#tw dream
meteor752 · 10 months
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Tommy is really out here manifesting his inner mangoball self
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one-time-i-dreamt · 17 days
For some reason, my bathroom filled with water and I opened the door and then... I woke up.
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lunelicmoone · 1 year
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jinx-blackout-84 · 10 months
Okay so basically at the start of the August drama specifically, Tommy made a skit video. You might wanna watch it for context, and if you do, it's called if youtubers were honest.
Here's the part I will be talking about for the post, though
Also for more context, dream has admitted to sexually messaging underage fans, and still associates with George, who made openly sexist comments.
He had a section in there about how Dream handled the Qsmp situation and was basically just making fun of him.
After seeing this, Dream gets on Twitter and starts liking and unliking posts making fun of Tommy.
Inniters get mad, ofc.
Drm stans are ticked bc their precious baby pedo is being bashed, inniters are fighting back.
Drm stans are calling Tommy abelist for the way he portrayed dream, he was not being ableist, he portrayed every character similarly,and are saying he was joking about Dream getting doxxed, which he never did.
Inniters are pointing out that Dream has tried to take credit for Tommy's career before and that this is bot the first time Dream has behaved like a manchild.
And then the Drm stans go after motherinnit.
She fights back, we fight back, all out controversy, that brings us to where we are now.... awaiting Dream's twitlonger so we can watch Philza bash him and end his career. (This has yet to happen but the second it does I'll add it to the post)
Also, a helpful don't stop the party edit to help explain things too
Be careful though, it flashes.
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transfemoliorionsound · 7 months
dream stans still baffle me it’s just. at what point does it get too much for you? at what point is the line crossed? i know there’s nothing i can say that hasn’t been said before but.
the allegations just keep coming out. the things he did on stream to tommy, to tubbo, to tubbos 14 year old sister. he took advantage of people who were supposed to be his friends, more and more victims keep coming out about what he did. there’s solid fucking evidence, and a lot of it.
all his friends are leaving him. do you think it’s just some big elaborate prank? that everyone collectively is just making this up?
at what point is it too much for you to defend him? cause if you haven’t reached that point by now, i don’t even know what to say.
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nosleep83 · 7 months
I hardly get into internet drama I usually just try to stay out of it but the situation with Dream and Nicolas, jokes aside, is actually so fucking crazy bro. How in the world could you take Dream’s side????? A grown adult taking a video of a 19 YEAR OLD (UNDERAGE IF U FORGOT) drunk, high, and having a manic episode, keep the video for months, and use it for your own gain. Dream deserved everything Nicolas said to him there AND MORE. He’s genuinely the scum of the fucking earth and I hope he gets what’s coming to him.
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cowboylexapro · 4 months
god blessed me with seeing green and blue and thinking “OMG ANDERPERRY‼️‼️‼️‼️” and not dnf
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
Rosemary is for Remembrance Part 4
Part 1
Part 3
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Part 5
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totallynotbat · 6 months
Looks who’s being a massive P U S S Y
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Sometimes I randomly remember a dream - or realize something in the back of my mind was a dream as I'm waking up fully - and just go like huh, wait what.
I be having dreams that seem like horror movies (e.g. body horror/gore, note: I don't watch horror films/series), or just random stuff burning (my pencil case once), or just everyone disrespecting me, falling into water (has actually happened irl, like unintentionally, it was fine, but stressful)
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purpleshoenickelhuman · 3 months
Dear Wilbur content fans:
Please don’t be “tone deaf” when posting art or content aka ignoring or not caring about the issue.
This seems to be a problem when content creators do something bad, and things like art, especially positive art, are posted without care (like with Dream during the allegations).
For context, Shelby/Shubble came out about how an ex was abusive and manipulative to her and it turned out that ex is Wilbur. After Wilbur “apologized” many other close content creators called him out on it and said how manipulative he was to them.
So, again, please don’t be “tone deaf” about this situation.
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whittingsonder · 6 months
Ok there’s a lot of valid reasons to hate on TikTok but I still think that the week after the “Dream vs Gumball” situation on that app was one of the best things to came out of social media ever
At least five incredible animations. Someone turned it into a full gumball episode. The edits were coming out by the minute. Censorship was EVERYWHERE. THE MEMES.
The creativity people put to use absolutely pummeling Dream with those videos/tweets was INSANE. Legendary social media moment. 10/10
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relaxxattack · 1 year
what if… hear me out now… what if everyone else followed niki and phils example and everyone refused to make more dsmp content and dsmp died forever and dream had to face consequences for his actions
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lunelicmoone · 10 months
i feel like i should personally thank and shake alex quackity's hand for making "where are the askers"
a song that was truly ahead of it's time
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greenbeany · 2 years
We had a good run
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transfemoliorionsound · 6 months
not gonna watch the dream video because i’m already having a stressful day and don’t need his shit rn but unfriendly reminder that i hate him and he is an awful person lying out of his ass and if you STILL support him after everything i do not want you here end of story non-negotiable unfollow me block me LEAVE
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