#ugh. i miss her >_< shes great. why i gotta be 8 years older than my coolest sibling. SHE likes touhou and other stuff i think is cool
be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
if ur an artist with younger siblings who have ocs you HAVE to draw them. its a requirement.
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.1
Word Count: 1,255
Characters: Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Reader, OC Characters, Peter Hale (brief)
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: none for this chapter
A/N: I’m starting a new series! I have no idea where this is gonna go, but let’s see. 
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“My head hurts! I wanna go home and go to sleep!” you groaned, rubbing your head. 
You, Scott, and Stiles were currently walking around the woods, looking for Scott’s inhaler.
“Just stop whining and help us, please!” Stiles said, looking around.
“What were you guys doing out in the woods yesterday anyways?” you asked.
“Well, if you ever checked your voicemail, you’d know that there was a dead body last night.” Stiles smiled.
“W-How is that funny?” you raised your eyebrow, giving him a look.
“There was only half of it, and Stiles forced me to come,” Scott explained.
“Well, that doesn’t explain why I’m here,” you said, crossing your arms.
“You’re good at finding stuff.” Stiles shrugged.
“Ugh, just a few more months, and I’ll be gone from you two and off to college. I can’t wait.” you grinned.
“Shut up. You’ll miss us.” Stiles put his arm around your shoulder.
“I can’t believe I’m like three years older and you’re both taller than me. It’s not fair.” you huffed.
“What are you doing here?” you heard a gruff and familiar voice as the three of you looked forward.
You saw Derek Hale standing there, looking at the three of you.
“This is private property,” he said.
You hid the smile on your face, seeing Derek back in Beacon Hills. You didn’t know what he was doing back, but knowing that there was a dead body, it must’ve been something with the supernatural.
“Uhm, sorry man. We were just looking for something.” Stiles apologized, giving Derek a small wave.
You saw him make eye contact with you.
“Sorry.” you mouthed to him.
 He threw Scott’s inhaler to you before running off.
“Uh.” you turned to Stiles and Scott.
“That was Derek Hale,” Stiles said, shocked.
“Who’s that?” Scott asked as you threw his inhaler to him.
“He lived here a few years ago, he’s only four years older than (Y/N). His family died in a fire. How did he know you (Y/N)?” Stiles asked you.
“He didn’t know me. He was looking at all three of us.” you shrugged.
“No, he made eye contact with you. Do you know him?” Stiles asked.
“No.” you lied.
“Ugh, this town is getting weirder and weirder by the second.” Stiles groaned.
“Yeah, it is. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get home. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” you waved to them, running off. 
“Mom! Mom, Derek’s back!” you exclaimed, running into your house.
“I know sweetie.” your mom replied.
You walked into the kitchen, spotting your mom and Derek standing across from each other.
“Derek!” you exclaimed, running to him.
He gave you a tight hug, lifting your feet off the ground. 
“I missed you,” he said.
“I missed you too! What are you doing back here?” you asked him, still holding onto him.
“Laura’s dead,” he said.
He put you down.
“O-Oh, I’m sorry.” you stroked his hair as your eyes watered a bit.
You were close with all the Hales, for years. When Talia died, your mom was heartbroken to lose her best friend. You kept in touch with them still, every summer you went to go visit Laura and Derek. They were your best friends and your family.
“Who do you think did it?” your mom asked him.
“I don’t know, but it was a werewolf. So, now not only are we dealing with another wolf-” Derek started.
“We’re dealing with an Alpha.” you finished.
“Which is why I need your help. You’ve been in town all this time. Do you know anyone that could be a werewolf?” he asked your mom.
“No, but how can you be sure it’s a werewolf and not something else?” your mom asked.
“Wait… Scott said that he heard a wolf howling in the woods last night. Before….” your eyes widened.
“What?” your mom and Derek asked.
“Before he was trampled by deers and bit by a wolf.” you finished.
“You don’t think-” Derek asked.
“It’s possible. Oh god.” you sighed.
“Did it heal? Your mom asked you.
“I don’t know. But when he showed us, his bandages were bloody. A-And all day, he’s been complaining, he said he could hear things, and he smelt some gum that was in Stiles’ pocket.” you said.
“So, the wolf is building a pack, clearly.” Derek rubbed the back of his head, starting to pace around.
“And that’s bad why?” you asked your mom.
“Well, for one, he’ll get stronger.” your mom said.
“And a pack is like an army. We can defeat him by himself, but I’m not sure how we’d do against a pack,” he said.
“Okay, but we’ll have Scott. I mean, there’s no way he would pick that werewolf.” you shrugged.
“Well, if he doesn’t, he could die,” Derek said.
“No way. I’m not letting my friends die.” you shook your head.
“And he won’t. I need Peter’s help.” Derek said.
“Der, Peter hasn’t moved since the fire,” you said.
“Oh, he’s in there somewhere. We’ll just have to force him out.” Derek said.
“Okay, that’s crazy. His mind isn’t working, you’re not gonna help him.” you scoffed.
“(Y/N), sweetie, go with Derek. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. And both of you, be back by 8.” your mom said.
“Okay, see you in a bit,” you waved to your mom before you and Derek drove off.
The hospital definitely wasn’t your favorite place in Beacon Hills, but you had to do what you had to do. You spotted Melissa as you quickly turned away, avoiding her.
“What?” Derek gave you a look.
“That’s Scott’s mom,” you said.
“Okay…. And?” he raised an eyebrow.
“I forgot she’s working today, which means Scott’ll be here soon to get her dinner,” you said.
“That’s a good thing,” Derek said.
“Yeah, but I kinda told them that I don’t know you.” you shrugged.
“Why would you do that?!” he exclaimed.
“I don’t know! No offense, but you were acting like a creep.” you groaned.
“How is that not offensive!?”, he whisper yelled.
“I said no offense, so therefore, you can’t take offense.” you shrugged
“Oh my- okay, let’s just see Peter.” Derek opened the door.
You looked to Peter, who was currently sitting in the corner, in a wheelchair. 
“Wow. It’s been years since I saw him,” you said.
“Peter. I need your help.” Derek said.
There was no reply.
“Someone killed Laura. You need to snap out of it and help me,” he said.
There was no answer again.
“Peter! Get up and help me!” he yelled.
“Okay, and that’s enough of that. He won’t budge,” you said.
“There’s gotta be a way,” he said.
“The only way is with an Alpha’s claws, and because neither of us have that, we have to wait.” you shrugged.
“Well, what are we supposed to do now?” Derek said, clearly frustrated.
“Just keep looking. There’s gotta be more clues. I can try a few spells.” you offered.
“Fine.” he agreed.
“Great, now let’s go back home, my mom’s waiting for us,” you said.
“Are you sure?” Stiles asked Scott.
“Positive. It was definitely (Y/N) with Derek.” Scott nodded.
“But she said she didn’t know him!” Stiles replied.
“I don’t know, but she definitely knew him,” Scott said.
“Why was she lying?” Stiles wondered.
“I don’t know. But do you ever feel like (Y/N) isn’t telling us everything?” Scott asked.
“Sometimes. Just, don’t tell her anything for now.” Stiles said.
“Okay.” the two boys agreed.
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
E2: The One in New York City//F.W.
Series Summary: FRIENDS but with Harry Potter characters after Hogwarts graduation, trying to figure out their lives and relationships. Non Voldy AU. Begins around the end of FRIENDS season 4 with The Wedding and semi follows plots in season 5. 
Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader, Romione, Ron x Lavender, Hinny, Georgelina
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex, planned pregnancy
Summary: Years after Hermione came back into their lives, the gang finds themselves traveling to New York City for the wedding of the one and only Ronald Weasley. As tensions rise and feelings are revealed, the group has to take on New York and hope for the best. 
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: A little taste of the story:  “I’d pee on you any day of the week.” “What the hell did I just walk into?” Message me to join the series or general taglist!
May 2004
“Guys, hurry up! The flight leaves in four hours! It could take time to get a taxi, there could be traffic, the plane could leave early! When you get to New York there could be a line at customs, come on!” Hermoine Granger was racing through the flat of Fred and George Weasley, the one above their infamous joke shop, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. She grabbed clothing from their drawers and tossed it haphazardly into suitcases, while the twins in question were lounged out on their sofa observing the scene. 
You sat wedged between the two boys, leaning your head against Fred’s shoulder with your legs draped across George’s lap. You laughed as Hermione was practically hysterical about getting everything ready, even though she wouldn’t even be going to America. 
“Good thing she’s not gonna be on the flight,” Fred whispered into your ear. “A six hour trip to New York? That’s a lot of Hermione.”
Smiling you turned to look at Fred who was holding something in his hand. “What’ve you got there?”
He grinned cheekily and gave you a better look. “Condoms, Y/N! You never know what American hotties I might meet overseas.”
Rolling your eyes you turned to George, who was giving you the same grin. “And I suppose you’re just as prepared as your brother?”
“Of course! Y’know, I feel bad for poor Ronniekins, getting himself all tied down to one woman. Me and Fred, we know how to live, isn’t that right mate?”
“You said it.” You sighed and settled into Fred even more, relaxing for a few minutes before Hermione would drag you all to the airport and you and Harry would be stuck trying to teach the Weasleys how Muggle planes worked. 
There was an audible pop as Ron apparated into the room, standing off by the kitchen. 
“Hey!” he greeted, causing you to sit up from your comfortable position wrapped in Fred’s arm and go meet your friend with a hug. 
“Hey.” You squeezed him tight, noticing how his nerves had overtaken him. 
“Are you ready yet?” he asked, fidgeting with his wand. 
Before you could respond Hermione came barging out of George’s bedroom and threw two suitcases onto the twins’ laps with what could only be described as superhuman strength. “She’s ready. You have the tickets?”
“Harry and Gin do, they’ll be here any second.” The only current couple of the group, and an engaged one at that, suddenly arrived with another loud pop, startling Fred who had begun to count his condoms to make sure he had enough. 
“Hey big brother!” Ginny hugged Ron with enthusiasm, but not as much as Harry showed as he threw himself onto his best friend. 
“You’re getting married Ron!”
“I know!”
They stayed wrapped in their hug as they jumped around and around, George clapping along and laughing at the duo. 
“Don’t know why Lavender would want to marry a specky git like you,” said the younger twin, “but at least we get to travel to the states for it.”
