#vintage steak recipes
therecipelibrary · 2 years
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I don't find bear recipes very often in these older cook books. Neat to see.
Mrs Rorer's Cook Book 1913
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Nightlife 20
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, touching, coercion, manipulation, violence. Proceed with caution.
Note: I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you doing this? Well, you wanted bouncer Lee and I did too. Also, short!reader, not sorry.
Part of The Club AU
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You flip the steak and listen to it sizzle. The recipe you found online, along with some tips for cooking the best roast potatoes to go with the sirloin. After the disastrous fitting, you just want to make it up to Lee, show him that he hadn’t wasted all that effort. You can be good to him.
The peppercorn sauce boils and you turn it down to a simmer, checking your laptop once more for the next step. You work through each bullet point until it’s all on the plate. You drizzle the sauce over the steak and garnish with a touch of parsley. 
You take the plate and peek through the doorway to the front room. Lee sits watching TV with his back to you. You bring the plate to the small dining table and light the candle you put out earlier. You circle back around to the living room and rub your hands together nervously.
“Dinner’s ready… honey,” you eek out.
“Huh, ah, sweet thing,” he looks over as he points the remote at the TV and flicks it off, “smells good.”
“Mhmm,” you hum and back up as he stands.
He enters the dining room as you retreat to the other side of the table and watch him sit. He grabs the cutlery as he eyes the meal, “mm-mm-mm, you did all this?”
“Yes,” you smile shakily. “I hope it’s good.”
“I’m damn sure it is. Look at it,” he grins, “what about you, blossom, ain’t ya gonna eat with me?”
“Um, I’m not very hungry, sorry,” you twist your fist around your fingers. You actually forgot to make enough for yourself.
“Well, would ya at least sit?”
“Yes, sir,” you diligently pull out the chair and lower yourself onto the seat.
“You’re too sweet, you know that?” He praises and you beam a little bright. The weight slowly lifts from your shoulders. Even after what you did in the car, he was still tense.
He cuts into the steak as you watch. You anxiously fixate on his knife and fork. He puts the triangle of medium rare beef in his mouth and groans. He scoops up some of the potatoes and tastes those too.
“Delicious,” he says through a mouthful then swallows, “now why you so worried about not being a good wife, hm? You doing just fine and ya know, blossom, I don’t feel right you actin’ like a wife and not bein’ my wife.”
“I’m sorry,” you pout.
“Don’t you give me them eyes. You’re as bad as the cat,” he reproaches.
You nod and look down, “well, er, I was looking online, when I found the recipe, and…” you look up at him from beneath your lashes, “I saw some vintage dress I liked better than the ones in the shop.”
“You did?” He sounds genuinely surprised, “now, honey, that’s great.”
“Aw, you know, I only wanted to see you tryin’. To know that you want this too. That you want me,” he lowers the cutlery, framing his plate with fork and knife, “I’m not unaware. I’m older, I got a bit extra, but I wanna be good to you.”
You look away shyly, “you are…”
“Well, then, you get your computer and show me these dresses,” he goads playfully.
“I’ll let you finish.”
“I can eat and look, darlin’,” he insists.
“Okay,” you say sheepishly and stand.
You flit out to the kitchen and grab your laptop. You sit in the chair closer to him as you open it up and go back in your history. You bring up the first page, your favourite. The dress has a ruffle around the shoulders and several more tiered around the skirt. It’s simple but nice.
He tilts his head as he chews. He pokes his fork towards the screen, “I like it. It would look real… sexy.”
“Lee,” you nearly squeal.
“What?” He grins at you, “blossom, you know you’re sexy, don’t you?”
“Stop,” you close the laptop and touch your hot cheeks.
“Of course you know, you seen what you do to me,” he growls, “and you cooking me steak, mm-mm, now that’s dangerous.”
You giggle and push your shoulders up. You rock in the chair bashfully as you clasp your hands. He takes another bite and gulps.
“Do you think I’m sexy?” He asks.
You peek at him again. Your eyes round as your mouth falls open. You wet your lips, “y-yes, I… I do.”
“Really? Don’t sound like it,” he squints.
“No, I do, I just… didn’t expect you to ask,” you teethe your lip, “I… think you’re sexy, honey.”
“Yeah? You don’t wish I was younger?” He wonders.
You shake your head. You really never thought of it. You didn’t have anything to compare him too. You never really looked at boys like that. You were always too skittish. And what would your dad think?
“Don’t wish I was slimmer? More toned?” He challenges.
“No, sir,” you frown, “why– do you wish I was prettier?”
He chortles, dropping the cutlery, “now don’t you be silly. I don’t know any other girls that are prettier than my blossom.”
“Lee,” you fidget.
“Do you think I’m lying?”
“Uh, no, I just… I’m nothing special.”
“You’re everything special. You’re my world, sweet thing,” he purrs, “do I need to prove it to you?”
You sniff and shake your head, “no, no,” you look at his plate, “please, I believe you. Please, finish your dinner.”
He sits back and peers down at his uneaten steak, “course, don’t want it to go to waste. You take such good care of me.”
“I’m trying,” you say.
“Mm,” he picks up the fork and knife again, “well, what’s for dessert?”
You flinch and the glow fades from your eyes, “I didn’t…”
“Sweetheart,” his timbre deepens, “I don’t mean food.” You stare at him, wide eyed, and he winks, “why don’t you go put on something pretty?” He licks his lips and jabs his fork into the sirloin, “then I’ll come eat you up.”
You gasp and fold your hands over your chest. He pops another morsel into his mouth and growls. You’re on fire with his suggestion.
“I’m not playing, sugar,” he saws at the steak, “I’m gonna eat you whole…” his lip curls as he speaks, “so you go on, get yourself all warmed up.”
You part your hands and nod, standing rigidly as you tingle. You’re just happy he’s not mad anymore. You twiddle your fingers and step close, bending to kiss his forehead, “yes, sir.”
“Mmmm,” he hums, “steak’s good, but I know you taste even better.”
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tradgays · 11 months
30 Ways Gay Couples Can Embrace a 1950s Vintage Lifestyle
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1. Establish traditional gender roles. Even in same-sex relationships, couples can assign different roles to each partner, such as one partner being “the man” and the other “the wife.”
