#we don't have a polyship name for them rip
x-authorship-x · 1 year
Can I ask who's Obi and what's AnS? I've seen you mention them sometimes and I think I've seen you reblog things on it? But I never looked it up, but since you have amazing tastes in fictional men you got me curious now
Hehehe, Anon, you're in for a lot of gushing...
AnS/SWTRH: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime/Snow White with the Red Hair is a manga (with only one season of anime rip) and it was actually my first real manga love. That's right folks, my Obi love predates Shisui!
I don't want to spoil it too much for you if you decide to have a go at it but, basics are:
Shirayuki is a herbalist in the Kingdom of Tanbarun who was born with striking crimson hair, which garners a lot of attention for her. When she's forced to run, she makes it over the border into the neighbouring kingdom of Clarines as a kind of refugee. She meets and gains the aid of the Second Prince, Zen, and his two Knight aids, Kiki and Mitsuhide. Shirayuki and Zen are the main pairing in the anime. Shirayuki joins the gang by apprenticing as a herbalist at the Royal Infirmary.
Here's a manga cover: (bottom right to left going upwards clockwise) Shirayuki, Zen, Kiki, Mitsuhide, and then... Obi
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I'll try not to devolve lol
Obi, who is the tritagonist, was hired by a minor antagonist in the castle to basically... scare Shirayuki off from 'befriending' (in the shipping way, yk?) Zen, but nothing he does works. In watching her, Obi becomes curious about the kind of stubborn, sensitive, intelligent, kind woman that Shirayuki is. Through a series of events, Obi is taken on as one of Zen's attendants, going so far as to call the prince 'Master', and becomes Shirayuki's bodyguard and partner in crime during her adventures. He refuses to address her by name and only calls her 'miss'. Obi eventually comes to fall in love with Shirayuki, which Zen is aware of but Shirayuki is not, but he loves Shirayuki and values Zen too much to even consider speaking of it, not to mention his own beliefs that he is unworthy. Obi has a very mysterious past, not just because he has a lot of dubious skills with fighting, parkour, thievery and espionage, but because we don't actually know where he's from etc. Needless to say, I am hardcore ObiYuki allllll the way.
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He's just-!!!! He's very playful and evasive and you can tell he really doesn't value himself as much as he does the people around him. Even when Knighted, he's still got this image of himself as a dirty mercenary assassin trying to get by. He's flirty, a good few people polyship him with ZenYuki, but skittish of real emotion. He touched Shirayuki's shoulder once and then couldn't sleep because he was thinking about it over and over.
He and Shirayuki are low-key high-key raising a child together (Ryuu is technically Shirayuki's apprenticeship master lol child genius) and he's such a good father figure, even if he wouldn't see it that way
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Obi is really sensitive, there are so many times when Shirayuki will earnestly thank him and he'll literally just... Buffer. He can swear his fealty and make sly comments about setting his life at other's feet but the moment someone suggests that they love him back?? Evasion, freezing, side eyes, wide eyes, I'm just 😩
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Obi is a badass. He's literally THE badass of the show. Zen has a sword, yeah, and Kiki could kill me and I'd thank her but... Damn. Obi is doing backflips in a spar and shit, he's literally launching himself across rooftops and scaling turrets.
Obi is actually just a really wonderful person? He listens to people. He has absolutely no background or real interest in herbalism but guess what he'll fucking do? Run around on little adventures with Ryuu and Shirayuki, repotting plants under their direction, wading through ice caves to find flowers, helping them in the lab to distill essences... And he's listening and brainstorming with them! It would be so easy for his character to have passed off on it, maybe turned it into a "I'm here but not mentally" joke or maybe even just pushed to the back of these scenes but no, Obi's right in there all the time to help. Shirayuki and Zen have relationship issues? Obi doesn't even think about trying for his own agenda, he just puts supporting them (Shirayuki first, then Zen) as the top priority. Kiki and Mitsuhide in a bind? Obi will come out with a line but of course he would help them, watching carefully with concealed concern. Later, when Obi has his own duties, he's still heavily involved with the day to day research of his friends, making friends with other lab researchers outside of being Shirayuki's tagalong!
