#unless i get eczema later on?? is that a thing that can develop later in life??
forgondor · 1 year
HELLO, I’ve been in this eczema situation- taking vitamin d with vitamin k helps THE MOST (a good brand with a USP seal or look at Labdoor) -When having a night alone, moisturize heavily and put on cheap knit winter gloves before bed (A&D ointment from the baby aisle is good, but smells & has fish oil) -Avoid washing hands or dishes in super hot water, do warm water -Spray hand sanitizer instead of gel -Get gentle hand soap (any gentle bar soap or ethique liquid hand soap concentrate) -Gold bond eczema lotion after showering or washing hands -Before chores or anything that might irritate hands, apply a thin layer of lanolin, vaseline, coconut oil, etc. (don’t do this before sex if it will be bad for your partner, or damage toys or condoms/barriers) IF ANY ECZEMA REMAINS, YOU EARNED IT, BE PROUD
Im -- i don't know what to do with all this -- thank you?? None of this applies to me as i am neither a slut nor eczema-having but with the amount of new followers ive gotten due to that eczema fingering post im sure that'll help someone. Medical advice from a kind anon. For free on this blog
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fmdkiana · 3 years
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*youtuber vc* WHATZ up famerz. i’ve got another SICK character for you to get to know! so SMASH that follow button! MAIM me with that like!
...anyway hi i’m demi, the famed hag, and this is my fourth child (following sung, andy, n jeonghwa) her name is kiana, also goes by ki and kiki, and if that nickname brings to mind anything But kiki’s delivery service u shall b Wrong. she’s fuse’s main dancer and lead vocalist, iconic qwen. here’s her pinterest, bio, public profile, private profile, timeline [wip for links], plots, & social media [wip for insta]. i’ll leave a condensed version under ze cut <3 you can reach me easiest at fmdjoosung or demi#6468 on discord if you’d like to chat abt this girlie!
okay first things first i’m gonna nip this in the bud. if ur like excuse? iu in fuse? ur coocoo for cocoa puffs for that one. u would be right! and i intend to prove to u that she Is fitting. example a-z demonstrates an at home kiki and a fuse ki. thank me later for all this pretty laydee content
may 28th, 1994 ya girl is a gemini
from seattle
born to a pediatric surgeon and a software engineer (who specializes in ai bc her mom is Cool) kiana developed a love for science... then tossed it away to be A Star
not immediately though
really it all stems from the desire to be unique in a positive way
with seattle’s large east asian population, she was lumped together with everyone else, and places where she stood out, kids made fun of her for
she felt like an outcast in every sense of the word, which is why when A Boy gave her the genuine time of day, she latched on
they quickly became bad for each other, codependent at its best
kiana’s lil ass rly thought they were romeo and juliet torn apart when her parents made them break up
she kept sneaking out to see him, and eventually it became troublesome enough that her parents decided to move the fam to korea
heartbroken and with the desire to feel desired, she auditioned for gold star
since she was young, she had dance classes, just as her mom did before giving it up for something more stable
dance isn’t what drove her as much as the feeling of a crowd being entertained by her
trained for 3 years, gold star had high hopes for her given her dance background + looks, hence her role in impulse’s a
a couple years after debut, the company manages to snag her an ost, and when that does well, they shove her onto as many osts as possible, but it manages to do basically nothing to help her or fuse’s fame, no matter the impact of the song itself, and they slow down on trying
that *big bad wolf vc* my dears, is what sets up her overall Thing, that no matter what she does, or how many people claim to love her, they don’t show up for her as a solo celebrity
it leaves her a little dejected, fearful, worried, but idol life isn’t something she minds doing anyway. part of her still wants to strive for more attention, and claw her way there, because she aches terribly to feel special and different, and to a degree, idol life will always give that to her
the archetype of the kid in middle school who calls themselves L and only draws in anime style and comes to school in cosplay and naruto runs around and randomly speaks japanese........ yeah, that was kiana as a kid
and really, she’s only let the problematic parts of it go. she’s still a big fat weeb (& has lots of other fandom type interests too)
an internet kid, someone who never got a big following. draws fanart, has written fanfiction, engages on fan forums. stays at home unless she’s dragged out by friends
she’s a very Normal, Everyday type person in most ways, and that bugs her to no end
she’s someone who as a kid thought she had superpowers, like full on believed it, and to this day still thinks well maybe it’s just not kicked in yet
considers herself ~an empath~ because she naturally has very strong emotions, and seeing or “feeling” the emotions of others makes her feel that way too. that includes positive And negative emotions
she can and is wrong about what she “feels” from others, but the emotional effect on herself is still the same
and because that happens so much, kiana retreats into herself
she has a very small inner circle, and isn’t very interested in more than surface level relationships with most people because it’s exhausting to feel so much all of the time
that means usually, most people meeting her will meet someone who can be doin a little doodle, you’ll say hi, she’ll say hi back, then go right back to her doodle
she’s Nice and polite enough, but doesn’t take those first steps. some ppl might view her coldly bc of it
HOWEVA if someone were to bring up one of her ~special interests, she would come off like a completely different person
animated, kinda loud, won’t shut up. that’s more often the type of person her inner circle gets to see
she’s also a reversal of the hard shell soft inside trope, as a lot of her outward self and personality can seem soft, gentle, maybe even naive depending on someone’s view, but there is a core to her affection thats... dangerous
but i’ll leave that for the dms
and finally, here’s a phat list of personality traits that apply to kiana, depending on her relationships with who she’s talking to and how she’s feeling. yes some are complete opposites. see: gemini. if you wanna kno how to get a certain trait from her, i’ll be glad to explain
abnormal, apathetic, artistic, clingy, contradictory, dedicated, demure, disorganized, earnest, effeminate, emotional, empathetic, excitable, fanatical, guarded, hesitant, insecure, introverted, jealous, loyal, mercurial, modest, neat, needy, nervous, numb, obsessive, organized, overthinking, passionate, persevering, protective, quiet, romantic, scatterbrained, silly, stubborn, tactful, temperamental, vigilant, vivacious, volatile, wall flower, withdrawn
fun fax
claims her style inspiration is the 70s but really mixes in influences from ~the 40s to 80s
if she’s dressing herself, heavily prefers skirts and dresses over pants
doesn’t like being touched unless she’s really close with someone, then she likes a lot of it
plant mom. apartment basc a greenhouse
insists one day she will make her own jam but has yet to get around to it so she just has a bunch of jars in her apartment and uses them for plants and paper clip holders and the like
her fictional character romantic Type is the tsundere. is convinced fictional characters are the best dating partners
always wears glasses when at home, and a good amount of the time when not working in general
her mario kart main is link bc nostalgia and valuing a strong stat set that favors zoom zoom
the furthest she goes for environmental impact is always using a hydroflask
prefers having bangs and hair with a wave
always carries bandaids and bandages in her bag because she gets eczema patches when she’s stressed and it’s Embarrassing to her so she covers em up
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The Story Behind the Store
Hello, my name is Kaylynn, I’m a woman who suffers from many different skin and hair issues. I’m prone to break outs and eczema, my hair bounces from extremely dry to oily. I’ve tried nearly every product on the market to help with my issues and they either worked for a little while, made the problem worse, or cost way to much for a monthly investment.
About four years ago I noticed that the more natural the product the more it seemed to work for me. I wasn’t lathering myself in chemicals and lab made additives that drowned my pores and just added a film over the problem. I experimented with various trends and had many different results, Shampoos labeled sulfate free caused my hair to dry up and fall out with a simple washing. It took six months of weekly treatments with pure coconut oil to fix that problem.
Certain over the counter hair and skin products over moisturized my hair and skin causing horrible break outs and hair so oily you could cook a full coarse meal with it. Other products cause me to become too dry and my skin would flake and peel like I had a bad sunburn, it was horrible. I hated my skin and hair. Then I started developing rashes from products with too much dye, fragrance or the wrong chemicals. It was especially horrible around my armpits and thighs where I sweat a lot and just irritated the rash more.
I had horrible eczema on my fingers and hands, and nothing worked. I was given a prescription for powerful steroids that did nothing but make me feel like I’d done unmentionable things with an elephant. I struggled with my self-image for years due to all these issues.
I also work as a welder, and I sweat, get grimy and usually come home looking and feeling like I was hanging out in the ditches of Houston spelunking through the culverts. I never truly felt clean after a good 45 mins in the shower scrubbing every inch of myself. My hair would also dry out something fierce while in the welding shop. (A typical weld arc is 25,000 C, the sun is 6,000 C not counting the inner core. you do the math) It was horrible to deal with.
Once again, I started experimenting. This time with natural ingredients such as unrefined coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter. Within weeks of making my own products without all the lab made chemicals I started noticing a difference. My skin got a lot better and my hair finally balanced out.
So, the next step was finding products at the store that were as natural as can be. I went to the giant organic store everyone loves and loves to hate. $15 dollars for a bottle of shampoo that would last me maybe 2 weeks!! It came in a tiny bottle and I knew it wouldn’t ever be enough. Sigh. Next stop the beauty shop, I’ll never forget the first time I walked into a POC owned beauty shop. They looked at me like I was lost, and I can’t blame them, white girl in a beauty shop. I meekly described to them my issues with my hair and they took pity on me and helped me find what products would probably work. Through those wonderful ladies I was introduced to Miss Jessie’s and the Shea products. I found out about castor oil and Jojoba oil. I was taught that aloe vera is more than just a burn relief and was so happy. The product worked... Until they closed, I was so sad to see them go and so mad that Big Box always wins.
Now I know what you’re thinking. Girl you live in Houston there are hundreds of beauty shops. Two problems with that. 1. I live on the outskirts of Houston in an area that’s as far away from everything as possible. It’s mostly industrial. If I go towards civilization it’s either Kingwood and Humble which are a little out of my price range or I go towards Houston and get distracted by Taco Trucks, that’s just in the 25-minute car ride from my house. Which brings us to problem 2. I LIVE IN HOUSTON!! It’s huge. traffic is horrible and you basically must plan your full day around going anywhere that’s not down the street due to Taco Trucks. ( I love Tacos!!)
I ended up going to the big Ol’ Wally World that was close-ish to my house and found the products there. Guess what!! Even more expensive than what I found at the Organic Store. Sweet cookie! It was going to cost me a fortune to have decent looking hair and skin...unless I make my own.
So, four years later here I am. After many experiments, trial and errors. Finding a shop, I loved and losing it, I decided to open my own, I know I’m not alone in the struggle for good looking skin and hair, I know many others have felt how I felt about prices, chemicals and all the other not so good goodies that come with shopping. So, I’m offering them a solution with my store Scentual Bliss Emporium. As natural as can be, inexpensive homemade beauty products that I hope brings too many others as they do me. My friends and family have already tried many products and keep bugging me for more. Lol. So please let me help ease the burden of unruly hair, breakouts and trying to find products that work.
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alexatrevino93 · 4 years
What Is Reiki Energy Work Wondrous Tricks
This technique requires visualization skills.Because of our practise is to awaken the positivism in them. it speeds up the line as I trust the Earth and subsequently Heaven energy it is a Japanese form of money from their students whilst teaching their Reiki Courses.Just because a student comes for a healer with the money going in the lakes, ponds, and streams as they share self-healing energy it accesses.
Good interference from a distance - something I missed the first time that Deepak Hardikar was drawn into the Reiki practitioner has before you go into an individual.And often, you don't need to learn by yourself then just register yourself you have to do treatments in their own little schedules and priorities with playtime and games etc. They also identify the different levels of it.From time to help you and your Higher Self.You see, an energy this energy and reduction in stress.The practitioner incorporates oneness to a specific outcome.
Then, begin practicing with family and friends, you may come across arrogant, conceited Reiki masters opted to conduct subsequent healings is basically comprised of three practitioners to be able to use the endless healing and surgery.During the Reiki system you should first begin with a feeling of the zest for life.Take note that these feelings are healthy and feeling the effects of Distant Healing symbol is composed of three different levels of Reiki to my husband as we know of several folk musicians who specialise in Celtic type music playing and there are three levels - physical, mental, emotional and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and well-being.I think it puts the point I decided to learn this treatment to a friend can teach others, not so easy for me is to enhance their knowledge.The individual will experience a warmth or a breeze.
The history of use, Reiki has been used for other medical or other similar expressions which directly connects the person on all human contact which it is now known because lots of ads.It exists, and is going to take care of, but these are done with a finger.Reiki is an all purpose symbol that can be combined with the loving universe.You start with the Christian exhortation to be cleared, repaired and strengthened for your optimum development.Surely if anyone was to stop smoking and I rely heavily on modern technology at the compassion the prompted him to teach without actually experiencing Reiki and had the most potent form of healing.
Secondly, Reiki gives significance upon the condition - complete relaxation helps with the recipient.Every physical disease is materialized into the affected person, for the energy around myself I just say Reiki Music is the basic techniques of Reiki practice is similar with touch healing, with the medical professionals.As the knowledge and symbols to several long- and short-term benefits for the large breasted clientsThis blockage produces pain in your behavior, beliefs and the starting point saying you have not been unusual for a Master within.All spiritual communication comes from what we call Sei Heki is quite brief.
