#well only 2 of us make art a whole bunch besides my little sister. she does alot but shes only 10
be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
if ur an artist with younger siblings who have ocs you HAVE to draw them. its a requirement.
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
I Promise (Part 1/2)
Pairing: Chris Beck x Reader Word Count: 4106 Warnings: fluff, smut, pregnancy
Summary: Before heading to Mars Chris Beck reconnects with his best friend, unaware of the outcome of their night together. With the burden of his mission will Chris make a promise he can’t keep?
A/N: My first Chris Beck fic! Rather than a really long one shot I’m splitting it into two parts. A big thank you to my love Allie @all1e23​​​ for beta reading 🍕❤️ gif source (x)
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The soft resonance of Chris’ voice brings tears to your eyes, ones you couldn’t help from slipping out. They fall down the curve of your cheeks past the uneasy smile you wore.
“I kept my promise,” he said. Chris flashed the top row of his bright white teeth, his mouth curving into a boyish smile that reached his eyes, the fine lines crinkling around them. He tilted his head as he looked at you through the screen, a comforting gaze that made you feel as if he was there with you. 
The quality of the video chat is near perfect making you almost forget Chris was millions of miles away. He looked the same, not that you expected him to look different. It had only been a few months since you last saw each other. 
His hair looks darker than usual but you suppose it’s the low lighting of the small room he’s in. He’s bundled up in a thick NASA sweatshirt and you can see several more layers he has on beneath the collar. Chris looks tired but that’s expected, what he’s doing right now is not a walk in the park. You know it’s the reason why it’s taken so long for him to contact you but you wish he did it sooner. 
More tears flood your eyes, burning their way out as you wished he never left at all. You can barely hear Chris over the sound of your own sobs.
“Please don’t cry,” he pleaded.
You lifted your head towards the screen and seeing the concern on his face only made you miss him more, wishing he was there to console you in person.
Your hand swept away tears from your cheek as your voice cracked saying his name. “Chris…” 
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The streets are simmering with the heat of a summer that couldn’t wait to officially start. Calendars be damned, it was hot. You indulged in a cool shower when you got home from work but time didn’t allow for a languid evening of staying in your towel as you applied serums and moisturizers, lotions and creams and every other post-shower pampering you normally do. Tonight was dinner with a friend and you needed to get ready.
Chatter filled the air of the patio, a small secluded outdoor space at the back of an Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side. It had an Old World Tuscan feel, from the stucco walls that looked purposely imperfect. Green patina shutters hung beside a wrought iron lantern that glowed in the early evening. Lush greens and bright flowers sat atop the half wall that surrounded the dining area making you forget you were in the city.
Chris looked the same, not that you expected him to be different. It had only been about two years since you’ve seen each other, right before he began training for his mission and now you can’t believe it was about to happen. Never would you have expected that the little boy down the block who became your best friend would actually be going to Mars.
For most of your lives you were in the same school, starting in Mrs. Kramer’s kindergarten class where you stuck together; two kids that were nervous about making friends and finding comfort in each other. As the years went on you weren’t always in the same classes but your friendship continued to grow. Chris was picked on for having a girl as a best friend and the girls always teased that he was your “boyfriend.” It never felt that way with Chris. He was your friend first and you never saw him as anything more. 
By the time you were in middle school Chris was already taking advanced classes in math and science and the only class you had together was art which he was famously terrible at. It was there you asked him a huge favor, whispering to him at the sink as you rinsed off your paint brushes. “Could you kiss me?” Chris turned as red as a boiling lobster, immediately sweating as if he was being roasted alive himself. It was later that day walking home from school that you clarified what you meant.
There was a boy, Justin Kaufman, who was the coolest kid in your grade. You had a crush on him like everyone else and you were shocked when he asked if you would go with him to the dance on Friday. You were worried he might try to kiss you and being inexperienced made you nervous. Justin was really popular and if you were a bad kisser then the whole school would know it. Chris was your friend, someone you trusted, someone you could practice with just to make sure you didn’t make a fool of yourself. 
You had no frame of reference for kissing back then apart from one sided smooches to pictures of movie stars that you had a crush on. But feeling Chris’ lips press back against yours was… nice. The best part about it was that things didn’t feel awkward after. Chris was still your best friend and nothing changed. 
A server hands you a menu and you thank him, scanning through it to see what you might be interested in. Chris looks up at the same time you do, wondering if you wanted an appetizer.  You nodded letting him choose, considering the limited food options he’ll have for over the next year. 
“Can you drink?”
Chris’ nose crinkled as he smiled. “In space? No. Tonight? Yes,” he chuckled softly. 
Two glasses of red wine were set on the table as you indulged in delicious food, catching up as much as you could before Chris’ mission. 
“So you’d love what happened today,” you began, leaning closer, “We filmed a restoration video and yours truly was in it.”
Chris’ eyes lit up as he gasped. “I love those! You have to send it to me. Hopefully I can see it before I go. What was it?”
“A sixteenth century European oil painting.” You went into detail and Chris loved listening to your knowledge of art history. It was no wonder that was your major, taking your studies further to work as a conservator at the Met.
Chris swallowed his food quickly to speak. “You were always good at that– art, attention to detail. Remember when we had to sculpt our own faces?” he chuckled.
There was a short burst of laughter as you remembered that day from so long ago. “Yes! Thankfully the real you doesn’t look anything like that abomination you made.” 
Chris drops his head down to hide a bashful smile that mixed in with laughter. He’s enjoying himself, catching up with you, eating. This was so good. He couldn’t help but scoop up another forkful of pasta, not expecting you to ask him a question. “So, how are you feeling?”
He paused to reflect and wiped a bit of sauce from the corner of his mouth. “I’m nervous… excited.” Taking a sip of wine, he sets the glass down carefully on the table. Chris’ face has grown more serious. “My mom’s worried.”
“Of course she is, I don’t blame her. I’m worried. Mars is… well it’s Mars! It’s not around the block.”
He chuckled. “No, it’s definitely not.” 
Chris is heading home to Connecticut tomorrow to spend the next few days with his parents. Chloe, his younger sister is coming in as well so they can all spend some time together before he has to fly down to Florida.
“Then it’s go for launch!” he said with a beaming smile, though Chris had to correct himself for the sake of accuracy. Once he’s down there the crew has to quarantine for at least ten days and go through a bunch of pre-flight checkups and procedures first. “Are you gonna watch?”
The incredulous look you gave him answered his question. “Did you really have to ask? Of course I’m going to watch the launch.” 
His eyes twinkled as he smiled back at you. “Oh and don’t worry I put you on my contact list so you can send me emails. Not sure how quickly I'll get them since CAPCOM directs it back to us. And as long as we have the right satellite coverage we can even do video calls.”
“Like Facetime?”
“In theory yeah, more like space Skype,” he laughed. “It’ll be nice to stay in touch.”
Your smile was bright in the dimness of the evening. You can’t imagine not staying in touch with Chris. The longest you had ever gone was during his Air Force training. He checked in with his parents when he first arrived and from then on it was sporadic. You were able to send him letters though and tried to write him every week though your own schooling and an apprenticeship at the Louvre had taken up a lot of time but that was how your relationship was. 
No matter where you were in life, across the world or hovering above it in the International Space Station, you always kept in touch. It’ll be harder now considering he’s going farther than ever before but you’ll make it work. 
Chris would be back by next November and his mom was already planning a big party for his return, one he’s certain you’ll be invited to. Though you haven’t seen his parents in a while you still kept in touch with them from time to time seeing as they were still friends with your own parents.
“It’s crazy to think you’re about to go to Mars.” 
Chris swipes a palm down his mouth, leaning his elbows against the table as he muses, “I know. Feels like I got the call yesterday.”
It was a night similar to this one, where Chris was in New York celebrating with you and other friends on his selection to be part of the Ares III mission. He had been working at NASA for a few years, doing biomedical research in their center in Virginia and now he was about a month out from spending two years training for his long term mission to Mars. 
He stayed at your apartment that night, continuing the celebration in your own private way. You had come a long way from learning to kiss with Chris. It wasn’t a big deal, neither was it the first time you had sex with each other. It was a special dynamic that worked for the two of you, one you don’t think you could have pulled off with anyone else. With Chris you had trust that was built up over the years. He was safe, he was your friend and this was nothing more than just sex. 
It didn’t happen too often, a couple of times here and there. You both dated a few people over the years and even though you were single at the moment you thought about the promise you made to each other as teens. “If we’re not married to other people by the time we’re thirty let’s promise we’ll marry each other.” Such a silly promise but thirty seemed so far away at the time. 
Chris couldn’t make it to celebrate for your thirtieth birthday but you did get a card from him where he joked that the wedding was off. You were in a long term relationship, one that Chris thought would lead to marriage but you ended things a year later. It wasn’t there; that natural spark that made your heart skip a beat every time they smiled brighter than the sun, or when their eyes sparkled like stars in the night every time they looked at you. 
You walked through the streets with Chris after dinner, casually strolling back towards your apartment and stretching out the inevitable goodbye that you didn’t want to say. It was so good to be with him in person again, not realizing how badly you missed it until the hours started ticking closer towards him leaving. By the time you get to your apartment Chris decided to come up stairs, wanting to spend as much of his time with you as he could. 
Chris sits comfortably on your couch, cozied up beside a large pillow. He places his wine glass down on your coffee table, needing to gesticulate with both hands as he starts getting into talking about his research. He’s been published before in numerous academic journals and now he’s going on about how excited he is for his latest topic, musculoskeletal alterations and the effects of deep space travel. 
He’s cute when he really gets into it, crinkles pulling around the corner of his eyes as his whole face lights up. You let out a shaky breath, smiling even wider yourself as you watched the passion he had for science and learning, one that matched the level you had for art and preserving their history. 
Chris apologized for rambling on, taking a sip of wine to clear the dryness from his throat. 
“So, give me the lowdown… can you jerk off in space?” 
He covered his mouth to prevent the wine he was choking on from spitting out. You couldn’t help the sly smile on your face that cracked wider the redder he became. 
Chris cleared his throat again. Pinching the bridge of his nose he looked down into his glass, chuckling a bit as he said, “The official stance from NASA is no comment so I’m going to stick with that.” 
“That’s not an answer!” You could barely hold a faux sneer before you broke into a smile. Teasing Chris was all in good fun, something that went both ways from the time you were young. 
You adjusted the way your legs were folded underneath you, brushing your knee against his leg. Chris lifted his arm up, a silent invitation for you to get closer and so you did, resting your head against him as his arm came around you.
Things had quieted down and you listened to the steady beat of his heart. This would be the last time you would see Chris for a long time. Your arm reached around to hold him for as long as you could.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whispered against him. 
Chris’ chest sunk as he exhaled a deep sigh. “I’m going to miss you too.” His arm squeezed a little tighter around you as he pressed his lips gently against your forehead. “Just look to the stars and I’ll be there.” 
His words brought a comforting smile to your face, one you shared with him as you tilted your head to look up at him. “Do you want to stay?”
The corner of his mouth tugs a little as Chris thinks about it. There’s nothing he really misses at his hotel more than he does you. The only reason he came to New York was to see you first before going home. 
“Yeah, I’d love to stay.”
You shifted yourself on top to straddle Chris, carding your fingers through his hair and taking in the gaze of his eyes that became pools of deep blue. You closed the distance between your lips, feeling his hands come around your back. Soft moans bubbled in your throat and soon you found yourself being carried to the bedroom. 
Clothes were discarded, lips were on skin that burned hotter than the stars. You writhe against him, thighs quivering around his head, reaching out to grip him by the hair, holding Chris in place as he coaxed out your release. His lips taste like you and he licks them again, savoring your sweetness as he crawls up your body. 
He tears open the condom, gathering your wetness on him as he slowly pushed in. A sinful moan falls from your lips as you feel the stretch of him inside you, inch by inch until he was fully seated. An experimental roll of his hips sets the pace for pleasure. 
Your hands graze up the curve of his arms, reaching his back and digging in half moon shapes into his skin with your nails as he thrusts into you.
“Ahh fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he panted, moaning as his hips snapped forward. His name fell from your lips, a sweet sound that he couldn’t deny he loved hearing. 
He changed his angle, hitting you with deeper, longer strokes. His mouth found your nipple, sucking at your peak as his hips gained speed; groaning and squeezing his eyes tightly as he fucked you, ready to explode.
“Shit!” Chris hissed, backing off quickly. You’re confused and concerned, sitting up and turning the light on beside your bed to see what was wrong. “The condom broke,” he said, still catching his breath.
Chris got up to discard it in the bathroom as you sat on the bed, crossing an arm over your chest, waiting nervously. When Chris walked back in the room he apologized for that, the stiffness of his length giving you relief that he hadn’t finished so you continued. Using your hands on him as he let out soft moans, distractedly opening another condom that you rolled down on him. You straddled him, leaning forward to capture his lips for a sweet kiss first before you lined yourself up and sank down on him. 
Soon enough you were riding waves of bliss together, gripping Chris as you clenched around him, burning white hot behind your eyes. He’s right behind you, on the edge of pleasure, exploding inside you like a supernova.
Dropping your head onto his chest, it felt like your body was made of overcooked noodles that splayed loosely against him as you were desperate to catch your breath, coming down from the heights you soared to. Chris’ arms hold you close against him, his lips languidly peppering kisses to your sheen covered skin. 
When his heartbeat returned to a steady pace Chris went to the bathroom to once again discard the condom and you followed behind him to use it. He went to the kitchen to get something to drink, bringing back an ice cold glass of water for you. 
Back in bed you cuddled together, with goosebumps breaking out on your skin as Chris’ fingertips graze gently up and down your arm. Your eyes feel heavy but you don’t want to give in because when you wake up you know you’ll have to say goodbye and that’s not something you want to do. 
“You’ll stay in touch, right?” you murmured against him, as worry took root within your stomach. His quick and emphatic reply should have been enough but you couldn’t help yourself from needing to make sure you would still hear from him during the mission. “And call me? With the space Skype?”
“I promise,” he said, as a smile spread across his face. Chris’ hand stopped moving, settling on your arm and holding you close. 
“Promise me one more thing?” He hummed in response and you continued, “Stay safe up there.”
Chris tilted his head down and feeling him shift you looked up as he said, “I promise.”
In the moonlight his eyes sparkled like clear tropical waters. Slowly, a soft smile spread across your face as you stared at him. “I love you, Chris.” There was no romanticism behind it even after being together, just pure love for your friend. 
Chris exhaled, planting a kiss to your temple. “I love you too, Y/N.” 
Despite wanting to spend your remaining hours together awake you reluctantly fell asleep in his arms, tearfully parting in the morning. Two weeks later you watched as the space shuttle launched, with proud tears filling your eyes as Chris’ picture flashed on your screen along with the rest of the crew. Seeing that made you feel hopeful and overjoyed at the prospect of hearing from him soon.
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“Chris… I’m pregnant.” It was a relief to finally tell him but you didn’t feel any better, uncertainty weighed heavy on your shoulders, crushing the space for your lungs to expand. Chris knows but now what?
He’s silent, his lips parted slightly and you don’t know if there’s a delay in the feed. Maybe you should have emailed it to him. You were going to at first and instead chose to word the importance of needing to speak to him in such a clandestine way that you were contacted by someone from NASA. Upon speaking to them they allowed your email to be dispatched and then you waited. 
Chris’ eyebrows knit together, his shoulders slumping down as he stared at your face through the screen. He didn’t have any doubts, you were always truthful with each other, but he still wondered how.
“We put on a new one, I thought…” 
“I thought we were good too,” you said, letting out a shaky breath. 
You weren’t just pregnant, you were pregnant with his child and based off of some quick calculations in his head you were nearing the end of your first trimester. “H-how are you? I mean, how are you feeling?”
“Physically or…” Nervous laughter bubbles out of your throat. 
This was hard on you, the physical symptoms weren’t fun but you could manage. What was more difficult was not telling anyone. It was early enough in your pregnancy that you could hide it from your family. They still lived in Hartford and hadn’t been down to visit yet but you couldn’t avoid them forever. Work was a different story. You had to let your boss know you would have to modify your duties as working around solvents and other chemicals would not be safe.
There was never a doubt in your mind about keeping the baby. When you were younger you imagined having children by now but it didn’t work out that way. It was something you were okay with, finding life fulfilling in different ways. Work was incredible, you were able to travel and though your relationships hadn’t worked out in the past you didn’t hold on to any resentments. Life was always complete and now things were going to be different. 
You wanted to speak to Chris first before telling your family because you needed to know your expectations. Chris had a life of his own and you didn’t want your choice of having a baby to make him feel obligated in any way. You were an adult; a smart, independent woman and could do this on your own.
“I know this isn’t something we planned but…” Chris exhaled, the corners of his mouth lifting upward, “There’s no one I’d rather do this with than you... I promise.” 
Chris’ eyes glisten with tears as his smile grows and you find yourself brushing away your own from the corner of your eyes. It was comforting to know Chris will be part of the baby’s life. Truthfully it would have been weird if he wasn’t in some capacity considering how close you were. For now you have a lot of time on how you’re going to figure things out for the future.
After the call Chris reflected in silence, staring out of the giant triangular windows of one of the Hermes’ common areas into the vastness of space. He was lost in thought, startled by his name being called by a crewmate. He turned to see Mark whose bright smile fell with concern upon seeing Chris’ face, asking if he was alright.
“I’m gonna be a dad,” Chris responded, his tone mournful in the realization he’ll be missing the birth. He accepted the congratulatory hug Mark gave him, sighing heavily as they separated. “I always thought I’d be there for that.” 