“And have wedding food,” said Fred. 
“Oh and you can’t forget the hot bridesmaids, right boys?” you questioned jokingly. 
They shared a mischievous look. “Never.”
A loud bell sounded through the loft, signaling that someone had come in. 
“That must be Luna!” Ginny exclaimed. She sprinted down the stairs and wrapped the blonde girl in a hug, being gentle as to not crush her or her pregnant belly. 
“Hello Ginny, how are you?”
“Never better! Thanks again for offering to help Hermione watch the apartments and oversee the shop and employees. Ron really wishes you could make it to the wedding, but seeing as you’re about to burst--”
Luna interrupted her old friend with a soft laugh. She was 8 months pregnant with twin boys, and was left home alone for a few weeks while her husband dealt with a work issue in Eastern Asia. Which meant she had plenty of free time to make sure things were running smoothly in London while her friends were overseas. 
The two girls were joined by the rest of the gang who had been pushed down the stairs by a frantic Hermione. “Get going, all of you! You’re going to miss your flight.”
“New York baby!” The twins had jumped down from one of the landings, somehow managing not to injure themselves. Although they were now 26 they were never without their childlike energy. 
“I’m walking here!” cried Fred in a horrid New York accent. 
“Yee haw, cowboy!” said George, doing a little cowboy dance.
You sighed and slapped your head with your hand. “Okay, cause that’s not gonna get annoying.”
They ignored you and continued with their yelling and dancing, dragging as much luggage as they could out the front door of the shop. 
“Well,” said Ron, “we’re all here and ready. I guess we should get going!” Harry and Ginny gave Luna one last goodbye as they followed you out to the alley, leaving only Ron, Hermione, and Luna left in the shop. 
“So, we’re off,” said Ron, a little awkwardly. He and Hermione had a bit of a rough past, having dated on and off for the past few years. But that was all behind them now, and she was happy that he had reconnected with their friend Lavender from Hogwarts and had fallen in love. 
“Have fun, Ron,” replied the bushy-haired girl. 
“Thanks,” he said, giving his friend a tight hug. “Ugh, I can’t believe you’re not gonna be there!”
Hermione sighed and pulled back. “Oh I know, I’m sorry.”
“So-so come! Why don’t you come?”
“To New York!” Ron was holding Hermione’s hands and jumping up and down. “Come to New York, please? It’ll mean so much to me.”
Hermione hesitated for a moment. She wanted to go, to have a great trip with her friends and visit the historical places she’d read so much about. But she didn’t have it in her to watch her ex-boyfriend get married to someone else. 
“Yeah, well, I gotta work, I’m sorry. The Ministry is really up my arse these days, pardon my language.”
“Mione, this is my wedding,” he said, giving her his best puppy dog eyes. 
You stuck your head back through the door and called out to them. “Alright, y’know what? Now we really are late, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
Ron sighed and let go of his friend, grabbing his suitcase before heading out the door. “I’ll see you when I get back, Mione. Bye Luna!”
Luna and Hermione both gave small waves as Ron pulled the door shut. A resounding “New York, baby” could be heard even from deep inside the shop, and Hermione giggled as her friends made their way to the London airport. 
“Alright,” said Ginny as you all stepped out into the streets of New York City. “Harry and I will help the groom and bride-to-be get everything set up for their big day. Which means you, Y/N, get the honor of babysitting my older brothers.”
“Ginny I can’t handle them all by myself! We’ve been here for less than 5 minutes and look at what they’re doing already.” You all turned to look at the ginger twins, who were standing on top of a map of the city and staring down at it. 
“What is going on with you two?” you asked, but you were quickly silenced as Fred placed his finger on your lips. 
“We’re concentrating. We went in the map so we can figure out where we are.” He kept his finger there until you finally removed it and looked at the map they had made, complete with little pop ups of all the important places they wanted to see. 
“If you see a little version of me in there, kill it.” Harry laughed at your quip and grabbed Ginny’s hand, waving goodbye as the couple and Ron made their way to meet Lavender and her family. 
“We got it!” screamed the twins. They stepped out of the map and started walking right, on to their first tourist destination. “Here we go.”
“Okay, listen,” you said catching up to them, “we’re not gonna have to walk this way the entire time are we?”
Fred shushed you and George groaned. “Y/N, you made me lose it!”
George put the map down and stood back on it. “A lot harder when the map doesn’t change specifically for you and show you exactly where you are, huh?” you asked, referencing the parchment the twins used for years back in Hogwarts. 
They ignored you and took off down the street again, their long legs moving so fast you had to almost sprint in order to keep up the pace. This was going to be a long day. 
Meanwhile Harry, Ron, and Ginny had made it to the Brown’s apartment in New York. Although Lavender was raised in England and attended Hogwarts, her extended family lived in the States and her parents moved there after she graduated. The apartment was rather large, but that was no surprise as the Browns were a wealthy family. 
“Oh Won Won!” Ron was greeted at the door with a vibrant Lavender throwing herself into his arms. Ron laughed and spun her around, giving her a quick kiss before finally setting her down. 
“Hey Lavender, I missed you.” He smiled warmly at his fiancee, soon to be his wife. After Padma left him right before he was going to propose years ago, Ron decided not to waste any time in popping the question once he and Lavender started dating. They’d only been going out for a few months before he asked, but despite the worried opinions of their friends they were convinced that this was the right thing to do. 
Lavender pulled Ron down for another kiss, this one much more passionate than the last. “I missed you too.”
They were pulled apart by an awkward cough from Harry, an arm around Ginny who was covering her eyes to avoid watching her brother make out with someone in front of her. 
“Sorry Harry, Ginny,” said Lavender. “It’s great to see you both. Come on in, will you, we have a few last minute preparations to attend to.”
They followed the brunette into her family’s apartment, which was decked out in reception decorations that still needed to be set up. “Where’s the rest of your group? They are coming, aren’t they?”
“Y/N and the twins are out exploring the city,” said Ginny. “I figured you probably didn’t want Fred and George to be around anything important, especially with their history of pyrotechnics. And I don’t trust them alone in the city, so Y/N’s making sure they don’t burn down half of New York.”
Lavender laughed and poured some tea for her friends. “And what about Hermione, is she at the hotel?”
The room suddenly got very tense and Harry quietly sipped his tea, trying to disappear from the awkward scene. 
“Umm,” Ron began, “Hermione’s not coming. She can’t get time off at the Ministry and she’s helping watch over our apartments and take care of Luna.”
Lavender nodded sadly, sighing deeply at the news. “I guess it’s all for the best then. She never did like me, did she?”
“No, that’s not true at all,” Ron argued, taking his fiancee's hands. “She’s just...she takes a while to warm up to people. She really wishes she could be here, but you know how work is.”
The girl smiled slightly at Ron’s comforting words. “Yeah, thanks Won Won.”
He squeezed her hands gently. 
“Alright then,” said Ginny, “what needs to be done? Even though Parvati is your maid of honor and I swear I’m not upset about it--” Harry elbowed Ginny hard, “--I’m still one of your bridesmaids, and I want my big brother’s wedding to be as amazing as possible. So, what should we do?”
“Well,” Lavender said, clapping her hands, “I need a new venue. The one I had was going to be absolutely gorgeous, but they tore it down early, which means we need a new spot.”
Although Lavender said these words calmly, it was obvious that she was on the verge of tears and the stress was getting to her. 
“Got it,” said Ginny. “Let’s go check out the old venue and see if there’s anything we can do. I promise you Lav, this day is going to be amazing, for everyone.”
“This is going to be horrible!”
Hermione was pacing around her apartment, the one she shared with you and Ginny. She was packing up Ginny’s belongings for when everyone returned from the wedding. Once Ron moved out of his and Harry’s shared apartment across the hall, Ginny would move in with her fiance, leaving only you and Hermione to share the space. Hermione decided that packing for Ginny would help take her mind off of the wedding, but unfortunately her assumptions were incorrect. 
“What’s the matter?” Luna asked from the sofa, leaning comfortably against a pillow with the Quibbler in her hands. 
Hermione sighed as she continued to pack. “I’m just bummed about the way I left things with Ron. I shouldn’t have lied to him about having to go to work. He seemed so mad at me.”
“Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself,” the blonde said, not looking up from her reading. “If someone I was still in love with was getting married…”
Luna jumped as a vase hit the floor and shattered. She looked up to see a wide-eyed Hermione staring at her. “Still in love with?!”
“Yes,” she said matter-of-factly. 
“I’m not in love with Ron!” Hermione screamed. 
Realization flooded Luna’s face. “Oh, no, good! Yeah, me neither.”
Hermione sat down across from her friend, ripping the Quibbler from her hands and attention. 
“Luna,” she said, “I’m not going to Ron’s wedding because he is my ex-boyfriend and that would be really uncomfortable. Not because I’m still in love with him! I mean, I like Ron as much as the next girl. Clearly I still have feelings for him, but feelings don’t mean love! I mean, I still have loving feelings for Ron. But, but that doesn’t mean that-that I’m still in love with him! I-I have sexual feelings for him, but I do love him--oh!” she gasped at her own words. “Luna why didn’t you tell me?”
“We thought you knew!” she said, surprised that Hermione was for once in her life so oblivious. “We talk about it all the time!”
“You all know?” Hermione asked. “Does, does Ron know?”
“Oh no,” Luna answered calmly. “Ron doesn’t know anything.”
Hermione started pacing once again, this time much more frantically. “Oh, I can not believe you didn’t tell me!”
“We thought you knew!” Luna replied. “It’s so obvious. That would be like telling Ginny ‘hey, you like to play Quidditch,’ or you know, ‘George, you’re gay.’”
The pacing girl stopped dead in her tracks. “What?”
“Oh please,” replied the younger blonde, “she’s always got a broom in her hand!”
“Alright! The Empire State Building. Hands down, best State building I’ve ever seen.” George pulled out his Muggle camera, still trying to figure out which buttons did what. They were a lot smaller than the one Colin Creevey used to carry around at Hogwarts and George still hadn’t gotten the hang of using Muggle items. 
“What do you think of the Empire, Y/N?” Fred turned his head to you as he asked his question. Your legs had gotten tired from jogging to keep up with the ginormous twins so Fred had offered to let you ride on his back the rest of the way, an offer you couldn’t refuse. 
