#vinny mauro rpf
collapsedglasshouses · 7 months
Late-Night Comfort || Vinny Mauro x fem!Reader
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PAIRING: Vinny Mauro x fem!Reader
SUMMARY: When your neighbor Vinny finds you crying in front of your door, he is willing to help you out of your misery, no matter what it needs...
WARNINGS: SMUT, 18+, MDNI!, thigh riding, oral sex (female and male receiving), swearing, …
A/N: not proof read, pls be patient with me, I love this so much
TAGLIST: @measuredingold @cncohshit
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This was not what you planned. Everything that happened that night was not what you planned…
The night was unusually quiet as Vinny made his way up to his apartment. He had been at a small party with his bandmates and was tired but in good spirits. He just wanted to relax and play some games before wandering of to bed. Right as he turned the corner, his plans started to change right before his eyes. He saw you sitting in front of your apartment door, which was right across from his. You were clearly sobbing, trying to keep your cries quiet, since it was already late at night.
Vinny didn’t know you that well. You and him had been friendly over the time but nothing more than neighbors. He remembered when he moved into the apartment building, you had brought him some baked good, instantly making him like you. But except for that encounter, you were nothing more than neighbors, who would occasionally greet each other if you met on your ways to your apartments.
So, when Vinny saw you sitting there, he awkwardly weighed his options. He wasn’t sure how to handle the situation and feared to make it even more awkward than it already was, being caught crying by your neighbor late at night. Ultimately, you took the decision from in when you lifted your head out of your hands and instantly spotted him at the end of the hallway.
“Hi.” You sobbed and tried to contain your cries but instantly failed miserably as another wave of sadness crashed over you while your neighbor slowly approached you.
“Hey.” Vinny answered you and came to a stop in front of you. He gazed over your frame. “Are you okay?”
Internally, Vinny screamed at himself. Are you okay? Obviously, you weren't okay.
You looked away from him again and down at your fancy red dress, while thinking about what you wanted to say to him. Even though you weren’t really close to him, let alone friends, you were way to tired and broken to just shrug it off. So, when you looked up at him again, you shook your head slightly.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Vinny than asked you and scratched his neck awkwardly. Even though his original plan was to just hide in his apartment until tomorrow morning, he was to big of a gentleman to just let you sit there.
You gladly accepted his offer and nodded, tears still running down your face while your sobs began to calm down a little.
"He broke up with me." You whispered and your lips started to shake. You wanted to be strong, but you just couldn't help it. Your boyfriend of four years had invited you to a fancy restaurant tonight and you had been more than excited. You had thought something special would happen tonight. Your friends had even convinced you he was going to propose to you, but everything came differently. He broke up with you right after dinner and even worse, made you give him the necklace back, he gifted you for your second anniversary.
It took Vinny a second to take in what you’d just told him, before he sighed. “I’m really sorry, Y/N.” He kneed down to you. “But why aren’t you in your apartment? Maybe snuggling on your couch… Getting comfy and cursing that asshole out… I don’t know.” He than asked and even brought your lips up into a small smile for a second. You noticed how overwhelmed he was by your emotional outbreak and appreciated his efforts.
“I forgot my keys.” You breathed out and sniffled for a second. In response, Vinny placed a hand on your shoulder, making sure not to cross any boundaries. He thought to himself for a second. "If you want you can sleep at my place and call the landlord in the morning."
For a second, you stared at your neighbor in surprise. You didn't quite know what to say,  since you really didn't know him that well.
"Are you going to murder me or something?" - "Oh yeah, and I waited almost six months for it." He sarcastically answered you and made you laugh for a short moment.
"So what? If I am going to die, at least I'll look good doing it." With that you stood up from your spot in front of your door and straightened your dress. Vinny watched you do so, before going to his own front door and unlocking it.
You were still quietly crying when Vinny sat you down at the dinner table and offered you a cup of tea that you gladly excepted. While the water in the kettle slowly started to boil, an awkward silence fell over the two of you.
“You know, you didn’t have to do that. I could have phoned my mom or something.” You mumbled. “And wake her up at such unholy times? Not on my watch, Mama Y/L/N needs her beauty sleep, my dear.”
You giggled at his answer and noticed how you blushed a little at his smooth answers. You didn’t really know how Vinny was in his free time since you had little to nothing to do with him.
When your tea was ready, he sat down next to you and watched you from the side, while your face was glued to the cup in front of you. Your mind was still filled with the thought of you ex-boyfriend.
“Can I make it easier for you somehow?” The man with the red hair streaks in front of you asked calmly. You allowed yourself to look up and look him in the face.
His red and brown hair laid in wild curls on his head, which he rested on his hand. His greenish eyes looked at you with an intensity you were not used to. Even though you were in such a vulnerable state, you did notice how pretty he was.
While you two were looking each other in the eyes, a dump idea shot into your mind.
"Are you Single?“ You asked him with a hint of anxiety in your voice. You saw how his eyes widened. "What?"
When you saw the confusion in his eyes, you leaned back in the chair and took a big sip of you tea cup. "Please… Let’s just forget what I said."
"I am single, why are you asking?" He ignored you and answered your initial question, his eyes sparked with curiosity as to what you wanted.
You felt how you got nervous under his glance and let a hand run through your hair before standing up. "You know what? It was dumb, let’s just get to bed or something. I-…"
You were about to walk out of his kitchen as he grabbed your hand. Your eyes instantly found his again.
"Tell me what you were thinking about." He almost demanded, goosebumps forming on your arms because of his tone.
“Please forget what I said, I can’t just use you for my own benefits… We don’t know each other that well.” You mumbled out and nervously let a hand run over your face.
“I know you well enough to let you crash here without being afraid of being robbed in my sleep and we are both adults. What’s on your mind, Y/N?” Vinny insisted still not letting go of your arm.
“I wanna make him jealous.” You said, your voice not more than a whisper while you avoided eye contact with your neighbour. This was more than absurd.
“And?” He asked to keep you going. “And what better way to make him jealous as by instantly having someone new.” It took a few seconds before you dared to look at Vinny again and when you saw his wide eyes, you wanted to sink into the floor. The apologies just bubbled out of you.
“Please- Please forget wh- what I said… We don’t even know each other and-…“ You stuttered out your words and felt yourself start to sweat. You felt stupid.
“What are you thinking about doing?” Vinny than wanted to know, his eyes sparked with curiosity. You swallowed hard before you tried to form your answer. “Maybe… I don’t know… Take some pictures?”
“Pictures?” – “Yes” – “What kind of pictures?”
You bit the inner side of your cheek, before taking a deep breath. “Maybe… I could wear a shirt of yours or something… Something that’s clearly not mine but-…” – “Okay.” – “Maybe you have a mirror in your room if that’s okay with you and-…” – “Okay.” –“N-nothing needs to happen between us, I-I just…”
“Holy, Y/N… I already said yes. So for the love of god, let’s do it!” Vinny spoke up, causing your ramble to finally stop.
“What?” You exclaimed, not believing he really agreed to your stupid plan, but when Vinny stood up from his chair and came to a stand in front of you, you needed to blink for a couple of seconds. You were really going to do this.
“We can do that… As long as you promise me not to post those pictures anywhere and my face shouldn’t be in them.” He explained his rules, while you still tried to process the fact that he was willing to do that for you even though you didn’t really know each other.
“Yeah… I’ll keep your face out of it.” You agreed to his rules and swallowed hard as he stared you down to make sure you were being honest. You tried to find out why he didn’t want his face in the pictures. You knew he was the drummer of a band, but you didn’t remember what the name of the band was or how big they even were.
Vinny walked past you and gestured for you to follow him into his room, which you did.
His room honestly looked exactly as you had imagined it. Red bedding, a drum kit in the corner and a World of Warcraft poster hanging above his desk on which a gaming set up stood.
While he went to his closet to look for something portable for you, you looked at the pictures on his nightstand. One of them showed him with another man and woman. They resembled him, so you assumed they were his siblings. The other picture showed five men, all wearing make-up and alternative clothing styles. It was a selfie taken by a man with long black hair in the foreground. He looked familiar, but you weren't really sure where from, so you just shrugged it off.
“This should do its job.” Vinny than beamed, holding a black shirt out to you that had a print on it. “The bathroom is down the hallway.”
You silently thanked him and made your way to the room. When you entered his bathroom, you took a look around it. There was a bathtub and a shower, everything decorated exactly as you would expect from a single man in his twenties.
You swallowed hard, thinking about how awkward this situation was but you were too stubborn to back down now. So you quickly stepped out of your dress and slipped into the shirt Vinny gave you.
You looked at yourself in the mirror above the sink. The print on the shirt read 'MOTIONLESS IN WHITE'. You felt like you heard that before but you weren’t really sure from where.
"You got this." You whispered to yourself before grabbing your dress from the floor and shyly making your way back to Vinny's bedroom.
You felt how your hands started to sweat when you entered the room, fidgeting with the dress in your hand. Vinny, on the other hand, looked as calm as is gets, laying on his bed with his phone in hand. His shirt had ridden up slightly, revealing a bit of his stomach. You forced yourself to look away as you noticed your cheeks getting warm.
You cleared your throat, causing Vinny to look up. For a second, you thought that his eyes widened briefly, but you decided to not pay closer attention to it since you were already floated with anxiety.
"What now?" You asked quietly as Vinny leaned on his elbows.