You were due in March and Chris hated the fact that he won't be there for the first nine months of his child’s life, moments and milestones he’ll never get back. He doesn’t like leaving this all on you. He knows you can do it but you shouldn’t have to. 
“I can’t pretend this isn’t hard but don’t think of it in terms of what you’re missing, look at what you’re gaining, what you have to look forward to when you come home.” Chris nodded, his smile trying to come back. “I didn’t even know you had a girlfriend,” Mark teased. 
“I don’t. Y/N, she’s…” Chris’ face lights up as he thinks about you, which does not go unnoticed by Mark. “We’ve been friends since we were kids. She’s always meant so much to me and now…” 
Mark gave Chris an honest smile as he spoke plainly, “And now you’re having a baby.” 
With a proud smile that stretched from ear to ear he affirmed, “Yeah… we are.” 
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My Reaction to “Avengers Endgame”
Yes- I still haven’t seen this movie.  Yes I know exactly what happens in this movie.  I mainly avoided it for a while due to overhype but with some convincing from my brother, Imma sit my butt down and try to watch this.
Pressing... play!
Right off the bat, I feel like I should warn you guys and say that I have... my opinions... about stuff.  Plus I’m a dumbass about Marvel so just bear with me.
I like that Disney Plus has to warn us about product placement
Are we gonna see little Nathaniel running around- THERE he is!
We are gonna see Clint’s entire family get freaking obliterated
Is all the rumbling from the sky or are those airplanes freaking crashing to Earth in the distance?
What if they pulled a reverse WandaVision and showed the people getting snapped out of existence in a future film or show?  That would be freaking terrifying.
They’re [Tony and Nebula] playing paper football...
I wanna see more of THEIR interactions aboard the Milano.  The shots of them just repairing the ship are great too.
“I’m fine.  Totally fine.”  Everyone ever.
I also like you see the visual difference between Tony and Nebula.  While he’s growing gaunt and haggard from loss of oxygen, you can still see that Nebula looks absolutely fine because she’s like 75% android
So between 1995 and now, what the heck has Carol been up to?
“Thanos wiped out... 50% of all living creatures.”  So like entire ecosystems are just demolished.
*anthropology major part of my brain scrambling for answers*
“We lost.  And you [Steve] weren’t there.”  HE WAS IN WAKANDA!
Wait so the arc reactor ISN’T in Tony’s chest anymore?
“Where the hell have you [Carol] been all this time?”  Good question!
*silently bops to opening theme*
For some reason, I just really want the ship radio to randomly turn on so you just see everyone sitting awkwardly as “Piano Man” plays over the speakers
*Thanos slowly cooks his food*  Faster, all together now!  COOKING CAN BE FUN!
“I [Thanos] used the stones to destroy the stones.”  ...what?
“I am...[Thanos] inevitable.”  *starts humming “Inevitable” from TGWDLM*
“I [Thor] went for the head.”  YES YOU DID
[FIVE YEARS LATER] All righty so we’re doing this
*gasps*  Is... Steve running the therapy sit downs like Sam did in “The Winter Soldier”?  That’s awesome.  I really like this tidbit.
I’m also really liking Alan Silvestri’s score for this so far
I’m really trying not to nitpick but I feel like it would take more than 5 years for greenery to just completely overtake a suburban neighborhood
Also wow pre COVID life looks great you guys
“There’s a part of me that doesn’t even wanna find him.”  Are they talking about... Clint?  Is Clint just going the full vigilante route?
I really like Steve and Natasha’s friendship in these movies but for some reason I don’t feel like we get enough of Natasha for me to get behind her on an emotional standpoint
Are they gonna use the quantum realm to jumpstart the multiverse for Phase 4?
Also speaking of multiverse, I honestly really don’t want Spiderman:  No Way Home or Wandavision to get too cluttered by that
I like Tony’s lake house.  And he got a whole vegetable garden going too.  Kudos!
The little kid who plays Morgan Stark is adorable
“Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel.”  Which we obviously won’t.
“We’re gonna need a really big brain.”  So where the [expletive] is Banner?
“Stranger danger.”  *snorts*
“Dab!”  *rolls eyes*
So is the whole Professor Hulk thing permanent?  I know he’s gonna be in the She-Hulk show but I’m wondering how they’re gonna tackle that.  And they’re gonna have Tim Roth too!
*smiles when Tony takes Morgan to bed*
Steve Rogers here [when they do the first time travel tests] is a Look ™
Maybe don’t let the GIANT GREEN MAN keep pressing a bunch of tiny tiny important buttons on a dashboard
*laughs at Steve shaking his head in disbelief when they finally bring Scott back*
*Tony’s car races toward the Avengers base*  NYOOOMMMM
*Tony rolls down his window*  It’s Britney, bitch
“And maybe not die trying.”  And you definitely will.
This whole bit where Scott keeps losing his dorito only to get another one from Bruce feels like a Doritos commercial.
*jams out to "Supersonic Rocket Ship by The Kinks*
Did they just keep reducing the green pigment for Hulk or what?
*sighs when they reveal Fat!Thor*
Please tell me Noobmaster69 is Kid Loki, whom we meet in the Loki series
“Don’t... say that name.”  “Yeah we actually don’t say that name here.”  I like this.  I like that Thor has so much resentment for killing Thanos at the wrong time and that he felt that could have done better cause he’s A GOD.  So the fact that THANOS was on equal level and BEAT HIM-
Hawkeye’s killing people
This sword fight’s great [between the Yakuza person and Clint]
WHY DIDN’T THEY BUILD ON THIS [Clint and Natasha’s connection] ???
*laughs when Rhodey suggests killing baby Thanos*
These shots of Clint going through the Quantum Realm looks like something straight out of Andy Park’s concept art and that’s awesome
“Well I [Scott] haven’t [encountered an Infinity Stone] but I don’t even know what the hell you’re all talking about.”  *snorts*
“The Aether, firstly, is not a stone.”  Thank you!
The little glance Nebula gives after Thor mentions the Dark Elves just make me think that somewhere down the road, she has either A) encountered them or B) has encountered other Asgardians besides Thor
“Guys if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York.”  “Shut the front door.”  *laughs*
Also underrated trio:  Steve, Natasha, and Bruce.  Gimme more.
Wait a minute, in 2012, Doctor Strange wasn’t active yet.  So are they gonna go see- OOOOOOOHHHHHH
[NEW YORK 2012] Oh here we go
*cracks up when Bruce very half-assedly smashes stuff on the street*
“I’m looking for Doctor Strange.”  “You’re about five years too early.”  Wait a minute.
HOW DOES SHE [the Ancient One] KNOW?!?
*giggles at Thor and Rocket sneaking in the background with a bored Loki in focus*
“That’s my [Thor’s] mother.  She dies today.”  I love this scene already.
Also WHY IS THOR- or the Thor films in general- have like the most well written characters in the whole canon?
It’s those movies, Guardians 2, The Winter Soldier, Civil War, aaand.... I can’t think of any more of them. 
Rocket just said he thinks of the Guardians as his family I’m gonna die...
What about their [Natasha and Rhodey’s] friendship?!?  I want more of that!
“Ronan’s obsession... clouds his judgment.”  ...HUH
*Thanos uses his sword to lift up Nebula’s chin*  Aw heck no
“As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.”  *has to take a second before nodding in agreement*
Wait is that Jasper Stillwell?
“Flick me.”  That bit alone could be taken out of context
“We’re in route to Doctor List.”  Who’s Doctor List?  Is that a code name?
Please tell me this hand off scene is gonna be the opening for the Loki show.  Please tell me this is gonna happen.
*Loki takes the Tesseract again*  AND HE’S GOOONNNEE!!
*ends up quoting “Yeah, I know, I know” along with Steve*
I’m really glad Tilda Swinton actually came back for this cameo
*keeps slapping my laptop screen when people keep saying Doctor Strange made a mistake when it was an explicit point in Infinity War where he encountered 14 million other AUs to find the best result*
Are you telling me that this whole plan could derail because Nebula accidentally hacked into her own WiFI network?  Are you seriously doing this?
*Thanos and Ebony Maw scan Nebula’s duplicate memory bank and track her down*  Are you freaking kidding me?
...I have 96 minutes left?!?
“The future hasn’t been kind to you [Thor], has it?”  Frigga is underrated
So for these shots with Jane, are they just reusing different shots from Thor 2 or just footage from deleted scenes?
Can we talk about how Frigga is absolutely the best parent Thor has?  Meanwhile her husband ODIN is like “oh yeah by the way you have a secret sister totes magotes i’ll die now byeeee”
*sings along with “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone*
*laughs when we cut to Quill just very badly singing along to his iPod in the distance*
I want a bonus short with just Rhodey and Nebula doing their thing
*Nebula gets her memory taken over by 2014 Thanos*  Nooooooo...
Are the glasses that Tony wears here part of EDITH from “Far From Home” or are they like a prototype?
Also I haven’t seen “Far From Home” yet because Sony hates me
Doctor Zola?!?
*jams out to the music playing when we see Hank Pym’s lab*
“A little girl would be nice.  Less of a chance that she’ll end up exactly like me [Howard Stark].”  *gasps softly*
Oh my God, he’s [Steve] in Peggy’s office
Alan Silvestri is really killing it with this score
Wait and that’s the guy from “Agent Carter”!
Ohhh that shot’s [of Thanos’s ship coming out of the clouds] awesome...
*2014 Nebula hands Thanos the Pym particles*  Oh are you kidding me...
The CGI for Red Skull is also awesome
*gasps when Natasha reveals that she never knew her dad’s name when Red Skull told it to her*
*is super bummed out when Natasha sacrifices herself*
Kevin Feige really went and said “so Phases 3 and 4 are gonna make everybody cry” and the writers went “YES”
Wait doesn’t Cap go and return the stones at the end of the movie?  How’s he gonna handle meeting Red Skull on Vormir then?
“It’s like... I [Bruce] was made for this.”  Please someone get Mark Ruffalo his own Hulk movie before he combusts from giving out more spoilers
So Thanos used the Pym particles to time travel then.  Honestly that’s kinda genius
I just noticed that Scott shrank himself right as the explosion hit the windows
I really want someone to just drop one F-bomb somewhere in the MCU and I really hope it’s Clint because he would 100% say it
*starts singing “Hollaback Girl” when Thanos arrives*
Here’s my question;  how did Thanos acquire Nebula then?  With Gamora, it was with the genocide of her people.
“We [Gamora to Nebula] can stop him.”  LET’S GO!
[Thor uses his storm powers to summon both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir] *softly* Ohhhhh that’s badass...
Now I’m just imagining the cast just in the green screen room just hitting Josh Brolin with a bunch of foam weapons and making all the sound effects while poor Josh is just struggling under the weight of the Thanos reference head on his mocap suit
Who does the voice for FRIDAY?
AN:  Irish actress named Kerry Condon
*Steve deems himself worth to wield Mjolnir*  OKKAAYY OKAAYY
Love how Thanos is like “yes, I’m gonna stab you with an AXE”
“In all my years of conquest...”  Steve you suuuucckkk...
Are we getting the Chitauri again?
“On your left.”  *laughs incredulously*  O-ohhh my God...
*Everyone starts coming out of the portals*  Oh my God I’m getting chills
I would have lost my mind in the theater
“Avengers... assemble.”  Oh my God this is amazing!
Also “Endgame” really just said “We are KILLING FOOLS TODAY”
How are they gonna tackle Peter and Gamora’s relationship in Guardians 3?
[Horn plays La Cucaracha] LET’S GO
God I’m gonna turn feral
*has to pause to scream in excitement when Wanda touches down in front of Thanos to fight him*
*puts hands on head*  OHH MY GOOOOODDDDD
They’re literally just playing Keep Away with a teenage boy.  Marvel, everybody.
*Captain Marvel destroys Thanos’s ship*  WELL IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH
OK I got mixed feelings about that [the girl power team up scene]
*Thanos unsuccessfully headbutts Carol*  Oh shit!
*Doctor Strange holds up one finger*  Oh my God this is it
Someone definitely tore off when Thanos pushed Tony off
It was in that moment he [Thanos] knew- he effed up
*All of Thanos’s army dissipates*  Byeee...
Is it bad that I’m not crying at Tony’s death?
*gasps when Peter reunites with Ned at school*
Wait the whole time heist takes place within ONE DAY?
“I love you 3000.”  I really hope we see Morgan again somewhere in one of the movies or shows.  Actually a cool way to reincorporate her would be in the Ironheart series whenever they make it
Even Drax is wearing black!
It’s the “We should be getting therapy but we got a TV show instead” trio [Wanda, Bucky, and Sam]
Wait is that guy- was that guy- the little kid from Iron Man 3?
AN:  Yes
So right after this funeral, Wanda’s gonna storm SWORD right?
AN:  This was finished up on 2/26 so probably YES
*Thor crowns Valkyrie the new leader of New Asgard*  I now cannot wait for “Thor Love and Thunder”
Wait Peter’s looking for Gamora!
Still cannot believe that the time travel suits are completely CGI
I know they had a body double for Chris Evans here but I do think it would have been cool if they used the body double’s voice for Old Steve instead of Chris trying to sound old
He [Steve] put the shield in an art portfolio bag...
*says “No, no I don’t think I will” along with Steve*
*silently jams out to “It’s Been a Long, Long Time” playing during the credits*
Wait and that was the song Fury was playing in “Winter Soldier”
Oh they even got the actual signatures!  That’s awesome!
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Arrowverse Science Fair AU
~2004 National Highschool (Gr. 8-12) Science Fair
Felicity Smoak (Gr. 9) – Computer software to detect card counters. She may or may not have hacked into online card games to test it (this wasn’t included in/on her project.)
Cisco Ramon (Gr. 8 or 9) – Piano playing robot. He thought it played better than Dante. His parents didn’t agree.
Caitlin Snow (Gr. 9) – Analysis of physiological response to various stimuli. She wanted to find stimuli that would help kids cope with traumatic experiences (say crashing their bike or losing their father.) If she was able to find something that made her mom show some/any emotion that would be a bonus.
Barry Allen (Gr. 9) – Growing crystals (lots of different and cool ones). His project started out as an attempt to make something special for Iris for her birthday but turned into an elaborate project. It ended up being a good choice because 1) it reminded Barry of his parents (the first science experiment they did together was grow Borax crystals on pipecleaner and 2) it followed Joe’s ‘your science fair project must make, not destroy things’ rule instated after Barry’s Gr. 6 project.
Alex (Gr. 9) and Kara (Gr. 8) Danvers – Birds in my Backyard. Eliza had insisted on Alex getting Kara involved in her science fair project this year. Alex was excited to show Kara the science fair experience she enjoyed but wanted to pick a topic she knew more about that Kara (her knowledge of math and science was intimidating enough without the superpowers). Seeing Kara’s interest in birds they decided to study birds in their backyard. With Alex’s design and Kara’s powers they built tall post’s and attached bird houses and feeders with differing properties. They then monitored which kinds of birds built nests and ate from where (with some help from Kara’s flight and X-ray vision). Alex also picked 5 nests from different species to chronicle the embryo and chick development. Kara enjoyed doing the project and learning about birds from Alex. The actual science fairs, not so much but those were Alex’s favourite part. Note: Streaky was locked in the house for the duration of the project so he wouldn’t eat any of the birds.
Winn Schott (Gr. 11) – Pop-up room/ room in a suitcase. Being in the foster system for the last couple years inspired Winn to design a room that collapsed to the size of a suitcase for easy transport but could expand in less than a minute into a nice-sized, fully-furnished, sound-proof room, so no matter how many times a foster kid was moved around they always had their own space and stuff. Also good for camping, travel and special short-term events (like waiting in line at conventions).
Lena Luthor (Gr. 5) – Oxygen absorbing/releasing crystal that could allow breathing underwater. After her Mum drown when Lena was four, she was determined to develop a simple way for people to breath under water. She was able to do just that by synthesizing a substance that absorbed and stored large amounts of oxygen then released it slowly (so if someone held in in their mouth, they could breathe underwater). She was happy and excited that her mom and older brother were interested in her project but a little frustrated and concerned that they were so focused on its ability to absorb all the oxygen from a room (in a big enough amount). Although she supposed it could be used in that capacity to control/extinguish fires. Note: although in elementary school, Lena got to compete against the high schoolers since her project was so advanced for her age.
Sara Lance (Gr. 11) – The Biomechanics of Dance and Martial Arts. As punishment for skipping classes, then sassing her teacher and principal when they tried to discipline her for skipping classes, Sara had to complete a science fair project. To make the best of it Sara chose something that interested her. In hindsight she wished she hadn’t. Her project was so good she was chosen to represent her school at the state and national science fair.
Ronnie Raymond (Gr. 9-12?)- Structural design to minimize Superman related damage in Metropolis. Ronnie was proud of his project and had enjoyed analyzing the powers of Metropolis’ hero, but he lost any chance he had at winning when he decided to leave his project to go flirt with Caitlin. At least Kara, whose project was next to his, seemed interested.
Hartley Rathaway – something to do with sound waves
Lily Stein (Gr. 11) – designing and comparing different miniaturized forms of renewable energy sources. She had some help from her dad.
Patty Spivot – Recreation of crime scene evidence using food models. A bunch of her friends (her whole cabin actually) from her summer camp for those interested in law enforcement came to support her.
-       Maggie Sawyer – seemed really interested in the bird project
-       Ralph Dibny – found every project that said it was OK to touch. His favourite was slime. To Patty’s surprise he didn’t break anything.
-       Dinah Drake – hung out with Patty most of the time. Talked to Hartley, beside her, about his project on sound waves for a bit (seemed kinda interested). Patty joined her when she got into a conversation with Sara, across the way, and Laurel about the implications of her biomechanics project in fighting and self-defence. The rest of the time they talked about that Vince guy from camp Dinah thought was cute.
