#unrelated but elias if u see this..
glorysbox · 7 months
I miss u soooo much on bot TikTok 😭
i miss you too 💔💔
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svampira · 3 months
unrelated to the ask game but. can u drop some elias imesh lore for me pleek how'd they meet how exactly do they feel about each other🥺👉👈
Heheheheh CAN I. yes. Need to figure out how to write a plot summary first though
So the hunters sent Imesh to seek Elias out shortly after his embrace both to "save" him and as a link to his sire (famous abstract artist, did a lot of sus shit that put him on their radar). Short story short they thought Elias was a thrall + didn't know his sire has been executed. They meet in a nightclub where Imesh immediately realises something is very very wrong and that Elias' memories had been fucked with, meanwhile Elias just assumes he's another guy coming onto him and starts flirting to eat as usual. Imesh goes along with it almost against himself and finds out Elias is a vampire by getting bitten in the shitty club bathrooms ^^.
Vtm is very silly so a vampire bite (especially with the specific powers Elias has) just feels like a really intense orgasm and the only reason Imesh even realises he's been bitten is that he's a hunter, and even then he doubts himself because he'd somehow never expected something like that to happen to him. Elias just leaves while Imesh is recovering and he doesnt even get to go hey man wtf :(. Another thing abt Elias is that his bite is very addictive and it makes his victims easier to manipulate, so Imesh just keeps thinking about it for days on end.
Once again going against his better judgement he tells the hunters Elias is a thrall, both because of his attraction to him/the shame that comes with it and because he genuinely feels sorry for what he can gather happened to him. He doesn't tell his mh. Very pregnant wife this either.
He basically seeks Elias out once again almost every night after this until they finally meet again a few days later, except this time the moment they're alone Imesh points a gun at him😍 Elias realises he doesn't have it in him to shoot and basically plays the part of the innocent clueless vampire which Imesh 100% falls for. That's kind of how their relationship starts off.
When it comes to how they feel about each other🤔 I would say it starts off with them completely not understanding each other and Elias being very manipulative, evolves into something much more sincere, then completely implodes (because theyre being more honest about who they are and they both really suck). Elias starts off completely enamoured with the thrill of their "illicit" relationship and caring very little about Imesh himself, to actually starting to fall in love with him. Imesh is the main person that makes him rediscover "human" things and he's the only one who treats him with any gentleness or empathy + they genuinely get along (though Elias is very extroverted he could get along with a wall. They don't have that much in common Imesh is literally 17 years older).
Imesh instead feels much more lust for him than love, he loves feeling like his saviour and his perception of him is very much skewed by the persona Elias projected on his social media when he was alive (fake wholesome to his millions of followers, evil cunt irl) + just genuinely wanting to see him as a victim and an innocent to be able to be ok with their relationship. When Elias does let slip his real personality he just assumes it's a consequence of vampirism which just makes his saviour complex worse. He is also still under the effects of Elias' bite throughout all of this, though he never realises the full extent of it.
As they start to care more about each other Elias gets more and more jealous and possessive, while Imesh starts bringing up his missing memories, his relationship with his sire and his human life more and more in an effort to "bring him back to himself" which makes Elias go completely crazy insane every time. He ends up threatening Imesh' wife and children which prompts Imesh to stake him while he's not expecting it the next time they meet (it doesnt kill them in vtm lore, just paralises). He is unable to pull through with killing him once again and lets Elias go and Elias reacts. How you can probably imagine he would react.
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Alright. I know what you’re probably not thinking because it’s somewhat specific. Who’s this worms person, and why are they about to talk about antagonists for a bit? You don’t get an answer. By the way, I’m not an expert. I have no idea what I’m talking about. I’m just an idiot ranting on Tumblr.
I, the aforementioned worms person, love antagonists. Well, most of them. Elias Bouchard can go die. But generally, I really like antagonists. They just have vibes. Good vibes. (Not as in morally correct, most of them aren’t, but you probably get what I mean.) The things a properly good antagonist can add to a story… I don’t know how I was planning on finishing that. But they add lots. Having a good antagonist is just as important as having a good protagonist, regardless of how much thought is put into their character. Take Ursula. She doesn’t have a complex backstory with deep, traumatic reasons for her actions, but damn. She just has some vibes. She properly causes problems, and it takes actual effort to stop her. I haven’t seen The Little Mermaid in years, but I know without a doubt that if I rewatched it now, she would be my favorite. (Unrelated: my phone thinks I’m British. It keeps trying to make my American spelling of words into British words. No. I don’t want another U. It’s fine as it is.)