2. Utilize classic cleaning techniques from the 1950s. Polishing furniture, ironing linens and clothes washing using a hand-cranking device can be a fun project.
3. Embrace the style. A 1950s-inspired wardrobe of sweater vests, bow ties, slacks, saddle shoes and loafers can create a classic look with a modern twist. Or go the rockabilly route with denim and leather.
4. Upgrade the kitchen with mid-century wares. Invest in classic kitchenware such as Pyrex casserole dishes and Tupperware sets.
5. Learn some swing or jitterbug moves. Register for local dance classes or hold dance parties in the living room.
6. Send letters or postcards to each other. Handwrite some words of love to your partner and include a pressed flower or favorite recipe as an extra touch.
7. Relax in silk kimonos or satin robes. Vintage robes will make your partner smile when they tie it around their waist every morning.
8. Utilize mid-century magazines for decoration. Hang up Life magazines with classic covers or revel in the styles and fashions of early fashion magazines.
9. Adopt classic lifestyle habits such as a morning cup of homemade coffee, afternoon tea and a proper bedtime routine.
10. Bring back the classics. Everything from detective books to classic romance novels will make for great bedtime stories and conversation starters. Throw in some gay pulp fiction for spice.
11. Buy vintage kitchenware. Collecting mid-century cutlery and silverware will make your kitchen feel homey and inviting.
12. Spend a day gardening. Plant roses, tomatoes or other flowering plants as a fun couple’s activity and add a touch of beauty to the front yard.
13. Have picnics with cheese and fresh prepared foods from the market. Pack a box of classic treats such as apples, nuts and pickles in a wicker basket.
14. Care for your pet as if it were a child. Spend quality time together playing with your beloved pet or simply brushing their fur or petting them.
15. Play vintage board games. Connect with each other by buying classic board games such as Monopoly or Risk.
16. Cook dinner together. Whip up some classic dishes such as steak and mashed potatoes or pork chops and corn on the cob.
17. Spruce up your living room with mid-century furniture. Invest in more modern, retro-style furniture to give your living room a touch of charm.
18. Make fun activities from the 1950s such as baking, cleaning and home improvement projects. Have fun as a couple as you both reminisce about the past and create new memories.
19. Listen to classic music on vinyl records. Play nostalgic tunes from classic artists such as Elvis Presley or Frank Sinatra.
20. Collect antiques from the 1950s. Invest in classic wares such as tea sets or vintage lamps and use them as conversation starters or simply as decorative pieces.
21. Dress up for special occasions. Pull out all the stops and dress to the nines when attending special occasions such as anniversaries or holidays.
22. Have fun in the sun. Go for a vintage-style picnic near a lake or riverside to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather.
23. Get reading. Get your hands on the classics such as Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass,” Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women,” and Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone With the Wind.”
24. Walk together in nature. Put on some sturdy shoes or cowboy boots and take a stroll together in a nearby wooded area.
25. Buy old movies from the 1950s. Pop some popcorn and cuddle up on the couch as you watch the great films of the era.
26. Join a local vintage car club. Spend some time together admiring classic cars and seeing how the vintage lifestyle is still alive.
27. Learn to play instruments of the era. Take a banjo or ukulele lesson and you’ll have plenty of fun making music together.
28. Get lost is a classic bookstore. Lose yourself in the past as you browse through old books and share stories with each other.
29. Plant your own herbs and vegetables. Eat healthily and reduce your food bill by planting your own gardens with the help of your partner.
30. Spend some time outdoors. Go for a leisurely stroll together in a nearby
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tuiyla · 1 year
A while ago, I wrote what foods I associate with the Glee characters. I never published it on Reddit, but I thought it was too funny to go to waste. So your blog was the natural pick. Please enjoy/I'm very sorry:
Rachel Berry- Gefilte fish. Truly the most controversial dish the Jewish cuisine has to offer. It's a grey blob of slightly sweet fish topped with an ugly carrot as a garnish. Yet it's still one of the most popular Jewish dishes. Go figure.
Finn Hudson- Supermarket frozen pizza. Doesn't tatse half as good as you remembered.
Will Shuester- Nothing screams more 'I'm a manchild and I form friendships with teenagers exclusively' than a man who's favorite meal is peanut butter and jelly. He doesn't even eat it on bread, just with a spoon with butter on the side. Ugh I hate him.
Sue Sylvester- Sand.
Santna Lopez- recado negro, it's mindblowingly good. It's paste made out of burnt chilis over an open flame. This make the surrounding air so spicey explicitly warns you to prepare to respiratory agony. So much so it became illegal to make in some places. Tell me that's not the most Santana-motherfuckin'-lopez thing you ever heard.
Brittany s Pierce- I bet she has an affinity for sweet and sour food. Not in a lemon pie way, but in a cereal with canned olives sort of way.
Quinn Fabary- Matcha. I wish it tasted better, I really do. Because the aesthetic is immaculate but the taste is underwhelming.
Mercedes- A hearty winter stew, maybe a Goulash. It takes efforts to make a good Goulash. But when you do, it comes out rich, fatty, and flavourful. Done right it's a dish that warms your soul on harsh winter evening.
Mike Chang- a nice Chinese steak. Beefy and underrated.
Artie Abram- P'tcha.
Kurt Hummel- Madeleine. It's a shell shaped French sponge cake. A little twinkish (treat) but in a good way.
Rory the Irish Pervert- one raw potato.
Blaine Wabler- one of those awful jelly salad recipes from the 50s. He probably collects vintage cookbooks too.
Emma Pisberrydough- Omakase (sushi tasting menu) first comes to mind because it's so refined and meticulous. But I have a feeling she doesn't eat raw fish, so she'll ask the chef to cook it until it has a chalk-like consistency. She's banned from many sushi places.
Amazing. What an honour to be picked 😂
Just a couple of notes:
Sue's perfect
Rory had me HOWLING
Mercedes being guyás somehow fits despite me having such a distaste for the thing and such a love for Mercedes. it's a struggle
so true about matcha
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tf2fansderogatory · 2 years
I sincerely believe that you could put the most random food combinations possible and Soldier's midwestern brain would call it a salad
As a country gal, this is true. If you have an idea, it's been done. . . Crunchy things are a staple, by the way. Saltines? I've seen people use those lovely things as a BASE. I know I would. It's probably worse than that simple mixture=salad designation, though.
