#wake up! it's self indulgent traits for my oc time. :)
lolliichop · 2 months
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rivers loves to sing, and not only you will easily overhear him singing to himself while working in the base ( work like preparing the ammo for the next match or moving things around ), but he's also extremely good at it! he has a warm voice and warbles a lot ( as in, sing softly and with a succession of constantly changing notes, just to make sure the translator gave me the right word ), and if he finds out someone is hearing him, he will gladly sing for them instead of hiding. english songs he will just mutter the melody more often than not, while he sings a lot in italian. to get an idea of what songs he likes to sing, he'd definitely go for "mariposa" by fiorella mannoia.
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
Number 10 for O, Number 2 for Miles 2.0 ;)
10. What is your favorite trait regarding your oc?
This is a good question. For Orsinio, I'd say it's his resilience.
He's been through so much with Nemesis, Hell, the Discordance, a narrow brush with smen, and so on. He carries a grief not only for his brother but his lost connection to home and the person he used to be. He's done things he isn't proud of (he killed all 3 major rivals in Nemesis) and there are people along his path that he wasn't able to save that he blames himself for, and he's Catholic, so he has issues with guilt as well.
It would be easy for him to give up. At the point of his character journey where he was tempted by seeking, it would have been easy to surrender to it. Without getting into the grit of his struggles with mental illness, it's a surprise he hasn't spent longer in the Royal Beth. It's easy to indulge reckless/self-destructive behaviors instead of confronting emotions and trying to be better. There comes a critical point in his character arc where he gets a wake up call and makes the choice to stop running from his past, make peace with it, and move forward. Grief and guilt are part of him but do not define him, and he deserves to make a nice story for himself despite being cast in a tragedy. Healing is far more difficult and powerful than any temptation he could have given into.
It would be easy for him to be ruthless. It would be easy to stop feeling bad and lean fully into the violence that he knows he's capable of from Nemesis. He's smart and skilled enough with magic that he could be cruel indeed to get what he wants. But at the end of the day, despite everything, he still tries to do what he thinks is the right thing. He is a morally gray character with a greater good mentality, but when it ultimately comes down to making a decision, he's inclined to do what will keep his loved ones safest. He's made mistakes in the past and he's seen a lot of horror, but he still chooses to be kind. He loves boldly in a world that says love is weakness or currency. Even after all Miles did to him (which is another story, all you need to know right now is that Miles was the seeker doing the tempting), he still lets them crash at his place when they're in need. He sometimes thinks of himself as a bad person, but he very much is not. (Sometimes, murder is okay.)
I'll cut it here because otherwise I wouldn't stop talking about my special boy, but I just love how he never gives up and chooses to be good despite how easy it would have been to slip into being a villain.
2. Why does your oc look the way they do? What are your reasons for their appearance?
This one requires some brief explanation first. So on a meta level, I had Miles as my seeker character who knocked, and after a few months I decided I missed them too much so I made a new account for them. But the in-universe explanation for why they're back is because of some hand-wavey discordance doubling that I won't get into right now, that's for another post. Is this really the same Miles? What does it mean to be yourself? Also for another post.
Miles has blonde hair because I thought it would be funny for my villain character after getting too annoyed at Victorian era obsession with light hair/features. Their eyes were once sapphire dark but have since lightened to a more glacial blue color. They're very tall and thin and I say shaped like a spaghetti noodle. Femme presenting because it's my OC and I get to make them gender.
They've fairly recently returned to London, at rock bottom. There's a frostbite scar across their cheeks, and their hair is short from when they cut it towards the end of SMEN. They'll be growing it out long again, like they prefer. And, they have one white streak from the experience to match with the Professor, though you'd have a hard time finding it with how light their hair already is.
A final note: Miles 1.0 did the Mr Cards HD ending. Once again, that's another post, but as a result, they still have sharp teeth and pointed ears. Most of their scars from SMEN are gone, however. They are not the Miles who knocked. They have plenty of scars though from other ocs committing violence against them for being terrible
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azalea-bee · 8 months
FOR THE UNCOMMON OC QUESTIONS BTW!! pick any oc, do em all, whatever you want! i wanna know more abt your guys :D 2, 3, 17+18, 28, B, D :3c!!!
