#vindication ahahahahaha
seeminglyseph · 6 months
Watching HBomberguy’s Plagiarism video
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fredersen · 6 months
the vindication that comes from seeing some dumbshit conspiracy theory on your dash, reading it, thinking “this sounds like some dumbshit conspiracy theory” and not reblogging it, then seeing it AGAIN on your fyp but with reblogs turned off because people called op on posting a dumbshit conspiracy theory ahahahahaha
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headlamprey · 2 years
flagging every ad i can on this site as offensive and inappropriate, it's time for revenge of the tiddies
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zhansww · 4 years
ive fallen into bjyx hell and finished looking through the yizhan tag on your blog, what am i supposed to do with my life now
ahahahahaha welcome! ♥ I don’t know about anyone else but for me, ggdd are the absolute best thing I found in 2019. If this is bjyx hell, I like it here 🙈
I’m sorry if this sounds lame but just keep supporting them. Watch their dramas, watch their variety shows. Spread positive vibes only. Remember we’re fans of two actual angels so be kind to other fans/xfx/mtjj, no matter how rude they might be. Don’t give antis anything that vindicates their hate towards us. But most importantly - individually and together, support ggdd always~
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jadedofmara · 7 years
1. Your favourite non-canon ship?
okay I’m doing “non-canon” here as in was never ever a thing, not “wasn’t endgame”, which sounds like splitting hairs but idk people’s lives!! I couldn’t think of one but I guess Babs/Dinah counts! bc ya they’re not romantic (all discussions aside) but I don’t really care because their dynamic as a whole is immensely important to me. I’m down for whatever with them lmao
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
not the first time, likely isn’t the last, but ~Doccubus~ because I don’t see what is so fucking cool about a ship where the two people involved have drastically different wants out of the relationship, and one party in particular is manipulative and a goddamn karma houdini, but whateverrrrrrr
6. What is your most angsty ship?
my brain just spat out Tidus/Yuna at me and now I wanna cry because THESE KIDS ARE SO IN LOVE!!! BUT SHE’S PLANNING ON DYING TO SAVE THE WORLD AND HE DOESN’T KNOW AND THEN HE DOES KNOW AND THEN THEY SAVE THE WORLD WITHOUT THAT AND SHE LOSES HIM INSTEAD, DAMMIT (I sobbed my ass off when I finally finished FFX and I KNEW THE ENDING and then also when I finished FFX-2 and SHE GOT HIM BACK AND I ALSO KNEW THIS)
8. Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
ahahahahaha. Luke/Mara. I read the Thrawn trilogy for the first time in sixth grade and knew they worked together before I even really got what shipping was. getting that vindication later was sweet. but yeah they’re like my bedrock and will own my ass forever. they’re why my handle is JadeSabre practically everywhere but here!
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