#watch me gif the whole of transition because it brings me so much joy
chunhua-s · 4 years
requested by: @tsumue​
➪ hi davi! so, as you know i fell deeply in love with your soulmate fics (a while ago and so did some of my friends!!) your writing is really beautiful and i couldn't stop myself from intruding your inbox🥺 if it's not too stupid or uninspiring could i mayhaps ask for a soulmate scenario angst to fluff (only if you feel up for it!) with atsumu? thank you!🤍
genre: angst to fluff
soulmate au: soulmates are bound together by a red string
warnings: angst — my ability to write this genre isn’t necessarily the best :v but i tried my best with it, and i did enjoy the experience! hopefully with time i’ll be able to write more and get better at it! 
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you meet your soulmate at age sixteen.
the fear that grips at your heart is mind numbing. it sinks cold fingers into your neck and bruises it with a cruel hand that cuts off all air from your lungs, and leaves you empty so that the only other thing you can feel is hot, hot anger.
the anger isn’t yours — the red chord that’s gotten all tangled up between your fingers tells you as much. instead, it belongs to him.
the him who stands before you with hard brown eyes and lips pressed into a thin line. the him who you’d always wanted to meet ever since that red chord tangled itself between your fingers at the age of seven. the him whose name you’d dreamed of without ever knowing it, had fantasized about how it would feel to let it roll from your tongue. he’s here — you’ve finally met your soulmate, but why does the red chord that connects you two together feel so heavy all of a sudden?
miya atsumu sighs, lifting a hand to run through his sweat-matted blond hair: your eyes follow the motion. it was easier to watch that red string and think about the way it wrapped around his fingers than to meet brown eyes that burned under a muted fury. “look, i—“ the voice that you always imagined would cause your heart to take flight on butterfly wings reaches your ears on a cold, flat tone that locks your body down to a barren winter land. “i know this isn’t what you expected for when you meet your soulmate.” by the time you finally pull your eyes to look at his face, they’re burning with tears and blur the image of him until he’s a blend of colours you can’t tell apart. his lips move behind a sheet of haze, like a spell cast over your vision that should protect you from breaking.
“but i don’t think i can be together with someone else right now.”
that spell can do nothing for your heart that rips apart underneath the blunt end of his blade.
when he looks at you, there’s something behind the light of anger and hatred — hatred for you, why does he hate you, you don’t understand... did you do something wrong? what you see behind flames of brown sugar and autumn leaves is a chasm: wide and glaring and so consumingly empty. it spits on the bedtime stories of warmth and unimaginable joy and fulfillment that a soulmate should bring — it chews on those fairytales and coughs them out on a plate of cold indifference, hate, contempt. and it hurts.
“o-oh,” you choke. there’s no way you can meet his eyes like this; your voice is cracking under the weight of your pain and your tears threaten to paint your skin with the colour of blood red agony. “i... I understand.” you don’t. this isn’t what your friends told you would happen. nothing prepared you for your own soulmate to reject you. “that’s fine, i—” breathing becomes hard, your very lungs reject the air that you so desperately drag between your trembling lips. when you look up at him, what hope that you feel is quickly smothered when you catch his eyes. he looks at you as if the sight of you here, on the verge of tears, disgusts him. “i can wait for you... i don’t mind.”
he scoffs: the sound of it is like the grating of metal against your ears. “sure, whatever.” and that’s how he leaves you. broken hearted and crying for the ache that cripples your body as the red chord tightens around your fingers.
now, the picture of him standing before you is so jarringly different that it causes your world to spin so violently that you feel as if your legs might collapse in on themselves. your reality turns itself on its side so that your cup spills out from between your hands and leaves your heart vulnerable to the cold water that floods through your body.
atsumu miya’s eyes are searching as he stands beneath the winter night’s sky, the brown colour in them filled up with a warmth that you know for a fact wasn’t there on that day you met him. there’s pain on his expression, regret so tangible that it tastes sour on your tongue, and when he says your name on trembling lips, you feel the last of your will crumble into dust.