Thinking about scary vintage recipes. . .
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You know. . . Deep in the recesses of my mind, I believe that Soldier would absolutely put literal chunks of charcoal in something ("because it's good for you!",) or pull some 'Over the Hedge' vermin ploy like slightly rotted tree bark ("because it's green!"). He'd make mean hotdogs or steaks [really rare and somehow perfectly seared], but anything else is the work of a madman. I stand by that. Do not let this man set dirty boot in a kitchen with access to a stocked pantry. Or medical cabinet down the hall. Or anything outside. Or anything on the floor. In fact, just Don't.
- Sincerely, Modbot, missing her mom's chicken salad recipe. <3
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sfarticles · 5 months
These destinations are a delight for epicureans
Check out my latest column
Editor’s note: Chris Bartlett, co-founder and co-host of Worth Tasting, contributed to this column.
With the New Year upon us, now is the time to plan those 2024 vacations. Here’s a destination to consider, especially for epicureans, those who are passionate about food and drink and unique culinary experiences.
Where beach meets city, and Bayshore Boulevard hugs Tampa Bay, the neighborhoods of Hyde Park Village and Soho (South of Howard Avenue) in Florida rise high like glittering sapphires. Two sparkling gems, shimmering with fantastic facets of art, culture, Southern hospitality and of course, culinary delights. It is here that comfortable walking shoes could be considered your greatest, easiest and most desirous method of transportation.
From the jaw-dropping Bayshore Estates to beautifully appointed and architecturally crafted bungalows, being on foot between the sleek Epicurean Hotel and Hyde Park Village is essential, if one cares to bathe in the magical coziness of both the inviting exteriors of the private homes and sublime commercial hub that punctuate the streets with sizzle and style.
It takes less than two minutes of moving about Soho and Hyde Park Village to know something special is in the air. Somehow, in an instant, life feels easier and friendlier here. A calming happiness seems to spill into its atmosphere.
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The Epicurean Hotel at 1207 S. Howard Ave., https://bit.ly/4aCUJqA, was developed in collaboration with the legendary Bern’s Steak House across the street. The hotel’s food theme prevails throughout the property. Wooden sides of wine crates adorn the walls and ceiling at the wine-themed check-in desk. Of course, I was mesmerized by the sitting areas with bookshelves filled with vintage cookbooks available for sale, with proceeds going to a culinary scholarship fund.
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Hundreds of handwritten recipe cards have been turned into a work of art in one of the dining rooms at Elevage. (Courtesy of Stephen Fries)
Hundreds of handwritten recipe cards have been turned into a work of art in one of the dining rooms. The artwork throughout the property conveys one of four food themes: grow, create, imbibe and indulge. Even the light fixtures aside the room numbers are etched with food- and wine-related items.
When people think of resorts, they think of golf, spa and theme park resorts. Think of the Epicurean as a culinary resort, with the “theme park” being the world-famous Bern’s Steak House, right across the street.
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Even a Christmas tree follows the culinary theme at the Epicurean. (Courtesy of Chris Bartlett)
Cooking and wine classes as well as meetings take place in the state-of-the-art tiered Epicurean Theatre. The late Bern Laxer strongly believed that in the business of food and wine, one must be a student for life.
Edge, the hotel’s rooftop bar, is the place to be to enjoy craft cocktails, wine, beer and small plates. It’s the perfect location for sunset views and taking in eclectic works of art.
The stunning Lobby Bar features chef inspired plates plus a cocktail program that showcases well-made classics, while highlighting creative signature offerings. The Elevage Burger is a fresh take on the classic with cheddar, bread and butter pickles topped with comeback sauce.
We are told the menus change seasonally; however one foodie-favorite dish remains on the Lobby Bar menu; the Homage to Bern’s (shaved ribeye, caramelized onion, Alpine cheese on focaccia), a nod to the Epicurean’s legendary neighbor, Bern’s Steak House.
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At the Epicurean’s wine shop, sommeliers will help you find the most interesting wines, many not available in most wine shops. (Courtesy of Stephen Fries)
Bern’s Fine Wines & Spirits is right off the lobby. How convenient! Bern’s Steak House has accumulated one of the largest, private collections of wines assembled in the world. Sommeliers will help you find the most interesting wines, many not available in most wine shops.
Across from the hotel’s entrance is Chill Bros. Scoop Shop. “At Epicurean, we’re all about food and fun, so we’re thrilled to partner with Chill Bros., whose dedication to quality mixes so sweetly with ours,” said the Epicurean’s general manager, Shawn Routen.
Throughout my stay I was eyeing the featured flavors, Malty Millionaire (velvety vanilla malt ice cream filled with bite size millionaire’s shortbread squares and thick swirls of salted caramel), and Apple Pie (cinnamon vanilla ice cream, homemade apple butter, Granny Smith apples cooked to perfection with brown sugar, flakey homemade pie crust sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.) Which would be your choice? Perhaps both . . . need sampling!
Evangeline, the on-site full-service spa, offers a recipe for relaxation with a delectable variety of treatments. The epicurean theme extends here with treatments such as “Champagne Tub & Table for Two,” “Crushed Cabernet Body Treatment,” “Hot Whiskey Scour Massage,” “Bern’s Bourbon on the Rocks Foot Treatment” and what I indulged in, the ”Dulce Delight Body Wrap,” which began with a coffee salt exfoliant of Arabica bean extract that energizes, exfoliates and soothes dry skin.
Then, a full- body, dark-chocolate mask was applied before I was wrapped in a cocoon enhancing absorption and detoxification. After showering off, a sweet cream milk body massage completed the “feast” for the body.
Dinner at Elevage SOHO Kitchen & Bar, the hotel’s restaurant serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and brunch, is headed up by Executive Chef Jonathan Atanacio. As the restaurant website states, “Whether you want to call them epicureans, foodies or gourmands, we’re crafting dining experiences that speak to lovers of life’s great flavors.” We can attest to those flavors with the dinner savored. The pumpkin soup poured tableside incorporated apple, quince, and sage. The pickled beets, served with arugula, feta cheese and cucumber is drizzled with a delicate, red wine vinaigrette. The creative preparation of the roasted Chilean seabass (figs, sunchoke, turnip, pearl onion, apple brown butter) lives up to the quote above with flavors so well-orchestrated.