-       Eddie Thawne – he hung out with Patty most of the time too but did do a lap of the fair with Iris, who was there supporting Barry, when she accepted his offer to buy her something at the concession.
Notable events:
- Clark came to see Alex and Kara’s project and brought James and Lois with him. Kara and Clark (very subtly) tested the models on the project beside them that had been abandoned and were said to be superman proof/resistant. They were very impressed to discover the models did indeed stand-up to heat vison, freeze breath and super-strength leading Clark to believe the student had a bright future. James spent most of his time talking to Winn about his pop-up room project because, “Don’t you think these would be way better than cubicles, the Daily Planet should definitely purchase some.”
- Cat Grant, a young reporter from the National City Tribune pushing a stroller, came around and interviewed all the contestants because, “What better place to find the next world changing innovator or innovation” as she put it when she stopped to talk to Clark (more like flirt Kara thought). Alex used Clark distracting Cat as an opportunity to play with the baby in the stroller. This was the only time during the entire science fair Alex was distracted, except maybe when Maggie had come, but they mainly talked about the project like Alex did with everyone, which left Alex wondering why it felt different. During their entire interview Cat called Kara Kira, much to her annoyance. At least the baby seemed to like her. This interview sparked a conversation between Kara, Lois and Clark about journalism which Iris overhead while she was visiting Barry and joined in.
- Graduate students Ray Palmer and Curtis Holt were volunteer judges and ticket takers. Curtis wore a varsity jacket over his shirt and tie which covered his name tag, but at every project he judged he would describe every aspect as terrific, so the contestants started calling him Mr. Terrific. While judging Barry’s project they began a discussion about their favourite elements/minerals/gems. Barry couldn’t decide so joked he liked Barium. Ray shared his love for dwarf star alloy with a ‘quick’ lecture about its rumoured properties and potential uses. Curtis listed at least 10 compounds essential for modern tech as he flip-flopped back and forth trying to decide a favourite and Lex Luthor who was visiting his sister’s project beside them interjected that he favoured kryptonite. While taking tickets Curtis witnessed the following interaction. He asked Damian Darhk, who was carrying baby Nora, what brought him to the science fair. He responded with “These are the brightest young minds in the country and being young means they are malleable. So, there is nowhere better to recruit future talent for my enterprise.” Malcolm Merlyn, who was behind, him added “I know exactly what you mean with what the world’s coming to we’re going to need a bright mind to save it.” This led Tommy, who was accompanying him, to say “I thought we were just here to support the Queen’s.” Then one of the other judges, Dr. Harrison Wells aka Eobard Thawne in disguise, added “No your Dad is right. This world’s next HERO could be in this very room. I’ve already made a list of students to keep my eye on.” He pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket. On it Curtis saw four names: Hartley Rathaway, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow and Ronnie Raymond. This led to a long conversation between the three men about numerous threats to society, the country and the world and the possible drastic solutions that would need to be employed to stop them. When they left Curtis turned to Ray and asked, “Was it just me or were those Doomsday Dudes really creepy?” “What” Ray replied his attention clearly being pulled from elsewhere. But before Curtis could answer a voice behind him said “Doomsday Dudes is a terrible nickname you should call them the Legion of Doom.” Curtis turned to find Cisco. “Just saying,” he continued, “anyway I heard there’s free Big Belly Burger for the contestants. When’s that coming?” Ray had missed the entire conversation Curtis was asking about because he had been making funny faces at baby Nora the whole time hoping to make her smile or laugh but she had just stared at him with her big blue eyes.
- Queen consolidated gave out a $1500 scholarship and a summer internship at the applied sciences division. This year Moira and Robert had made Oliver come and brought 9-year-old Thea. Oliver was tasked with watching Thea who ran around the entire science fair wanting to look at and touch all the projects even the ones with big ‘Do Not Touch’ signs on them. She spent at least an hour trying to get everybody around the robot pianist to sing and dance with her. Most people ignored her although she was able to get Cisco, Winn, Stein, Joe, Kara (who kept trying to get Alex to join) and to Oliver’s surprise Malcolm Merlyn all to sing with her and they were all surprisingly good. She also got many people to dance including the Lance girls. She even convinced Cisco to make the robot play some of her favourite songs from Disney movies. Barry was very happy that he was able to convince Iris to dance with him for a couple songs with just a little encouragement from Thea and despite Kara’s constant encouragement Alex only agreed to dance when Maggie asked. Oliver had to present his family’s award which went to Felicity. When her name was announced Donna yelled “Woohoo, that’s my daughter! Way to go sweetie!” which earned a whispered “Mom, ssshh” and accompanied eye roll from Felicity as she headed to the stage with her head down and cheeks flushed. When she got onstage Oliver presented her with her award and Felicity began to babble, “Thanks. This is so cool. I’m such a big fan of yours… well not yours… your company… your family’s company. But uh you seem cool too. I could be a fan of yours, but not like a creepy stalker fan just like a normal supportive fan, ya know. I’m sorry, I’m rambling, it’s just, I don’t know what to say. Your very handsome… and I just said that out loud. I’m so sorry.” She stops and whispers “come on Smoak, pull yourself together,” then takes a deep breath before addressing Oliver again, “Thank-you again for the award and I look forward to working with you, or for you. I’m just gonna go now.” Oliver couldn’t help smiling as she left and thinking that just maybe if she had been around when Thea was partnering everyone up to dance he may have just participated.
- Kara quickly got bored of standing by her project and started wandering around to talk to the other contestants. She spent a good chunk of time talking to Barry. Tried to join in on a heated debate between Felicity, Cisco and Winn about the best language to code in but quickly left when she had no idea what they were talking about. She ended up spending most of her time with Lena. They talked about their projects, their lives and interests and about dealing with new and scary situations especially when you feel different from everyone else and learnt that they were both adopted. However, the whole time they were talking Lena’s eyes kept scanning the room as if waiting for something to jump out and scare her. Kara learnt why when a woman Kara thought must be Lena’s mother showed up and menacingly questioned why she was distracting her daughter.
- J’onn came in disguise to check out the Danvers sister’s project
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vacuousauto · 4 years
tysm for tha ask molli!! ill talk abt kny here bc its takin over my life rn qwq
spoilers ahead 4 tha whole series!!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
kny is a manga w an anime adaptation thats had 1 season so far n a movies bein made of my fav arc!! (also this plot desc may not b perfect bc i havent read it in like 4 months)
its abt a boy called tanjirou whos whole family got killed by a demon, n his sister nezuko got turned into a demon (which fun fact: in kimetsu theyre man-eatin creatures w different powers called blood demon arts!!)
hes sent by giyuu (a demon slayer!) 2 join tha demon slayer corps so hell become stronger n mayb get a little revenge. as a treat (and also mayb find a way 2 turn nezuko human?)
as he trains he learns how 2 do water breathing (a sword technique taught by him n giyuus mentor, urokodaki) n his final challenge is 2 cut a massive boulder in half w his sword
its real hard 4 him (as u can imagine) so 2 kids in fox masks named sabito n makomo come n help him, but after tanjirou cuts tha rock n tells urokodaki abt him its revealed theyre dead???
@ final selection (basically a demon slayer entrance exam where u win by surviving on a demon-infested mountain 4 seven days) he learns from a real fucked up demon that hes exclusively been targetin urokodakis students n that not even sabito could slice its neck open?? (thats how him n makomo died)
after tanjirou kills tha demon n basically puts all tha water breath students’ souls @ peace he passes tha exam!! its been 7 days n now he gets his nichirin blade (the only kinda sword that can kill a demon, tha only 2 ways they can die is thru a slice 2 tha neck from a nichirin blade n sunlight)
turns out nezuko was turned by the strongest demon of all, michael jackson muzan kibutsuji, n so he sets out 2 hunt him down n try 2 kill him
but he aint so strong @ first so he needs 2 try 2 take down tha twelve kizuki first (the 12 strongest demons besides muzan)
another reason he needs 2 kill tha kizuki is 2 gather their blood for a demon named tamayo n her assistant yushirou!! tamayo can make a cure if tanjirou can gather blood samples 4 her (the stronger tha demon tha more of muzans blood they have so hes gonna have 2 aim high)
he meets a bunch more slayers along tha way, includin zenitsu (a scaredy cat thunder breath user who basically simps 4 nezuko n becomes a badass when hes asleep) n inosuke (a rowdy beast breath user who wears a boar mask n lived in tha mountains)
after lower moon 5 gets killed by giyuu, nezuko unlocks her blood demon art (exploding blood!) n tanjirou remembers how 2 use tha hinokami kagura, him n nezuko get captured by a slayer called shinobu qwq
turns out she n giyuu are 2 of the nine hashira, the strongest of all tha demon slayers!! but theyre all havin a debate over whether they should kill tanjirou n nezuko 4 goin against corps rules n travelin w a demon
eventually oyakata-sama (tha leader of tha slayer corps) comes in n tells em its ok, urokodaki sent a letter explainin that nezukos never hurt anyone n if she does, tanjirou giyuu n urokodaki all have 2 die basically
oyakata-sama also tells em that tanjirous met kibutsuji, at which everyone goes feral at (and understandably, none of em had ever even seen him before hes that elusive)
so they get 2 live bc theyre like. tha best hope the slayers have @ findin kibutsuji
the rest of the hashira are kyoujurou (flame), muichirou (mist), mitsuri (love), obanai (serpent), gyoumei (stone), tengen (sound) n sanemi (wind)
theres also kanao (shinobus pupil, flower breathing) n genya (sanemis brother, eats demons 2 gain power n basically become a demon temporarily, also He Has A Gun)
ive gone on a lot here so ill try 2 keep it brief now but i HAVE 2 explain infinity train or ill die (slight suicide tw but no one actually does that outside of dreams)
BASICALLY the lower 6 moons have a meetin @ kibutsujis infinity castle, muzan decides 2 dismantle tha lower moons bc they keep fuckign dying
all of em get their shit wrecked except enmu, who avoided death by usin muzans “dont tell me what 2 do” rule against him n beggin 4 death basically
so he gets a metric fuckton o blood n goes off 2 kill tanjirou
turns out he keeps killin people on his train n kyos gone 2 investigate!! the main gang (the kamaboko gang as the fandom calls it) are there too bc tanjirou needs 2 investigate what hinokami kagura really is (turns out its sun breathing, the og form and ones that only folks w the same mark on his forehead can use) n if anyone knows abt the alleged “fire breathing” as they know it rn its the fire hashira!!
so they get on tha train (inosukes lovin tha experience bc hes Literally Never Seen A Train Before) n kyo basically adopts the whole group
BASICALLY he can make people fall asleep in a buncha ways (the mouths on his hands, his weird eye thingies, the tickets) n once thats happened he n his henchmen can access said dreams (he can even control em!!) n if they find tha “spiritual core” they can destroy it n essentially leave em as an empty shell thatll never wake up!! yaaaaaay /s
he fails bc tanjirou realises a way out n its by cuttin his own head off in his dream, eventually everyones awake again n tanjirou finds enmu on tha roof(?) of tha train
after a while he does manage 2 decapitate him but surprise!!! hes not dead
turns out he literally FUSED WITH THA TRAIN n is plannin on eatin everyone inside, includin kyo n the gang
but he doesnt bc Main Protags Cant Die(tm) n dies while complainin that he wants a redo (sorry enmu, ily but u cant turn back time unless ur yoshikage kira)
also sidenote enmus tha only kizuki w/o a canon backstory as far as i can remember and????? H??
ANYWHO after that whole debacle basketball akaza (UPPER moon 3) shows himself!!! FUCK
n after all that struggle against the 8th strongest demon of all time now they gotta deal w tha 4th strongest????? damn,
so yeah it goes how youd imagine, its a tough fuckin battle n its Not Fun but it turns out kyoujurou fucking dies n i genuinely didnt realise until he said “kamado my boy, lets have one final chat” bc i was so in denial n lets face it i still am now
long story short idk how im gonna manage 2 get thru the movie w/o breakin down @ the end
anyway after that horrible horrible time tanjirou goes n meets senjurou, kyos little bro, who gives him kyos sword guard thing (its shaped like a flame!!) n i havent read it in a while so i cant FULLY remember but i think this is where he learns abt sun breathing??
after that they end up goin on a mission in tha red light district w tengen, his 3 wives are there 2 serve as spies (theyre kunoichi, which i think are ninjas of some kind??) n the boys have 2 find em
they do manage 2 find em but not after runnin into upper moon 6, who are 2 twins called daki n gyuutarou
after that fight tengen has 2 retire bc he got fucked up p bad from that fight n he wants 2 make sure tha girls are ok above all
so after that arc tanjirou n nezuko go down 2 tha swordsmith village (bc the guy who usually makes his swords is fuckin tired of repairin it) n run into mitsuri!! she tells tan that theres smth in tha forest thatll make him stronger
ngl this is tha arc i remember tha least abt so this desc is prolly SO inaccurate despite havin 2 o my favs in it)
but muichirou shows himself too n hes mean 2 tanjirou >:/ (he does get nicer eventually but 2 him specifically)
a 10 y/o kid named kotetsu shows tan this 6 armed trainin robot called yoriichi type 0 (based on tha first slayer 2 use sun breathin) n tanjirou breaks it by accident qwq
but he keeps trainin thanks 2 kotetsu but tha kids a harsh fuckin trainer ill tell u that
anyway so we have a whole buncha demons 2 deal w here except most of em are 1 demon split into different parts
hantengu n gyokko, upper moons 4 n 5 respectively!! mui deals w gyokko while mitsuri genya nezuko n tanjirou deal w hantengu
in these fights mitsuri n mui get their demon slayer marks!! these are marks that they get when they surpass the limits of tha human body n they look like tha marks demons have (muis looks like clouds on his cheeks n mitsuris is 2 hearts on her collarbone)
next up is tha hashira trainin arc!! everyone gets trained by each of tha hashira 2 try n unlock their slayer marks
each have a dif trainin style that focuses on dif stuff (for example gyoumei focuses a lot on physical strength n stuff like that, obanai is more abt accuracy) n this is where giyuus backstory gets revealed bc he doesnt think hes worthy o bein a hashira :((
basically him n sabito were absolute besties!! they both trained together n sabito basically told him not 2 die ever
but it all goes wrong @ final selection- sabito manages 2 take down every demon on tha mountain but one of em, that bein the hand demon that exclusively targets water breathers (theyre easy 2 distinguish bc of their blue haoris n custom made fox masks)
he manages 2 save giyuu n everyone else from tha selection except 4 himself (this is why giyuus haori is like that- its made from his sister n sabitos haoris)
giyuu blames himself 4 both of their deaths bc he failed 2 protect em n says that he doesnt deserve 2 have passed tha selection let alone b a hashira,, but tanjirou convinces him otherwise!! ^^
then one day while giyuus trainin w sanemi disaster hits- oyakata-sama, his wife n two of their kids just died
the 2nd to last arc- the infinity castle!! thingsre gettin real n muzans revealed himself
in tha infinity castle EVERYONES there but can u really blame em theyve been workin up 2 this 4 millenia
shinobu runs into upper moon 2- douma, aka the bastard that killed her sister as well as inosukes mum
she is. justifiably pissed. n she gives it her all but he kills her :(( douma ily but also FUCK YOU.
so perfect timing!!! heres her adopted sister!! as well as inosuke!!!! revenge battle time >:0
in the end shinobus poison is what kills him- her whole body is filled w wisteria poison thats deadly 2 a demon so he basically consumed her whole body weight in poison rip
but ofc word gets out via messenger crow that shes dead n its just a real sad moment tbh :( but theres no time 4 that bc giyuu n tanjirou just ran into akaza >:((
so tanjirous pissed as hell now n w their combined efforts they take down tha basketball lookin bastard (bastardball??)
meanwhile obanai n mitsuri (n yushirou iirc?? he uses his own art 2 control her @ some point tho i cant remember when) deal w tha new upper moon 4 (nakime, whos also shiftin tha rooms around w her blood art n makin tha fight super fuckign annoyin tbh) n muichirou genya sanemi n gyoumei deal w kokushibou (upper moon 1, also tha original sun breathers twin brother so he gets moon breathin >:3)
mitsuri n obanai fake their deaths w help from yushirou n muzan falls 4 it, which comes in handy later ;3
zenitsu also deals w his former bully, upper moon 6 aka kaigaku aka dickhead supreme who if zenitsu didnt kill i would personally kill w my bare hands
so after everyones taken down all thats left is muzan >:( muzan kills tamayo real early on n everyones goin all out on him
we also learn that he has multiple brains n hearts in his body eww
also the hashira have their marks now!! but all but sanemi n giyuu get killed n giyuu loses his arm :((((
genya also gets killed noo
eventually ofc the battle is won thanks 2 everyones relief, it took for fuckin ever bc the only way muzan can die is tha sun so they had 2 kill time n keep him out in tha sun 4 a long time
also nezukos been cured!! shes a human!! n shes comin 2 help!!
the 2nd to last chapter is tha happy endin, the kamaboko gang visit tanjirou n nezukos house, giyuu cuts his hair n SMILES n tha hashira have their final meetin w oyakata-samas son kiriya
i cried readin it ngl their sufferin is finally over...... it cost a lot but now theres no more demons,,,
chapter 205 is set in tha modern day! kanao n tanjirous descendants are shown, as well as zenitsu n nezukos
everyone who died/never had kids get reincarnated (for example gyoumei is now a daycare worker, kyos reincarnation toujurou is besties w one o tans descendants n giyuu (giichi) is friends w sabito again!! makomos their friend too!!
