#villain kairi
wilygryphon · 8 months
Princess of All Evil (Kingdom Hearts AU)
Rather than being caught by Xehanort and sent to Destiny Islands in the lifeboat, Kairi is caught by Maleficent, who takes the young Princess of Heart on as her apprentice.  The witch trains Kairi as the girl grows up, becoming a powerful sorceress and a clever schemer by the age of fourteen.  She meets and develops a bond with the rest of Maleficent’s council, though she avoids Ansem (who is not happy about not being able to follow her to find a Keybearer to use as a pawn).  In the present day, she is sent to lead a Heartless attack on Beast’s Castle to kidnap Belle, which she accomplishes by twisting the castle’s enchantments to immobilize the servants and shift Beast’s animalistic form to prevent his attacks.
When the Heartless attack Destiny Islands, Riku hears a voice in his head calling him to the play island, and he goes in spite of the storm.  Sora sees him outside of his window and follows him out of concern.  When Heartless swarm them both, a Keyblade appears in Riku’s hand, which he uses to defend Sora and fight the monsters.  They are unable to stop the Darkside, and the islands crumble while the boys are sucked into the chaos orb and wind up in Traverse Town.  Riku ends up in the First District and encounters the Heartless and Leon while searching for Sora, while Sora ends up in the swamp outside of Merlin’s house and he meets the old wizard and starts to learn magic from him.  Sora heads to town to look for Riku after a few lessons at the same time that his friend was sent to track down the Heartless’ leader.  Sora and Riku bump into each other just before Donald and Goofy crash on top of them, and they all fight the Guard Armor.  Wanting to help out and see the worlds, Sora and Riku agree to go with Donald and Goofy to fight the Heartless.  Leon gives Sora a sword to use in battle, and Goofy and Donald begin tutoring both boys in combat and magic, respectively.
Kairi trails Alice through Wonderland, only for the younger girl to be put on trial for a Heartless’ attack on the Queen of Hearts.  As she tries to come up with a plan to extract her, Sora, Riku, Donald, and Goofy show up and intervene in the trial.  Seeing an opportunity, she waits for her chance and creates a Corridor of Darkness in the cage Alice is in when it is raised and the curtain is drawn.  Taking an interest in the “cute boys with the Keyblade”, she reports what she saw to Maleficent and later heads to Traverse Town with Maleficent, where she approaches the party posing as a civilian refugee.  She endears herself to the group easily, though Donald is suspicious of the magical energy he is detecting around her, and she finds herself genuinely liking them in return.  When the Guard Armor attacks the Keyhole, she tests the party’s abilities by transforming the Heartless into the stronger Opposite Armor.
Kairi joins Jafar in capturing Princess Jasmine, stealing Genie’s lamp, and locating the Agrabah Keyhole, as she wants not only to supervise Jasmine’s capture but also to get her hands on the lamp when Jafar uses up his wishes.  When Sora, Riku, Donald, Goofy, and Aladdin show up, they see Kairi and realize that she is working with Maleficent.  Kairi joins the ensuing fight and fends off anyone who attacks her, but she is content to let the fight play out.  When Jafar becomes a genie and is subsequently defeated, she sneaks off with his lamp, preparing her wishes, and she also takes Jasmine to Hollow Bastion.
It is here that it is revealed that Kairi has been waking the captured Princesses up to talk for most of her life and has genuinely befriended them.  Emboldened after capturing Alice and having learned more of what Maleficent and Ansem intend for them, she left her awake and woke the others up, keeping them in a room adjacent to her own.
Ansem and Maleficent put Kairi with Captain Hook to travel around and gather the materials to forge the Keyblade of Hearts.  Kairi convinces Maleficent and Hook to let her take the Princesses on as crewmen, knowing that Ansem plans to use the Keyblade to steal the hearts of all seven of them, including her.  She teaches the girls magic and convinces them to help with her plans.
