future4web · 1 year
Als Stadtmensch einen eigenen Acker
Als angehende Selbstversorgerin erzählt Kathi Blumfeld aus Berlin über ihr außergewöhnliches Projekt. Vor Wochen hat sie als Stadtmensch die Entscheidung für den Gemüseanbau auf einem eigens dafür vorgesehenen gepachteten Acker getroffen. 
Kathi arbeite viel, es dreht sich seit Jahren alles um Arbeit … und sie unterbricht nur, wenn sie mit ihren Hunden spazieren geht oder zu einem Event reisen muss. Das war ihr auf Dauer zu wenig. Sie wünscht sich schon immer einen Ausgleich und das am besten in freier Natur. Das Angebot, das sie in den sozialen Netzwerken kürzlich gefunden hatte, entsprach daher ganz und gar ihren Bedürfnissen. 
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Ein Bauernhof verpachtet ganze Ackerparzellen, die seit letztem Herbst bereits mit Gründüngung vorbehandelt und für die Bepflanzung aufbereitet wurden. Von den Hofbetreibern sind schon einige Gemüsesorten gesät worden. Kohlrabi, Erbsen, Salat, Fenchel, Spinat, Sonnenblumen, Rote Bete, Zwiebeln, Möhren, Spitzkohl, Mangold, Rotkohl, Dill, Weißkohl, Pastinaken verweilen längst im Acker, um zu wachsen. 
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Kathi ist nun für das Unkraut jäten, Pflegen, Pflanzen, Hegen und Gießen verantwortlich. In ein paar Wochen, wenn kein Frost mehr zu befürchten ist, sorgt sie für die restliche Anpflanzung der vom Landwirt vorgezogenen Jungpflanzen wie Tomaten, Radieschen, Zuckermais, Stangenbohne, Buschbohne, Paprika, Kürbis. Die Kartoffeln bringt der Hofbetreiber in der nächsten Woche für sie in den Acker. 
Die Parzelle ist ausreichend groß, um für einen 2-Personenhaushalt eine ordentliche Erntemenge einfahren zu können. Von Mai bis Ende Oktober bringt ihr Acker verschiedene Gemüsesorten ans Tageslicht und ohne große Umwege direkt in ihren Kochtopf. 
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„Frisch geerntet schmeckt Gemüse richtig gehaltvoll und wesentlich aromatischer als das vorab gekühlte Gemüse (damit es besser hält) aus dem Supermarkt und konventionellem Gemüsehandel“, so versichert es ihr die Hofbetreiberin. Als Selbstversorger ist Kathi in diesem Jahr unabhängig von Preisschwankung durch Angebot und Nachfrage. Zudem ernährt sie sich gesünder, weil sie bei ihrem eigenen Gemüse weiß, dass keine Pestizide eingesetzt werden. Sie wird ihr Gemüse mit Netzen vor Insekten schützen. Die vorausgegangene Gründüngung hat den Boden auch schon genügend gekräftigt, sodass sie nur noch wenig düngen muss.
Überdies lernt Kathi nun auch einiges über den Anbau von Gemüse. Zum Beispiel, welches Gemüse, zu welcher Jahreszeit ausgepflanzt und ausgesät wird. Und welche Gemüsesorten sich zusammen vertragen und welche in der Nachbarschaft gepflanzt werden, um ungebetene Insekten zu vertreiben. Die Hofbetreiber beraten sie und stehen ihr bei Fragen und Tipps jederzeit und sogar per Messenger zur Verfügung.
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Dadurch bekommt Kathi ein Feingefühl für das, was sie tut und worauf sie achten muss. „Der Austausch mit den Landwirten liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Dadurch bekomme ich eine Sichtweise auf Dinge, die mir sonst als Stadtmensch gänzlich fremd bleiben würde. Ich werde mir auch für meinen eigenen Garten nützliche Fertigkeiten und Wissen aneignen können“, so erzählt sie. 