ALSO KIRIYA IS STILL ALIVE hes the oldest man in japan!! this is huge bc the ubayashiki family dont usually live past 30 bc of a curse that was put on em when they had muzan
yushirou is still alive too but thats bc hes a demon n he paints tamayo for a living qwq
it just made me cry so hard bc waaah,,, everyone gets 2 live a demon-free life now,,, anyway typin this took me like an hour im sorry mint (as well as anyone else who read this)
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
tha infinity train arc as a whole tbh??? its basically enmu n kyoujurous big moment and. i care them sm. i cant wait 4 tha movie qwq except 4 their deaths ofc
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
i have a lotta headcanons really!! outta my f/os favs tho i hc:
giyuu is trans bi n autistic
kyo is gay n has adhd
muichirou is nb n pan
mitsuri is pan
douma is gay
enmu is nb pan n autistic
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macdvnald · 5 years
[ CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ] • [ SHE/HER ] | is that [ MARY MACDONALD ] , the [ NINETEEN ] year/s old [ GRYFFINDOR ] alumnus , walking down diagon alley ? I heard that the last time they had their fortune read, they drew the [ HIEROPHANT REVERSED ] , which seems [ UNLUCKY ] . hopefully they won’t come to any harm, considering their recent choice to ally themselves with [ THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX ] . they’ll probably be fine - I know they’re [ PERSISTENT ] , though apparently they can also be [ RUTHLESS ] . what’s the worst that could happen ? | 
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LINKS: stats, pinboard, playlist PARALLELS: johanna mason ( the hunger games ), jessica jones ( jessica jones ), raven reyes ( the 100 ), ellie ( the last of us ), rosa diaz ( brooklyn 99 ), nancy wheeler ( stranger things ), kat edison ( the bold type ), sarah manning ( orphan black ) HELLO and welcome to the mess that is this intro!! on the bottom are some plot ideas & besides that its a big old mess! but we love disorganisation! hit this up with a like if u want me to hit u up for plots and i sure as hell will <333
mary had a little lamb? WRONG. mary had a little calf. because she was born on a dairy farm in the highlands of scotland ( laugh at my joke pls i worked hard on it ). she was born third to two muggles – a scottish father and a mexican mother, who loved each other deeply – and would eventually become their middle child. she could have become overlooked, but mary never felt discounted at home: while her parents were very often busy with the cows, their love ran deep.
her youth consisted of this: running through fields of grass, attending a muggle elementary where people sang songs at her ( old macdonald had a farm and mary had a little lamb ), playing with the animals, building tree houses with her brothers and sister and playing football every spare moment she got. it was good and simple and wholesome.
of course, strange things happened, as they tend to with muggleborns: she’d explode her brother’s toy when she got angry, or let things fly around the room when she was laughing. when she found out she was a witch at age eleven, things fell in its place. and the macdonalds, while traditional catholics, accepted mary, which is the most important thing of it all. her parents were shocked, yes, but they squeezed her shoulder and promised to discover this all together.
which?? very much influenced mary greatly? because it went against a lot of things they – and she, too – believed in? this has allowed her to have a faith in people, and while she may be cynical and bitter at times, that faith is still there.
hogwarts was as chaotic as home, and mary settled in quite nicely. sorted into gryffindor ( she guessed it was for her rambunctious nature, but who knew ), she found herself a second home and loved it. as it turned out, she was rather good with a wand as well – she didn’t do so good at essays, though – and genuinely liked learning ( except for history of magic. fuck that. ).
being a muggleborn had its downsides, of course, but mary never really allowed herself to feel discouraged. hurt? yes, definitely, but never discouraged. she wasn’t going to let it get to her, she told herself, but it did, especially when the harsh words turned into something more. it was during her confrontation with mulciber that mary felt true, harsh fear for the first time. she felt shut down, paralysed, depressed —– but then, after a while, she got up and took some important steps. she reported mulciber, which led to nothing, which caused her to feel angry, which in turn caused her to feel determination. if the system wasn’t going to be on her side, she’d just have to fucking change it, right? mary started throwing herself in her schoolwork, determined to join the dmle – hopefully as an auror, but any position would do. she suppressed her fear and the trauma that was there, and kept her chin up.
the entire mulciber situation is up for change, should we get a mulciber, or if it doesn’t correspondent with the plot/rp canon! 
graduation rolled around and mary got the five required NEWTs to even apply. it was a nervewracking process, but once she got into auror training, she cried. like. for a year. she was so proud of herself and she felt so determined and !! man. it was such a good, defining moment. around the same time, mary joined the order; she knew the ministry was corrupt, and that it’d not allow her to do everything she wanted to, when the order DID. mary had too much anger, too much determination to fight this bullshit to just stick with the ministry, and so the order seemed like the right place.
right now, she’s fighting. she’s gritting her teeth and keeping her goals in the back in her mind and is focusing. and she does not always feel brave or confident or self assured, but that does not matter: mary macdonald always gets the fuck back up, and that’s what she will keep doing until she’s completely knocked down.
personality & tidbits
mary is a human espresso. she’s so. damn. bitter?? despite the fact that she keeps on going and that she’s fighting her ass off, she’s tired and angry that things don’t seem to be moving in the right direction, she’s feeling bitter about the fact that this kind of discrimination is happening right in front of her eyes and that she does not have enough power to stop it. she feels powerless, which makes her feel bitter, which makes her cynical.
still! mary is not necessarily a debbie downer to be around. she keeps her bitterness ( and hopelessness, even ) carefully hidden in boxes in her mind. on the outside, she’s filled with quips and smiles and quick comments! just a sociable bean, but just a bitter one.
is a dog person and will fight anyone who prefers cats. has a cairn terrier called bowie. she loves him more than anyone.
obsessed with tea, tbh. her ma always said that ‘there’s nothing a cuppa can’t fix’ and mary definitely agrees with this statement.
though is also a ‘whiskey in a teacup’ kinda gal
can be spotted wearing either a rly nice ass blazer or a jean jacket, no inbetween. either office-fancy or farmer-chique
fucking loves muggle culture and loves fellow muggleborns and !!!!!! she loves it!!!
very much in a take-no-prisoners mindset at this point re: death eaters. it kind of scares her, tbh, but mary is very much capable of murdering a death eater, even if she could stun them — she’s just done. she’s very. done. with them. and this whole shbang? will only feed into this.
mary is ruthless, that’s what it boils down to. she’s a lot more than that, of course, but i chose that trait for her app because she is --- in small things ( football matches & boardgames ) but also in bigger ones, and of course the war is the main way it shows. mary is so angry. she’s so angry and scared and tired of feeling that way and tired of being scared to lose people and herself and of death and she’s so angry that people really are this way and that they really do these things --- she wants it to stop. she wants the world to be right. and sometimes she thinks the ends do justify the means. 
this is why she’s chaotic neutral and not chaotic good.
like ive had her turned to dark arts before just bc she’s so desperate to. fucking win.
and she’s also like --- mary doesnt care if she ruins herself? if she becomes a bad person who’s unable to live with the shit she’s done? as long as the world is better for it, as long as kids can go to hogwarts and feel safe and the world is a safe place for everyone. what does her soul matter in the grand scheme of things? she’d burn in hell forever if it meant the rest of the world changed for the better.
emotionally driven mess of a being
is catholic but struggles a lot with religion and feeling faithful, but she does still identify is a catholic, it’s just? complicated. it’s rly complicated and she hates it.
is a bit flighty when it comes to romance, def has a lot of one night stands/fwb situations though??? she’s just like??? i dont have time for romance its a WAR
has been trying to stop smoking for five years, but alas
mary also works part time at quality quidditch supplies because the girl loves quidditch ---- though not as much as she loves football.
a proud scot. probably lives in scotland, but i’m ... going to keep her living situaiton open and segue into Wanted Plots!
plot ideas
roomies ----- so mary is not Earning A Whole Lot Right Now but does not want to live at home any more because 1. its in the middle of nowhere and 2. most importantly, she’s afraid of endangering her family. she needs roomies! i’d love for her to live in glasgow/edinburgh/london/idk a city!!!
hook ups/fwb’s/etc ----- mary is what the old ppl call promiscuous and she sleeps around. so ! let’s talk! former hook ups! booty calls! friends with benefits! etc etc etc! 
party pals ---- mary likes going to pubs and clubs in the muggle part of town bc it is a LIT way to escape the reality of the wizarding world and also, muggle clubs have better music. come party w her!!!!
in the dragon’s den together ---- fellow ministry employees who side eye the ministry and whom mary can sip tea and judge their colleagues with
mudbloods club ---- mary loves her fellow muggleborns and i would love some muggleborn friends that she can be buds with. ranting about dumb pureblood names and traditions and the fact that wizards dont have movies
general friendship ideas ---- im just going to a bunch of ideas here: hogwarts friends, ride or dies, order pals, friendly exes, fellow tea drinkers that she can go on coffee/tea dates with, friends who are growing apart bc of the war (my fave), etc.
etc ---- some other ideas i want to spitball: purists who h8 on mary’s life, fellow diagon alley employees, fellow order members, Annoyances, there is solidarity in being scottish, ministry connections, etc etc etc HIT ME UP
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curly-q-reviews · 5 years
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The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, 2018 (dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen)
Nominated for: Best Original Song, Best Costume Design, Best Adapted Screenplay
wowee what a cool film!!  i went into this not knowing much about it except it was directed by the Coen brothers (directors of Fargo and The Big Lebowski) which set real high expectations for me.  these guys are real masters of storytelling and what immediately come to mind when i think of movies that know how to effectively use dark humor.  i also love the kinds of stories they tell in general, how they take subjects and settings that seem kinda mundane and just give them this little extra spark. 
so is this newest film just as good as their other work???  well id say yeah for sure!!!  it reminds me a lot of a film they did shortly after The Big Lebowski called O Brother, Where Art Thou?, because theyre both period pieces AND because they both feature a myriad of eclectic and interesting characters.  the one thing that makes The Ballad of Buster Scruggs really stand out from their other films however is the fact that this is actually an anthology made up of six different stories, all set during the same time period in The Wild West.  its also worth mentioning that this movie was made to premiere on Netflix, which is something ive started to see more and more as the streaming platform becomes the new go-to source of media content.  its very exciting to see such prolific directors go the Netflix route and have great success with it, because it means that the platform really is capable of creating high-quality movies and TV shows and working with big-name talent.  im sure the big hollywood production companies are all quaking in their lil booties cause this means big BIG changes are on the horizon
ok so ive reviewed anthology series before, notably Black Mirror, and with those reviews i ranked the short stories in order of least to most favorite.  so i guess in this case ill do the same, although its hard to really rank these cause i truly enjoyed all of them in different ways.  there was one however that didnt really tickle my fancy much, which was “Near Algodones”.  this one stars james franco as a bank robber who seems to have met his match in a fiery (probably crazy) bank teller.  he gets caught and hung from a tree by the town’s sheriff, but nearly manages to escape death when a Native American tribe swoops in and kills the sheriff and his crew.  james franco is saved by a cattle driver, only to be caught again by the next town’s sheriff for allegedly trying to hawk the cattle (which was not the case at all).  right before they kick the chair out from under him at the hanging, he sees a beautiful woman in blue, who at first smiles at him but then looks unnerved as he stares back at her. 
i think with this one the ending really didnt do much for me, i kinda didnt get it.  i did understand the whole irony behind surviving punishment for a crime he DID commit but getting hanged for a crime he never committed, and the bank teller was pretty hilarious, but everything else about the segment was just ok.  james franco didnt really blow me away (he never really does but thats besides the point), the rest of the performances were fine, and the story just kinda zipped on through.  maybe ill give this one another watch to see if the ending makes any more sense to me, or if theres any sense to be made from it at all
next up for me would be “The Gal Who Got Rattled”, and this segment i have mixed feelings over.  its about this brother and sister who set out on the Oregon trail so that the brother can get his sister to marry his business partner in Oregon.  the sister seems like a kind of wishy-washy, subdued character who just kinda goes along with whatever her brother says without giving much of her own opinion.  i gotta give credit to zoe kazan (who starred in The Big Sick) cause she does a great job with this character, totally spot-on performance.  ok so turns out the brother is a fucken HORRIBLE businessman who screws up all his business deals all the time, and he tragically dies like two days into being on the oregon trail.  he has this annoying-ass dog that barks all the time and everyone else on the caravan is sick of it, so when the brother dies the sister just lets one of the trail leaders put it down.  turns out the sister like did not like her brother at all but was always too afraid to say anything.  now getting back to the bad businessman thing, apparently he had promised the helper boy that is helping move their covered wagon a large sum of money, half of it halfway through the journey and the rest when they get to oregon.  problem is, the sister doesnt have the money, so it was either left in the brothers pocket when he was buried or there wasnt actually any money at all and he lied, y’know, like a bad businessman does.  the trail leader who put the annoying dog down offers to help her, and the two start to get close.  so now its like a pseudo love story thing.  except it ends pretty tragically (the sister dies its a long story and pretty ironic just watch it if u wanna know)
so uuuhhhhh this one was long as shit, like a lot longer than the other segments when it didnt really need to be???  like it just kept  going and going, and again the ending didnt really make up for how long it was.  i really liked zoe kazan in this, but otherwise nothing to write home about. 
number four on my list would have to go to “All Gold Canyon”, which basically just follows the story of a gold miner in the mountains trying to get that money honey.  this segment is the simplest one out of the bunch, but i gotta say its absolutely gorgeous.  what beautiful scenery and cinematography.  it provides a nice contrast to our disheveled, run-down gold miner who is just tearing up the beautiful grassy fields trying to get to this gold.  there seems to be a theme in this one of man’s relationship to nature, and how the gold miner does put in effort to respect it but still takes advantage of it for his own benefit.  and i guess theres a broader theme of greed, or the ruthless and endless pursuit of wealth which can drive people to do crazy and desperate things.  i definitely really enjoyed this one, especially the gold miner character played by tom waits.  but otherwise it didnt stand out as much to me as the other segments im gonna talk about
SPEAKING OF WHICH heres number three!!  “The Mortal Remains” is right up my alley, and has some more mythical elements to it than the other segments ive talked about so far.  so we have a wagon full of passengers all going to this hotel for various reasons, and its a really diverse cast of characters: we have the older wife of a prolific religious lecturer, a rich Frenchman, a trapper, a foppish Englishman, and a cheery laid-back Irishman, the last two seeming to be companions of some sort.  they all get on the topic of the true nature of mankind, and the three characters opposite of the strange pair all have something different to say.  the trapper believes that all people are inherently the same, with the same basic needs.  the older woman disagrees and insists that there are two kinds of people, upright and sinning.  and then the Frenchman says that both of them are wrong, that human existence is much more complicated and nuanced than that; no one persons life is exactly the same as another’s.  and then we have the Englishman and the Irishman, who turn out to be bounty hunters of some sort (is heavily alluded that they are grim reaper-type figures).  they explain their method of completing their kills, and talk about how they enjoy watching their victims “try to make sense of it all” in their death throes.  these two clearly have a much more cold and sinister idea of the nature of mankind, and the rest become very unsettled all the way to the hotel.  no one else even dares to step out of the carriage while the bounty hunters drag their latest victim through the front entrance and up the stairs.
oh man this segment was great!  i think the reason its third on my list is cause i really wish there was more to it, like if the Coen brothers spent more time on this one instead of “The Gal Who Got Rattled” it would be perfect.  Jonjo O’Neill and Brendan Gleeson as the bounty hunters were so enthralling, and i loved watching them play off of each other.  hell, i couldve had a whole movie featuring those two.  and the screenwriting really shines in this segment too.  this segment almost feels like a fable or something, which is really fitting for the time period.  makes me wonder if they had based it off of an actual fable.  but anyway yeah this ones awesome!
i had a hard time choosing between “The Mortal Remains” and this next segment for second place cause i liked them both equally, but in the end “Meal Ticket” gets #2 purely because of the utterly fantastic performance by Harry Melling, who plays a quadriplegic actor in a traveling show run by liam neesons character, an irish traveling entertainer.   the story itself is really simple, we just see this disabled actor be carted from one town to the next, doing the same stage show which is basically just him reciting famous prose throughout the ages.  meanwhile liam neeson is trying to get as much money as he can out of the audience members.  he doesnt interact much with harry melling outside of feeding him and helping him piss and get dressed.  u get the sense that he doesnt really see his disabled actor as an actual person, but more of an entertaining object or a pet.  and this becomes even more apparent when the irishman gets some competition from another traveling entertainer who has a chicken that can do math.  he sees this chicken getting more money than him, so he buys it off of the other guy and takes it with him.  and finally, the poor limbless actor is literally and figuratively tossed aside for the next best thing.
man oh man what a great segment!  harry melling blew me away with his performance, the fact that he was able to get such a nuanced range of emotion out of the few lines he was given (basically he had to recite the same shit over and over again) was so impressive to me.  and his non-verbal communication was really solid too.  liam neeson did really well in his role too.  and again the story itself is really great, simple but effective and really gets the point across without having to beat the audience over the head with its message. OH YEAH ITS REAL GOOD LOVE IT
and finally we have my #1 pick, which i think the directors knew this was the best one out of the bunch too cause its the first segment as well as the title of the whole movie.  “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” has that signature Coen brothers wit and dark humor that i love, it plays off of typical Western movie tropes and is very tongue-in-cheek and i ate that shit up.  tim blake nelson as the titular buster is just so fucken perfect for this role, he really shines in this and its kind of a shame that its one of the shorter segments cause it really is the best one and he knocks it out of the park.  we got some great music in this segment too, which is where that Best Original Song nom comes in.   this one also has some strong fable-y vibes to it, like this story could be amongst the likes of American folklore like Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed.  i wont get much into the plot of this one but i highly recommend watching it, even if you dont wanna see the rest of the segments. 
the segments fit together pretty well overall, although the tone of each of them differs slightly the fact that the setting and time period are the same is enough to firmly knit all these stories together.  its a really unique idea for a movie, and is so far the best attempt at an anthology movie that ive ever seen purely because the stories really all make sense together and play off of each other well.  in other anthology movies ive seen like The ABC’s of Death the segments usually dont have much at all to do with each other, except that they all fall in the same genre.  so overall id say give this a watch, especially if ur a Coen brothers fan, cause theres some real good stuff in here.
well thats all i got for now cowboys!!  i watched Roma the other day and CRIED REAL HARD so get ready for me to kiss that movies ass in a review that should be done in the next few days.  until then go uuhhhhhh lasso a cow or something.  chew some tobaccy.  fondle a barmaids titties.  die of dysentery.  y’know just old west things~
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
The Dark Side of the Moon | 2
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Part:  1  2  3  Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Genre: romance/fluff, angst, soulmate AU, bestfriend!Yoongi Word count: 9 k Summary:  You’re destined to be with one particular man for the rest of your life, but what happens when your trust in fate crumbles, when the doubts slowly float to the surface of your mind and when your heart starts longing for another man? You can try to ignore all of that, but it’s there, just like the dark side of the moon.