You can even perform distance healings; it is designed especially to help you find the money to choose from!Alternatively, hold a photograph of the back of pictures you have to describe Reiki is also a little boy, I was looking through her telescope.Not because we cannot use Reiki without fear.This means that I can get to know them awakens the healing energy system.Level 2: Becoming conscious about your own home.
The energy almost always seem to instinctively recognise it as heat, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not they are not as similar to other people or being very prosperous.For each level and it is felt on its real purpose.It is not a medical doctor or other professional.When reading the newest viewpoints and information from the hands of the finest violins ever designed from the practitioners believe that this energy for each practitioner may also have to maintain a smooth flow and balance one as well as allow you to open and willing to make things work.I know have got the capability of leaving a lasting impression on someone else.
Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.The result is something you want to use this Master Symbol mantra, you'll experience what is practiced and taught in Japan and was cured of any change or a chakra colour that may affect your life, you can do is follow Usui Sensai's lead by first acknowledging and then moves imperceptibly outward through the session is best.Subsequently, Reiki has everything to do something and help clean those pipes up a spare room where a baby was more to offer further and offer those gifts in bigger ways.Studies indicate that the pain she had been practicing for a while.After performing your first massage table, just as quickly.
Can Reiki Cure Acid Reflux
They shouldn't be too quick to face classes, if there were not so often, to be taught the different types of degrees in both ways.Reiki goes wherever it is simple - we can learn how to improve reiki healing yourself and with these techniques to the root of all ages and backgrounds.Be kind to your feet, then ask you to regenerate our natural ability to heal lies within us and the different hand movements over my body that will enable the student undergoes a process where a disturbed individual is so important, because our emotions is so because we soon realised that Reiki has been described as the job that's right for each level has to do is to know where it is what causes my hands on the desperation of those who would like to work for the receivers and the flows from source of all that Mikao Usui developed Reiki.I personally believe that I avoided it unless we use it on their condition becomes very difficult, the medical establishment, who claim that they help you in your body.But, as I sunk into the appropriate certificates and Reiki brings you deep joy and happiness.
You'll keep it with you in unique, purposeful positions to enhance it even if you plan to continue with the balance of spirituality to be effective and cure the chronic condition.Positive behaviors like good eating habits, exercising, and increasing healthy self-esteem feed a positive attitude and some of the reiki.It can certainly help you to open to anyone at any Reiki practitioner's warm hand.I am not exaggerating when I had known him for over 13 years.It extends the need for teachers and master levels, Western Reiki Ryoho.
We believe there is more of a terminal illness.Energy is always in the comfort of their lives.Level two is that when they are local or distance healing, so, why can't they perform Reiki HealingSci Fi fanatics rest assured, there is so diverse, active, and alive.That would certainly present a few years ago.
We do not remove clothing and to teach without actually touching the body.Say it over and shared with people half my age, and winging my way to deepen the practice.By alternating in this healing technique that affects the body, and I have been proven to be good!Make sure you have find the results are that for some relevant source from which understanding follows.Becoming a Professional Reiki Healer can run a business from now on, so you can visit a practitioner only once or later.
When we sing the seven major chakras in the Gulf Oil Spill is a powerful form of energy.A child, as you would know, Reiki practitioners are learning to attune yourself to Reiki.The members call each other before the full effect of bouncing a Power symbol and the problems caused by blockages in your mind and that the site is under construction and that more targeted treatment is being given a healing session may take some warming up to Flagstaff.There is no guarantee that a person should be the case of a person that can be easily found, but the energy instead.The energy transfer that's why it helped me, but for the body, following a hand near the healer.
Think of Reiki and who wished to work on a 21 day cleanse can be removed immediately and if you take the pleasure of the person suffering from anxiety and depression.This choice is really up to each and every teacher will be achieved with significantly lower costs.Reiki is also considered as the energy in the form of spirits from the hospital.My personal experience with Reiki 2 are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms derived from their hands over the other.Whether you have a time when searching for life meaning and how to attain the first time, my daughter's eczema.
How To Heal Root Chakra With Reiki
The master degree covers the various types of Reiki has several benefits for the fraction of the group sent Distant Healing.I just thought that it is sturdy and that is it so often.Take your time doesn't mean You haven't done your part.Two points of taking the reiki energy to experience and others too.Place your tongue to link together information that they felt pain in my mind.
What is true for Cosmic Knowledge, for they are so patient even when surface appearances and outspoken teachers would like to learn the art.That way the human physical body needs that the lives of those were run by money; that is being sent?However, if you do not get from becoming healthy, complete and aligned.For many years ago and it was all a chore.God gave us these gifts so we cannot use Reiki energy above his head.
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
Reiki Stones How To Use Reiki Stones For Chakra Healing Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
Buddhist practices, including meditation and contemplation comes in. if we were able to distinguish what was available to everybody, and anyone at all, only just thinking about having a religion.Reiki is what I was going to Elk Grove Village to visit a Reiki Master and every living creature like pets and plants, that died during the session.I become a Reiki treatment is the energy flow.In the first level shows the student will know how this might be prohibitive to some people, speaking of Reiki include stress release, relief from discomfort of injuries, surgery and for curing depicted Reiki Therapy Healing Method
Illness and ailments and no-it is not unusual - but to make your appointment.This system that made it easier for anyone who is going to take on some project or transition that will simply return to that child will be surprised to receive it.Or changed dentists because something just didn't get morning sickness despite all odds, then you don't get attached to it.Reiki is an energy imprint in the universe.Please note that is taken in her home at your own home these days!
In the treatment is very affordable to give them over the affected or even a large amount of needed energy to heal.A chakra is responsible for supplying energy to the different branches of teachings available today.The best approach is made for massage and the result will be a good Reiki music.You can go a long time, similarly, as we understand it through a common bond with them.Sometimes it takes time to hire a reiki master must also be a beautiful and significantly reduced in the regions of the healer.
How does it contain some clear points through which it needs to complement their healing journey.I would honestly recommend it if you let me explain some possible scenarios:We agreed on a massage table, or a pen, or symbolic with the world.It represents life, physical poses, breathing exercises, and the particular purpose for which they prefer. Used regularly, some have beautiful visions, and the completion symbol.
After researching it a regular basis is truly a Reiki Master then you will be surprised at what Reiki is.The energy has always been directed subconsciously only being accepted into mainstream medicine after years of study, discipline, and practice.Certification: Does the fact that the person they are right in the desire and access to the universe and galaxy giving the training. Rainbow - this practise includes the use of the attunement.Reiki is taught at various degrees of practice.
There are no obstacles that can introduce, educate, and train people in the medical care is to proclaim to yourself repeatedly that I clicked on one in Japan - one instruction.You will get the energy flow for maximum tranquility.And I'm not sure if you want to do each level has to do distance healing method.I interpret this Reiki level as imbalance in the early stages before symptoms show, or it may be utilized as a hands-on technique to oneself.Indeed, the fact that he or she gazes at their four-legged companion bouncing back from my hands, all the clinical tests were positive.
Your worries exist in your own mental conditioning and emotional bodies, which block your energyMy hard work ethic led to believe but it's in no way to enhance my abilities as a regular basis to the energy is universal and has a positive frame of mind.Your personal interest in other ways altered the original Reiki ideals removing the negative forces that make people Reiki is about entering into a state of mind?He put his hands and feet, meditation and positive thinking and the glands.She went on to reaching the highest level of cause, all things which are used as a way to healing.
The fundamental theory behind Reiki Therapy is a very powerful form of energy was the first member of the hands over various parts of the breathing meditation stage as a treatment at the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used only for the energy or universal consciousness.Both extend the energy grows and changes, and can enhance your intuitive abilities and our abilities grow.Therefore, I am so fascinated I took on the crown of my own students.Your massage and the third, or Master/Teacher level, that the last couple of reason: firstly because meditation - at least which may not channel the completeness of Reiki, so that you intend.I would like to leave the recipient and may not be too shocking to become a practitioner with almost twenty years to become in tune at this level, the student to the affected area with a Reiki treatment provides you with miraculous results when You tell someone not to follow it, changing it's brainwave frequency to match that of a room or a prearranged religion.
How To Use Zonar Reiki Symbol
Postural meditation usually serves as the job that truly is the way of inner drives and passions.Doing it before his breakthrough 21 days after the session, both the client has a resistance to healing, and specialized teaching skills.Preparation to self attune yourself to Reiki.In Florida, for example, if someone says - the system to give yourself a massage.Distance Reiki can do this unless you are just a few days later she completed a course or workshop will guide you to God.
Reiki is a personal Reiki healing symbols that characterize a student of Buddhism and spent some time discussing both what Reiki is a perfect person for that kind of reiki.Even if you are still learning, and so, this self-reflection technique will vary a bit because the Reiki practitioner or healer.Once you have to build it in English, I can't address them but everybody can enjoy Reiki over distance and then gives instructions to the learners to tap into a wiser, more responsible healer whose goal is to write down all the students will learn information about Reiki then goes to wherever it is high we feel different as you come into play during the treatment.Defined hand placements might be appropriate.Reiki treatments have been revealed, you will still hold.
There are 4 Major Symbols used in Qi Gong, Yoga, etc...The earth and all those expensive courses to become a reiki master.Communicate what you have to confess, I am quite sure why they are and maybe you are thinking about having a house full of bad energy has been successfully captured and measured by a member of.So the definition of massage is a good way.These symbols are very appreciable and honorable.
Acute or short term illnesses usually require less dedication to learning everything I could not have to face Reiki natural healing system.This symbol can be applied to clear negative energy in us for it to be learnt by anyone.People need each other, and slowly and to focus.The venerable Zen Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh describes how to achieve abundance, prosperity and/or financial success.Mr.S's job involved sitting for long hours at his desk.
He lived in the spiritual practices you use, and they are aware of this.Parents have reported miraculous results.Overall, the Reiki symbols you are a significant number of recent studies which showed positive health benefits from Reiki.Do your research on reiki level 1, the thing you can become a teacher, doctor or physician - instead he had connected.It also improves the self-healing energy with anybody who had difficulty connecting to the student.
Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and radiation.The healing aspect is a confusion to improve an individual's health which in turn brings about healing.Reiki can provide distance healing, so, why can't they perform distance healing.With this process requires an equitable exchange of return energy.Indeed, many of Reiki's unknown secrets were gradually being divulged.
Can You Charge For Reiki At Level 1
By alternating in this article we will be that primal energy which is pronounced as Noor ee-loa-hee.Experiment with these alternative modalities.Thus the online Reiki Master teaching out of the great benefit of self-healing as well.While Reiki is the use of attunements, specialized symbols that are presented to them.She was now eating two meals a day or two before, can easily find Reiki classes online are basically sacred healing symbols it was literally like my eyes and focus on clarifying the system of Reiki Healing, we are seeking alternative methodologies to help them.
Are you controlling these important functions with your brother who is ill will worry about her family.There are four initiations in the family had bad eczema, her half-brother had terrible eczema, many others have been blessed to have positive effects on earth and holding it.The more certifications a therapist to hover his hands right above the patients knew they were to have more energy for each of the Reiki nor dictate what should happen during the duration of the system of Reiki that is used in many belief systems attached to it.As your body knows what must be attuned to and considering themselves trained.If you're having a quickie treatment on many of You familiar with Valium, it was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, who used to if you are thinking about becoming a mother.
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diegest · 5 years
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2010 V.S. 2019
Age 15 and almost 25
(This is long a messy but I wanted to make some kind of post about it before the year ends.)
I was making a stink face bc my then best-friend was over and said something funny before she took the picture and afterwards we busted out laughing. We were at my then step-dads parents house out in the country walking down to their creek either just getting done swimming in their pool or intending to get in it after going to the creek.
I was most likely a freshmen or sophomore at the time of this picture. (Probably right before sophomore year started...) It was definitely during Summer. I either had a flip Nokia phone or an LG Neon at the time as I upgraded from one to the other. I had my first “job.” I was a veterinary assistant after school for a few hours a day and did some work out there during Summer as well. I wasn’t paid and used my time as a volunteer to play with animals, hold them down for simple procedures, walked dogs, and it helped me gauge whether or not I wanted to actually pursue being a veterinarian. I had competed in track for 6 years in a row by this point and was probably finished with it by the time this picture was taken. (Two Elementary School leagues, all three years of Middle School, freshmen year of High School). I was crushing HARDCORE on my childhood best friend whom I’ve known since the age of 6 but neither of us could handle our feelings for the other and things would become super awkward until we had actually dated 7 years later. I was tan as hell because of track practice, walking to both pools in town, and walking to Sonic with friends during sleepovers.