Anyways, Ursula has a good design too. While protagonists in hero-villain stories can get a bit repetitive after a while regarding their costumes and designs (nothing wrong with that, it’s just true), antagonists tend to have something that just makes them pop, and really reflects their character. And there LOTS of variety among antagonists of all kinds of stories! There’s the incredibly traumatised, completely redeemable ones, and then they’re the entirely unhinged ones. Some of them have actual backstories with motivations that they think are worth their actions, and some are just random doing it because an antagonist was needed. There’s so much variety!
Brief paragraph or two on the distinction between a villain and antagonist. (Please refer again to where I said that I am not an expert in this stuff, and this should not be cited for some important paper or something.) Generally, villains tend to be characters, typically antagonists, though not always, who are morally lacking, or causing huge amounts of damage to something. A lot of the time, I see “villain” being used as a derogatory that labels an antagonist as bad, and removes the need for the people absorbing the media to look further into their character. They can just go “oh this person is bad, good to know I’m done now”. Villain can also be used instead of antagonist in instances where it doesn’t quite fit, but only because of the definition associated with the word. For example in Inferno Squad (Star Wars book), the protagonist is a member of the Empire, and so doesn’t have the most righteous of moral codes. Because she’s in the Empire, the antagonists of the book are rebels, so the term “villain” doesn’t really apply as much, since Just As A Rule Of Star Wars, the rebellion and republic and such just have better morals.
Antagonist refers to a force opposing the protagonist. It doesn’t mean evil, although my options on good and evil are perhaps a rant for another time, it means that the protagonist needs something to go against. It doesn’t mean a sentient being, or even a living thing at all. It can be mental health, societal norms, or a spoon that feels bad in the protagonist’s mouth. It can even be a stressful due date. This has gotten incredibly off track. If you’re still here, deal with it. An antagonist doesn’t have to have questionable morals, or even morals at all.
Now, when referring to sentient antagonists, I would be fine using villain. Key term, would be. Although it is slightly faster to say, people generally have it associated with evil characters, and I don’t like that. I don’t want people to think that I’m calling characters with complicated reasons for their actions evil just because of a dictated set of “correct” morals chosen by society, and shaped through the millennia of human existence, so carefully cultivated and yet so loosely followed. (To be clear, I’m saying facts. But facts don't really mean anything without opinions in place to give people something to do with them. I still think that some things shouldn’t happen, and I think some things are more complicated than moral or not).
Anyways, I love antagonists. They have such a unique view on the worlds around them, and since their story is usually told from the perspective of someone who isn’t meant to really like/understand them, they tend to come off as a little, well. Off. They don’t fit into the way that world is meant to be, because they’re there to cause problems for the protagonist.
But also they can just be incredibly badass and cool without trying, or just have inexplicable vibes(not those Vibes) and I am platonically gay for most of them with some exceptions, regardless of their gender or my current gender. At the end of the day, I am completely unable to describe how I feel about antagonists without dissolving into incomprehensible nonsense or off topic paragraphs. Hello, and welcome to absolute nonsense. I’m Woims, for no particular reason, and you’re watching Disney channel.
(But also screw you Disney why would you get rid of the Owl House)
Finally, some antagonists I don’t like:
Elias Bouchard (the Magnus Archives)
Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus) (Yes, I know he’s technically the protagonist. No, I don’t care. I despise him with all of my being. If literally anyone asks I will post my spite essay here)
Morrowseer (Wings of Fire)
Those aren’t all of them, just the ones I got off the top of my head.
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beescream · 3 years
okay that is too exhausting i think
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Ok I finished skam italia s4 this morning (I literally did not sleep for like 24h for reasons related and unrelated to skam) but I didn’t have a chance to write down my thoughts.