You hopped down and quickly covered your eyes to hide from the bright flash of George’s camera. “I don’t know, I can’t see it with that thing blinding me, George.”
He quickly apologized, but not before snapping a picture of Fred wrapping his arms around you and smiling while you glared at the camera. 
“Someone’s grouchy today,” Fred said, swaying you back and forth a few times before releasing his grip. 
“I’m just tired, jet lag y’know?” He nodded and pointed to his back, letting you know it was alright to get back on. You didn’t hesitate to jump onto the redhead as he followed his brother into the massive building in front of you. 
After waiting in line for what seemed like hours you finally made it onto the elevator to take you to the top of the building. George continued to take pictures of anything and everything, including you flipping him off from on Fred’s back. As the doors opened and you stepped out onto the observation deck, you were amazed by the incredible view before you. 
Thousands of tiny buildings filled with thousands of tiny people stood before you, or rather below you. It was like you were on your broom and flying high in the sky, except this time time you didn’t have to focus on keeping your broom in check. You could just stand and stare. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Fred came up next to you, leaning on a railing in front of him. He hunched down enough that his face was right next to yours as the two of you stared at The Big Apple. 
“It really is.” You looked around for George, but he was off pestering other tourists to take pictures of him and the city behind him. “Remember when we were playing Quidditch at the burrow, and I flew up this high and stayed there for hours?”
“How could I forget,” Fred laughed. “We had to send search parties for you, thought you had been snatched up by dementors or something.”
“Nope, just got a little distracted by the view.” You continued to watch the amazing landscape and incredible sky, not missing the looks Fred was giving you. “What’re you looking at, Weasley? Don’t tell me that I’m more enchanting than the city. I mean, we all know it’s true but try not to make it so obvious.”
You pinched his cheek and he swatted your hand away playfully. “Don’t be stupid,” he said. “I was just remembering the time I peed on you to combat the jellyfish sting.”
“Fred!” you whisper yelled, laughing as he put his hands up. “We said we would never talk about that again. I don’t need that reminder!”
“I’m sorry, it’s just too good of a story! Really shows the strength of our friendship.”
You rolled your eyes at your best friend. Technically you would’ve considered Ron to be your best friend, as you’d known him the longest and had been the closest with him for so many years. But the past few years, living close to Fred and hanging out with him almost every day, he had become the most important person in your life. He was always there to make you smile or laugh when you had a rough day, or wrap you up in a blanket and watch a movie after a horrid date with some arsehole. He was one of a kind, and you were so glad he was in your life. 
“Y’know what Fred?” you asked, scooting closer to him. “If you ever got stung by a jellyfish, I’d pee on you too.”
Fred wiped away fake tears from his eyes. “I’d pee on you any day of the week, Y/N,” he said, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“What the hell did I just walk into?” George was standing behind you and Fred, having only heard Fred’s last sentence. The two of you cackled with laughter, bringing George into the hug with you and just enjoying the moment. 
“Hey Luna?” Hermione called from her bedroom. She and her friend had spent the day discussing her feelings for Ron and trying their best to help her get over him. Apparently recounting the horrors of their relationship was not helping in the slightest. 
“Yeah,” Luna called back from the kitchen. 
“Do you remember where the pygmy puff food is?” Her muffled voice sounded rushed and anxious, even more so than Hermione usually was. 
“Yeah, it’s under the front counter of Fred and George’s shop. Why?”
Luna turned her head to see Hermione come flying into the room dragging a packed suitcase behind her. “Because I’m going to New York.”
The pregnant girl nearly had a heart attack at Hermione’s declaration. “What? What do you mean you’re going to New York?”
Hermione grabbed a few more essentials from around the apartment, rushing in order to catch the next flight. “Yeah, I have to tell Ronald that I love him. Now Luna, you take care, you don’t have those babies until I get back.”
“I--but what about all of the finding his flaws and burning his picture rituals we’ve been doing?” Luna asked, straining to stand up and chase after her friend. 
Hermione easily moved past the slow-moving girl, zipping up her bag and heading to the door. “Yeah, that didn’t work. I know he loves Lavender but I have to tell him how I feel! He deserves to have all of the information and then he can make an informed decision.”
Phoebe shook her head and continued to hobble around the room. “No, Hermione, it’s too late, you missed your chance! I’m sorry, I know this must be really hard, it’s over.”
The other girl paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “Y’know what? No. It’s not over until someone says ‘I do.’” And with that she took off out of the apartment and to the streets of Diagon Alley, on her way to another country to declare her love for Ron Weasley. 
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howlingday · 4 years
Summer: Listen, I need to go somewhere. I won't be gone long, but I need you to stay here. Do you understand?
???: Yes.
Summer: Thank you. You were always my favorite. You know that, right?
???: Y-Yes.
Summer: Good. I have to leave now. Promise me you will never leave this place. Do you promise?
???: Yes!
Summer: Good-bye for now. (Kisses his cheek, Turns and walks away) I will miss you, Jaune.
It's raining again. I hate it when it rains. I get wet, and I'm soaked until the Sun dries me out. But it's all worth it, because she will be here soon. I can just feel it.
Those children are back. Will they throw rocks at me, or will they graffiti on me instead? It doesn't matter. It all washes off anyways. Plus, she will be back soon, so if I am dirty, she will tell me to wash myself off. I hope she laughs when she does it.
The grass is up to my knees now. It takes a long time for grass to grow this high. Is she coming ba- No! She will be back! She just... got lost. That's all. Perhaps I should search for her? ...No. She will be angry I left. I don't want her to be angry. I want her to be happy.
???: Yup, there he is.
???: Still up there?
???: Yup. How long has it been?
???: Dunno.
???: Ya think he knows?
???: How long it's been?
???: Yup. Try asking him.
???: Uh, hello?
Jaune: Hello.
???: Oh my God! He talked!
???: You can talk?!
Jaune: Yes.
???: Uh, why are you here? Are you waiting on something?
Jaune: Yes.
???: What are you waiting on?
Jaune: ...
???: Uh, does he talk, or just say yes?
???: No, he said hello, too. (Turns to Jaune) Right?
Jaune: Yes.
???: Hm... Maybe Mr. Xiao Long knows? (Jaune shifts to get closer to the boy) Gah!
???: (Pulls his friend back) Pumkin Pete's, mister! You can't scare me n' Clay like that!
Jaune: (Returns to ramrod straight) I'm sorry.
???: Well, at least he's got manners to say that. Why did he jump at us like that?
Clay: I dunno. Was it something I said?
Jaune: Yes.
Clay: It was?
Jaune: Yes.
Clay: What did I say?
Jaune: (Perfect imitation) It was?
Clay: No, I mean, what did I say to get your attention?
Jaune: (Perfect imitation) Uh, hello?
Clay: No, not-! Argh! Cliff! Help me out!
Cliff: Don't look at me! You obviously said something to him. (Walks around Jaune) All this rust... He's probably older than pa-pa!
Clay: Older than your pa-pa? (Whistles) That is old! Hey, remember what Mr. Xiao Long said?
Jaune: Yes.
Clay: What?! You know Mr. Xiao Long?!
Jaune: Yes!
Cliff: What did Mr. Xiao Long say?
Jaune: (Perfect imitation) I'm sorry, Summer, but, I can't accept your feelings. I was actually about to ask out Raven.
Clay: Woah! He knows Mr. Xiao Long!
Cliff: He's like one of those time capsules! We gotta tell Mr. Xiao Long!
Clay: (Snickers) Maybe we'll get extra credit!
Cliff: Maybe we will. Heck, it might put him in a better mood!
Clay: A better mood? Why?
Cliff: Didn't you hear? His daughter just left to go to Beacon!
Clay: Was it the pretty one or the other one?
Cliff: Um, the one with the blonde hair.
Clay: Oh, so not the pretty one.
Cliff: What? She's pretty!
Clay: Yeah, pretty lame! Haha!
Cliff: You take that back!
Clay: Make me! (Starts wrestling)
These children are fighting. Should I intervene? No. I will wait for Summer. She will come back soon, and she can stop them. But she might be angry that I didn't. I don't want her angry. Her orders were to stay here. No. My orders were to never leave. I can not leave while also not staying in this one spot. It is a smart move. She will be happy. She will smile.
Jaune: (Creaks as he steps free from his rooted position) Stop! (Boys seperate) Do not fight!
Cliff: (Runs away screaming) Help! It's free!
Clay: I'm too young to die! (Gets up and runs away, crying)
Jaune: (Stops) Wait!
They are gone. How long has it been since I moved? I am rusty. I creak when I move. Summer won't be happy. She won't smile.
...Oh! One of those boys left their bag. Summer says it is wrong to snoop, but Summer says it is okay to snoop, if parameters are satisfactory. Those boys are not present, and they are not Summer, therefore it is okay to snoop.
It's a newspaper.
"Local Hero Stops Dust Shop Robbery"
...She is cute. She looks like Summer.
"At 8:58 PM last night in a Vale Dust Shop, a local girl, Ruby Rose halted a robbery by men in black suits."
...Ruby Rose? She looks like Summer. But she is not Summer. But she has gray eyes. Summer has gray eyes. But she is not Summer. Her name is Ruby Rose. Is she Summer Rose's sister? No, Summer has no children. She looks like Summer...
But she's not Summer...
Clay: There he is, sir!
Cliff: Like we said!
???: ...It can't be.
Jaune: (Turns to face the voice) Taiyang Xiao Long.
Taiyang: Jaune... (Cautiously approaches) It's... It's you, isn't it?
Jaune: Yes.
Taiyang: And you remember me?
Jaune: Yes.
Cliff: We told you!
Clay: Can we get extra credit now?
Taiyang: (Turns around) Kids, go back to school. Tell the principal I won't be in today. (Looks at Jaune) My family is visiting.
Clay: You and him are family?
Taiyang: Yes.
Jaune: No.
Taiyang: Oh, boy. Just head back to school, and I'll give you both an A+. (The boys nod and run off) So this is where you've been. You were here this whole time?
Jaune: Yes.
Taiyang: Did Qrow put you up to this?
Jaune: No.
Taiyang: It wasn't Raven, was it?
Jaune: No.
Taiyang: (Sighs) It was Summer.
Jaune: Yes.
Taiyang: ...I'll get right to it then. Jaune, you've been here for 20 years.