"Don’t ask me… You had the idea." Vinny answered and you began to think about your next move. You allowed yourself to look at Vinny again. Even though you were at a vulnerable stage, you couldn't deny that Vinny looked absolutely fine leaning there. His arms were slightly flexed because of his position, some veins were visible on them. Before now, you had never really realized how attractive you actually found him.
"Maybe…“ Vinny began when he noticed you were as overwhelmed by the situation as he was. "I can sit on the edge of the bed and you can sit on my lap or something."
"Y-yeah… You could… I don’t know… Rest your head against my neck or something. This was, you can hide your face." You stuttered out and took a careful step towards him as he slid closer to the edge of his bed, both of you basically staring each at each other.
Vinny than reached out to grab your hand. "Don’t worry, Y/n. Just relaxed. We got this." His soft tone instantly calmed your nerves.
You shyly sit down on his lap, careful not to bother him in any way. You looked straight ahead at the mirror, when Vinny's armed sneaked around your waist and he nestled his head in the crook of your neck. Almost immediately you felt how your whole body was on fire and goosebumps started to form on every little part of your body. The faint scent of his perfume almost drove you crazy.
You grabbed your phone and took a couple of shaky photos, trying to contain whatever was going on with you at the moment.
"Is it okay if I try something?" He than whispered against your skin, causing you to take a shaky breath. You nodded, fearing your voice would give away how this whole thing made you feel.
When you felt one of his hand sneak under the shirt he gave you to pull you closer to him, you were sure if you had been standing, your knees would have given up.
When you felt his whole body against yours, you couldn't help but let out a small sigh. "Is this okay?" He whispered in your ear and you couldn't overhear the slight shake in his voice.
"Totally." You tried to say with a firm voice, in hopes you could hide how your skin tingled where he touched you. You also tried to ignore how he started to draw small circles on your skin as you snapped a couple pictures more.
You tried to suppress a sigh as you leaned a bit more against him and he tried to play it cool as he started to ghost his lips over your neck. You felt warmth shoot to your core as he quietly groaned against your neck after pushing his hips slightly forward. You couldn't ignore feeling his hardened member against you.
"You know what would make him even more jealous?" You breathed out, almost crumbling in your neighbor's touch.
"What?" He whispered against your neck between small kisses and his hands grabbed your hips a bit firmer.
"If we actually fucked." You answered him with a stutter in your voice and you noticed how he began to smile as you looked at him through the mirror.
"Oh... He would be fuming." Vinny exclaimed and with that the ice was broken and turned on his lap, your lips instantly crashing together.
His hands roamed your body, while yours traveled in his hair. Your ex was long forgotten as soon as his tongue slipped in your mouth. Never in your life did you think about this happening but it seemed like you were made for each other in that moment.
You gently pushed him back onto his mattress and straddled his lap, instantly attacking his lips again. When his lips wandered to your neck again, you sighed.
"You think, this is smart?" You wanted your neighbor to reassure you.
"Definitely not." He whispered again your neck and than licked over the small space he just kissed, causing you to quietly moan. You bucked your hips against him.
"Look at you. Such a needy little thing. Wanting to take pictures and than not being able to contain yourself." He mocked you with a cheeky smile.
You tried to avoid eye contact but he didn't let you by turning your head to face him again. "Tell me what you want, Y/n. I need to be sure you want this."
Your heart was racing while you looked into his greenish eyes.
"I need you to fuck me, Vinny." You whined out when you were sure your voice wouldn't fail you.
Right after you finished your sentence, Vinny grabbed the back of your neck again, crashing his lips into yours again. Your lips slid over each other in a sort of dance.
You moaned when Vinny's hands started to roam over your body finding their way to your ass. He used your noise to slip his tongue into your mouth to meet with yours again.
When you let go of each other again, you were both panting and trembling. “It's a fucking crime not to worship you.” he mumbled against your lips.
“Ride my thigh, sweetheart.” He groaned, his eyes filled with a fire you had never seen before.
You sit back down on his sweatpants covered thigh and slowly start to drag your core against it. The friction of your clit rubbing against the material of your panties and his pants made you cry out immediately. “Just like that, pretty girl.”
Before you knew it he pulled your t-shirt up and put his mouth on your chest, sucking and biting one of your nipples with his lips. "Shit, Vinny..." You cried out, your hands finding their way to his shoulders, to not completely crumble in his arms as your grind against his thigh.
"God, you sound so sexy when you say my name." He moaned against your cheat, before pulling away to reveal several red marks right where his mouth hand been. "You think you can make yourself cum for me?"
His hands that had never touched you before, were now gripping your hips and moving it in a circular motion on his thigh.
"Y- Yes... I... I'll cum for you." You whined, feeling how your thoughts became more irregular with each second passing. It felt so good, you didn't want to stop.
"That's my good girl." He groaned out, almost being in full charge of your movements, while you let your head fall onto his shoulder, pressing your eyes closed as you felt the wetness spread underneath you, on his pants. You moaned out his name loudly as you came undone.
"Take your time." He whispered in your ear, kissing your earlope and than down your neck. You rested their for a couple of seconds, still hearing your heart beat in your ears but not quite ready to let go of the moment, so when gently lifted your face to look at him, you felt how your stomach tingled again.
"I need to taste you." He said with such a serious tone, you almost crumbled in his arms. Your mind was blown. He wanted to eat you out and you didn't even have to beg for it.
You could only nod, still overwhelm with your emotions before you crawled of his lap and laid down on his bed. When he stood up to remove his shirt, you noticed the wet stain you felt on his pants and felt how your cheeks got even warmer than they already had.
When you wanted to sit up to remove your shirt, Vinny stopped you. "Don't. Keep it on. I like how it looks on you."
With that he made his way between your legs and started to press wet kisses on the inner side of your right thigh. He than slowly pulled your wet underwear down.
"Look how wet you are and everything just for me." He smirked. If you weren't so overwhelmed, you would have made sure he lost that facial expression, but you couldn't think about anything except his mouth against your core.
He spreaded your legs a bit more open and let his hand run over your folds. "So pretty..." He mumbled and you could feel his breath against your core. You moaned loudly when he licked over your clit.
"Vinny." You cried out and tried to move your hips but he tightened his hold on you. You held still immediately, not risking of loosing his touch. You whined and moved your hand down to grab his hair to get a hold of yourself, while his tongue was circling your clit, before slidly sucking on it.
He moaned against you as he saw your reaction to him, while he worked his experienced tongue against you. When you thought it couldn't get any better, you felt how he slowly slipped a finger inside of you.
"Shit... Fuck.. Oh god." You almost screamed out and harshly pulled on his hair.
"Oh god, Y/n." He moaned and moved his hips against the bed. He tried to get off himself.
"Vinny?" You moaned, causing him to slow down his movement and look up at you from between your legs.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, his voice having a sweat tone. He instantly started to draw small circles on your thigh while his other hand still worked slowly inside of you.
"Come up here." - "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, but I have an idea." You answered him and with that he slowly let his finger slide out of you. You whine slightly before you watch him as he put his fingers in his mouth, licking them clean.
When he crawled out to you, you needed to contain yourself, to not instantly moan out again, as you feel his hardened member press against your wet core.
"What's the matter, Y/n?" He asked you with care. Instead of answering him right away, he reached down between you two and started to palm his member through his pants.
"Fuck, what are you doing, sweetheart?" He moaned against your lips, but you just signal him to lay down. When his back reached the mattress, he pulled you in for a kiss again.
His tongue rough against yours, you felt him reach down. He wrapped his hand around his shaft and pulled his member out. He slowly began to move his hand, when you kissed your way over his neck and down his chest.
When you reached his dick, you slowly let your tongue circle the tip, causing him to twitch slightly, pre-cum already leaking from his hard member. His hands instantly found their way in your hair. When you took him as deep as you could, he bucked his hips slightly up and moaned out your name.
"God, you feel so fucking good." He cried out, causing you to let a hand slight down your body and find your clit.
"Fuck, Y/N." he curses, not caring how loud he was. Goosebumps take over your skin as you feel your orgasm built up. You looked up through your eyelashes and your eyes meet with his.
It felt you exploded when you finally came again — all tension leaving your body as your fingers worked you through your orgasm. You hummed around Vinny, when you felt his cum shoot into your mouth. It sent shivers down your spine and you felt like you would cum again on the spot. He twitched in your mouth and whined your name as you worked him through his high, hands letting go of your hair before pulling you up to his face while you swallow.
"Holy shit." He breathed out before you kissed him again. Your heart was racing as you lost your strength, letting your body fall against his chest. You rested your head against him, hearing his heart pound equally as fast as yours and before you could even think about it, you felt yourself slip into a deep sleep.
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The next morning, you slowly woke up, feeling an arm securely wrapped around your waist. As the memories of the night before flooded back, a warm blush crept across your cheeks. Carefully, you tried to get out of Vinny's arms, not wanting to disturb his peaceful slumber.
With a shy smile, you tiptoed out of his bedroom and headed to the kitchen, craving a glass of water to start your day. However, as you entered the kitchen, your eyes widen at the sight of a stranger standing there.
The man's gaze immediately fixated on your shirt, adorned with the unmistakable white logo "Motionless in White". Still half in a daze, you met the man's curious stare.
"Who are you?" you inquire, a hint of confusion in your voice.
The man in the kitchen arched an eyebrow. "Who are YOU?"
A moment of silence hung in the air as you studied each other, a silent exchange of questions without words.
"You're not some kind of groupie, are you?" The guy finally broke the silence, his eyes still lingering on the Motionless in White logo.
Perplexed by the unexpected accusation, you replied, "What are you talking about?"