Firstly, thank you to all the translators you guys are literally such angels and I appreciate you so so much 🥺💖❤️🤧🤣
Secondly, the season is still pretty fresh in my mind but due to lack of sleep, none of this might sense and I might have forgotten some things
Ok so first thoughts before I had translations since I watched up to ep5 without them: the cinnamontrography and the soundtrack I will not shut up about it omg
Now as a Muslim myself, this season was unbelievably relatable. Like I’ve watched all the other Sana seasons and none of them were THIS relatable to me. Initially, I thought I wouldn’t be able to relate bc Beatrice is not a Muslim and I didn’t know how she would portray Sana in her own season. But I have to give her some credit bc she did her research and tried to do her character justice.I would have liked to have a Muslim actress playing Sana but I firmly believe that having a Muslim writer on the show helped A LOT.
Some key moments for me:
Sana’s Adhaan going off and making her jump and snapping her back to reality was literally me. Sana trying to pray and getting distracted is also me. Sana trying to make wudu in a place where she can’t properly make wudu, I felt that bc sometimes you just have to make do.
Sana trying to pray and getting interrupted by that couple kinda broke me bc that scene showed just how much she does not belong in this world and again she has to make do with what she can find bc no one is accommodating for her. This just isn’t a place for Muslims trying to practice their faith.
The scene where Maryam finds the alcohol bottle on the terrace and Sana says that she didn’t wanna be judged but that she’d be judged either way on both sides. Hella relatable. I’m always on the bridge between not feeling Western enough and trying to fit in with my friends or ppl around me and not feeling Muslim enough and trying to fit in with my Muslim family friends. I love that Maryam understood her and actually didn’t end up judging her for it.
Elia and Sana and his crush on her. Super random but I liked their conversation at the fireplace and how that plays a role into Malik and her conflict between her faith and him. Also like how that was handled with minimal drama to compared to other seasons. NO NOORA/YOUSEF/SANA drama thank u skamit for that too. However there was Eva/Yousef/Sana drama but that was at least a misunderstanding and resolved in the end.
Sana’s speech to the girls. I was crying omg I felt EVERY WORD 😭😭😭
The bench scene: ok so in the OG Isak saying that you have to answer the dumb questions otherwise they’ll come up with dumb answers themselves I felt like he was implying that it’s your responsibility to educate people but I don’t think that should be the case all the times. Sometimes it should take effort from ppl to be decent and not ask questions in a dumb way. Idk if that makes sense but what I mean is that it’s fine if you have the dumb questions, just don’t ask it or assume things in a disrespectful way. That’s why I like the skamit scene and felt it was a bit different was bc Marti gave his point of view of asking the dumb questions or having the assumptions. He told Sana why he was scared to ask her and told her all the things he didn’t know. And he related that back to him being gay and having to explain the difference between transgender and gay to Luchino and get his point across as to why Sana shouldn’t take it to heart all the time and try to answer questions that ppl might have. When he said “when people ask dumb questions, we have to give intelligent answers” I feel like that was better imo (although I do agree with Isak that ppl coming up with their own answers is dangerous).
The hair reveal scene: so I’m not a hijabi but I can see why some people would be offended with this scene. But I also think they tried to answer a question that some people might have. So hijabis can take off their hijab in front of other girls bc technically they’re girls and they won’t be “attracted to you” and so I think they tried to explore the thing of well what about gay guys, they’re not “attracted to you” either, so can you reveal your hair to them? It’s a super complicated question bc gay girls exist too lol and since I’m not a hijabi all I can say is, it’s Sana’s choice, if you are a hijabi it’s YOUR choice if you want to take it off and who you want to reveal your hair to.
Umm I think that’s it for now sorry this is so long and overall I like how everyone had storylines but they weren’t competing with Sana’s. Like everything always connected back to her allowing her to not be overshadowed by anyone else. This really was a SANA season despite all the controversy and I felt and related to a lot of her struggles.
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sheepish-uwu · 4 years
if u take requests, could you write a small bit abt lion reacting to docs death?
of course, and merry (early) christmas anon! i hope this is to your liking!
i gift to thee: 2.2k words of pure doc/lion angst! rated for MATURE audiences as it deals with dark themes :). enjoy! you can also read it on  a03!