HII tysm for asking!!! :D ok ok i want to do all of them for at least a few of the questions but that’s five whole people so i’ll put this under a cut because it might get long lol
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
winnie laughs allll the time, she’s super easygoing and giggly so not hard to make laugh! emrys is very quiet and doesn’t laugh out loud easily, but he does smile instead. dove has a very loud and easy laugh! cassia doesn’t laugh as easily or loudly but he does laugh when someone is being particularly funny, esp if it’s winnie when she’s small. and micah laughs a lot but it tends to be sarcastic, you have to surprise it out of them if you want a genuine laugh :]
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
emrys sleeps a lot bc he’s a lion, so it doesn’t take much as long as he feels safe. winnie likes to put on their coziest pajamas and get comfy with a million pillows. cassia tends to sleep in short stretches and wakes up a lot, so she tends to listen to music or a podcast and just resumes it whenever she wakes up again (and he also sleeps better with other people nearby). micah has a whole complicated skincare and wind-down routine before bed but tends to lie in bed awake for a while despite their best efforts oops. and dove likes to read before bed, usually obscure magic tomes or niche spellbooks to look for tips!
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
not particularly any of them? i think emrys would be the easiest to embarrass though.
18. What embarrasses them?
for emrys, he gets embarrassed when he gets stuck as a lion for a bit. his lion shifting is connected to his emotions so it sometimes forces him to be vulnerable and obvious about his feelings when he doesn’t want to be, which he REALLY does not appreciate lol
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
i’ll do micah and dove for this one: micah would prefer the unpleasant truth always, no exceptions, and assumes the same is true for others. dove hates conflict so she’d prefer the lie but she can also usually tell when people are lying so it doesn’t matter much either way.
B) What inspired you to create them?
long story short, i was bored and just really wanted to make up a group of fun guys, and i had already had a vague story brewing for a while that wouldn’t leave my head hehe. so i made them all a pinterest board to figure out their vibes and went from there :P
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
mostly they’ve stayed the same, cassia and emrys have changed the most i think? but that’s just because for a while i couldn’t decide if i wanted to include obviously nonhuman traits in their world or not. so i went back and forth on the lion thing and cassia’s horns, but eventually i decided these ocs were already self-indulgent and they were too much fun for me not to include so lion shifting and horns it is hehehe
thank you for the ask!! this was very fun to answer :D
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belfrygargoyles · 3 years
*whispers* I would like to hear what you have to say on reader inserts in the SW fandom because I too have a problem with them and I feel like not enough people are calling it out 👉👈
I’ve made a few posts about it in the past but I think it’s high time I actually Do This and really get into it.
Before I start: 1) This will be in specific reference to fanfiction written for the Star Wars fandom, particularly tcw and the mandalorian eras, 2) A lot of the issues come down to racist fetishization of men of color by white women; I am white, so there is much that is simply not my place to make statements on. What I can speak most on is my take from the gender side of things.
I’d honestly recommend reading this post by @nibeul with addition by @clonehub first, as they discuss the core issue with reader inserts in the Star Wars fandom.
And 3) some of this will involve discussion of sexual acts (as they relate to fanfiction) and sexual fantasies. These discussions will be non-explicit, and no pornographic text or content will be displayed.
Also. I’m GNC and nonbinary. I’m also a very feminine looking person that falls under the generalization of “small and petite.” I don’t have dysphoria, I like my body and the traits I have, and treating them like inherently female sends me into a blind fury. This is, unfortunately, important.
For the sake of making sure I come across as clearly as possible, I will be writing as though the reader of this post has never read or is broadly unfamiliar with reader-insert fanfiction.
Without further ado.
Hey, Star Wars reader insert fic writers? Please get your shit together.
I’ve been reading reader-insert fanfiction since I was a grade schooler waking up early to check Quizilla. I love it! It got me into fandom, kept me engaged, helped me make and develop some of my oldest OCs, and it’s just fun to read and write- it’s like a self-indulgent little gift you can give to a bunch of people all at once. Because who doesn’t like the idea of starring in their own little adventure, usually alongside some of their favorite characters? It can be fun, immersive, get you attached in ways other ways of fandom interaction may not, make you feel just a little bit special, or be a way to express some feelings you might have about canon and the way the story went.
