#ugh rolls eyes
valleyoftheedolls · 24 days
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look at these fruity ass hoes
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chappelroan · 8 months
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8x11 larp and the real girl is a gay dean manifesto, to ME
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
Fernando Alonso & His Relationship With Cards
I'm sure we're all familar with the cards on the back of Fernando's Vegas GP helmet by now, but did you know his relationship with cards goes a lot deeper?
I. Magic Tricks
You've probably seen or heard someone at least mention Fernando's propensity for card tricks. As far as I can tell he was doing them(publically) as far back as 2003 all the way to as recently as 2018. Even once performing a card trick, with a condom and a teddy bear(!??!?!??!!), in front of Valentino Rossi who said "How was that possible?"(x)
But how did this start? According to James Allen, "Fernando admits to having been heavily influenced by his grandfather, a mercurial figure, who taught him magic and card tricks, still one of his passions away from the race track."(x) And I'm not sure the validity of this one, because I couldn't find an actual source, but apparently he once said: "My parents are responsible for the two things I like doing most - driving and magic tricks. They bought me my first go-kart and a magician's kit."
In several interviews he described it as his hobby off track, and that he loved learning new tricks and surprising others in the garage with them! So clearly cards are pretty important to him both as a hobby but also to who he is as a person since they've been with him just as long as racing has.
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II. Card Symbolism in His Helmets
This is the reason I originally made this post, but I thought I should also explain the origins of his card fascination first. As I said, we probably all remember the cards on the back of his helmet in Vegas, but did you know that wasn't the first time he had cards on the back of his helmet?
From 2008-2013, he used to have a pair of cards on the back of his helmets. The symbolisms of the cards themselves as well as the evolution of their design is really fascinating to me! Even more so with the recent development of the card choice in 2023.
Fernando said he wanted to reference his two titles in some way on the back of his helmet and after his friend sent him several ideas, he decided on having two cards(an ace of clubs and an ace of hearts, sometimes pictured with 05 and 06 on them as well), saying: "I picked the cloverleaf [the ace of clubs - Ed] to give me luck, but the only pity is that it doesn't have four leaves!"(X)
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Here's the very first appearance of the cards! They're displayed flat, with the 05 and 06 clearly visible
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Very similar to 2008, but with a slightly different design, and they're maybe a bit more straight with less shadow?
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This is the first major change! I was sad they didn't have the years on them anymore, but then I realized they're sparkly to match with his signature lightning bolts on the top of the helmet!!
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Honestly I'm still somewhat unsure if this is the actual 2011 helmet? It's pretty difficult to find clear photos of the back of helmets from older seasons. It's easiest to find them on replica sites or auction sites so I'm not 100%? But anyways, I like that this has the championship years on the underside of the cards
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This is when I started getting weirdly emotional about the helmets. Do you see how they've progressed from being a centerpoint to being curled up and sad at the bottom of the helmet? Not listing the year anymore??
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Same thoughts as 2012. And after this season, they cease to exist (just like his ferrari chair in the garage, WOAH CALLBACK), until cards make a reeappearance in his Vegas helmet, albeit in a different form
2013 Monaco(Honorable Mention):
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For some reason 2013 helmets were easier to find proper pictures of, so I happened to witness this absolute beauty. The creativity of this helmet genuinely blows me away??? Wanting to keep the card motif, but making sure to incorporate it into the rest of the puzzle piece design?? Mwah! There was another special 2013 helmet but they didn't change the cards at all so I really applaud this one
2023 Las Vegas(The Return of The King):
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The magnificent return! But look! The cards are different cards! Instead of being two aces, it's now an ace of hearts, a four of hearts(his driver number of course!) and, the, now iconic, representation of himself as a Joker. I literally could not believe my eyes when this helmet was released and I saw the Joker card, what a fucking silly old man....I really wonder if he felt nostalgic having cards on his helmet again or if he didn't think about it all and was just like, "ah cards because Vegas!!!"
III. Why Does This Matter?
*The rest of the post was factual, this is moreso my personal thoughts on the symbolism of the cards/designs
This post spawned from me recently watching the 2010 Bahrain gp and noticing "hey wait a minute...are those CARDS ON THE BACK OF HIS HELMET!?" It's a really tiny detail that's unfortunately covered up by the HANS device pretty much whenever he's wearing the helmet, so it's really difficult to spot! But I became fascinated with the fact that he had cards on his helmet before that recent helmet, and now here we are!
There's something to me about how the design of the cards evolves over the course of six seasons from the cards being front and center to being smaller, more folded up and closer to the bottom of the helmet. As I said, the 2012-2013 ones genuinely made me depressed because it feels, symbolically, like his hopes for getting another Ace are becoming more and more unlikely and falling away until they eventually fall falt and fade away entirely after 2013 and disappear for basically a decade.