20 years? No, that's not right. Summer wouldn't leave me. She loves me. Taiyang doesn't love her. Taiyang doesn't love me. Summer helps people. Taiyang hurt Summer. Taiyang made Summer cry.
Jaune: Liar.
Taiyang: It's true, but that's not all. Summer... Summer's dead, Jaune.
Summer is... dead? No. Summer is not dead. Summer is alive. Summer is in this newspaper. But she's not Summer. But Summer isn't dead.
Jaune: ...No.
Taiyang: Yes, she is, Jaune. She left one night 10 years ago and never came back.
Jaune: No. (Lifts newspaper) Summer.
Taiyang: (Looks at the paper, Shakes his head and smiles) No, that's not Summer. That's Ruby.
Jaune: (Looks at the newspaper) Ru... by... Ru.. by... Ruby... Ruby... (Lifts newspaper) Summer.
Taiyang: No, that's not Summer Rose. That's Ruby Rose. Summer's... daughter.
Jaune: (Looks at newspaper) Not Summer. Summer's... daughter. Ruby, Summer's daughter.
Taiyang: Yeah, Summer's daughter. (Gulps) And my daughter.
Ruby Rose is not Summer Rose. Ruby Rose is Summer Rose's daughter. Ruby Rose is Summer's daughter. Summer Rose is Ruby's mother. Taiyang Xiao Long is Ruby's father. Ruby Rose is the daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose. Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose...
Jaune: Liar.
Taiyang: No, it's true. She's really our daughter.
Jaune: No.
Taiyang: Yes, she is! Summer and I fell in love and-
Jaune: No.
Taiyang: Yes! We did!
Jaune: No. Liar.
Taiyang: Yes! True! I loved her so much, that we-
Jaune: (Perfect imitation) I'm sorry, Summer, but, I can't accept your feelings. I was actually about to ask out Raven.
Taiyang: I...
Jaune: Taiyang. No. Love. Summer. Liar.
Taiyang: I... I know I said that, but... That was years ago. I changed. I became a better person. Summer helped me become a better person! You believe that, don't you?
Jaune: Yes.
Taiyang: Good! Then you believe we fell in love.
Jaune: No. Liar.
Taiyang: (Pinches the bridge of his nose) God damn it...
Jaune: (Looks at newspaper) Ruby. Rose. Summer. Rose. Ruby's mother. Summer's daughter.
Taiyang: And my daughter.
Taiyang is Ruby's father? No. Taiyang is a liar. Taiyang hurt Summer. Taiyang made Summer cry. Summer didn't smile. Summer didn't laugh. Summer is Ruby's mother.
???: What the hell's all this?
Taiyang: Oh, great. Nice of you to show up, Qrow.
Jaune: (Looks at Qrow) Qrow Branwen.
Qrow: Oh, it's you. Haven't seen you in a while. What's it been? 20? 30 years?
Jaune: (Perfect imitation) 20 years.
Qrow: Huh. Figured one of those was right. Probably longer, since you and Summer snuck out one night and only she came back.
Taiyang: What?!
Summer. Left us? No. Taiyang is a liar. But Summer says to trust Qrow. Qrow isn't a liar. Taiyang hurt Summer. But Qrow says Summer left. Summer. Taiyang. Qrow. Summer. Taiyang. Qrow. Summer. Taiyang. Qrow. Summer. Taiyang. Qrow.
Jaune: Ruby Rose.
Qrow: Who, Squirt? You know about her, huh? How Summer and Tai hooked up and had her?
Jaune: Taiyang and Summer. Ruby Rose. Taiyang not lying. Ruby Rose is Summer Rose's daughter. Ruby Rose is Taiyang Xiao Long's daughter. Ruby Rose is Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao Long's daughter.
Taiyang: Oh, you believe him, but you don't believe me?
Jaune: (Perfect imitation) I'm sorry, Summer, but, I can't accept your feelings. I was actually about to ask out Raven.
Taiyang: Will you stop that!?
Jaune: No.
Qrow: (Laughs) Ooh! Ouch! Sucks to be you, Tai!
Taiyang: Oh, shut it! What are you doing here anyways?
Qrow: Heard Squirt was leaving. Wanted to say bye before Ozpin got her for good.
Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin.
Jaune: Where is Summer?
Taiyang: I already told you! She's dead!
Jaune: Liar. (Taiyang growls)
Qrow: (Takes a swig, Walks over and places a hand on Jaune's shoulder) ...It's true. Summer Rose... Is dead.
Summer Rose is dead? No. But we can trust Qrow! But Taiyang is a liar. Ruby Rose is the daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose. But Taiyang hurt Summer! But Ruby Rose.
Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin.
I will miss you, Jaune.
You were always my favorite.
Jaune: NO! (Punches Qrow, Grabs head and flails wildly) Summer is not dead! But we can trust Qrow Branwen! But Ruby Rose-! ARGH!
Qrow: (Gets up) Ugh... Still hits hard for a rust bucket.
Taiyang: He's out of control! How do we stop him?
Qrow: Don't look at me. He was Summer's toy.
You were always my favorite.
I will miss you, Jaune.
Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin. Ozpin.
Ruby Rose is the daughter of Summer Rose.
Summer Rose is the mother of Ruby Rose.
Wanted to say bye before Ozpin got her for good.
Jaune: Ozpin! (Turns around, Unsheathing his sword and shield) OZPIN! (Runs into the distance)
Taiyang: We have to stop him!
Qrow: Don't!
Taiyang: But-!
Qrow: I'll call Oz. He'll know what to do. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye on him. You just get back to town and keep your mouth shut about all this!
Taiyang: But-!
Qrow: Listen! If word gets out that a crazy robot is loose in Remnant gunning for Ozpin, Grimm are gonna swarm all over the place. Especially if she hears about this. You got it?
Taiyang: ...Fine. But if anything happens to Ruby, I will come for you!
Qrow: Oh, don't worry! He won't come within a mile of her.
Summer Rose. Summer Rose is dead. Ruby Rose is the daughter of Summer Rose. Summer Rose is the mother of Ruby Rose. Summer loves us. Summer loves Ruby. If Summer is the mother of Rose, does that mean Ruby Rose is our sister? No. Ruby Rose is the daughter of Summer Rose. Summer Rose is not the mother of Jaune. Summer Rose is the best friend of Jaune.
What would Summer do? Summer always said to think for myself. To be Jaune, not Summer. Be Jaune, not Qrow. Be Jaune. Be Jaune. Be Jaune. Who is Jaune? Jaune is the best friend of Summer Rose.
Summer Rose is kind. No. Summer Rose was kind. Summer Rose is dead. Summer Rose is dead. Ruby Rose is alive.
"Wanted to say bye before Ozpin got her for good."
Ozpin wants Ruby Rose. Ruby Rose is the daughter of Summer Rose. Summer Rose liked Ozpin. Jaune does not like Ozpin.
It is raining again.
(Inspired by Drift Away / Let's Go in the Garden)
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Ladybug and Reine Nuit: Chapter 7
The Pharaoh I
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
I’m just like…not gonna name any specific Egyptian gods…because this ep reeeeeally missed the mark…
@miraculousl4dybug @livinthebilife tagged as requested!
Part 6 | Part 8
Honestly, it’s not as though Adrien’s deliberately being an adrenaline daredevil. He just always seems to end up near akumas…with a little effort on his part to ensure this.
“Dude, you’re way out of your mind,” Nino used to say before giving up and obviously recognising that he can’t exactly tie Adrien on a leash and physically keep him out of danger. The fact that it annoys his father to high heaven that he keeps throwing himself in these situations is just a bonus. But even if Gabriel pulls him out of school, he’ll still find ways to sneak out to the akuma fights now that he’s had this giddy taste of freedom. He’s pretty sure Gabriel knows this, judging by the older man’s eye twitch whenever someone so much as mentions the word “akuma” around him.
As reckless and silly as he is, however, there’s one sacred rule that Adrien respects: don’t touch the secret identities. Literally everyone knows why secret identities are important for superheroes, and although he’d absolutely love to find out who’s behind the Ladybug and Reine Nuit masks, he can’t do anything to endanger their identities, especially if Hawkmoth happens to frequent his channel. That’s why, while watching Ladybug shrieking as she’s dragged after a helicopter while Reine Nuit chases with her baton, Adrien doesn’t immediately react when something falls out of the sky and lands in front of him.
“What the…?” he mutters when he’s recovered his wits. It’s…a history book. The same history book that his class uses, to be precise. Realising the implications of this, he picks the book up, examining it from all angles to make sure of what he’s seeing. No doubt about it, this is most definitely a history book from his school year. Does that mean that whichever superhero this belongs to is a student like him? Could she even be at the same school as him? She has to be; only their school uses this textbook. What if he sees her every day?
He shakes his head. Nope. Bad Adrien. No digging into secret identities. With a wistful sigh, he tucks the book away in his bag and sprints after the superheroes, only to arrive just as Ladybug yo-yos away with the reassurance that the helicopter pilot is safe.
“Reine Nuit!” he calls before the cat superhero can leap off as well. She smirks and salutes at him with two fingers.
“Heya, Ladybugreste,” she says.
“You know my YouTube channel?” Adrien gasps.
“Of course! I love that thing. Even though I don’t get why you’ve got such a death wish.” Reine Nuit’s ring beeps, preventing Adrien from descending into a fanboy coma because his idols know his work. “Uh, gotta go!”
“Wait!” Adrien says. “This is important!”
Reine Nuit squints at him. “You got two minutes,” she says and directs him down a nearby alleyway. “What’s up?”
In response, Adrien pulls the history textbook out of his bag and holds it out. Reine Nuit raises an eyebrow.
“You…wanna show me a history textbook?”
“What? No! I need to give it back,” Adrien says. “It fell from the sky while you and Ladybug were saving that helicopter.”
Reine Nuit’s eyes bulge at that. “You didn’t video it or take a picture?” she demands, snatching the book from him.
“Of course not!” Adrien says. “First rule of superheroing and all. But I don’t know which one of you it belongs to.”
Reine Nuit says a very rude word under her breath. “Thanks for handing it in, Adrien,” she says. Her eyes harden. “But if I hear you’re going on an identity hunt, there’ll be trouble.”