While digging for ore on an asteroid, Monstro attacks, forcing the Jolly Roger to flee which results in Kairi being swallowed by the whale.  Intrigued by Pinocchio’s existence, she lures him away so that she can study his magic (and maybe also play some games with him).  When Sora, Riku, Donald, and Goofy appear to take Pinocchio back to Geppetto, she teases the boys and makes them chase her through the whale.  She decides that Pinocchio won’t be able to offer her any benefits, but she still helps the party rescue him from Parasite Cage, then takes him and tries to heal him when he is injured by the Heartless and appears to have lost his heart, even considering using her first wish to help him before Sora and Riku confront her and it turns out that Pinocchio is alright.  When the Parasite Cage returns, she makes her escape through a Corridor of Darkness to the pirate ship.
When the heroes storm Hollow Bastion, Ansem talks Maleficent into fighting them in the chapel.  When the witch is injured in the fight, Kairi goes to check on her mentor, and Ansem manipulates Hook into stabbing Kairi with the Keyblade of Hearts, reasoning that Maleficent will not be able to protect her charge.  However, the “Kairi” they target was actually Snow White with an illusion spell, and the real Kairi uses her first wish to Jafar to have the Keyblade of Hearts appear in her hand, which she stabs at Ansem, trapping his heart within the weapon.
It is then that Kairi makes her case.  The worlds will remain safe, but she will be in charge, with the Heartless under her control; she will be a hands-off ruler, but if she makes a decree, it will be law, and the Heartless will enforce it.  If the Heartless step out of line, they will be slain in droves.  Sora insists that he and Riku want their islands and the other worlds back, to which she agrees.  Maleficent protests at her wicked work being undone, but Kairi warns that she will strike the witch down without hesitation if she stands against her.  She guides everyone up to the Grand Hall, where she and the Princesses cast a spell with their light to complete the Final Keyhole, then instruct Riku to seal it.  She informs them that the Door to Darkness will appear on End of the World, and that sealing it with the Keyblade from both sides will cause all of the worlds to be restored along with their inhabitants.  Sora and Riku agree to help Kairi while Donald and Goofy go along with it until they can find a solution that they are both satisfied with.
After everything is restored, Kairi looks over Ansem and Xehanort’s research one more time before her date with Sora, regards the Keyblade of Hearts which holds Xehanort’s Heartless, and remarks: “You’re Darkness Number One.  That means I have twelve to go.”
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saixoxo · 2 years
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kairi’s heart
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goldensunset · 8 months
riku’s whole series-spanning journey of redemption and trying to become the hero he was supposed to have been is kind of interesting to me. bc he like hardcore beats himself up over what he did but it’s not even the worst thing he did. yeah he gave in to darkness in kh1 but it’s really hard to blame him for all that much imo. not trying to say it was fine but in the grand scheme of things idk. again in the sequence leading up to kh2 he resorts to using the power of darkness to defeat roxas and in kh2 he’s beating himself up for that again. all like oh man i’m not worthy to be sora’s friend i’m not worthy of anything. meanwhile sora has never once this whole time felt resentment for riku and just wants him to come home and really riku you don’t have to beg him for forgiveness. but riku is really trying to forgive himself. bc he’s so hurt by the fact that he ever hurt sora at all. we see it all the way up to kh3 how much regret he feels for what happened all the way back in kh1. he is deeply devoted to sora and it makes him blind to the fact that hey um. you’ve actually like hurt several other people along the way maybe like apologize to them and earn their trust maybe it’s actually your bond with other people you gotta work on. like maybe go talk to roxas actually maybe go communicate clearly with kairi for the first time in years maybe say hey xion sorry for telling you to uhhhhh do that. like
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
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robotsafari · 3 days
the way terra gets sent onto the fucking galactic federation ship makes NO SENSE like suddenly he just starts getting magnetized into the underbelly of the ship (is it gravity???) and then suddenly he ends up in jail WHAT.
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ah yes "swept onboard" more like hurls into the underbelly of the ship and it fades out like. what.
also i love how they dont show terra breaking out of the cell. he just pulls out his keyblade and then the next shot hes out like can you just show it like a normal person.