The man just quietly pointed at your chest. "The shirt."
You looked down at your attire, then back at him with genuine confusion. "What's the matter with it?"
"It's our band," He stated blankly.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. "Your WHAT?"
You struggled to process the unexpected revelation, realizing that the previous night's escapade might have involved a member of a band.
"You sure, you don’t know us?" The man asked again, trying to test you.
"I'm Vinny's fucking neighbor." You cried out to defend yourself.
"Oh! Y/n?" He than asked.
"Why do you know my name?" You wanted to know and he gladly answered your question, "Vinny talked about you."
Your eyebrows shot up at the man’s statement. "What do you mean?"
"He was pretty sad when he found out his pretty neighbor had a boyfriend." The man explained, "But by the look of you, I guess that’s no more?"
He smirked while you stared at him in surprise. Vinny had a thing for you. Your neighbor had a crush on you for the whole time.
Before you could answer the man, you heard Vinny’s voice behind you. "What’s going on here?"
You didn’t move a muscle, still processing everything that had happened. You wanted to make your ex jealous and ended up sleeping with your neighbor, who had a thing for you and also was the drummer of a, apparently, well-known band.
"Here comes the boy!" The man in front of you exclaimed, while Vinny looked at the two of you in a mix of confusion and tiredness.
"What are you doing here, Ricky?" - "Actually, I just wanted to pick up my guitar, but it’s getting more interesting with each second passing."
Vinny rolled his eyes, before leaving the room and shortly after coming back with a guitar case.
"I guess, I should be going… Nice to meet you, Y/n and good bye you two." With that, Ricky left Vinny’s apartment, leaving the two of you in the chaos you created.
You still stared at the place Ricky stood at, when Vinny cleared his throat. "I hope you slept well."
You just nodded.
After that it went silent for a couple of minutes, both of you not knowing what to say.
"You know, I don’t regret it." You than whispered.
"What?" Vinny exclaimed.
"I enjoyed last night." - "Me too." - "Good" - "Good"
You stared at each other.
Without thinking about it, you stepped closer to him and grabbed him by the shirt he was now wearing. When your lips met again, it took Vinny a second to respond to the kiss but when he did, you felt him smile into it.
When you let go of each other, Vinny mumbled something out.
"You should wear my shirts more often." He whispered.
"And you should have told me about your crush, maybe I would have had the courage to leave my ex before this whole disaster happened." You answered him.
"Without that disaster, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to ask you on a date." Vinny than exclaimed boldly.
For a second you looked him in the eyes and thought about your answer. You knew your break up was fresh but when you looked at Vinny like that you felt like you were over it immediately.
"And I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to say yes."
And with that, you decided to keep your pictures to yourself…
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ohabigailhowcouldyou · 7 months
Candy... ~pt 2: Honey~
Read part 1 first
There was no moment for Vinny to get Ricky alone again for the rest of the day, and by the time they trooped onto the stage that night, Vinny's nerves felt taught, like guitar strings about to snap the second someone strummed them.
He tried to divert the tension into the music, letting the familiar beats of his drum kit carry him from song to song. But by the time Werewolf started, he knew it was in vain. Every so often until then he'd catch Ricky's eyes on him, blue and hot as gas flames, and something low in his belly would clench, like a hunger pang.
Then the second verse of Werewolf started, and for a second Ricky looked back at him, then pointedly nodded at Chris. Vinny's heart skipped a beat, as did the hit he'd meant to land on his snare drum. Ricky's smirk let him know the other man had noticed his fumble and he swallowed heavily, just barely recovering in time to look forward and witness, yet again, Chris displaying his feral side that had twitter in such a state. Vinny tried not to look. Tried and failed to keep his eyes off Chris' ass and thighs, his profile as he turned to do his dance with the Cherrybombs. And when, after the song, Chris grinned at him while drinking water, Vinny could feel the blush staining his cheeks just as painfully as he could feel that same tightening in his belly that Ricky could trigger. He didn't smile back, and could see the concern on Chris' face before he had to turn back and address the audience.
For the rest of the set, Vinny kept his head down, feeling unreasonably angry and humiliated. After everything, why would Ricky point his attention back to Chris, if not to mock him? Didn't this afternoon mean anything to Ricky after all? Had he misread disappointment at losing out on head as something deeper? The questions spun through Vinny's mind in a dizzy spiral with no end in sight.
They finished the set, and Vinny all but ran off stage, trying to get the hell away from his bandmates and his own thoughts. Unfortunately there weren't many places to escape to, backstage of the venue. He ended up outside, in the walkway between the venue and their fleet of buses and trailers. He leaned against a trailer, outside of the pool of light from the stage door, hoping he'd stay hidden for at least a little while. He shivered, the air was freezing on his sweaty, painted skin. He picked at a spot on his arm where the black paint was starting to flake off. Maybe on their next tour he'd stop covering his skin. Ricky didn't anymore, nor did Chris. At that thought, Vinny's frown deepened.
It was there, scratching the paint off his arm with a scowl on his face, that he was found, much sooner that he'd hoped.
"Vin, there you are! I've been looking - Jesus, Vinny, you're gonna get fucking hypothermia!"
It was Chris, ducking down so his worried expression was eye-level with Vinny. He was so close that Vinny could see the little specks of glitter that had migrated from his eyelids to his cheekbones during the show.
"I'm fine," Vinny tried to tell him, but the words were hampered by the fact that his teeth were chattering so hard. He hadn't noticed quite how cold he was until now, when he realized the pain in his limbs wasn't solely from drumming.
"Vin, what's going on?" Chris' voice was gentle, and his warm hands gripped Vinny's upper arms tugging him away from the trailer and closer to Chris' hoodie-covered frame.
Vinny tried to shrug. "I just needed some air. The pyro and shit was cooking me alive in there. I hadn't noticed how cold it is." He wanted to think he'd given a plausible explanation, despite the fact that he'd started to shiver uncontrollably.
"C'mere," Chris mumbled, tugging Vinny against him and wrapping him in his arms. Vinny didn't bother trying to resist the hug, or, a few seconds later, Chris tucking him under one arm to lead him back into the venue.
"Did something happen with you and Ricky?" Chris asked, voice low, as they walked back into the venue. "After... Uh, what I interrupted."
"No," Vinny muttered. Chris' bodyheat was sinking into his skin, calming the shivers a little bit. He didn't try to pull away, though, even as they passed crew and venue staff on the way to their green room. "I mean... well... nevermind."
"You know you can tell me anything, right? I won't judge you."
Vinny sighed. If Ricky was going to try and humiliate him, Vinny may as well rob him of the ammunition.
"Before what you walked in on happened, Ricky had grabbed my phone to get me to give him back the damn candy bar. But he saw a video I was watching, and kinda threatened to use it against me, I guess, if I didn't give him... uh... what he wanted. But then we started making out, and I thought we were on the same page, or whatever. But now, I'm not so sure. I think that I misread him."
Chris was frowning, eyes dark with concern as he looked at Vinny. "Use it against you, how? And for a candy bar? Seems a bit drastic."
"Not the candy bar. He said he wanted a blowjob, actually. I thought he was just kidding, trying to piss me off. But then... Everything else happened, and I thought we were both into it, more than just stress relief, or whatever, I don't know. But tonight, he... I think he might have been more serious about the threat than I thought. Not necessarily trying to get me to really do anything sexual, I mean, he's not a creep. But to get back at me for getting the upper hand earlier, maybe."
"And how would he do that?" Chris prompted after patiently listening to Vinny's rambling explanation.
"Tell you what I was watching, I guess," Vinny mumbled, with a shrug, looking up to see they'd reached their green room. He could hear familiar voices behind the half-open door.
Chris obviously had more questions, but he gave Vinny a little shake, pausing before entering the room. "Why don't you take advantage of the showers here? Get warmed up. You're still shivering."
Vinny nodded, then turned to Chris, saying in a rush; "It wasn't anything gross. It was a video of you, actually. I guess I'd rather tell you myself, than have him do it."
Then, face burning with embarrassment and eyes stinging with sudden tears, Vinny stepped out from under Chris' arm and into the green room. He caught Ricky looking at him from the corner of his eye, but he didn't stop or acknowledge the other man as he grabbed his bag and made his way to the bathroom.
The showers were individual cubicles and he gratefully locked himself inside of one. He scrubbed the paint and sweat from his skin under the mercifully hot water, then dried off and pulled on sweatpants and a hoodie. He felt better, body temperature back to normal and a bit of the weight off his chest after talking to Chris. He was pretty sure he could finish out the last few days on the road without having a mental breakdown, even. Pretty sure. At least until he opened the cubicle door to find Chris waiting for him.
He was leaning back against the sink, face clear of the remnants of his makeup, expression carefully neutral. Vinny could see his own face reflected in the large mirror behind Chris, the small frown above his red rimmed eyes, the way he was pressing his lips together, muscles in his jaw twitching.
"I talked to Ricky," Chris said, without preamble. His voice betraying even less that his face.
"Yeah?" Vin tried hard to be casual, rubbing his damp towel over his dripping hair.
"I have a question."
Vinny slumped back against the partition between cubicles, letting his bag drop to the floor at his feet, still halfheartedly trying to dry his curls. He made a motion with his chin, to indicate that Chris can ask his question.
The older man tucked his hands into his pants pockets, eyes dropping down to the middle distance between them.
"The video... was that just, general interest in guys that you're exploring? Or was it more specifically... me?"
