#uhh idk what other tags r usually used . enjoy ^_^ <3
steal-this-album · 2 years
sakura miku commission for my dear mutualfriend @cuptoast ^_^ <3
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ID: fanart of Sakura Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) from the waist up. She's smiling wide while holding a bi pride flag. End ID
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hannahdearr · 6 years
Tag Game (:
- answering the following questions then making your own to ask others -
Thank you for tagging @moreenchiladasplease ! I loved your responses, def related to some of the well--you’re wonderful & I hope your day is goin’ great ♥♥♥ 
1. what is an unknown/underrated piece of media that you love?
Piece of media? I guess print media if that’s what you mean lol--like ok, nowadays people are all up about doing things electronically ya feel? I’ll always prefer something I can physically hold and read in my hands I guess? Like, I absolutely love receiving (or more like, *received now haha) letters! especially if it was handwritten (: Print feels more personal I guess haha and idk I still have issues fully trusting everything to be saved / spread / etc digitally haha
2. what are five things you love about yourself?
wow ok, what a lovely question and lovely reminder haha let’s see.. I love my one (1) lone dimple on my right cheek, I love my ability to take care of / maintain and have good looking eyebrows?? (so I’ve been told haha), I love my growing sense of style bc I’ve been experimenting more with what works / looks good on me since senior year of high school, I love my open-minded personality to trying new things or just kinda in general bc I grew up spending my time in all the types of cliques and moving around my families a lot since I used to be an only child lol (actually is this adaptability? hA), & lastly I love that I am solidly bilingual, fluent in Tagalog and ofc English lol
oh my omg haha this question actually took me a really long time to do, kinda sad but thank you for it (’:
3. do you read comics/graphic novels? any favorites?
oof my lists used to be so long but I dropped a lot when classes started again and only solidly read a few now (’: 
Fairy Tail, Akatsuki no Yona, Boku no Hero Academia, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Dengeki Daisy --for webtoons, My Beautiful World & True Beauty 
4. what’s top 5 on your playlist right now?
uhhh, I literally kinda just made a new playlist today filled with Zion.T & HEIZE’s latest releases + DEAN haha ooh and Tatiana Manaois & Bruno Major, also the latest collab of John Legend and Red Velvet’s Wendy (: (yes, I’ve been goin thru a mellow almost simpy phase lately haha)
5. what is something/someone that never fails to make you laugh?
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BTS & GOT7 + dogs, all the doggos LOL
6. recommend me some of your favorite tv shows/movies/books/music.
hmm, I guess definitely everything I’ve already mentioned before haha, I struggle myself with finding new things ..oOh! Tori Kelly’s new album Hidden Place --or just Tori Kelly in general lol she’s my favorite (:
ALSO, Panic! at the Disco!!!!! all time fave since  e v e r  I could really listen to their discography for days on end haha, mister Brendon Urie is bae ♡
7. an unpopular opinion you have?
I usually have a lot of these but I’m drawing blank rn (’: oo uhm lately on twt people have been bagging on Arrowhead water drinkers but like, Arrowhead is the superior water imo with Life Wtr coming in right after --if we’re tryna be boujee tho, FIJI WATER (yes, I firmly believe that not all water tastes the same lol)
8. favorite disney soundtrack?
ftftatfjtjcjsthrhskoskjptlp uhhhhhm, this is so hard lol but probably Moana is at the very top bc sir Lin-Manuel Miranda had his hands in it & I absolutely love his work. I am a big fan of all Disney soundtracks tho haha
9. favorite word from your native language?
honestly? this is cliché but, “mahal” lol it means either ‘love’ or ‘expensive’ depending on how you use it ofc but I find it both funny / ironic bc love CAN be expensive both physically and I guess emotionally? mentally? bUT also beautiful at the same time, love is expensive haha take it as you wish but that’s my opinion lol
10. what makes your heart go mushy?
dogs, Jeon Jungkook, doggos, babies, idk getting compliments? I’m literally all skfnaljfwioe fgawnbwajl when people compliment me sometimes like omg my hort, thank you
11. top 5 tropes you live for?
friends to lovers used to be my top fave bc I lowkey wanted it to happen to me irl hAHAHA, enemies to lovers bc idk--the relationship seems just more fierce & deep if you were once at each other’s throats but are all sOFt for each other hahahaaha oK, uhh not sure what other tropes there are haahaha --but I guess the tsundere trope for characters?? big fkn softies LOL & well, idk what other tropes I absolutely live for but these three are the most notable that I enjoy I guess lol
as always, you don’t gotta if you don’t wanna; @tori-yaaaaaaa @bymoonchild @dreamyukhei @arosequartz @jiminsbellybutton @shy-filipina-fangirl @jajajaebum & @moreenchiladasplease if you’d like to go at it again! (:
I’m taking this as a kind of get to know you better type of thing soo here are “my” questions (really like theses questions already so lul):
artists you listen to outside of the kpop spectrum?
what are five things you love about yourself?
if you could master one (1) thing, what would it be? (as in like; knowledge of something, ability to do something, etc.)
what’s been on repeat from your playlist(s) right now?
what is something/someone that never fails to make you laugh?
what are your favorite tv shows/movies/books/music? 
an unpopular opinion you have?
favorite anime/manga and or show/comic-graphic novel? 
favorite word from your native language? 
something(s) you’re currently / you are proud of yourself for?
top five memes you live for?