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feralcringeman · 10 months
Me when I get the niggas who hate on kairi just to gas up soriku
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xehabraigs · 11 months
luxu (+variations) xemnas (+apprentinort) and kairi being my top three faves is so funny like Most Normal Girl Ever and the Least Normal Guys Ever
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as-above-is-moving · 9 months
Crowley in red and Mack in Blue~ Yuè doesn't get one from the farmer cuz he's scared of the big guy LMAO
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Kairi is all smiley and giggley again. "It's kinda funny--I confessed to Crowley first because they were the least intimidating of the three of them, but Mack and I turned out to be more alike than I thought! It all worked out in the end though, and I love them both with all my heart <;3"
Yue is just staring at the board with a lopsided smile, before chuffing and shaking his head. "I want to be mad, but I can't. We just get along super well."
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
Kingdom Hearts: The Brightest of Hearts - Table of Content
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
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phntasmgoria · 3 months
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fooligandan · 2 years
maleficent using magic spell to shove jafar out of the room is so fucking funny to me
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z3rinn · 26 days
Being a Keyblade Wielder you thought you'd have seen everything by now. But you never expected to end up in a world where the villains you defeated were worshipped.
more twst x kh content because i’ve been hyper fixated on it for the past few months T_T speaking of, the reason I've been gone for so long is because I’ve now got a fic in the makings- using this exact concept! it’s posted on my wattpad and quotev, but I’m also debating if I should put it on this site… it’s quite long though! lmk if you guys think I should :]
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Twisted Wonderland was weird.
You thought you’d have seen everything by now. Being a Keyblade Wielder, your job was to travel across worlds, defeating the darkness and hate spread by those willing to conquer.
You’d experienced stories and magic you could barely comprehend, standing on the sidelines as you watched fairytales play right before your eyes.
Creatures and supernaturals were considered friends, being far different from the monsters you imagined them to be. Even talking animals were a common thing now, having traveled with Donald Duck and Goofy for a better part of three years now.
You never thought you'd miss them.
Your life back on Destiny Islands was simple. Back there, you had a home; with small rowing boats and hammocks on the tiny island a quick swim away. You had proper food, with star shaped fruits said to bind your soul with your loved ones. Most importantly- you had your best friends; Sora, Riku, and Kairi— all eccentric yet lovable characters that held your heart. You would do anything for them.
The island was a sanctuary, a place for comfort and familiarity. If you had known what you did now, you would've trapped yourself there, basking in the warm sand and cool water brushing across your body. But then, being young and immature, you just wanted to leave.
Three years have passed since then. Years full of mystery and surprise.
You had undergone many things on your journey; battling against Heartless and monsters. Falling down rabbit holes and encountering princesses every which way you turned. Meeting leaders of all kinds of worlds, binding your hearts to create everlasting friendships. You had even sided with villians, willing to set aside your differences to accomplish your goals.
It was odd… working with Maleficent.
At one point you even had your heart stolen. Ripped away from you to create a husk. And that was just the surface.
You thought you had seen everything by now....
But Twisted Wonderland was weird.
Everything happened so suddenly; kicking open an overly fancy coffin ( far different from the ones Jack Skellington used ) only to be met by a creature that looked oddly like Stitch. But before you could ask anything, he gave chase, demanding you give him your robes— how did you even get these on?
Panic stricken, you ran. Running across classrooms, hallways, and courtyards- all while trying to get away from the cat.
Questions and concerns began to gush through your mind. How could you have gotten here? Where was everyone?
And where were you?
The next thing you knew, you were in a regal library, cornered by the monster. Floating books and dancing lanterns surrounded you, all approaching with intrigue. They all seemed to be observing you, like they were anticiping something.
Blue fire brushed across your skin, the flames flickering against your robes. You realized they were waiting for a spell, like they knew you would cast it before the thought could even pop into your mind.