"That's two questions," Vin mumbled, then kept talking before Chris could reply. "I've been exploring my general interest in guys since highschool, so..." He shrugged, looking down at the damp towel in his hands.
"But... What about Ricky, then?"
Vin scrunched the towel into a ball, squeezing the damp material until his knuckles turned white. "It's possible to find multiple people attractive at the same time."
There was a soft sound as Chris shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Yeah. I guess it is." There was amusement in his voice and Vinny looked up to see a small smile on Chris' face. He was still not looking at Vinny, keeping his eyes on the cracked tiles between them. "I guess it is," he repeated, quietly, like he was sharing some joke with himself.
"So, if we're done here," Vinny cleared his throat, twisting the much abused towel between his hands, as if to wring water from it, before tossing it over his shoulder.
"Wait, I just -", Chris took a step forward, one hand outstretched to halt Vinny's escape. His smile had faded, dark eyes meeting Vin's for the first time. "I wanted to say... God, I don't know. That I don't mind?"
"Cool," Vinny's voice was small. He bent forward to lift up his bag, but Chris' tattooed hand grabbed his before he could reach it. He jerked upright, to find Chris had closed the distance between them to step into Vinny's personal space, closer even that he'd been outside by the bus. Looking up, Vinny could have counted the taller man's eyelashes, except that Chris cupped his cheeks and pressed his lips to Vin's with exquisite softness and Vin lost the ability to form any coherent thought. The kiss was warm and chaste and Vin breathed a small sigh against Chris' lips, one hand reaching up to curl into the soft fabric of the Beetlejuice hoodie Chris was wearing.
Chris slid his palm down over Vinny's chest, to curl around his waist. He kept the kiss unhurried, even as Vin's lips parted for him to explore further, curling his tongue against Vinny's in a slow, teasing promise of things to come. Vinny heard himself moan, low in his throat, as he moved up onto his tiptoes, pressing closer against Chris' warmth.
Pulling away from Vinny's lips, Chris trailed kisses across his jaw, pausing to give his earlobe a kitten lick that had Vinny's skin erupting in goosebumps.
"God, Vin," Chris' voice was husky in his ear, "do you have any idea what I'd like to do to you?" More kisses trailed across his jaw, then down to the side of his throat, where Chris trailed the very tip of his tongue over Vinny's pulse point.
"Please," Vinny breathed, high and needy, one hand in a deathgrip around Chris' hoodie, the other coming up to tug at the short purple strands of Chris' hair.
Chris made a sound, somewhere between a groan and a laugh, and pressed his lips to Vinny's again, the kiss hungrier than before. He slid both large hands down over Vinny's back to cup his ass, grinding their hips together in a movement that had both of them gasping into each other's mouths. Chris rolled his hips, the same slow, deliberate movements he'd made on stage, only now it was for Vinny's benefit alone. Each languid thrust undid a little more of Vinny's inhibition, until he was rutting back against Chris, moans falling from his parted lips, their open mouths no longer kissing so much as sharing uneven breaths.
"Fuck," the expletive sounded torn from Chris' throat, and without warning he fell to his knees in front of Vinny, eyes dark as he looked up to ask, "May I?"
Vinny couldn't form a coherent thought, much less words, at the sight of Chris on his knees for him. He did his best to nod, hands trembling as ran his fingers lightly through Chris' short hair, being careful not to tug, however much he might have wanted to. Chris pulled at the waistband of Vinny's sweatpants, making a quiet sound of approval at the fact that there was no underwear in his way, as he wrapped long fingers around Vinny's hard length. Vinny had always been fine with how perfectly average his cock was, didn't spend his life obsessing over it like some guys seemed to. So, the effect the sight of Chris' large hand dwarfing him had was unexpected, making his breath catch in his throat, a curl of hot shame forming in his belly. Except, instead of putting him off, the humiliation only turned him on even more. His grip tightened on the purple hair, wordlessly urging Chris on. Vinny's breath was coming in short sharp gasps and he didn't think he'd last long enough for Chris to even begin stoking his cock properly, but somehow he managed to keep control of himself, even as Chris leaned in to lick at the precum leaking from his tip. He moaned at that, letting his head fall back for only a second, before looking down again, not wanting to miss a single second of the sight of Chris stretching his full lips around Vinny's cock.
It was an embarrassingly short time before Vinny felt the familiar tightening of his impending orgasm. He tugged harder on Chris' hair, to try and pull him away.
"I'm gonna... Please, Chris, I'm gonna cum... I'm -" the words were interspersed with little moans as Chris just swallowed him down even deeper, the head of Vinny's cock hitting the back of his throat.
Vinny couldn't hold back any longer, a keening moan escaping his lips as he came so hard he could see stars behind his tightly shut eyelids. Chris didn't pull away until he'd gotten every last drop from Vinny, given his softening cock slow little licks until Vinny jerked away, painfully oversensitive. He pulled up Vinny's sweats before rising to his feet, letting Vinny pull him in for a lazily, fuck-drunk kiss.
It took a few seconds for the thought of returning the favor to even occur in Vinny's scrambled brain, and he reached for Chris' waistband, wanting to touch, to reciprocate, but Chris caughts his wrists. He pulled away from the kiss to look up at the other man. Chris gave a small smile and shook his head.
"We need to get back to the bus, we're gonna be missed soon."
"But," Vinny started, and was silenced with a quick kiss.
"It's fine," Chris said. "Come on, let's go."
And with a last press of his lips to Vinny's, Chris turned and walked away, hands burrowing into his pockets, leaving Vinny behind, confused and disappointed.
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ghoulbat666 · 3 months
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Ricky had been turned down by plenty of girls before, but getting cursed by one of them was a first.
click here to read
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bngurngheart · 9 months
You know you’ve been a bit broken by life and you have trauma when all the requests you wanna ask to fic writers have a main male characters whose mission is to make the female character feel safe in intimacy settings….
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....I don't have to say it, right? We're all thinking it?
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screamsinsilver · 8 months
I have read one (1) vinny mauro/will ramos fic and I am Hooked. slight problem: there are five works in the tag
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 3 years
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Vinny Mauro | 928 Words
Day 5
Each morning seems to be just like the last. Frantic to say the least. Both you and Vinny have jobs you have to get to pretty damn early. You work as the secretary for the governor and Vinny well, he worked at a rather high up position at a record label. So it was pretty important for the both of you to be punctual each day. For the sake of your jobs y’know? 
You’d think that the two of you would pick up some sort of routine? Like wake up at a decent time, make breakfast, have a cup of coffee, take a shower, throw on some clothes, do some makeup, grab your stuff, then It’s out the door right?
You two couldn’t pick a routine to stick on to save your lives. You used all of your planning skills at work and never seemed to bring them home unless you were filling out the calendar that hangs on the wall in your office. But then again, that only needed to be filled out once a month. 
So the both of you end up scrambling to do what you need to do and get out the door to work. And of course this morning is no different. The chill of winter is something neither of you are used to yet. It had been such a pleasant year weather wise and neither of you were ready for winter. So each time the alarm went off you both smashed the snooze button, mumbling about how it was too cold and It’s not time yet. Eventually when you opened your eyes for real to take a look at the clock, you were very much late getting up. 
You spring up from your position on the bed, practically push Vinny out of bed to get him up, not wanting him to be late either. He wakes up with a start, seeing the time and racing to the closet to find a pair of pants to shield him from the cold. He never slept with anything but boxers so winter mornings were going to be a rude awakening for him.
You two bumped hips as you throw on your pants, laughing to each other and stealing a kiss before you both run to the cramped bathroom that you share. You have a second bathroom downstairs and it would make things so much easier if one of you just went downstairs and just used that to get ready each morning. But of course, you both being the lazy people you are, never decide on who’s going to move their stuff. Even when you did try, neither of you wanted to. So you’re stuck in the cramped bathroom with your boyfriend who doesn’t smell the best this morning. Gross. 
“Vin put on some deodorant.” You wave your hand in front of your nose with a look of disgust.
He childishly laughs and raises his arm, moving it closer. 
“You’re disgusting.” You smile and push him lightly into the wall.
“Hey! That wasn’t very nice!” He comments as he brushes out his hair. 
You roll your eyes as you continue to straighten your hair, your elbow occasionally knocking with his. Obviously you two need to make a dance routine or something to keep your limbs to yourself. Because the amount of joint pain you have after a hectic morning is beyond belief. 
You finish with your hair and duck under Vinny who’s standing in the doorway brushing his teeth to go find a blouse that doesn’t look to wrinkled. You decide on one of the black ones that lay on the floor of the closet. You really need to start cleaning...
You bring it to your nose, nodding in approval before slipping it on.
“You could’ve kept it off for a little while longer.” Vinny smirks, standing once again in the doorway to your closet, still shirtless himself. 
“Do you understand that I actually have to be somewhere Vin?” You question, while ducking under his arm once again to get back to the bathroom to do your makeup and brush your teeth.
He seems to love to follow you like a puppy that needs attention, now in a while button up that’s not so buttoned up. He stands next to you while you do your makeup, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. He’s never been all that good at dressing up.
You turn him so he’s facing you, buttoning up his shirt for him then kissing his chest which is just where you come up to on him. He smiles and kisses the top of your head, letting you get back to your simple makeup that you’ve decided on today.
“I’ll go start some coffee.” He says and walks out of the bathroom. Finally leaving you to yourself. It’s a lot less crazed when he actually finds something for himself to do.
You quickly finish with your tasks in the bathroom, grabbing your flats from the closet and running downstairs where Vin is pouring coffee into your mug. You swipe it from him, taking a long sip while slipping your shoes on. 