The Mediterranean Caesar Salad bursts with flavor and color. The Diver Sea Scallops are accompanied with chestnut risotto, kalettes, leeks and just enough tasso butter to tantalize the palate. To top off this epicurean experience, was the Fall Harvest Cobbler (apple, fig, pear, dates, topped with peanut brittle ice cream) and the Flourless Chocolate Brownie adorned with peanut butter swirl ice cream and peanut brittle chocolate sauce. Wine connoisseurs will appreciate the all-encompassing wine list. It is “approachable to the wallet” Atanacio said. Scotch and whiskies number well over 100.
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A previous guest described the lobby of the legendary Bern’s Steakhouse as “Harry Potter meets luxury brothel.” (Courtesy of Chris Bartlett)
Eating dinner at Bern’s Steak House is a dining experience like no other. This is a place where the book does not look like the cover . . .  Upon entering, you are taken back in time. A previous guest described the lobby as “Harry Potter meets luxury brothel.”
Caviar lovers will be impressed with the 16 choices. If you can’t find a cut of beef to your liking, you won’t find it anywhere. If beef isn’t your thing, there is poultry and seafood. Steak entrees include French onion soup au gratin, steak house salad, baked potato, onion rings and vegetable tasting of the evening, quite often from Bern’s farm.
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Soup Trio (photo: Chris Bartlett)
I upgraded to the Soup Tasting: a trio of French onion, vichyssoise and lobster bisque. The petit filet mignon, the “turf” of the Surf & Turf was cooked to perfection, a treat for me since I rarely eat beef. I thought, if I was going to enjoy a steak, it had to be here. The “surf” was blackened Day Boat scallops.
My dining partner savored the lump crab cake, chock full of tender crab surrounded by a splash of Green Goddess. An entrée of roasted snapper was accompanied by potato puree, Hen-of-the-Woods (mushrooms), and arugula, topped with white truffle beurre blanc.
Oenophiles will be in paradise with an almost 200-page wine list. Bern’s has 500,000-plus bottles and 6,500 unique labels. Guests can also choose from 150 wines by the glass starting at $10 to a $30,000 bottle. The cellar is one of the most respected and largest collections in the world. After dinner, guests are offered a tour of the massive kitchen and wine cellars. We were given a tour of the meat aging room as well.
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Peanut Butter Truffle (photo: Chris Bartlett)
And then it was off to the Harry Waugh Dessert Room, one of the most famous and popular aspects of Bern’s. I was in heaven, with more than 50 house-made desserts to choose from with more than 1,000 dessert wines and spirits plus creative, specialty coffee drinks. The dessert room was built as a tribute to Harry Waugh, an internationally known and respected wine connoisseur, director of Chateau Latour and good friend to Laxer. California redwood wine holding tanks were used to create private booths. You have to see it to believe it. I indulged with the banana cheese pie, a banana cream cheese mousse in an almond praline crust with fresh bananas and whipped cream. The recipe, which has not changed, dates to 1956, and was one of Laxer’s favorites. The server didn’t have to talk me into trying the Macadamia Nut Ice Cream. This secret recipe was developed by Laxer. He tested and retested the formula hundreds of times before he was satisfied with the results — a sweet, creamy ice cream with buttered, roasted macadamia nuts. Our other dessert, peanut butter and chocolate, a match made in heaven, shone in the Peanut Butter Truffle (Oreo brownie, crunchy peanut butter, peanut butter mousse, caramel milk chocolate mousse, with a generous scoop of peanut butter fudge swirl ice cream). This dessert extravaganza was the crème de la crème!
Everything about Forbici Modern Italian says welcome, and exudes a European charm, from the casual yet modern space to the fresh approach to the most beloved, Italian classics — think scrumptious, house-made pastas, pizzas, sandwiches and salads. This place has character. And it has super-approachable twists on each of these classics thanks to the vision and understanding of fundamental recipes that Executive Chef Raymond Ortiz applies to the creation of each new dish. In his desire to keep things fresh, Ortiz features six new recipes (a pizza, pasta, protein, salad, sandwich and dessert) monthly both to excite his team and to delight his family of customers. From expertly prepared and served fried calamari to the Cup and Char pizza (dough takes three days to be ready and is cut using special scissors, forbici in Italian), we reveled in one taste sensation after another. Beautifully sauced, steamed mussels — so great we wanted to slurp it. Luscious meatballs that were tender, yet flavor packed. The FGT salad (fried green tomato) left us craving for more, that good, and a creative approach for a salad. The most moist and soft textured Lemon Olive Oil Cake ever swept our taste buds far away to Italy, where dining alfresco is one of life’s richest pleasures. And on that sweet note, we bid Chef Raymond, “ciao” as we made our way onto a day made better from the joy and passion we experienced for food and hospitality at Forbici Modern Italian.
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At Forbici, the dough takes 3 days to be ready, and pizza is cut using special scissors, forbici in Italian). (Courtesy of Bartlett)
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The most moist and soft textured Lemon Olive Oil Cake topped with seasonal berries and whipped mascarpone topped off lunch at Forbici. (Courtesy of Chris Bartlett)
From The Salty (a must!) for an exquisitely tantalizing donut (think decadence) to Oddfellows Ice Cream (Yes, the flavor combinations are that unusual, but amazing) to Buddy Brew (the coffee roaster has a social mission called “Brew Good, Do Good”).
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The Salty, for an exquisitely tantalizing donuts (Courtesy of Stephen Fries)
Hyde Park feels like it has an eternal spring of culinary spots popping up for bites, beverages and specialty treats any time of day. While busily walking both to and from our main meals, we couldn’t help ourselves from stopping by to give at least one thing from each place a try.
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Oddfellows Ice Cream, where the flavor combinations are creative and is the perfect treat on a warm day. (Courtesy of Stephen Fries)
The Hyppo, creates an array of super-fresh ice pops using every fruit and flavor imaginable. Not only are they visually bursting with vibrant colors, but your taste buds will thank you for the delectable treat. A culinary-merchandise market stop-by at Fig & Julep (one of the best we’ve ever shopped) proved to be a delight. So worth a visit. They have a remarkable, curated collection of local, regional, and national food products from honey to tea, maple syrup to phenomenal soup blends. Truly something special for any foodie.
