#united states house of representatives
an-onyx-void · 7 months
Disclaimer: I am not the original owner or creator of this content. The source is listed below.
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enderexplorer1212 · 1 year
Guide for whats going on for nonamericans
So you may be wondering, what the hell is happening in the U.S? You might ask yourself that a lot, but this time, I can explain. So the house of representatives is the lower house which creates bills and stuff and is based on proportional representation, thats not important. But the republicans have a 4-seat majority, which is astronomically small. The house has to nominate and then vote on a speaker, which works similar to how parliamentary governments work, with a prime minister decided by a majority. Now imagine if you had parliament (or whatever legislature you have), and there were only two parties, the sorta left party, and the very right party. The very right party is voting for a prime minister, but not everyone in the very right party wants this prime minister, they want a different, more rightwing guy. They also don't like the nominee for prime minister, so they are holding up the entire process since they only need 4 people to disagree to prevent a prime minister from being chosen. So normally, this would be a hung parliament, and it goes to a snap election or something, but thats not how it works. Instead, they have to vote again, and they have to keep on voting until a prime minister is chosen. The sort left party meanwhile is letting the very right party tear itself apart because A. it is the easiest possible argument as to why you shouldn't vote for the very right party, and B. none of the very right party people would agree to working with the sorta left party. So basically, it's a hung parliament, but you have to keep voting until you get a prime minister. This is problematic, because you can't get any bills passed in congress without the house, and representatives don't get paid until the 14th, so by the time the 14th rolls around, if they don't get a speaker, no ones getting paid. If it does drag out that long, then the republicans will be kinda screwed because of how long its taking. Hope this helps :)
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levenskracht · 3 months
hey guys i know tik tok super duper sucks ass, but we need to ensure that it doesnt get banned by the US government because that means other social media sites could get banned if they harm the status quo of authority. to be incredibly frank, i don't give a shit whether or not you use it. what matters is that tik tok is the domino we must keep from falling to ensure our free speech and freedom of expression, because if tik tok leaves, then what's next? tumblr? instagram? youtube? if we let that first domino fall, it's gonna be hard as hell to stop it from causing the downfall of all social media in the USA
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akonoadham · 10 months
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1900scartoons · 4 months
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A Hot One
January 31, 1908
President's message is drawn as an overheating furnace causing politicians labelled House and Senate to sweat.
The caption reads 'Anyway, Congress Can Keep Warm.'
On January 31, The New York Times reported that Roosevelt would be delivering the first of several messages aimed at pushing through his policies. His messages are intended to thwart stall tactics.
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/6799/rec/1853
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elijones94 · 1 year
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👊🏾✊🏾 “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” ~ Congressman John Lewis (1940-2020) 🇺🇸
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imitacionalarte · 1 year
El Barroco Today
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graphicpolicy · 21 days
Halo composer Marty O'Donnell is running for Congress and claims he'll win because he's a "gamer"
Halo composer Marty O'Donnell is running for Congress and claims he'll win because he's a "gamer" #halo
Photo by Gage Skidmore Marty O’Donnell is trying to go from composing music to composing legislation as he’s running for the U.S. House of Representatives. Announcing his campaign for the 3rd congressional district in Nevada, O’Donnell is running as a Republican. Marty O’Donnell has worked on video games such as Myth, Halo, and Destiny and began his career writing television and radio jingles.…
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pwrn51 · 4 months
Exploring the Impact of Age on Political Landscape
  In this podcast episode titled “Lest We Forget,” Lillian Cauldwell will delve into the topic of ageism within American politics Three distinct sources provided their perspectives, backed by supporting data, on the implications of ageism in various forms of government, including parliamentary and democratic systems. Examining the period from 2020 to 2022, a census revealed that members of the…
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pasquines · 6 months
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an-onyx-void · 7 months
Disclaimer: I am not the original owner or creator of this content. The source is listed below.
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enderexplorer1212 · 1 year
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levenskracht · 2 months
guys, i haven't seen any posts about tik tok recently, so i'll tell you again. if we lose tik tok, they will have precedent to ban other social medias like this one, and every other one you use, as long as they say it's dangerous to the united states. isn't that insane? that can be some CCP level censorship and nobody cares since they "already hated tik tok anyway." it's that hard for people to put it together that banning tik tok could lead to us ONLY using media created by and for the us government. if it wasn't for social media i wouldn't know about palestine, or aaron bushnell, or literally most controversial events. i think i'd be much more sheltered if it wasn't for that. anyways, i'm sorry for posting a super long and angry rant on here- i usually don't enjoy doing that- but i'm absolutely shocked at the fact that the people who may have some influence over it (aka, congressmen and representatives) are strikingly apathetic to the fact that this will not give them voters. so let's remind them of that. call them, protest, etc etc.
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1900scartoons · 1 year
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Uncle Sam Getting His Money's Worth 
January 27, 1907
Senate and Congress sweat over using the Revision saw on the Tariff log; Uncle Sam looks on.
The caption reads  "Uncle Sam - It will be a great pleasure to me to watch you earn that little raise in salary you have just voted yourselves."
Congress had just voted to increase their own salary, but still put off tariff revision.
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/6400/rec/28
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congressionalshit · 8 months
I represent people period, all people not just a select few . I'm a candidate for the people by the people and I represent all people.
I'm Alexander JS Heidenreich For United States house of representatives in 24
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