. You didn't get to experience the romantic world like this very much. In your mind, you imagine Renata in her patchwork coat, sitting next to you. In your ears, she whispers. 
You open your mouth, “Make a wish!”
Mingfei turns to you in surprise but Erii follows along, pressing her palms together. You pray.
Renata. I am coming soon. Sorry it took so long.
You sat under the roof of the mine. Erii kept writing questions. Lu Mingfei answered one by one. This girl seems to have saved up a belly of questions, and now they all came out. Mostly they referenced Anime and Manga you have never heard of. That was Erii’s world, a world of cartoon fantasy. He confirmed or denied that reality, shaping and creating the world anew as you watched her listen intently. Lu Mingfei had taken to heart your words and was upfront and simple, not lying or trying to say things she wanted to hear. You nod in approval, your eyes serious. 
The sun gradually sank below the surface of the sea, the last afterglow scattered on the water. Half of the sun and its reflection form a complete circle.
   "So this is what the outside world looks like." Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei to see.
    "Yeah, that's what it's like, no Britannia Kingdom and no Celestial Organization… disappointed?" Lu Mingfei asked.
    "No, not disappointed, like this kind of world, this kind of world is very gentle." Erii used the word gentle once again. You repeated the word in your mind. Gentle. It echoes there. As if without the constant threat of death and adrenaline, there was just empty space.
   "I really like this world." As the sun is about to disappear, Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei. "But the world doesn't like me." Erii went on to write.
You stand up and move to the other side of her. You scoot as close as you can and rest your head on her shoulder. She hugged the huge bear and lowered her eyes like a cat that had done something wrong.
 "I'll be a problem for everyone and I've been a problem for Sakura." Erii wrote again.
  "I was too willful. So I ran away from home."
  "I should have gone back a long time ago but it's still a pleasure."
   "It's beautiful here, I should have known I should have come here on the first day. Thank you Sakura, MC, thank you.”
You lower your hand over hers as she’s writing.
Erii froze for a moment.
 "No." Lu Mingfei repeated.
Lu Mingfei cocked his head to look at her with a rare serious look: "Don't think you can know what the world is like by coming out to see it. I'm still confused after living in this world for more than twenty years. You've only run out for a few days and you think you understand?"
His eyes look at you too and you’re just as shaken as Erii. But he is right! You never set foot outside the Port of Black Swan and that was 20 years ago. You saw the whole world through that tiny lens and haughtily walked around like you owned the place. You judged others through that same view as well.
  "How big the world is depends on how many people you know, and for every person you know, the world gets a little bigger for you. There are many cities in this world. There are Tokyo, Paris, Cairo, London, Istanbul... but many of them are just names to you, you haven't been there and there are no people there you want to visit, so they don't really belong to your world. There are many, many more people in this world, but you don't know them, and they don't belong in your world. There are also lots of good food and fun and nice things in this world, but the world that really belongs to you is actually very small, just the places you've been and eaten and seen the sunset and the friends who will care if you live or die."
 "Whether the world likes you or not only depends on whether your friends like you or not. Everyone has a few really good friends. They like you, therefore, the world likes you."
The world… was not Tokyo, or Cassell or Hydra… The world was Renata, Caesar, Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, and now Erii. You turn your head back to Tokyo, unseen in the distance. How could you leave…?
“What is a good friend?" Erii wrote in her little notebook.
    "It's the kind of friend that's so crazy about that he'll believe in you no matter what, and he'll be with you no matter what.” Lu Mingfei growled low. "If the world really doesn't like you, then the world is my enemy."
    The moment these cold and arrogant words came out of his mouth, you seemed to hear a familiar cold laugh coming from behind you. The demon of the sad world sneering with all its mockery.
Together, you and Mingfei both jerked back, but behind you were only cherry blossoms mixed with fallen leaves swirling in a breeze, and there was no sign of Z. Lu Mingfei stared at you with wide eyes and you stared right back. His mouth opened. “MC. You… heard…?”
    "Wanted: a good friend." 
He turned back to Erii waiting for him with a small book up. 
    "I am your good friend, and you will have more good friends in the future." You say.
    "But as long as we are your good friends, how can we not like you?" He said softly.
She slowly crawled towards Lu Mingfei like a kitten, vigilantly figuring out his look. Lu Mingfei looks petrified and you cover your mouth with one hand while silently cheering, “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
What did he expect? Even your heart was moving and you don’t even like him! Lu Mingfei is sitting here putting Kazama level moves on this girl and now that her arms are around him and her head is on his chest, he looks two seconds away from shitting himself. You ball your fist against your lips and swallow your laughter.
Clouds gathered in the distance and the sun had set, It was time to go. You would have to get up bright and early tomorrow to get on the boat to China. Your heart was relaxed again about Caesar’s decision. After all, he was just doing his best. If you died, you would go to rest. Caesar would be tormented for the rest of his days. He wasn't sending you on the boat to die. He wanted you to live. You still believed the omniscient Z. Leaving Tokyo was a death sentence. But you also believed Caesar had his own parallel script.