Finding ourselves needing something to nosh on between meals, we opted to try a freshly made Caprese Panini at Sweet Sorrento. And while it was exactly what we wanted — tasty and like we’ve had in Italy, it took willpower to forgo the menagerie of homemade Italian desserts that was staring out at us.
Mid-afternoon heat drove us into CineBistro for a showing of the 1980s classic film “Planes, Trains & Automobiles.” The elegant theater, complete with a huge, quintessential lobby bar, and eight cinemas, offers in-seat delivery of everything from their full libations and extensive food menus. This place is classy. A fun, tasty and unique experience.
Needing a break from eating, we found ourselves quickly swept up in all the hubbub going on over at The CandlePour. It’s truly exciting and engaging to experience candle making from the focal point of creating “ones unique essential oil blend” then using it to infuse the scent and final aroma the candle will emit. We cannot express how much fun this was. A do not miss stop.
Interestingly, we found ourselves at Goody Goody (a classic diner and part of Tampa’s culinary history), not once, but three times. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert are all delicious, fresh and plentiful. The flashback theme and servers both give the place a charm and warmth that’s also reminiscent of simpler, happier times, when local, community life meant everything to its people, and gathering at the table fostered good relationships.
With a seemingly endless number of interesting food establishments and diverse restaurants, here are a few that “got away this time” but are high on the list for our next visit. We skipped Bar Taco despite being fans, simply because we’ve enjoyed it before, and in other cities. The Italian Steakhouse, Timpano, was always bustling and had quite the elegant appeal. Since we were already going to Bern’s Steakhouse, it simply was a no-go this time. We were unable to fit in a visit to Haven, the newest member of the Bern’s family, specializing in the concept of crafted, cultured and cellared. From what was mentioned, the menu features fresh, approachable cuisine and a diverse beverage program. The “newish” Meat Market Steakhouse Tampa looks to be very hip and happening with a great crowd, and menu, but we needed one more day in the neighborhood to make it there. The popular On Swann piqued our interest from our first stroll by, with its inviting, minimalist-bistro space. Both the thoughtful lunch and dinner menus would be incredible to eat-our-way-through each subsequent visit.
The sophisticated and delectable looking Ro, with an exquisite, Japanese/Asian menu  featuring sushi, sashimi and Korean BBQ, appears to be where we need to eat on our very next night in the neighborhood.
Stephen Fries, is professor emeritus and former coordinator of the Hospitality Management Programs at Gateway Community College in New Haven, Conn. He has been a food and culinary travel columnist for the past 15 years and is co-founder of and host of “Worth Tasting,” a culinary walking tour of downtown New Haven. He is a board member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. Email him at [email protected] For more information, go to stephenfries.com.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 1 year
Pass the happy 🌹 when you receive this, list five things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the people in your notification💙💚💙
Oh, how sweet.
If anyone knows how to do a readmore on mobile, please tell me. I am physically incapable of not rambling.
Cleaning gravestones. Weather and health permitting, I either drive or make the two mile (uphill barefoot chased by wolves etc) hike to a nearby cemetery with my supplies. My local historic preservation group was over the moon to have another volunteer and I've never been able to sit still for meditation so... this is the next best thing. The local spirits enjoy it too, if my divination afterwards is anything to go by.
But I am banned from the Catholic section. I accidentally broke into a chapel that housed a 120 year old corpse and they didn't like that very much. Should have had better locks.
( Spending other people's money)thrifting! There's a claustrophobic little shop in town I'm pretty sure is just a money laundering front given that I've found pearls and a pristine vintage mink wrap for under twenty dollars. Bougie on a budget, considering nearly all my money goes to...
Cooking! Christmas dinner was the following: ny York strip steak cooked per Gordon Ramsay's instructions, fingerling potatoes flash-boiled and pan roasted in the steak juices and a mix of roasted vegetables. (It's not like steak is easy to mess up but I'm still very proud of myself) Drinks served were wine mulled with a favored spice blend, cucumber-water and a mocktail for the sober with Earl Grey shortbread and Earl grey lavender tea for a cool down before uh...we found out the cherry pie still had pits in it. Now I'm blaming that one on the joint my cousin insisted on having me smoke right before I started on the pie. (It was my first time please do not judge.) Hmph. Hopefully New Years will be easier; a Linguini Ignota pasta bake if I can find the recipe. If I can't, just a miso-marinated fish and box brownies for dessert...no added substances, promise.
Cracks in the pavement of my workplace where a fuckoff enormous dandelion and bullthistle grow in the summer. They're invasive so I don't feel guilty collecting leaves and flowers for various purposes (scrapbooking, malefica) but there's just something so wonderfully stubborn about them that draws me in.
"Were you close enough to smell his hair?" and the panicked screaming this question causes if posed to the correct person...
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longmontreal · 2 years
Best iron casting foundry factories
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Buy Now Lodge Recipes Simple Cast Iron Skillet Cornbread View Recipe Nashville Hot Chicken and Cornbread Waffles Look Recipe Black Pepper Porterhouse Steaks with Rosemary Potatoes View Recipe Cranberry Apple Pie View Recipe Cleaning & Care Learn How to Make Spiced Cast Iron Two Great Tennessee Traditions Together Finally Clean. Nickel is one of the most common alloy elements because it refines the perlite and graphite structure, improves toughness and can compensate for hardness differences between cutting thicknesses. The main form of these carbides is the eutectic or primary M7C3 carbides, where “M” is iron or chromium and may vary depending on the composition of the alloy.