“I love you baby!” You shout as you head for the door.
“Not so fast.” He responds, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek sloppily.
“Ugh Vin!” You whine while you wipe the wetness from your cheek. He chuckles and taps your ass before walking back to the kitchen. You roll your eyes with a smile and walk out to your car.
He’s totally going to be late today.
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collapsedglasshouses · 2 months
Hello! I've decided to update my recommendation list and give it a bit more structure, this is why I'm making a new list and try to keep it updated as often as possible. (The old list will still be available don’t worry)
To my fellow fanfic creators, I can't even put into words how much I appreciate you all. You're all so good at what you are doing. Thank you for sharing your masterpieces with us! ♡
Please read the content warnings for each piece of fiction! Most of them are NSFW so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
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Noah Sebastian x OC/Reader:
✫ JUST PRETEND by @thefallennightmare & @thescarlettvvitch
✫ ENTOMBED by @thescarlettvvitch
✫ MERCY by @thefallennightmare
✫ I TOOK YOUR KEYS, IT WAS ME by @badnoahmens
✫ SWEEP ME OF MY FEET by @badnoahmens
✫ PULLED FROM THE GREY by @crimson-calligraphyx
✫ SCREAM by @foliosriot
✫ THE ROTTEN AND UGLY by @foliosriot
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Nicholas Ruffilo x OC/Reader:
✫ SAFETY NET by @measuredingold
✫ DISGUISED IN YOUR SHEETS by @deathblacksmoke
✫ DELICATE BEGINNING RUSH by @concreteburialplot
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Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x OC/Reader:
✫ LITTLE ONE by @cowpokeomens
✫ ABSOLUTION by @cowpokeomens
✫ SCAR by @ladyveronikawrites
✫ LIKE BRANCHES IN A FLOOD by @the-way-of-words
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Nick Folio x OC/Reader:
✫ CLUTCH by @kingdomof-omens
✫ LIMONCELLO by @sinkingteethinwhitenoise
✫ HARDER by @sorrowsofsilence
✫ THE CRAZIER I CAME by @deathblacksmoke
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Matt Dierkes x OC/Reader:
✫ FOR YOU? NEVER by @thefallennightmare
✫ JUST FOR TONIGHT by @withcrossesandframes
✫ MATT DIERKES FRIENDS TO LOVER REQUEST by @thcfountain [Matt Dierkes x ace afab!Reader]
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Other Pairings:
✫ LOST IN THE CONCRETE JUNGLE by @ladyveronikawrites
✫ CALL ME WHEN YOU GET THE CHANCE [Noah Sebastian x Nick Ruffilo x fem!Reader] by @deathblacksmoke
✫ DOMINATE THE GAME [Coach Davis!Noah Sebastian x female reader x Coach Cerulli!Chris Motionless] by @ladyveronikawrites & @nerdraging4point0
Love Triangle:
✫ VIRALITY [Nicholas Ruffilo x fem!OC & Noah Sebastian x fem!OC] by @concreteburialplot
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Vinny Mauro x OC/Reader:
✫ SURPRISE by @ravieisunhinged
✫ BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE by @beaker1636
✫ SWEET BOY by @circle-with-me
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Ricky Olson x OC/Reader:
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Chris Motionless x OC/Reader:
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Other Pairings:
✫ EVERY ROSE HAS ITS THRONS by @cookiesupplier [Ricky Olson x OFC x Chris Motionless]
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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collapsedglasshouses · 9 months
☆ = contains mature content || mdni
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Consequences [Noah x Y/N Ruffilo] COMPLETED ☆ Noah x pregnant!reader [request] wisdom teeth removal [request] Lips Like Wine [request] ☆ Mine [Noah x Singer!Reader] ☆ Heartfelt Secrets [request] Hotel Neighbors ☆
x OC:
An Angel For Noah [Noah x Jules] COMPLETED ☆ Would You Say I'm Worthy? [Noah x Eden] IN PROGRESS
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Reading Your Heart [request] Please Shut Up [request]: 1 ; 2 ☆
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A Well-Deserved Break [request] Sweater Weather
x OC:
Maybe Sometime [Nick x Nova] ☆
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Ready Or Not [request] ☆
x OC:
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Late-Night-Comfort [Vinny x fem!Reader] ☆ Like The Movies Part 2 [Vinny x fem!Reader] ☆ IN PROGRESS
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ohabigailhowcouldyou · 7 months
Candy... ~pt 1~
Being away from home sucked. Being stuck on a bus with a dozen smelly men sucked. Not having any Starburst left sucked.
Vinny groaned and rolled out of his bunk to head to the kitchenette for something sugary, bumping shoulders with Chris as he reached for Ricky's secret stash of chocolate.
"He's gonna know it's you," Chris teased, popping a raspberry into his mouth. A raspberry, Vinny thought, of all things. Couldn't the man find some vegan candy to snack on. Did it have to be something so... healthy?
"He can suck my dick," Vinny retorted, "I need sugar."
Chris raised an eyebrow, picking out another berry from his container. Without giving it conscious thought, Vinny plucked it from the taller man's fingers.
"Hey!" Chris protested, his dark eyes following the fruit's path past Vinny's lips. Vinny smirked, winked at Chris, and strolled back toward the bunks without a backward glance.
The sweetness of the raspberry lingered on Vinny's tongue, and he put the stolen candy bar aside for later. He pulled out his phone, opening Twitter -no way would he ever call it X- to mindlessly scroll until dinner time. The first thing he saw, however, chased any thought of food from his mind. He had, of course, seen this in person from a different angle while playing, but the video of Chris rolling his hips in a dirty dance with his micstand was definitely worth watching. Several times. As good as he looked from behind, there was something utterly spectacular about seeing not only Chris' body, but his face, too. Lost in the music, dimple showing as he all but snarled the lyrics, Chris was beautiful. This wasn't the first time Vinny had noticed it; touring together for a decade had given him plenty of opportunity to admire his bandmates' good looks, Chris included. It was different now though, as one of the biggest tours they've ever done was winding down, and they'd all been living like sardines for weeks now, almost no privacy, no chance for hook-ups to relieve some of the pent up frustration coiling under their skin. Arguments had been getting more frequent, tempers simmering in the Fall air, everyone on a hair trigger.
As if Vinny's spiralling thoughts had summoned him, the curtain covering his bunk was yanked aside to reveal Ricky's scowling face. Vinny quicky lowered his phone to his chest to hide the screen, plucking his Airpod out of one ear.
"Give it back," Ricky demanded, eyes dark as thunderclouds.
"Give what back?" Vinny played coy, blinking at his friend.
"The candy bar, Vin. The last dark chocolate one."
"I don't know what you're talking -" Vinny started to say, trying to surreptitiously move the candy bar lying next to him out of sight, but the movement drew Ricky's sharp eyes at just the wrong moment.
"You motherfucker," Ricky growled, leaning into Vinny's bunk to reach for the chocolate.
"Dude!" Vinny protested, shoving his hand with the candy bar under his body. Ricky had all but crawled into Vinny's bunk, his sharp elbow digging into Vin's stomach, one knee sliding against Vinny's thigh. Vinny tried to twist away from the smaller man, whose searching fingers brushed dangerously close to Vin's crotch, still tight from the video he'd been looping seconds ago.
"Just give it back, you dick." Ricky's breath was warm on Vinny's cheek.
"Watch your tongue, Richard," Vinny mocked, squirming under Ricky's hands, he could feel the candy bar get squashed under his hip.
"Fuck you," it was a snarl, Ricky's low voice close to his ear, and the sound made goosebumps erupt across Vinny's skin. For a second, Ricky went still, then without warning, he plucked Vinny's phone from his slack grip.
"No!" Vinny protested, fingers grabbing at Ricky's delicate wrist.
"What, were you watching porn or something?" There was a mocking quality to Ricky's voice. He twisted against Vinny's hold on him to turn the phone's screen toward himself, the Werewolf video still looping, keeping the screen from locking like it would have otherwise. Ricky's eyebrows shot up, lips parting in surprise.
"Close enough," he said, dark amusement in his tone.
Vinny could feel the heat of a blush on his cheeks. He tightened his grip on Ricky's wrist, feeling the other man's pulse against his calloused fingertips.
"Give back my phone, or you're not gonna enjoy playing the next show with broken wrist." Vinny had only rarely heard himself speak like that, low and threatening.
For a second, the two men sized each other up, pent up frustration and anger shimmering in the air between them like a heatwave over concrete.
"You don't have it in you, Vincenzo," Ricky finally broke the silence, that dark edge still in his husky voice.
Vin leaned up on one elbow, and slowly pressed down on his friend's wrist, harder and harder, until he could feel the bones grinding together. It had to have hurt, but Ricky only curled his lip in an empty smile, icy gaze not wavering from Vin's face. Finally, it became too much, and Vinny let go. Ricky was right, he didn't have it in him to hurt someone, least of all a friend. For a second, something deeper that anger flashed across Ricky's face, followed by a hiss of air through his teeth as he wiggled Vin's phone to flex his wrist.
Vinny tossed the candy bar, a little the worse for wear, in Ricky's direction. "Give me back my phone."
Ricky held it out to him, but snatched it back at the last second as Vinny reached for it.
"On second thought... Maybe it's a fair exchange? If this is what you're watching, alone in your bunk, what other dirty secrets wait to be discovered?"
Something cold trailed down Vinny's spine. "Stop fucking around, Rick. Give it back."
