#venus rx in leo
tarothouselattier · 10 months
What’s arising for you this Venus retrograde in Leo pick a card
Your expirience + advice from your Barbie as a spirit guide.
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Pile 1: Barbie as Rapunzel
your experience this Venus rx
I think you are focusing on some sort of plan you have. You've turned your big dreams into practical plans that you dreamed to nurture and to bring into life and you were so excited. It was so shiny and new and you really put the venture on a pedestal in your mind so much so that it has now become a burden to you. These dreams don’t keep you warm at night, they keep you up instead and you're tired. You put so much pressure onto yourself to achieve this. The fact that maybe it's not coming into fruition is tied like a rope around your neck. You are in over your head with the things that you want to create so much that the thought is now controlling you, and you are now afraid of what you used to love.
I also see that this kind of thinking keeps you stuck in a loop and you're frustrated. You’re tired, you are paralysed with fear and you feel like you can’t do what you love because it’s kind of turned against you and you are sitting here sulking, looking at what other people have. Because at this moment your thing isn't working out you're saying "oh, I can’t have this, I can’t have that", so you find yourself in your tower away from the world. You're saying with what you have, but you don’t like what you have, and you are sitting there looking at other people's experiences, feeling left out in the cold and like you can’t have what you want.
The only one who is keeping your bag away, weather that bag is monetary or your bag of dreams and desires that you want to bring into life is YOU! You’re in over your head. And now you feel like you can’t have it because you're not participating in your own life to the fullest extent. By watching other people you kind of part your power with them (and I can't say that you're sharing power (like a person who thinks there is only one way to use words and you can't brake the mold whenever you please), because you are not doing it willingly). Don't watch other people, wishing it was you. And what is even graver is living vicariously throught other people. If you think watching videos of people living your dreams, watching them do/make things you want to make without taking action yourself will miraculously satisfy your desire to do this thing, honey, YOU'VE GOT A BIG STORM COMING.
It’s like you’re protecting something no person has taken away from you.
What you need to realise is that you are the only one who can just shift your perspective. And to tell you how SERIOUS I am about you shifting your perspective, listen to this.This is my pile as well, and that means your pile gets THE MOST from me. Why? Because I've done this reading 3 days before coming back to edit this text, and this whole lot of time helped me gain perspective. I literally channeled this much information and needed days to fully realise what this reading is about. I've literally come back to the cards and with my new-found expirience of 3 days and because of that I now see another message I can give you. I understand you better and your message, because I understand myself better. You just need to shit your perspective on evrything going on around you. You can still do all these things, they’re not going anywhere. It’s not about the things it’s about your attitude.
let’s take a really basic every day thing as an example. You do the dishes. They’re still gonna be the dishes, they’re still gonna be dirty. They aren’t going anywhere, they’re sitting there and they are needing to be done regardless of what you feel, right? So you can either be happy in yourself and have a positive attitude and wash the dishes with that happy attitude and do those dishes in a breeze. You enjoy it not because you're washing dishes but because you are enjoying life and you have joy inside of you. And on the other hand, you can be all sulky, bitter, angry and frustrated because nothing you what you want to do seems to be getting you anything you hoped it would. Now you're angry at the dishes while you're doing the dishes. But they are still the same dishes that would not be bothering you if you would jsut calm down and realise that what you need and what you lack is not physical accomplishments and money, but love.
You’re in over your head.
Advice from your Barbie guide: Rapunzel
Her archetype also came through in the cards, look:
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The truth always comes out.
Just felt enclined to say that. Now that I have watched the movie, I remember that the truth plays a big part in the point of Rapunzel's story.
You may think that you are fighting an internal battle and you’re losing and like you’re spinning on a spinning wheel of life and nothing seems to be going in your favour. Maybe you’re just so used to external forces being against you. You’re so used to fighting with everybody, and even if there’s no one to fight you’re still doing it. Don't you get tired my love? isn’t like the whole point of fighting people is that you don’t wanna fight? You just want to happily live your life without interference from stupid people. zyou probably had to fend for yourself a lot when you were younger. Fight for your place and prove to people that you deserve to be as happy and well-off in live as you are. That you deserve to live your dreams easily and have fun just like that. People are jelous because they believe nothing in life comes easy and of course they're never satisfied. And when they see you just enjoy life and have fun, recieve anything you ask for and more within a blink of an eye they start to have you. They want to have it in life like you do, but they don't undestand your ease. They believe that it's impossible to live life from a state of hope, trust and ease. They believe everything is hard.
You don’t want anyone to tell you what to do, how to be. you don’t want anyone to be the story-teller of your own life. You are clinging to the idea that you’re lost, but the real thing is that you’re actually living in the big picture, okay?
Realise that you’re living in literal Cosmos and life is so much more generous than what it is you think in your head, it is so much more expancive and kind. The wheel of life is always turning. You never know what happens tomorrow, but you do know that you have your passion and your drive and you need to move. Forget everybody who may say something shit about you. You have your passion, you have your drive, the truth always comes out. You're good to go right at this moment.