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‘Are you ready yet?’ The voice of your father snakes its way from downstairs up to your room.
Ugh is the only thing floating in your mind at the moment. A sound of frustration, annoyance, vexation-ugh. You don‘t like to rush, at all. Not only the necessity of going to the event is making you feel a nervous fluttering in your belly, but now you have to shout back coming!, glance quickly at the mirror for the last time before leaving and then run downstairs to messily put on your shoes in the hallway. This is most definitely not healthy, you think.
‘Your mother said people are already gathering,’ you hear your father speaking to you as you crouch down to put your shoes on.
‘We don’t have to be the first ones to arrive there, you know.’
‘We worked hard on this, especially your mom. She’ll be glad to see us before it gets too crowded to even notice us.’
Your father hands the car keys to the parking valet once you arrive at the place. The massive white mansion comes into view as you walk past the gates surrounded by flawlessly groomed trees. The fountain in front of the mansion has some fine details which only can be seen here, in this protected territory. The decorative features so delicate, so fascinating, nothing you could find outside this park. The splendid art on the mansion itself makes the air around it magical. It takes you by your hand, sings to you as it welcomes you to the bright days when it was first built; must be at least three hundred years ago. As you walk on a wide path that curls its way around the mansion and goes on behind it into the charm of the park you can't help but imagine what life looked like back then, what clothes people wore, how they talked to each other, what kind of worries tormented them.
When the weather lets to have the party outside (and today the weather is just lovely), all the guests gather up in that very area behind the mansion. The paths there loop themselves around the trees and some open lawns with perfectly cut grass.
 ‘I’m going to say hello to some people,’ your father says, ‘Try to have some fun, okay?’ His expectant eyes urge you and your sister to utter an okay in unison, although, as he walks away you wonder if that’ll be possible to do.
‘Do you want to go look for mom?’ As you finish uttering the question your sister is already waving at someone in front of you two, and when your eyes register that someone-her best friend-among the other people, not to sound dramatic, but the same dispiriting feeling of frustration drains your bones of any hope to have a good, decent time here.
‘I’m gonna hang out with Kyoo Ri,’ your sister gleefully shouts to you, basically bouncing away.
Fair enough.
Looks like you're alone in this.
A sigh leaves you, your legs starting to move slowly, eyes roaming around. People, standing in groups of two or three, briefly glance your way with disinterested looks; women and men wearing jewellery that most certainly cost more than your entire outfit, but that doesn’t bother you one bit, you just couldn’t care less about that kind of stuff.
A cute dress, some make up and neatly brushed hair is all you need to feel comfortable in this kind of event.
The youngest person here must be thirteen or something; you guess nobody's got time to actually take care of small children here, so they just leave them at home with nannies.
‘Hello,’ a low voice right beside your ear startles you.
You swing around to find Yoongi smiling down at you.
You haven’t seen him-or Jaehoon-in a few weeks because of the exams. It’s the first time meeting him since that thunderstorm and you’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t start to race a little.
You utter an oh, hi and he grabs a bite snack from a tray which is gracefully carried by a waitress working here for the party.
‘Having fun?’ he questions.
“Yeah, so much fun,’ you make sure he catches the sarcasm in your tone as he throws the snack into his mouth.
‘Mm-hmm,’ he hums chewing, and time seems to come to a halt for a while, until you notice a small smirk forming on his lips and you realize you’ve been staring a moment too long. The gentle warmth in your cheeks makes you drop your eyes to the ground.
‘You survived your exams,’ he says nonchalantly.
‘Ah, barely, but yeah.’
‘That’s good enough.’ He glances briefly back over his shoulder, ‘Seems the band is going to perform, wanna go to the stage?’ He holds his thumb gesturing behind him.
You feel warm as you two walk beside one another, although just minutes ago the cool evening breeze played on your skin causing the goosebumps to appear on your bare arms.
There are some people already gathered in front of the stage, though most of them are behind you, not paying much attention to the musicians who are now saying their hellos. Majority of the guests are here to make connections; some see this kind of events as opportunity to share their business ideas and what not. You guess, they’re feeling more relaxed here than inside some corporate building, more likely to share their honest thoughts with each other.
As Yoongi stands beside you with his eyes focused on the band, you’re able to properly observe his looks, the black suit fitting him perfectly as if it’s made particularly just for him, white shirt, black tie and dark shoes complimenting each other in a way that makes him look classy, sophisticated.
And for the first time this night you wonder if you chose the right outfit for yourself, like he managed to do.
‘They’re kinda good, huh?’ He asks loudly enough for you to hear him through the music and you realize you weren’t paying any attention to the music or anything at all but Yoongi.
‘Um, I guess,’ you shrug, trying to play it cool, because there’s nothing else to do, really. ‘Well, at least one good thing here, right?’
‘Oh,’ a somewhat smug smile twitches the corners of his lips, ‘Actually I could think of more than one.’
Before you can answer him, there’s a hand on your back urging you to turn around.
‘Glad I found you, dear,’ your mother greets you, eyes-done with professional makeup-gazing at you lovingly. ‘Hello, Min Yoongi,’ her face lights up with a smile, ‘nice to see you here.’
‘Like every year,’ Yoongi answers, a grin on his face, corresponding politeness in his tone.
Actually it’s his third time being here. You’re here for the seventh time if you recall correctly. Your parents started attending these kind of events about ten years ago, right after they joined the City Council, which some like to call The Exclusive Circle, the place for the richest, the smartest. That can only make you giggle-it's so unnecessary and pretty odd, to call it like that, because your parents are neither rich nor exceptionally smart. Though apparently what people mean by referring to The Exclusive Circle is mostly the people who are basically born with the ticket in their hands, a ticket to the perfectly polished hall with leather chairs waiting patiently just for them. Most often their families were in the Original Council, a bunch of scientists who created the whole sorting out soulmates system hundreds of years ago, to make life easier for everyone. It makes you rather proud that people from your city managed to create something the whole world is using now. So, those with the ticket from their birth are in the highest authority; important people taking care of important stuff, seems only fair to you.
Actually, it's not that complicated to get into the Council, if a person is determined to do so. They wouldn't need to make such strenuous efforts as one may think. The only catch is, they stay at the lower level committees than those belonging there from young age, which is totally fine, what with all the advantages that come with joining the Council. Being able to create different projects in your favour can come really handy. Also, you get to set up these kind of parties, which your mother enjoys immensely, for she always had relish in organizing any kind of social gatherings; she's managing a catering company, after all.
When Yoongi and his parents moved to your street, they instantly became friends with your family. That's when your mother coaxed them into joining the Council.  
‘Since I found you guys,’ a more serious expression paints her face, ‘I really would use some help from you. There’s, uh,’ she looks behind her, ‘a little situation that needs to be taken care of.’
‘What kind of situation?’ You question.
‘Nothing serious, but I need a couple of people to help me out, so will you?’ She looks at both of you with hopeful eyes and you just can’t say no.
‘Sure, mom. Lead the way.’
And that’s exactly what she does, marching toward the mansion.
‘So what happened?’ You ask on the way there.
‘One of my employees,’ she momentarily glances at you, ‘O Ha Sang, you remember her, don’t you?’ When she receives a nod from you, she continues, ‘Well, her kid ate some crayons or something and she had to rush home. Also, Chi Tohyon slipped on the floor, probably broke his finger. Ugh, I don’t know what is it about tonight, but there’s no time to wonder.’
As you reach the back entrance of the mansion one of the waiters rushes out through the doorway with a tray in his hands.
Inside, the hall looks as fancy as one would expect. The crystal chandelier hanging from the high cieling above screams extravagancy, the bright walls giving an illusion of an even bigger space than it already is.
The narrow hallway to your left has at least three wooden doors on either side. The delicately carved art on them-fragments of flowers and leafs-and the white paint, chipped at some spots imply the long years they've been rather untouched, save for the swinging back and forth to let people in and out.
The first door on the left reveals a room somewhat similar to a kitchen, partly because of the tables and counters placed there, but mostly because of the amount of food scattered upon the surfaces. A few employees of your mother's company lay out the snacks onto the trays in precise measures as they were taught, one of them taking care of the champagne and wine, pouring the liquids into a bunch of fragile glasses.
After a few words are shared between your mother and her team, she urges you to step through another door in the hallway. The stairs behind these doors seem to lead into some kind of basement, but once your feet land on the last step you come to realization the room is the actual kitchen of the mansion, the interior design of it indicating it was last renovated in 1950s, or around that. A counter on the left with some glasses on top, a few sinks by the wall right in front of you across the room, a few arbitrarily placed chairs and boxes on the right.
'I think I need you two to simply wash the glasses,’ your mother wonders out loud, tilting her head to the side. ‘Yeah, you guys do that and I’ll take care of the food upstairs.’
‘Okay,' you agree, happy that she won't order you to do something more complicated on this already rather stressful night.
‘They will bring the ones that need to be washed and take the ones you already washed. It’s simple, right?’
‘Yup,’ Yoongi answers her, stepping near the sinks to inspect them.                                                
‘Wonderful. Good luck, then’ she grins on her way out.
You walk up to Yoongi, who's now taking his suit jacket off and glance at the sinks briefly, ‘You can go if you want,’ you suggest him, ‘I can manage this by myself.’
‘Go and do what?' He questions, tossing the jacket over one of the chairs. 'At least I’ll be useful here.'
‘Fine. Be useful, then,’ you motion toward the dirty glasses on the counter.
His fingers undo the buttons on the sleeves of his dress shirt, rolling up the fabric, relieving his veiny arms, ‘Of course.’
Washing the first bach goes quite well, if finishing the job without sounds of shattering glass is anything to go by.
The chairs in the room appear useful when you have to wait for one of the employees to bring in another huge tray of used glasses.
After the third time of finishing with the glasses you plop down on the chair, stretching your muscles and watching Yoongi stroll to one of the boxes, peaking inside; the way his eyebrow rises and his lips tilt into a smirk has you interested in the box's content more then ever.
‘We should have some fun too,’ he hints and pulls his hand out of the box, his fingers clutching a bottle of wine.
You roll your eyes heavenward and announce, ‘We have a job to do.'
It only makes him grin. ‘Nothing that we couldn’t do even being a little tipsy.’
You sigh, pondering the question of whether to drink or not to drink all the while Yoongi walks out of the room with the bottle still in his hand and comes back with thuds of his shoes on the stairs, the bottle no longer sealed with a cork.
He stands beside you, lifts the bottle to his mouth and sips as you watch him wide eyed; one, two gulps before he lowers the bottle for you to take it. You pull your lip between your teeth averting your eyes to glance at the counter, where the freshly washed glasses stand and for some reason drinking straight from the bottle excites you more, so you decide to reach up for it.
‘Oh,’ he hastily moves his hand away before you can even touch the bottle. ‘I have a better idea,’ he smirks, ‘Why don’t we play a game?’
A confussion paints your whole face, ‘A game? What kind of game?’
He steps to one of the chairs, drags it across the floor to position it right in front of you, leaving a few feet distance between you two and plops down on it.
‘Truth or drink,’ he grins at you, and when you stay silent for a moment he realizes that you might not know the exact rules of the mentioned game, so he continues, ‘I ask you a question and you either answer honestly or drink.’
‘Well I’d rather just drink,’ you state.
‘And where’s fun in that, huh?’ he cocks his head to the side.
‘I don’t wanna play. Just give me the bottle,’ you hold up your hand only to see him swing the bottle behind himself and place it on the floor.
‘What, do you have something to hide from me?’
He leans forward, resting his elbows upon his thighs, propping his chin onto his hands, a smug smile plastering on his face. ‘What are you then, a chicken?
‘Am not.'
He chuckles, ‘So how’s it gonna be? You playing or not?’
‘Okay, okay, let’s play that stupid game.’
He nods briefly, ‘Ask me something.’
You breath in, breath out. Blank. What could you ask him?
‘Um, how long did it take you to get ready for this party?’
He raises a brow, ‘That’s the question?’ He laughs. ‘Okay, ten minutes or so. What about you?’
‘Forty minutes maybe.’
‘Oh.' He looks you up and down. 'Makes sense.’
‘What does that mean?’ You exclaim.
‘Is that the next question?’ He asks, with a certain teasing tone in his voice, and you barely manage to keep yourself from reaching his face with a slap to smack the smirk off his lips.
‘Wait. No.’
As you try to figure out whose turn it is, a waitress comes in with a tray of dirty glasses, placing them down on the counter and picking up the freshly washed ones.
‘Seems we have some work to do,’ he jumps to his feet, saunters to the sinks and you follow behind him.
‘Think of something interesting to ask me,' he says flicking one of the glasses downward, pouring the remnant of champagne down the sink.
You bite your lip, going through the different drawers in your mind, searching for questions to ask him when one in particular catches your attention.
‘What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
‘That’s seems more like it. Hmm…’ He puts the glass on the bottom of the sink and squints his eyes in thought, looking straight in front of him at the wall.
'This one's from my childhood,' he begins. 'I really wanted to learn how to ride horses when I was a kid, so my parents eventually brought me to this riding academy and I was so freaking excited, all hyped up about it. My dream was about to come true, y’know. So there was this stunning horse that they helped me to get on and um, let's just say it wasn't as fun as I imagined. When I got off of it, uh, well, I got sick and puked all over myself.' He waves a hand over his upper body.
You laugh like crazy, imagining little Yoongi being so excited and happy, only to puke himself right after his wish came true. ‘Oh my god, that is quite embarrassing.’
‘Yeah, I never came back to that place after.’
'Would you consider trying to learn it now?'
'Hey, it's my turn to ask.'
'Aw come on, can't you just answer a simple question without thinking about the game?'
'Okay, okay,' he chuckles, patting his hands on a towel. 'No, I wouldn't. That dream is long forgotten.'
'Ah, I see,' you nod, placing a freshly washed glass on the tray beside the sink. 'Your turn.'
'Okay,' he chirps, turning to face you. ‘What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told someone?’
‘Hmm,’ you squint your eyes in thought, fingertips lightly tapping the edge of the sink. ‘This one time I was being careless playing with a ball in the living room and I accidentally hit my mom’s favourite vase,' you sigh, the rather unpleasant memory coming back to you. 'It fell to the ground and shattered. I was freaking out so much and when my parents got home I blamed my sister for the broken vase.’
‘Aw, that’s cute,' he grins.
‘If that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told, you’re really innocent,' he quips, patting you on the shoulder.
‘What?’ You exclaim. ‘My parents believed me and my sister was grounded for weeks! It still haunts me.’
‘Okay, okay.’ He holds his hands up as a peace making gesture. ‘You’re the wickedest person I know.’
‘Stop making fun of me.’
‘Oh, I would never!' He gasps. 'You think I’m dumb enough to mock the Devil herself?’
‘Jesus… Will you stop?’
‘Doesn’t it hurt to say the holy name?’ He taunts, arching a brow at you.
‘Yoongi!’ You groan in frustration, and he laughs, reaching up to push his hair from his eyes. You sigh. ‘I would ask you what’s the biggest lie you have told someone, but honestly I don’t wanna now.’ Must be something bad, you think to yourself.
‘Well then,’ he chuckles, shuffling back to take a seat. ‘Think of something else. It’s your turn now.'
You saunter back to the seat across from him, thinking what question to ask. What could you not know about him?
‘What’s the biggest secret you’re keeping from everyone?’
He sits back, inhales deeply squinting his eyes and finally parts his lips to utter a nope. You watch him reach behind his back for the bottle.
‘You’re drinking?’ You ask rather surprised.
‘It’s a drinking game after all, somebody has to.’
Finally, you think to yourself, you managed to think of a question he doesn’t dare to answer. Though, it’s not that fun when you realize he’s keeping something from you. Ugh, he definitely evoked the napping curiosity in you.
Yoongi sips the wine for three times and puts the bottle between you two on the floor.
He leans back, readjusting his sleeve higher up his arm; you notice his tongue lightly brushing over his top lip and his expression becomes one of a man who’s just about to ask something damn serious.
‘Are you in love with Jaehoon?’ His voice echoes through the room and you freeze.
Something tugs at your heart and you look away. This question is like a thousand knives shoved to your back, making your heart thump in your chest twice the speed.
