xxladyballadxx · 1 year
Always In Your Heart
Vash x (Wife) reader
During an exhausting day by doing bounty hunting with his good ol’ pal Wolfwood, he decided to go for a drink with him before heading home to his wife, (Y/n). Speaking of (Y/n), Vash wondered if she’s managing alright at home by herself. He insisted on calling Meryl and Milly over to spend time with (Y/n) so she doesn’t get lonely. However, (Y/n) wanted to be alone at home. 
Each day and week, Vash’s concerns for his wife grew extremely high and is worrying for her wellbeing and health. Saturday he noticed recent scars on (Y/n)’s arms when he came home from grocery shopping. Vash wished to talk to her about it but kept losing the chance every time (Y/n) changed the subject.  
There was just one time Vash heard (Y/n) sobbing in the bathroom, he comforted her and asked what’s wrong. He held her close while she talked about what’s bothering her. 
Vash managed to talk about the marks on (Y/n)’s arms, he talked her out of it and pleaded with her not to do it anymore. (Y/n) and Vash cried together in an embrace.
‘Whatever you’re going, please know that I’m here for you. No matter how big or small it is, you can always tell me anything.” 
Those words from Vash made (Y/n) cry even more. She calmed down afterwards and fell asleep in the bedroom, resting her mind while Vash lay down next to her. 
“(Y/n), babydoll, I’m home.” As Vash returned home, he knew something was off. Awfully quiet in the house, (Y/n) didn’t respond to Vash when he called out to her. 
Vash called out his wife’s name multiple times. Still no response. He jogged upstairs to see if (Y/n) was in the room. “(Y/n)..?” He slowly opened the door as it made a creaking sound. 
He entered the room with his heart shattering into pieces, spotted his wife lying down on the floor…dead. A spilled bottle of pills was found on the floor, beside (Y/n)’s right hand. 
“(Y/N)!!!” Vash bewailed, he rushed to her and bent down, holding his wife in his arms as he shed tears, “(Y/n)...why?” His face swelled with grief and sorrow, his head hurting from shedding a lot of tears. He can feel himself falling apart. Witnessing his wife who took her own life….is gone.
Suddenly, he noticed a folded piece of paper in (Y/n)’s other hand. Vash slipped it away from his wife’s cold hand at a slow pace and started reading it, small teardrops dripping down on the letter from his blue-emerald eyes as he read it…
To my wonderful, loving husband Vash
I’m so sorry I did this to myself. I couldn’t stand being in this cruel, harsh reality anymore. I kept hearing voices in my head saying that I’m not good enough, Even my family who left me in the dirt. I can hear them saying horrible things about me. You as well…
Just know that it’s not you, it’s me. I kept having negative thoughts about myself. All this time, I thought no one could ever love me. Never. Until you came into my life. I had no idea someone like you would fall for me.
I said to myself once that I could never be with someone who is warm-hearted, so sweet and so kind…
Keep on living, Vash…for me
No matter how many people are against you just for who you are or what you are, know that I am always here in your heart. Even though I am gone…I will always be watching over you…
I love you so much my dear, I am very glad to have met you, so glad to have you in my life…
Thank you for accepting me,..
Thank you for everything…
From your loving wife…(Y/n)..
Vash’s hands were shaking in despair, he wept and held the letter close to his heart. He screamed out a cry along with his heart screaming along with him…
Vash The Stampede…
A hunter of love and peace…just lost the most precious person in his life…
(A/n)-I actually cried while writing this...💔💔
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xxladyballadxx · 1 year
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Vash x reader
(a/n)- I feel like I haven’t been writing for a while lmfao. Hope you enjoy this! <3 Vash has a big surprise for you when he comes home.
Before your sweet loverboy went to do his bounty work, he told you that he had something important to tell you. You were wondering what it could be. Vash informed you that he doesn’t want you to figure it out for some reason. Which leads you to thinking that it must be a surprise or something. He did tell you to not figure it out but you couldn’t help it. 
Vash grabbed the lunch bag you kindly made for him and kissed you goodbye, leaving for bounty work. You went back to doing things you were doing in the house. Tidying up and doing chores as usual. 
Whenever Vash is home and not working, he always lends you a hand. Such a sweet, loving boyfriend you could ever have. The man you want to be with for eternity. He may be reckless, clumsy, chaotic and even acts like a messy goofball. 
That’s what you truly love about him anyway. Vash The Stampede. Who knew you would fall in love with such a man. Well, he fell for you first. He loves your sweet personality, your cute laughs, your adorableness. Hell! He loves everything about you! 
The two of you lovebirds have been dating for a whole five years! Quite long, isn’t it?
Your lover, Vash, is still being called the Humanoid Typhoon by people. Just because he brings destruction to towns and places. There are some that still fear him though. He’s not as scary as he looks. Just a guy who’s just trying to save civilians and the town and he still is. 
Some people from different towns respect him but some don’t just because of who he is and what he is. Vash The Stampede. AKA The Humanoid Typhoon. It bothers you so much at times that a few still call him but you never see him as a destructive killing machine. He was never meant to bring harm to the whole town anyway. In your own eyes, you see a caring, loving man who you truly love, trying to save people and the town. Even families. 
Honestly, you don’t give a damn about what people think of Vash the Stampede. He was never meant to bring harm to people or bring destruction towards their home. 
No matter how much people provoke or despise him because of what he is, it will never stop you from loving him. 
As the day hit the darkest night, you were finished preparing the dinner on the table as your charming sunshine Vash finally came home. “(Y/n), I’m home.” He called out to you, taking off his red jacket and shoes. “Welcome home, love, did the bounty hunt go well?” you asked him with a sweet smile. 