Complain with me, let it out. It’s foggy up in the head but we gotta blaze our own way out with fire and magic like the Knight of wands that is coming through for us🔥🫡
Your Barbie‘s quote of advice from my self-made “Pinterest quotes” deck:
Literally pulled this card for myself TWICE before doing your reading.
If you chose pile 3 in my previous pick a card “What you need to say YES to instead of the usual NO” and you’re seeing this now, it just proves we’re in the same boat. It just proves that your dream is your kifeline and you're not delusional, I promise you. I feel like I’m checking up on my friends and this is how your things are going after the last time we talked.
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PILE 2. Barbie and the Enchanted Garden(it’s a book) Barbie Lily
You are my magical, light, fairy-tail creatures!
Castles crumbled, you were left dissapointed. You're picking up the pieces now willingly and like it's fine, you're on your own. You're making up with someone but you're in this process on your own. Not making up with the physical person, but with their..spirit..more like the mental image of them in your head. It's like "it didn't work out, that's fine. I'm just picking myself up, forgiving and moving forward" But I feel like you're really snarky while doing so lol.
"Go and tell your friends that I'm crazy and obsessive, that's fine!"
It's like "ókay, I've got one less problem without you.(I'm really breaking into song here. Do you do that?) oh, you're leaving? Wheh, 'kay, I was tired because of you you anyway" I'm crying you're so sassy. I thought you were all love'n'light at first.
There was a person involved. I feel it stronglyyy. But there is literally no direct indication of that in the cards. "Out of sight out of mind bitch" lmao.
I feel like it's really time for you to revaluate the self. Really pick YOURSELF up.
Pile 2, I’m on a roll with you.
I am tuning into your energy literally the next day and you have already changed your perspective and see this situation and person clearly.
You’ve taken a loss and you have done so gracefully.  I am sensing this is definitely because a person let you down. This could either be your ex romantic partner, your business partner, or they are one in the same. Either way, fuck them .
I heard “I’m taking the dog, you bastard!!😠” and I kid you not, seconds later this card came out WITH THE DOG.
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I thought it was more of a figurative situation to represent your power in the fight with this man. I can’t even say person. I would give you my left arm(left-handed) because I bet this is a man. If you are battling with this person and they literally have your dog, go get your dog mama!!!!!
You don’t need no coins from this person, you don’t need their money. You just get your “dog” back, get your power back!!! Kick him out of your life. You are on your own business, on your hot girl shit, on your plans, you’re assessing your own life situation. You’re so much better off without them. You see them clearly now. Gone are the chains that bound you to this person, you’re setting yourself free. Fuck shit up!!! I feel like cursing in this reading, I feel you are passionately mad. You have been disrespected by this bitch-ass man. But you see right through their schemes and their bullshit. You are withdrawing your energy, you’re having none of it!!! God I love reading tarot. AND I LOVE THIS FOR YOU. YES. BE FURIOUS. Channel your devine rage into building the life of your dreams. Fill yourself with meaning. You are no mother, no bride, you are KING. Your power is yours, and ain’t nobody taking it from you.
It’s the feeling of when someone gaslights you all the time, and there comes a point when you’ve had enough of their bullshit(you can feel the’re bullshitting you), realise your own power, step away and then see how much of a PATHETIC WORM that person is.
ADVICE FROM YOUR BARBIE GUIDE: LILY(Barbie and the Enchanted Garden)
Disappear off the face of the Earth.
I think what she means by this is become completely unavailable to that person and ANYONE who is not serving your highest good for that matter. Trust me, this is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself. 
Redefine yourself entirely and do it FOR yourself. You can do that by answering your inner call.
“You guys, your real strength comes from being the best you you can be, so who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you YOU!?” - Po in Panda King Fu 3. Kung * I decided to leave the autocorrect part because KING is very fitting for you. Maybe watch that training clip if you want. It’s when Po is training the Pandas to defend the village. You don’t have to be someone else in order to achieve your goals. You are not part of that person you left behind. You are not intertwined or attached at the hip, you never have been. Discover and nurture your inner power. You’re on your own now. You’re actually stronger on your own! Because you don’t have to split yourself apart for others and live with your cup half-full all the time.
“She’s beautiful 🥹” you’re going off on your own now, something you have been afraid off. This is the death of life as you once new it and your big entrance into the life you always dreamed of and deep down always knew you were meant for. You are meant for MORE in this life!!!! Just like you’ve always felt. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with believing in yourself. You cut the cords with that person and in doing so you cut the cord to your old life, that you once believed would be all that you could have. I feel spirit, your guides being just so incredibly proud of you. The energy of “that’s my beautiful girl🥹🥰👍🔥 YOU GO HONEY!!!!!!! ayyyyy”
“And if I fall - they got me” - the song I can’t live without (haven’t heard it in a long-ass time😂) CAN’T HOLD US - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.
I’m so fucking hype right now, this song is PERFECT FOR YOU!!!!! And me. I’m going through the same shit, high-five Queen ✋😂
Please feel free to text me, send a message in my ask box or a dm, ‘cause I feel this hype energy so strongly right now, I want to know what is happening for you at this moment sister!!!