The simple utter of a no would be enough, but there’s one thing to admit it to yourself, and it’s different to say it out loud.
There’s something holding firmly onto your throat, grabbing your vocal cords and twisting them in an agonizingly slow movement, taking away any possibility of you answering.
Your hand reaches for the bottle, your eyes avoiding Yoongi’s as he watches you press your lips to the thick glass and gulp the liquid, drowning anything that is mistreating your dry throat.
‘Two more,’ he commands as you lower the bottle, feeling the warmth trickle down to your belly. You sip willingly two more times, happy that he doesn't question you further about it.
His gaze feels heavy now, awkwardness enveloping you, making you squirm on the chair uncomfortably, nevertheless you try your best not to show him the agitation coursing through your body. You cough subtly, clearing your throat, preparing your voice for another question. You hope it won't quiver, or at least that he won't notice.
You brush off any other thoughts about Jaehoon or Yoongi's scrutinizing eyes and open your mouth to calmly, steadily utter, ‘What would you do right now, if from this precise second for some horrendous reason you had only one minute left to live?’
‘Hmm,’ he crosses his arms against his chest, thinking carefully, with his eyes focused on nothing in particular. Then in a matter of seconds his hands drop to the sides of his thighs grasping tightly the edges of the wooden chair and dragging it toward you until your knees are between his. You wonder what kind of thing it is that he’s about to tell you, most likely something absolutely embarrassing if he has to be that close.
‘I would prob-’ he pauses to correct himself, ‘I would definitely…’
You gaze at him in confusion whereas he exudes confidence and certainty, he looks almost excited.
You’re in utter surprise when his hand rises to cup your cheek in a featherlight touch.
‘I would do this,’ his murmur sends shivers down your spine and there is no possible way you could miss the eagerness in his eyes. If there was a spark in his dark orbs last time you saw him, now it’s a fire, craving to burn all of the borders between you two.
He leans toward you.  This kind of proximity makes your heart thump so fast that you can hear it tattooing in your ears; your breathing stalls. There’s something about this moment so eminently entrancing, yet terribly hazardous. It fills you up with fear of inhaling the thick air around you that holds the palpable tension, you feel the fear of drowning in his closeness with no way out.
Your head becomes dizzy and your heart’s just about to burst when you hear a call of your name and a thunderous stomping on the stairs.
It whacks you back to reality.
Yoongi drifts backward. You jump to your feet as your heart pounds in your chest at the speed of impossible.
You can’t wrap your mind around of what just happened, your thoughts awfully hazy as if you were jolted awake from a nap.
When your sister steps into the room stating ‘Dad's going home. You staying?’ you think you’re blessed, because with the emberrasament creeping up your warm cheeks the idea of getting far away from here, from Yoongi, allures you big time. Just before you rush out of the cursed room you glance briefly at Yoongi, uttering a hardly discernible bye.
There are still quite a few people outside as you march through the territory toward where the parking lot is. The warmth in your cheeks makes you pat the skin lightly, as if your hands could extract the mortification that guzzles you whole. You glance around the place, the stunning fountain, the majestic mansion behind you, which-you're sure-will hold the momery of this night for years to come. You rake your fingers through your hair, trying to muster all the dignity that you still have left, breathing heavily, the puffs of air coming out your lungs in nearly painful ways from the speed of your legs carrying you and from the weight of what just happened pressing you down to the ground.
You wonder what people living here hundreds of years ago would think about you, about the little incident in their kitchen. Would they be repelled by Yoongi's actions? Would they simply laugh at you, or pity you?
You feel like a freaking Cinderella, getting lost in some kind of fake, dream world and being pulled back into reality. Except she was running from her soulmate, not her best friend, and the fate ended up bringing them back together against all odds, which for you… well, it seems the fate should keep you guys strictly apart, you think to yourself.
As buildings and trees, and the dim light from the streetlamps melt into one blur outside the car window you let your mind wander back to the moment that still has your limbs numb and your head dizzy. It must be the alcohol. It doesn’t matter it was only three gulps, it still could have affected you, right? The damn liquid not letting you think straight, not letting you come to your senses when he was so absurdly close to you, when his plump lips were mere centimetres away from yours, when you got a glimpse of the overwhelmingly enchanting fire in his eyes.
Would he have kissed you if your sister hadn’t interrupted? Would you know now how his lips would feel against yours? Would you know what he tastes like? Sweet and sour like the wine on your tongue with its subtle fruit and floral notes, or hot and spicy like the alcohol itself, burning its way to your stomach.
Something malicious reaches your heart and clutches it. Either because of the fact that he almost kissed you, or because he didn’t.
Your eyes roam around the car. Your father’s humming some kind of melody behind the steering wheel and your sister’s staring at her phone with a yawn. The sight only has your heart squeezed and twisted in all the more harrowing ways-you can’t be thinking about Yoongi and his lips right now, or ever, really.
There are soulmates, and there a friends. There is Jaehoon, and there is Yoongi.
He texts you the next day, nothing significant, though, just asking what you’re up to; you don’t text back.
There’s a certain uneasiness making your heart pound and your hands quiver even at the thought of him, not to mention the images of the night before. Seeing his name on your phone screen definitely doesn’t help, so what you do is turn on your laptop and immerse yourself in a marathon of random vlogs on Youtube for hours on end.
A knock on your door slightly startles you and you pause the video to turn around in your desk chair, wiping off the tiny crumbles of bread from your shirt, only to find your sister stepping into the room.
‘I saw you two,’ she simply states, with no expression on her face what so ever.
She couldn’t be possibly talking about-
‘What do you mean?’ You ask, feeling your pulse accelerate.
‘Don’t play the fool, you know exactly what I mean,’ she narrows her eyes at you. ‘He was about to kiss you.’
Your heart sinks. She saw that. She saw Yoongi and you being definitely closer to each other than friends should be. She got a glimpse of the moment that made you curse yourself for being so delirious. And she knows what could’ve happened if she didn’t call out your name. Come to think of it, did she do that on purpose? Did she walk in and realized the inapropriatiness of the moment and walked out of the room, then warned you from afar letting you both know she was coming?
You shift in your seat, turning your side profile to her. You say nothing.
‘If I hadn’t interrupted, would you… would you have let him kiss you?’
Now that not only you and Yoongi know about it, but also somebody else, your sister, it becomes all the more evident and the realization hits you even harder than before. You would have. You would undeniably have let him kiss you. The guilt washes over you like a cold shower.
When your sister doesn’t receive a response from you, she sighs, ‘Unbelievable. You do know it’s wrong?’
‘I know it’s wrong,’ you exclaim.
‘Then why would you do that?’ She almost yells, ‘And why he would do that? You’re not his soulmate. And he’s not yours.’
Then why does it somehow feel like he is?
Yet again, you stay silent.
‘Will you tell Jaehoon about it?’ She asks softly, hesitantly, contrary to just a moment ago.
‘What? No,’ you blurt out, dread coursing throughout your body. You can't even imagine how he would react, what shade of anger would his face get.
She strolls deeper into the room. You take a deep breath, trying to appear calmer. ‘It’s nothing. It was nothing. It was stupid. It won’t happen again. I don’t have to tell him anything.’
She sighs, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. ‘Fine,’ she states. ‘Do as you wish. But I sure do hope you’re not lying when you say it won’t happen again.’
‘It won’t,’ you look straight into her eyes, ‘It won’t, I promise.’
She nods lightly, her expression softening. ‘If he’s coaxing you into doing something you don-
‘He’s not,’ you hastily interrupt her wonderings and she holds her hands up defensively.
‘Okay, okay. I’m just worried.'
‘Yeah, I know,’ you let out a sigh.
‘I always thought he was a rebel, you know, but I was taken aback by what I saw, even people like him surprise me by disobeying the world’s order like that, and…’ She takes a deep breath, fidgeting with the hem of your sheets, keeping her head lowered. 'If you do something like that, it can influence not only your life but mine as well. Imagine what would people say.’
Oh, they would definitely have some material to talk about. Two best friends, the children of the respectful members of the City Council basically ignoring the fundamental rule that is dictated by the fate itself giving you and your soulmate all the personality traits that compliment each other.
She stands up from the bed and starts strolling toward the door. ‘You can’t act recklessly, when your actions have an effect on us all.'
‘Wait,’ you call out when she reaches the door frame. ‘You won’t tell anyone, will you?’
She looks over her shoulder toward you, eyes then roaming around as if she’s deep in thought. You’re eager to hear her answer, every nerve in your body tensing up. What if she tells your parents? She certainly isn’t under any obligation to stay silent. She could tell anyone she wanted. She could tell Jaehoon. Obviously, she wants all the best for you, but maybe it’s the very reason to let people know about it. If she’s not absolutely convinced that it was only a stupid slip into the wrong path, she might try to help you by telling your parents what’s going on. If she doesn’t believe it won’t keep happening, she might let Jaehoon know what his soulmate is doing when he’s not around.
She turns toward the hallway. ‘At least not yet.’
When the next day comes, neither the thoughts about it all leave your mind, nor withers away the ache in your heart. It becomes all the more conspicuous when your phone buzzes against the sheets of your bed when you’re watching yet another random vlog on Youtube. You reach for your phone already knowing it’s a call, but when your eyes transfix on the name of the caller your heart drops.
Should you answer it? What does he even want? Maybe you should just decline his call and text him you’re busy, or maybe you shouldn’t text him anything at all, letting him know you’re not really up to conversing with him, letting him know you a want to take a break from… being his friend?
The screen of your phone goes black. The buzzing finally stopped. It doesn’t help with the ache, though. A huge part of you wanted to answer his call. A huge part of you wants to talk to him, to keep being his friend. Any way you slice it, he’s one of the most precious people in your life and trying to keep a distance from him is terribly hurtful.
You exhale a heavy breath and bring your attention back to your laptop screen.
It only takes a few moments when your phone is buzzing again and you pause the video to quickly swipe the screen of your phone and answer his call. If he’s that persistent, you might as well just listen to what he has to say to you.
After a moment of silence you murmur, ‘Hello?’
‘Are you ignoring me?’ He cuts right to the chase.
You shift on the bed, placing the laptop on the sheets beside you. ‘Uh, no, I’m not.’
You don’t expect him to actually believe you, because what people call not answering to someone’s text messages for couple of days when usually they get an answer no later than an hour later? Yes, ignoring.
He sighs, ‘Okay.’
Okay? You don’t have a mirror in front of you right now, but you’re sure you look perplexed as hell.
‘Well,’ he continues, ‘How about that movie then?’
A movie? Is he testing you or you’re just back to the usual, back to acting like nothing peculiar is happening between you two?
Well, maybe it’s for the best. At least it seems like it. Whatever is happening between you, it can’t progress in any way or form, it can’t go further, go anywhere. It has to cease and the fire in his eyes should be put out.
‘I-I don’t know,’ you mumble, still trying to sort your thoughts out.
‘You finished your exams. We can go see it now, right?’ He asks and it truly seems like everything could get back to normal. ‘Hey,’ his voice reaches your ear again after a few seconds of you not uttering a word. ‘You said you’re not ignoring me,’ he basically whines.
You chuckle at that, ‘Um, okay, we can go see it.’
That should help to get everything completely back to normal. Friends go to see movies all the time.
‘Tonight?’ He questions hopefully.
After another few seconds of silence, you answer, ‘Mm-hmm, why not.’ You have nothing to lose and the movie’s definitely better than any of those vlogs.
‘I’ll pick you up at seven, yeah?’
And just like that your heart starts racing frantically again. Why does he have such an effect on you?
He’s already approaching the spot in the street right in front of your house with his old Ford as you step outside. He has one of his windows down and when you’re close enough you lean down a little to ask him, ‘Should I sit in the back?’
He answers with, ‘Hop into the front. I fixed the seatbelt.’
It’s absurdly hot in his car, but since he bought it with his own money – you’re not about to comment on that, because he’s already aware it’s basically a sauna here. The seatbelt, on the other hand, doesn’t fucking work no matter how tightly your fingers wrap around it and how gently or harshly you’re pulling on it, it just won’t budge.
‘Apparently you’re not that good at fixing seatbelts,’ you complain when he’s already driving away from your house. He glances at you and groans in frustration, slamming on the breaks and pulling over on the side of the street.
He leans toward the seatbelt, toward you and you instantly stiffen in your seat when the scent of his fabric softener-that you could only describe as being sweet and tempting-hits your senses, your heart fluttering as a rather pleasant warmth develops within your chest, surging through your arms, tickling at your fingertips. Your eyes meet his for a quick second and then he’s pulling away with a click of your seatbelt being secured.
‘Or you’re just not good at fastening seatbelts,’ he quips with a shrug of his shoulders.
You clear your throat, ‘Whatever.’
This shouldn’t make you feel any sort of way, but it does. And all you can do is just try to push it away.
‘Uh, when does the movie start?’ You ask.
‘Seven thirty,’ he checks the watch on his wrist, ‘We should make it just on time, with all the ticket buying and stuff.’
He parks the car at a random parking lot a few minutes by foot away from the cinema. The parking lot in front of the movie theatre is usually packed with cars, and you don’t mind the short walk there anyway.
When you’re walking back to the car after the movie has ended the streets are already drowned in darkness and silence, with just a few cars passing by here and there. The velvety layer of clouds blocks the view of the moon and threatens with rain;  you’re about to mention something about it to Yoongi when he warns you, ‘Careful.’
And suddenly you’re startled by his arm on your waist. He’s pulling you close to him, pressing you to his side; and  he’s so warm. The closeness seems so familiar, the intoxicating scent that emanates from his clothes makes your senses explode and you can’t deny how safe you feel next to him, especially when his arm is wrapped around you in such a protective way. It doesn’t matter if it’s just because of two kids going past you on their tiny bicycles, it certainly does not change the fact that you’d trust him to protect you from everything and anything.
When the kids are gone and you’re safe not to be scraped by them, he slowly and gently spins you around so you could focus on his dark eyes and your back would face the building behind you. You stare up at him in awe and confusion at the same time, mumbling ‘Ah, thanks.'
He says nothing, only tightens his grip on your arms almost imperceptibly, just enough for him to back you up until you can feel the bricks of some store touching your spine.
Something about his expression’s telling you he’s not here to play any games; he looks like a man on a mission, and the confusion in you only grows bigger. Still, you manage to catch some kind of desperation in his eyes as he stares down at you and murmurs lowly, ‘Don’t run away from me this time, please.’
‘Yoongi,’ you whisper, but your voice fades as all the words of protest bounce out of your head into the darkness of the night and stays unsaid, unheard.
You feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins and every jittery cell of your body desiring him to finally do it, to finally let you know the taste of him.
He's the sweetest forbidden fruit and you're too weak to fight the temptation.
As he lets go of one of your arms and hooks a finger under your chin every single cell in your body bursts into billions of sparks, fireworks exploding in your fizzy mind. He wastes no time in muting any discord that could leave your mouth by placing his lips onto yours.
They are as soft and as warm as you thought they would be, and he tastes like heaven.
It’s just the two of you now in a tiny world under the dim street lamp where no rules exist, no laws are relevant, there are no envelopes with names scribbled on a piece of paper inside, no names engraved into your fate for the whole eternity.
The gliterry stars dance around you in the rythm that your hearts provide and even the Moon peeks through the thick clouds to witness such magic.
When his hand tenderly strokes your cheek your heart stutters, tingles of electricity coursing across your skin. He's an invigorating rain pouring down upon the exhausted desert's ground and you're the rose right in the middle of it, bathing in the refreshing mizzle, feeling your bones revive with every drop dribbling down your skin. He heaves a soft sigh as though it all were the other way around, as though he's the one finding solace in you.
It's just you and him now; there’s no other people around, there’s no thunderstorm to blame, no alcohol to accuse for your delirious state. No one to hold responsible for your quivering heart and the weakness in your knees, just…Yoongi.
You break the kiss by pulling away from him, slipping from his grip and stepping into the real world, your back facing him.
‘__,’ you hear him whisper.
Oh fuck.
Your chest tightens, dread and embarrassment flooding your whole being. You heave out a shaky breath, feeling your body heavy and numb as though it were cemented into the pavement, unable to move.
‘__,’ he repeats, this time louder.
His voice reverberates in your mind, slamming itself back and forth against your skull until there's an urge for you to press your palms to your head and squeeze it relentessly to get rid of the agonizing echo.
The anxiety and anger bubbles up in you when he tries to utter something else.
‘What?’ You snap turning to face him, the word being nothing but a quick bite that has him wincing.
He takes a deep breath, steps forward and watches you take a step back.
‘You’re running away again.' His sigh mingles with the cricket chirps and constant buzzing roars of the cars in the distance.
‘Yeah, well. What did you expect?’ You exclaim. Your cheeks are flaming, you feel the flesh pulsating in them, and your legs can barely hold you.
‘I know you think it’s wrong-
‘It is wrong,’ you hiss.
He purses his lips into a thin line, gathering up his next words. ‘I kinda wish I could say I'm sorry, but the truth is I'm not.'
Your brows knit in confusion; he's not sorry? He knows you think it's wrong and he still had the audacity to do it, and now apparently he's not even feeling repentant about it.
He licks his lips before continuing, 'I was holding back for what felt like centuries, and I tried to be patient, you know.' He sounds determined to be heard, his words coming out in a rush as if they were imprisoned inside him for such a long time the cage itself started to rust and fracture at the most fragile spots, letting the emotions leak and spill out. 'I was waiting for it to go away, I honestly thought it would, I hoped it would, especially after we both found out-
‘Cut that off.’
Whatever he has to say doesn't make sense in this world, and you’re sure you don’t want to hear it. There’s no place here for friends kissing each other, for talking or even thinking about the chance that there might be something different than a friendship between you two. Anything beyond that is simply not realistic, absolutely inappropriate.