Death was a demon that had once held an inescapable clutch on his soul - as it tends to do with many - for the elusive afterlife was intimidating to most. It was a trampling force that held no remorse for those caught in the aftereffects and was one of the only things Olivier could not run from other than God’s judgment. All he’d known how to do was run; run from responsibility. Run from his family’s advice. From the people he loved. From his son. From his lover. 
Olivier had sworn he’d gotten over the fear of death. The moment he’d been exiled from his own family and girlfriend, he’d considered himself better off as dead then. He had been a shell of a human being back then, constantly wishing for death’s release despite lacking the willpower to go through with any of the treacherous thoughts that had plagued his mind. He often sends thanks to the divine force that kept him from that horrendous fate. There must have been a reason for keeping him alive even when he was practically six-foot underground in his own alcoholic and drug-induced misery. 
Death had become a common factor in his work field to a point where he’d never bat an eye at the miscellaneous casualties if there was a purpose. It was the main cause of his and Gustave’s disagreements whenever they’d argue, their differentiating philosophies and viewpoints remaining on very shaky ground that he’d squint to say was common - so they ignored it the same way they ignored each other’s politics. In his defense though, life was just so fragile. Mortality has kicked him in the face multiple times. Like when he was barely an adult and hospitalized for his toxic obsessions, he’d had a lot of time to think about how close he had been to death and, more bitterly, how many had died to something he hadn’t. He’s held the hand of sickly dying patients and carried heavy corpses of civilians and colleagues to a point where any shock, fear, or emotion has dissipated. 
In Rainbow, the only deaths he’d witnessed were the ones of recruits. It was always upsetting to lose a member of their organization, yet their losses had never really phased Olivier - at least not in the way it affected people like Gilles who’d worked and trained with them more personally. They had yet to lose an actual operator though, whether it be through sheer luck was unknown to Olivier - yet they’d always managed to keep a clean streak even when missions went haywire. It was common to joke about dying on the job otherwise the lingering fear would eat them alive, and despite the teasing nature, there was always a truth to their words. It remained unspoken, yet drifted through the atmosphere whenever anyone laughed about their possible fate in an upcoming mission. Despite the mirth in their teasing voices, Olivier saw the flash of uncertainty and fear in their eyes - the feeling being reciprocated by everyone else in the room. 
It was inevitable, wasn’t it? The lead up was unbearable, someone had to die eventually - right? It was all a matter of who and when. Everyone secretly expected the more reckless operators to be the ones to die first; after all, they were the ones who joked most about dying and were more prone to life-endangering endeavors. It’s what made the most sense, right? 
So why was it that their doctor - the one who preached the most about caution and safety - died first? Why hadn’t it been someone like James - who jumps headfirst into the fray without thinking? Or Elias - who practically gloats about willing to dive right in front of bullets to save lives? Often times, Olivier thinks he’s the butt of a joke the entire world is playing on him. Right when he gets complacent, comfortable, and happy with the way his life is heading, life throws a curveball that sends him tumbling back down the steep rocky mountain he’d been so desperately trying to climb. It’s what happened when he was a teenager and thrown out to the streets, it’s what happened when he almost lost his rank from his relapse into toxic behaviors, and it’s what’s happening now. 
And it hurts - so much more than all those experiences combined - to a point where Olivier wants to scream. Rip his hair out and peel off his own skin in a valiant attempt to shake off all these layers of pain and anguish. And this loss shouldn’t hurt him so much. He - he thought he’d gotten used to death’s company. And death wasn’t the final destination, there was life for Gustave after his earthly one - even if he wasn’t a devout believer in heaven or hell. For Olivier’s own sake, he held onto the notion that Gustave was with his heavenly father despite his lover’s religious doubts. The thought of Gustave being permanently gone tore at Olivier’s chest and applied an emotional pressure that made his sternum feel like exploding. 
Even still, despite knowing Gustave is in a better place, Olivier despises every second without the other French man’s company and guiltily relishes in this selfish desire. He misses Gustave and desperately searches for ways to keep his lover’s presence lingering, even if it wasn’t physical. He’d already gone through a phase of replacing all of his pillowcases with Gustave’s clothes, inhaling the poignant scent of his lover; outrageously expensive cologne, aftershave, and home. The day the scent wore off had been soul-crushing, and instead of being comforted by the pacifying smell of his deceased lover, he was met with his own depressing stench of sweat, tears, and desperation. 
