#watch this space I am going to have excerpts of this fic for yall so soon
thislittlekumquat · 11 months
Me writing Lizzy and Grell is like smacking two barbies together except instead of making them kiss I'm making them fight a bunch to work through their feelings and also they're ride or die best friends.
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nervestatic · 4 years
mcyt but they’re god tier: troll redux
hi mcyttumblr! yall thought you were done? that you were free? fuckin HA! we’re back and we’re better than ever and i’m here to present you with god tiers for even more of your favorite minecraft youtubers, but this time, i will also be included troll blood colors! this is a separate session from my last post, but it is set in the same verse and the sessions will overlap later in my fic series.
yall ready? let’s go!
JSCHLATT / fuschia blooded / the thief of blood one who steals blood | blood is the aspect of bonds! friendship, unity, attachment, and obligation.
i love jschlatt and i was so excited to god tier him, especially with the role he plays on the smp. his class seemed super obvious to me- he’s all about taking from others to benefit himself, which is thief archetype 101. for aspect, i was torn between heart (emotions) and blood (bonds), but then i read this from the extended zodiac- “those bound to the aspect of blood draw their strength from bonds, from the trust and camaraderie that blooms among a group of people who all share a single vision.” schlatt came to the SMP, found l’manburg and the unity they had, and took it for his own gain.
he is a fuschia blood because i thought it would be really funny if he was like, actual royalty, and for plot-motivated reasons it gives the rest of our ragtag little group a reason to follow him.
QUACKITY / cerulean blooded / the mage of doom one who knows about doom | doom is the aspect of fate, futility, and decay. quackity time! so, this was one of two picks again- mage of doom or page of breath. with some help from @memoryoflife​, i decided on mage of doom because it’s about knowing when things are futile and there’s no point in trying anymore. quackity’s role in the SMP has always been incredibly doom-like, in my mind, despite his upbeat nature and general sense of humor. he’s why l’manburg fell, because he decided to join forces with schlatt. he’s the one who stuck by schlatt despite the fact that he knew things were going badly. he knows doom, and i think there’s a lot of potential for him to have a character arc about using that knowledge for his own benefit, for once. 
i put him as a cerulean blood because i thought him having psychic brain powers would be cool, and i wanted him to be high enough in the hemospectrum for it to make sense with him being <> or <3 with schlatt.
SKEPPY / teal blooded / the bard of space one who invites destruction through space | space is the aspect of literal space, physics, and creation. so, i’m not SUPER familiar with skeppy’s content, but i mostly associate him with two things: chaos and fucking with the game (in the name of chaos). so i figured, fuck it! let’s do the opposite of phil! let’s give this little man the power to break space into little pieces! space is an aspect that interacts with sburb on a level that is unparalleled by any aspect other than time, and bard is a class built around destruction and chaos. while we never see canon bard powers at their fullest, i like to think that in the hands of someone like skeppy, things would get real weird.
he’s a teal blood for... the color association, mostly. not much of an explanation for this one, sorry!
ANTFROST / jade blooded / the knight of life one who serves through life | life is the aspect of healing, resurrection, and life force. so i associate ant with life because of animals both irl and in the smp! he puts so much care into taking care of the zoo on the smp. life players are also described with the following excerpt- “deeply empathetic, they have an intuitive understanding of other's suffering and the best way of righting those wrongs. If you're poisoned, chances are the life-bound have something for what ails ya.” ant seems like an incredibly caring and empathetic person, and the combination of knight and life basically adds up to “problem solver extraordinaire!” which i think really suits him and makes for a good character setup for further exploration.
he is a jade blood because i think he deserves to be able to go outside during the day :)
HBOMB / yellow blooded / the sylph of time one who heals through time | time is the aspect of literal time and time travel. similarly to skeppy and fundy, i wanted hbomb to have one of the more literal aspects. especially after watching his 100% advancement minecraft stream, even for a little bit, the fact that deep down he’s a clever and methodical problem solver really stuck with me. due to plot reasons, he will unfortunately never ascend to his full god tier, but the sense of him being a time player still stuck with me. i assigned him sylph because the idea of someone using a physical game mechanic like time for the sake of healing would be really interesting to explore in canon, and i think in the context of the rest of the trolls, hbomb would certainly have to do a lot of fixing things between his fellow players by manipulating the timeline.
he’s a yellow blood because he’s a nerd and it’s the nerd blood color! also he deserves cool psionics.
KARL / rust blooded / the heir of hope one who is consumed by hope | hope is the aspect of belief, perseverance, and positive emotion. karl jacobs i love you!!!! i really wanted karl’s god tier to encapsulate the absolutely overwhelming sense of positivity i get from karl’s streams, tweets, and videos that he’s in. as part of the mr beast crew, he has such a positive impact, and in smp-related things he’s overwhelmingly positive even when hes’ on the losing side. heir of hope is about embodying hope! i think that this is also his downfall- even when he’s on the losing side, he can be blind to the flaws in the ideologies he follows and blind to the fact that he’s in real trouble.
i picked rust blood for him because i wanted the trolls to have a lowblood, and i think that karl fits it in the sense that he’s very laid back and is more of a follower, which i think would fit for the average lowblood of alternia.
and that’s that! this one was admittedly a lot more influenced by the Plot Machinations that i have going on in my head, but i’m really happy with how things have turned out and am really excited to start introducing trolls into the narrative. next up will be a post about lands and strife specibi for the humans!
until then: smpstuck au tag / smpstuck fics / first god tier post
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