The alloy components affect their color when broken: white cast iron has tungsten carbide impurities that allow cracks to pass straight through, grey cast iron has graphite flakes that distract a passing crack and initiate countless new cracks when the material breaks, and ductile cast iron has spherical Graphite nodes that prevent the progression of the crack. 3- 1% to increase the cold and refine the graphite and pearlite structure it often turns into high-strength iron in conjunction with nickel, copper and chromium added. To exfoliate the seasoning of my cast iron pan, I had to store it in the oven for a month without seasoning it again before I started to see some scaling. When the ferrous carbide fails, it pulls carbon from the original melt and moves the mixture towards one closer to the eutectic, and the remaining phase is the lower iron-carbon austenite (which could turn into marderidemit when cooled). Scrap off with a metal spatula and unless you actually put the surface of the metal, you should be able to cook in it without any problems. Rather, they increase the mass hardness of the cast iron solely because of their own very high hardness and significant volume content, so that the mass hardness can be approximated by a rule of mixtures. Thomas Telford took over the material for his bridge upstream at Buildwas and then for Longdon-Tern Aqueduct, a channel trough aqueduct near Longdon-Tern on Shrewsbury Canal. The solution was to build them completely from non-combustible materials, and it was found convenient to supply the building with an iron frame, which is mostly made of cast iron, replacing combustible wood. Although steel was more desirable, cast iron was cheaper, and therefore was more often used for equipment in ancient China, while wrought iron or steel was used for weapons. As long as you have seasoned your pan properly, both vintage and modern cast iron should adopt a beautiful non-stick finish, but your modern cast iron will never be quite as non-stick as the vintage material.
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georgesgreekcafe · 2 years
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Enjoy our delicious steak that will transport you to Greece Our meals are prepared using recipes that Mama Rodou learned from her grandmother. These vintage recipes are a local favourite in Long Beach, California, and are sure to become one of your favourites as well. The menu at George's Greek Café will not dissatisfy, whether you are in the mood for some Greek food, want to impress a date, or simply want to try something new.
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therecipelibrary · 2 years
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Baked Steak
First Methodist Episcopal Cook Book ala Edmeston M.E. Society Cook Book 1897
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cerealkiller740 · 2 years
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1952 Hunts canned tomato sauce ad with Swiss steak recipe
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adayinthe2ndlife · 3 years
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18/10/2021 - A Day in The Life
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Alastor Headcanons🦌📻
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* Fav color-blood red🩸, fav food-venison🦌, music-swing-Jazz🎺, More into radio then movies. Would love The Twilight Zone✨
* Can imitate other's voices. Does amazing impressions of others. 
* Knows how to fish. 
* When he brushes his teeth, it sounds like static
* Likes smiling, vintage things, reading, gardening, roses, book smell, meaty dishes, steak, red wine, hard drinks like brandy and whisky, seafood, fishing, hunting, nature, forests, black coffee, 20′s Deco design, vintage retro designs, the fine arts, swamps, summer and fall, warm weather, dark stormy nights, baths, eggs, mixed nuts, piano, stories with thrill and suspense, Edgar Allen Poe and H.P Lovecraft’s work, doing impressions of others, stories with, swing music, cathartic endings where the characters get their just desserts, gumbo and loves his mom
* Loved listening to the radio as a kid. Even did narrations for his mom for fun!
* Got into voodoo and dark stuff as a teenager.
* Was a huge fan and supporter of Mimzy’s Speakeasy’s when they were alive. Still is in her Hell Speakeasy.
* Dealt with prejudice, being Creole. Especially when he became a Radio Host.
* Killed people he felt society was better off without. Killed them in personal ways related to them for dramatic irony. A good amount being prejudiced, especially being against the idea of a Creole Radio Host. 
* During his podcasts, he secretly foreshadowed his next hunt for the thrill. Got caught when someone came to realize this and got the authorities to investigate.
* Like his victims, also suffered an ironic death, being chased into the woods and fatally shot like a deer and then being brutally finished off by the dogs. It wasn’t a pretty sight 
* Misses his mom. His dad not so much. 
* Dreads the possibility of seeing his dad again as he figures he’s in Hell with him too while his mom’s in Heaven.
* Doesn’t believe in therapy
* Still hunts for new meat🥩
* Felt there was something wrong with him not being sexually or romantically interested as asexuality/aromanticism wasn’t really known around his time.
* Dislikes frowning, modern devices, modern slang, hipsters, Vaggie, people who just sit around and mope, people judging him being aro/ace, being Creole or even both, people acting pervy at him, hypocrites, spoilt food, winter, being cold, silence, HATES VOX AND HIS FATHER.
* Has many great recipes where u can replace pork or beef with venison.
* Sometimes listens to his old podcasts back when he was alive.
* Whenever he feels actually bad about something he just laughs it all off.
* Sometimes just snaps and looses it in his room, trashing stuff. Then immediately reverts everything back to normal once he’s calmed down.
* He feels he can only be close with people by trapping them in deals.
* He genuinely cares for Husk and Nifty. She's like the daughter he wished he have and values Husk as a friend. He'd cause ARMAGEDDON if something happened to them.
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
What kinds of foods were you not expecting certain races to enjoy? Like, things you thought for sure the Altmer wouldn't eat EVER, but they actually do?
There are certainly a surprising number of culinary irregularities all Tamrielic races have, despite the overwhelming number of picky eaters (Skyrim and Valenwood, I'm looking at you). These are some of the ones which caught me off-guard...
Traditional Argonian cuisine is known for being spicy and a whirlwind of flavours, so the mildness and complexity of foam frog soufflé was not what I expected! In terms of taste and texture, it's comparable to the classic Breton orange liqueur flambéed soufflé. The naturally-occurring foam generated by foam frogs is whipped with coconut milk and scuttlebloom nectar, then gently baked in delicate clay ramekins in a traditional stone oven. It is then sprinkled with a bit of coconut sugar, and drenched in sweet banana liqueur before getting blasted with a Flame spell right at your table! Don't think you can try this at home though- this recipe takes a lot of skill to pull off, and is considered one of the most impressive dishes in Saxhleel cuisine. And yes, it's Breton-approved, but don't tell them that the frog foam is actually residue from mating and is filled with tadpoles.
On that note, the Breton kitchen is full of surprises! It's well known that High Rock gastronomy is very focused on sit-down meals and the correct use of cutlery, so finger foods aren't very traditional, even among the common folk. It blew my mind when I first visited Daggerfall and found taverns and market stands selling Orcish kebabs! These messy, enormous rolls have been downsized (and underfilled) to suit Breton tastes, but the strongly spiced goat meat, frost mirriam yoghurt sauce, and tasty radish balls are true to the original! You'll even find nobles sending their butlers out to procure a hot kebab for them to eat out of view of the public eye...it would be mortifying if somebody saw a drop of chili sauce dripping down a noblewoman's chin!