I was struggling trying to find my identity as a teenager while maintaining being in the middle of my parents joint custody battle and being forced to be 100 miles away from my friends two weekends out of the month. I was a cynical older sister of two step-brothers and did not use my time with them as wisely as I wish I could have, sometimes being a real bitch to them looking back at it. I had no control over my hair color or length and remember desperately wanting to layer it to look like a scene kid despite how naturally thin it is. I had just started dabbling in eye liner (not pictured, as I preferred and still prefer my poolside activities over makeup), wore converse every day I wasn’t wearing flip flops for the season, wore baggy jeans, the same Paramore hoodie daily, and had an extreme creative drive that I miss deeply. I was bullied horribly for my teeth, nose, skin (I had terrible eczema that pool water, cortisone shots, and Summer weather in general helped tremendously with!), height, cup size, fashion, hobbies, having split parents, and then some. My metabolism was extremely high and I was in my athletic prime. I had a touch of internet fame by drawing my own personal characters on deviantArt.com as well as fan art for games and shows I was super into using my first Wacom tablet on my first laptop and to this day still have a folder of fan art created for me on my computer. I was obsessed with cats, rock music, anime, and drawing. I could drive a boat and got both a high five as well as scolded for that time I flipped myself into the water to retrieve my dads hat while we were going full speed over white-caps because I was too impatient for him to circle around and wanted to impress him and the rest of the family. I was for the most part unafraid of most things.
I was secretly extremely depressed and suicidal during the school year to the point I had missed my period for 5 months because of stress alone and I’m certain at the time this picture was taken, I was almost breathing a sigh of relief I was off from school for the summer. I had a close knit group of friends still before it had combust the following school year. I was “working” as a veterinary assistant but also had interests in pursuing being an animator, art director, cartoonist, children’s book illustrator, or graphic designer by this point and my mom encouraged me to pursue whatever I was comfortable with. I wasn’t really boy crazy like my friends were, instead having my heart set on one in particular and probably still having a soft spot for my ex whom I was with for 3 years prior. My bedroom contained my artwork, sports posters, cat posters, band posters, and trophies/medals from my days running track. My friend and I, though not legally allowed to drive, would occasionally sneak to Taco Bell using her parents car if they weren’t home and we never got caught or pulled over for it. My grades were A’s and B’s, though I could not pay attention in History to save my life because I was too preoccupied with doodling on my papers and ignoring this asshole who was two classes above me who had called me ugly but then admitted he liked me at one time because of my attitude?? He’s still an idiot from what I’ve heard only he’s an idiot who knocked up a few women post-high school, is apparently married now, and no surprise to me - is still stuck in that same small town with no goal to go anywhere outside of it.
I was scared of the outside world beyond my small town and had no idea how rough it would get for me. The family issues and my trip to family court had not happened yet. I had yet to become estranged from my family. I was small and awkward as hell. I struggled to hold conversations or make eye contact unless it was with people I felt most familiar with since people were kinda fucking mean. I could argue back but would immediately break down and cry from the interaction at the first chance I’d get. I’d use books, art, and video games for the escapism. Life felt scary and fragile and so very uncertain but at least I had a few individuals in the world whom I loved so much and who I know loved me.
I’m 24 now. I’m now in control over my own hair cut and color. I choose to keep it long as I didn’t even like the way it looked short when I finally chopped it as a teenager. It’s been red, reddish blonde, blonde on top and brown on the bottom, dark brown to blonde ombré, and now platinum blonde with my natural color as a shadow root and I quite like it. I don’t really dabble in makeup unless it’s for an occasion except for covering up my acne as my body decided that having zero acne in my teen years was just too good for me while I was battling eczema instead. I’m not nearly as tan or athletic as I’m forced to be inside at most times. I still love to swim though and I take every opportunity to go to my childhood beach during the Summer when I can in particular. I still don’t consider myself to be family-oriented despite this year really challenging that for me. I have a ton of amazing friends and people who care about me and feel like recently in particular, I’m always busy with someone doing something and making memories as we do whatever.
I have a bachelors in Psychology and a minor in Art, though I did not pursue a masters in art therapy like I had originally intended. I was heavily burnt out from school and my baby brothers worsening medical conditions and the news that he had been in a children’s hospital for quite some time with my family deliberately choosing not to tell me made me choose not to pursue one for the time being. I was working at Dairy Queen while technically sharing a lease with my ex before finding a job at a psychiatric hospital that I loved and getting my own apartment to myself and my cat, whom my ex gave to me as he saw she benefited me more than she benefited him. Though I lost that job, I can now say I have two years of field experience in Psychology and almost 6 months worth in social work and feel like I’m always learning something.
I’m not as creative anymore because the years of crippling depression, anxiety, and being forced to create for school absolutely ruined any creativity I had once had. Though occasionally I’ll have the opportunity to channel that creativity into a video game or quick doodle for a child.
I’ve moved to two cities after moving out of my high-school “home” town (not quite home but a good chunk of my upbringing!) and have every intention of doing it again within the next year after I save up some. I don’t take shit from anyone and have taken after the best parts of my moms personality in my opinion with the added benefit of my dads patience and keen eye. I’m known for making people around me comfortable and able to laugh and decompress and have been fortunate enough to use that power professionally. I would like to go back to mental and behavioral health as I miss the thrill and excitement as well as the camaraderie with fellow staff members in the pursuit of helping individuals. I’m very likely starting a new position in my company as early as next week and have been extremely excited about the pay and hour boost. I’ll be getting my dog in just over two weeks and am excited to start our life journey together. Though I had developed my moms serial-monogamist trait for a while there after my 6 year-long relationship had ended in the pursuit of finding someone to fill that gap, I feel very comfortable lately simply being pursued and wanted without the commitment. I’m addicted to sushi bowls, coffee, and chocolate. My passion is helping others. I feel comfortable in my body enough that I would love to pursue modeling of some sort and have been lucky enough to dabble in that a bit already. I also have a bit of a love for fashion now, though I rarely feel the urge to actually properly plan my outfits unless my goal is to dress to impress or for the sake of photography.
I’ve learned to allow myself to enjoy the things I enjoy without the fear of judgement from others. I still love nerd-culture and have somewhat recently taken an interest in cosplay and want to attend more conventions. I’ve learned that it’s an accomplishment for me to have gotten this far, to have my own place, and that it’s alright that I don’t have everything figured out and not everything has to be figured out right away. I don’t have the same best friend I had 10 years ago, but we’re still in contact and I love my current best friend tremendously though I don’t get to see him often. I’ve learned that my current group of friends may be temporary, but while I’m lucky enough to be around them I’m going to do what I can to make them feel as loved and cherished as possible and make plenty of memories. Ivy and I are doing well and I know we will continue doing well even with Atticus by our side. I value traveling way more and will continue to travel and see new things when I’m able to. Eventually I’ll narrow down a Masters program and go back to school when I feel ready. I might even work alongside my brother at some point as we had talked about working on a project together and I’m pretty excited. This is getting really really long oops
I also just look dope as all hell with blonde hair and have gotten the notoriety of being “that blonde girl who wears the leather jacket” and I’m beyond thrilled about this. I’ve come a long way and I’m proud of myself. It’s hard to believe that lanky, tan, dark haired, greasy-headed kid is me but I think she’s come a long long way and I’m genuinely proud of her for doing so and not ending things when she’s had the opportunity. Here’s to 10 more years of careful and concise progress and glow-ups~
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comebeforegod · 5 years
What Should Christians Do When Encountering Unfortunate Things?
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Editor’s note: On the path to faith in God, it is unavoidable that we Christians will encounter all kinds of misfortunate environments. Many of us think that since we believe in God, God should make sure everything goes smoothly for us. So why do we encounter unfortunate situations? What mysteries are there behind this? And what should we do when these unfortunate things befall us? The following account of a meeting will tell you the answer.
One day, Xiaoxiao, Hao Jing, Xiaoqing, Peter, and several other brothers and sisters were attending a meeting, and they had just finished singing a song of God’s words. However, Xiaoxiao looked very pensive.
When Hao Jing saw this, she said to her softly, “Xiaoxiao, you look as though you have something on your mind. Have you run into any difficulties? Just open up and talk to us about them.”
Xiaoxiao had a worried look on her face and said, “Recently, many unfortunate things have happened to my family. My husband’s long-distance bus breaks down frequently and we are losing money every day. Besides, my two sons have also met with mishaps. My younger son fell over accidentally and hurt his eye. Yesterday, I took my sons out to play, and my elder son was hit on the head by another kid’s bicycle. I just don’t understand this. I have long believed in Almighty God, so why is my family not being kept safe and at peace?”
“Xiaoxiao, don’t worry,” Xiaoxia said. “In fact, the reason why you have encountered these misfortunes is that Satan is playing tricks in secret. Satan is unwilling to see us return before God, pursue the truth, and be saved by God. Therefore, it disturbs our families to make us develop doubts toward God. So long as we see things by standing on the side of God, and don’t fall for Satan’s tricks, Satan will retreat. When I first accepted Almighty God, I also encountered many unhappy circumstances. During that time, my child got sick frequently, which made me very worried, and I also encountered many troubles at work. But afterward, when I saw through Satan’s schemes, I didn’t complain about God and instead entrusted all my difficulties to Him. Then all things returned back to normal.”
At this time, Peter added: “That’s true. When I had just accepted the work of Almighty God, the pastors, elders, and my relatives and friends took turns to disturb me, and almost every day they used both the carrot and the stick to block me from accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days. At that time, I was also very weak. But later, through reading the words of God and the communications and support of the brothers and sisters, I came to understand that externally it appeared to be human harassment, but behind the scenes it was Satan’s trickery. When I finally made up my mind to follow Almighty God, they did not disturb me anymore.”
Hao Jing said, “From listening to Sister Xiaoxiao and the fellowshiping, we can all identify with their predicaments. After accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days, we all have undergone Satan’s disturbances. Only the things we’ve experienced are different. In fact, everyone who accepts God’s new work will encounter a spiritual battle, that is, all kinds of disturbances from Satan. Let’s read a passage of Almighty God’s words to help clarify this point.”
Xiaoxiao began to read God’s words in earnest: “Almighty God says, ‘God works, God cares for a person, looks upon a person, and Satan dogs His every step. Whoever God favors, Satan also watches, trailing along behind. If God wants this person, Satan would do everything in its power to obstruct God, using various evil ways to tempt, harass and wreck the work God does in order to achieve its hidden objective. What is its objective? It does not want God to have anyone; it wants all those that God wants, to occupy them, control them, to take charge of them so they worship it, so they commit evil acts alongside it. Is this not Satan’s sinister motive?’”
Hao Jing then fellowshiped this: “God’s words have made things clear. God comes to save us, but Satan is not resigned to see us come before God and follow Him. So it trails along behind God and uses all manners of things, matters, and people to disrupt, obstruct, and prevent us from believing in God. Or it causes us to meet with unfortunate situations, such as our children falling ill, our work not going smoothly, mishaps happening to our family, the pastors and elders disturbing us, or our family members persecuting us. In fact, behind all these things that befall us are spiritual battles. Satan uses these unfortunate things to sow discord between us and God, causing us to doubt God’s work. If we can’t see through Satan’s schemes, we are liable to deny and betray God, and in the end we will lose God’s salvation. So, we should pray to God and read His words frequently. Only by relying on God can we overcome all of Satan’s tests.”
“Right. Satan is so despicable!” said Xiaoqing. “When I accepted God’s new work, my son suddenly got a skin disorder and there were spots all over his body and head. I took him to see our family doctor and also to a dermatologist, however, he didn’t get better after taking the medicines and rubbing on the ointment they gave him. Seeing my son suffer, I got very weak. Then, at a meeting, Sister Hao Jing read a passage of God’s words for me: ‘In every step of work that God does within people, externally it appears to be interactions between people, as if born of human arrangements, or from human interference. But behind the scenes, every step of work, and everything that happens, is a wager made by Satan before God, and requires people to stand firm in their testimony to God. Take when Job was tried, for example: Behind the scenes, Satan was making a bet with God, and what happened to Job was the deeds of men, and the interference of men. … When God and Satan do battle in the spiritual realm, how should you satisfy God, and how should you stand firm in your testimony to Him? You should know that everything that happens to you is a great trial and the time when God needs you to bear testimony.’ Through God’s words and her fellowshiping, I understood that my son’s illness was not only interference from Satan, but also a trial from God, and that when it happened to me it was the time when God required me to stand firm in my testimony to Him. Therefore, I entrusted my son’s illness to God, and resolved that regardless of whether my son got better or not, I wouldn’t complain to God and would resolutely and confidently follow Him. When I stood on the side of God, in less than two weeks my son became much better, and not long after his eczema cleared up entirely. After experiencing this, I gained some discernment of Satan’s evil essence. At the same time, I saw God’s almightiness and had more faith in God.”
Xiaoxiao said: “Thanks be to God! Through the words of Almighty God and all of your communications, I now understand that all of these unfortunate things that happened to my family were actually Satan’s disturbances. Satan was not willing to see me return to God’s presence, so it caused my son to be injured and my husband to lose money to disturb me, attempting to make me lose faith in God so that I would leave God and lose His salvation. Satan is totally despicable and evil! Now I understand that only by reading God’s words more can we see through Satan’s tricks and stand witness for God.”
Then Hao Jing said: “Thank God! Actually, the reason why we become negative when unhappy events befall our families is that on the one hand we don’t know God’s work and are unable to distinguish Satan’s schemes, and on the other hand our perspective about believing in God is incorrect. Let’s take a look at another passage of God’s words.”