It was raining by the time the train came. You stand shoulder to shoulder on the platform. “Call me to wake me up tomorrow.” You say.
 Mingfei lowers his head and laughs.
“Oh you’re planning to oversleep? Once again I have to be the mature one.” You roll your eyes. 
The train splashes up to the platform and you make sure Erii has her ticket. She sits next to the window and stares outside. Much to your surprise, Mingfei sits you next to her. He gives you a fond smile and passes you a note.
  "Dear passengers, this train terminates in Matsuyama City. We are now about to leave Umezuji-cho station. The train is about to close......" A sweet female voice echoed in the carriage. 
The doors of the train close.
You open the note in your hand. The words make you squint.
You have to live.
You and Erii gasp at the same time. Mingfei is not on the train. The doors have closed. And he is not on the train!
You leap from your seat and pound on the glass door in front of the smiling Mingfei. “Where am I supposed to go?” You will miss the boat. You won’t go to China.
Your hands slowly slide from the glass. Erii is pressing her notebook urgently against it.
Lu Mingfei tapped on the window, "Someone will pick Erii up when you get to Matsuyama City. MC, find Ruri Kazama.”
    "Won't Sakura take me back to Tokyo?" Eriki took the small book and showed it to Lu Mingfei.
    "Your family won't like me." Lu Mingfei said.
    Erii hugged the furry teddy bear and lowered her head, her long hair like a colored cloak that enveloped both her and the bear.
    "Sayonara"  said Lu Mingfei.
    Erii nodded, finally realizing that this was their parting. The train ride to Tokyo will take several hours, but Lu Mingfei will not accompany her.
    Lu Mingfei's face was stern and he didn't say anything more. There was nothing more to say. This was the parting, his carefully designed parting. He NEVER agreed to the boat. He NEVER agreed to kill you. He had carefully pulled the wool over Caesar’s eyes and convinced you that he was going to dump you on the boat. You grinned and shook your head. But the train began to move before you could even think of a comeback.
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efurutravel · 3 years
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I did an “experience” (体験) at a local museum yesterday. The area is called Obama, so they also have this stand of Barack Obama 😂.
The area is known for its lacquerware especially. So, I did a ‘chopstick polishing’ workshop. It’s hard to describe. The chopsticks don’t look like that at first. They’re a solid color. And then we sand it for awhile and the pattern comes out. Then you sand with water, and we can see more details and the beautiful ‘shell-stone-thingy’. I chose black, but you can choose some other colors.
The teacher was very kind. Rather old. He mentioned how there were no restaurants when he was younger. Just 豆腐屋 魚屋 and something else. And he mentioned the first time he got a TV 😂 He was like taking us back in history and me and my friend were just hoping we were sanding properly. Very sweet though.
Some of the chopsticks they were selling were 10,000 to 20,000 yen, if not more. Crazy. But they are very high quality made chopsticks.
The museum also has the history of food in the local area and you can do the plastic food making 体験. Obama is maybe just an hour from Kyoto, so I def recommend it for those looking for more less mainstream, touristy things in Japan! There is even an awesome onsen inspired by the famous Dogo Onsen in Ehime Prefecture and a foot bath. Lots of sea as well.
Here are some links if you’re interested in checking it out :))
Food Obama
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joyousnudibranch · 3 years
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Recently in Japan, flower delivery and custom-made cake seem to be popular mother’s day gifts.  My sister who lives in Ehime Pref. sends mom hydrangea every year. I, on the other hand, usually fail to see mother’s day such a special day, to be honest. Every day she is the center of attention and care in this house anyway, and when I really feel like doing something special for "mother’s day,” it’s already close to June. LOL
一方ワタシはというと、もうこの家は毎日が母を中心に回ってますから。ww毎日母をめぐって起こるハプニングにとっくむのにイッパイイッパイで、特に母の日だと気づく暇もなく、ふと、ああ母の日に何か特別なことしてみようかと思いついた時には、もう6月近くなってるという... www ^^;;
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Yesterday was “mother’s day” but when I went fishing, I didn’t mean to make a special meal with the fish for mother’s day. 昨日が母の日だったけど、私、釣りに行った時には、釣った魚で母に特別な母の日メニューを作ってあげるつもりでも全然なく。
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Actually, Japanese sillago makes excellent tempura, so I was tempted to call this dish a “mother’s day lunch.”  But mom wasn’t too crazy about the fish. The only thing she and dad said was, “Oh, the sweet potato tempra is so good!” That was it! Next time on I’m not going to feed them with the fish I catch. :( 確かに、キスのてんぷらは値打ちものですから。このてんぷら盛り合わせを、母の日のお祝いメニューってことにしようか、とか一瞬思ったですが。そもそも母は魚のてんぷらに値打ちをたいして感じなかい人だし。食べてて父と母が言った言葉が、「おおこの芋のてんぷらが美味しい!」コレだけでしたから。 もう次から、私が釣った魚はやっぱり私だけで食べる。 (`^´)
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Another thing I made today was citrus marmalade. I used three different kinds of citrus fruits. 今日もうひとつ作ったものは、3種のミカンのミックス・マーマレード。
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Usually the kitchen is occupied by my parents who take time for breakfast and lunch and watch TV for hours. So, to make something that takes a long time to cook, I need to go somewhere else. But today, my parents spent hours in the veggie garden and I was able to use the kitchen long enough to make this marmalade. 普段は台所に両親がいて、超長時間の朝食や昼食+TVをずーっと見っぱなしなんで、そこが使えないんですが。 今日はたまたま、両親は午後ほとんど野菜畑で何かやってたんで、台所でこのマーマレード作を作れました。(皮の茹でこぼしや水でさらす時間が要るので、マーマレードは時間かかりますからねー)。
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Looking forward to tasting this on a slice of toast and yogurt tomorrow morning. :) I’m going to make more marmalade sometime soon to use up the citrus in the storage. It’s getting warmer and warmer and they’re going bad... 明日の朝、トーストやヨーグルトと一緒に食べるのが楽しみ。💗 そのうちに大量に、このミックス・オレンジ・マーマレードを作らなくてはならないカンジです。どんどん暖かくなってるので、元車庫に貯蔵してる柑橘類、次々腐っていくから...。
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wammysalphabet · 3 years
[Introduction] Our home, sweet home.