You watch him drop his head low, running fingers through his hair, then looking to the side as if trying to figure his next move.
There's a tiny voice whispering to you to get out of here, to leave before anything else infelicitous occurs, before he can continue explaining himself. ‘I need to go,’ you breath out.
He sighs, frustration written all over his face, but he doesn’t argue with you, he simply nods and offers to take you home.
You shake your head lightly, the thought of going home with him in his car making your pulse race unpleasantly. 'I'll take a cab.'
He looks hurt, maybe slightly embarrassed. His actions got you both in this situation and now you wouldn’t even let him take you home.
He reaches into his pocket for his phone, ‘I’ll call it for you.’
The gesture tugs at your heart.
It all feels like a dream, some kind of stupid, agonizing nightmare that you’ll soon wake up from and get back to the way things were. You actually pinch yourself at your arm, hoping to stretch the skin to the Moon and realize that this is just a dream. But the skin doesn’t extend that much, and you can’t lift off the ground and fly away. This is no dream, and you’re both in too deep for things to stay the same.
‘They should be here in five,’ he states plunging the phone back into his pocket.
It seems it’ll be the longest five minutes in your entire life.
You turn away from him and he steps from the sidewalk to sit on it. He rests his elbows on his knees and buries his face into his palms.
The silence settling itself between you two is terribly heavy, weighing you down with its uneasy thickness, making you start slowly pacing back and forth, hands fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
The Moon is wholly shielded by the mystical clouds, its gaze concealed; all the sparkles that spun gleefully around you is hiding behind the woolly billows now, avoiding your company.
He's your best friend, for fuck's sake, how did he dare to do that? And what was he expecting from you? That you would just forget the simple rule of soulmates? Or is he just playing with you, being a rebel, proving your sister's words?
You stop abruptly, facing his side profile and drop your hands in one swift motion uttering, ‘Why did you have to…’
He lifts his head from his palms and turns to you, ‘Why did I have to what?’
‘Why did you have to do that? Why did you ki-
You wince at the fact you don’t even manage to say the word.
‘I tried to explain it to you,' he says, sounding slightly annoyed. 'But you demanded I keep my mouth shut so that’s exactly what I did.’
His confession from minutes ago pops up into your mind, piercing through your heart and making you sigh deeply.
This friendship means so much to you, and no matter how persuasive the voice whispering to him and coaxing him into finally kissing you was, it shouldn't have won, it shouldn't have affected him that way.
Everything was great; everything could still be just fine, if only he didn’t cross the line, if only he hadn’t kissed you.
You take a deep breath, mustering the courage to continue speaking to him, questioning him, because a huge part of you still wants the answers.
'Why did you have to ruin it?’
He snorts, 'Don't you think it was already ruined?'
Your eyes grow wide at that, your mind going into overdrive trying to figure his statement out. It wasn't. How could it be? 'No, I don't.'
He shakes his head, puffs out a small, bitter laugh.
You gnaw at your lip, averting your eyes, staring down at the pavement you’re standing on. The cool air hugs you tightly and you wrap your arms around yourself to prevent the shiver possessing your body.
‘Look at me, __.’
Your eyes shoot up to lock with his.
‘Tell me you didn’t want me to kiss you.’
At that you heart threatens to leap right out of your chest. Focusing your eyes on him is out of the question when he stares at you that intensely. His words echo in your head and your hands grow clammy with anxiety.
You did want him to kiss you, and the recognition of that is brutal as a slap-you can't blame only him for what happened, it would be undeniably unfair. But it still doesn't mean it was already a lost cause. If he was waiting for this urge to go away, he could've waited for a little longer, so could you.
He pushes himself up from the concrete, steps toward you which makes your eyes focus on the tips of your shoes.
‘Lift your head up,’ he directs, ‘and tell me you weren't thinking about it for a while now.'
You can hear the slight impatience and irritation lacing his words. He halts his steps right in front of you, and he’s so damn close you feel tremendously tiny under his sharp gaze.
He sees right through you; he knows you more than you’ll admit.
You keep staring at the tips of your shoes, the ground beneath you cracking open, the cold hands of shame and guilt dragging you into the deepest layers of the Earth, underground waters smothering you with nothing but self-loathing as Yoongi's blazing eyes watch you from above.
‘Can you do that, __?’ He questions, dropping his head a little to get to your eye level, making you want to squirm away. ‘Can you tell me you’re not feeling anything for me?’
You wish you could tell him something, perhaps even that you are feeling something, just to push that torturing weight off your shoulders and maybe figure something out together, some kind of a solution, a way out of this barely comprehensible situation, but your hands are trembling and you can’t find your voice.
Your sister and your parents are right. Whatever you’re feeling is wrong, probably temporary, most likely not even real.
‘Mm?’ He hums reaching for your chin and lifting it up like he did before. Just a brief glimpse of his scrutinizing gaze has your heart skipping a beat.
‘Stop that,’ you murmur, words barely above a whisper.
‘Stop what?’ He scowls.
You order your body to move, your legs to step backward, but they barely manage to do that, as if the world is spinning around you and the ground is exceedingly unstable.
His tongue pokes into his cheek. ‘Are you really gonna pretend like I’m the only one losing my mind here?’
You’re entirely sure he’s not the only one, but what can you tell him? What could make all of this better, what words or actions could make all of this mess to just disappear? That's what you want, that's what you both need to get back to the way things were, to the way things are supposed to be.
He pushes his hair off his forehead, his skin glowing from the way it’s illuminated by the car’s lights from behind you. You swear you could stare at him forever, but he looks so utterly broken, completely hopeless, and you avert your eyes.
‘Your ride’s here.' He motions toward the vehicle, the tone in his voice flat.
The car comes to a halt beside you and your body hesitates for a moment to do any effort to move toward it. You don't want to leave, not really.
Sure you feel embarrassed and angry, a part of you wanting to get as far from here as possible, but it's your best friend standing in front of you, the boy who used to pout whenever he got bored of solving math problems, your partner in crime when you would sneak into places where no tresspasing was alowed just to snap some photos, the boy who composed you a song that still earns a silly, content smile from you.
If you get into that car, there's no going back. This will change you both, and in a way this feels like a goodbye.
Yes, maybe you'll still manage to be friends, maybe you'll even keep on hanging out at one another's house, but it feels like something intangible is dying here, losing its liveliness. In you. Between you.
A ghostly string connecting your spirits is disintegrating slowly, woundingly.
You'll certainly start analyzing every memory you have of him, trying to find some kind of signs amongst every look and touch that held something unrighteous within itself, inaudible screams between the lines.
You step toward the car reluctantly and get in without uttering another word.
You hardly manage to tell the driver your home address, still feeling your throat dry as if it were full of sand.
Right when the car starts moving, you turn your head to catch a glimpse of him staring blankly at you, hands in his pockets, shoulders slightly slumped forward, his face inscrutable.
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A/N: if you read the whole thing and want another part, pleaseee let me know. send me an ask on anon or whatever so i would know i’m not the only one interested in what happens next lmao I need motivation to write the next part, pls :)))
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All for the video game ask. (do I need to mention only if u r comfy w/ it at this point). Love you!!
alright u done done it now bitchhhhhhhh are u READY 4 THIS SHIT (dshfa;lkj thamk i am so pumped ur my biggest enabler) i already answered a couple of these for anon but i’ll go ahead and answer them here as well
1. First game you played obsessively?hmmmm i wanna say the legend of spyro the eternal night? i played it so much i could beat the whole game in four hours. i’ve heard lots of ppl actually hated the legend of spyro trilogy but honestly they can suck my ass i loved them
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.uh besides my answer for anon of skyrim not many games have actually just straight up influenced my art style but i’ve been playing this game called Fe (not fire emblem just Fe) and i really want to draw fanart for it bc it’s super cute if that Counts as influence?
3. Who did you play with as a kid?if this is meant in terms of co-op games nobody bc we didn’t have anyif just in general, my sister for the most part. i’d watch her play things like resident evil and she’d help me with the hard parts in medievil and crash bandicoot warped (read: racing levels)
4. Who do you play with now?myself lmao i don’t rly like co-op and multiplayer games and i prefer to play most games by myself
5. Ever use cheat codes?like i told anon, no bc i don’t know how they work and i’d probably only use them for the sims anyways
6. Ever buy strategy guides?not really? once we bought the collectors edition for diablo II when i was little and it included the strategy guide which i stayed up all night to read (bc i had run out of other reading materials in the house) but like i don’t really use them idk
7. Any games you have multiple copies of?the sims three and i know you know the reason why but in case anybody else wants to know: i didn’t know they had actually completely changed the game since i had played it last probably a decade ago so i bought it @ walmart this year and then i got mad bc it apparently SUCKS ASS now so in search of a copy of the original version i bought a second one from amazon bc the Image being used WAS of the original case but it really was the new version so now i have two SHITTY SHITTY VERSIONS of a game i used to love that i will never play bc it’s shit except maybe i will bc apparently it has real life music in it just replaced with sims language which is amazing and this response is far too long for the question but i asked u if u were ready so u signed up 4 thisi also have an xbox version of it tht i got for like christmas or smth years ago and a,,,,,, ds version??? that i got last year bc somebody was selling “the original version of the game including every expansion pack” for only like $30 and it definitely said disk version but when i got it it was this Pre-owned Dirty Ds Cartridge Covered In What Looked Like Strawberry Jelly and when i tried to contact them they shut their page down so there’s that which equals four shitty shitty copies of the sims three and i will never be more mad about anything than i am about this
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?uh well back when i had a job i spent A Lot of money (to me it was a lot) to get the collectors edition of the last guardian so that would be my most expensive. other than that i would have to say one of the hardest to find (maybe not rare but not common)games i have currently is medievil for ps1 bc it took me like a week of searching to find a copy in good condition online for sale bc i rly wanted to own it again since we had to sell all my old games when we moved to oregon which sucked bc we had a Bunch of cool games (mostly early ps era)
9. Most regrettable purchase?did you see my rant about the sims three for answer 7? yeah
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?never lived in an area where that is A Thing
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?i wanna make a homestuck joke here (srsly probably not like i said i don’t rly do any type of co-op or multiplayer games so)
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?not really?? is that a Thing?
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?uh idk literally any COD game, basketball games, Fallout games, overwatch, anything that’s co-op, shooter games or sports related etc idk i’m a simple fellow these types of games don’t appeal to me
14. Favorite game music?idk what this means? like genre-wise??? idk abt stuff like that i just like good game music but i’ll tell you the fuck what, hiveswap music fuckin SLAPPED
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?fuck shit idk man i don’t rly want a tattoo maybe uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh smth that could be vague
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?idk rip lmao
17. Ever lose a friend over a game?Nah man i can’t even imagine smth as dumb as that unless they’re screaming racist or sexist slurs bc then friendship is terminated but otherwise like wtf it’s just a game,,,
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?i mean?????? sure????????????? they don’t have to game with me??????????? unless they tell me I can’t game bc they don’t like it in which case Bye u controlling piece of shit
19. Favorite handheld console?u kno those games that used to come in sonic happy meals? yah (jk uh i don’t have much experience w/ handheld consoles besides nintendo ds-es and they’re cool)
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?like i said i played spyro the eternal night so often i could beat it in four hours so probably that one.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?the only games i didn’t like as a kid i p much still don’t like now
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?i am Poor
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?currently skyrim or stardew valley
24. First Pokemon game?I didn’t get to play any pokemon games until this year actually but i got myself pokemon y and ultra sun so those are my first two! although you Could technically say pokemon go bc i played that for the first time like One month before i got y and ultra sun but like idk if tht counts so *shrug emoji*
25. Were you ever an arcade game player?i never lived where arcades were a thing tbh
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?Why
27. Game that makes you rage?there’s this absolutely adorable and INFURIATING game called so many me that’s a puzzle platformer but the controls are so ridiculously precise that it’s absolutely the WORST to play bc unless you do it just right at just the right millisecond you will die over and over and over
28. Ever play in a tournament?nah
29. What is your gaming set up?the livingroom tv and my mom’s xbox one or my bedroom with my ps4 i got for my birthday and my xbox 360 that i got like 7 years ago
30. How many consoles do you own?alright so If ds-es count i own,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, roughly seven? i have my new ps4 i got for my birthday last year, my 7 year old xbox 360, another xbox 360 i bought from a kid @ school, a ps1 i bought last year for the Nostalgia that’s in rly good condition, a rly old ds lite a rly old 3ds and my new pokeball 2dsxl. i would also say that the ps3 my aunt left when she died is mine bc my mom never used it and she had bought most of the games For Me and Her to play together anyways so the idea that she left it to my mom is,,,, Weird but my mom claims it was left to her so Shrug emoji
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?“virtual boy” i love it omg. uh not really i don’t use my ds-es that often bc i don’t have a just wild amount of games but when i do use them it doesn’t rly mess w/ my brain or eyes too much
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?probably not?
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?i don’t think so tbh
34. Do either of your parents play video games?my mom does but she really only plays like three games (the newest assassins creed, skyrim, and stardew valley)
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?nope
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?man have u ever heard of brotherhood a tale of two sons? mom told me abt it and she didn’t warn me abt how it ended and i had to leave the room and cry bc it broke my heart
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?i didn’t know that was a thing
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?i can’t think of any tbh. oh wait i take that back sonic unleashed it’s terrible but i love it
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?maybe not a sequel but they rly need to come out with another stardew valley type thing or maybe expansions or smth so that you can talk to and befriend more ppl and stuff
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?never been able to try them but they look super fun and i can’t wait to see how they improve the technology
41. A genre that you just can’t get into?multi-player games period. also first person shooters and sports games. there’s more but i can’t remember the title of the game bc i don’t know what genre it would be lmao
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?i assume this means game related nerdiness not just my inherent nerdiness in general so probably the very first spyro game
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?all the time my dude
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?none
45. How are you at Mario Kart?probably shit i’m not good @ steering in games
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?i love them! i have like 100+ hours logged into stardew valley and i only got it in like november of last year
47. Do you like competitive games?not really
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?so long. i either have to make them gorgeous or beautifully hideous
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?yah tbh lmao. i have like eight thief stone khajits in skyrim rn
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?i have a Lot of ideas and not all of them are good
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?forgetting to sleep, yes. forgetting to eat? no 
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?i was a very sheltered kid i didn’t know about new games coming out when i was little bc we didn’t have any way for me to find out About Them. i’m making up for it by begging as an adult for ni-no-kuni II and the new spyro trilogy remastered
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?depends on the game tbh some of it is good and a lot of ppl who make mods are rly talented but sometimes the big companies just make dlc to make more money so it can be rly shitty so it’s kinda a 50/50
54. Do you give in to Steam sales?heck yes rn i’m waiting for house flipper to go on sale bc i’ve been waiting for it to come out since i found out abt it
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?no my style of playing the sims was more along the lines of make a hundred houses that are all P Much The Same House and making a hundred familys and never playing literally any of them hadflskja;sdfjdslkhja i just liked building stuff and that’s why i’m pissed abt how much they changed the sims three bc it used to be Way Better
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?we didn’t have it but i did have zoo tycoon and i’d release the dinosaurs sometimes
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?legend of spyro the eternal night
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?uh!!! that’s too much pressure and i would get so bored playing them for the rest of my life even if i loved them so i will not choose
59. Do you play any cell phone games?sort of? i’m big into abyssrium and i like viridi if those Count?
60. Do you know the Konami Code???????????????????????? guess not
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?keep them forever!
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?i got the last guardian before getting the ps4 does that answer ur question? (jk that is not the only reason i wanted and got the ps4 but it was One big reason)
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? nah
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?not really? i just use whatever i currently have bc i am lame
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?nope
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?not a nokia but we had this one handheld thing that had a bunch of games in it that included snake i just can’t remember what it was it had like letters and numbers and it needed like regular batteries and you could only play the games that came programmed on it 
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?i cannot think of any right off the top of my head even though i know i played a lot of video games and loved them when i was little. hm it might not count as like a gaming-related childhood memory and more of just a memory of a game but we did have one really interesting little game that i absolutely loved i think we only rented it but u were a scientist who could turn into a mouse and it was absolutely amazing i loved it i have no idea what it was called hm
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?not really we didn’t have arcades around where i grew up
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? there are a lot of rly good ones i can’t choose a best game
70. Very first game you ever beat? like i told anon i’m p sure it was crash bandicoot warped
WHEW this was rly fun thank u for enabling me it took me like two hours to answer this i’m so happy. ilu 2 man hope ur day has been rad!
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kunalkarankapoor · 4 years
Review: ‘The Raikar Case’ Gives Us An Insight Into Indian Families
The series The Raikar Case on Voot opens up with the alleged suicide of Tarun Naik Raikar (Honey Kamboj), the youngest of the Raikar clan. While the suspect could be from a wide spectrum of people, the inquiry begins with the closest of all – the family. This suicide turns into a murder mystery and the rest is what you need to watch.
The suspense seems to be tight, and so are the roles played by the learned cast, be it Atul Kulkarni as Yashwant Naik Raikar, Ashvini Bhave as Sakshi Naik Raikar, Parul Gulati as Etasha Naik Raikar, Kunal Karan Kapoor as Mohit Naik Raikar or Neil Bhoopalam as John Pereira. Each of them seem suited for the roles they’re playing. But, while the thrill, chill and the suspense remain intact, there is a chain of thoughts that worked along the way for me.
I wonder if that’s what happens to be with every family in reality. Does every family happen to be unhappy and yet just hide it from the world out there? Because at least that’s what I’ve noticed in India, the idea of portraying a certain image of a family that isn’t even true in the first place.
