waiitwotworkshop · 4 months
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Ngl i gave up on the new show on ep 3 everything is so different and i dont know how to feel abt it. Also i read a zukka fic earlier and kept imagining the live action vers of sokka??😭 immediately no
had to draw zukka being extremely gay to cope
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waiitwotworkshop · 2 months
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moral of the story is sokka has facial blindness or smth
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waiitwotworkshop · 28 days
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Would zuko be a singer who knows but its cute at least
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waiitwotworkshop · 7 months
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Silly girl receiving the love she deserves
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waiitwotworkshop · 2 months
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so basically a doodle of what happens after my tea server fic :3 zuko just freaks out abt officially meeting katara for the first time bc katara alr hates her and she wants sokkas family to like her :((
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waiitwotworkshop · 4 months
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Im going to choose to believe that zuko fought to keep her horse, took it to ba sing se. (they had to wait even longer and pay extra to get a ferry that allowed animals) Had to find an even more run down apartment that had a stable in the back. And when they finally got their own tea shop in the upper ring zuko spent all her money on expensive feed and other horse owner necessities for it. And when she was deciding if she wnted to join azula, one of her thoughts was ‘wait but can i take Lily to the fire nation…’ (I read a fic where the horse was named lily) AND YES she took that thing on that damn air balloon to the air temple.
One day I will write a one shot abt this🙏
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waiitwotworkshop · 1 month
*ahem* gaang headcanons? very specifically, transfem zuko headcanons?
Zuko goes by Lin and everyone thinks that’s her new name so they try not to deadname her, so when anyone refers to her as zuko they all cringe and try to defend her. Only for her to be like ‘idk why you guys kept calling me Lin, we’re not in public”
Zuko is sm more sensitive abt her hair. She is crying inside when she cuts it off at the end of s1 when it starts growing back in she’s so happy. It grows back a little wavy and it’s such a cute cut that makes her look feminine even w short hair.
Somehow attracts guys while working at the tea shop. This includes jet (ugh) but ultimately they don’t go further than some weird flirting which is actually just insulting each other. Jin still has a crush on her but she doesn’t go on a date with her because iroh just assumes she’s straight(it’s debatable)
Sokka rlly likes girls who can beat him up so naturally he gets a crush. This hot girl is mean to him but sometimes laughs at his jokes he’s absolutely falling for her. And he loves to treat her delicately even though she can clearly handle herself. This is where we get into some divergence from canon (other than the obvious lmao) canon zuko would not want someone to treat him so fragile but Sokka does it so lovingly that she can’t help but love it. Like ‘omg a puddle let me carry you over it so you don’t get mud on your shoes :3’ just being such a gentleman and zuko is so in love with it because she’s never been treated so gently. Ugh just imagine him being so lovesick over zuko, like ‘yes darling, anything u say darling ^^’ this is basically canon do u see the way he treats suki lol. I just love the thought of this grumpy loser doing a complete switch when it comes to zuko.
She wouldn’t go back to the firenation with Azula because she /can’t/ her father would definitely not accept her like this so this is a hypothetical but she would hate being expected to be Mai’s bf again. And she tries to give her a seashell bc she thinks it’s nice and /she’s/ a girl and likes it so why the hell doesn’t Mai like it too. She’s definitely jealous of the girls getting attention so her and azula r just pissed together.
Zuko is 10x more nervous around katara bc she desperately wants them to be friends. She just thinks back to how Azula made friends so easily and how zuko was so bad at it/didn’t want to hang out with guys that she just tagged along like a loser. She’s so desperate to finally make her own friend that she also tags along to wherever katara is and cringes at herself every time they interact. When suki joins the gaang and three of them hang out she’s secretly ecstatic.
I will literally go on abt trans girl zuko forever I’m so happy to have an excuse to talk abt her someone please ask me more
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waiitwotworkshop · 2 months
if theres sisters in a piece of media TRUST i WILL find a way to turn it into zuko and azula. Anyway im rewatching bridgerton and ignoring the plot of the season i love Zuko as kate so she can be protective over azula ^^ lets ignore the fact azula is not like edwina in anyway, i do like the idea of azula acting completely different in public just to please her family. Ozai doesnt exist so she would do anything for zuko and ursa including acting like the perfect daughter:3 which do u guys think she prefers being a soilder for her dad or being nice to ppl for her mom 🤨
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I have to sneak zukka in here but lets not think abt how this would technically mean sokka would be courting azula
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waiitwotworkshop · 9 months
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Forgot I made this during January but it’s still nice. Context: my au where zuko lives in the NWT
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waiitwotworkshop · 9 months
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Boyfriend activities: wearing each others parkas
More of my au I’m too lazy to explain
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waiitwotworkshop · 2 months
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Drawing of a scene in the next chapter :D
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waiitwotworkshop · 3 months
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i will never get over how happy zuko was after she had those nightmares, this is almost word for word how the scene went. (But then in canon he joined azula right after like ??? Bro u saw the light? U WERE HAPPY? I get he still wanted to go back a lil and thats why but u couldve chosen peace😭)
anyway transfem zuko would not chose to join azula bc shes just better lmao. Also living as a rich girl in ba sing se, w ur biggest stress being ur secret bf (sokka) must be amazing.
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waiitwotworkshop · 3 months
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How i feel after getting #2 in fornite today
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waiitwotworkshop · 6 months
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Maneater 😻
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waiitwotworkshop · 9 days
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She tucks her ugly rat into bed everynight because she sees the beauty in evil creatures. Then when she wakes up to nuiaq nipping at her eyelashes and regrets it. Partly said from experience
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waiitwotworkshop · 1 month
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Happy mother’s day to the mother lord, haha get it instead of father lord its mother lord……. Anyway im posting this 13 minutes after midnight but its the thought that counts right
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