#watched it as bg noise and also to learn italian
gaygayaurel · 10 months
Miraculous ladybug is definitely charming in its own way until I look at the straight tetragedron of these main character and want to pull my entire scalp out.
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jieunsapphic · 6 years
getting to know jieunies!!
it’s eleven pm and i have nothing to do so here’s a little thing for ya while i work on helvetica!!
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relationship status
single and on the way to “ready to mingle”!
piercings i have
i have one piercing in each ear,, the normal lobe piercings everyone has. got em when i was 11
the meaning behind my username!! 
i love iu with all my heart, so that’s one. and bbibbi had just come out!!! i was listening to it on repeat since and it’s just POPPIN
groups i stan,,, hmm
that’s a long q to answer, so my top three bgs and ggs are STRAY KIDS, BTS, NCT + EXID, LOONA, and RED VELVET
favorite movie
my absolute favorite movie is flavors of youth, hands down. it’s netflix-exclusive, i believe, but UGH the symbolism in it all is amazing
a fact about my personality
my personality’s all over the place, but i’m really prone to being chaotically loud in the WORST situations sdjdfjlg
what i hate most about myself
the eyelashes on my left eye are fanned across my lashline differently compared to the other and it’s really hard to get a solid curl on em when applying mascara
what i love most about myself
i have an endless stomach when it comes to chinese food. and i’m also a really good taker/giver of advice!
idea of the perfect date
it’s hard to get into that without being sappy, but i’m down with anything. netflix is the BEST so i’m 100% forcing my s/o to watch strong girl bong soon with me i swear
i hate it when people yell at me, man. it’s HORRIBLE and it makes me cry
biggest turn on
moans,, its pretty hands down i guess??? i’ve had a lot of time to dabble around in nsfw accs that provide the best of the best so hit me up if u want links,, i don’t judge
 a random fact i know
rubber bands last longer when they’re put in the fridge!!
the last time i cried and why
last night i was reading a book of poetry and it really hit me hard. it’s called light filters in by caroline kaufman if any of you are interested!
favorite food
the meatball marinara from subway hands (normal bread, toasted, olives and The White Cheese on top and sometimes avocados if i’m feelin’ it!)
chinese zodiac sign
i didn’t know it, so i looked it up! it’s horse :))
favorite season
definitely, infinitely autumn.
how long i take to get ready
well, i wake up at six, lie around until seven, and i’m out the door by seven thirty at the latest. it’s mostly around 20 mins or smth
somewhere i want to visit
i’m planning a trip to daegu and seoul, south korea after i graduate! i’ve wanted to go forever now ugh
other languages i speak
english is my first language, but i’m learning spanish in school and korean online!
the color of my eyes
they’re so brown they’re almost black woo
my love language
definitely korean. it’s been an amazing language, and as i pick it up, it’s all about the intonation. feeling words is so much different than hearing them, and korean’s all on that!! so, either that or italian.
well, i’ve always had quite a knack for weaving words together to construct little galaxies - since i was little. i basically taught myself how to read - but i also sing! i’m gonna start looking for pdfs on music theory when i have the time!!
my ultimate bias(es)
male - mark lee, jeon jeongguk, and a tie between min yoongi and jung hoseok
female - seulgi, chungha, l.e.
there are a lot more but for time i condensed it!
concerts i’ve been to
i went to a casting crowns concert when i was little and i still, to this day, remember it. it was the best time i’d ever had at a concert.
last book i read
physical - we are okay by nina lacour
ao3 - up we go by oh_hey_tae
favorite ice cream flavor
matcha green tea or peach!!
cats or dogs?
cats all the way. all my dogs are dead so sdfklsdf
the song i am listening to right now
i’m listening to a playlist!! it’s soon to be revealed so i’ll give u my weekly one!
day or night?
night! i’m not good at,, functioning during the daytime imsorry
do i like roller coasters?
hell no i don’t i’m black enough to have some sense
lucky number?
i don’t have one, honestly
favorite quote
the one where yoongi says he wants to be a rock in his next life,,, that shit sPEAKS TO ME
how long have i liked kpop?
going on 5 years!!! it all started with tvxq! and just,,,, zoomed from there
favorite album?
iu’s flower bookmark 2!!! it’s the BEST when u listen in order
what i find attractive in other people
the first thing i see is hands, but the first thing i notice is personalities and voices!!
my battery percentage
i’m on a desktop computer, man,,,, this thing stays plugged for years
what i’m doing tomorrow
i have church in the morning and i’m probably gonna come home and make fideo bc i don’t have school on monday turn up
i’m american like the cheese, fam
favorite song
it always varies but one i’ve stuck true to is le festin by camille! it’s in french!! y’all its the one at the end of ratatouille how much better can it get?????????
stuffed animals i own
i have this lamb that has been with me since i was born and that’s pretty much it
witches or vampires?
witches, because twitches was my sHIT when i was a kid, and bc i have read of magic and maladies so much that it’s so cute i love yoonkook
my favorite holiday
up to here it’s been so hard not to spell it with a u oh my goD
but it’s probably christmas!! i love love love pentatonix’s christmas music and i have since i was in like sixth grade ugh weary emoji fist emoji this is where its AT
the color of my toothbrush
that’s the most random fuckin question on this list sjlffgjklghdjfg it’s purple!
go-to comfort food
macaroni and cheese, made the RIGHT WAY, complete with three or more cheeses and cayenne pepper and bread crumbs
coffee or tea?
i’m a tea person! coffee has been known to give me panic attacks every time i fw it, so yeah that’s my cardio
description of my crush
i’ve known him for like eternities and we always argue over why bts is so popular sljfsdf he calls me detective a lot it makes me wanna DIE he’s so nice and he pisses me off royally also do his glasses get thinner every year or what i can’t tell
a song that made me cry
it’s always, always gonna be by the stream (개여울) by iu. that song makes me BAWL it reminds me of another song that makes me cry, all honor by ron kenoly!! both amazing vocalists. take the time out of ur day/night please!!! <3
favorite k-drama
this was lots of fun!! i hope y’all learned a little more about me through this skldfsdf
don’t hesitate to message me! i don’t bite unless u want me to wink wink no wait
i’m gonna tag @bambams-a-babe, @neocult127, and @cupidjaemins to do this bc we love mutuals here :)))
have a great night i spent an hour on this thing sljkfsdf
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