You are NOT a care-giver to everyone around you! They are responsible for their own shit, and if they are an irresponsible crybaby who never takes accountability then that’s their own.fucking.problem. You take that responsibility and accountability like a KING. And that’s all you need to know.😌 Don’t waste your emotions and energy and your love on someone who gives you NOTHING!!!! Stop overflowing that cup. What have they ever done for you, huh??? They didn’t ever pour into you and never held space for all that beautiful love that you spilled for them willingly. It’s like this: YOU BOUGHT THE TABLE, YOU BROUGHT THE CUP, YOU PUT YOUR WHOLE SELF INTO IT AND THEY JUST SAT THERE AND STARED AT IT. AND THEN HAD THE AUDACITY TO MESS UP THE TABLECLOTH SO IT ALL SPILLED OVER AND THEY MADE A MESS OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOVE.
NAH-AH BITCH. KICK THEM OUT THE TABLE!!! YOU DID THAT!?!???? GOOD. EXACTLY AS YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰 Spirit is really so proud of you and they applaud you for your strength and resilience and your love and power. NOW GO GET YOUR LIFE BECAUSE SPIRIT WANTS TO POUR WATERFALLS AND OCEANS OF LOVE AND ABUNDANCE ONTO YOU ASAP QUEEN🥰🥰🥰😂😂😂
PILE 3. Barbie & the magic of Pegasus
“I won’t rest till I’m in hell”. You have a personal “vendetta” against rest.
“Low-born” heard this multiple times while shuffling for your pile.
Let me give you a song.
“Angel” - Halle.
“Witch blood”
Paint it. Red.
Cut ties. But you won’t let this go.
These messages and energy are intense to a fault.
“Remember me for centuries” - Fall out boy.
God I love my job - me to myself while doing this reading.
Is there like a family situation? Greed? Expectations. Having to hold up family traditions that are EXTREMELY intimidating and harmful.
You just want to live a happy life on your own terms, but your hell of a family won’t let you. They corner you and your love wherever you go. Just when you think you escaped out of their clutches - boom, clap. You’re in their clasp. You don’t see a way out. Don’t exchange money for love or love for money. Those things aren’t in the same lane.
You have to choose love in your life. Cut trough this hell like a sword. “Wounds will heal, time will not.” - I think what this is referring to is that if you cut ties now you WILL hurt. BUT it WILL heal. What won’t heal is the time you’d be wasting by not cutting off those merciless gnomes(?): your family, friends, whoever or whatever it is. I don’t care. You MUST.
You won’t find what you’re looking for in greed and piles of money. What are you good at? Use it.
There is no expansion or generosity in greed. You will lose your family. You will lose everything. EVERYTHING YOU DON’T NEED. Everything that is not your soul’s to carry. This is divinely guided. You KNOW what you must do!
Once you were a hope for a dynasty. You will feel this immense loss of expectation buried in your chest.
There is nothing wrong with being who you are.
If you don’t cut your family off, or end and slash through whatever it is you must end, you will just become a frozen statue, a stone figure in the merciless house of your choosing.
Yes, YOUR choosing. If your choice will be not to walk away.
Wow. I am channeling like CRAZY today.
Go through with it. Or you will be just like the rest of those.
“Time will heal, but this won’t.” - time will pass, and so you might think that becoming complacent and conforming will save you. But make no mistake: you will spend THE REST of your life with this wound in your chest.
“You can make it different. You can make it right. You can make it better. You don’t have to fight”
A lot of generational trauma and karmic density is what I’m getting with your pile.
Break the chains- reap the benefits. Take! the last stand!
There is always hope to shine the light on the darkest of winters.
“Now I reap the benefits with no congregation.” - Doja Cat in “Attention”.
You ARE the Empress of your own world.
You are more than this world could ever imagine. You’re running out of time. Don’t let it pass you. Your time is NOW.
You sit in the debris and wonder if it’s time.
- YES, it is TIME. What you’re reaching for is also reaching for you. The nine of pentacles. It is your birthright. seize your power.
“Woke up this morning - I feel so f*cking important. I looked in the mirror - I’m different. I finally made a decision.
All the rejected that lost a lack of respect in
Themselves 'cause people get hectic
They hurt you and make you feel helpless
They're not brave like you
They're too scared to do
Anything that's different
Anything that new
I don't need lessons
I do what I want, it's refreshing
As soon as you taste independence
You start living life in the present”
BOMB SONG. Recommend. Will BLOW yow mtf mind. Idk why, but I felt such a need not to swear in this reading, but now I feel the need to say mtfucking. Feels so important. Like breaking free😁
You look down and see all that your family has done to you. stop looking down and cut your own head off if that’s what you must do to live.(with loving intention). Do you have everything you need? YES.