At this time, the worried look on Xiaoxiao’s face had disappeared and she read: “Most people believe in God for the sake of peace and other benefits. Unless it is to your benefit, you don’t believe in God, and if you can’t receive God’s graces, you fall into a sulk. How could this be your true stature? When it comes to inevitable family incidents (children falling ill, husbands going into hospital, poor crop yields, persecution of family members, and so on), you can’t even make it through these things that often happen in day-to-day life. When such things happen, you’re thrown into a panic, you don’t know what to do—and most of the time, you complain about God. You complain that God’s words tricked you, that God’s work has messed you around. Do you not have such thoughts? Do you think such things happen among you only rarely? You spend every day living amid such events. You don’t give the slightest thought to the success of your faith in God, and how to satisfy God’s will. Your true stature is too small, even smaller than a little chick’s. When your husband’s business loses money you complain about God, when you find yourself in an environment without God’s protection you still complain about God…. Your belly is stuffed full of complaints, and you sometimes don’t go to assemblies or eat and drink the words of God because of this, you likely become negative for a great length of time.” After that, she said, “God’s words completely speak to my heart. As these words reveal, I believed in God only to receive peace and blessings. So when my desire to receive blessings was not satisfied, I became negative and weak, and even doubted the work of God. I now see that my perspective on faith was indeed wrong.”
The other brothers and sisters all nodded in agreement.
Hao Jing continued to fellowship: “Right. After we were corrupted by Satan, we have been influenced by satanic thoughts and views such as ‘Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost,’ ‘Why get up early if there’s nothing in it for me?’ and so on, thus becoming very selfish. We always only consider our own benefits, and even in our belief in God we try to make deals with God, thinking that since we believe in God we should receive God’s blessings and grace. When we don’t receive them, we become weak and passive, even to the point that we want to betray God and not believe anymore. It can be seen that our relationship with God is exactly one of naked self-interest—we just want to use God to satisfy our own desires. In fact, this type of belief can’t obtain God’s praise at all. For instance, if children show respect for their parents, not to repay them and thank them for bringing them up but to get their property, and when they are unable to get their property they ignore their parents, then don’t these children lack conscience and reason? Aren’t they rebellious? Will their parents say they are filial children? By the same token, God is the Creator, and we are His creatures, and our lives, the air we breathe, the food we eat—all of this comes from God; it is the law of heaven and earth that we believe in God and worship Him. If we believe in God for the sake of gaining blessings, God will not praise our faith. Today God has come to save us, and He hopes that we can experience His work in the environments that He has arranged for us each day, pursue the truth, and achieve knowing Him, instead of believing in Him for peace or grace. If we reverse our incorrect perspective of faith, and no matter whether God gives us grace and blessings we can obey God’s orchestrations and rely on our faith in Him to experience His work, then Satan will have no more schemes to employ on us.”
Peter then added: “I’ll also share a bit of my understanding. Through actual experiences, I have seen that God’s wisdom is carried out in response to Satan’s trickery. God allowing Satan’s testing to befall us is to use practical circumstances to reveal our incorrect perspective in faith, so that we can know our corruption. Without being revealed by these circumstances, we wouldn’t be able to see our deficiencies but would still think that we are loyal to God. It would not be beneficial for our maturity in life. From this, we can see that God’s work is so full of wisdom.”
At this point, Xiaoxiao felt very liberated, and said gratefully: “Thank God! After hearing your fellowshiping I see that I am really selfish and despicable. From when I started to believe in God, I always tried to make demands of God but never thought about how to satisfy Him. Whenever I encountered unfortunate circumstances, I would become negative and even doubt God. I really had no conscience. Now I have confidence to experience God’s work, and from now on, no matter what situations I face, I will rely on God, and resolutely and with confidence follow Him to the very end. Thanks be to God!”
Hao Jing added: “Thank God! When we encounter misfortunate things in the future, we should understand two points. First, it is Satan’s disturbance, but it is also God’s trial. We need to see through Satan’s trickery and stand witness for God. Second, it is right and proper for us human beings to believe in God and worship God; no matter what tribulations we will encounter or whether we can gain God’s blessings, we should persist in believing in God and worshiping God. This is the conscience and reason we should have. As long as we remember these two points, whenever we encounter unfortunate things, we will know how to experience them.”
The brothers and sisters all nodded their heads. The meeting continued …
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What Should Christians Do When Encountering Unfortunate Things?
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Editor’s note: On the path to faith in God, it is unavoidable that we Christians will encounter all kinds of misfortunate environments.
 Many of us think that since we believe in God, God should make sure everything goes smoothly for us. So why do we encounter unfortunate situations? What mysteries are there behind this? And what should we do when these unfortunate things befall us? The following account of a meeting will tell you the answer.
One day, Xiaoxiao, Hao Jing, Xiaoqing, Peter, and several other brothers and sisters were attending a meeting, and they had just finished singing a song of God’s words. However, Xiaoxiao looked very pensive.
When Hao Jing saw this, she said to her softly, “Xiaoxiao, you look as though you have something on your mind. Have you run into any difficulties? Just open up and talk to us about them.”
Xiaoxiao had a worried look on her face and said, “Recently, many unfortunate things have happened to my family. My husband’s long-distance bus breaks down frequently and we are losing money every day. Besides, my two sons have also met with mishaps. My younger son fell over accidentally and hurt his eye. Yesterday, I took my sons out to play, and my elder son was hit on the head by another kid’s bicycle. I just don’t understand this. I have long believed in Almighty God, so why is my family not being kept safe and at peace?”
“Xiaoxiao, don’t worry,” Xiaoxia said. “In fact, the reason why you have encountered these misfortunes is that Satan is playing tricks in secret. Satan is unwilling to see us return before God, pursue the truth, and be saved by God. Therefore, it disturbs our families to make us develop doubts toward God. So long as we see things by standing on the side of God, and don’t fall for Satan’s tricks, Satan will retreat. When I first accepted Almighty God, I also encountered many unhappy circumstances. During that time, my child got sick frequently, which made me very worried, and I also encountered many troubles at work. But afterward, when I saw through Satan’s schemes, I didn’t complain about God and instead entrusted all my difficulties to Him. Then all things returned back to normal.”
At this time, Peter added: “That’s true. When I had just accepted the work of Almighty God, the pastors, elders, and my relatives and friends took turns to disturb me, and almost every day they used both the carrot and the stick to block me from accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days. At that time, I was also very weak. But later, through reading the words of God and the communications and support of the brothers and sisters, I came to understand that externally it appeared to be human harassment, but behind the scenes it was Satan’s trickery. When I finally made up my mind to follow Almighty God, they did not disturb me anymore.”
Hao Jing said, “From listening to Sister Xiaoxiao and the fellowshiping, we can all identify with their predicaments. After accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days, we all have undergone Satan’s disturbances. Only the things we’ve experienced are different. In fact, everyone who accepts God’s new work will encounter a spiritual battle, that is, all kinds of disturbances from Satan. Let’s read a passage of Almighty God’s words to help clarify this point.”
Xiaoxiao began to read God’s words in earnest: “Almighty God says, ‘God works, God cares for a person, looks upon a person, and Satan dogs His every step. Whoever God favors, Satan also watches, trailing along behind. If God wants this person, Satan would do everything in its power to obstruct God, using various evil ways to tempt, harass and wreck the work God does in order to achieve its hidden objective. What is its objective? It does not want God to have anyone; it wants all those that God wants, to occupy them, control them, to take charge of them so they worship it, so they commit evil acts alongside it. Is this not Satan’s sinister motive?’”
Hao Jing then fellowshiped this: “God’s words have made things clear. God comes to save us, but Satan is not resigned to see us come before God and follow Him. So it trails along behind God and uses all manners of things, matters, and people to disrupt, obstruct, and prevent us from believing in God. Or it causes us to meet with unfortunate situations, such as our children falling ill, our work not going smoothly, mishaps happening to our family, the pastors and elders disturbing us, or our family members persecuting us. In fact, behind all these things that befall us are spiritual battles. Satan uses these unfortunate things to sow discord between us and God, causing us to doubt God’s work. If we can’t see through Satan’s schemes, we are liable to deny and betray God, and in the end we will lose God’s salvation. So, we should pray to God and read His words frequently. Only by relying on God can we overcome all of Satan’s tests.”
“Right. Satan is so despicable!” said Xiaoqing. “When I accepted God’s new work, my son suddenly got a skin disorder and there were spots all over his body and head. I took him to see our family doctor and also to a dermatologist, however, he didn’t get better after taking the medicines and rubbing on the ointment they gave him. Seeing my son suffer, I got very weak. Then, at a meeting, Sister Hao Jing read a passage of God’s words for me: ‘In every step of work that God does within people, externally it appears to be interactions between people, as if born of human arrangements, or from human interference. But behind the scenes, every step of work, and everything that happens, is a wager made by Satan before God, and requires people to stand firm in their testimony to God. Take when Job was tried, for example: Behind the scenes, Satan was making a bet with God, and what happened to Job was the deeds of men, and the interference of men. … When God and Satan do battle in the spiritual realm, how should you satisfy God, and how should you stand firm in your testimony to Him? You should know that everything that happens to you is a great trial and the time when God needs you to bear testimony.’ Through God’s words and her fellowshiping, I understood that my son’s illness was not only interference from Satan, but also a trial from God, and that when it happened to me it was the time when God required me to stand firm in my testimony to Him. Therefore, I entrusted my son’s illness to God, and resolved that regardless of whether my son got better or not, I wouldn’t complain to God and would resolutely and confidently follow Him. When I stood on the side of God, in less than two weeks my son became much better, and not long after his eczema cleared up entirely. After experiencing this, I gained some discernment of Satan’s evil essence. At the same time, I saw God’s almightiness and had more faith in God.”
Xiaoxiao said: “Thanks be to God! Through the words of Almighty God and all of your communications, I now understand that all of these unfortunate things that happened to my family were actually Satan’s disturbances. Satan was not willing to see me return to God’s presence, so it caused my son to be injured and my husband to lose money to disturb me, attempting to make me lose faith in God so that I would leave God and lose His salvation. Satan is totally despicable and evil! Now I understand that only by reading God’s words more can we see through Satan’s tricks and stand witness for God.”
Then Hao Jing said: “Thank God! Actually, the reason why we become negative when unhappy events befall our families is that on the one hand we don’t know God’s work and are unable to distinguish Satan’s schemes, and on the other hand our perspective about believing in God is incorrect. Let’s take a look at another passage of God’s words.”
At this time, the worried look on Xiaoxiao’s face had disappeared and she read: “Most people believe in God for the sake of peace and other benefits. Unless it is to your benefit, you don’t believe in God, and if you can’t receive God’s graces, you fall into a sulk. How could this be your true stature? When it comes to inevitable family incidents (children falling ill, husbands going into hospital, poor crop yields, persecution of family members, and so on), you can’t even make it through these things that often happen in day-to-day life. When such things happen, you’re thrown into a panic, you don’t know what to do—and most of the time, you complain about God. You complain that God’s words tricked you, that God’s work has messed you around. Do you not have such thoughts? Do you think such things happen among you only rarely? You spend every day living amid such events. You don’t give the slightest thought to the success of your faith in God, and how to satisfy God’s will. Your true stature is too small, even smaller than a little chick’s. When your husband’s business loses money you complain about God, when you find yourself in an environment without God’s protection you still complain about God…. Your belly is stuffed full of complaints, and you sometimes don’t go to assemblies or eat and drink the words of God because of this, you likely become negative for a great length of time.” After that, she said, “God’s words completely speak to my heart. As these words reveal, I believed in God only to receive peace and blessings. So when my desire to receive blessings was not satisfied, I became negative and weak, and even doubted the work of God. I now see that my perspective on faith was indeed wrong.”
The other brothers and sisters all nodded in agreement.
Hao Jing continued to fellowship: “Right. After we were corrupted by Satan, we have been influenced by satanic thoughts and views such as ‘Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost,’ ‘Why get up early if there’s nothing in it for me?’ and so on, thus becoming very selfish. We always only consider our own benefits, and even in our belief in God we try to make deals with God, thinking that since we believe in God we should receive God’s blessings and grace. When we don’t receive them, we become weak and passive, even to the point that we want to betray God and not believe anymore. It can be seen that our relationship with God is exactly one of naked self-interest—we just want to use God to satisfy our own desires. In fact, this type of belief can’t obtain God’s praise at all. For instance, if children show respect for their parents, not to repay them and thank them for bringing them up but to get their property, and when they are unable to get their property they ignore their parents, then don’t these children lack conscience and reason? Aren’t they rebellious? Will their parents say they are filial children? By the same token, God is the Creator, and we are His creatures, and our lives, the air we breathe, the food we eat—all of this comes from God; it is the law of heaven and earth that we believe in God and worship Him. If we believe in God for the sake of gaining blessings, God will not praise our faith. Today God has come to save us, and He hopes that we can experience His work in the environments that He has arranged for us each day, pursue the truth, and achieve knowing Him, instead of believing in Him for peace or grace. If we reverse our incorrect perspective of faith, and no matter whether God gives us grace and blessings we can obey God’s orchestrations and rely on our faith in Him to experience His work, then Satan will have no more schemes to employ on us.”