Ricky raised an eyebrow, thumb swiping at the screen, closing the video of Chris to show his twitter feed again.
Vinny grabbed at him again, but Ricky was faster this time, folding his arm behind him, where Vinny couldn't reach, confined by his bunk and Ricky's slight form.
"What about a different trade? I'll even throw in the candy bar, if that'll sweeten the deal."
"What do you want?" Vin asked, impatient with annoyance.
Ricky's lips curled in a frightening simile of a smile.
"I want a blow job."
For the tiniest fraction of a second, Vinny felt the swoop of the Earth tilting on its axis below him, before he managed to get a handle on his reaction to Ricky's blunt words.
"Oh, sorry," he said, voice sour. "You must be mistaking me for a groupie. I'm not."
"You sure about that?" Ricky's low, quiet voice was mocking. "Let's see, shall we? Aside from that dirty video you were just watching, what else could be on your phone to prove you wrong?"
"Stop fucking around, Rick," Vinny repeated, knowing the moment the words left his lips that he'd fucked up, giving himself away.
Ricky's expression was triumphant as he brought Vinny's phone out from behind his back. Vinny, using reflexes built up over decades behind a drum kit, swung out of his bunk and onto his feet, letting his momentum crash him into the smaller man. One hand again seized the wrist of the hand holding his phone, while his other fisted around the collar of Ricky's black t-shirt, shoving him back against the opposite wall of bunks.
Ricky exhaled in clear shock at Vinny's reaction, eyes wide, free hand grabbing at Vinny's shoulder as he was crushed between the drummer and the bunks behind him.
"I told you to. Stop. Fucking. Around. Ricky." Vinny hissed each word in Ricky's face, grip tightening cruelly on Ricky's wrist, not letting up this time, even as Ricky made a pained noise, trying to pull free.
Several things registered in Vinny's overheating brain at the same time. While Ricky was trying to pull his one arm free, his other hand had found its way to the back of Vinny's neck, fingertips tangling in the curls there. And Ricky's body, where it was pressed against Vinny's from shoulder to knee, wasn't straining away from him, but toward him. The last thing Vinny realized before his mind completely short circuited, was that Ricky was hard, as hard as Vinny himself was.
He couldn't say who moved first, only that they both froze for an endless moment before they were kissing. It wasn't sweet or gentle, lips and tongues and teeth clashing in a sloppy, messy fight for control over each other. Vinny gave as good as he got, releasing Ricky's collar to curl his fingers around that beautifully tattooed throat, and Ricky moaned, filthy and shameless, into his mouth, moving his hips against Vinny's with increasing desperation.
Panting for breath, Vinny was the one who broke the kiss, to trail his lips and tongue down over Ricky's sharp jaw, to explore the skin of his throat, moving his hand around to cup the back of Ricky's neck. How many times had he let his gaze linger over the inked skin, wondering what this would feel like? What his friend would taste like? No fantasy he'd ever had could hold a candle to the reality of Ricky's pulse thundering against his lips, the sweet, salt taste of him as Vinny dragged his tongue over his adam's apple, the little gasping noises Ricky made when Vinny bit down over his jugular.
Ricky's hand, knotted in Vinny's hair, tugged painfully to bring Vinny's mouth back to his own, where he bit down sharply on Vin's bottom lip, drawing a growl from his throat. Vinny pinned Ricky's arm that he was still holding above Ricky's head, tugging the man's other hand up to join it. He easily circled both Ricky's wrists with the fingers of one of his hands, plucking his phone out of Ricky's grip and sliding it into his pocket, before curling his arm around Ricky's waist and down, to cup his ass. As slight as Ricky was, Vinny's fingers could easily seek out every denim-covered dip and valley.
Even like this, pinned and trapped, Ricky didn't back down, nipping painfully at Vinny's lips and tongue, until Vinny pulled his head back, grinning.
"Sucks to be you, huh?" He asked.
Ricky frowned, breathless and flushed. "What?"
"You're not getting that blow job after all," Vinny said, matter-of-factly. "And you don't have anything left to blackmail me with."
"I don't..." Ricky blinked slowly, as if his brain was only just catching up to the situation. His eyes flickered up to where Vinny was still pinning his empty hands above his head. "Oh."
Vinny had expected anger, hot and acidic, so the look of bleak disappointment that flashed over Ricky's face caught him completely off guard. Ricky tugged against his grip, not meeting his eyes, but Vinny didn't release him.
"Let go, Vin," Ricky said, the fight gone from his voice, from his body, still hard where it pressed against Vinny's, only now held rigidly still.
Vinny didn't. Instead he leaned forward, trying to get Ricky to meet his eyes. A quick questioning glance was all he got, before Ricky looked away again, lids lowered. "Let go," he repeated.
For a second, Vinny debated with himself on what to do, then slowly, he pulled his arm from around Ricky and released his grip on the other man's wrists. Ricky let his arms fall, an almost silent sigh escaping his lips. Instead of stepping away, Vinny brought both hands up to cup Ricky's face. He got a glimpse of wide blue eyes, before he closed his own and leaned in to kiss Ricky again.
It was very different from the angry, biting kisses they'd shared minutes ago. This was slow and sweet, Ricky's lips parting for him without a fight, letting their tongues tangle and taste each other together. He felt Ricky's hands resting lightly on his sides, not demanding, just touching in a way that had Vinny's heart squeeze painfully against his ribs.
If it were up to him, Vinny would have spent the rest of his life right there, kissing the man in his arms. Unfortunately, it wasn't up to him, or Ricky for that matter.
"Guys, have you - oh shit." Chris' voice pulled them apart, and Vinny turned to see him standing, wide eyed, in the narrow doorway between the bus' lounge and the bunk area. "Fuck, I'm not sure what I just interrupted, but uh... I'm sorry?"
Vinny was mildly surprised that they hadn't been interrupted much earlier, but he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
He gave Ricky a quick smile as he stepped away from him. He hoped that it conveyed what he couldn't put into words right then. The tiny smirk on Ricky's lips made him think that his message had been conveyed at least somewhat successfully.
He answered Chris while he scooped the abandoned candy bar off the floor. "I was just paying for this."
Read part 2 here
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It's Cuffing Season
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Vinny Mauro x Justin Morrow
Summary: The thing about Vinny was that he’d never really thought about his height until he met Justin Morrow. He’d always been aware he was shorter than most other guys, sure. When it came to his band, he was even shorter. But when Justin had stumbled into his life, he was very aware of their size difference. Normally, he’d be a bit embarrassed when another man towered over him, but it was nothing short of exciting when it was Justin.
Warnings: Size difference, size kink, top Justin, bottom Vinny, foreplay, porn without plot, porn with feelings, anal fingering, anal sex, unsafe sex, rough sex, creampie, belly bulge.
Words: 2,106
Read below the cut or on ao3
The thing about Vinny was that he’d never really thought about his height until he met Justin Morrow. He’d always been aware he was shorter than most other guys, sure. When it came to his band, he was even shorter. But when Justin had stumbled into his life, he was very aware of their size difference. Normally, he’d be a bit embarrassed when another man towered over him, but it was nothing short of exciting when it was Justin.
They’d very quickly gotten close and began messing around. And it was exhilarating in a way Vinny hadn’t experienced since he was a teenager, everything feeling new and interesting.  And in a way, it was extremely new for him. He’d never dated someone who was so much bigger than him. But along with this, he was also certain he’d never dated someone as gentle as Justin was with him. It was sweet and frustrating all at once.
There was a time for Justin to be tender with him and he appreciated the softness, but there were also times when he just wanted to be thrown around and treated as roughly as Justin could manage. It had been a nonstop fight to get Justin to realize it was okay and that he wouldn’t accidentally hurt Vinny. Eventually, like many things in life, Vinny managed to get his way. Before, they’d never gone all the way. Most days, they’d simply make out in Justin’s bed and rut against each other like desperate teenagers.
On a few occasions, Vinny even convinced Justin to get his cock out. His hand looked tiny as he tried to wrap all the way around it, doing his best to get the older man off. He’d do it differently every time.Sometimes, he would be slow and steady, carefully working over every inch. And other times, he’d jerk Justin off fast and tight. The wet pressure around Justin’s cock was almost overwhelming as Vinny focused on rubbing the head, trying to get Justin to lose control. Vinny’s favorite had been when Justin just used his hand like a fleshlight.
Vinny had been stroking him, not quite slow and not exactly fast. But Justin had reached out to take a hold of Vinny’s wrist, stopping his movements. The size difference was emphasized so much, Justin’s hand wrapping around Vinny’s wrist and making him feel fragile. It’d be so easy for Justin to apply just a bit of pressure and snap his wrist as though it was nothing. Justin would never hurt him like that, but Vinny shivered at the knowledge he could. There would be nothing Vinny could do to stop Justin from doing whatever he wanted. Justin rolled his hips leisurely into Vinny’s tight fist, simply using it like a hole to empty his balls in.  
It would be weeks after that before Vinny could convince Justin to actually fuck him. Weeks of begging and reassuring Justin that everything would be fine, that he wanted him, that he could handle it, that he wouldn’t hurt him by mistake. But it finally happened. Justin talked him through the entire thing, promising Vinny would be in control, but he finally agreed to sleeping with him. Being in control wasn’t exactly what Vinny wanted, but at that point, he’d agree to anything if he meant he got to have actual sex with Justin. 