You have YOU. You, separately. you as in you personally. You own yourself. You alone get to define yourself you own your power. You are power, they are nothing. YOU want to Break free. Once you do, you realise you are everything you need. Once you claim your power and wield it like the Knight, Queen and Empress that you ARE, you realise they NEVER had ANY power over you. You just refused to wield your own power for fear of judgement. Of hurting them. They are the ones who hurt ppl. Not you. Them.
Their forces COMBINED don’t stand a singular chance against the sheer power that you alone yield.
Nothing. Period.
Wow, pile 3. I am speechless. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TEXT ME. Send an ask, a dm. I want to talk to the divine royalty that you are.
May the Gods bless you🙏
Now may you go in peace and fight with what is yours to wield. I’ll be waiting.
I hope you enjoy.
I feel this pile deep within my bones.
We are royalty, pile 3. I know in my heart this pile is meant for me, but I’m so afraid to admit it. But I’m doing it anyway. I’m facing this fear that I stand up to and say: NO MORE! I feel like this is what we do. Say no to this with me.
Shine bright like the Star in the night. You are. You are. We are STARS. And stars are made to shine. That is their nature. No more hiding our true nature, my dear soulfamily.
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jenniferstit · 11 months
this venus rx hasn’t even started yet & already so much is happening… this transit is gonna be major.
ariana & her hubby breaking up… lowkey called that in a reading i did on here a while back.
jordyn & kylie reuniting
keke palmer and her baby daddy drama… i’m including this bc they were allegedly previously exes who reunited… venus rx will always show you if taking someone back was the wrong move.
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saturniandevil · 1 year
July 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's July Forecast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfLydVGC0Zk Today's episode is hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and Kira Sutherland.
June recap: Apple announces VR headset (Saturn in Pisces/Pluto in Aquarius) allows you to control the degree of AR involved. Also Saturn in Pisces are some nautical tragedies: the high-profile incident where a submersible full of millionaires was crushed under the ocean--with Saturn we often lament the walls or obstacles we run into, but in this case the boundary wasn't strong enough, and the 300/600 Pakistani refugees who drowned off the coast of Greece. Speaking of the wrath of the sea god, there were also orcas attacking commercial boats. More water-related Saturn news: on June 14th astronomers released a paper with evidence of phosphorous, one of the building blocks of life, on Saturn's moon Enceladus. Jupiter joined Uranus in Taurus, and two producers of lab-grown meat have now been approved for sale to consumers in the US--where Uranus messes with money & food, and Jupiter confirms/makes lawful some of these developments. Then there's the mutiny of the Wagner unit of the Russian military definitively undermining the current powers that be there. This occurred close to the Mars-Uranus square, and is connected to Saturn stationing. Austin says this is a precursor to the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, a combination which has corresponded to major events in Russian history like the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, the Russian Revolution, the assassination of Alexander II. He compares it to Uranus in Gemini for the United States in terms of a aspect that will show you the major turning points for the nation. This aspect is going to take place over a 5-year period rather than 2 or 3, so it will take some time to manifest.
We're entering the month off a Sun-Mercury conjunction in Cancer, Venus & Mars are moving through the last decan of Leo together, Jupiter is building up to a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus (which will be within 10 degrees by the end of the month), Saturn rx is at 7Pisces, about to move back to 6. And of course, much of this month will be building up to Venus retrograde.
July 1st - Sun-Mercury Conjunction (Cazimi)
July 3rd - Full Moon in Capricorn
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There's a trine between the the Moon (11Capricorn) and Jupiter (9Taurus), a kind of supportive counterbalance to the Venus-Uranus square that is still within a degree of exactness. It may not be flashy, but it's stable. Venus-Uranus may want us to make lots of change, but getting some space might be the best course of action here. Kira suggests paying attention to our nervous systems with Uranus and describes it as "itchy"--lay off the stimulants and go for soothing herbal teas and magnesium-rich foods. Kira points out Venus is also associated with copper, which has a sort of seesaw relationship with zinc in the body, and suggests zinc-rich foods as well, especially because zinc can help the immune system, which is also affected by stress.
July 10th - Mars enters Virgo This is a major shift, as this sets him up to oppose Saturn (exact July 20th-21st). Mars in Virgo is a great time to make small, systematic adjustments over time. Virgo loves routines--don't try to overhaul everything at once; have a plan to build up your endurance for climbing up the mountains. Mars in Virgo breaks things down into smaller pieces well. More under Mars opposite Saturn.
July 11th - Mercury enters Leo
July 17th - New Moon in Cancer
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The New Moon at 24Cancer is opposite to Pluto at 29Capricorn--time to reflect on the ~15 years we've had of Pluto in Capricorn. This Sun-Pluto opposition is building up at the same time as the Mars-Saturn opposition. Keywords involve power struggles, especially old ones as we're revisiting the sign Pluto just left. There's more to be done and tidied up. Thinking of The Crab's shell, what more do you need to create to protect yourself? Themes of protection and the home may arise. There's also a fairly close sextile to Uranus (22Taurus) which may help us think outside the box. With Uranus in Taurus pointing to rising interest rates/financial insability and the luminaries in Cancer shining light on our homes, it may also be a time to think about our homes. Pluto in Capricorn has historically corresponded to low interest rates. Pluto has also been showing us the incresing wealth disparity both domestically and globally. Imagining a hermit crab with its home on its back, we may be able to at least identify our most vulnerable points & reinvest in how to be safer. The Sun is also right at the bendings of the nodes, who themselves are at 29Aries/Libra. Venus retrograde is soon to arrive as well.