So... That's Obi! My OG babygirl!❤️✨
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Hope that cleared it up for you! 🥰✨
Edit: his eyes are gold. That's the final nail in my coffin
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aroseandapen · 7 years
Bumfuzzle {Gem/Light/Alphys (Sanscest + Salphys)}
{Day 26 of a 30 Day Dictionary Challenge I’m doing}
Note: Based off of @ryliescreativecorner Starseed AU (BlackLight’s original timeline being a Dancetale/Handplates crossover). GemLight (A ship of two of their AU Sanses)+ Alphys from Light’s universe.
(Double note, Rylie is a great artist, and I’ve commissioned them a couple times and I’m never disappointed.)
Bumfuzzle (verb): To confuse or fluster.
“Well if you think about it, the second one wasn’t that bad.”
“What?!” Alphys jolted upright from the pillow she’d made out of BlackLight’s shoulder, leaning over him to fix Gem with a flabbergasted look. “Ohmigod, you take that back.”
Gem looked up at her from Light’s other shoulder, the corners of his mouth twitching up in a grin. He looked mischievous. “What? I’m serious. I actually like it better than the original.”
Alphys gaped at him, hardly able to believe this betrayal. How dare he think that season two was anything but garbage when compared to the original anime? And how dare he insinuate that it was even better! She’d never been so offended in her life, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d think that Gem was only saying it to rile her up.
Oh hell, Alphys did know better, and that was exactly the sort of thing that Gem would do.
“You’re lying, you do not!” she exclaimed, slumping forward so that her weight fell against Light.
Gem shifted, lifting his head and pressing forward as well to match her, and between the two of them they effectively had a BlackLight sandwich. “I’m not lying. Have you really paid attention to the new themes in Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2? It’s actually pretty deep if you think about it.”
“He-e’s actually serious, watch out. He’s had plenty of practice with this sa-ame conversation before; he mi-ight have an edge on you,” Light warned from the spot between them that he’d been trapped in.
Alphys puffed out her cheeks, her eyes slitting behind her glasses as she tried to... stare down the offending skeleton? She actually wasn’t sure what the goal was. In the end, she decided that a full-blown debate probably wouldn’t go in her favor and it was in her best interest to drop it. A sharp huff escaped her and she slid down so that she was laying stomach-down across Light’s lap, almost missing the tiny “a-ahhh” that Light let out at the change in position.
“I can’t believe this horrible betrayal. How could you enjoy MMKC2 more than the first one? My entire world has been shattered.”
Two separate bony hands patted the top of her head in consolation, just barely out of sync with each other.
“There, there.” Gem was the one to speak. “The ending of the first Mew Mew Kissie Cutie is still the best.”
Alphys perked up immediately. “Of course it is! It’s so good, oh my god, hold on, hold on, I need to get my laptop. You need to hear this fan-cover that I found--it’s so good!”
“Le-et’s hear it.”
Thirty minutes later, they had listened to the fan-cover she’d mentioned and were several videos deep into the related section, ending up in a ‘how-to’ dance for some anime that only Alphys had heard of, but were content to listen to the music and watch how excited she would get while talking about her favorite parts and her analysis of each episode.
Suddenly she jumped up to her feet. “I can’t sit still anymore, come on Light, learn this with me.”
“Wh-a-at, wait, I--” His protests came too late, Alphys claiming his hands to tug him up to stand with her.
Gem scooted to the now-empty center of the couch, throwing out his support with some enthusiastic clapping. “Go get it, Hun, you got this.”
And despite Light’s initial reservations, with Alphys dancing at his side it didn’t take long before he relaxed and enjoyed dancing along with her. Alphys let out a little giggle of delight, doing a little hop and spin around Light, only to be caught around the waist and pulled in close. They definitely weren’t following the video anymore, matching bright glows in their chests, and bright looks on their faces.
Even just as a spectator to the two monsters that he loved dancing about, Gem couldn’t be more content.
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