#was writing an entirely different meta but got sidetracked bc wtf bro
raayllum · 9 months
So we know that dark magic and star magic are primarily represented by purple. Purple is the colour of Viren's outfit's gemstone, the tips of Claudia's hair, and the initial colour their eyes glow before they become black when performing dark magic. Purpley dark magic is what turns Avizandum and Viren to stone.
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Additionally, we see a similar but decidedly different shade of purple for most things we can (assume) are star magic.
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So dark magic (and star magic) are both typically purple, like our favourite Startouch elf. So what the fuck is up with the Red?
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Now, it's possible that this is just for colour contrast and red having a long history of representing danger and it doesn't mean anything deeper. Fair enough. However, the only possibility is because... It has to do with Blood.
Now, plenty of the dark magic spells we've seen include blood (the little bug pal transfer, Claudia's breathing underwater spell, the revenge spell in the first place). Kim'Dael uses moon and dark magic in drinking blood to prolong her lifespa and her powers. Old concept symbols for dark magic used to, quite literally, just be a droplet of blood.
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And that Viren's visions of Claudia only come out to play when she's using a spell that involves her own blood, to boot.
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(Side note: the wave perspective here looks very similar to Janai's first person vision of being disintegrated / burned alive by Aaravos. Moving on.)
Anyway, where am I going with all this? I don't really know, to be honest. I think there's a decent amount of evidence that Viren used star (and dark) magic to save Soren's life when he was a child. The associative overlap between Star and dark magic is just about undeniable at this point, even if using the latter didn't let a Startouch elf literally control and channel his magic through you like a puppet.
But I do think there's evidence that Viren possibly used blood related magic - his own blood? - in order to save Soren in the past as well. (Puts a new emphasis on a pure heart being needed for read the scroll that leads to a Star-connected unicorn, eh?) Similar blood practices (ancient again) that Kpp'Ar might've participated in too.
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And that Callum may be called to in the future if the coins or quasar diamonds are more complicated than they seem.
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