Just as you raised your hand, getting ready to summon your Keyblade, a whip wrapped around the cat.
Both of you jumped, eyes darting to the double doors, finding a crow-looking man standing there. He looked oddly disappointed. Your eyes immediately narrowed, hands tensing.
Just looking at him made you feel on edge.
He was radiating darkness.
His golden eyes seemed to be staring right into your soul, gazing deep and pulling you apart from the seams. They pierced through your own. Entrancing. Like they were studying and discerning your moves. You didn't like them.
They looked like a villians.
You were wary of the man, raising a brow when he introduced himself. Crowley was his name; Descendant of a Hero. An odd name for someone whose heart seemed so full of darkness. He led you to a chamber room, surrounded by floating coffins and magic. Dark energy overfilled the room, whispers and cackles echoing from robed figures as they eyed your form.
You thought back to Organization XIII.
You didn't like robes all that much anymore.
They were traumatizing.
Crowley huffed, pushing you in front of— the magic mirror? Was that the one The Evil Queen used?
The mask in the mirror spoke, blank eyes narrowing at you as if you'd attack it at any second. Of course, it had every right to be afraid. Your friend literally threw a giant key at it once. Hopefully it could get passed that though, and you could ask it how you got here?
It bullshitted something about you not having a soul, ( you had a strange inkling it was being petty but whatever ) but before it could finish, the cat broke free.
He yelled, claiming he was strong enough to be at this school, and that he deserved your spot. You tilted your head at his outburst. Was that all he wanted? You gladly would've given your spot to him. You weren’t meant to be in this world in the first place. Hopefully you’d be out of here soon.
You had Heartless to go fight.
You had to go find Sora.
A quick mishap occurred, with Grim ( you remembered his name ) setting the room on fire. Apparently he was trying to show off his magic; an odd way to do so but you digress. A red haired boy chased after him, along with a boy with glasses.
Their magic was strange, coming out of a jeweled pen of all things.
Wind magic was casted, similar to your own Aero spells. Water attacks were aimed at it, easily dousing the blue flames. It was honestly amazing, watching so much magic come out of a tiny pen.
The redhead stopped in front of the cat, pointing his pen at him with narrowed eyes. Your own widened as he shouted a curse.
Off with your head.
That sounded awfully familiar.
Crowley was going to kick you out.
The magic mirror- or rather the dark mirror- explained that you didn't have a home to go to. You guessed it was because Destiny Islands was a whole other world, and simple mirror travel wouldn't be able to reach that far.
No matter, you could simply contact Donald or Riku on your Gummi phone and go home.
But of course, the first time a phone specifically made to communicate between worlds doesn't work is when you need it most.
So you did the only thing you could.
And showed him your Keyblade.
He muttered something to himself, widened eyes never leaving the blade in your hand. His feathers ruffled in surprise and intrigue, the slight curl of them being… strange. 
It was as if they were smiling.
Your eyes flickered to his own- noticing his scary… intense gaze.
You didn’t dare break contact, being far too focused on those piercings eyes. 
Those haunting, golden eyes. 
Eyes that looked just like Xehanorts.
The Headmage led you to a rundown cabin, home to a variety of ghosts and cobwebs. The building reminded you of the ones in Halloween Town; rundown with mischievous creatures inhabiting the spaces. These ghosts just looked like marshmallows.
You let out a low sigh, allowing yourself to fall on the dusted couch in the lounge. Debris flew up under your weight, flying into the air before dissapting. Your gaze was focused on the ceiling above, dazed as rain droplets fell to your cheeks and the wooden floors below.
The building was silent, aside from the rain. Wind blew against cobwebs, flying past your face and sticking to the rotting wood. Splinters and jagged pieces spiked up, parts of the walls ripped apart from age and student endeavors.
It was lonely here.
You didn't have anyone in this world.
Not even Jiminy fucking Cricket.
You hadn’t been alone in a long time.
The door creaked open, "Myah- it's really pouring out there!"