Adrien gulps and raises his hands in surrender. “Trust me, you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Good.” Reine Nuit opens her mouth, but whatever she’s going to say is cut off by her ring beeping more urgently than the last time. “Uh, later!” She bounds away, book clutched tightly under her arm. Adrien just shakes his head and emerges from the alleyway, instinctively looking around in case anyone had seen him heading in there with a superhero, before heading home to try and not think about the implications of what he’d just found. But as he’s found out, the more you try to stop thinking about something, the more you end up thinking about it.
“Seriously? The Egyptian exhibit?” Alya drawls as she, Marinette, Adrien, and Nino descend the museum stairs. “You sure know how to have a good time, Marinette.”
“I heard there was something about Ladybug!” Marinette says. “It could be great for Adrien and Nino’s channel!”
“Or it could be a massive waste of time.” Nino already looks bored as he slips his headphones on.
“Not for me,” Adrien says, then pulls a face. “Father only let me hang out with you guys this weekend because it’s “educational”.” Educational. Ha. The only reason Gabriel had let him come is to keep him out of trouble, no doubt hoping that his friends would put a stop to his mad akuma stalking.
“Besides, isn’t the thrill in the hunt?” Marinette chirps. Alya and Nino just stare at her. “Ugh, fine. I thought you’d be more excited about finding out more about Ladybug, Alya.”
“Of course I’m excited!” Alya says. “I just didn’t think it was gonna involve an afternoon of Where’s Wally? to find it.”
“Whoa!” Nino stumbles and nearly falls flat on his face when he’s violently shoved out of the way by a young brunet man holding a stack of papers. The man trips and his papers go flying, though he seems more concerned with the little pendant that had fallen out of his brown satchel.
“It’s not broken!” he sighs in relief.
“Yeah, and neither am I,” Nino says in annoyance as the man climbs to his feet.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” the man says. “Hey, you’re in the same grade as Alix, right? I’m her older brother, Jalil Kubdel. So, you’re into Egyptian mythology too?” He looks up and bolts over to an approaching man with a brown moustache who he addresses as his father, leaving the teens free to head on over to an Egyptian papyrus hanging nearby.
“If there’s nothing about Ladybug on here, I’m not talking to you for two weeks, girl,” Alya says, her eyes pouring over the ancient paper.
“I said I wasn’t a hundred percent sure, didn’t I?” Marinette says. Nino isn’t even looking at the papyrus; instead, his focus is on his music. Adrien tries to pay attention to the hieroglyphics, but his focus is broken when Jalil pushes him aside and gestures to the papyrus.
“Excuse me,” Jalil says automatically, then points at two large figures on the papyrus. “There, as you know, the one with the sceptre is Akhenaten. And there, opposite, is Nefertiti, his princess! There are exactly one hundred mummies beside them. She died several years before him, and the sun god Ra took her as his goddess.”
“Yes, I know all that,” Mr Kubdel says. “I’m the director of this exhibition, remember?”
“Then you also know that Akhenaten wanted to bring his princess back to life, by offering the sun god a new wife. This seems to illustrate the ritual he devised. Nobody has ever fully deciphered the hieroglyphics, but I have!” Jalil adjusts his glasses triumphantly. “It's a magic chant that needs to be recited in order to complete the ritual! I'm sure of it!”
“Jalil, these types of frescoes are almost always the illustration for a legend. And it’s not for nothing that we call it a legend…”
“That’s what everyone thinks. But I know it’s real. I can prove it!”
“Really? And how exactly are you going to prove it?”
Adrien’s head swivels back and forth between Jalil and Mr Kubdel as each man speaks, like he’s at a tennis match. His friends’ heads do the same.
“I just need to get my hands on Akhenaten’s sceptre and recite the spell!” Jalil reaches for the blue and gold sceptre, but his hand is yanked away by his father.
“For heaven’s sake, you can’t be serious!” Mr Kubdel snaps. “Don’t even think of touching that sceptre! I’d lose my job on the spot! It’s a priceless historical object, not a toy!”
“Come on, Dad, we have to try out the spell!” Jalil pleads as Mr Kubdel storms off. “What if Akhenaten had found out how to bring people back to life?”
“Why would you want to do a spell like that based on some ancient pictures?” Nino says. He frowns at Adrien, who tries to conceal the interest that must be painted across his face. “Don’t even answer that, dude. We all know you’re not in your right mind.”
“All those years of home-schooling must have taken their toll,” Alya teases, nudging Marinette, who giggles.
“Hey!” Adrien crosses his arms and tries to look annoyed, though it’s hard when all three of his friends are now laughing openly. The sound of a security guard’s whistle blowing makes them turn around, and Adrien’s eyes widen at the sight of a tall man with pitch black skin and golden Egyptian pharaoh regalia. An akuma! Moving purely by instinct, he shoves his friends behind a wide pillar base and then dives to join them, whipping out his phone to start recording.
“Seriously?” Marinette hisses.
“Gods, give me time!” the akuma commands. He starts shooting golden bubbles at the people around him, such as the security guard that had tried to confront him, and anyone he touches immediately slows down to a snail’s pace, clearly stuck in time.
“You just don’t understand the thrill,” Adrien says.
“Yeah, because you’re being stupidly reckless!” Marinette says.
“I’d probably be doing the same thing if I was in his place,” Alya chimes in. Marinette face-palms, while Adrien just grins.
“No one’s saying that’s a good thing!” Nino points out.
“Hey, I’ve been sheltered and overprotected for fourteen years!” Adrien says. “I’m entitled to a bit of recklessness!”
“I regret ever agreeing to edit your videos for you,” Nino says.
Adrien’s suddenly keenly aware of the akuma striding in their direction, heading straight for Akhenaten’s sceptre, but Marinette and Alya scatter before he can point out another hiding place for them. With a sigh, he and Nino shuffle around the pillar to stay out of the akuma’s sight, though Adrien keeps his phone trained on the guy.
“Let’s go the museum and research Ladybug!” Nino says, gesticulating wildly. In the background, security alarms are wailing, and barred doors are sliding shut. “It’ll be totally awesome! Nothing’ll go wrong at all!”
“Will you shut up and let me record?” Adrien hisses.
“Hey, I only agreed to help your channel if I didn’t have to go chasing after them like you do!”
“It’s not like I knew there’d be an akuma today! Shh!” Adrien’s face lights up when a familiar figure in red slips under one of the closing barred doors and confronts the akuma with her hands on her hips just as he takes the papyrus that Adrien and his friends had been examining.
“You know that’s considered stealing, right?” Ladybug says.
“Actually, I’m taking back what rightfully belongs to me, the Pharaoh!” the akuma says.
“Yeah, if you were the real Pharaoh,” snorts Reine Nuit from behind Pharaoh. She crosses her arms and adds, “But you’re not, so just hand it back and we’ll go easy on you.”
“Isn’t it totally awesome, being right in the thick of the action?” Adrien says gleefully. Nino looks like he’d rather swallow a nest of hornets than be where he currently is.
“Gods, give me your strength!” Pharaoh cries, glowing gold, then turns to grab one of the display coffins and hurl it at Ladybug. She yelps and dives out of the way, then throws her yo-yo just as Reine Nuit charges Pharaoh with her baton and a bellow. Pharaoh just jumps back, grabs both heroes by the back of the neck, then slams their foreheads together and drops them in a moaning, semi-conscious heap.
“Holy shit, how did he not shatter their skulls?” Adrien gasps when Pharaoh proves just how strong he now is by bending the bars on the door as easily as parting curtains. “How much protection do they get from their suits?”
His last question is a little too loud, causing Pharaoh to look right in their direction and stalk over. Nino gulps and starts to shuffle away, but Adrien stays where he is to record; it’s not like they’ve got anywhere they can run, in any case.
“Adrien…Nino…” Ladybug groans, trying to push herself up off the floor. Pharaoh narrows his eyes at Adrien and Nino, and Adrien grins rather sheepishly.
“Hiya,” he says. “Anything to say to your audience?”
“Ladybug cares for you?” the akuma says.
“Yeah. We’re civilians. It’s her job.”
“Hmm.” Pharaoh grabs Adrien by the front of the shirt and slings him over his shoulder, then approaches Nino, who’s hiding behind another display. Nino yelps when Pharaoh picks him up too, tossing the boy over his other shoulder.
“Hey! Let them go!” Having mostly recovered, Ladybug is now back on her feet and swinging her yo-yo threateningly. Reine Nuit is also upright, though wobbling dangerously.
“Not unless you exchange yourself for them,” Pharaoh growls. “And I don’t trust you to keep your promise. You’re just as slippery now as you were five thousand years ago.”
Silence. Ladybug blinks.
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girlwithglasses1245 · 5 years
Um so yeah.
I got a new chromebook which is legit one of the best investments I’ve made in quite a while. One problem, I don’t remember my newer tumblr password and email I had set up for my happy new account. So I am stuck here with an older tumblr I made years upon years ago. I was browsing through some of the archive posts and ugh was I whiny little pain in the butt complaining about such stupid things. Anyways! I thought it might be kinda fun perhaps to do a survey that I did in 2013, yes 2013 oh my that seems ages ago. My plan is to have my original answer on top followed by the 2019 answer below it. Because why not? Here we go!
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? The closet must be closed! Still closed please.
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Sometimes. Not as often as I used, because I honestly don’t ever use it. lol
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out? In because that’s how Dan likes it. 
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No. Nope. 
5: Do you like to use post-it notes? Sometimes. Sure, I leave Dan random notes in the morning if I wake up first. 
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I get coupons but sometimes I don't use them. Haha my above answer tells me two things I wasn’t worried about money in 2013 and I didn’t probably understand the question. So yeah, sometimes that will happen when they expire before I get the chance to use them.
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Neither sound great so I guess a big bear sounds more interesting. I’ll agree with my 2013 answer. 
8: Do you have freckles? I have some. Last I checked I am the same girl, so I have some. 
9: Do you always smile for pictures? Usually. Sure, unless I am being told otherwise. 
10: What is your biggest pet peeve? I have two major ones, people snapping gum and not messaging someone back. Snapping gum is still up there and people slurping soup obnoxiously. 
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Not really. Um not physically, but my phone does. Thanks Google Fit!
12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Nope. Still no.
13: What about pooped in the woods? Again nope. Still no lol.
14: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Yeah. Of course!
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? Not usually, but sometimes I'll chew on a pen. Still sometimes I will chew a pen. 