As a non-native English speaker, I would try my best to get myself understood though some expressions may not be idiomatic.
I have been so deeply fascinated by the Wammy's House in Death Note that I desire to know much more about those kids.
I know it is an ethically controversial, abominably secretive, and notoriously stressful place which made terrible memories or even ruined everything for some poor gifted victims.
But anyway, I fancy it for no good reason.
So I use this blog to talk about them, to imagine and bring realism to their stories.
[Warnings] My unique attitude as a fan fiction writer in DN fandom
1. Death Note, like any supernatural being, is totally beyond me.
2. I don't dislike Yagami Light. There is just nothing new about a mundane tyrant trying to take over the world. Still he is a respectable enemy and a profound icon for us to remember.
3. Despite his abrasive nature and brutal manners, L. Lawliet shows amazing decency to supernatural forces as a mortal doomed to be pushed around and die a dog's death. His grace and humanity weighs even more than his genius. He is the anti-heroic hero long lives in my heart second to Albus Dumbledore. To his major influence I offer my undying gratitude and enthusiasm.
4. Just like L, I hate to be pushed around by the ridiculous rules made and changed anytime by Death Gods and authors behind them, and have no intention of joining the arrogant game. So I won't write much about Death Note itself except for parodies. By all means mortals fight only with themselves, and eventually everyone will die. I can see no sense in introducing supernatural things into this doomed journey.
5. It is not a bad thing to offer special education for those gifted quirky, since everyone is supposed to be born with some kind of mission. There is no universal right answer to child development.
6. Of course human rights matter, so does love and other common values. But I believe the best is to leave things alone, because it is going to be the way it is anyway. Gods live in no justice, gods live in the benign indifference of this silent universe.
7. The two authors didn't carry their intentions out throughout during the serial manga's running, so even manga is BARELY canon. Anime is a satisfyingly faithful semi-canon based on manga, and the movies, musicals and TV series afterward are merely official fan fiction. Too many people participated in the writings, thus made the whole Death Note universe an open-ended carnival. Quoting Marcel Proust, the series are an optical instrument for me to discern something in myself that I may have never seen before. I will pick the evidence that I prefer. No correction or criticism is needed, thank you very much.
May 16, 2021
Ehime, Japan.
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lets-take-a-break · 4 years
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梅津寺駅 Baishinji Station
愛媛県松山市 Matsuyama-shi, Ehime, Japan
Location of TV drama “Tokyo Love Story”.
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cheltranslations · 4 years
Ehime@Nonaka Miki (2020-9-27)
💛 Chel here
 💛 Yesterday’s 2 choices
How do you like your dressing Sparse? Thick?
  Sparse was the majority!
I thought it would be a more even split
But in the end sparse was the most common answer 😸
    As for me、、
I used to like my dressing thick
But recently
I can’t eat too much dressing anymore
(If I do my stomach is all upset afterwards)
So I prefer it sparse 🐾
      💛 Today’s 2 choices
How do you write memos
By hand? On your phone?
I’m pretty curious about the outcome of today's 2 choices 😼
      💛 Today was our concert in Ehime!
Continuing on from yesterday the members were
Yamazaki Mei-chan
Ise Layla-chan
Kobayashi Honoka-chan
And me 😻
Everyone’s so kind and lovely 😚
   I talked about this during the concert、、
But singing is really fun
And is honestly my reason for living。。
I don’t think this is even an exaggeration 😸
     Ballads are fun
But I also wanna sing
Hello Pro songs again soon 🥺
     On TV Tokyo Music Festival
We’re performing a Morning Musume。song for the first time in a while
And a new song at that
So、、look forward to it 💕
     Being able to exist in such a wonderful environment
Makes me so happy、
I feel so lucky 😻
     Thank you very much for today!