Natürlich geht es Kathi nicht nur ums Arbeiten, sondern auch um das Verweilen in der Natur. Bei gutem Wetter draußen sein, den Abend auf dem Acker entspannt ausklingen lassen und den Sonnenuntergang genießen, ist eine entschleunigende, wohltuende Aktivität, die den Menschen neue Energie verleiht.  
Diese Art Rückbesinnung auf die Natur ist auch ein wichtiger Beitrag bezüglich Umweltschutz. Schließlich schützt und wertschätzt der Mensch nur das, was er kennt und womit er sich verbunden fühlt. 
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freelancerpalash · 3 months
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AI Powered Virtual Assistants, Chatbot creation at a small business-friendly price Website Link:- https://haukbots.lpages.co/schedule/ Facebook Page:- www.facebook.com/popvote
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phonemantra-blog · 7 months
Earlier, OpenAI announced a temporary suspension of registration of users of the paid subscription ChatGPT Plus While the public is excitedly watching the unfolding drama with the dismissal and return of Sam Altman, the OpenAI team made a pleasant announcement for its fans. As reported in the OpenAI blog, the ChatGPT Voice service has become available free of charge to all users.  [caption id="attachment_84350" align="aligncenter" width="780"] ChatGPT Voice[/caption] ChatGPT Voice has become available to everyone for free OpenAI explains: Download the app on your phone and tap the headphones icon to start a conversation. It's worth noting that ChatGPT Voice itself is nothing new. The service has been running since September 2023 and offers a truly enjoyable experience with artificial intelligence. This is in many ways similar to a conversation with a virtual assistant, but the communication takes place in a more “live” format.  However, until now, ChatGPT Voice was only available to paid subscription users. And now users of the ChatGPT app for iOS and Android will be able to use this feature without any problems, even without a paid subscription
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renownsystem123 · 8 months
Top US-Based Dropshipping Virtual Assistant Services
Discover the top US-based dropshipping virtual assistant services that can supercharge your e-commerce business. Our expert virtual assistants are skilled in product sourcing, order management, customer support and more. With a focus on quality and reliability, our team ensures seamless operations for your dropshipping business. Trust us to handle the details while you focus on growth. Explore our wide range of services today and experience the benefits of a dedicated, US-based virtual assistant team. Upgrade your dropshipping business with our reliable and efficient solutions. Call Renown Systems at +1-801-653-0812 for dropshipping virtual assistant in US Services.
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edujournalblogs · 11 months
Important points to remember in NLP
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Enable computers to understand, interpret and generate natural language.
Deals with the interaction between humans and machines.
it involves various techniques such as computitional linguistics, statistical modelling, and machine language.
it is used in various domains such as healthcare, finance, education, ecommerce etc
Applications in NLP includes speech recognization, sentimental Analysis, text classification, language modelling etc.,
Evaluation metrics to determine accuracy, precision, score etc.
Enhances natural language understanding.
Improves content creation.
Extract insights from text data by analysing sentiment analysis from social media posts and customer reviews etc which can help businesses understand how customers feel about their products and services.
Facilitate multilingual communication.
Enable apps such as virtual assistant, chat bot like Siri from Apple, Alexa from Amazon etc, for better customer interaction.
Automate repetitive tasks for better efficiency.
Platforms like eduJournal offer a wide range of data science courses, covering Python, machine learning, NLP and more. Enquire about our course today and secure your future !!!
URL : www.edujournal.com
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getcallers · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts to Increase Lead Generation | GetCallers
Never Miss Out On Your Valuable Real Estate Leads With GetCallers. Our real estate cold calling scripts services providing company that can fulfill all your needs with ease.
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shhimel1 · 11 months
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Personal Assistant Jobs
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There are a variety of personal assistant jobs. These jobs vary widely in terms of salary. You can make anywhere from minimum wage to over $150,000 per year. Some jobs require freebies or interns. These positions allow you to gain experience and get in the door of the industry. This type of job can be pretty rewarding, but it also requires a great deal of flexibility and luck.