Vash walked to the dining room and pecked you a kiss on the cheek, “It went well, not too bad. Oh! Roast Chicken! Looks delicious!” He settles down on a chair and munches down on his food like an adorable kid eating his favorite dinner. You giggled at his sweet dying starvation for the food that was set on the table, “Please, don’t eat too fast, pretty boy.” you sat next to Vash, eating the food along with him. 
Once you and Vash finished eating dinner, he insisted on washing the dishes for you. He told you to go chill in the living room. You recalled that he needed to tell you something but don’t worry; Vash hasn’t forgotten about it. 
Just let him wash the dishes and then he can tell you something afterwards whilst you chill in the living room for a little bit. 
It didn’t take him too long to wash the plates and cutlery. Vash goes to the living room and sits with you on the couch. You tilted your head, smiling sweetly at him, “So what is it you want to tell me, Vash?” 
Vash scratches the back of his head, feeling slightly nervous. You wondered what was going on with his mind. He suddenly held your hand into his and gazed upon your (e/c) eyes. “I feel like I’m going to screw this up but…” he heaved a sigh,” here goes nothing...”
“Take your time, my charming sunshine, we have all the time in the world.” you reminded him, caressing his right cheek softly. 
Vash smiled at your patience, “(Y/n), when you accept me for what I am and who I am, it helped me to accept myself. I never thought anyone could love me…until I met you. I always feel much joy whenever I’m around you. I had never felt this…feeling before. The feeling I never had for anyone. You made me the happiest man alive, (Y/n). I truly do mean that. You will always be my one and only. I will always love you forever…my sweet moonlight..” Vash went down on one knee and pulled out something from his pocket. You gasped, covered your mouth and the happy tears were starting to appear in your eyes. 
“(Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me?” Vash finally proposed to you, opening a small box revealing a beautiful diamond ring. He awaits your answer. 
“Yes, Vash…of course I will marry you!” you cried out in joy, getting off the couch and wrapping your arms around him. You let go of Vash for a moment so he can slide the engagement ring on your middle finger. 
You went back to flinging your arms around him once again, “My sweet sunshine. My charming Vash. I love you so much.” 
Vash cupped your face, caressing your cheek with his robotic hand, “I love you too, my sweet moonlight. My beautiful (Y/n).” 
You two leaned in your heads together for a kiss. Vash tickles your neck with kisses as you laugh adorably. He carries you bridal style and takes you upstairs to give you more kisses and make love underneath the sheet with you. 
After the lovemaking, while you were sleeping on Vash’s arm, you dreamt of hearing the wedding bells and the lovely wedding event. <3
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xxladyballadxx · 1 year
\\Nerves of Steel \\
Vash x (pregnant) reader
Summary: You told your husband you’re pregnant. You felt nervous by telling him the news, thinking he would leave you.
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Excited but nervous at the same time. You always wanted a child. You didn’t want to tell Vash just yet so you decided to keep it as a surprise. Along with that, you began to have a lot of doubts. Thinking about whether Vash wants to be the father of the child or not. You never had a chance to discuss it with him before the miracle happened. You were afraid that he might turn down the idea. Having a terrible thought that he would abandon you, leaving you with the baby alone. You got rid of those nightmarish assumptions when Vash returned home from his long important trip.  
“Hello, my baby doll. How have you been?” Vash put down his bag and locked the door behind him, you ran to embrace him “I’ve missed you, Vash!” you beamed out of joy. He pecks your lips and caresses your cheek “I’ve missed you too, (Y/n).” 
“How was your trip?” You asked, wondering how it all went with his buddy Nicholas. “Ah it went alright! We ran into a bit of trouble with the bandits though but other than that, it was alright!” 
The two of you continued the conversation at the dinner table. While Vash, your lovely-goofy husband was talking about his crazy-ass adventures with you, you were thinking about how you’re going to tell him about your pregnancy. Trying to think of a positive way to spill it. 
You snapped out of those doubtful thoughts when he called out to you, he noticed you were looking a bit down, “Are you okay, (Y/n)?  you haven’t been talking a lot since I got back today.” showing signs of concern, Vash wondered what’s troubling your mind. 
“I’m sorry, my dear. I’m very happy to see you return safe and sound. I really am. There’s something I want to tell you, my love. Promise you won’t get mad?” you gave a worrying look towards him. Vash sighed and smiled at your doubtfulness, putting your hand into his in the middle of the table, “My sweet angel, my lovely wife, I would never get mad at you. You know you can talk to me about anything.” 
“I’m pregnant..” you finally told him without hesitation. He lets go of your hand and backed away from the dinner table, standing up in shock. You thought doubtfully, ‘he’s going to leave me, I just know it!’
Vash turned straight to bliss from being in shock, giving you that beaming happy-bubbly puppy eyes with a jolly smile, “I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER?!” he squealed, blasting out in happiness. “Yes, Vash. Yes you are!” you cried happily, getting up from the chair and rushing off to him as he picked you and spun you around in the air lovingly. 
“I love you so much, (Y/n). I really can't meet this child of ours. I don’t know if I’m going to be a great father or not. I mean, will this child even love me?” Vash started to feel anxious about being a father. You washed away his worries and doubts by comforting him, “Don’t say things like that, my dear. You will make a great father. I just know it.” 
Vash hugged you passionately, “I love you to the moon and back. You’re my one and only, (Y/n). 
“Awww, Vash. I love you too, my sweetie.”
“So, is it a girl or boy?”
“Oh goodness, Vash. Be patient. We will find out soon enough.”
For you, @kianaflame23​ sweetcheeks <3 hope this made your day x
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