I’m still just surrounded by a happy glow from today。。
Next I’ll be going to Hokuriku 😊
      💛 Of course I also took
Some 2shots!
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  Kobayashi Honoka-chan 😻
We’re in different school years
But we’re both 20 years old!✨
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Ise Layla-chan 🥺
How is she so mature??
Like、it’s amazing and also kinda strange 🙀
I also took a 2shot with Mei-chan so I’ll upload it another day!
I’ll put a full-member shot on Insta 💗
        💛 For the wonderful memories
Thank you very much!
A concert as just the 4 of us。。
It’s something I’ll definitely never forget 😸
 Original - https://ameblo.jp/mm-12ki/entry-12627867520.html
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gdwessel · 4 years
Lion’s Break Collision: Episode 2 - 7/10/2020; Full Slate of Summer Struggle Dates Added
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The second episode of Lion’s Break Collision is on NJPWWorld now, and you can watch it in English with Kevin Kelly, Chris Charlton & Gino Gambino, or in Japanese with Hiroshi Tanahashi & Katsuyori Shibata. Your choice, really. Three wrestlers debut in the NJPW (or at least the NJoA) ring. The show started with a web conference interview between Kevin Kelly and Jeff Cobb, where Cobb stated he didn’t know what was up with Karl Fredericks last week but he was going to find out, and he was upset he couldn’t make it to the New Japan Cup this year.
Rust Taylor d. The DKC (Gaia Lock, 7:28)
TJP [FREE] d. Danny Limelight (Mamba Splash, 10:48)
TJP is now 2-0 in matches on this TV show. Rust Taylor said he was going to prove himself to NJPW, and he didn’t care if he had to beat “Zack Sabre Jr., Okada or Katsuyori Shibata” to do it. Neither match was anything special, so this isn’t required viewing by any stretch. “Filthy” Tom Lawlor’s debut is advertised for next week’s episode.
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I am not sure when they announced these, as I wasn’t really paying attention this week. In an earlier post I mentioned there were two dates announced for Summer Struggle 2020, both at Tokyo Korakuen Hall. Now it seems this is a full (ish) tour, with dates in multiple locations, but still most of them at Korakuen Hall. I would assume the seating arrangements and ticketing will be similar to this weekend’s shows, with only a fraction of capacity available and social distancing. No matches announced for these shows as yet.
I’m interested to know how many, if any, of these shows were already due to happen before the pandemic, because, of course, we should be in G1 Climax during most of this, but it was already moved to October because of the Olympics. Indeed, 8/8/2020 should be in Yokohama, as is the tradition. But let’s face it, with COVID-19, all plans are out the window now.
Summer Struggle 2020 - 7/26/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld) - 7/27/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld) - 7/29/2020, Shizuoka Act City Hamamatsu - 7/31/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld) - 8/6/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld) - 8/7/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld) - 8/8/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld) - 8/9/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld) - 8/11/2020, Osaka EDION Arena Subarena - 8/12/2020, Ehime Yawatahama Citizen Sport Center - 8/13/2020, Ehime Uwajima City Overall Gymnasium - 8/16/2020, Shizuoka Twin Messe
And this is as far as the schedule is, for now.
Tomorrow is the New Japan Cup Final, from Osaka-Jo Hall, and it will be live on NJPWWorld.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Aoashi English Dub Reveals Cast & Crew, Release Date
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  We're about to blow our orange whistle and get the game started for Aoashi's English dub, but before we can kick off on April 23 at 2:00pm Pacific Time, we have to warm up by running down the draft picks:
  Ciarán Strange (Richard in Requiem of the Rose King) as Ashito Aoi
Eric Vale (Trunks in Dragon Ball Z Kai) as Tatsuya Fukuda
Marisa Duran (Lou/Louise in SHADOWS HOUSE) as Hana Ichijo
Monica Rial (Bulma in Dragon Ball Z Kai) as Noriko Aoi
Blake McNamara (Seth Rich Cutter in Appare-Ranman!) as Shun Aoi  
Additional episode 1 cast:  
Greg Silva as Futamihama Coach
Kim Morton as Kogure
Meg McClain as Nanami
Kelsey Maher as Sawa
Jennifer Alyx as Female Assistant 1A
Aaron Campbell as Goalie's Father
Nazeeh Tasha as Male Baishinji Player 1A, Male Spectator 1A
Ben Balmaceda as Male Baishinji Player 1B, Male Futamihama Player 1D
Alex Mai as Male Futamihama Player 1A, Male Spectator 1B
JR Joseph as Male Futamihama Player 1A
Paul Cline as Male Futamihama Player 1C, Male Underclassman 1A
Justin Green as Male Underclassman 1B
  ADR Director: Shawn Gann
Assistant ADR Directors: Emi Lo & Marcus Stimac
Lead ADR Engineer: Paul Cline
Assistant ADR Engineers: Ian Emerson & Noah Whitehead
ADR Script Writer: Leah Clark
ADR Script Supervisor: Bonny Clinkenbeard
ADR Prep: Ry McKeand
ADR Mix Engineer: Matt Grounds
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      RELATED: Crunchyroll Reveals SimulDub Lineup for Spring 2022, First SPY x FAMILY Cast Details
    Based on the manga by Yugo Kobayashi, Aoashi is directed by Akira Sato (RELEASE THE SPYCE) at studio Production I.G, with series composition by Masahiro Yokotani (Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club) and character designs by Toshie Kawamura (B-PROJECT).