Like any form of fiction, it ends up saying more about the author’s feelings than anything else, whether the author realizes it or not. For many, many authors of reader-insert fanfiction, the primary enjoyment comes from writing “themselves” into the story- before the readers, the author most often makes the “reader character” someone they, themselves, can relate to and substitute for themselves. They write to live out a self-indulgent fantasy they have, and their readers can come along for the ride.
Some writers do actually try to write as diverse or as vague of a reader character as possible- as few details about the body, identity, etc. as possible so anyone could superimpose their image without the narrative directly contradicting it. This is not the kind of reader insert author I will be discussing.
The kind of author I will be discussing is the one most common in the Star Wars tag on Ao3: White, AFAB, cisgender, gender-conforming, able-bodied women who assume all of their readers are also White, AFAB, cisgender, gender-conforming, able-bodied women. Yes, you can tell.
ISSUE: fetishization of men of color
Again, this post puts it in the best words, but there is a rampant problem with Star Wars reader-inserts, particularly those involving the clones, Boba Fett, and Din Djarin, fetishizing characters played by men of color as either “physically aggressive and threatening, hypersexual and dominant, big strong men who are scary because they do violence and fuck constantly when they’re not” or “completely inexperienced baby who doesn’t know anything about things and needs a gentle nurturing guiding touch to introduce him to the mere idea of a vagina.” The former is common across all of them, the latter most common among clone trooper fics or Din/Reader.
I went into the Boba Fett/Reader tag on Ao3, because I like him and hoped to find something alright. Here are some stats I tallied up (give or take some) based solely on tags, summaries, and warnings:
There are 284 works in the Boba Fett/Reader category as of the time of this post.
198/284 are rated E for explicit sexual content. 69.7% of all Boba Fett/Reader works are sexually explicit.
259/284 are in the F/M category. 91.2% of all Boba Fett/Reader works involve an explicitly female or AFAB reader.
24/284 are tagged with or mention “Age difference,” “Older man/Younger woman,” “Innocence kink” or “Virginity kink.” 8.4% of all Boba Fett/Reader works are written explicitly with an age gap, with Boba Fett as the older party
26/198 E rated fics are tagged with or make reference to “Daddy kink” or involve the reader being called some variation of “little girl” by Boba. 13% of all E-rated works under Boba Fett/Reader are daddy kink fics, or allude to Boba Fett being a daddy dom/sugar daddy.
102/198 E rated fics are tagged as, make reference to, or suggest in the summary that Boba Fett takes a dominant sexual role with a submissive reader involving rough or painful play, or make reference to Boba Fett being frightening, physically intimidating, having a power dynamic over the reader, or being possessive or violent. 51.51% of all E-rated works under Boba Fett/Reader portray Boba Fett as sexually dominant and/or enacting use of physical force or pain play.
Just using this as an example, because it’s the easiest stats I can gather and also what made me realize there was a pattern.
The problem isn’t even necessarily that people write explicit fic about Boba- it’s that 1) over half of all fics in the category are explicitly pornographic, and 2) the way those pornographic fics are written. The two things compound on each other. They’re dominance fantasies projected onto a character of color in which he becomes extremely sexual, physically rough with the reader, possessive, and demeaning towards a reader character who is always written as White, AFAB, and petite.
This brings me to the next issue.
ISSUE: The way sexual relationships are portrayed.
Let me clarify so there is no chance of me being misunderstood: sex is good. Liking and wanting and enjoying sex isn’t bad. It is not bad if you are AFAB and have submissive fantasies. It is not bad to be sexually attracted to a man of color. You can write about sex even if you haven’t had it. Writing about sex can be a good way to express some more complicated feelings you could have about certain things. It doesn’t even have to be realistic. It has its time and it has its place.
This being said.
Sexual relationships as they are portrayed in the vast majority of E-rated Star Wars reader inserts are… not great.
The reader is always AFAB. I can think of maybe one fic off the top of my head where an AFAB reader was written with they/them pronouns and not just she/her.
The reader is almost always submissive, the dominant character is almost always portrayed as cis male. Even when the characters are supposed to just be having spontaneous casual sex, D/S or BDSM aspects will be introduced with no prior discussion or talks about it afterwards. Sometimes characters will start using dirty talk and it just does not fit at all, but it’s what the author thought was hot.
Sometimes, it just reads like a quick smutty oneshot. More often than that, it reads like the author doesn’t realize that sex… isn’t always a dom/sub thing. Or that someone can take the lead in sex and that doesn’t automatically make them a dom.