Twisted Wonderland.
That's what this place was called.
A world very befitting for its name.
Everything about this world was off— or at least— Night Raven College was.
Students seemed to love and adore the beings you had tried so desperately to keep away. They had dorms dedicated to them, embracing their darkness and allowing themselves to fall under its curse. Darkness that you had to get rid of.
Of course, they didn't actually know about the dangers you faced, finding these villians to be great and kind. They didn't know of the death and tragedy caused- the mistakes you had to fix.
It was strange though. Worlds weren't supposed to know of one another, otherwise chaos could ensue.
So why was Twisted Wonderland a combination of them all?
You suppose that's how this place got its name.
Everything in this world was twisted. Villians were considered heroic; great and all mighty beings that you and Sora definitely didn't beat.
While in the botanical gardens you sometimes laugh, imagining Leona's face if you told him you helped kill Scar. He gives you weird looks, telling you to shut up and go back to sleep. You try. It doesn’t work.
It wasn't until the Riddle incident did you realize why you were sent to this world. Darkness and hatred had been accumulating in the corners of this realm, seeping into the depths of people's hearts.
It was at times like this that made you miss Sora.
You turned over on your bed, eyes focused on the ceiling above. Moonlight seeped in through the wooden cracks, bits of the glowing celestial body peeking in. It was almost speaking to you, luring you towards it with the promise of comfort.
Kingdom Hearts.
Your eyes shut, turning away from the beckoning moon.
Well whatever. You had another long day ahead of you.
Thoughts? This was just a quick wip that I made in like an hour lolll. I’m thinking of doing another part tho, where we dive into character interactions and such. Rlly wanna write for Silver and a KH! MC!
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nam-naelle · 7 months
THE CHARACTERS IN KINGDOM HEARTS (A.K.A. the reason why I can't introduce Kingdom Hearts to my friends)
2. SORA (The heart that Ventus' heart found refuge in)
3. VANITAS (The other half of Ventus who was born out of the darkness of Ventus' heart and who looks like Sora if Sora had dark hair and was evil)
4. DATA SORA (Sora but it's not actually Sora)
5. ROXAS (Sora's other half who looks like Ventus)
6. XION (The reflection of Sora's other half who looks like Sora but also like Sora's girlfriend)
7. NAMINÉ (Sora's girlfriend's other half who is also made out of Sora so that's why she can control Sora's memories)
8. KAIRI (Sora's girlfriend and also a princess of heart)
9. RIKU (Sora's dream-eater who is also Sora's childhood friend who is also Sora's rival who is also Sora's mentor who is also Sora's boyfriend)
10. DATA RIKU (Riku but it's not actually Riku, he's just here because he's Sora's - and by extension Data Sora's - most precious person)
11. REPLIKU (A fake Riku who looks like Riku when Riku was possessed by the bad guy in the first game)
12. RIKU-ANSEM (Riku when Riku was possessed by the bad guy, so not actually Riku even though he looks and sounds like Riku)
13. ANSEM (The king of Kairi's homeworld who everybody thought was the bad guy in the first game but who actually turns out to be a good guy because the bad guy was actually another guy who pretended to be Ansem)
14. DiZ (Ansem when Ansem didn't want to be Ansem anymore)
15. XEHANORT (Ansem's assistant who is the bad guy who pretended to be Ansem - there's a version of him who's an old fart and a version of him who's a little shit)
16. XEHANORT'S HEARTLESS (Xehanort but not actually Xehanort, but still the bad guy in the first game who pretended to be Ansem and ended up possessing Riku)
17. XEMNAS (Xehanort but without a heart, also the leader of Organization XIII and also a super hot villain with a super hot voice)
18. XIGBAR ("mE? i'M aLrEaDy HaLf XeHaNoRt!")
Obviously, this is FAR from the worst of it...
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dizzybevvie · 8 months
Im sorry for the person I'm going to become when the Kingdom Hearts Fandub drops
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victimsofyaoipoll · 10 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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