  If you're a fan of sports anime, don't miss Episode 1 of Aoashi's English dub when it drops on April 23 at 2:00pm PT, right here on Crunchyroll!
   "I'll take you to the world." Ashito Aoi is a middle schooler who lives in Ehime, and the ace of an unremarkable soccer club. The day that they lost the final tournament of middle school, Ashito runs along the ocean in frustration, before running into a man who had been watching his game. That man is Tatsuya Fukuda, the coach of the high-school-aged Youth team of a leading J-League team, "Tokyo City Esperion FC." After sensing immense potential in Ashito's still-unrefined skills, he describes his ambition. "I want to build a team, and use it to take over the world. Our club isn't going to be a milestone for players who take on the world. Our club is going to be the world. And to make this happen, I'm going to need some 'aces' to train." After hearing Fukuda's offer, Ashito decides to head to Tokyo and try out for his team── Aoashi is considered the cutting edge of soccer manga, and now it's finally getting a TV anime adaptation! Loss, growth, and friendship: everything in youth is here!
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    Der shy man behind @Shymander, Liam is a timezone-fluid Aussie with a distinct fondness for anime, Eurovision and creating odd stats projects despite hating math.
By: Liam Dempsey
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secondlinekitty · 5 years
Koshiro special on EBC news segment “Dream Plus” (TV Ehime, local only)
Rihiro-san’s uploads on Twitter below: 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Koshiro’s interview part:
Koshiro: “What it’s like when I'm jumping, let's see, it's hard to explain, but it feels like I'm inside a wave, and/or it's like feeling the flow of air. One of the best parts about figure skating is that each skater's personality is demonstrated fully on the ice, I think. I would like to keep it in mind and treasure it.”
“Returning this season right after I recovered from injury, I was full of anxieties, but I myself believe that I have gradually developed my ability and gained confidence (this season).”
“Coach Lambiel gave me reassuring words that he'd help me out, so (I went) to Switzerland. I went there with no idea, completely zero knowledge of the place, but I'm glad I did so.”
Stephane: "Figure skating requires both physical and mental efforts and you have to control both of them. He's good at controlling them both, and he is now able to do more complex things. I'm satisfied with his improvements.
Koshiro: “My dream is to get a medal in Beijing Olympics!”
“Right now, I'm groping in the dark what is needed (for me). In one word, it's efforts, but I was one step short of winning at every competition (this season). I need to seek what was short because I learned firsthand how frustrating it was. And in future, I'd like to bring a gold medal back to Ehime, my hometown.”
(Stephane’s interview was in French, and the translation above is from the Japanese subtitle.) 
 志を高く! / Aim High! 
Koshiro's parents wished him to aim/志[shi] high/高[kō] and named him with those kanji, as in 高志郎. 郎[rō] means a boy, so, high-aim-boy. It’s quite an old-fashioned name considering the trend, but it sounds cool.
Swiss segment was taken from Fuji’s previous show (the video below) and some others from 2018 Nats. New parts are probably recorded during SOI rehearsals.
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squisherific · 5 years
Mai Nakahara
Since there was some interest, here are some facts about Juvia’s Japanese voice actor Mai Nakahara. A warning, a lot of this is stuff that I’ve deciphered via google translate (and a lot of it is off of her Japanese wiki). But I didn’t post anything I thought might be grossly inaccurate. If I did, though, please do correct me.
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I wanted to start off with the fact that Mai is attending ACEN (Anime Central, a convention in Illinois, US) in a couple of weeks (May 17-19th) as a guest of honor. If you are attending, or thinking of attending, go see her! ^^
Mai was born February 23rd, 1981 in the Hyogo Prefecture of Japan. During childhood she moved around quite a lot (Hyogo, Oita, Ehime, Fukuoka).
She has one sister who is a year younger than her. These days when they are both together she said people often mistake her for the younger of the two.
Mai never really talks about her mom, but she has talked about her dad, who she loves very much, and who is the person she respects the most.
During the first ten years of her life she lived with her grandmother in Iwa-cho, Nishiuwa-gun, Ehime prefecture.