It’s not bad to be inexperienced. It’s not bad to have preferences or kinks or specific turn-ons.
But it gets… tiring to read, over and over and over and over, because that’s all there is.
That and… I dunno, it just has me a little worried? It doesn’t make me feel good knowing so many people can only portray a sexual relationship if it’s dom/sub. I don’t know why it makes me so uneasy.
Vanilla sex isn’t a bad thing I promise. It's this feeling of insistence that something "spicy" absolutely has to happen for it to be worth writing that gives... some weird vibes.
I’m going to move on to the next Big-
ISSUE: Every “reader” character is exactly the same
By which I mean the following:
Always cis AFAB female
If a character is written with gender neutral pronouns they will always be AFAB and written like Girl Lite
I have never seen an explicitly stated nonbinary/gnc reader character unless it was a request specifically for a nonbinary reader
I have never seen a gender neutral reader insert fic where the reader was AMAB
I have seen a grand total of 1 cis male reader fic and 1 trans male reader fic. The trans male reader fic was about dysphoria.
The reader is allowed to have one of the following backstories: slave/runaway, mechanic, medic, ex-Rebel, secret Jedi, bounty hunter.
The reader is allowed to have one of the following personality traits: throws knives, babysitter, completely civilian, WOMAN, says curse words.
The reader is never written with any narrative agency- things only ever happen to the reader character or around the reader character, they are never written to take charge and actually affect things on their own. Essentially the sexy lamp trope.
Remember when I said the majority of people writing Star Wars reader-insert fanfic on Ao3 were White, cisgender AFAB women who are gender-conforming and able-bodied? This is how you can tell.
It’s at this point where you can tell they’re really not meant to be reader-inserts, but author-inserts with the names removed- they were only meant for a very narrow selection of readers.
I’m nonbinary, I’m gnc, and I’m a very feminine looking person, generally speaking. I’m used to people looking at me and assuming oh, girl. I’m at peace with that.
I can barely stand reading some of these fics just because of how much the author emphasizes that the reader is FEMALE shes a WOMAN with BOOBS and a VAGINA and FEMININE WILES. There’s barely ever even a chance to give myself room to mentally vault over all the “she”s and “her”s because then I’m getting hit with Din or someone calling the reader “girl” or “the woman.” It’s unbearable, and I even fall into the general description every fucking fic author uses for their generic protagonist!
Even with the “gender-neutral reader” fics, it is just. Painfully clear that they just wrote a female character and changed the pronouns- no, there is no such thing as “male behavior” or “female behavior,” and I quite heartily rebel against the concept of gender essentialism. And honestly, I can barely even begin piecing together how I know it and what it feels like, because it’s just one of those vague conglomerates of cues and writing patterns I can’t consciously pick up on but I know it’s there- it’s frustrating, it’s demeaning, and it feels like you’d have to threaten these authors at gunpoint to get them to write a reader character who was any major deviation from the same three cutouts they use every time.
It seems like they can’t possibly force themselves to write a reader character who isn’t meek and submissive or has the sole personality traits of “mean and can hit things”- you can actually strike a balance between “absolutely no personality” and “fleshed out oc” you know? And you don’t actually have to tell the reader what their hair looks like or how full their figure is
It’s like 2:20 AM and I started this at like 8something PM but.
I’m someone who loves reader-inserts. I enjoy them. I still check for new ones regularly. I’ve been reading them for well over half my life now.
So many of these authors are just locked in on exactly one way to write things and it fucking shows. It’s like a self-feeding loop, they just keep writing the same things and the same dynamics because they see each other doing it and they never think about taking a step back.
It’s… exhausting. I’m exhausted. If you’re a reader-insert fic writer and you want to improve your reader character inclusivity and have also read this far, you can DM me or shoot me an ask.