Green Pact Bosmeri food isn't known for its sweets, so the very existence of meat-based desserts was initially baffling to me. A Valenwood favourite is the boiled pudding, which is made from eggs, milk, suet, and cricket flour, and sweetened with imported sugar, sweet condensed milk, or candied fruit. As such, these dense puddings are sometimes known as Falinesti Forbidden Fruit, and they're sometimes decorated to look like large oranges, apples, or coconuts for the shock factor! And if you're curious to try this strange but tasty dessert, you'll be pleased to know that a new recipe is coming soon...
I admit it, Skyrim cuisine can be a little bland compared to the food of most other races, but this little gem is a dish most outsiders don't know about- Akaviri casserole. I don't know if it's actually Akaviri in origin, or if somebody just thought it sounded exotic, but it is deceptively spicy, and not in a way most Tamrielic people know it. Its key ingredient is frost peppercorns, which grow at high altitudes in Skyrim and around the Druadach Mountains, are coveted by alchemists, but also pack a serious punch in any dish. While regular chilis have a sharp burn, frost peppercorns leave a numbing, tingly feeling that spice masochists love. Anywhere from a couple of peppercorns to a whole fistful of them go into a casserole dish with an eidar cheese sauce, venison, juniper berries, and vegetables like potatoes and carrots. In other words, it's just another Nord dish...but painful.
I mentioned a while ago that Redguards detest moldy or fermented foods, due to the close association with rot and death. There is an exception to this however, and it's surprisingly something that's served in every Hammerfell household: fish paste. Similar in taste to the Imperial garum, fermented fish paste is literally made from leftover fisherman's offcuts which usually have been left out in the sun all day. Rather than leaving the scraps to the vultures, at the end of the day they're shovelled into stone amphorae containing gods know what (it's a closely guarded secret) and are left to ferment for two days in a cellar. Of course, there are plenty of posh Redguard fish pastes on the market with Abecean longfin caviar, but this is first and foremost a food of the common people, with humble (if slightly gross) origins.
I've always loved the predictability of Cyrodiilic cooking...until you find something like barbecued minotaur ribs. Ribs aren't anything surprising, but Imperial ribs are usually tender, delicate lamb or faun. Eating is a serious, dignified affair, so this is a completely astounding defiance of customs. Minotaur meat is a rare delicacy, and they're normally basted in a red wine, honey, and mustard sauce, and grilled on flaming coals. The end result is a meaty, sweet mess, and definitely just as undignified to eat (if not moreso) than the Breton kebabs. If you're willing to get your hands dirty and abandon haughty Imperial decorum, you've found a carnivore's dream.
Gryphons can be dangerous pests to the Khajiit living outside city walls in Elsweyr. When they've snatched enough sheep or wounded people, villagers will often band together and hunt the responsible gryphon, and eat it at a communal feast. A successful gryphon hunt is a cause for celebration among Khajiit, and is seen as a good omen and blessing from Hircine, the Hungry Cat. The reason this is fascinating to me is that gryphons are sort of like a cross between turkey and beef in form and taste, and no other race eats them. After it is plucked, gryphon meat is hacked into chunks and distributed by the clan chief between households, who then cook and share it with the village. Gryphon dishes range from red curried gryphon with saffron rice to a simple roast gryphon with moon sugar.
It's an industry joke that cooking for High Elves is like trying to milk a kagouti; it makes no sense, they're probably going to get mad, and it's impossible. Imagine my astonishment, then, when I learned that even haughty Summerset is not immune from the delicious clutches of...macaroni and cheese. They'll opt for ingredients like cave-aged, 80 year old vintage indrik cheddar or authentic Cyrodiilic buckwheat  orrechiette, but I was shocked that this humble dish was a treat that's well-loved in Summerset, despite its lack of technical complexity. It's a rare treat though, because all that cheese grease is bad for the Altmer complexion!
Nothing is particularly surprising from the old guard of traditional Vvardenfell cooking- after a few kwama eggs and guar steaks, you get the general idea. What I do find surprising is the emergence of Skyrim Dunmeri cuisine. It's been a couple of generations since the refugees fleeing Morrowind settled in Solstheim and largely Windhelm, and those born in Skyrim have developed a cooking style of their own. Based on traditional Dunmeri dishes like crab meat and scuttle, you'll find local ingredients used as substitutes. Apparently, the juices from Nord pickled herring makes the perfect substitute for kwama egg whites...I'll leave it at that.
It's known that the radish is an Orc's favourite vegetable, and it's served tender, crunchy, baked or raw in any Orcish dish under the sun. Radish tea-sandwiches are therefore one of the more confusing foods I've come across, though they're mostly served by Wrothgarian and High Rock Orsimer. Soft wheat bread is buttered and layered with horseradish chutney, raw radish slices, and cucumber slices. They're cut into dainty triangles are are usually a snack food, though other races view them as canapés served at high tea or parties. However, when I asked an old hearthwife on Betnikh about radish tea-sandwiches, I was threatened a beating because it was embarrassing, and to tusk off and find some mammoth. If you never hear from me again, you know who got me.
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Cooking With Christie!
This Week’s Recipe: Swiss Steak I’m sure it will surprise no one that I’m a huge fan of cookbooks – vintage ones especially. Well, with everything that’s happened over the past year I haven’t been able to haunt the used bookshops and antique/neat junk stores. But recently I did make my first foray to a bookshop for the first time in over a year and found this fun little gem on the shelf. I do…
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garagnon-gallery · 3 years
Guide to Food photography
from culinary nutrition----
by Anna Pelzer
The Best Food Photography Settings Ever
Awesome Cookery Recipes for Your Next Project
Do you want to photograph your recipes but aren’t sure where to begin? Food photography opens the door to so many possibilities, such as Instagramming, writing e-books, product photography and more! It’s also a creative outlet and a fun way to work with color and express your own style. As a food photographer, I’m often asked for tips about how to take great photos. Let’s get started with this introduction to food photography!
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First up, you need a camera! If you are just starting out, you may want to begin with a point-and-shoot because of its low cost and its ease of use. You can learn the basic functions of a point-and-shoot in a few minutes. (Like the name says, you just point and shoot.)