The love he shared with Gustave was resurfacing into a loneliness that made every tender memory sour and turned every night alone with his right hand into a pathetic display of grief - any kind of pleasure received being reduced to a vigorous lust for what he couldn’t have anymore. The night his anger, grief, and desire merged into one amalgamation of self-loathing sent Olivier on a rampant self-destructive course, seeking out the artificial love of strangers for a taste of the past. 
Except it was superficial and each impetuous touch from the men couldn’t compare to the way Gustave’s careful nimble hands had once explored his body. Where Gustave was attentive, loving, and selfless in the way he reduced Olivier to a babbling mess, they were rough and selfish. Greedily taking from Olivier - though he’d be a hypocrite to be modest and say he hadn’t initially been doing the same thing - and the realization that this wasn’t Gustave, and he’d never find a suitable replacement for the love he’d once shared with the man, hit him like a freight train and sent him barreling down into a pit of despair. Any sound of pleasure he’d once emitted was obscured, all there was was pain - his cries being muffled underneath sweat-laced skin and the sound of the once euphoric activity. When the brute realized his sobs weren’t of pleasure and asked a concerned “shit, are you alright mate?”, Olivier merely nodded despite how much his soul screeched at him to say no and spill out the cesspool of his inner demons and unrelenting heartache. 
His church had been helpful and alleviated the unbearable torment of his wistful thoughts. The people he confided in supported him through his mourning, promising to keep him in their prayers. Their intercessions helped ease the nagging thoughts that he was completely alone in this particular struggle, and the distractions from his time volunteering kept his mind away from the distress in his empty home. Gustave never went to church with him despite how adamantly Olivier tried to convince him, and he never would’ve imagined he’d ever be grateful for it. Everything and everywhere reminded him of Gustave, but not his church. The only place Gustave refused to accompany Olivier to, and the only place that didn’t overwhelmingly remind him of a certain presence he was missing. 
He tried to find solace solely on his religion, and oh how he tried to find respite and healing through prayer and guidance - but old habits die hard and the sudden influx of emotional turmoil dug up everything he’d fought so hard to control. It felt like he was constantly on a malfunctioning autopilot mode - he couldn’t control his actions that progressively got more and more destructive, exacerbating his situation without a care in the world as he let his inner demons take over. Thought and inhibition were completely thrown out the window every time he took a swing of Gustave’s once treasured expensive wine. A sight that’d surely make him fume and retch in his grave, he’d think guiltily, forlorn gaze cast down at the half-empty glass bottle. 
He dreaded to imagine what Gustave would think of him if he saw him now, and remembers vividly the disappointment and hurt that’d paint his handsome face in the beginning of their relationship when Olivier would oftentimes turn to alcohol to deal with the stress. 
“We’re a team now, anything that bothers you bothers me. Tell me please, don’t push me away - I know I’m not the most emotionally available person in the world, but I care. I don’t want to see you like this again, please.” Gustave had exasperated, crouching down next to Olivier’s huddled figured hugging the toilet - spewing out his regret from the night before.
It took him a while to trust Gustave with his anxieties and problems, and though he had always been distant with his comfort compared to someone like Gilles - who’d embrace Olivier in a warm hug and soothing words - it worked. Gustave offered Olivier a shoulder to cry on and tentative back rubs, though the hesitant physical touches couldn’t compare to his words. They held advice - a logical merit that kept him grounded and resilient with a promise that these problems he faced had solutions so long as he put the effort to solve them. 
“But Gustave,” Olivier whispered, voice hoarse as he stared at the soul-shuddering marble tombstone that did very little to dignify who Gustave Kateb was and all of his humble accomplishments. It made Olivier distraught to see the altruistic man who worked so hard, every single day, reduced to a few words. “How do I get through this? Without you?” His voice was breaking on every syllable, body oscillating back and forth on his heels in a desperate attempt to contain himself. 