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saecris · 6 years
a majority of these headcanons were written either pre or post volume three. so a lot of them have been debunked by canon info, but i wanted to save my speculations.
sixty one accommodate story about ren’s parents backing and participating in the oniyuri project. this is where they were planning to elope. you can still incorporate parts of the butterfly lovers in their story. because ren did not recognise oniyuri and has only heard of it, we can assume he’s never been there. this was just a plan that his parents discussed with him in secret. might have to spectate about ren possibly being from mistral. nora did not recognise the story. spectating about a kind of special grimm associated with this part of mistral. edit: looks like it was a nuckelavee edit: it is now after volume four, and a lot of the information has been rendered redundant. however: i. ren’s parent’s plans to elope to oniyuri has now been incorporated into his backstory. ii. they did invest a lot of time and money into the project, most of the money having come from what zhilan was saving.
sixty two include ren’s sensory abilities into the mana manipulation headcanon, about how he can sense not only his own but the aura of other individuals. seen in rwby volume four episode six: tipping point, able to sense danger in the form of tyrian approaching rnjr at incredible speeds. this kind of sensory ability was seen right before his fight with the king taijitus, all the way in volume one episode six: the emerald forest. but also write down your new headcanon involving his semblance having something to do with empathy, and his ability to sense auras, manipulating his own emotions as well as others, even at a distance. edit: ren’s semblance is solely empathy until that headcanon is also debunked.
sixty three the lunar cult, often referred to as ‶the lunar kingdom‶ is the source of a major religion practiced in the area of mistral surrounding kuroyuri, oniyuri, and shion. the cult itself protects a white haired witch with as of yet undeterminable powers, but the mountain in which they reside is considered haunted, forbidden, dangerous. there is no record of outsiders venturing in and coming out alive. the lunar religion celebrates the moon goddess, as well as the belief that human kind descended from the moon men. it’s effects on the surrounding region include grand festivals for the winter solstice to celebrate the longest night of the year. mistral is heavily in tune with nature, so referring to your sweetheart as some kind of natural element is common, ie. sky and sea, moon and stars.
sixty four prior to moving to kuroyuri ren lived in a compound with all the other members of the lie family, a network of beautiful traditional houses of both large and small stature, interconnected with bridges, walkways, gorgeous gardens, made of incredibly elaborate architecture. the property itself was miles long and covered a mountain range. the entrance of it was around a twenty minute walk from kuroyuri. when his family was attacked by bandits three years prior to the start of the series, a lot of the of compound burned down. lie cuifen (ren’s grandmother) who had previously not been very involved in the business transactions of their family, managed to reel in a lot of the investments they’d lost, and still remains incredibly wealthy to this day. ren’s mentor, feng (oc based on mushu lore), takes in students from time to time and trains them in the lie compound, which is being rebuilt. he has built a reputation of being an extremely selective but highly successful teacher, with all of his students passing their combat academy entrance exams with flying colours.
sixty five ren has good leadership qualifications, but his characteristics fall more into the ‘unwilling protagonist’ spectrum than anything noteworthy. i’m not that deluded in my admiration to currently admit that ren and nora’s roles in the show are anything more than minimal (ren’s background story functions more as a case study than anything else). this is more of a conclusion i’ve come to when speculating on traits commonly shown in mulan’s case. not necessarily in disney’s mulan, but most other versions of the story including the original ballad, she does end up assuming a commander’s position in the army after a few years of dedication. ren is shown to have an adaptive and versatile fighting style, using the elements around him in order to gain the advantage (this has even extended to using other character’s weapons as of volume four.) he’s also incredibly observant, so there isn’t any reason he wouldn’t be able to use another character’s abilities to further their lead. he’s good with organisation, tactics, strategy, and also has a strong sense of duty. he has very good instincts; holding jaune back from fighting tyrian, understanding the right time to strike, knowing what they need to do in order to survive. what i believe makes him a better follower than a leader in his team’s case is linked to his personality. ren is not personable, and the way he comes across in the beginning makes it seem like he views others more as tools than people. he does care for his teammates, but his instinct is to protect himself first, to survive. he works better on his own. he can follow orders to a t, and oftentimes needs instructions to function so he is at his most useful as a subordinate under someone he trusts.
sixty six ren is hypocritical. mostly he is live, and let live, but he will chastise those close to him about taking care of themselves and not getting hurt, but he will indulge in some of the most self destructive behaviour like alientating himself and smoking. during beacon days he constantly nagged nora and jaune about being healthy but he was constantly drinking soda, coffee, and energy drinks to keep himself awake. when he is a professional huntsman, while he understands that getting hurt is inevitable, he will ask his loved ones to put themselves above his own welfare, and then go behind their backs and sacrifice himself if he can. it’s honestly infuriating.