16: How many people have you slept with this week? Zero. One.
17: What size is your bed? Queen. Queen, but now I share it with Dan. 
18: What is your Song of the week? Runaway- iio. Goodness I have no idea. 
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yeah.  Since when are certain colors unacceptable for certain people? I like that answer. Good job 2013 Christina. :)
20: Do you still watch cartoons? I don’t really watch a lot of TV. Nope. 
21: Whats your least favorite movie? I am not really big on the Hunger Games. Still accurate or scary movies would be an accurate answer. 
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Wait…why would I want to bury hidden treasure. Dan’s safe?
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size? 34 B 32-34 B depends on the bra. lol
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Plain or honey mustard. I like those previous answers, but I do sometimes like BBQ. 
25: What is your favorite food? Some type of chicken with a bread coating. Chicken and dumplings from Cracker Barrel with carrots and green beans! 
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Love and Other Drugs, Crazy Stupid Love, Easy A, Something Borrowed. So chick flicks I guess. Crazy Stupid Love is still in my top favorite movies ever. 
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? Jeffrey. Eww I am sorry 2013 Christina that sucks. Anyways, Dan!
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? I was girl scout back in the day. Still a true statement. 
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Eh I don't know. I am no model, so no.  30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? On paper?  A while ago. I write Dan little notes in the mornings sometimes. Does that count? 31: Can you change the oil on a car? Nope. Still nope.  32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Surprisingly no. Warning, yes. lol 33: Ever ran out of gas? Close, but no. Nope!
34: Favorite kind of sandwich? Turkey and swiss with spinach toasted.  Grilled cheese!
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? French Toast or Waffles. French Toast sounds lovely. 
36: What is your usual bedtime? Unpredictable. Still accurate, but now it depends on if Dan is around or not.  37: Are you lazy? More than some would think. I can be.  38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I don’t even know. Probably a princess.  39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? I believe I am a sheep. Correct.  40: Are you horny? No. Not really.  41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No. Yep, Cosmo. And it’s annoying they send out the following month way too early all the time.  42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? I could care less. Still true. 
43: Are you stubborn? I some ways. Kinda.  44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Letterman. Still true hence why Letterman is still on the air? 45: Ever watch soap operas? Sometimes Spanish ones with Rach and her roommates. Nope. 46: Are you afraid of heights? Not as much. What kinda of answer was that back then? lol. Anyways, no height fear really.    47: Do you sing in the car? All the time. Duh, gotta keep it fun.  48: Do you sing in the shower? Not really. I hum though. Still true.  49: Do you dance in the car? Yeah. That’s probably not safe… Hahaha still guilty of that.  50: Ever used a gun? Nope, I want to do it sometime though just to say I shot a gun. Hahaha 2013 would never have thought I’d say I am pretty fucking accurate with an AR-15.  51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Does summer count? Jen took my picture. Christmas of 2015 lol. 52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? Some can be. Usually.  53: Is Christmas stressful? Not really, but this year I’ll be working the holiday season so we shall reassess. Nope. I love Christmas.  54: Ever eat a pierogi? Had to look that up.  Yes, I have I think my friend Elly introduced me to them. Yeah, not my type of thing.  55: Favorite type of fruit pie? Cherry or Dutch Apple.  56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher. I don’t know anymore and I am 27. Oops.  57: Do you believe in ghosts? Eh debatable. Sure. 58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Many times. I had one just the other day. Yeah I had one the other day. Wait that’s funny that was my reply before.  59: Take a vitamin daily? I take multivitamins. I still do, but currently out. lol 60: Wear slippers? Nah. Barefoot is preferred.  61: Wear a bath robe? Rarely. Unless I am super cold. Nah. 62: What do you wear to bed? Yoga pants and a t-shirt. T-shirt and panties. lol 63: First concert? Paramore. Still true. 
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target, but Wal-Mart is closer. Target.  65: Nike or Adidas? I don’t care. Under Amour? 66: Cheetos Or Fritos? Eh…neither. Haha still good answer.  67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower seeds since I can’t do peanuts. Neither. 
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? No? What? 69: Ever take dance lessons? I did a few times. Did I? Hmm sure okay. I did in the past.  70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Lawyer. Business owner.
71: Can you curl your tongue? Yes. Yep! 72: Ever won a spelling bee? Never participated. Nope I am not very good at spelling complicated stuff.  73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? It has happened on occasion. Sure. 74: Own any record albums? No. Nope. 75: Own a record player? No. Nope. 76: Regularly burn incense? No. Nope. 77: Ever been in love? Yes. Yes.  78: Who would you like to see in concert? Matchbox Twenty, Google Dolls, Drake, Justin Timberlake, The Weekend, Linkin Park, The XX, and many more. I know weird mix there. Drake? 79: What was the last concert you saw? Grad night, Paramore. Same.  80: Hot tea or cold tea? I prefer cold tea. Ice tea!  81: Tea or coffee? Coffee, but I do like tea on occasion. Coffee 99% of the time.  82: Sugar or snickerdoodles? Yummy both please. Don’t make chose.  83: Can you swim well? Eh debatable. I’ve gotten better. lol 84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes. Yes.  85: Are you patient? Most of the time. 50-50 depends on what.  86: DJ or band, at a wedding? Either would be fine, but a live band would be awesome. DJ, Cheaper, duh lol. 87: Ever won a contest? A few times. Yep! 88: Ever have plastic surgery? I am 22 so no. Nah, I am good.  89: Which are better black or green olives? Eww no thanks. *pukes* No no no. 90: Can you knit or crochet? My mom tried teaching me how to crochet. Still wanting to learn one day either one.  91: Best room for a fireplace? A living room? Still going to go with living room.  92: Do you want to get married? I don’t know anymore, I hope so. I do, lol. 93: If married, how long have you been married? (Not applicable) Same lol 94: Who was your HS crush? Mark fucking Andrew. Ugh that’s still true. But here’s a plot twist though he married someone I know and I see his picture on FB all the time because she posts pictures of them. I am not phased anymore. So victory? For me at least. 95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No. But I have though before though. Haha apparently.  96: Do you have kids? No. Nope.  97: Do you want kids? I would be ok not having kids for a while. No thanks. 98: Whats your favorite color? Purple! Purple!!! 99: Do you miss anyone right now? Yeah extremely. Yes. 
100. What do you hear right now? My Drake station on Pandora playing a Lil Wayne song. No Limit- G Easy ft Cardi B and A$AP Rocky
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
gah another 5 am post eh fellas
fuck i really wanna do ballet. i really rarely become obsessed (if ever) with anything, but for once i’m so so so so soso wanting to do ballet. so bad. i know i might hate it bc im fucing not musical at all, so not in shape, so not comfortable or etc. but at least im 18,(wait fuck 19 now)  and not 45 trying to get in it all stiff and stuck and i think based on all the sweet positivity to adult ballet starters beginners and sure i wont perform professionally but fuck man i dont think i need that. i just want that grace and flexibility and elegance and gah itd be fabulous. i mean even now im pretending to look for turn out and walk around the house like they do in point shoes and i try fix my posture tothe advice by a ballet dancer youtuber who ive been watching so much of. i just i really wanna do it. 
saddest fucking thing is guys, that i could’ve had the chance to go to the fucking royal ballets adult absolute beginner classes. in london. i could have. fuck. u wanna know what happened? i found out about it like a month or two ago and was fucking psyched bc its one of those things that just is too good to be true. the best company in uk?? w adult classes? while im in london?? yeah id have to miss a few weeks bc. whoops i gotta go back up to do my exams,but i couldve at least done a few weeks, come back and done a few last so i’d have had the best opportunity to give this a go in the best environment and then have a kindling to go off with to other available ballets. and not start with some barely managing person in a shitty studio thing. idk. sure so i tell my parents so fuckin excited bc look! its possible! but yeah its expensive, wouldve been abt 90 pound w me being a student and id have to miss 3/10 classes. but still! thin of it gah its making me so sad happy. sad bc guess its now sold out. of fuckin course it is. i told my mom and she just was uhmm ohh i dunno i dunno, oh its adults i could do it, and thinking that maybe getting her involved would mean i have a better chance of going, dont care much for her company but if shed take it as a bonding thing hell, i’ll probably do better than her in class and minor confidence boost as well as if they all others are old old i wont be alone. and she could pass over what they learned when im up in scotland. Guess that was a fuckin mistake. she got all nervous and self concious and put it off with a we’ll see we’ll see about it im thinking. and making it a whole thing like instead of me wanting to go so bad and offering for fun that shed join me, as if im trying to pressure her into doing it and would only go along to make her feel better. uh.... fucking wrong! im so mad actually. bc of course, no matter how often i mentioned it she wouldnt take it seriously to even consider booking me in! no no of course not we’ll see. and then i check before im coming back, dreading and being right that yep. theyre fucing sold out. of course they are its such a fanstastic opportunity! my only fucking opportunity! when ever again am i going to live in london with weeks free to go participate in that? when ever again? never. theyre moving out of london this summer and fuck. just doing some research and the scottish ballet is in fucking glasgow. yes i was supposed to get there if i hadnt been so shit with studying for my exams. (sure i wouldnt be doing archery and wouldnt have all the other wonderful things i now enjoy in aberdeen but fuck its frustrating) and ofc. aberdeen seems to have: one shady dance company that offers ballet fusion. not adult ballet classes. another shady school that practices at robert gordons that have no website nothing. no info how to sign up or if they have adult classes or when its so stupid and weird. maybe ill have to contact them directly idk. sure my uni has a what seems to be a thriving dance society that i have a glitched out membership for. (its 50 pound a year and i have cerrainly not paid that) and i guess they do ballet on the side. but again from a glance around, looks its only intermediate. not beginners. dont think theres that many uni age girls who just wanna start ballet now. 
