#two friends reunited
rockingtheorange · 1 month
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"We could not talk, or talk for hours" -tzp 2024
(From @/deadline on ig)
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Day 24 of TMayNT: Favorite turtle + villain dynamic
I chose Hypno-potamus from Rise of the TMNT for this prompt :]
I love his character development and how he seems to grow a soft spot for the turtles.
These sketches are redrawn from screenshots except for the doodles of rabbits, doves etc :]
(Note: I chose to draw Hypno in a top hat rather than a turban because one of the writers who worked on the show said that Hypno was not wearing the turban for religious reasons. It was part of his costume. Also, Hypno’s canon design, especially as a human, has similarities to harmful stereotypes of Romani people—so a few of Hypno’s fans on here including me like to depict Hypno with a top hat instead.)
the TMayNT challenge is hosted by @mikasleaf see more at @tmaynt
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aceghosts · 3 months
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Rooney Shepard (They/Them): RELIC AU
There are stranger things I've learned on the outside Separated by an open door I find it hard to reach the end of my timeline Salivating 'cause I wanted more Is this the end or is this the beginning? -Too Close/Too Late by Spiritbox
[Template Credit]
Tagging (Opt In/Out): @bbrocklesnar, @marivenah, @alexxmason, @captmactavish, @carlosoliveiraa, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @nightbloodbix, @voidika, @strangefable, @captastra, @amalkavian, @katsigian, @cassietrn, @g0dspeeed, @clicheantagonist, @cloudofbutterflies92, @direwombat, @onehornedbeast, @thedeadthree.
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torgawl · 6 months
i think what hits most about nobara's backstory is everything that's left unsaid and peaks from between the lines. it's the fact you can easily infer that something was wrong without ever having clear answers on what exactly was wrong. but if you can relate to the feeling of wanting to escape a place and the alienation from everyone around you, especially when you're brought up in small communities, then you can certainly understand, if not fully then partially, nobara herself and the struggles she might have had to face all by herself for a very long time; maybe even the importance fumi and saori had in her life and the pain from having to part from them; and, perhaps the selectiveness in letting people in that she later on develops as well.
#the way her story is told from fumi's point of view is quite interesting#nobara's backstory is like a silent whisper without a lot of obvious context and told from someone else's perspective#someone who until the end never really understood her fully despite their obvious close bond#someone who we weren't even aware was part of her life#and nobara's peak emotional moment and the last person she thinks as her life is in danger is her and the promise she didn't accomplish#a promise to reunite with the friends that shaped her and her life#ah.#i find her last line so... powerful?#she definitely struggled growing up and the only two people she kept in her heart from her life before jujutsu were people that#moved to where she lived. saori didn't even stay in that place for long. and then she moves somewhere new and she meets people#and a group that actually feels like home a community where she fits in and suddenly they kind of break through making place in her heart#just for everything to come to a halt. to turn to shit. for her to see that shatter away little by little. and in the end she's put in a#position where she knows she will not be able to hold on to what she cares for the most. that she will hurt people that truly cared for her#for not being able to go back to fumi and rekindle the friendship with saori and for being forced to be another punch in the guts for yuuji#and everyone else that up until that point were forced to go through losses already and traumatic events#and she decides to encourage yuuji to go on a good note and she truly believes the people she met made it worth it#even if it was for a brief moment in her life#i am not being coherent right now but it pains me :')#she deserved so much better#and i will hang on tightly to the line saying that she had a small chance of survival until the end#because she deserves it she deserves to live 😭#i'm taking her from that stupid anime and putting her in a slice of life anime watch me#yuuji too. and everyone else. i'm taking the kaisen out of the jujutsu and you can't stop me#jjk spoilers#nobara kugisaki#jujutsu kaisen#jjk 💭#my post
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takemyhand-justice · 6 months
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look at them
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ahsokatanohno · 9 months
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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WIP // They look like good friends :)
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merakiui · 9 months
i was listening to mafumafu's cover of jailbreak and realized the mv has a trope i love very much!!!! with childhood friends trope, i also love it when two characters grew up having much the same motive (in the case of kuina and kawasemi, the song's characters, wanting to escape the caged city they're confined to). but then the characters mature and end up walking down separate paths, whether purposely or not or because life just happened and that was the cards they were handed, and now they can't stand on the same side because life/duty/etc compels them to remain set in their ways.
it hurts in the best way to see kuina chasing after kawasemi to apprehend him and stop him from flying the plane. and then he has no choice but to helplessly watch what ultimately becomes of his friend when the plane engine overheats and explodes... AAAAAAAAAA it hurts, but it hurts so good. T_T i can't even begin to ramble about the symbolism and the fact that they're named after birds... neru's brain is too big... orz
in short, i just really like the trope of two childhood friends with the same goal/dream, something happens that causes one of them to deviate from or abandon that goal/dream, and then they later reunite as changed individuals, with one still clinging to the goal/dream and the other having lost hope in it entirely. bonus points if one of them is hunting the other down for whatever reason hehe. <3
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taniushka12 · 3 months
there needs to be more Barry fics fr fr fr, I know the last time he appeared in game was 12 years ago but cmon, he is So important
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myfriendtheghost · 11 months
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goodnight joshua and also jacob
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ladychandraofthemoone · 8 months
Traintober Day 25: Distress Signal
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Lieutenant/Colonel Bertram Topham Hatt, the sole survivor of the shipwrecked Lady Rose using a lamp in an attempt to flag down any ships in Morse Code…
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captainsupernoodle · 1 year
just saw a post about kingsley seeming like he has more of his shit together than fjord in reunited and how that's likely related to the level of confidence from a relatively inexperienced person vs imposter sydrome in a more experienced person who's entering a new time of their life and is struggling to adjust but also!!!