A personal assistant agency usually workS for high-net-worth individuals and face several challenges daily. They must be able to handle various demands and meet deadlines with discretion and integrity. If you have a passion for helping others, then you should consider personal assistant jobs. As a personal assistant, you'll assist other employees by performing various tasks, including coordinating meetings, running errands, and more.
You can work as a personal assistant to someone who needs support. Some jobs involve helping the CEO of a start-up company or working as an assistant to a high-profile individual. These jobs require good communication skills and an excellent driving record. For these positions, you must have at least three years of experience.
Other personal assistant jobs require you to perform administrative tasks. Duties may include grocery shopping, picking up dry cleaning, and scheduling appointments. Other personal assistant jobs require you to do office work as well, like taking minutes, managing portfolios, and maintaining office filing systems. Duties also depend on the organization's goals and needs.
Many personal assistant jobs require you to be creative if you want to make a difference. Some personal assistants are aimed at helping people with disabilities. They may also assist with shopping for holiday gifts and special events. A personal assistant can be a great asset to people who want extra assistance with their lives.
Personal assistant jobs require excellent communication skills and excellent organizational skills. Personal assistants usually work independently but report to senior management. They also perform secretarial duties, liaise with internal departments, and schedule appointments for their bosses. Personal assistants can also make travel arrangements for their bosses, maintain an events calendar, and take notes.
Personal assistants are expected to have excellent organizational skills and patience. Some employers prefer candidates with a background in the service industry or hospitality. If you want a career as a personal assistant, you will probably need to start small and work your way up. You may even need to start with a part-time job if you're just starting. Continue reading this page for more info on celebrity staffing solutions.
Personal assistants are often the frontline staff for executives and managers. They provide administrative support and free up management's time for the tasks. This type of job also requires high levels of discretion.
Click here for more details about this service: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_assistant.
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What You Need to Know About Personal Assistant Jobs
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Personal assistants do a variety of tasks for their employers. These tasks may range from managing a complex diary to booking international travel. They also take care of their employers' email inboxes and manage meetings. Depending on the employer's needs, they may even be responsible for managing data and office work.
These jobs require a high level of problem-solving and attention to detail. They work with very rich and famous people and have access to a world that few other workers can even imagine. As such, they can earn very good pay, benefits, and even bonuses for doing an exceptional job. Many high-net-worth individuals will offer year-end bonuses to their assistants who perform exemplary service.
While the requirements for personal assistants vary from one employer to another, there are a few common factors that all successful candidates have in common. First, they must have an effective CV that reads well and is free of errors. Solid career history and educational background are also key. Strong work history can be equally impressive as a strong education.
Other qualities required to excel in this position include exceptional organizational skills. The Los Angeles executive assistant typically report to senior management but are responsible for performing administrative tasks such as entering data into databases, maintaining files, and liaising with internal departments. In addition to this, they must have excellent time management skills. They should also be well-versed in Microsoft Office.
Personal assistants must possess good organizational skills and extreme patience. Some employers prefer to hire individuals with previous experience in the service industry, such as hospitality. To gain experience in the field, it is likely that candidates will need to work their way up from a lower-level position. For example, they'll likely have to start with a part-time PA position.
The  Los Angeles executive assistant must possess excellent communication skills and organizational skills. They also must be able to manage relationships with internal clients. Their job duties will also include preparing reports and spreadsheets. They may also work outside of office hours. A personal assistant's skills will continue to expand as they build experience. They'll also have to have good writing and research skills.
As a personal assistant, you can expect to work with a high-net-worth client. This clientele can expect the assistant to manage nannies, personal protection agents, and tutors. In addition to this, they may even need a housekeeper and gardener. Personal assistant jobs in such environments often require traveling to exotic locations.
If you're interested in becoming a personal assistant, consider attending a personal assistant training program. Some training providers offer a personal assistant diploma that will train you in the fundamentals of the profession. These courses teach students to anticipate client needs and provide exceptional service. The Pitman name is recognized throughout the United Kingdom and is a sign of the highest quality training. Graduates from Pitman Training will possess exceptional organizational skills and have an understanding of the importance of exceptional service. This page:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_assistant elaborates more on the topic, so you may need to check it out.