Justin had been gentle with him the entire time. Taking what seemed like hours to kiss along every inch of Vinny’s skin, his hands stroking whatever his mouth wasn’t focused on. Vinny lost track of how long he spent on his back on Justin’s bed, spread out as his skin was worshiped. He didn’t mind it, not really. Justin’s fingers had finally begun pressing inside of him, one at a time, thick and rough. His hands and fingers were wide in the same way every other part of Justin was. And they had Vinny squirming on the sheets, despite the fact Justin had started with one and moved slowly. It was overwhelming in the best way. 
Vinny had never felt so full while just being fingered before and having Justin stretching him open was so unlike any toy he’d used. He was warm and real, and kept looking at Vinny like he was the only thing that mattered. It seemed to take forever before Justin was ready for them to move on, insisting he open Vinny up for what felt like hours. Vinny loved it about him. He loved that he was so sweet and didn’t want to hurt anyone, but at the same time, he felt ready to kill Justin if he didn’t hurry up. Finally, he found himself straddling the bigger man and sinking down his cock, the position allowing him to have complete control. 
  “Oh, holy fuck. How are you so thick?” Vinny whispered breathlessly as he continued pressing down against Justin’s length. It seemed to be never ending and every time Vinny thought he was done, he’d slide down another inch. But it didn’t hurt, not really. There was just a lot to take and by the time Justin was bottoming out, Vinny felt almost painfully full. When he opened his eyes and looked down, it wasn’t difficult to figure out why. His lower stomach visibly bulged out from where Justin’s cock filled him. “Fuck, baby. Look at you,” He laughed out quietly, urging Justin to follow his eyes to see what he was looking at. 
“Shit,” Justin breathed, trying his best to not thrust into Vinny like he wanted to. The sight was almost overwhelming. One of his hands moved away from Vinny’s waist, carefully brushing his fingers over the bulge. “You’re so pretty,” He tore his eyes away from the man’s stomach to look at his face instead, smiling back at him softly. His hips rocked up carefully, just barely pressing deeper and Vinny swore he’d never been harder in his entire life. Justin’s fingers pressed harder against the bulge, feeling himself move once Vinny started moving slowly. The taller man let out a string of quiet swear words as Vinny began riding him. 
“You’re pretty too. You’re doing so fucking good for me,” Vinny told him, stroking his hand through Justin’s hair. He knew Justin was a little out of his comfort zone by doing this, so he knew it was important to praise and encourage him. Vinny knew he should’ve waited a bit longer before moving, but he was impatient and he liked the burn from it. He groaned quietly as he rolled his hips down against him, the feeling so different from anything he’d ever felt before. He’d never had a partner who was as big or as thick as Justin was. “Come on, baby. Please. Really fuck me,” Vinny whined out as he rolled harder. He wasn’t sure if it was the heat of the moment, but those words seemed to make something snap inside of Justin. 
The hand still on Vinny’s waist moved to wrap around him instead, holding him up as Justin changed their positions. Vinny wanted to whine as Justin was able to simply manhandle him like that. He knew he was grinning like an idiot when Justin pressed him down onto his back on the mattress, pushing his legs up close to his chest. When Justin pushed deep inside and settled there, Vinny felt like crying from how pleasurable and overwhelming it was. He miraculously felt even bigger and deeper than he had before. Vinny let out a strangled noise that would’ve worried Justin if it wasn’t so clearly stemming from pleasure. 
Justin’s hand settled over where he was bulging inside of Vinny’s stomach, curling around his own length as much as he could. He began thrusting, not bothering to be gentle now that he knew Vinny could handle it. His hips snapped fast and hard, his cock moving beneath his hand every time he’d pull out and force himself back in. The feeling was almost overstimulating and it was nothing like he’d ever felt before. It was like jerking himself off, but a thousand times better because he was fucking into someone at the same time. 
Vinny’s hands clung to the sheets as Justin finally let go, fucking him more roughly than he’d dared to before. This was everything he wanted. He wanted Justin to stop being gentle and worried about him; he wanted to just be used like a toy. The feeling of being used like this was overwhelming and it only made it worse when Vinny’s cock began hitting the hand over his stomach with every thrust. Justin’s hands were big and warm, and a perfect surface to rub against. The friction didn’t feel like it was going to be enough, but Justin didn’t seem to care. He doesn’t care about making his fleshlight come, Vinny’s mind supplied. 
“Fuck! Keep doing that,” Vinny murmured, making sure he added the second part on. The last thing he wanted was Justin confusing his noises for those of pain and stopping; he was pretty sure he’d die if they got this far and then stopped. Luckily, Justin smiled and doubled down in his movements. It was clear he had no intention to slow down or stop until they were both finished. “Justin, baby. I’m gonna come and I want you to keep going once I do. Don’t stop until you come inside me,” Vinny was surprised he managed to get his words out, albeit they were shaky and he struggled to get his thoughts out.
“Jesus Christ,” Justin groaned low in his throat, feeling like he could come at those words alone. He nodded his head in agreement, who was he to say no to such a nice idea? He was about to move his hand off Vinny’s stomach to wrap around his cock instead, but Vinny beat him to it. He didn’t even bother wrapping his fingers around himself, he just placed his palm over top of his cock. Justin was confused for a moment before it hit him all at once. Vinny was planning to get off on the friction between his own hand and the top of Justin’s as it laid on his stomach. “Fuck, baby. I love you,” He panted out, leaning to kiss Vinny for a long moment before he focused back in on what he had been doing. 
Justin knew the friction was going to be questionable at best, but Vinny seemed sure that this was what he wanted. He didn’t say anything and just began thrusting again. Vinny knew it wasn’t going to take much longer before he got off, Justin felt just as amazing as he knew he would and pleasure rolled slowly through each nerve. He wanted this all the time. Hopefully, Justin realized Vinny wouldn’t break and would start doing this way more often. Vinny’s eyes closed as he let himself get lost in the pleasure, enjoying the feeling of being fucked and rolling his hips into his hand. It wasn’t until Justin readjusted his hold and really began fucking him that he got off, crying out and finishing in long stripes over his belly. 
“Keep going,” Vinny managed to choke out when he felt Justin trying to slow down. For just a moment, he seemed to consider stopping anyway, but he ultimately decided against it. He simply tilted his hips so he wouldn’t be hitting his prostate head-on anymore and kept going. The little control he’d held onto slipped away fast as he focused on getting off, wanting to finish before he started overstimulating Vinny. The noises the other man was making under him was definitely helping him get there, clinging to every cry and moan. He’d never heard him whining like that before and it set something off inside of him. This was so far from how he usually was in bed and Vinny was loving every moment of it. 
“Fuck,” Justin finally breathed out, getting quieter when he came. His hips rocked through it, only coming to a stop once he was done. It was intense and he felt his body trembling a bit from exertion. His heart was about to beat out of his chest as he finally let his body relax. When he had, he felt legs wrap around him to keep him close. He smiled at that and settled down closer to Vinny, pressing a small kiss to his temple. “I’m not going anywhere,” He promised him and he meant it. He’d never been the type to sleep with someone and then just leave, and this newfound side of him wasn’t going to change that.
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ohabigailhowcouldyou · 11 months
Written in The Stars(igns)... ~pt 4~
~Author's note: this one got away from me a bit, so this is just chapter 1. The second chapter is linked below.~
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Here's the thing, Chris could be downright charming when he wanted to, they all knew that, counted on it for the many interviews and meet & greets they did. People wanted to hear him talk, and it gave everyone else a chance to take the backseat and not feel that overwhelming pressure to say the right thing and not embarrass themselves.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise that the same charm that won over so many interviewers could also be employed to win over hearts. In fact, it wasn't a surprise because Ricky had been watching it happen for years. An attractive woman would catch Chris' eye, he would smile, make her laugh, seduce her with witty remarks and measured glances without laying a hand on her, then let her lead him to some private location for a few hours.
The difference now was that Ricky was watching it happen for the first time since... well, since the breakup of his relationship.
He wondered if enough time had passed now, that he was starting to think about dating again and that was why he'd become so aware of the way Chris interacted with people. After all, if anyone in the band could be considered a ladies' man, it was Chris. So it stood to reason, as Ricky became aware of his loneliness, that through observation he might learn something that would come in handy if he decided to take that step and approach someone. After half a decade, his flirting skills were pretty rusty to say the least.
"You know what I hate most about Europe?" Vinny threw himself down on the seat across from Ricky, jostling the tiny table and drawing the attention of the restaurant patrons closest to them. Ryan and Justin snickered from their own table several feet away.
"The fact that everyone keeps assuming you speak Italian?" Ricky didn't look up from fiddling with his camera, toggling the settings on the little Fuji without any real purpose in mind. Across the restaurant, Chris was getting a tour of the vegan pastries on offer from a stunning, dark-skinned waitress. From her body language, it was obvious she was on offer, too.
"No," Vinny intoned, reaching across to Ricky's barely-touched plate for an olive. "I hate that it's not America."
"Uh huh," Ricky mumbled, lifting the camera to snap a quick photo of Chris, eyes crinkled as he smiled at the woman in front of him.
"I also hate the flesh-eating bacteria that's chowing down on my nuts as we speak," Vinny was saying.
Ricky nodded. "Yeah, sounds good, Vin." He had lowered the camera again, to change more settings, to keep his eyes away from Chris.
A sharp stab of pain finally shifted his focus to Vinny, who had pinched the sensitive skin inside his elbow.
"Ow! What the fuck, Vin?"
"You weren't paying attention to what I was saying," Vin said. "What's going on?"