July 20th - Mars Opposes Retrograde Saturn Mars and Saturn represent two different extremes: hot and cold, fast and slow. Austin describes this as grim competence & doing what needs to be done. Think relentlessness. But be careful and don't push yourself too hard--this is the classic placement for accidentally hurting yourself doing workouts, for example. We feel like we're stuck in one direction and can't stop going in the other but, remember, pace yourself and it'll happen eventually. Chris also points out that this is a placement of limits and breaking points--sometimes we push our limits to find new ones, but we may also snap like a rubber band. Austin says to push 110% mentally, but only 80% physically. Pace yourself.
The Pisces/Virgo axis gives us big picture vs. small picture, or seeing the forest for the trees. Saturn in Pisces has a big, weighty, but unclear goal, and Mars and Virgo can give us the one, small, doable task each day that brings us closer to that goal. With two unyielding planets Austin compares this aspect to getting two ingredients which are each toxic on their own, but which together can form a medicine--you just need to put in the work. Even if we do run up against our limits, though, Mars will get some support from a trine to Jupiter around the end of the month (July 31st-August 1st), especially with two earth signs stabilizing and grounding us. We're feeling the benefits of our two weeks' hard work almost immediately afterwards.
July 22nd - Sun enters Leo, Venus stations Retrograde Venus retrogrades often indicate turning points in our lives, especially with respect to relationships and creativity. We'll have 40 days and 40 nights of introspection on this subject. These experiences tend to pull together conflicting experiences of attraction and repulsion, the back-and-forth that leads to eventual clarity of what you like and what you don't like. The waters will get muddy along the way. Kira brings up that Venus signifies sugar in our diet, so a Venus retrograde can be a good time to adjust our diets--what pleasure foods are working for you and which aren't?
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For Venus and Mercury retrogrades, the planet begins on one side of the Sun (for example, Venus is currently rising & setting before the Sun), disappears, and by the end appears on the other side of it (so she'll rise & set after the Sun). Not only does Venus cross over the Sun, she also crosses over to the other side of the ecliptic (North/South). Thus with this crossing over we can think of the link between taste and distaste--fashion trends often change during Venus rx, especially old trends which were once distasteful coming back in style. Hair trends especially may change in the sign Leo, and the dull earth tones may make way for more color. Big, wide pants and big flowy skirts may come back in as well.
We are also already in the shadow period for Venus retrograde, which began on June 19th.
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"Pre-[retrograde ]shadow" refers to Venus's first pass through the degree which will later be the last point of her retrograde, in this case 12Leo12. She will station retrograde on July 22nd at 18Leo36, backtracking for about 20 days until September 3rd, where she'll station direct at that point at 12 degrees of Leo. She won't leave the post-retrograde shadow until she passes that degree at which she stationed & started going backwards (28Leo36), which happens on October 7th. At that point she'll finally start to enter new territory for the first time since lat July. Any personal placements between 12 and 28 degrees of Leo or other fixed signs will have Venus hitting that point three times over the next few months. This is one of the things that's so important about Venus retrogrades--what's normally a fairly short transit is stretched out over several months. --Venus is often depicted holding a mirror--do we like what we see when we look in the mirror? Not just in appearance, but metaphorically too. Do we like who we are in certain situations? With a bright and loud sign Leo, too, we may have revelations especially over the public and private space. Some parts of us want to be seen, some don't; different parts of us need more light and others need less. We have a feline representative of the Sun's sign as well--cats like to hang out where they can see but not be seen, and questions around visibility will definitely come up during this transit. What parts of yourself do you lead with? --As she prepares to retrograde, Venus finds herself stuck between a conjunction to Mars and a square to Uranus, but when she stations direct she'll be square Jupiter--things may start out rough but we'll definitely have some insight & freedom in the end!
Additionally, Chris has provided a Venus retrograde worksheet where we can connect it to our life events, especially the last few times she was in Leo: https://theastrologypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/venus-retrograde-worksheet.pdf Austin points out this worksheet can also tell us which signs will actually be more impactful for us, Chris points out that sometimes it can just be a little bit of reconnecting to the past. This worksheet can help you figure out which case to expect. --Chris also brings up a recent Twitter discussion for Leo risings especially (yours truly!) as to whether to warn against doing makeovers at this time, or if it fits the symbolism well. Austin advises to experiment during the retrograde, but don't do anything permanent until she stations--not just for appearance, but relationships as well. Especially with some difficult configurations at the beginning of the retrograde, we're more likely to run into issues if we don't wait until both benefics station in contact with each other September. With a cazimi around August 12th or 13th, the second half of this retrograde should be much easier than the first half. With Leo as a youthful sign and Venus concerned with appearance, we may have themes around appearance and aging arise--Kira has had a lot of plastic surgery chart requests around this time. Questions of whether we feel good about ourselves from our appearance may arise--what can we do to affirm ourselves and our self-image? Sometimes what we see and dislike in ourselves is not actually reality; let's seek the truth. Self-knowledge is valuable as gold and even more difficult to mine. And how does one know oneself but through the other? Feeling authentic about yourself is also a big theme at this time. Health is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. (Look to the house Venus transits to see where this may manifest most.)