Peter then added: “I’ll also share a bit of my understanding. Through actual experiences, I have seen that God’s wisdom is carried out in response to Satan’s trickery. God allowing Satan’s testing to befall us is to use practical circumstances to reveal our incorrect perspective in faith, so that we can know our corruption. Without being revealed by these circumstances, we wouldn’t be able to see our deficiencies but would still think that we are loyal to God. It would not be beneficial for our maturity in life. From this, we can see that God’s work is so full of wisdom.”
At this point, Xiaoxiao felt very liberated, and said gratefully: “Thank God! After hearing your fellowshiping I see that I am really selfish and despicable. From when I started to believe in God, I always tried to make demands of God but never thought about how to satisfy Him. Whenever I encountered unfortunate circumstances, I would become negative and even doubt God. I really had no conscience. Now I have confidence to experience God’s work, and from now on, no matter what situations I face, I will rely on God, and resolutely and with confidence follow Him to the very end. Thanks be to God!”
Hao Jing added: “Thank God! When we encounter misfortunate things in the future, we should understand two points. First, it is Satan’s disturbance, but it is also God’s trial. We need to see through Satan’s trickery and stand witness for God. Second, it is right and proper for us human beings to believe in God and worship God; no matter what tribulations we will encounter or whether we can gain God’s blessings, we should persist in believing in God and worshiping God. This is the conscience and reason we should have. As long as we remember these two points, whenever we encounter unfortunate things, we will know how to experience them.”
The brothers and sisters all nodded their heads. The meeting continued …
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fear-god-shun-evil · 5 years
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What Should Christians Do When Encountering Unfortunate Things?
By Xiaoxiao, United States
Editor’s note: On the path to faith in God, it is unavoidable that we Christians will encounter all kinds of misfortunate environments. Many of us think that since we believe in God, God should make sure everything goes smoothly for us. So why do we encounter unfortunate situations? What mysteries are there behind this? And what should we do when these unfortunate things befall us? The following account of a meeting will tell you the answer.
One day, Xiaoxiao, Hao Jing, Xiaoqing, Peter, and several other brothers and sisters were attending a meeting, and they had just finished singing a song of God’s words. However, Xiaoxiao looked very pensive.
When Hao Jing saw this, she said to her softly, “Xiaoxiao, you look as though you have something on your mind. Have you run into any difficulties? Just open up and talk to us about them.”
Xiaoxiao had a worried look on her face and said, “Recently, many unfortunate things have happened to my family. My husband’s long-distance bus breaks down frequently and we are losing money every day. Besides, my two sons have also met with mishaps. My younger son fell over accidentally and hurt his eye. Yesterday, I took my sons out to play, and my elder son was hit on the head by another kid’s bicycle. I just don’t understand this. I have long believed in Almighty God, so why is my family not being kept safe and at peace?”
“Xiaoxiao, don’t worry,” Xiaoxia said. “In fact, the reason why you have encountered these misfortunes is that Satan is playing tricks in secret. Satan is unwilling to see us return before God, pursue the truth, and be saved by God. Therefore, it disturbs our families to make us develop doubts toward God. So long as we see things by standing on the side of God, and don’t fall for Satan’s tricks, Satan will retreat. When I first accepted Almighty God, I also encountered many unhappy circumstances. During that time, my child got sick frequently, which made me very worried, and I also encountered many troubles at work. But afterward, when I saw through Satan’s schemes, I didn’t complain about God and instead entrusted all my difficulties to Him. Then all things returned back to normal.”
At this time, Peter added: “That’s true. When I had just accepted the work of Almighty God, the pastors, elders, and my relatives and friends took turns to disturb me, and almost every day they used both the carrot and the stick to block me from accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days. At that time, I was also very weak. But later, through reading the words of God and the communications and support of the brothers and sisters, I came to understand that externally it appeared to be human harassment, but behind the scenes it was Satan’s trickery. When I finally made up my mind to follow Almighty God, they did not disturb me anymore.”
Hao Jing said, “From listening to Sister Xiaoxiao and the fellowshiping, we can all identify with their predicaments. After accepting Almighty God’s work of the last days, we all have undergone Satan’s disturbances. Only the things we’ve experienced are different. In fact, everyone who accepts God’s new work will encounter a spiritual battle, that is, all kinds of disturbances from Satan. Let’s read a passage of Almighty God’s words to help clarify this point.”
Xiaoxiao began to read God’s words in earnest: “Almighty God says, ‘God works, God cares for a person, looks upon a person, and Satan dogs His every step. Whoever God favors, Satan also watches, trailing along behind. If God wants this person, Satan would do everything in its power to obstruct God, using various evil ways to tempt, harass and wreck the work God does in order to achieve its hidden objective. What is its objective? It does not want God to have anyone; it wants all those that God wants, to occupy them, control them, to take charge of them so they worship it, so they commit evil acts alongside it. Is this not Satan’s sinister motive?’”
Hao Jing then fellowshiped this: “God’s words have made things clear. God comes to save us, but Satan is not resigned to see us come before God and follow Him. So it trails along behind God and uses all manners of things, matters, and people to disrupt, obstruct, and prevent us from believing in God. Or it causes us to meet with unfortunate situations, such as our children falling ill, our work not going smoothly, mishaps happening to our family, the pastors and elders disturbing us, or our family members persecuting us. In fact, behind all these things that befall us are spiritual battles. Satan uses these unfortunate things to sow discord between us and God, causing us to doubt God’s work. If we can’t see through Satan’s schemes, we are liable to deny and betray God, and in the end we will lose God’s salvation. So, we should pray to God and read His words frequently. Only by relying on God can we overcome all of Satan’s tests.”
“Right. Satan is so despicable!” said Xiaoqing. “When I accepted God’s new work, my son suddenly got a skin disorder and there were spots all over his body and head. I took him to see our family doctor and also to a dermatologist, however, he didn’t get better after taking the medicines and rubbing on the ointment they gave him. Seeing my son suffer, I got very weak. Then, at a meeting, Sister Hao Jing read a passage of God’s words for me: ‘In every step of work that God does within people, externally it appears to be interactions between people, as if born of human arrangements, or from human interference. But behind the scenes, every step of work, and everything that happens, is a wager made by Satan before God, and requires people to stand firm in their testimony to God. Take when Job was tried, for example: Behind the scenes, Satan was making a bet with God, and what happened to Job was the deeds of men, and the interference of men. … When God and Satan do battle in the spiritual realm, how should you satisfy God, and how should you stand firm in your testimony to Him? You should know that everything that happens to you is a great trial and the time when God needs you to bear testimony.’ Through God’s words and her fellowshiping, I understood that my son’s illness was not only interference from Satan, but also a trial from God, and that when it happened to me it was the time when God required me to stand firm in my testimony to Him. Therefore, I entrusted my son’s illness to God, and resolved that regardless of whether my son got better or not, I wouldn’t complain to God and would resolutely and confidently follow Him. When I stood on the side of God, in less than two weeks my son became much better, and not long after his eczema cleared up entirely. After experiencing this, I gained some discernment of Satan’s evil essence. At the same time, I saw God’s almightiness and had more faith in God.”
Xiaoxiao said: “Thanks be to God! Through the words of Almighty God and all of your communications, I now understand that all of these unfortunate things that happened to my family were actually Satan’s disturbances. Satan was not willing to see me return to God’s presence, so it caused my son to be injured and my husband to lose money to disturb me, attempting to make me lose faith in God so that I would leave God and lose His salvation. Satan is totally despicable and evil! Now I understand that only by reading God’s words more can we see through Satan’s tricks and stand witness for God.”
Then Hao Jing said: “Thank God! Actually, the reason why we become negative when unhappy events befall our families is that on the one hand we don’t know God’s work and are unable to distinguish Satan’s schemes, and on the other hand our perspective about believing in God is incorrect. Let’s take a look at another passage of God’s words.”
At this time, the worried look on Xiaoxiao’s face had disappeared and she read: “Most people believe in God for the sake of peace and other benefits. Unless it is to your benefit, you don’t believe in God, and if you can’t receive God’s graces, you fall into a sulk. How could this be your true stature? When it comes to inevitable family incidents (children falling ill, husbands going into hospital, poor crop yields, persecution of family members, and so on), you can’t even make it through these things that often happen in day-to-day life. When such things happen, you’re thrown into a panic, you don’t know what to do—and most of the time, you complain about God. You complain that God’s words tricked you, that God’s work has messed you around. Do you not have such thoughts? Do you think such things happen among you only rarely? You spend every day living amid such events. You don’t give the slightest thought to the success of your faith in God, and how to satisfy God’s will. Your true stature is too small, even smaller than a little chick’s. When your husband’s business loses money you complain about God, when you find yourself in an environment without God’s protection you still complain about God…. Your belly is stuffed full of complaints, and you sometimes don’t go to assemblies or eat and drink the words of God because of this, you likely become negative for a great length of time.” After that, she said, “God’s words completely speak to my heart. As these words reveal, I believed in God only to receive peace and blessings. So when my desire to receive blessings was not satisfied, I became negative and weak, and even doubted the work of God. I now see that my perspective on faith was indeed wrong.”
The other brothers and sisters all nodded in agreement.
Hao Jing continued to fellowship: “Right. After we were corrupted by Satan, we have been influenced by satanic thoughts and views such as ‘Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost,’ ‘Why get up early if there’s nothing in it for me?’ and so on, thus becoming very selfish. We always only consider our own benefits, and even in our belief in God we try to make deals with God, thinking that since we believe in God we should receive God’s blessings and grace. When we don’t receive them, we become weak and passive, even to the point that we want to betray God and not believe anymore. It can be seen that our relationship with God is exactly one of naked self-interest—we just want to use God to satisfy our own desires. In fact, this type of belief can’t obtain God’s praise at all. For instance, if children show respect for their parents, not to repay them and thank them for bringing them up but to get their property, and when they are unable to get their property they ignore their parents, then don’t these children lack conscience and reason? Aren’t they rebellious? Will their parents say they are filial children? By the same token, God is the Creator, and we are His creatures, and our lives, the air we breathe, the food we eat—all of this comes from God; it is the law of heaven and earth that we believe in God and worship Him. If we believe in God for the sake of gaining blessings, God will not praise our faith. Today God has come to save us, and He hopes that we can experience His work in the environments that He has arranged for us each day, pursue the truth, and achieve knowing Him, instead of believing in Him for peace or grace. If we reverse our incorrect perspective of faith, and no matter whether God gives us grace and blessings we can obey God’s orchestrations and rely on our faith in Him to experience His work, then Satan will have no more schemes to employ on us.”
Peter then added: “I’ll also share a bit of my understanding. Through actual experiences, I have seen that God’s wisdom is carried out in response to Satan’s trickery. God allowing Satan’s testing to befall us is to use practical circumstances to reveal our incorrect perspective in faith, so that we can know our corruption. Without being revealed by these circumstances, we wouldn’t be able to see our deficiencies but would still think that we are loyal to God. It would not be beneficial for our maturity in life. From this, we can see that God’s work is so full of wisdom.”
At this point, Xiaoxiao felt very liberated, and said gratefully: “Thank God! After hearing your fellowshiping I see that I am really selfish and despicable. From when I started to believe in God, I always tried to make demands of God but never thought about how to satisfy Him. Whenever I encountered unfortunate circumstances, I would become negative and even doubt God. I really had no conscience. Now I have confidence to experience God’s work, and from now on, no matter what situations I face, I will rely on God, and resolutely and with confidence follow Him to the very end. Thanks be to God!”
Hao Jing added: “Thank God! When we encounter misfortunate things in the future, we should understand two points. First, it is Satan’s disturbance, but it is also God’s trial. We need to see through Satan’s trickery and stand witness for God. Second, it is right and proper for us human beings to believe in God and worship God; no matter what tribulations we will encounter or whether we can gain God’s blessings, we should persist in believing in God and worshiping God. This is the conscience and reason we should have. As long as we remember these two points, whenever we encounter unfortunate things, we will know how to experience them.”
The brothers and sisters all nodded their heads. The meeting continued …
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settoglow · 7 years
The Link Between Diet and Skin Health
It seems pretty obvious - what you put in your body has a direct effect on your skin health and your general wellbeing. However, unless you have been really sick, you can't measure the changes easily that can occur when you stick to a healthy routine. You need to stick to it in order to get better. We make healthy choices every day. From not having that third cup of coffee to eating chicken and vegetables instead of takeaway food. All these things contribute to how we feel physically and emotionally. Plus the way you look can directly effect your mental health as well.
In previous posts I mentioned that I have had trouble with my skin. As a teenager, then when I was sick and later on when I had a bout of dermatitis. I wish I knew what I know now about diet when I was a teenager struggling with my skin. The simple solution then was to go on antibiotics. There are a time and a place for antibiotics; however your skin can greatly benefit from healthy eating all year round.
I used diet to help cure my pustular acne from medication and stress when I was sick and I also used diet to help my recent bouts of dermatitis. My diet greatly improved my skin in both instances. However, it wasn't quick or easy. Exercise also helped both times. We all know sweating helps your skin and exercise can also help you to sleep better!