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joannainigo12369 · 3 years
Hello Guys! Just wanna submit a page. Feel free to drop yours.
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future4web · 1 year
Ihr Modestil steht für Optimismus
Ellen-Susann Schneider aus Eisenach – unter ihrem Namen können sich vielleicht einige erst einmal nichts vorstellen. Aber sobald es um individuellen, legeren, gemütlichen und eigensinnigen Modestil geht, dann schon. 
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Wenn Kunden auf Ellen treffen, sind sie meist gleich begeistert. Ellen ist keine x-beliebige Frau. Ellen ist eine Frau, die Menschen mitreißen kann. Sie hat diese besondere Fähigkeit und Vision für eine Mode, die es nicht von der Stange gibt. Sie entwirft und fertigt aus ausgesuchten Stoffen an. Von der Hose, der Jacke, dem Hemd, der Weste über klassische Hüte und vieles mehr –  eine Vielzahl von individuellen Stücken werden nach ihren Vorstellungen in ihrem Laden in Eisenach von Hand und Maschine genäht.
Warmherzig, charmant, mit viel Gefühl für das Wesentliche und der notwendigen Portion Geduld, berät Ellen jede:n ihrer Kund:innen. Kaum ein:e Kund:in verlässt das Geschäft, das Atelier Hutschneider, ohne ein schickes Kleidungsstück. 
Und Ellen-Susann bietet ihre individuelle Mode nicht nur im Geschäft an. Nein, sie ist auch bundesweit mit ihrem mobilen Verkaufsstand auf historischen Veranstaltungen vertreten. 
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Es geht ein besonderer Zauber von Ellen-Susann und ihrem Stand aus. Die Wenigsten gehen einfach so daran vorbei. Man wird von dem modischen Design und ihrer Persönlichkeit magisch angezogen und kommt oft nicht wieder davon los. 
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Übrigens … das Atelier Hutschneider gab es schon vor der Wende und es befand sich immer in Familienbesitz. Die Betonung liegt nicht umsonst auf dem Wort "Wende", denn Eisenach, am Nordrand des Thüringer Waldes gelegen, war vor der Wende der Landkreis im Bezirk Erfurt der DDR.
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Aber zurück zu Ellen. Ellen-Susann lässt mit Atelier Hutschneider die Mode und den Reiz an längst vergangenen Zeiten in gewisser Hinsicht weiterleben, ohne verstaubt zu wirken.
Ellen ist auch keine ewig Gestrige, die der Vergangenheit nachhängt. Sie steht im Hier und Jetzt. Sie kämpft sich jeden Tag zuversichtlich und unermüdlich durch das Leben und hört dabei nicht auf, das Leben zu lieben. 
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In ihrer Mode spiegelt sich dieser Optimismus wider. Ihr Modestil ist locker, luftig und fröhlich und die bunten, erdigen und gedeckten Farben ihrer Stoffe stehen für eine gewisse Verbundenheit mit der Natur, den Menschen und der eigenen natürlichen und bodenständigen Lebensweise. 
Wenn Sie in Eisenach sind, sollten Sie einen Besuch bei Ellen-Susann im Atelier Hutschneider unbedingt einplanen.
Atelier Schneider Inh. Ellen-Susann Schneider 99817 Eisenach Löberstraße 16
Ladenöffnungszeiten: Montag – Freitag von 10 Uhr bis 17 Uhr / Samstag von 10 Uhr bis 14 Uhr (am Samstag geschlossen wenn wir auf Märkten unterwegs sind!)
Tel / Fax: 03691 – 882620 Mobil: 0176 – 70218550
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davidbyrd205 · 4 years
Aisera - Best AI Service Management with Advanced Conversational AI
Aisera delivers an AI Service Management (AISM) solution that leverages advanced Conversational AI & RPA to provide an end-to-end conversational platform. These advanced AI capabilities automate tasks, actions, and workflows for ITSM, HR, Facilities, Sales, Customer Service, and Operations. 