July 27th - Mercury conjunct Retrograde Venus
July 28th - Mercury enters Virgo Although this is the sign of both his domicile and exaltation, there's a lot of work for him to do there, as his copresence to one malefic and opposition to the other puts some pressure on him. Things may be more soluble, not easy. We may have more ideas on how to deal with the Mars-Saturn opposition, but both planets will continue to weigh on him. He'll retrograde in Virgo later in August, and earlier that same month he'll oppose Saturn, so we'll be revisiting some of these themes.
July 30th - Electional chart (not pictured)
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This chart is at about 6:35AM local time; adjust until the Ascendant is about 13 degrees of Leo. This is a day chart just after sunrise, with the Sun in domicile in Leo and in the first whole sign house. The Sun is applying to a square with Jupiter (13Taurus) in the 10th whole sign house, making this a pretty good chart for career matters. The Moon in Capricorn is applying to a trine with Jupiter, affirming our endeavors all day. Mercruy is in domcile & exaltation in Virgo; if you can try to get the Midheaven around 3Taurus so it can trine the Moon and mitigate her 6th house position, and so it can trine Mercury as well to mitigate his 2nd house position. Although Venus is retrograde in the 1st house, slowing things down, she still brings a positive influence. This is a good general chart for starting a range of endeavors, as are other times later in the month once Mars & Saturn have cleared their opposition.
Overall, July's manageable, but not mellow. With Venus retrograde and Mars opposite Saturn, we've got a couple helpings of things to handle. You can still go out, but keep your seatbelt on when you drive and wear a helmet on your bike.
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asstrolo · 10 months
i don't know how other natal venus rx people are feeling with this venus rx in Leo transit but me personally i'm living my best life
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d4rkpluto · 20 days
ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴛʀᴏɢʀᴀᴅᴇ
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thank you for the 10,000+ followers! a game with no exchange will be released:)
now that i've written and understand planets in retrograde thoroughly they will be included in chart readings for free.
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♇ having mercury in rx makes someone think more often, especially over the most pettiest things they think is big. they're very anxious people, and since it is in retrograde it could be implied that they're "wired differently" they think more out of the box, and even speak different, how they speak and write could be very distinct.
♇ mercury in retrograde could give someone inactive relatives, or cousins and siblings they're not close to. and since they're people who doubt themselves a lot, they could stall themselves from the path they're supposed to take, being their own obstacles. they could also be people who take some time to take in/process information.
♇ as i said they're people who hold themselves back a lot, this could link to their childhood, might've had people speak over them and silence them when they were younger.
♇ people who have venus in retrograde might focus on love too much, and they could be people who have a struggling relationship with women. sisters, women who are their cousins and women who are their friends.
♇ they could also be very secretive people, they have a hard time opening up, which could make them be deemed as cold. they have a hard time giving and receiving affection.
♇ they could be bad at handling money, and might think everyone is out to get them. they could find it hard to love themselves, having venus in rx, is the peak of the "tortured poet".
♇ those who have mars in retrograde could have a hard time getting along with men, or even with the opposite sex. to have mars in rx could mean you could be considered as someone who i very intense. can a hard time expressing your sexuality and aiming for your goals.
♇ instead of learning life lessons quick, they are normally stubborn people and barely listen to advice given to them by trusted people. could be people who are too hesitant, say and do things at the wrong time and place.
♇ people with mars in retrograde might've gone through sexual trauma, could be scared to be intimate with other people. they're people who hate authority or people trying to have dominance over them. the type of people to not listen to the rules and break them.
♇ people who have jupiter in rx are the definition of "thinking out of the box", they're people who do have moments that question their faith and some of these people tend to have a God Complex.
♇ sometimes they feel like they're the unluckiest person in the world, might feel like they wont be able to travel the world like they want to. could also have long cycles of depression.
♇ having jupiter in retrograde can mean they're someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, they can be very detail-oriented people, which sometimes mean they feel like they can judge anyone and think of themselves to be flawless. jupiter in rx people are the type of people who want everything in their future to be perfect also, without life's trials and tribulations. can be unrealistic.
♇ as it is told, saturn in retrograde brings a father that wasnt in the person's life, the person who has the saturn in rx can make someone feel like they're being punished by life all the time.
♇ this could also mean they might find it hard to express themselves emotionally, could be due to their childhood. they go through many trials and tribulations, makes them depressive, but in the end they become really wise.
♇ they doubt themselves a lot, could have trouble balancing themselves, and their masculinity, could be too domineering.