sixty seven ren’s noticeable improvement with physical affection was, of course, largely due to beacon’s influence. my characterisation has a lot of his personable attributes increase because of his interactions at beacon. my ren’s personal space issues are rooted deeply in the symbolism of connection. he is deathly afraid of someone getting close enough to him to hurt him when they betray him or when they inevitably leave, even if it’s through no fault of their own. surrendering to his occasional want to be touched means that he is building up some kind of relationship and he’s deathly afraid of that. he also just doesn’t like being touched unless absolutely necessary; he likes being aware about what people around him are doing, and being touched by people he doesn’t want to brings up memories he’d rather not bring up again. throughout the entirety of beacon ren has show distain for being touched, in the show and in rwby chibi as well. any light hearted pounce he’s seen to be visibly shocked by ( although i have noticed that the two times jaune’s touched him, ren has responded appropriately and in kind. the only other person he’s reacted to similarly was nora. ) if ren initiates physical touch with you, it means that he’s either treating some kind of wound for you, or you’re special to him. he touches mostly out of habit, and to reassure himself that you’re actually real.
sixty eight some characterisation notes that run alongside ren’s association with he chinese folklore god nezha are, firstly that nezha is a protection deity. ren is a huntsman, and it is inherently coded into their profession to protect those who cannot protect themselves. parts of the lore that are applicable to ren are some familiar thematics, which i can only guess were taken into consideration when ren was made ( just from the wind and fire blades thing ? that just seems like a big coincidence that wind and fire disks are nezha’s preferred weapon and ren’s preferred dust cartridges. ) there’s also the the theme that ren had to grow up far too quickly, while nezha was born into a fully grown boy already, then forced to wage war. the storms left in the wake of nezha’s sacrifice i associate with li’s sacrifice in kuroyuri, some of those being metaphorical and remaining in ren’s mind. then there is the continuous resurgence of being reborn, rebirth, reincarnation through the lotus themes, which appear repeatedly through my characterisation.
sixty nine it’s sort of a given why now, but ren hates horses. he hates the sound they make, and he hates anything similar to the nightmarish screams of the nuckelavee. hearing sound effects similar used to induce a state of panic but now only serves to trigger an extremely bad mood which won’t disperse for the rest of the day.
seventy i was thinking about ren’s capability to do single handstand pushups in chibi. basically all the feats that ren was capable of in rwby chibi, episode nine: “ren plays tag”. i couldn’t help but remember that he performed a similar movement in the season finale of volume four. in my other extended combat analysis of ren’s fighting style all evidence i gathered alluded to his legs being stronger, after all, ren’s agility has always been impeccable: he is seen to be able to reach incredibly high tree tops on single jumps alone, jumps that ruby and nora needed mechanised assistance to reach. but i neglected to talk about ren’s arm strength. ren utilises palm strikes, in grimm eclipse in succession, when attacking which is said to produce more energy than a regular punch with far less injury to the striker’s hand. the shock absorption required when this attack is being amplified with raw aura ( enough raw aura to burst open a king taijitu’s head ) must be immense. his main striking force when it comes to his regular slashing style also relies on the speed and strength of blade control, especially considering he does the most damage with the blades ( and very minimal damage with his bullets. ) there’s also the fact that he held back the taitiju’s fangs with his arms, the force field generated by aura would have helped when it came to stopping the fangs from sinking into him, but that he wasn’t blown away by a two tonne snake was also impressive. he held back the snake for a significant amount of time too, almost seven seconds on screen, possibly longer. i do know that he’s not getting fuckin’ k.o.’d during fights anymore, so he’s definitely gotten stronger, which is what i’m all about. okay, but that elegant flip thing he did at the beginning of volume four, chapter twelve: no safe haven is everything. not only was it a perfectly executed one handed handstand with a spiral flip, but he did it while armed as well. this boy is incredible. that kind of movement requires a lot of strength, and i’m finding that that’s just ren’s style, it’s flamboyant and beautiful, a lot of grace in power. i can’t even remember if there was a point to this hc anymore, i just wanted to talk about how some things in chibi are being alluded to in the show. and also there were a bunch of cretinous annoyances prior to volume three speaking about how weak ren is, and let me tell you, training next to him would give you so many confidence issues man. this boy is strong. not only that but his fighting prowess is spread out in multiple different ways. he has one of the most diverse fighting styles in rwby so shut the fuck up.
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