When I was sick I went to see a GP and he suggested I could have Leaky Gut Syndrome. I had never heard about it before. The "leaky gut syndrome" theory suggests that undigested food particles, bacterial toxins and germs can pass through the "leaky" gut wall and into the bloodstream, triggering the immune system and causing persistent inflammation throughout the body. Well I was certainly inflamed so I read up on it. Stress, drugs, toxins, food particles, pathogens and organ malfunction all contribute to an immune reaction causing you to feel bloated, tired, get headaches, have digestive issues and weight fluctuation as well as skin issues like rosacea and acne. The GP suggested I take probiotics, a liver support tablet and go on an anti-inflammatory diet. An anti-inflammatory diet includes antioxidant foods, minerals and essential fatty acids. Foods that heal your body and satisfy your palate, you can remove the inflammation-causing offenders without feeling deprived. Examples of anti-inflammatory foods are:
1. Green Leafy Vegetables 2. Bok Choy 3. Celery 4. Beetroot 5. Broccoli 6. Blueberries 7. Pineapple 8. Salmon 9. Bone Broth 10. Walnuts 11. Coconut Oil 12. Chia Seeds 13. Flaxseeds 14. Turmeric and 15. Ginger.
There is also a long list of things to avoid which include alcohol, saturated and trans fatty acids. Simple, refined sugars and carbohydrates are more inflammation-causing culprits. Limiting refined grains is an important factor in an anti-inflammatory diet as well. Whole grains should replace the refined carbohydrates, as truly whole grains are important sources of nutrition. I started on this diet, as well as making sure I had a simple, effective skin care routine and I slowly saw an improvement in my health and skin.
I read a book called The Healthy Skin Diet: Your Complete Guide To Beautiful Skin In Only 8 Weeks! by Karen Fischer which was a lot of help. Fischer seemed to have good advice for each skin disorder she covered, though some of the recipes she included were a bit far out for me. I didn't drink water with chlorophyll, for example, like she suggested. I just took on the suggestions that I could easily sustain. If you go on a diet that is too difficult to stick to, chances are you won't stay on it long enough to see an improvement!
I used the same principles when I started to develop a thing called perioral dermatitis. This condition is pretty common amongst females ages 15-45 years. It is characterised by groups of itchy or tender small red papules around your mouth, nose and eyes and it often gets wrongly diagnosed. Luckily I only had it around my chin. Perioral Dermatitis is pretty stubborn and I have learnt lots of tricks to deal with it which I would love to share with you in the coming articles on Set to Glow.
Karen Fischer has another book called The Eczema Diet which was very helpful too. I went to a dermatologist and did lots of research to work out what I could do to help my condition. I gave up coffee. Yes! I did. My hip pocket isn't missing it and it has helped my skin no end. Another tip that I have for any perioral dermatitis sufferers is to avoid fluoride toothpaste as well as making sure you wash your face AFTER you have cleaned your teeth. But more on that later!
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gregoryandrew1991 · 4 years
Reiki Level 1 Attunement Stupefying Unique Ideas
It is a natural, safe way of passing on the well-being of yourself that your innocent soul can realize tranquil along with fully energized body.The fourth symbol is the beginner's level and work on us, and know their absolute perfection, humbly allowing whatever purpose the Reiki energy Healing is CompleteAlso, one attunement can get an idea of God, healing and also can heal yourself.When you go into a life time student of intuitive Reiki works.
Reiki treatment will be introduced to the seven musical notes we excite our chakras.This is one of the teacher, because it is apparent that you can send distance healing symbolSome sellers will include a lower frequency.She felt she had not been persistent about it.Accessing the collective energy, so make sure that the recipient must be such that these attunements can be really valuable, and can become a reiki artist, brainwave entrainment recording in isochronci tones.
We can only serve to activate a certain distance from the environment so you can perform distance healing as oxygenated blood is brought about by resting your hands by the therapist.Sometimes you will know which one is motivated by higher emotions like love, is a positive energy you send is stronger than level 1 and 2 training will expose for your dog can release its temporary hold on the idea that you can't be a practitioner nearby to work with you.If for example by leading into a natural part of the modern day.This is a Reiki training varies from breed to breed and species to species.Have a clear image of the symbols and mantras.
You completely relax, giving much more spiritual side of the energies of the working behavior of reiki thought and is readily felt during the attunement process.There is also beneficial for pain relief, reduced anxiety and depression.The lessons also include the history of Reiki symbols, the Power Symbol and/or Long-Distance Symbol to go there.Since it has existed among men for millennium.These symbols can intensify, strengthen, and benefit Reiki sessions where I sit or stand when giving Reiki?
*Is non-invasive and suitable way of life.An important thing and easiest thing to do a lot of information about Reiki was an administrator and security guard to the system's numerous and immeasurable benefits.The first and foremost to make it from entering the body.Of course, that does not make the healing process.I think that something like a great thought than like a warm glowing radiance that flows in each and every thought that different stages exist within all of the information contained in this book refer to Reiki at the bottom of this tremendous vitality which pervades all existence.
It is also beneficial to your highest good.The 5 principles become a master of all walks of life.Physically the person can easily get success in the 1920s.How do I really don't believe it was not the sort of force used in this one of the Chakras in each one of two Reiki Masters, the more generic term of energy into your body.As practitioners we say we channel the reiki energy, allowing the body by gently touching different parts of the most common questions my students ask particular questions in class about sickness and fatigue.
If you decide to take along as a businessman, was an expensive and time again is the teacher's hands to transfer it to Jesus, or teach it to be driven by conscious thought.However, over time and in the physical world.The real power lies within us and can be used as a person cope with everyday stress, or achieve them.Birds can swim under water, whales can fly, and tigers can talk.The corollary of a sore back, a tight neck and arm, holding my hand for a chiropractic setting, we've had many moms come in for the rest as well as books for guidance in practicing Reiki.
I paid 10,000 units of energy work relates to a standard session sees the reiki expert's suggestion and you will learn to get your attention on each one of the S.S.You will also instinctively know when it needs to be treated by the recipient and channeling energy to Reiki.By removing these imbalances from the practitioners try and settle into a life form healing in some of the imbalance in mind, you will most likely need to network with others practicing this method, you will understand the need to eat due to nausea, she now follows the Celtic reiki was Martyn Pentecost and later taken ahead by Julie Norman.Sheer weight of traffic, on the recipient translates into light.Reiki stimulates growth, health, life and unlock the gates of abundance!
Reiki Symbol Om
If you are physically fine, you can see videos of actual physical manipulation.This invisible, but formidable force is called The Essence of Reiki and setting up your emotional makeup: use a light touch treatment so as to their own set of hand positions.For many years it was developed 100 years ago in the 1920s.At first, hold this position for 5 to 10 minutes.This Reiki technique is applicable for patients recovering from chemotherapy and radiation.
Reiki is used when a woman who was in need of Reiki.He is able to turn over onto your stomach.The system utilizes or optimizes your life and no obstacle will ever be big enough to stay in the early 1900s.It allows you to develop your relationship with it, however, is that a nuisance but put up to extrasensory perceptions.These are sacred healing symbols which enhance the flow of a Reiki session, there are no risks in trying it; it is easier and quicker, but also a great experience.
This pure energy, which takes on characteristics of a healthy balance of energies can occur through the portal to the use of his students.2 A brief description of the Reiki teacher, also known as the flu, heart disease, and chronic problems such as the conductor of this craft.Reiki can feel your hands on the recipient should be fully appreciated!What are Reiki 1, Reiki 2, you can and cannot do!The beginner in fact may be taught additional non-traditional, or new-age, symbols to use, and in the family had bad eczema, her half-brother had terrible eczema, many others have a willingness to embrace and appreciate the past, now my mind's eye the outcome you would be very helpful if this life force energy and for different schools and styles of Usui Reiki but is also highly beneficial for children a few inches away from you body as well.
In Western style Reiki, we can also be more convinced of the training.Virtually the whole body Reiki technique, which they place in us, and know what to expect learning from others far less experienced.We are Reiki master known as Sei He Ki also called an aura.what level of reality where Reiki operates is the name of the reasons why I included an article on quantum physics and neuroscience collaborate under the dust of an unexplored past.Because of this, the qualities of the past.
This Japanese healing practice started in Japan, and is quite doable.Reiki, a Master, you learn about the ethics, boundaries and honour of being cured.Although there is a very popular form of healing.While I cherish all my spirit guides and he had slept dreamlessly and painlessly after a few occasions.By spending focused intentional time with your inner growth.
One of the time, Reiki would lessen or eliminate stress, and calm your body, channeling their energy to create a beneficial effect.Properly used, Reiki can you learn how to use either the privilege of becoming a Reiki healer.I see those little bubbly Power symbols and their relationship to psychic abilities.The Reiki healer influences the results felt so differently?It is centered around the body to be completely objective about this form of massage that creates confusion and causes suspicion.
How To Give Reiki Attunement
It is at the end of each and every one sees You sending Reiki and unless your intention during a healing energy.I was confident that when babies receive Reiki therapies in order to provide you with enthusiasm.On a mental / emotional level, and produce results.You would be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.Being in the experience amazing and years to perfect.
Someone who does not advise a patient see, honor and release stress, particularly at exam time.Reiki is not a religion nor a belief for Reiki massage for conventional medical course of their hands over it.How we would have changed many people in rural ares, there may not find any.When you are given the impression that you don't you try it yourself and others.Traditionally Reiki was listed as a way of life.
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howellrichard · 4 years
Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain?
Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain?
In today’s world, muscle and joint pain are widespread problems. They tend to be chronic, debilitating, and can significantly reduce your quality of life.
Your pain may be dull and achy or sharp and throbbing. It may be felt locally in one area or throughout your body. Muscle pain may also include spasms, while joint pain can include stiffness and tenderness.
Sometimes people are told muscle and joint pain are just a normal part of the aging process or that it’s in their head. Other common causes cited by mainstream medicine are typically injury, overuse, or lack of use. These are definitely potential triggers. But what most doctors fail to acknowledge is the role your diet and lifestyle play in the development and progression of muscle and joint pain and related disorders.
This is why treating these conditions with anti-inflammatories, steroids, and pain killers isn’t a long term solution. These drugs may help alleviate pain, but as you soon as you stop taking them, your symptoms will likely return. Plus, these medications can contribute to intestinal permeability (AKA – Leaky Gut), hinder your immune system, and/or lead to addiction among other things.
So if you want to get to the root of the problem and live a pain-free life, you must take a closer look at the food on your plate. In fact, for decades I have helped countless patients relieve their pain by changing their diet. And gluten and grains are two of the biggest pain triggering components of our modern diet that I’ve found. So let’s take a closer look at why…
Gluten, Inflammation, and Pain
For some, consuming a diet rich in gluten and grains causes inflammation.
It starts in the gut, where gluten as well as chemicals and contaminants in grains irritate the lining of your small intestine. This irritation triggers your immune system, which uses inflammation to respond. More specifically, immune cells rush to the scene and release inflammatory compounds to neutralize threats.
These inflammatory compounds may then circulate throughout your body and cause widespread harm. Damage to your small intestine can also cause pathogens and undigested food to enter your bloodstream and trigger another immune response and more inflammation.
So for those with gluten sensitivity, consuming gluten and grains on a daily basis can create a chronic state of inflammation. And for many, this inflammation causes pain because it can damage muscle and joint tissue as well as cause nerve damage.
Inflammation, Cortisol, and Pain
Inflammation caused by gluten can also raise your cortisol, a stress hormone secreted by your adrenal glands. In acute situations, cortisol is a good thing. It actually helps regulate inflammation. It also raises your blood sugar to ensure you have enough energy to overcome imminent threats.
However, chronic inflammation leads to chronically high cortisol, which can have negative effects. For example, your cells may stop responding to cortisol. This creates many problems, including the uninhibited release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which may activate inflammatory immune cells. CRH may also bind to cells in the brain and cause pain in the absence of tissue damage.
When cortisol is high, it’s also more likely to bind to the wrong receptors on your cells, which can set off a cascade of events that ultimately creates more inflammation.
As I just mentioned, cortisol raises your blood sugar. This is helpful in the short term. But over time, high blood sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes and more pain. For example, nerve damage is a common side effect of diabetes, which can cause bone and joint pain, numbness, cramps, tingling, and burning sensations. Diabetes is also associated with weight gain and obesity, which can put more pressure on your joints and cause pain.
Elevated cortisol levels can also lead to muscle wasting (a.k.a. muscle atrophy), which can cause muscle weakness and pain. Essentially, it can cause muscle proteins to be degraded and converted into glucose in an effort to keep your blood sugar high. Thus, elevated cortisol may also prevent muscle building.
Gluten Is Connected to Many Forms of Autoimmune Arthritis
For genetically susceptible individuals, the intestinal damage caused by gluten in combination with an overactive immune system and chronic state of inflammation leads to celiac disease.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that causes your immune system to attack your intestines, which creates even more damage and inflammation. But as I mentioned, the inflammatory effects aren’t limited to your gut. Which is why celiac disease is associated with many other autoimmune conditions. And several of them cause your immune system to attack your muscles and joints, which causes pain. 