When she was a child living with her grandma, she said sometimes the food her grandma served to her tasted a bit “off,” and she didn’t understand why.  But one day Mai secretly saw her grandma scraping mold off of the rice cakes that always tasted weird to her. And another time, a curry dish her grandma served Mai gave her food poisoning, but she wasn’t taken to the hospital. Her grandma said if she sleeps it off, she’ll be fine. But Mai tells these stories and laughs, saying she loved her grandma very much anyway. 
Where Mai grew up, her local TV stations actually didn’t play much anime. However, she had thought about being a voice actor since she was in 5th grade of elementary school after being influenced by an anime she loved called “Tico of the Seven Seas.” She said that the anime made her want to have adventures like Tico, and ride a killer whale (Tico rides a whale in the show), but that was obviously impossible, so the next best thing was voice acting. That way she’d be able to have the adventures and experiences through characters instead. By the time she graduated from Junior High she was sure she wanted to be a voice actor.
When Mai was in high school she had a curfew of 6 pm, because she needed to get home and cook dinner for her family. Therefore, her after school schedule was as such: attend club, drink tea, talk, go home. She was part of the Illustration club, and according to her, she joined it because that club didn’t have to participate in the school festival.  
Mai’s qualifications: She studied Kendo and completed 1-dan/first grade. She took the secretarial examination. In school her best subject was biology and her worst subject was English.
Because Mai was so sure she wanted to be a voice actor, she wanted to pursue that goal right away, but on the recommendation of her parents she decided to finish high school. 
After she graduated from a commercial high school in Kitakyushu she moved to Tokyo from Fukuoka at the age of 18. As there was no financial support from her parents, she worked as a medical office OL (office lady/secretary) while attending the Japan Narration Acting Institute. She also resided in the school’s dormitory during the three years she worked to break into the industry.
During the 10 months of her OL (office lady) life, where she worked in order to support herself, she said, “I spent many days depressed, but that further strengthened my resolve to be a voice actor at the time.”
Some time after graduating, she became the cover girl/spokesperson for Japan Narration Acting Institute (aka Nichinare), a position she still currently holds. She often pops up on people’s TV during commercials in between anime. 
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She passed her audition during the basic course of the Japanese Narration Institute and was signed by I’m Enterprise, which is still her agency to this day.
In October of 2000 she was appointed as the seventh generation personality of the radio program Voice Crew, which was her first major job as a voice actor.
She made her anime voice acting debut in Parappa Rapper in 2001 (she had only one line), and played Nana-sama in the main cast of Seven of Seven in 2002.
In one of her first voice acting roles as “Nana-sama” in the anime “Seven of Seven,” she acted alongside Nana Mizuki , who is from Nihama City, located in the Ehime Prefecture, where Mai also lived for many years. So, whenever they meet up they often fall into speaking in that local dialect to each other.
Her first heroine role was as Kaeda in the anime Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon!, which ran for three years. 
Her breakout role was probably Mai in the anime Mai Hime. 
She has sung multiple character songs under the label Lantis.
In 2004 she began a solo-singing career. Her first mini-album was ‘Homework,’ and as of 2010 she had released a total of 6 singles and 4 albums (2 of which were mini albums).
She loves dogs very much, and she owns two King Charles Cavalier dogs. The older of the two dogs is named ‘Moka’ (who starred in a music video with Mai) and the younger (by 3 years) is ‘Nico.’ Both are girls. She walks them without fail every day, but she can’t take care of them as well as she would like because she is often busy.
She had wanted a puppy since she was young, but her grandmother wouldn’t allow it. Her grandmother told her, “you are already like a pet, yourself. It would be like a puppy raising another puppy.” So Mai gave up asking.
It’s said that she attended trimming/grooming school so that she could personally groom her own dogs whenever she wants.
After participating in the premiere of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, in which she played ‘Teana Lanster,’ Mai said “I do not want to go home.” So, her co-stars who were present (Kana Ueda, Kori Shimizu, Chiwa Saito, Marina Inoue and Yukarin) held a second party for Mai.
At times when she’s been drunk she often says things like “I don’t want to go home,” “lets stay together a little longer,” to try and prevent the end of the drinking party.
She said she often doesn’t like to take part in drinking parties because they usually last a long time and she doesn’t want to leave, which results in her dogs being alone for too long. She said, though, that she really likes the atmosphere of drinking parties and that she likes drinking with voice actress Kaori Shimizu.
Some of her closest voice actor friends include Ai Shimizu, Kana Ueda, Chiwa Saito, Yukari Tamura, Ryoko Shintani, Misako Takahashi, Hitomi Nabatame, Ami Koshimizu, Rie Kugimiya, Saeko Chiba, Shizuka Ito, etc..
She is especially good friends with Ai Shimizu who she has costarred with multiple times. They were briefly an idol duo, who released songs together (their group name was PoppinS). And recently, when Ai got married, Mai was the one who walked her down the aisle.
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Her friendships are wide-ranging and include radio officials, artists, and lyricists.
While she loves spending time with friends and family, she also cherishes her time alone, and enjoys going on trips on her own to Kobe, Yamanashi, Kyoto, and Nagano.