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i-mweakforchangkyun · 7 years
92 Statements Tag
ahhh thank you @paopuguk for tagging meee~! ilysm xo 💜💚
Sorry that there aren't 92 djsbkjrg BUT CLOSE ENOUGH
Rules: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 (or however many you'd like) people!
The Last :
1. Drink: Tea!
2. Phone Call (*drumroll* I am what I.M man I got a ph on e ca l l): Manager jbfsdkjzg
3. Text Message: A fave loser telling me to come visit them ❤️ @keenonkino
4. Song You Listened To: Fools but the cover by Namjoon and Kookie
5. Time You Cried: A while ago 
6. Dated Someone Twice: yeh 
7. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: unfortunately,,,,
8. Been Cheated On: yeh
9. Lost Someone Special: I guess it depends on how you mean but yeh 
10. Been Depressed: ,,,,,,
11. Gotten Drunk And Thrown Up: Drunk yes thrown up nope
List 3 Favourite Colours (12-14):
Green, Blue and Purple! :D
In The Last Year Have You:
15. Made New Friends: yeeess~! (somehow)
16. Fallen Out Of Love: :??
17. Laughed Until You Cried: Y E S
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: lmao yeh
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: nah 
20. Found Out Who Your Friends Are: I suppose? 
21. (S h ES TWENTY TWENTY TWENTY ONE N O W) Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List: yeh
22. How Many Of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know IRL: pretty much all of them don't add randoms kids
23. Do You Have Any Pets: A cat and a pupper the cat reminds me of toothless from how to train your dragon and the dog is named after a chocolate bar, Chokito
24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: Not really, the other name I could have had when I was born would have been cool but also difficult lmao
25: What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: WENT TO SUSHI TRAIN +  ATE CAKE IT WAS G8
26: What Time Did You Wake Up: ,,maybe like 9 idk
27: What Were You Doing Last Night: Being murdered with Monsta X scenarios :))) (THANKS @officialyanan)
28. Name Something You Can’t Wait For: The new Spiderman man game yoooooo
29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mum: hoooo maybe about 3 years ago??
30. What Are You Listening To Right Now: SH-SHAWTY GIMMEEE w h ip- whi p la shh lov NCT
31. Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom: have indeed
32. Something That Gets On Your Nerves: When my feet just wont get warm they refuse to heat up and yet t h e re s t o fm e is warm???
33. Most Visited Website: Probably Youtube tbh
34-36 were missing!
37. Hair Colour: blue binch woop wooooop
38. Long Or Short Hair: Short!!
39. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: haven't had a proper c r u s h before tbh
40. What Do You Like About Yourself: my hair is pretty cool I guess
41. Piercings: firsts and seconds on my earlobes and a conch piercing in my right lmaooo
42. Blood Type: not a diddly dang clue my friend (hopefully blood type AAYYYEEEEE)
43. Nickname: most common is just Rom tbh but the second most common is RomCom
44. Relationship Status: Single Pringle
45. Zodiac: Aries ♈️ 
46. Pronouns: she/her 🙂
47. Favourite TV Show: hoooo man thats difficult I probably enjoyed Game Of Thrones the most of all the TV shows I’ve ever seen
48. Tattoos: none but definitely want to get a few
49. Right Or Left Handed: I'm right handed
50. Surgery: never had any
51. Piercings: already done lmao
52. Sports: none atm used to do netball
53. Vacation: uhh I mean I wanna go to Canada one day
54. Pair Of Trainers: usually just converse 
55. Eating: Subway cookies heck yeh
56. Drinking: Melon ramune
57. I’m About To: Go play the crash bandicoot remastered game bc hoooooly sHIT CHILDHOOD
58. Waiting For: Cherry Bomb and Shine Forever albums to get the frick over here
60. Want: a lot of things but mainly a hug or something idk
61. Get Married: yes, to Hyuna
62. Career: A Sandwich Artist™️
Which Is Better:
63. Hugs Or Kisses: hmmm depends but usually hugs
64. Lips Or Eyes: eyes
65. Shorter Or Taller: taller
66. Older Or Younger: once again it really depends but im gonna say older?
67. Nice Arms Or Nice Stomach: don't really have a preference tbh
68. Hookup Or Relationship: r e l a t io n s hi p
69. Troublemaker Or Hesitant: both are good 
Have You Ever:
70. Kissed A Stranger: ,,,,yeh
71. Drank Hard Liquor: yup
72. Lost Glasses Or Contacts: LMAOOO LOST GLASSES
73. Turned Someone Down: yess
74. Sex On The First Date: nope
75. Broken Someone’s Heart: yes 😔
76. Had Your Own Heart Broken: unfortunately,,,
77. Been Arrested: nope
78. Cried When Someone Died: yes
79. Fallen For A Friend: nope
Do You Believe In:
80. Yourself: LMAO I WISH MAN
81. Miracles: sure as heck do
82. Love At First Sight: no
83. Santa Claus: yeh boi
84. Kiss On The First Date: it really depends
85. Angels: yup :3 (i.m exists sooooo)
86. Current Best Friends Name: Yasmin, Maiah, Desmond and Jade love them all sm 💜 10/10 would fite 4
87. Eye Colour: Grey/Blue
88. Favourite Movie: hooo boy thats rlly hard and its never gonna be just one but the Avengers is fkn awesome
I tag: @officialyanan @keenonkino @artificialskyway @sugalamb @monstajaebum 🙈 Feel free do it if you’d like but if not thats fine too :3 💚
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