Olivier was met with nothing but the sound of wind rustling through the willow and oak trees and the soft shrill chirping from the thrushes and the songbirds, a hurtful reminder of how ultimately his loss was meaningless to everything but him. The world would carry on unforgivingly and leave Olivier behind to rot in his despair while trying to grudgingly trek through life, all while carrying the heavy solid weight of grief on his back. Nobody was going to wait on him to catch up, nobody truly cared or was impacted as much as Olivier was, and Olivier was sure that right when he’d returned from his leave in Northern France, the majority of Rainbow would have moved on.  Perhaps they’d already found a replacement for Gustave. Olivier grimaced, the thought embarking a shrewd feeling of dissatisfaction that boiled in his blood. 
“I can’t do this, I don’t want to go back without you there. It’s unbearable please, I-” his pleads cut off abruptly into a sob that tore through his chest and throat, leaving behind a tingling sensation that kept his breathing uneven. “I miss you. I-I can’t… I don’t know what to do. Please, help me.” The blonde French man crumpled on the cold ground, the maintained grass damp and chilled from the icy dew-heavy morning.
 “Help me,” Olivier reiterated, body slumped downwards as he fisted handfuls of the surrounding flora carelessly - a ravaging tick surging throughout him to destroy whatever he could get his hands on. “Gustave help me. Help me, help me,” Olivier repeated uncontrollably between breath-stealing wails, his repetition a painful reminder of the birds that surrounded him in the desolate graveyard - only able to repeat rather than speak. 
“I’m sorry. For everything. I shouldn’t have spent so long fighting you, you’ve brought me so much joy. It was a waste, and I wish I could go back and spend all those hours we wasted arguing about something stupid and petty and just.. Kiss you instead.” Olivier heaved out once he finally caught his breath, eyes glazing over the dirt and grass that now contaminated his pale hands. 
A bubbling emotion surged throughout him, its force overwhelming and warm that induced a trembling in his fingertips. A phrase came to mind, the only way to explain this feeling that had been eating him alive throughout the past year. Three words contributed to this almost rapturous feeling that Olivier had stubbornly avoided saying unless he deemed the time acceptable. How idiotic he had been to hold himself back like that because now there was no more time left to share this revelation he’d been holding inside of him selfishly.
“I love you.” Olivier whispered, voice hushed as if admitting these three words was a crime - but the only thing that was crime-worthy was how long he’d kept it to himself. 
And so, he was met with nothing. Just as he had been earlier, and would be forevermore.
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butcharyastark · 4 years
okay Thoughts So Far about TMA now that I’ve finished season 1:
THE WRITING IS SO GOOD. so many shows have such predictable writing and I don’t mean that in a “tropes bad” way, I mean as in.......it’s just boring. TMA is really engaging and fun and smart and it’s!!! really refreshing!!!
also I’m so tired of bad horror because it’s just annoying at this point but TMA is GENUINELY terrifying and disturbing and fun.
Jon is amazing and grumpy and sad and prickly and I LOVE him. Martin is baby and deserves the world. Sasha is SO sweet and good. Tim is literally me. the found family trope........I am living.
I think I ship Jon with everyone. not a lot of relationship content but like....the potential.......is there.
everyone is autistic imo. everyone. all of the squad. they’re all autistic. and trans. you can’t change my mind.
playing minecraft while binge-listening to podcasts is very good but I’ve terrified myself multiple times with random [eerie noise]’s during a spooky TMA episode and since I’ve been resource collecting, most of my underground tunnels I’ve been digging out all have specific sections that remind me of certain episodes because that’s what I was listening to while mining there. it’s very weird.
the continuity!!!! this just ties back into the “good writing” but honestly I LOVE seeing everything tie back together and having recurring characters, it’s SO cool, and I can’t wait to see it all mean something in the end.
fave episodes:  #5 Thrown Away, #7 The Piper, #11 The Dreamer, #14 Piecemeal, #15 Lost Johns’ Cave, #21 Freefall, #29 Cheating Death, #32 Hive, #34 Anatomy Class, #37 Burnt Offering, #39 Infestation.
regarding the end of season 1:
Jon is so fucking tired oh my god :(((( he’s been through SO much while working here and he’s so confused and afraid and it’s wearing on him and I :(((( I know it only gets worse from here and I just want him to be okay :////
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. what the fuck is up about gertrude’s body being found in the tunnels????? and GUNSHOTS???? WHY IS SHE INVOLVED WITH EVERYTHING??? why is everything connected to Jon???