When she was in voice acting training school she was told that her voice was better suited to supporting roles, and those were likely the parts she would get. However, she has actually ended up playing the main character or main heroine many, many times.
She has said on multiple occasions that her favorite role was Nagisa in the anime Clannad. She is still really close to the voice actors who played her parents, and often eats lunch with Kikuko Inoue, who played her mom, and who recently met up with Mai to celebrate her birthday. 
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Mai once said in an interview that watching Clannad is a similar feeling to being drunk, because she feels like she loves everyone.
Back when Mai was filming Clannad After Story, her character, Nagisa, was not present within most of the second half of the series, meaning Mai didn’t need to be at the recordings. But she would come to them anyway, just to be there. I can only assume it’s because she loved the series and cast so much, that she just wanted to be there, even if she had no lines to record (and also to sit next to Yuukyan? Hahaha).
Recently Clannad celebrated it’s ten year anniversary of the airing of After Story. On April 20th Okiayu Ryotaro, who played Nagisa’s dad (and who Mai still playfully calls “dad” while he calls her “daughter”) posted a pic on his instagram showing that he met up with his “daughter” (Mai) and “son in law” (Yuuichi Nakamura aka Yuukyan) at an undisclosed location (which looks like a work location since the bg is blurred):
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In 2007 Mai made a guest appearance on the TV drama “Women’s Announcer Straight Line!” which you could watch here. The episode was set in a training school, and she played the voice actor ‘Nakahara Mai’/herself, who served as a special instructor of script reading and acting skills.
One of Mai’s favorite things to do is cooking and baking, especially the latter. She loves visiting bakeries while she travels.  
Since she’s lived in Tokyo her cooking has become much more infrequent. She thought cooking for just herself wasn’t worth it, and she only really cooks now if it’s for others, like for pot luck parties (spare ribs in a pressure cooker) or for her dogs, who won’t eat regular dog food.
She was asked once, if she had the opportunity, whether she’d ever erase something embarrassing that had happened to her. She said that it’s not that nothing embarrassing has ever happened, but those moments have made her the person she is today, so she wouldn’t change anything, not even the embarrassing things.  
She often wears masks when going out and she said the best ways to not catch a cold is to take a taxi, because colds are really serious for seiyuu who obviously need to use their voice for work.
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She needed glasses for years but didn’t want to wear them. So during recordings she often couldn’t see the screen with the animation, which made things harder for her.
She loves the ‘Tales of’ Game series. Mai played Estelle in Tales of Vesperia, which recently celebrated it’s ten year anniversary. The whole cast of Vesperia are still very close friends. 
Mai has long legs/limbs, a slender figure, and is very fashionable, so that her friends and fans often say she looks like a model.
In 2013 she made her first stage performance in the play “Teacher,” where she appeared as the social studies teacher, “Minami Makoto.” She has participated in 2 other plays since then.
When she was younger she never cared for tuna, milk or coffee, thoughin recent years she has started to enjoy the latter.
She loves chocolate, mint and bread.
After participating in an anime (Taisho Baseball Girls) which takes place in the past, Mai was asked if she thinks women should stay at home and do the housework. She replied, “if you want to stay at home, stay at home. If you want to go out, go out! It up to the women themselves what they want to do.” She said she isn’t good at cooking, cleaning and laundry, so that’s why she wouldn’t stay at home lol.
Supposedly she doesn’t like kids. But they seem to like her haha. The below pics are of her playing with her friend’s child.
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She goes at her own pace, and when she’s on the radio, she doesn’t seem to get influenced, or follow the tone of others around her. That leads to a free-wheeling atmosphere during radio appearances or events because you never know what she might say.
People often say she has a “dark side,” or a “dark/sadistic personality,” but she disagrees, and says what people see as a dark side is just her being direct. ^^’
Mai is good friends with voice actor Hiro Shimono (they are also represented by the same agency), and she even went on his talk/variety show once. When Hiro was invited to talk/do a video about his life and career, he also invited Mai to join him. They ended up talking about the differences between male and female seiyuu careers. He talked about how he struggled as a voice actor when he was younger. Now he is very successful.
Mai said that guys struggle at first to break through, but tend to have longer careers, while girls start out strong but don’t last as long. Likewise for Mai, she had tons of work when she was younger, but she was pressured into being an idol seiyuu even though she was against it. She knew even then that would lead to a shorter career span, and at the age of 21-22 she started thinking of what career she could transition into after she turned 30. :(
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Mai was recently teased by the coworkers and the staff of her radio program for hardly posting on her twitter. There was an episode about the features of the different brands of smart phones (she owns an android with a picture of her dog Mocha on the phone case) and the camera capabilities, and her costar quipped to her, “what do you care about the camera? You don’t use it.” 
So Mai said she would make an effort to post more photos, though at first she just wanted to post more pictures of her dogs, but was told that her fans want to see more of her. She still hasn’t corrected this bad habit, as she recently disappeared for a month from twitter lol. 