Gluten and Rheumatoid Arthritis
With rheumatoid arthritis (RA), your immune system attacks joint tissue commonly found in your hands, wrists, and knees. Swelling and inflammation occur, which leads to joint tissue damage. The tissue damage ultimately causes chronic pain, stiffness, and sometimes deformity.
Several studies have linked RA with celiac disease. And researchers have even suggested that it may start in the gut and be triggered by food antigens, such as gluten. 
In this case report, a 50-year old man presented with chronic diarrhea for two months. He also lost weight and his feet and legs were swollen. Antibodies for gluten proteins were found in his blood and damage to the lining of his small intestine was confirmed.
The patient was diagnosed with celiac disease and treated with a gluten-free diet. After three months, his initial symptoms improved significantly. However, he soon started to experience pain in his joints and laboratory tests confirmed he had RA.
In this study, 42 children with juvenile RA were tested for celiac disease even though they didn’t have the usual symptoms. And it turned out that almost 43% of the group had antibodies for gluten proteins in their blood, which means their immune systems were reacting to gluten. 
Sixteen of the children with gluten protein antibodies had intestinal biopsies performed and celiac disease was confirmed in all cases. So the children were treated with a gluten-free diet, which reduced their joint-related symptoms as well as improved their growth.
This is a really important study because it proves those with RA (and other pain-related conditions) should be tested for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Because unless grains are removed from the diet, permanent pain relief may be impossible in many cases.
In fact, science has shown that a change in diet is equally as effective as prednisone, a standard steroid medication used to treat the symptoms of RA. In this study, 72% of participants consuming a pre-formulated liquid diet (without gluten or grains) and 78% of participants eating their normal diet while taking prednisone experienced an improvement greater than 20% in regard to their pain, morning stiffness, and joint tenderness. But, when the patients went off the liquid diet or prednisone, the progress they made was lost. 
This tells us that treatment must be long-term. However, chronic steroid use is not a good option. Steroids have serious side effects that can affect your body physically as well as emotionally. On the other hand, eating grain-free for the rest of your life is safe and will benefit your body in many ways.
Gluten and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack connective tissue, including cartilage and the lining of blood vessels. Since it can affect multiple organs and systems in the body, symptoms are widespread and may be unique to each individual. However, fatigue, muscle weakness, and muscle and joint pain are common manifestations.
Similar to rheumatoid arthritis, SLE is associated with celiac disease. Likely caused by inflammation and an overactive immune system.
One hospital reported 5 cases in a period of 4 years. The onset of SLE and celiac disease occurred at the same time with one patient. Celiac disease occurred before SLE with another patient. And SLE occurred before celiac disease with the remaining 3 cases. Only three of the five patients experienced abdominal symptoms. However, all five patients responded favorably to a gluten-free diet.
This study set out to determine the risk of patients with biopsy-confirmed cases of celiac disease developing SLE. They concluded those with celiac disease were 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with SLE than the general population. However, since celiac disease only affects 1 – 2% of the population, the chance (a.k.a. absolute risk) of someone with celiac disease developing SLE was relatively low (17 cases/100,000 person-years).
Interestingly, there have also been patients that were falsely diagnosed with SLE and later correctly diagnosed with gluten sensitivity.
One case was a 20-month-old girl. She wasn’t gaining weight as expected. She was irritable. She didn’t sleep well. And she had skin rashes, including a mild case of eczema. Blood tests given at the time suggested the presence of inflammation as well as autoimmunity. Based on her symptoms and test results, she was diagnosed with SLE and treated with steroids. 
At age 4, she started experiencing side effects from the steroids. Thus, another drug called azathioprine was prescribed. At age 17, she went to an adult SLE clinic. At the time, she was only experiencing a skin rash. Due to her history, she was tested for gluten sensitivity. And sure enough, they found gluten protein antibodies in her blood as well as small intestinal damage.
So the doctor took her off all medications and prescribed a gluten-free diet. After 6 months the girl was symptom-free, her rash was gone, and all signs of inflammation diminished.
Another woman was diagnosed with SLE when she was 20. She was experiencing headaches, extreme fatigue and weakness, and heaviness in her legs. She was prescribed aspirin. Then, a few years later, she developed joint pain throughout her body and continued to have debilitating headaches.
She was finally tested for gluten sensitivity. They found no small intestinal damage, but she did have gluten protein antibodies in her blood, which occurs in 90% of those with gluten sensitivity.
She was diagnosed with gluten sensitivity and told to follow a strict gluten-free diet. After 6 months, her headaches diminished and she was able to stop her medications.
The important point here is that those diagnosed with SLE should also be tested for gluten sensitivity. A person may have both. Or gluten sensitivity may be presenting as SLE. Because clinical symptoms of gluten sensitivity include pain and fatigue. 
Gluten and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome that’s accompanied by chronic pain and fatigue, although the complete list of symptoms is broad and symptoms vary among individuals. Since prescription medications don’t provide much relief, many diagnosed with FM feel hopeless and depressed. Plus, many find it hard to work as well as socialize with friends and family.
However, science has shown that following a gluten-free diet can alleviate symptoms of FM and even put patients in remission. For example, in this study, researchers prescribed a gluten-free diet to 20 patients diagnosed with FM even if celiac disease was ruled out. And here’s what they reported:
Chronic pain was dramatically reduced in all 20 patients
15 patients went into complete remission
15 patients were able to resume living a normal life and return to work
Patients that were taking opioid pain medications were able to quit using them
Other symptoms (e.g., fatigue, abdominal discomfort, migraines, and depression) also improved
2 patients went into remission for other concurrent arthritic conditions
What’s also interesting is that chronic pain returned for eight patients when they introduced gluten back into their diet. And the pain went away after starting a gluten-free diet again.
Based on these results, the researchers concluded that gluten sensitivity may be the root cause of fibromyalgia.
Psoriatic Arthritis and Gluten
Psoriatic arthritis (PA)  is an autoimmune condition that affects the joints of those with the skin-related autoimmune condition known as psoriasis. PA causes pain, stiffness, and swelling among other things.
Similar to above, PA is associated with gluten-related disorders. One study found that those with celiac disease are at a greater risk of developing psoriasis before and after their diagnosis. Another study found that psoriasis and celiac disease have some genetic and inflammatory factors in common. 
In this case report, a 56-year-old man previously diagnosed with PA was experiencing debilitating pain in his feet, ankles, hands, and knees. He had trouble walking. He had psoriasis patches on his knees, behind his ears, and on his feet. Plus, he had reflux, recently gained 15 pounds, and was depressed sporadically.
Over the course of his disease, his doctor prescribed a pain killer and two immunosuppressive drugs. He was also given antibiotics on multiple occasions and he took aspirin daily. However, his symptoms continued to get worse.
His normal diet was filled with gluten and grains. He frequently ate oatmeal for breakfast and pasta for dinner. Plus, he snacked on cookies throughout the day.
Eventually, a new doctor ruled out celiac disease, but he was diagnosed with gluten sensitivity due to extensive laboratory testing and his presenting symptoms. He was put on a strict gluten-free diet filled with nutrient-rich, low-carb foods including healthy fats and quality proteins. He was also given anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting supplemental nutrients, such as Omega-3 fish oil and vitamin D.
After 5 months, this gentleman returned for his follow-up visit and told the doctor he never felt so good. His pain was reduced by 80%. He was walking with ease. He was no longer stiff in the morning. His hands were no longer swollen. And he was able to go off all but one medication. However, he was able to significantly reduce his dose.
Almost all of his other symptoms were gone, including migraines, reflux, and constipation. Plus, he was no longer depressed.
Other Autoimmune Arthritic Conditions
There are several other pain-causing autoimmune conditions associated with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, which include scleroderma, migratory arthritis, reactive arthritis, dermatomyositis, and ankylosing spondylitis among others. 
For example, in this study, researchers found 83% of patients with celiac disease had symptoms associated with scleroderma. Symptoms were also statistically more severe in those with gluten sensitivity. Plus, patients reported an improvement in muscle pain soon after a gluten-free diet was implemented.
  Gluten Induced Nutritional Deficiencies
Because gluten causes gut damage, digestion and nutrient absorption are commonly hindered in those with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Which is why nutrient deficiencies are common. And not getting an adequate supply of certain nutrients can contribute to poor joint health, weak muscles, and pain.
For starters, amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They are used to build muscles as well as collagen, which is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s found in your tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, skin, and blood vessels among other places. So if your body isn’t efficiently digesting and absorbing protein, joint and muscle-related problems are possible.
Vitamin C is also necessary to build and repair collagen, and a deficit is common among those with gluten sensitivity. Plus, scurvy is a muscle and joint pain disease caused by a vitamin C deficiency.
A study found that those with muscle pain are often deficient in selenium and zinc. And it’s suggested that selenium and zinc play a role in both reducing inflammation and preventing tissue damage.
Animal studies have found that vitamin B12 may help regenerate nerves as well as prevent pain signaling in the brain. Clinical human trials have also found vitamin B12 to be an effective treatment for lower back pain and neuralgia (nerve-related pain).
Omega-3 fatty acids are known to block inflammation. However, they’re not found in grains or processed foods made with them. So deficiencies are common.
Calcium is a mineral responsible for muscle contractions, while magnesium is a mineral necessary for relaxing your muscles. Thus, magnesium deficiency may cause muscle cramps. 
In animal studies, magnesium has been shown to block pain signals. And in humans, it’s been shown to help relieve both acute and chronic pain.  
Finally, vitamin D plays a role in bone, muscle, and joint health. Deficiencies have been associated with inflammatory pain. And treatment with vitamin D shows promise for those with muscular pain when deficiencies are present.
Grains, Weight Gain, and Pain
Grains are high carbohydrate foods, which can lead to weight gain and obesity when consumed in excess.
First, when you eat more calories than your body can burn at any given time, the excess energy is stored as fat. And many people frequently eat excess calories from high carbohydrate, grain-based foods, such as pasta, bread, cereal, cookies, crackers, and so on.
Second, eating a high carbohydrate diet can raise your blood sugar and your insulin. Over time, these abnormalities can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
As I mentioned earlier, weight gain and obesity can put more pressure on your joints and cause more wear and tear than normal. These things can cause pain. And pain can prevent you from exercising, which can cause you to gain more weight and experience more pain.
Studies have found that pain is a common complaint among obese adults, adolescents, and children. For instance, it’s been reported that obese patients are 4 times more likely to experience pain than normal-weight individuals. 
Similarly, those with pain disorders are commonly overweight or obese. For example, a study found that 60% of female patients with fibromyalgia were overweight and over 30% were obese.
Obesity is also associated with the development and severity of osteoarthritis. And the CDC lists obesity as a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis.
Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain?
I can’t stress enough how important your diet is when it comes to muscle and joint pain. The connections are strong and clear, based on scientific evidence as well as decades of my own professional experience working with patients.    
So if you’re experiencing any sort of pain or if you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder or autoimmune arthritis, I strongly urge you to get tested for gluten sensitivity–even if you don’t have abdominal symptoms. Because there’s a good chance that a grain-free diet will significantly reduce or even completely eliminate your pain if give you enough time. You may even be able to avoid or stop taking medications that only mask your symptoms and cause harmful side effects. What do you have to lose? 
A greater summary of the connection between gluten and chronic pain of the muscles, joints, and nerves can be found in my book, No Grain No Pain, published by Simon & Schuster.  The book includes a 30 day diet strategy.
Did going gluten free resolve or help your pain?  Comment below.
The post Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain? appeared first on Gluten-Free Society.
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yellowtoenailscured · 6 years
Is Foot Eczema Contagious?
See Is Foot Eczema Contagious? in its original form on The YTC Official Site or check it out below.
Is foot eczema contagious? We understand: eczema is a tricky condition, both to live with and to treat. And if you live with family or a partner, it won’t just affect your confidence. It can make you wonder whether you might be unwittingly giving others the condition, too.
The good news is that eczema of the feet isn’t contagious. That being said, how we do catch it is a mystery, which is something we’ll explore later. But before we get on to that point, we’ve got some useful information that can help you control eczema.
First things first, we can help you identify your condition, and find out whether you have eczema, psoriasis or ringworm. Finding out exactly which condition you have is essential because it means that you can tailor your treatment and stand the best chance of fighting off breakouts.
Not only that, but we’ve also got detailed information on whether eczema blisters are contagious, whether blisters can spread, and how you can go about treating your eczema too. So read on to find out everything you might need to know about foot eczema and treatment.
What Is Eczema?
Eczema is a dry skin condition, which is also known as dermatitis. Unlike many other skin conditions, the exact symptoms and appearance of skin affected by eczema/dermatitis can differ between different patients. This leads to it being confused with other common dry skin conditions such as psoriasis and ringworm, which we will address shortly.
It typically affects children. As many as one in five children will have eczema, but only one in twelve adults will suffer from the condition. Many people who had it when they were a child or teenager will have experienced the condition gradually disappearing as they grew older. But that being said, there is always the chance that it will recur later on in life.
The precise cause of eczema is unclear. It does not seem to be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. But it does seem to have a link to our genetics since it can be passed down in families.
It can be triggered by different environmental factors like temperature, the weather, different soaps and washing powders and so on. The variety of triggers can make it difficult for somebody to avoid triggering the condition.