Jon doesn’t think he can trust anyone.............:(( I mean he’s probably right that it’s SOMEONE in the institute and he of course has no idea WHO but :((( let ppl in
I think Elias is gonna do some SHIT. there’s a lot of foreshadowing I think abt the institute being shady as fuck actually and maybe corrupt and I think Mr. Bouchard has smth to do with that. he just....says stuff sometimes that sounds REALLY suspicious and I don’t like the way he seems to not care about the issues that pop up. I think he knows something about Jon, and probably Gertrude, too. it’s probably too early to speculate about that, but I think he might have killed Gertrude??? but maybe that’s too obvious, idk. either way I don’t trust him.
I don’t know a lot of spoilers about TMA, but I do know that the entities exist. IDK what they are or what they do, but I know they’re a Thing™. I think a lot of the little collected stories in season 1 that just seem to be unrelated separate weird events might mostly be (or even all be) actually connected to/controlled by these Super Powerful Eldritch Beings or smth.
lowkey sure Jon is gonna get some sort of powers. am excited to see that. I know he gets steadily more depressed and broken down and I doN’T KNOW WHY, but I’d like at least to see him get some cool shit out of it ;-;
things I want:
please.........more Jon friendships................I’m starving...............more squad™ content.
Jon hurt/comfort please and thank u.
irl segments!!!!! I love seeing people interrupt Jon and have convos!! I love seeing Martin and Tim and Sasha!!!!!
more Gerard pls. I don’t know what’s up with him, but we stan a greasy goth legend.
just. some more REALLY good horror. unnecessary to add really, but I’m SO excited to the next season of TMA and see how things develop and what new disturbing content I get!!!
final thoughts: TMA good. thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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theroseofthorns · 7 years
(I've been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to know what u thought of this :)) How does Elias talk? He has no lips, his tongue and shape of his jaw would make talking like a human nearly impossible. Granted, it could be purely magic, or maybe he has another set of teeth or something unseen in the back of his throats that allow him to speak, i dont know though. Or maybe something else entirely.
Ok but I actually think about this too much a lot and here’s my theory:
Elias is not actually speaking a human language or using human speech patterns at all, what people “hear” they receive magically, and the way he moves his mouth is actually unrelated.
In the OVA and the manga, we see a lot of cases where he opens his mouth to speak-
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see that dark line?
--but doesn’t move his jaw at all thereafter, nor does his tongue seem all that active. But, we do know that he opens his mouth quite widely in the manga at various points while talking, too. Well, sort of. Actually, we pretty much only see the wide open mouth when he’s:
1) Shouting
2) Upset/agitated/insistent or lecturing, like here when he’s being a hardass about Chise’s notes
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3) Looks more like this
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A state wherein even his typeface suggests something unusual in communication and he doesn’t actually say a lot of words. 
So . . . there isn’t much actual evidence for a relationship between him opening his mouth, and speaking.
And the other thing here is that actually, we can’t of course hear whether what he says even correlates to these gestures in the manga anyway. Honestly, I read the set of his jaw as a part of his expression, much of the time. And this is just me, but when I do that, I find myself picking up a lot of visual signals that I don’t usually use to interpret people. I end up reading his mouth the way I would a dog’s, which is arguably--and according to the extras in a volume I am currently too lazy to reference--what his skull most resembles.
This is hard to show with pictures I think, but take this random assortment of dogs. By looking at the position of their lips, ears, etc. you can probably deduce which dog is barking vs. howling vs. snarling vs. panting, etc. 
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More than that, though, you can actually tell a lot by the angle of the head and the degree to which the jaw is open, too, even without looking at the soft tissue for a clue. And if you ask me, some of Elias’ expressions match this positioning really well:
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I know, not excellent comparisons, but I’m working off of google images and waaaay too little sleep, so bear with  me here:
In summary/Tl;dr:
I don’t believe that Elias’ mouth has anything to do with the sounds he makes any more than these dogs’ mouths do. Most of these pictures are silent or guttural only (like a growl). I think Elias is probably illustrated with that in mind--his jaw isn’t set along with his words, just his canis magic-us expressions. It isn’t an indication of sound. 
And, in the absence of sound produced through mechanization of the mouth, 70% of the things he says in the manga aren’t being “spoken” at all.
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