And that’s about it for now as far as random Mai Nakahara facts go. I hope those who were interested enjoyed this, and if you have any further questions just send me an ask, since there’s probably a lot of things I didn’t think to mention haha. 
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megamangx · 4 years
Breaking bad 2: robohank
it had been 1 year since el carmichal where jess got away and went to snow place but now things where quite but then drugs come back to the city of albertklirky and the police chef was worrying where did the bad drugs come from “we stoped evil heisbanburg from doing world war 3 and killed all the nazi he worked for and cartells” said the police cheg
the tvs then turn4ed on and a dark and evil man with cyborg red glow eyes was on all the tvs “i am the new king of drugs and i will rebuild walter whites empire and make it better than ever you can not stop me the police” he laughed and the screens turned off “we need to do something before he gets the city addicted to drug again” said a cop but then the police chef went to a basement there a power armor bald man was there “we did work with ocp to bring him back but it took years to repair the damage and remove the gunshot form his head but say hello to the one man who experence enouged to stop drugs ROBO HANK!!!!”
“drugs are trouble” said robohank “go robohank go stop the new drug king” ordered the police chef as robohank did the cool move with his gun and got in his cop car
theme for this sceen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb1_38445vA
“i have detected crimes going to the sceen” said robohank as he drived faster but then there was cartell men in masks and a large augmented machine fired missles tipsing the car over but robohank shot the roof and did a summersalt out of the car “dead or alive your coming with me punks” he said and shot the gangbangers.
the large mech  laughed “we meet again dea scum the new drug lord revived me and turne me into a cyborg and now i have my voice back and am stronger than before not long trapped in a wheelchair or old folks home but now i AM THE BOSS AGAIN!” said mecha hector salamanca as he turned his arm into a minigun and opened fire on robohank
“your move creep” gank said opening fire on mecha hector
Mecha hector punched hank doing hevy damage, to him “the king of drugs is a great scientist and builded me this new bodu i hate him for killing tuco but with this power he gived me i am willing to put the old gudges aside” hector laughed but then a half skeleton man come with a sword “don hector we have beef to finish,” he said IT WAS GUS “impobble i blowed you up at the old folk home” scream mecha hector
“baron samiedo from james bond brought me back as an undead and now i will kill you like i killed the cartell hank get out of here and stop the drug king i will deal with hector and take revenge for what he did” said gus then hector made a laser sword and dualled with gus as robohank went to the drug lords layer to finish the fight.
“if this drug king is who i think he is...i am hoping not becuse i can not fight my brother again” said robothank
robohank killed lots of the drug lords hanchman then a creepy man with borg parts come “i thought uncle jack finished you off but i guess the dea had other plans you see mr white he fixed me and while we where enemy he needed help since jesse pankman left so he bringed me back as a cyborg slave and i must serv ehim now sorry about that” cyber todd said shooting an uzi but robohank gotted out of the way
he then jumped and opunched cyber todd in the jaw “eat this you dead eye creep” said robohank as he blew todds brains out killing him forever
robohank went into the main area filled with sciance tanks with green water and computers and big cats for making meth “welcome hank i could not let my empire go i had a plan b with my friend doctor wily we used our sciance to build new a me a new transhuman robot body free of the cancer and the weakness and i have rebuild my drug empire hank and soon i will rule all and you can not stop me” i kill all the people who cross m e i even had sual goodman sent to a supermarket forever becuse he crossed me and now you will die again gank” said transhuman WALTER WHITE
“I knowed you where drug lord but i did not wanting to belive it but now this ends this has to stop walt!” said robohank who shoot at him but walter white used a power sheld to block the bullets and had his machine drones fire rail lasers at hank “i am a scitnaist i have power to build th ings you can not” said walter white
“i will make everyone addicted to drugs hank i will make childran everywhere sad” said walter b ut hank shot at the cats ogf drugs and the uncooked meth was klike acid burning transhuman walter whites armor “augue934t you bastard hank but it’s not over” said walter as the machines remove his head like sigma in megaman x one and put it onto a transhuman computer with rocket guns machine guns lasers bombs and spikes “i am a god in this realm of sciance you are tiny robohank” said walter as he fired everything and wounded hank
but then gus comed in with a fancy suit as he did a magical sword attack weakening walter whites machine “now take your shot hank” said gus and hank blasted the machines cores as it was on fire “no i am can not die i will not lose my empire again i am HEISBURG!” HE screamed but then robohank shot him again and againm “its over walt we need to stop the pain” said hank
the base was self destucting as gus and hank got in a fighter jet and escaped the nucler explodon “what now” robohank asked “i must return to the land of the dead and fulfill my promise” said gus
at dea robohank got a big party and reunited with his loving wife and sister and theyw here happy as a family again
meanwhile in a dark place mecha hector gotted up “it is not over i will return and i will rule this city” he laughed and then nacho from betetr call sual was out of shadow.
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