A DSLR is steeper both in price and in learning curve. I won’t get too technical, but DSLR stands for ‘digital single lens reflex’. This means when you take a picture, the camera opens up its shutter, the image reflects on to the camera’s internal mirror, and then on to the sensor. I started out using a point-and-shoot, but switching to a DSLR made a world of difference in clarity and color representation. A DSLR also gives you much more control in different light situations. For me, the price difference was worth it. If you have someone in your life who is really good at finding deals online, this may be a great way to find a used DSLR.
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However, whether you are using a point-and-shoot, DSLR, or a phone camera, the basic principles of composition are the same.
Creating Bright Images
Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO are the three elements that affect the brightness of your images. Let’s talk about them in a little more detail.
Shutter Speed
The speed at which the shutter opens can be slowed down to allow more light to hit the sensor in low light situations. I do this on dark, gloomy days or in the fall when it gets dark early. However, with the shutter being open longer, there can be more blur and therefore you might need a tripod. As a rule of thumb, I shoot handheld at 1/125th of a second – you may have a steadier hand than I, but below 1/100th of a second, I use a tripod to avoid camera shake (this results in blurry images).
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Aperture refers to the width of the opening of your lens. Opening up the aperture lets in more light and also creates a shallow depth of field, resulting in more background blur. This effect allows you to draw the viewer’s eye to where the camera focus is. The lower the number, the wider the aperture. Thus, if you want a sharp focus in one area with a lot of background blur, you may choose a lower number such as 3.2 or 3.5. If you want background objects to be more in focus – a wider depth of field – you may choose a higher number, for example, 11 or 14 (remembering that this won’t let in as much light and you will need to adjust shutter speed or ISO).
ISO refers to your camera’s sensitivity to light. It is the element I would adjust last, after shutter speed and aperture, because having a high ISO can affect the quality of your image, creating “noise” especially in the darker areas of the photo. I try to keep ISO below 500, but in a dark situation, if I don’t have a tripod and my aperture is already wide open, I will go higher.
Using Light in Food Photography
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My preference is to use natural light whenever possible. Professional lights are available however, I would recommend getting familiar with your camera and using natural light before making that investment.
The most important thing is to avoid, as far as lighting goes, indoor kitchen lighting as it casts a yellow glow on your food. If, however, you have food that you want to photograph and it’s 5 pm on a rainy day in November, and you have no choice but to use your indoor lighting, turn your white balance to the Tungsten setting. This will add more blue to your shot and neutralize the yellow.
Another thing to consider is which direction you want the light to come from. Back lighting is the technique I use most. I usually prefer to stand facing my subject on a table with a window on the other side of the table. I find the way the light hits the subject to be the most pleasing to my eye. But try letting the light hit from the front and the side and see what you prefer most! Depending on the weather and the type of dish I am photographing, my preference will sometimes change.
On a dark day, if using back lighting, you may need to bounce some light back at your subject to reduce shadows on your food. You can purchase reflectors designed for this purpose from photography stores. You could also use foam core, poster board, or anything on hand that is white. In a pinch, I have even used napkins and a roll of paper towel!
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If you were to draw two vertical lines and two horizontal lines evenly across your image, dividing it into nine squares, then having the point of focus at one of the intersections adds compositional interest to the photo. This is known as the rule of thirds and is why you may see this on your camera or photo editing software.
One possibility would be to place your main subject near the front and have other blurred out subjects behind, to lead the viewer’s eye through the photo.
Vertical or Horizontal Photos?
Try getting one good shot of each. Vertical works well for Instagram and Pinterest, while horizontal is ideal for blogs, banners and Facebook.
There are a few common angles you can use to successfully photograph food:
A 45 degree angle shows food as if you were sitting down to eat it. This is one of my favorite angles, as it shows a beautiful texture. There will usually be more focus towards the front of the dish.
Shooting from top down (directly overhead) can show the entire dish in even focus (if everything is the same height), but you lose some of the texture.
A straight on angle can be used to show height if, for example, you are showing a stacked sandwich or a drink.
A crucial point to food photography is to have your food looking its best. I like to add some raw vegetables or herbs alongside cooked foods to add more freshness to the dish, especially if the meal is brown, such as chili. I soak herbs and greens in cold water for about 30 minutes before using and remove any wilted ones. I add garnishes for color and interest, preferably ones that show something that went into the dish – such as a basil leaf in a pesto.
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If you are making steaks and one is perfectly browned and looks better than the others, put that one in front or on top and make it your camera focus.
In food photography, full bowls are desirable. Even if your normal serving of soup only fills up half the bowl, fill it up for the photo! I stop before it reaches the point of overflowing, although you may want to experiment with drips – many people make that part of their style. It can be helpful to use smaller plates, bowls and other serving pieces in food photography, as large ones can overwhelm the food and make it more difficult to make those full bowls. sauces can soak into the food
When you are setting up your shot, reserve some sauce to add once you figure out your perfect angle. I always take a few shots before adding dressing to a salad because the leaves can start to wilt quickly from the oil and acid.
Best Food Photography Props
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Use neutral props that keep the focus on the food. Avoid busy, distracting patterns on plates as the food can become lost in the photo. My favorite dishes are gray or white and matte, so there is no glare shining back at the camera and the food is what stands out.
Another thing I highly recommend using is a wooden background board, which you can purchase from Etsy, My favorite board was made from an old barn door! With wooden boards, I again look for a matte finish to reduce glare, as well as interesting textures.
I prefer to use clean backgrounds so the focus is entirely on my dish. However, you may want to display some of the ingredients around the food to show part of the cooking process. Other options for adding interest include colorful napkins, flowers or unique serving utensils. Check out secondhand shops for some great vintage finds.
Also try using a hand model to show interaction with the food!
5 Suggested Props for Beginners
Wood background board or large cutting board
Monotone plate and bowl
Vintage cutlery (check out thrift shops)
Cloth napkin or a dish towel
Stemless wine glass or Mason jars for smoothies or parfaits
Do not let a lack of props or a hand-me-down camera stop you from creating. You can create amazing art on a plate just by having fresh and colorful food displayed in your own unique style. Remember that good food photography takes time to master and it’s OK if you don’t love your photos right away. Practice as much as you can and enjoy the process!
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