Now businesses can deliver greater self-service resolutions through consumer-like service experience for employees and customers. Digital acceleration and transformation is achieved in seconds with Aisera.
Most present-day IT users are accustomed to using their smartphones for reading emails, browsing the internet, checking their schedule, calling a meeting, and chatting live with colleagues. They switch across applications, pause, and resume their conversations along the way. This holds true for IT Service Desks as well.
Now, users and Conversational AI agents can engage in a meaningful conversation while chatting on their laptops and resume the conversation on messaging on their mobile phones—with the full state preserved. They can resolve user requests autonomously through omnichannel conversational dialogues while achieving as much as 80 percent self-service resolutions, with 50 seconds MTTR, and increase CSAT/NPS up to 50 percent—potentially cutting up to 90 percent of costs!
Reference : https://aisera.com/chatbots-virtual-assistants-conversational-ai
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freelancerpalash · 3 months
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AI Powered Virtual Assistants, Chatbot creation at a small business-friendly price Website Link:- https://haukbots.lpages.co/schedule/ Facebook Page:- www.facebook.com/popvote
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phonemantra-blog · 7 months
To editors, mail service and more The creators of the MyOffice software integrated Sberbank’s GigaChat generative neural network into the ecosystem. This was reported by the company’s press service at the international conference AI Journey 2023.  [caption id="attachment_84301" align="aligncenter" width="780"] GigaChat chatbot[/caption] The GigaChat chatbot from Sber was introduced into the MyOffice package The GigaChat chatbot is integrated into the MyOffice Standard document editors, Mailion corporate email and the Squadus digital workspace. The press service said: The use of GigaChat in the Mailion mail system will allow you to analyze email chains and provide the ability to draw up a checklist based on its results. The tool will help you create a short summary of what is stated in the email chain, identify the tasks that need to be completed, and distribute roles in the team.  In editors, GigaChat will allow you to generate text, prepare templates for answers, and so on. Also based on GigaChat, a proprietary assistant “MyDay” is being developed - a single taskbar based on the user’s documents, letters and calendar.  The general director of the company, Pavel Kalyakin, said:  MyOffice sees great potential in the use of neural network models such as GigaChat. MyOffice's research in the field of artificial intelligence technologies is aimed at optimizing business processes and reducing the time spent by a typical office software user. 
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edujournalblogs · 5 months
Machine Learning and its applications
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Machine Learning is an application of AI that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. it focus on development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.. In other words, Machine learning is all about providing data to the machine and expecting the machine to learn from the data to make its decision in the future.
The difference between the traditional programming language (like Java, C#, PHP etc) and machine language is that for traditional languages we are providing instruction to the computer in the form of coding and we are generating the output from that whereas in the case of Machine Learning, we are basically dumping a whole bunch of historical data before the system and asking it to learn by itself and generate a pattern. it will do it with specific algorithms provided by us. Here, we are providing both the input and output to the model as input to the model and provides the logic as output. For instance, in the model we can use convolutional networks for identifying complicated images such as AI camera in traffic junctions to find vehicles jumping the signals or we can use a neural networks for NLP in sentimental analysis etc.
The various implementations in machine learning are Netflix (ie., suggest various movies as per your liking), amazon customer preference, Google Maps, Telsa Self Driving Cars, Object/Face/Speech Recognition, sentimental analysis on text or speech and find out the good and bad reviews, Fraud Detectiion, Virtual Assistant like Siri and Alexa etc
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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renownexpress-blog · 3 years
A virtual assistant is one who is responsible for holding the business into his hands while the owner of the business is not present or too busy.
Ecommerce is growing at an unbelievable rate with an increase of 22% on a yearly basis. With such a rate of an explosion, while businesses grow, the demand for virtual assistants is also growing at the same rate. As everyone wants their businesses to grow exponentially, everyone in the business requires a virtual assistant.
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