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But when they return? They're not the same cards! Instead of representing Fernando's championships, they now represent him as a person, displaying his driver number and his persona of being a Joker!! Though I do think it's interesting he happened to keep the Ace of Hearts, even though he talked more about the Ace of Clubs before. I'm not sure it's actually this deep in reality, but I like to think that it's him not letting his championships(and the lack thereof) define him, but rather letting who he is as a person shine and be the centerpoint instead! But on a sadder note, as @suzuki-ecstar said to me, maybe the Aces aren't there anymore because he's lost all hope for a chance at a third Ace entirely :(
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#yes its finals week and im up to my eyes in coursework but instead decided to spend like 5 hours researching and writing this post#nah bcs i actually genuinely put more work into this then I think I have all semester dsfjdskjg#that thing about him using a condom and teddy bear in a magic trick genuinely had me crying with laugher. actual tears rolling down my face#<- HOW!?!? WHAT WAS THE TRICK?? its literally inconceivable to me what he did. oh if only there were pics UGH#anyways!! this post was a lot of fun to make!! i really really love the symbolism and design of helmets so this was a rly fun project#and i also went down a lot of rabbitholes while make this and saw many very weird articles from yore#i feel like i make an equal amnt of deranged posts abt seb and nando but i dont know why nando is gifted w all my well researched projects#<- i.e. chair post. that was the same level of research as this one but at least this one i could find actual sources about....#idk theres smth about the extremely long history of nando's history that evokes research posts like this KLAJSLSKDJ#theres just so much that i dont think I ever really see people discussing! so i must create.#haha what was that joke tag i wanted to make abt my researched posts? I think:#normal posts that catie normally makes in a normal fashion#<- one day ill go back and actually tag posts w that. bcs the amtn of research compared to my actual schoolwork is so unwell#fernando alonso#fa14#f1#formula 1#catie.rambling.txt#we do a little bit of f1
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yrsonpurpose · 9 months
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All he can think is a supercut of other people’s letters they’ve quietly sent to each other. Words that went down in history. “Meet you in every dream … Keep most of your heart in Washington … Miss you like a home … We two longing loves … My young king.” One day, he tells himself. One day, us too.
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aye-of-newt · 3 months
floating around the leverage universe internet is one of those side by side all white guy actors look the same photo comparison things but it’s just all of eliot’s different famous aliases
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mommybites · 1 year
Sending her filthy texts while she’s in class, knowing fully well she can’t do anything to satisfy herself ♡
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ask-vegetto · 5 months
Bench press the announcer guy right now
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vintage-tigre · 9 months
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cumcover3dangel · 29 days
I miss when tumblr let me be a slut on the internet in peace
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overtake · 2 months
Some f1 fans cannot handle being reminded that this is a competitive sport, not daycare. Sometimes people have to do things that will hurt a driver’s feelings, seem unfair, or piss off other competitors when there’s points and millions of dollars on the line. You can still be disappointed and upset without acting like the decision made on objectively sound sporting reasons requires a trip to the hague. If you cannot handle that this sport is not actually hair braiding and gentle parenting when push comes to shove, you might enjoy another hobby better.
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proficshy · 10 months
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Every day I come closer and closer to blocking the main selfship tags because of garbage like this.
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
to be honest i think i will always hate rick’s backstory
its just. it kinda sucks in my opinion. rewatching older episodes also makes it pretty clear that this was noott the original plan. you have rick potion nr9, where rick says that “he couldn’t make marriage work”. and okay i’ll admit this line is kind of vague, but in context it implies divorce or something along those lines. s3′s premiere also just feels like such a meme to me. like the fucking breaking bad house ??? the very cheesy, “feel bad for me :(” backstory, it just. i think purely with season3′s context it’s SUCH a good twist. it not only fools that federation bug but also the audience. you get invested in seeing rick’s backstory, because HOLY SHIT, RICK’S BACKSTORY, only for the rug to be pulled out from under you. IT’S SO GOOD and in my opinion season 5 kind of completely fucks that reveal over. it just feels lazy to me. it’s disappointing!!!!! and it puts rick in a spot where his actions feel, maybe not justified, but definitely like... excusable? understandable? like oh yeah of course he’d become an alcoholic because of this, of course he’d kill thousands of people, of course he’d be a terrible person. idk. i hope this isn’t some deluded fever dream, but i swear i saw one of those “fun r&m facts you didn’t know!” videos that said that rick’s backstory would never be revealed. and i wish that had been the case!!!!! or like, i dont know. at least that it would’ve been something ANYTHING else. it also sucks because it completely strips diane of any character besides rick’s hot dead wife. like the writers had this whole unexplored character who could be Anything, and they just flush her down the drain for like. No Reason except to give rick his “crybaby backstory.” DIVORCE ARC could have been so much more interesting. or like, a cooler twist. instead of just, idk, killing people just for the lolz. and hey!! beth development!! because imagine your dad just disappears after your mom and him get divorced. like that could totally fuel beth’s angsty teenage hatred or whatever. its just. SUCH an unopened goldmine to me. i get this wouldn’t work with prime rick’s whole fiasco/the current plot but ugh i dont know. i just hate rick’s backstory. like just. imagine getting divorced and being so petty that you figure out space travel and become and intergalactic whore. AND DIANE COULD STILL EXIST AS WELL. imagine the christmases! the thanksgivings! “you look like shit”, “at least i don’t smell of sweat and ethanol” UGGHHHHH
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budgie2budgie · 1 year
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[future blip]
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sga-owns-my-soul · 8 months
john "our people are in the hands of the enemy doctor do you know what that means" sheppard would NOT react the way he did in the show to someone, much less a SCIENTIST, being tortured
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sunnnfish · 8 months
uhhhrgere it’s BEDTIME but I want to keep DRAWING !! violence and hate
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Janeway would unironically have something that says “We are the daughters of witches you couldn’t burn”
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