so it looks bleary. even in finland, i cant understand body parts in finnish so that might just be frustrating if i could even find a place that offers it. not that i’ll have long at all in finland. ill be there barely a month before heading back to uni and i come back holidays. if i wanted to take one of these eleven week courses, i think id have to geta fuckin liscence and a car and drive to glasgow 3 hrs both ways for a class once a week and that sjust stupid. im so fucking mad about this missed opportunity. like my muscles are itching and aching to do it. my legs want to work out in ballet positions. they just rly do. yeah maybe ill have to start doing barre at home from videos to try ease that, but its not gonna be the same and ill do it all wrong bc i have no teacher to direct me or anything. correct either. sure if i had done it and loved it i might still be mad that i have no opportunities to continue like i want to, but at least id have that expereince and could keep practicing at home based off of it.  i am genuinely upset okay. upset betrayed disappointed sad twitchy and ugh. sure tickets go on sale today to swan lake after exams. and by fuck will i go see it. and ill get all the background before it and know it inside and out before i see it (already kinda do) and i will love it. ill bemaybe more upset and more twitchy that i cant do it, that i cant be lie them and that rly sucks. i really really wish by some miracle the school would offer summer courses so that i could just, get myself after exams into one. also another frustrating thing not quite so pressing on my mind is how my dad wants me to get summer jobs, maybe even two. one here and one in finland. sure it should theoretically be easier getting it here, esp. since im 19 now and yeah. i could work in a cafe or store just to get money and have smth to put on a cv thats not 2 weeks. but i dunno i dont particularly want to, i was hoping in london i could get the most of it culturaly (considering ive been a pouting and sad whailer whos not done anything for the last two years) then again i have p much no friends here so if i did go work somewhere theres a slight chance thered be someone i get along with and could hang out w. or visit if i needa back in london. i dunno. things are weird. sure i could try get an admin job w nhs like some lady suggested but its one of those too much responsibilty things, consdiering im shit with work i kinda would prefer to do some physical job like stacking shelves in a shop bc im good at that. but thats not gonna help me in the future. money yes, but cv building or careers wise? nah. i should owrk in hospitality or smth i dunno even i can barely get thru my work to pass rn so  i dunno about job searching. im jsut a mess am i not. regardless maybe i should look if theres other ballet schoolsin london. be desperate, get a job and a ballet class going over summer and do art on the free time i guess. 
okay so fer now ive found a course for like fucking 156 pound thats a 2 day full days course that looks mad cool for having different classes to learn vocab and etc and then a bit of fucking swanlake like yooo.. best thing its in like july but thats also possibly bad bc its july 28-29 and july 30 we move out. man it could be cool tho. then they offer there as well a taster session p much every other week and then a full 8 weeks of class p near by to me. sure this is specifically taught by a man and id prefer a woman but, i guess. since its ideal timing and place. and i got wondering why thats 150 and the national ballet wouldve been abt 90 and i guess there i get concession and it wouldve been only 6 classes considering the dates they had off. i should rly ask if they do do concession bc 150 is a bit steep still. for 8 classes thats almost 20 pound for 75 mins. its kinda insane. theres probably more companies i havent looked at but there is one other thats like a drop in thing 10 pound cash each class and thats a 90 mins so it might be better. ofc. obv. fault being that its drop in so being an absolute beginner w likely a lot older adults idk how id fit in or keep up or get hte most of it. i think ill go try it once regardless. then when back in abdn ask around for taster sessions and beginner ballet. worst comes to worst i wait another 4 years till i get to a big enough city that they have a nice ballet company and somewhere i can live like an adult but also get in on adult ballet and enjoy myself. maybe my industrial placement city will have  a ballet company idk. 
all i know is that im a bit obsessed and everyone says to go for your dreams etc. and as much as i enjoy archery (slowly gonna dedicate to it) and aikido (though training can be frustrating and training with old men isnt that fun) and ice skating is another less of a dream but in the same realm as ballet. that im gonan get new skates for and give it a better try. i just think ballet could  be so fucking rad and im sad that its not so easy rn. and that my mom fucked me over. for that one course that couldve been cheap and amazing and mindchanging. to go to the ballet knowing what some of it feels like would be great. sure id love  a chance to do some after as well u know. ofc it sucks it might cost a couple hundred over summer to these hobbies and i feel iffy spending 180 on a quality waterproof jacket. sure. they spend it but, im v concientious and dont wanna spend much of their money esp cus im not making my own. i guess logically, i should put a bunch of effort to getting thru this term rly well without lies and get a sumemr job. that way, i could theoretically take loan from my parents  and pay back with summer job money w some left over to do as i like with (yeah i should save it for sensible shit but idk) also considering how nice i am my dad might not even want me to pay back. look i dunno. thats an idea. be good, be rewarded w ballet classes and an unstrained relationship w my parents, joyously move back to finland and start next term w a clean slate, hopefully more help and new determination into hobbies. maybe i wanna do 4 sports since i never did much as i was younger. tho sure, i did aikidos cousin taekwondo. ive shot a bow and arrow whenever i had a chance. ive skated since literally like 3 yrs old. and i used to take a form of dance a alot younger. sure no musicality but i think the exercises would be great for my knees and legs and butt and torso and posture. htese are fun sports since i dont like to work out. and since im not comfortable enough in myself to go swim. 
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suckitsurveys · 6 years
Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? I don’t judge people for just believing in God, but I do slightly judge them on how they believe. I’ll leave it at that.
Do you ever brush your teeth in the shower? I have.
Has your printer ever stopped working at the last minute and you had a paper due the next day? What did you do? Definitely. I’ve asked my dad to print things at work before, or I’ve just printed it at school the next day.
Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? Sometimes, yes.
Do you have a girl that is strictly a friend that isn’t related to you that you can go to? I’m confused by the wording of this question.
Have you ever painted your nails on only one hand, forgetting about the other one or getting side-tracked? I have, actually. I used to try to let one hand dry before I did the other and a few times I’d lose interest in painting the other hand by the time that happened.
Have you ever tried sucrets? I have no idea what that is.
Would you date someone that smokes? I have. Mark used to smoke.
What about drinks? Yeah.
Have you ever gone to one of those parties where everyone is falling around drunk everywhere? If I have I didn’t notice.
Are you “the good guy”, or “the bad guy”, or somewhere in between? With the situation I am in right now, my sister and her husband definitely make me feel like the bad guy.
Do you ever erase the numbers off of surveys just because they annoy you? No. I’ve erased entire questions before though.
Person you like shows up at your house: you … We live together, so.
Last person you talked on the phone with? Some lady at work yesterday. She called the wrong number.
Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now? Yes.
Do you have siblings over the age of twenty-one? Yep, my sister is 37.
Will tomorrow be better than today? Who knows.
What do you hear right now? People are installing heat in our building.
What was the last thing to go into your mouth? Tea.
Do you usually tell people when you’re mad at them? I try to, if it’s really bothering me.
Honestly, how is your heart lately? My blood pressure is a little on the high side.
Do you miss anyone? Yes.
Are you waiting for a phone call? Nope.
If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? My exes are all irrelevant so I don’t really care what they think about me.
What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? Good for them.
What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead? It’s cute.
What do you usually do right when you wake up? Check the time.
Are you looking forward to anything? Our mini honeymoon to the Wilderness.
How late did you stay up last night? 11:30.
Do you truly hate anyone? Yes.
Would you ever get a tattoo? I have 8 and I’d like more.
In the past forty-eight hours, have you hung out with a girl? My cat, haha.
Were you happy when you woke up today? No.
If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? No.
Would you rather go back a week or go forward? Back so I can eat crab legs on new years eve again.
Would you ever smile at a stranger? Yeah.
Who was the last person to text you? My neighbor.
What are you doing today? Working, going to the store to get a few things for dinner, going to the gym.
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? Nope.
Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? Yes.
Have you ever been so bored that you started drooling on yourself? No.
Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? No.
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? Yeah.
Want to get smashed tonight? I’m good.
What time are you getting up tomorrow? Before 6am, like every work day.
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? For the most part.
Think back to last June; were you single? Nope.
How did you feel when you woke up today? Tired.
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? Yes.
Describe how you feel right now. Sleepy. Feeling a little under the weather too.
Would you date someone three years older than you? Marry him, even.
Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? Either.
Do you think more about the past, present, or future? All of it.
Are you okay with the life you live? Yes.
Could you handle living with the last person you texted? Since the last survey I have now text Kayla. So, I mean, possibly? At this point in our lives we are both in long term relationships so that might not be something either of us were interested in, but I still have this fantasy where all my friends and I live under one roof so we are always close to each other.
Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? For fun.
Have you accomplished any goals you set for yourself this year so far? It’s January 3rd.
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? A healthier me and a good relationship with my sister.
Are there still movie rental stores where you live or have they all gone out of business? There are “adult” movie rental stores still haha.
What was the last thing to annoy you or make you upset? They are installing heat in our building and it’s SO loud.
Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush/es assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? I feel like Aubrey Plaza and I would be a great match.
When looking for something to watch on TV do you tend to pick shows you know you like, or try new shows that look interesting even though you’ve never heard of them before? I usually stick to what I know. I’ve been trying to get into new shows. Brooklyn 99 is my latest new show but I haven’t watched it since before Christmas oops.
Have you ever been ditched by someone only to find them out and about with someone else? I found out about it later.
How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? I got them removed August 2016.
What is the last song you sang out loud? Bleach Blonde Baby by Poppy.
Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? The job I am at now.
Have you ever been fired from a job? No.
What do people tell you your voice sounds like? My sister’s voice.
What financial class are you? I guess middle? Lower middle? I have no idea.
What poster is hanging closest to you? The school I work for’s logo.
What time did you go to bed last night? 11:30.
Do you watch any reality shows? Sometimes.
Are you more comfortable with men or women? It depends on the person.
Do you think you’re fat? I know I am fat.
Have you ever borrowed money from someone and never repaid them? Probably oops.
Do you have a pet cat? I do!
What is worse: physical or emotional pain? Both are awful, but emotional pain seems to go deeper and last longer.
How is your hair? It’s a mess. Luckily it’s cold in here so I can hide it under a hat all day!!
Who was the last person who called you? My dad.
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night? Not long these days.
How many people have you had strong feelings for in the year of 2012? One.
What are you doing for your next birthday? No idea. I’m really not thinking about that.
Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? If it was my husband, yes.
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough, you’ll get it? I mean, you gotta work for it.
Last movie you watched? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
Who were you with? Mark was in the room.
Who came over last? My dad.
Have you ever wanted to be a ballet dancer? No.
Does your family keep tons of leftovers in the fridge? Ugh, my grandmother HOARDS food and then never fucking eats it.
Favourite FRIENDS character? That is, if you like it. Chandler.
Skullcandy headphones, yay or nay? Sure.
Are you thinking of getting another piercing? Where? No.