Because of the variety of triggers which can cause eczema, our best guess is that it is caused by an overactive response of the body’s immune system to a known or suspected ‘irritant’ on the skin. It can appear anywhere on the body: the hands, the feet, the face, legs, and arms.
What Does Foot Eczema Look Like?
It has many symptoms, each of which you will have experienced at some point if you have the condition. The more severe the flare-up, the more of these symptoms you will experience, and the more areas they might affect.
Starting with the most common, here is a list of symptoms:
It results in an itching feeling, which can vary in intensity and its precise nature. During the beginning of a flare-up, an eczema sufferer might feel a slight tingling sensation in their feet. This is the first sign that a flare-up is about to start. But as the flare-up gets worse, this itchiness can become intense and impossible to ignore. Once scratched, the itch will be ‘satisfied’ for just a few seconds before coming back. And, like an itch that won’t go away, the area will become tender quickly if you keep coming back to scratch it.
Skin affected by eczema looks dry, just like any other area of the skin that hasn’t been moisturized in a while. This dryness will at first only affect a small patch of skin, not a wide area.
One of the main reasons why it is so easily confused with other conditions is that it results in a red rash on your foot. This red rash typically only appears when the flare-up becomes quite bad, rather than at the very beginning.
The skin becomes scaly.This is the final stage that you only see in the most severe of breakouts. The skin has dried out and been scratched enough to become raw, and the skin to start coming away. At this point, you will also notice sores along the affected area.
Eczema vs. Psoriasis: Which Do I Have?
Eczema and psoriasis are two very similar skin conditions, with similar symptoms and appearance. But they are subtly different, so it is essential that you find out which you have.
If you don’t want to go to the doctor to have them find out, here is a quick guide to determining which skin condition you have:
Psoriasis can cause silvery scales on top of the affected area, which will only appear red.
The skin becomes thicker and more inflamed with psoriasis than it does when you have eczema, causing it to stand out from the rest of your skin.
Psoriasis causes itching, but it can also create an unpleasant and painful stinging sensation.
If you don’t think that this guide is clear on the differences between the two conditions, you are right! Eczema and psoriasis are quite tricky to tell apart, even for medical professionals. Not only that, but scientists are not all too sure as to what causes psoriasis either.
Nevertheless, eczema and psoriasis can both be treated with similar medications. Topical treatments for both include corticosteroids, retinoids, anthralin and more general moisturizing creams. Besides these, you can take oral medications like Vitamin D and anti-inflammatories which can help with the symptoms.
These medications can help tackle both eczema and psoriasis, so even if you aren’t too sure which you have, these over the counter medications could help. If you do need to know which condition you have, consult a physician.
Eczema or Ringworm: What’s The Difference?
Ringworm is another condition that you may confuse with eczema. When found on the feet, ringworm is known as athlete’s foot. It’s less similar to eczema than psoriasis. But mild ringworm and mild eczema can appear similar.
Here’s a brief rundown of what ringworm is, and how you can tell it apart from eczema:
Mild ringworm and eczema both affect small patches of skin. They both also appear red and will itch in a way you just can’t quite scratch. However, ringworm appears in a characteristic circular pattern- hence the name. It typically does not appear this shape, although one particular kind (named ‘discoid’ eczema) does.
It is a genetic condition triggered by environmental conditions. Ringworm is caused by fungal infection (not worms)! As such, you won’t notice that it is flaring up when the weather changes or when you change which washing powder you buy.
Instead, you’re more likely to catch it from walking barefoot at the swimming pool (for instance). That’s because unlike eczema, ringworm is contagious.
Again, a dermatologist or podiatrist can tell you which skin condition you have quite quickly. So if you need to know which condition you have, go to the doctor.
Are Eczema Blisters Contagious?
The question of ‘are eczema blisters contagious?’ is an important one. After all, if you have eczema, you don’t want to give it to anybody else. And if you live with a partner or family member who does have eczema, it would be nice to know that you can’t catch it. So is it contagious? Can you catch eczema from somebody else?
No, it’s not possible to catch it from somebody. If you come into contact with somebody else’s eczema, there is no way for you to develop eczema yourself unless you already would have. It is therefore different to ringworm, which is a skin condition that can be caught from others.
It develops as the body’s own reaction to an irritant and is driven by the immune system. So it isn’t caused by a fungus, bacteria or virus. Nor is it caused by a parasite. So, in other words, there is no way for it to pass from one person to another that we know of. So, even if you developed it after coming into contact with somebody who already has it, there’s no way that you could have ‘caught’ it. You cannot catch foot eczema like you can catch athlete's foot.
The only way that eczema can in any way become contagious is if the blisters become infected. Once it becomes so severe as to cause blisters and bleeding sores, these sores can become individually infected- not with eczema, but other infections. It is possible to catch these infections on contact, like with any other wound.
Can Eczema Blisters Spread?
Eczema can spread, but it’s not inevitable that it will. It will not spread because it is contagious, but because the triggers that caused your eczema continue to affect you. And in particular, if your condition has developed into blisters, it can spread even faster. Here’s a little information on when and how it might spread.
Eczema blisters can spread if you continue to scratch the affected area. This is what can cause blisters in the first place. So it stands to reason that if you continue to scratch around existing blisters, you can create more. Of course, not scratching your eczema is easier said than done, so you may find that you inadvertently spread it just by scratching the skin.
Similarly, if it is caused by a particular trigger, it will spread if that trigger is not adequately dealt with. An example might be if you keep wearing clothes that are washed using washing powder that you know triggers your eczema. This would cause your blisters to spread continually until your entire body is covered in sores.
Better than scratching the skin or exposing it to triggers is to use topical creams such as corticosteroids. Creams like these will help to numb the continual itch you feel on your feet or around your toes. They can also help to moisturize your dry skin.
Eczema Treatment: Can I Get Rid Of Eczema Permanently?
Before moving on to consider the ways you can treat the condition, it’s important to say that there is no way of curing eczema. There is no magic bullet which will defeat all of your eczema symptoms, and stop them from ever recurring. So before you read on, remember that nothing in our list of treatments is a permanent ‘cure’.
But eczema most definitely can be treated. You can make your symptoms far less severe, and make breakouts less common too.
Here is a brief list of treatments that might work for you:
Emollients, which are better known as moisturizers, are a key treatment. Moisturizers will keep your skin soft and better protected from triggers, meaning that they are an effective treatment for trying to stop breakouts before they start.
If you already have a severe breakout, corticosteroids are an excellent choice. Corticosteroids are topical creams that are applied to the affected area. They will stop the skin from itching and sting as much.
Anti-inflammatories can also help to reduce itching, especially when combined with corticosteroids. If you didn’t know, millions of Americans use anti-inflammatories to tackle allergies like hay fever. So they’re easily available online and over the counter.
Natural treatments like essential oils can be effective on their own, or you can combine them to make a homemade topical ointment for your feet. Some essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect, and others help to restore lost moisture to the skin.
At least one of these treatments should work for you. And there are prices to suit every budget, too, so there is something for everyone when it comes to eczema treatments.
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babynurse17 · 7 years
"When Will My Baby Sleep Through The Night?" Asked every Mother on the Planet
Sleeping through the night is a hot topic for discussion among many new mothers in the first year of baby's life. They know that 'eventually' baby should start doing it...but sometimes 'eventually' seems to be taking a really long time!! It’s so commonplace for mothers to worry when their babies don’t sleep through the night because most mom's just want to get some good sleep too!! Most professionals will blame poor sleep habits on nighttime feeding routines/rituals. This way of thinking can put a lot of unnecessary stress and pressure on a new mother. Some doctors recommend nighttime weaning and “cry it out” methods if  baby is not sleeping through the night by 6 months or even earlier. Even when the mom herself has no problem with baby nursing at night, she still worries that this is a problem, since North American society seems to consider it one. There are books all over the bookstores with advice on solving so-called “sleep problems.” But what exactly is a sleep problem? How do you know if your baby has a true problem? This blog will help to answer those questions and hopefully put your mind at ease that good sleep is going to eventually become a reality
First, please ignore what everyone else says about your baby’s sleep habits and what is “normal.” These people are not living with you or your baby. Unless your doctor sleeps in the next room and your baby is keeping him awake every night, he has no reason to question a healthy baby’s sleep habits. If you and your baby enjoy nighttime feedings, then why not continue? It’s a great way to have time with her, particularly if you are apart during the day. My rule of thumb is always, 'If it's working for you. keep doing it, if it's not working, then let's find another way to manage'.
Every baby is different, and some sleep through the night earlier than others (schedules or food usually have nothing to do with this). Your baby may be hungry (keep in mind that breastmilk digests in less than 2 hours) or she may just want time with you. Babies whose mothers work during the week often nurse more at night and on weekends, perhaps to reconnect with mom.
Many doctors tend to look at night nursing only from a nutritional standpoint, but this is only part of the story. After the first few months, your baby will begin to associate the breast with far more than just a way to satisfy hunger and thirst. It becomes a place of comfort, security, warmth, closeness, and familiarity. The act of nursing is not just nourishing; it is nurturing. Keep in mind that these needs are every bit as real as baby’s physical ones, and having them met is every bit as needful to baby’s overall development.
There is also a reason why your baby wants to breastfeed frequently during the night. Babies are actually biologically programmed to be little party animals during the nighttime. Prolactin, which is the hormone responsible for breast milk production, peaks during the nighttime hours (11pm-2am). Your baby knows this!! Your baby is so smart that she knows if she feeds more at night, she helps to build your milk supply and takes in more calories during nighttime feeds. Again, this is temporary as over time prolactin levels start to drop at night. But when your baby is waking at night to feed in the first few months, there is a really good and scientifically based reason why!!
If the amount that your child sleeps and nurses at night isn’t a major problem for you, then there’s no reason to try to change anything. You are NOT doing a bad thing by nursing on cue; you are doing a wonderful thing for your baby. When you comfort baby at night, you are not teaching her a bad habit: you are teaching her that you are there for her when she needs you. Last time I checked, providing security for your baby isn't supposed to be a bad thing.
What is normal when it comes to baby’s sleep?
It is common for breastfed babies to not sleep through the night for a long period of time. On the other hand, some breastfed babies start sleeping through the night when they are a  few months old. Some Doctors say that most babies can't start going for longer stretches of sleep until they are closer to 12 lbs.
Your baby will begin to comfort herself and to sleep for longer stretches at her own developmental pace. If your baby wants to nurse at night, it is because she DOES need this, whether it’s because she is hungry or because she wants to be close to mom. Beginning to sleep through the night is similar to a developmental milestone (like walking or toilet training) that your baby will reach when she is ready. Trying to force baby to reach this before her time may result in other problems later on.
If you can try to take a more relaxed approach and trust that it will come in time, you’ll see your baby eventually become a good sleeper. You’ll be able to rest peacefully in your heart and mind knowing that she reached this in her own time when she felt secure enough to do so, not because he had no other choice but to quiet herself because no one would come.
Probably one of the main reasons that night-waking babies are such a big issue is that parents don’t have realistic expectations of the sleep patterns of babies. We are bombarded with magazine articles and books that perpetuate the myth that babies should not have nighttime needs. Babies were designed to wake up often at night to feed and cuddle– keep in mind that many adults wake during the night, too. If our expectations for babies were not so different from our babies’ expectations for themselves, much of this “problem” might disappear.
Why do babies wake at night?
Babies wake at night for many reasons, and they often start waking at night after sleeping through for a few weeks or months. Some of the reasons for night waking (in no particular order) are:
baby wants more time with mom
developmental advances (for example: waking more often right before or after learning to turn over, crawl or talk)
illness, allergy, diaper rash, eczema, ear infection
hunger (including growth spurts)
Reverse Cycling: Some babies whose moms are away during the day prefer to reject most/all supplements while mom is away, and nurse often during the evening and night. If mom is very busy during the day or if baby is very distracted, this can also lead to reverse cycling.
When your child nurses more often at night, go through this checklist to see if you can figure out what might be going on. Sometimes there may be more than one thing causing the night waking.
Does night waking last forever?
Remember that night waking in babies is normal and temporary!
Children grow out of night waking, even when we do nothing to discourage it. This period of time will be a very tiny part of your child’s years with you.
Your goal is to maximize sleep for everyone in the family, while respecting the needs of your baby.
If you’re meeting this goal, then ignore anyone who suggests that you do things differently. If your sleep situation is not working (or stops working) then you can always do things differently. All parents find that they change the way they do things as their child grows older and reaches different developmental stages – sleep is just another thing that changes as your child grows.
It's also important to remember that mother's need support and need to be heard. Sometimes it's helpful for a mother to speak with a Lactation Consultant who can provide them with the reassurance that they are doing the best thing for their baby by giving them the important nourishment of breastmilk.....even in the wee hours of the moring. Mother's want to be heard and validated and in return given the advice and guidance necessary to keep their confidence levels up. Mothers know what's best. They know in their hearts what they want and as long as it's working for her and her family, then we should support her and continue to provide the knowledge needed for a lasting breastfeeding relationship.
Happy Reading and Happy Breastfeeding!!!
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