"Nothing. Sorry. What were you saying? I'll listen now." He put the camera down, turning toward his friend to prove that he meant it.
"How 'bout you tell me what's up with you, instead. You've been broody and distracted for weeks." There was a sincere worry in Vin's eyes now.
"Guess I'm just tired?" Ricky didn't have a better reason to give Vinny. "All the travel this year. We haven't toured like this since before the pandemic. Maybe it's just catching up to me. I'm not getting any younger, you know."
The expression on Vinny's face indicated that he could read the more complex story behind Ricky's careful words. He nodded. "If you need to talk about it, you know I'm here. We all are, dude."
"Thanks." Rick reached out to pat Vin's shoulder, before turning to his plate and taking a bite of food he could barely taste.
They had that night off, and opted to spend the evening walking around the city instead of piled into the crowded bus. Even Chris went against his introverted nature to enjoy the summer heat with them.
They found an outdoor market in a city square none of them could pronounce the name of, spreading out to look at the fruit and cheese, trinkets and artwork on display.
Ricky found himself taking in most of it through the lens of his camera, snapping picture after picture, until he lowered the device and found himself next to Chris, who was talking to the young man at a stall selling fruit. He was purchasing a tray of strawberries and cherries, laughing at something the guy said as he handed over the money. The man smiled as he passed Chris the fruit.
"Please enjoy!" The musical lilt of his accent imbued the words with warmth.
"Oh, I will," Chris replied, then winked at the guy, whose cheeks flushed crimson.
The little interaction, seeing Chris charm a guy, left Ricky feeling strangely winded, and it took him a second to realize that Chris was talking to him now.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" Ricky looked away from the man who had moved on to the next customer, to see Chris looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I asked if you wanted some," Chris said, holding out the fruit.
"Thanks," Ricky said, picking out a strawberry.
"You okay? You've been a little... distracted, lately."
"I'm fine," Ricky said, flashing a quick smile. He bit into the strawberry, chasing a drop of its sweet juice with the tip of his tongue before it could stain his chin.
Chris' dark eyes followed the movement, then darted away, a sideways glance toward the fruit merchant for a split second, then down to the camera in Ricky's hand.
"Get any good shots?"
It wasn't what he expected Chris to say. He didn't really know what he had expected either, and he hated the feeling of being off balance like this.
"Maybe, I think. I'll go through them later, pick out some to post."
Chris nodded. They had started walking again, falling into step beside each other.
"Be sure to include none of me, so you can get a hundred comments asking "where's Chris?". Drive up the engagement."
Ricky laughed, and Chris joined in. In the failing sunlight, with the sweetness of the strawberry lingering on his tongue, and Chris' shoulder bumping into his with each chuckle, Ricky took a moment to commit the scene to memory, instead of film.
Later, he posted his favorite photos from the day to Instagram. In the corner of one, barely visible, was Chris' tattooed fingers holding a cherry by its stem.
A couple of days later, Ricky found himself walking next to Chris through the streets of a Spanish town he didn't remember the name of, on the hunt for vegan ice-cream.
The sunshine was hot to the point of discomfort, and Ricky now understood why no one else had wanted to venture away from the air-conditioned bus. No one except Chris, who was grinning, clearly relishing the heat as he poked fun at Ricky.
He should be annoyed, thought Ricky. They had passed several places that sold ice-cream, but none of them were vegan, and if it weren't for that he would be back in his blessedly cool bunk with his craving satisfied, instead of melting onto the sidewalk. And yet he wasn't annoyed. Joking around with Chris felt nice, in a way he'd used to be familiar with when they were younger and their lives were less complicated.
"Oh hey!" Chris pointed across the street to a café. The signage indicated that they were fully vegan, and had ice-cream. "I think the search is over."
"Thank fuck," Ricky grumbled, playing up the suffering. "One more minute and I would have been vaporized like a vampire."
"Your own fault for insisting on an all-black wardrobe, pal."
Ricky didn't have much of a retort to that, especially considering that Chris himself was wearing a Knocked Loose shirt in white instead of black. Instead he led the way across the street and into the café, which had AC and an impressive variety of frozen desserts. There weren't many patrons, and the server behind the counter -tall, pretty, tanned skin and dark eyes, a little badge on their apron to say their pronouns- greeted them with a friendly smile, that Ricky returned before going to look at the display cases to see if any flavors catch his eye.
Chris greeted the server, asking if they spoke English, and joking about American ignorance at their affirmative.
Somehow, the annoyance that Ricky hadn't felt outside crashed through him now, as he saw from the corner of his eye the way the server reacted to Chris' damned charm.
The ice-cream had lost most of its appeal, but Ricky hadn't made the trek here for nothing, and he stepped up next to Chris to give the server his order. They were friendly about it, but their disappointment in having the conversation with Chris cut short was evident, and Ricky's irritation flared hotter. Chris ordered too, then paid for both of them.
"You don't have to," Ricky protested, frowning.
"I want to." Chris gave a shrug.
"This isn't a date, y'know." The words were meant to be lighthearted, for the benefit of the server's hopes, but they came out harsh and biting.
Chris gave the flustered server an apologetic smile and thanks, then frowned at Ricky as they took their desserts and moved toward a vacant little table.
"What was that about?" He demanded. "I paid to make up for dragging you through the heat for my sake."
Ricky pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know that. Sorry."
There was a beat of silence, and Ricky took a small bite of ice-cream, not looking at Chris.
With his eyes still locked on his spoon, Ricky had a hard time deciphering the reason for the hesitation in Chris' voice.
"Is there," Chris paused, took a breath, then went on, "is there something you want to talk about?"
"No," Ricky stated flatly. He took another bite, not tasting anything but cold.
"I think, maybe, there is."
"Oh? Enlighten me, then." Ricky finally looked up at Chris, eyes narrowed. "What do I want to talk about?"
Chris looked uncomfortable, cheeks pink.
"It's just..." Chris breathed in deep through his nose, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "I thought that maybe you were questioning your sexuality or something and I don't wanna pressure you if you're not ready to talk about it, but if you are, I want you to know I'm here for you."
"I... what?!"
Chris looked like someone who had just discovered a spider's nest under their bed. He had an expression of abject terror on his expressive face.
"You seemed to get a little... uhm... jealous... when the server flirted with me, I think? And the other night, with the guy selling strawberries? You waited until he was looking at you to take a bite and do the tongue-thing and -"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Ricky cut Chris' rambling off, eyebrows raised in utter bewilderment. "What tongue-thing?" He had no idea why that was the thing his mind had chosen to latch onto, but everything Chris was saying seemed nonsensical, so it didn't seem to matter which bit he questioned first.
Chris' cheeks had gone from pink to crimson, and he wasn't meeting Ricky's eyes anymore, one hand fidgeting nervously with his spoon.
"Y'know," he mumbled. "You licked the strawberry juice off your lips like-, like... anyway, that's beside the point, the guy clearly noticed it, but then you just turned away."
Like what? Ricky wondered for a second, but didn't ask out loud. He hadn't even been paying attention to the guy, really, his focus had been on...
"What do you mean I seemed jealous at the server flirting with you?" Ricky demanded instead.
It didn't seem possible that Chris could blush even more, but he did. "I meant that when we came in you smiled at them, but then you got all annoyed when they paid more attention to me."
Ricky blinked at Chris. "I smiled at... Since when does smiling at a person equate to being interested in them?"
"It's not just the smile," Chris said, a little exasperated. "Your whole... what's the word? Demeanor! Your whole demeanor."
"You mean the immense relief of being out of the sun, under AC, with a variety of ice-cream to enjoy? Did it occur to you that that might make me smile? Alter my demeanor?"
"Then why get annoyed at me then? If you weren't jealous of them flirting with me instead of you?"
"I wasn't jealous. And I'm not having a sexuality crisis. I am leaving, though." He got up from the table, ignoring Chris calling after him, and clenched his jaw as he emerged into the brutally bright sunlight.
There was a heavy weight pressing against his chest, guilt at the fact that he had just lied through his teeth.
He was jealous. He hadn't wanted to admit it, but it was true. And as for the sexuality crisis... well, for most of his life he'd been able to pretend to himself that he was straight, because he was attracted to women too. It wasn't so much a crisis as indecision over whether to continue the pretense or not. Either way, he still wouldn't be getting what, or rather who, he really wanted. So what did it matter anyway?
Chapter 2
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Chris x Vinny Playlist
When did I become afraid of the dark? But I can't change what time it is or dilate my irises. Only what I look at and I am looking at myself. I am not the sunshine, I am not the moon at night.
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I know, I know, I know this situation's strange. It takes a little getting, a little getting used to. It's not that complicated. No matter what they say, you'll never meet another me. It's not that difficult to get your head around. You'll never meet another me.
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I just wanna make you feel okay, but all you do is look the other way. I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay. I just kinda wish you were gay.
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We all are stranger creatures than when we all started out as kids. Culture forbid. We have romantic fantasies about what dying truly is, fall off the grid. We live for the night's decor, it reveals what we dream of.
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'Cause if we don't leave this town, we might never make it out. I was not born to drown. Baby, come on. Forget what Father Brennan said, we were not born in sin.
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Never saw my dark side in, in your eyes. Back and forth, bloody fingers painting up the sky. Hold the phone, hit repeat, got me foaming at the knees. Saw the flame, tasted sin. You burned me once again. Cut the cord, she's a creep.
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For some reason I find myself lost in what you think of me. And now you've got me thinking. I wish I could be a girl, and that way you'd wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend. Am I pretty enough to lie to?
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