confidence games are something that molly and fjord played so much and how incredible is it that fjord feels comfortable enough to fumble? what a difference from the beginning of the campaign! he was alone! he had to appear In Control or he'd get taken advantage of, it was how he stayed safe. Now he has the Nein, and Jester always at his side, and, yes, even Kingsley, and he allows himself to be silly and make mistakes and doesn't prioritize saving face. In the midst of a crisis he knows exactly what to do, that's his area of expertise, he's a master tactician and a great leader who prioritizes keeping his crew safe, he's just new at the whole captaining day-to-day thing and he's no longer afraid to show it.
kingsley, on the other hand. ooooh i love him so much. VERY true that he's brand new to living life and on top of that he comes by being a little shit honestly. on the other hand!!! "there will always be respect there. it might not look like it, but it's always there." "i've been wanting to go on one of your adventures and so far? it hasn't disappointed." "i'm trying to make new mistakes, I promise." i promise. Kingsley is the new-old guy in this group, the one they're explaining in-jokes to, telling stories to, teasing and protecting. he's a lot like the younger brother of a dearly beloved dead friend, loved on his own merit but with the unavoidable impact of those who came before him shaping his relationships. fjord talks about lucien. jester talks about molly. this is apparently the first time he's talked about either of them with beau and yasha and he's looking for guidance. beau says she'll kill him. fjord say's "we'll see." these people lifted kingsley out of the grave they put his past in and greeted him with open arms and grief and watchfulness. he's learning and watching with them but i don't know if he's grieving yet. i don't know if he will. i think he feels like he owes them something, not in a transactional way or out of guilt for people he isn't, but in the way you want to repay the trust and faith and work a mentor gives you.
but his confidence? the way his sassing and sarcasm and frank admiration sometimes sounds like a teenager? he totally comes by some of it honestly, he's charming and good at what he does and has a rock-solid support network, but he's been alive for six months. he's had these complicated relationships from the time he opened his eyes six months ago. i'm so excited for his confidence to grow more genuine and solid as he lives.
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citruscore · 1 year
Big W for the Layton community today! Can’t wait to see any fan art you make in the future for the new game! Is there anything that you personally want to see in the new game? I’d like to see Flora return (I miss my girl so much)!
Well, my initial worry was that this would take place post lmj which i think a lot of agree was uh. not very great to put it nicely. but now that we know that's not the case...
All i want to see some good interactions between my boys!!
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(and lots of thoughts in the tags)
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faerun · 4 months
ive been wanting to do a full playthrough of all the dragon age games with my canon girls and get my canon set up all nice and neat before dreadwolf comes out but thats hard because. my canon has morphed so much from what the games ALLOW you to do. i have two wardens. hawke has two love interests simultaneously but her true love is someone you cant even romance. rosie is the closest to inquisition canon but i have extensive ideas about what her post-Inquisition life is like that i just know dreadwolf is gonna mess up. wahhhhh
#to clarify#iris and thalia are my two wardens and theyre both elves but thats where the similarities end#thalia hates being a warden and pretty much hands the role of 'team captain' to iris without too much fuss#so i consider iris' decisions to be my canon ones for keep purposes#hawke has a thing going with anders and sebastian simultaneously (everyone knows about it and its cool)#she loves anders but decides she cant be with him anymore after the Incident so she runs off to starkhaven with seb#but deep down she and varric are soulmates and it takes her being left behind in the fade for her and varric to realize this#and rosie goes thru a deep depression after trespasser#i imagine her magic is weaker bc of solas taking the mark; that direct connection to the fade empowered her magic but now that its gone#she feels like she's weaker; like trying to read with a blindfold on or play chess with her hands tied behind her back#so thalia (!) visits skyhold and agrees to train her in Rogue Stuff so she has a backup if her magic fails her in a fight#while she's there carver shows up and joins the Seekers; stuff happens and he and rosie become friends#inspired by all of this rosie decides to mount a rescue mission to get hawke out of the fade#so rosie varric carver thalia and cassandra all rescue hawke and its great and whooo#hawke and varric reunite and tearfully (awkwardly) confess their love for eachother#and nothing really changes in their relationship except they kiss now bc they were already soulmates!!!!#what 10 years with no new DA games does to a mf ^
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ineffablydestroyed · 9 months
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tart-miano · 10 months
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my versions of Hyde and Utterson in tasteful fashion (based off of this post)
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