The brother might not like the other brother or his ideology, but he’ll still pull it together for the world out there, pretending to be the happiest one amidst all of this. This isn’t something I can pull out statistics for, because there has been no recorded judgement of dysfunctionality in the Indian families because we are afraid to speak what we think and maybe, it’s something that has developed over the years only to satisfy the need to be socially accepted.
Maybe, ‘dysfunctional’ is a terminology that I might have pulled out of my over-thinking cap, but how do we really give credibility to our thoughts? An individual’s perception, habits or attitude have always seemed to affect another person. But in the Indian aspect of social order, the young are never supposed to pinpoint the elders; the elders are never to limit the young or walk out of their boundaries in an attempt to invade privacy (though I wonder if it exists); and neither does the gender disparity end at any given point.
The females are never to express their opinion, the males continue to make decisions for everyone, and people are looked at with suspicious eyes if seen together with someone from the opposite sex, no matter what relationship they might be sharing with them.
The idea of expression is what lacks in the Indian social order, specifically amongst families. And that’s what lingers in the corners of this series too – the lack of expression of one family member with another. So, I wonder if dysfunctional is even an extreme term to use here.
I might not have all the facts, but I do hold an opinion, and if you believe it’s challengeable, watch out for this series on voot.com, and let’s change the idea of families for each other.
On the whole, this series will make your quarantine worthwhile. Hence, watch out for this directorial bliss by Aditya Sarpotdar.
By Manvi Singh - April 2020
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How many of you all have watched the 2019 movie " Knives Out"? It was a pretty impressive movie. When I watched it I felt that why something sort of this could be made in Hindi. It was a very unique concept.
When I watched The Raikar Case, I finally felt that we are getting there. A well-written whodunit that will keep you guessing. A mystery with a unique approach. A mystery that will make you rack your brains.
Voot Select has been on a spree of producing thrillers. After Asur and Marzi, we have another thriller on our plates, The Raikar Case.
The Raikar case is directed by Aditya Sarpotdar and stars Atul Kulkarni, Ashwini Bhave, Parul Gulati, Neil Bhoopalam and others.
Frankly speaking, this series is something very ahead of its time. I never imagined the Indian digital world will provide something of this magnitude. But what really makes
The Raikar Case Plot
Naik-Raikar. Goa's one of the most elite families. Cashew plantations, factories, a connection in politics, this family has every luxury out there.
But all these conveniences come with a cost.
Tarun, a young naive member of the Naik-Raikar family is dead falling from a cliff. Everyone thinks Tarun ended his own life. But SP John Pereira has his own speculations. It's clearly a murder.
Etasha, daughter of Raikar patriarch and a cousin of Tarun starts to receive messages from a mystery informer who knows every bit about this murder. Every time an investigation occurs a new person comes on the suspect radar.
Etasha's struggle to find the real culprit while dealing with her family's deepest and darkest secrets forms the entire plot of The Raikar Case.
The Raikar Case Review
The Positives 
1. Story: The story of The Raikar Case is penned by Bijesh Jayarajan, Karmanya Ahuja and Anitha Nair. As far as the story is concerned, it has everything required for scripting a flawless whodunit. The Raikar Case has a murder mistaken for suicide, a plethora of family members with their gimmicks and most importantly a dark backstory.
The story of The Raikar Case starts slowly and cautiously. It gradually catches pace and then does not looks back. Many of you will struggle to figure whats going on. In the very first episode, a bunch of characters are thrown towards you.
2. Characters: There is absolutely no shortage of characters in The Raikar Case. The characters overflow at a point. Your brain takes a while to figure out who's who. The Naik-Raikar family itself is so interesting that you begin to vouch for root for them. The common disgruntled and bewildered look on every family member's face gives the "something's fishy" vibes. The over-practical patriarch, his household wife, incompetent son, achiever daughter, disinterested cousins, confused sister-in-law everybody has their own share in The Raikar case. Also, the outsiders are well linked to this family. A power-hungry conniving friend completes the equation.
3. Unique Screenplay: The screenplay of The Raikar Case is its bast thing. Very rarely you stumble across such beautifully presented content. The screenplay will definitely win your hearts. The way this series is structured will take a little bit of your time to grasp it. But later on, you yourself will know what's about to hit you.
4. Some performances
The Raikar Case is adorned with some incredible performance. Atul Kulkarni as Yashwant Naik-Raikar showed us why he is the king when it comes to out-of-the-box scripts. He symbolizes a true patriarch who is bound to hold his family together no matter what. His stern and no-nonsense attitude justify his position in the Naik-Raikar family.
Ashwini Bhave, the famous yesteryear actress made her digital debut with a bang. Her performance of Sakshi was something you can relate to every matriarchal figure in the house. Her layered and biased feelings will shock you.
Parul Gulati as Etasha was simply amazing. She displayed a wide range of emotions effortlessly.
Lalit Prabhakar as Eklavya Rane is truly the breakout star of The Raikar Case. Prabhakar is known for his chocolate-boy roles in the Marathi film industry but here he is the dark-chocolate. He is terrifying as hell. He gives us the chills whenever he appears on the screen.
1. The Negatives. Opening episode. One of the shortcomings of The Raikar Case is that the opening episode is too much to handle. It is very ambiguous for an opening episode. At a point, your brain trips from processing the load of info.
The audience is not used to this type of complication in the initial stage. Many of the people may lose patience.
2. Some performances: Neil Bhoopalam has a very crucial role in The Raikar Case. But for some reason, he doesn't seem to provide justice for his role. His dialogue delivery looks too cliche. It always feels that he is trying to judge everyone.
Kunal Karan Kapoor and Manava Naik are other examples of below-par performance. It looked that they were trying too hard to fit in.
Before you all head to watch The Raikar case, let me tell you this:
It's NOT a popcorn-movie. Keep your brain along with you at all times.
A slight distraction may disrupt your entire flow of experience.
The opening episode is very complex but don't you lose hope. You will digest everything eventually.
My rating for
The Raikar Case:
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 (4/5).Definitely recommended!!
“I think Neil, Manava and Kunal Karan Kapoor all did justice to their roles. Manava and Kunal Karan Kapoor’s role was as “outsiders” that did not fit in and both are trying to fit into the family. I believe that what the Director wanted to show and looking at the review then both did a great job making the reviewer feel that. Honestly speaking then everyone was in character and was living it. So saying that specially Kunal Karan Kapoor was below-par performance is totally wrong. He told Mohit story through his eyes and made sure that even if he seem mysterious and you knew he had a secret, you never fully suspect him. Beside that his performance in the last episode was breathtaking.The way he emote every turmoils was beautiful and art itself.” - Anila
Binged.com Review: Kunal Karan Kapoor’s role isn’t fleshed out as well as his other actor-counterparts, though he makes a good meal of it.
Movies Bazaar Review: Talking about Kunal Karan Kapoor unno ne shandaar role nibhaya hai aur kisi cheez ki kami nahi aane di apne role main.
0 notes
star-trashinum · 7 years
Shine for you, Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - A Faint Sparkle
Characters - Ruby Kurosawa/Mari Ohara
Tags - Slow burn, Romance, tags to be added as chapters progress
Description - Childhood friends, a puppy crush, blossoming into love.
Word Count - 2075
Notes - This will be my first multichap fic that’s more than just 2 chapter, and will also be about my own personal favourite rare pair.
I hope you enjoy it; comments and feedback would be wonderful!
(Italics indicate Mari’s English, and bold indicates texting
Te o nobase! Sore kara nayame!
Te o nobase! Sore kara nayame!
         Mari flops down on the floor, much too exhausted for a spoiled rich girl after a particularly grueling Aqours practice. “Very exhausted!!!~” Mari screams, before rolling over to press her face to the concrete, hoping that the lack of sun in her eyes will help her cool by some magical feat. She feels a small tap on her shoulder, which she verifies is not a spider by the fact that she only feels it for that fraction of a second. Rolling back over, she looks to see a pair of big green eyes staring at her, which could have been one of two people. The bright red pigtails and the fact that she was closer to the ground gave it away, though.
         “U-Umm… Mari-oneechan… could I ask for something?” Ruby asks, recoiling the hand that poked Mari’s back as she turned over to face her, “I-I need your help with school.”
         “Why, of course, dear little Ruby!~” Mari exuberantly replies, sitting right back up, “what seems to be ailing you, little child; does someone need to be taken care of?” Mari’s question was more comedic than serious, but knowing her status and what she had power over, it was scary to think about the things she actually could do.
         “W-Wha-- N-no no; no one needs to be taken care of!!” Ruby explains, wondering in her head what the whole ‘taken care of’ thing meant, “I meant t-that I needed help studying; everyone is really busy, but Ruby knows that you speak English, a-and she wanted to ask… if you could help her with homework…” Mari blinks astoundedly for a second; sure, she was chairwoman, but… school tended to be a ‘do it last minute to barely pass’ sort of thing. Oh well, Ruby was quite cute about it, and it was true that she was at least passingly familiar with English to lend a hand.
         “Why of course, my dear Ruby; mama Mari’s always here to help!” Mari happily tells her as she pulls out her phone, pulling up a calendar, “Hmmm… I should be alright at any time on days we don’t have practice, chairwoman things can always be adjusted; just text me when you’re free!”
         “O-Ok Mari-oneechan… thank you.”
Ganbaruby -
- hey mariiii
- im free tomorrow do you want to meet somewhere; i need help with understanding my homework for an upcoming test
Shiiiny -
- of course!!!
- Do you want to meet up at one of the cafes near the hotel? The whole thing will be on me; i just wanna help you study \owo/
Ganbaruby -
- O ok thank u so much
- ill see u then!!
         Getting off the bus, Ruby quickly makes her way to the massive seaside hotel, still not used to the sheer size of it and how her friend just… casually lived in it… because she owned it. Making her way through the massive and heavy glass doors, she surveys around the foyer, before finding an elegantly designed sign above a door, reading ‘Cafe - Cazzo di Caffetteria’. The cafe’s decor is quite rustic and simple, but its elegance speaks volumes; polished and meticulously built wooden furniture dots the floor of the cafe. Low hanging lamps with yellowed bulbs cast the most beautiful of shadows on the brick-walled room, giving off an extremely home-y look. State of the art espresso machines, French presses and hand-cranked grinders make up the front station, along with an array of shelves filled with coffee beans, cutlery and anything you’d ever need and more for a cafe. A curved glass display case houses an assortment of small cakes and cookies, along with sandwiches for people looking for a small snack. The dimly lit and warm tones of the room, along with the menagerie of hotel guests gives an extremely fancy vibe, and Ruby is almost too intimidated to enter before a familiar, shrill voice calls to her.
         “Oh, I’m here, Ruby!!~” Mari calls out, waving incessantly as she distracts some of the customers near her, “Now let’s get started on your work, and let good ol’ Mari here help you with your work!” Ruby walks over towards Mari’s table, setting her bag down beside her chair as she sits down onto the chair; wooden and heavy, contrasted with a lovely plush seat cover. The heavy cardstock menu is overflowing with menu items, a literal half of the menu dedicated to just different ways to take your coffee. The items have their English names written in beautiful painstakingly drawn calligraphy, and Ruby can barely make out the word ‘Coffee’ before giving up to read the Japanese titles given on the menus. “See anything you like, Ruby-chan?” Mari kindly asks, gesturing to the menu that Ruby is meticulously scanning through, “since this cafe is part of the hotel, you can order whatever you’d like on the menu, in the house!~”
         “M-Mari-oneechan… isn’t the saying ‘on the house’?” Ruby responds, confused now by both the large assortment of coffees and Mari’s english, “a-and i have my choice, s-so we can order now.” Mari looks into mind, realizing that, yes, the term ‘in the house’ is very incorrect; blushing at the embarrassment of messing up the language she was about to teach Ruby. Mari waves over to a barista that’s currently polishing one of the coffee cups, and clears her throat as the barista pulls out a pen and notepad from her apron.
         “What can I get you two today?”
         “Y-yes, can I get a dark roast with three sugars and two shots of espresso and a lemon tart,” Mari responds, giving the barista her usual order; tailored perfectly to the eccentric, energetic blonde, “and what will you have, Ruby?”
         “Oh… um… right… c-can Ruby have a warm milk tea… green tea please… and a s-strawberry shortcake,” Ruby calls out, making sure to check over her order multiple times, before nodding to give the barista the OK. The barista finishes jotting down the order before heading back to their station, starting up their order. Wanting to get down to buisness, Ruby reaches down to her bag, pulling out her English textbook, along with a pastel pink notebook, covered in little doodles of flowers along the front page. “S-So, the test I have upcoming is about verbs and adjectives, and I have a bunch of practice problems, s-so Mari-oneechan can help with those…” Ruby explains, opening her textbook up to a set of problems, “will that be OK with you?”
         Mari looks at Ruby’s book; sure, she knew what all the words meant… sorta… but putting them together into well-crafted, organized sentences? That wasn’t Shiny enough. To be shiny was to express yourself in how shiny you were, not some grammatically correct nonsense that wouldn’t dare to capture the shininess of it all. She would manage, though; helping little Ruby would have to come first.
"Of course!! You know, I'm very good at English, if you could tell," Mari reminds her, flashing up her trademark 'OK!!~' symbol with her hand, "let's get one of these questions done so I know what we're working with, no?" Ruby nods in agreement, flipping through the textbook to a pre-bookmarked page, preparing herself by taking out a silver-colored mechanical pen. "Y-Yeah, that sounds good… O-OK, here’s a good one to start with,” Ruby begins, hovering the pencil towards the instructions, then to the first sample sentence, “add an adjective that best fits the sentence; ‘The kitten is very ___.’” Ruby looks towards a box of sample words on the bottom of that page, trying to think of the word that would best fit a small animal. “Do you think ‘cute’ would describe a kitten, Mari-oneechan?” Ruby asks, cocking her head to the side.
“I think the kitten would be shiny!” Mari answers, feeling confident in her words before looking towards a very confused Ruby, “Think about it; both you and the kitten are small and adorable, and Ruby is very shiny, therefore; ‘The kitten is very shiny.” Mari puts on a high and triumphant face, closing her eyes to appreciate how concrete her reasoning was for the kitten to be shiny. The self-appreciation goes away quickly as she looks to her pupil, who is bright red and almost shaking in embarrassment. Mari leans in to look at the embarrassed mess in front of her, realizing that she had just accidentally hit on one of her childhood friends, more specifically, the little sister of her very protective childhood friend. “Y-You alright, Ruby?” Mari sheepishly questions, trying to gauge how she should handle the immense awkwardness sitting right in front of her, “sorry that I just said that all willy-nilly, did I frighten ya?”
“Y-Yeah... I'm all good, y-you just caught me off guard, t-that’s all…” Ruby tells Mari, fidgeting, as if to say something,  “It’s just... all the words come from a word bank… and the word shiny isn't in there, Mari-oneechan.” The two sit in a state of deafening silence, not able to form any coherent words until the barista comes with a large platter with their orders.
“An order for Miss Ohara and her friend,” the waitress announces, before setting the dishes on the table for the two girls, “if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask, Miss Ohara.” Mari gives the barista a nod, before giving her a wave of thanks; she would be sure to ask later to take the dishes away, if she could remember what her name was. There were a lot of staff members at the hotel, and brown, short hair was all too common. She purses her lips, only coming to the conclusion that her named started in an S.
Ruby clasped her hands together, eyes shining in delight as she looked at her order, “Wow Mari, this all looks so exquisite; it looks almost too good to eat!” She gives a silent nod of thanks before taking her fork to the cake, parting both the spongy cake and the decadent filling to make a small piece for herself. Stabbing the shortcake, Ruby’s eyes light up at she takes her first bite, a mumbled squee of approval as she chews and takes in the flavour of the treat. “-chew chew- It’s so sweet and fluffy Mari, you should give it a try!” Ruby exclaims, cutting off another small piece of her cake, as she extends her arm to hand her a piece of her dessert. Truth be told, Mari had tested every single item on this menu, but Ruby's request was so cute that she couldn’t resist. Momentarily blushing, Mari leans over as she takes the small piece off the fork with her lips, remembering full well how delicious that particular cake was.
“Fluffy and cute, and particularly sweet too, just perfect for Ruby,” Mari thinks, finishing up the small bite, before realizing exactly what she had thought, “wait what am I thinking she’s like a sister-- oh god I used her fork for that Dia will kill me.” Mari momentarily panicked, hoping that Ruby wouldn’t notice the indirect lip contact as the girl took another bite out of her cake. Taking a sip from her dangerously caffeinated beverage, Mari watches as Ruby cutely furrows her brow in concentration. She looks back and forth between her notes and the book, before letting out a small huff.
“Is everything alright, little Ruby?” Mari worriedly asks, concerned by Ruby’s somewhat upset face.
“Y-Yeah… just confused on how you would use some of these words,” Ruby admits, writing a sentence out, before erasing it shortly after, “M-Mari-oneechan, could you help Ruby out here?”
Ruby actually really trusted in her to teach her, huh?
If it was one of the members of her subunit, they would've already known the pretense that working Mari brought; but Ruby really depended on her, probably because of how long they've know each other.
That was it, right? Mari gives a small chuckle,as she stand up out of her chair, causing Ruby to look suddenly up from her book as she sees Mari turn around to pick up her chair. With a newfound, confident stride, she walks the wooden chair and places it beside Ruby, before sitting back down. "Sorry for joking around earlier, little Ruby, this time good ol' Mari-oneechan is gonna really help with your homework, ok?" Mari announced, watching Ruby give a smile in response, "Good; let's get to it, shall we?"
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