Do you love when people remember little things about you? Yes.
Do you ‘bless’ strangers when they sneeze? No.
How many phones have you gone through? Maybe like 5 or 6.
Have you always lived in the house you currently reside in? Nope.
Do you think your future will be a good one? Who knows.
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ehyde · 7 years
What We Make (8/8)
Words: 2008 (this chapter) Characters: Yon-hi, Hiryuu, Shuten, Abi, Guen, Zeno, Ju-nam, Il, Yuhon, original characters Pairing: Yon-hi/Hiryuu Rating: in the end, it only increased to PG-13 with a fade-to-black Warnings: Some might consider it age-difference shipping on account of time travel weirdness. Both characters are adults when any romance occurs. Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ao3 link  
For Yon-hi, a young priest in training, the discovery that Hiryuu Castle contains gateways to the past leads to new friends, startling revelations, and eventually, something more.
Chapter 8: Five
She’s not going back. Not after that. But Yon-hi finds herself in Hiryuu’s mausoleum often, drawn to the memory of what she knows can never be. The palace staff and all the court leave her alone here, so although the gods give her no more peace than anywhere else in the palace, at least there is no one who will accidentally hear their words. It may be strange to mourn a man two thousand years dead, but she does, bringing flowers to lay on the cold stone. He was dead before she ever met him, and she never mourned, and she knows this is for her, not him.
One day she stumbles, and the flowers she carries fall behind the great stone sarcophagus, white petals fluttering down into darkness. She bends down to pick them up and as she does, notices the stark difference. Centuries of dust have piled up, and the stone, never polished or cleaned, is worn and pitted. Of course. Only the public image has been cared for. She begins to brush dust and cobwebs away with her bare hands, not caring that the fine silk gown she wears will be ruined. This is it, she thinks as her fingers run along the old stone. This has always been the truth, this is—wait.
There shouldn’t be a seam in the stone here.
She traces the edges, brushes dust out of the cracks. Her scattered flowers lay forgotten on the floor. The sarcophagus is made from solid, thick slabs, and this piece is barely bigger than the span of her hand. There’s no reason for it to be separate, unless—
The small stone panel is wedged tight, but Yon-hi manages to pry it free with help from a pin from her hair, revealing a small open space carved in the great stone slab. A secret compartment. Her fingers search in the darkness until they find a metal box and slowly, she pulls it forward. The etched writing on the lid is half-gone, but she traces the neatly-illegible letters. Yon—
She gasps.
Gently, Yon-hi carries the box back into the dim light. Carefully pries the lid open, and gasps again. It’s full of papers. Letters. She reaches to unroll one and her heart sinks. Though she’s careful, oh so careful, the paper flakes apart at her touch, and any ink has long since faded into nothingness. The years have silenced all of Hiryuu’s words.
There is one more item besides the scrolls. A smaller wooden box, much better preserved than the paper. She opens it and almost laughs. Many times Hiryuu had regretted he could not give her gifts. He’d finally found a way, and the gift he chose—Yon-hi had always worn her hair loose and straight, often held back from her face with simply a spare brush or pen. How many times had Hiryuu playfully replaced that brush with a freshly plucked flower? This hairpin, its enameled flowers more finely made than anything of this era, its elegance untouched by the centuries, brings those memories back as fresh as the spring flowers themselves. But perhaps he recognized the impracticality of such a gift for a priestess, for nestled in the corner of the little wooden box is a far less ostentatious—but equally fine—golden cuff. Frivolous things, both—she looks with regret at the lost letters—but they have waited for two thousand years to deliver his final goodbye.
You can see him again! Abi’s words echo in her mind once more. Had his farewell survived the centuries—or had she never found it at all—she would not need to, but now—
Yon-hi places the box back in its secret hiding place and stands up. Walks deliberately past the place she knows the portal rests. Not this one. If she’s going to do this—and it really will be the last time—she’s going to do it right.
Yon-hi steps into a crisp autumn day, bright red and orange maple leaves twirling to the ground on either side of the walkway, and though it’s going to be goodbye, it feels like coming home. If she could stay—if she could stay, and never vanish back into the future—maybe it would be.
She takes her time, savors the feel of the place. The king and his dragons aren’t in the gardens, nor the library, nor that parlor where she first met them so long ago, but walking through the familiar halls without the gods echoing in her mind is pleasant. Calm. Finally, she steps back outside, heading toward the training ground.
“Coming through!.” A man brushes past her and Yon-hi, lost in thought, almost doesn’t look up.
“Shuten!” He spins back to face her. “Shuten, it's—”
“Yon-hi? You're dressed like a lady!” His spear clatters to the ground as he claps an arm around her shoulder, and she almost smiles. “I knew you'd come back! Couldn't stay away, heh?”
“This is the last time.”
Shuten pauses. “It's been a while.”
Yon-hi would guess he's in his late twenties. Younger than her, but older than when she said goodbye. “How long?”
“Well, you showed up a few months ago, but you were just a kid then. Two years.” A pause. “Longer for you, I guess.” Which is probably the most tactful Shuten's ever been. “But, Yon-hi,” Shuten goes on. “The king’s not here.”
No. Her face falls in dismay, and she immediately starts bargaining with herself. She said it would be the last time, but if she can’t see him, surely it doesn’t count—
“He rode out to the north with Abi,” says Shuten. “They should be back by nightfall.”
A glance at the sky tells her it's afternoon. “I'll still be here,” she says, to herself as much as to him. There were times when she had stayed for days. She’ll still be here.
“Yeah, you damn well better not make me the one who has to tell him he missed you!” He bends down to pick up his spear. “I gotta put this away, but I can wait with you, or—”
Yon-hi looks up at the sky again. There isn’t a cloud in sight. Back home, it was cold and gloomy. “Shuten, take me flying,” she says.
“Didn’t—didn’t we say that’d be too dangerous?” Shuten had always scoffed at the idea of danger before, and maybe he was right, maybe there was nothing to it. Though she always returned to the present in what seemed to be the same location as the past, she’d never found herself sharing space with walls or furniture, for all that the castle had been rebuilt. Maybe appearing in the sky had never been a danger.
But she doesn’t make those arguments to Shuten. She just lets out a long sigh, shakes her head, and says “I find I don’t really care.”
Shuten gives her a long stare. Maybe he finally takes in her unkempt hair, or the fact that her gown, fine as it is, is covered in dust and cobwebs. “Yeah, alright,” he says finally, resting his spear against a wall, then lifting her into his arms. “You’re a little bigger than the girls I like to hold, you know.”
“Surely you’ve carried Guen before…”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” And then he jumps, touching down only for an instant on the castle roof before soaring into the sky. He doesn’t take her anywhere in particular, but the open sky before her, the thrill of falling only to rise again, is exactly the escape she wanted.
After what must be more than an hour, as the shadows below them deepen and the wind in her face grows colder, Shuten returns to the top of the castle. Yon-hi's hair has long since fallen free of its pins, and the wind atop the tower sends it streaming out behind her as they stand side by side, looking out to the north. Shuten must have sensed Abi’s approach, for soon, two figures on horseback appear. They're cloaked, and moving at only a walk, but one leans over to the other and speaks, pointing up in her direction. Then Hiryuu spurs his horse forward, his hood hood falling back and his red hair blazing behind him like a banner as he races back to the castle. Races back to her.
She dines with Hiryuu and all four of his dragons that evening, but after, goes with Hiryuu alone. They stand together on the balcony outside his chamber, holding hands beneath the chill of the empty night sky. “Seven years,” Hiryuu says. “Your exile?”
“Was peaceful. Until it wasn’t.” Hiryuu doesn’t need to know the details of the high priest’s planned coup, but what she did to stop him— “I waited too long. I could have gone to the prince sooner, before Priest So-yun’s treason spread so deep. In the end—your temple lasted two thousand years. Until I came along. I’m sorry, Hiryuu.”
“Don’t be. A priesthood that serves neither the people nor the gods serves no purpose. I meant what I said.” Yon-hi breathes in sharply. Hiryuu’s words to her back then were spoken in the heat of passion, but he’s calm now, calm and deadly sincere. “I could—it’s too far ahead, but that history isn't written. If I knew what to change—” He looks up at the silent stars.
Yon-hi shakes her head. “A kingdom on constant guard against treachery wouldn’t be your Kouka. Besides,” she says. “Would I, in that future, ever meet you at all?” Hiryuu looks back at her, raising a hand to comb back Yon-hi’s hair—no flowers or hairpins this time, just the touch of his fingertips on her cheek. Yon-hi pushes his hand away. “The gods wanted it,” she says. “They never spoke a word to guide the kingdom while the temple stood, but now—did they only ever want blind worship?” But it’s more than that. Something changed, or something will change, there is a reason why the gods wish, now, for the temple to hold such power, a prophecy Yon-hi could reach if she tried. A prophecy she does not care to touch. “I’m sorry,” she repeats. “But had I known that before, my choice would be the same. I came to see you again,” she says, “but you need to know that I have turned against the gods, truly.”
She waits for his reaction. The one she expects doesn’t come. Instead, he takes both of her shoulders, pulling her back to face him. “Yon-hi,” he says. “I made that choice long ago. Have you forgotten I am human?”
“I—” Yon-hi is abruptly aware of just how human Hiryuu is as she gazes into his violet eyes and the memories wash over her. She kisses him then, and for a moment, it’s as if no time has passed at all. Only a moment, because the truth is better: that after everything, they both still feel the same. He draws her back from the balcony, leading her inside, all the while holding her close. His hands play through her hair again and this time she lets them, lets them trace down the curve of her back and catch at her gown, and she finds that her hands, too, have strayed, working their way under the layers of his robes to feel the warmth of his skin, the rise and fall of his chest.
“Yon-hi, I—”
She steps back, shrugging off the outer layer of her gown. “I missed you,” she says. “I missed everything about you. Hiryuu—”
“This was supposed to be goodbye,” she says, later, her head resting on his chest.
“...mm.” He knew. Yon-hi supposes it was obvious. “You have your own life, a new one. I want you to live it.” She hasn’t even told him she is married, the piece of her new life she understands the least. She owes him that—but not now. In the morning, if she is still here—
“It doesn’t have to be,” she says instead. “I could come back.”
“You could. I hope, someday...”
She falls asleep at his side, knowing not which dawn will greet her.
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