“y/n...” he’s pleading. his eyes are wet with the same tears that had touched your cheeks throughout the two years he’d left you waiting. they tell the story of unmistakable suffering and agony — the familiarity of it tears your heart into pieces and leaves you gasping for air. “please.”
and oh, by the gods above, you want so desperately to welcome him into your arms, want nothing more than to hold him so that you can feel whole for the first time since meeting him. but the pain that still echoes inside your chest is loud and demanding, rumbling through your ribs like a thunderstorm that pushes words you don’t want to say out from between your lips. when they fall, they reach atsumu’s skin like the little snowflakes that fall from the winter sky. they melt into his tears and dig their way into his heart until he’s left breathless because he knows just how he hurt you.
“you made me wait for so long, atsumu.”
he can’t begin to tell you how much he regrets it.
“i’m sorry...” his apology falls from him like a whimper. it dances on his tongue so that he can taste the salt of his own tears. he discovers that it’s awfully bitter. “I shouldn’t have done that to you.”
the emptiness, the helpless acceptance in your voice echoes inside his mind. “i was so close to giving up, you know? i thought you’d be happier if you weren’t tied down to me...”
he knows. god, he knows. every minute of pain and hurt had trickled down to him through the red string that connects the both of you, and the knowledge that you suffered so much because of him, it tears him apart as he stands before you.
“no, please— i can’t live without you...”
he really can’t. he tried to forget about you. he threw himself out into a reckless life and ate the hearts of others who sought for his affection, hoping that they could somehow erase the wretched piece of cloth that tied him down. he submerged himself underwater hoping to breathe, and found himself drowning without you.
“you hurt me.”
“and i was selfish, i know...” he reaches out for you on a single, hesitant step that crumbles the snow beneath his shoes. when you don’t step away, he takes another, pushes himself forward until you’re standing directly in front of him, tear-stained eyes tilting upwards to stare into his. they’re burning, you notice: the fire that consumes the brown in them this time, though, is different. it’s changed.
he reaches for your hand, holds it between the both of his and cups it close to his chest, and his eyes never leave yours. they reveal to you the secrets that his lips won’t tell to you, they bare every ounce of yearning that his spirit screams out silently, and it’s as if every cell in his body is desperate to feel you against him when you can feel the heat of him through your gloves. “but let me make it up to you...” his whisper falls underneath the soft winds, it caresses your skin just as gently and, as you’re looking up at him, your soulmate, you can’t help the tears that sting behind your eyes. you realize that, just like back then, his image is blurred by the curtains of water, but now he glows like the sun itself. everything about him manages to warm your heart on a cold winter night, and god knows you’ll never forgive the pain that he’s caused you — all those years filled with doubt and insecurity and despair — but you think to yourself as you lift one of his hands to hold against your cheek that, at the very least, you want to take a chance with him.
his eyes shine like the stars when you show him a watery smile. “yes...” you whisper back to him. he thinks the sound of it is sweet, and he imagines that your voice may be what it means to dance among sunflowers.
“i want to take a chance with you, atsumu.”
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haikyuu!! soulmate au taglist: @nishiya-is-baby
general taglist: @aiiishiiiteru @tsumue @bootylikepeachy
send an ask to be added!
so this is admittedly one of my shorter works and i did struggle a little with transitioning from angst to fluff :( i originally had two ideas, this one which is mostly angst, and another that’s mostly fluff, but in the end i decided to go with this one since i know runa likes angst a lot :0 bb i hope it was okay!
for atsumu’s character in this i wanted to push across that he didn’t want to be tied down with a soulmate when he had his volleyball aspirations to follow through with. although i don’t recall it being specifically stated in canon, i get the feeling that his dedication towards volleyball is nearly on the same level as kageyama’s and oikawa’s, where they wouldn’t be able to give themselves into a relationship when they had their dreams to seek after. so at the point in time when he meets the reader, he’d already decided to disregard any attachment for his soulmate, and so his attitude towards them is a result of that decision he made. however, time spent intentionally trying to separate yourself from your soulmate causes suffering and i wanted to show in the end that it was that pain and longing that finally drove him back to the reader. i feel like if i’d shown from atsumu’s perspective, i could have portrayed that pain and suffering that he’d have gone through without her, but i really wanted to show that through the reader instead. did it work well?
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this is part of a series, so please send me an ask or dm if you’d like to be apart of a taglist! i’m currently taking request for haikyuu characters and soulmate au’s, so please come and leave your requests for those as well! thank you for reading!  ♡ 
previous: hajime iwaizumi | next stop: requests are open!
