#ty for indulging this moment of self-reflection and shameless self-promotion
asleepinawell · 4 years
End Of The Year Writing Roundup
artists do their end of the year posts with highlights from each month and, since i had a really productive writing year, i wanted to do something similar for my writing
As a note, I talk about how much I wrote quite a bit because I’m very proud of the amount of content I produced, BUT I do not in any way, shape, or form think that quantity = quality or that writers who put out a lot of content are better. I judge my own writing pretty harshly to myself and a lot of my best writing is actually shorter pieces. Good to keep in mind!
Highlights of 2019:
--I broke one million words posted on ao3! (posted ever, not 1 mil in 2019 that would be nuts). 916,677 of those words were shoot fics.
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--The ao3 stats list me having written 389,262 words this year, but that is inaccurate. The stat includes the full word count for every fic I added to, even if most of it was written a different year. I was too lazy to figure out exact numbers but I think it was probably closer to 280k. That’s a lot!
--Machina (a fantasy au) was the longest thing I wrote (only 3 chapters were from 2018) though sadly I did not finish it this year as I’d hoped (an unfortunate amount of vampire smut was written instead oops)
--The Lighthouse Keeper was almost definitely my favorite piece I worked on this year. I wrote it in a 2-day hyperfocused haze and I was super pleased with how it turned out. Also learned a ton of cool but probably useless facts about lighthouses. Through Dark Waters was my next fav. They have a very similar aesthetic in some ways.
Jan-March: 11 chapters of Machina
April-June: Through Dark Waters (my poi dishonored au) + 1 more chapter of Machina
July-August: Force Outcasts (my poi star wars au), Disentanglement one-shot, a chapter of Feedback Loops, The Lighthouse Keeper (lovecrafty gothic fic)
Sept-Nov : 6 more chapters of Machina, a chapter of Feedback Loops, Once Bitten Twice Gay (the first of the vampire fics)
Dec: A fic for shoot secret santa, and FOUR more vampire fics
I wrote a lot of E-rated content this year wow what happened
I got fond of writing shorter (under 20k other than one exception) fics in full before posting them which is a departure from how I usually write
I started using reference materials a lot more while writing. Mostly in the form of finding pictures of places, clothes, weapons, aesthetics to help me internalize a mood or describe something better
In 2020 one of my goals is actually to write less and read more. I tend to stop reading (and doing anything else) when I’m writing a lot and when I go back and crack open a book it’s like feeling my mind stretch and wake up. I strongly believe that reading is one of the best ways to get good at writing and also my reading backlog is terrifying
Maybe also I will finally revisit Neon and Dust in 2020 
I was trying to find some favorite lines I wrote but most of them make no sense out of context. nonetheless, they are almost all humor of some sort. This one may really be my favorite though:
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So it’s been a great writing year and I want to say thank you to everyone who read/liked/reblogged/commented/kudoed! Here’s links to the fics I wrote this year:
Machina - shoot fantasy au (almost done i swear) Through Dark Waters - poi dishonored au Force Outcasts - poi star wars au Disentanglement - one-shot fic about root and identity Homecomings - chapter of feedback loops of shoot enthusiastically welcoming each other home Touch - chapter of feedback loops that’s basically just about how gay root’s last braincell is The Lighthouse Keeper - new england gothic/lovecrafty poi au  Winter Mystery - cute one-shot for secret santa Shoot Vampire AU - series of fics with shaw as a vampire
As a side note to this, since I also do content-creation in the form of gifs and edits:
96 poi gifsets in 2019!!!!! what the FUCK
34 poi edit stills
6 poi crack posts
A smattering of gifsets for other fandoms i’m too lazy to hunt them down
The great mystery of why I’m always exhausted is becoming clearer!
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