♇ people with uranus in rx do not like change, they're likely insecure, [not all are going to be due to different commodities in a chart], but these are usually people who think they are not going to succeed in life.
♇ they sometimes feel like they're in control of nothing which pushes them into their need of controlling everything. they're quick-thinkers but still over-thinkers. they feel like they can never feel nice in a platonic or romantic connection.
♇ it leads them into being paranoid and chaotic. they might also put themselves in a box to make things easier, don't know they're limiting their potential when doing that, they're so much more and need to understand it.
♇ to have neptune in rx could make the kin be very delusional, might find it hard to separate idealistic views with reality. definitely reminds me of alice in wonderland. they're very spiritual people but can over-whelm people by adding their faith into everything.
♇ could be really good at manifesting; trust issues but sometimes are stubborn from learning their mistakes. can be deemed as very dreamy and compassionate.
♇ they could have this feeling of needing to save everyone. their trials and tribulations are a creative outlet for them, another indicator of being the tortured poet. [but the tiring and damaging things they go through are usually expressed through their art, which includes writing, story-telling, writing music, painting etc].
♇ i do get surprised when i come across these in a natal chart reading, but, pluto in rx folks definitely do hate constraint, they dislike authority and feeling like they're being controlled, which could push them into trying to control other people.
♇ could be escapists through drug and sex, they could also find it hard to accept their dark-self. easily infatuated people, people can get easily obsessed with them as they can get with other people.
♇ good money makers, could manipulate others with materialism, though, they might not be confrontational, could feel easily intimidated. sometimes could never see the potential in themselves can be their own obstacle.
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illicit-astrology · 11 months
Venus Goes Retro!
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A lot of planets going retro...How are you all holding up?
After Pluto, Saturn and Neptune... Now Venus will station retrograde starting from July 23rd and will remain rx for 2 months. What does this mean for us?
This marks a period where our values and beliefs regarding love, money and our style is being revised, tested and redefined. Here is how to navigate this emotionally intense energy:
Revise your relationship with your self-worth. Do you still think you need to work for the things you deserve? Do you stillfeel the need to prove your value to others? Remind yourself in this period that self-worth is something you are already born with.
Revise your standards and boundaries in a relationship. Aside from any external influence, what works and what doesn't work for you?
Explore different lifestyles, and personal styles. See what you would like to implement once Venus rx is over!
Explore new sources of income! Venus rx period is where you revise and see what hasn't worked before. Explore new options that you might haven't considered!
Break toxic patterns! Ask yourself what didn't work in terms of your social or love life before. Try to define the culprit... and break the cycle.
I hope that's helpful! enjoy your time, Venus just wants to have some fun! ;)
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shadowealth · 10 months
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My bestie captured me so well ;-;
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starshapedjello · 11 months
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Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023
I definitely have felt the V-Rx even in the shadow period. For me, personally, I have felt somewhat uninspired. Since Leo is a sign about creativity, I do feel like my creativity is being somewhat stifled at this time. Not completely stifled, though, because I did randomly feel inspired to start this astro blog and doing so has made me feel quite proud. 🥹
Never the less, something about my usual creative projects have gotten stale or it feels like a loss of direction in them. It’s not that I’m frustrated by it, but as if I am taking a short break to reformulate the formula. 🤔
Maybe this Venus Rx is about stopping our bigger projects just to work on the smaller ones in which we constantly think about, yet never start. It’s time to write that novel you have been thinking about for the last decade! 😉
Don’t let your creative passions pass you by, just bc you don’t think there is enough time for them or enough importance to them. Anything that feels right for you, is right for you. Follow your dreams ☁️💫and don’t look back💖
Sending you the power to start working on your deepest passion projects 😘
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anytimebitchess · 11 months
Guys…I’ve gotten into Love Is Blind 🫣 what am I doing? THIS IS NOT ME!
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eatingfood · 11 months
Trying to find the person in me that just came home from her solo trip to London and having one of the best weeks at work, full of confidence and joy.
She was on a whole new level with a new perspective, I will find her again.
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jenniferstit · 11 months
venus retrograde… [in leo]
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ahkavia · 10 months
pisces full moon • 8.30.23
pisces full moon 8.30.23 playlist
this full moon is illuminating shadows. rejection, desire, and vulnerability are bubbling difficult emotions to the surface. this is an ideal time to lean into these feelings. it is time to release them without judgment. it’s not a time to ignore or deny seemingly obsessive thoughts. leaning into the things you regularly subdue will bring about a newfound freedom. it’s less about obsession and more about denial right now.
the moon conjuncts saturn is forcing us to do more than look at our emotions- saturn is telling us to clear it out or he will. most of these topics are deep. rooted- hence the intense emotions around addressing and releasing them. regret and shame might frame your viewpoint of these topics but raw emotion should be embraced right now. this time is not asking you to solve the riddle of what may come up, it’s asking you to face it and be real about how these things make you feel and to be open to the intensity of purging to make room for restoration.