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hazzoranstories · 3 years
Damon Salvatore x Reader One-Shot | Katerina’s Sabotage Part 2
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Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Includes: Nudity, angst, harsh language, and mentions of blood
*Mystic Falls, Virginia; 1864*
The next day Stefan woke up abruptly, groaning loudly. He looked around frantically and saw he was near a river. He unbuttoned his shirt to see his bullet wound completely healed. His eyes then fell on a blue ring around his finger.
"Katherine had me make that for you weeks ago," Emily cut in.
"Where am I?" The brother questioned.
"The quarry just north of town. My brother and I brought you here last night. We found you dead in the woods," the witch answered.
"Where's Damon?" Emily nodded behind him, and he shot around to see his brother sitting near the water without a shirt.
"Am I -- am I a --" Stefan stumbled over his words.
"Not yet. You're in transition," Emily said.
"But how? I --"
"You had Katherine's blood in your system when you died," the Bennett interrupted his rambling.
"No. I never --"
"She's been compelling you to drink it for weeks, Stefan," Emily muttered with a frown.
"And Damon?"
"No compulsion was necessary. He drank from Y/N willingly."
Stefan walked towards his brother near the river, who didn't blink once, and sat down next to him. "I woke up last night. I didn't know where I was. I went to the church. And I watched them drag her inside. Both of them . . . . then they set fire to it. And the whole church went up into flames," Damon explained and stared blankly at nothing. He then looked up to his younger brother with such vulnerability that Stefan had never seen before. "They killed them, Stefan. She's gone," he began sobbing, taking shaky and long breaths to try and calm himself down.
The night previous was the worst night of Y/N's life since she found her entire family dead back in 1492. The love of her life was shot, she was taken by hunters, and betrayed by her sister. While the vampires were being loaded into the church, Katherine compelled one of the guards to let her go. Not both of them like she had promised. She promised. Y/N knew her sister, and she knew she wasn't the best person in the world, but when she promises something to her, she always keeps it. Only to her, though. Everyone else doesn't matter enough to Katherine to keep promises. Y/N was her only family left, and she'd never admitted it, but Katherine needed her.
But that night, she realized just how weak her sister really was. She got penetrated by her feelings for Damon, and that cost her to lose Katherine's respect towards her. Y/N was useless to her. So she let her rot in that tomb along with Pearl and all the others.
She was selfish and cruel, but she didn't care. Like she's done since 1492, she takes care of herself first. Not her sister. Not her friends. Or even Stefan. Herself.
*Mystic Falls, Virginia: The Church Tomb; Present Day*
"Look, he needs leverage. He needs to know that you're not going to shut the door when he gets inside. I get it. I'll go," Elena cut off the argument between Damon and Sheila.
"May I?" Damon sniggered and grabbed a torch. The vampire dragged the doppelganger inside.
"What is that?" Elena whimpered in fear.
"They can sense you. Now, where is she?" the 25-year-old mumbled. He ran off, leaving Elena by herself in a tomb full of vampires.
"Damon!" Elena cried and looked around in the darkness, getting slightly frightened.
Damon searched for Y/N or even Katherine as fast as he could, trying not to trip over the bodies of decaying vampires. He looked over the tomb three times before starting to get furious.
"She's not down here. She's not even here!" the vampire screamed in pain as Stefan ran down next to him.
"What is it?" Stefan asked frantically for once, concerned for his brother.
"She's not here!" the older Salvatore barked and threw the blood bag he had brought for Y/N into the wall before letting out another cry. Y/N had placed herself in the very dark and secluded corner when she first arrived in the tomb. She didn't take any of Pearl's attempts to comfort her, and she hadn't opened her mouth to speak in 145 years. The last words she said was a sad whisper to her sister as she was shoved into the church.
She heard the Salvatore's voices and soon saw Damon with Stefan chasing after him as he let out his anger. She tried to yell to Damon but could barely part her lips.
"It doesn't make sense they locked her inside," Damon uttered.
"If we don't leave now, we're not getting out," Stefan stated firmly, but Damon kept muttering to himself.
"Damon," Y/N croaked, that was so quiet she wouldn't have been heard if it wasn't for the amazing hearing provided with vampirism. The two brothers snapped their heads to where the voice came from and saw the dirty fabric of a corset poking out from the blackness.
Both Salvatore's ran over to the corner and saw a lean figure slouched down. "Y/N?" Damon whispered and reached into the darkness, feeling the decayed skin of a hand. The older vampire handed the torch to Stefan and nudged Y/N out from the corner into the light.
The brothers gasped once they saw the iconic curly black hair that came with the Pierce sisters. "Y/N? Y/N, love, here. Come here," Damon bit his wrist before bringing it to Y/N's lips. Once it fell onto her tongue, she snapped alive and clutched onto her lover's wrist.
"Damon!" Elena shouted, but everyone ignored her until she ran in. "Please," she begged, but once she saw the eldest Salvatore feeding a vampire, her expression softened.
"Come on, Damon. She can feed later," Stefan rushed, and Damon stood Y/N up. She stumbled, but Damon caught her and picked her up bridal style. The three started running out, with Y/N clutching onto Damon's leather jacket. Once they got out, everyone let out a sigh of relief.
The fire went out, and the two Bennetts started panting as they unlinked hands. Stefan pulled Elena to his chest, but the younger Salvatore looked over to his older brother. Damon was looking at Y/N in pure horror at what's happened to her but also such joy that she's in his arms again.
Stefan let go of Elena and went over to his brother. Without one word, he patted Damon's shoulder and gestured up the stairs.
Back at the Salvatore boarding house, Damon walked up to his room without another word, with Y/N still encased in his arms. He set her down on his bed and walked into his large bathroom, turning on the shower. He went back over Y/N, who was still too weak to move well.
He slowly stripped her of her dress and other garments until she was completely bare. He lifted her back up and brought her to the shower. He set her down on the ground, and with his clothes still on; he washed the Pierce with tenderness.
Once Y/N was fully washed, dressed in some of Damon's clothes, and fixed up, Damon went downstairs and got her two blood bags. When he arrived, he sat down in the bed next to her and pulled her into him. As she downed the blood bags, her skin began to lose the greyness and plump back to its original form. Once she was done, she exhaled in euphoria.
Damon grabbed both bags and set them on the nightstand. Now, Y/N moved almost to her full ability and felt both physically and mentally stronger. She turned around to face Damon, who's face was serious. Every feature was tensed, and it looked almost sad.
"Thank you, Damon," the Pierce whispered and smiled lightly. She was going to kiss his cheek when he dodged her, making Y/N shoot him a hurt look. "What's wrong, love?" she questioned and ran her cold hand across his neck. He looked so different from what she last remembered. She knew the transformation would change him but not this much. His jaw was sharper, eyebrows thicker, hair shorter and straight, which she didn't particularly enjoy. His hair was one of her favorite parts of him; he looked older even though he couldn't age, shoulders were broader and more muscular, which made him heavier. However, he was still lean, and his eyes . . . . oh god, his eyes. They didn't look bright and lively like they were when he was human. They looked duller, sadder, and the most noticeable feature was how if you looked at them the right way, they pierced into your soul. Not in a good way. In almost a scary way. Or at least, it was scary for Y/N.
"Talk to me, Damon," she pleaded.
Damon's sharp eyes fell on hers and, without blinking, asked, "what the hell happened?"
Y/N was taken back by his language even though it wasn't bad, but Damon never swore. Ever. She pushed her shock aside and looked at him straight in the eye even though she didn't enjoy it. "That night in 1864, Katerina betrayed me. She compelled the guard of the church to let her go. She had a plan to escape long before they caught us, and she even talked to me about leaving Mystic Falls," she began explaining as Damon showed no emotions. "She promised me that we would escape together and that once we turned you and Stefan that I could be with you forever. Just like we planned. But I guess she changed her mind or something because she only compelled the guard to free her. Not me. So, I was left in that tomb with the rest of them. I don't know where Katerina is or why she did what she did, but it's something I can't deal with right now," once she finished, Y/N went quiet as Damon gazed at her.
"I'm sorry . . . . I'm sorry I didn't save you that night. I promised that I would protect you against my father, but I guess I was too weak. Hell, I couldn't even get the damn door down," the Salvatore groaned and placed his hands over his eyes. He took a deep breath and soon removed them.
Before he could look at Y/N again, her lips collided with his. He grunted in surprise but quickly kissed back. He had been starved of her kisses for too long, and he finally got to taste her again after more than a century. He was finally back with his love.
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