the house will tell you more information, for example- this transit in the 12th house might reflect something deeply subconscious or hidden- something pushed far down or abandoned. something that may not be tangible but undeniably influences how you navigate the outside world. it’s something that may eat you alive at the thought of it, something that you subdue to function. It may feel like something you can’t explain or make sense of, let alone share. 
this transit across the third house could bring up a need to speak more freely. maybe in the form of art or journaling as well as to those close to you. feeling restricted in your voice or in how you engage with your family is likely. there may be tension or blowups/breakdowns in personal relationships. there is room for reflection around the role you play and how that affects your inner child and how you manage personal connections.
this is an excellent time to be open to all forms of expression. now I’m not saying call him girl (lmao), but you should allow your subconscious to play through the mental ”what ifs” without judging your inner monologue. these are the moments when you embrace what you want (or don’t). it’s a great time to free yourself of what you feel like you “should have” said or what you feel you’ll never get the chance to say. 
writing a letter, recording a voice note, or filming a vlog are great ways to get it out. writing, art, and time out can help to make room for your thoughts to be free as well. being open to a new form of expression will invite new emotional experiences to your life. 
tbh a good cry in the shower or a stretch to open up your body could help a bunch. a meditative walk with your music library on shuffle could help eliminate pent-up energy and allow a new flow of thought. a quick sketch or a ride in a car or on a bike is a great way to make room for emotional and physical grounding.
as freeing as it is to recognize and relieve yourself of bottled thoughts and feelings, it can be extremely taxing on all fronts. thoughts of what was and what never was may lurk with this energy. pisces is all about spiritual integration and intuition, so much so that lines between physical and spiritual may be blurred. this is heavy if you’re not used to it. pisces feels their way through. there is a lesson in vulnerability and shame here with saturn in pisces. you can’t fight what you feel. the more you do, the weaker your shield becomes. when you embrace these aspects, you allow these emotions to flow beneath you.
feelings of loss in connections, desires, and ambition are likely to resurface. regrets around difficult decisions could intensify emotions at the moment. this transit is asking us to revisit those deep wounds-the difficult decisions that felt like a lose/lose situation or a matter of sustainability vs. satisfaction. it’s asking us to define what is most important for ourselves. we can find our ego and heart in battle or mediation here. these are situations we might only allow to live in our psyche through dreams or thoughts. 
loss in the physical can trigger us deeply at this time. we may find ourselves in deep thought and emotional revelation about people, places, and things lost. death in the literal and symbolic sense may linger in our emotional field and amplify current frustrations further. a move, a reconciliation (or lack thereof) with someone, or a need to detach from physical things may take precedence right now. 
dreams of what never was forces us to take another look and decide what we will do about it. 
are you okay with waiting longer? will you let it go for good? will you refine your plans? are you willing to subdue your ego to give it another go? will you put your all into it? 
these are the questions that arise as we move past looking and diving into feeling. this can be intense if you don’t already have heavy 12H, 8H, neptune, jupiter, or 4H placements.
pisces full moon 8.30.23 moodboard
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parting words 
this is a time that should be reserved for YOU🫵🏾. make room for emotions. feel it. allow your thoughts to go there. cry as long as you need to. be angry. smile at what was good even in the worst of situations. be there for yourself emotionally. release yourself of the guilt of desire. see you for who you are at this moment.  
vulnerability is difficult because it feels like something that is outside of ourselves. we do not fear vulnerability as much as we fear being seen being vulnerable and how others may react to things. the heart wants what it wants. love is never unrequited if it’s from yourself.
there is so much unseen and unheard that filters out our lenses of experience. critical moments like this can box us into a corner where our view is limited if we resist this energy. 
if nothing else, these heightened emotions ask you what you will do now. how will you move forward in connections or expression? there is a deep asking of you not to betray yourself this time. if you have a looming uncertainty, this is a time to understand what feelings shape that viewpoint. if you feel like imploding, this transit is making room to stand in that. this is a time to see you as you see others. give yourself the grace of understanding and accountability. Make room for fluid expression and sit in your feelings. tomorrow will come, you may or may not feel the way you feel now but you must be here for yourself in this moment fully. 
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asstrolo · 11 months
this venus rx in Leo is doing more for my natal vens rx than all the juno and venus conjunct transits i hope you understand what i'm saying
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libra-stellium · 10 months
Something I didn’t expect of Saturn in pisces rx in my 1H during my saturn return while Venus in Leo is rx in my 6H is getting back on my skincare routine just in time to find out they discontinued the line of products I’ve been using for 4 years 😭now I’m googling products and ingredients trying to find the closest match
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ressonancee · 10 months
feeling the urge to ask seungcheol if he is okay
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shadowealth · 10 months
How 2 Pray
I struggled being grateful cus I felt undeserving of the blessings God gave me without me ever even asking
I felt I had to strive for what God was handing to me wit ease
only for it to be a construct in my own mind, the real world wanted to take care of me
cus in the deepest of down all I wanted 2 do
was take care of everyone in my world
I learned I had what they call a generous spirit
and I’m honored to see that in me now.
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